Washington, Wednesday, August 21, 1946
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VOLUME 11 U n i t e d *' NUMBER 163 Washington, Wednesday, August 21, 1946 Regulations [WFO 16, Amdt. 8] CONTENTS P art 1407—D ried F ru it REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE RAISINS AND ZANTE CURRANTS A g riculture D e pa r tm e n t. See Page Chapter XI—Production and Marketing War Food Order No. 16, as amended also Federal Crop Insurance Administration (War Food Distribution (10 F.R. 12076, 12979, 14685; 11 F.R. Corporation; Rural Electrifi Orders) 5105) , is hereby further amended to read cation Administration. as follows: Milk, ' dried skim . (WFO 54-5, [WFO 54-5, Arndt. 1] § 1407.1 Restrictions with respect to Am. 1 )_- ____ 9065 P art 1401—D a ir y P roducts raisins and Zante currants— (a) Defini Raisins and Zante currants DRIED SKIM M ILK tions. (1) “Raisins” means the Thomp (WFO 16, Am. 8 )_____ 9065 son seedless, Muscat-, or Sultana varieties A l ie n P roperty C u stod ian : War Food Order No. 54-5 (11 F.R. of grapes preserved by the removal of Vesting orders, etc. : 7400) is hereby amended as follows: part of the natural moisture, and in Deutsches Kalisyndikat, 1. By deleting from § 1401.214 '(b) the cludes, but is not limited to, such fruit G. m. b. H _____________ 9099 term “40 percent,” wherever it appears in the processed or unprocessed condi Frenkel, S____ _________ *___ 9095 therein, and by inserting in lieu thereof tion, damaged raisins, substandard rai Gotz, Helene_______:_________ 9095 the term “zero percent.” sins, sweepings, stems, and blows. ’ (2) “Zante currants” means the Zante Haaf, Mary Sophie— --------- 9095 2. By adding at the end of § 1401.214 r Hammer, Elizabeth A --------- 9096 (b) the following additional sentence: currant variety of grapes preserved by “The quantity of spray dried skim milk the removal of a - part of the natural Hermanutz, Albertine______ 9097 set aside by each producer during July moisture, and includes, but is not limited Hoerr, John, and Margret 1946 in excess of a quantity equivalent to, such fruit in the processed or un Hoerr___________________ 9097 to 30 percent of the particular person’s processed: condition, damage^ Zante cur Ihagee Kamerawerk Steen total production of spray dried skim milk rants, substandard Zante currants, bergen & C o_________ i __ 9097 during that month is released from any sweepings, stems, and blows. Imfange, Wilhelm_______r.__ 9098 and all restrictions; and the quantity of (3) “Administrator” means the Ad Joost, .Catherine____________ 9098 roller dried skim milk set aside by each ministrator, Production and Marketing Kawaoka, Yoshiaki_________ 9099 producer during July 1146 in excess of a Administration, United States Depart Kiefer Helmke & Co., M. b. H_ 9096 quantity equivalent tc 30 percent of the ment of Agriculture, or any officer or em Kladde, Angela_____________ 9099 particular person’s total production of ployee of the United States Department Kuchler, Frank____________ 9100 roller dried skim milk during that month of Agriculture to whom the Adminis is released from any and all restrictions.” trator has heretofore lawfully delegated, C iv il A eronautics B oard: Airplane airworthiness; tempo The provisions of this amendment or to whom he may hereafter lawfully delegate, the authority to act in his stead. rary certificate for aircraft shall become effective at 12:01 a. m.( of Veterans’ Air Express e. s. t.„ August 1, 1946. With respect to (4) “ Person” means any individual, Co. when used for wai» re violations, rights accrued, liabilities in partnership, ássociation, business trust, curred, or appeals taken under said War corporation, or any organized group of lief purposes______________ 9067 Food Order No. 54-5 prior to the effective persons, whether incorporated or not. American President Lines, Ltd. time of the provisions of this amendment, (b) Restrictions. (1) No person shall, et al., hearing____________ 9086 the provisions of said War Food Order unless specifically authorized by the C oal M ines A dministration : No. 54-5 in*effect prior to the effective Administrator, purchase, accept delivery Jones - and Laughlin Steel time of the provisions of this amendment of, or use any raisins or any Zante cur - Corp., supervisory employ shall be deemed to continue in full force rants for conversion into alcohol, brandy, ees; agreement on terms and effect for the purpose of sustaining wine, any other beverage (whether al coholic or not), any concentrate, any and conditions of employ- any proper suit, action or other proceed ment_____________________ 9085 ing with regard to any such violation, syrup, any paste, or any non-food Customs B ureau: right, liability or appeal. product or non-food by-product. (2) No person shall sell or deliver any Appraisement; examination of (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9577, 10 raisins or any Zante currants with merchandise 1___________ - 9067 F.R. 8087; WFO 54, as amended, 11 F.R. knowledge or reason to believe that such D efense T ransportation, O ffice 4781, 5105, 5438, 6271) raisins or Zante currants, or any portion o f ; Issued this 19th day of August 1946. thereof, will be used for conversion into Rail equipment, conservation: alcohol, brandy, wine, any other bever [ seal] E. A. M eyer, Potatoes, Irish, and seed; Acting Administrator, age (whether alcoholic or n ot), any con shipments____: _________ 9084 Production and Marketing centrate, any syrup, any paste, or any Traffic : Administration. non-food product or non-food by Carload freight___________ 9084 [F. R. Doc. 46-14577; Filed. Aug. 20, 1946; product except to (i) the United States Exception_________________ 9084 11:11 a. m.] (Continued on p. 9067) Merchandise______________ 9084 9065 $066 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, August 21, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued I nternational T rade, O ffice o f : Pa8e R eclam ation B ureau: PaS® Licenses, general; gift parcels to Withdrawals, delegation of au fedem( $ register thority _______________ — . 9083 enemy prisoners of war.:__ 9068 • V 1934 ¿ y I nterstate C ommerce C o m m issio n : R econstruction F inance Corpora Articles, various, at New Orleans, t io n : La., unloading-- -------------- 9086 Stripper well compensatory ad Car service: justments ---------— -------- 9079 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Midland Warehouse Corp. em R ural E lectrification A d m in is and days following legal holidays, by the tr a t io n : Division of the Federal Register, the National bargoed _______ _____ —— 9083 Refrigerator cars for trans Funds for loans, allocation------ 9086 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained S ecurities and E xchange C o m m is in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, porting ice________ 9083 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Terminals, joint use; protection s io n : ch. SB), under regulations prescribed by the of through routes and joint Pennsylvania Gas & Electric Administrative Committee, approved by the rates required_____________ 9083 Corp. et al., hearing--------- 9094 President. Distribution is made only by the W ar A ssets A dministration : L and M anagement B ureau: Superintendent of Documents, Government Consumer goods, pricing and Printing Office, Washington 25, D. O. Authority delegations (2 cross distribution policy.____— - 9094 references) ______________ 9083 The regulatory material appearing herein is Financial reports by disposal keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, N ational P ark Service: agencies —_______________ 9079 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Functions relating to timber, Machinery, commercially unsal to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as delegation of authority..— 9080 amended June 19, 1937. able, to be disposed of as P rice A dministration, O ffice of : The Federal Register will be furnished by scrap or salvage------ ------ 9080 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Adjustments and pricing orders: Production materials and equip per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad Electric Household Utilities ment, pricing and distribu vance. The charge for individual copies Corp_____________________ 9088 tion policy------- :----------- 9080 (minimum 15<) varies in proportion to the Elliot Mining Co. et al (3 doc size of the issue. Remit check or money uments)________________ 9087 CODIFICATION GUIDE order, made payable to the Superintendent Firestone Tire and Rubber - A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Documents, directly to the Government of Federal Regulations affected by documents Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Co_._______ 9088 Harmax, Inc_______:_________ 9087 published in this issue. Documents carried There are no restrictions on the republica in the Cumulative Supplement by uncodified tion of material appearing in the F ederal Hydraulic-Press Brick Co____ 9088 tabulation only are not included within the Register. Montgomery Ward________ 9088 purview o f this list. Opperman Fruit Products Co. 9086 Brick, clay building, Hudson T itle 7— A griculture: PaSe RiVer area (MPR §92, Am. Chapter IV—Production and NOW AVAILABLE Marketing Administration 59 to Order 1 )____________ 9089 (Crop Insurance) : Code of Federal Regulations Costs incurred from July 1 to 1945 Supplement Part 419—Cotton crop insur July 25, 1946 (SO 171, Am. ance regulations, 1947 and Book 1: Titles 1 through 9, in 2 )_________________________ 9069 succeeding crop years— 9067 Export prices (3d Rev. MEPR) _ 9069 cluding, in Title 3, Presidential doc T it le 14— Civ il A v ia t io n : Handles, hickory striking tool uments in full text with appropriate Chapter I—Civil Aeronautics (2d Rev. SR 14, Am. 3 8 )... 9078 Board: reference tables. Machinery and equipment, Part 04—Airplane orthi- Book 2: Titles 10 through 14. woodworking and timber ness ----------- ■:-------—— 9067 Book 3: Titles 15 through 32. working (RMPR 136, Am.' T it l e 19— Customs D uties : These books may be obtained from the ■1 to Order 636) ___________ 9087 Chapter I—Bureau of Customs: Superintendent of Documents, Government x Machines, parts and industrial Part 14—Appraisement______ 9067 Printing Office, at $3 each.