Economy & Environment

Engineering & Environmental Services Mike Thompson BSc.,CEng.,MICE Assistant Executive Director

Council Offices, Wellington Road Ashton-under-Lyne, . OL6 6DL

Call Centre 0161-342 8355 FAX 0161-342 2273 Minicom 0161-342 2410 email: []

Your Ref Our Ref Doc Ref Ask for [] Direct Line 0161 342 2691 Date []

Dear Environmental Protection Unit Search - Further to your search request dated [] regarding the above site we are pleased to provide you with the attached information, which represents a summary of records available within the Environmental Protection Unit at Tameside Council.

Further guidance regarding environmental information and other contaminated land issues is available on the Councils web site ( under A-Z / contaminated land). This includes contact details for Council Units and other organisations underlined within the text of this response.

The cost of a search (details provided on the Council’s web site) is representative of the time taken to search records within the Environmental Protection Unit. The cost and details of the Environmental Protection Unit providing additional information identified during the search is provided below. Box 1 of this response identifies how the provision of information complies with relevant Regulations and Acts.

We have enclosed a customer satisfaction survey form for this service and would be grateful if you could both complete it and return it to us. This information will be used to improve our service.

Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information and data provided in this response, the Council accept no liability for any loss or damage howsoever caused arising from any reliance placed by any other person upon the information and data contained herein.

Should you have any queries relating to this search, please contact the undersigned.

Yours sincerely

[] Technical Officer – Contaminated Land

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Date of initial search request: Date payment received: Payment made for search: [] Search Type: General Cost to provide additional information £[?]. Information not identified below will be listed here:

1. Significant Historical Land uses and local knowledge: Extracts of historical maps are included at the end of this letter.

Details of local knowledge are shown below.

The Council is able to provide copi es of historical maps providing an indi cation of significant histori ca l land use at the site. This hi storica l mapping is hel d under licence from the Landmark Information Group. All plans should have the site boundary and a 100 metre buffer marked on. Generally Epoch 1 is pre 1900’s, Epochs 2-4 is pre-1950’s and Epochs 5-8 is post-1940’s. Mapping is not to scal e. We will not usually review 1:10,000 or 1:10,560 scal e mapping and aerial photography as part of a search. Copies of aerial photography are available from the Greater Geological Unit.

If a full record of histori cal act iviti es is required for a site, enquiries should be made elsewhere. Mapping for the Tameside Borough is available from the Local Studies Library, which is situated within Ashton Library, Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. A number of private companies and libraries also provide historical mapping services. Other sources of information on industrial history include The Coal Authority, English Heritage and the Archaeology Unit.

Local knowledge will usually be gathered from contaminated l and staff and the Environmental Health Officer for a local area.

Local knowledge within Environmental Protection Unit:

2. Landfill Sites on or within 250 metres of the search site: Details of referenced Tameside landfills within 250 metres of the search site are provided below (further details of each landfill are provided in Figure 1). Details of other identified infilled/ potentially infilled features not included on the landfill database will be dealt with in section 1.

The Environmental Protection Unit hol ds one of the most comprehensive databases of landfill sites for the Tameside area. A substantial paper based filing system of landfill si tes ex i sts. For ease of use this has been transferred onto our computer database system. Information contai ned on the system has been obtained from a wide number of sources i ncluding from within the Authority, the Greater Manchester Waste Authority, Greater Manchester Geol ogical Unit, Environment Agency, historica l mapping, etc. Additi onal information may be avai lable from these other sources. For many landfill sites in the Borough, we only have incompl ete information and we cannot account for unauthorised or unreported wastes that may have been tipped at a site.

Where the Envi ronmenta l Protection Unit has details of l andfill sites avail able you may vi ew documented details of landfill si tes by appointment with the Envi ronmenta l Protection Unit (contact details below). Alternati ve l y, for a fee the Council will copy this information or provide a di gita l copy.

Landfill Reference: Distance from site: Landfill Reference: Distance from site:

3. Site Investigation Reports on or within 100 metres of the search site:

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

References of site investigation reports on or within 100 metres of the search site are identified below.

The Environmental Protection Unit hol ds copies of a large number of site i nvestigation reports arising from its duties under Planni ng (i.e. in relation to contaminated land conditions attached to planning application decision notices) and the contaminated land regime. Duri ng these activiti es a variety of environmental reporting is produced and held within the Environmental Protection Unit. Where available you may view reporting by appointment with the Environmental Protecti on Un it (contact details below). Alternatively, for a fee the Council will copy reporting or provide a digital copy. In a few instances you may need to provide written consent from the person/company who paid for/commissioned the report before we provide a copy. Engineeri ng Services at the Council also hold a large collection of Engineering and Geotechnical based reports for the Borough. Information relating to ground conditi ons will usually al so be availabl e from the Planning Authority, Buildi ng Contro l and the developer of a site. The British Geo l ogical Survey is also an important source of investigation information for the UK. This search does not include details of these other internal and external information sources.

On site 0-10 metres >10-50 metres >50-100 metres

4. Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Contaminated Land Regime) - sites within a designated distance of the search site: Where the search site is within what is considered to be a significant distance of a site entered on the contaminated land register, brief details will be provided below.

The Council must mai ntain a contaminated land register for the Borough as part of it’s duti es under Part IIA of the Environmental Protecti on Act 1990 (Part IIA). The Environment Agency deal with so called ‘special site’ designati ons under Part IIA. Were a si te des i gnated as contaminated land is i dentified as a ‘special site’, you shoul d also make enquiries to the Environment Agency. Where availabl e you may view records by appointment with the Environmental Protection Unit. Alternativel y, for a fee the Council will usually copy records or provide a digital copy.

We would point out that any land associated with a potentially contaminative l and use will be considered as potentially contaminated land under Part IIA of the Envi ronmental Protection Act 1990 (Part IIA) and may be investigated at a later date. The Council is unable to consider a si te’s contaminated land status out of the prioritised order unless there is direct evidence of harm occurri ng. You should not rely on the contaminated land register for details of potentially contami nated land (i.e. land that maybe designated contaminated land in the future).

Site name: Distance from search site: Comments:

5. Pollution Incidents and Statutory Nuisance within influencing distance of the search site: Details of statutory nuisance that relate to a site should be obtained directly from the district Environmental Health Officer (contact details provided below). Details of pollution incidents are provided within Section 1.

For details of statutory nui sance contact the distri ct Environmental Heal th Officer: 0161 342 2697.

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

6. Environmental Designations within 250 metres of the search site: Where specifically requested, details of the presence of environmental designations within 250 metres of the site available within the Environmental Protection Unit are listed below.

For up to date information on environmental designations within the Tameside area in the first instance you should contact the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit and English Nature. Further informati on may also be available from the various other local , regional and national wildlife organisations.

On site 0-10 metres >10-50 metres >50-100 metres >100-250 metres

7. Underground Storage Tanks within 100 metres of the search site: Details of the potential presence of underground storage tanks information within 100 metres of the site are provided below.

During 2002 availabl e records of underground storage tanks from the Greater Manchester Fire Authority (Petroleum Officer) were digiti sed. These records are relatively incomplete, imprecise and relate only to tanks that were used to store petroleum. Therefore, the absence of any records does not mean that underground storage tanks are not present at or within the vi cinity of a site. These records do not relate to the storage of other fuels (i.e. di ese l and fuel oils) and chemical s. Within a search we will indi cate the potential presence of underground storage tanks. If a more accurate search or further information is needed on underground storage tanks you should contact the Greater Manchester Fire Authority (Petrol eum Officer).

On site 0-10 metres >10-50 metres >50-100 metres

8. Permitted processes (Part B and A2) within 500 metres of the search site: The Environmental Protection Unit authorises industrial processes under Part I of the Environmental Protection Unit 1990 and Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999. Details of Authorised Processes controlled by the Council are available on the Council’s web site ( under A-Z/ Environmental Protection Unit). For further details of Authorised processes in Tameside MBC you should contact the Environmental Protection Officer dealing with Permitted Processes on 0161 342 2389.

9. Private water extractions within 500 metres of the search site:

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Details of the presence of private water extractions within 500m of the site are provided below. A list of private water extractions within the Borough is provided in Figure 2. These do not include water abstractions licensed by the Environment Agency.

Various industrial , agricu l tural and residential land uses i n the Borough depend on private water extractions, which are covered by the Private Water Supply Regulati ons 1991. The search provides an indication of distance to private water extractions. Specific details of individual water extractions identified during a search are avai lable from the Food Safety Secti on of the Council, although a summary of each extraction is provided i n Figure 2.

On site 0-10 metres >10-50 metres >50-100 metres >100-500 metres

10. Specific information requests: We have responded below to any additional or specific search requests:

You may have speci fic information requests that are not covered by the standard questions li sted above. Where this is the case we will answer additional questions as part of a search. If answeri ng the question will incur additional costs or be time consuming an additional charge will be made based on the predicted time that wi ll be taken to undertake additional work. If we are unable to answer a question we will try and provide you with an appropriate contact either within the Counci l or externally.

Item 1:

Item 2:

Item 3:

The end.

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Box 1: Environmental Information Regulation 2004 and Freedom of Information Act 2004: The Council provides information in line with the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and Freedom of Information Act 2004 (FIA) as follows:

™ Under EIR and FIA the Council must reply to all enquiries within 20 working days. Under normal circumstances most enquiries will be answered sooner. If we are unable to meet the 20 day response time, we will contact you with an explanation. ™ We will treat your initial request for information and any subsequent search as separate enquiries. After your initial request for information, any subsequent enquiries will start once we receive payment in full. ™ Within the search we will provide you with details of information held within the Environmental Protection Unit. If you require further information after receiving the search response, this will be provided as part of a further information request. ™ We are not able to interpret any information on behalf of the individual(s)/organisation requesting the search. ™ Full details of information held by the Council that is either incomplete or unreliable may not be provided unless a specific request for the information is made. Details of other organisations that may be able to provide information may be found on the Council’s web site. ™ Any complaints regarding the provision of information should be made to the Complaints Officer by phone (0161 342 3339) or over the Council’s web site ( under A-Z/ complaints).

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Map 1: Historical Map – Epoch ? (original scale: [])

Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey (Licence Tameside MBC). Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site: Map 2: Historical Map – Epoch ? (original scale: [])

Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey (Licence Tameside MBC).

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site: Map 3: Historical Map – Epoch ? (original scale: [])

Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey (Licence Tameside MBC).

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site: Map 4: Historical Map – Epoch ? (original scale: [])

Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey (Licence Tameside MBC).

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Figure 1: Details of landfill site within Tameside MBC

Ref Landfill Name EA Licence Date Tipped Tipped by Waste Deposits Further info 1 St Annes Landfill Site K042 1960’s – 1970’s Greater Manchester Domestic refuse, industrial C Waste Authority and construction wastes 2 Ash Road K047 1960’s – 1970’s Greater Manchester Domestic & Construction C Waste Authority Wastes 3 Apple Street – 1 RD/LIC/369/84 1980’s – 1990’s W. Cheedtham & Sons, Waste from the construction B Lowend Farm, Hattersley industry – including putrescible wastes 4 Apple Street – 2 RD/LIC/369/84 1980’s – 1990’s W. Cheedtham & Sons, Waste from the construction B Lowend Farm, Hattersley industry – including putrescible wastes 5 Apple Street – 2 RD/LIC/369/84 1980’s – 1990’s W. Cheedtham & Sons, Waste from the construction B Lowend Farm, Hattersley industry – including putrescible wastes 6 Alt Hill Farm – A K019 1980’s/1990’s E.D.Cooper, Alt Hill Farm Waste from the construction A industry 7 Alt Hill Farm – B K019 1980’s/1990’s E.D.Cooper, Alt Hill Farm Waste from the construction A industry 8 Alt Hill Farm – C K019 1980’s/1990’s E.D.Cooper, Alt Hill Farm Waste from the construction A industry 9 Ceder Mill 1980’s/1990’s Tameside MBC Remains of mill chimney with A imported inert material 10 Alph Playing Fields 034 &046 Late Fairclogh Civil Solid earth fill arising from A 1980’s/1990’s Engineering excavation operation associated with motorway 11 Curve Pre- licence 1972 British Railway Excavations & Demolition C Railway waste 12 St Albans 062 1960’s Former Council Tip Domestic & Construction A Waste 13 Limehurst Farm 0157 1979 A Brooks Construction C 14 Holder 1987 British Gas Construction Waste – B Station remediated as part of residential development 15 Mancehster Road, 1985 Nailside Ltd Construction Wastes B Egmont Street 16 Turner Street 0172 1979 Mandor Engineering Ltd Construction A (RD/LIC/172/79) 17 Former Piggeries 0488 1988 Bidmace Ltd Construction B 18 Rear of Clarence 0266 1965/1983 G Heywood Esq/J&M Construction/non-hazardous A Street (RD/LIC/266/83) Heathcote Ltd Industrial, asbestos 19 Flatts Holder Station 0467 1987 British Gas Spoil from excavations in A (RD/LIC/467/87) public highways 20 Dunkirk Lane Pre-licence 1960’s/1970’s Greater Manchester Domestic refuse and B Waste Authority construction 21 Moorside Street 0149 1978 Excavation & Contracting Construction & Mine Wastes A Ltd 22 Gas Works, Pre Licence 1980’s Tameside MBC Inert fill placed as part of B Greenside Lane residential development 23 Guide Lane Brick Pre licence 1940’s-1970’s Unknown Industrial and domestic C Works wastes 24 Ruby Street Landfill Pre licence 1977 Wimpey Waste and Industrial and commercial C site others waste 25 Denton IV 1980’s Wimpey Waste Industrial, commercial, C household, inert 26 M66 Motorway 0458 1988 Fairclough Engineering Construction A 27 M66/M60 Area 2 0480 1988 Fairclough Engineering Construction A 28 Former Chemstar 1990’s Tameside MBC Remediation following Engineers explosion at solvent processing factory 29 Glent Quarry Pre-licence 1970’s Unknown Domestic & Commercial C waste 30 The Brushes, Pre-licence 1970’s Greater Manchester Refuse C Brushes Waste Authority 31 Quarry Street 00915 1995 Tameside MBC Inert B 32 Hussey Quarry 0242 1984 Prenwain Construction A Developments/Link Plant Hire Ltd 33 Newton Works 0024 1977 ICI Ltd Paints Division Construction/potentially other B wastes associated with industry 34 Victoria Street Pre licence First half 1990’s Tameside MBC Unknown – possibly ashy A industrial fill 35 Victoria Street 1976 Tameside MBC Unknown A

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

36 Woolley Lane 0094 Last tipped Tameside MBC Inert A 1996 37 Pear Tree Farm 01060 1994 Mr E Hanlon Inert & construction B 38 Grenside & Lowend 1110 1995 New soils Reclamation Construction C Farm Ltd 39 Land Off Cavendish 0542 Late 1980’s Tameside Canals Ltd Canal dredgings and A Street hardcore 40 Land between Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown B Cranbrook Street and Robinson Street 41 Four Winds disused Unknown 1980’s M S Casson Clean Waste A reservoir 42 Harsthead Green 0341 1984 H. Mallaney Construction B 43 Glob Lane 0225 1981 Woodmet Construction A 44 Pitt Hills Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown A 45 Rear of Salsburry Unknown 1966 Whelmar Development Household Refuse A Drive 46 Buckton Vale B Reservoir 47 Hart Mill 1983 Hart Mills Construction Waste A 48 Quick Edge Quarry Unknown 1985 North West Water Excavated spoil from site of A Authority near by reservoir extension 49 South View K027 1985-1988 Tameside MBC Group 1 – Inert. A Investigations show industrial waste 50 Rear of Woodend 0643 1991 Hudersfield Canal Society Canal Dredgings A Mill, Mossley 51 Coal Shaft Pre licence 1956 The calico printers Sludge A 52 Dowson Road Pre licence Unknown Unknown Unknown A 53 Godely Study 0261 1983 E A Robinson, Godley Construction including paper, C Stud plaster, wood, etc. 54 Godely Study 0261 1983 E A Robinson, Godley Construction including paper, C Stud plaster, wood, etc. 55 Godely Study 0261 1983 E A Robinson, Godley Construction including paper, C Stud plaster, wood, etc. 56 Mill Lodge, Queens 1989 James North and Son Construction A Mill 57 Woodend Farm 01160 Still ongoing Chartrange (landscaping) Construction A 58 Gorse Hall Drive Pre-licence 1966 Household refuse A 59 Oak Farm, Mattley A 60 Oak Farm, Mattley 0164 1979 RE and TR Construction A Summerscales 61 Oak Farm Mattley A 62 Hardtimes Farm K033 1980’s JE Seaton Construction (fly A tipping/general rubbish) 63 Gorby Road/Hanover Pre licence 1970’s British Railways Inert Material A Street 64 Hyde Hall Farm - A 0342 & 044 1980’s THA Phillips Demolition and excavation B material of the building industry 65 Hyde Hall Farm - B 0342 &046 1980’s T.H.A Philips Demolition & excavation B materials from Building Industry 66 Hyde Hall Farm - C 046 1977-198?? T.H.A Philips Demolition & excavation B materials from Building Industry 67 Copperas Lane Pre-licence Unknown Unknown Unknown No 68 Newton Moor 250/82 A Industrial estate 69 Murphey Ltd rear of 417 1980’s – Murpheys Ltd Waste from the construction A 294 Audenshaw unknown when industry Road stopped 70 Wilson Brook Unknown 1978 Unknown B 71 Milton & Border Mill - 0217/81 1981 Mossley Wool Combin & Construction waste / B A Spinning Co Ltd industrial effluent – Investigated and removed or remediated 72 Milton & Border Mill - 0217/81 1981 Mossley Wool Combin & Construction waste / B B Spinning Co Ltd industrial effluent – Investigated and removed or remediated 73 Milton & Border Mill - 0217/81 1981 Mossley Wool Combin & Construction waste / B C Spinning Co Ltd industrial effluent – Investigated and removed or remediated 74 Rabbit Clough Pre license 1970’s Trustees of Lord Inert non toxic or non-waste A

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Deramore’s Estate producing materials 75 North of Moorside Pre-licensing Unknown Unknown Unknown A Street 76 Newton Bank Print 0948 1994 Pit landfill Ltd Large class of waste B works 77 Audenshaw Curve Pre licence 1972 British Railway Inert excavation and B Railway demolition waste 78 Albert Mill Pre licence 1950’s William Kenyon & Sons, Filling and concreting A Chapelfields Works proposed reservoirs 79 Barlow Road & 0491 Licence granted Bidmace Ltd Construction Waste A Boyds Walk 1980’s 80 Land off Wilshaw 0245 1982 Tameside MBC Construction A Grove 81 Lily Lanes 03978 1985 Trustees of Lord Construction B Deramores Estate 82 Land at Hartmill Unknown 1983 Platt & Hill Ltd Waste building hardcore A 83 Brownedge Farm 00120 1980’s H. Mullaney Construction, cars, non A hazardous industrial, difficult wastes, etc. 84 Land at Buckingham Pre licence 1964 Borough Household refuse A Drive Council 85 Land between No Unknown Unknown Unknown B Cranbrook Street and Robinson Street 86 Dewsnap sidings Pre licence Unknown Unknown Unknown - Investigation B reports are available for part of the site through planning 87 Gower Road, Kirley Pre-licence 1950’s William Norgrove and Clay & ashes No Street Sons, Kirley Saw Mills 88 Edgerton Street known Unknown Unknown Unknown – possibly an old A ash tip 89 Ahston-u-Lyne 0222 1982 North west water Domestic, commercial, B effluent treatments construction and sewage works sludge 90 King Edward Road Pre licensing 1965 Benjamin Armitage Unknown A 91 Apethorne Lane Pre licensing 1952 Dual Investments Ltd Builder Debris A 92 Apethorne Lane Pre licensing 1952 Dual Investments Ltd Builder Debris A 93 Gee Cross Mill 0443 1986 Wilson & Swift Carrbrook Construction waste A 94 Gee Cross Mill 0443 1986 Wilson & Swift Carrbrook Construction waste A 95 Gee Cross Mill 0443 1986 Wilson & Swift Carrbrook Construction waste A 96 Grove Road 0687 1991 D.M Dickinson Construction B 97 Greenhollins Farm 00578 1989 R. Hopwood, Construction A Greenhollins Farm 98 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold A Authority 99 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold B Authority 100 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold C Authority 102 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold D Authority 103 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold E Authority 104 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold F Authority 105 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold G Authority 106 Great Wood & Hodge 1980’s North West Water Surplus spoil A Fold H Authority 107 Ash Valley Pre licence Unknown Unknown Unknown C 108 Denton V Inert wastes C 109 Mossley sewage 1955 Unknown Unknown No works 110 Rowly Street 1966 Unknown Unknown No 111 1 1966 Unknown Unknown A 112 Golf 1966 Unknown Unknown A Course 113 Rear of Vicarage 1965 No Cresent 114 Mossley Road 1966 Unknown Unknown No 115 Heginbottom Cresent 1966 Unknown Unknown No 116 2 No 117 3 No 118 Tameside Hospital 1966 Unknown Unknown No 119 Gartside Farm 1952 Unknown Unknown No 120 Goldsmiths Tip 1952 English Steel Corporation Foundry Wastes C

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Ltd 121 Ash Tree Avenue 1952 Unknown Unknown No 122 Rear of Clarence 1967 Unknown Unknown B Street 123 4 No 124 Claridon Playing 1964 Unknown Unknown No Fields 125 Globe Lane Industrial 1963 Unknown Unknown No Estate 126 Newton Works B 1971 Unknown Unknown A 127 5 No 128 Godley Brook 1968 Unknown Unknown No 129 Mill Lane 1968 Unknown Unknown No 130 Woodend Lane A 1968 Unknown Unknown 131 Rear of No 4 Kelvin 1966 Unknown Unknown No Road 132 Clarendon Playing 1964 Unknown Unknown No fields 133 Roaches Way Unknown Unknown No 134 Thostle Bank Street 1940’s 1950’s Unknown Unknown No 135 Rear of Unknown Unknown Unknown No Close 136 Sunny Close 1950’s Unknown Unknown No 137 Dukinfield Hall Unknown Unknown Unknown No 138 Wellbridge Road – A Unknown Unknown Unknown No 139 Wellbridge Road – B Unknown Unknown Unknown No 140 Ashton Street Unknown Unknown Unknown No 141 Buckton Vale Mews Unknown Unknown Unknown No 142 Palace Road Unknown Unknown Unknown No 143 Three Corner Nook Unknown Unknown Unknown – see later tipping B Quarry - B at site in Reference 147 144 Kings Road Depot 0092, 0415 North West Water Construction, non-hazardous C (RD/LIC/092/77) Authority industrial, asbestos 145 Carrhouse Lane Pre licence 1987 PSA Perrin Spoil from Construction No industry 146 Stamford Golf Course Pre licence 1986 North West Water Spoil from NWW excavations See 112 147 Three Corner Nook 0417 1980’s – 1990’s Park Pit Landfill Ltd Industrial, commercial and B Quarry - A household Refuse, etc.

Note: The ‘further information’ column provides details of whether further information is available on file for a landfill site. No= No information on file; A=very limited information; B=Some information available; C=Much information available.

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Figure 2: Private Water Extraction within Tameside MBC

Tameside Type Class Easting Northing Address District Reference S1 Spring E 3990582 4006725 Shireclough Farm Stalybridge S2 Spring F 3993971 3966985 Lumb Farm The Lumb Mottram S3 Spring 4 4001928 3966720 Thorncliffe Hall, Thorncliff Hollingworth S4 Spring 5 4005496 3972670 NW Water plc Haybarn/cartshead Widowscroft Fm S5 Spring E 3976182 3966613 Cottage Wringley Fold Farm Matley Lane Dukinfield S6 Spring E 3984951 4025319 Howards Farm Howards Lane Mossley S7 Spring F 3974459 4030197 Brunthill Farm Road Mossley S8 Spring F 3998994 3973845 The Cottage, Landslow Green Mottram S9 Spring F 3993450 3963461 Mottram Old Hall, Old Hall Lane Mottram S10 Spring 5 3986161 4014357 Castle Farm, Castle Lane Mossley S11 Spring F 3984079 3970164 Naylors Farm Gallowsclough Stalybridge S12 Spring E 3981513 3976379 Higher Harpley, Shutts Lane Stalybridge S13 Spring F 3992597 4009741 The Grange, Buckton Vale, Carrbrook Stalybridge S14 Spring F 3983618 3959878 Paddock Farm Harrop Edge Road Mottram S15 Spring F 3983087 3959601 Silver Springs Harrop Edge Road Mottram S16 Spring F 3985294 3976863 Shawmoor Farm Shaw Moor Stalybridge S17 Spring F 3995126 3966491 Lumb Cottage The Lumb Mottram S18 Spring E 3977042 4011484 Farmhouse off Regents Drive Mossley S19 Spring E 3987490 3966152 4 Hobson Moor Road Mottram S20 Spring F 3985225 3968928 Gallowsclough Road Stalybridge S21 Spring F 3988311 4021795 Intake Cottage Moor Edge Road Howards Lane S22 Spring E 3985517 3976202 Ivy Cottage Shaw Moor Stalybridge R1 Surface F 3989067 3965662 1 Dewsnap Lane Mottram W1 Well F 3981040 3954570 Miniature Castle 281 Mottram Road Hyde W2 Well E 3990056 3936177 Hodge Cottage, Hodge Lane Broadbottom W3 Well F 3972152 4014723 Scout Farm Cottage, Scout Farm Scout Mossley W4 Well E 3969789 4000598 1 Higher Croft Stalybridge W5 Well F 3985719 3997803 Cooper Farm, Millbrook Stalybridge W6 Well F 3990251 3965813 Dewsnap Farm Dewsnap Lane Mottram W7 Well F 3987720 4001409 Harridge Hall, HigherHyde Green Stalybridge B1 Borehole 5 3996155 3969473 Hard Times Farm, The Lumb Mottram B2 Borehole F 3998005 3974992 Ash Tree Farm, Hobson Moor Road Mottram B3 Borehole F 3997399 3973225 Landslow Green Farm, Landslow Green Mottram B4 Borehole F 3996150 3971637 Higher Landslow Green Farm, Landslow Green B5 Borehole E 3995803 3975970 1 Moorside Farm, Off Hobson Moor Road Mottram B6 Borehole 4 4001565 3978090 Hollingworth Hall Farm, Hobson Moor Road Mottram B7 Borehole 4 4002238 3968207 The Barn, Thorncliffe Hollingworth B8 Borehole F 3981617 3956466 Golden Springs Farm Harrop Edge Mottram

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:


As part of Tameside MBC’s ongoing assessment of service quality, we would be grateful if you could complete the following form adding comments as you feel necessary.

1. Name and Address (company and contact):

2. How did you first contact Tameside MBC to make your enquiry? (please a as appropriate)

Telephone: ; Letter: ; Facsimile: ; e-mail: ;

Please comment:

3. How did you come to know about this service provided by Tameside MBC? (please a as appropriate)

As statutory provider: ; Have always used: By word of mouth: ; Advertising: e-mail: ; From the Environmental Protection Unit: ;

Please specify:

4. If during the course of the enquiry you spoke to an Environmental Protection Officer at Tameside MBC, how can their manner best be described? (please a as appropriate)

Very helpful ; Helpful: Unhelpful: ; Very unhelpful: ;

Please comment:

5. Are you satisfied with the Environmental Protection Unit’s environmental search procedure? (please a as appropriate)

Very satisfied ; Satisfied: : Unsatisfied: ; Very unsatisfied: ;

Please comment:

6. Are you satisfied with the level of service that has been provided to you by the Environmental Protection Unit? (please a as appropriate)

Very satisfied ; Satisfied: : Unsatisfied: ; Very unsatisfied: ;

Please comment:

7. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on how the service could be improved? (please a as appropriate)

Return Address: Environmental Protection Unit, Council Offices, Wellington Road, Ashton-u-Lyne, OL6 6DL


Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site:

Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: