Namesakes Are Listed in Order of Lifetime: (1) the Earlier, (2) the Later
Cambridge University Press 0521827493 - A History of Chile, 1808-2002 - Second Edition Simon Collier and William F. Sater Index More information Index Namesakes are listed in order of lifetime: (1) the earlier, (2) the later. Abanico, 270 exile, 211, 216; second presidency, Abascal, Viceroy Jose´ Fernando, 35, 37 226–34; death, 234; possible 1958 vote, Abtao, battle of, 118 258n Aconcagua, Mount, xix Alessandri, Arturo (2), 388 Aconcagua Valley, 12, 83 Alessandri, Eduardo, 221 acuartelamiento, 392 Alessandri, Fernando, 246–47 AFPs, 371 Alessandri, Pres. Jorge, 240, 257–58, 264, Agrarian Labor party. See PAL 310, 341n; Finance minister, 250, 275, agrarian reform, 94, 266; under Jorge Ales- 284; presidency, 258–63; economic sandri, 280–81; Law 15.020 (1962), measures, 280–85; 1970 presidential 281, 313; under the PDC government, candidacy, 326–28; disagreement with 313–15;Law16.625 (1967), 313–14, Pinochet, 364 338; under Allende, 337–40; under Pi- Alfonso, Pedro Enrique, 252–53 nochet, 366 Alianza por Chile, 408 agriculture and ranching: in colonial Allamand, Andres,´ 381 times, 11; during the independence pe- Allende, Isabel, 300 riod, 43;in19th century, 80–83, 139; Allende, Pedro Humberto, 183 in the Parliamentary period, 157–59;in Allende, Pres. Salvador, 191, 268, 282, the 1920s and 1930s, 203–4, 230;in 321, 325, 327–29; presidential candida- mid-20th century, 265–68, 276, 280– cies, 252–53, 256–58, 261–63; presi- 81, 315; during Allende government, dency, 330–58; democratic convictions, 337–40; after 1973, 366–67 331; economic measures, 334–46; dete- Agua Amarga, 43 riorating political position, 346–56; sui- Aguirre, Francisco de, 8 cide, 358; state funeral, 383 Aguirre, Isidora, 299–300 Allende Padın,´ Ramon,´ 122, 330 Aguirre Cerda, Pres.
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