Roles of Academicians in Implementing SDGs

Jatna Supriatna Professor, Environment and Conservation Biology, Univ Member, Indonesia Academy of Science Chairman, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Networks Indonesia Chapter (SDSN) From MDGs to SDGs: from 8 to 17 goals From MDGs to SDGs: An Ambitious Transformation

From 60 indicators to 230 indicators (UNStats, March 2016)


SDGs Issues

“Traditional” Development Issues Emerging Development issues SYNERGY

Multi Sectors Collaboration to Push Innovations

Partnership and multi sector collaboration is the key to realization of sustainable development.

Government as law and policy enforcer, private as economic and business doer, youth as campaigner, and academics as SDGs Center of Excellence.

Model Nested SDGs (Rockstrom dan Sukhdev, 2016)

• SDGs uses nested logic, not triple bottom line. • With nested, the aims of SDGs cannot be separated • Economy is part of society, both are part of biosphere. • To fulfill the needs for both Economy and social, only can do on our planetary boundaries.

Each goal And they is are all important connected in itself … Academicians can do Central Government more:

To Convince

To Encourage Scientific Academi Private community cians Sector/NGO To Encourage

To Advocate

Local Government & Community Academicians View on SDGs (IAP 2016) (1)

• 1. Promoting the importance of the SDGs across all science and technology endeavours, and engaging (sensitising) their own members, governments, parliaments, civil society, the public, academia and the private sector through open lectures, discussion and outreach programes • 2. Providing advice to goverments directly or through other appropriate sources, helping them to interpret, prioritize and implement the SDGs and their targets locally, nationally and regionally; • 3. Nominating experts to serve on advisory/other committees within public and private sectors; Academicians View on SDGs (IAP 2016) (2)

• 4. Encouraging Govt to implement coherent research policies • 5. Acting as interlocuters between policy makers and academia/research communities • 6. Convening different institutions through workshop/symposia etc • 7. Preparing policy briefs, position statement, summaries etc • 8. Integrating different scientific perpectives ad enggaging different disciplines • 9. Exploring trade offs and complementaries • 10. Monitoring and evaluating progress including indicators. • 11. Working together with senior and yunior scientists • 12. Identify common challenges, share best practices and promote innovative approaches Input Sciences into SDGs (IAP 2017)

Every 4 years Science advice in SDG at National Level Voluntary National Reviews (VNR)

• More than 110 countries to Supported by TFM( Technology present VNR (2016-2019) to Facilitation Mechanism) to HLPF (High-level Political Forum) enhance the effective use of STI- • HLPF central platform for follow Science, Technology and up and review SDGs with all Innovation (technology needs and member states, specialized gaps) agencies and stakeholders The Economic, Social and Environmental Pillars

Based on Sachs, 2012, 2015a, 2015b and ADB, 2011: • Shared focus and urgency on economic, social and environmental goals to address global sustainability issues

• Global Sustainability Issues: • Environmental and Climate Change Issues: • Global economic growth with its consequences on Planetary Boundaries (Anthropocene – human driven age of the planet) • Global and local pressures  carbon, nitrogen, water cycles • Many overlapping crises of environmental sustainability: climate change, the acidification of the oceans, unsustainable use of natural resources (renewable and non-renewable) 15

The Economic, Social and Environmental Pillars (2)

• Unsustainable conversion of forests  loss of biodiversity • Unsustainable depletion of key fossil resources • Impact on food production • Population Issues: • Population growth (9 billion in 2035) – uneven population growth and issues • China and India population size and growth • Impact on global food demand and change in consumption pattern • Social Inclusion Issues: • Inequality across and within countries • Caused by low human capital (education, health, skill level) • Socio-economic factors on inequality • Gender bias


The Economic, Social and Environmental Pillars (3)

• Youth – youth unemployment • Access and availability of good jobs • Economic Issues: • Almost all developing (including least developed) countries by 2030 will become middle income countries • Classic sources of economic growth: Capital, Labor and Productivity (technological progress) • New sources of transformative growth: young and productive population, the growing middle class, ICT, Climate Change and Environmental Issues • Could further enhance inequality if not properly addressed

17 Seeking an Integrated Approach and Synergy

Based on Le Blanc, 2015: • The proposed SDGs Goals and Targets as a network (Simple Network Analysis Techniques) • Political mapping  results of negotiations in intergovernmental context (not purely based on natural and social science insights about how the system works) • Focus on links between thematic areas • Links among goals through targets may facilitate anchoring certain Goals in the system such as Sustainable Consumption and Production

18 Source: Le Blanc, 2015 UN SDSN (Sustainable Development Solution Network)

 Created by UN Secretary General to help SDGs; 700 institutions (Universities, NGOs and Research org)

 SDG Academy and SDG edu (on line)  SDSN Global Research: DDPP (Deep Decarbonization Parthway), FABLE (Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Landuse and Energy), etc  SDG index-Dashboard Website: What is SDSN

Objectives of the Solutions Network

1. Support the High-Level Political Forum, Secretary General and other post-2015 processes 2. Thematic Groups to identify long-term pathways to sustainable development 3. Promote testing, demonstration, development of promising new “solutions” 4. Build a global Knowledge Center Network for local and regional problem solving Current SDSN Network (> 700 organizations, more than 70 countries) SYNERGY

UN-SDSN Indonesia

As of October 2013, 24 institutions and organizations have committed to joining SDSN Indonesia to contribute their expertise (applications to UN SDSN in progress), they are: 1. 2. Bandung Institute of Technology 3. Bogor Agricultural University 4. 5. Center for Strategic & International Studies 6. Conservation International Indonesia 7. Gajah Mada University 8. 9. Indonesian Alliance of Independent Journalists 10. Indonesian Chamber of Commerce 11. 12. Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia 13. Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences 14. Surya University 15. Sustainable Management Group 16. 17. The Nature Conservancy Indonesia 18. 19. 20. University of Palangkaraya 21. Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia 22. WWF Indonesia (World Wildlife Funds Indonesia) 23. Kehati Foundation 24. Yayasan Upaya Indonesia Damai SDSN Major Programs: FABLE (Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land- use and Energy)

• Integrated global pathways towards sustainable food systems and land use that are supported by relevant epistemic communities and the national FABLE teams. • - Transfer of modeling expertise and tools to national teams to enable them to undertake national FABLE pathways. • - National pathways, developed by trusted national institutions, that are consistent with the global objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement and the SDGs. • - Macroeconomic frameworks and investment plans for the implementation of national pathways. • - Engagement of governments and the international community on the translation of long-term pathways into national policies and international processes, including the implementation of Art. 4.19 under the Paris Climate Agreement (e.g. 2050 Pathways Platform) and the SDGs. • - Publication of findings in the policy and peer-reviewed literature. • - Business solutions and improved national policies through work streams 2 and 3 under FOLU.

PATHWAY TO DEEP DECARBONIZED ENERGY SECTORS • Renewable Scenario (H_R), Carbon Capture and Storage (H_CCC) and Economic Structural Change Scenario (H_RSC; Siagian et al. 2015) Green Gold (SDGs 14 and 15) Aristolochia

Anti-bacterial Anti-fungal Anti-malarial Herbicide Anti-tumor Immunostimulant Anti-rheumatic Termination of pregnancy Contraceptive Indonesia SDSN: Focus as Unique Place for Microbes

Rainfall type in Indonesia Ring of Fire


Variety of rainfall types, tropical climates, volcanic lands, transitional area between Asia and Australia suggest that microbes in Indonesia should be very diverse. Marine and future of Bio-Industry Researchers develop bio-adhesives inspired by barnacles By Tina Shah, Tech Times | July 31, 11:04 AM A team of researchers studied biofouling, or the accumulation of organisms on wet surfaces, to design heavy-duty bio- adhesives for medical Researchers at Clemson University develop devices and advance strong adhesive material for medical and industrial applications while improving anti- anti-fouling for the fouling coatings on naval ships after understanding the mechanisms used by naval industry. immensely sticky barnacles. International Conference on Marine Biodiversity 12/09/2018 and Biotechnology, Research Center for 28 (Photo : Port of San Diego) Oceanography LIPI, 24 - 25 October 2017 In recent years plastic pollution

in the ocean has become a significant environmental

concern SEA DEBRIS SEA ch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMI6Z6ovq7JxwIVyxuOCh0XyAch Six years research of Gyres Institute estimated that 5.25 trillion plastic particles weighing some 269,000 tons are floating on the surface of

the sea.




RAND National Security Reseach, 2006

Global Technology Revolution 2020, In-Depth Analyses Bio/Nano/Materials/Information Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications Countries are color coded by their S&T capacity: scientifically advanced (blue), scientifically proficient (green), scientifically developing (yellow), and scientifically lagging (red). TA numbers are according to the list presented in text above. D signifies driver and B barrier, and a through j identify drivers and barriers according to the following: (a) cost/financing; (b) laws/policies; (c) social values, public opinions, politics; (d) infrastructure; (e) privacy concerns; (f) resource use and environmental health; (g) investment in research and development; (h) education and literacy; (i) population and demographics; (j) governance and stability. Conclusion

• Each country specific framework and analysis • Build appropriate commitments supported by key policies and strategies involving all stakeholders • Utilizing global development cooperation opportunities on elements of SDGs (funding, capacity building, technology transfer, trade) • Utilization of Knowledge Sharing Platform • Contributing to development national STI roadmap/action plans • Participating in international research, monitoring and evaluation • Engaging UN Regional Commissions through regional academy networks



Institute for Sustainable Earth and Resources, Universitas Indonesoa Gedung Multidisiplin FMIPA Depok 16421