Neglected leafy green vegetables in Africa. Vol. 1.

TraditionalTraditional AfricanAfrican Vegetables:Vegetables: DirectoryDirectory ofof ResearchResearch andand DevelopmentDevelopment SpecialistsSpecialists

H. de Koeijer (compiler), J.A. Chweya and A.F. Attere

netic t Ge Res lan ou P rc al e n s o I ti n a s t n i r t u e

t t




IPGRI is an institute of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Neglected leafy green vegetables in Africa. Vol. 1.

TraditionalTraditional AfricanAfrican Vegetables:Vegetables: DirectoryDirectory ofof ResearchResearch andand DevelopmentDevelopment SpecialistsSpecialists

H. de Koeijer (compiler), J.A. Chweya and A.F. Attere

t Genetic Re lan so P ur al ce n s o I ti n a s t n i r t u e t t



I IPGRI ii Traditional African Vegetable Workers Directory

The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) is an autonomous international scien- tific organization, supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). IPGRI’s mandate is to advance the conservation and use of plant genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations. IPGRI’s headquarters is based in Rome, Italy, with offices in another 14 countries worldwide. It operates through three programmes: (1) the Plant Genetic Resources Programme, (2) the CGIAR Genetic Resources Support Programme, and (3) the Interna- tional Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP). The international status of IPGRI is conferred under an Establishment Agreement which, by January 1998, had been signed and ratified by the Governments of Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, , Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovak Republic, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, and Ukraine. Financial support for the Research Agenda of IPGRI is provided by the Governments of Aus- tralia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Den- mark, Estonia, F.R. Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hun- gary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Ro- mania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the UK, the USA and by the Asian Development Bank, Common Fund for Commodities, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), European Union, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Development Research Centre (IDRC), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), International Association for the promotion of coop- eration with scientists from the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union (INTAS), Interamerican Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Na- tions Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank. The geographical designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IPGRI or the CGIAR concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Similarly, the views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of these participating organizations.

Citation: Koeijer, H. de (Compiler), J.A. Chweya and A.F. Attere. 1998. Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists. Neglected leafy green vegetable crops in Af- rica Vol. 1. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.

ISBN 92-9043-393-0

IPGRI Office for sub-Saharan Africa C\o ICRAF Photo frontcover PO Box 30677 (Solanum nigrum) by Nairobi, Kenya Thierry Geenen\IPGRI

© International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 1998 Contents iii


Preface ...... i v Introduction ...... 1 Angola...... 3 Botswana ...... 3 Burundi ...... 4 Cameroon ...... 4 Cote d’Ivoire...... 6 Ghana ...... 6 Gabon...... 6 Kenya...... 7 Malawi ...... 1 6 Lesotho ...... 1 6 Mauritius ...... 1 8 Namibia...... 1 8 Niger ...... 1 9 Nigeria ...... 1 9 Senegal ...... 2 1 South Africa ...... 22 Swaziland ...... 3 1 Tanzania...... 32 Uganda ...... 33 Zaire ...... 34 Zimbabwe ...... 34 Zambia ...... 34 Reference List ...... 36 Index ...... 37 iv Preface


The main function of this directory lies in the usefulness of the information it conveys. It has a record of contact information drawn from an IPGRI database of traditional vegetable workers, institutions and networks in sub-Saharan Africa. An international community of experts and workers in the area of “Traditional African Vegetables” already exists and is engaged in produc- tive research and dialogue. With the presentation of this first edition of the directory of “Tradi- tional African Vegetable Workers” we look forward to enabling direct contacts between these researchers and workers on all aspects of traditional African vegetables.

The scope of the directory is to give information on who works on African vegetables in the region and to provide a vehicle for fostering links between the workers. We would like to create an environment where information is exchanged easily between researchers and workers. The challenge is that the role and the potential of information and information exchange, and the sharing of experiences is becoming much more important in the face of growing threat of genetic erosion to our traditional African vegetable resources. The workers listed in this directory have responded to the challenge by ensuring conservation and continued use of the genetic resources of traditional African vegetables through their research, and we laud their efforts.

By continuously correcting and updating this directory, we ensure that the community of work- ers, which spans across many institutions and disciplines, keep in touch. This increases workers ability to cooperate and collaborate in common aspects of their work. We would encourage those workers who might not find their names, addresses and additional information on their scope of work mentioned in this first edition of the directory to complete the questionnaire included in the directory to enable the authors to make a more complete second edition.

The directory will also be used by IPGRI-SSA to distribute relevant publications to vegetable workers in Africa, on genetic resources of African vegetables, as well as research and information on upcoming meetings.

Dr. A.F.Attere Regional Director IPGRI-SSA Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 1


In 1995 IPGRI organised the first international workshop on “genetic resources of traditional Vegetables in Africa: conservation and use” at the ICRAF Headquarters, Nairobi from 29 - 31 August. In the final plenary session of the the following points were made:

• It was decided that some kind of network on African traditional vegetables would serve a useful purpose. However, it was thought necessary to first develop a list of existing relevant activities and initiatives. • A committee consisting of Prof Chweya (Chair) and Drs Okafor, Diouf and Swai was estab- lished to coordinate follow-up activities to the workshop. • IPGRI will look into the possibility of publishing proceedings of the workshop • IPGRI will make available two pages of the regional newsletter on a permanent basis for exchange of information on African traditional vegetables. All participants will be placed on the IPGRI mailing list and were encouraged to send in news and information. • IPGRI will develop and distribute a bibliography on African traditional vegetables.

IPGRI offered to produce a database of traditional vegetable workers, institutions and networks and make a follow up of the other points. After the Workshop, the momentum was kept result- ing in the initiation of different activities on traditional African vegetables. Some of these in- clude the following:

• IPGRI has reserved two pages in the IPGRI-SSA regional newsletter for exchange of infor- mation on African vegetables starting Newsletter No. 8. • Several other workshops have been organised resulting in projects on traditional African vegetables. These workshops are: • Nairobi Meeting: August 28-30, 1996 • Limbe Meeting: January 13-18, 1997 • Proceedings of two workshops (Schippers, 1997; Guarino, 1997) and monographs on Cleome gynandra L. (Chweya et al., 1997) and Solanum nigrum complex (Edmonds et al., 1997) have been published. • Informal contacts between researchers, National Programmes, International Organizations and NGOs have taken place.

A database of traditional vegetable workers, institutions and networks was started in 1997 based on the list of participants of the different workshops and a questionnaire that was circulated in the region. This database has since been used by IPGRI to distribute some of the mentioned vegetable publications and also the IPGRI-SSA newsletter. To enable direct contacts between researchers and workers on all aspects of traditional vegetables, this database is now published as a directory of Research and Development Specialists. This directory is based on the information in the database as at July 1998. Therefore it is possible that some workers might not find their names and activities in this publication or are mentioned without any information on their activities and fields of interest. The editors of the directory decided also that not more than three 2 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists workers per institute would be mentioned. Users of this directory can find more information on other workers in these institutes by contacting the directors of the institutes or IPGRI-SSA.

How to use this directory

The workers and institutes are grouped in alphabetical order by country and institute. On the contents page you can find the pages of the country you are looking for. If you are interested in a specific crop or thematic interest you can consult the index page which gives the page numbers where this information can be found.

Updating of the database and the directory

To enable the updating of the database we have added the questionnaire in Annex 1. We invite all traditional African vegetable workers to send new or updated information through the ques- tionnaire to the IPGRI-SSA office. We hope to produce a regular edition of this directory and include new information. The directory and the database will probably also be diffused through other media. There is the intention to make a special website on traditional African vegetables. You will be kept informed through the IPGRI-SSA newsletter when this site will be available. The database and directory will surely get their place on it. Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 3


Institute Institute Biology Dept. Science Faculty Centro National de Investigacao University Agostinho Neto Scientifica Av. 4 Fevereiro 7, 2 Andar CP 815 Av. Revolucao de Outubro Luanda, Luanda, Angola Angola Tel.: (244-2)321688 Email: [email protected].

Worker Worker 1. Ms I.M. Graca 2. Mr D.D. Kaholo

Experience: Experience: No information received No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received


Institute Institute Veld Products Research Thusano Lefatsheng PO Box 2020 Private Bag 00251 Gaberone, Gaborone, Botswana Botswana Tel.: (267)347047 Tel.: (267)399170/1 Fax: (267)347047 Fax: (267)399171 Email: [email protected]

Workers Worker 3. Mr Ernest Tshamekang 4. Mr M.N. Mbewe 5. Mr Frank W. Taylor Research officer Director

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No information received No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Human Nutrition; Extension; Marketing

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received 4 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists


Institute Dept. of Technology/Agronomy University of Burundi POB 2940 Bujumbura, Burundi Tel.: (257-22)5556 Fax: (257-22)7967

Workers 6. Dr P. Ndabaneze 7. Prof Y. Cordier

Experience: Experience: No information received No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received


Institute Institute c/o IITA Humid Forest Station Centre de Recherche BP 2008 Agronomique d’Ekona (IRA) Messa, Yaunde, South West Province Cameroon PMB 25 Fax: (237-22)7437 Ekona, Buea, Email: ITTA- Cameroon [email protected] Tel.: (237)322304 Fax: (237)322630

Worker Workers 8. Dr Jim Gockowski 9. Dr Festus Numfor 10. Mme C.F. Ngundam Poubom Research Officer

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Research in food technology since No information received 1981

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Human Nutrition No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received Amaranthus spp.; No information received Gnetum africanum; Vernonia spp. Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 5

Cameroon (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Department of Agric. Institute of Agricultural IRA Nkolbisson Engineering, University of Research for Development POB 2067 Dschang POB 2123 Yaunde, POB 205 Yaounde, Messa, Cameroon Dschang, Cameroon Tel.: (237-22)2644 Cameroon Tel.: (237)232644/224707 Tel.: (237)451365 Fax: (237)225924/202969 Fax: (237)451202

Worker Worker Worker 11. Dr Joseph E. Berinyuy 12. Dr J.A. Ayuk-Takem 13. Dr Jacob M. Ngeve Director General Research Geneticist

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Breeder by training; Research on No information received vegetables

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomy; Agronomy No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received all No information received

Institute Institute Limbe Botanic Gardens Station de Recherche Forestiere POB 437 de Kumba Limbe, POB 29 Cameroon Kumba, Cameroon Tel.: (237)332620 Tel.: (237)232644 Fax: (237)332227 Fax: (237-35)4219

Worker Worker 14. Dr M.N. Thomas 15. Dr Nde Patrick Shiembo Forestry Research Officer

Experience: Experience: No information received Researcher in the use of forest non- timber products Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: Ethnobotany; Marketing; Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomy; Human Nutrition; No information received Extension

Taxonomic Interest: Gnetum africanum; Vernonia spp. 6 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Cote d’Ivoire Gabon

Institute Institute Institut des Savanes Dept. Traditional Medicine Int. BP 633 Centre for Bantu Civilization Bouake 01, BP 770 Cote d’Ivoire Libreville, Tel.: (255)633139/631835/632044 Gabon Fax: (255)633126 Tel.: (220)739650 Fax: (220)739717

Workers Worker 16. Dr C. Kouame 17. Mr Djidji Ande Hortense 18. Dr A. Blandine Team Leader

Experience: Experience: Experience: Plant breeder; Manage vegetable Production Vegetale - No information received germplasm research; Conduct okra Amelioration des Plantes and pepper breeding programmes Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: Human Nutrition; Extension; Agronomy Agronomy Taxonomic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Abelmoschus spp.; Capsicum spp.; Solanum spp.; Capsicum spp.; Lycopersicon spp.; Allium spp. Lycopersicon spp.; Allium spp.


Institute Institute Institute Crop Research Institute Plant Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Genetic Resources Unit University of Ghana University of Science and PO Box 7 POB 25 Technol. Bunso, Accra, POB 3785 Ghana Ghana Kumasi, Tel.: (233-21)622212 Tel.: (233-21)667706 Ghana Fax: (233-21)779809 Tel.: (233-51)5351/5360 Fax: (233-51)60137

Worker Worker Worker 19. Mr S.O. Bennett-Lartey 20. Prof I. Addae-Mensah 21. Mr G. Tuani Curator, Officer-in-Charge

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No information received No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 7


Institute Institute Institute POB 126 POB 2200 PO Box 8 Kerugoya, Machakos, Emali, Kenya Kenya Kenya

Worker Worker Worker 22. Ms Ruth Mwaniki 23. Mr David Kyalo 24. Mr Anthony Kilonga Farmer Farmer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Grow vegetables Farmer Agriculture Community based health and nutrition; Rural savings; Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Adult literacy; Small business Agronomy; Pathology; Human Human Nutrition; Extension; among others Nutrition; Marketing Marketing Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Human Nutrition; Pathology; Sukuma wiki ( oleracea); All vegetables Agronomy; Ethnobotany Pumpkins; Stinging nettle; Carrots; Amaranthus Taxonomic Interest: No information received

Institute Institute Institute Centre of Indigenous Knowledge Department of Botany, Maseno Department of Horticulture, Systems and by Products University College Egerton University (CIKSAP) Private Bag POB 536 POB 66344 Maseno, Njoro, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-35)51622 Tel.: (254-37)61620 Tel.: (254-2)448150 Fax: (254-35)51221 Fax: (254-2)444424 Email: [email protected]

Worker Worker Worker 25. Ms Monica Opole 26. Prof John C. Onyango 27. Dr Geoffrey Tunya Co-ordinator Researcher Chairman of Horticulture Dept.

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Plant Physiology; Researcher in University lecturer crop Stress Physiology Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomy; Human Nutrition Plant Propagation via tissue culture Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received Local rainfed rice varieties; Cleome Cassava crop; Euphorbiaceae spp.; Traditional vegetables; Solanum spp 8 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute Department of Horticulture Department of Horticulture, Egerton University JKUAT POB 536 POB 62000 Njoro, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-37)61620 Tel.: (254-151)22646/7/8/9 Fax: (254-151)21764

Worker Workers 28. Mr Arnold M. Opiyo 29. Dr C.O. Omondi 30. Ms Florence Ondieki Asst. Lecturer of Horticulture Teaching Assistant

Experience: Experience: Experience: Horticulture. (in progress); No information received B.Sc.. Hort B.Sc. (Hons) Agric. Dip. Hort.; Vegetable seed certificate officer Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Min. of Agric. (4 years); University No information received Agronomy; Human Nutrition; lecturer 8 years Extension; Marketing

Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Human Nutrition No information received Cleome gynandra

Taxonomic Interest: Solanum nigrum; Corchorus olitorius; Cleome gynandra

Institute Institute Institute Dept. of Agric. Ministry of Dept. of Food Sci. & Post Dept. of Food Technology and Agric. Livestock, Development Harvest Technol. JKUAT Nutrition, University of Nairobi & Marketing POB 62000 PO Box 30197 or 29053 POB 41 Nairobi, Nairobi, Embu, Kenya Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-151)22646 Tel.: (254-2)632054/175 Tel.: (254-161)20194/20196 Fax: (254-151)21764 Fax: (254-2)632037 Fax: (254-161)20921 Email: Jkuat- [email protected]

Worker Worker Worker 31. Mr Daniel K. Waithaka 32. Mr A.O. Makokha 33. Prof Jasper Imungi Provincial Extension Coordinator Lecturer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Agronomist Lecturer in food science and No information received nutrition; Researcher in food science Thematic Interest: and nutrition Thematic Interest: Agronomy; Extension No information received Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Human Nutrition; Processing and Taxonomic Interest: All vegetables preservation No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Traditional vegetables (general) Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 9

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Division of Family Health East African Herbarium Faculty of Agriculture Ministry of Health National Herbarium University of Nairobi POB 43319 POB 45166 POB 30197 Nairobi, Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-2)725105/8 Tel.: (254-2)742161/31 Tel.: (254-2)632211 Fax: (254-2)337398 Fax: (254-2)631956

Worker Worker Worker 34. Ms Ruth Wamatuba 35. Dr C. Kabuye 36. Dr Florence M. Olubayo MDC Programme Officer Botanist-in-Charge Lecturer

Experience: Experience: Experience: District nutrition officer; Analyst No information received Teaching Agricultural entomology; (National public health laboratory Research on crop protection of services); Trainer - Community Thematic Interest: legumes; Research on pests of nutrition Programme officer No information received indigenous vegetables

Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Thematic Interest: Human Nutrition; Extension; No information received Human Nutrition; Extension; Marketing Marketing; Entomology

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: All vegetables Solanum spp.; Corchorus spp.; Crotalaria spp.; Cleome spp.; Amaranthus spp. Institute Institute Family Life Training Programme Home Economics Assn. for POB 58271 Africa Nairobi, POB 79490 Kenya Nairobi, Tel.: (254-2)339906/216783 Kenya Tel.: (254-2)710735 Fax: (254-2)710735

Worker Worker 37. Mr Albert B. Webale 38. Ms Jean Kiviu Nutrition Advisor Secretary General

Experience: Experience: General agriculture and specific in Trained in bachelor of education applied human nutrition (home economics); Teaching human nutrition in Kenyan high schools, Taxonomic Interest: Thematic Interest: Zimbabwe high school, Kenyatta No information received Agronomy; Ethnobotany; University; Private producer of Agronomy; Extension; Human nutritious breakfast cereal Nutrition Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Human Nutrition; Marketing; All vegetables Extension 10 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute IPGRI Regional Office for Sub- Jomo Kenyatta University of Saharan Africa c/o ICRAF Agric. and Technology POB 30677 POB 62000 Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-2)521514,521450/1 Tel.: (254-151)22646/9 Fax: (254-2)521209 Fax: (254-151)21764 Email: [email protected] Email: Jkuat- [email protected] Worker 39. Prof James Chweya Workers Honorary research fellow 40. Dr Stephen Gaya Agong 41. Ms Esther M. Kahangi Email: [email protected] Chairman of Department Associate Professor

Experience: Experience: Experience: Horticulturist; Agronomist; Plant 8 years in plant breeding and Biotechnology; Seed production Genetic Resources Scientist genetics in vegetable crops with and technology publications on Solanum nigrum Thematic Interest: and Amaranthus spp. Thematic Interest: Taxonomy; Ethnobotany; Taxonomy; Agronomy Agronomy; Human Nutrition; Thematic Interest: Post Harvest handling Taxonomy; Ethnobotany; Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Pathology Solanum nigrum complex Taxonomic Interest: Solanum nigrum complex; Brassica Taxonomic Interest: spp.; Cucurbita spp.; Cleome Solanum nigrum complex; Cleome gynandra; Corchorus spp. gynandra; Amaranthus spp

Institute Institute Kenya Agricultural Res. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Headquarters) Inst. POB 57811 POB 220 44. Ms Alice N. Muriithi Nairobi, Thika, Researcher Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-2)583301/20 Tel.: (254-151)21281/5 Experience: Fax: (254-2)583344 Worked as extension officer ’84 - 88 with small scale farmers in Worker Workers Thika (crops, soil and water); On 42. Mrs M. Onyango 43. Mr Naftal Ondabu station research mainly evaluation Macadamia Research Programme of new varieties and on farm trials with superior varieties Experience: Experience: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: Human Nutrition Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Human Nutrition Taxonomic Interest: Namasaka (Solanum nigrum Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: complex); Endelema (Basella spp.); No information received Cleome gynandra Murere (Corchorus spp.) Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 11

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Kenya Agricultural Research Kenya Agricultural Research Maseno University College Inst. Inst. Private Bag POB 169 POB 523 Maseno, Kakamega, Kisii, Kenya Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-35)51622 Tel.: (254-331)30031 Tel.: (254-381)31800/3 Fax: (254-35)51221 Fax: (254-381)31057 Email: [email protected]

Worker Worker Worker 45. Mr Patrick Waswa 46. Ms N.E.K. Okoko 47. Ms Mary O.A. Onyango Research Officer Research Officer in Horticulture Senior Lecturer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Worked on pyrethrum agronomy, Agronomic research in horticulture B.Sc. Agriculture; M.Sc. Agronomy, horticulture agronomy (both fruits with special interest in indigenous Plant nutrition, storage; Ph.D. - and exotic vegetables) and vegetables and bananas. Horticulture, Horticultural crops germplasm collection selection and physiology with emphasis in screening of local vegetables Thematic Interest: vegetables (onions) nutrient contents Agronomy; Human Nutrition of vegetables growth and Thematic Interest: development. Taxonomy; Ethnobotany; Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Pathology; Human Spider flower (Cleome gynandra); Thematic Interest: Nutrition Black nightshades (Solanum nigrum Agronomy; Pathology complex) Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Cleome gynandra; Pumpkin leaves; Cleome gynandra; Crotalaria Yam leaves; Corchorus spp; brevidens; Amaranthus spp; Amaranthus spp; Crotalaria spp; Corchorus olitorius; Solanum Institute nigrum complex; Vigna unguiculata Kenya Energy and Environmental Organization POB 48197 Nairobi, Kenya Tel.: (254-2)749747/8281 Fax: (254-2)749382

Workers 48. Mr Achoka Awori 49. Mr L. Mathenge 50. Mrs B. Busolo Coordinator

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No information received No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received 12 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Khupima Women Group Kenya Institute of Organic Kenya Institute of Organic POB 81 Farming Farming Bugoma, POB 34972 POB 34972 Kenya Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-2)583154/3384 Tel.: (254-2)583154/3384 Fax: (254-2)583370 Fax: (254-2)583370 Email: [email protected]

Worker Worker Worker 51. Ms Metrine Khisa 52. Mr John W. Njoroge 53. Mr Nehemiah M. Mihindo Director Training Officer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Family planning Nutrition PHC No information received Indigenous Knowledge Organic farming Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Human Nutrition; Extension No information received Thematic Interest: Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Extension Fruits, Potatoes, Cassava No information received Taxonomic Interest: Amaranthus spp.; Solanum nigrum complex; Cleome gynandra Institute Institute Institute Ministry of Agric. Livestock Ministry of Agric. Livestock Ministry of Agriculture Dev. and Marketing Dev. and Marketing POB 54 POB 90290 POB 530 Kajiado, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kenya Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254)21621 Ext.178 Tel.: (254-11)223792 Tel.: (254-37)41166 Fax: (254-11)225212

Worker Worker Worker 54. Mr Elly A. Miron 55. Mr Kimego Kiptoo 56. Mr David Smollo Provincial Director Provincial Hort. Crops Officer Marketing Officer

Experience: Experience: Experience: B.Sc.. Agric; worked long in Agric B.Sc.. Horticulture Experience in Working with women groups and Extension; Developed curriculum field extension individual farmers especially on for training at diploma level, Msc nutrition and marketing Agric Extension and Education Thematic Interest: Agronomy; Pathology; Extension; Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Taxonomy Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Human Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Nutrition; Extension; Marketing Pathology; Human Nutrition; Taxonomic Interest: Extension Family names Taxonomic Interest: Family names Taxonomic Interest: Amaranthus spp. Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 13

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Development and Livestock Development and Marketing Marketing POB 30028 POB 30028 Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-2)728370 Tel.: (254-2)728370

Worker Workers 57. Mr Philip Muema 58. Ms Adija N. Baraza 59. Ms Rose K. Lutta Deputy Director of Agric. Provincial Home Economics Incharge of Nutrition Programme Officer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Horticulture; Agronomy and Working with farm families and Extension; Nutrition; Home Extension women groups in the promotion of Economies; Education/IEC local foods and the formulation of methods Thematic Interest: new recipes to enhance the Agronomy; Marketing promotional activities. Thematic Interest: Human Nutrition; Extension; Taxonomic Interest: Thematic Interest: Marketing Cowpea Agronomy; Human Nutrition; Extension; Marketing Taxonomic Interest: Cereals; Exotic foods Vs Taxonomic Interest: traditional benefits; Root, tubers No information received and vegetables Institute Institute Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Development and Livestock Development and Marketing Marketing POB 30028 POB 27 Nairobi, Machakos, Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-2)728370 Tel.: (254-145)21621/20331

Worker Workers 60. Ms Teresa N. Tumwet 61. Mr Mulatya Kitheka 62. Ms Esther Wambua Nutrition Officer District Agricultural Officer District Hort. Crops Officer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Soil conservation; Farm 16 years experience in extension Horticulture extension management; Training Home economics Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Human Nutrition; Extension; Agronomy; Pathology; Extension; Thematic Interest: Marketing; Taxonomy Marketing Human Nutrition Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received Papilionoideae Horticultural Crops 14 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Development and Livestock Development and Livestock Development and Marketing Marketing Marketing POB 27 POB 29 POB 392 Machakos, Nyeri, Kerugoya, Kenya Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-145)21621/20331 Tel.: (254-171)30619 X3144 Fax: (254-171)22341

Worker Worker Worker 63. Ms Lucia Ndolo 64. Ms Rebecca Wahome 65. Ms Mary N. Nduru District Training Officer Provincial Horticultural Officer District Agric. Officer

Experience: Experience: Experience: 6 years as an AAO 3 3 years as an Bachelor of Science (Agriculture); Agricultural extension to farmers AO 2 Trained in horticultural crops and learning from them for 13 production through courses, years Thematic Interest: seminars and Workshops Human Nutrition; Marketing Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Agronomy; Pathology; Human Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Pathology; Human Nutrition; Extension Traditional leafy vegetables Nutrition; Extension; Marketing Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Green leafy vegetables -all Amaranthus spp.; Stinging nettle. Pulses Institute Institute Institute MOALD&M District Agric. Moi University National Council for Science and Office POB 3900 Technology (NCST) POB 899, Nyeri, Eldoret, PO Box 30623 Kenya Kenya Nairobi, Tel.: (254-171)2932 Tel.: (254-321)43620/001/8 Kenya Fax: (254-171)2932 Fax: (254-321)43047 Tel.: (254-2)336173

Worker Worker Worker 66. Mrs M.M. Kamoni 67. Dr Samuel Gudu 68. Mrs Grace W. Thitai District Home Economist Science Secretary

Experience: Experience: Experience: 15 years in food production and Molecular genetics and Genetic resources conservation and utilization among the farming Biotechnology utilization community Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Agronomy Ethnobotany; Conservation; Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Pathology Pathology; Human Nutrition; Taxonomic Interest: Extension Amaranthus Taxonomic Interest: Amaranthus spp. Taxonomic Interest: Vegetales used in mashing food in central province; Nutritional or medical attributes Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 15

Kenya (continued)

Institute Institute National Genebank of Kenya KENRIK, National Museums of Crop Plant Genetic Resources Kenya POB 781 POB 40658 Kikuyu, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-154)32880/6 Tel.: (254-2)742161/31 Fax: (254-154)32587 Fax: (254-2)741424 Email: [email protected]

Workers Worker 69. Mr E.N. Seme 70. Mr J.K. Kemei 71. Mr Patrick Maundu Officer-in-Charge Collector, Research Officer Ethnobotanist

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No information received No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received

Institute Institute Organic Matter Management Save the children - Somalia office Network POB 39472 POB 39042 Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Kenya Tel.: (254-2)746263 Fax: (254-2)521482

Workers Worker 72. Mr Patrick Nekesa 73. Mr Paul Osero 74. Ms Jane Macaskill Food Economist Email: [email protected] Experience: Worked with farmers to improve Experience: Experience: crop production through application No information received Msc. Human Nutrition; 10 years of low cost and sustainable soil working in assessment\monitoring improvement methods Worked Thematic Interest: of household food security with farmers to improve market No information received value of their products through low Thematic Interest: cost processing Taxonomic Interest: Human Nutrition No information received Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Human Nutrition; No information received Marketing

Taxonomic Interest: Bambara groundnut; Cowpea 16 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Kenya (continued) Lesotho

Institute Institute Institute United Nations Environment Western Agricultural Research Department of Agricultural Programme (Headquarters) Kakamega Research PO Box 30552 PO Box 169 PO Box 829 Nairobi, Kakamega, Maseru 100, Kenya Kenya Lesotho Tel.: (254-2)621234 Tel.: (254-331)20177 Tel.: 266)312395/72,322372 Fax: (254-2)540711

Worker Worker Worker 75. Prof R.J. Olembo 76. Mr Hannington M. Obiero 77. Mr Trower Namane Deputy Assistance Executive Tel: (254-331)30031 Deputy Director Tel: (254-2)520600/332930 Fax: (254-331)20893 Fax: (254-2)540711

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No information received No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received


Institute Institute Agriculture Development Bunda College of Agriculture Division Machinga (ADD) University of Malawi POB 3 POB 219 Liwonde, Malawi Lilongwe, Malawi Tel.: (264)532410 Tel.: (264)277251/277222 Fax: (264)532417 Fax: (264)277222/277403 Email: [email protected] Workers 78. Mr Lengani Ngwata 79. Ms Julita Nasanjama Worker Horticulture Officer Food & Nutrition Officer 80. Dr Moses Kwapata Associate Professor of Hort. Experience: Experience: Training staff and farmers in Training in nutrition and utilization Experience: agronomic aspects of indigenous of indigenous vegetables No information received vegetable production and seed multiplication Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Human Nutrition No information received Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Extension Corchorus aestuans (Denge); Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Hibiscus sabdariffa; Jamaica sorrel No information received Amaranthus (Bonougwe); (Chidede); Amaranthus Corchorus spp. (Denje); Hibiscus (Bonongwe); Bean leaves (Kwanya); esculentus (Limauda) Hibiscus esculentus (Limanda) Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 17

Malawi (continued)

Institute Institute Bunda College of Agriculture Bvumbwe Agricultural Research University of Malawi Station POB 219 PO Box 5748 Lilongwe, Limbe, Malawi Malawi Tel.: (264)277251/277222 Tel.: (265)662205/7/6 Fax: (264)277222/277403 Fax: (265)662323 Email: [email protected]

Worker Workers 81. Mr Moses F.A. Maliro 82. Mr Peter N.H Zulu 83. Dr W.T. Gondwe Lecturer Plant Breeding Seed Technologist Nation. Res. Coord. for Hort. Res. [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: Germplasm collection of indigenous Seed Technologist (Msc Seed Vegetable research with emphasis vegetables; Agronomic field trials of Science and Technology) since on potato indigenous vegetables; Teaching 1989 plant breeding\crop improvement Thematic Interest: to undergraduates importance of Thematic Interest: Agronomy conserving plant genetic resources Taxonomy; Ethnobotany Taxonomic Interest: Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Solanum tuberosum; Tomato; Agronomy; Ethnobotany; All vegetables Allium cepa Pathology; Crop improvement

Taxonomic Interest: No information received 18 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists


Institute Faculty of Science, University of Mauritius Reduit, Mauritius Tel.: (230)4541041/46 Fax: (230)4656928

Workers 84. Dr Saheed Goburdhun 85. Prof I. Fagoonee 86. Dr Ameena Gurib-Fakim Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Science Associate Professor Tel: (230)4541041/4649958 Tel: (230)4541041/4649958 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: B.Sc. (Hon) Agriculture; Msc Food Ph.D. in applied Entomology Ph.D. Organic Chemistry Science; Ph.D.. Horticulture Applied agronomy (Plant protection) Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Medicinal plants Human Nutrition; Agronomy Thematic Interest: Pathology Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: All vegetables Lablab purpureus Taxonomic Interest: General


Institute Institute Institute CANAMCO Kavango Farming Systems National Botanic Research Tsumeb, Research & Extension Team Institute (NBRI) Namibia POB 2096 Private Bag 13184 Tel.: (264-671)55335/55826 Rundu, Windhoek, Namibia Fax: (264-671)55336 Namibia Tel.: (264-61)2022196 Tel.: (264-671)55917 Fax: (264-61)233459 Fax: (264-671)55846 Worker Worker Worker 89. Ms Gillian L. Maggs 87. Dr Peter J. Lenhardt 88. Mr Johannes Simbombo Chairperson NPGR Com. Project Manager Extension Technician Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: Currently completing a Ph. D. on No information received Agriculture; Agroforestry “Genetic Resources and agricultural potential of indigenous Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Cucurbitaceae in Namibia” Agronomy Human Nutrition Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomy; Ethnobotany All Namibian Vegetables All indigenous vegetables Taxonomic Interest: Namibian Cucurbitaceae; Citrullus spp. Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 19

Niger Nigeria

Institute Institute Institute Institut National de Recherches CENRAD Department of Biological Agronomiques du Niger POB 5052 Sciences, Ahmadu Bello BP 429 Ibadan, University Niamey, Nigeria POB 1044 Niger Tel.: (234-2)2412694 Zaria, Samaru, Tel.: (227)723434/722070 Fax: (234-2)2413839 Nigeria Fax: (227)722144 Tel.: (234-62)50581

Worker Worker Worker 90. Mr Mamadou Ouattara 91. Dr David Olajide Ladipo 92. Dr B.M.B. Ladu Director general Director

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Ph.D. forestry Genetics of multi No information received purpose trees Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: No information received Ethnobotany; Agronomy Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received Vernonia

Institute Department of Biological Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University POB 1044 95. Mr Sunday P. Bako Zaria, Samaru, Lecturer Nigeria Email: [email protected] Tel.: (234-62)50581 Experience: Evaluations of nutrient composition, including minerals and Workers vitamin components of vegetables; 93. Dr C.O. Ajakaye 94. Dr Y.Y. Karatela Crop responses to applied growth Tel: (234-69)50581 X108 regulators and green manures; Plant propagation including tissue culture; Experience: Experience: Conservation of germplasm; Crop Evaluation of nutrient composition No information received responses and management under Enzyme activity (e.g. NRA); Crop adverse environments responses to green manures Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Ethnobotany; Human Nutrition; No information received Taxonomic Interest: Plant physiology; Conservation No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Amaranthus spp.; Brassica spp.; Vitis spp.; Lycopersicon spp.; Corchorus spp.; Abelmoschus spp.; Abelmoschus spp.; Amaranthus spp.; Lactuca spp. Capsicum spp; Brassica spp. 20 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Nigeria (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Department of Plant Sciences Dept. of Pharmacognosy, FAME Agricultural Centre Obafemi Awolowo University Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi 3, Kingsway Rd., POB 3856 Ile-Ife, Oyo State, Awolowo University Enugu, Nigeria Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria Tel.: (234-36)230290-300 Nigeria Tel.: (234-42)335060 Tel.: (234-36)230290 Fax: (234-42)250611 Fax: (234-36)231733

Worker Worker Worker 96. Dr A.E. Akingbohungbe 97. Prof A. Sofowora 98. Dr J.O. Okafor Tel: (234)230290/1 Director Managing Director Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Photochemical research; Plant conservation strategies; Ethnobotanical research Environmental management and Thematic Interest: protection; Lectureships No information received Thematic Interest: Ethnobotany; Phytochemistry Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomy; Ethnobotany No information received Taxonomic Interest: Zanthoxylum spp.; Datura spp.; Taxonomic Interest: Hemizygia spp.; Cassia spp.; Wood plant of nutritional impor- Ocimum spp. tance Sterculia spp.; Pterocarpus; Combretaceae; Irvingia spp.; Dacryodes; Leguminosae family

Institute Institute Institute Forestry Research Institute of UNDP, c\o res. rep. Rivers State University of Nigeria PO Box 2075 Science and Technology POB 5054 Lagos, POB 5080 Ibadan, Nigeria Port Harcourt, Nigeria Fax: (234-1)681213 Nigeria Tel.: (234-2)2414441\4022\4073 Tel.: (234-84)335808 Fax: (234-2)2410515 Worker Worker 100. Prof Bede N. Okigbo Worker 99. Mrs O.A. Ugbogu-Bakare Fax: (234-42)543202 101. Prof A.I. Ahianzu Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Many years research on crop ecology No information received and production; Entomology and Thematic Interest: plant breeding Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Ethnobotany Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: Wild edible horticultural plants Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 21

Nigeria (continued)

Institute There are many other workers at this institute who have send in the Jericho Reservation Area, questionnaire. We have decided not to include all of them in this direc- National Horticultural Research tory. You can contact Dr. Denton if you want information on other Inst. work undertaken at this Institute Idi-Ishin, Area, PMB 5432 Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Tel.: (234-2)2412490/296 Fax: (234-2)2412230 103. Mr Ayorinde O. Babalola 104. Mrs Folasade M. Tairu Head, Crop Utilization Unit Research Officer (H.O.D.) GRU Workers 102. Dr Olanrewaju A. Denton Experience: Experience: Assistant Director of Research 4 years as research officer Four years experience in collection, evaluation, multiplication, Experience: Thematic Interest: conservation and distribution of Tropical vegetable germplasm Human Nutrition; Preservation fruits and vegetables germplasm collection and improvement; Breeding of traditional vegetables; Taxonomic Interest: Thematic Interest: National co-ordinator of research on Crassocephalum biafrae Solanum Agronomy Biodiversity vegetables and fruits nigrum complex African star apple conservation Crassocephalum crepidiodes Lactuca Thematic Interest: taraxacifolia Taxonomic Interest: Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Amaranthus spp.; Capsicum spp.; Marketing Sesamum spp.; Lactuca taraxacifolia; Basella spp.; Corchorus spp.; Solanum Taxonomic Interest: spp. Corchorus olitorius; Amaranthus spp.; Abelmoschus esculentus; Senegal Celosia spp.; Solanum spp. Institute Institute Institute Affaires Etrangeres Assemblee Centre pour le Developpement Institut Senegalais de Recherches Nationale du Senegal de l’Horticulture (CDH) Agricoles BP 86 BP 3120 or 2619 BP 3120 Dakar, Dakar, Senegal Dakar, Senegal Senegal Tel.: (221)352506 Tel.: (221)322431 Tel: (221)8235573 Fax: (221)322427,350610 Fax: (221)322427 Email:

Worker Worker Worker 105. Dr Djibril Sene 106. Mr Meissa Diouf 107. Mr Nbaye Alain Président de la Commission des Plant breeder Director

Experience: Experience: Experience: Cowpea breeding Variety selection on tomatoes; Variety selection on potatoes and Variety selection on Jaxatu manioc Thematic Interest: Agronomy Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Agronomy Agronomy; Plant breeding Taxonomic Interest: Vigna unguiculata W. Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Lycopersicon esculentum; Solanum Sweet potato (Ipomea batatas); aethiopicum; Capsicum frutescens Solanum tuberosum; Cassava (Manihot esculentis) 22 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Senegal (continued)

Institute Institute Institut Senegalais de Recherches TROPICASEN Agricoles BP 999 BP 3120 Dakar, Dakar, Senegal Senegal Tel.: (221)322431 Tel.: (221)320505 Fax: (221)322427 Fax: (221)320536

Worker Worker 108. Mr Fall Cheikh-Alassane 109. Dr Abdoulay Seck Researcher Scientific and Technical Manager

Experience: Experience: Creation of varieties of bissap rouge 18 years in Vegetables; 5 years (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and of Thematic Interest: Extension work and Training; 13 varieties of gombo (Abelmoschus Taxonomy; Agronomy; Pathology years Plant breeding and seed esculentus) adapted to the “saison production flaiche”. Definition of technical Taxonomic Interest: itineraires of Allium (Allium cepa et Hibiscus sabdariffa L; Malvaceae Thematic Interest: Allium satioum) and of Hibiscus Abelmoschus esculentus; No information received (Hibiscus sabdariffa) Taxonomic Interest: Solanaceae (tomato, eggplants, pepper); Malvaceae (sorrel, okra); Alliaceae (onion, shallot, garlic) South Africa

Institute Institute Institute No 3 “T” Street ACER (Africa) Development Agricultural Research Council Tontyi Grahamstown, 6140 Consultants (Pty) Limited Plant Protection Research Inst. South Africa POB 503 Private Bag X134 Tel.: (27-461)320582 Mtunzini, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa South Africa Tel.: (27-353)401799/2715 Tel.: (27-12)2069112 Fax: (27-353)402232

Worker Worker Worker 110. Mr Nzima Tyota 111. Dr R.D. Heinsohn 112. Dr Louis van Dijk Healer Managing Director Researcher Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: Horticulture Diviner Herbalist No information received Chemistry Pesticides Healer Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 23

South Africa (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Botany Department National Botany Department University Botany Department University Museum of Durban Westville of Natal POB 266 Private Bag X54001 POB 375 Bloemfontein, 9300 Durban, 4000 Pietermaritzburg, 3200 South Africa South Africa South Africa Tel.: (27-31)8209111 Tel: (27-331)2605151 Fax: (27-31)8202790

Worker Worker Worker 113. Dr P.C. Zietsmon 114. Prof H. Baijnath 115. Dr Jeffrey Finnie Lecturer, Researcher

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No information received Physiology; Biotechnology; Horticulture; Biochemistry Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received

Institute Institute Institute Botany Department University Botany Department University Botany Department University of Natal of the Western Cape of Transkei POB 375 Private Bag X17 Private Bag X2 Pietermaritzburg, 3200 Belville, 7535 Unitra, Transkei, South Africa South Africa South Africa Tel: (27-331)2605151

Worker Worker Worker 116. Prof J. van Staden 117. Prof C.T. Johnson 118. Miss Fikile Dilika Honours Student

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No information received Taxonomy; Anatomy; Physiology; Ecology Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: Taxonomy; Agronomy Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received 24 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

South Africa (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Botany Department University Botany Department University Botany Department University of Transkei of Venda of Witwatersrand Private Bag X1 Private Bag X5050 Private Bag X3 Umtata, 5100 Thohoyondai, Wits, 2050 South Africa South Africa South Africa Tel: (27-471)30222405 Tel: (27-159)21071/2331 Tel: (27-11)7162011 Fax: (27-471)3022725 Fax: (27-159)22045 Fax: (27-11)3391145 Email: [email protected]

Worker Worker Worker 119. Mr Sizwe G. Cawe 120. Mr Edward Magobo 121. Dr David Mycock Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer, Researcher Email: [email protected].

Experience: Experience: Experience: Ecology Ethnobotany Physiology; Micropropagation; Cryo preservation; Seed biology Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received

Institute Institute Institute Cabriera Concorde Centre for African Ecology Chemistry Department POB 105 P.Bag X420 University of Cape Town Franschhoek, 7690 Acornhoek, 1360 Private Bag South Africa South Africa Rondebosch, 7700 Tel: (27-22)122540 Tel.: (27-15)7933991 South Africa Fax: (27-22)122202 Fax: (27-15)7933992 Tel: (27-21)6502547 Email: [email protected] Fax: (27-21)6503788

Worker Worker Worker 122. Mr Geoff Hemm 123. Mr Charlie Shackleton 124. Mr William Campbell Advisor, Consultant Programme Co-ordinator Lecturer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Physiology; Horticulture; MSc. Ecology; 12 years research Chemistry Economic botany experience in rural areas in South Africa Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Marketing No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 25

South Africa (continued)

Institute Institute Chemistry Department Conservation Silverglen Nursery University of Natal Durban Muncipality Parks Private Bag X01 POB 3470 Scottsville, 3209 Durban, 4000 South Africa South Africa Tel.: (27-331)2605243 Tel: (27-31)433608 Fax: (27-331)2605009 Fax: (27-31)217382

Workers Worker 125. Ms Deirdre Holcroft 126. Prof Roy Osborne 127. Mr Enver Buckas Lecturer, Researcher Lecturer Researcher, Advisor & Consultant

Experience: Experience: Experience: Horticulture Chemistry Horticulture; Sociology; People; Propagation Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received

Institute Institute CSIR Division Food Science and Department of Biochemistry Technol. University of Stellenbosch POB 395 Private Bag X1 Pretoria, 0001 Matieland, 7602 South Africa South Africa Tel: (27-12)8412663 Tel: (27-21)8083038 Fax: (27-12)8414790 Fax: (27-21)8083022

Worker Workers 128. Mrs Annarie Boer 129. Dr Dirk U. Bellstedt 130. Mr Edward Foster Researcher Associate Professor Lecturer, Researcher Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: Chemistry; Pharmacology Horticulture; Biochemistry; Plant No information received pathology Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received 26 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

South Africa (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Department of Biology Department of Data Department of Food Science University of Natal Management National Botanical University of Stellenbosch POB X10 Institute Private Bag X1 Dalbridge, 4014 Private Bag X101 Matieland, 7602 South Africa Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Tel.: (27-31)2603179 South Africa Tel.: (27-21)8083512 Fax: (27-31)2601195/2029 Tel: (27-12)8043200 Fax: (27-21)8084336 Fax: (27-12)8043211

Worker Worker Worker 131. Ms Tonia Cleminson 132. Mr Arnold Trevor 133. Mr David Basson Researcher Researcher & Database Manager Lecturer Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: Ecology Taxonomy; Database design and Chemistry; Biochemistry; management Processing Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received

Institute Institute Department of Horticultural Sci. Department of Paramedical University of Natal Science Technikon OFS Private Bag X11208 Private Bag X20539 Scottsville, 3209 Bloemfontein, 9300 South Africa South Africa Tel.: (27-331)2605444 Tel.: (27-51)4073911 Fax: (27-331)2605073 Fax: (27-51)4073199 Email: [email protected]

Workers Worker 134. Prof B.N. Wolstenholme 135. Dr Isa Bertling 136. Dr Seet Pretorius Lecturer, Researcher

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received No infromation received Pharmacology; Biochemistry

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No infromation received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No infromation received No information received Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 27

South Africa (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Department of Physiology Department of Plant and Soil Department of Wits Rural Faculty of Medicine Sci. Potchefstroom University Facility University of the POB 17039 for CHE Witwatersrand Congella, 4013 Private Bag X6001 Private Bag 3 South Africa Potchefstroom, 2520 Johannesburg, 2050 Tel: (27-31)2604275 South Africa South Africa Fax: (27-31)2604455 Tel.: (27-148)992523 Tel.: (27-11)7161111 Fax: (27-148)992503

Worker Worker Worker 137. Dr Michelle Mclean 138. Mr Sarel Cilliers 139. Prof J. Gear Lecturer, Researcher Lecturer, Researcher

Experience: Experience: Experience: Plant tissue culture; Animal cell Taxonomy; Urban Ecology; No information received culture Horticulture Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received

Institute Institute Institute Dept. of Agriculture Western Dept. of Agronomy University Dept. of Biotechnology Sugar Cape Elsenburg Agricultural of Fort Hare Association Dev. Inst. Private Bag X1314 Private Bag X02 Private Bag X1 Alice, 5700 Mount Edgecomb, 4300 Elsenburg, 7607, South Africa South Africa South Africa Tel.: (27-21)8085275 Tel.: (27-404)22232 Tel: (27-31)593205 Fax: (27-21)8085120 Fax: (27-404)31740 Fax: (27-31)595406 Email: [email protected]

Worker Worker Worker 140. Dr D.B. Arkcoll 141. Prof M.A.T. Poswal 142. Dr Stuart Rutherford Principal Scientific Officer Researcher Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: 30 years agronomist\Economic No information received Physiology; Biochemistry botanist in UK, Brazil and South Africa Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Agronomy; Economic; Botany Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Brassica spp.; fruits and peach palm; No information received No information received Oil crops; fodder crops 28 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

South Africa (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Dept. of Botany University of Dept. of Microbiology and Plant Enviromental Department Zululand Pathology, Univ. of Natal Borough of Westville Private Bag X1001 Private Bag X1 POB 39 Kwadlongezwa, 3886 Scottsville, 3209 Westville, 3630 South Africa South Africa South Africa Tel: (27-351)93911 Tel: (27-331)2605524 Tel: (27-31)861331 Fax: (27-351)93735 Fax: (27-331)2605919 Fax: (27-31)864072

Worker Worker Worker 143. Mrs Hutchings 144. Mr Mark Laing 145. Mr Stephen Butier Researcher Lecturer, Researcher & Advisor Conservation Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: Ethnopharmacology Horticulture Propagation/ Ecology Nurseries; Plant pathology Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received

Institute Institute Institute Faculty of Agriculture Grassroots Natural Products Herb Assn. of Southern Africa University of the North Research & Development Dept. Glenbella Farm Private Bag X1106 POB 16 POB 91 Pietermaritzburg, 0727 Gaida, 6821 Estcourt, 3310 South Africa South Africa South Africa Tel: (27-152)2682991/2236 Tel: (27-236)320506 Tel.: (27-363)24645 Fax: (27-152)2682868 Fax: (27-236)320429 Fax: (27-363)24645

Worker Worker Worker 146. Mr Isaac Rampedi 147. Prof Earle Graven 148. Mrs Joan Symons Researcher, Lecturer Researcher, Entrepeneur Lecturer, Researcher & Farmer

Experience: Experience: Chemistry Medical; Horticulture; Experience: No information received Essential oils, Fragrancies and Ecology; Horticulture; Medical Flavours; Biochemistry Herbs Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 29

South Africa (continued)

Institute Institute Institute Hermonus Botanical Society Institute of Natural Resources Kaffrarian Museum POB 208 University of Natal POB 1434 Hermonus, 7200 Private Bag X01 King Williams Town, 5600 South Africa Scottsville, 3209 South Africa Tel.: (27-283)770919 South Africa Tel.: (27-433)24506 Tel: (27-331)68317 Fax: (27-433)21569 Fax: (27-331)68891

Worker Worker Worker 149. Mrs P. Drewe 150. Ms Jennifer Mander 151. Dr Monton Hirst Amateur Botanist Researcher Principal Curator, Human Science

Experience: Experience: Experience: Ecology; Herbarium Curator Ecology Anthropology; Chemistry; Pharmacology; Horticulture; Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Sociology No information received No information received Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received

Institute Institute Institute Kirklington Farm National Botanic Gardens National Cultural History POB 261 Kirstenbosch Museum Ficksburg, Freestate, 9730 PB X7 POB 28088 South Africa Claremont, Cape Province, 7735 Sunnyside, 0132 Tel: (27-5192)4542 South Africa South Africa Fax: (27-5192)3959 Tel.: (27-21)771166 Tel.: (27-12)3711320 Fax: (27-12)3716146

Worker Worker Worker 152. Ms Vanessa Moffet 153. Mr Ernest van Jaarsveld 154. Dr Robert de Jong Farmer Horticulturist Researcher, Historian

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Taxonomy; Horticulture Human/Cultural history in museums Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received 30 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

South Africa (continued)

Institute Roodeplaat Vegetable and Ornament Plant Institute Private Bag X293 Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Tel: (27-12)8419611 Fax: (27-12)8080844 Email: [email protected]

Workers 155. Mr J.J.B. van Zijl 156. Mr James Allemann Specialist Researcher Project Manager Email: [email protected] Experience: 1964-1968 Department of Agricultural Technical Services, Grootfontein Experience: Middelburg, E Cape. Breeding of alfalfa (Medicago sativa), cactus pear Horticulture; Agronomy (Opuntia spp) and saltbush (Atriplex ssp.); 1969-1985 Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Institute, Elsenburg breeding of tomatoes (Lycopersicon Thematic Interest: esculentum), onions (Allium cepa), melons (Cucumis sativus) and green peas No information received (Pisum sativum) Cultivar and production methods trails with various vegetables; 1972-1975 course on vegetable Production at Elsenburg Taxonomic Interest: Agricultural College; 1985 Roodeplaat Vegetable and Ornamental Plant No information received Institute, Breeding tomatoes, onion and chicory (Cichorium intybus); 1996 Curator ARC-Roodeplaat genebank, which includes indigenous vegetables.

Thematic Interest: Agronomy

Taxonomic Interest: All Institute Institute Random Harvest Nursery Stimuplant POB 4216 POB 11446 Honeydew, 2040 Brooklyn, 0011 South Africa South Africa Tel: (27-11)9572758 Tel: (27-12)8020940 Fax: (27-11)9572399 Fax: (27-12)8020220

Worker Worker 157. Miss Linda de Luca 158. Mrs Anetle Allemann Farmer, Nursery Woman

Experience: Experience: Horticulture Legume inoculants Historically traditional plants Thematic Interest: No information received Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received Taxonomic Interest: No information received Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 31

South Africa (continued)

Institute Vegetable & Ornamental Plant Int. Agric. Research Institute Private Bag X293 Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Tel.: (27-12)8419611 Fax: (27-12)8080844

Workers 159. Dr Fienie Niederweiser 160. Mrs Erika van den Heever 161. Dr Sonja L. Venter Researcher Email: [email protected] Researcher Email: [email protected] Experience: Experience: Physiology; Anatomy; Agronomic aspects of leafy and Experience: Horticulture seed Traditional crops Agronomic aspects of leafy vegetables, seed and root Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: traditional crops No information received Agronomy; Extension; Human Nutrition; Pathology; Entomology Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy No information received Taxonomic Interest: Amaranthaceae; Capparidaceae; Taxonomic Interest: Asteraceae; Potulaceae Amaranthaceae; Capparidaceae; Asteraceceae; Portulacaceae South Africa Swaziland

Institute Institute Ystervark Vallei Swaziland National Plant Genetic POB 644 Resources Centre (NPGRC) Grahamstown, 6140 PO Box 4 South Africa Malkerns, Swaziland Tel: (27-461)22270 Tel: (268)83017\83236 Fax: (27-461)29522 Fax: (268)83360\83490 Email: [email protected]

Worker Worker 162. Ms Carol Hawkes 163. Mrs Thandie Lupupa Farmer, Craftsperson Genebank Curator

Experience: Experience: collecting documentation No information received Conservation Multiplication

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received Taxonomy; Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Pathology; Human Taxonomic Interest: Nutrition No information received Taxonomic Interest: All 32 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists


Institute Institute Asian Vegetable Research Center, Sokoine University of Agriculture African Regional Programme POB 3005 POB 10 Morogoro, Duluti, Arusha, Tanzania Tanzania Tel: (255-56)3681 Tel.: (255-57)94 Fax: (255-56)3718 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Worker Workers 164. Dr Remi Nono-Womdin 165. Dr Shazia O.W.M. Reuben 166. Mr Eugene L. Sontera Plant Breeder Senior Technician II Experience: Tel: (255-56)3511 Ext. 4225 Vegetable Pathologist Experience: Breeder of cereals; Breeder of Experience: Thematic Interest: tomatoes Teaching of breeding Herbarium techniques; Taxonomy; Agronomy; courses to undergraduate and post identification of plant species Pathology; Human Nutrition; graduate students Marketing Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Taxonomy Taxonomic Interest: Agronomy; Human Nutrition Solanaceae; Capparidaceae; Medicinal Taxonomic Interest: Malvaceae; Tiliaceae; Leguminosae; No information received Cucurbitaceae; Amaranthaceae Taxonomic Interest: Cruciferae; Leguminosae Cleome gynandra; Ceylone spinach; Musa spp.; Bidens pilosa; Manihot utilisima

Institute Institute Sokoine University of Tengeru Horticultural Research Agriculture and Training Institute See above POB 1253 Arusha, Tanzania Tel.: (255-57)94

Workers Worker 167. Mr Frank J. Senkondo 168. Mr Herman J.F. Lyimo 169. Mr R.A.E. Swai Entomologist Pathologist Coordinator Email: [email protected]

Experience: Experience: Experience: Agricultural Extension Service; Evaluation of nutritional values, No information received Farming systems research; Applied tolerance to pest and diseases entomology and biological control classification of traditional Thematic Interest: vegetables No information received Thematic Interest: Agronomy; Entomology Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Human Nutrition; Taxonomy; No information received Taxonomic Interest: Pathology Tiliaceae; Cleome spp.; Solanaceae; Amaranthaceae Taxonomic Interest: No information received Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 33

Tanzania Uganda

Institute Institute Institute Tengeru Horticultural Research Botanic Gardens c/o NARO Department of Botany Makerere and Training Institute POB 295 University POB 1253 Entebbe, POB 7062 Arusha, Uganda Kampala, Tanzania Uganda Tel.: (255-57)94 Tel.: (256-41)640765 Fax: (256-41)530756/1061

Worker Worker Worker 170. Dr Nameus A. Mnzava 171. Mrs J. Ochola 172. Dr Remigius Bukenya Ziraba Consulting Horticulturist Head

Experience: Experience: Experience: Senior Lecturer University of Dar No information received No information received es Salaam (Fac. of Agriculture); Senior vegetable research officer Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: SIDA, Zambia; Horticulturist No information received No information received AVRDC Taiwan Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received Agronomy; Pathology; Human Nutrition

Taxonomic Interest: Corchorus spp.; Telfairia spp.; Amaranthus spp.; Solanum spp.

Institute Institute Kawanda Agric. Research Ministry of Agriculture Animal Institute Industry and Fisheries POB 7065 POB 102 Kampala, Entebbe, Uganda Uganda Tel.: (256-41)67621/3 Tel.: (256-42)0621/2051 Fax: (256-41)53164 Fax: (256-42)21047

Workers Worker 173. Dr Makumbi Zake 174. Mrs E.B. Rubaihayo 175. Mrs C. Kalule

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Wheat and rice breeder 1969-1974; No information received Maize breeder 1969-1985; Local Thematic Interest: (traditional) vegetables breeder/ Thematic Interest: No information received Agronomist No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Thematic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received Ethnobotany; Agronomy; Human No information received Nutrition; Extension

Taxonomic Interest: Species 34 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Zaire Zambia

Institute Institute Institute Project Jardins et Elevages de Department of Agriculture Mount Makulu Agric. Research Sta. Parcelle National Irrigation Res. Station Private Bag 7 BP 114 Private Bag S-3 Chilanga, Kinshasa XI, Mazabuka, Zambia Zaire Zambia Tel: (260-1)278265/278655 Tel.: (243-12)45283 Tel.: (260-32)248028 Fax: (260-1)278130\41 Email: [email protected]

Worker Worker Worker 176. Prof Jacques Paulus 177. Mr Sina Luchen 178. Mr G.P. Mwila Director Horticulturist NPGRC Curator

Experience: Experience: Experience: No information received Horticulture No information received

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: No information received No information received No information received

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: No information received No information received No information received


Institute Institute Institute Community Technology Department of Biological Horticultural Research Centre Development Association Sciences c/o University of PO Box 810 PO Box 7232 Zimbabwe Marondera, Harare, Mount Pleasant, POB 167 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Harare, Tel: (263-79)4122 Tel.: (263-4)732360 Zimbabwe Fax: (263-79)2334 Fax: (263-4)732360,733669 Tel.: (263-4)303211 Email: [email protected] Fax: (263-4)732828

Worker Worker Worker 179. Mr Andrew T. Mushita 180. Miss V. Machakaire 181. Mr Fabeon Chigumira Director Student Senior Research Officer

Experience: Experience: Experience: Agronomy No information received Agronomist, Horticultarist

Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Thematic Interest: Agronomy Human Nutrition Agronomy

Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: Taxonomic Interest: All vegetables Cleome gynandra; Corchorus tridens Cleome gynandra; Amaranthus spp.; ; Solanum nigrum; Brassica carinata Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 35


Institute National Horticulture Research Institute POB 97 Chiredzi, Zimbabwe Tel.: (263)2397/8 Email: [email protected]

Worker 182. Mr Elijah Mwashayenyi Research Horticulturist

Experience: 6 years as researcher officer in tropical and sub - tropical fruits and vegetables

Thematic Interest: Agronomy

Taxonomic Interest: Cleome spp.; Cucurbitaceae; Corchorus spp; Vigna inguiculata (Cowpea) 36 Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists

Reference List

1. Chweya, J. A. and N. A. Mnzava. 1997. Cat’s whiskers. Cleome gynanandra L. Promoting the Conserva- tion and Use of Underutilized and Neglected Crops. 11: Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gaterleben/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.

2. Edmonds, J. M. and J. A. Chweya. 1997. Black nightshades. Solanum nigrum L. and related species. Promoting the Conservation and Use of Underutilized and Neglected Crops. 15.: Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gaterleben/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.

3. Guarino, L. 1997. Traditional African Vegetables. Proceedings of the IPGRI International Workshop on Genetic Resources of Traditional Vegetables in Africa: Conservation and use, 29-31 August 1995, ICRAF-HQ, Nairobi, Kenya: Promoting the Conservation and Use of Underutilized and Ne- glected Crops. 16: Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben\International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.

4. Schippers, R. and L. Budd. 1997. Workshop on African indigenous vegetables.Limbe Cameroon, January 13-18, 1997. Workshop papers. ODA. Traditional African Vegetables: Directory of Research and Development Specialists 37


A Crotalaria 9, 11 esculentis 21 Abelmoschus 6, 19 Cruciferae 32 utilissima 32 esculentus 21, 22 Cucumis Marketing Agronomy sativus 30 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Cucurbita 10 21, 24, 32 14, 15, 16,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, Cucurbitaceae 18, 32, 35 Medicago sativa 30 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 D Alliaceae 22 Musa 32 Datura 20 Allium 6 O cepa 17, 22, 30 E satioum 22 Ocimum 20 Entomology 9 Amaranthaceae 31, 32 Opuntia 30 Ethnobotany Amaranthus P 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 31, 33 Papilionoideae 13 19, 21, 33, 34 Euphorbiaceae 7 Pathology Asteraceceae 31 Extension 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, Atriplex 30 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 22, 31, 32, 33 B 16, 31, 33 Pisum sativum 30 Bambara groundnut 15 G Basella 10, 21 Portulacaceae 31 Gnetum Bidens 32 Pterocarpus 20 africanum 4, 5 pilosa 32 S Brassica 10, 19, 27 H Sesamum 21 carinata 11, 34 Hemizygia 20 Solanaceae 22, 32 juncea 34 Hibiscus Solanum 6, 7, 9, 21, 33 oleracea 7 esculentus 16 aethiopicum 21 C sabdariffa 16, 22 nigrum 8, 10 Human Nutrition Capparidaceae 31, 32 complex 10, 11, 12, 21, 34 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Capsicum 6, 19, 21 tuberosum 17, 21 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 31, 32, frutescens 21 Sterculia 20 33, 34 Cassia 20 T Celosia 21 I Taxonomy Cichorium 30 Ipomea 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, intybus 30 batatas 21 20, 22, 23, 29, 31, 32 Citrullus 18 Irvingia 20 Telfairia 33 Cleome 7, 9, 11, 32, 35 Tiliaceae 32 gynandra 8, 10, 11, 12, 32, 34 L Combretaceae 20 Lablab V Corchorus purpureus 18 Vernonia 4, 5, 19 9, 10, 11, 16, 19, 21, 33, 35 Lactuca 19 Vigna aestuans 16 taraxacifolia 21 inguiculata 11, 21, 35. See also olitorius 8, 11, 21 Leguminosae 20, 32 Cowpea tridens 34 Lycopersicon 6, 19 Vitis 19 Cowpea 13, 15, 21 esculentum 21, 30 cowpea 35 Z Crassocephalum M Zanthoxylum 20 biafrae 21 Malvaceae 22, 32 crepidiodes 21 Manihot netic t Ge Res lan ou P rc al e n s o I ti n a s t n i r t u e

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I IPGRI ISBN 92-9043-393-0