NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section 28 MauueArea, G-9/1,Islamabad I 051-9032727,E 051-9260419 [Ri[no,vriSn*Avs /L No. 6(408)/GM (P&cA)/NHF.I17lclg^ lo June,2Ol7

Director General Public Procurement Regulatory Authority lst Floor FBC Building near State Bank, SectorG-512, Islamabad.

Subject: ANNOUCNEMENT OF EVALUATION REPORT (PPRA Rule-351i Consultancy Senrices for Detailed Design Review and Construction Supenrision of Improvement and Widening of Chakdara - - Fatehpur Section_of National Highway N- 95 (82 Kml

Reference: PPRA Rule-3 5 Kindly find attached the duly filled and signed Evaluation Report along with Bid Evaluation Criteria (Annex-I) pertaining to the procurement of subject services in view of above referred PPRA Rule-35 for uploading on PPRA website at the earliest, please. //e%Z (Muhammad Azam) Director (P&CA) Encl: Evaluation Report along with Annex-I

Coplfor kind information to: - Member (Planning), NHA - Member (Engineering-Coord),NHA General Manager (P&CA),NHA S.O (Tech.)to Chairman, NHA EVALUATIONREPgRT (As PerRule 35 of PP Rules,2004)

4 I Nameof ProcurinqAqencv: NationalHiqhway Authority 2. Methodof Procurement: SinqleStaqe Two Envelop Procedure 2 Titleof Procurement: ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSupervision of lmprovementand Widening of Chakdara- Mingora- FatehpurSection of National HiohwavN-95 (82 Km) 4. TenderInquiry No.: 6(408) Date & Time of Bid Closinq: 2'1.'October,2017 at 1130 hours local time 7. Date& Timeof Bid Openinq: 21"'October.2017 at 1200hours local time 8. No of Bids Received: Eiqht(8) Proposalswere received Criteriafor BidEvaluation: Criteriaof BidEvaluation is attachedat Annex-l 10. Detailsof Bid(s)Evaluation: As below Marks Rule/Regulation/SBD*/Poli Nameof Bidder Evaluated cy/ Basis for Rejection/ Technical Financial Cost Acceptanceas per Rule35 (if (if of PP Rules,2004. applicable) applicable) (PKR)

1) M/sNESPAK (P\,/t.) Ltd. Topscoring firm in combined in JV with M/s MM 614 184 74,842,096 evaluation(PPRA Rule 36(b) (Pvt.)Ltd. (ix))

2) M/sAsif Ali Associates (Pvt.)Ltd in JV with M/s EngineeringConsultancy 606 to/ 82,884,611 2nd ServicesPunjab (Pvt.) Ltd. & M/sAA Associates 3) M/sAssociated ConsultancyEngineers- 594 169 81,681,574 ACE(Pvt.) Ltd.

4) M/sPrime Engineering & TestingConsultants (Pvt.) Ltd in associationIV/s Finite 599 162 85,314,723 4th Engineeringand [V]/s Water Wise

5) M/sPEAS Consulting (Pvt.)Ltd. in JV with M/s RepublicEngineering 't 561 200 69.017. 56 c Corporation- REC (Pvt.) Ltdand M/s Loya Associates.

6) M/sEA Consulting(Pvt.) 594 131 105.270.560 o Ltd. 7) M/sZeeruk Int. (Pvt.) 547 PPRARule (v) Ltd. 36(b)

8) M/sEngineering General Consultants- EGC (Pvt.) JV with M/sAL- 518 PPRA (v) KASIBGroup of Rule36(b) EngineeringServices AGES(Pvt.) Ltd.

Top Ranked Bidden M/sNESPAK (Pvt.) Ltd. in JV with M/s MM pakistan (pvt.) Ltd.

11. Any other additional/ supportinginformation, the procuringagency may like to share: The Procurementwas carriedout in linewith PPRARules & Regulations.The biddingwas done on QCBSmethod with 80:20 Technicalto Financial Proposals ratio.

Signature: Genqd*'--ager (PACA) OfficialStamp: .-.Notian glrwoyAuthority * d stan d a rd Bi dd i n g ooc u me JfJ tgg$f National Highway Authority


Annex-I Criteria EOR- Bid Evaluation

ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSupervision of Improvement and Widening of Chakdara- Mingora - Fatehpur Sectionof National Highway N-95 (82 Km)

June,2017 NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement & Contract Administration Section 28-Mauve Area, G-9I l,Islamabad Tel: 9032727 , Fax: 9260419

Ref:6(408)/cM (P&cA)/NHAIt6 I | 5 57 14th October.2016

All Prospective Consultants

Subject: Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meeting and Addendum No.I for: Consultancy Services for Detailed Desihn Review and Con Chakdara - Mingora - Fatehpur Section of National Hiehway N-95 (e2x*l .' Reference: Request for Proposal Notice for subject Ser:iices appeared in dailg newspapers on 29th September, 2016 'l,.iriii, il:::t Minutes of Pre-Proposal Meeting.:--fi i$n sth October, 2016 and No.l alongwith Attachments No.- I A If for subject Services being integral part of the Request for Proposal;;;[1$',,.enc1osedherewith, for necessary action, please. ::= li :::::::: .:t:lll / ". ' -ti) "::'lii: r' / / ^,/ ',+''':':

..._..:_;=t;;;:,- (Muhammad Azamf !!!:!:"= Director (P&CA) Enclosure: )lit*i, = ,..,,,,,7 tgPS;;r:_. -'i\rrir,', Minutes of Pre-Propop"g_l eeting (O6 Pages) Addendum No.1 (O1 Pagef Attachment I&II (O2 Page) -'{!lit,. for kind to:

Member (Plannin$), NHA, Islamabad; Member.(engineeiing Coordination), NHA, Islamabad; Genera',I.Manaler (P&CA), NHA, Islamabad; SO (Tech=;)# Chairman, NHA; Office Copy. . .a

ConsultancvServices for DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSupervision of Imnrovementand Widenine of Chakdara - Mineora - Fatehpur Sectionof National Hiehway N-95 (82 Km)

A Pre-ProposalMeeting was held in NHA Auditorium at 1100hours on 5thOctober, 2016 to discuss the Request for Proposal (RFP) for subject Services.Following NHA officers and representativesof prospectiveconsultants attended the meeting:

' National Highway Authority

GeneralManager @ltruring) i. ... GeneralManager (Design) Director(P&GA:) - lll Depufy,Dire&r(P&CA) - II

. Consultants ri'i, , , ", Mr. AishaNawaz MA EA consulting(pvt.) Ltd. ' Mr. NaeemMahmood .., s eGC @vt.)Ltd. ,:: .:::aaa::.,.-iVlS Mr. TanveerAhmad pakisran "4 MM (pvt.) Lrd. Mr. MuhammadAbdul Hameed , ,jl'u M/s REC (pvt.) Ltd. Lt. Col. @MuhammadHani9:;itii "'=.',-:,,,,, Awan ,:,,i:a

2' The queries submitted during the abgyementioned pre-proposalmeeting and their clarifications/ repliesare summarized below for informationlofalj prospectivebidders: ::i;;i?.i. ":t:.::::::=

Refering to article 3.1 (iii) {fiage'SOof RFP}, FWD data of existing road is available the arlicle 3.4 (viii) {page i2.,p-fzRFP} and article consultant shall augment the back calculation 4.2,9 parugrapha {pa$ffiEr6f.,R.FP}.It appears through DestructiveTesting (DT) at minimum 1 Ihat test on existinfa.@p;rvementand soil per Km or evenlesser length of the road asper unit investigationthrough test pits for pavement delineationof FWD results. design are included'i'n Consultant'sscope of servicesand soil'invei@ion throughbore holes shall be carrieil out,by fhe contractor in order to validate ui.rd',,friaJize the design of bridges. However lfieqffency/interval of test are not mentioned.=-P16aseclari$' the interval of test pits since numbers of pits have direct financial implication. Further no line item in for FIN-6 lpage 42 of RFP is provided for cost of soil

Refeningto article 5.1 paragraph5 [page 60 of The three Person Months are intermittent. for RFP], It is mentioned that during Defect periodic inspectionand finalization of bill, spread Liability Period (DLP) the Resident Engineer over [the Defect Liability Period (DLP) and three (RE) and selectedstaff shall continue on paft more months]fifteen months. time basisand after end of DPL, RE is expected to need three (03) more months to close the contract.However the person months allocated Sr. No. Queries Reply to RE and other selectedstaff comprise 24+3 that is construction time of 24 months and project closing tirne of 3 months,No time to act on part time basis during DLP is provided. Pleaseclarifv? Refering to article5.1.2 [page62 of RFP]. It is Yes, freshtraffic count is required. mentionedthat Traffic/ PavementEngineer shall validate the Traffic Survey, it is required to clarify that whether fresh traffic count shall be conducted by the consultant to validate the Traffic Survey or only the review of already canied out survey shall be sufficient to validate the proiectedtraffic 4. Refering to article 5.6 table of qualificationand Any personnot;.ha {ig'fraduate degreeshall be experience [page 63 of RFP]. The marking markedzero as far asqitalification is concerned. ,!i : criteria against each proposed position is Af,r: "::':aaaa= 'i,rt!'li = establishwith respectto academicqualification such as 100% for PhD and 70%-60% for BE/ B.Sc.Please clarify if any proposedprofessional having qualification below required minimum, no mark shall be given or the marking shall be accordingly as per criteria of academic qualification? 5. Datasheet- 5.2.1 ,:,-. gir (i) Generalexperience ,,.,,""-,+i!:: ".,4M The consultantsneed to provideas much How many prolect referencesare required? informationwithin p..r.iib.d pagelimit in their ' 6. (ii) SpecificExperience own interest. How manyproiect references are required?l 7. TOR -3.1at page50, 3.4 at Page S2;:'Design ' Yes detailed design as well as Construction ViewReport at Page58 , .,_ drawings have to be issuedby the design review u,t" l'-# consultant. The'"ansfoiiii' the Outline Designto DetailedDBS.Efiff the servicesis requiredfor DetailedDesi$n not Design Review. Pleaseclarify? "i',,. 8. We find it adequate;however, the consultantsmay utilize the provision underFoot Note underTech-4 ooComments/ Suggestions of Consultant" of Requestfor Proposal.

9. Section 4.4 of Data Sheetat page14 Not accededto, proceedas per RFP, please. Submissiondeadline may pleasebe extended by at least15 days 10, Referenceclause 3.1 (i) of TOR: it is mentioned The consultantshall carrvoutthe survev. that the consultants shall carryout Detailed Topographic Survey consolidation/updation.In our view, this task relatesto Design Consultants not DesignReview Consultants. Please clarify, if the assignmentfor Design Review or New Design. 11 ReferenceClause 3.3 of TOR: Outershoulder It is a two laneroad.

Minutes ofPre-proposal Meeting for ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign Review and constructionSuperyision oflmprovement and WideningofChakdara - Mingora- FatehpurSection of NationalHighway N.95 (82 Km) page -|---- 2 Sr. No. Queries Reply 2m is given while inner shoulder is not mentioned. 1,2. ReferenceClause 3.a (xii) of TOR: It is Referthe clarificationat SN7 above. mentioned that Desiga review Consultants issue construction drawings. But in our experience, it is the duty of Design Consultantsnot Designreview Consultant. t3. ReferenceClause 3.4 (ii) of TOR: It is Three Person-Months of Highway Design mentioned that Consultants shall review Engineer/ Team Leader are already available in Design of Ancillary works TOR for the mentioned but the input of task:,:z,,..'"',u1, Expertis not providedin the TOR ',!li, 14. ReferenceClause 3.a (vi) of TOR: It is OnePerson-Month of Q$tmli rsurveyorin Design mentioned that Consultants shall prepare ReviewTeam is a{d-eci-i41ffifon. BOQs but the input of Surveyorsis ' Quantity -'l' not providedin the Designreview Team. i":',i 15. To preparea workable proposala site visit is Not accededto, proceedas per RFP,please. ''.' requiredand the given time for the submission rili; of proposalsis very short. We would request -,,.''i.i1i;"=l you to pleaseextend the dateof submissionof .riii""'i =- proposalsby at least two (02) weeks so i,, time .:,i.,#!l:t:_ that comprehensive proposals could be submitted t6. Refer Clause No. 4.4 of the Data Sheet on_ No{-&cededto, proceedas per RFP,please. page 13; wherein, it is stated that date ofl a. submissionof October,2 _21't which is a tight schedule.It is requestedthii=t'r the date of submissionmay be extendpd. r anotherthree weeks for arrangemqiVsOdrchot JV Partnerand preparation of sound,proposb-l 17. It is assumedthat all primary / seconil6 data Client will provide any datal reports(if available) would be delivered to the,fisfulbidder to the consultantsfor the performanceof captioned prior to commencementof .the*siffiirment Services. 18. Whatis the budgetof this prbiect?. ReferIT Clause1.4 of RFP. 19. Referclause 3.1.4 (iiitlii6.trttifi€=bata Sheet on Not accededto, proceedas per RFP, please. page-|2of theRFPLthe mandatory condition of permanentemfl{fuees for at least six monthswith th-e,i;l6hreiSants may pleasebe exempted ,:,itsi,4&r,.,= 20. The cr qualification and Not accededto, proceedas per RFP, please. their nrt experienceof consultant's staffasn in the RFP / TOR is hardto meet the requirementswhich may kindly be relaxed 21. Pleaserefer clause 3. I .4 (iii) on pagel2 of the Design and Supervision staff have different RFP. It is to be clarified that weatherall Key weightages (10% and 5%) for their being Personnel are required to be permanent permanentstaff of the firm. employees of the firm or confined this conditionis to DesignReview Key Personnel only. It is our understandingthat construction supervisionstaff is exempted 22. Quoting to LOI clause 1.7 (iiD on page l0 The project is foreign funded and thus accurate how long (maximum), it may take to issue time frame cannotbe predicted.

Minutes ofPre'proposal Meeting for ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSuperuision lmprovement and Wideningof Chakdara - Mingora- Fatehpur Sectionof NationalHighway N-95 (82 Km) ,44 Page3 Sr. No. Queries Reply CommencementNotice to successfulbidder / consultantfor supervisionof the works zJ. Referringto 5.2.1(a-iii)and (b-iii) on page14 Referto SN 21 above. I 15, it is requestedto retain the same / uniform criteria ofevaluation for designphase team as 5%ofor the constructionsuoervision phaseteam 24. Pleaserefer to checklistof required forms on Agreed. page 19 wherein it is mentioned that page limit for eachCV of TECH-5 is restrictedto 5 pages only which requires review and may please be enhancedto 7 pages in order to cover more materialof richly experiencedkey staff 25. Pleaserefer clause 5.6 for qualification and Not accededto, prdceedas per RFP,please. Experience requirement of personnel (from page 63 to 73). The qualification and experience for Highway Design Engineeil I Team Leader, Structure/ Bridge Engineer, Soil/ Geo-technicalEngineer, seems to be on .,lL] higherside which may pleasebe reducedup to n$ a suitable extent keeping in view the prevailing situation in the market for their availabilitv 26. Thereis no provision of EnvironmentalExp& Froceedas per RFP, please. and Sociologistin the I(ey Staff to caterfoi environmental, social and safeguard."j,qsues respectively of the stake-holders. ;.gindly'i' clarifyabout the same . , 27. Pleaserefer Clause2.4 on page49 i;fqh RFP Design Review and ConstructionSupervision will whereinthe time for completionof servicesas start in parallel. As constructionperiod is twenty specified in the TOR is mentiqnedas Thirty four 24 monthsand DLP is twelve 12 months,and Nine (39) months from.lhe {at-e,'ofsigning of additional time of three 3 months is required to ContractAgreement. \I/hilelooking at page61 finalize the bill of Contractorwhich make a total of the RFP, it indicatestirne period for tirneof Agreementas thirty nine 39 months. Detailed Design Retiiew as three (03) months and that for 4::: struction supervision maximurn time alldbated to Resident Engineer{Tearq,;:leadei is twenty eight (28) *means months; whiah the gross period for renderiri$, design review and construction supervisiodr5'eivicesyields to thirty one (31); resulting in gap of 8 months between39 monthsand 3l months.Please clarify which time periodof completionis correct. 28. Pleaserefer Clause3.4 on page 103 of the The liability is twice the Remuneration(of Design RFP under the caption of Liability of the Review + Construction Supervision Staff) but consultantswhich quotesas "The consultants excludingDirect (lt{on-Salary)Cost. shall be liable for consequencesof errors and omissionson their part and the extentof such liability shall be twice the remunerationunder the contract." It is to be clarified that this liability is confined to Desisn Review Phase

Minutes ofPre?roposal Meeting for ConsuJtancyServices for Detailed Design Review and Construction Supervision oflmprovement and Widening ofChakdara - Mingora- FatehpurSection of NationalHighway N-95 (82 KmJ page : + Sr. No. Queries Reply or including construct supervision remunerations(excluding reimbursabledirect / non-salarvcosts) 29. There is no indication of "Mobilization Mobilization Advance may be discussedwith the Advance" in the RFP. We recommend highest ranked Consultant during the contract provision of at least20o/o of lhe bid amountin negotiation. case of award to the successfulconsultant/ Bidder;which may pleasebe clarified. 30. Mitigation of encroachments within the The consultanthas to renderservices as per TOR. R.O,W of Expressway will be the responsibility of the Client in addition to -,=n, interfacing with the concernedagencies for relocation of existing utilities; if determined any at site. Suffix to it, Land Acquisition whereverrequired for the constructionof the projectwill also be the responsibilityof the Client. a7 JI It is assumed that the Client will ensure No, the Clleht *ill not provide any security to security arrangements for the safety of ensuresafery of the consultant'sstaff; however,the consultant's staff during the currency of ClietrE.,. ; "' provide necessary coordination contract period for smooth running anc beQttiden=the consultant and the local completionof theproiect. a-d,uiinislration. Captioned project is "Detailed Design* to clarification given at SN 8 above. ,*.,.,_9.. Review" but upon in depth study of the TOit'= last two sentences rii, of Para I of "Desigq lil: Review Report" on page 58, the existin l4tltt' Design is just outline designnot to be u.s.edfor construction.It is requestedthat the consultant shalltransform...... " Further artiele'314 on page 52 activities/ items included inlDesign Review readtogether with reqg.i'rementsstated in article3,1 "Detailedscope ff woik covering DesignReview" it is abuirbanily.1.urthat is not just a Design Ra,€i€ ;iffi preparing a complete Design and relatrgddocuments for constructionof this 82 Km ioad ab initio with completeownershi.p..,.{,_,1,,,,.esponsibility. 'be The aforestated the involvement,the time period allowed,:foithii DetailedDesign & docume*tsipilnot commensurate with quantum of required'inputas well as constructionitems detailedin 3'dta[ed " DesignReview" in 5.1.2 on page 61, preparation of construction Drawings, BOQ and Specifications will require surveyors,CAD Operator,Draftsman and Quantity Surveyor will essentially be required. Hence,time and iterns statedunder "Detailed DesignReview Team" requires re-visiting and enhancement. JJ. It is the responsibilityof the Traffic/ Pavement Yes, Traffic Survey is required.Please plan your Experts to re-validate the traffic survev is TechnicalBid asper Siterequirement.

Minutes ofPre'proposal Meeting for ConsultanryServices for DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSuperuision oflmprovement and WideningofChakdara - - Mingora FatehpurSection o[ NationalHighway N-95 (82 Km) IRL Pagepase5 Sr. No. Queries Reply stated in l " sentenceon page 62. Does this meanscarrying out traffic survey & at which location. In projectdefinition article 1.3 on page46 this lt is a two laneroad: there is no inner shoulder. Highway consist of 2-undivided lanes with standardwidth 7.3 meter with treated outer shoulderon both sides,But in road design standardarticle 3.3 on page5l innershoulder is redundant,please clarifu? 35. Time period statedin article 2.4 of ChapterI Resident Engineer shall.::1:rb.eprovided on page 49 is 39 months, Understandirigthis intermittentbasis during B,E?,. a?i'6 for finalizing the periodincludes Design, Supervision as well as bill. (Also referto clarifieationgiven at SN 27). defectliability period. However in cost details the involvement of the R.E in the Defect liability period and to close the project at the endof DLP hasnot beenitemized. which mav -lr pleasebe done. ,+&14 Kindly note that the un-itemized required activitiescannot be absorbedin Design-cum- supervision remuneration but request that separateitems be createdin Design team as 't' well asin supervisionteam. . :,:i:.? iN,E|:t ...... ooo0 ooo... .::::a:a:::Jii;:V

' lq:l.

il .=:,,,1i

Minutes ofPre-proposal Meeting for ConsultanrySeruices for DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSupervision oflmproventent and Widening- ofChakdara - Mingora- FatehpurSection of NationalHighway N-95 (82 Kml page z:\ 6 ADDENDUM No.l

Consultancv Services for Detailed Desiqn Review and Construction Supervision of Improvement and Widening of Chakdara - Mingora - Fatehpur Section of National Highwav N-95 (82 Km)

Following amendmentshave been made in the Requestfor Proposal (RFP) for subject Services underthis Addendum No.l, which shall be read and construedas an integralpart of RFP and shall take precedencein case of any conflict(s)/ambiguity(s) amongst this Addendum No.l and other provisions of the RFP' ri'r'r'::t"'' 1. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORMS .!- ""iii

''it') Checklistof RequiredForms: +.4 j::i:= 1:'"ijg'r'J ' l,::,:# Refer Page19 of RFP; the text "5 pageseach CV" againstfECH5under the column 'Page Limit' may be readas "7 pageseach CV". '' l


2.1. Referpage 61 Section- 5.l.2 "Staff Requir"."+#*f,*e tablefor input of Key andNon Key Personnelon pages6l is entirelyreplaced with'=-wised table enclosed as Attachment-Ito AddendumNo.1. ---tt:,;,'1.1. .::,:';i 2.2.Referpage 63, Section- 5.6,"QualifiC_ation and ExperienoeRequirement of Personnel"the table for Title, Experience,Qualificatip_n & Responsibilities,under Key Personnelfor DetailedDesign Review Phase after.,$r. No.5 "Traffic/PavementEngineer" the Experience, Qualification& Responsibilities;ofQuantity Surveyor is inserted.See Attachment-Il to AddendumNo.l. * - =". "uttiJlF 3. All otherterms and conditions shall remain same.

'.:,,,# t: == lr,. ---ooOoo---

Addendum No'1 for ConsultancyServices for DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSupervision oIlmprovement and Widening ofChakdara- Mingora- Fatehpur of (82 Section NationalHighway N-95 Km) Page 1 Attachment-I 5.1.1 Staff Requirements

The Servicesshall be provided by the local I(ey and Non-Key Personnel,which shall includebut not be limited to the following:

No. of Person- S.No. Descriptionof Personnel Months Persons Months Kev Personnel A. DetailedDesign Review Team Highway DesignEngineer/ Team I Leader 01 03 2. Hydraulic I DrainageEngineer 01 .Qjr, 03 .t 3. Structure/ Bridge Engineer 0l ;^.03 03 4. Soil / Geo-TechnicalEnsineer 0l :i,,, "02 02 5, Traffic / PavementEngineer* q1; 03 03 6. QuantitySurveyor 01 0l Sub-Total(A): t5 B. ConstructionSupervision Teamz u! 7. ResidentEngineer/ Team 0l 1+24+3 28 8. Structure/ Bridge Engineu i 01 a/1 .A 9. MaterialEngineer ,: ,t,illt: 01 24 1/1 '=li$jl 10, Quantity Surveyor 0l z+fJ 27 .$\' Sub_Total(B): r03 Sub-Total(A+B): 118 C. NonKey Perioilill6i ll SiteInspdttois 03 24 72 12. Maieripl Insp€ctors 02 48 13. su#e$ii 04 .\A 96 t4. ,i:LablSilrvey Helpers 04 24 96 15j{+;g$"D-OPerator 01 24 24 tsF=r0ffiputer Operator 0l 24+3 27 j;::t ; Accountant 0l 24+3 .tiiilttll 27 It. Office Assistants 04 24 96 19. Office Boys 04 24 96 20. Office Boy 0t 24+3 27 Sub-Total(C): 609 Total (A+B+C): 72',1

Attachments for consultancy Seruicesfor DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSupervision oflmprovementand Widening- ofChakdara. Mingora -FatehpursectionofNationalHighwayN-9s(82Km) yigeZ 'o Attachment-II

S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities Kev Personnelfor DetailedDesign Review Phase 6. Quantity Surveyor General 20 Years Experience: Qualification: Minimum: DAE Civil with 3 yearsdiploma course

Desirable: B.Sc.(Civil Ensineerins) SpecificExperience: Minimum: For DAE (Civil) minimum frf,tg,=9ri{15)years of relevant experi ence as Quantity Sxlv,-,pytiii.:onH i ghway Proje cts. Desirable: For B.Sc.(Civil (10) Enlgilee.i.i+S)'minimum'6s ten years of relevant exp,gri.e Quantity Surveyor on HighwayProjects.

- i:]:r' l':! = -:ooOoo--: :.'.... rlii


.i;==,ffi . '. rliift,ffu r,.:::.... ilt a ': l,'.r 1c: l, . *1il$F

Attachments for Consultancy Services for Detailed Design Review and Construction Superuision of [mprovement and Widening of Chakdara . Mingora - FatehpurSection ofNational Highway N-95 (82 Km) Page3 Annex A INSTRUCIT.NS To ..NS'LTANTS


l.t Desiring consultantsare invited to submit a technical and a financial proposal for consultingservices required for the assignrnentnamed in the attachedData Sh."t (ann"* B). The proposalscould form the basisfor future negotiationsand ultimatelya Contract betweenthe selectedconsultant and the client rlurn"din the Data sheet. 1.2 A brief descriptionof the assignmentand its objectivesare given in the Data Sheetwhich areelaborated in Appendix A (Te'ns of Reference)to this Rrp.

1a LJ The assigntnentshall be implementedin accordancewith the phasing indicatedin the Data Sheet'(When the assignmentincludes several phases, continuation of servicesfor the next phaseshall be subjectto satisfactoryp"rfor,nunce of the previous phase,as determinedby the Client).

I t.4 The Client (NHA) has been entrustedthe duty to inrplernentthe Project as Executing Agency by GoP and funds for the projecthave been approved and pr-ovidedin the budgei for utilizationtowards the cost of the assignment,unA in. Client intendsto apply part of t the fundsto eligiblepayments under the Contractfor which this LOI is issued.

1.5 To obtain first-handinforrnation on the assignmentand on the local conditions,you are T encouragedto pay a visit to the Client beforesubmitting a proposaland attend'a pre- proposal conferenceif specifiedin the Data Sheet.Your representativeshall meet the official namedin the Data Sheet. Pleaseensure that the official is advisedof the visit in I advanceto allow adequatetirne for him to rnake appropriatearrangements. you must fully inform yourself of local conditionsand take them into ur"ouni in preparingyour I proposal. The Client shall provide the inputsspecified in the Data Sheet,assist the Consultantsin obtaining licensesand perrnits neededto carry out the services,and make available I relevantproject data and repofts. I It is notifiedthat: The cost of prepalingthe proposaland of negotiatingthe Contract,including visit to the client, are not reimbursableas a directcost of the Assignment,and

I The client is not boundto acceptany or ail of the proposalssubrnitted.

An invitationto submit proposalshas beensent to the firms as listed/stated the Data I Sheet. t In orderto avoid conflictsof interest: Any firm providing goods, works, or serviceswith which the consultant is affiliatedor associated is not eligible to participatein bidding for any goods, t works,or services(otherthan the Servicesand any continuationthereof) resulting fi'ornor associatedwith the projectof which this assignmentfonns a part;and I I ii' Any previous or ongoing participation in relation with the project by the consultant(including partners in case of JV), its Key Personnellprofessional staff), its affiliates or associatesunder a contractmay result in rejeftion of the proposa[. Any situation in that respectmust be clarified with the Client before preparingthe proposal.


11 To prepare a proposal,please use the attachedForms/Documents listed in the Data Sheet.

2.2 Consultants requiringa clarificationof the Documentsmust notify the Client, i1 writing, not later than Fourteen(14) days beforethe proposalsubmission date. Any request for clarificationin writing, or by cable,telex or tele-faxshall be sent to the Client's addressindicated in the DataSheet. Tlie Client shallrespond by cable'telex or telefaxto suchrequests ancl copies ofthe responseshall be sentto all invitedconsultants.

At any time beforethe. subrnission of proposals,the client may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in responseto a clarification requestedby an invited consultingfirm, modify the Documentsby amendment.The amendment I shall be sentin writing or by cable,telex or telefaxto all invitedconsulting fi1ns and will be bindingon them.The Client nay at its discretionextend the deadlines I for the submissionof proposals. 3. PRBPARATION OF PROPOSAL

I Desiring consultantswill subrnit a TechnicaLand a Financial The proposals shall be written in Englishlanguage.

T 3.1 Technical Proposal

The Technical Proposalshould be sLrbmittedr-rsing the format specifiedand shall include duly I signedand stampedforrns appended rvith the RFP.This is a mandatoryrequirement for evaluationof proposalsand rreedsto be filled up caref,lly.

The proposals I shouldbe boundin the hardbook bindingfonn to deny tlie possibilityof removalor addition of page(s).AII the pagesof proporuGmust be signedand starnpedin original by autl-rorizedrepresentative of the firm/JV. All the pagesmust be numbered starting I from first last. Any proposalfound nof adherinf to theserequirements may be rejectedat the tirne opening.

3'l'2 In the TechnicalProposal, general the approachand rnethodology-includingshall be proposedfbr I carrying out the services covered in the Term of Reference, such detailed infornration as deemed relevant together with consultant's appreciatioriof tlie project t frorn provideddetails and a' A detailedoverall work programmeto be providedwith tirning of the assignment I of eachKey Personnelor otherstaff memberassigned to the priject. b. An estimateof the total numberof person-months I and Projectduration required. I c. Clear descriptionof the responsibilitiesof eachKey Personnelwithin the overall work programme.

d. The CurriculumVitaes of all Key Personneland an Affidavit on stamppaper duly attestedby Oath Commissionerto the effect that the proposedpersonnel shall be I availablefor the assignmentin the projectduration and their presentplace of duty may also be mentioned.Failure to provide the Affidavit rnay result in to no further evaluationof the proposal.The consultantsare advisedto suggestsuch namesthat shall be availablefor the Assignment.

e. TIie TechnicalProposal shall inch-rdeduly filled in forms providedin this RFP: the name,background and professionalexperience of each Key Personnelto be assignedto the Project,with particularreference to his experienceof work of a naturesimilar to that of the proposedassignment.

I f. Currentcommitments and past performanceare the basiccliteria in evaluationof Technical Proposal.Consultants are required to provide the details of present commitments/ongoingjobs as referred in the Form TECI-I-9 of Technical Proposal.Further, the basis for consideringthe past performanceis the report frorn DesignSection and ConstructionWing of NHA. I 3.1.3 While preparingthe TechnicalProposal, consultants are expectedto examineall terms and instructionsincluded in the RFP. Failureto provide all requestedinformation shall be at consultant'srisk and may result adverselyin the scoring of the proposal.The I proposalshould be preparedas per RFP and any suggestionor review of staff etc.should be clearlyspelt out in ForrnTECH-4. This will be discussedat the time of negotiation meetingas and when called.

Penalty against non-compliancewith the maximum page requirementbased in the 'CHECKLIST OF REQUIRED FORMS' provided in the Section of Technical ProposalForms will be two (02) scorepoints per excesspage to be deductedfrom the total technicalscore. The consultantsare instructedto submitthe CVs of Key Personnel by truly following the forrnatattached at Form TECH-5. The CV's subrnittedon format I in deviationto that specifiedare susceptibleof scoringlow. 3.1.4 During preparationof the TechnicalProposal, consultants must give particularattention to the followins:

i. Consultantmay utilize the servicesof expatriateexperts but only to the extent for which the requisiteexpertise is not availablewith any Palcistanifirm. In caseof JV, the proposalshould state clearly paftnerswill be "Jointly and Severally" responsiblefor perforrnanceunder the Contractand One (Representative)partner will be solely responsiblefor all dealingswith the Client on behalf of the JV. lts I Power of Attorney on this accountis to be enclosed.The Representativepartner shall retainthe responsibilityfor the performanceof obligationsand satisfactory completionof the consultancyservices. PEC registersa foreign consultingfirm for issuinglicense to provideconsultancy services in Pakistan,which is basedon formationof JV with the conditionthat the foreign consultingfirm shall provide only that share of consultancyservices by the JV for which expertiseis not availablewith Pakistaniconsulting firms. A copy of JV agreementto be provided

I at fhe tirneof finalizing the contractdocuments with specificresponsibilities and assignmentsto be lookedafter by eachpartner.

ii' Subcontractingparl of the assignmentto the other consultantsis discouragedand only individualSpecialist Sub-Consultanfs(having unique expertise wliich is not availablewith others)may be included.

iii' The Key-Personnelproposed shall preferablybe permanentemployees of the firrn unlessotherwise indicated in the Dita Sheet.

iv' The estirnated number of Key Personnel person-montl.rsrequired for the Assignment is stated in the Data Sheet. The proposal should 6e baseclon a number of Key Personnel person-montlissubstantially in accordancewith the above number' However consultantsmay proposechanges in the light of tlieir experiencethrough particular cornrnents on ih. TOR

v' Proposedpersonnel sliould haveexperience preferably under conditions similar to thoseprevailing in the area the Assignrnent.The minirnumrequired experience of proposed personnel9f Key shall be as listedin the Data sheet.

vi' No alternativeto Key Persorrnel uray be proposed,ancl only one curriculumvitae I (CV) may be subrnittedfor eachposition.

vii' If the Data as a major componentof the Assignment,a detailed description I of trre proposed metrrodolbgy, staffing, budget and monitoringis to beprovided.

3'1'5 The Technical Proposal t shatl not include any financial information.The consultant,s comments,if any, on the data, servicesand facilities to be providedby the Client and indicatedin the ToR shall be includedin the Technicalproposal. A Technicatproposal containing any T financial inforrnationwill be treatedas non resporlslvere rejectionof the proposal. T 3.2 Financial Proposal The Financial Proposal should be submittedr,rsing the format specifiedand enclosed with this RFP' This is a mandatory requirementfor evaluationof'proposals and needsto I be filled up carefully. The total coit is to be mentioned in the Form FIN-7 and accordingJyin Form FIN-l too.

t 3'2'2 The Financial Proposalshould list the costs associatedwifh the Assignment.These normally cover relnunerationfor staff in transpoftationfor rnobilizationand den I office, equipment, furniture and suD investigations.These costs should be bi< The FinancialProposal should be preparedusing the formatsattached as Forms FIN- I to t F'IN-7. 3'2'3 The FinancialProposal shall also take into accountthe professionalliability as provided underthe relevantPEC I Bye-Lawsand costof insurancesspecified in the Daia Sheet. I I 3.2.4 costs may be expressedin cu'rency(s) listedi'trre Data Sheet.


4'l consultantssliall submit one original TechnicalProposal and one original Financial Proposaland the number of copiesof each indicatedin the Data Sheet.iacn proposal shall be in a separateenvelope inclicatingoriginal or copy, as appropriate.All Technical Proposalsshall be placed in an envelopeclearly markei "Tecirnicalproposal,, and the Financial Proposalsiri tlie one marked "Financial Proposal".These two envelopes,in turn, slrallbe sealedin an outer envelopebearing the adclressand informationindicated in the Data Sheet'The envelope sliall be clearlyinarked, "Do NOT opEN, EXCEPT IN PRESENCEOF TIJE EVALUATION COMMITTEE.,,

4'2 In the event of any discrepancy betweentlre copiesof the proposal,the original shall govern' The original and each copy of the Teclinicalancl Flnancial proposalsshall be preparedin indelible ink and shall be signed by the authorizeclrepreseptative of the consultant'The representative's autholizationshatt be confirmed by a written power of attorneyaccompanying the proposals.All pagesof the Technicalani Financialproposals shall be signedby the personor personssigning the proposal.

4'3 The proposalshall contain no interlineationsor overwritingexcept as necessary to correct I el'rorsmade by the consultantsthemselves. Any suchcorrections shall be initialedby the personor personssignirrg the proposal.

4'4 The cornpletedTechnical I and FinancialProposals shallbe deliveredon or beforethe time and date stated in the Data Sheet.The location for tlie subrnissionof proposalsis I indicatedin the DataSheet. 4.5 The proposalssliall be valid for the numberof daysstated in the Data the date of its submission.Dut:ing this period,consultants shalt keep availablethe Key personnel proposed for the Assignrnent. I The client shall malce its best effort to complete rregotiations atthe locationstated i'the DataSheet within this period. I PROPOSAL BVALUATION 5.1 Bvaluafion Procedurc and Criteria

I A quality cum cost based procedureshall be adoptedin lanking of tlie proposals.The technicalevaluation shall be carriedout first, followed by the financialevaluation. Firms I shall be rankedusing a combinedteclinical/financial score. The evaluation committeervill correctany computationalerrors in Financialproposals. When correctingcomputational errors,in caseof discrepancy(i) betweena partiai(sub- total) amount and I the total amount,or (ii) betweenthe amount derived by rnultiplying utiit price with quantityand the total price oL(iii) betweenwords and figures,the formers will prevail.However, items proposals describedin the Technical butiot priced,in the FinancialProposals shall be I assumedto be includedin the pricesof otheractivities or itemsand no correctionsare madeto the FinancialProposal. In rur. an activity or item is quantified in the Financial Proposal differently frorn the Technical proposal, the evaluationcommittee I shall correctthe quanfifrcationindicated in the Finan"iai nropo.ut so as to rnake it consistentwith that indicated in the Technical proposal I for further I correctionby applyingthe unit price includedin tl correctedquantity. However, the proposalsthat q person-monthsas per this RFP will not be adjuste< than the requiredinput of person-monthsas per tl unit price for the subjectperson-month is availabl unit price for the subjectperson-months is not ava or item of the same category [international c Personnel)]as providedin the FinancialProposa directcost shall not be adiustedand the sameshall

Technical Proposal

The evaluationcornmittee appointed by the Clier project(s)as listedin Paral.l, applyingthe evalua in the Data Slieet.Each responsiveproposal sha Firms scoringless than seventy(70) percentpoin proposalsreturned un-opened.

5.3 Financial Proposal

The FinancialProposals of the threetop-ranking q of evaluation of Technical Proposalsshall t representativesof these firms, who shall be invi attend. The Client shall inform the date, tirne i Proposalsas indicatedin the Data Sheet.The tota proposalshall be publicly announcedto the attendi

5.3.2 The evaluationcommittee shall determine whethe ar,drvithout computational errors, all errors/discre Technical Proposalsas well as RFP shall be r accordancewith procedureand criteria given in FinancialProposal (Frn) among all shall be given The financialscores of the proposalsshall be comp

Str:(1000 x Fm)/F

(F : amountof specificFinancial Pr

s.3.3 Proposals,in tlie quality cum cost basedselectio their combinedtechnical (St) and financial(S) sc, given to the Teclinical Proposal,P : the weight T+P:l) indicatedin the Data Sheet:

S:StxT%+SfxP% I 6. NEGOTIATION 6.1 Prior to the expiration of proposal validity, th consultantthat submittedthe highest ranking prc cable telex or facsirnileand invite it to negotia ResidentEngineer/ Resident Engineer shall also be t I 6.2 Negotiationsnorrnally take from two to five days.The aim is to reachagreement on all I pointsand initial a draft contractby the conclusionof negotiations. 6.3 Negotiations shall commence with a discussionof consultant'sTechnical Proposal including proposedmethodology, work plan, staffing and any suggestionswhich may have beenmade to improvethe TOR. Agreementshall then be reachedon the final TOR, the staffing,and the bar charts,which shall indicateactivities, staff, periodsin the field I and in the horneoffice, staffmonths, logistics and reporting. 6.4 Charrgesagreed upon shall then be reflectedin the Financial Proposal,using proposed unit prices(no negotiationof the person-monthrates).

6.5 Having selectedConsultant on the basis of, alnong other things, an evaluation of proposedKey Personnel,the Client expectsto negotiatea contracton the basisof the staff named in the proposal.Prior to contract negotiations,the Client shall require assurancesthat the personnelwill be actually available.The Client shall not consider substitutionsof Key Personnelexcept in casesof un-expecteddelays in the startingdate or incapacityof Key Personnelfor reasonsof health.Failure to assurethe availabilityof Key Personnelor substitution(equal or better)as exceptiononly may result in rejection of Consultant'sproposal.

6.6 The negotiationsshall be concludedwith a review of the draft form of the contract.The Client and the Consultant shall finalize the contract to conclude negotiations.If negotiationsfail, the Client shall invite the consultantthat receivedthe secondhighest I score in ranking to Contractnegotiations. The procedurewill continuewith the third in casethe negotiationprocess is not successfulwith the secondranked consultant (and so on).


7.1 The Contractshall be awardedafter successfulnegotiations with the selectedConsultant and approvedby the competentauthority. Uporr successfulcompletion of negotiations/ initialing of the draft contract,the Client shall promptly inform the otherconsultants that I their proposalshave not beenselected. 7.2 The selectedConsultant is expectedto commencethe Assignmenton the dateand at the Iocationspecified in the Data Sheet. t

I I T AnnexB t DATA SHEBT LOI Clause#

I l.l Thename of theAssignment is: DetailedDesign Review and ConstructionSupervision of Improvementand I Wideningof Chakdara- Mingora - FatehpurSection of Naiional Highway N-95 (82 Kms) I Thename of theClient is: National Highway Authority (NHA) I 1.2 Thedescription and the objectives of theassignment are: As per TOR t 1.3 Phasingof theAssignment (if any): -Nit_

I l-4 Thefunds for theproject shall be met out of loanfinanced under "The Saudi Fund For Development" I 1.5 Pre-ProposalConferences: Y"s -{- No Pre-proposalconference will be heldon: I 5thOctober,2016 at ll00 Hours in I\HA Auditorium,National Highway Authority, 2g Mauve Area,G-911, I Islamabad. Nameof the official is: lmtiaz Ahmed Khokhar I (GeneralManagerp&CA) E-maiI: [email protected] I 1.6 TheClient shall provide the following inputs: As per TOR and AppendixD I 1.7 Followingsub-clauses are added: iii. The supervisionof the projectshall commence upon undertakingof the construction I worksby the contractorand shall be notifiedthrough issuance of commencementnotice to the selectedconsultant by NHA. Any inordinatedelay or cancellationof the constructionwork for any reasonincluding non-availability of fundsshall not entitlethe consultantsto any financialor legalclaims. However when the projectshall commence t the supervisoryconsultants shall rnaintain the right subjectto availabilityof proposed Key Personnel(professional staff) basedon which the consultantwas selectedor if the delayis beyondsix monthsthen equally competent Key Personnelwith equalor higher I qualificationand experienceshall be pre-requisitefor considerationoi issuanceof commencementnotice by NHA. I In casethe work is delayedor abandonedfor any reason l0 I I I whatsoever,the consultantshall not haveany legalrecolrrse. The consultantshall be responsibleto have the whole constructionwork completed I thLoughthe contractorin a professionalmanner so that all itemsof constructionwork are completedfrom one end to the other includingpaying attention to site clearanceof debris or any other leftoverrnaterial. The trees/shrubsprone to landscapeand earthwork slopes I grassedin ROW. All signs of constructionwork dispensedwith. To achieve this objectiveconsultant rnay includethe price for such incidentalor ancillary servicewhich will leadto the final cornpletionof the assignrnentin the price quotedby the consultant I who shall remain liable for rnakingfinal measurementsof the Works and to issueFinal Payment Certificate of tlie Contractor.No separatecosts are payable as extra costs for this service.All suchcosts shall be includedin theserates submitted by the consultantin t its financial proposal. The consultant has to basically ensure that contractor has cornpletedentire constructionwork as per Works Contractwith particularreference to siteclearance before taking over the projecton completion. I The consultantsrnay betternot to proposenarnes of Key Personnelalready proposed in other proposalswhich are being evaluatedby NHA or contract(s)awarded recently. This will affect adverselyrnarking of thesePersonnel in evaluationof the technicalproposal. I Their securedpoints are liableto be reducedby 500%if their namesappear in rnorethan I previousproposal in which they are rankedNo.l. Furtherthe existingload of work with a firm shall be consideredas one of the factorsfor the considerationin the award of the t contract.No CV of any alternatePersonnel shall be acceptedduring evaluation. vi. Form TECH-4 is rneantfor commentson provisionscontained in RFP and TOR and unlessthe observationsare noted in this particularForm, anythingwritten elsewhereon I this account including financial implications, if any, shall be considered of no consequencein the evaluationprocess and awardofthe contract.

vil. Consultantsmay form a Joint Venture(JV) to qLralilyfor the Assignmentin which case t the contract rvill be signed between the Client and all mernbersof the JV on the prescribedForm included in Appendix E (copy of Model Agreement)subject to the I lankingand successfulnegotiations. A JV may includeat the mostfour members. vlil. The terrn associates,if used in the proposalor otherwiseshall not be consideredas an alternativeof JV rnember.Any personnelproposed for the Assignrnentbut belongingto the so called associatesslrall rrot be rnarkedin evaluationof technicalproposal like in t case of Sub-consultants(except individualSpecialist Sub-consultants having unique expertisewhich is rarely availableOR an expatriatePersonnel) who are not supposedto I contributein qualificationof their main consultants. 1.8 The irrvitedfirrns are: I Any firrn meetingthe following requirements: (a) Valid Registration Certificate of Pakistan Engineering Council with relevantProject Profile Codes.Foreign consulting firms shall rnakeJV in I accordance with Bye-Law 6(2) and Bye-Law 9 of the Pakistan EngineeringCouncil (Conductand Practiceof ConsultingEngineers) Bye- Laws 1986. Failure to provide valid RegistrationCertificate (license) of t the firm (eachrnernber in caseof JV) by the PEC will entitlethe Client to rejectthe proposal. (b) Affidavit in original bearingthe subjectwith projectname on stamppaper t duly attestedby the Oath Cornrnissionerto the effect that the finn has neither been blacklistednor any contract rescindedin the past for non- I I I fulfillment of contractualobligations (By all partnerfirms in caseof JV). Non submission of the affidavit rnay be treated as disqualification resultingin to no furlherevaluation of the proposal. (c) Facilities available with the consultant to perform their functions effectively (proper office premises,software, hardware, record keeping etc.) (d) Client's satisfactioncertificates (Performance Reports) for the last three relevantassignments from the respectiveClients. Moreover any adverse report regardingperformance of consultanton NHA projects received from NHA's any relevantquarter may becomebasis for its disqualification fi'omthe Assignmentabove named in clausel.l. (e) Person-monthsof staff and ProjectDuration as per TOR.

2.1 The Documentsare: (i) Letterof Invitation, (ii) Instructionsto Consultants, (iii) Data Sheet, (iv) TechnicalProposal Forms, (v) FinancialProposal Forms, (vi) Appendix-A Termsof Reference(including Background inforrnation), (vii) Appendix-B:Person-Monrhs and Activity Schedule, (viii) Appendix-C:Client's Requirementsfrom the Consultants, (ix) Appendix-D:Personnel, Equipment, Facilities and Other Servicesto be providedby the Client,and (x) Appendix-ECopy of Model Agreement(Draft Form of Contract& Appendicesetc.)

2.2 The addressfor seekingclarification is: General Manager (P&CA) NationalHighway Authority 28 Mauve Area, G-9l1, Islamabad. Phone: +92-51-9032727 Fax: +92-51-93260419 E-mail: [email protected]

3.1.4 iii. ProposedKey Personnelfor Design Review shall preferablybe perrnanentemployees who are employed with the consultantsat leastsix rnonths prior to submissionof Proposal. Yes { No iv. The minimum numberof person-monthsof Key Personnelis:

Total Expatriates: _ Person-Months(Not used) Total Local Experts: 117 Person-Months


I The rninimum requiredqualification and experienceof proposedKey Personnelis given in Appendix- A "Terms of Refererrce" Trainingis a rnajorcornponent of thisAssignment: Yes

3.2.3 Professionalliability, insurances(description or referenceto appropriatedocumentation): The consultantsshall be responsiblefor ProfessionalIndemnity Bond of the requiredamount at their own cost. This bond shall be in the joint nameof Consultantand the Client. The consultantsare required to insure their Employeesand Professionalsfor I Hospitalization/Medical, Travel and Accident Cover for the duration of the Contract. Othel details provided in Para 3.5 of SpecialConditions of Contract in Model I Agreement(Appendix E).

3.2.4 Consultantsshall quote the rates of remunerationfor local personnelin Pak. Rupees, whereasonly the ratesof remunerationfor expatriatepersonnel shall be quoted in US dollar currency.The paymenthowever, to the Consultantfor both the local as well as the expatriatepersonnel will be rnadein Pak Rupeesby convertingUS$ into Pak. Rupeesby applyingUSD TT/ OD Selling Rateof National Bank of Pakistanon the prevailingdate (i.e. the Date of Payrnent) as per TT/OD Selling Rate fi'orn website: http://wrvw. forex. com. pk/ for I nter B ank Rates. For comparisonof the FinancialProposals of consultantsthe US dollar's componentof FinancialProposals will be convertedto Pak Rupeesas per following exchangerates: The official sourceof the Selling (exchange)Rate is: National Bank of Pakistanas per TT/OD SellingRate from the website: for Inter Bank Rates. The dateof the exchangerate is: The dateof subrnissionof ploposals.

4.1 The numberof oopiesof the Proposalrequired is: TechnicalProposal: One Original and Three copies with CD (soft form of complete Technical Proposal in PDF Form) in sealedenvelope. FinancialProposal: One Original with CD (soft form of complete Financial Proposal in PDF as well as MS Word/ Excel Forms) in sealedenvelope. I The addressfor writing on the proposalis: General Manager (P&CA) NationalHighway Authority 28,MauveArea G-9 I I Islarnabad Telephone: +92-51-9032727 Facsirnile: +92-51-9260419 I Email: [email protected]

4.4 The dateand time of proposalsubmission is:

t t3 I 1130hours on 2LrtOctober,2016 The locationfor submissionof proposalis: NationalHighway Au fhority Auclitorium 2"" Floor,27 MauveArea, G_gll,Islamabad

4.5 Validityperiod of theproposal is: I80 days Thebid shallremain valid upto: lgthApril,2017 Locationfor Negotiationis: NafionalHighway Authority Auditorium 2"" Floorr2T MauveArea, G_gll,Islamabad 5.2.1 Theevaluation proposal of Technical shailbe basedon followinscriteria: Description/ Items Points '. E*perience of the nirm 150 I a) GeneralExperience (2s) b) SpecificExperience (t2s) ii. Approach & Methodotogy 110 T Understanding of Objectives (ls) Qualityof Methodology (20) Innovativeness/Comments on TOR (l0) Work Program (30) Staffing Schedule (20) Conciseness,clarity and completenessin proposal (ts) presentation Qualification and Competence(in Areas t of Expertise)of the Key 610 Personnel Present T commitments of the Firm 40 Past perfortnance of the Firrn 100 Total Points: 1000 Minimurn qualifiing technicalscore 70'A The percentagedistribution of weightage earmarked for evaluation sub-criteria forcuituUiity of Key Personnelare: T a. Design Review Team: Description/ Items Percentage I Academicand General Qualifications ii. Professionalexperience related to the Project t iii. Statuswith the firm (permanent& durationwith Firm) 10% I b. SupervisionPhase Team: Description/Items Percentage I i. Academicand General Qualifications 30% ii. Professionalexperience related to the Project 65% T iii. Statuswith thefirm (Permanent& durationwith Firm) 5% I Form of SummaryEvaluation and personnelEvaluation Sheetsfor TechnicalProposal (QCBS)is attachedar rhe end of DataSheet. I 5.3.1 The words "three top-rankingqualifying consultingfinrs" is deletedin its entiretyand replacedwith the words"qualifying consultants,'. The date, time and addressof the Financial proposal opening arc: t After evaluation and approval of Technical Proposals(to be informed later).

5.3.3 The weightsgiven to the Technicaland Financialproposals are: I Technical: 80"A Financial: Z|'h

I 6.3 Add following at the end of this para: The final person-monthsof each personnelare subject to adjustmentat the stage of contractnegotiation in line with demonstratedapproach & methodotogyand I needbasis. I 6.5 Add following at the end of this para: The Consultant is bound to replace all the Key Personnelproposed who scored lessthan 70o/omarksin the PersonnelEvaluation, if the Client so requests.If the I Consultantrefuses to replacesuch Key Personnel,the Client."r".u", the right to rejectits proposaland invite the Consultantthat receivedthe secondhiehestioore in rankingto Contractnegotiations.

7.2 The Assignmentis expectedto commencein I December.20l6 t I l5 I I I IT I IT I I r r r I r I r r r


EVALTIATIONCRITERIA Max. Firm I rtrm i I. Firms E Wcisht* Ratrnq Score Ratins Score 150 General Ilxperience 25 SpecificExperience t25 II. Approach and Methodolosv III D^--^^-^t /^ -^^^ .. 110 flon ano LOmDetence ol K ev Pcrqnnnal 600 r Review 210 l:,ngrne€r/ team Leader 60 Dnqtneer 45 oLl uutul s / Dt lugc I] llglneer 45 i Soil/ Geo-TechnicalEneineer 'fraffic 45 / PavementEnsineer /< n 360 eaoer r30 ) Structure/ Bridge Engineer 90 h Material Ijngineer 90 i) Quantity Surveyor 50 IV Prccen l- I V Posf D-.f^--^ 40 par r,s )uur,rsstonunoer L.rata bneet clause l.u d and NHA's internal information) r00 The Joint Venture (JV) shall be eualuated one unlt. TOTAI, 1000

Excellent- l00o/" Very Good- 90 to 997o AboveAverage - - 80 to 89yo Average 70 to 79o/o Below Average - I to 697o Non-complying _ Score:Maximum Weight X rating/ 100. Oyo Minimum qualifyingscore is 70ohor 700marks.

_ /': :-,_ t6 ,,._.--l!-r2';'t' r r I r I I I r I r I I I r I I r I I

PERSOIINEL EVALUATION SHEET Project related OVERALL Academic POSITION/ AREA OF andGeneral Experience Statuswith the Firm RATING EXPERTISE Name Qualification Weight 60% for design l0% for designreview but (Sumof weighr30% review but 650/ofor 57ofor supervision Weighted supervtslon Ratines) (Showall experts Percentage Weighted Percentage Weighted Percentage Weighted (A+B+C) to be evaluated) Rating Rating(A) Rating Rating(B) Ratins Rating(C) DesignReview a) Highway Design Ensineer / Team Leader b) Hydraulic / Drainage Engineer c) Structure/ BrideeEneineer d) Soil / Geo-Technical Ensineer e) Traffic / PavementEngineer Consfruction Supervision 0 ResidentEngineer / Team Leader e) Structure/ Bridge Enqineer h) Material Eneineer i) Quantity Surveyor - - Rating: Excellent 100% Verygood -90-99% Above Average - 80-89% Average - 70-79% Below Averase - l-690/o Non-complying- 0%

Score: Maximum WeightX rating/100 * ThesemarksforstatuswiththefirmshallapplyforevaluationofKeyPersonnel proposedforDesignReviewphaseasperfollowingproportion:

Regularemployee - 100% Firsttime for this assisnment- 0%o



I TechnicalProposal - Forms

{Nolesto Consultanlshown in bracketsthrougl,out this Sectionprovide guidance to the I Consultantto preparethe TechnicalProposal; they shouldnot appearon the Proposalsto be submitted.) I Checklistof RequiredForms (subparagraph3.1.3 of ITC)

Required,(!) FORM DESCRIPTION Page Limit I TECH-I TechnicalProposal Submissiou Form TECH-I Proofof legalstatus and eligibility Attachment I If theProposal is subnittedby ajoint TECH-I "r/" If applicable venture,attach a letterof intentor a Attachment copyof an existingagreement. t TECH-1 No pre-setformat/fonn. In the caseof a Attachment JointVenture, several are required: a Powerof power "r/" lf applicable of attorneyfor the authorized I Atton-rey representativeof eachJV membeland a Specialpower of attorneyfor the representativeof the lead member to representall JV members. I Consultant'sOrganization and As given below TECH-2 Expelience. I TECH-2A A. Consultant'sOrganization 3 B. Consultant'sExperience/ Clieut's TECH-28 20 Reference TECH-3 ApproachPaper on Methodology 50 I proposedfor Performingthe Assignrnent TECH-4 Comments/Suggestions of Consultant [Seefootnote ]' I TECH.44 A. On theTerms of Reference n/a TECH-4B B. On theCounterpaft Staff and 2 Facilities t TECH-5 Fonnatof CurriculurnVitae (CV) for 5 pageseach CV orooosedKev Personnel TECH-6 Compositionof theTeam Personnel and n/a the Tasksto beAssigned to eachTeam I Member TECH-7 Wolk Plan/ ActivitySchedule nla I TECH-8 WorkPlan and Time SchedLrle for l(ey nla Personnel t TECH-9 CurrentCornmitrnerrts of the Firrn nla Note: Failureto providerequired attachments with Form TECH-l will entitlethe Client to reject I the proposal.

' I Th" totul numberof pagesfor combinedforrns TECH-3 and TECH-4 should not exceed50. A pageis definedas one printed side of A.4or letter-sizepaper with font sizeof l0 or more. I t9 I I I

I CHECKLISTOF OTHER DOCUMENTS I l. Valid RegistrationCertificate(s) of PEC[subparagraph 1.8(a) of DataSheet]. I 2. Affidavit in accordancewith subparagraph1.8(b) of DataSheet. 3. Pagenumbered, signed, stamped and duly bound proposal (paragraph 3.1.1 of ITC).

I 4. Affidavitin accordancewith subparagraph3.1.2(d) of ITC. I 5. Technicalproposal not to includeany financial information (paragraph 3.1.5 of ITC). 6. Letterof Intent/JV Agreement(Form TECH - 1).

T 7. lntegrityPact [subparagraph (h) of FormTECH - l]. I t I I I I I I I t I

20 t Etrg. I I I

I TECH.l I TBcHNrc,q,lPnoposal SunnarssroNFonpt I {Location,Date} t fNarneand address o1'Client] I We, the undersigned,offer to provide the consulting servicesfor [Insert the Project Name] in accordancewith your Request for Proposalsdated finsert Date]. We are hereby l sr"rbrnittingour Proposal,which includesthis TechnicalProposal and a FinarrcialProposal sealed in a separateenvelope.

I [{lf the Consultantis a joint venture,insert the following:

We are subrnittingour Proposalin a joint venturecomprising: {lnsert a list with full narneand the I legal addressof eachmember, and indicatethe lead mernber).We have attacheda copy {insert: "o1' our letter of intent to form a joint venture" or, if a JV is already formed, "of the JV agreement")signed by every participatingrnember, which detailsthe likely legalstructure of and I the confirmationofjoint and severableliability of the membersof the saidjoint venture.)l t IAND {lf the Consultant'sProposal includes individual Specialist Sub-consultant, insert the I following: Our Ploposalincludes: {lnsert full nameand countryof the individualSpecialist Sub- consultant)l

I We herebydeclare that:

(a) All the informationand statementsmade in this Proposalare true and we accept I that any misinterpretationor rnisrepresentationcontained in this Proposalmay lead to our disqualificationand/or rnay be sanctionedby the Client in cornplianceof I Rule l9 of the PublicProcurernent Rules, 2004. (b) Our Proposalshall be valid and remain binding upon us for the period of time I specifiedin the Data Sheet,Clar-rse 4.5. (c) We haveno conflict of interestin accordancewith ITC Clause1.9.

I (d) We meetthe eligibility requirementsas statedin Data SheetClause 1.8.

(e) Neither we, nor our JV memberor any of the proposedindividual SpecialistSub- I consultantprepared the TOR for this consultingassignment. I 21 I I (0 Within the time limit stated in the Data Sheet, Clause 4.5, we undertaketo negotiatea contracton the basisof the proposedKey Personnel.We acceptthat the substitutionof Key Personnelfor reasonsother than those statedin ITC, Clause6.5 may leadto the terminationof Contractnegotiations.

(g) Our Proposalis binding upon us and subjectto any rnodificationslesulting from the Contract negotiations.

(h) In compliance(and, if the award is made to us, in execution)of Contract,we undertaketo obey the Integrity Pact (attachedherewith duly signed by authorized representativeand stamped).

We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted and the Contract is signed, to initiate the Servicesrelated to the Assignmentnot later than the date mentionedin Data Sheet4.5 (or the date extendedwith the written consentof Consultantin caseof delay in procurementprocess).

We understandthat the Client is not bound to acceptany or all Proposal(s)that the Client receives.

We remain,


AuthorizedSignature {In fulland initials}: Name and Title of Signatory: I Name of Consultant(firm's nameor JV's name): In the capacityof:

Address: Contactinformation (phone and e-mail):

{For a joint venture,either all membersshall sign or only the lead member,in which casethe power of attorneyto sign on behalfof all membersshall be attached)


I I TECH.2A T CONSULTANT' S ORGANIZATION - [1. Provide here a brief descriptionof the backgroundand organizationof your Firm, and in I caseof a joint venture- of eachmember for this Assignment. I 2. Includeorganizational chart, a list of Boardof Directors,and beneficialownershipr.] I T I I I I I I I I I I ' personor entity [ Beneficialownership shows all ownersand majorshareholders of the company,including any who enjoysthe benefitof ownershipincluding, but not limitedto powerof controland influenceof the business I transaciions,receiving dividends or profit share.This includesdilect or indirectownership of the company(e.g. ownershipby closerelatives).] I ZJ Ef -l 9l'\ I t,-d, I I TECH-28


Relevant ServicesCarried Out in the Last Ten Years (by each member in caseof JV) and by SpecialistSub-consultant, if any, Which Best Illustrate Qualifications

ll. Using the format below, provide information on each successfullycornpleted reference I assignmentfor which your firm, either independentlyor as one of the member of Joint Venture(JV), was largelycontracted by indicatingthe shareof the firrn itself in the JV.

2. Assignmentscompleted by the Corrsultant'sindividual Experls working privatelyor through other consulting finns or that of the Consultant's Specialist Sub-consultant,cannot be clairnedas the relevantexperience of the Consultant,but can be claimedby the Expertsor the I SpecialistSub-consultants themselves in their CVs. The Consultantshould be preparedto substantiatethe claimed experience by presenting copies of relevant documents and I referencesif so requestedby the Client.] AssignmentName: Country of Assignment:

I Locationwithin Countrv: Key PersonnelProvided by Your Finn:

Nameof Client: No of otherpersonnel provided I bv vour Firm: Address: Total No of Person-Monthsof I staff of your Firm: Start Date (Month/Year): CompletionDate Approx. Value of Services(in (Month/Year): Equivalent/ Rs.) providedby I staff of your Firm Name(s)of Member No. of Person-Monthsof Key Firm(s),in caseof JV: PersonnelProvided by member I Firm(s),in caseof JV

Name of Senior Staff (ProjectManager / Coordinator,Team Leader) involved and functions t performed: NarrativeDescription of Project I Descriptionof Actual ServicesProvided by Staffof your Firm

I Consultants'Narne: I t I 24 I I t I TECH-3


[In this part of the Technical Proposal, explain understandingof the objectives of the I Assignment,approach to the services,methodology for carrying out the activities and obtaining the expectedoutput, and the degree of the detail of such output, You should explain your t methodologyto completethe projectwithin time and budget. The approachmust be indigenousproject specific approach of Consultantand not a genericone I or copy of the TOR. Basedon the specificapproach, describe Work Plan which is consistentwith inputsprovided in I FormsTECH -7 andTECH - 8. In caseof JV, the roleof eachmember must be clearlyhighlighted. Likewise role of Specialist l Sub-consultant,if any, along with necessitymust be highlighted.] I I I I I I I I I I I 25 I t I I TECH-4 t AandB COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONSOF CONSULTANT I

[Providehere comments and suggestionson the Terms of Referencethat could improvethe quality/ I effectivenessof the Assignrnent;and on requircmentsfor counterpartstaff and facilities,which are provided by the Client, including: administrative support, office space, local transpoftation, t equipment,data, etc., separately under Fotms TECH-4A and TECH-4B respectively.] A. On the Terms of Reference (TOR)

I t. t 2. J.

I Etc.

I B. On the Counterpart Staff and Facilities (data & services to be provided by the Client as indicated in the TOR):

I DesignServices I l. 2. t a I Etc. Note: The Consultantmay proposea team of expertsto best achievethe scopeof serviceand activitiesand to deliver outputsas requiredin TOR. Proposed I changesin position/individualinputs should be indicatedand reasonedin the TechnicalProposal but incorporatedonly in the FinancialProposals (showing excess/saving,in datumPrice as worked out with the personmonths indicated in I the RFP, which must be clearly bifurcatedand markedred at eachplace for acceptanceor otherwiseby the Clientat its prerogativeduring negotiations)' (D The Proposalmay assign person-monthinputs differently from TOR. I However,Key Personnelinput totalsin the Proposalshould not be lessthan the minimumtotals of person-monthsinputs mentioned in Data SheetSub- Clause-3.1.4 respectively. I (ii) The Proposalmay includeadditional expeft positior/s. However, additional t zo I I I I expertwill be consideredNon Key Personnelfor the purposeof proposal evaluation. I (iii) If the Proposaldrops or replacesa Key Personnelposition with a different one,tlre origirral position will receivezero score in the technicalevaluation andthe new position added in theProposal will be consideredNon Key and I will notbe evaluated. (iv) DO NOT INCLUDE EXCESS/SAVING INFORMATION IN TECHNICAL PRPOSAL. If Technical Proposal includes financial I information,the Ploposal will berejected under ClaLrse-3. 1.5 of ITC.

Whenthe Consultantsuggests a changein scopeof service.activities or output, I the Consultantrrust describethe detailsin Form TECH-4A and tlie change sl-rouldnot be incoryoratedin the Proposal.Enttmerate each suggestion in Form TECH-4A with incrementalcost as a separateattachment to FinancialProposal I indicating breakdowninto individual remunerationand expensesfor each suggestion.Forms FIN-I to 7 should be preparedwithout incorporatingthe changes. I (i) lf FinancialProposal provides no separateattachment about incremental cost to a suggestion,the suggestionwill be consideredat no additionalcost to the Clientand no negotiationsfor an incrementalcost shall be done; I (ii) Do NoT TNCLUDE INCREMENTAL COST INFORMATION IN TECHNICAL PRPOSAL. If Techriical Proposal ir-rcludesfinancial t information,the Proposal will berejected Lrnder Clause-3. 1.5 of ITC. I I I t I t I I I I I I I TECH-5 t FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROPOSEDKEY PERSONNELAND I SPECIALIST SUB-CONSULTANT(IF ANY) ProposedPosition: t Name of Firm proposingthe Key Personnel: t Name of Person:

T Dateof Birth: I Yearswith Firm: Nationality& CNICNurnber: t Membershlpin ProfessionalSocieties: (Mernbershipof PECis Mandatory) t DetailedTasks to be Assignedon the Project: t 10. Key Qualifications:

{Give an outline of the person'sexperience and training most pertinentto taskson assignment. I Describedegree of responsibilityheld by the personon relevantprevious assignments and give datesand locations.Use upto one page). t I l. Education

{Surnmarizecollege/university and other specializededucation of the person,giving namesof I institutions,dates attended and degreesobtained). I 12. EmploymentRecord {Startingwith presentposition, list in reverseorder every employmentheld. List all positions held by the personsince graduation,giving dates,narnes of employing organizations,title of I positionsheld and locationof assignn,ents.For experiencein last ten years,also give types of activitiesperformed and client references,where appropriate). I 13. Languages {lndicateproficiency in speaking,reading and writing of eachlanguage: excellent, good, fair, or I poor). t I t I 14. Certification

I, the undersigned,certify to the bestof my knowledgeand belief that:

(i) This CV correctlydescribes my qualificationsand experience; (ii) I am not a currentemployee of the Executingor the LnplernentingAgency; for the durationand iiiil In the absenceof medicalincapacity, I will undertakethis Assignrnent in termsof the inputsspecified for me in Form TECH-5 providedteam mobilizationtakes placewithin the validityof this Proposal; (iv) I was not part of the team who wrote the Terms of Referencefor this consultingservices Assignment; (v) I am not currently debarred by any departrnent I organization/ (semi-autonomous / autonomous)bodies or suchlike institutionsin Pakistan;and (ui) I havebeen infonned by the Firrn that it is includingmy CV in the Proposalfor the {name of projectand contract). I confirrnthat I will be availableto carry out the Assignmentfor *ni.n *y CV hasbeen subrnitted in accordancewith the implementationarrangements and scheduleset out irrthe ProPosal'

Uf CV is signedby the Firm's authorizedRepresentative:

I, as the authorizedrepresentative of the Firm sr"rbmittingthis Proposalfor the {name of projectand contract),ceftify that I haveobtained the consentof the namedKey Personnelto sr-rbmithis/her CV, and that s/hewill be availableto carry out the Assignmentin accordance with the irnplementationarrangements and scheduleset out in the Proposal,and confirm his/hercornpliance with paras(i) to (v) above.l

I understandthat any willful misstatementdescribed herein may lead to disqualificationor disrnissal,if engaged.

Signatureof Key Personnelor authorized Date: Representativeof the Firm Day/MonthlYear

Full nameof authorizedRepresentative:

{Note: copy or scannedsiqnatures are not allowed}




l. Key Personnel(and SpecialistSub-consultant, if any)

Present Name of assignmentinvolved Name Position TaskAssignment location and clients namesat nresent

2. Other Personnel

Name Position Task Assignment



Items of Work/Activities Monthly Programfrom dateof commencingAssignment (in the form of a Bar Chart) ., t5 I J 4 f 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 t4




Months (in the form of a Bar Chart) Number of Name Position Months

t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll l2 l3 l4 l5


Continuous: Intermittent: ActivitiesDuration

Yours faithfullv.

Signature (AuthorizedRepresentative)

Full Name Designation Address II IIIII rITT rI



List must be comprehensiveincluding project from clients otheft[an NHA as well

Expecteddate of Nameof project Singleor JV Task assignment Start date of the Project completion


[ [.ocation" I)atc ]

To: [Name and addressof Client]

Dear Sirs:

We, the undersigned,offer to provide the consulting servicesfor [Insert the Project Name] in accordancewith your Requestfor Proposaldated llnsert Date] and our TechnicalProposal.

Our attachedFinancial Proposal is for the amountof {Insert amount in words and figures),including atl Federal, Provincial and Local taxesapplicable as per law of the Form FIN- tanA. lelease note that all amountsshall be the sameas in FinancialProposal 7|.

As indicated and reasoned in Form TECH-4 of our Technical Proposal, in accordancewith Note 2 under Form TECH-4 of the RFP, a separateattachment for incrementalcost(s) is included/ not included in our Financial Proposal[if attached,strike out "not included" andvice versaJ

Our Financial Proposalshall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal,i.e. before the date indicated in Clause 4.5 of the Data Sheet (or the date extendedwith the written consentof consultantin case of delay in procurententprocess).

We confirm that we haveno conditionto statethat rnayhave financial implications over and above the amount quotedabove.

We understandyou are not boundto acceptany Proposalyou receive.

We remain,


AuthorizedSignature {In full andinitials}: Name and Title of Signatory: In the capacity ofi Address: E-mail:

lead member, in {For a joint venture,either all membersshall sign or only the which case the power of attorney to sign on behalf of all members shall be attached.)

35 t


I BREAKDOWN OF RATES FOR CONSULTANCYCONTRACT t Ploject: Firrn: Field Rate per' Name Position Basic Social Ovcrhead Sub- Fee Rateper Salary Charges (%age o1- l'otal (%age Ivlonth Allotv. Month I pel Cal. (%ageof 1+2) ( 1+2+3) of 4) fbr' (o/oaSeof for Field lvlor.rth 1) project 1) Worl< Office t (l (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7) (8) I I Notes: Iten-rNo. I Basic salaryshall includeactual gross salary before deduction of incometax' Payrolt sheetfor each proposedpersonnel should be submittedat the time of negotiations. I security, paid IteurNo. 2 So-ciatcharges shall inctude Client's contributiou to social vacation,uu-tug" sick leaveand otherstandard benefits paid by the fir'mto the employee.Breakdown of proposedpercentage chalges should be submitted I andsupported {see Forrn FIN-3}. ltem No. 3 Overhead shall include generaladministration cost, rent, clerical staff and businessgetting expenses,corporate tax including salestax on servicesand I insurancei, etc. Breakdown of ploposed percentagechalges for overhead shouldbe submittedand supported{see Form FIN-4}. IternNo. 5 Fee shall includefirm's profit and shareof salaly of partnersand directors{if I not billed individually for the project) or indicatedin overheadcosts of the firm. Itern No. 7 Nonnally payableonly case of field work r.rnderhard and arduous I conditions. Note I I Note 2 t be consideredas a negativernark on tlie Consultant'sperforfflance that will be consideredfor futureprojects. I three Note 3 The Consultantshall provide its audited financial statementsof latest fiscalyears, during negotiations, w.r.t. secondparagraph under SC 6.2 (b) of I the Model Agreement(APPENDIX-E).

Full Name: T Signature: Title: I I t FIN-3


Sr. Detailed Description As a o/oageof Basic Salary No.

5t I


ohage I Sr. Detailed Description As a of Basic SalarY and No. Social Charges I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t FIN.5 t PageI of3 A - ESTIMATED LOCAL CURRENCY SALARY/ REMUNERATION COSTS EQUIVALENT IN US DOLLARS I 'Refer also to Notes under Fornt TECH-4 Monthly Billing Rate (US $) I Amount(US $ I A. All ForeignExpatriates including Foreign Specialist Sub-consultant (if any) I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I T- t FIN-5 I Page2 of 3 B-I ESTIMATED LOCAL CURRENCY SALARY COSTS/REMUNERATION

I r also to Notes under Form TECH-4 Total Monthly Billing Estimated (Rs.) l Rate Amount(Rs. B-t. All LocalKey Personneland SpecialistSub-consultant (if any) I t I I I t t I I l T I I I I I FIN-5 Page3 of3


also to Notes under Form TECH-4 Monthly Billing Rate (Rs.)

B-II. Non-Keyand other Personnel(Local)

41 r I r r I r I r I I IT I r I r IT I I II


also to Notes under Form TECH-4 Sr. Unit Price Total Amount Nomenclature Unit Remarks No. Quantity (Pak. Rs.) (Pak Rs.) CommunicationExpenses allocable to the Assisnment Months 24 Fixed Rate

2. Printingof Reportsand Drawingsfor the Assignment Months 24 -do- Reimbursementof actualexpenditures Travel expensesof required Key Personnelbefween uptoa maximumlimit a P.S 600,000/- Head Office and Site (as per actual) subjectto approvalof ProjectDirector for travel(s). Costof preparingConstruction/ Supplementary As per 4. L.S Drawings TOR 5. Othersnot coveredabove to comply with TOR reouirements* Sub-Totalfor DirectCost

* Any additional itern/ cost quot€d against this line item must have provided solid/ tenable justification(s) detailed in Form TECH-4 "Commentson TOR" without indicatingfinancial value thercin. The Client'snegotiation committee will deliberateon the rcquirementof additional item/ cost in casesuch Firm standstoD ranked. It is also to be noted by the Consultantsthat the Client is not bound to agee to the reasonssiven in FormTECH-4. l FIN-7 SUMMARY OF COST OF CONSULTANT FOR DESIGN REVIEW AND T SUPERVISIONSERVICES also to Notesunder Form TECH-4 Sr. Description Amount(Pak. Rs.) Amount (US$) No.

I Salary Cost - Not Applicable-

SalesTax @ 16%on item1 above l(a). whichshall be kept as Provisional - Not Applicable- I Sumin theContract Agreement I 2. DirectCost - Not Applicable-

I 3. Contingencies - Not Applicable- t Grand Total: - Not Applicable- Note: l- The dues and salariesof staff are payable by the Consultant in time and not later than 1Othof the following month positively.In caseof failure to do so I Client shall intervene and pay these dues and salariesof the concerned Personneland recover frorn the invoice of the Consultant at actual charges paid plus l%o of the amount. This will also be accountedfor adverselyin I making assessmentof the Consultant in the next evaluation process for selectionof con'sultantswith report of such defaults.

I The grandtotal is inclusiveof allthe applicableFederal, Provincial and Local taxes. All these taxes (except the Sales Tax) are required to be built in the t quoted ratesand not be mentionedseparately. 3- Any Omissionor arithmeticalerror rnadeby the Consultantsin enteringthe amount against item I (a) shall also be rectified during evaluation of the I FinancialProposal. I T I I APPENDIX- A

|j d,i ,& ib' .#

- i* !::.r

.ilrii ',j $) &l', ',i lrh. 4; Yj, +:t "Y+ I I I Major Contents t Background ProjectObjectives I Scopeof Servicesand Expected Deliverables TeamComposition and QualificationReq I Sub-consultant. I I I t 'j'"*'k'ts t1[iii],,,,,1' I ,rn3#, #*u*"a *'b'%*'47 I .,r";****r*-Tk,*,*r. I t I I I I 't+ 3f ht, I 4) I I I I CHAPTER NO. 1 t INTRODUCTION I I.1 BACKGROUND NHA launchedan ambitiousprogram for the cornmunicationsector in (formerly NWFP). One of the importantsteps under this programwas the federalizationof the main communicationartery running through the Swat valley from Chakdarato Kalarnand I its designationas the National Highway N-95. Responsibilityfor its maintenanceand further developmentwas taken over from the Frontier Highway Authority and handedover to the I NationalHighway Authority in February2007. Sincethis federalization,a numberof sectionswhich neededurgent attention were taken up by the NHA for emergencymaintenance. Now the NHA has undertakena major project for I Improvementand Widening of the entire N-95 to upgradeit to the standardsof a National Highway.

I The Highway N-95 originatesnear Chakdaraon National Highway N-45 and terminatesat Kalam while passingthrough Mingora, Manglor, Krawazakhela, Madyan and Bahrain.

I Preliminarydesign of the project for reconstructionis done by the M/s AAA and in-house designis completedby NHA for Improvementand Widening of the Chakdara- Mingora - I FatehpurSection (82 Kms) of NationalHighway N-95. National Highway Authority intends to appoint Consultants for detailed review of preliminary and in-house designs to provide updated Design and perform Construction t Supervisionfor Rehabilitation& Widening of Chakdara- Mingora - FatehpurSection (82 Krns) of National Highway N-95. Basedon the updatedDesign, preparation of construction drawings and BOQs is also included in the tasks of the Consultantbefore Construction I Supervision. 1.2 NEED ASSESSMENT

I The road generally is in a dilapidatedstate with pot-holes/ broken pavementstructure making vehiculartravel quite difficult. Apart from a few kilometersin the start (wherethe road is 7m wide), the road width is generallybetween 5m & 6rn with untreatedshoulders. I The geornetricsand drairrageneeds irnprovement throughout the section. I I.3 PROJECT DEFINITION The proposeddesign for the NationalHighway N-95 Chakdara- Mingora- Fatehpur(82 Km) consistsof 2 undividedlanes standard width of 7.3mwith treatedouter shoulders on I bothsides. The project is financedby theSaudi Fund for Development(SFD). t 1.4 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The project envisageswidening and improvementof the road to get a better level of service (LOS) and to improve the structural capacity of the road. Length of the road is about 82 t kilometersand existinswidth variesfrom 5.5mto 6.lm at differentsections of the road. I , ,11'ri,a I I I t The projectprovides major tangible and intangible benefits which include: I roadof insufficientwidth. I manufacturingunits, industriesand main marketsin otherparts of the country. I tr * * * * tr r( * rt * * t( * * * * * * * * rt i< )t * t( )t I I I I I I I I t I t I t I I CHAPTERNO. 2



Total length of thissection is 82 Km. Itstartsfi'om Chakdaracityand ends justafterthe town of Fatehpur. The alignrnentpasses through scatterecl population centers andagricultural lands and is nestled betweenthe hillside on the eastside anclthe o,.rih. west. Major towns/ villages in this section are Fizaghat,Sangota, Manglor, Char.bagh,Arambagh, Gullibagh,walibagh, Khawazaldrera,Baagh, Dheri ariclFatehpur.



\- I t:': CHAKDARA I t I MARDAN I 2,2 PROJECT WORKS It is envisagedthat the total lengthof the project is 82 Kms. whicli comprises2 undivided lanesstandard width of 7.3m with treatedouter shoulderson both sides.As there are well defined I channelsand.nullahs in the project area so there is generallyno need to provide guide banl


The Servicesshall be commenced immediately afterthe signing of the contractAgreement. 2.4 TIME PERIOD

The^servicesspecified in the ToR shall be completedand all relevantreports theformandformatacceptabletotheC|ient,within@fromthedate submittedin of signingof ContractAgreement.

** ** ** * rr* ?k* !k* rk* ?k** rk* ** rt* * *



3.1 DETAILED SCOPEOF WORK COVERING DESIGN RBVIEW The.Design Drawings provided arethe outline Designfor tenderingonly and shallnot be f:i construction. The detailedscope of work shallinclude the lollowing tasksbut not ilrnlteoYg to: i. DetailedTopographic Survey consolidation/Updation; ii' Planning and Settingoutline Design on the Survey and propose^ the required changeswhere necessary and issueof constructionira*ings; iii' Destructivetesting of the existing pavement,necessary tests to arrive at the remainingservice rife and proposedthe requiredpavement design; iv. Structurar Anarysis& Design - GoverningDesign Standards.


3.2.1 Design Codesfor Structures

I For analysis and designof structuresfollowing codes,standards and loadswill be adopted. I i. AASHTO_(LRFD) For analysisand designfor ail roadsand roadcombi'ations. ll Pakistan Highway Code of practice for Bridges 1967 For vehicular loads,their spacing & impactfactors. UBC/IBC 2OO3

I For seismiczoning in additionto the revisedseismic risk map of pakistan. ASTM I For materialspecifications & testing. V. ACI For analysis, design and detailing, only case such details are not t specifiedin AASHTO. Vehicleslive Ioad practice t west Pakistancode of for Highway Bridges 1967 (wpcHB) specifies more severeloads to be consideredin combinationwith other loadssuch as deadload etc. As follows: I ClassAA loading

The 70-Ton tracked military vehicle to be placed accordance t WPCHB to give maximumstresses. ClassA loading The 54.5 Ton train of trailers(with differenf axle loads)to be placed t accordance with WPCHB to give maximum stresses. I ix. Check Deck Slab for punching Shear Additionally the bridgedeck slab shall be checkedin PunchingShear for a wheel pounds Load of 21,000 [95 KN].on 0.25x 0.5m 2 tire iontact area.

\)) Other loads

i. Side walk live load A load of 5 KN/mr (100 psf) of walkway betweenside barrier/railingand shoulder, applied continuouslyor discontinuouslyover both rengthi and width of structurein order to producemaximurn stressesin the rnember underconsideration.

ii. Horizontal live load on railing/postsof side barrier These dependupon the configurationof the railing/posts/barrier system. The position and the magnitudeof the horizontalloads are taken acctrding to Article 2.7 of AASHTO. iii. Impacf load Impact loading on the bridge superstructureis taken in accordancewith WPCHB. iv. Wind loads

I wind loadsare taken in accordancewith the provisionof wpcHB. Y. Seismicdesign International Building code (IBC-2003) and Earlhquake forces are calculated accordingto article 3.21 of AASHTO, keeping in view the recent g, earlhquake of october 2005, the eafth quake zones will be consideredaccordingly.


Design Standardand criteria for Highwayand Structures is tabulatedhere as under:-

Description 2-lane I a. Design Speed(kph) 50-60 b. Road Cross Section l Lane Width (m) 3.6s I 2. No. of Lanes z 3. PavedShoulder (a) Outer (m) 2.0 I c. Carriageway Cross Slope l. Pavement 2% 2. Shoulder I (a) Outer Shoulder 4% (b) InnerShoulder 4% d. HorizontalAlignment Maxirnum Superelevation 6%

,,A policy Above standardsare derived from on GeometricDesignof Highway& I Streets 2003". Any Design element not mentioned above shouldconform to the samedesign guide for Rural Arterial standard.


i. Drainagedesign with measuresfor the proper disposalof the draining water; ii. Designof Ancillaryworks; iii. CrossRoads Design; iv. GeometricDesign; v. PavementDesign; vi. Preparationof BOQs; vii. PreparationofSpecifications; viii. Testsoil samplesby classification(liquid limit, plasticlimit andCalifornia BearingRatio) and any other soil test required. Test undisturbed samples to determinethe mechanicalcharacteristics. Test constructionmaterials for grain size distributionand plasticitycharacteristics, unit weight,water absorptionand any other tests required to completethe design; ix. MaterialSurvey and Testins ,/ Surveyof road/concretematerials ,/ Testof road/concrete materials '/ Testof steeland pre-stressing wires/cables x. Locationof quarriesand borrowpits andassess the qualityand quantity of the materialand hauling distance after preparing the mass-hauldiagram; xi. All the Design Calculation,hard and soft and drawings,hard and soft (word, excel,AutoCAD, DesignSoftware) have to be submittedto NHA DesignSection for record; xii. lssuanceof ConstructionDrawings signed and stampedwith full responsibility; xiii. The Consultantsshall providefull assistancewhat so ever neededto complete& supervisethe Design in complianceto InternationalStandards; xiv. All costsare deemed to be incorporatedin theproposal; xv. RoadFurniture; xvi. Stabilityissue if anv.

tt *** *** *** * ** * tr * tr* *** rk?t ** *


I I I CHAPTER NO.4 I CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION 4.1 DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK COVERING CONSTRUCTION I SUPERVISION FOR SUPERVISORY CONSULTANT The responsibilityof top supervisionshall restwith the Engineerwho shall issueinstructions in writing to the SupervisoryConsultants for the supervisionof wolks as per the Contract. I SupervisoryConsultants shall carry out a revision in tlie plansand specificationsas required by the Engineerand prepareall changeorders instantlythereto ancl shall further assistthe Engineerin negotiationsnecessary fbr executionof the changes.Such revisiorrsshall be I encouragedwhich result in irnprovedproject performance, in accordancewith the plansand conforming to the specifications.The Supervisory Consultants shall carry out the I ConstructionSupervision but not limitedto tlie followingtaslcs: i) Mal

iii) Assurequality of the works during executionby using suitableand tested I constructionmateriel.

iv) To ensurethe good quality constructionsurvey work, levels and grade I achievedduring andafter constructiou. v) Make sure the continuoussupervision/inspection of the soils, materials constructionoperations and the works with regard to worlcmanshipand t compliancewitli the specifications. vi) Certify the payment bills of Contractol according to the approved procedureand alsomaintain the paymentrecord maintaining consolidated I projectaccoltnts and assistNHA for settlementof Audit Para's. vii) Make sure tlie existingtraffic lxanagetrelltand safetyplan all times in a T safeand securelnanller', viii) Monitol and appraiseprogress of the worl

r' t The Consultantshall adviseNFIA orr all mattersrelating to the efficient and successfulexecution of the Works Contracts,arid shall acLalall times so as to protectthe interestsof the projectand shalltalce all reasonablesteps to keepall I expensesto a minitnutn,consistent with sound economicand engineering practices.Supervisory Consultants will intimateand will get approvalof any decisionfrom NHA legardingchange in Designto initiateVariation Orcler., I Extensionof timeetc. r' Advise NHA on need l'or eflbctive liaison with local authorities,police, landowners,utility owners,the public and othel organizationsaffectecl by the t wo'ks in orderto minimizeor avoidurnecessary delays or disputes. / Shallassist for settlementol'the Audit Parasand Errquiries (if any)pertaining I to the Project withor,rtany time restriction and rernunerationto be made separatelyon tliis account.The costto be incurredrnay be built in the rates. / Joinrly inspectwith NHA the cornpletedWorks, and assistin for.rnaltaking t over, and review and approve "as built" drawings and plans, and provide report(s)testifying to the satisfactorycompletion of the contract. / Inspectthe cornpletedworlcs during the defectliability periodwithin the terms I coveringthe Consultant'sAgrecrnent, prepare lists of deficiencies(if any),and carry out supervisionof the rernedialworl

I The Consultantsshall establish a projectllranagernenr sysrem acceptable to NHA, rvhich will be used to rnonitor/tracl

t \"54 I ,gl\'t, ,!)':,',ir; I t

'/ Issuemonthly-consolidated progress repofts on a lbrmat to be agreedwith I the NHA including paytnelltestimates and corntnentsor.r the Contractors' work program,and adviseNHA of any problernor potentialproblems which rnight arise and causedelay in irnplementationand lecomrnepdcorrective T action(s)to be taken. '/ Monitor and control progressof Works and initiate correctivemeasures. if I required. 4.2.4 ConstructionSupervision

I The SupervisorvConsultants sliall be fully responsiblethat the Works are executedin accordancewitlr the plans,grade and confirrn to flle specifications. The Supervisory Consultantssliall carry out the Construction Supervision I ensuringthe followingiterns: '/ Stake the centerline,ROW lirnits and relocationof roadway structureand I appufienance; ,/ Settingof Grade-stakes; ,/ Relocationof Grade-stakes; t ,/ Soil Tests; ,/ ConcreteTests; I ,/ ReinforcedBar Tests; ,/ StructuralSteel Tests; t ,/ OthersTests as deemednecessarv: Inspect and evaluateContractors' facilities especially laboratoryiterns to t ensurecompliance with the specificationsand terms and conditionsof the t I

I accordapproval thereof; t

I with the specificationsand maintainpermanent records of resultsof all the testsmade;

Give notice to the contractorsof any defectsand deficiencies,and issue t instructionsfor the removal and substitutionof the improperworks, where provided under the contract.If required,order suspensionof the work(s) I and/orrecommend to NHA other recourseavailable under the contract; Without relieving the Contractorsof their obligationsunder. the Contract, T review and approve the traffic managementand safety plan, and ensure l- ', t}<-t'^ D I -4 L.'A) i compliance such tliat the Worlcsare carried out at all times in a safe and securernauner and damageor injury to personsor propertyis avoided; '/ Inspect quarriesand borrow pits, and crushing plants, and orclertests of materials and ensureadherence to specifications,and approvethe sourcesof materials.

4.2.5 Quantity Measurementand euality Control

As tlie Engineer'sRepresentative, the Consultants'authorized representative and other staff will implementthe Works Contract and ensurethat the Works are constructed in accordancervith its provisions.The Consultantwill have all the powers defined in the FIDIC Conditions of Contract as being the Engineer/ Errgineer's Representative,except the following, which will be retainedancl exercisedby tlie client, generallyon the adviceof the Engineer: ./ Issuingthe orderto commencethe Worlcs; '/ Approving variationorders that havefinanciar irnplicatio's; ,/ Approvingsignificant variations in quantities; ,/ I Approving sublettingof any part of the Works; ,/ Approvingextensions of timel '/ check and approvecontractor's temporary worlcs and facilities; I '/ Provideadvance advice to NHA concerningtlie Scheduleof handingover of sites,and possibledelays due to lack of possessionwith a view to assurethat I the Contractorsare given Possessiono1'Site in accordancewith the asreed work programs; '/ Review and approvalof proposalon variationorders ancl ilrplernentation t scheduleprepared by the Contractor.

4.2.6 I Approval of construction Methodorogyand Equipment of contractor

Contractor and ensuritrgthat the Contractor has incorporatedihe most t effective and expeditious methodorogyof carrying out the works; and ensure in setting Llp a computerizedproject control system for reporting physical and financial progressby the Contractor ur *"il as the forecasts,if t includedin the bidsand/or if demandedlater on by the NHA. Subsequently, closely monitor the constructionprogress ort regular basis to determine I whetherit is proceedingin accordancewith the appiovedwork program. constructionequipment, plarrt and machinery requirements,by type and specification, and rnonitor, keep and regularly update a list of the I contractors'equipment, plant and machineryin order to keep a checl

I 4.2.7 Payment Certificates and Claims of Contractor ' Verify the interim and final payrnentcertificates submitted by the Contractor t on the basisof measuredwork itemsas the casemay be havingregard to any contractualprovision for advance payment and variationof price, c eftify th'e I completionof the activities/ Works or parts thereof and verify indicesfor I I

Price Adjustment in costsas applicableafter ascertainingex-factory prices I before recommendingany amount on this account in interim payment certificates(IPCS). ' t Assist NHA in contractualmatters with the Contractor (performancebonds, insurances, claims, advance payment guarantees etc.). Assist with interpretationof the Contract Documents,explain and or reconcile any t ambiguitiesand or discrepanciesin the contract Documents,and apply variousprovisions of the contractdocuments; and provideNHA all relevant documentationneeded for settlingdisputes (if any) with the Contractors,and I make recommendationsto NHA for resolving the Contractors'claims, contract time extensions,variation orders, subletting, quantification of claims,rate and price fixing etc.

t 4.2.8 Maintain Project Record

' Establisha comprehensivesystern of maintainingsite records including site I correspondence,survey data, inspection records, test data, site diaries, recordsof meetings,financial records, progress records etc. t r Recotnmendany modification of cornplementaryitems to be necessaryto Contractor.

o Supervisinginformation program on STDs and HIV/AIDs which the works I Contractorsare requiredto carry out at constructioncampsites. ' Consultantshall preparemovie for record of all the activity on the project from the date of start to the end and hand over five copies of the sameat the I time of completionto the Client. I 4.2.9 Reporting Requirements The Consultantsshall prepareand submit eachof the undermentioned repofts to I NHA. The formatof thesereports shall be mutuallyagreed with the NHA. I InceptionReport 5 hard * I soft copies Designreview Report 5 hard+ | soft copies I ContractAdministration Report and 5 hard+ I soft copies Qg.lstruc-t!o n program AnnualManagement Information Report at 5 hard + I I ttle end of eachFinancial Year soft copies TechnicalRepol_ts 5 hard + I soft copies Progress Reports (mo-nth ly) 5 hard+ I soft copies t ' ProjectCompletion Report (PC-lV) l0 hard* 1 soft copies I ProjectDocumentary 5 copies I Updatedconstruction prograln as required. . 5h.a1d+lsoftcopies RoughnessSurvey reportsat substantial I completionand expiry of defectliability 5 hard * I soft copies : period RevisedPC- I 80 hard + I so.ftcopies . t t t Inception Report

The Consultantswill submit an InceptionReport at the end of the first rnonth from the Date of Commencement.This will contain full detail of the Consultants'supervisory methodology and staffingplan with supportingCVs of Personneland projectedmonthly billing. It will havea schedulelisting all designactivities to be taken up in sequencewith their starl and ending dates. The probabledates for subrnissionof deliverablesshall also be rnentioned I tliereinin linewith TOR. Design Review Report

I The Consultantsshall subrnita detailedDesign Review Reporl preparedby the designteam experts,under the guidanceof Tearn Leader at the end of third month from the Date of Commencement.The Consultantsshall submit I Construction/SupplementaryDrawings alongrvith Engineer Estimate and BOQ. This relateddocuments keeping in view the followirrgrequirements the Tender Drawings are preparedbased on outline design,not to be used for I construction.It is requiredthat the Consultantsshall transformthese outline designto detaileddesign to further preparethe ConstructionDrawings with completeownership and responsibilify. I The requiredtopographic survey/field investigation shall be done beforethe commencernentof Works. Specialernphasis shall be given to the drainage designand electrical works. I Soil investigationand pavementevaluation with pits shall be part of the designwork. However the Geo-techboring shall be done by the contractor I and basedon this result,the pile designshall be finalized. The corrsultantsshall subrnit to NHA DesignSection detailed computations in hardand Excel formatwith forrnulasintact, Computer model with design t reportand soft copy of survey in Auto-Cadeditable format. Technical Report

I The Consultantwill produce necessarytechnical reports and position I papersdealing with technicalmatters arisirrg during the project. Final Project Completion Report

The Consultantswill preparea comprehensivefinal Completion Report I within ninety (90) days after issuanceof the Taking Over Certificateof the Contract.The Final CompletionReport for the projectshall summarize the method of construction,as built record showing the location and t detailsof all Works carried out, all the defectsand certificationof the satisfactorycorrection of such defects, the construction supervision performed, and recomrnendationsfor future projects of similar nature to I be undertakenby NHA. This will also includea brief on the performance of the Contractor with particular ernphasis on planning and job managementat site. His weak and strong points need to be emphasized I with clarity.

I 58 T I I I o Project Documentary Report (Cassette+ CD) The Consultanthas to make documentaryof all major activities during constructionsas well as that of completedproject sections to be submitted I towardsthe end of the project.These should also include; i. Laying and compactionof variouspavement layers; I ii. Operationof Asphaltand concretePlants; iii. Quarry sitesand laboratoryactivities; iv. Road after completionshowing road furniture; I v. Various important stagesin constructionof structures; vi. Any othermajor activity involvedrequiring specific mention. I 4.2.t0 Contract Management I '/ Role of the Engineerand Engineer'sRepresentative; ,/ Contractualissues; ,/ Site instructionsand VariationOrder, including their variations; I ,/ Programmingthe Works and extensionsof time includingmonitoring of activities on regular basis as per software based program, updated regularly; t ,/ Monitoring and reportingon progressand Quality Control; ./ Field and lab testing; I ,/ Taking over sectionsof Works.

I ** * *** * *** * ***?t ** * **tr!krk** * I I t t I I T t )v t I I I CHAPTER NO.5 STAFFING FOR DETAILED DESIGI\ REVIEW / UPDATION I AND CONSTRUCTION SUPBRVISION T 5.I STAFFING BY CONSULTANTS '/ It is estirnatedtliat nine (09) I(ey Personnelhaving ll7 person-months will be requiredby tlie localresources of the Consultantsfor DetailedDesign Review/ I Updation and Construction Supervision with other resporisibilitiesto be undeftal

T 5.1.1 SpecialExtension for SclcctedPersonnel

Following staff of the Corrsultantssliall be allowed to continueperforming T Servicesfor a period of Three (03) montlis aftel completionof Works to finalize the accountsand otheroutstanding issues of Contract.This periodof Three(03) person-ltlonthsfor eachof the Personnelshall be spreadover the calendarmonths I requiredto finalizethe saidactivities. I S. No. Descriptionof Personnel Nos. Months Man-months t ResidentEnsineer 0l UJ 03 (2) QuantitySurveyor 0t UJ 03 (3) Accountant 0l 03 UJ I (4\ ComputerOperator 0l 03 03 (s) Office Bov 01 03 03 I 60

'i /\ | \l I 1 :\-.!!/r,r rr. I I I 5.1.2 Staff Requirements The Servicesshall be provided by the local Key and Non-Key Personnel,which I shall includebut not be limited to the followins: No. of Person- S.No. Descriptionof Personnel Months Persons Months I Key Personnel

A. Detailed Design Review Team Highway DesignEngineer/ Team I 0l 03 Leader 03 2. Hydraulic / DrainageEngineer 01 03 03

t a J. Structure/ Bridge Engineer 0l 03 03 I 4. Soil / Geo-TechnicalEnsineer 0l 02 02 5. Traffic / PavementEngineer* 01 03 03 t Sub-Total (A): t4 B. ConstructionSupervision Team T 6. ResidentEngineer/ Team Leader 0l l+24+3 28 7. Structure/ Bridge Engineer 0l 24 24 I 8. MaterialEngineer 0l 24 24 9. QuantitySurveyor 0l 24+3 27 I Sub-Total (B): 103 Sub-Total(A+B): It7 T C. Non Key Personnel 10. SiteInspectors 03 24 72 I ll MaterialInspectors 02 24 48 t2. Surveyors 04 24 96 t 13. Labl SurveyHelpers 04 24 96 14. CAD Operator 01 24 24 I 15. ComputerOperator 0l 24+3 27 16. Accountant 0r 24+3 27 I 17. OfficeAssistants 04 24 96 18. Office Boys 04 24 96 I 19. Office Boy 0l 24+3 27 Sub-Total(C): 609 I Total (A+B+C): 726

T 61 t I I

* It is the responsibilityof the Traffic / PavementEngineer to validatethe t traffic survey.

Total Key PersonnelPerson-Months for DesignReview: l4; I Total Key PersonnelPerson-Months for Const.Supervision: 103; Total Non-Key PersonnelPerson-Months: 609.

I Note' The Qualification and Experience requiremenlsfor the Key Personnel and Non-Key Personneltabulaled above are given in detail at the end I of TOR. 5.2 SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO BB PROVIDED BY THD CLIENT

t Offices and utilities for the Consultarrtswill be financed under the Works Contract. Accommodationof the Consultant'sfull tirneand short-termsupervising Personnel shall be provided in the Works Contract.Furnislied field offices, material testing laboratories,and I field transportationwill be providedunder the Works Contracts. I 5.3 INDEMNITY OF CLIENT The Consultantswill indemnify the Client againstany inaccuracies/ deficienciesin the Servicesof the tearnof Consultants.The Consultantswill be requiredto obtain and maintain I professionalindemnity insuranceat its own cost as per the latest PakistanEngineering Council regulations,as reflected in the consultancyagreement, form the date of the appointrnentof the Consultantstill the end of project durationalso keepingirr view Public I ProcurementResulations. 201 0. 5,4 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION

t Total constructiontime of the projectis twenfy four (24) months. I 5.5 REVISION OF PC-l It shallbe the responsibilityof the constructionsupervision Consultants to preparethe revised PC-l of the respectiveproject, before cornpletion of the project,by incorporatingall changes I in the scopeof wolk and,prepare cornpletion report (PC-IV) atcompletionof the project.To ensurecornpliance an amountof two per cent (020%)will be witlrheldfi'orn interirn (rnonthlll) irivoicesand releasedalong with the final paymentof the Consultants.on completionof this I iob. T I I I I I I I I 5.6 OUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT OF PBRSONNBL The engineeringservices shall be providedby the local Key Personnel,who will be assisted by Non-Key Personnel.The Qualificationand Experiencerequirements of thesePersonnel I shallinclude but not be limitedto the followins:

I S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibitities The Engineer General 30 Years I Experience: Qualification: Minmum: B.Sc.(Civil Engineering) Desirable: M.Sc.(Civil Engineering)with specializarionin the l field of Highway Ensineerins. Specific Minimum: He/sheshould have at least25 yearsof experience Experience: of national/internationalcivil works projects I including at least l5 years in a senior role of national/internationalhighway projects. He/she must be registeredas ProfessionalEngineer of I PakistanEngineering Council (PEC) and Member of recognizedProfessional Society. He/she should be fully familiar with FIDIC Conditions of I Contract, Pakistan EngineeringCouncil Standard Bidding Documentsand PublicProcurement Rules etc. He/shemust be able to communicatefluently in Englishlanguage. I Note: The cost of remuneration and TA/DA of the Engineer is presumed to be covered within Overhead cost of the Consultantsbut the Client I reservesthe right to replacethe Engineeras per its contractwith the Contractorfor Works. Key P rsonnel for Detailed DesignReview Phase I Highw4y DesignEngineer/ Team Leader General 20 Years Experience: I Qualification: Minimurn: M.Sc.(Civil Engineering)with specializationin rhe field of Highway Engineering. Desirable: Ph.D.(Highway Engineering). I Marking: Ph.D. 100%; M.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognized organizations- 90%; M.Sc. 80%; B.Sc. with additional courses/ t trainingsin relevantfield - 70%o;B.Sc.- 60%. Specific Minimum: Fifteen (15) yearsof relevantexperience in Design Experience: of National Highway projects including five (05) I years of experience as Highway Geometric Designer. Has worked as Team Leader of Design Team I during last sevenyears on at leastone (01) similar t project. I

I i"t ' '-:"';';''l I t S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities Desirable: Eighteen (18) years of relevant experience rn Design of National Highway projects including I seven (07) years of experience as Highway GeometricDesigner. Ilas worl

I 64 I r)*,,.[),, I

I S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities a J. Structure/Bridge Engineer General 20 Years I Experience: Qualification: Minirnum: M.Sc. (Structr"rre/ Bridge Engineering). I Desirable: Ph.D.(Structure/ Bridge Engineering). Marking: Ph.D. 100%; M.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognized organizations- 90%; I M.Sc. 80%; B.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognized organlzations- 70%; B.Sc.- 60%. I Specific Minimum: Fifteen (15) years of relevant experience in Experience: designingof Bridgeson NationalHighways. I He/she should have experienceof independently designingat leastone major bridge. Desirable: Twenty (20) years of relevant experience in I designingof Bridgeson NationalHighways. He/sheshould have experienceof independently I designingat leastfwo major bridges. Responsibility:His/herresponsibilities shall include but not limited to the following tasks: I He/she is responsible for carrying out design reviewof all stlucturesincluding Bridges included in the project. I 4. Soil/GeotechnicalEngineer General 20 Years I Experience: Qualification: Minimum: M.Sc. (Civil E,ngineering)/M.Sc. (Geotechnical Engineering). Desirable: Ph.D. (Civil Engineering)with specializationin I GeotechnicalEnsineerins. Marking: Ph.D. 100%: M.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognizedorganizations - 90%o; I M.Sc. 80%; B.Sc. with additiorial relevant trainings from recognizedorganizations - l0%o; B.Sc.- 60%. I Specific Minimum: Ten (10) yearsof relevantexperience in Design of Experience: NationalHighway proiects. Desirable: Fifteen (15) yearsof relevantexperience in Design t of NationalHishway proiects. t I

I o) I I I

I S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Rcsponsibilities Responsibility:His/lier resporrsibilitiesshall include but not lirnitedto tl.refollowing tasks: I He/she will be responsible for carrying out geotechnical investigations and subsurface explorations for road and structures, stipulate I nTaterial testing procedures and specifications, identify sources of materials, quarry sites and borrow areas.FIe is also responsiblefor all design I relatedassignments related to Soil / Geotechnical engirreeringof the prolect. 5. Traffic / PavementEnqineer I Genelal 20 Years Experience: Qualification: Minimurn: M.Sc. (Trafficl TransportationEngineerinq). I Desirable: Ph.D. (Traffic/ TransporlationEnsineerins). Marking: Ph.D. l00oh: M.Sc. with additional relevant trairrings from recognizedorganizations - 90%; I M.Sc. 80oh: B.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognized organizations- 7\oh: B.Sc.- 60%. I Specific Minirnurn: Thirteerr (13) years of relevant experience in Experience: Designof NationalHighways projects. Desirable: Eighteen ( I 8) years of relevant experience in I Designof NationalHiehway proiects. Responsibility:His/herresponsibilities shall includebut not limited to the following tasks: I He/she is responsible for carrying out Traffic Analysisand PavementDesign of the road. He/she will also validatethe traffic survey.He/she should I have experience in carrying out cost effective structural pavement design, traffic loading characterization, can assess tlie pavement I perfbrmance under different loading conditions. Have practical experienceof traffic monitoring, Preparation of Traffic plans, Traffic Impact I Analysis, intersectionand intercliangeoperation analysis; should have experience in economic t analysisof variouspavement options. Involved in supervisionof asphaltpavement constructionof differentprojects. Can review and advice the Engineerfor any t modification need to the detailed road pavementdesign. Can propose cost effective and innovative I solutions to the problems in pavement constructionand maintenance. Can carry out visual pavementinspections. T Can ensure cornpliancewith standardsand specifications for pavement design and construction. I 66 I I I

I S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities )ersonnel Key for Construction SupervisionPhase Local Experts I I ResidentEngineer Team Leader General 20 Years Experience: I Qualification: Min InLltn: B.Sc. (Civil Ensineerins). Desirable: M.Sc. (Civil Engineering)with specializationin ConstructionManagement/ Equivalent. t Marking: M.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognizedorganizations - l00o/o;M.Sc. - 90%o: B.Sc. with additional relevant trainings fi.orn I recognizedorganizations - 80%; B.Sc.- 70o/o. Specific Minimum: Fifteen(15) yearsof relevantexperience including Experience: eight (08) years'experience as ResidentEngineer t on constructionsupervision of National Highway projects. The Personnelis encouragedto attachat leasttliree I (03) referencesof high quality workmanshipdLrly verified by the respectiveclient(s). Age of expert should pleferably be not more than t 65 yearson the dateof submissionof proposal. Desirable: Eighteen (18) years of relevant experience includingTen (10) years' experienceas Resident I Errgineeron constructionsupervision of National Highway projects. The Personnelis encouragedto attachat leastthree t (03) referencesof high quality workmanshipduly verified by tlie respectiveclient(s). Age of expert should preferablybe not more than I 65 yearson the dateof subrnissionof proposal. Responsibility: His/herresponsibilities shall include but not lirnited to the followingtasks: t He/shewill be responsiblefor quality, cost. scope, time, safety, and environmental control of the project. He/she will be responsiblefor appr.oving I Contractor's worl< program, method statements, tnaterialsources, preparing and producing reporls as required, approving and/or issuing working I drawings,approving the setting out of the works, and instructingthe Contractor,certifying work volume and recommending interim payment I certificates for progress payments, maintaining consolidatedproject accounts,and preparing of financialstatements, ensuring minimum disruption/ t darnage to the environment by approval of Contractor's work statement/ methodology, including rnonitoring the impact of construction I works on the environmentand local settlements and providinginformation to NHA. I I I

t S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities z. Structure/ Bridge Engineer General 20 Years t Experience: Qualification: Minimurn: B.Sc.(Civil Engineering). Desirable: M.Sc.(Structure/ Bridge Engineerins). t Marking: M.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognizedorganizations - 100%; M.Sc. - 90o/o: B.Sc. witli additional relevant trainings from t recognizedorganizations - 80%;B.Sc. - 70%. Specific Minimum: Ten (10) years' relevantexperience of super.vising Experience: construction of National Highways projects I including severi (07) years as Structure/ Bridge Engineeron NationalHighways projects. Tlre Personnelis encouragedto altachat leastthree I (03) referencesof high quality workmanshipduly verified by the respectiveclient(s). Age of expert should preferablybe not more than I 65 yearson the dateof submissionof proposal. Desirable: Fifteen (15) years' relevant experience of supervising construction of National Highways t projects including ten (10) years as Structure/ Bridge Engineeron NationalHighways projects. The Personnelis encouragedto attachat leastthree I (03) referencesof high qualityworkman ship duly verified by the respectiveclient(s). Age of expefi slrould preferablybe not more than I 65 yearson the dateof subrnissionof proposal. Responsibility:His/herresponsibilities shall include but not limited I to the followingtasks: He/she will be responsible for satisfactory construction of all Bridges in the project from piling to the cornpletionstage, including culverts I and otlrerstructures on the project.He/she shall be responsiblefor supervision/execution of piling, Girder (Casting, stressingand Lunching), Deck I Slab (Casting & Stressing),including Fabrication and installationof expansionloints. 3. Material Engineer I General 20 Years Experience: Qualification: Minimum: B.Sc. (Civil Engineering/ Geo-Technical I Engineering)/M. Sc.(Geology). Desirable: M.Sc. (Civil Engineering/ Geo-Technical I Engineering). I I t I

I S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities Marking: M.Sc. (Civil Engineering/ Geo-Technical Engineering)with additional relevant trainings t from recognized organizations- 100%; M.Sc. (Civil Engineering/Geo-Technical Engineering) - 90%o; B.Sc. (Civil Engineering/ Geo-Technical t Engineering)/ M.Sc. (Geology) with additional relevant trainings from recognized organizations- 80%o;B.Sc. (Civil Engineering/Geo-Technical I Engineering)/M.Sc. (Geology)- 70%. Specific Minimum: Ten (10) years' relevant experienceas Material Experience: Engineer on constructionsupervision projects of National Highways including five (05) years' I experience of asphalt concrete mix design in countrieswith hot climate and/ortruck overloadins I problems. The Personnelis encouragedto attachat leastthree (03) refererrcesof high quality workmanshipduly I verified by the respectiveclient(s). Age of expert should preferablybe not rnore than 65 yearson the dateof submissionof proposal. t Desirable: Fifteen(15) years'relevant experience as Material Engineeron constructionsupervision projects of National Highways inclLrding five (05) years' experience of asphalt concrete mix design in I countrieswith hot climate andlortruck overloadins problems. t The Personnelis encouragedto attachat leastthree (03) referencesof high quality workman ship duly verifiedby the respectiveclient(s). I Age of expert should preferablybe not more than 65 yearson the dateof subrnissionof proposal. Responsibility:His/herresponsibilities shall includebut not limited t to the following tasks: He/shewill assistthe ResidentEngineer and will be responsible for quality of material used in I construction by performing field and laboratory tests and certifying their acceptancebased on recommendedspecifications for the materials;and I will identify sourcesof materials,and quarrysite. 4. Quantitv Surveyor General 20 Years t Experience: Qualification: Minimum: 3 Years Diploma in Civil from the Board of TechnicalEducation's recognized institute. I Desirable: B.Sc.(Civil Engineering). Marking: B.Sc. with additional relevant trainings from recognizedorganizations - 100%; B.Sc, - 90%; I DAE (Civil)-70%. I I I I S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities Specific Minimum: Fifteen(15) years' relevantexperience as Quantity Experience: Surveyor on Civil Works projectsincluding ten t (10) years' on Highway constructionprojects. Age of expert should preferablybe not more than 65 vearson the dateof submissionof proposal. I Desirable: Eighteen (18) years' relevant experience as Quantity Surveyor on Civil Works projects including thirteen ( l3) years' on Highway I constructionproj ects. Age of expert should preferablybe not more than 65 yearson the dateof subrnissionof proposal. I Resoonsibilitv: His/herresponsibilities shall include but not lirnited to the following tasks: He/shewill assistResident Engineer in verification I of paymentcertificates. He/she will be responsible for verificationof executedquantities. Non-Kev Personnel I I Site Insnectors(Structures/Hishways) General l2 Years Experience: I Qualification: Minirnum/ 3 Years Diploma in Civil frorn the Board of Desirable: TechnicalEducation's recognized institute. Specific Minimurn: Eight (08) yearsof experiencein supervisionof t Experience: construction of road/structureson Highway projectsas Site Inspector. Age of personnelshould not be moretharr 65 years I onthe date of proposalsubmission. Desirable: Ten (10) years of experiencein supervisionof construction of road/structures on Highway t projectsas Site Inspector. Age of personnelshould not be more than 65 years on the dateof proposalsubmission. t Responsibility:His responsibilitiesshall includebut not limitedto the following tasks: His job descriptionand dutieswill be definedby I tlie ResidentEnsineer and approved by the Client. 2. Material Inspectors General [2 Years t Experience: Qualification: Minirnum/ 3 Years Diploma in Civil from the Board of Desirable: TechnicalEducation's recoqnized institute. I Specific Minimum: Eight (08) years of relevant experience ln Experience: construction of Highway projects as Material Inspector. I Age of personnelshould not be more than 65 years I on the dateof proposalsubmission.

T 70 I I I

I S.No Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibitities Desirable: Ten ( l0) years of relevant experience in construction of Highway projects as Material I Inspector. Age of personnelshould not be more than 65 years on the dateof proposalsubmission. I Responsibility:His responsibilitiesshall include but not lirnitedto the followingtasks: His job descriptionand dutieswill be definedby I the ResidentEngineer and approvedby the Client. 3. Lab Technicians General l2 Years T Experience: Qualification: Minirnum/ 3 Years Diplorna in Civil from the Board of Desirable: TechnicalEducation's recosnized institute. I Specific Minimurn: Eight (08) years of relevant experience in Experience: construction of Highway projects as Lab Technician. I Age of personnelshould not be more than 65 years on the dateof proposalsubmission. Desirable: Ten ( l0) years of relevant experience in I construction of Highway projects as Lab Technician. Age of personnelshould not be more than 65 years I on the dateof proposalsubmission. Responsibility:His responsibilitiesshall includebut not limitedto I the following tasks: His job descriptionand dutieswill be definedby T the ResidentEngineer and approvedby the Client. 4. Surveyors General I2 Years I Experience: Qualification: Minimurn: DAE Civil from the Board of Technical I Education'srecognized institute. Desrable: B.Sc.(Civil Engineering). Specific Minimum: Eight (08) years' experienceof surveying/leveling Experience: and related activities on National Highway I Projects. Desirable: Ten (10) years' experienceof surveying/leveling and related activities on National Highway t Pro.iects. Responsibility:His responsibilitiesshall include but not limited to I the following tasks: His job descriptionand dutieswill be definedby I the ResidentEngirreer and approvedby the Client. I T I I

t S.No Title, Exllerience,Qualification & Responsibilities 5. Accountant General 12Years I Experience: Qualification: Minimum: B.Com from recosnizedinstitute. t Desirable: Master'sDesree in Accounts Specific Mininrum: Eight (08) years of relevantexperience in caseof Experience: B.Comor three(03) years of relevantexperience in t caseof Master'sDesree in Accounts. Desirable: Ten (10) years of relevant experienceirr caseof B.Corn or five (05) yearsof relevantexperience ln I caseof Master'sDegree in Accounts. Responsibility:His responsibilitiesshall include but not limitedto t the following tasks: His job descriptionand duties will be defined by the ResidentEngineer and approvedby the Client. T Generallyhe will be responsiblefor monitoringof the projectaccounts. 6. CAD Operator I General l0 Years Experience: Qualificatior,: Minimum: DAE Civil from the Board of Technical I Education'slecognized institute. Certificate Auto- CAD Software Operator. I Specific Minimum: Eight (08) years' experience of drafting Experience: engineering drawings/ designs on Auto-CAD software. I Desirable: Ten (10) years'experience of draftingengineering drawings/ designs on Auto-CAD software. Commandon latestversion of softwareis shall be I recommended. Responsibility:His resporisibilitiesshall includebut not limitedto I the following tasks: His job descriptionand duties will be defined by the ResidentEngineer and approvedby the Client. I 7. Computer Operators General 5 Years Exoerience: I Qualification: Minirnum/ B.Sc.(Computer Sciences) Desirable: Specific Minimum: Three (03) years' experience of office I Experience: management,typing rvith 30 words per rninute tvpinsspeed. Desirable: Tliree (03) years' experience of office I lnanagementltraining of computer software related to office and typing with 40 words per minute typing speed. t 72 I Title, Experience,Qualification & Responsibilities

Responsibility:His responsibilitiesshall includebut not lirnitedto the followingtasl(s:

His job descriptionand durieswilJ be definedby the ResidentEngineer and approvedby the Clierrt. Generally he will assist the Consultantsand Client's representativein alt drafting, reports 'ation and like activitiesas per demand. Office Assistants

Qualification: Minirnurn/ B.A./B.Sc. Desirable: Specific Minimum: Threer nree (uJ)(03) years' experienCeexperience of office Experience: management,tl,ping with 30 rvords per minute

Three (03) years' experien-e--oF- offrce management/training of computersoftware (M.S. Office) and typing with 40 words per minutetyping

Responsibility:His responsibilitiesshall inch-rde Uut not to T thefollowing tasks: I{is job descriptionand dutieswill be definedby I the ResidentEnsineer and by theClient. SpecialNote:

I (l) For Specific Experiencethe ratio of weightage for marking betweenMinimurn & Desirableshall be 80:100respectively;

(2) The nurnber years I of of Specific Experience(mirrirnum or desirable)for evaluation pltrpose,rvill be countedfi'om the minimum specifiedacademic qualification; the Key Personnel bearing a higher qr-ralificationin the relevant field will liave Specific t Experiencerequirement reducecr as per following exampleformulae:

SpecificExperience after Bachelor: X years I SpecificExperience after Master.s:X-2 years SpecificExperience alter ph.D.: X-4 years

(3) I of the Personnelshall be madeon successfulinterview by the client. T I I I t