Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Dr.h.c. Werner Purgathofer TU Wien Favoritenstrasse 9/186 A-1040 Vienna / Austria July 2017
[email protected] http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at CURRICULUM VITAE - Born on 27 October, 1955, in Vienna (Wien), Austria - Primary school from 1961 until 1966 - Secondary and high school from 1966 until 1974 Naturwissenschaftliches Realgymnasium BRG 19, Wien 19, Krottenbachstraße 11 - Final examination („Matura“) in June 1974 with distinction - Study: Technical Mathematics, branch Information and Data Processing, from 1974 until 1980, TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13 - Work contract with Philips from October 1979 until July 1980 - Graduation to a Dipl.-Ing. in June 1980 from TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13 (equivalent to a Master-degree) - Research Assistant at TU Wien supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Barth from 1 August, 1980, until 31 August, 1982 - University Assistant at TU Wien in the group of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Barth from 1 September, 1982, until 31 October, 1988 - Graduation to a Doktor der Technischen Wissenschaften (PhD) from TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13 in June 1984 - Habilitation to receive the degree Universitäts-Dozent in the field "Practical Informatics", TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, in June 1987 - Appointment as a University Professor for practical informatics at TU Wien on 1 November, 1988 - Chairman of the Fachgruppe Informatik (Department of Informatics) at the TU Wien from 1 October, 1991, until 31 December, 1998 - Guest Professor at the Technical University of Budapest, from February to June 1997 - Head of the Institute of Computer Graphics at the Vienna University of Technology since January 1999 (renamed in 2001: Inst.