Economy & Environment Engineering & Environmental Services Mike Thompson BSc.,CEng.,MICE Assistant Executive Director Council Offices, Wellington Road Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside. OL6 6DL Call Centre 0161-342 8355 FAX 0161-342 2273 Minicom 0161-342 2410 www.tameside.gov.uk email: []@tameside.gov.uk Your Ref Our Ref Doc Ref Ask for [] Direct Line 0161 342 2691 Date [] Dear Environmental Protection Unit Search - Further to your search request dated [] regarding the above site we are pleased to provide you with the attached information, which represents a summary of records available within the Environmental Protection Unit at Tameside Council. Further guidance regarding environmental information and other contaminated land issues is available on the Councils web site (www.tameside.gov.uk under A-Z / contaminated land). This includes contact details for Council Units and other organisations underlined within the text of this response. The cost of a search (details provided on the Council’s web site) is representative of the time taken to search records within the Environmental Protection Unit. The cost and details of the Environmental Protection Unit providing additional information identified during the search is provided below. Box 1 of this response identifies how the provision of information complies with relevant Regulations and Acts. We have enclosed a customer satisfaction survey form for this service and would be grateful if you could both complete it and return it to us. This information will be used to improve our service. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information and data provided in this response, the Council accept no liability for any loss or damage howsoever caused arising from any reliance placed by any other person upon the information and data contained herein. Should you have any queries relating to this search, please contact the undersigned. Yours sincerely [] Technical Officer – Contaminated Land Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site: Date of initial search request: Date payment received: Payment made for search: [] Search Type: General Cost to provide additional information £[?]. Information not identified below will be listed here: 1. Significant Historical Land uses and local knowledge: Extracts of historical maps are included at the end of this letter. Details of local knowledge are shown below. The Council is able to provide copi es of historical maps providing an indi cation of significant histori ca l land use at the site. This hi storica l mapping is hel d under licence from the Landmark Information Group. All plans should have the site boundary and a 100 metre buffer marked on. Generally Epoch 1 is pre 1900’s, Epochs 2-4 is pre-1950’s and Epochs 5-8 is post-1940’s. Mapping is not to scal e. We will not usually review 1:10,000 or 1:10,560 scal e mapping and aerial photography as part of a search. Copies of aerial photography are available from the Greater Manchester Geological Unit. If a full record of histori cal act iviti es is required for a site, enquiries should be made elsewhere. Mapping for the Tameside Borough is available from the Local Studies Library, which is situated within Ashton Library, Old Street, Ashton-under-Lyne. A number of private companies and libraries also provide historical mapping services. Other sources of information on industrial history include The Coal Authority, English Heritage and the Greater Manchester Archaeology Unit. Local knowledge will usually be gathered from contaminated l and staff and the Environmental Health Officer for a local area. Local knowledge within Environmental Protection Unit: 2. Landfill Sites on or within 250 metres of the search site: Details of referenced Tameside landfills within 250 metres of the search site are provided below (further details of each landfill are provided in Figure 1). Details of other identified infilled/ potentially infilled features not included on the landfill database will be dealt with in section 1. The Environmental Protection Unit hol ds one of the most comprehensive databases of landfill sites for the Tameside area. A substantial paper based filing system of landfill si tes ex i sts. For ease of use this has been transferred onto our computer database system. Information contai ned on the system has been obtained from a wide number of sources including from within the Authority, the Greater Manchester Waste Authority, Greater Manchester Geol ogical Unit, Environment Agency, historica l mapping, etc. Additi onal information may be avai lable from these other sources. For many landfill sites in the Borough, we only have incompl ete information and we cannot account for unauthorised or unreported wastes that may have been tipped at a site. Where the Envi ronmenta l Protection Unit has details of landfill sites avail able you may vi ew documented details of landfill si tes by appointment with the Envi ronmenta l Protection Unit (contact details below). Alternati ve l y, for a fee the Council will copy this information or provide a di gita l copy. Landfill Reference: Distance from site: Landfill Reference: Distance from site: 3. Site Investigation Reports on or within 100 metres of the search site: Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site: References of site investigation reports on or within 100 metres of the search site are identified below. The Environmental Protection Unit hol ds copies of a large number of site investigation reports arising from its duties under Planni ng (i.e. in relation to contaminated land conditions attached to planning application decision notices) and the contaminated land regime. Duri ng these activiti es a variety of environmental reporting is produced and held within the Environmental Protection Unit. Where available you may view reporting by appointment with the Environmental Protecti on Un it (contact details below). Alternatively, for a fee the Council will copy reporting or provide a digital copy. In a few instances you may need to provide written consent from the person/company who paid for/commissioned the report before we provide a copy. Engineeri ng Services at the Council also hold a large collection of Engineering and Geotechnical based reports for the Borough. Information relating to ground conditi ons will usually al so be availabl e from the Planning Authority, Buildi ng Contro l and the developer of a site. The British Geo l ogical Survey is also an important source of investigation information for the UK. This search does not include details of these other internal and external information sources. On site 0-10 metres >10-50 metres >50-100 metres 4. Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Contaminated Land Regime) - sites within a designated distance of the search site: Where the search site is within what is considered to be a significant distance of a site entered on the contaminated land register, brief details will be provided below. The Council must mai ntain a contaminated land register for the Borough as part of it’s duti es under Part IIA of the Environmental Protecti on Act 1990 (Part IIA). The Environment Agency deal with so called ‘special site’ designati ons under Part IIA. Were a si te des i gnated as contaminated land is identified as a ‘special site’, you shoul d also make enquiries to the Environment Agency. Where availabl e you may view records by appointment with the Environmental Protection Unit. Alternativel y, for a fee the Council will usually copy records or provide a digital copy. We would point out that any land associated with a potentially contaminative land use will be considered as potentially contaminated land under Part IIA of the Envi ronmental Protection Act 1990 (Part IIA) and may be investigated at a later date. The Council is unable to consider a si te’s contaminated land status out of the prioritised order unless there is direct evidence of harm occurri ng. You should not rely on the contaminated land register for details of potentially contami nated land (i.e. land that maybe designated contaminated land in the future). Site name: Distance from search site: Comments: 5. Pollution Incidents and Statutory Nuisance within influencing distance of the search site: Details of statutory nuisance that relate to a site should be obtained directly from the district Environmental Health Officer (contact details provided below). Details of pollution incidents are provided within Section 1. For details of statutory nui sance contact the distri ct Environmental Heal th Officer: 0161 342 2697. Environmental Protection Unit Environmental Search V5 Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Date: Search site: 6. Environmental Designations within 250 metres of the search site: Where specifically requested, details of the presence of environmental designations within 250 metres of the site available within the Environmental Protection Unit are listed below. For up to date information on environmental designations within the Tameside area in the first instance you should contact the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit and English Nature. Further informati on may also be available from the various other local , regional and national wildlife organisations. On site 0-10 metres >10-50 metres >50-100 metres >100-250 metres 7. Underground Storage Tanks within 100 metres of the search site: Details of the potential presence of underground storage tanks information within 100 metres of the site are provided below. During 2002 availabl e records of underground storage tanks from the Greater Manchester Fire Authority (Petroleum Officer) were digiti sed. These records are relatively incomplete, imprecise and relate only to tanks that were used to store petroleum. Therefore, the absence of any records does not mean that underground storage tanks are not present at or within the vi cinity of a site.
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