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Tv3.Cat/Sales Night and Day 26 x 50’ We all Have a Dark Side Night and Day is a realistic thriller centered around medical examiners, police, judges…people whose day to day work brings them in constant contact with the darkest side of reality. Sara Grau is a forensic pathologist happily married to a high-level corporate executive. Night and Day starts off the day that, while performing an autopsy on an unidentified body, she thinks she recognizes him as someone with whom she had shared a brief affair in the past. This discovery turns her life upside down, revealing a hidden truth lying beneath a veneer of apparent stability. From that point on, Sara finds herself trying to juggle between determining the cause of death in a string of murders, and maintaining a stable and normal life that includes the decision of whether or not to have a child with her husband. Life and death in constant play. Creators and Scriptwriters: LLuís Arcarazo and Jordi Galceran Director: Manuel Huerga and Oriol Paulo Produced by: TV3 Televisió de Catalunya in association with Mediapro 2 A realistic series with high production values Night and Day is a true-to-life series, not a character brilliantly reveals his/her two sides: one fictitious work with implausible characters which appears normal and another which hides and situations. It is a realistic thriller, aimed ambitions, fears, strengths and weaknesses. In short, to truthfully reflect the work of judges, foren- reflecting the tension between who we are and who sic experts and the police. we appear to be. Shot on location in Barcelona, Night and Day is also a The mise-en-scène also establishes a delicate, if portrait of this city, with all of its lights and shadows. often difficult, balance between what is real and what Very like Sara Grau. leaves room for emotional expression, both spoken and unspoken. The necessarily thorny scenes also It skillfully combines two contrasting aspects of the maintain this fine line between credibility and morbid characters-light and dark-with the mystery, intrigue fascination. and tension generated by the different murders. Rather than explaining what is involved in the scientif- The powerful image projected is meant to call up feel- ic process of a criminal investigation, the plot delves ings within an atmosphere that is at once disturbing into the personal impact of the characters’ constant and calmly deliberate. contact with the horror involved. What sets Night and Day apart from other thriller series is the fact that This high-quality series is designed to both captivate more focus is placed on how the characters feel and thriller enthusiasts and attract new fans to this genre. what is happening to them, than on the crimes they are trying to solve. Televisió de Catalunya’s new hit series, fol- lowing the successful runs of Red Band Socie- All of the characters have their light and dark sides: a ty and Merlin. judge trapped between a stale marriage and ambition; a psychiatrist traumatized by a past event; unscru- pulous executives; and hard-core delinquents. And, of course, a psychopath who plays the role of angel during by day, and devil by night. The actors offer first-rate performances and each “Night and Day, TV3’s revelatory series for this season, is very good. It is one of the channel’s best in-house productions, if not the best. Particularly because it aims to offer something that goes beyond what we have seen to date. In terms of script, acting, directing, setting and lighting, Night and Day has shown that the bar can be, and has been, raised for future productions.” Mónica Planas. Diari ARA. 03/03/2016 “...the series promises to keep us glued to the couch and leave us, if not biting our fingernails, surely without any excuse to not stick with it.” Fernando de Felipe. La Vanguardia.03/02/2016 “Mysterious, chilling, hypnotic. This is a high-flying series.” Ferran Monegal. El Periódico. 03/02/2016 3 22 x 50’ Catalunya Experience “You only live once.” That’s the motto of the with world-class chef, Joan Roca, or enjoying a wine guests who participate in “Catalunya Experience,” tasting with legendary vintner, René Barbier . because this program offers them some of the most amazing experiences of their lives. The program is shot using state-of-the-art technolo- gy: drones, timelapses, superslow and GoPro A South African travel blogger; a British actor; a North cameras, offering viewers a first-rate cine- American TV host; a Polish meteorologist; a Canadian matographic view of impressive images and paralympic athlete, and a Japanese somelier are just landscapes, as they’ve never seen before. some of the program’s participants. People of different ages and backgrounds with varied personal and pro- Having surprised and won over Catalan viewers in its fessional interests spend several days as guests of the first season, “Catalunya Experience” is back again program, hosted by Ivana Miño, enjoying a first-rate with a new set of guests and more unforgettable encounter with Catalunya’s landscape, cuisine, culture experiences for all. and customs. Available as a format. What for Catalans are long-standing traditions and everyday customs might be seen—through the eyes and cultural references of the program’s guests—as uncomfortable, daring, surprising or puzzling, and also, in many cases, as most enjoyable: sailing down a river on a wooden raft, savouring a freshly-grilled shrimp head, banging on a small log which then de- livers sweet surprises, or enjoying St. George’s Day when books and roses abound. The guests come ready to receive, with an open mind and a good dose of humor, the range of surprises that come their way during the visit, to say nothing of unexpected thrills such as working side-by-side 4 24 x 50’ The Crackpot Joel Joan is a recognized actor in real life, who plays Taking its inspiration from series such as “Louie,” himself in this series. He is incongruous, inconsistent, “Life’s too Short,” and “Episodes,” “Crackpot” connects intransigent, indecent, impossible, and insatiable. with viewers, drawing them into the story and the char- acters’ lives, while at the same time offering healthy In the first season of the series he has already burned self-criticism of the world it depicts. a lot of bridges and nobody wants to work with him. Nonetheless, he decides to do whatever is necessary The keys to the series’ success in its first season— to land an important role in a big upcoming film project, drawing viewers primarily in the 24-44 age range— are stirring up outrageous and off-the-wall, yet entertain- the first-rate performances, its wit, format and, above ing, situations. all, fine-tuned scripts. In the second season, Joel is offered the possibility of It hooks you in from the start. playing a stage role, which is hard to refuse, but he still faces challenges ahead. On stage he finds himself competing with another highly-respected actor, but this time one from the theater world. There is not a dull character or moment in “The Crack- pot“ series. It’s a sharp-edged, almost therapeutic, parody of the public’s take on the world of film and television, cleverly focusing on actors’ public image and the world in which they are immersed. The comic element is achieved by playing off of stereotypical character types: jealous and dissatisfied; generous and and charming; bitter and self-important; positive and engaging; negative and self-pitying, and all of that wrapped in clever, fast-paced and witty dialogue. 5 FICTION Infidelity 42 x 55’ Real-life stories from a woman’s perpective. The lives of five young women: close friends whose professional lives, friendships, loves, passions and sense of humor make up a series of stories that evolve around self-assurance and loyalty to one’s principles. Modern women in a modern series. WOMAN DRAMA (Family Fare) 1.570 x 30’ La Riera A posh restaurant on the Mediterranean coast provides the backdrop for love, intrigue and power struggles. This is the most popular and widely-followed drama series in Catalonia with audience numbers progressively growing from season to season. It is set in a fictitious coastal town. The main characters are members of the Guitart Riera family that run the upmarket restaurant Can Riera. After over forty years of marriage, Ignacio Guitart decides to leave his wife and four sons to set up a restau- rant in Madrid. The news makes stomachs churn and forces everyone to take sides. The mother who runs the restaurant is willing to go to all lenghts to get her husband back, while the four sons vie with each other to establish their place in the family. The plot unfolds in a real and believable context and addresses current issues in a lively, critical and sensitive way, drawing in elements of love found and lost, power games, intrigue, passion, emotion and anadded touch of suspense. The viewership results for this soap opera, shown from Monday to Friday at 16:00h, on the main channel of the network, are really spectacular. During 2015, La Riera’s final season, the series received a 5.6% rating and an audience share of 21.3%, far above its main competitors. 6 Kmm 39 x 50’ Dramatic comedy about three private eyes. Josep Solé ( “Kubala” to his friends), Carles Moreno and Helena Man- chón run a firm of Private Eyes. A series for family audiences that takes an inside look at the secret lives of individuals and the society they live in.
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