VOLUME 11 U n i t e d *' NUMBER 163 Washington, Wednesday, August 21, 1946 Regulations [WFO 16, Amdt. 8] CONTENTS P art 1407—D ried F ru it REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE RAISINS AND ZANTE CURRANTS A g riculture D e pa r tm e n t. See Page Chapter XI—Production and Marketing War Food Order No. 16, as amended also Federal Crop Insurance Administration (War Food Distribution (10 F.R. 12076, 12979, 14685; 11 F.R. Corporation; Rural Electrifi­ Orders) 5105) , is hereby further amended to read cation Administration. as follows: Milk, ' dried skim . (WFO 54-5, [WFO 54-5, Arndt. 1] § 1407.1 Restrictions with respect to Am. 1 )_- ____ 9065 P art 1401—D a ir y P roducts raisins and Zante currants— (a) Defini­ Raisins and Zante currants DRIED SKIM M ILK tions. (1) “Raisins” means the Thomp­ (WFO 16, Am. 8 )_____ 9065 son seedless, Muscat-, or Sultana varieties A l ie n P roperty C u stod ian : War Food Order No. 54-5 (11 F.R. of grapes preserved by the removal of Vesting orders, etc. : 7400) is hereby amended as follows: part of the natural moisture, and in­ Deutsches Kalisyndikat, 1. By deleting from § 1401.214 '(b) the cludes, but is not limited to, such fruit G. m. b. H _____________ 9099 term “40 percent,” wherever it appears in the processed or unprocessed condi­ Frenkel, S____ _________ *___ 9095 therein, and by inserting in lieu thereof tion, damaged raisins, substandard rai­ Gotz, Helene_______:_________ 9095 the term “zero percent.” sins, sweepings, stems, and blows. ’ (2) “Zante currants” means the Zante Haaf, Mary Sophie— --------- 9095 2. By adding at the end of § 1401.214 r Hammer, Elizabeth A --------- 9096 (b) the following additional sentence: currant variety of grapes preserved by “The quantity of spray dried skim milk the removal of a - part of the natural Hermanutz, Albertine______ 9097 set aside by each producer during July moisture, and includes, but is not limited Hoerr, John, and Margret 1946 in excess of a quantity equivalent to, such fruit in the processed or un­ Hoerr___________________ 9097 to 30 percent of the particular person’s processed: condition, damage^ Zante cur­ Ihagee Kamerawerk Steen­ total production of spray dried skim milk rants, substandard Zante currants, bergen & C o_________ i __ 9097 during that month is released from any sweepings, stems, and blows. Imfange, Wilhelm_______r.__ 9098 and all restrictions; and the quantity of (3) “Administrator” means the Ad­ Joost, .Catherine____________ 9098 roller dried skim milk set aside by each ministrator, Production and Marketing Kawaoka, Yoshiaki_________ 9099 producer during July 1146 in excess of a Administration, United States Depart­ Kiefer Helmke & Co., M. b. H_ 9096 quantity equivalent tc 30 percent of the ment of Agriculture, or any officer or em­ Kladde, Angela_____________ 9099 particular person’s total production of ployee of the United States Department Kuchler, Frank____________ 9100 roller dried skim milk during that month of Agriculture to whom the Adminis­ is released from any and all restrictions.” trator has heretofore lawfully delegated, C iv il A eronautics B oard: Airplane airworthiness; tempo­ The provisions of this amendment or to whom he may hereafter lawfully delegate, the authority to act in his stead. rary certificate for aircraft shall become effective at 12:01 a. m.( of Veterans’ Air Express e. s. t.„ August 1, 1946. With respect to (4) “ Person” means any individual, Co. when used for wai» re­ violations, rights accrued, liabilities in­ partnership, ássociation, business trust, curred, or appeals taken under said War corporation, or any organized group of lief purposes______________ 9067 Food Order No. 54-5 prior to the effective persons, whether incorporated or not. American President Lines, Ltd. time of the provisions of this amendment, (b) Restrictions. (1) No person shall, et al., hearing____________ 9086 the provisions of said War Food Order unless specifically authorized by the C oal M ines A dministration : No. 54-5 in*effect prior to the effective Administrator, purchase, accept delivery Jones - and Laughlin Steel time of the provisions of this amendment of, or use any raisins or any Zante cur­ - Corp., supervisory employ­ shall be deemed to continue in full force rants for conversion into alcohol, brandy, ees; agreement on terms and effect for the purpose of sustaining wine, any other beverage (whether al­ coholic or not), any concentrate, any and conditions of employ- any proper suit, action or other proceed­ ment_____________________ 9085 ing with regard to any such violation, syrup, any paste, or any non-food Customs B ureau: right, liability or appeal. product or non-food by-product. (2) No person shall sell or deliver any Appraisement; examination of (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9577, 10 raisins or any Zante currants with merchandise 1___________ - 9067 F.R. 8087; WFO 54, as amended, 11 F.R. knowledge or reason to believe that such D efense T ransportation, O ffice 4781, 5105, 5438, 6271) raisins or Zante currants, or any portion o f ; Issued this 19th day of August 1946. thereof, will be used for conversion into Rail equipment, conservation: alcohol, brandy, wine, any other bever­ [ seal] E. A. M eyer, Potatoes, Irish, and seed; Acting Administrator, age (whether alcoholic or n ot), any con­ shipments____: _________ 9084 Production and Marketing centrate, any syrup, any paste, or any Traffic : Administration. non-food product or non-food by­ Carload freight___________ 9084 [F. R. Doc. 46-14577; Filed. Aug. 20, 1946; product except to (i) the United States Exception_________________ 9084 11:11 a. m.] (Continued on p. 9067) Merchandise______________ 9084 9065 $066 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, August 21, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued I nternational T rade, O ffice o f : Pa8e R eclam ation B ureau: PaS® Licenses, general; gift parcels to Withdrawals, delegation of au­ fedem( $ register thority _______________ — . 9083 enemy prisoners of war.:__ 9068 • V 1934 ¿ y I nterstate C ommerce C o m m issio n : R econstruction F inance Corpora­ Articles, various, at New Orleans, t io n : La., unloading-- -------------- 9086 Stripper well compensatory ad­ Car service: justments ---------— -------- 9079 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Midland Warehouse Corp. em­ R ural E lectrification A d m in is ­ and days following legal holidays, by the tr a t io n : Division of the Federal Register, the National bargoed _______ _____ —— 9083 Refrigerator cars for trans­ Funds for loans, allocation------ 9086 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained S ecurities and E xchange C o m m is­ in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, porting ice________ 9083 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Terminals, joint use; protection s io n : ch. SB), under regulations prescribed by the of through routes and joint Pennsylvania Gas & Electric Administrative Committee, approved by the rates required_____________ 9083 Corp. et al., hearing--------- 9094 President. Distribution is made only by the W ar A ssets A dministration : L and M anagement B ureau: Superintendent of Documents, Government Consumer goods, pricing and Printing Office, Washington 25, D. O. Authority delegations (2 cross distribution policy.____— - 9094 references) ______________ 9083 The regulatory material appearing herein is Financial reports by disposal keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, N ational P ark Service: agencies —_______________ 9079 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Functions relating to timber, Machinery, commercially unsal­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as delegation of authority..— 9080 amended June 19, 1937. able, to be disposed of as P rice A dministration, O ffice of : The Federal Register will be furnished by scrap or salvage------ ------ 9080 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Adjustments and pricing orders: Production materials and equip­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Electric Household Utilities ment, pricing and distribu­ vance. The charge for individual copies Corp_____________________ 9088 tion policy------- :----------- 9080 (minimum 15<) varies in proportion to the Elliot Mining Co. et al (3 doc­ size of the issue. Remit check or money uments)________________ 9087 CODIFICATION GUIDE order, made payable to the Superintendent Firestone Tire and Rubber - A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Documents, directly to the Government of Federal Regulations affected by documents Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Co_._______ 9088 Harmax, Inc_______:_________ 9087 published in this issue. Documents carried There are no restrictions on the republica­ in the Cumulative Supplement by uncodified tion of material appearing in the F ederal Hydraulic-Press Brick Co____ 9088 tabulation only are not included within the Register. Montgomery Ward________ 9088 purview o f this list. Opperman Fruit Products Co. 9086 Brick, clay building, Hudson T itle 7— A griculture: PaSe RiVer area (MPR §92, Am. Chapter IV—Production and NOW AVAILABLE Marketing Administration 59 to Order 1 )____________ 9089 (Crop Insurance) : Code of Federal Regulations Costs incurred from July 1 to 1945 Supplement Part 419—Cotton crop insur­ July 25, 1946 (SO 171, Am. ance regulations, 1947 and Book 1: Titles 1 through 9, in­ 2 )_________________________ 9069 succeeding crop years— 9067 Export prices (3d Rev. MEPR) _ 9069 cluding, in Title 3, Presidential doc­ T it le 14— Civ il A v ia t io n : Handles, hickory striking tool uments in full text with appropriate Chapter I—Civil Aeronautics (2d Rev. SR 14, Am. 3 8 )... 9078 Board: reference tables. Machinery and equipment, Part 04—Airplane orthi- Book 2: Titles 10 through 14. woodworking and timber ness ----------- ■:-------—— 9067 Book 3: Titles 15 through 32. working (RMPR 136, Am.' T it l e 19— Customs D uties : These books may be obtained from the ■1 to Order 636) ___________ 9087 Chapter I—Bureau of Customs: Superintendent of Documents, Government x Machines, parts and industrial Part 14—Appraisement______ 9067 Printing Office, at $3 each.
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