Phosphate Rock in Wyoming Jacob D. Carnes Report of Investigations No. 68 • 2015 WYOMING STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas A. Drean, Director and State Geologist Director and State Geologist Thomas A. Drean Editing by: Sarah R. Garlick Design and layout by: James R. Rodgers Photomicrograph of phosphate rock from the Poison Creek trench in Lincoln County, Wyo., showing the concentric structure of ap- atite grains commonly found in phosphorites of the Phosphoria Formation. Photomicrograph by Jacob Carnes, 2015. Cover photo: Outcrop of the Meade Peak Member of the Phosphoria Formation along U.S. Hwy 26, approximately 3 miles southwest of Hoback Junction, in Teton County, Wyo. Photo by Jacob Carnes, 2015. Phosphate Rock in Wyoming Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS) Report of Investigations No. 68, 2015 Suggested citation: Carnes, J.D., 2015, Phosphate rock in Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 68, 34 p. The WSGS encourages fair use of its material. We request that credit be expressly given to the “Wyoming State Geological Survey” when citing information from this publication. Please contact the WSGS at 307- 766-2286, ext. 224, or by email at
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