Spirit in the Wind The Official Newsletter of May 2016 - Fiesta Issue OLPP Chooses Its Servant Leaders By Fr. Dennis Soriano, Priest

esus chose Here are the members of the new set of PPC officers: disciples “to Jbe with him,” PPC Coordinator: Jonathan and Carrie Co to follow him, to learn PPC Secretary: Nora Mendoza from him, so that later PPC Treasurer: Marilen Magsaysay on they are to be sent, to Worship Ministry Coordinator: Cris Datu Formation Ministry Coordinator: Manny and Cora Bernal preach the good news, Public Affairs Ministry Coordinator: Eric and Rizette Cajucom and “make disciples of all nations.” Jesus chose Family and Life Ministry Coordinator: Boyet and Cherrie Sales leaders to be his witness, to be his co-workers in Social Services & Development Ministry Coordinator: Ivi Sta. Ana fulfilling the plan of the Father. Choosing leaders BINHI Catechetical Ministry Coordinator: Marlyn Soberano has always been an important part in the life of the Fives Loaves, Two Fish Stewardship Coordinator: Emil and Babes de Quiros Church. And since we are a community gathered Vocation Minstry Coordinator: Jojo and Ditsy Sumpaico around the Lord, we cannot make important BEC Coordinator: Dan Panelo decisions, like choosing leaders, without faith and prayer. Choosing those who lead us as a parish To all those who have been nominated and appointed, thank you for your generous community is so important that it cannot but be ‘yes’ to serve the Lord. Thank you for your desire to serve the community the done in the spirit of prayer and discernment. Lord has entrusted to us. Be assured of the prayers and support of the whole OLPP family! That is why early this year, January 23, OLPP held its orientation for discernment in preparation for the nomination of a new set of parish leaders. And on February 27, the actual nomination was done in the spirit of prayer, silence, and openness to the will of God. In this discernment process, nothing can be more important than a community that is truly in prayer, the parishioners and the parish priest spending time before the Blessed Sacrament, with hearts willing to go where the Jonathan and Carrie Co, Nora Mendoza, 3. Mark and Cora Bernal, Spirit leads. PPC Coordinator Secretary Formation

Eric and Rizette Cajucom, Boyet and Cherry Sales, Ivi Sta. Ana, Emil and Babes de Quiros, Jojo and Ditsy Sumpaico, Public Affairs Family and Life Social Services Stewardship Vocation

Be• Page updated! 1 • October Visit http://www.ourladyofpentecostparish.org 2012 • or follow www.facebook.com/ourladyofpentecostparishSpirit in the Wind Easter and the Jubilee of Mercy By Fr. Dennis Santos Soriano

n his latest book, The IName of God is Mercy, Pope Francis was asked: “Why, in your opinion, is humanity so in need of mercy?” The Holy Father’s answer is simple but revealing, he said, “Because humanity is wounded, deeply wounded. Either it does not know how to cure its wounds or it believes it’s not possible to cure them.” Humanity is truly wounded with discrimination, violence, and abuse. Nature is wounded with climate change, destruction, and consumerism. The world is wounded with terrorism, fundamentalism, and war. Nations are wounded with insecurity, migration, and recession. By declaring an extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Pope proposes that mercy brings healing and solution. Mercy leads our hearts towards understanding, compassion, and empathy. Mercy helps us trust one another, work with each other, and journey side by side towards the common good. Mercy overcomes hate, discrimination, and war. How God’s mercy will do all these is not easy to understand, but we are exhorted to believe in the mystery of mercy. Let this be our prayer as we celebrate the great mystery of Easter. May the Risen Lord shine forth as the true face of mercy. May we all share in the glory of the resurrection, so that we may bring healing to the wounds of humanity. May you all have a peaceful and fruitful Jubilee of Mercy!

OLPP Pilgrimage to Cubao Cathedral

• Page 2 • May 2016 Spirit in the Wind SOWING THE SEEDS OF PEACE by Eleanor R. Dionisio

s early as October, a mood you have hope.” He talked about that promote collaboration and of despair had begun to his own efforts as a Christian friendship across conflictual Asettle over me. Three professor to establish genuinely religious and political lines— weeks after the Paris attacks on caring friendships with his groups like the - November 13, I finally figured Muslim students, including those Ulama Conference, the Silsilah it out. Like many other people with strong prejudices against Dialogue Movement, Peace in the age of instant global Christians and the West. Advocates Zamboanga (PAZ), communication, I had become About the same time that I the Gaston Z. Ortigas Peace a vicarious victim of violence— read his letter, I was also reading Institute. We can sow justice in Mindanao, the Middle East, a document of the Catholic by supporting policies and laws Africa, Europe, the United Church promisingly titled “Joy that promote the correction States—borne unrelentingly and Hope”: Gaudium et Spes of historical injustice and into my consciousness by mass (GS), the Pastoral Constitution exclusion: for instance, laws and social media. Grief over the of the Church in the Modern and structures for greater self- human toll of violence, and over World, which celebrated its 50th determination and political my own helplessness in the face of anniversary on December 7 this incorporation of Muslims and it, had begun to leach hope out of year. lumad in Mindanao. my life. GS rejects purely military When we help sow these It was by a stroke of solutions to conflict. Instead it seeds, even in the smallest of grace that I happened to be on talks about peace as “the fruit ways, we don’t just help to grow the mailing list of an American of love,” and about “the studied peace. We also help to grow professor based in Indonesia, Dr. practice of brotherhood” and our own capacity for hope. Bernard Adeney-Risakotta, who sisterhood that is “absolutely Then we cease to be helpless sent a letter to family, friends, necessary for the establishment of victims of violence, and become and colleagues soon after the peace.” GS also talks about peace true witnesses to the Christian Paris attacks. In that letter he as the fruit of justice based on solidarity with the world that talked about his grief at what human dignity (GS #78). Gaudium et Spes announces had happened in Paris. But If these are the seeds of in its first stirring sentence: he also talked about growing peace—hope, love, justice—how “The joys and the hopes, peace by sowing hope and love. can we, as vicarious victims of the griefs and the anxieties He talked about how his wife’s violence, help to sow these seeds? of the men [and women] of organization was sowing hope in We can sow hope by supporting this age, especially those poor communities in Indonesia projects and policies that improve who are poor or in any way by helping women to start the quality of people’s lives in afflicted, these are the joys small home-based businesses. communities in conflict areas. and hopes, the griefs and “Violence and death,” he said, We can sow love by supporting anxieties of the followers of “is not an attractive life plan, if and getting involved in groups Christ.”

OLPP recently had a successful medical-dental mission as part of its fiesta activities and in celebration of the Year of Mercy. Thank you very much to our volunteer medical professionals and other staff! Congratulations!

• Page 3 • October 2012 • Spirit in the Wind My Journey to the Diaconate Rev. Jay Lituanias of the Augustinians of the Assumption

s I approach my my city of Cagayan de Oro. My former ordination, I only longtime girlfriend and her parents Ahave a grateful perished in that flood. heart for God and for In the face of these events, people who accompanied my faith in God faltered. My vocation me in it. Like the popular to the religious life got affected. A song of the 1980s, I can only exclaim, “What close Jesuit friend of mine counselled a journey it has been!” me, “Perhaps, God is inviting you to I became an aspirant of the trust Him more and to be more real Augustinians of the Assumption in approaching Him. Tell Him how (Assumptionists) in 2008, then as a angry and frustrated you are.” I just postulant in 2009 and a novice in 2010. I did what I was counselled and it made my first profession of vows in 2011 changed a lot my perspective of God and my profession of Final Vows last year. and the course of my religious life. I At the beginning, I thought that failed to acknowledge that He called my formation process will be as smooth me first. I failed to acknowledge that as I expected it to be. As early as in my God has set me apart and in doing Postulancy, there were some offers for me so, He has been so prodigal with to go back to the corporate life or even to His blessings to me. He has been so the government service. In my Novitiate, merciful to me. there was even an offer of marriage from my After my psycho-spiritual former student. Community life presented integration in 2013, I have never a lot of challenges to me, considering that felt so light, so determined and so the Assumptionists in the have much available to follow Jesus in very international communities. I have to His poverty, chastity and obedience. contend with not only personal differences At present, inspired by the words of but moreso with cultural differences. In our Founder – Emmanuel d’Alzon, 2011, I almost died of dengue. In 2011 I will go to “where the image of God too, my family was greatly affected by the is threatened in man, and man as the flooding spawned by Typhoon Sendong in image of God. “Holy Week Celebration 2016”

• Page 4 • OctoberMay 2016 2012 • • Spirit in the WindElla Perez A VERY CHALLENGING YEAR By Eric De Quiros

t first, I really didn’t want to write this article in history. More than the food on our tables during because of my obsessive compulsive disorder Christmas, even more than the gifts we receive, it is A(OCD). But a guardian angel in the form of God’s Love that shines through! my mother has been prodding me to accomplish this This Love inspires us to begin our day duty so I obey and try to gather my thoughts and type with hope. Whenever we are faced with inevitable them in a logical, coherent manner. I hope I can do a problems, trials, and difficulties it encourages us to decent job. place our trust in God. Because if he could give us Like I said in the first paragraph, I have OCD. his only son, he surely would not abandon us! I’ve had it for so many years now, but this year was Yes, this was a very challenging year for probably the hardest and most challenging year. I don’t me because of my OCD. But, I’ve come to realize have to go through the details, but suffice it to say that, that God’s love is always there to rescue me. This without the gift of family and friends, I would have enlightens my mind and refreshes my weary soul. been a goner. Now I’m glad that I wrote this article. Speaking of gift, God’s greatestgift for the I hope and pray that with God’s Love, Help, whole world was his only begotten Son, Jesus, whom and Support, you will be able to overcome the He sacrificed for the forgiveness of our sins. That is why challenges of every day. we have Christmas, which is the most celebrated feast Takbo Lakad INDAK Isang haraya para kay maria (Mayo 14, 2016) Our Lady of Pentecost Parish Youth Ministry pirit in the Wind S Editorial Staff Parish Priest: Fr. Dennis Soriano

Public Affairs Ministry COORDINATOR: Tessa Mangahas

Contributors: Eric de Quiros Rev. Jay Lituanias Fr. Gilles Blouin, AA Fr. Roque D’Costa Fr. Dennis Soriano Eleonor Dionisio Mariel Tan Eric Cajucom

Graphic Designer: Ella Mara Perez

•Our Page Lady 5 • October of Pentecost 2012 • Parish S pirit • May in 2016 the • Page Wind 5 • Augustinians of the Assumption marks 10! by Fr. Gilles Blouin a.a.,

remember the day we arrived in our new rented were able to purchase a property in the same village, house in , not far from OLPP; it was on very ‘homey’ and spacious. Soon, we found another I 25 January 2006. We were five of us: two Filipinos, house for receiving the postulants and eventually we a French, a Congolese and a Canadian: very international opened a novitiate in Antipolo with the first group of from the start. The two Filipinos were from among those novices. whose initial formation was done in the USA. We wanted our brothers to have an apostolate We wanted to create a real Augustinian community, among the poor people of the area and they found a good which meant to put the emphasis on community life. In so experience with a group of two informal settlers not far doing, we took the time to set solid and strict foundations. from our home, and with Kaloob, our non-governmental We held a local chapter for one week with our Superior organization. Another aspect of our mission was to help General, Fr. Richard Lamoureux, as a witness and priests and religious of other Asian countries coming to facilitator. We knew that beginnings our crucial for a new study in Manila: we created the Assumption Language mission. We would put the accent on vocation ministry Center, which has developed considerably since then. and formation of the brothers. Four years ago, as partners of Bayard, our Fortunately, we had good partners: the Religious Assumptionist publishing house, we launched the of the Assumption who were pressing our authorities to Filipino version of “Living with Christ”. It is our wish open a community in Manila. One of them was Sister is that it becomes your companion for daily prayer. We Margarita Guadalupe, the Provincial treasurer, which we were honored to publish the official liturgy book of the have considered as the mother of our foundation. Other Apostolic Visit of Pope Francis. We are also the liturgy partners were the Augustinians (OSA) who welcomed us publication partner of the International Eucharistic as real brothers in the Augustinian family. Congress to be held in January 2016. After a few months of getting inculturated in Looking back over these ten years, we give the country, we started to accept young professionals thanks to the Lord for accompanying us through our in our community for their vocation discernment. We struggles and joys, for giving us a good group of young were promoting a family style kind of relationship where brothers and allowing us to serve for the coming of his everyone feels in charge of the well-being of the community, Kingdom. sharing the cleaning, cooking, gardening and laundry. It For the 10th Anniversary of the community’s was a joyous atmosphere with a prayerful accent. foundation in the Philippines, the Brothers and Fathers Then came the time to find a permanent house had a Dinner-Concert for a Cause on February 6, 2016 for the community. Circumstances were favorable and we at the UP Bahay ng Alumni (UP- Diliman). • Page 6 • OctoberMay 2016 2012 • • Spirit in the Wind My OLPP Experience by Fr. Roque D’ Costa

started when our place turned residing out to be a funeral I in our parlor! The parish office new residence requested me to bless a at 141 B. Gonzales Street from January dead baby and they said 22, 2009, after residing in Christ the the baby will be brought King Parish, Greenmeadows for about to our place. The next 6 months. I was introduced to the moment there was a big parishioners by the then Parish Priest, crowd in our compound. Fr. Bong Tupino, the following day I was looking for the will never forget the few funeral during the weekday mass that I attended. dead baby. Then someone came forward masses I celebrated in Rhonas Since then I became a part of the parish with a plastic bag and in that bag was a Garden, even if not too many community. Of course I had already shoebox and in that box was the fetus! I understood what I was saying! I am known a few parishioners as I was was surprised/shocked/confused! It all sure the poor souls benefitted from around (studying in Ateneo) when this ended with the funeral rite! it!! parish was erected. I was then serving in The hours I spent in the The services organized in Della Strada parish quite regularly and confessional were moments of grace the parish, especially the parish did also render some services (masses for me as well. I encountered people fiesta and all Lenten and Holy and confessions) in the newly erected who I thought to be good and holy and Week Services, were always well parish under Fr. Steven Zabala. their stories of sinfulness/brokenness planned, well executed, exhibited Wow! More than seven years challenged me to look into my own a lot of teamwork and were very have gone by! Years that I enjoyed and sinfulness in humility. There were some impressive. I looked forward to got enriched! Years in which I tried to who came in the guise of penitents but participate in them. Unfortunately minister and got ministered too! As I actually came to solicit material help. I could not always find time to look back my heart is just filled with There was also one instance when be there and benefit from the gratitude for the warm and welcoming someone came with a knife in the activities. people and priests I met here. confessional – not to threaten me though! Finally I want to say My direct involvement in the Largely the humility and transparency of MARAMING MARAMING parish was through the sacrament of those who came to the confessional (or SALAMAT to Fr. Dennis, his staff reconciliation and celebration of the outside) touched me immensely! and the entire parish community Eucharist and very occasionally the I enjoyed celebrating the for welcoming me to be part of sacrament of marriage. Of course I also Eucharist in the parish even when it was you! I will never forget the trust had opportunities to anoint the sick and a last minute replacement and I was not and confidence you showed by the dying, in their homes and hospitals, fully prepared! A number of people were entrusting the parish to me in the in the sub-division and the areas, day very encouraging and also corrective! absence of the parish priests, even and night! This led me to have a glimpse I am grateful to them all. It was also a if my Tagalog was very poor! May of Mary town, Daan Tubo, Park 7 and pleasing moment to bless the children Our Lady of Pentecost continue to Rhonas Garden. There was an instance after mass – something unique here! I bring blessings galore to us all!

OLPP Pays Tribute to the Religious Men and Women

•Our Page Lady 7 • October of Pentecost 2012 • Parish S pirit • May in 2016 the • Page Wind 7 • VOX POPULI, VOX DEI: OLPP- PPCRV at the Polls he people have spoken. More than 110 members of OLPP-PPCRV assisted almost 7,000 voters of Barangay TLoyola Heights at Miriam College Grade School in May 9 for the National Elections. Tessa Mangahas, outgoing Public Affairs Ministry head lauded the passion of the PPCRV volunteers led by the core group of Eric and Rizette Cajucom, Mariel and Ray Tan, Susan Guanio, Sylvia Veloso, Maurice Ligot, Wally Belen, Ellen Dionisio and Cris Datu. Briefings were previously conducted by PPCRV Chair Henrietta de Villa, Vice Chairperson and head Johnny Cardenas. Congratulations OLPP-PPCRV! OLPP PPCRV send off mass

• Page 8 • May 2016 • Spirit in the Wind