Suggested Quaker Children and JYF Resources (From Workshop: Bringing Children and JYF Into the Centre of Quaker Life) (May 2012)
Suggested Quaker Children and JYF resources (from Workshop: Bringing Children and JYF into the Centre of Quaker Life) (May 2012) Books Bayes, H.C., 2003. Respecting the Rights of Children and Young People. The James Backhouse Lecture 2003. Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia Inc. 101pp. Boulding, E., 1975. The Personhood of Children. Nonviolence and Children in the Technological Society. Friends General Conference. 14pp. Boulding, E., 1978. The Family as a Way into the Future. Pendle Hill Pamphlet 222. 24pp. Boulding, E., 1996. Our Children – Our Partners –a New Vision for Social Action in the 21st Century. The James Backhouse Lecture 1996. Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Qaukers) in Australia Inc. Boulding, Elise (1983) Children and Solitude Pendle Hill Publications, Pennsylvania. Clayton, Phillip (2008) Adventures in the Spirit: God, World, Divine Action. Fortress Press, ISBN: 978-0800663186 Committee on Eldership and Oversight (2001) Pastoral Care of Children and Young People: Volume 7 of the Eldership and Oversight handbook series Quaker Books, Friends House, London. ISBN: 0 85245 331 0 Flanagan, Eileen. (2008) God Raising Us: Parenting as a Spiritual Practice Pendle Hill Publications, Pennsylvania. ISBN: 978 0 87574 396 7 Hawn, Goldie and Holden, Wendy. (2011) 10 Mindful Minutes: Giving Our Children- -and Ourselves--the Social and Emotional Skills to Reduce Stress and Anxiety for Healthier, Happy Lives. Perigree. ISBN 9780399536069 Heath, Harriet. (1996) Answering That of God in our Children Pendle Hill Publications, Pennsylvania. ISBN: 0 87574 315 3 Leaf, Munro. (1936) The Story of Ferdinand. Viking Juvenile ISBN: 978-0670674244 The classic story of the little bull who would rather just sit and smell the flowers than fight.
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