1864 SUBSCRIBERS (See, G. W. Rusden) £806 Shakespeare Scholarship. 1871 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT 6000 Prizes for. History and Education. 1sm ( EDWARD WILSON - I Argus Scholarship in Engineering. 101 x \ LACHLAN MACKINNON i " 1000 1873 SIR GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN 100 Prize for English Essay. 1873 JOHN HASTIE .... 19,140 General Endowment. 1873 GODFREY HOWITT 1000 Scholarships in Natural History. 1873 SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL 665 Scholarship in Engineering. 1875 SIR SAMUEL WILSON 30,000 Erection of Wilson Hall. 1883 JOHN DIXON WYSELASKIE - 8400 Scholarships. 1884 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON 6000 Scholarships in Modern Languages. 1884 SUBSCRIBERS .... 160 Prize Ior Mathematics, in memory of Prof. Wilson. 1887 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - 2000 Scholarships for Physical and Chemical Re­ search. 1887 FRANCIS ORMOND 20,000 Professorship of Music. 1890 ROBERT DIXSON - 10,837 Scholarships in Chemistry, Physics, Mather mattes and Engineering. 1890 SUBSCRIBERS 5217 Ormond Exhibitions in Music- , 1891 JAMES GEORGE BEANEY 3900 Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology. 1 1894 DAVID KAY ; 0764 Caroline Kay Scholarships. 1897 SUBSCRIBERS - , - • 700 Research Scholarship in Biology, in memory -I of Sir James MacBain, 00 <0 ••-•I BENE FACTIONS (.Continuca). to o 1902 ROBERT ALEXANDER WRIGHT - 1000 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineer­ ing. 1902 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - - 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND - - 100 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 GRADUATES' FUND .... 466 , General Expenses. 1903 TEACHING STAFF U50 General Expenses. including Professor Spencer £258 Professor Gregory 100 Professor Masson 100 1903 SUBSCRIBERS 105 Prize in memory of Alexander Sutherland. 1903 GEORGE McARTHUR - Library of 2,500 Books. 19040 SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY FUND President—Janet Lady Clarke Treasurer—Henry Butler • Secretary—Charles Bage

SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS- o MRS. AUBREY BOWEN • HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS 500 Equipment of Pathological Museum. DAVID SYME - - - 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry. FREDERICK SHEPPARD GRIM­ 3000 Prize for Scientific Research in Australia. WADE MR. AND MRS. A. E. T. PAYNE 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. AND MR. AND MRS. J. W, 400 Exhibition in Veterinary Science. PAYNE .... •} SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON 600 Exhibition in Agriculture. MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIA­ TION 047 John Madden Exhibition in Law. gUB^CRIBERS (Sec, R. J. Larking) 1055 Chamber of Commerce Exhibition, and Prizes ^t Commercial Examinatjonj, BgNWAcriONS (Coiiliiim-jj). DONATIONS OF £100 AND UPWARDS— ANDREW CARNEGIE - - - 1000 PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" 100 Buildings and Equipment. NEIL WALTER BLACK ... 100 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES - - 100 JANET LADY CLARKE ... 100 SIMON KRASER .... 100 SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT ... 100 JOHN GRICE -...'. 100 WESLEY R. HALL .... 100 ALICE MANIFOLD ... 100 EDWARD MANIFOLD ... 100 BJ WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD - - 100 PS DAVID ORME MASSON ... 100 21 MELBOURNE MEDICAL ASSO­ B CIATION ----- 206' MRS. ALBERT MILLER ... 100 MRS. EDWARD MILLER - - 100 WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER - 100 GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN 100 o w JOHN TRAILL 100 WILLIAM WEATHERLY - - 106 MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY - 100 OTBBR DONATIONS— 1S88 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL - - - 1200. George Lansell Scholarship in Mining Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT - - - 1000, Scholarship in Law, 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT - - 200 Research Scholarship in Geology, 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 116 Equipment of Anatomy School. 1908 HERMAN HENRY SCHLAPP - - 400 Ore-treatment Plant 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 171 BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 1909 JAMES, STEWART - - - - 25,624 Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, ta Medicine and Surgery. 1909 TAMES CUMING - . . - - - - 1000 Prize for Agricultural Chemistry. 1909 JAMES CUMING 1000 For Veterinary Operating Theatre. 1909 SUBSCRIBERS 280 Dublin Prize. 1910 SUBSCRIBERS 134 Jamieson Prize. 1910 GEORGE SWINBURNE - 150 For Purchase of Apparatus. 1010 T. EDWARDS - - . - - - Machinery valued ot £205. 1910 N. GUTHBIDQH LTD. - Machinery valued at £140. 1910 PER H. B. SILBERBERG & CO. - Machinery valued at £100, donated by P. W. Braun and W. Ainsworth & Sons. 1911 ALEX. COWAN & SONS LTD. j .„ n . .„. „, CROSSLEY BROS "LTD - i Ore-treatment .riant. 1911 NEIL WALTER BLACK - ' - - 2065 At disposal of Faculty of Science. 1911 MRS. M. B. FULTON .... 989 For Medical Scholarship. 1911 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT - - 600 Department of Anthropology. 1911 SUBSCRIBERS ....•- - 102 Professor Morris Prize. 1912 WILLIAM HARBISON - - - - 2500 Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship. 1912 MADAME MELBA 1000 Melba Hall. 1912 BABCOCK & WILCOX LIMITED • Machinery, valued at £100. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS 189 Professor Laurie Prize. 1913 MRS. JESSIE ALEXANDER BAIRD CURRIE - 600 John Baird Bursary. 1913 J. BARTRAM & SON .... Machinery valued at £100. 1913 DAVID SYME CHARITABLE TRUST 500 Equipment for Experimental Physiology. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS 022 Physiology Extension. 1913 MISS MARY L. REID - 300 Melba Hall. 1913 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT - - 270 Mr. Albert Mansbridge's Expenses to Aus­ tralia. 1913 MRS. ROBERT REID .... 100 Melba Hall. 1913 JOHN GRICE 1000 Temporary Cancer Research Scholarship. 1914 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT • — 000 Clinical Research Fund, BENEFACTIONS (Continued). 1914 GEORGE ADHNGTON SYME - 2S0 Clinical Research Fund. 1914 SUBSCRIBERS 104 Clinical Research Fund. 1915 ALEXANDER MORRISON - 275 Advancement of Knowledge of Nervous Sys­ tem. 1916 MR. AND MRS. JAMES GOSSIP MELVIN ... 1000 John Melvin Memorial Scholarship. 1916 MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH LEVI - 1000 Keltii Levi Memorial Scholarship. 1916 WALTER AND ELIZA HALL TRUSTEES .... 350 p.a. Veterinary Science Research Fellowship. 1916 SUBSCRIBERS .... 220 G. C- Mathison Memorial Lectureship. 1917 PRINCIPAL BASE METAL COM A trust formed for the purpose of awarding in PANIES the University of Melbourne each year two Bursaries in Mining and Metallurgy. 1017 MRS. EDWARD BAGE - 1050 Robert Bage Memorial Scholarship. 1919 MRS. ANNIE WILSON - 2000 R. G. Wilson Scholarships. ORIENT LINE OF ROYAL MAIL Three First-Class Return Passages annually STEAMERS from 1009 to 1016 nnd 1010-20. ORIENT AND P. & O. COS. (Jointly) Three First-Class Return Passages annually from 1021. 1920-1 SUBSCRIBERS TO TBE UNIVERSITY APPEAL. CUMING. SMITH & CO. PTY. J. F. W. PAYNE .... 1000 LTD 5250 H. B. HOWARD SMITH 1000 MR. & MRS. P. KNIGHT - 5000 MRS. ALBERT MILLER - - - 1000 SIR J. M. & LADY HIGGINS - 2700 SIR JOHN GRICE - - - 2000 MR. & MRU. W. H. SWANTON - 1000 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR G. NATIONAL BANK OP AUS­ SWEPT ... - 1500 TRALASIA - • - 1000 UNIVERSITY WAR MEMORIAL DUNLOP RUBBER CO. OF AUS­ COMMITTEE . -. - - 1037 TRALASIA - - - 1000 RON. W. M. McPHPjRSON - - 1022 VICTORIAN SAILORS AND SIR TOHN MACFARLAND - - 1000. SOLDIERS' INSURANCE JOHN SANDERSON -. r ' '-. IQOQ TRU$T 1000 BBNEFACtlONS (Continued). • ESTATE? LATE H. GYLES TUR­ KODAK (AUST.) PTY. LTD. 260 NER .... 1000 BALL & WELCH PTY. LTD. 250 LEGAL PROFESSION OF VIC­ CALEDONIAN COLLIERIES TORIA - 739 LTD. .... 260 G. A. SYME 500 AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIPS MR. JUSTICE HIGGINS 500 LTD. .... 260 HENRY UEUUY & CO. PTY. DALGETY & CO. LTD. 250 LTD. 600 A. T. DANKS - - 250 MESSRS. BAILLIEU - - . - 500 SIR JOHN MONASH - 250 600 C9 EDWARD STEVENS - McILWKAlTH, McEACHARN 7 HERBERT BROOKES - 600 LINE PTY. LTD. - . - 250 g MK8. F. W. ARMYTAGE -' - 600 WALTER & ELIZA HALL TRUST 250 S'- HOWARD SMITH LTD. 600 J. H. GRICE - - - 250 xg ESTATE LATE G. SWEET - 500 MRS. J. T. WEATHBRLBY 200 > JOHN RUSSELL MACPHERSON N.T. . . - 20 .9 FUND, PER MR. P. A. SIR JAMES BARRETT - 176 | ••' MOULB .... 400 AUSTRALIAN PAPER & PULP NO. 1 REST HOME - 307 CO. LTD. - 160 .» RICHARD ALLEN & SONS PTY. SUBSCRIBERS FOR SPENCER LTD. .... 160 PRIZES 209 NEW ZEALAND LOAN & MER­ M, M. BRODIE .... 250 CANTILE AGENCY CO, WILLIAM G. SPRIGG 250 • LTD. .... 150 GENERAL H. W. GRIMWADE - 200 200 MCNAUGHTON, LOVE & co, W. RUSSELL GRIMWADE 109 PATERSON, LAING & BRUCE PTY. LTD. - 100 LTD. 200 VISCOUNT NOVAR 100 GEORGE FAIRBAIRN 260 SIR ARTHUR L. STANLEY 100 STEWART O. BLACK - 200 SIR. W. H. IRVINE - 100 MICHAELIS, HALLENSTEIN & GEORGE SWINBURNE 100 CO. PTY. .LTD. - 260 MRS. WILLIAM SMITH 100 DR; DAVID GRANT - BENEFACTIONS. (Continued). iteC—21 SUBSCRIBERS TO TBB UNIVERSITY APPEAL (Continued). E. E. D. CLARKE - 100 PETERSON & CO. FT*. LTD. - 100 A. S. AUSTIN - - . - 100 J. C. TRAILL .... 100 D. E. McBRIDE - 100 T. R. ASHWORTH 100 MRS. M. A. MILLS 100 AUSTRALIAN MERCANTILE, H. T. WILSON - 100 LAND & FINANCE CO. M. P. HANSEN - 100 LTD. 100 PHILIP RUSSELL 100 CRAIG, WILLIAMSON PTY. PROFESSOR HENRY LAURIE 100 LTD. 100 MRS. M. AND MR. A. E. GRANT 100 MELBOURNE STEAMSHIP CO. MISS HILDA GRICE- - 100 LTD. - - - - - 100 u MISS ELSA GRICE - - 100 MISS MARY REID • . . . 100 X MR. AND MRS. C. W. MILLED 100 "W.H.M." 100 M ALEC. L. LANE - 100 DR. J. RAMSAY - - - 100 CAPT. AND MRS. S. M. BRUCE 100 J. G. MELVIN .... 100 MRS. JESSIE S. FRASER - 100 MRS. A. BROWN .... 100 a L. F. MILLER 100 WM. DRUMMOND & CO. - inn o DR. J. P. WILSON 100 COLONIAL SUGAR REFINING s JOHN MAY • - 100 CO. 100 ROBERT REID & CO. LTD. 100 MR. AND MRS. J. A. LEVEY * - 100 D. M. FRASER - - - 100 ROBERT HARPER & CO. PTY. MR. JUSTICE SCHUTT 100 LTD...... ioo J. NEVILLE FRASER - 100 GEORGE LUSH .... 100 T. M. STEWART - 100 MR. AND MRS. D. STUART SIR WALTER MANIFOLD - 100 MURRAY .... 100 C. SIBBALD CURRIE - 100 J. SHEPHARD 100 GOLDSB ROUGH, MORT & CO. 400 T. BRUNTON & CO. - 100 LTD...... 100 BANK OF VICTORIA - DR. J. W. GRICE - . 100 100 -M MR. JUSTICE McARTHUR - . 100 P. TATE 3437 AMOUNTS UNDER £100 - eo Wit 'ftnifftttitg of pdbourne.



MAY IT PLEASE YODB EXCELLENCY, • I have the bonour, in accordance with Section 27 or the University Act, 1915, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University7 during the past year:— 1.—UNIVEESITY APPEAL. ' A previous report referred to the foot that the Pre­ mier, in making a promise of large additional Govern­ ment expenditure to meet the University's rapidly grow­ ing needs, had aeked the Council to make an appeal to- the public of the State. Various circumstances led. to the deferring of the actual public, launching of the- appeal, but it was formally launched early in the year under review. The appeal was in the main ior increased endowment for teaching, and the initial public meeting- was held in the Town Hall, Melbourne, on 16th Septem­ ber, 1920. The Lord Mayor was in the chair, and the speakers included the Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria (Sir-William irvine), and the Premier, as well as other leading public men. At this meeting a list of "subscrip­ tions secured in advance by the Chancellor and Vioe- Chancellor was read. ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 79T

The meeting resolved 7 that an Executive, consisting7 of the Chancellor, the Vioe-Chancellor, Mr. Edward Stevens, Sir James Barrett, . Mr.. F. Tate, Professor Harrison Moore, and Associate-Professor Rivett, should undertake the general oversight of the appeal, and that they should work through special sub-committees repre­ sentative of the following interests:—The Medical Pro­ fession, the Legal Profession, the Engineering Profes­ sion, the Dental Profession, the Architectural Profes­ sion, the-Musical Profession, Commerce, State Education. Department, Secondary Schools, Manufacturing Indus­ tries, Agriculture, the Stock Exchange, Fastoralists, University Societies. The sub-committees worked mainly through the medium of printed material, personal and. circular letters, and personal solicitation. In all, some 36,000 letters and circulars were sent out. The daily and periodical press gave good support to- the movement. ... Various departments of the University were opened to the public in the interests of the appeal, and the- Demonstratious in connection with these proved of signal use in stimulating interest in the University. The result of the appeal was that some -£52,000- was promised. Of this, over .£48,000 has already been paid in. The remainder consists ' largely of promises- spread over a number of years. Over .£6000 is for the endowment of Research, and over .£1000 for a war memorial. Apart from some small special donations, the whole of the balance is available lor teaching and. equipment. About .£1500 is for the proposed School of Commerce, and a part of this sum is conditional on the School being established within a reasonable time. A full list of donors to date is given in, the list of .bene­ factions at the end of this report, and the Council and the whole University expresses its deep gratitude to the- large number of donors and to those who generously gave of their time in working for the appeal. Besides this result to the appeal, the Council has been notified of a legacy of over £ 14,000 under the- will of the late Mr. James C. Bartlett; and of about .£12,000 under the will of the late Dr. T, T. Dick. T98 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

- : 2.—NUMBERS OP STUDENTS. The number of students in each of the last six years is shown in the following Table, in which students of the •Conservatorium. of Music are mot included. The figuras- include Research Students:— Taking Year. Coume for Taking Total. Degree. Single Subject*. 1915 997 203 ... 1,200 1916 994 .. 143 ... 1,137 1917 . 1,072 .. 132 ... 1,204 1918 . 1,244 75 ... 1.319 1919 . 1,739 .. 101 ... 1,840 1920 . 2,163 203 2,366 3.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number of students attending lectures at the University during the year 1920 (including Evening Lectures'):—

Schools, 3 is a 3 §S s: 3 IH!- •jjia (Se­ 16 676 7 Education - 49 « Science re 60 34 10 29 212 235 „ Clerks - 78 78 Aledlclne 202 174 181 107 68 so 782 Oentlstry 65 45 24 13 147 •Engineering 64 47 88 S3 4 186 Agriculture 3 2 2 7 Veterinary • 16 6 S 1 4 6 87 Architecture 19 9 9 10 47 10 10

Total . 447 841 342 166 72 203 2866 * In these schools the division ot the course into years has been abolished. ANNUAL RKPORT, 1920-1921. 79»>

The number, attending Evening Lectures was 193, the number of women students was 478; the number of Free-Students nominated by the Education Department was - For Education, 39; for Agriculture, 5; for Mining, 16; for. Veterinary Science, 16. There were- aleo the following Free Stndents nominated by the Advisory Conunittee of the University High School:— -For Law, 2; for Science, 2; for Medicine, 3; for- Engineering, 3 j and in addition War Bursars .—For Medicine, 2. 4.—CONSERVATORIUM OP MUSIC The corresponding figures for the Conservatorium ot~- Music are as follow: — • r •a . oi Course. II 8 V Eg 3

Degree of Mus.BUG. 4 1 3 8 Diploma in Muwc • 25 11 IS SS Other Students 101

Total - - 164 Of these 22,were men and 142 women stndents.

5. -ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. The number of candidates for degrees of Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Exhibitions at the examinations of December, 1920, and. March, 1921, is shown in the following table:— 800 , ANNUAL UKPORT, 1920-1921.

First Second Third Fourth Tear. Year. . • Year. Year. Totals.

•g Schools. •** t •o. t t •d i e tt) a u 00 e 0. J 8' "I 1 1 ej 0. -1" .1. CL. I-- . 0. 74a.6 668 education • - - - - 63 41 - - 68 41 •Science 70 48 69 43 S3 81 - - 162 122 taw - * • 306 292 Dentistry • 62 30 46 n 22 16 12 11 122 06 engineering 71 87 40 32 82 28 34 31 177 128 Architecture 18 6 11 7 9 6 - - 38 18 Agriculture 3 3 - - 2 2 2 2 7 7 Music • 29 26 18 11 14 9 - - 61 46 Veterinary - 18 8 b' 6 6 4 — — 23 17

* In these schools the division ot the coarse Into years has been abolished. The following are the corresponding figures of the Divisional Examinations in the Medical Course on account of the year 1920-21.



202 172 121 126 82 64 ANNUAL HBPOET, 1920-1921. 801

The number who have presented themselves and passed at the examinations for higher degrees ie as follows :—

EXAMINATIONS SOB HIOHBB DBOBKBS- Presented. Passed. Master of Arts ... . 11 - 4 Master of Science 8 • 8 Master of Surgery 9 - 2 Master of Veterinary Science 4 • 4 Master of Civil Engineering - 1 • 1 Doctor of Letters 1 • 0 Doctor of Science 3 2 Doctor of Laws ... 1 1 Doctor of Medicine - 20 - 14 Doctor of Engineering • 1 1 Doctor of Dental Science 8 2 Doctor of Veterinary Science 1 - 1 6.—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplomas and licenses granted during the year 1920-21 including -admissions of graduates of other Universities is given telow: Bachelor of Arts— Ordinary degree 67 Degree with honours 86 Bachelor of Science 31 Bachelor of Laws - 80 Bachelor of Medicine and } Bachelor of Surgery ) 64 Bachelor of Civil Engineering • 18 Bachelor of Mining Engineering - 3 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 2 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 2 Bachelor of Music 2 Bachelor of Dental Science - - 16 Bachelor of Agricultural Science - 3 Bachelor of Veterinary Science - 3 Master of Arts 36 Master of Science - - - - 7 Master of Laws .... 2 Master of Surgery - - - - 2 Master ot Civil Engineering 1 Doctor of Science - - - - 1 802 ANNUAL REPORT, 1020-1921.

Doctor of Laws - - - 1 Doctor of 'Medicine - - - - 15 ' Doctor of Engineering - - - 1 Doctor of Dental Science - - 1 Doctor of Veterinary Science - - 1 Diploma in Music - - • -2 Diploma of Education 39 Diploma of Public Health - - 2 Diploma of Architecture - - 5

7.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. • The following table shows the number of candidates7' who presented themselves for and who passed the School Intermediate or Junior Public, and the School Leaving or Senior Public Examinations of December, 1020 and February, 1921, and the percentage of in each case:—

Entries Number to Per- Number centag •"Examinations. of Pass Passed i Entries Exami­ of nation. Passes

DECBMBSR. 8_. 6 62.60 School Inter-Mediate 3231 1126 34.84 6362 6 2 33.33 1633 716 43.10 FSBRUAKT. 4 .0 School Intermediate 1097 8 66.61 3366 3 8 100.00 636 287 49.81

Ol the candidates Included above 66 were Class A candidates, who, in addition to the subjects presented for examination, produced Head­ masters' Certificates on which they were granted passes in other subjects. In addition, 891 candidates entitled to complete exemption from external examination produced Headmastsra' OertiScates, and were granted the Intermediate Certificate; and 69, on the like produeUon, were- credited with certain passes towards the completion ol their qualification, for tbe Intermediate Certificate. ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 807

8.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of snbjects entered for and passed at- the Examinations in -Music conducted by the University7 during the year 1920-21 was as follows:— September, 1920— Total number of entries - - - 2963 Total number of passes - • 2266 May, 1921— Total number of entries - - 446 Total number of passes - - 382

9.—COUNCIL. In March, Sir John MacFarland was elected Chancel­ lor, and Sir John Grice Vice-Chancellor for the ensuing- year. The Council records with great pleasure the honour of knighthood conferred oh Sir John Mackey, who, in addition to being Speaker- of the Legislative Assembly, and one of the memberis of Council appointed by the Governor-in-Council, is one of the Law Lecturers in the University. The Council' regret's to record the death of the Hon. A. O. Sachse, M.L.C, who for 15 years had been the member of the Upper House appointed to the Council by the Governor-in-Council. The Bev. Dr. Alexander Marshall, after having been a member of the Council for 20 years, has retired, and has been thanked by .the .Council for his services. The Hon. Sir Walter Manifold. M.L.C, has been appointed a member to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Sachse. Mr. F. W. Eggleston, M.L.A., has. been appointed, a member to fill the, seat vacated by Mr. Menzies. The Eon. Sir William Irvine has been elected to fill the vacancy caused by Dr. Marshall's retirement. - Sir James Barrett, Sir John MacFarland, and Pro­ fessor Lyle, whose terms of office had expired, have been re-elected for five years. Dr. Bride was granted five months' leave of absence on the ground'of ill-health, and Mr. Adamson eight months' leave for the purpose of visiting Europe and, America. .63 804 ANNUAL REPORT, 1S20-1921.

10.—PEOFESSOBS. Professor Lavcr's term jst office as Ormond Professor of Music having expired on Slst December, 1920, he has been reappointed for a further period of five years. In addition, he was granted leave of absence for the first two terms of 1921. Professor Ewart's term of office as Professor of Botany •and Plant Physiology having -expired on 15tlh February, 1921, he has been reappointed for a further period of •five years. Professor Qibson has been granted twelve months' leave of absence to undertake some long deferred work -which he had in view. Associate-Professor Stewart has •been appointed Acting-Professor for the -period. Professor Atkinson has been granted eight months' leave of absence to enable him to visit England. Professor Agar has been elected a Fellow of the Boyal Society, and has received the congratulations of the Council on the honour. Professor Laby has received the degree of Doctor of Science from the University of Cambridge, and has also teen congratulated by the Council. Under the Statute providing for the appointment of Associate-Professors, the following additional appoint­ ment has been made: —. Dr. H. S. Summers, Associate-Professor in Geology, and Mineralogy. 11—LBCTUEEiRS. Mr. F. D. Bird, C.B., M.S., Hon. F.E.C.S. Eng.; Sir Henry Maudsley, K.C.M.G., M.D.; Dr. G. Home, and M. Maurice Carton, M.A., B.£s.L.; having reached the age limit fixed by the Statutes have retired. Mr. Bird had held the Lectureship in Surgery for nearly 26 ytiars, a tenure which has been exceeded by only one other lecturer in the history of the Medical School, and the Council has placed on record its appre­ ciation of hia eminent services and of his part in build­ ing up the high reputation of the Medical Sdhool. Sir Henry Maudsley had held the Lectureship . in Medicine for about 18 years. His retirement has been received with much regret and with expressions of high appreciation of his distinguished work. ANNUAL REPORT, 1020192L 805;

Dr. G. Home had hold the Lectureship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology for two years, aud has been thanked by the Council lor his services. M, Maurioe-Oarton had held the Lectureship in French for 18 years, and has received from the Council an expres­ sion of its appreciation of his services. Mr. A. E. V. Riohardson, Lecturer in Agriculture, has baen appointed Director of the School of Agriculture and Dean of the Faculty. Dr. J. C. Lewis was granted leave of absence for three -months. The following new appointments of Lecturers and Demonstrators nave been made during.the year: — Medicine — Stewart Lecturer and Chairman of Board—L. S. Latham. M.A., M.D.. B.S. Other Stewart Lecturers—E. Hiller, M.D., B.S.; S. V. Sewell. M.D., B.S.; M. D. Silberberg, M.D., B.S. Surgery—Stewart Lecturer and Chairman of Board—B. Kilvington, M.D., M.S. Other Stewart Lecturers—T. E. V. Hurley, M.D., M.S.; D. M. Morton. M.D., B.S.; B. T. Zwar, M.D., M.S.; A. V. MaElure, M.D., B.S.; H. B. Bovine, M.B., M.S.; Julian A E. Smith, M.D., M.S.; T. E. L. Lam­ bert, M;D., M.S.; W. Kent Hughes, M.B. Obstetrics and Gynaecology—Lecturer— E. H. Morrison. M.D., CM. Venereal Diseases—Lecturer— A. E. Morris. M.B., B.S. Radiology—Lecturer— K. S. Cross. M.Sc, M.D., B.S. Anatomy—Stewart Lecturer— E. W. Chenoweth, M.B., B.S. Pathology—Beaney Scholar— L. B. Cox. M.B., B.S. D. L. Thomas, M.D.. B.S. Bacteriology—Assistant Lecturer and Demonstra­ tor—S. O. Cowen. M.D., B.S. Clinical Physiology—Lecturer— L. A. I. Maxwell. M.Sc. M.D., B.S., B.Agr.Sc. v French—Lecturer—A. B. Chisholm, B.A. Assistant Lecturer—Theophile Bouel, 806 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

Mathematics—Lecturer—G. Gundersen, B.Sc. British History, II.—Evening Lecturer aud- History-Tutor— S. H. Eoberts, B.A. English—Evening Lecturer—W. T. Price, M.A. Sociology—Tutor—P. D. Phillips, M.A. Spanish—Instructor—E. C. Fernandez. Zoology—Lecturer and Demonstrator— Gwynneth V. Buchanan, D.Sc. Chemistry—Demonstrators— G. Ampt, B.Sc, Ruth Sugden, B.Sc. Law—Tutor—N. J. O'Bryan, LL.B. Engineering Design and Drawing—Assistant Lec­ turer and Demonstrator— C. P. McCarthy. B.Sc. Electrical Engineering—Demonstrator— E. D. Howells. Strength of Moteriala—Demonstrator— W. Taylor. Mechanical Engineering—Demonstrator— C. V. Bidgway. Lubrication—Lecturer—S. J. Millar, B.E. Architectural Atelier—Assistant Director— L. F. Irwin, A.B.I.B.A. Agricultural Qeology—Lecturer— F. A. Singleton, M.Sc. Agricultural Botany and Plant Pathology—Lec­ turer—E. T. Patton. B.So. Tutorial Classes—Assistant Director— E. Bronner, B.A. In addition, a large number of part-time Demonstra­ tors have been appointed in the various departments. The following new appointments at the Conservatorium^ of Music have been made:— Pianoforte—Understudy to Mr. Ooiitts-— Miss I. Knox, Dip.Mus. Singing—Chief Study—Madame Elsie Davies. Special Study—Mr. L. T.- Middleton. Violin—Chief Study—Mr. S. de Tarczynski. Chief and Second Study—Miss Violet Wool- cock. Trombone—Second Study—Mr. C. - Wheatland. The usual appointments of clinical instructors at the- Melbourne, Alfred, and St. Vincent's Hospitals have- been made. ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 807

The following* new appointments on the staff of the Australian College of Dentistry have been approved:— Anatomy and Dissections—Lecturer— J. H. Anderson, M.D., B.S. Histology—Lecturer—L. E. Hurley, M.D., M.S. Dental Mechanics—Lecturer-— E. Bussell, B.D.Sc. General Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— Lecturer—J. T. Tait, M.D., B.S. Oral Surgery—Lecturers— A. F. Maclure, M.D., B.S., E. Yule, B.D.Sc. Chemistry—Lecturer— A. T. S. Sissons. 12.—EXAMINE.ES. The following examiners were appointed: — 1. For the practical examinations in the subject of Education— Professor Smyth, Mr. M. P. Hansen, Mr. M. S. Sharman, Miss I. D. Marshall, Mr. J. McEae, Mr. B. Lawson. 2. For the Medical Course— Anatomy— Dr. J. H. Anderson, Dr. W. G. D. Upjohn. Physiology— Dr. L. A. I. Maxwell, Dr. W. J. Young. Regional and Applied Anatomy— Dr. H. D. Stephens. Materia Medica—Dr. C. Bage. Pathology and Bacteriology—Dr. E. J. Bull. Mr. P. L. Apperly. Dr. J. T. Tait. Therapeutics^—Dr. A. B. E. White. Public Health—Dr. C. L. Park. Forensic Medicine—Dr. E. H. Cole. Medicine—Dr. L. S. Latham. Clinical Medicine— Dr. S. V. Sewell, Dr. A. V. M. Anderson, Dr. H. H. Tnrnbull, Dr. M. D. Silbexberg, Dr. H. Laurie, Dr. K. Hiller, Dr. 3. f. Wilkinson, Mr. A. Lewers. Surgery—Mr. B. Quick. Clinical Surgery— Dr. J. Gordon, Mr. J. SJ Buchanan, Mr. H. B. Devine, Mr. T. E. L. Lambert. Mr. R. C. Brown. Dr. T. E. V. Hurley. 808 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology— Dr. H. E. Morrison. 3. For the M.S. Examination— Surgical Anatomy— Professor Berry, Dr. T. E. V. Hurley. Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen. Dr. B. Kilvington. Surgery— Mr. F. D. Bird, Mr. B. Hamilton Russell- 4. For the M.D. Examination— Medicine, including Ophthalmology— Sir H. Maudsley, Dr. A. V. M. Anderson, Sir James Barrett. Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology— Dr. G. Home, Dr. E. H. Petherston. Diseases of Children— Dr. A. J. Wood, Dr. F. H. Cole. f, Diseases of the Nervous System, including In­ sanity— Dr. R. E. Stawell, Mr. W. E. Jones. -5. For the Dental Course— Chemistry—• Mr. A. T. 8. Sissons, Dr. A. C. D. Eivett. Dental Anatomy— Dr. J. K. Clark. Dr. C. E. Allen. Mr. F, Meldrum. Anatomy and Dissections— Dr. J. H. Anderson, Mr. P. G. Middleton. Histology— Dr. J. H. Anderson, Mr. L. E. Hurley, Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy— Mr. W. J. Tuokfield, Mr. B. J. Wise. Mr. E- A. Wright. Mr. P. A. Aird. Physiology— Professor Osborne, Dr. L. A. I. Maxwell. Operative Technique— Dr. T. Shuttleworth, Mr. P. A. Aird. Practical Metallurgy— Dr. G. B. Pritohard, Mr. A. J. Higgin. Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— Dt. J. T. Tait, Mr. C. H.. Mollison. Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. P. Greenwood. Dr. J. E. Nihill, -, Mr. F. 8. Parrett. ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 800

Operative Dentistry— Mr. G. Finlay, Mr. D. Baghel. Orthodontics— Dr. W. S. Wilkinson, Dr. H. H. Ham. Medicine— Dr. J. W. Springthorpe. Dr. J. E. Nihill. Oral Surgery— Dr. W. A. James, Dr. E. A. Stirling. Dental Surgery and Pathology— Dr. J. M. Lewis, Mr. G. M. Allen, Mr. G. Finlay, Mr. K. Bussell. Practical Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield, Dr. E. J. B. Yule. Practical Bacteriology— Mr. C. H. Mollison, Mrs. H. Bonnie. Extractions and Anaesthetics—. Mr. F. A. Aird, Mr. F. S. Parrett. 6. For the D.D.Sc. Examination— 7 Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen, Dr. J. T. Tait. Bacteriology— Dr. E. J. Bull, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield. Dr. E. J. B. Yule. Dental Surgery. Pathology and Bacteriology— Dr. J. K. Clark, Dr.. j. M. Lewis, Dr. H. H. Ham. Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. F. Greenwood, Dr. J. E. Nihill. Orthodontics— Dr. W. S. Wilkinson, Dr. H. H. Ham. 7. For the Engineering Course— Graphics and Geometrical Drawing— Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. J. T. Lupson. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Design:, and Drawing— Professor Payne, Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. W- E. Basset*. Civil Engineering, Part Ii— Mr. G. Higgins, Mr. C. W. . N. Sexton, Mr. J. A. Laing. Civil Engineering, Part II.— Mr. G. Higgms, Mr. W. E. Eennick. Mr. W- A. Callaway, Mr. G. Kermode. . £10 ANNUAL REPORT, 19201921.

Civil Engineering Design and Drawing— Mr. 5. Higgins. Mr. W. Bromby. -Mr. F. W. Box, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton. Mr. T. H. Upton. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering— Mr. G. Higgins, Mr. T. H. Upton, Mr. C. W. N. Sexton. Surveying— Mr. J. T. Lupson, Mr. J. M, Coane. Electrical Engineering— Mr. E. B. Brown, Mr. E. J. C Rennie. Electrical Engineering, Design and Drawing— Mr. E. B. Brbwni Mr. W. N. Kerndt. Mining—Mr. A. H. Merrin. Mr. D. Clark. Metallurgy— Mr. A. J. Higgin, Mr. D. Clark. •8. For the D.P.H. Examination— Professor Masson, Dr. Green, -Professor Osborne, Dr. T. W. Sinclair. Mrs, H. Bonnie, Dr. N.- H. Pairley, Dr. E. Robertson, Dr. J. H. L. Cumpston, Dr. W.. Summons, and Mr. F. E. T. Cobb. •9. For theses for the degree of M.Sc.— - Professor Masson,- Mr. D. Avery, Professor Skeats, Assoc. Professor Summers. 10. For theses for the degree of Litt.D. . Professor Scott, Dr. B. C. Mills. Professor Mitchell of Adelaide, Professor: Adams of , Col. H. J. Edwards of Cambridge, Professor Tucker. Mrs. Eugenie Strong. 11. For theses for the degree of D.Sc Professor Agar, Professor S. J. Johnson ot Sydney, Dr. K. S. Cross, Professor Ewart, Mrs. Osborne of Adelaide, Mr. J. H. Maiden of Sydney. 12. For: o thesis for the degree of LL.D Professor Moore, Mr. J. G. Latham. 13. For a thesis for the degree of M.D.— Professor Osborne, Dr. J. F. Wilkinson. 14. For 8 thesis for the degree of D.Eng.— Professor Payne, Profeeeor Warren of Sydney, Professor Chapman of Adelaide. 15. For a theses for the degree of D.D.Sc Dr. V. McDonald, Dr. P. Maclure, Mr.' W. J. Tuckfield. ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 811

16. For theses for the D.V.Sc. degree— Professor Woodruff; Dr. S. S. Cameron, Dr. S. Dodd, Dr. W. A>. tenfold. 17. For the Shakespeare Scholarship— Professor Wallace, Assoc. Prof. Strong. 18. For the Mollison Scholarship in Japanese— Eev. T. J. Smith, Mr. M. Inagafci. 19. For the H. B. Higgins Scholarship— Professor Wallace, M. Carton, Dr. Lodewyckx. 20. For the "Syme Prize— Professor Ewart, Sir Harry Allen, Assoc. Professor Sweet. 21. For the Grimwade Prize— Mr. A. E. Lei^hton. -22. For the Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship— Professors Moore, Scott and Atkinson, and Assoc. Professor Stewart. 723. For the Bowen Prize—Professor Wallace. 24. For the School Intermediate and School Leaving examinations, December, 1920, and February, 1921: — Subject First Examiner Second Examiner [English— 1/eaving (Hons.)- Prof. R. S. Wallace Mr. W. E. P. Austin „ (I'ass) • Miss. H. Robinson Miss I. D. Marshall Intermediate Mrs. J. MoKellar Stewart Rev. A. R. Osborn 'Latin— Leaving (Pass ft Mr. W. Kerry Mr. E. W. Cornwall Hons.) and Intermediate •<3reek— Leaving (Pass ft Mr. E. W. Cornwall Mr. W. Kerry Hons.) & Inter­ mediate /French- Leaving (Hons.)- Dr. Lodewyckx Miss M. Connell (Pas777) • Miss M. Connell Dr. Lodewyckx Intennediate - Mrs. Boyce Gibson Mrs. E. Wood -Oermon—Leaving(Poi>s Dr. Lodewyckx Mr. L. J. Wrigley ft Hons.) and Intermediate History- Leaving (Hons.)- Mr. E. C. W. Kelly Dr. K. C. Mills (Pass) - Dr. R. C. Mills Mr. C. A. H. Searby History and Civics- Intermediate • Mr. O. de R. Foenander Miss A. Hoy . Arithmetic ft Algebra— Intermediate - Mrs. J. T. Flynn Mrs. Wrigley Geometry ft Trie— Intermediate • Mr. A. Hart Mr. E. J. C. Rennie 812 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

Subject. Pint Examiner. Second Examiner. Algebra— Leaving(Hans-) - Mr. G. Oundersen • Prof. Barnard „ (Pass) - Mr. O. Gundersen Mr. L. J. Griffiths Geometry- Leaving (Hons.)- Dr.CE; Weatherbnrn Mr. J. B. O'Han „ (Pass) • Dr. C. E. Weatherburn Mr. F. W. Campbell, Mr. L. Griffiths Trigonometry- Leaving (Pass ft Mr. E. J. Lewis Prof. R. J. A. Barnard Hons.) Geography- Leaving (Pass ft Mr. R. W. Armitage Miss K. Mclnerny Horis.) Intermediate * Dr- Summers Dr. O. B. Pritchard Physics- Leaving (Hons.) Mr. A. L, Rossiter Mr. N. C.'Harris „ (Pass) Mr. A. L. Rossiter Mr. J. L. Aicken Intermediate • Miss B. Wood - Mr. E. I. Rosenblum. Mechanics- Leaving (Pass ft Hans.) Mr. E. J. C. Rennie Mr. J. B. O'Hara Geology— Leaving (Pass ft Hons.) Dr. Summers Dr. Pritchard Agriculture- Leaving (Pass ft Hr. A. E. V. Richardson Dr. Heber Qreea Hons.) & Inter­ mediate Drawing- Leaving (Pass ft Mr. P. Carew.Smyth Mr. J. T. Lupson Hans.) ft Inter­ mediate A.M. and Physiology- Leaving (Pass ft Dr. O. Buchanan Mlts B. Brewster Hons.) ft Inter­ mediate Chemistry- Leaving (Hons.) Dr. Green Mr. A. T. S. Slsson-777 „ (Pons) Dr. Green Mr. W. K. Jamieson Intermediate— Mr. A. T. 8. SIssons Mr. T. Graham Com. Prin. ft Pmc— Leaving (Pass .ft Mr. A. 0. Morley Mr. L. J. Welch Hons.) ft Inter mediate Botany—Leaving (Pass Professor Ewart Dr. E. I. McLennan and Hons.) and Intermediate Domestic Science- Leaving (Pass ft Miss B. Sutherland Mrs. T. a'Beckett Hnns.) ft Inter­ mediate Military Science- Leaving (Pass ft Lt.-CoL Harrison Lt. H. C. H. Eobertmrr Hons.) ANNUAL REPORT. 1920-1921. 81$

Additional Examiners. English—Leaving (Pass)—Mr. A. E. Gwillim, Mr. A. Hart, Miss L. Coleman, MlssV. Rosenblum, Miss E. Macdonald,. Miss A. Lightfoot: Intermediate—Mr. O. A. Osborne. Mr. A. A. Buley, Miss A- Wheat, Miss G. van Nooten, Miss O. L. Williams,. Mr. R. McDonald. Miss M. Baker, Miss C. Brennan,. Miss D. L. Derham, Miss O. Robson. Latin—Leaving (Pass>-Mr. W. J. Foote. Intennediate—Hr. W. F. Ingram, Mr. W. J. Foote. French—Leaving (Pass)-Rev. A. R. Osborn. Mr. H. K. McO. Walker.. Miss Baker. Intermediate—Miss M. Bernadou, Miss Bart-man, Hiss E. M. Scbmetser, Hiss M. Schollick, Mr.'A. R. Book, Bliss- C. van Nouten. Hr. B. K. McO. Walker, Hr. L. J. Wrigley, Mies M. Baker. ' History—Leaving (Pass)—Mr. N. J. Shankly, Miss B. Shannon, Hr. C. R- Long. History and Civics (Intermediate)—Mr. E. C. W. Kelly, Mr. S. W. Froier,. Mr. F. Green, Mr. A. 8. Burgess, Hr. N. J. Shankly,. Rev. Dr. H. T. Pontic, Miss A. Frusher, Hr. 0. A- Osborne, Mis* H. E. Wallace, Mr. A. Richardson. Arithmetic and Algebra—Intermediate—Mr. R. Q. Bienvenu, Rev. E. Nyer Mr. U. P. Bennett, Mr. W. E. Burnett, Mr. A. A. Buley, Mr. W. I. Hayward, Mr. J. S. Rogers, Hr. N. C. Harris, Miss 8. Gundersen, Hr. J. O. Oliphant.. Geometry and Trigonometry—Intermediate—Mrs. F.W. Campbell, Mr. W_ Trudinger, Mr. A. Bright, Miss K. Flynn, Miss M. Button, Hr. C. Moscrop, Mr. V. Gallagher, Mr. J. H. Dewsnap. Algebra—T-eaving (Pass)-Mr. R, O. Bienvenu, Mr. W. Trudinger. Geography—Intermediate—Mr. T. F. Scott, Mr. A. James, Mr. J. 8. Kitsoiv Mr. F. Chapman, Mr. L. Davies, Mr. F. Singleton,. Mr. N. IJ. Jamieson, Mr. J. Vroland. Physics — Leaving (Pass)—Mr. W. E. Basset7.. Intermediate—Mr. W. B. Jamieson, Miss J. T. Flynn, Mr. T. Ortham, Hr. A. W. Hatfield, Hiss 8, Gundersen. Drawing—Intennediate—Mr. J. A Rowell, Mr. A. B. Cattanach, Mr. A- Noall. Chemistry—Intermediate— Mr. W. Trudinger. 25. For the Public Examinations in Music— Mr. D. J. Coutts. Dr. A. E. Floyd. Mr. E_ Goll, Mr. L. Hattenbach. Mr. F. W, Homewood, Professor Laver, Mr. A. E. H. Nickson, Mr. J. B. North, Dr. W. G. Price, Mr. O. F. Sobell, Mr. J. A. Steele, Mr. A. Zelman, Mr. F. Thomas, Professor E. H. Davies, Mr. F. Hutchins. 3J14 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920 J921.

13.—UNIVEESITY BEPBESENTATIVES. The following gentlemen were appointed to represent -the University: — Congress of Universities of the Empire— - Mr. L.- A. -Adamson, Professor J: W. Gregory of . Imperial Conference of Teachers' Associations— Mr. L. A. Adamson. Council of Legal Education— Mr. Fink, Sir John Mackey. '. Standing Advisory Committee of .the Universities— The Chancellor. League of Nations' Union—• Mr. P. W. Egglcston. Soldiers' Children Education Board— . _ . . Sir James Barrett. Melbourne Hospital Advisory Board— The Vice-Chancellor, Sir Harry Allen,' Pro­ fessor Osborne, Professor Berry. Council of the Working Men's College— . . Dr. Bride. Becreation Grounds Committee- Mr. Justice Cussen, Professor Lyle, Mr. li- W. Allen.

14.-PEOPOSED NEW CflAIRS. As the Architectural profession asked for the appoint7- -ment of a Professor of Architecture, last year, so the "Dental profession has this year asked for the appoint­ ment or a' Professor in charge of the Dental School. Both the- Government and the Council have been ap­ proached by deputations urging the claims for the •establishment of each of these Chairs. After very full consideration the Council decided that each profession was entitled to a professorship, that both were realty indispensable and equally urgent in the interests of the community; and it accordingly supported the requests that funds should be provided to enable the Chairs to be established. 15.—BUILDINGS, Work on tbe several new buildings lias been busy through­ out the year. The large new Arts building, although consid­ erably delayed at the outset, has made good progress ; the ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 815" new building for an Agricultural School is practically complete and ia now being fitted and equipped; the- additions to the Chemistry department are in a similar- state; the additions to the Natural Philosophy depart­ ment are much less forward. Each of these forms a.per­ manent extension of the University buildings.' In addition the •' following more or less, temporary buildings have- been put up during the year:—A large wooden luncheon, room; an iron building for the Architecture School; additions of wood and iron to the departments of Ana­ tomy, Metallurgy, Botany and Geology. These addi­ tions were rendered imperative by increases .in the- numbers of students, and it was impossible to wait tilt permanent buldings could be erected.

16.—STATUTES AND REGULATIONS. - An addition has been made to the Statute for admission ad eundem statum to provide for the case of men from the Boyal Military College of Australia who may wish: to enter the University. Steps are being taken to ex­ tend similar rights to men who have passed through the- course at the Royal Australian Naval College. A new degree' in Engineering has been provided for, viz.. Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering. It was felt that the course for the degree of Bachelor of Mining Engineering could not deal adequately with both the mining and the metallurgical sides of the work, the result being the modification of the mining course and the introduction of the new course referred, to, in which the metallurgical. training is considerably extended, the traning in mining being correspondingly reduced. 17.—BALLARAT. The Council and Professorial Board were called upon, to give very serious consideration to a proposal for­ warded by the Hon. the Premier which representatives- of the City of Ballarat had made to him for the estab­ lishment of a University College in Ballarat. The Coun­ cil appointed a- deputation to visit Ballarat to discuss7 the proposal with ' those who had brought it forward. The deputation met' the Parliamentary representatives- of the district, the Mayors of the City and Town, and other municipal representatives, also representatives7. 316 ANN DAL REPORT, 1920-1921

of all branches of education and of the professions. The -conference was cordial and placed each side in pos­ session of the views of the other. After very fully -considering all the circumstances the Council reported, pointing out the facilities at present available to -country students; the advantages naturally pertaining to a large University in a metropolis; and some dan­ gers which would attend the establishment of provin­ cial colleges; and finally submitted proposals—(1) that the work done at the School of Mines, which is already recognised, should be further developed, (2) that the provision for scholarships and for sustenance allowances should be increased, (3) that hostels for the residence of country students should be established, (4) that -classes might be provided in provincial centres in certain •first year subjects. The Council is quite clear in its opinion that the true gradually to build up the local institution, and to keep its work co-ordinatea with that of the Univer­ sity, so that those of its students who transfer to the University may receive as full allowance as possible for work already done.

18.—ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT. The ceremony of the Annual Commencement had for a number of years been, in the eyes of many, much too -severely formal a function. With the growth of the number of candidates taking -their degrees, and consequently of the number of their -friends desiring to be present, not to mention the growth of other classes of persons who might expect io be invited to Commencement, all possibility of any -repreeemtation of the general body of students at the ceremony had disappeared. With the purpose of widening the interest surround­ ing Commencement, and in order to give to students a -prominent place, it was decided to -add to the formal ceremony a number of collateral activities. These con­ sisted of a University Ball, a series of- athletic evente, a conversazione, the production of a play, and a gala, •carried out by a committee of Students, of which Mr. A. Xaughlin was secretary. The matter was taken up- with' enthusiasm, and carried out admirably, and the change -marks the beginning of a new era of Commencements'. ANNUAL REPORT: 1920-1921. 817

19.—ADEQUACY OP SALARIES. The Council, in common with the governing bodies of all institutions, has found it necessary to give the most serious consideration to the. question of the adequate -remuneration of the staff. For some time the Council -took no steps to compensate members of the teaching staff for the increasing cost of living, in the hope -that -the condition might prove transitory, and feeling that the holders of what were practically life appointments should be prepared to accept a certain amount of change in economic conditions without expecting their contracts to be revised. These conditions, however, moved so persistently against the holders of offices with -fixed salaries, that the Council could no longer ignore them. At the same time it felt that its resources would not permit of its so increasing salaries as to compen­ sate the staff fully; but after carefully reviewing the whole position it granted increases in all ranks of the staff, and in doing so went as far as its present income will allow. Although most members of the staff have received increases, there were a few already receiving .salaries higher than the average of their class who did not participate.

20.—LO.ANS TO STUDENTS. The system of loans to students instituted by the •Government.has been continued. This year there were •67 applicants. Those granted were 68 in number, .amounting to £3267. These include further loans to a number of students who had had loans before.

21.—BURSARIES. The following Bursaries in the gift of the Council nave been awarded on the recommendation ol a Com­ mittee, which had'confidential information placed before it, viz.— Three War Bursaries to the children of Victorians who •died on service with the A.T.F. providing for the remission of fees for lectures and examinations for a University •course. In addition, the usual two free studentships to pupils, from the University High School have been granted. 818 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

22.—DAVID SYME PRIZE. The annual prize of £100, founded in 1905, by the late Mr. David Syme for the best thesis based upon; original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Natural Philosophy,, open to all persons resident in. Australia for not lees than five years, has been awarded to Dr. N. Hamilton Fairley, of Melbourne, for his work: on Collected Researches on Egyptian Bilharziasis. 23.—HABBISON-HIGINB OTH AM SCHOLARSHIP. The annual scholarship of ,£100, founded by the next of kin of the late William Harbison, for original work in History, Economics, Politics, Administration, Gov­ ernment and Sociology, has been awarded to Mr. D. G.­ Taylor, M.A., for his thesis on The Agricultural Bank: and Industries Assistance Board (W.A.). 24.—1851 EXHIBITION SCHOLABSHIP. Mr. I. W. Wark, B.Sc, has been awarded the Science- Research Scholarship provided by the Boyal Commis­ sioners of the 1851 Exhibition. 25.—ORIENT AND P. AND O. FREE PASSAGES. The Orient Steam Navigation Co., which has for- about ton years annually granted three first-class return passages to graduates proceeding to Europe for purposes of further study, has pointed out that the value of this- privilege is now nearly three times what is was origin, ally, and intimated that it will have to reduce the oner, At the same time it intimated that the P. and O. Co had undertaken to share with it the responsibility for the three passages, so that graduates should not suffer any loss. In all the circumstances the CouncU appre­ ciates this arrangement very highly. Those nominated for free passages in 1921 were Miss-7 H. M. Robinson, M.A., Mr. I. W. Wark, B.Sc, and. Mr. P. Alexander. B.A. 26.—WALTEB AND ELIZA HALL TRUST. Mr. H. B. Albiston, B.V.Sc, has been appointed! Walter and Eliza Hall Veterinary Science Research-: Fellow. - . - ANNUAL BEPORT, 192U-1921. 819

27.—DUBLIN DIPLOMA IN GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS. The annual exhibition of £100 at Trinity College, Dublin, provided for a period of five years for gradu­ ates of the University of Melbourne, proceeding to the Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics has been awarded for the third time, the exhibitioner this year being Mr. W. I. Hayes, M.B.. B.S.

28.—AUSTRALASIAN ASSOCIATION FOB THE ADVANCEMENT OP SCIENCE. The Council was glad to place the University buildings at the service of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, for the purpose of its 1921 meeting in January last. The meeting had been ar­ ranged for Hobart, but at the end of December, owing to the shipping strike it was found impossible to carry- out that arrangement,' and at two or three weeks' notice all plans had to be re-cast for a meeting in Melbourne, which passed off successfully, in the week commencing- 10th January. 29.—BESEABCH. Mr. H. P. Maudsley, M.B., B.S., and Mr. C. W. Adey, M.B., B.S., were appointed Clinical Research Scho­ lars for the investigation respectively of " The condi­ tion of the Capillary Circulation in Pneumonia and similar condition," and " The Action of X-Rays on the condition of the Blood." Mr. E. H. Derrick, M.B., B.S., has been appointed Cancer Research Scholar in succession to Mr. P. A. Stevens, resigned. The total number of graduates and research studente (excluding whole-time members of the staff and senior studente doing some research as part of their course) who have been engaged in -research in the various departments is 14. distributed as follows:—Botany 2. Chemistry 3, Engineering 6. Natural Philosophy 1, Physiology 3. 30.—BENEFACTIONS. The Council desires to acknowledge the following donations in money:— .£4 820 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-192.1.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY APPEAL TO SEPTEMBEB 16TH, 1921. ^25250—Messrs. Cuming, Smith & Co.-Pty. Ltd. JCSOOO—Mr. and Mrs. P. Knight. .£2700—Sir J. M. and Lady Higgins ,£2000—Sir John Grice. .£1500—Associate-Professor G. Sweet. .£1037—University War- Memorial Committee. .£1022—Hon. W. M. McPherson. .£1000—Sir John McFarland; Mr. John Sanderson; Mr. J. P. W. Payne; Mr. H. B. Howard Smith; Mrs. Albert Miller; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Swanton; The National Bank of Australasia; The Dunlop Rubber Co. of Australasia; Victorian Soldiers' ana Sailors' Trust; Estate late H. Gyles Turner. JB739—Legal Profession of Victoria. -£50O—Mr. G. A. Syme; Mr. Justice Higgins; Messrs. . Henry Berry & Co. Pty. Ltd. • Messrs. Baillieu; Mr. Edward Stevens; Mr. Herbert Brookes; Mrs. P. . Armytage; Howard, Smith Ltd.; Estate of Late G. Sweet. .£400—John Russell Macpherson Fund (per Mr. F. A. Moule). .£307—No. 1 Best Home. .£300—Subscribers for Spencer Prizes. .£260—Mr. M. Brodie; Mr. W. Q. Sprigg; General H. W. Grimwade; Mr. W. Russell Grimwade; Messrs. Paterson, Laing& Bruce Ltd.; Senator G.Fairbairn; Mr. Stewart G. Black; Messrs. Michaelis, Hallenstein & Co. Pty. Ltd.; Kodak (Australasia) Pty. Ltd.; Messrs. Ball & Welch Pty. Ltd.; Caledonian Col­ lieries Ltd.; Australian Steamships Pty. Ltd.; Messrs. Dalgety & Oo. Ltd.; "Mr. A. T. Danks; 'Sir John Monash; Mcllwraith. McEacharn's Line Pty. Ltd.; *Walter & Eliza Hair Trust; Mr. J. H. . Grice. .£200—-Mrs. J. T. Weatherley; A.N.T. ^£175—"Sir J. W. Barrett. ' .£150—Australian Paper & Pulp Co. Ltd.; Messrs. Richard Allen & Sons (1919) Pty. Ltd.; New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Co. Ltd. JE125—Mr. J. C. Traill. .£105—Messrs. McNaughton, Love & Co. ANNUAL REPORT, 10201921. 821

J610O—Viscount Novar; Sir Arthur Stanley; Sir W. H. Irvine; Hon. G. Swinburne; Mrs. William Smith; Dr. David Grant; Mr. E. E. D. Clark; Mr. A. S. Austin; Hon. D. E. McBryde; Mrs. Margaret A. Mills; Mr. H. T. Wilson; Mr. M. P. Hansen; Mr. Philip Bussell; Professor H. Laurie; Mrs. M. Grant and Mr. A. E. Grant, in memory of the late P. E. Grant; Miss Hilda Grice; Miss Blsa Grice; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Milter; Mr. Alec. L. Lane; Captain and Mrs. S. M. Bruce; Mrs. Jessie S. Fraser; Mr. L. P. Miller; Dr. J. P. Wilson; Mr. J. May; Messrs. Robert Reid & Co. Ltd.; Mr. D. M. Fraser; Mr. Justice Schutt; Mr. J. Neville Fraser; Mr. T. M. Stewart; Sir Walter Manifold; Mr. C. Sibbald Currie; Mr. J. Shephard; Messrs. T. Brunton & Co.; ' Dr. J. W. Grice; Mr.' justice McArthur; Messrs. Peterson & Co. Pty. Ltd.; •Mr. T. E. Ash- worth; Australian Mercantile Land & Finance Co. Ltd.; - Messrs. Craig, Williamson Pty. Ltd.; Mel­ bourne Steamship Co. Ltd.; Miss Mary Reid; "W.H.M."; Dr. J. Ramsay•; Mr. J. G: Melvin; Mrs. A. Brown; Messrs. Win. Drummond & Co.; The Colonial Sugar Kefin ing Co.; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Levey; Messrs. Robert Harper & Co.; Mr. G. Ludh; Mr. and Mrs. D. Stuart Murray; Messrs. Golds- borough, Mort & Co. Ltd.; Bank of Victoria Ltd.; Mr. P. Tate. . J698—Mr. H. T. Olive. .£52—Mr. G. A. Kay; Mr. Lindsay Clark. ^£50—Messrs. Melville & Mullen Pty. Ltd.; Mr. Roderick Murchison; Victorian Teachers' Union; Mr. Justice C'ussen; Mr. P.. H. Masters; Mr. Geo. J. Dethridgc; Mr. W. Wall; "C.J.H."; Mr. Neville WigEl; Mr. W. J. T. Clorke; Mr. M. E. Kernot; Messrs. John Cooke & Co. Pty. Ltd.; Mr. P. D. Bird; Messrs. Baboock & Wilcox; Mr. Septimus Miller; Messrs. Bryant & May, Bell & Co. Pty. Ltd.; *Mr. T. C. Dewez; Mr. W. H. Melville; 'Dr. E. E. Stawell; Anonymous; Mr. E. G. Casey; ..£40—•Dr. A. V. M. Anderson. _J£38—Kyneton Citizens Committee. .,£35—Messrs. Harwood & Pinoott. J£33—Mr. Donald Clark; 'Dr. H. B. Devine. J630—Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wrigley. .61* S22 ANNOAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

JJ25—Mr. E. A. Bamsay; Mra. Zeb. Lane; Lothialn Book Publishing Co.; Mr. B. J. Parkinson; Mrs_ and the Misses Todd; The British-Australasian To­ bacco Co.: W. D. and H. O. Wills (Australasia) Ltd.; Mr. E. C. Dyason; Mr. A. de Bavay; Auto Industries Pty. Ltd.; Tarrant Motors Pty. Ltd.; Miss M. J. Kernot; Messrs. H. B. Selby & Co.; Dr. A. E. Bowden White; Dr. W. Boyes; Mr. G. D. Dolprat; Mr. W. H. Sollas; *Dr. E- A. Mackay; *Dr. Murray Morton; Messrs. Sands & McDougall Pty. Ltd.; Mr. J. P. Bainbridge; Mr. A. D. Price; Dr. Charles Bage; *Mr. Howard Hitchcock; Holdenson & Nielsen Fresh Food Pty. Ltd.; Mr. L. A. Ada'mson; Messrs. Ford & Son;: Mr. W. F. Gates; Eev. Dr. A. Marshall. ^621—Mr. B. O. Blackwood; Dr. B. T. Zwar: Messrs.. J. M. and H. E. Coane; Dr. P. J. Bonnin; Dr. T. W. Sinclair; *Messi7s. J. Sharp & Sons; Mr. W. A. Sanderson; Mr. A. T. Andrews. .£20—Dr. L. S. Latham; Mr. D. Avery; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. a'Beckett; *Dr. K.Hiller; Dr. P. Hobill Cole;; Mr. R. W. B. Mackenzie. J£16—-»Dr. Julian Smith. .£15—Mr. G. B. Hope; Mr. J. C. Lowry; Mr. G. H- Knibbs: The Australian Portland Cement Co. Ftv- Ltd.; Dr. J. A. Leach; Mr. G. Kermode-, Mr. C R. Long. £U—Miss Elizabeth Whyte. JE10—Mr. P. Serie; Dr. and Mrs. A. O. D. Rivett; Judge C. J. Z. Woinarski; C. P. Beauchamp; Mr.. H. I. Cohen; Dr. W. Atkinson Wood; Messrs. John- Snow & Co. Pty. Ltd.; Mr. A. E. Leighton; Mr. P.. Learmonth; Dr. J. S. Greig; Messrs. P.. K. (Jox & Co. Pty. Ltd.; Messrs. Greig Bros. Pty. Ltd.; Dr. A. G. H. Colquhonn; 'General H. E. Elliott; Mr. James Alston; Miss M. G. Harlin: Mr. J. C. Hill; Mr. A. McKinstry; Mr. M. W. Dennis: General' McNicol; *Miss J. T. Flynn; Mr. G. B. Blackwood; Miss E. M. Traill; "A.M.G."; Mrs. E. Bates: Mr. B. A. Smith; Mr. F. G. Baynes; "Sheppartonian": Mr. G. V. Steele; Mr. J. M. Bridge; Mr. J. G. Burnell; Mr. W. C. Johns: Mrs. A. E. V. Eichard- son; Dr. E. H. Embly: Mr. J. S. Dethridee; Miw Lilian Ling; Mr. G. Gardiner: Messrs. Gawler fc Drummond j »Dr. F. W. Grutzner; JMr. W. G.. ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921,. 823

Langford; Mr: J. .Akeroyd;; Miss • Lewis; Univers­ itv Club House; Colac and District P. and A, Society; Dr. E. Officer. Mr.L. C. Stavelev; Mr. W. J. Toohey; Dr. V. Hurley-.Miss E.: I. .Lothian.; Dr. D. P. Greenham. J68—B.M.A." . . j67^-Mr. F. C. Martin .._.-• £6—Oororooke State School Committee. -£5—"Senex"; Mr. E. Vanderkelen; "E.S.A.C.": " A.M.N."; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Eitchie; Dr; E. EV Shuter; Messrs. Dorman, Long Sc Co.; Mr. T. Tiramins; Mr. H. W. Browne; -Dr. S. Docker Bead; . *Dr. A. A. Crooks; Monsieur F. I. Maurice Carton; Dr. L. A. I. Maxwell; Mr. A. T. Dennis; Dr. E. .J. Hartung; Councillor and Mrs. G. H. levers; Mr. H. Sumner Martin; Mr. & Mrs. E. T. M. Qarlich; Yarrawonga A. and P. Association ; Dr. J. A. Nish; Dr. A. N. McArthur; Bev. Eric Thornton; Mr. W. M. Black; Mr. C. Carre Biddell; Miss E. M. Thwaites; "K.A.L."; Mr. G. A. Gardiner; Mr; D. V. Darwin; Miss M. L. Lane; Dr. M. Crivelli; 'Mr. J. Sarvaas; "Scottish-Australian"; "P.K.C."; Mr. E. A. Croll; Mr. J. P.Baxter; *Mr. J. Dew; "Small Grazier"; Pyramid Hill State School Com­ mittee; Mr. J. T. Baxter; Miss B. Sutherland; Mr. A. Cornish. .£4—Neerim South State School Committee; • Dr. G. Cole; Mr. H. K. Stafford; Kev. F. W. Eolland. .£3—Dr. and Mrs. Charles Smith; "A.T."; Mr. O. W. Young; Dr. Lilian H. Alexander; Mr. F. Chapman; Miss J. W. Raft; 'Hon. H. P. Richardson; Mr. C. S. Barber; Mr. H. A. Jackson; Mr. H. L. Tisdall; "Mr. E. A. Hepburn; "H.C.B."; Winian" State School Committee; "H.H.T."; Moonambel State School Committee. j£2—Rev. .J. Danglow; John Holmes Mfg. Co. Pt77-. Ltd.; Porcupine Eidge State School; Mr. L. M. Henderson; Mr. A. Butchers; 'Henderson's Federal Sprint' Works Pty. Ltd.; •Mr. J. Holland; Dr. H. B. H. Elvins; Mr. T. Eeynolds; •Mr. W. J. Bateman; Mr. A. C. Elliott; Dr. C. G. Godfrey; Mr. E. V. Serie; 'Dr. Victor Conrick; Mr. T. C Adamson; Mr. I. J. Marks; Mr. L. Price; Mrs. Bobert Macdonald; Carag Carag State School Com- -mittee; Barrapoort South State School Committee; 824 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

Kornmbnrra and District Agricultural and Pastoral - Society; Leongatha Butter and Cheese Factory Co. •Ltd.; 'Nathalia Agricultural Society; Shepparton. Agricultural Society.; *Elmore District A. and P. Association. Gowar Street East State School; Mr. G. E. Wiseman; *Mr. T. Haynes Upton; Polisbet State School Committee; Mrs. L. Henderson; Mr. P. W. P Waitt; Mr. T. H. Dpton; "Mr. A. G. Sertoli •Mr. C. M. Cock ; "Dr. M. A. Schalit. jfil—Mr. G. B. King; Pascoe Vale State School; Balook: State School; Marlieu State School Committee; Mr. J. E. Kemp; Mr. W. H. Ferguson; Dr. W. J. Pen- fold; Mr. J. Roberts; Messrs. J. L. Newbigin & Co.; Melbourne Costume Mfg. Co.; Essendon Branch,. A.N. A.; Avoca 'State School Committee; #Dr. A. P. Derham; Mr. Sydney R. Cole; "Mr. T. E. Varley; Brimbonga State School Committee; "H.W.M."; Calignee State School Committee; Sea Lake A. and P. Society; Mount Waverley Fruit Growers' Association; Mr. J. Woolf; Bev. A. Mac­ donald; Bengworden State School Committee; *Mr.. J. A. Pindlay; Mr. C. M. Focken; "Well-wisher": Mr. P. H. Nioho-lls, 15s.—Mr. P. A. Empey. 10s.—Altona Beach State School Committee; " Anony­ mous "; Loch State School Committee. •Part only of amount promised. Also. w£60—Messrs. Gawler & Drummond, towards cost of Architecture building; Also the following gift: — Lathe, from the executors of the late P. A. Kernot. 31.—APPENDICES. The following appendices are attached hereto: — Appendix A.—List of Contribution's to Literature and!. Science. Appendix B.—List of Donations to the Library. Appendix C.—Statement of Accounts for the year .1920. All of which I have the honour to submit for your Excellency's consideration. I have the honour to be. Your Excellency's most obedient servant, J. H. MACFARLAND. 7th November, 1921. Chancellor- Uttiwwitjj ot pdbounu.



EDUCATION. C. E. Weatherburn, M.A., D.Sc.— "The Spectrum of Learning." The Secondary- Teacher, November, 1920.

HISTORY. Professor E. Scott— "The History of the Australian Ballot," Victorian. Historical Magazine, Vol. VIII., Nos. 1 and 2. Mr. E. Sweetman, M.A.,— " Constitutional Development of Victoria, 1851-6."' (Whitcombe and Tombs). Mr. D. Gordon Taylor, M. A .,— "The Agricultural Bank and Industries Assistance. Board." (Macmillan &. Co. Ltd.)

MATHEMATICS. C. E. Weatherbnrn, M.A.. D.Sc 1. A Treatise on Vector Analysis, Vol. 1. " Ele­ mentary Vector Analysis, pp. 184 + xxvi. (1921). G. Bell & Sons (London). 2. " Four-vector Algebra." Messenger of Mathe­ matics, Vol. 49 (1920), pp. 155-176. 3. "Four-vector Analysis.'' Ibid.. Vol. 50 (1920), pp. 49-61. 826 ANNUAL RKPORT, 1920 19il.

4. " Vector Analysis in a University Course." Mathematical Gazette, December, 1920.. 5. " On General Eelativity and Gravitation." Mel­ bourne University Magazine, October, 1920. 6. " Vector Algebra in General Eelativity." Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Vol. 19. (1921), pp. 89-104.

BOTANY. I. C. Cookson, B.Sc— Floral abnormalities in Eriostemon and Glossodia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., Vol. XXXIII., p. 32. A, J. Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.— Contributions to the Flora St Australia, No. 29. Proc. Boy. Soc. Vict.. Vol. XXXIII., p. 226.

CHEMISTRY. IProf. Qrme Masson. C.B.E., M.A., D.Sc, F.E.S.— "The Constitution of Atoms." Phil. Mag. (Lon­ don), Vol 41, p. 281. IE. A. O'Connor. B.So.^ " The Binary System Aniline—Acetic Acid." Trans. Chem. Soc. (London). Vol. 119, p. 400. E. J. Hartung, D.Sc.— " An Accurate Method for the Determination of Vapour Pressure." Trans. Faraday Soc. (Lon­ don), Vol. 15; p. 150. " Some Properties of Copper Ferrocyanide." Trans, Faraday Soc. (London), Vol. 15, p. 160.

GEOLOGY. Professor E. W. Skeats, D.Sc, F.G.S., and Mr. P. Chapman, A.L.S.— On the discovery of fossil hydroid remains of the order Calyptoblastea, in the Palaeozoic of Vic­ toria, Australia. Geol. Mag., Vol. VI., Dec. 6,. 1919, p. 550. P. L. Stillwell, D.Sc— The factors influencing gold deposition in the Ben­ digo Goldfield; Part III. Adv. Counc Sc. and Ind. Bull. 16, 1919, 36 rr-. Vein filling at Bendigo. Eeon. Oeol., Vol., XVI.,. No. 2, March, 1921, pp. 153-159. ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 827

IE: O. Teale, D.Sc, F.G.S.— The diabases and associated rocks of the Howqua River, near Mansfield, with reference to the Heathcotian problem in Victoria. Proc. B. Soc. Vic, Vol. XXXII., N.S., Pt. 1. 1919, pp. 33-66, A contribution to the Palaeozoic geology of Victoria, with special reference to the district's of Mt. Wellington and Nowa Nowa respectively. PVoc. B. Soc. Vic, Vol. XXXII., N.S., Pt. 2. 1920, pp. 67-146. H. Junner, D.Sc, M.C.— The geology and ore deposits of the Walhalla, Wood's Point auriferous belt. Proc. Aust. Inst. Min. and Met. New ser.. No. 39, 1920. pp. 127-258 The geology of the gold occurrences of Victoria, Australia. Econ. Geology, Vol. XVI., No. 2, March, 1921, pp. 79-123. A. James, B.A., M.Sc— The physiography and geology of the Bulla-Syden­ ham area. Proc. E. Soc. Vic, Vol. XXXII., N.S. Pt. 2. 1920, pp. 323-349. Factors producing columnar structure in lavas and its occurrence near Melbourne, Australia. Jour­ nal of Qeology, Vol. XXVIII., No. 5, July, Aug., 1920, pp. 458-469.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Professor T. H. Laby, M.A., Sc.D., and Dr. Kaye— (1) Physical and chemical constants. Fourth Edi­ tion Revised, 1921. Longmans, Green and Co., London. (2) Contributions to a discussion on Radiology. Journ. Rontgen Society, XVI., p. 66, April, 1920. 13. O. Hercus, M.Sc, and Professor Labv— Notes on Colloid State, the measurement of Blood Pressure, conservation of Energy in the Human Body. 1921. Ford and Son, Melbourne.

PHYSIOLOGY. .Professor W. A. Osborne. M.B., B.Ch.. D.Sc— Dispersivity and Surface Phenomena. Proc. Physiol, Soc. in J. Physiol., Vol. 64, p. Ixxix., 1921. 828 ANNUAL REPORT, 19201921.

Self Adjustment of Blood Pressure. . Proc Physiol- Soc. in J. Physiol... Vol. 54, p. c, 1921. Elementary Practical Biochemistry, Melbourne, W. Bamsay, 1920. William Sutherland. A . Biography. Melbourne,. Lothian, 1920. J. M. Lewis, D.D.So The Estimation of Acidity. Proc. Boy. Soc. Vic.,. Vol. 33, 1921.

LAW. A group of students in the Law School, under, direction- of Prof. Moore, C.M.G., B.A., LL.D.— The Legal Status of Illegitimates in the Common­ wealth of Australia: Journal of Comparative- Legislation, Jan., 1921. A second group of students in the Law School, under the- direction of Prof. Moore— The power of Compulsory Acquisition of Land in the Commonwealth of Australia: Journal of Comparative Legislation, July, 1921. Judge Zichy-Woinarski and Prof. Harrison Moore- Summary of Victorian Legislation, 1919. Journal' of Comparative Legislation, April, 1921. Professor Moore— Introduction J;o Mr. Sweetman's book, . Constitutional* Development in Victoria, 1851-1856. HlnimjJity ox gUlbowu*



LIST OF DONATIONS TO THE LIBEAEIES. Por the Year Ended 31st July, 1921. GENERAL LIBRARY. From Governments:— Australia (Commonwealth): Acts, Bills; Advisory- Council of Science and Industry. Bulletins, Beports; Parliamentary Debates and Papers; Gazette; Statis­ tical Bulletins; Beginnings of Government in Aus- . tralia; Historical Records of Australia; Series I., Vol. XIII.; Series III., Vols. I., H.; Institute of Science and Industry; Journal of Patents; Meteor­ ological Reports; N. Territory Bulletins; Papua- Territory Bulletins; Trade and Customs, Reports. Zoological Results of Fishing Experiments. Canada: Documents relating to Constitutional History, 2 vols.; Mines and Geological Survey,. (Bulletins,. Memoirs, Reports and Maps; Water Power Branch, Annual Beports, Water Resources Papers. Cey­ lon: Beport of Marine Biologist. Finland: Com­ mission G£ologique, Bulletins. Formosa: Icones. Plantarum Formosanarum. Great Britain: Agri­ culture and Fisheries, Leaflets; Geological Survey, Memoirs and Maps; Scientific and Industrial Re­ search, Bulletins, Reports. : List of General Statutory Eules and Orders; Agriculture, Annuar " Beport, Memoirs; Epigraphia Indica; Epigra-nhia Indo-Moelemioa; Geological Survey, Memloirs, •830 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

Falaenntologia Indica, and Records. Ireland: Fisheries, Scientific Iinveptiga^ions. Japan: Im­ perial Earthquake Commission. Madras: Diary of A. E. Pillai, 1736-61, Vol. VII.; Fisheries, Bulletin, Beport. Massachusetts Constitutional Convention, 1917-18; Debates III., IV.; Bulletin, 2 vols., Jour­ nal, Manual. New South Wales; Agriculture, Bulle­ tins, Gazette; Botanist, Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus, Beport of the Botanic Garden; Fish­ eries; Forest Flora; Mines, Annual Beport, Mineral Resources; Geological Maps, Memoirs and Records; Public Instruction, Annual Report, Technicol Edu­ cation Series, No. 34;' Beport of the Registrar of Friendly Societies; Statistical Register, Year Book. New Zealand: Agriculture, Beport; Lands, Beport; Mines, Geological Surveyv Report, Bulletin; Science and Arts, Beports, Journal of Science and Technology; Year-book. Queensland: Mines, An­ nual Report; Geological Survey, Publications. Sind: Gazetteer. South Australia: Chemistry, Bul­ letins; Mines, Report, Review; Geological Survey. Bulletins, Reports. Tasmania: Mines, Geological Survey, Bulletins, Records, Reports. United States: Agriculture, Experiment Station Record, Journal of Agricultural Research; Coast and Geodetic Survey, Annual Beport, Special Publica­ tions (Magnetic Observations); Commerce, Bulle­ tins and Circulars, Scientific Papers of the Bureau of Standards; Education, Beports; National Indus­ trial Conference, Research Beports. Victoria: Acts, Bills, Parliamentary Debates, Papers, Statutes; Agriculture, Journal; Country Beads Board, Annual Beport; Education, Reports: Mines, Annual Report; Geological Survey, Bulletins, Memoirs, Records and Maps; Elvers and Water Supply, Report; Year-book.

^Publications of Universities, Colleges, etc.— In addition to exchange calendars, etc Aberdeen University Review. Abo: Acta Humaniorn. Ade­ laide : Joseph Fisher Lectures in Commerce. Basel: .Dissertations. Benares: Sanskrit College. Univer- versities Bureau of the British Empire: Year-book. Calcutta Sanskrit College. California: Agricultural ANNUAL REPORT, 19201921. 831

Publications. Cambridge: University Library Be­ port. Chicago: War Papers. Columbia: University- Quarterly. Cornell: Agricultural Experiment Sta­ tion, Annual Beport, Bulletins, Memoirs, Islandica. Dalhousie: Centennial Commemoration, 1618-1918. Edinburgh: University Library, Catalogue of Printed Books, Vol. I., Boll of Honour. 1914-19. Glasgow: Geological Department, Papers, Vol. IV.; J. E. H. Thomson, The Samaritans. Grenoble: Annales. Habana: Revista. Harvard: Contribu­ tions from the .Jefferson Physical Laboratory. Illinois: Engineering Bulletins, Circulars, Military- Aeronautics School Technical Notes. Kyoto: Memoirs of the College of Engineering, and the- College of Science, Leland Standford: University- Series. Lewis Institute, Chicago: Structural Mate­ rials Research Laboratory 'Bulletins. Liverpool: Boll of Honour, 1914-18. Lund, Festskrift vid dess 250-Arsjubileum, 1918. Maine: Agricultural Bulle­ tins. Michigan: Monographs, Occasional Papers. Studies. Theses. Minnesota: Agricultural Bulle­ tins, Botanical Studies, Current Problems,. Geological Survey Bulletins, Studies in Language, Engineering, Social Science. Missouri: Bulletins,. Laws Observatory Bulletins, Studies. New York State: Secondary Education Beport. Ohio: Biologi­ cal Bulletins; Journal of Science. Pisa: Annali delle Universita Toscane. Princeton: Contribu­ tions from the Biological Laboratories, VI. Queen's University, Kingston: Queen's Quarterly. Queens­ land: Collected Papers. Vol. I., 1916-18. Sydney: Beprinte of Papers from the Science Laboratories, 1916-17 to 1919-20, B, Vols. I., II. Tartu (Dor- pat): Acta et Commentationes. Tohoku, (Japan: Mathematical. Journal, Science Beports, Tech­ nology Beports. Tokyo: Journal of the College of Agriculture, and the College of Science. Toronto: Studies. Trinity College, Dublin: Hermathena. Uruguay: Amales.

Memoirs, Transactions, etc, from the following Societier and Institutions: — Agricultural Eesenrch Institute, Fusa, India. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. America77-7- H32 ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921.

Association for International Conciliation. Ameri­ can Historical Association. Astronomical Society of South Australia. Australasian Institute of Min­ ing and Metallurgy. Australasian Antarctic Expe­ dition, 1911-14. Australian Museum, Sydney. Bankipore Oriental Public Library. Biological Club, Ohio University. Birmingham Natural His­ tory and Philosophical Society. Cambridge Philo­ sophical Society. Oape of Good Hope Observatory. Carlsberg Laboratory, Denmark: Comptes Bendus. •Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. . Car­ negie Foundation for the Advancement of' Teach­ ing. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Carnegie - Trust for. the Universities of Scotland. Classical Association of Victoria. Electrical Association of Australia. Eugenics Becord Office, Long Island. Faraday Society. Field Museum of Natural His­ tory, Chicago. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. -Greenwick Observatory. Hawaiian Volcano Obser­ vatory. Historical Society of • Victoria. Imperial Academy of Japan. Institute of International Edu­ cation: Bulletins. Institution of Civil Engineers, "London. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Lon­ don. Instituto Geologico, Mexico. Instituto Oswaldo -Cruz, Bio Janeiro. International Institute of Agri­ culture, Eome, John Crerar Library, Chicago: An­ nual Beport. Library of Congress, U.S.A. Linnean Society of New South Wales. Madras Oriental MSS. Library. Manchester Steam Users' Association. Melbourne Observatory: Victorian Meteorological •Statistics, 1856-1907. ' Michigan Academy _ of Science. Michigan Schoolmasters' Club. Missouri Botanical Gardens: Annals, Reprints. Musee d' Histoire Naturelle de Marseille: AJnnales. Museum voor land- en Volkenkunde en Maritiem Museum '" Prins Hendrik," Rotterdam. National Academv of Sciences of tl.S.A., Washington. National Physical Laboratory, London. Nela Research Labo­ ratory: Abstract Bulletin, Vol. I,. No. 2. N. Zea­ land Institute. N. Zealand Dominion Laboratory. Tnblic Library of N. S. Wales Catalogues 1869-1910, 7 vols. Public Library of South Australia. Queens, land Museum. Rothamsted Experimental Station. Hoyal Colonial Institute, " United Empire." 'Boyal ANNUAL REPORT, 1920-1921. 833

Australian Historical Society. Boyal Dublin Society. Boyal Oeographical Society of Australia, South Australian Branch. Boyal Institution of Great Bri­ tain. Boyal Irish Academy. Eoyal Societies of •Canada, Edinburgh, London, -New South Wales, Queensland, South Africa, South Australia, Tas­ mania, Victoria, West Australia; • Eoyal Victorian Institute of Architects. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. Smithsonian Institution. U.S. National Museum and National Herbarium. Tokyo Zoological Society: Annotationes Zoologicae Japon-

IProm" the British Museum (N.H.): — British Antarctic Expedition, 1910; Natural History Beport; Zoology, IT. (9, 10), TV. (3). Catalogue of. Lepidoptera Phalaenae, Supplement II., : Text and. Plates, Flora of Jamaica, Vol. TV. Summary Guide to Exhibition Gallery. Prom, Authors and Editors: — Atkinson, • Prof. Meredith: Australia, The New Social Order, Three Lectures on Industrial Democ­ racy. Balch, E. S., and E. M.: Arts of the World. Balcli, T. W. : " Arbitration," as a term in International Law. Berry, Prof. E. J. A., and Porteua, S. D.: Intelligence and Social Valuation. Bertrand, C. 'E.: 13 Botanical Pamphlets. Ber- trand.P.: 4 Botanical Pamphlets. Brandstetter, E.: Architektonische Sprachverwandschaft in alien Erd- teilen. Budge, Sir E. W.: Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary. Downing, W. H.: To the Last Ridge. Hamilton-Grey, Mrs.: Our Son of the. Woods, H. O. KendalL Harward, J.:. Shakespeare's Excur­ sions into Philosophy. Higgins, Mr. Justice H. B.: New Province of I*aw and Order, No. 3. Hender­ son, J.: Reprints from N. Zealand J.- of Scienfy. aud .Technology, Vol. III. * Lodewyckx, Dr. A.: Katanga en Znid Afrika, La Langue des . Boers. Lucas, W.: Life and Letters.of ;Norman Carey Lucas. Montijn. A. M.: M.: Principles of- Interna- . tional Law. Morgan,. P. G.: Reprints from N. Zealand J. of Science - and- Technology, Vol. III. O'Connor. V. C. S;: An Eastern Library." Osborne, 834 ANNUAL REPOKT,. 1920-1921.

Prof. W. A.: William Sutherland, a Biography. Parker, P. a M.: The Control of Water. Peserico. Luigi: 3 Fanrphlete. Sweetman, E.: ConstitutionaE Development of Victoria. 1851-6. Thum, W.: Com­ ing Land Policy. Van der Leauw, H. J.: Restric­ tions of the 111 Results of the War. Waddel. Miss W., and Kcken, D. K.: First Trigonometry. Weatherburn, C. E.: Elementary Vector Analysis. From Publishers: — Edward Arnold: Atkins and Hut ton. Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages; Bryant, Moral and Re­ ligious Education: Murray and Smith, Child Under Eight; Nunn, Education, Its Data and First Prin­ ciples. Bankers Trust Co.: Fisk, Dominion of Canada; English Public Finance since the Revolu­ tion of 1688. Doubleday, Page: Inter-America- 7 Spanish and English Editions. Industrial Australian and Mining Standard; Power for Victorian Indus­ tries. Longmans, Green: Ault, Life in Ancient Britain; Higham, History of the British' Empire.. Lothian: Barrett, Diary of an Australian Soldier: Buchanan, Elements of Animal Morphology; • Osborne. William Sutherland, a Biography. Mac­ millan : Henley, Lyra Heroica; Sutcliff, History of Trade Unionism in Australia; Taylor, Agricultural. .Bank. Michelin: Illustrated Guides to the Battle - Fields, 1914-18, 7. vols. Eevue de I'Hidtoiie des; Eeligions, Tomes 81 and 82. Tait Publishing Co. :r Chemical Engineering and Mining Review, Vol.. xii. Miscellaneous: — Allen. H. W.: British School at Athens, Annual' XIII.. XXV.; World Association for Adult Educa­ tion, Bulletin V. Atkinson, Prof. M.: Industrial' J. of Hygiene% Vol. 1. Carbonnel. Emile " Scrape " (Letters,' Cuttings, etc.) about the case of Governor Win. Sultzer; Thomas, The Boss or the- Governor; Rogers, New Theories of Great Physical' Forces. Carnegie Endowment for International 7 Peace: Panchelle, La Guerre de 1914, 6 vols.; Mer.- lant„ Soldiers and Sailors of in tUfe American: War of Independence. Chisholm, A.- E.: Faguet,. ANNUAL REPORT,. 1920-1921. 835

Petite Histoire de la Litterature Francaise. Coatee, M. C.: Stanwerke A.-G., Zurich, Selbstatige Stau- und Abfluszregulierungen. Coolidge, Mrs. T. J., Jun: Kimball, Thomas Jefferson, Architect,. Ewart, Prof. A.: Hayward and Druoe, Flora of Tweedside. Prance (Government): Bibliographic Soientifiquo Francaise XVI. Geological Society of London: Beport on British Petrographio Nomenclature. General Electric Co. of U.S.A.: Arnold v. Lang- mnir. Gibbon Baulk Co.: Associated British Machine Tool Makers, 2 vols. Gladish, P.: Ware, Peep intd a Chinaman's Library; Miall, 30 Years- of Teaching; Brownrigg, Classical Compendium. Glasgow University: Weir, Variants in the Gospel Eeporte. India (Government): Handbook of Com­ mercial Intelligence. Institut de Sociologie Sol- way; Barnich, Essai de Politique Positive. Ker­ not, W., N.; Geographical Journal, vols, 1-31; In­ stitute of Civil Engineers, Proceedings, Vols. 140 and 149; Eoyal Geographical Society,' Proceedings, Vols. 12-14; Boyal Society of Victoria, Proceedings, Vols. 9-22 and 24, New Series, Vols. 1-12; Transac­ tions. Vols. 5-7; Santos-Dumont, My Airships- Kerry, W.: Aeschylos, Werke, von Hartung, Band II.; Aeschyli Fabulae, von Wecklein, Teil, 1. Kris-- tiana University: Jens Nilseon, Predikener. Liege University: Banqne National de Belgiqne, Bap^ port au Boi, 1914-18; Dabin, Le Fouvoir d' Appre­ ciation dn Jury, La Theorie de la Cause; Vroonen, De la PoKbe Extraterriitoriale de Jugemente strangers. - Lodewyckx, Dr. A.: van der Meulin, Platen-Atlas, 3rd Ed.. Moore, Prof. W. H.: Britain, Manual of Emergency Legislation and Supplements _ 2-4, in consequence of the War. Oersted Commit-^ ' tee: Discovery of Electromagnetiem in -1820, by H. . C. Oersted. Oliver, C. K.: Institute of Civil Engineers, Proceedings, Vols.. 55, 67-89, 91-204- Oregon University: Douglas, Derivation and Stan­ dardization of Teste for Piret Tear Algebra. New York Botanical Garden: Bulletin. Vol. XI., No. 24. Pan-Pacific Union: First P.P. Science Con­ gress, Poynting Memorial Fund: Collected Scien­ tific Papers of J. H. Poynting. Eoyal Geographical Society of Australasia, Victoria Branch: 92 vols. .65 836 ANNUAL. REPORT, 1020-1921.

St. Andrew's University: Thomson, System of Ani­ mal Nature, 2 vols. Scott, Prof. E.: Gaffar, Aid to Indian History; Hazen, Modern European His­ tory. Smith, Mrs.: Smith, H. F., Martial, the Epigrammatist. Strong, Associate Prof. A.: Shakespeare, Henry V., ed. by W. A. Wright. Sweet, Associate Prof. Q.: 63 volumes and pamph­ lets.

MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY. (i).—Journals. Acta Medica Scandinavica; Albany Medical Annals; Anaies de la Facultad re Medicina, Univ. de Monte- Video; Archivio Italiano Di Fsicologia, Vol. I.; Aus­ tralasian Journal of Pharmacy; Birmingham Medical Review; Bookseller, British Medical Journal (presented by Sir Harry Allen); College of Medicine, Kyoto; Dublin Journal of Medical Science; Evans' Journal; -Imperial Cancer Research Fund; Indian Journal of Med. Research; International Journal of Public Health: Lancet (presented by Sir Harry AQlen); Medical Journal of Australia; Repertoire de Pharmacie; St. Bartholo­ mew Hospt. Journal; Speculum; Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine; Univ. of-Tokyo; Mitteilungen a,d. Medizi: Fak de Kaiser, Univ. Imp. in Kioto; Univ. Kyushu, Mitteilungen a.d. Med.; Univ. zu Sends!: Arbeiten audem Anatomischer.

(#)—Transactions and Proeeedinqs. American Asso. of Gemto-Urinary Surgeons; American Asso. of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; American Dermatological .Association; American Laryngological Association; American Laryn. Rhino and Otolo. Society: American Sucgical Association; Aaericaa Uroto-gical Association; -Association of American Physicians; Cfckaeo Pathological Society.; College of. Physicians of Phiiad-i-aphia; Inst, ot Chem., G.B. and X: Philadel­ phia Academy ,of SuMjery, VoJ. XXI.; J?»oceedings Ray. Soc. ot Edinburgh and of Victoria {-presented bv PtoifissdT Baity); Boyal Acad, of Bed. in Ireland. ANNUAL BEPORT, 1920-1921. 837

(S).—Reports. •"Assam Dispensaries, Jail • and Sanitary;' Bengal, Sanitation and Vaccination; Bihar and Arissa; Burma —Hospt. and Dispensaries; Lunatic Asylums; Sanitary Administration; Carnegie Inst, of Washington, 1917-18- 19-20; Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, on the Physical Welfare of Mothers and Children; Coll. of Phys. of Phil.; Commissioners in Lunacy, Eng. and.Wales; Com­ missioners ih.Lunacy, Ireland- Commissioners in Lunacy, Scotland; Commonwealth of Aust., Quarantine Service, No. 19; East Africa Protectorate, Bact. Laby, 1919; Food Investigation Board, 1919; Imperial Cancer Re­ search, . 1920; King Edward VTI. Sanitorium; Massa­ chusetts Gen. Hospt.; N.S.W. Lunacy Dept.; New York:'Orthopaedic Hospital; Rockefeller Foundation, 1919; Shantung Christian Univ., 1920; S.A. Pub. Liby. and Art Gallery, 1920; Surgeon-General U.S. Army, 1920; /Surgeon-General U.S. Navy, 1920; United Fruit Comp., America. 1920; University. College Hospital, 1920; West Anst. Govt.: Women's Hospt.,. N.Y., 1920.

U).—Vital Statistics. A.B.C. of Queensland; Commonwealth of Australia—

' . {S).r^Buiet%ns. Bollettino Sanitario Anno; United States Naval Medical; United States Public Health Service: Univer­ sity De Montevideo; Universitv of Toronto.

(6).—Calendars, Catalogues and. Beqisters. Harvard Univ.; Inst, of Cham., G.B. and I.; Johns Hopkins: McGill University, 1920-21; Medical Eegister

1920. RECEIPTS. 10J0. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dee. 31. o To Balance £2,818 6 6 By Salaries .. £64,019 14 8 r-l Deo. 81. . House Allowance 100 0 0 To Government Grants . 29,800 0 0 Exhibitions and Scholarships .. 1,686 0 0 Fees— Examiners' Fees 8,666 0 8 Lectures .. £86,207 17 0 Examination Expenses 2,661 2 6 Degrees .. .. 2,462 8 S Examination Papers 212 1 2 Certificates -.1,116 8 0 Books 1,888 1 6 Public Exams 11,829 18 11 Apparatus 6,668 6 I Annual Exams. .. 2,868 10 7 Dissections 694 6 8 64,476 3 8 Furniture ..' 674 19 1 Other Receipts- Cleaning and Incidentals 1,841 6 6 Sale ot Calendars Gas and Electric Light 462 8 9 and Exam. Papers 218 10 7 Water and Sanitary 232 8 1 Interest .. ..2,161 8 6 Wood and Coal 49 11 8 s Trust Fands(Admln- Grounds 266 8 S , ' Utratlon) EO 10 1 Printing—including Calendar .. 892 6 H eo - Sundries .. .. 162 1 10 Stationery .. 1,238 11 8 2,668 0 0 Stamps—Postage and Duty •• 690 18 9 Transfers Irom Departments for 116 8 11 Administration, etc.— CommencemenAdvertising t 89 9 0 Music. Examina­ Insurances .. . 178 16 8 tion Board .. £100 0 0 , Repairs 841 6 8 Conservatorium - N*v Buildings 8,462 10 I of Music .. 101 0 0 Special Votes .. 6 0 0 Veterinary Transfer to General Investment 7,366 0 0 Department .. 16S 0 0 . Balance ...... 2,160 9 1 Bacteriology- ' Department .. 60 0 0 . 416 0 0 £89,672 10 1 £89,672 10 1 £89,672 10 1 CONSBBVATOBWU OF MUSIC—STATEMENT of BBCBIPT8 and EXPENDITURE for the v»or. 1920.

1920. RECEIPTS. 1020. EXPENDITURE. Deo. SL Jan. 1. To Fees— By Balonce £881 0 11 Lectures £3,820 6 0 Dec. 31. Entrance Exhlbs. 7 16.16 By Salaries- £3,837 1 Teaching Stall , £3,108 4 6 Hire ot Music .. t 6 Secretarial 308 6 8 Hire ot Melba Rail 46 12 -£3,416 11 £3,887 19 6 Administration Charge*, etc. .. 101 0 Concerts 98 4 4 Exhibitions and Bursaries 76 4 Balance 782 14 11 Music, Instruments, Hire, Tuning, and Repairs.. oo Gas and Electric Light.. 17 Stationery, Postages and Printing 68 16 e Advertising 26 0 Telephone 26 6 insurances 8 2 Incidentals 29 18 Interest 19 18 Repairs, Furniture, eto. 2 0 3,804 17 10 Repayment Loon on Melha Hall 83 0 0

£4,768 18 9 £4,768 18 9 MUSIC BXAMINATION BOARD—STATEMENT of BKCBIPTS and EXPENDITVBE for the year, 1920.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1920. 1920. Jan. 1. Deo. 81. To Balance £886 3 4 By Scholarships £288 16 0 Dec. 81. Administration Charges 100 0 0 To Fees £2,292 18 11 Secretarial—Organising 363 6 8 Interest "-•.. 86 0 0 Organising Expenses . 69 1 8 Royalties and Sales Exam. Papers 187 16 6 Examiners' Fees and Travelling Expenses 822 11 11 2,616 9 4 Examination Expenses 76 12 8 Printing 281 16 0 Postages 82 19 11 Advertising .. 4 10 Preparing Syllabus 84 0 0 Balance 7 10 s

£3,400 12 8 £3,400 13 8


1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Deo. 31. To Balance .'. £1,840 0 0 7 By Balance £1,840 0 0 £1,840 0 0 £1,810 0 VETERINARY FUND—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year. 1M0.

1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Deo. 31. Jon. 1. To Government Grant £4,200 0 By Balance £401 14 2 Hospital Fees 828 17 Dec. 81. Lecture Fees 166 6 By Salaries 8,474 18 11 Interest 80 0 Administration, etc. .. 166 0 0 Balance 869 8 Apparatus, Materials, eto. 1.318 8 7 Special Research 200 16 9

£6,619 12 6 £6,619 12 *


1920. 1920. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £1,990 0 0 By Balance £1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0 BACTERIOLOGICAL FUND—STATEMENT of BBCBtPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 19t0.

1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jan. I. Dec. 81. To Balance £1,002 8 5 By Salaries £3,036 7 11 Deo. 81. Less charged to General A/o, 600 0 0 To Department ot Health £2,166 IS £2,686 7 11 M. & H. Board ol Works 191 8 Administration 60 0 0 Melbourne City Council 60 0 Apparatus, Materials, eto. 881 6 1 Specimens, Examinations of 878 0 Balance 7» II 0 Wassennan Teste, etc. 148 0 Interest ISO 0 8,068 16 7 £4.161 6 0 £4,161 6 0


1020. 1920. Jan. L Dec. 81. To Balance £2,090 0 0 By Balance £2,990 O 0 £2,900 o' 0 £2,990 0 0 TUTORIAL CLASSES FUND—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for tho year 1920.

1820. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 81. Jan. 1. To Government Grant .. £1,376 0 0 By Balance £71 IS 6 Sale of Books 11 1 2 Deo. 81. Balance 316 15 1 By Salaries 1,006 0 0 Workers' Educational Association 800 0 0 Lecturers' Fees .. 284 0 0 Stationery, Postages and Sundries 17 14 9 Printing 21 19 1

£1,701 16 8 £1,701 16 8 I


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1320 1920. Jon. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £310 3 7 By Cash £6,286 16 4 Dec. 31. Balance 662 4 1 To Cash 6,628 16 10


1020. RECEIPTS. 1930. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £121 3 5 By Salaries ... £640 12 6 Dec. 31. Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees .. 1,386 0 3 To Fees 2,390 19 2 Walter and Eliza Hall Institute 600 0 0 Balance 88 0 10 £2,612 2 7 £2.612 2 7


1920. RECEIPTS. 1020. EXPENDITURE. Jan.1. Dec 31. To Balance £317 ID 2 By Apparatus £190 16 6 Balance 126 13 8 £317 10 2 £317 10 2


1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Deo. 31. Te Balance £125 0 0 By Balance £126 0 0 £126 0 0 £126 0 0 ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL CLINICAL FSXS ACCOUNT—SIATBMENT of BBcBtPtS and BXPBNMTVBt for the year, 1920.

1020. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £26 14 8 By Salaries £125 0 0 Dec. 81. Tutor777' and Lecturers' Pees 293 19 1 To Fees £412 IS 0 Balance 20 8 7 £439 7 8 £439 7 8


1920. RECEIPTS. 1020. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Deo. 81. To Balance £128 16 1 By Apparatus £6 17 6 Balance 116 IS 7 £123 16 1 £128 16 1


1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £20 17 11 By Balance £20 17 11 £20 17 11 £20 17 11 ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL ENTBANCE FEES ACCOUNT—STATEMENT ot BBCBIPTS and BXPSNDITVBB for the year, 1920.

1980. RECEIPTS. 1020. EXPENDITURE. Jon. 1. Dec. 31. 7 To Balance £138 10 0 By St. Vincent's Hospital £136 10 0 DeeSL . Balance 136 10 0 To Entrance Fees 136 10 0 £278 0 0 £278 0 0 S ALFBED HOSPITAL CLINICAL FSBS ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of BBCBIPTS and BXPSNDITVBB .for the year, 1920.

RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. una Dec. 81. Jan-L £16 0 0 By Transfer to Apparatus Account £6 0 0 To Balance Salaries 60 0 0 Dee. 31. Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees To Fees .. £437 17 0 399 3 0 I £464 3 0 £464 3 0 ALFRED HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEES APPARATUS ACCOUNT.-SIATBMBNT of RECEIPTS and BXPBNDITUBB for ths year. 1920.

1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jin.1. Dec. 81. ._ To Balance £01 10 7 By Apparatus £17 16 0 tr«c,Bi. Balance .. 78 14 7 TO Transfer from Clinical Fees Account 6 0 0 £96 10 7 £98 10 7


1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Deo.. 31. Dec. 31. To Balance £1 16 0 By Amount paid to Recreation Grounds Committee . Students' Fees 1601 9 6 for Maintenance ot Recreation Ground Buildings and Sports Clubs ..£1618 8 0 Amount paid Students' Representative Council .. 40 0 0 Balance 44 17 6

£1608 5 6 £1603 6 6 6LUB HOUSE FEES—STATEMENT OI RECEIPTS and EXPENDITVBE for ths year. 1920. 1980. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jon, 1. Dec. 31. TO Malanoe £12 13 0 By Amount paid to Chili House Committee £1600 0 0 Dec, 81. Balance 100 7 4 To Students' Fees 1687 16 4 £1600 7 4 £1600 7 4


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1920. Jah. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £85 7 8 By Apparatus, etc. £60 0 0 Balance 36 7 8

£86 7 8 £86 7 g


1920, RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE Jon. I Deo. 81. to Balance £63 1 2 By Salaries £260 0 0 Deo. 81. Apparatus, etc. 82 11 11 To Cash 237 10 0 Balance 7 19 3 £290 11 2 £290 11 2 ARCHITECTURAL ATELIER ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and BXPENDlTURB/or the year, 1080.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 192a 1920. Deo. 81. Jan. I. To Fees £47 6 0 By Balance £3 16 6 Balance 11 19 7 Dec. 81. Amount paid to Director 21 0 0 Interest 82 4 S Sundries 2 4 11 £69 4 7 £69 4 7


ism, RECEIPTS. 1920 EXPENDITURE. Deo. 81. Deo. 81. To Balance £644 6 0 By Balance £644 6 0 £644 b 0 £644 6 0


1920. RECEIPTS. 1920. EXPENDITURE. Jan. i. Dec 31. To Balance £23,778 16 0 By Repayment Mortgage £1600 0 0 .. Transfer from General Account 8,866 0 0 Balance 81,188 16 0 £88,638 16 0 £82,688 16 0 UNIVERSITY' FUNDS—STATEMENT of BALANCES at Slst December, 1920

Deo. 81,1980. Fund. Dr. Balance, Cr. Balance Summary of Investments, etc General Account £2160 9 1 Debentures at Face Value- Conservatorium ot Musla Account '.. £782 14 11 City ot Melbourne Debentures *"£200 0 0 ' Music Exaniination Board Account 1,289 7 10 Government Securities, etc., at cast— .„ „ Investment Account .. 1,840 V 0 £1240 Western Australian Government., Veterinary Fund Account.. .'.' 869 8 6 Stock .. -. 1,202 16 0 „ „ Investment Account 1,990 0 0 £2260 Geelong Waterworks and Sewerage Bacteriological Fund Account 738 11 0 Trust Debentures 2,165 0 0 ,, ,, Investment Account.. 2,990 0 0 £17,385 Victorian Government Stock .. 16,646 0 0 Tutorial'Classes Kund .. 316 is 1 £9000 Victorian Government Debentures 8866 0 0 Suspense Account 662 4 1 £4000 Savings Bank Credit Fonder De- Melbourne Hospital Clinical Fees Account 86 9 10 lienture Stock 8,980 0 0 ,, ,, •> „ Apparatus Account 126 18 8 Mortgages 5,000 0 0 „ ,, ,, „ Contingent Account 125 0 0 Bank Current Account—General 2,736 13 7 St Vincent's Hospital Clinical Fees Account 20 8 7 „ „ „ Management -.. 278 0 8 „ ,-, ,, „ Apparatus Account 116 18 7 „ „ ,, „ Contingent Account 20 17 11 ,, ,, ' Entrance Fees Account 136 10 0 Alfred Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account 78 14 7 Sports Fees Account 44 17 6 , Club House Fees Account 100 7 4 Special Research Grant Account 36 7 8 Walter and Eltsa Hall Fellowship 7 19 3 Architectural Atelier 11 is 7 ,. „ Building .. 644 6 0 General Investment Account 31,188 16 0 Total of. Credit Balances .. £43,684 12 11 . Less Total ot Debit Balances £2,614 3 1 2,614 3 1 £40,970 9 10 £40,070 9 10 S • TRUST FUNDS (INCLUDING APPEAL FUND)-STATEMENT of BALANCES at Slst Dtecmbrr, 1020.

Dec. 81, 1920. Fund. Investments. Rant Cr. Rant Dr. Total. Summary of Investment!:, etc. . Anthropological . £620 0 0 £12 16 6 £632 16 6 Dec. 31, 1920. Appeal Fund 11,890 0 0 4439 0 0 16,780 0 0 Bank Deposits, etc. .. £696 0 0 Argus 2,162 6 0 42 14 2 2,104 19 2 Government Securities, etc., Armitage 600 0 0 4 6 II 604 6 11 at face value— Bant Memorial 1,060 0 0 8 10 2 1,058 19 2 City of Melb. Debs. 8,600 0 0 613 14 6 7 7 0 621 1 M.&M. B. of W. Debs. 80,880 0 0 Barry .. 26 0 7 16 8 32 16 Vict Gov. Stock 69,801 0 0 B*aney—Pathology 2,632 6 43 9 8 2,676 14 Government Securities, etc., ••_. Suigety .. 2,208 0- 3 9 8 2,209 9 at cost— Bio-Chemistry Apparatus 890 10 46 16 9 437 6 £14,100 Conimoniyealth Block 2,08910 74 8 2 2,163 18 Insc. Stock 14,016 0 0 Botany Apparatus.. ,. 40 0 8 2 0 48 2 £8,090 Commonwealth Bbveli 136 0 7 2 142 8 Debentures 8,090 0 0 Cancer Research .Fund 166 8 166 4 £6,090 W. Aust. Gov. Chamb. of Commerce 1,812 10 7 8 1,819 14 Insc. Stock 6,080 14 4 Clinical Research Fund 1,218 10 27 19 0 1,246 9 £29,792 Vict. Gov. Stock 28,774 16 9 Cuming., .. 1,175 0 40 16 11 1,216 16 II £11,100 Vict. Gov. Delis. 10,010 Danks Industrial Sohol. 10 0 10 0 £13,860 M. &. M. B. of W. 0 0 Dixson .. 16,449 IB 26 6 3 16,423 9 9 Insc. Stock .. 16,823 Dublin 305 0 22 14 10 327 14 10 £7,400 M.fcM. B.of W. 15 0 Dwight 6,611 14 84 8 3 6,546 8 0 Debs. 6,110 Fillton 1.076 0 6 4 2 1,080 4 2 £18,000 City of -Melbourne 10 0 Ofimwade 1,896 10 48 1 10 1,439 11 10 6}? Debs. .. 18,000 Batbiton-Hlglnbothaui 2,646 0 76 14 II 2,721 14 11 £3,250 Geelong Water­ 0 0 Publication Fund 260 0 181 2 3 381 2 3 works and Sewerage Harrington 60 0 7 9 8 67 9 Trust Stock .. 3,233 8 9 Hastie. 87.294 9 18,032 16 0 19,261 14 £250 Geelong Water­ Higgins 1,266 0 20 2 7 1,286 2 works and Sewerage Howitt 4,088 10 20 7 6 4,013 2 Trust Debs. 240 0 0 Jamieson . 160 0 10 2 I 170 2 £1,000 Savings Bank Kay—Botany 3,477 10 4 19 7 3,482 9 Credit Fonder Stock 996 0 0 „ Veterinary 3,370 0 68 IS 10 3,428 13 111 £100 Savings Bank Deb. 86 0 0 Kernot 4,166 0 89 7 2 4,204 7 2 £100 Shire ot Coburg Deb. 100 0 0 Lansell 1,407 10 17 18 11 1,616 8 11 £500 City ol Sth. Mel­ Laurie Memorial 194 16 6 22 1 0 216 16 6 bourne Debs. 467 10 0 Leggatt .. 1,177 10 0 60 17 10 1,288 7 10 Commonwealth War Levi Memorial 1,060 0 0 4 18 2 1,064 18 2 Gratuities 859 19 6 MacBain .. 1,170 0 0 60 18 7 1,230 18 7 Mortgages .. .. 8,671 10 2 Carried forward .£114,402 9 6 6649 18 6 18079 8 6 101,872 14 6 Carried forward £216,634 8 2 trust Funds—Statement of Balances (Continued). Fund Investments Bank Cr. Ron* Dr. Total. Summary of Investments, Ac. Brought forward .. £114.403 0 6 S649 II 6 18070 8 6 101,872 14 6 Brought forward £216.634 8 2 Madden .. 761 0 0 86 18 0 796 18 0 Properties 50 0 0 Mathison Memorial 866 0 0 16 1 9 281 1 8 Properties in Possession 717 7 7 Melvin Memorial .. 1,062-10 0 8 18 11 1,063 11 1 Loans to Conservatorium Mollison •• 6,484 10 0 61 6 7 6,546 16 7 Students 12 9 9 Morris Memorial .. 115 0 0 16 1 4 181 I 4 £217,314 0 6 Morrison 876 0 0 15 18 10 390 18 10 Cash— Netherlands Ch. Com. 40 0 0 0 10 1 40 10 1 Dr. Ormond Chair 20,890 18 0 89 12 10 20,980 11 7 Hastie o/c .. £18,032 16 0 Ormond Scholarship 6,982 10 u 66 17 9 6,998 7 9 Cr. Payne 510 0 0 S&« 8 1 645 8 1 Trust a/c £3,021 7 9 No.l Rest Heme Bursary 807 7 2 S07 7 2 Appeal a/c 4,489 0 0 Shakespeare 1,408 0 0 1 13 4 1,499 18 4 Mollison a/c 61 6 7 Special Prixes 70 IS 6 70 IS 6 Sav. Bk. a/c Stawell .. .. 1,627 10 0 40 18 0 1.668 8 0 No. 2 66 8 7 Spencer Prise 800 I 9 800 1 0 Sav. Bk. a/c Stewart .. 80,439 0 0 66 6 4 30,506 6 4 No 3 03 14 8 Suspense 249 9 0 249 9 0 7,681 17 7 10,350 18 8 Sutherland (Alex.).. 107 0 0 3 6 1 110 6 1 Wm-Sotherland Memor'l 60 0 H 7 16 3 67 14 3 Srme 3,260 10 0 861 19 8 3,612 9 3 VfoSsilon ft Soldiers Ass. 080 0 0 7 6 10 987 6 10 Wilson (Professor) 166 0 0 0 16 176 1 6 Wilson (B. O.) 2,28! 10 0 87 18 0 2,320 8 0 Wright ' .. 1,318 0 0 40 18 2 1,358 13 2 Wrixon 820 0 0 ' 31 4 8 851 4 2 Wyselaskie-Classlos 1,846 0 0 46 0 2 1,891 0 8 „ Eng. Con. History 2,247 10 0 78 10 2 2,821 0 2 „ Moths. 2,242 10 0 74 2 1 2,316 18 I „ Mod. Languages 2,024 0 0 67 2 6 2,081 2 5 „ Not Sci. .. 2.282 10 0 41 12 9 2,824 2 9 „ Pol. Boon. .. 2,064 10 0 6 3 0 2,070 18 0 £206,968 8 3 £7,760 17 3 £18,088 7 6 £196,625 18 1 Professors' Retiring o/c 10,348 8 6 89 16 7 10,268 6 11 Cons. Students' Loan a/c 12 0 0 66 8 7 78 18 4

Total £817,814 0 0 £7,827 6 10 £18,178 4 0 £206,963 2 4 Total '.. £206,983 2 4 TRUST FUNDS—SUMMARISED STATEMENT of BBCBIPTS and BXPBNDIXVBB for the year. 1980.

,1920. RECEIPTS. 1980. EXPENDITURE. Deo. 81. Jan. 1. To Bequests and Gifts and other additions to Trust By Balance .. £4,996 4 10 Funds £7,764 18 11 Dec. 31. oe Soles or Transfers ot Investments 23,607 2 II By Purchases or Transfers of Investments .. 88,811 18 0 SJ - Interest 7,882 18 2 Scholanhlps, Prises and other payments in terms Balance 10,350 18 2 ol Trust .. 6,608 8 6 Incidental Expenses 88 11 10

£49,495 18 2 £49,496 18 8 SUMMARY OP UNIVERSITY BECBIPXS from all sturees for the Year, 1980.

Government Grants £37,641 13 4 Lecture Fees 40,881 16 8 Annual Examination, Degree, and Certificate Fees 6,464 2 6 •Interest—On Funds available tor Qeneral Purposes .. £2,446 8 6 On Trust Funds, tor Scholarships and other spedfied purposes 7,882 18 8 10,329 6 8 Public Examinations Fees 11,829 18 11 Public Examinations in Music Fees 2,892.18 11 Sundries 1,987 11 0 Sports Fees ' .. 1,601 0 6 Club House Fees 1,687 16 4 Clinical Fees In Trust tor Hospitals 3,377 10 2 00 £117,884 5 7 Ol ' Bequests, .Gifts, and other additions to Trust Funds, including amounts set aside by the Univenity tor Retiring Funds 7,764 18 11 £124,888 4 6 Amounts paid to Appeal Fund in form of Stocks and Bonds 11,290 0 0 £186,270 4 6

•The interest oh the Hastie Fund Is included in tbe interest on funds available tar general purposes. Audited and found correct, 30/9/31 J. A. NORRIS, Auditor-General 856 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921. HONOUR LISTS. 19*20 TO 1921. SCHOOL LEAVING EXAMINATION. DECEMBER, 1920.

CLASS LISTS. ENOLISH. First' Class. (In order of merit.) Mervyn Henry Bowzer Robinson Sidney Henry Heymaneon Oeorge Oswald Reid Otodye Olive CoMbere \ E , Isabel Mary Mitchell > "i1"" David Sebastian Bernard Barry "> p.-.i Julia Mary McCormaok j **P"r Bertram Charles Ballard ~\ William Keith Gibson f E uaj Alexia Blown Richardson C -. Mary Heywood Shaw ) John Demetrius Morris 1 „ . Enid Madge Huttley •. ^l"*1 Helen Walker Sinclair Martin ") Joseph Francis Mulvany C Equal Austin Harvard Smith •) - Second Class. (In order of merit.) John Frederick Foster -\ John Horwood Wightman Lawson / _, , Baiold Herbert Leo Mootofiore p™ John Adrian Redmond } Alexander Doncan Qrant Adam AUoe Margaret Allan Robert Allan Baird Kathleen Muriel Chomley VEqnal Sarah Ethel Cnrrell Margaret Morton Loudon Edna Swallow Wood SCHOOL LEAVING. 857

John Xavier O'Driscoll ~\ George Whitecross Paton f «„,„, . Mary Alice Williams C •bqual Annie Muriel Wiohart J John Raymond Brew Henry Peter Richard Morganti Dermott Hubert O'Donoghue J-Eqiml' George Francis Taylor Vernon Howard Tomholt Eric James Davies ) „ . Bruce Bouoaut Morris ) tjSiua'1 Robert William Cooper Graham George Godfrey Jean Margaret Randall [• Equal Jean Lloyd Stevenson Marie Threlfall Kathleen Brosnan Jean Leila Heyward George Andrew Mason Henry Anthony Phillips V.Equal Doris Maude Shotton Florence Eileen Toyne Irving Hall Wishart Joan Mary Finlason \ Flora Fraser Rae ( _ Margarita Charlotte Rothstadt ( M™ Alan Ellidge Tweddell ) Third Glass. (In Alphabetical order.) James Burt Aitken Doris Anderson Mabel Hilda Anderson Phyllis Gersham Ash worth Muriel Agnes Avery Henry Kemple Byron Bailey Ida Joan Bainbndge Lionel John Bakewell Eleanor Barry Claire Elizabeth Bayly Hilda Agnes Beeby Marjorie de Frevne Bishop Frank Thomas Borland John Strahan Bothroyd 868 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19201921.

Thomas Bobert Bown Thelma Jessie Boyd Robert Tweeddale Breen Claire Brennaa Beryl Briggs Japies Stanhope Brown Afllan Graham Burnet Enid May Cameron Prances Fleetwood Cameron Hercules Charles Sydney Cars Florence Cederholm Rhoda Myrtle Clark Leo Charlies Clinton Francis Edward Ceilings John Stanley Coltman Mary Constance Oooke Brian Michael Cosgrave James Colman Cuddigan Nancy May Davidson Francis Doherty .. Mary Grace Dooley Henry Erskine Downes John Lawrence McCabe Doyle George Stevens Ellis Weiner Hurtle Parrell Frederick George Fenton Claud Michael Dudley Flinn Claude Antony Flint Owymeth Laura Fox John Fox Marion Christina Fry Richard Randolph Garran Charles Ivor Gazzard Gladys Gill Dolly Goldstein Olive Emily Jarvis Gordon Florence Mary Grant Frank Adam Green Margaret Green Anna Eleanor Gribble Kathleen Guy James Halloran Zadie Clarissa Harrison Nancy Gregory Heath Elsie Margaret Henderson SCHOOL LEAVING. 869

James Henry Lakin Henderson Leslie Elizabeth Margaret Herman Eileen Hiatt Arthur Machen Hill Madge Ingram Helen Katherine Irving Ethel Mary Irwin Kathleen Hermia Japp Nina Blanche Bell Jones Jane Joshua John King Joyce Jean Patterson Kelly John Daniel Kinniff "Mabel Bertha Lane Helen Kathleen Leigo John Edward Lennon Douglas Barton Listen "Morea Loel Margaret Eudora Long 'Harold -Bussell Love . "Marjorie Loveridge Keith Lamont Macartney "Margaret Louisa McConnell Mary Mcintosh Victor Nicholas McMahon Lilian Annie MoMicken Frederick Meldrum Katherine Douglas Meldrnm •Charles Bemays Melville Kathleen Marv Meredith Thyllis Roffe Minty •Cart-rid Horace Moore Frank Roberts Moore Alan Morgan Leo Aubrey Morrell Lyndhurst Thomas Mullett Arthur Francis Mnnday Tiva Mnrphy Alma Nelson Boy Nettleton Mary Isabelle Nixon "Mary Ellen O'Drisooll "Alice O'Hara •Veronica O'Loughlin Sydney Charles Orford "Violet Irene Osier 860 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921-.

Arthur Noel Lloyd Patten . Raymond George Penlngton Adelaide Clarice Esther Fixer Charles Alexander Ramage Frank Morres Read Percy Douglas' Richardson John Harold Ritchie Florence Grace Robertson Gilbert Mervyn John Robinson Rosalie Isabel Robinson May Pauline Rogers George Staples Rumble Elizabeth Marion Schneider Dudley Ormond Southby Ada Maud Stephens Stanley Crowther Stephens Marjorie Elwyn Stevens Isobel Blanche Strahan Burneice Pauline Amelia Swaine Marjorie Bubena Thomas Keith Henry Tweeddale Marian Matilda Tyers Mary Frances Vinnicombe * George. Pawcett Walker Muriel Florence Wallach Roger Edward Webb Ware Janet Paterson Watt Friscilla Marian Weigall Cuthbert Presnell West Bobert Thorn White Constance Ellis Whitehead John Munro Whitehead Gladys Georgina Wicks Albert James Williams Frank Henry Williams Keith Wilson Williams Athol James McLaren Wilson Neville Pickemell Wilson Margaret Wren- LATTN. Pint Class. (In order of merit.) Bertram Charles Ballard Severin Howard Zichy Woinarski SCHOOL LEAVING. 861

Jean Margaret Randall V v„, • George Oswald Held > ^S^1 James dolman Cuddigan ~t ., . John Demetrius Moms j Jaqiai Henry Peter Richard Morganti Charles Alexander Ramage George Whitecross Paton Alexander Duncan Grant Adam Graham George Godfrey Claude Antony Flint John Horwood Wightman Lawson William Keith Gibson Sidney Henry Heymanson Mervyn Henry Bowzer Robinson Robert Alan Baird

Second Class. (In order of merit.) Geoffrey Orr Ewing Francis Eugene Costigan Elsie Mareeret Henderson James Richard William Purves Claire Brennan John Xavier O'Dxiscoll Elizabeth May Woodbridge Francis Patrick Vincent McManus Jean Leila Eeyward Harold Herbert Leo Montefiore Constance Ellis Whitehead Robert Thorn White Nina Blanche Bell Jones John Adrian Redmond Bruce Boucaut Morris Dermott Hubert O'Donoghue Claud Michael Dudley Flinn John Stanley Coltman John Edward Lennon Frank Leslie Sholl James HJaTloran Third Class. (In Alphabetical older.) Phyllis G-ersham Ashworth John Daniel Barron Eleanor Barry 4)62 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

John Edward Briggs Denis James Commons Richard John Dalton Vincent Leo Donaghne Daniel Aloysius Donovan Mary Grace Dooley Frederick George Fenton Patrick Adrian Cattanach Kennedy Lawrence Clare Krome George Andrew M-ason John Duncan McGregor Phyllis Bofle Minty Kevin Patrick Moriarty Lyndhuret Thomas Mullett Adelaide Clarice Esther Pizer

GREEK. First Class. (In order of merit.) 'George Whitecroes Paton Sevenn Howard Zichy Woinarski Graham George Godfrey "William Keith Gibson Second Class. (In order of merit.) Francis Engene Costigan OeofErey Orr Ewing Third Class. None.

FRENCH. First Class. (In order of merit.) 'Helen- Walker Sinclair Martin Bertram Charles Ballard 1 — . George Oswald Reid j *jquttI Julia Mary McCormack Jean Margaret Randall Kathleen Muriel Chomley Francis Engene Costigan Isabel Mary Mitchell SCHOOL LEAVING. 86$

Second Class. (In order oi merit.) Severin Howard Ziohy Woinarski Rhoda Myrtle Clark Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper Henry Peter Bichard Morganti John Charles Mitchell Canning Henry Atothony Phillips Frank Adam Green Maggie Donovan Constance Ellis Whitehead Norman Melville Engel ) v . Margarita Charlotte Rothstadt j *,^ual Claire Brennan Jean Lloyd Stevenson Arnold Engene Calame Harold Herbert Leo Monteflore Elizabeth Marion Schneider Mary Desailly Leslie Elizabeth Margaret Herman Mabel Hilda Anderson Henry Eemple Byron Bailey ) „ . John Frederick Poster j E1™* Hercules Charles Sydney Coras Mary Clark Reuben Sussex Bussell Ida Joan Bainbridge Lilian Annie McMicken John Munro Whitehead I w„„„i Elizabeth May Woodbridge > ******* Doris Anderson Alma Nelson Lionel John Bakewell Gwyneth Laura Fox Kenneth Logie Carroll- > _, , Sarah Ethel Currell ) ^l"*1 Bobert Hamilton Anderson Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) ' Alice Margaret Allan Phyllis Qersham Ashworth Edith Annie Letitia Baird Hilda Agnes Beeby £64 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1020-1921

Marjorie de Freyne Bishop Dorothy Beatrice Bond Frank Thomas Borland' Thelma Jessie Boyd John Raymond Brew William Michael Byrnes Enid May Cameron Frances Fleetwood Cameron . Dorothy Alice Crosby Mary Veronica Dalton Nancy May Davidson Paul Adolphe d'Orgeval Doreen Mary Dunn Geoffrey Orr Ewing Joan Mary Finlason Claude Antony Flint Marion Christina Pry Graham George Godfrey Bruce Vincent Goodman James Halloran Ethel Mary Irwin Jane Joshua John Daniel Kinniff Lorna Mary Lloyd Francis Kevin Maher Catherine Eileen Monnes George Andrew Mason Beatrice Campbell McDonald K-atherine Douglas Meldrnm Dorothy Ethol Mill Mary Moore John Demetrius Morris Muriel Irene Moyle Joseph Francis Mulvany Aithur Francis Monday Dermott Hubert O'Donoghue Alice O'Hara Violet Irene Osier Arthur Noel Lloyd Patten Ivon Morgan Phipps . Charles Alexander Bomage Rosamond Leila Bella Amanda Ratten John Adrian Redmond John William Bhoden Bosalie Isabel Robinson SCHOOL LEAVING. 66S

.May Pauline Rogers Alan Archibald Rowan Alice Jane Short Marjorie Olive Smith Cyril Thomas Stafford Isobel Blanche Straban Burneice Pauline Amelia Swaine Florence Eileen Toyne Leslie Alfred Webb Emma Mande Whybrow Albert James Williams William Lloyd Williams Annie Wilson Annie Muriel Wishart Margaret Wren

GERMAN. First Class. (In order of merit.) Julia Mary McCormaok Isabel Mary Mitchell Second Class. (In order of merit.) Maggie Donovan Alice O'Hara Third Class. Adeline Leonard HlSTOBY. First Class. (In order of merit.) George Whitecross Paton ] v „i Mary Heywood Shaw ) " Mary ElJen O'Drisooll John Raymond, Brew Bobert Tweeddale Breen -. James Richard William Purves Alexander Duncan Grant Adam ) v„„-i Kathleen Muriel Chomley ) •C,'1,B1 Bertram Charles Ballard i Leo Charles Clinton (Equal Joan Mary Finl.ison ) 866 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

John Frederick Foster John Horwood Wightman Lawson David Sebastian Bernard Barry } Eana| Sidney Henry Heymanson > * Thomas Bobert Bown Bobert Alan Baird ) Bobert Jeffery Long V Equal Raymond George Penington ) Keith Henry -Tweeddale Allan Graham Burnet Marjorie Emma Knight Edith Annie Letitia Baird James Cohnam Cuddigan Second Class. (In order of merit.) Helen Walker Sinclair Martin Rhoda Myrtle Clark } E -. Leo Aubrey Morrell ) ** Joseph Francis Mulvany James Burt Aitken '( •,*„„.i Marian MatUda Tyors > J!'^uftl John Stanley Col tin an ) w , Dermott_Hubert O'Donoghue > '"J"*1 Bobert Hamilton Anderson Claude Antony Flint John Fox Equal William Keith Gibson Edna Swallow Wood Henry Anthony Phillips ) v , George Francis Taylor ) aqual Cyril Harold Edward William Evans \ Frederick Meldrnm !,, , John Harold Ritchie Ybqva.1. Isobel Blanche Strahan . ) Bernard Gore Brett Alan Coffey Nancy May Davidson John Edward Lennon Equal John Adrian Redmond Elizabeth May Woodbridge Mary Madden / Francis Patrick Vincent MoManus Sydney Oharles Orford | Equal SCHOOL LEAVING. 867

Henry Erskine Dowries Gladys Gill John Patrick Glynn V Equal Enid Madge Huttley Kathleen Mary Meredith Bichard John Dalton ") Frederick Chardes Middleton £ Equal • ' Marjorie Rubena Thomas ).. Frederick George Peiiton • "V William John Lench Humphris > Equal Ivon Morgan Phipps ) Jean Patterson Kelly . \ . . Norman Laidman Dodd [ _ , Arthur Noel Lloyd Patten t banal Douglas Warren Stirling Chapman j Henry Kemple Byron Bailey "1 Vincent Leo Donaghne - Harold Vincent Drew Equal .' John Demetrius Morris7 ' Vernon Howard Tomholt ' Henry Lockington Considine ") Olive Emily Jarvis Gordon " f Equal ' Daniel AloysiusMadden ( Arthur Vernon Pearce ) Leslie Elizabeth Margaret Herman > v •• , Albert James Williams ) -quat Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) " Mabel Hilda Anderson Ida Joan Bainbridge John Daniel Barron . • . ~. Eleanor Barry ~ . ' Claire Elizabeth Bayly May Agnes Bennett John Alfred Blair Claire Brennan Kathleen Broenan Enid May Cameron . . Hercules Charles Sydney Cares . Denis James Commons Evelyn Mary OonneU Bryan Michael Cosgrave ...... Norman Melville Engel

.6T 368 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1021.

Weiner Hurtle Parrell Gwyneth Laura Fox Marion Christina Pry Yetta Fryberg Aileen Elma Gallacher Joseph Francis Ganim Matthew Vincent Gaxgan Charles Ivor Gazzard Ethel Jean Llewela Glass Anna Eleqnor Gribble William Tindall Hudson Madge Ingram Eachael Jeffers Carlyle Thornton Jones Nina Blanche Bell Jones Jane Joshua Gwendolen Elizabeth Koines John Leo Kent John Daniel Kinniff William Bowen Victor Knowleo Engene Patrick Joseph Lehame Eliza Gertrude Lindsay Agnes Annie Lynch Keith Lament Macartney Francis Kevin Maher Anastasia Massey Margaret Louisa McConnell John Duncan McGregor j Alan Morgan * Bruce Boucant Morris Norman Miller Morrison Pattie O'Donoghue John Xavier (VDrisooM Francis Theodore Hurley O'Grady Charles Henry Prouse Charles Alexander Ramage , Jean Ronald Beid John William Bhoden Alexia Brown Richardson Florence Grace Robertson Gilbert Mervyn John Robinson George Staples Bumble John Schnltz Shannon Frank Leslie Sholl Doris Maude Shotton SCHOOL LEAVING. 869

Stanley Crowther Stephens Marjorie Elwyn Stevens Jean Lloyd Stevenson Donald Findlay Fergusson Thomson George Pawcett Walker Jeanne Way Leslie Alfred Webb Cuthbert Presnell West Emma Maude Why brow Frank Henry Williams Horton Robert Williams Mary Alice Williams Athol James McLaren Wilson Allen Ernest Winter ALGEBRA. First Class. ' (In order of merit.) John Boss Galbraith Alan Thomas Murray Mary Lillian Cond^on Bichard Randolph Garran } p . Norma Aileen Thomson > t'a-ua'i Charles Joseph O'Malley •) _ , Gladys Olive Conabere j ^uai Herbert Marshal Cummins Vida Louisa Rowland Godfrey Bernard O'Malley Second Class. (In order of merit.) William Hector Kino John Xavier O'Driscol] John Edward Parker ' /Equal Alfred Leo Phillips Viola Grace Taylor Flora Fraser Bae Hector Robertson Adam ) *,,„„„, Makeby Mushin j h

.674 870 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1930-1921.

Raymond Hunt Kitson "i Edward Brian Lester I Margaret Morton Loudon > Equal Patricia McMillan Sullivan I Susan Margaret Wright J Harold John Ham ) James Lawrence Meehan > Equal ' Alexia Brown Riohardson j James Bell "\ Arnold Eugene Oalame / Winifred Gawley > Equal Harold Burston Seekamp I Annie Wilson / Richard Ormond Cherry ' ) Jean Leila Hey ward > Equal William Matthew Kerrigan j Alan Beverley Hackwell - ] Frank West ( „ :• , Norman WUliam Western f Equal - Florence Marion Giddinge j Marshal Lawrence BaiUieu 1 Leifert Albert Herbst I • John Jones fEqua* Henry Peter Richard Morganti j Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Muriel A gnes Avery Elizabeth Dorothy Bell John Edward Briggs James Stanhope Brown Frances Fleetwood Cameron Colin Haynes Campbell Leo Charles Clinton Francis Edward Ceilings Bernard Conry Amy Rebecca English . . William Alieter Fisher Ferdinand Herbert Fliegner Cornelius Patrick QoulcUhg Isabel Olive Guy Elsie Margaret Henderson - Robert Henry Hill Frank Oharles Hulme Baohael Jeffere SCHOOL LEAVING 871 — • J "Vera Isabel Krieger Mabel Bertha Lane John Lorritt Douglas Barton Lieton John Baynor MacDonald Marjorie McDonald John Duncan McGregor 'Victor Nicholas McMahon. Francis Patrick Vincent McManns ... Xilian Annie MoMicken "William Bunting Miller Alan Morgan Albert Hector Moloney Boy Nettleton Mary Isabelle Nixon Alice O'Hara Laurence Leonard Eobison Arthur Frederick Sheldon George Barrand Tindale •Gladys Georgina Wicks GEOMETRY. First Class. (In order of merit.) •Charles Joseph O'Malley -John Edward Lennon "William Hector Kino John Edward Briggs ) William Sydney Hansom £ Equal Norma Aileen Thomson ) TMary Lillian Condron John Edward Parker Alan Archibald Rowan Hugh Christian Trumble Francis Patrick Vincent McManus 1 — , Richard Ormond Cherry 3 *^ual James Richard Vickery Second Class. (In order of merit.) Bernard Conry Louisa Myrtle Wood Elgin Gustav Dahlenbnrg ") „• •. Thomas Morison McDonald ] t^m} John Duncan McGregor 872 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

Norman WUliam Western Vernon Howard Tomholt - Arnold Eugene Calame Leo Aubrey Morrell \ Viola Grace Taylor V Equal James Joseph Sproles j Brio James Davies "; »„„„i George Barrand Tindale > iq"al Cartnd Horace Moore William Banting Miller Winifred Oawley Flora Fraser Rae Laurence Leonard Eobison Vera Isabel Krieger Gladys Georgina Wicks Alec Hemrv McCutchan ") „ , Marjorie McDopald ) ^l""1 Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Muriel Agnes Avery Elizabeth Dorothy Bell James Stanhope Brown Archibald Gray Buchanan Colin Haynes Campbell Jack Kenneth Charles Leo Charles Clinton Frank Stanley Cnrnow William Alister Fisher Harr.v Vivian Francis Alan Beverley Hackwell Elsie Margaret Henderson Bobert Henry Hill Kathleen Hermia Japp ' Baohael Jeffers Victor Nicholas McMahon Richard Albert Montgomery Muriel Irene Moyle Alice O'Hara Veronica O'Loughlin Thomas Clement Fellow Frank Robbing John Patrick Rose Boea May Scott James Alexander Simpson SCHOOL LEAVING. 87?

TBIGONOMETBY. First Class. (In order of merit.) Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper > «„„., John Xavjer O'Driscoll ) ^l"*1 John Edward Parker Charles Joseph O'Malley Godfrey Bernard O'Malley John Boss Galbraith James Bichard Vickery Second Class. (In order of merit.) - Winifred Gawley William Matthew Kerrigan Flora Fraser Bae Harold John Ham Keith Addison Cameron ) „ . Albert Hector Moroney > ^l"*1 Bichard Ormond Cherry v Edward Brian Lester > Equal Norma Aileen Thomson ) Alfred Leo Phillips Norman William Western Mary Lillian Condron Raymond Hunt Kiteon WUliam James King Third Glass. (In Alphabetical order.) Muriel Agnes Avery Elisabeth Dorothy Bell Bernard Conry Alfred Boy Cousen Eric James Davies Doreen Maty Dunn WUliam Alieter Fisher Ferdinand Herbert Fliegner Isabel Olive Guy Alan Beverley Biackwell Liefert Albert Herbst Alec Henry McCutchan Laurence Leonard Eobison Gladys Georgina Wicks Louisa Myrtle Wood 874 EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1920-1921.

MECHANICS. First Class. (In order of merit.) Qeoffirey Winthrop Leeper •> „ , Austin Harvard Smith ) • '^ Harold Burston Seekamp Bichard Randolph Garran Second Class. (In order of merit.) Albert Hector Moroney John Ross Galbraith Richard Ormond Cherry WUliam James King Frank West Laurence Leonard Eobison Eric Evan Price Cyril Thomas Stafford Third Class. (tn Alphabetical order.) Hector Robertson Adam Keith Addison Cameron Henry Lockington Considine Masten Mackenzie Deane William Matthew Kerrigan James Alexander Simpson Frank Gordon Albert Sublet

PHYSICS. First Class. (In order of merit.) Bichard Randolph Garran Harold John Ham Cyril Harold Edward WUliam Evans Secoud Class. (In order of merit.) Alan Thomaa Murray - - James Bell ") T„„„i WilUam James King > ,7,a-UBl SCHOOL LEAVING. 875

"Frank Henry WUliams James Alexander Simpson Harold Bnrston Seekamp Henry Lockington Considine "Baymond George Penlngton John Strahan Bbthroyd *>-p-.,.! Alice Winifred Roberto ) Jj,q,lal . 'Bobert WilKam Cooper ") _, , "Benben Sussex Bussell ) *'qual Mabeby Mushin 1 T?„„„I •Cartrid Horace Moore * ^na,i Alec Henry McCutchan Bobert Jeffery Long "> _ , Boy NetUetoi |E<7lnal Leifert Albert Herbst

Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Basil Bichard Abery Hector Bobertson Adam John Daniell Begg Florence Cederholm .Herbert Marshal Cummins Elgin Gustav Dahlenburg Maalen Mackenzie Deane Frederic Thomas Boothroyd Garliok "WilKam Sydney Hansom Arthur Machen Hill Frank Charles Hnlme "Lionel Norman Jamieson Paul Jones WUliam Hector Kino Edward Brian Lester John. Bayno r MacDonald John Angus McLean "William Bunting Miller Eric Evan Price "Frank Bobbins Edward Graham Bobertson Austin Harvard Smith "Frank Gordon Albert Sublet •Charles Maurice Tattam James Bichard Vickery 876 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

CHEMISTBY. First Class. (In order of merit.)

Lionel Norman Jamieson . V w-„_i James Bichard WUliam Purves y*''10*1 Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper .) „ ., Paul Jones y E1ual Bichard Randolph Garran Second Class. (In order of merit.) * E1^ Gu-^ Dahlenburg [Equal Harold Russell Love ) l James Bell ) -, , Prank Bobbins > Et>uiil Gladys Olive Conabere 1 „ . Henry Erskine Downea ' •777,(lual John Strahan Bothroyd » W-„0T Qyril Harold Edward William Evans > ^l"1" Frederick Thomas Boothroyd Garlick ) „ P Harold John Ham , El"777171 Walter Stewart Armstrong Herbert Marshal Cummins John Baynor MacDonald Oartrid Horace Moore Alan Thomas Murray \,v i James Alexander Simpson /••l!'(lwal Charles Maurice Tattam Amnio Wilson Jack Kenneth'Charles Bobert William Cooper "| John Jones I _ , Edward Brian Lester | El1"" Alan Morgan I Frank Adam Green ") Vn„aj Alec Henry McCutchan ) liqnai . Frank Charles Hulme Third Glass. (In Alphabetical order.) Lionel John Bakewell Ronald Walter Bradbury Peter Mitchell Buchanan SCHOOL LEAVING. 87T

Frederick Keith Bush Florence Cederholm Maslen Mackenzie Deone - John Frederick Foster . - Charles Ivor Gazzard Leifcrt Albert Herbst Arthur Moohen Hill Bobert James Lees Margaret Morton Loudon John Angus McLean James Lawrence Meehan Makeby Mushin Reginald Rupert Newlands Raymond George Penlngton Eric Evan Price Alice Winifred Roberts Edward Graham Bobertson Mervyn Henry Bowzer Robinson Benben Sussex Bussell Rutherford Kaye Scott Harold Burston Seekamp Dudley Ormond Southby Frank Gordon Albert Sublet Stafford Fraser Sutherland Norma Aileen Thomson Bobert Leslie Twentyman Vincent Aloysius Wordell Frank Henry Williams

GBOGBAPHY. First Class. None. Second Class. (In order of merit.) John Eaymond Brew } _ , Yetta Pryberg 5 ^wl Edmond Joseph Wareham Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) David Sebastian Bernard Barry Vincent Leo Donaghue Eugene Patrick Joseph Lehane 478 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19201921.

Joseph Francis Mulvany Mary Ellen O'Driscoll James Joseph Sproles Charles Maurice Hattam

GEOLOGY. First Class. (In order of merit.) Charles Maurice Tattam Edmond Joseph Wareham Second Class. Harry Hope Gyles Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Clifford Charles Duckett Stephen Harper Flitton • •- * Albert Vickery Hill Harold Arthur Matthews Molly McDermott Frank West BOTANY. First Class. INancy Gwynne Kerr Second Class. Eileen Mary Murphy Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Nancy Gregory Heath Margaret Eudora Long

ANIMAIV MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. (In order of merit.) Margarita Charlotte Rothstadt Harold BnsseU Love Nancy Gwynne Kerr Mary Heywood Shaw .Edith Annie Letitia Baird SCHOOL. LEAVING. 87$>

Second Class. (In order of' merit.) Bryan Tobyn Keon Cohen , Marjorie Bubena Thomas Marjorie Elwyn Stevens 'i'hird Glass. (In Alphabetical order.) Olive Emily Jarvis. Gordon Nancy Gregory Heath Margaret Eudora Long^ Lavinia Mary Brown Patterson Stafford Fraser Sutherland

AGBICULTUBAL SCIENCE. First-Class. (In order of merit.) George Henry Smith Arthur Frederick Sneddon Second Class. Donald Findlay Fergusson Thomson Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Alan Bayson Raw Neil William Sims

DRAWING. First Class. (In. order of merit.) Florence Mary Grant Helen Walker Sinclair Martin Marie Threlfall Victor Nicholas McMahon Second Class. (In order of merit."* WUliam Henry Pace Kenneth Logie Carroll Clement Reginald Hill James Joseph Sproles . . Margaret Eudora' Long Allan Gordon Mackie - - Annie Lavina Wilson -880 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Annie Jean McLachlan Dorothy Alice McLean ' Katherme Douglas Meldrum Alma Nelson * John Adrian Redmond Barry Bromley Field Bye Edith Hose Smith Linda Faith Treweek Edmond Joseph Wareham

COMMERCIAL PRINCIPLES. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. (In Alphabetical order.) Douglas Warren Stirling Qiapman Violet Silverthorne Flower

COMMERCIAL PBAOTTCE. First Class. None. Second Class. Douglas Warren Stirling Chapman Third Class. Violet Silverthorne Flower

EXHIBITIONS. ENGLISH. Mervyn Henry Bowzer Bobinson LATIN. Bertram Charles Ballard SCHOOL LEAVING. 881

GBEEK. •George Whitecross Paton FRENCH, Helen Walker Sinclair Martin GERMAN. Julia Mary McCormack HlSTOBY. Mary Heywood Shaw ALGEBBA. John Boss Galbraith GEOMETRY. Charles Joseph O'Malley TRIGONOMETRY. •Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper > 'i, . '. John Xavier O'Driscoll j t'(tual MECHANICS. •Geoffrey Winthrop Leeper ) „ , Austin Harvard Smith j Jwinal PHYSICS. Harold John Ham CHEMISTBY. "Lionel Norman Jamieson ) _, , James Bichard William Purves ] •"•I1"" GEOGBAPHY. John Raymond Brew > „ , Yetta Fryberg ) E(laal GEOLOGY. Charles Maurice Tattam i 882 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

BOTANY. Nancy Gwynne Kerr


AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE. Arthur Frederick Sheldon

DBAWING. Florence Mary Grant


COMMEEClAL PRACTICE. Douglas Warren Stirling Chapman

ALLIANCE FBANCAISE PRIZES.; George Oswald Beid (First) Bertram Charles Ballard (Second) Julia Mary McCormack (Third) Helen Walker Sinclair Martin (Fourth)- CLASS LISTS. 88S




EXAMINATION BOABD'S EXHIBITION. Lindsay George Biggins (Pianoforte) ' Edwyn Herbert Hames (violin) Mollie O'Brien (Pianoforte)

OBMOND ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS. 1. Eileen Cody (Pianoforte) 2. Gordon Wyndham McKeown (Pianoforte) 3. (Open) Meisie Evelyn Owen (Singing) ) _ v Bosa Pinkerton (Singing) $ bqoal

CONSERVATORIUM EXHIBITIONS. Frank Betchford Bladen (Violin) Marion Dorothea Vendramin Bran (Pianoforte) Leoni Georgina Miller (Pianoforte) Ivy Neilacm (Violin)




CLASS LISTS. GBEE&, PABT I. First Class. Reginald Bichard Sholl (Trinity). NevUle Garland Berriman (Trinity). Second Class. None. Third Class. John Patrick Curtin.

LATIN, PABT I. First Class. Neville Garland Berriman (Trinity) ^ p, Beginald Bichard Sholl (Trinity) ) "I"*1 Second Class. Percy Victor Feltham (Ormond). John Gerald Norris' (Ormond). Marjorie Helena Grenness (Teachers' College). John Patrick Curtin. - Third Class. Francis Patrick Walsh (Newman). Edwin Francis Sullivan (Newman). Joseph Bowers. ENGLISH, PABT I. First Class. Lilian Lelean Scholes (Queen's). Thomas Weetman Smith. Stasia Slattery (Newman). Second Class. Clifford James White (Teachers' College). Alma May Eddv (Queen's) )- • Dorothy Isabel Knox (Trinity) j J!'qnaI CLASS LISTS. 886

Laura EUen Payne (Newman). Gwynnyth Annie Archdall (Trinity), Allan Leigh Hughes (Queen's). Elmer Benjamin Howells, Third Class. WUliam Charles Lynott Townsend (Queen's). Francis Thomas Fargher. Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College).. Lloyd Eobert Maxwell Boss (Queen's). The following candidates, though not eligible to appear in the class list, have qualified in this subject, as prescribed far the Degree with Honours:— Joyce Harriet Ball. Carl Frederick Hendrik Ipsen.

FBENCH. PABT I. First Clhsa. Bae Bland (Teachers' College) ) 1 Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College) > g, Marjorie Helena Grenness (Teachers' College)) H William Charles Groves. Adrian Hay Burbidge. Second Class. George Bennie Phillips. Wilfrid Henry Frederick (Teachers' College). Jane Bondfield Stephens (Teachers' College). Dorothy Isabel Knox (Trinity) » Vnnai Francis Patrick Walsh (NeWman) \ "'^^ Hary Cantwell (Newman). Margaret Fitzgerald (Newman). Stasia Slattery (Newman). Monica Sharp (Teachers' - College). Lilian Lelean Scholes (Queen's). Ernest Henry Homann (Teachers' College) ~i "5 "Ellen Frances Eetels (Teachers' College) \ g Jessie Elisabeth Gilchrist >w , Bichard Stanlev Sweetnam (Trinity) j i!'

Third Class. Maud Mevina Clark. Norman Percival Le Couteur. Ruth Cunliffe Lear (Teachers' College) ; ,,„_ . Mary Lea Wright (Newman) j i appear in the class list, has qualified in' this subject,. - as prescribed for the Degree with Honours: — Harold Bentlev Jenkinson. GERMAN, PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Edward John Howells. Andrew Delbridge. Osborn •> "| Jane Bondfield St^hens (Teachers' College) ) 5" Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College). ihird Class. None. BRITISH HlSTOBY, PART I. First Class. John Robinson Peart (Teachers' College). Second Class. Lloyd Eobert Maxwell Ross (Queen's). William Charles Lynott Townsend (Queen's). Russell Hallel Keon Cohen (Trinity). Allan Leigh Hughes (Queen's). John Gerald Norris (Ormond). John Henry Cleary (Newman). Alma May Eddy (Queen's). ["bird Class. James Raymond Augustine O'Keeffe (Newman). James Fone Rodger (Queen's). Percy , Victor Peltham (Ormond). Sylvia Leah Rothstadt (Queen's). Eric Thomas Thornton. Deste Arthur John Macleod Kibble (Queen's).. CLASS LISTS. 887

Horace Edward Lawson Jones (Queen's). Kathleen Mary Strachan (Newman). Laura Ellen Payne (Newman). Harold Frederick Hopetoun Cartledge (Teachers' College). Nicholas Thomas O'Donohue (Newman). Geoffrey Francis Adeuey. Margaret Isabel! Morrison (Queen's). Francis Patrick Walsh (Newman). Edwin Francis Sullivan (Newman). John Peter Haee (Newman). Edith Ray Little. Wilfrid John Osborne. The following candidates, though not eligible to ap- -pear in the class list, have qualified in this subject, as 'prescribed for the Degree with Honours: — Bice Hopkins Clayton. Moya Bowan (Newman). Neville Hamlyn Williams. Philip St. John Wilson (Trinity). PSYCHOLOGY, LOGIC AND ETHICS. First Class. Percy Victor Feltham (Ormond) > j;QUfti Arthur Langan H addon i " Valentine Alexa Leeper. Arthur James Henderson (Ormond) ~) -pauaj Elmer Benjamin Howells ] q Lilian Lelean Scholee (Queen's) ") -pn_.| Olive Mary Smith (Trinity) ) Jiqual Ian Bamsay Maxwell (Ormond) 1"| "William Charles Lynott Townsend (Queen's) j g James Raymond Augustine O'Keeffe (Newman) 11 Dora Helen Powley (Ormond) j g • Second Class. Alice May Bales (Teachers' CWlege). Monica Sharp (Teachers' College). Alma Mav Eddy (Queen's) > p.-.i John Robinson Peart (Teacher's College) j r'<7lual Bita May Gwendolyn Collins (Queen's) ") Gordon Frederick Connell f "3. Dorothy Fields C & -Margaret Annie O'Hara (Teachers' College) )^ 888 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

William Thomas John O'Connor (Teacher's \ College) Jane Bondfield Stephens (Teachers' Col- •I Frederick John Daniel Syer (Teachers' Col lege) Dorothy Buth Trembath (Teachers' College) Ellen Frances Ketela (Teachers' College) > EQUfti Laura Ellen Payne (Newman) J „ Bae Bland (Teachers' College) ) 1 Eobert Archibald Elliott (Teachers' College) j g" Clyde) Cornwall Penton (Newman). Nicholas Thomas O'Donohue (Newman). Leslie Harold Martin (Teachers' College) ) 1 John Gerald Norris (Ormoud) ) » Cyril Gladstone Edwards (Teachers' College). Robert Steel Byrnes (Ormond) ] gauai Louis Morton Humphery (Queen's) j q John Alexander Edmondson. Deste Arthur John Macleod Kibble (Queen's) \ J Sylvia Leah' Rothstadt (Queeu's) ) g Margaret Fitzgerald (Newman) } if„.,«i Charles Shaw Stuart (Teachers' College) > *,qua Dorothy Isabel Knox (Trinity) Daphne Lillias Barrett (Teachers' College) Cecil Ernest Eddy (Teachers' College) Frank Leslie Oliver (Trinity) -a • WUfrid John Osborne Hazel Marion Scoullar (Teachers' College) Louisa Stafford Taylor

Third Class. Marjorie Doris Pricke ) Beginald Horry Howie > Equal Eric Deacon Kent ) Jessie Louisa, Qhase (Trinity). Henry Clarnette (Queen's). Arthur Alexander Smith (Teachers' College). Frederic Lewis Edmunds (Ormond) > Eaual Bertram Philip Lazarus j q Herbert Boss Blair. } Harold Frederick Hopetoun Cartledge > Equal (Teaohers' College) ) CLASS LISTS. 88ft

Jessie Muriel Hutchinson. Alan Ambrose Murray (Ormond). Wilfred Langford Collins (Ormond). The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the class list, has qualified in this subject, as- prescribed for the Degree with Honours:— Reginald Innes Morris (Ormond).

PURE MATHEMATICS I. First Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). Second Class. • None. Third Class. Frederiok John Daniel Syer (Teaohers* CoUege). Cardwell David James Zachariah McQuillan (Teachers' College). Sylvia Sarah Reilly (Trinity) Gilbert Frederick Rusden (Trinity). Adolf Theodore Ahlston. Walter Henry Horbury (Teachers' College).

MIXED MATHEMATICS, PART I. First Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). . Second Class Edgar Henry BrownbUl (Queen's) ") WUliam Shaw Mathieson (Ormond) f j;au|j Cardwell David James Zachariah C q • McQuillan (Teachers' College) ) Third Class. James James (Queen's). ) v___i . Sylvia Sarah B-vllv (Trinity) ) Iiqnal Walter Henry Horbury (Teachers' College). I ANCIENT HISTORY. First Class. Stephen Henry Roberts (Teachers' College). 890 EXAMINATION RESULTS 19201021.

Second Class. Philip David Phillips. Bussell Hallel Eeon Cohen (Trinity). Louis Arthur Anderson. _ Gwendolen Kent Hughes. John Henry Cleary (Newman) Arthur Langan Haddon. V Amy Bertha de Pntron Hitchcock f Equal (Trinity) ) Keith Alexander McKenzie (Ormond). Reginald AlcHeson Must (Trinity). Third Class. Erie Tliomas Thornton. Douglas Percy Phillips (Ormond). John Richard Hanlon (Newman). Gordon Frederick Connell. The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the class list, has qualified in this subject, as prescribed for the Degree, with Honours:— Rice Hopkins Clayton.

SCIENCE OP LANGUAGE. First Class. Neville Garland Berriman (Trinity) 1 j;auai Justin Hinton Stevens _' J q Second Class. Christopher Balph McBae (Teachers' College). Frederick Baden Langford (Trinity) 1 ^^.i Eeginald Bichard Sholl (Trinity) j '•'I"8,1 Third Class. None. GBEEK, PABT n. First Class. Valentine Alexa Leeper. Frederick Baden Langford (Trinity). Second Class. Geoffrey Edginton Davis. Third Class. None. 0LA8B LISTS. 891

LATIN. PART II. First Class. Amy Bertha de Putron Hitchcock (Trinity). "Frederick Baden Langford (Trinity) f -Christopher Ralph McRae (Teachers' [ Equal College) ) Second Class. Donald Mill Campbell (Queen's). Third Class. Mona Jenny Hazel Nugent (Ormond). Ada Mary Hazel Betts (Ormond).

ENGLISH, PAE.T U. First Class. Robert Cecil Bald (Ormond). Howard Aylwin Gregory. Marjorie Jean Service (Trinity). Second Class. Beatrice Muriel Berry. Arthur Angell Phillips (Trinity). Ina Winifred Miller. Brenda Victoria Rhodes (Trinity). Joyce Harriet Hall. Ada Margaret Callinan (Teachers' College). •Christina Rodger (Queen's). Third Class. "Mary Theresa Morganti. Ada Mary Hazel Betts (Ormond) ) j;™^ Mary Alice Sullivan (Newman) ) ^ "Mona Jenny Hazel Nugent (Ormond) . | Equal •Charles Shaw Stuart (Teachers' College)

FRENCH. PART II. First Class. Dighton William Burbidge \ -p----7 Alfred Thorpe Stilling (Ormond) j aqllal Christopher Ralph McRae (Teachers' } Coll«ge) > Equal Marj»rie Jean Service (Trinity) ) ^Brenda Victoria Rhodes (Trinity).' .892 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1021.

Jnstin Hinton Stevens. Lucille Mary Bloink (Newman) > Eaual Garnet Thomas Trainor (Newman) > q Constance Mary Quirk Henderson. - Second Class. Ada Emma Joachim. Third Class. Eileen Blake Pearcey. Ina Winifred Miller. Mary Alice Sullivan (Newman). Mona 7 Mary Murphy (Newman). Alan George Daws. Thomas Philogonius Hoey. Ernest Leslie Bennett (Ormond) > w„_-i John Peter Bourke j iiqual GERMAN. PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Constance Mary Quirk Henderson \ „ , Christina Rodger (Queen's). .» 1ualL Alan George Daws. Third Class. None.

HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. First Class. George Calvert Barber (Queen's) } vaUBi Marjorie Jean Service (Trinity) j jaqmu Bobert Cecil Bald (Ormond). Clifford James White (Teachers' College). Second Class. Thomas Feather Stanley (Queen's). Harold Joseph Bouch (Queen's). Third Class. Walter Bawden Davies (Queen's). Linda Elfreda Rogers (Teachers' College), Robert Brodie Knox (Ormond). CLASS LISTS. 89$

ADVANCED LOGIC. First Class. Allan George Barnard Fisher (Queen's). Edwin James George Pitman (Ormond). George Calvert Barber (Queen's) ) Vi„„a, Alan Douglas Ross (Ormond) > i!'(inal Edwin John Roberts Drake. Thomas Feather Stanley (Queen's), Second Class. Harold Joseph Rouch (Queen's). Robert Brodie Knox (Ormond). Walter Bawden Davies (Queen's). Martyn Arnold Buntine (I'rinity). Albert Victor Bailey (Newman). Third Class. Bobert Henry Noack (Ormond). PUBE MATHEMATICS, PABT II. First Class. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's), Second Class. Alan Douglas Boss (Ormond). WiUiam Alexander Johnson. Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman), Third Class. Ada Margaret Callinan (Teachers' College). MIXED MATHEMATICS, PABT II. First Class. None. Second Class. Alan Douglas Boss (Ormond). Third Class. David Love Lewis (Newman). BEITISH HlSTOBY, PABT II. First Class. None. Second-Class. Erena Landy Gellatly (Trinity) 1 „ . Jessie Mona Stuart Grant (Queen's) j I!"7llial1 $94 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

Alice Elaine Moxon Cook. Philip St. John Wilson (Trinity). Mildred Irene Vial (Ormond). Beginald Acheson Must (Trinity). Thelma Lilian Asche. Louie Arthur Anderson. Sidney Victoria Knox (Ormond). David Edward Trickett. Elizabeth Daisy Wallace (Teachers' College). Harold John Patterson. Gwendolen Kent Hughes. Third Class. • William Thomas John O'Connor (Teachers' Col lege). Ursula Mary Clinton (Newman). George Lawton Mayman (Trinity). Moya Bowan (Newman). The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the class list, has qualified in this subject, as prescribed for the Degree, with Honours. Neville Hamlyn Williams. EUROPEAN HISTORY. First Class. Alice Elaine Moxon Cook. Second Class. Erena Landy Gellatly (Trinity,1 } Eaual Jessie Mona Stuart Grant (Queen's) > ""I"*1 Thelma Lilian Asche. Philip St. John Wilson (Trinity). Gwendolen Kent Hughes. Sidney Victoria Knox (Ormond). Reginald Acheson Must (Trinity). Mildred Irene Vial' (Ormond). Annie Byrne. Jack Thomas Strachan (Newman). David Edward Trickett. Harold John Patterson. William Thomas John O'Connor (Teachers' Col­ lege)- Elizabeth Daisy Wallace (Teachers' College). CLASS LISTS. 895

" Third Class. Henry Alfred Oeorge Clark. SOCIOLOGY.. First Class. None. ' Second Class. Eustace Halley Coghill (Trinity). Maurice Ashkanasy.'. Harold John Edward Veal. Third Class. None. POLITICAL ECONOMY. First Class. Philip David Phillips ) Stephen Henry Roberts (Teachers' Col- > Equal lege] ) Eric Vernon Roberts. Robert Kirkham Whately. Allan Joseph Wedd. Second Class. Joseph Francis Joyce (Newman). Donald Mill Campbell (Queen's).. Richard Cumberland Bridgeford (Trinity). Edwin James George Pitman (Ormond). Douglas Percy Phillips (Ormond). Sidney Victoria Knox (Ormond). Reginald Acheson Must.(Trinity). Stanislaus Joseph 'Montane. Tnird Class. Helen Margaret Hume Guest. Philip St. John Wilson (Trinity). Keith Alexander McKenzie (Ormond). William Keane Clements (Newman) ") John Bichard Bianlon (Newman) . f Eaual William Frederick Mackenzie (Ormond) l q Charles George Bright Parker (Trinity) } The following candidate, though not eligible to ap­ pear in the class list, has qualified in this subject, as- prescribed for the Degree; with Honours:— Neville Hamlyn Williams. -396. EXAMINATION RESULT'S, 1920-1921.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PART I. First Class. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). Second Class. Prank Harry Hempel ) Equal William Shaw Mathieson (Ormond) j ^ Walter Henry Horbury (Teachers' Col- ) lege) \ Equal Sidney Frederick Ernest Liebert ) Ralph Whitburn Nicholls (Ormond). WUliam Jeffery Trende (Teachers' College). James James (Queen's). Third Class. Francis Mark Lee (Ormond). > Eaual Henry James Stacpoolo (Teachers' College) j q James Mayo Buchanan (Ormond) ) TJ-._.-I Gilbert Frederick Rusden (Trinity) ) aqnal Edgar Henry Brownbill (Queen's) ) Ti„_ai George Eric Handley (Ormond) j •777'ql>al SheUa Agnes Bobertson.

NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY, PABT I. (MEDICAL COURSE). First Class. John Carew Eccles (Newman). Second Class. John Gerard Arthur Winter Ashton ) • (Trinity) > Bqua Henry Coverley Mating. (Ormond) ) Third Class. Inglis Hall Cowling (Ormond). William Thomas;Greening (Newman) ) Eauai Basil Francis Stewart (Newman) ) -pquai TJiomaf Powell 'awes (Trinity). . > -p , David Braham Rosenthal (Queen's) > Jiquftl John Adrian Lynch (Newman). CHEMISTBY, PART I. First Class. 'Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). James Mayo Buchanan- (Ormond). 7 CLASS LISTS 897

Balph Whitburn Nicholls (Ormond). William Jeffery Trende (Teachers' College). William Shaw Mathieson (Ormond). Prank Harry Hempel. Walter Henry Horbury (Teachers' College). Second Class. James Stanley Rogers. Cardwell David James Zaohariah McQuillan (Teachers' College). Raymond George Durston \ Eaual • Isabel Matilda Haynes Upton (Ormond) ) 4 Daisy Ellen Etherton (Teachers' College) 1 Eaual Sidney Frederick Ernest Liebert ) q Third Class. Francis Mark Lee (Ormond). Bobert Archibald Elliott (Teachers' College). Sheila Agnes Bobertson. Beryl Audrey Pickering Splatt (Trinity). Alan Seddon Incoll. Angus McKerrow Baird (Ormond). Victor Stanley Spowart (Teachers' College). Blanch May Annie Godbehear. Cecil Charles Trounson (Teachers' College). Jean Margaret Harris ^Queen's). Matthew James Morris (Ormond). Ada Eileen Molony. Franklyn Victor Stonham. Olive Mary Smith (Trinity).

0HBM1STBY. PABT I. (MEDICAL COUBSE). First Class. John Carew Eccles (Newman). John Clark Spencer. David Braham Rosenthal (Queen's). Second Class. David (Jfficer Brown (Ormond) } Eaual Eric. Leonard Cooper (Ormond) ) q . . Robert Lester Almond (Ormond) VEaual Arnout Alexander Wallace (Ormond) j ^ .. Arthur Parkinson. John Gerard Arthur Winter Ashton (Trinity). 896 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

Ian Thomas Serjeant. Trevor Alexander Parry.- Henry Cpverley. Maling (Ormond). Gwendolen Winifred May Robinson (Queen's).. Third Class. William Thomas Greening (Newman). Leslie Proud Wait (Queen's). Grantley Alan Wright. Thomas Powell Dawes (Trinity). Melbert Ian McLean (Ormond). Cecil Ashley Marshal Renou (Trinity). .. William Eric Archer Hughes Jones (Queen's).. Cyril Hopetoun Dickson (Ormond). Basil Francis Stewart (Newman). William James Burns.. Inglis Hall Cowling (Ormond). Joseph' Bernard O'Collins (Newman). GEOLOGY, PART I. First Class. Gilbert Munro Membrey ) w„„-i Bussell Barton Pretty > ^^^ Second Class. Francis Thomas Fafgher i „ , Frank Harry Hempel j 7777,qual WUliam Edward Cerutty. Third Class. Lewis Bonald East. George Keith Allen. BOTANY. PABT I. First Glass. Frederic Gaston d'Orgeval (Ormond) > v .« Balph Whitburn Nicholls (Ormond) j ^V** Beryl Jean Bryce. Second Class. None. Third Class. . Isabel Matilda Haynes Upton (Ormond); Matthew James Morris (Ormond). Ernest Leslie Wiloock. Gwynnyth Annie Archdall (Trinity). CLASS LISTS. 899>

ZOOLOGY, PABT I. First Glass. Balph Whitburn Nicholls (Ormond). Freairio Gaston d'Orgeval (Ormond). Second Class. Katharine Maud Sugden (Queen's). James Mayo Buchanan (Ormond). > TI.-.I Mavis Ethel Wood Ellery j *qual Third Class. Beryl jean Bryce. Matthew James Morris (Ormond). Isabel Matilda Haynes Upton (Ormond). Catharine Elizabeth Bales.

-ZOOLOGY. PABT I. (MEDICAL COUBSE). First Class.- John Carew Eccles (Newman). Melbert Ian McLean (Ormond). Eric Leonard Cooper (Ormond). Second Class. Bobert Lester Almond (Ormond). ' John Gerard Arthur Winter Ashton (Trinity). }-EquaI Leslie Proud Wait (Queen's) Arnont Alexander Wallace (Ormond) David Officer Brown (Ormond) Inglis Hall Cowling (Ormond) WilKam Eric Archer Hughes Jones - Equal (Queen's) John Clark Spencer Third Class. William Thomas Greening (Newman). ' Edward Hayden Wilcox Deane (Trinity) } Cyril Hopetoun Dickson' (Ormond). > Equal Keith Bray ton Brown (Trinity) V Thomas Joseph Daly (Newman) > Equal Basil Francis Stewart .(Newman) -) GRAPHICS (SCIENCE COTJBSB>. •'First'Class. None. .59 SQO, EXAMINATION RESULTS,. 1920-1921.

Second Class. Bussell Barton 'j&etty. William Shaw Mathiegou (Ormond). Louisa Msvpy lightfoot (NewiBMO. Third Class. N«n«, STATURAL PHILOSOPHY. PABjP ^ First Class. Charles Melbourne Pq-cfaoiv (Queen's). Leslie Harold Martin (Teachers.' C^Uegek, Second^ Class. Ernest Keith Bayley (Queen's) > Eaual Thomas Arthur Leigh Parr > "*vvr. Cyril Gladstone Edwards (Teachers' Col- } IfffiJfi) V Banal Dews John O'Donoghue QTewman) l^ William Joseph ijajlojv \ Alan Douglas $ogs (Qxmppify Third CHts4< Cecil Grace Maudslej {Trinity) 1 j^-aj Jean Victoria. Qdi»r& ). ^ Ceci77l Ernest Eddy (Teacher*' CqU«w) >lEnlll, udu Balj ^ Southcott Biohes (Ormond) |i W CHEfipgrRX. PABT JI. Eirf*. Qlaea, George Vincent,- i^udd, (OrniOJid). Second Class. . John Arthur Blackett Forster. , Melbourne Thomas Cowles. Gerald Basil Venneff- Keogfr. John Hinnell Hes^eft. "I Eaual John jy^yii %q8jm. (Qtmvjid). i •"•'Hwv Third Class. Cecil Grace Maudsley, (Trinity). Oscar 44olf IJeadelsohn. METALLUBGY. PABT I. Fast-Class. John Arthur Bisect- Foster. Eric Decimns Connor, . CLASS LISTS. 961

Second Class. George Vincent Budd (Ormond). William Edward Cerutty. >«„„„, Howard William Strong. 3 J5quflJ John David Rogers (Ormond). Third Class. Gerald BasU Venner Keogh. GEOLOGY, PABT U. First Class. Theodore William Tobe (Queen's) Second Class. Gordon Colvin Lindesay Clark (Trinity). Third Class. None. BOTANY. PABT II. First Class. Dorothy Jean Boss. Second Class. Gordon Wells Pitcher. Lesley Ruth Kerr. David Bonar Adam. Third Class. Alexander William Jessep. ZOOLOGY. PABT II. First Class. Ercil Eyres Baynes (Trinity). Second Class. None. Third Class: •Gordon Wells Pitcher, PHYSIOLOGY. PABT I. First Class. None. Second Class. John Edmund Thomas ) K.„„„1 .Harold John Tritochletr { aqual MA 902 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

Third Class. Beatrice Wanliss Irvine (Trinity). Oscar Adolf Mendelsohn. Dorothy Jean Boss. ' Ercil Eyres Baynes (Trinity). Arthur William Turner. Lesley Buth Kerr. APPLIED MECHANICS. First Class. George Vincent Budd (Ormond). John David Rogers (Ormond). Second Class. None. NATUEAL PHILOSOPHY. PABT IH. First Class. Oliver Emmanuel Nilsson (Eauai James Stanley Sogers ) q Second Class. None. CHEMISTBY, PABT III. First Class. None. Second Class. William George Spencer. David Brendon Doyle. George Bichard Mills. Howard Rothwell Archer (Trinity). Kenneth Sutherland Reid (Ormond). Third Class. Edith Elizabeth Mary Derrick (Queen's). David Hamilton Ferguson. Alan- Alexander Robertson. John Stanley Cook (Ormond). Alan Robb Hickinbotham (Ormond). METALLURGY. PABT II.. WITH METALLOGRAPHY.. First Class. Gordon Colvin Lindesay Clark (Trinity) I v •, Alan Alexander Bobertson J •B,qulu CLASS LISTS 903

Second Class. "Harold Corrie Smith. J David Brendon Doyle, John Stanley Cook (Ormond). Alan Trevor Davies. Third Class. None.

GEOLOGY, PAIBT EH. First Class. None. Second Class. Howard Rothwell Archer (Trinity). Third Class. None. BOTANY, PABT IH. First Class. None. Second Class. "Edith Elizabeth Mary Derrick (Queen's) 1 -iii___i Harold John Tritschler J aquoi Third Class. None.

ZOOLOGY, PAST HI. First Class. None. Second Class. Harley Scott Baird (Trinity). Tnird Class. Xavinia Normand. PHYSIOLOGY, PABT H. First Class. Bertha Dulcie Stuart Young. Second Class. Dorothy Caroline Halford. Harley Scott Baird (Trinity); ,904 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

Third Class. Oharles Wason Nye.

LAW OP PBOPEBTY. IN LAND AND CONVEYANC­ ING AND LAW OF CONTRACT AND PEBSONAL PROPERTY. First Class. None. Second Class, Henry Bruce Stewart. Frederick Alexander (Trinity). Neville Vicars Henderson (Trinity). Third Class. None.

BOTANY (MEDICAL COUBSE). First Class. Melbert Ian McLean (Ormond). Eric Leonard Cooper (Ormond). Second Class. John Carew Eccles (Newman). Johta Gerard Arthur Winter Ashton } (Trinity) \ Equal David Officer Brown (Ormond) } Alfred NaUcr Jacobs. . Thomas Joseph Daly (Newman). Third Class. Bobert Lester Almond (Ormond) } Equal John Adrian Lynch (Newman) ) * William Eric Archer Hughes Jones ") (Queen's) \ Equal Arnout Alexander Wallace (Ormond) J Edward Hayden Wilcox Deane (Trinity). Joseph Bernard O'Collins (Newman) ) vnn„i Grantley Alan Wright > q WUliam James Burns ( Eaual Frank Gladstone Stephens (Ormond) I q GBAPHICS AND GEOMETEICAL DBAWING. First Class. James James (Queen's). ULABfe LISTS. §§&

Second Class. < JVanois Mark Lee (Ormond). Vincent Packer. George Eric Habdley (Ormond). Edgar Henry Brownbill (Queen's). Cuthbert Alan Fox. Gilbert Frederick Rusden (Trinity). Third Class. Angus McEerrow Baird (Ormond). Henry Joseph Nichol Hodgson (Trinity). STEENGTH AND ELASTICITY OF MATERIALS- First Class. John Adrian Fargher. Brio David Howells (Queen's). Second Class. Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman). } -pnuai WUliam Joseph Taylor. •) q . Third Class. Ernest Keith Bayley (Queen's). William Edward Cerutty. Wilfrid Dinsey Clmpman. Louis Francis Loder (Queen's). Alan Andrew Lorimer (Ormond). Thomas Henty Peters. SUEVEYING. PABT' I. First Class. John Wolseley Strong ) T?-,,.! WUliam Joseph Taylor ) Jiqual Eric Leigh Iredale (Queen's). Alan Andrew Lorimer (Ormond). John Adrian Fargher. Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman). Second Class. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's). William Alexander Johnson. William James Eodan (Ormond). Keith Philip Henry Lawrence (Trinity). Louis Francis Loder (Queen's). Third Class. Noiie. -906 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19201921.

MECHANICAL ENGINEEHINGj PABT I., AND BNGINEEBING DESIGN AND DRAWING, PABT I. First Class. John Adrian Fargher ) r„-0. William Joseph Taylor ] ^ual Second Class. • Louis Francis Loder (Queen's). Bobert Hugh Aitken Cochrane. Denis John O'Donoghue (Newman). Arnold Raymond Miller. Third Glass. William Martin Grundy (Newman). John Wolseley Strong. HYDBAULIC8 AND HYDEAULIC BNGINEEBING, PABT I. First Class. Eric David Howells (Queen's). • • Second Class.7 William Edward Cerutty. Third Clai». Lewis Bonald East. Gilbert Munro Membrey. Alexander Hay Hedley (Ormond). Andrew Ernest Cromb > -r.„„„, Francis Vibert > Equal CIVIL BNGINEEBING, PABT I. (WITH DESIGN AND DRAWING). First Class. Herbert William Wilks. Lewis Bonald East. Second Class. Francis Vibert. Third Class. Alexander Hay -Hedley (Ormond). MECHANICAL ENGINBERING, PABT H., AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWING, PABT II. First Class. None. CLASS LISTS 907

Second Class. John White Traill (Ormond). Third Class. Bene Gabriel Crivelli. SURVEYING, PABT II. First Class. Alexander Hay. Hedley (Ormond). . Second Class. None. Third Class. Andrew Marsden Gresham Dempster (Trinity). ELBOTEICAL ENQINEEEING, PABT I. First Class. Eric David Howells (Queen's). John White Traill (Ormond). Allan Terence O'Meara. Bene' Gabriel Crivelli. Second Class. Willis Henry Connolly. Third Class. Oliver Emmanuel Nilsson. Ernest Roberts Stanhope Ryall. | Equal Alan Gordon Gutteridge.

GBAPHICS (AECHITECTURAL COURSE). First Class. Percival Alan Jenkin. Second Class. None. .MATHEMATICS (ARCHITECTURAL COURSE). First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Percival Alan Jenkin. 908 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

FLBST YEAB DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Constance Mary Neville Johns. Augusta Stone. Ellen Lafferty. Aileen Estcoart. Marjorie Grace Millard ~) Clarence Beresford Morna (.Equal Ariel Seeligson (Newman))' Second Class. Phyllis Adele Ethel Ashley. Flora MacBae Sunning. Third Class. None. FIBST YEAE BACHELOE OF MUSIC AND SECOND YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Elizabeth Constance Adeline ZiebeU. Isabel Mary Biddle. Phyllis May Allinson ~) Madge Oarleton [ Equal William John Mallinson ) Berta Agnes Howden. Amy Beatrice Dickinson. Second Class. Jean Elizabeth Howlett. Hazel Agnee Sohlesinger. Third Class. None. SECOND YEAE BACHELOR OP MUSIC AND THIBD YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Cecil WUliam Bois. Thomas Daniel Cash. Martha Brake. } v , Eva May Corben > ^l™1 Frances Elizabeth Wright Smith. Second Class, Dorothy Evelyn Taylor. Mary Ellen Carmody. CLASS LISTS. 909

Third Class. ,- •j^j.ui^P'. Nolle. ' ; •/o/' V

EDUCATION. First Class. Kenneth Stewart Cunningham (Teachers' fcollege). Margaret Mary McCay (Trinity). Second Class. Joseph Henry Sims James (Teachers' CoUege). Stella Mary Langford. Oharles Orchard Holland (Teachers' College). Percy Hensby Dicker (Trinity). Third Class. Dorothy GocdMlow Guest. AGEICULTUEE. PABT II., AGBICULTUBAL CHEMISTBY AND PHYSIOLOGY (3rd YEAE B.AGK.SC). First Class. None. Second Class David Bonar Adam. Third Class. Alexander William Jessep.

SECOND YEAE BACHELOE OF VETEEINAEY' SCIENCE. First Class. . None. ;.. Second Class. Arthur WUliam Turner. John Edmund Thomas. Third Class. None. 310 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921-


GEEEK, PABT I. Beginald Bichard Sholl (Trinity). LATtN, PABT I. Neville Garland Berriman (Trinity) ) vauai Beginald Bichard Sholl (Trinity)) 4 ENGLISH. PABT I. Lilian Lelean Scholes (Queen's). PBENCH, PABT I. Bae Bland (Teachers' College) . ) Geoffrey Edward Green (Teachers' College) f panai Marjorie Helena Grenness (Teachers' Col- I jq lege) ) GERMAN, PART I. Jane Bondfield Stephens (Teachers' College).

BEITISH HlSTOBY, PABT I. John Robinson Peart (Teachers' CoUege). PSYCHOLOGY LOGIC ETHICS (Hastie Exhibition). Percy Victor Feltkam (Ormond) > Eon_i .Arthur Langan Haddon > jaqnai

PURE MATHEMATICS, PART 1. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). MIXED MATHEMATICS. PART I. Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). ANCIENT HISTORY. Bussell Hallel Eeon Cohen (Trinity). CLASS LISTS, 91 £t

SCIENCE OF LANGUAGE. Nevillille Garland Berriman (Trinity) ( Eaual Justitin Hinton Stevens. j 4 GREEK, PABT H. Frederick Baden Langford (Trinity). LATIN, PABT II. Amy Bertha de Putron Hitchoock (Trinity). ENGLISH, PART II. Bobert Cecil Bald (Ormond). (Alexander Sutherland Prize for English). Bobert Cecil Bald (Ormond). FRENCH. PABT II. Dighton William Burbidge. ) p.-.i Alfred Thorpe Stirling (Ormond) > aqua Proxime aecesserunt. Christopher 'Balph McBae* (Teachers' Col- ~) lege) ! Equal* Marjorie Jean Service (Trinity). ..) GEEMAN, PABT II. Constance Mary Quirk Henderson ) w , Christina Eodger (Queen's) ) bqnal HlSTOBY OP PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Exhibition.) George Calvert Barber (Queen'S) •> _ , Marjorie Jean Service (Trinity) > ^V"* Proxime Accessit. Robert Cecil Baid (Ormond). ADVANCED LOGIC. (Hastie Exhibition.) .. George Calvert Barber (Queen's) ) „ , Alan Douglas Rosa (Ormond). y *'quaL 912 EXAMINATION RESULTS . 1920-192L

PUEB MATHEMATICS, PABT IL (Dixson Scholarship.) Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's).

MIXED MATHEMATICS, PABT TL (Dixson Scholarship.) Alan Douglas Boss (Ormond).

SEITI8H HlSTOBY, PABT TI., AND EUBOPBAN HlSTOBY. (Dwight's Prize.) Erena Landy Gellatly (Trinity)) > ra„„.i Jessi- -e Mon-- a Stewar_. t. Qran_ t (Queen.- ', . > fiqoai

NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY, PABT L (Dwight's Prize.) Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's).


CHEMISTRY, PABT I. (Dwight's Prize.) Neil Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's). CHEMISTBY. PABT I. (MEDICAL COUBSE). John Carew Eccles (Newman). GEOLOGY, PABT L Gilbert Munro Membrey t IJ.___I Bussell Barton Pretty S *jVm

BOTANY. PABT I. Prederio Gastoraston d'Orgeval (Ormond). (^--i Balph Whitburn Nicholls (Ormond) • aVal CLASS LISTS 913

(Brunning Prizes.) Beryl Jean Bryce (First). Adele Victoria Vincent (Trinity) (Second;)*

ZOOLOGY, PABT I7. Balph Whitburn Nicholls (Ormond). (Baldwin Spencer Prize.) Frederic Gaston d'Orgeval (Ormond).

ZOOLOGY. PABT I. (MEDICAL COUBSE), John Carew Eccles (Newman). (Baldwin Spencer7- Prize.) Melbert Ian MpLean (Ormond).

GBAPHICS: (SCIENCE CQU38E). Bussell Barton Pretty.

NATUBAL PHILOSOPHY, PABT II. Charles Melbourne Focken (Queen's). CHEMISTBY. PABT II. O-eorge Vincent Endd (Oinjond)- MEPALLUE6Y. PABT I; John Arthur Blackett Forster. GEOLOGY, PABT II. Theodore William Tobe (Queen's). BOTANY, BABI-; IL Dorothy. Jean Boss. ZOOLOGY-, PABT U. Ercil Byres Baynes. (Trinity). 914 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1020-1921.

PHYSIOLOGY. PABT I. 7 John Edmund Thomas ) r<„„„1 Harold John Tritschler J ^a&l APPLIED MECHANICS- George Vincent Budd (Ormond). NATU&AL .PHILOSOPHY, HI. (Dixson Scholarship). The Dixson Scholarship is awarded to— Oliver Emmanuel Niisson > Enuai James Stanley Rogers j q CHEMISTRY, PABT IH. (Dixson Scholarship.) WUliam George Spencer. METALLUBGY, PABT IL, WITH METAL- LOGBAPHY. Alan Alexander Bobertson. GEOLOGY. PABT III. Howard Bothwell Archer (Trinity). BOTANY. PABT IH. Edith Elizabeth Mary Derrick (Queen's) 1 E,„„„. Harold John Tritschler JAqnal ZOOLOGY, PABT m. Harley Scott Baird (Trinity). PHYSIOLOGY, PABT II. Bertha Dulcie Stuart Young. THB LAW OP PBOPEBTY IN LAND AND CON VEYANCING AND THE LAW OF CONTBACT AND PEBSONAL PBOPEBTY. (John Maidden Exhibition.) Henry Bruce Stewart. . CLASS LISTS 91&

BOTANY (MEDICAL COUBSE). Melbert lan McLean (Ormond). POEENSIC MEDICINE PRIZE. Gordon Boy Cameron (Queen's). GBAPHICS AND GEOMETEICAL DRAWING. James James, (Queen's). STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OP MATEBTAL8. John Adrian Fargher. Proxime accessit. Brio David Howells (Queen's). SUEVEYING. PAST I. John Wolsele•Iseley Strong •-•' ) E . William Joseph Taylor .

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PABT I.; AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DBAWtNO, PART I. .. '., (Wright Prize.) John Adrian Fargher ,") w„„.i William Joseph Taylor ) Jiqual HYDBAULICS AND HYDBAULIC. BNGINEEBING,, PABT I. Brio -David Howells (Queen's). CTVIL ENGINBERING, PABT I.. WITH DESIGN AND DBAWING. Herbert William Wilks.. MECHANICAL BNGINEEBING, PABT II... AN» ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DBAWING, PABT JI. . (Dixson Scholarship.) John White Traill (Ormond). .to 9H5 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

•SURVEYING. PABT H. - Alexander Hay Hedley (Ormond). ELECTBICAL ENGINEERING, PABT I. Eric David Howells (Queen's). Proxime accessit. John White Traill (Ormond). FIBST YEAE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibitions.) Augusta Stone. Ellen. Lafferty. Aileen Estcourt. PIEST YEAE BACHELOE OP MUSIC AND SECOND YEAE DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibitions.) Isabel Mary Biddle. Phyllis May Allinson ) Madge Carleton \ Equal WUliam John Malllnson ) SECOND YEAB BACHELOE OF MUSIC AND THIBD YEAB DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. (Ormond Exhibition.) Martha Brake I _ ^ Eva May Corben > "'•J'"7"

WEIGHT PEIZE IN INSTBUMENTAL MUSIC. Elizabeth Constance Adeline Ziebell. MAUDE HAEEINGTON PBIZE FOB ACCOM­ PANYING. Phyllis May Allinson. EDUCATION. (Dwight's Prize.) Kenneth Stewart Cunningham (Teachers' College). CLASS LISTS 917




AUGUST, 1921.

ANATOMY. INCLUDING HISTOLOGY. First Class. Kenneth Howard Hadley (Queen's) Albert Ernest Coatee i v , Bichard William Johnson ) ***aai Tom Allistair falconer Heale Paul William Hopkins (Queen's) Second Class. May Anderson (Trinity) Francis Esmond Browne Samuel Nathaniel Michaels Third Class. John Philip Gregory Little (Newman) \„ „ William James O'Loughlin (Newman) ( bauna. Eric BaUhache (Ormond) Frank Conrad Hope Boss ") „ , Mary Elizabeth Waite y J:7,qual PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. Ernest Joseph Burton Second Class. Julian Johnstone Searby (Ormond) Amanda Annie Gertrude Idebert (Queen's) Arthur Lionel Bridges Webb (Ormond) Boy Graff Albert John William Aheru Third Class. Clifford Craig Kenneth Howard Hadley (Queen's) ) ., , SybU Jean Hawkins , M1"7-1 Horace Stuart Thomas (Queen's) CLASS LISTS 919 Eric Bailhache (Ormond) ) -p„_-i Kenneth Jrtranois O'DonnoJl y l!,qllal Clyde Douglas Gillies ••GENERAL AND SPECIAL PATHLOOT, WITH BACTEBIOLOGY. First Class. - None: Second Class., Edgar Samnel John King ) Eanal Horry Douglas MUls (Queen's) S q William Langley Carringtbn (Trinity) 1 v -, JEaymoud Edward, Street "" ) ™ Edward Charles Bell Jones ") ~ , Keith Chisholm Boss (Ormond) )ILqual William Prout Holman (Ormond)' Third Class. Wesley George Catchlove Godbehear } „ , Eric Alexander Richards (Trinity) j J!,qual David William NevUle David Imrie Fitzpatrick (Queen's) Kenneth Branston Burwood (Ormond) ) _ Edgar Alexander North ] ^1" Francis Florence D'Arcy (Newman) •> _ John Gerald Edward Hayden (Newman) j Js,qnal Kevin John O'Day (Newman) THEBAPEUTICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH. First Class. William Langley Carrington (Trinity) Harry Douglas MUls (Queen's) Second Class. James Percival Ainslie (Trinity) Dominic Victor Shell Third Class. Kathleen Bessie Daly Otto Saddler Hirschfeld David WUliam Neville "> ,,„„. Edgar Alexander North y Jiqual Trancis Florence D'Arcy (Newman) •Clive Henry Keynolds James David Imne Fitzpatrick (Queen's) I Annie Doreen Hensley > Equal Sidney Plowman (Trinity) \ 920 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.


ANATOMY, INCLUDING HISTOLOOT. Kenneth Howard Hadley (Queen's)

PHYSIOLOGY. Ernest Joseph Burton

GENERAL AND SPECIAL PATHOLOOT, wri'H BAOTEBIOLOQT Edgar Samuel John King "l-nv,.,..! Harry Douglas MUls (Queen's) jj7'qusl THEBAPEUTICS ANI) PUBLIC HEALTH. WUUam Langley Camngton (Trinity) CLASS LISTS 9&1


MARCH. 1921.

CLASS LISTS. MEDICINE. SUBGEEY, OBSTETEICS. AND GYNAECOLOGY. First Class. Norman Anderson Longden (Ormond) Clifford Henry Cooinear Searby (Ormond) John Horace KaUy Harold William Harbison (Trinity) Mary Banken Lyle

Second' Class. Bonald Dingwall Mcintosh Bobert Sbuthby Leslie James Middleton (Ormond) Marion Boyd Wanliss (Trinity) , Herbert Giblin Furnell (Trjnity) Violet Gertrude Eddy George Brio Mackay (Ormond) John Holmes Shaw (Trinity) Timothy John O'Sullivan Beatrice Alice Warner (Trinity) Winifred Barbara Cameron Keith Holly Hallam (Ormond)

Third Class. Harry Lawrence' Stokes (Trinity) Annis Guv Hale Springthorpe James "Newman Shelton Benjamin Sheinkin Charles Hugh Hembrow •93$ EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1920-1921.


MAOCH, 1921.

CLASS LISTS. I FINAL EXAMINATION IN ARTS- CLASSICAL PfilLOLOGY. First Class'. None. • Second Class. :-. .••-- - Charlotte Lila Gray Cox (Ormond) Third Class. None.

HlSTOBY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. •First Class. .! PhUip David PhUlips- —'! Equal Stephen Henry Boberts (Teachers' College)' Second Class.' None, ',-'', PHILOSOPHY.. First Class. Charles Herbert Murray (Trinity)7 William Andrew Merrylees (Queen's) Gavin Laver (Ormond) Second Class. David Alexander Hodges (Ormond) . . Harry Uxbridge Best (Ormond). ' ..''•-.••:•••• Grace Anita Langford 7 Austin James (Queen's) CLASS LISTS. 923

Third Class. Beinhold Walter Theodor Finger (Queen's)

MATHEMATICS. First Class. Edwin James George Pitman (Ormond) Second Class. None.

ENGLISH. First Class. John Robins Richards Second Class. Jessie Mary Halbert (Trinity) Frank Barton Nicholls ' Margaret Lindsay Walker (Newman) Third Class. Ruth Rosenberg (Queen's) Margery Conder (Trinity)

TRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITEBATUBE. First Class. Esther Marian Levy Sam Hughes Second Class. None. Third Class. Eliza Davidson Frank Gordon Eirby

GEEMANIC LANGUAGES. First Class. None. Second Class. Eileen Mary Mardling (Newman) "J p . Annie Marion Osborn y ti

Third Class. None.

LATIN AND FRENCH. First Class. Dora Helen Powley (Ormond) Second Class. None.

HlSTOBY AND ENGLISH. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Annie Byrne

MATHEMATICS AND PHILOSOPHY. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Balph Southcott Biches. (Ormond)

FEENCH AND GEEMAN. First Class. Olive Adeline Atkins Evelyn Mason Langslow (Trinity) Margaret Josephine Morris (Newman) Second Class. Hilda Bayward (Trinity) Marjorie Isbol Ramsay (Trinity) Third Class. None. CLASS LISTS. 925V

HlSTOBY AND PHILOSOPHY. First Class. None. Second Class. Mary Drury Clarke Harold John Patterson' . Third Class. George Lawton Mayman (Trinity)

ENGLISH AND PHILOSOPHY. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Caroline Teresa Jones

ENGLISH AND FRENCH. First Class. Walter Thomas Price , Second -Class. Mary Lightfoot (Teachers' CoUege and Newman> Dorothy Adelaide Mackay Ruby Monk (Newman) Third Class. Frances Barkman

PHILOSOPHY AND FRENCH. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Beryl Freda Hennessy (Newman) •326 EXAMINATION RESULTS 19201921.


CHEMISTRY. First Class. John Packer (Ormond) . Frederick William Jeffrey Clendinnen VH_„-i Ian WUliam Wark (Ormond) ' y ts,qaal Second Class. Ruby May Mercer Third Class. None.

GEOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. Arthur Lennox Coulson Third Class. None.

ZOOLOGY: First Class. None. • Second Class. None. Third Class. Stella Cecilia Adelaide Altmann CLASS LISTS. 927"

FINAL HONOUR EXAMINATION. LAWS. First Glass. None. Second Class. Charles Holbrook Ford Leonard Mann ~) Clarence William- WUloughby Webster > Equal (Queen's) ) Third Class. Henry HooppeU Gray John Michael Cnllity (Newman) I .•pnJ-1_i John Mahony ( ^l01" CIVIL ENGINEERING. First Class Andrew Marsden Gresham Dempster ('I'rinity) } — Howard Macoun Sherrard [ |_ Herbert WUliam Wilks ' , )« Second Class Allan Terence O'Meara Bonald Bannatyne Lewis (Queen's) John' Mathieson Henry Oeorge Cain i •an„. Arthur Cedric Leith' ] ^nu David Hugh Eakins (Queen's) ) r, „• Harald Grev-i Strom \ Eqnal Horace Charles Kermode . Third Class Francis Fytche Byatt (Queen's) Clifford Alexander Masterton Eric Ashton Croll ^Philip Shearman Allen MINING ENGINEERING. First Class. . None. Second Class. Gordon Colvin Lindesay dark (Trinity) - Theodore William Tobe (Queen's) q • S28 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1920-1921.

Third Class. None. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. First Glass. Norman Tregonning Jewell f Eanaj George Henry Clifford • Nicholls y c'1uai Frank Vernon Smith Second Class. Frederick Oliver Furphy Tliird Class. Charles Patrick McQartiiy (Newman) ) Vnnu\ Keith Sutherland j aq MECHANICAL BNGINEEBING. First Class. None. Second Class. Neville Bupert Anderson Third Class. None. AGEICULTUEE AND AGBICULTUBAIL BNGINEEBING. First Class. Nome. Second Class. Roderick George Thomas Third Class. None. 1 AGEICULTUEAL CHEMISTRY AND BIO- CHEMISTBY. ' First Class. None. . Second Class. Jack Keane Third Class. None.. SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 929




CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. •Charlotte Lila Gray Cox (Ormond)

HlSTOBY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. (Dwight's Final Examination Prize.) Philip David Phillips . * • '- \ e , Stephen Henry Boberts (Teachera' College) > *,qual

PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Scholarship.) Charles Herbert Murray (Trinity) (Laurie Prize.) William Andrew Merrylees (Queen's)

MATHEMATICS. (Dixson Final Examination Scholarship.) Edwin James George Pitman (Ormond)

ENGLISH. John Robins Richards


GERMANIC LANGUAGES! Eileen Mary Mardling (Newman) •) E

SOCIOLOGY. (Dwight's Prize.) Philip David Phillips } „ , Stephen Henry Roberts (Teachers' College) ) i!'<^x&x

FINAL HONOUR SCHOLABSHIPS. CHEMISTRY. (Dixson Final Honour Scholarship.) John Packer (Ormond) (Professor Kernot Final Honour Scholarship.) Ian William Wark (Ormond) GEOLOGY. Arthur Lennox Ooulson (Professor Kernot Research Scholarship.) ' Arthur Lennox Coulson ZOOLOGY. Stella Cecilia Adelaide Altmann LAWS. Charles Holbrook Ford MEDICINE. MEDICINE. , i!.. -.Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship.. Mary Rauken Lyle.. .:.,,-. .-••••-.;, SUBOEBT. Beaney Scholarship.

Harold William Harbison (Trinitv) \ rjauai Norman Anderson Longden (Ormond) j q

OBSTBTBICB AND GYNAECOLOGY. Fulton Scholarship. Clifford Henry Coomer Searby (Ormond).



CIVIL ENOINBEBINO. ("Argus" Scholarship.) Andrew Marsden Gresham Dempster (Trinity) ~) -a Howard Macoun Sherrard [ g. Herbert WiUiam Wilks ) «

MINING ENOINBEBINO. (George Lansell Scholarship.) Gordon Colvin Lindesay Clark (Trinity) > ,-, , Theodore WUliam Tobe (Queen's) ) liqual

ELBCTBICAL ENOINEBBINO. (Dixson Pinal Honour Scholarship.) Norman TVegwnning JeweU •) — -, George Henry Clifford Nicholls) J!'qual

MECHANICAL ENOINBEBINO. (Dixson Pinal Honour Scholarship.) Neville Rupert Anderson

ENOINBEBINO. StaweU Research Scholarship. Howard Macoun Sherrard.




BOWEN PBIZE. ENGLISH ESSAY. Arthur Angell PhiUips (Trinity) i COBDEN OLOB MEDAL. . POLITICAL ECONOMY. George Lawton Mayman (Trinity)



ENGLISH CONSTITUTIONAL HIBTOBY. . Philip David Phillips' ,_, , Stephen Henry Roberts (Teachers' College)} tqual

POLITICAL ECONOMY. Philip David Phillips } Stephen Henry Roberts (Teachers' College)) Equal



BEANEY SCHOLARSHIP IN PATHOLOGY. (1920) Leonard Bell Cox (Queen's) (1921) Douglas John Thomas (Queen's) SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 933


Vera Ciftwther Jennings (Trinity) ) Eauai Mary Killeen (Queen's and Newman) ) q DAVID SYME EESEABCH. PBIZE. Neil Hamilton Fairley Proxime Accessit Ethel Dene McLennan


23rd DECEMBER, 1921. «

BACHELOE OP AETS. (Ordinary Degree.) Annie Hunter Mary Phillips Gerald Vincent Bush Percy Hamilton Walker In absentid. Ethel Eileen Kellaway (Degree with Honours.)- Ida Valentine Johnson Adela Lardi

BACHELOE OF SCIENCE- Beginald Augustus Absale White In absentid. JuUe Mary Harbison BACHELOE OF LAWS. John Michael Cullity Alexander Donaldson Ellis Charles Holbrook Ford Henry Hooppell Gray Morton Hercules William Watt Leggatt Bonald Isaac Loweustem John Mahony Leonard Mann Bobert Casley Normand Charles William Kelvey Pearson Percy James Wilson DEGREES CONFERRED, 192021 935

BACHELOE OP. DENTAL SCIENCE. THenry Boy Cash -John Augustus Clarebrough Vernon Charles Oalvin .Ambrose James MoCormaok '.Frank Bobinson Wood In absentid. Holland Fraser BACHELOE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. -John Clyde Miller MASTEE OP AETS. Amicie Eleanor Kathleen Haydon TFrancis James Oorder In absentid. Dorothy Irene Wilkinson MASTEE OP LAWS. •Geoffrey Urie Nathan MASTEE OP SUBGEEY. "Henry Cecil Colville John Grieve Whitaker DOCTOE OF MEDICINE. -James Biddell Bell George Alexander Bimie Henry Fitzgerald Maudsley ... Harold.Isaac Bobinson William Dixon Saltan Douglas John Thomas Victor Hugo Wallace -John Bhya Williams In absentid. •George Vernon Davies DIPLOMA OP MUSIC. "Estelle Maude Gardner 936 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21

DIPLOMA OP: EDUCATION. Gwen LUias Horwood Hewitt. Annie Hunter Boy Earls Jenkins Beginald Gordon Nichols . Henry Walter Parker Alexander Sutherland Percy HamUton Walker DIPLOMA OP PUBLIC HEALTH. Alex Hutcheaoh Baldwin DIPLOMA OF AECHITECTUEE. Norman Douglas Taylor

23rd APRIL, 1921.

BACHELOE OF AETS. (Ordinary Degree.) Marion Amiet Anna Rhoda Bourchier Kathleen Monica Burke Eva Emily Cuthbert Mary Winifred HickUng Forbes Mary Griffiths Angelique Prudence Hamono Jessie Stewart Hensley Doris Mary Hooker Margaret Killeen Eleanor Victoria Krome Kathleen Sophia Mary Mardling Bay Arnot Maxwell Mona Margaret Montgomery Gertrude Mary O'Donnell Sylvia Adeline Price Mildred Irene Vial Eileen Marguerite Waddell Margaret Wallace Douglas Gordon Bain William Charles Baud Charles Algernon Baumgartner DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21

Alfred William Hock James Laurence Brennan Claude Edward Brook John Spencer Clough Finlay Fraser Eric Lindsay Frazer John Bichard Eanlon Gordon Dallas Hattam Herbert Gay Henry Alfred Edgar House Percy Ernest Joske Joseph Francis Joyce Thomas George Gordon Lahey Andrew Paitullo Stewart Lennie Leslie Denis Alphonsus Lyons Henry Douglas Gordon Melville Norman Frederick Mitchell Charles George Bright Parker Percy Thomas Pook Federick James Bae Bobert Reid John Robins Richards Brio Vernon Boberts Bobert Grant Scott Jack Thomas Strachan Samuel John Tong Way Patrick John Toohey In absentid. George Wadsworth Deans Kenneth Albert Lemon Mary Pearson John Ware Bobinson Leslie Davidson Booney BACHELOE OF AETS. 'Degree with Honours.) Olive Adeline Atkins Margery Conder Charlotte Lila Gray Cox Eliza Davidson Jessie Mary Halbert Beryl Freda Hennessy Caroline Teresa Jones •938 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21

Grace Anita Langford Evelyn Mason Langslow Esther Marian Levy Eileen Mary Mardling Euby Monk Margaret Josephine Morris Annie Marion Osborn Dora Helen Powley Marjorie Isbol Bamsay Hilda Bayward Ruth Rosenberg Iris Shield Harry Uxbridge Best David Alexander Hodges Austin James Gavin Laver •George Lawton Mayman William Andrew Merrylees CSharles Herbert Murray Frank Barton Nicholls Harold John Patterson Philip David Phillips Edwin James George Pitman Stephen Henry Robert's

In absentid. IReinhoId Walter Theodor Finger

BACHELOR OP SCIENCE. Gwynnyth Annie Archdall Barley Scott Baird Stella Genevieve Braithwaite Maud Vivien Travera Cowen Edith Elizabeth Mary Derrick , Mary Gordon Dorothy Caroline Halford Lavinia Normand Bertha Dulcie Stuart Young Howard Rothwell Archer Harold Carsten John Asche •Samuel Mathew Conlon John Stanley Cook David Brendon Doyle David HamUton Ferguson DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21. 939

Clark Rae Fraser Alan Robb Hickinbotham Llewelyn John Howells Jeffrey Graham Jeffreys David Love Lewis Oeorge Richard Mills Oliver Emmanuel Nilsson Charles Wason Nye Kenneth Sutherland Reid James Stanley Rogers William George Spencer Harold Frederick Stokes

BACHELOR OP LAWS. "Leslie Moira Henderson Francis James Corder Charles Studdy Daley - Horace Bernard Valentine Dimelow Alan Frederick Garden James Leo Harty "Wilson Heriot Cedric Livingstone Hudson Harry Kearns McCleery Henry Minogue Bobert Vincent Monahan Hubert O'Brien David Rowley Sinclair Powell Frederick William Bobson Lionel John Stark Clarence William Willoughby Webster George Edward Wilson

In absentid. "Walter Hubert Downing BAOHELOB OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SUBGEEY. ~Eeme Vivienne Anderson Winifred Barbara Cameron "Violet Gertrude Eddy Mary Banken Lyle Effie Jessie Bobertson Ruby Adele Townsend Marion Boyd Wanliss 940 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21.

Beatrice Alice Warner Barbara Grendon Wood Louis Victor Darby John Francis Dunkley Bobert Leo Fulton Olive Mansley Greer Keith Holly Hallam Harold William Harbison Charles Hugh Hembrow Sydney Bernard Hudson John Horace Kelly Norman Anderson Longden Bonald Dingwall Mcintosh Leslie James Middleton Timothy John O'Sullivan Vincent Stanislaus Paier Clifford Henry Coomer Searby . John Holmes Shaw Benjamin Sheinkin James Newman Shelton Bobert Southby Annis Guy Hale Springthorpe Byron Lionel Stanton Harry Lawrence States Cyril Joseph Tonkin Oswald Bobert Trumpy Frederick James Williams

In absentid. Oswald Retard Corr Herbert Giblin Furnell George Eric Mackay

BACHELOR OP CIVIL ENOINEERING. Phillip.Shearman Allen Eric Ashton Croll. Alan Gordon Gutteridge Arthur Daniel Hogan Arthur Cedric Leith Herbert Clifton Rees Howard Macoun Sherrard Arthur Roy Smith Harold Grove Strom Herbert William Wilks DEGREES CUNFERRKD, 1920-21. 941

In absentid. Ernest Leslie James BACHELOR OP MINING BNGINEEBING. Howard Raymond Stafford In absentid. Gordon Colvin Lindesay Clark BACHELOE OF ELEOTEICAL BNGINEEBING. George Temple Kerr Keith Sutherland BACHELOE OF MECHANICAL BNGINEEBING.. In absentid. Edward Feamley Eowntree BACHELOE OP MUSIC. Winifred Letitia Mitchell Violet Woolcock BACHELOE OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Bernard Jack Cohen Alfred Burns Ford Charles John Gordon Gillies Henry James MoCooey Crawford Pennington Phillips Desmond Prendergast Podger BACHELOE OP AGEICULTUEAL SCIENCE /ack Keane Roderick George Thomas BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. Edgar Jabez Lnkey. MASTER OP ARTS. Frances Barkman Beatrice Olive Victoria Dodd Leslie Modra Henderson Ethel Agnes Lane 342 DEGREES CONFERRED, 192021.

AUoe Lightfoot Mary Lightfoot Dorothy Adelaide Mackay Margaret Mary McCay Amelia Mary Patrick Frances Eileen Penington Saxa Richardson Blanche Baddeley Busden Kathleen Alice Syme John Paterson Adam John Henry Brian Armstrong John Francis Yeldbam Hanlin Sam Hughes Paul Jones Percy Douglas Eewish Leslie Scott Latham Bonald Isaac Lowenstern George Lawton Mayman Joseph Edgar Newnham PhUip David Pbi'Iins Walter Thomas Price In absentid: Hilda Florence Harris Albert Ernest Maldon Kirwood John Herbert Carlyle Mcintosh Norman George Dickenson Smith

MASTEE OP SCIENCE. •Kathleen Margaret Maria Mclnemy Anna Katrina Peterson "Edith Gwendolen Stillman Arthur Lennox Coulson Charles Jepson Morris Frederick Alexander Singleton

MASTEE OP LAWS. 'Edward Herbert Hudson

DOCTOE OF SCIENCE. 'Ethel Irene McLennan DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21. 943*

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Boy William Chambers Harold Rupert Hyett Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell George Alexander Douglas McArthur Wilberforce Stephen Newton DOCTOE OP ENQINEEEING. Sir John Monash DOCTOE OP DENTAL SCIENCE. John Augustus Clarebrough DOCTOE OF VETEEINAEY SCIENCE. Herbert Bobert Seddon DIPLOMA IN MUSIC Daisy Minnie Boll DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Janet Newman Barker Mabel Winifred Borrie Eva Emily Cuthbert Dorothy Goodfellow Guest Kathleen Elizabeth Hall Angelique Prudence Hamono ' Jean Hawthorne Hutchinson Stella Mary Langford Margaret Mary McCay Evelyn Hilda Naylor Doris Pittard Maud Beade Dorothy Stewart Bobertson Mary Sampson Charlotte Louisa Toll Eileen Marguerite Waddell John Paterson Adam Claude Edward Brook Beginald Mackenzie Oobk Theodore Cory Percy Hensby Dicker John Francis Yeldham Hanlin 944 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21.

James Holmes Percival Duncan McCallum -George Bichard MUls Wilfrid Joseph Ryan WUliam George Spencer Robert Ashley Vines


DIPLOMA OP ABCHITBOTUEE. Vera Fearse Lane Henry David Berry Harold Hartley Browning Lionel Dudley San Miguel.

MASTEE OP AETS. (By Special Oraee.) Robert Leslie Blackwood

9th MAT, 1921. BACHELOE OP AETS. (Ordinary Degree.) Eobert Dickinson Collmann

MASTEE OP AETS. Dorothy Lush Derham


MASTER OF SCIENCE. In absentid. Beginald Charles WUson DEGREK8 CONFERRED, 1920-21 945

19th SEPTEMBER, 1921. BACHELOE OP ABTS. (Ordinary Degree.) Xeslie Vernon Ottaway

BACHELOE OF SCIENCE. William Gordon Mepham

BACHELOE OP LAWS. Bobert Clive Heatley

HACHELOB OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOB OF SUEQEBY. Alma Dorothy Admans Thalia Ellsley Boche Frances Lillian Shanasy Ellen Irene Stable Bertha Wood John Herbert Body Bobert Charles Espinasse Brodie Ernest Danziger William Eobert Sutherland Gray Geoffrey Egertoo Hill Alexander Craigievar Mathew Boy William Miller Thomas Victor Nihill Ian BasU Pender Dewlyn Vaughan Bees Arnold Richardson In absentid. Henry William Fitzpatrick Edna Lyall Gomn Gerald Joseph Kennedy Noel Charles Kelleher Lane Geoffrey Ashburton Thompson

BAOHELOB OP MEDICINE. Bichard Murray Buntine 946 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1920-21


BACHELOE OF DENTAL SCIENCE. In absentid. Victor Frederic WUliam Odgers


MASTER OP AETS. In absentid. Boy Cecil Clark

MASTEE OF SCIENCE. In absentid. Edmund Arthur O'Connor DOCTOE OF LETTEES. Alexander Donaldson Ellis DOCTOE OP MEDICINE. Balph Harry Crisp Harold Clive Disher Howard Boyd Graham John Whyte Grieve William Joseph Newing Frank BlUot Trenoweth True

DIPLOMA OP EDUCATION. Winifred Isabella Lee Mozley Leslie Vernon Ottaway Ernest Boswell Pederick

DIPLOMA OF ABCHITECTUBE^ Alan Edmund Burke John Firth

Library Digitised Collections

Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1922

Date: 1922

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File Description: 08_Annual Report

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