ABOUT THIS MAGAZINE SPOTLIGHT is produced by Holy Cross Church, Sarrat for the people of the village and hamlets and welcomes reports of ALL village aciviies. HOLY CROSS - making Jesus known - a church for the whole community. EDITOR Michael Edmund
[email protected] ADVERTISING Michael Lench
[email protected] ASSOCIATE EDITOR Tony Bond
[email protected] 261941 More about: the Beneice: www. hcsp.net the Village: www.sarratvillage.co.uk SOME USEFUL CONTACTS CHURCH OF ENGLAND PARISH CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS, SARRATT Rector Rev’d Michele du Saire 265848
[email protected] The Vicarage, The Street, Chipperield, Herts WD4 9BJ Readers Mrs. Angela Coakley
[email protected] or 264380 Mr. Philip Waine 268904 Church Wardens Nikki Clough 07795 362953 Mr. Alan Poulton 260295 Organist/Choirmaster Mr. David Clough 264884 Administrator Ms. Machaela Gravestock Oice: 264377 e-mail:
[email protected] Children’s Church Mrs. Louise Grant 266144 Youth Worker c/o Rev’d Michele du Saire during vacancy Friends of Holy Cross Mrs. Kate Hobhouse
[email protected] ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF OUR LADY MOTHER OF THE SAVIOUR, CHIPPERFIELD Priest Fr Paul Harris, c/o The Presbytery, Dunny Lane, Chipperield 275046 Sunday Holy Mass 10am Saturday Vigil Mass 6:30pm Tuesday/Friday Holy Mass 10am SARRATT PARISH COUNCIL visit www.sarratparishcouncil.co.uk Chairman Cllr. David Turner 268445 Parish Clerk Mrs. Janice Dawes 262025
[email protected] Parish Oice hours Monday & Wednesday 1pm - 4pm; Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9am - Noon Addiional opening from 7pm on the evenings of meeings. Alternaive arrangements will be noiied on the Oice Door.