Hill Top Moor Monkton York YO5
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HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 20 June 2006 PLAN: 06 CASE NUMBER: 06/02234/FUL GRID REF: EAST 450667 NORTH 456880 APPLICATION NO. 6.115.52.B.FUL DATE MADE VALID: 02.05.2006 TARGET DATE: 27.06.2006 WARD: Ouseburn VIEW PLANS AT: http://tinyurl.com/jkvz6 APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Bamforth AGENT: Dodd Frankland Stocks Partnership Ltd PROPOSAL: Erection of replacement detached dwelling (site area 0.12ha). LOCATION: Hill Top Moor Monkton York North Yorkshire YO5 8JA REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL The application site is located at Hill Top within the village of Moor Monkton. Hill Top is a detached bungalow that is accessed via a private drive from Church Lane. The bungalow is set back into the plot with open fields to both the north and west of the site. A two-storey dwelling known as Rosemead Farm is located to the east. This property has a range of part single/two storey outbuildings located on the joint boundary. The applicant seeks consent to demolish the existing bungalow and detached garage to be replaced by a two storey dwelling. The dwelling would be sited upon the approximate footprint of the bungalow. The dwelling would utilise the existing access. MAIN ISSUES 1. Land Use 2. Visual Impact 3. Residential Amenity 4. Highway Safety RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 6.115.52.PA - Proposed alteration of flat roof to pitched roof and windows etc rearranged PERMIT 16.07.1984 6.115.52.A.PA - Addition of pitched roof to flat roofed area. PERMIT 02.11.1993 CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Parish Council Moor Monkton The Coal Authority Standard Informative NYCC Highway Authority Recommend a condition to ensure provision of the access/turning and parking. Environmental Health (Springfield) No objection in principle but require a landfill gas migration report or measures incorporated into the building to prevent the ingress and build up of landfill gas. APPLICATION PUBLICITY SITE NOTICE EXPIRY: 09.06.2006 PRESS NOTICE EXPIRY: 09.06.2006 REPRESENTATIONS MOOR MONKTON PARISH COUNCIL - Objects to the application on the grounds that the materials used for the house, and the style of the house is not in keeping with any of the dwellings in Moor Monkton. There are no other houses with stone mullions in the village. OTHER REPRESENTATIONS - At the time of writing this report no other representation have been received VOLUNTARY NEIGHBOUR NOTIFICATION - No properties notified. RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY PPS1 Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development PPG3 Planning Policy Guidance 3: Housing PPS7 Planning Policy Statement 7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas PPG13 Planning Policy Guidance 13: Transport SPH1 North Yorkshire County Structure Plan Policy H1 SPH4 North Yorkshire County Structure Plan Policy H4 LPH01 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H1: The Housing Requirement LPHX Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HX: Managed Housing Site Release LPH06 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H6: Housing developments in the main settlements and villages LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20: Design of New Development and Redevelopment LPA01 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy A1: Impact on the Environment and Amenity LPH05 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H5: Affordable Housing LPH13 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H13: Housing Density, Layout and Design LPH17 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy H17: Housing Type SPGRES Supplementary Planning Guidance: Residential Design Guide SPDHSE Supplementary Planning Document: House Extensions and Garages Design Guide ASSESSMENT OF MAIN ISSUES 1. LAND USE - The application site is located within the main built up confines of the settlement and clearly represents the development of a previously developed site. The broad land use principle of the proposed development is therefore considered acceptable under Harrogate District Local Plan Policy H6 and HX. HDLP Policy H6 does however require compliance with a number of other criteria and these are discussed in more detail below. As the proposed development represents the construction of a new dwelling on a site greater than 0.1 hectare in area, HDLP Policy H5 is also applicable to this scheme. Sites greater than 0.1 hectare in area require the provision of an affordable unit of housing. The construction of only 1 dwelling on the site fails to meet the density requirements of HDLP Policy H13, as advised by PPG3. HDLP Policy H5 requires an element of affordable housing to be provided on sites greater than 0.1 hectares in area. Concern is expressed however regarding the ability of the plot to accommodate an additional unit of accommodation. To ensure the efficient use of land and to encourage the construction of smaller units of accommodation PPG3 and Policy H13 advise that development should not be constructed at less than 30 dwellings per hectare (dph). The proposed scheme achieves a density of only 8.25dph. Given the size of the site i.e greater than 0.1 hectares policy H5 requires the addition of an affordable unit. Policy H17 does however allow for a lower density, if site characteristics or constraints would not permit a higher density from being achieved. In this instance regard has to be taken of the existing private drive serving the site, mature tree planting and relationship of the plot to adjacent property. The construction of an additional dwelling would require the access road being made up to an adoptable standard, whilst the access to the plot itself is restricted to a single access only. The upgrading of the access would in the opinion of your officer detract from the rural character and charm of this corner of the village and may result in the loss of existing trees , which add to the quality of the area. The relatively long and narrow form of the plot ensures that it would be difficult to provide an additional unit of accommodation without impacting upon adjacent property (Rosemead Farm). In this instance your officer is satisfied that the plot can only accommodate 1 unit and as such the provisions of both H5 and H13 can be relaxed. In allowing for the relaxation of these policies the development need not need to provide for a mix of house type as required by HDLP Policy H17. 2. VISUAL IMPACT - The existing bungalow has very little architectural merit and your officer would not object to its demolition. The proposed siting of the dwelling is set back approximately 34m from the frontage and is screened by both the garden area of Moor End and the fact that the applicant intends to retain mature tree screening at the site entrance. The site is not located in a conservation area, but Rosemead Farmhouse (as opposed to Rosemead Farm immediately to the east of the plot) is a grade II listed building. The siting of the unit, would not in the opinion of your officer detract from the setting of this listed building. The proposed dwelling as a consequence of its high roof ridge (9.8m) would be constructed at a height greater than the adjacent Rosemead Farm conversion. The dwelling is however set back from that dwelling and is screened by an existing outbuilding. Occupiers of Rosemead farm will be aware of the presence of the new structure, but given the presence of the outbuilding and the fact that the dwelling would be set some 7m from the joint boundary the dwelling should not have an overbearing impact. The applicant has included a design statement in support of the scheme highlighting the use of materials to complement adjacent dwellings (brick and pantile) together with stone quoins to provide detailing. Whilst your officer considers that the quoins over elaborating the structure, a reason for refusal could not be justified on this design detail. 3. RESIDENTIAL AMENITY - The proposed dwelling has been designed so as not to create issues of overlooking adjacent property. The presence of the outbuilding to Rosemead Farm ensures that the unit would not have an overbearing impact. The dwelling has been sited sufficient distance from the joint boundary with Rosemead Farm to ensure that no overlooking impact occurs. 4. HIGHWAY SAFETY - The applicant proposes the utilisation of the existing access serving the site. The access is located on a private drive serving a number of dwellings situated off Church Lane. The Highway Authority do not object to the scheme and have suggested a condition. There is thus no planning objection raised. CONCLUSION - The proposed development represents the replacement of a bungalow with a substantial new dwelling house. The site is located within the main built up confines of the village wherein the broad principle of development is acceptable subject to satisfying all other relevant policies of the local plan. In this instance the constraints of the site both in terms of its access/entrance and relationship with adjacent property would allow for a relaxation of both HDLP Policy H13 and H17. Adopting this approach ensures that there would be no requirement to provide an additional unit of (affordable) housing on the site as required by Policy H5. The replacement dwelling would not adversely affect the residential amenity of the occupiers of adjacent property. The site carries no special designation in terms of conservation area/green belt and as such your officer has no objection to the overall design of the unit. Approval of the application is recommended. CASE