The AWA Review
The AWA Review Volume 26 • 2013 Published by THE ANTIQUE WIRELESS ASSOCIATION PO Box 421, Bloomfield, NY 14469-0421 Volume 26, 2013 i Volume 26 book.indb 1 14/06/2013 2:54:15 PM Devoted to research and documentation of the history of wireless communications. THE ANTIQUE WIRELESS ASSOCIATION PO Box 421, Bloomfield, NY 14469-0421 Founded 1952, Chartered as a non-profit corporation by the State of New York. The AWA Review EDITOR Robert P. Murray, Ph.D. Vancouver, BC, Canada ASSOCIATE EDITORS Erich Brueschke, BSEE, MD, KC9ACE David Bart, BA, MBA, KB9YPD, Julia Bart, B.A., M.A. FORMER EDITORS Robert M. Morris W2LV, (silent key) William B. Fizette, Ph.D., W2GDB Ludwell A. Sibley, KB2EVN Thomas B. Perera, Ph.D., W1TP Brian C. Belanger, Ph.D. OFFICERS OF THE ANTIQUE WIRELESS ASSOCIATION DIRECTOR: Tom Peterson, Jr. DEPUTY DIRECTOR: Robert Hobday, N2EVG SECRETARY: William Hopkins, Ph.D., AA2YV TREASURER: Stan Avery, WM3D AWA MUSEUM CURATOR: Bruce Roloson, W2BDR 2013 by the Antique Wireless Association, ISBN 978-0-9890350-0-2 Cover images are of cartons of tubes produced by E.B. Myers in Montreal in 1923-1925, (front cover) and of a tube produced by his factory in Cleveland in 1926, (back cover). Article begins on page 37. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.
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