. l I COST OF PRO· FIREMEN RESPOND Preston Lea o te d S oew GRESS DISCUSSED TO CALLS Called By Death Worker In Newark Urges Need Of Strong Men CITIZENS' IVlEETING Two Small Fires This Morning "Develop a breadth of vie,w a nd The new regulations for levying Asses- Aetna firemen I'esponded to two State Pays Tribute To Leading Of The Things A ccom- know something well rather tha n ealls this morning, the first Oll plished By Florence Kelly a little about a gl'eat many things ; menta have created considerable discussion in North College Avenue, where thll Citizen develop the kind of a man who is this community. In order that a clearer view dwell ing of David Wise, colored, I Former Govel'nor Pre'ton Lea, F lorence Kelley, geenral secre­ in no da nger of going to the dev;l, had caught fire f rom an overhea1'- aged 75 year , one of the best- rv of the Nutional Cons umer s' instead of resorting to a ll sorts of of the question may be had.-. ed chimney, The chemical was known men in , a nd prom- 'gue, w ill b e the g uest of New , panaceas whether under the name A Citizens' Meeting is called at the Town promptly put into service lind the inent in banking and indu trial this evening at the Presby- of nation-wide prohibition, sinbie Hall (Hose House) on Monday evening, damage co nfined to t he roof. The Ici rcles, di ed at his home, 0, 909

, DECEMBER 6, 191 6 =:::::--. . . " I . • Laue of Philadelphta, I and hoping fo r hi' speetl;;- NOTED SOCI L WORK- W·,· co nsi:l.]n Xew Yo rk, Oh io, CRme a director, and two y a!'. which organizatIOn he took a deep the Ulllon e gther or anization '. overy. ~ · ARK I/ l'Il iC higan. :\l i." ·o ur i and Indiana later wa Ie ted pre id':)n t, . cry Interest, and he donated a valuable and of many 0 19. vas 1'11 1' Lea had a beau iIu! cou t ER I E W I j . 1 t 't" 1\1 1' Lea for evera yeal , \ . n I' . co mmi 's ion have a 'certained the lng until 1902 .. FO I·. severa l yea r: tl OJ) I1~ ' I' ;~nn u a compe I Io n In . . ' <, oard ~f T r u s t ee~ home, The Orcha rd: , b twe en Xe (contll1ued f rom I age 1) wag . paid, with a view to legi ·la . he \Va an act!ve director of the Ill; rk man hip. . Ip i e Id ent ~f the lB At the meet. a tIe and Delaware ity wt • the da.v or ni ght, ; nd no one had tion providing fo r p rmanent wage Wilmll1 gton City Rai lwav Co m- 1\11'. Lea at one tllne wa pres- of Delawal e Col ege. t b h spent the summer mon th ler. any ri ght even to enquire about commi sion ·. pany. He had also been < director ident of the Wilmington City H ~ il . ing last .week ~ ! c~te r ~va~es:i~tiO ~ he t ook an activ e intel' t ~I~ ~~~ PP such mpl o)' ment. ----- fo r many yea rs a nd was Vice-I I' 8- w.ay ompany. He nl80 \~as a / t he Boatd eX?ltes~mf M Lea hnd fHrml ng and dairying entel'p' :' PRESTON LEA CALL- :denf of the Farmers' Mutual Flrc director of ihe P . B. & W. Hatlroad of the deep In ~les ~ ' . . ' hel'e liS! For women, too, the work ing d a~ ' II C ompany. He was a member of a lwa. " hown In the IIlstltutlOll t ' wa ' unli mited, and co uld extend ED BY DEATH n~ruhl'ea_ Ilce 0\nV1ePI.aen YO I·'l'g l' naIIY n1 em. l __ throughout t he night. Not o nl ~' Leas was work at night permitted, bll~ (conti nu ed f rom pagl> 1) be l' S of the Society of Friends, and ar l II .. II II II 39 the same pel'son could be req uireu of William Lea & Sons Co mpany Preston Lea was trained in the III to work all ni ght after havi ng wa. formed , composed of William Ianti- lavery sc hoo l and became a worked all day , Lea, the fath ~ r , and his two son ', Repu blica n on the nomination of I After the Ne·.\' Yo rk City League Pre ton and Henr ~ . The father Linco ln in 1861. He never t ook an Satl'sfl'ed Customers had been at work some years, .. im- died in 1876, but the firm name Iactive interest in politics, but in ilar leagues wcre fo rm ed in Bo. - co ntinued un til 1882, whcn the the fa ll of 1904, when the Hepub. are the !n-eates t publicity ag ents in the world, ton, Philadelph in a ncl Chi cago; and Wi lliam Lea & ons Company was li ca n party was eager to find a ~ on May 1, 1899. the National Con- in corporated and 'ucceeded to the ca ndidate fo r Governor who could sumer ' League wa. made I y uni t- busines . Of this company pres- I unite the support of both factions ing the foul' ci ty league. It nOl'; to n Lea wa the pl'esident up to of the party, Mr. Lea was agreed Sl'xteen Years Practl'cai Experience embraces 89 leagues, of wh ic h 34 the time of hi s deat:1, He al 0 upon and his election fo llowed, In .. IN .. I a re in univer 'itie , co ll eges and wa s pre 'ident of the Lea Milling his administmtion of State affairs schools, Thev !l re in 19 tates. Compa ny. he made a splendid record, apply- Steam and Hot Water Heating There a re no\;, onsumers' Leag. In the death of "\ ic tor du Pont in g o,und business principle b ues in France, Ge rm a:1Y, Switzer- in 1888, Mr. Lea was elected pre... the offi ce. Plumbing and Tin Work land and Belgi um , Intel'l1ntional ident of t he Uni on National Bank. ' Govel'l1 or Lea' administration co nferences have been held in h' h 't' h . d t'l k d bIb t f w IC po I 1011 e occuple un I wa mal' eye a ora e recep- a r e d a ily , iuning for us good words 1'Om our Cll s tomers , B September, 1908 and 1913. 19]2, when he reti red as pres id ent, ti ons of public and semi-public The til' t ta'k of the National but co ntinued a director. He had character that drew together prom- ~ Country " ork a specialty, Estimates cheerfully g iveu . Consume rs' League wa to e. tab·· served as a di,'cctor of the in titu- inent me n, regardless of party, I lis h a label fo r use on underwea r. tion . in ce th~ death of hi s father I from all parts of the State. He DANIEL STOLL both for women and children. Thia in 1876, On the organization of entertai ned annually during his label, whi ch is no'.v used by 57 t he Eq uitable Guarantee and Tru;:i; ' ten ure of office in hono r of the of- NEWARK factorie, guarantees that gar- ompany, in 1899, 1\11'. Lea be. fi eers of the Delaware Mi litia, in 'Phone 159 ments whi ch can'\' it are made in

9i:r1 " • 01 01 '1 .d ,~:~t;j::'£'ork never {:~~lkg:~o~~:Ei~:occu rs, and the labo:' IrTh;B~:~::;O;;;~7.c. :~~~~" fi law of the st r. te is obe~'ed in all its particulars. This label has been found by travelcrs in a l ittl~ PracUcal Christmas Gifts store in the icebound city of Junea u, A laska. The wr iter has K ryptok Lenses seen it on goods offered for sale in P ortland, Orer:- an, Los Angeles, Shell Spec/acles Califol'l1 ia. and ew Orleans. John Amos, Wherevc!' the hopping public per­ Reading Glasses shot by a B. & sistently demand" it, the nH'!'ch­ ant buy and sell goods with the Magnifiers label attached. Everyo ne can help by taking troub le to in i·t upon Goggles having the label. Eye Glass Chains It soon became clea r, however, that this gua rnntee could covel' P edometers only the factories in which t he Do Not Pay Advanced l. garments are put through the last Field Glasses Prices Before Pricing at Handloff's Pl-occss-stitching factories and workshops. Behi nd these l'eadi l.v Compasses accessible factol'ies lurked tene­ Prism: :Binoculars ment hops and homes, otton mills and bleacheries, and the cotton FALL OPENING tic l6. If the snoppcr's consc ienca II AT ,., i to be quite clear, it is not enough I The Baynard Optical Company to deal in well regu lated . t o r e~ 'ld buy goods carrying the Con - :j: Presc ription Opticians sumer:' Leag- ue lab"!. Beyond ' L. HANDLOFF'S B aynard Building, Market and Fifth S treets these is a \'a !> t, large!.\" unkno\ ')1 ! -t r ep-io n to which the ordinar:.' per- ± WILMINGTON, DELA WAR E en so n has no direct access. -1- :..... c t-1- o 0 Here t he method of persulsion '-++++++++++++++H++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I Owing to the fact that goods are scare and high we have all our cannot be applied. Tenement --c 2 s:::: Fa.ll and Winter stock:on hand to protect you from the high prices. We 0 housc law. , s\'''f'atshop l a\\"~, ch il d You Can S M ~ .-+ lahor s~ai ut es , and meu'al ·cs for ave oney· :x:: now stand in a position to sell good standard goods at reasonable prices , d a~- a short workin g' and fo r stop- ~ ping night work are ncce.isa r,\' ttl l -i ~ protect the shopprr's con:riencp. dealing with us, We have things you n eed. Our '< as \"ell as the health, we!f:l re, in- . Oranges were ne ve r bette r-as low as 0 cents doz; telligence and morals of the \\' ork-I :J> and la r ge Grapefruit 6 cents each. Cranberries are 0.. ers with whom th sho!)pe rs, a.:; C') < 6 cents quart. u ts at lowest p r ices, Sweet Pota­ ~ Ruch, never comc in CO:l act. 1"1'(, 1"'1 I s:::: For Men For ladies and Children ~ year to ~' ea r , th eref ore, the acti\'­ otes, 75 cents bask et. Red and purple Grapes, 10 .~ Full lille o f Drcss • h irls, ities of the League have broad ned, .i: \. h a nd so m e 1ill e o f ' ] ~ i rl s ~ cents pound, We have Pin eapples, B russels 0..'"' as its membership and funds in -I S prouts, Strin g Beans, Celery, L ettuce, Spinach, c.. Priccs SOc to $3.50 Prices $1 to $3.50 . , creased, and much work has been Cauliflower, diffe rent kinds of Cold Meats and A ll ],inds of S\\·cater s. -C cl one in getti'~g a nd enforcin g A \'ery la r g-e a sor tllle llt of \\Ta is ts, ::;, labo r lav.. ·. The National Child Cheeses. Everything good in our li ne. Prices 50c to $5.00 Price. SOc to $2.50 Labor Committee i a direct out­ Le t us know a bout your Laundry a nd we will call ~ Xeck\\· a r 25c lo $1.00 '"'en growth of the work of the 1 ague, I for it Tuesday afternoon , W e will d o any k ind of C o mplete line of \\ hite Go d s se\'c ral of wh ose mcmbers are hauling about tow n , or to and fro m \Vilming ton in :'Icn's \ \ ' o r k a nd J)ress (;lo\'es All k i1lC1 of Dre. s ,oods s uch as .All tXI t r ustees of the committee, I ~ our _ uto mobile Truck, \ \ 0 0 1 a nd C ollon -nc1e r\\' a r W ool \ e rg-e, P oplill and S ilk P ap1in The most tnil.\- natif'nal part of 0 the work of the National Con;; um. C Ol11plete lin e of Troll scr s for \\'or k a nd COttOIl Goods. -., ~ ers' League hail to do with Con­ a ll d drcss \~rapper s a nd I-Iou:,c Dresses. gress and with the nited States I -C WM. H. COOK -c Did yOll gcl you r fall h a l yCl? If 11 0 t Ladies' a nd Chi1d r ell ' ·C n c1 e r \\'ca r . Suprem e Co u,t. In Feb ru a r.\" , C1) ::; , ] 914, President Wilso n signed a (.;) stop at L. H a ncl lon-'s a1lCl O'c l th c $2 s:::: A ll ki ll 1s of Dress C lo\'es. :2. bi ll , pa sed by the United tate.; Phone 25·n r Next to Farmers' 'l'ru 'i Co, h at. b ~ ~ 0 ongres. , restricting the working' > Just r ecei\'cc1 a ll IIp-to-clale line of to hours of women in the Di. tr ict of ' '1-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 -c \ Ve h ,l\'e a la r ge \'ariety of colo rs a nd lad ies':tll 1 child r c n ' H a ts fo r fa ll and « ~ olumbia to eight in on a rlay and J+ T d R ! . lyle ' in h als a lld caps . \\"i 11 lel'. ~ fod;y-eight in one week. TiJi. ap- I he Happy Bri e ang-e plieed to all occupations, cxc ept :- hou ehold servicc, nul'. ing the S h eets, ,' ] r eads, P illow ail e! Bolster Case. a t a ll . sink, and office work. It is t he is lh 1 e~ t R a ng'e in t h e ..... p n ccs. ::r: hope of the league that the Di crict 1 Effl o \\ e a re heaclqu a rle r s fo r . h oes for the e n tirc family. The la rgest lin e that \\" a-.; ~ of Co lumbia may serve as an ex- 'Wo r1c " cicncy quality 0.. :z: ~ a.mple fo r all those state. , especial- , a nd p rice con sider ec1. It ever s h o\\" l1 ill l\ewark. o 0 Iy in the south, which have hi ther - is jus t the propcr s ize Q to placd no r estriction whatever Walkover, Douglas, Endicott-Johnson, Hamilton ~ upon t he wo r king hOll rs of women. , for lhe a\'er agc farnily. -en The District of Co lumbia i .. t he Also the WALTON Special School Shoes for Boys For ::t 1arg-e r a ng-e we and Girls fi rst place in the east to establi h Do you want to the statutory eight-hour wo rking / kl\'C thc Roya l Bride save money on your suit or overcoat? Stop at day for women, though in the wes a 1(1 fo r a s 1ll all Oll e lhe it is in fo rce in Washington. Ca li­ L. fornia, Arizona and Colol'3do. The H 0 1l1 e B ridc, l olh ar e HANDLOFF'S action of Congr s was due to the I t h e bcst of Ranges, eco­ Main Street etfol·ts of the ational onsumer~' n o mical in lhe use of League. Miss J osephine Go ld- Newark, Delaware mark, ch .:1- irman of the Committe·) fll el, lon g' lar gc firel ox on Legislation and th' Leg-al D - / for bllnting wooel excellcnt bakers a n cl of fi ne appea r- T ri aH f ense of Labor LnwR. and the Con - · a li ce. Do Not Pay Advanced Prices sum ers' League of t he Di Rtrict of I Before Pricing at l. Handloffs olumbia, succC'lls [ully promoted In Hcaling- lo,'cs we h a\'e O\'c r th irty c1 ilTe rcnl the pas!:age of the bill introduced sty] s ;1 nc1 ki ud s lo select frolll . m e in and sec oll r into ongre s nt the req 1lest of t he Katio nn l Lcagl1c. s l o\"(~s a nd :-. lo,·c s llpp1i es, YOli a rc a ll\" ays weleoln e, FOl' years the Con sumer,' GEl S T J:'~ GEl S T Leag-ue 'ha s been agitating f I' '-:1 state ommissions to e .. tabli .. h f minimum wag r ates for .WO I11 1I F .ARMERS' SUPPLY HOUSE . and child ren, Such ('o m I11I S::;lo n ~ No, 132-134 E. Main Street are now in cxiflten e in nbc . !ltat s· a !if o ~' nia, ol or:t,do, Ilb- " NEWARK DELAWARE:I l;uc hu Hettil. jl,l llln£'. o a: ebl'aska, +-I+r+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Orego n, tah, \Va hl1l gton and I EWARK POST, 16 .1 his s peedy re. whi l steal ing coal from a car in Women 0 [ " . ~ I (' .v ;\I ethodi t Th utiful count., HERE AND THERE Wilmington, IH IS been r moved Church, Ceorg town, clear d "!l£i e between N.,.. Ifr om D la\\'are Jl os pita l to th from a r cent s upper . First Requirement City, where Den ie rs in th Oxford, Pa., Rec­ poli ce Rtnti on to fa charges of .... 15 .... li on we re pay i ng $ 1.60 PCI' bu~ h e l larceny, carry ing a deadly w ap­ . months, and Patrick Thornton, sex ton of ~ . I.nterest in hi, fo r potatoes I:Ult week. on a nd reo iRting a n onker. JO l' ph's hu rch at R is ing UII , PURITY AND CLEANLINESS ry II1 g enterprise W ilmington, fell f rom a wa yo n n IN AND READY Th New Londo n Methodi st COI~ ­ D r. L . H eisler Ball, ch a irman f or t he Ke nnett Pike la. t Tuesday a lh1 greg-ation cleared $25 f rom thel r e ig ht year: past of the New Cast le was in stantly killed. . Ho li day sp ia lg with a recent c hurch s uppe r. ounty Republican Committee, h ag 01\ r hOlll c- madc Call lies CO liform to b i ~ assortme nt of styles a nd stated tha t he wi ll not e rve f or pri e '. During November 300 marriage a nother term owing to pressure of ha ncellor u rti.' la t week rell all thcse rulcs. A frcsh a 'sortl1lcut House Coats, $2.50 to $15 lice nses were is:ued at E lkton, 9 profe s iona l practice. dered a decision holding invn licf more t han during the like month t he ordinance of \Vi lmington itv chily . Also a fi ll lille of Bath robes, $2.50 to $15 last year. Eugene Wells of Wilmingtoll, ouncil pa s~e d on June 25, 19 14. Broadcloth i'l, wool mixtures, was st ruck by a fl y-wheel at th prohibit ing the erection of public Chocola es and Bonbons ve lours, Rilks, she p h C L' d The cong regation of West P r s­ Baldt steel pla nt in New Castle one ga rages in the city's res idential pla id.' in t he new a nd good b,vter ian Church, Wilmington, h a ~ day last week, gett ing an ugly sections. Glace Fruits and Nuts co l r,'. B rowns, blues, g reys n : ised t he salary 0 f the pastor, ga,'h on the forehead, the b low a n el AT ens. Hev. W . F. Smiley, $300 a year . re nde ring him . enseless. The Dove r Demo 'ratic lub el e · I Tot Drillks a ll el alldwiches. EO'g Drinks Selections Now vated a balance of $20 I ft afte:' D reaming that he was t rying t c An auto-truck bearing Marylanu the campaign toward providing ;: a llel l\ lilk. l ec C r ealll a lld I ce Cream :oda laid a wa,v ti ll Xma s if YO ll de­ s ir . , ilk ox, Ties and avoid a n a utomobile c ollis ion, one license No. 32648 was fou nd rU Il Thnnks givi ng treat f or Dover sol­ the year round , nig ht la, t week John Michael of into n d itch and abandoned nlong di e rs orr the border. Shirt s, Handkerchiefs, Gloves Lau rel, f e ll out of bed, breaking­ Front s t reet, 'vV il mington, ncar th(' A Full Line of Sunshine Biscuit and Cakes us pende rs, Umbre llas, on or h i!'; a r ms. city lin e, on F riday. S u. pend I'S, U 111 b r e I 1 as, Three fa rms of 12 1, 9 a nd 114 Canes, 'I'eaters, Macki naws, acres in Dutch Neck, owned by t he Falling over car tracks in one Cro si ng the street in f ront of a nd a ll ot he r flll'l1 is hi g ns. late Rachel Nelson, were old Oil NEW suns of the N ew Castle teel pla nts on h er h ome in Wilm ington on Friday, November 25 at auction to W illiam MANUEL PANARETOS g ive n. F r iday George B. Den'i kson broke Anna Ke lley, aged 14, wa s t ruck Nelson, F letcher Nelson and Wil­ EW OVERCOATS by a n a utomobi le nnd one of her NEW ARK KANDY KITCHEN h is left arm. liam Rey nold ' at $72, $93 a nd $5~ in .. tock today and ready. legs was broken. a n acre respectiv ely. NEWARK :.: :-: DELAWARE GRIPS AND BAGS T he malTiage is a nnounced (If and good styles will be hard Eugene W. Dens more, .fo rmerly nf The Bridgevi lle Methodist Sun- to get later on. Dela ware City, now of S:1 Ie 01, day Schoo l has raised enoug h The Cens us B ureau estimates :Mass" a nd Miss L ucille E. T u m er, money to purchase a new piano. the population of Delaware on MULLIN'S HOME STORE of E l Paso, Texas. Janua ry 1, n ext at 214 ,270 a nd t hat T he N ew Castle Temple Club of Wi lm ington at about 107,000. 6th and Market, Wilmington Harry Beckta, long employed at gave the first of a series of weekl y SECURITY TRUST ANI) SAfE DEPOSIT Directors of the Atla Powder tl'MPM'" t he Harlan & Hollingsworth plant dances in t he Opera H ouse on 8htb aD4 ManIet 8t&., WIlInJ.qt.on, Del. Wednesday evening. Company at Wilmington on MOII ­ in Wi lmington, h as been appointed Capital, $600,000. Sarpl.... t7oo,000.~ A- day of la st week decla red a regular Greenbank. Our 'l'nIat (JertU\car- 01 l)epoedt ILI"e ..n EIoellent lnYeRlDclt C. L . Harmonson, principal of q ua rterly dividend of 2 per cent - aood .. Pald-up l.4te Inallran08 Pollclee. 'lbeJ are "'ued Cha rle Cunningha m of S ilver- Smy rna High School, has res ig ned a nd an extm di vidend of 8 pe;' III dtmOllD1Dadorw of '100, '1100. 1&00 and 11,000 and beoyo 4 per s ide, was injured when the auto- to become Deputy State Auditor. cent on Common . tock, payable I' oent. In'-t. 'lb_ 0erd8car- Il10.,., OouPOl1ll auached "pre­ December 11. .alUq tbe Interest., wbSClb GIlD be oat off every alI monUt.. and mobile of Samuel B. Finger -truck OD ~tatlon wtU be pWI h ~ ' th.. OompanJ. Upholstering h is carriage in Wilmington. Members of Mt. Salem M. E. 0"', congregation, W ilmington, h ave Tnl t companies of Wilmington BtmJ. Nlalcla, ~ L. 8eott Towruend, Vloe-P.--. John Amos, colored, who was s ubscribed $6,000 for the er ection during the year have increased Jolm L ~ VW-~ . HIU'I'J J . mw.on, SecJ. s hot by a B. & O. R. R. policeman of a new Sunday School room. their r esources $5,222,000 or 20 ~L.~,~.... Your Fall Upholstering per cent. • +11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111++++++t.+ While Mrs. Lola C. Davis was Carefully Attended To walking on Main street, Middle­ town, on Thanksgiving evening carrying a s uit case with one ha nd ... J ... Goods Called for and and a n umbrella and small ha nd· bag in the other she was jostled at LEWIS H. FISHER Delivered ndloff's :BANKS 6- :BRYAN Scott street by a colored ma n who Succellor to A. C. PYLE s natched the handbag a nd escaped, A Good Storage Room Back of Market and Fifth Street$ Ch ief Hilliard on description ar­ Tin a nd S h eet hon Work, My Office rested Willia m Davis as t he thief 1 and Eugene Davis as a n accom­ R oofi n g , S~o util1 g and Heater , PRICES REASONABLE DESIRE TO EXPRESS THEIR APPRE­ plice. Justice Sparks of Odessa, Work carefully looked after. , CIATION FOR THE GENEROUS PA­ he ld both for Co urt in default of bail. t::II t::II -J TRONAGE ACCORDED THEM DURING R. T. JONES s ALTERATIONS TO THEIR S TOR E Phone 22-A PROPERTY, AND AT THE SAME TIME TO OFFER THEIR ASSURANCES OF C Q EVEN GREATER ASSORTMENTS AND all our Z INCREASINGLY EFFICIENT SERVICE es. We Q prices. - IN THEIR NEWLY EQUIPPED STORE. Chocolates and Bon Bon. You N eedn' t Dread absolutely pure Ice Cream and Home-made Cake > Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry c. Gingerbread on Saturday < Silverware and Cut Glass dren ~ Lelsons in Oil Painting aad (')= Fancy China Butcherzng Crocheting. Also Crochet irts, ~ c. Cotton for sale \Ya is t. , Orders delivered :BANKS & :BR Y AN 'Phone 244-J Market and Fifth Streets Time Wilmington, Delaware I

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For the old-fashioned method of hard work cl cr\\'ca r. I.++++IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII+++++H 11111111111++++4 \'es, OPERA HOUSE PROGRAM . and long drawn out hours is a thing of the l: linc of Week beginning past. The progressive farmer equips his r fa ll a n d Thursday, Dec. 7th household with modern appliances and finds \\"111 . I{ussell a ll d Charlotte Burtoll ill the work cut in half The Enterprise "The Highest Bid" At.olutClly frco from ndultoranu and Rllerl', inlJt llko thfl reed you would mix (or younolC. ii, R HIJtlei a l com· A ll all star i\ lutlial ill .5 parts Company holds the record for eliminating binKl.ion 01 eholeo cotton8eod mea l, dried beet IHl I!), c that " 'as ~i:I~~~~~Otr~t~~:~~~!:f:~IT:~~~~~~~r~i~t~i Friday, Dec. 8th in hJ IKO JlOwcr·drlvcn mixer" , 10 that it i. nlwaY8 nb­ drudgery from the ,household. You know lIolutely uni form. II.nel alway" good. An extra qUKrt Will , Fo x presellt l:i iI [a ude G ilbert ill ~! ~~~rt~¥~;r!(Jr{o.~Ecehn~~r~:r!~~:'o~::- in- ilton "The Fool's Revenge" the satisfactory little Meat Cutters which ~"ijiRDi~. ;;;;~~UD;j~ III Five Parts grind out the sausage and scrapple ingre­ Saturday, Dec. 9th .' Keystoll e Comedy featurillg Chester COll klin , dients in the time it used to take you to "Saved by Wireless" get ready to cut them. NEWARK'S Pathe News LEADING "Good Pals" A full line of these famous little machines, also Pathe Dram a Butchers' Knives and Lard Presses at Meat Market Monday, Dec. 11 th ~ Tria ll gle F ilm Co. pretclIls Dorothy G iHh a ll d WAll ace I{ e id ill CHARLES P. STEEL andloff's "Old Heidelberg" DEALER INI In .5 Pa rts Thomas A. Potts Tuesday, Dec. 12th Fresh and Salt THE HARDWARE MAN "The Tortured Soul" Meats Tenth Chapter "Crimson Stain" NEWARK, DELAWARE "Out of the Rainbow" Home Dres!'ed Meats a .) reel lutunl Dram a Specialty ~=~::C~:y~lif?o~~;ln~3~~ "The Devil at His Elbow" I Main Street Opposite College .\ wOlld r,lay in fi p;lrts Call or Phon e Your Ord.r D." A. 44 i1111111111 H 1111111111111111111111111111111111+++++++ NEWAR ros!, NE'W'AR • .. =------~ ...: "e"Ration with a vi 'itor here last I Sa~ ' , ompan.'· E, lI'e are wil li summer. The f;'ent leman was si n- ):O-u-.--- 'fLat is, thoso of us worth THE NEWARK POST cere, kn ew nothing of local condi- wh ilc. uch a f ew of us t hough, 'I Wa:,t.~:.:::~~~~~ Newark, Delaware ~:~~1~ ' r e~eea: ; ~~· ai;~ed J ~ ~ t t~:~v t it~~e wo can't make much no i~e . FOR SALE-2 lo ts on Pr0 9pe~ I I - - ---P-u-b-'is-h-e-d-E-v-e-ry-W-e-d-nes-da-y-b-y-E-ve-r-el-l-C-.-j-=-o-:'h-n-so-n----- sit u a tio n there is bccom i ng se r­ I$7 .50 per foot. Apply • ou. We l'ec.ngn izo the sewcr im­ Meeting Of Apple- I 8.9- ' F Amnm.s' TRUST CQ ton Social Club I AddrC8s all communications to TIn We want and invite c ommunication~ , provements now goi ng on but 1"011 SAL! ---.... J<'ARM S NEWARK POST. but thoy must bJ signed by the ,vriter'. most of this is out of town. Just The eco nd meeting of the Ap- ,1 237 -1611·1116- }50-118·101·50·46 20.15 po~:,ke all checks to THII NEWARK name--not for publication, but for our one night last week a horsc fell pl eton Socia l Club was held on I ! . good ones. I!~ I into an excavation made for water & SAl" E 'l'olephoneB, D. & A., 92 and 93. information and protection. last Friday evening with :l goo t! : .N EWARK TllUST DE ~~ , main leak and left without dangel' COMPAN¥- Heal gslate D.p all ~ attenda nce. An i n :; e re s tin ~ pro- I i Entered Il8 second.clasB matter at Newark, Del., under act of March 3, 18111 :igna ls. '1'0 be understood, the \vA~'l' ED- ~. man and llife to~ The subscription price of thl.e paper is $1.00 per year in adv&J.ee excavation was no ordinary hole gram wa ' r endel'.;d. On Dr.ce!~l- \ ______1 but big enough for the horse, and keep be l' eighth, Profes Ol' Firman , fa~~~;~ -~; ~~I;o h OIl '~ for!~ in he went, and in he stayed until II!\ I DECEMBER 6, 1916 Thomp on will !jive his illu trate ::1 as istanco came. P lain good lue!, 10.93-7 c-o Xc!\\ arkP, that no one was hurt. Reall y some lectu re, "Und er the Southel'l1 of t hat power in us , hic h has ca r­ ono s hou ld look at this. When we Cl'os ." A con:ial invitation is COST OF PRO- ri d LI S thus fa r ? Is not that GRESS DISCUSSED boost thc town as a Subi.lrb of the extended to everyone. faith after a ll the e:sence of t he East, we are not thinking of South (continued f rom page 1) religioll s? That is the spirit in Chapel street. problem to weed Otlt the mentally whic h I would have us apprcach un fit, and insane f rom the ranks these prob lems of sociall'elations." Hand Made Sweaters of p:> rents in order that th t! race Squibs Friday Evening. December 8th tock in lJ, enel'atirm'i t come mMul:!ll."'. Peter Rabbit bath sets, blankets, slippers, pink and blue, ,o ~ S. K. and J . J. Chambers, Jame; :~ed $2.25 a set. RI'chey, farmer, John J Chamber; I Children's Shoes I( Roland M. Conord, f~1111el' ) and co or s S~muel K. Chambers, Clarence buds Comfy slippers, pink and blue, navy blue, gray and red, Rlchrads, farmer, and J .. J. Cham. piece a 95e, $1 and $1.25. bers, farm ( Sa~u.el M. Patter. candles Puss in Boots Slippers, $1.25 anel son, farmer) posItively fo rbiddenthe Ii $1.50; red only. under penalty of law. sisti Our Toy Shop is Ready. S. K. & J . J . CHAi\IBERS Mrs. PEACH AND APPLE TREESMiss es Come and Bring the Kiddies who \ very complete line of toys :a nd . For this Fall or for next Spring planl· were IDg. Hlg-h es dolls in our new tuy shop---3rd fl oo r -- - 1~~~r:t~~~~ We havo the newest and most im· . gt , . proved varieties as "'eU as tbe old mill on , easy of access from elevator. !;l standard sorts. Mrs. Th ~ome see them or write fo' lis t RndMrs. pnces. SLIPPFRS AND SHOES Many ~f t.h~ finest an d In O t profitable A l'm"h·n n •• ~r char ds lD tblS and in other state went say, M from our nurseries. Mrs. Useful Gifts for Men, Women I Can supply the cODlm ercial orchnrJ Hossin p auter or the perso n who n'ant just ' B and Children few trees fo r bome lot. rown,. Our stock is absolu tely cle:.n, healthl, Kath~ll true and reliable. . Hossll1 SPECIAL We do not buy it from somc rl' r Tyson, SPECIAL SPECIAL nursery to .sell agaiu, but pro pagate il P. Can Styles 297 and 299 ourselves, right here. 0 Iive . Have been supplying, froUl our nurser· IIf Gun metal blucher or button boot worth $3.nQ, Olel price les her.o, for more than 20 years, mnny Mrs. on these shoes while they la:t, $2.50. of the IllOSt progressive an d sliccessful Hoffe growers, wi~h their peach anI] apple Miss A Durill g tbe winter storms anel cold uays ¥:t~. Ours)s the largest uur cry in the lon, the boy's feet shoulel be well protecteel , a nel now is the time to buy because the prices are sure to W~ also have large qU:1n titv of Cali. Mis H~l WE GIVE PROFIT ON THRIFT f?rnla Privet Hedge P l an t ~ . Grape lon, MI go higher. , ID es and other lIursery stock. Catalogue Miss Stnrn.l shoes o f oil tan, cresco In many sections of the country, Thrift Days free. I calf, bellows tongue, hea vy sole, 2;/, TEH DELAWARE NUR. ERlE , 'N ,OhUlitt.inl;rlll. D to s;/" $5.00; extra hig- h tops. are being observed. Some whole communities Milford, Delaware. . S. COLLI X , /.Igr· lam, Gun metal blucher or straight lace, blind eyelets, good strollg sole. !+ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I +++-1+1+ ~:::: E. 84.00. are making 191 6 the Thrift year. A Trip 10 Wilminrlon i. not C"nlpl.l. . leed. Dark ko ko tan calf, E lI gl ish last. blind eyelets, $5.50. Wilhoul a Vi.il 10 the ---Boys' Shop, Basement Our Bank offers splendid opportunity. The inducement we make of sharing our profits with GARRICK THEATRE FOR EARLY GIFT CHOOSERS you, of paying interest on every deposit over Wilminrloa'. Hand.om,,1 Playhou.e BEADED SILK BAGS $1.00 is in keeping with the Thrift campaign. HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE These nifty bags of moire and Twice nnilr • •\ft l'fl1 oon at ~.I'; E \!CllitHrS a t ts . lS pan " elvet, beaeleel, in s b o w~ ' You need not be a big depositor to get inter­ el esig- ll s of steel beads are oll e o f the " fael s." est. One Dollar will start it. Bl ack silk. steel beaded ba gs, $2.50, $3.50, $7.00. Black pall velvet ha lld beael eel 4 per cent on Savings Accounts bag-s, $5.50, $7.00; $9.00, $10. The lI ew hea ded bag- with the 2 per cent on Checking Accounts silk top, $5.50 to $8.50. Lea ther stra p books ill lI ell'est NEW ARK TRUST AND SAFE elTects from SOc; $3.50 ill bl ack ancl col(n-eel leathers $3.50 to $6.50, a lar .'~e 'ari-: I' of all the hetter If'a thers; attrac- DEPOSIT COMPANY ti,'e linings. -.-Feminine Fancies, Street Floor Edward W. Pyle & Co" 61 9 Market Street Wilmington, Del. JOHN Newark Delaware • NEW ARR posT, DEL. : DECEMBER 6, 1916 PERSONALS Bake And Delicatessen Sale The IV entury Illb h ou ~e I omm ittec has a nnounced a bakr. Christmas Greetings .. li R ~ Ardce Rorebaugh of Phil· and delicatessen sale to be held a ~l c l p h i a wa3 th e week-e nd guest ClIft is the glad hand of a frie nd, the greeting from that o f' Profes .. or M. V. Ca uuell. in the Opera House store room, pleasant stranger whose acquaintacce you made last 1\ li :o;s assanclra irahorn of co rnel' Main and Academy street. , Philad Jphia spent Thanksgiving on aturday aftemoon, December .5Ummer, the " hello" from some old playmate, that in New.'1 rk. 16th. The sale wi ll open at nine- makes us all look forward 10 Christmas. Select VICTORIA II'. and Mr ... J ames M. Conner thirty and continue throughout the ,Your greeting card carefully, and it means as much to nnd so n J ame)l , a nd I\oJi ss Helen I d Ch . k b d 11 Fadel' of Baltimore, were Thanks- ay. olce ca es, I' a , 10 ... your real friends as a far more expensive remem­ •=~~= ~!!~S. giving visitors at the home of , pies, Bo ton blown bread, potato brance. Week of Dec. 11 th to 16th incl . J<'nder. salad, cottage cheese, preserves, «II You are sure to find the greeting ca rd you need at MI'. C. Fadel' r eturned Satur- jell ies, ft'uit cake and plu m pud­ UPTOWN FLORENCE LaBADIE dn.\· from a visit to his daughter, ding, salted peanuts, and almonds. Kells, I F you don't postpone your comrng 100 long l'S . A. P. Scott. Disputa nta, Va home-made can' ies are li sted for Our cards are prolJing popular and selling rapidly. THEATRE in the Gold R ooster Success 11'. and Mrs. Minot Brewer and n of Merchantville, N. J ., were sa le. Order for any of the e will On sale every week day from eight-thirty to five -thirty "Divorce and the Daughter" e Thanks.giving g u e~ t s of Mn:' 1be taken fo r the sixteenth, 0 1' I at KELLS, on Welsh Lane, Newark, Delaware. oa~nu • • l\lr in t Cu rtls a nd famtl y. Ch ri stmas order fo r .. alted nut · . Inster William H. Medill of Ba.l - may be phoned to irs. E. Laul'- i §~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHARLIE CHAPLIN I1110 1'e, was the recent g uest of ~i s ence Sl11ith 'phone' 117 ; Mi ss ~I I 11111 I II 1++++++++++++++++11 I II II I 1111 I III 1111 II III .",:,,:,:~~::;:':":~~.~ :~~I1c\ Il1 ~ thel', Mrs. Geo rge Med!. l, Frances Hurd, 105 W; Mrs. E. B. in the Screaming Comedy ncl fa mtly. . . Wri ht 216. frs. Agne H enry of Wtlm1l1 g' - g, Special for Thanksgiving WILMI GTON " The Rink" rk ;~f~l~h ~ r ecent guest of Nev.. - ACTRESS LIES IN SNOW The immense assortment of Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Special MUSIC by the Victona Orchestra 1ivi;;7,~~=~~"'L ~::II'. and Mr.. C. B. Evans have Maude Gilbert Suffers No III Millinery Novelties and Trim Materials makes this the logical 1 m ed after a visit with MI'. and store for the woman who is looking for correct style and maxi­ rs. Geo rge Henry, Brooklyn. Effects From Her Act mum values. fi ss Inda Arm trong of North l1"rn'._J ~_ Tl e n. ide, Miss Martha Morrison, Maude Gi lbert, co-star of "The For this week we wi 'h to call special attention to a num­ it Hill, Pa., and Mrs. Walter Fool's Revenge," a William' F ox ber of dress and tailored hats, alll1ew shapes, at $5 ,$6 Ifillan of Coc hranville, Pa., were production to be shown at t he and $8. e recent gue. ts of Mrs. J. O. Opera House Friday, December Velour Hats $3.50. Children Hats, Mourning Goods, 1'111 trong, Choate Street. 8th, lay thinly clad in the snow for over thirty minutes during t he Furs, Sweaters and Hosiery 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 making of certain scenes of t hat Social Note picture. Miss Gilbert, as the wife A. 6- L. Jenny Dean Robinson and the r esi­ of Anson, a clown, is murdered by ent faculty of the Women's Col­ her husband, who is convinced of 834 Market Street WILMINGTON will be at home in Residence her infidelity. She is choked to Open Friday and Sahlrday E I'enings. this Friday afte!'noon, De- death and then thrown over a cli if. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL the eighth, from three to The scene was made on t he e. The Dean will be assisted heights of the New Jersey Pali- I':"~~------':"""------Truax Electric Compa.ny, Inc. receiving by Mrs. McCue, Mr::: . sades. In order to carry out the Gilbert ignored this fact and . Strickersville utwell, Mrs. Conover, and Mrs. action' of the piece it was neceR- t hrew herself on the 'cold grounu. Mt·s. George Vansant was a'l J. Wright. ·sary to show Miss Gil bert lying During the time it took to make over Sunday guest of Mrs. Ross at t he botton of t he Palisades. ihe scene she was given hot coffee Rierson. Four inches of snow and ice cov- four times and afterward rubbed Miss Reck h ~ m called on old LOCAL BRANCH 1'. and Mrs. Lindsay Curtis will ered the selected spot, but Miss vigorously by a maid. f ' diS AT e inNew at a Centurydance t hCislu eveningb, Wi J- I:======::; ~ 'IenMiss s astE ll a atMiurdaller,y . tea·cher of . Among guests from South Bank school, spent the 176 MAIN STREET, NEWARK will be Dr. and Mrs. Pen- i Thanksgiving holiday at her hom\! r. and Mrs. Harter, Mr. and at Red Lion, York. county. (FORMERLY BUTLER'S DRUG STORE) C. B. Evans, Dr. a nd Mrs. d C Annabcl Singles spent t he last Miss Lindsay, Dr. Sypheru, K & of the week with her grandparents. and Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Robin- I ennar o. Mrs. Wi ll iam McCauley is at HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIR WORK, A SECIALTY Delta with her brotl.cr Edwarcl PLANTS INSTALLED AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES I's. Pilling, the Misses Pilling Redman who is very ill with tub- Miss Spencer entertained at I F Ch' erculosis. from three to six last Sat- or flstmas I Mr. 2nd Mrs. William SingleR, The hostesses were assist- Mr. J . C. Singlcs, Mrs. Mahola receiving by ' their house Thoughts now turn Christmasward-thi. great- Sentman, Mrs. T homas Whann, and I 11111111111111+++111111111111111111111111111111111111 Miss Buelah Thompson of est of all days will be with us before we are aware Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whann spen:; hia. Mrs. S. J. Wright of it. Your gift-choosing will be made easier by vis- T uesday the 28th with B. F . Si,ng" Daniel Thompson pre- iting this store day by day. Largely augmented les, the occasion being his 62nd in t he dining room, where a birthday. Mr. Singles suffered a scheme of pink featured the stocks, additional selling and delivery service all paralytic stroke last January as a ations. Beautiful pink rose tend to make more satisfactory your holiday buying. result of which he is still bedfast. formed the table center­ Here are a few helpful suggestions: and pink shades over t he. dIes gave a softened glow to Thousands of Handkerchiefs-the highest grades Drops Dead After Rescue light of t he room. Others a i! - obtainable for men, women and children. Whil e working at the Rhoades I g were Mrs. J. P . Wright, As complete showing of Kid Gloves as ever. leather plant at Eleventh and Ernest Wright, and the Unusual ideas in Leather Goods. Union streets, Wilmington, last fi 1{estauranl planned on the type of the old WaY3ide Inn. s Wright. Among the guests Tuesday Edward Johnson, colored, called during the afternoon Novelty Bags of many kinds. became ill and fell into a vat fi ll ed Vainty meals, good food, cleanliness are big words with us. EVerg Mrs. Hughes and the Misses Silk Hosiery in black, white, street and evening with water. He was helpeu out, thmg in Season. Lots of Home-baked dainties. Just noW a nd Mr ... Cheaten of Wil­ quit work and was walking home n; Mrs. Hoey, Miss Hoey, shades. through Wawaset Driving Park Oyster5 in Every Style T hompson, Mrs. Conover, Brass a nd Cooper Novelties. when he stumbled and fell and Short, Mrs. Houghton, Mrs. Ribbon Novelties. was picked up dead. Deputy Coro­ Room.s for rent---the best in town. I, Mrs. Counts, Mrs. J. P. ner Nichol thou;::-ht the man died strong, Mrs. Neale, Miss Lind­ Correct Dress Goods and Silks. of heart trouble caused by shock Agent for Main Street Mrs. Penny, Mrs. Pailthl'op, Silk Petticoats in staple and novelty effects. or f right after hi escape from NORRIS CAN DIES NEWARK, DELA WARE . Dutton, Mrs. Frazer, Mr ~ . drowning. 'inger, lVIr . . Blake, Mr '. Staple and fancy Linens of all kinds. n, Mrs. T hompson, Mi ss Hundreds of styles of Aprons. a l ine Bower, Miss Todd, Miss in ger, Mrs. C. B. Evans, Mrs. Auto Rugs in many grades. ..~...... ~ ...... ·t.~ ...... t.~ ...... , Mi s Lena Evan ~ . Mt". J. Bla nkets, Comfortables and Spread nn, Mrs. J. P. Wilson, Mii'll> Blanket Robes. H eiser, Mr .. W ..H. Steel' l Bal'll a rd, Mrs. E lltott, Mrs. , Dependa bl e F ur Coats, Scarfs and Muffs. Shop Early in the Morning; it Means Much to All er the Mi sses Hoffecker, Silk Underwear of many kinds. I A g n~ s Medi ll , the Mi sses Wi l­ Concerned. Until 12 o'clock Noon We Will Give Mrs. Roberts, Mis. Roberti'l, Japanese Silk Quilted Vests, wit h and without. Hurd, Mrs. Tiffany, Mr .. . wat- s leeves. Mi '8 Robertson, Mrs. Mitchell, I Sweaters, Wool Mufflers, Spencers and Caps. on All I Long, Mi ss Mason, Miss Blankct Robe full-length House Garments. n, Mrs. William Evan, Mrs. ngham, the Misses Whitting­ House Garments of crepe de chine, a lbatross a nd Purchases of $1.00 or Over. Mrs. Harter, Mrs. McNeal, hand-embroidered Japanese models. I Manns, Miss Butterworth, Many novelty Waists, just selected for holiday Handkerchiefs and Toys E. L. Smith, Mrs. Ra] mond buying. Two of Many Attractions Supper At Flint Hill I Garment News Buy your toys here where the assortment is \Ve offer a wonderful assortment of I oy tel' supper will be held at I big and the prices within the reach of all. Ladies' all-lineu plai u ( block initial Hand- Real coat weather is here and we are offering I nd Mr .. Frank Pctersons on We also offer a $1.00 \Vizard ~rop , one ~Oc kerchief.. , 12Y.c and ISc each . ay evening December 14-16. many special values at $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 Duster and one bottle Polish all for $1.00 today. things will be servecl and upwards to $100.00 each. who do not eat oysters. I A big special in Mahogany Trays at 79c. Ladies' all-lineu faucy iuitia l Haudkerchiefs, I' 25 cents. Ice cream ancl Special purchase of Plush Coats offered at $20.00, Wouderful values in Pictures, SOc to $5 each, 12;.{c and 15c each. I 'II be for sule. The proceeds $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, $35.00 each. --- . - --- \\ e also offe r ;1 big special in Flo\\' er Bowls. Ladies' all -linen illitial Ha ll dkerchiefs. Sev- I' thc benefit of the Stcwards' Wonderful offerings in all-wool Suit!! at $12.60 Pri ced 1'1'0 111 50c to $1. 75 each . For the day of Flint Hill 1\1. E. church. and $16.50 each. we offer S\\' eet Grass Sewillg Ba 'kets, 2 5 c to e25cral eadiffcher. ent styles; also Old English illitial, ial invitation is extended to From our large stock of Street. Dresses we have $1.75 each, and if you need dishes g-e t them I If stormy the following I chosen a number of excellent models which we art' Ihere. Prices, $9.00 to $45.00 the sel. \ big- I Lac ies ' a ll -linen, long initial Lf andkerchiefs, offering at s ubst.antial price concessions. special in Cut C lass Pitchers, Bo\\' ls allcl \'a:es, 25c each . at $3.00 each. Card Of Than ks \0, e solicit chargc accounts from those of estab­ A big line of Cutlery, Carvill g Sets, Hoaster.' Laclie .. ' fatley colored linell ill itial J fa ndker- eci l Creswell and Mr. I II .lished credit and deliver purchases free within a and Cookillg !e\l sil s priced exactly ri ght. chiefs, 35(' each ; ,) for $1.00. William Creswell wi sh 1 I thei r . in re thanks tu I reasonable distance. ======who in an:1 way ga v' 0 1' h Ip during thei r sarl i ent. 62 1-623 Market Street i Wilmington, Delaware . C. T. W. Meeting & Del.l: I 1306 ~I3~~~~t~?IT C~iimi!~O:: . T. . wi ll lI1 eet thi R I aftJ-r. c rnDonnoo nc ll.at t hc home of ,~ '-______... ~"~""""~'~4'~""""""'~""""~."""~""""~'~4.~""""",~,~""",,~,( A t tho 111 'ct i n Trustees of D last Tu e ::; cl a ~ ' tAko ad va n pass cI b ~' Con £'iv e D Inwa l' mOl'e comp l l ita 1'.\' afrai l's if ..dv a ntngc of l U nci I' h nl' tain RtllCl " nts o theil' 1Il1 il'6 nns Here's a Clothing Sale W rt~ tho gOY I'nmer.t ceive $ a m o nlh ment i n caso tary t raini ng Making a Big Noise About! bill. At t he p 1 The " ost 5 ubrlantiaJ Linings and Tri m' den t j nv mili It brings you: mlhll houl's cach week All the Correct Models of the Season. new bill thcv wi The Ne .... el! and "ost Approved Style!. The 5nelJenberg Guarantee of A b sol ute S~ five houl' " ~il The Best Fi1tin.g Oothes Made. isfaction and weck. The Belt Value. Obtainable. There is a The Beat Tailoring That Can Be Done. in ihe mattel' dents and SUITS AND !'::l~::~~~:~~ ~ I~ e • Ithe purposes of OVERCOATS at $15 00 each following . P.~~"'~7P.::' • teo : O\"€ t o?: . r~t G :: .... ~.: _... :~ : _ ": : " :;'::!' 0';2: 3 '" o :~ ~.l:t::. ' 1, ' ::~ ! : . • 0' a -nee ·o:·a,,,·-·but in\'e~t. ell, pl' e. id cnt :::'(i~~ : ..: ~ : · tG .-? lj: ~~:!: ::~ i'~ : . =:, ;_::::. ;: ~ •.!. ~ . Z :cg"i~. ~~: .-. 3r ':o:!:E .arion ",-ill pro ..' e there are no fifteen dollar suits and overcoats anywhere '."r he in l'lt i...... ~ --= c ~:: r:- : ..:=:: :.7.::i r::.::. : .::::.. < !"~f: 32: ~-$~ ri ::esr;. -: : a_· .. that tho.t can wrItten applJ c ~'C~G:': .:. : ::€:' e:G. · "!'"" ":.=...... 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'. == ':: :o: ::E. :" :'3:-i: ~.;;; G:~o & rr.~.: : :=;:': ~.G.:' : :~ : -.. -: :" L 7i'r:' FU~ERAL SUITS AND cr... ~ E!:_...::d ::~·;e G E~~ : :: -:-" E~ : c 525.00 :.: ~!::- ... i "G ~ ' EI::-&!: ' -;; . OVERCOATS at " .~d : :Ce : .: :l ~ :" E!:!:.e !JC:3 : ::~: DIRECTOR _' a..:rnr';" e:=e'3 ' ,5 4~ :r..::D'.5 rea y··o·\,,:ca :­ we E?i' :::".c. : : t~ p:);:E-! \.:CG:'::::C:~::: an rea :y 0 : : a o :-: c ~ O ~ : :: -.ne a!:.C ~G.::. : .G : : .. ~ ~:E";·G::. - ::'c C ~.. :': PRO\1PT A '''0 PERSO\..AL _f..: ;:«5 . c ;:r:.~fr:T c:~ : !::?-d G •• ': A ITE.\'TIO~ ca!"t : C!' t :?: : !'~ E:!: : er.~g : ::e o; C:'C.t) . E!: :: : !:~= "X'e X:iE: EXt: ": ;:'=' TE\'T .-\T CDIETER e~e-~' r.gr.: !'T.c.c...E·.;r: -;t;'!:::: :: :5 (:: ~ MEN'S SUITS cG!~ .·" .-\PPOl:\ . tL'''r THE BEST Library An Objt'C"t · Les.5 n MEN'S OVERCOATS at $10.00 each _, ~ : ;:=: •. !CC (t:l : :!::ec : 1:::: ~~c : ::r( Picture Framing -~----- Df:a th or Fre-deric' Bald _ Sr. way. ~ !"e-Cf"r. c £ BG: ':. ~: ... : ~:; :. 'r: Upholstering and :'::c : (i l':!:!:r Fe.o: 'er:: 0: :::e B:::.:·: ~ : i:' : LG.-:: :.:: C0X. c.!::':: . ... CG ~ . : e, d!e-ri 0:: F -r.~G:.' t ~- Repairing z: Gloves for Men and Boys ~Ci: ci : [.2. '".: ::: f::';; ~ P! ": ,; .re.: "O...i: ~ ;-:;-:-=-c-=.. !j-::-=-::-c"=-=-=-=~~-=-ji:. 0: ::: c· .:;. Are Here .:;. .=. v c· Q .=. o .::! 'J o o o o c· o o .=Co. g J c: ~ .:;. 0 .:;. 0 Ct 0 'T g g C :;~ .:;. 0 g Quartered Oak $27.50 g g Book Case g o 0 g; g ~:'e g g : o"~ e :- ~ 0 o 0 c 0 o g------g g See the Great Scenic Reproduction g RegulAr $6.00 Coats at g OF g Re:guJa.r $7.00 Coats at $7.50 D 0 .50 g NIAGARA FALLS g ~ One Hundred Dollars in Priz~ ~ MEN'S SOFT CUFF SHIRTS I For full particulars inquire at Itore ~ , !::~ ~~;ll a\~ ;~~ :I; ~~~~ ; _~~,c~ i~1.1~ Each-Three for $3.00 o Lectures will be given every half hour from 2 to 5 g t:nu' ''a. "3."~ :;1 ' 1..,' - :e g p. m. and 7.30 to 9.30 p. m. g b ;a ... · :n 1< .... 1:.,. ~ a::ze .j 0 g Exhibition Free of Charge. Children under ' 16 o :; 'j - g years of age are admitted only with o o g parents or guardian o g-O<:-v:xxx:-O-O-C-(Y'...... r.x: -=--:-=--c-c-c-=-c-:>"'."<:-o

Military Ruling must be uncl e I' instruction in the --'- It is believed that thi ~ is th ' At Delaware requi r ed CO UI'. at all times. branch of co ll ege mi li tHry Train­ " The prescribed CO llrse once t he meeting of the BO::lrd of ing that the \'\ ar D partment is ent ered upon by any student, must go ing to b es pecially intere ·trC rustees o[ Delaware College h lcl Take Care as regal'ds each student, be a pre­ in, and that as ide f rom a ny Tuesday the board vot ed t o r equi s ite for graduation. other advantages ' its establish· advantage of a n act recentl.,· of " The membel'ship of the in ·ti·· ment might offer, it wou Id be ss d by Congress whi ch will tution in the corps is s ubject to well t o take it up on that ground 'i vc Delaware ColJ ege st udent s II cancellation by the Secretary of course. and to pay all expenses ill- a lone. Your Eyes .101' 0 complete knowledge of m1l­ War s hould he consider the worl{ cidental to hi s attendance at the "The committee appointed h~ ' La l',I' a n·ai r. if they sec fit to takt. I not in keeping with the object fo ~' training camp . you to look into the matter, CO I1 - dvantnge of the offer. THIS CHRISTMAS PRACTICE which the corps is establi hed. "Graduates of the four yea l' sisting of Dr. Sypherd, Profe.,; ­ ' nd er he new conditions, cel·. "All text-bool

The delicate mechanism of the receiver hook is here disclosed. In this there are more than a dozen of the 116 separate parts of a Bell telephone. The years have developed this mechanism to be the best it is possible The M. Megary &, Son Co. to make, and ' it combines strength and sturdiness with the delicacy of instant response.

Think what it means The Spirit of Christmas is Here! w hen the receiver is "banged" into the hook. Repeated often, it must loosen and destroy the All through this big store it is visible; in the decorations, in the immense, varied stocks and careful adjustments; and if the receiver strikes the spirit of our employees. the hook in a lateral blow before it is down far enough to break the contact, and if the person on We have never had a bigger or better Christmas stock ; we have n ever felt better able to serve the other end has not had time to hang up, he will the Christmas wants of our customers than now. Every department is ready with gift sugges­ hear a "crack" that is mighty unpleasant. tions whether it be an inexpensive rug, or linen , 01' bit 0 fchina or a beautiful piece of furniture. Our Christmas decorations are particularly beautiful this year. The furnished apartment shows You can help to safeguard the high quality of your Bell Service by care in replacing the receiver. the art of our decorators and seem s to be waiting for Santa Claus and Christmas morning. Come and see and we are sure that here and there through th is big store you will find many THill DIAlIlONn STATIll ar re cuff. suggestions for that gift. TEUJ:lPHONE co .. II. P. BARDO. Distri ct M a nager. WILMING'rON. D E L . The Globe-Wernicke Some Very Seasonable and Bookcase Inexpensive Novelties a re in the furn itu re cl epa rtmcnt t hat fill th e ne d for .A sensible and pl ea. ing gift. l\I ade in mos t woods a moderate price but sensib le, usable gift . and fi ni she. to ha rmonize wi t h a n." 1'00111 . And th ey /) csk . cts in brass a nd co pper, pad, blotter, ink ca n be a dded t o at a n." li me. well , paper culler, etc., from .' 2.50 to .7.!i 0. SelT ing T ra.,·s in mahog'a n.l', vari ou s . iz es a nd Thr ee book ections, t op and sanita ry wood base, s hapeH" inl a id 0 1' p la in or with cretonne back, $ 1. .if) to $ LO_O O. in lu a rtel'ed oak, golden or f umed fi ni: h e. , . 17.60. Book Block ' in olid mahogany, w eighted a nd felt, In im itation mahogan.1' at t he a me pr ice. In g nuine some plain or hand ca n 'ed, $3.00 to $10.00. ma hogany, $22.80. T ea Wagon s, sen ' iceab le and att ractive, in maho6'- 1 an.\· and fum ed oak, some with r emova ble g.l a ss t r ays, A 'pecia l in expen:ive case, in plain oak, light or $9.00 to $31.00. Christmas Suggestions f umed fin i. h , $13.40. Just t he th i ng for the boy or 'a ndelst icks in mahogany a nd enamels, :3 .i c lo $10.00 each. girl home f rom schoo l or co ll ege with books of t hei r F ramed Mi rror. in very new dull g il t fini s h (jf There is a touch of refinement in a dainty toilet article ver.\· own a nd 11 0 s uitable place to keep them. Qnr frame: , some with cand le sconces, $'J. 50 to $20.00. stock is complete, but better make select ion e noll'. Piano Benches in ma hogany, oak and wa lnut, lift that your friend is bound to appreciate. This y ear's goods 1id s, with mus ic receptac les, $7.50 to $1!i .00. offer many choice se /eclions, don e up in allraclive leather cases, sure to please as Christmas Gifts. Smoking Sets Remember, You Can Make that any man would lik e to own are h ere in g reat va­ ri e t~ · . 'E verything from the little inex pensive . A ~ h Your Selections Now Trays to t he bi g mahoganr Smoker and HumIdor, and we wi ll deliv er when wanted with a neat little Lig hter and acces 'ori e . Ch ristmas ca rd. .. CANDY. Bra:: As h Trays, 60c Lo $6.!i0. B ut buy now wh en stock: a re complete and ~ · ou h ave ample time to make selection. (jf We all have some acquaintance We wish to remember, Iahoga ny As h Trays, 65e to $10.00. And may we deliver the s maller, eas ily hidden B rass Standing Smoking Sets, $2.25 to $6.00. g ifts now'! You wil l be a s ured of having them someone to whom good taste forbids the usual style 0/ l\fahogany a nd fumed oak Smoking Set, $1.50 to when you want t hem and will be doing a rea l service gift. A box 0/ delicious candy is always appropriate. $25.00. to the delivery men. Appolo Chocolate:! in beauti/ul Christmas boxes at Please come early, in the month and the week C. W. RHODES Newark Delawan' and the day. Store closes every evening Co-operating with the except December 23rd, at Six o'clock. Consumers' League Whether it IS for cOlllplete plulll b­ ing wor k for a IICIY hOll se or a lIIall re pa ir job, any servi e we

perf fill large or slII a l1 rec i \'C8 THE M. MEGARY & SON CO. thc IlI nc :treflll nltcntio l1 nnd ki l­ fill handlillg. We ha ve the exper­ icnce. the knowledge allll lit e facil­ Sixth and Tatnall Streets Wilmington, Del. ities to do nil )' , job rig ht, nt tlte ri g ht fi g-m cs. Get ('I ur es illlntcs.




A T the Club or Smoker, off for the Dance, everyday or Sunday, the quality of Men is often judged by the quality of the clothes they wear.

Clothes do not form character but it often reveals it. The psychology of clothes is felt not only by the Inan wear­ ing them but upon his associates, as well. Clothes has per­ sonality as well as the man himself. If they fit---suit the man and the occasion, you :have what is known as success.

I have the clothes to fit the man, the occasion and the pocketbook. High Prices and Style Plus are not even ac­ quainted---same styles, same prices.


New goods being received daily. All those small furn­ ishings that you had to go to town for are here. Correct in detail, quality to suit, prices consistent and deliveries prompt. Newark has now reached the point of growth that she is de­ serving of Chestnut Street service without the tiresome trip. That is the arnbition of Quality Snop. Not only ambition, we are doing it. Patrons knowing us phone rush call for a dress shirt, a tie. Convenient isn't it? Stop in and see if you are from Missouri.


NOTE--Incidentally watch for an interesting announcement.