| GOLF's MARKET PLACE Titles As a Result of a Flying Trip to South America, to Which They Were Invited by I^HRISTMAS, 1935, Pleasantly Surprised the Argentine GA
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rJ^UM Y MA NERO and Johnny Revolta are picking up some returns on their | GOLF'S MARKET PLACE titles as a result of a flying trip to South America, to which they were invited by i^HRISTMAS, 1935, pleasantly surprised the Argentine GA. The association ad- ^ many pros who made more than a stab vanced its Open championship dates to at selling golf equipment as Christmas gifts. Fellows who had been working on allow Tony and Johnny to participate and the Christmas trade for years with spotty is guaranteeing them expenses and a good success finally broke into business that in profit from their tour. quite a few places made December the Expansion of the field for American year's third best month for golf selling. pros titleholders is definitely the result Indications for golf gifts look great this of the work the PGA tournament bureau Christmas and warrant foresighted and has done in the Argentine, Australia and energetic push by pros who stay in the Japan and eventually should add greatly home town until after Santa Claus steps to pro champions' income. Bob Harlow, to the tee for his one round of the year. General business is improved and so is PGA tournament bureau manager, already the spirit; consequently the yen for Christ- has made overtures to Japanese authori- mas giving has returned. Golf balls in ties for getting a big team of Yank pros Christmas boxes have been increasing in into Japan during the Olympic Games popularity as gifts and the idea of giving year 1940. good sets of clubs to adults and juveniles is set for making the gladsome Yuletide pROSPECTS of more first-class pro jobs clink of the silver ring out for pros. and operation of more municipal courses Stores grab a lot of this business despite as lively, enterprising public utilities ap- the pro having the best "in" in the world. Pros who will circularize, visit and tele- pear as a result of interest the WPA has phone their members with all the energy begun to take in the operation of golf retail merchandising requires ought to courses constructed with WPA funds. cash in this Christmas. GOLFDOM'S sur- Correspondence and interviews between vey shows that the sets of golf clubs in WPA authorities, George Jacobus for the bag racks at clubs average older than PGA, and GOLFDOM indicate that the issue three years, so there is logical reason for is hot. golf clubs as Christmas gifts. Manufacturers have supplied plenty of It is important that municipal golf gets Christmas gift helps and trimmings for excellent character of pro service, due to pro merchandising. Here are Christ- the vast amount of work and responsibility mas selling set-ups provided by manufac- involved in extending the value of the turers who've told GOLFDOM of their plans. muny courses throughout the communities Other of the leading manufacturers who in which they are located. are not reported here will furnish infor- mation regarding their Christmas mer- pAT McDONALD, pro at Rolling Green chandising plans to pros who will write CC (Chicago district) has one of the them. most attractive pro magazines for mem- U. S. RUBBER CO.—Four special US Royal gift attractions already have re- bers that we've seen. It's called "The Pat ceived pro O.K. to the extent that the US McDonald Golf Service Bulletin." Printing Rubber Co. urges pros to place their US costs Pat $10 a month. The four-page job Christmas package orders in plenty of is enclosed with club statements. time to assure delivery before the eleventh Pro department and member news, cad- hour. Policy the US company has followed die information, instruction tips, announce- on the Christmas packages has been to ment of events and a full page ad on a make the containers useful and ornamental so they'll be used at homes and offices club and bag sale comprise contents of the after the balls have been taken out. The pamphlet. idea has kept US Rubber golf ball Christ- mas business steadily on the increase with piRST issue of the Ohio PGA News pros. This year the US Rubber Co. golf sets a high standard for PGA sectional ball dept. presents: publications, which are growing in popu- A very attractive gold, red and black larity and service as media of internal Gift Package containing one dozen US news. The Ohio PGA publication shows Royal golf balls. fine editorial balance, lively news and a A similar package containing six US hearty cooperation between the members Royal golf balls. and Grange Alves, pres., and Capt. Charles A handsome Red Lacquer Cigarette Humidor containing four US Royal golf Clarke, sec.-treas., who prepare the pub- balls. lication. An unusually attractive Cigar or To- bacco Humidor, made of solid brass, con- stir more interest in pro personal instruc- taining six US Royal golf balls. This tion as Jones edited his material to send "Bostonian Humidor," as it is called, is readers to pros for supervision and further fitted with a patented Aztec Clay Moist- details, rather than in an effort to give ener that does not change the flavor of the folks a complete treatise on "Chump tobacco. An old English Tavern scene in to Champ in A Few Painless Pages." colors adds to the attractive appearance PENFOLD — Completely redesigned, of the outside of the Humidor. both in packages and balls. Each ball is All four of these gift items may be ob- being stepped up and a Penfold 35-cent tained packed with any of the three well- ball is being introduced. Feature of the known brands of US Royal balls, the Blue, new Penfold American-made line will be Arrow, or Nassau. the Penfold 'Autograph' based on the con- ACUSHNET — Dozen and half-dozen struction of the sensational 'Red Name' cedar boxes with Christmas trimmings and introduced in England last July. Penfold's containing leading Acushnet or Acushnet pro-only policy will continue. Equipment PGA 75-cent balls. No extra charge for for the new Penfold American factory has the Christmas box. Pro only. Shipments received highly satisfactory test operation will be made by Acushnet direct to pros' in England and now is being shipped to customers before Christmas, if instructed. the United States where it will be set up and turning out Penfold American-made DUNLOP — Regular boxes of Dunlop balls in January. balls wrapped in attractive Christmas trimming. Clubmakers to date have released no announcements of Christmas packages, WORTHINGTON — Gay packages of with the exception of the two new unit dis- Worthington balls in dozen or half-dozen play boxes of Kroydon. One carries 6 units stick out of the stack. Boxes are irons and 3 woods and the other 9 irons silver finish with the seasonable red and and 4 woods. Three and 4 set wood-head green coloring. covers in attractive Christmas wrappers also are presented by Kroydon. Wf HAT'S new? That lively question is heard from every direction now that revival is on strong in the golf field. From publicity departments of manufacturers who are announcing their 1937 lines and changes comes the information that follows. The dope is sharply condensed due to space limitations, but any of the manufacturers will gladly supply complete information. L. A. YOUNG GOLF CO.—New Hagen An attractively designed Worthington Vulcord ball with cord-tire cover construc- Christmas gift box. tion idea to increase toughness and add distance. Design changes in a number of HAGEN — Regular dozen package of iron and wood heads. Hagen balls wrapped in holiday cellophane package. The Hagen balls for holiday U. S. RUBBER CO.—Refinements in the sale also come in striking 3-ball and half- 75-cent ball line, the Blue, Arrow and dozen packages. The 3-ball Christmas Nassau; Fairway as "world's largest-sell- package last year went very strong with ing 50-cent ball" same as 1936; Nobby at employers and other business men who 3 for $1, and Tiger at 2 bits, also same as had the problem of deciding what to give 1936. Continued policy of no buy-it-whole- a flock of employees or customers. sale, no discount sales to US Rubber em- ployees, and one-price pro and dealer scale, WILSON—Dozen and half-dozen Christ- as complete pro protection. mas packages of brilliant holiday atmos- phere are Wilson specials already regis- CRAWFORD, McGREGOR & CANBY— tering strong with pros who are planning A new 75-cent ball. No changes in Tommy drives for the Christmas gift business. Armour club models. SPALDING—In the special Christmas A. G. SPALDING & BROS.—Slight de- package of Spalding 75-cent balls is a sign changes in Jones iron heads. book by Bob Jones, "Rights and Wrongs BURKE GOLF CO.—Billy Burke re- of Golf." It is a first class little 54-page corded irons and woods practically the book of instruction tips and illustrations, same as in 1936. Few changes as recom- bound in leatheroid. The material includes mended by pros in other Burke clubs. Oval the pick of Bob's newspaper syndicate bags about the same and going great for instruction material and continuities from spring delivery. Round bags now slightly his films. It's the sort of dope that should sturdier, Balls to be wound at. slightly higher tension on a little different liquid smaller grip portion, thus putting more center. feel under the hands and producing more WILSON SPORTING GOODS CO.—A of a flail action. new Hol-Hi ball. A new line of custom- Controlled torsion in True Temper shafts made high grade clubs made to customer's has been well received.