Planning and Development Department Governance and Democracy Strengthening Women’s Rights Ending Violence against Women and Girls – Protecting Human Rights Good Practices for Development Cooperation Published by: Anette Funk is a political scientist specialising in gender and Deutsche Gesellschaft für women’s rights issues. She worked for several years for a German Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH NGO which provides support to female victims of trafficking and Postfach 5180, 65726 Eschborn Internet: violence. Anette currently works with the project "Strengthening Women’s Rights" at GTZ. Her work focuses mainly on issues Commissioned by: concerning gender-based violence and women’s political German Federal Ministry for Economic participation. Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Contact: Michaela Paßlick, Ref. 211 James L. Lang is a consultant and trainer working on issues of Telephone: (+49 228) 535 3734 E-mail:
[email protected] poverty, gender equality and ending gender-based violence. James Internet: has worked with numerous development organisations including UNDP, Oxfam GB, United Nations INSTRAW and GTZ. Concept and Contacts: He is the author of a number of publications on gender-based Juliane Osterhaus, Anette Funk violence and men as partners in gender equality. He is currently Telephone: (+49 61 96) 79 1523 working for UNDP in Southeast Asia. Telefax: (+49 61 96) 79 6126 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] Juliane Osterhaus has a degree in sociology and completed her Web: postgraduate studies at the German Development Institute. Since 1990, she has been working in various positions at headquarters against-women and in Africa for GTZ focusing on gender and human rights issues, participation and socioculture.