N NEWARK POST NUMBER 46 VOLUME VII NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., DECEMBER 6, 1916 . l I COST OF PRO· FIREMEN RESPOND Preston Lea o te d S oew GRESS DISCUSSED TO CALLS Called By Death Worker In Newark Urges Need Of Strong Men CITIZENS' IVlEETING Two Small Fires This Morning "Develop a breadth of vie,w a nd The new regulations for levying Asses- Aetna firemen I'esponded to two State Pays Tribute To Leading Of The Things A ccom- know something well rather tha n ealls this morning, the first Oll plished By Florence Kelly a little about a gl'eat many things ; menta have created considerable discussion in North College Avenue, where thll Citizen develop the kind of a man who is this community. In order that a clearer view dwell ing of David Wise, colored, I Former Govel'nor Pre'ton Lea, F lorence Kelley, geenral secre­ in no da nger of going to the dev;l, had caught fire f rom an overhea1'- aged 75 year , one of the best- rv of the Nutional Cons umer s' instead of resorting to a ll sorts of of the question may be had.-. ed chimney, The chemical was known men in Delaware, a nd prom- 'gue, w ill b e the g uest of New , panaceas whether under the name A Citizens' Meeting is called at the Town promptly put into service lind the inent in banking and indu trial this evening at the Presby- of nation-wide prohibition, sinbie Hall (Hose House) on Monday evening, damage co nfined to t he roof. The Ici rcles, di ed at his home, 0, 909 <In hu rch, w he 'e she wi ll tax, socia li sm, or woman s uffrage," firemen had scarcely gottcn to the Delawa re avenue, Wi lmington, at 2 k at 8,15 o'clock. Mr s. Kel­ was the advise g iven by Professor December 11th, at 8 o'clock. Taxpayers hose houtie befo r f' a 'ec(lJld call 1 ,20 o'clock Mo nday morning fol- s wonderf ul wo rk in behalf of Carl Kelsey, of the University of from Newark and outlying districts are in- came, to fi ght the flames on a n low in g a lingering illness, While wo rking girls of the co untr~' Pennsylvania, in the second of the k d empty tank cal', shifted onto lhe he had been in failing health for made h er well-known to eve r~' series of historical lectures given vited to attend and ta e part in the iscussion. B. & 0, ~ i ding nea [' C I~velan 1 }\ ve- mo re than two year s, his condition er ica n acquainted with the b ig at Delaware College last evening, \ COMMITTEE OF CITIZENS nue. The cal' had become ignited did not become critica l until late OVe mC)lts tending toward socia l " There are two types of man," the farther a long thc I;ne a nd dropped Ion election night, when he was etterment, s peaker declar ed, "in every com- Permit granted for Ule of Hall off at Newark by the tra in . Water str icken with conge 'tion of the F or nearly a quarter of a cen .. munity; the conservative of under I was used, but practically t he whole lungs, w~ich with compli cation s, 1'\' the Con s umer' League of forty is certain to come of one of t"llck was df'''tl'oyed, caused hiS death, Mr, Lea's con- ;" York city-with which every­ t he old a nd well-established fam-I diti'on h ad shown improvement as, ociates the name of ilies. He is well fed, and comfort- Parent.Teachers' ead y last week but a turn for th(~ lorence Kelley-has been at work bl h k th L d h b wo rse came t he latter part of the Do n the task of interesting the ~oo~; to ehi~~ ~~~he ~as~l~nd ~~p:cet1~ PUBLIC MEETING AT I COUNCIL RENEWS Meet Thursday week. I; oppin g public in t he welfare of him t o be in the future. He i ~ WELSH TRACT SCHOOL TWENTY YEAR BONDS I Postponed meeting cf the , ~w - Mr, Lca is survived by his wife, the \','omen, youth a nd children perfectly ure the old system is '0 __...... 1 ___ ark Parent - T e<~ che r ASsoclatlOn Mrs. E liza Co rbit Lea, and by fou r who mal:e and ~li t !'i bute t he goods good it is not well to change it. Dr. Mitchell To Be Speaker Transaction Completed Y es- will be held on ThUt'~day, ?ecem- c ~ildl' e n -M l 'S. Sheffie ld P helps of we bu\' a nd usc. We a ll of us COll­ T he man who s uggests cha nge ne I ' t d bel' 14th, at three-thirty In t he A iken, S, C,; MI'S, Willbm C. st itut ~ the shopping public, W f'. calls something e nding in a n 'i t,' On Tuesday afternoo n, l?ecem- er ay I Grammar Sch oo l buil ding, Pro- Spruance, Jr" Wilmington ; Mrs, a ll u 'e food, clothing, s helter, a nd the thing itself he call s som p. - bel' ~2 th at 2 o'clock, Dr, ~'l l tchell, Iss ue of Water and Light Bonds fessor G, E, Dutton of Delaware Isla nd, and Miss Louisa C. Lea, b oo l ,~, a nd a thollsand less import­ thing ending in a n 'is m, ' When PreS ident of the Co llege, Will speak to take up the old bonds was the Co llege wi\! talk on the co-opera- Wi lmington, ant th ing , which are bought for met by a rgument this man dodges ; at t he Wei h Tract School. The main business of Council at ItS tion of parent and teacher in The f uneral was held t his after­ us if ,,;e do n ot actua lly make th3 he throws mud; he d,oesn't think occasion is one of a eries of cn- regula r meeting on Mo nday even- t ra ini ng cihl'iren to write. A COI'- noon ~t 2 o'colck from the Lea res­ individual purchase over the coun­ it worth while to use his wits for tertalnment s given by the SChOU l. 1ing , dial invitation is extended to the idence, The services were in ter, this purpose, F olks have the habit The p a ~' e nt s and a ll, r e s id,e n ~ s of The new honds, $37,500 at 4 I( ~ inteJ ested public. c h,~rge of the, Rev, Frederick M, At first t he Consumer's League of thinking they are ment ally bril- the dl trlct are cordially InVited, pe l' cent. dated twenty years f rom' KlIkus of Tl'Inlty p, E, Church, a ppealed to i:t dividual men a nd Ii a nt when they h ave thrown some President Mitchell will probably \ D Jcember 1st, were sold under OBITUARY Interment, private, \\' omen to s hop early in the day, mud. The radical a a type is en· discuss some phrases of the school s a led bid to M. M, Freeman, 421 . ' T " , Preston Lee., the fifty-second earh' in the week :lI1d, particularly ergetic, crude, r ough, raw, of an problems, now before the State, A , Chestnut Str eet, PhiladelPhi:t' 1 Mrs, Hall'let N, Max\\ell Govel'l1O I' of Delaware, servinI'" at Xmas, early in the month, ]t uncultured family, T hings have t reat is in store, Mr, Suddard, I T hi s firm took the whole issue at Mrs, Hal'l'iett N. Maxwell, w itl- from 1905 to 1909, was born i;; ;1j)pea lec1 also to individual merch­ not worked well for him 01' his Clerk of the School, is to be C011- $100,675 amounting to $37,753,12, ow of James R. Maxwe ll , aged 80 Brandywine village, now a part of a nts to improve the conditio ns of folks, He say, 'Let's have a gratulated on his interest ,in schol)1 Transact ion was concluded ye 'ter- years, died at her. home West Main I the city of Wil:l1ington, Novembel' wo rk in their particular stores. change,' He's not afraid of a affairs. A r esponse to hiS eff orts ay, No other business, a side f rom Street, on Thursday, November ]2, 1841. He was the son of Wil­ lVlan~' good prov isions of t he change, things are bad for him al- s hould be given by a good attentl- routine passage of accounts, was 30t h, from the effects of a s tro~e' l li~m Lea and J ane (Lovett) Lea. child labor laws a nd the laws fo!' ready, And h e may become dan- ance. transacted, F unera l services were held at tile HIS gr andfather, Thomas Lea was a s horter working day, to which gerous, He does n's ,consider bal- Id C' H II I late residence on Saturday after- , a ,native of Chester cou nty,' Pa" we are all 0 accu tomed that we ance, There is some good in th E: To Save 0 1ty a County Ambulance In Service noon, December 2nd, at 2,30 bell1g a descendant of J ohn Lea rarelv think of them, had not yet present social order,-in our e rl - The Hi tol'ical Society of Dela- o'clock.
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