Annual Register Office 18-1, Komedan Bagan Lane, P

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Annual Register Office 18-1, Komedan Bagan Lane, P THE INDIAN ANNUAL. REGISTER. July-· Dec. ·1946 .. VOL. ·11 Printed by D. N. Singha at the Siogha Printing Works 30, Badur Bagan Street ·and pulllished by N. N. Mitra 16/I, KOinedan Bagan Lane, Calcutta. (India) Issued · ] 29th. Year from J919 THE IN DiAN [ of Issue ANNUAL. REGISTER. ·. An ·An~ual Oigest of Public Affairs .of India Recqrding the Nation's Activities each year in matters Political, ~ -· -- . Ecqnomic, Industrial,· Educational, Social Etc. ' . ' - BEING ISSUED IN 2 SIX-MONTHLY VOLUMES j . Volu~~ II .]. july-Dec. 1946 [Volume II - ' ~itor :-Nripendra Nath Mitra ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCI! Rs. Ill ONLY VOLUMES: CLOTH BOUND Rs. B/B EA.CH POSTAGI! EXTRA FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Rs. 18 ONLY. PUBLISHED BY THE ANNUAL REGISTER OFFICE 18-1, KOMEDAN BAGAN LANE, P. O. PARK ST. CALCUTTA. ONDIA) The Indian Annual Register 16/1., Komedan Bagan Lane,- Calcutta (India). · . 'CALENDAR FOR :1946 JANUARY MAY SEPTEMBER 613 20 27 s. ... 26 ... s. I 8 1512229 ... s. I··· ... 5j12fl9 1 1 M. ,.. ; 7,14 21 28 M. ... 613120 27 ... M. 2 9116(330 ... T. I... I 815 22 29 T. ... 71421 28 ... T. 31017 24' ... 1... w.\ ... 2 916 23 30 w. I 81522 29 ... w. 4"'Y5 Th.... 3 24 31 Th. 2 91623 30 ... Th. 5 12il9 26 1.......+ .. 4 1118't7 25 F. 3 10 1724 31 ... F. - 613;20127' I...... I F.s. I'"... 5 1219 26 s. 4 II 1825 S. 7142128 . ..1 ... FEBRUARY JUNE OCTOBER 1 s. ... 3i'T7 24 ... s. -... , 2 916 23130 s. ... 6 1320 27 ... M. .•. 4 tl 18 25 ... M. ... 1 3 1017 24 ... M. ... 714 21 28 ... T. ... 5[12119 26 T. ... 4 lli18 25 ... T. I 815 22 29 •!!• w. ... 611320 27 ... w. ... 5 12j19 26 ... w. 2 9 16 23 30 ... Th. ... 7jl4\21 28 Th ... 6 13,20 27 ... Th 310 17 24 31 ... F. I 81522 ... ... F. .•• 7 28 ... F. 411 18 25 ... ... s. 2 9lt6l23 ... ... s. I 8 1522'it~' 29 ... s. 512 19 26 ... ... MARCH JULY -NOVEMBER s. ... 3 10172431 s. ... 7 14 21128 .•. s. ... 311017 24 ... M. ... 4 1111825... M. I 8 15 2229 ... M. ... 4 )118 25 ... T. .... 5 12,1926 ... T. 2 9 16 23130 ... T. ... 511219 26 w. .•. 6 13;2027... w. 310 17 24131 ... ·w. ... 61320 27 ... Th ••. 7 1421 28.~. Th 411 18 25 ...... 'Th. 7114/21 28 F. I 8 15\22l9 ... F. 512 19 261 ...... :F. I 81522 29 ... s. 21 9 162330 ... s. 6,13 20 27, ...... ~s .. 2 9,16'23 30 ... APRIL AUGUST DECEMBER s. ... 17'14 21 28 ... , s. .. .. 4111 i18 25 ... s. '1815 22 29 ... M. I 815 22 29 ... M. •.. 5112;19 26 ... M. 2 9'16 23 30 .... T. 21 91623 30 ... T. ... 6113,20 27 ... T. 3,10 17 24 31 ... w. 3,101724 ... w. ... 7 14·21 28 ... w. 4'11 18·,25 ... ... Th. 4i 111825 ... Th I 8115\22 29 ... ' Th 5l12 19261' .. ... F. 5 121926 ... F. 2 91623 30 .. : F. 613 2027 ... ... s. 6113,2027 ... s. 310~17124. 31 .. .. s. 714 21 28, ... -- - THE INDIAN A'NNUAL REGISTER JULY-DECEMBER1946 - TABLE OF CONTENTS CHRONICLE OF EVENTS ... ... 2 July 1946 ... 2 August 1946 ... ... 10 September 1946 ... !01!1 October 1946 ... ... 81 November 1946 ... 41 December 1946 ... 110 INDIA IN HOME POLITY ... 61 The two world wars-a struggle against Britain's monopoly 61 India's re-action to Britain's new role ... ... 61 Cripps report on Congress Standpoint ... ... 611 Muslim League's "Direct Action" resolution ' ... 66 · "Direct Action'' in Action ·has not stopped "bloodshed and Civil war" ... ... 67 The horror of August 16, 17, & 18, 1946 ... 68 "Disgrace Abounding" · 69 Direct Action directed not against British authority 69 Story of Muslim grievances-false & exaggerated 70 Anglo-Muslim co-operation during this period ( 1946) 71 Muslim League technique of their fight ... ... 73 Plea of "Provincial Autonomy'' & Calcutta Tragedy ... 74 . Failure of Congress members in the Interim Government ... 76 Spread of the religious persecution in she villages 76 Contrast between Central Government behaviour towards Bengal and Bihar ... ... 77 Competition in mmder and bestiality on the increase ••• 78 Going into the Interim Government with 11 view "to get a foot hold'' for Pakistan ••• · ••• 79 Joint responsibility repudiated by Muslim League nominees ... 80 The Wavell technique of sabotage of united action in India ... 80 Mutuality of suspicion-Congress League & British · ••• 8!1 Reference to "Variation or addition''-twloe repeated by Nehru 8!1 Use of words Cabinet or "Coalition Government" in a oeremo· nial sense · ..• ••• 88 Jinnah's intention "of co-operating" with Central Govern- ment and Constituent Assembly ... ... 84 Mualim League betrayal and British Government's las• minute attempt to salvage Cabinet Delegation Plan 81i . Suooe11ion Government or Governments of Britith llldia· ... 811 ( vi Congress had not accepted the Ma.y 16 Plan from the beginning­ the League did not on July 29 8'1' U. S. Government's intere•t in this Conference . 88 Pundit Nehru conveys to British Government <:)ongress re~o-. lution to Conference proposa.l 89 Trying to re-open· all the constitutional issues decided since May, 1946 ..• ... 90 British Government's endorsement of Muslim League dupliciLy entering the Interim Govarnment 90 Lord Wavell's false aasura'c!Cfl of ,Jun!l ~!146 , .. 91 Mr. Churchill's dark a.nd broad hints of bloodshed 9S Many members challenged Mr. Churchill and his sentiments ... 9S The Constituent Assembly-the dignity of the occasion.and its responsibility .. 94 The Constituent Assembly at work .... • .. 95 The ''Objectives" Resolution-India.'s hopes and aspirations ... 96 THE INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 98 PEOOEEDINGS OF ~HE WORKING COMMI~~EE 98 Delbi-Aprill2-18, April25-SO, MaY 17-24 and June 9·26, 1946 . 98 Condolence : Shd Bbulabhai Desai ... 98 Ministers and Congress Executives · ... 98 Publio Funds 98 Indonesia's Offer of Rice to India. .... ... 98 South Africa. · ... ... 98 PROCEEDINGS OF 'rHE WORKING CoMMI~'rEE '" ... 99 Bombay-July 5 to 8, 1946 ... 99 South Africa 99 Ceylon • - 99 Expert Committee for Constituent Assembly ... 99 Kashmir 99 PROOEEDINGS OF 'rHE A~L INDio$. CONGRESS poMMI'r'rEE ... 100 Bombay....,.July 6 tci '1, 1946 .... 100 Condolence 100 South Africa ... 101 Non-official Resolution ... 102 Pre•idential Election 102 New Working Committee 102 Statements by the Congress President lOS Postal Stika lOS Goa. ... lOS PBOOBEDINGS OF 'rHB WORKING COMMI'rTEE. ... 104 Wardha-August 8-13, 1946 ... ... 104 Next Session of the Congress ... ... 105 The Sikhs and the Constituent Assembly ••• 105 Parliamentary Sub-Committee ... 105 Goa 106 East Africa. ... 106 Jn,dia11 Labour ip ~"l!foy!ll ... ••• 107 Hydera.baa• ... 107 La.bour Policy ••• 107 Hind11stan Mazdoor Sevak Sangh ... ... 108 Congress Committee and Praja Mandala in States 109 . PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKING COHMITTEE 109 Delhi-Aug, ll7-30, 1946 ... ... 109 Minutes 109 Calcutta Tragedy ... 109 Annliilol Session ... .. 110 . The A. I. C. C. Meeting .. -. 110 President's Correspondence with the Viceroy 110 Relations between Congress Ministers and P. C. Cs. 110 Volunteer Organisa.tion · ... ... 111 Sind Election Dispute 111 Common Membership of Working Committee and· the· N a.tional Provincial Government 111 Sta.tement by Congress President ... 111 Shri J a.i Prakash a.s Congress President ... 111 The Calcutta. Tragedy . ... 112 Message to Congress Volunteers 113 PROCEEDINGS OF THE WoRKING COMMITTEE ... 114 Delhi-October 23-25, 1946 114 Minutes 114 East:· Bengal ... 115 Kashmir ... 115 Provincial Quotas ••• 116 Seva Da.i -· ... 116 PBOCEE))INGS OF THE WORKING COMMITTEE 116 From 19th to 20th November, 1946 at New Delhi and on 2ht a.nd 22nd November, 1946 at Congress Nagar, Meerut ... 116 SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETINGS 116 Minutes 116. Constituent Assembly· 116 Pa.ndit Madanmoha.n Mala.viya -· 116 Bihar 116 Kashmir ... 117 PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE 22ND NOVEMBER, 1946 117 Labour Sub-Committee Report 117 Constitution Committee ... ... 117 Congress Manifesto ... ... 118 Non·officiall Resolutions ... 118 SUBJECTS 00MMITTBB MEETING 118 Meerut-21st a.nd 22nd. Novem"her, 1946 118 SUMMARY PROCEEDlNGS OF THE MEETING HELD ON NovEMBER 22,1946 ... 118 Non-official Resolutions ... 119 THE INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS SESSION ... 120 Meerut-23rd a.nd 24th November, 1946 .•. ... 120 ( viii ) Rehrospect ... 120 Ratification 121 Conshituent Assembly 121 SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS ON THl~ 24TH NOVEMBER 1946 121 South Africa 121 East Africa 122 Greetings to Indonesia Republic 122 Indian Shatos 122 Congress Manifesto 123 Communal Strife 123 Revision of the Constitution 124 Acharya's Speech 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ALL INDIA CoNGRESS COMMITTEE 126 Meerut-November 21st, 1946 126 Confirmation of Minutes 126 Meerut-25th November, 1946 126 The Constituhion Committee 126 Next Session of the Congress 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE WORKING COMMITTEE ... 127 Delhi-December 8th. to 22nd 1946 127 Minutes 127 Pa.rlia.menta.ry Sub·Committee 127 Sta.tement on Government Pronouncement of Dec. 6 127 The New Working Committee 129 CONGRESS ACCEPTANCE OF LONG TERM PLAN 130 DEBATE IN THE ALL INDIA CONGRESS COMMITTEE, BOMBAY -6·rH AND 7TH JULY 1946 130 Aza.d 's Speech 130 Pa.ndit Nehru's Speech 131 Aza.d explains 133 Sa.rda.r Patel's Speech 134 Amendments Ruled Out 135 SBOOND DAY BOMBAY-7TH JULY 1946 137 Ma.ha.tma. Gandhi's Speech 137 Aza.d Replies 140 Resolution on South Africa. 141 Non-Offioia.l:Resolutions 142 LEAGUE DECISION ON INDIAN PLAN 144 CoNGRESS AND THE CABINET PLAN 145 Pt. Nehru Explains Issues 145 CABINET MISSION'S WORK REVIEWED HOUSE OF LORDS-LONDON-18TH JULY 1946 147 Lord Pethick-La.wrence's Statement 147 HousE oF CoMMONS-LONDON-18TH. JULY 1946 152 Sir Stafford Cripps' Sta.temenh . -· 152 Mr. Churchill's Speech 161 Sir Stanley Reed differs from Mr.
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