16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 39th year No.13173 Thursday AUGUST 2, 2018 Mordad 11, 1397 Dhi Al Qaeda 19, 1439 You will take wish for Average oil export rises Carlos Queiroz close Maestro Vartan talks with Iran to grave: 185,000 bpd in 4 months to joining Algeria: Sahakian honored IRGC chief tells Trump 2 compared to past year 4 report 15 in Tehran 16

Zarif to Trump: Try respect for Iranians and international commitments POLITICS TEHRAN — Iranian pulling out & leaving the table. Threats, deskForeign Minister Mo- sanctions & PR stunts won’t work. Try hammad Javad Zarif said on Tuesday that respect: for Iranians & for int’l commit- Displaced Syrians U.S. President Donald Trump should try ments,” Zarif tweeted. respect for the Iranians and also for the His comments came as Trump said international commitments. in a joint press conference with Italian “Iran & U.S. had 2 yrs of talks. With EU/ Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Mon- E3+Russia+China, we produced a unique day that he is ready to meet with Iranian multilateral accord—the JCPOA. It’s been President Hassan Rouhani without setting to return home working. U.S. can only blame itself for any pre-condition. 2

See page 2 Parliament votes for tourism ministry TOURISM TEHRAN — Iranian Tourism Organization into a ministry, desklawmakers on Wednes- Mehr reported. day gave final approval to the establish- The bill certifies that the makeover ment of cultural heritage, handicrafts should be carried out without any expan- and tourism ministry in a bid to support sion of the current CHHTO departments tourism industry. or human resources. With 137 votes in favor, 41 against Under provision I of the bill, properties, and 1 abstention, Majlis passed the leg- facilities and human resources already islation that called for transformation of in possession of the organization will be the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and handed over to the new ministry. 10

Tehran denies rumors of Omani FM’s visit POLITICS TEHRAN – Foreign between Iran and the U.S. as Donald Trump deskMinistry spokesman called a day earlier for direct talks with Bahram Qassemi on Tuesday dismissed his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani. media reports that Omani Foreign Minister “No contact has been made so far through Yusuf bin Alawi will visit Tehran on Friday. formal and diplomatic channels for making In response to ISNA’s question, Qa- the required arrangements for such a trip,” ssemi said the report is false and does Qassemi added. He said since relations be- not have any real basis, Foreign Ministry tween Iran and Oman are friendly, visits A Syrian woman, displaced from southern Idlib due to the fighting between government forces and opposition fighters, carries humanitarian aid at a makeshift

AFP website reported. Reports surfaced on of the officials from the two countries are camp in Batabu, some 40 km west of Aleppo, on Jan. 24, 2018. Tuesday that Oman is ready to mediate carried out periodically at necessary times. ARTICLE PERSPECTIVE Syed Zafar Mehdi No water transfer to Lake Urmia: DOE chief Khawar Qureshi QC, Journalist By Maryam Qarehgozlou volume of water should be at 14.5 billion in agriculture sector as well as stopping dam McNair Chambers from New Delhi TEHRAN — Talking about Lake Urmia, a body of cubic meters. constriction on the rivers that feed the lake are international lawyers water shared between East and West Azarbaijan In order to revive the lake many believe that of the measures taken to help restore the lake, provinces in northwestern Iran, chief of Iran’s the only solution left is water transfer which is Issa Kalantari said over a live radio broadcast Can Pakistan’s new Department of Environment (DOE) put empha- a man-made conveyance schemes which move on Tuesday. Iran versus U.S. at sis on the fact that no water transfer scheme is water from one river basin where it is available, Public must be encouraged to PM resolve the underway for restoration of the lake. to another basin where water is less available or produce less waste the ICJ In 1999 the volume of water was at 30 billion could be utilized better for human development. Kalantari also commented on the idea of set- Kashmir issue? cubic meters, but now the lake is stretching Inter-basin water transfer from the Caspian Sea ting up incinerators in the northern provinces of n 16 July 2018, Iran instituted over some 2,100 square kilometers and the or even from other countries such as Turkey are Iran and burning municipal waste to generate proceedings against the United fter his thumping victory in Paki- volume of water is measured at some 1.640 of the options being considered to help restore electricity saying that it is not within the bounds States of America before the In- the lake. O stan general elections, Pakistan billion cubic meters. In order to maintain of possibility as the Energy Ministry should pay ternational Court of Justice (the “ICJ”) A Tehreek Insaaf (PTI) chief Imran the lake ecological balance the lake surface Improving the efficiency of water use by plant heavier subsidies for the electricity produced in following the decision of the United State Khan, known for his articulateness and area should increase to twice its current size breeding, closing illegal wells around the lake waste-to-energy plants compared to the electricity to withdraw from the Joint Comprehen- razor-sharp political acumen, delivered to almost 4,300 square kilometers and the basin, 24 percent decrease in water consumption produced in power plants in the country. 12 sive Plan of Action and impose sanctions a lengthy speech, outlining his vision and restrictive measures targeting Iran for Pakistan, his foreign policy and and its nationals, and Iranian companies, how he plans to combat the scourge a step criticized by the other parties to of corruption. He also spoke about ‘Imran Khan would stick to status-quo on Pakistan’s relations with neighbors’ INTERNATIONAL the Plan. his desire to improve ties with India TEHRAN — The elections in rigging, challenges before the new government, A: The election results are contested by major desk In its application, Iran alleges vi- and resolve the long-standing dispute Pakistan this year have been the foreign policy issues, the conundrum of gov- political parties. Their claim is that people were olations of the 1955 Treaty of Amity, over Kashmir. marred by violence and allegations of large- ernment formation in Punjab province, FATF not provided form 45 which you are given after Economic Relations and Consular Rights Describing Kashmir as the “biggest scale irregularities, allegedly engineered by the grey list, and security challenges in the wake of the counting ends. There was certainly rigging contention” between the two South military establishment. Some major political the emergence of ISIS in Pakistan. and according to European Union (EU) election between Iran and the United States, Asian estranged countries, the cricket- parties have alleged that the powerful Paki- Siddiqa says the military establishment helped observers, the 2018 elections were less fair than and asks the Court to (amongst other er-turned-politician who has massive fol- stani military did not provide level-playing Imran Khan’s PTI in the election and adds that 2013. things) find that the U.S. had breached lowing in Kashmir, said the blame-game field to all the parties and favored Imran Khan’s the economy will be the biggest challenge before Clearly, the military establishment helped PTI. its obligations under the Treaty, order between India and Pakistan must stop and Tehreek Insaaf Party (PTI), which eventually his government. On the issue of foreign policy, Even before the elections, pressure was exerted the U.S. to end the sanctions and its the two sides must make serious efforts emerged as the largest single party with 115 especially relations with India and Afghanistan, on people to vote for PTI or join the party. Even threats to impose further sanctions, and to find a way out of the logjam. seats, followed by Pakistan Muslim League she says Khan would stick to the status-quo which a senior judge of the Islamabad High Court said compensate Iran. “There have been human rights vio- (PML-N) with 64 seats and Pakistan People’s is the policy of the military establishment. that judges were being called by the ISI (Paki- Iran further sought provisional meas- lations for over 30 years, and the people Party with 43 seats. Following are the excerpts: stan’s intelligence agency) to give decisions in ures from the ICJ, on the basis that the of Kashmir have suffered massively. The In this interview with Tehran Times, Ayesha Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI) emerged a manner to block PML-N’s path. U.S. had already started to enforce the leadership of Pakistan and India now Siddiqa, a Pakistani military scientist, political as the single largest party in Pakistan elections, Now Imran Khan is all set to become the re-imposed sanctions and restrictive need to come to the table to resolve this commentator and an author who serves as but the outcome has been marred by allegations new Prime Minister of Pakistan after a long po- measures. Provisional measures are and end the blame games,” Khan said, a research associate at the SOAS South Asia of irregularities. Did the military establishment litical journey. What are the biggest challenges generally sought where a party alleges choosing his words carefully. “We are Institute, speaks about the allegations of vote favor PTI over other parties? before his government? 6 that there is a real risk of irreparable stuck at square one. If India comes and prejudice. In particular, Iran’s applica- takes one step towards us, we will take tion for provisional measures included two steps toward them. Right now it is a request that the Court order the U.S. one sided where India is constantly just to (within three months) suspend the blaming us.” She wasn’t imposition of the sanctions and restric- The statement struck a chord with tive measures, refrain from imposing or peaceniks in both India and Pakistan, threatening additional sanctions, and who have been campaigning hard for the supposed to be other measures that might aggravate final settlement of Kashmir. Top Indian the dispute; and allow already licensed politicians also welcomed the statement. transactions relating to the sale or leasing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, born; now she is of passenger aircraft, parts and equip- who didn’t share a particularly warm ment to go ahead. relationship with Khan’s predecessor, a top scorer Iran also requested that the United congratulated the incoming Prime Min- States assure Iranian, U.S. and non-U.S. ister of Pakistan and said the two coun- nationals and companies that it will tries were ready to enter a new phase comply with the Order of the Court, of bilateral relations. in Konkur and shall cease any and all statements In their telephonic conversation, Fatemeh Maleki (L), the top scorer in Konkur (the university or actions that would dissuade U.S. and Khan was quoted saying to Modi that entrance exam in Iran) in the main group of human sciences, non-U.S. persons and entities from the solution to conflicts should be found is a daughter of a chemical warfare veteran. through dialogue. “Instead of answers engaging or continuing to engage His father, who bore great scars in the Iran-Iraq war, was economically with Iran and Iranian to conflicts, wars and bloodbath give not supposed to marry and have children due to his health nationals or companies. birth to tragedies,” the PTI chief said, condition caused by exposure to chemical weapons, Fars news On 23 July 2018, the President of the according to a statement released by his agency reported on Wednesday. ICJ wrote to the U.S. requesting that no office, adding that the two governments However, here is his daughter who came in first in the steps were taken which would impact any should devise a joint plan of action to main group of human sciences without enjoying any special free people of both countries from the privileges regarding her father’s state. decision of the ICJ on the provisional cruel trap of poverty. 6 measures application. 13 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS AUGUST 2, 2018 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS Rouhani accepts ‘Trump’s ill will toward Iran at resignation of government spokesman odds with calls for dialogue’ POLITICS TEHRAN — Foreign hani, “any time they want to”, contradicting POLITICS TEHRAN — Government spokesman desk desk Ministry spokesman Bah- his earlier threats against Tehran as well as Mohammad Baqer Nobakht announced ram Qassemi said on Tuesday that Tehran pulling Washington out of the 2015 nuclear on Wednesday that President Rouhani has accepted his believes in “dialogue” and “logic”, but U.S. deal and re-imposing sanctions. stepping down from the position. President Donald Trump and his adminis- Qassemi further said the Islamic Republic Nobakht who doubles as the chief of Budget and Planning tration have not acted in good faith, which of Iran has in practice proved that “it believes Organization tweeted a post that reads: “As I said earlier, is an essential prerequisite for dialogue, in dialogue and logic, and if it accepts an lessening the impact of new pressure from enemies and new the Foreign Ministry website reported on obligation, it will adhere to it.” conditions of governing the country requires arduous work Wednesday. He went on to say, “But can Mr. Trump of all directors… I requested form President to let me direct Commenting on Trump’s Monday call for make such claim as well? Dialogue demands the Budget and Planning Organization with all my power holding talks with Iran without any precon- certain conditions and requirements, no sign and resign from the post of the government spokesman… ditions, Qassemi said, “We must see whether of which has been witnessed in the words fortunately my demand was accepted.” the U.S. president, after getting frustrated and conduct of Mr. Trump and his colleagues with his own unproductive rhetoric, has so far.” genuinely decided to stop the language of “How can he prove to the Iranian people Zarif to discuss threat against the Iranian people.” that his Monday night remarks showed his However, the spokesman continued, the true will and were not demagogic?” he asked. international remarks made by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Proving the opposite, he said, the U.S. developments with Pompeo shortly after Mr. Trump’s speech Treasury Department’s delegates go from were indeed a sign of confusion and chaos one country to another, forcing them to stop Majlis committee in U.S. foreign policy. economic and trade ties with Iran. “Mr. Trump’s call for dialogue with Iran Qassmi further clarified that “sanctions” POLITICS TEHRAN — The spokesman of the Ma- desk comes while the U.S. government, without and “pressure” are at odds with holding ne- jlis National Security and Foreign Policy any justification and in contradiction to all the nuclear deal and re-imposed its unfair It came after Trump said he is ready to gotiations, which require mutual respect and Committee has said Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad international norms, has withdrawn from sanctions on the Iranian people,” he added. meet his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rou- adherence to international obligations. Zarif will attend the committee’s next meeting to discuss the latest international and foreign policy developments. “The Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Com- mittee will host Mr. Zarif on Monday and Tuesday of the Zarif to Trump: Try respect for Iranians and international commitments next week,” Ali Najafi said, ISNA reported on Wednesday. 1 “It’s good for the country, good for them, talks with Iran, which were dismissed by Tehran. leaders and then impulsively call for talks!” Najafi also said he expects U.S. President Donald Trump’s good for us and good for the world. No precondi- The remarks drew many remarks from Iranian Trump’s statements drew responses from the U.S. call for talks with President Hassan Rouhani without precon- tions. If they want to meet, I’ll meet,” Trump said. as well as international politicians. as well. Former deputy secretary of state Wendy ditions to be brought up and assessed during the meeting. However, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Hamid Aboutalebi, an aide to President Rou- Sherman tweeted “Mr. President, Iran just might appeared on CNBC hours after Trump’s statements hani, said rejoining to the nuclear agreement is have a precondition- rejoin the community of na- on Monday to set some conditions. the major precondition for possible talks. tions in support of the JCPOA….” Lawmakers to “We’ve said this before,” said Pompeo, the former “Respecting the Iranian nation’s rights, reducing Trump withdrew the U.S. from the 2015 nucle- CIA chief. “If the Iranians demonstrate a com- hostilities and returning to the nuclear deal are steps ar deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, question labor mitment to make fundamental changes in how that can be taken to pave the bumpy road of talks on May 8 and ordered restoration of sanctions minister they treat their own people, reduce their malign between Iran and America,” Aboutalebi tweeted. against Iran. behavior, can agree that it’s worthwhile to enter Mohamed ElBaradei, the former director gen- His move came despite the fact that the United into a nuclear agreement that actually prevents eral of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency has proliferation, then the president said he’s prepared responded to Trump’s call for talks with Iran, say- released more than ten reports each time confirm- POLITICS TEHRAN — The presiding board of the ing, “You cannot renege on a deal considered by all ing that Iran is abiding fully by the terms of the desk to sit down and have the conversation with them.” parliament confirmed on Wednesday that Back in May, Pompeo had set 12 conditions for as a keystone, threaten the country, humiliate its agreement. it had received a letter for impeaching Labor Minister Ali Rabiei, MP Ali Asqar Yousef-Nezhad said. The letter for impeachment has been signed by 40 MPs, You will take wish for talks with Iran to Displaced Syrians to return home, ISNA reported. Rabiei already appeared before parliament in March, grave: IRGC chief tells Trump Iranian diplomat says when they voted to keep him in office. POLITICS TEHRAN — Chief of pre-condition. POLITICS TEHRAN — Hossein Syrians to their country was a main topic Pressure is building on the Rouhani administration desk desk as economic woes mount. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali the Islamic Revolu- Jafari said, “Sit in your ‘black Jaberi Ansari, the top of talks in Sochi, adding that during the Khamenei has ordered Rouhani, the speaker of parliament tion Guard Corps (IRGC) Mohammad House’ and remain in the illusion aide to Iran’s foreign minister, said on 10 round of talks on Syria between Iran, and the head of the judiciary to work together and find a way Ali Jafari said on Tuesday that the of meeting with the Iranian officials. Tuesday that during the Sochi conference Russia, Turkey, Syria and the opposition it to resolve the problems. U.S. officials, including President Be aware that this is a wish that will the sides agreed on a mechanism that the was the first time such an issue was raised. On Tuesday, 200 of 290 members of parliament signed Donald Trump, will take the wish for remain with you by the end of your displaced Syrians start returning home. Most of the Syrian refugees live in a letter to Rouhani urging him to make changes to his negotiation with Iran to the “grave”. presidential tenure and even the fu- The Syrian Army’s victories over ter- Jordan and Lebanon. economic team. “You will take this wish to the ture presidents of the U.S. will not rorists have made it possible to bring up Jaberi Ansari said before the recent grave that the officials of the Islamic be able to realize this wish.” the issue of the return of displaced people Sochi conference talks were held with Republic of Iran will ask for meet- He described Trump as an “un- to their country, Jaberi Ansari told IRNA Jordanian and Lebanese officials about Large amount of ing or will take permission from the professional president” in the world at the end of the Sochi meeting on Syria. the return of Syrian refugees. nation for meeting with you. You of politics. The conference on Monday and Tues- The Sochi meeting was attended by Iran, weapons seized in will never see such a day,” Jafari “The former U.S. presidents who day was a continuation of the Astana talks Russia, Turkey, the Syrian government eastern Iran wrote in a letter. were military men or politicians were which was held in Sochi, Russia. and the opposition. Also present at the In a joint press conference with much more aware or learned that Iran It was the tenth round of talks attended meeting was UN special envoy for Syria Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe and the Iranians cannot be threatened by Iran, Russia, Turkey, the Syrian gov- Steffano de Mistura. Conte on Monday, U.S. President and they are united against foreign- ernment and the opposition. Iran’s chief negotiator on Syria said POLITICS TEHRAN — Kerman Province’s Prosecutor Donald Trump said that he is ready ers’ threats and pressure,” he added. Russia and Iran back the Syrian govern- Tuesday’s talks was the tenth of its kind deskDadkhoda Salari says a large amount of to meet with Iranian President Has- He also noted that Iran will resist ment and Turkey supports the opposition. on Syria that was held in Sochi instead of weapons and ammunition belonging to hostile groups has san Rouhani without setting any until definite defeat of the hegemony. The senior diplomat said the return of Astana, Kazakhstan. been seized in Iran’s eastern borders. Salari said the weapons were illegally imported in order to create instability in the country, Fars reported on Wednesday. During a series of extensive intelligence measures and MPs to ask Rouhani questions in five areas operations, Kerman’s security forces targeted the shipment POLITICS TEHRAN — Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali The five areas are the government’s failure to stop Article 88 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic in Iran’s eastern deserts, he said. deskLarijani announced on Wednesday that he smuggling of commodities and foreign currency, con- of Iran stipulates that when at least one-fourth of the total He added security forces won’t allow the insurgents and has received a request by 80 MPs to ask President Hassan tinuation of banking sanctions, lack of effective action members of the Parliament asks a question from the pres- opposition groups to threaten the nation’s security. Rouhani questions in five areas. to reduce unemployment rate, economic depression ident, or any one of the lawmakers asks a question from a Larijani said that the president has one month to attend for a couple of years and depreciation of the national responsible minister about his duties, the president or the the parliament and answer the questions. currency. minister are required to appear in the Parliament. Intelligence Ministry disbands Zarif holds talks with top Sri Lankan officials foreign currency, POLITICS TEHRAN — Iranian ran-Colombo cooperation in different fields, ing cooperation, the chief Iranian diplomat Zarif and his accompanying delegation deskForeign Minister Mo- especially in the field of energy. called for continued cooperation in the fields attended a banquet held by the Sri Lankan gold smugglers hammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday met with “There is no obstacle in the way of ex- of energy, agriculture, and technical-engi- parliament speaker after the meeting. POLITICS TEHRAN — The Iranian Intelligence top Sri Lankan officials. panding ties between the two countries,” neering services. Zarif and his counterpart Tilak Marapana deskMinistry has announced that it had Zarif first entered talks with President he stressed. Zarif also held talks with Sri Lankan Prime also discussed ways to explore new areas for arrested members of four groups involved in smuggling Maithripala Sirisena, discussing regional Zarif, in turn, relayed greetings from Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on the latest cooperation. foreign currency and gold as well as forging foreign and international issues. President Hassan Rouhani to Sirisena, developments in relations, as well as regional Oil, energy, petrochemicals, construction, banknotes and gold coins. During the meeting, Sirisena highlighted telling the Sri Lankan leader that Tehran and international issues. banking, and agriculture were among the Security forces successfully disbanded two groups for the friendly and age-old relations between is keen to enhance cooperation with Co- Zarif also held talks with Karu Jayasuriya, topics discussed by the two foreign ministers. smuggling foreign currency and gold and also two groups the two countries and described his trip to lombo in all fields in line with the interests the speaker of the Sri Lankan Parliament. Closer cooperation on global issues, es- for forging foreign banknotes and gold coins in Tehran Iran back in May as constructive. of both countries. They discussed parliamentary cooperation pecially in international organizations, was and West Azerbaijan provinces, the ministry announced, He underlined the need for closer Teh- Referring to diverse capacities for promot- among other things. another important topic in the talks. ISNA reported. It also said during the operations, 15 individuals were arrested and a large amount of forged foreign currency and Tehran, Moscow, Ankara urge countering plots to partition Syria gold coins as well as equipment were confiscated. Iran, Russia and Turkey, as guarantor states for a peace work of a constitutional committee in Geneva. in November 2018.” process in Syria, have expressed their firm determination Iran, Turkey and Russia called on the international The UN peace envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, also to counter any plot aimed at partitioning the Arab country. community, especially the UN and its humanitarian agen- said on Tuesday that he plans to host Iran, Russia and White House: U.S. Russian Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev cies, to increase assistance to Syria, restore life support Turkey for talks in September on finalizing a committee trying to put more made the remarks while reading a joint statement issued facilities and social-economic infrastructure as well as to write a new Syrian constitution. by representatives of the three countries on Tuesday at preserve historic heritage, Lavrentiev added. “The special envoy looks forward to holding formal pressure on Iran the end of the tenth round of the two-day International He noted that the three countries started discussions consultations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Rus- Meeting on Syria in the Black Sea resort of Sochi. in coordination with the international community, Unit- sian Federation and the Republic of Turkey, very early “The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federa- ed Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and other in September in Geneva, in order to begin to finalize the POLITICS TEHRAN — White House Deputy Press tion and the Republic of Turkey confirmed their strong related international organizations in order to establish constitutional committee,” de Mistura’s office said in a deskSecretary Hogan Gidley said on Tuesday adherence to the sovereignty, independence, unity, and due conditions for the early voluntary and safe return of statement. that the U.S. government have “ramped up sanctions on territorial integrity of Syria,” Lavrentiev said. internally displaced people and refugees to their homes Turkey, Iran and Russia are the guarantors of a coun- Iran, and we’ve bolstered some of our partnerships to try He added that the sides reaffirmed their determination in Syria. trywide ceasefire in Syria. The three have been mediating and put more pressure on Iran.” to continue the combat against terrorism in Syria in order The Russian envoy said Tehran, Moscow and Ankara a peace process since January 2016 among Syria’s warring At a press conference, Gidley said pressure on Iran will to completely eradicate terrorist groups, including Daesh would make joint efforts in order to strengthen trust be- sides in Astana, Kazakhstan. continue, but as U.S. President Donald Trump said before, and al-Nusra Front, and other people, groups, companies tween conflicting sides in Syria, including in a framework Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy “he want to meet, he wants to come to a solution,” the White and organizations relating to al-Qaeda or Daesh and which of the working group on the release of detainees/abductees since March 2011. The Syrian government says the Israeli House website reported. the UN Security Council recognizes as such. and handover of bodies, as well as the identification of regime and its Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri He also said the U.S. president had joined with “some of The Russian diplomat said the parties would continue to missing persons with the participation of UN experts and terrorist groups wreaking havoc in the country. our partners and allies for a targeted strike against Syria, make joint efforts to promote a process of political settle- the International Committee of the Red Cross. More than 350,000 people have been killed and millions which is one of Iran’s allies as well.” ment which is led and implemented by Syrians themselves Lavrentiev further said, “The parties have decided to displaced since the beginning of Syria’s war. in order to establish conditions that facilitate the early hold the next international high-level meeting on Syria (Source: Press TV) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 2, 2018 INTERNATIONAL Syrian president praises armed forces Nigeria court acquits 80 for sacrifices in battle against terrorism Zakzaky supporters A top Nigerian court has cleared dozens of the followers of promi- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has hailed ince of Dara’a, government forces regained nent cleric Ibrahim al-Zakzaky of criminal charges, raising hopes the achievements of Syrian Armed Forces on control over al-Shajara town in al-Yarmouk for the release of the cleric himself, who has been held captive the battlefield against foreign-backed militant basin after eliminating the last pockets of the for almost three years by the Abuja government. groups, saying final victory over terrorism Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ Justice David Shiri Wyom of the Kaduna State High Court is close thanks to their sacrifices. Daesh) Takfiri terrorists. cleared 80 detainees of the charges on Tuesday. They had been He made the remarks in a speech pub- SANA reported that many extremists were arrested during a government raid on Zakzaky’s Islamic Move- lished by the Jaish al-Sha’ab (People’s Army) killed and injured in the process. ment of Nigeria (IMN) headquarters in December 2015. magazine on Wednesday in commemoration The report added that army soldiers During that raid, security forces killed some 300 Zakzaky of the 73rd anniversary of the founding of discovered weapons caches, bomb-making supporters, including three sons of the cleric, and later buried the national Syrian military. workshops and underground prisons as they them in mass graves. Assad congratulated Syrian soldiers for conducted a counter-terrorism operation in Zakzaky and his wife, who were shot and injured, were taken “moving from one achievement to another the town. into custody. and from one victory to another in the face ISIL terrorists had reportedly convert- They were accused of plotting to attack the military convoy of the systematic terrorism and its regional ed a gym in al-Shajara into a workshop for of army Chief Tukur Buratai in an earlier incident. and international backers.” making explosive devices and mortar shells. Zakzaky’s followers say they were merely holding a rally when The army, he said, has managed to foil Government troops also found militant Buratai’s convoy happened to pass by at the time. Facing the the “Zionist-American” plot against Syria by field hospitals, where large amounts of Sau- crowds of ralliers, agitated guards shot at them and Buratai’s liberating most of the country from the grip di, Jordanian and Kuwaiti medicine were car sped away, thinking an assassination attempt was underway. of terrorists, and thus should be regarded being kept. Following the Tuesday ruling, prosecutor Dari Bayero said as an example of nationalism and sacrifice. Syrian army unit are now advancing he was dissatisfied and was “in the process” of appealing the “Our heroic armed forces, you have proven towards the villages of Beit Ara, Ma’aryia court’s verdict. to the whole world over the past seven years and al-Qasir, which serve as the last militant But defense lawyer Maxwell Kyon described the ruling as a that you are an integrated example to follow redoubts in al-Yarmouk basin. victory for the movement, saying the court has found “no credible in nationalism and sacrifice and that you Syrian army gains full control evidence” to charge the detainees. are the fortresses in the face of terrorism,” of Yarmouk basin from ISIL Some one hundred other members of the movement still Assad said. Meanwhile, Syrian army and its allies remain in custody. “Now Idlib is our goal, but not just Idlib,” country’s southern province of Rif Dimashq. The Syrian army’s sacrifices led to the have completely liberated Yarmouk basin. Zakzaky is also “standing trial for having abetted the commis- he said. “There are of course territories in Syria’s official news agency SANA reported restoration of security and stability to most Lebanon-based Arabic-language al-Ma- sion of the offenses,” said the lawyer. “So if court has now found the eastern part of Syria that are controlled that Syrian army troopers launched clean-up areas and undermined the Zionist-American nar television network, which is affiliated to that no such offenses were committed, it becomes difficult to by various groups... So we will be moving operations in the towns of Babbila and Yalda plot against the country’s sovereignty, he Hezbollah resistance movement, reported convict someone for abetting the commission of these crimes.” into all these regions.” in addition to Beit Sahem village on Tuesday, pointed out. that Syrian troopers and fighters from pop- A Federal High Court ordered his unconditional release in Syrian army close to capturing and discovered various types of ammunition, The Syrian president further noted that ular defense groups established full control 2016, but the Nigerian government has so far refused to abide entire southwest including mortar shells, tens of improvised locals are now returning to the liberated areas, over the area after routing ISIL terrorists. by the ruling. Meantime, a video released by the Syrian explosive devices and Israeli-made bombs vowing that “victory will be achieved soon.” Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed A spokesman for the Islamic Movement said earlier in March army on Monday, July 30, shows the gov- and grenades, in the liberated areas. “They (the terrorists) were ultimately militancy since March 2011. The Syrian that the government in Abuja was planning to keep the cleric ernment forces taking control of villages and An unnamed field commander said Syr- forced to leave -- humiliated, rolled back, government says the Israeli regime and its and his wife in detention indefinitely. towns in northwest Dara’a province in Syria. ian government forces also found a number their tails between their legs -- after you gave Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri (Source: Press TV) them a taste of bitter defeat,” he added. The full liberation of both Dara’a and of anti-personnel mines, rocket-propelled terrorist groups wreaking havoc in the country. In recent weeks, the Syrian army has been Quneitra by Syrian government forces would grenade (RPG) launchers and their rockets, On May 21, the General Command of the trying to wrest control over the southern prov- cut the much-reported collaboration between machineguns, automatic rifles, chemical Syrian Army and Armed Forces announced inces of Dara’a and Quneitra, which border and anti-Damascus militants operating substances used in making bombs as well in a statement that complete security was the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. in the two regions. as telecommunication devices. restored to Damascus and its countryside Gunmen strike convoy with Takfiri militants have been handing over Syrian gov’t forces uncover He added that Syrian soldiers, in coop- after al-Hajar al-Aswad district and al-Yar- their heavy weapons to Syrian government Israeli-made bombs, grenades near eration with fighters from pro-government mouk camp were totally purged of ISIL Mali election materials, 12 forces and leaving the region in negotiated Damascus popular defense groups, are combing towns terrorists. surrender deals. Elsewhere, Syrian government forces and villages on the southern outskirts of the The development was preceded by flushing killed in shootout Recently, President Assad told Russian have discovered Israeli-made bombs along capital Damascus of hidden ordnances, and the Takfiris out of the towns of Yalda, Babbila media that Damascus’ next priority would with loads of munitions and military hard- preparing ground for the return of displaced and Beit Sahem on the southern outskirts be retaking the northwestern Idlib Province, ware inside weapons caches belonging to locals to their homes. of Damascus. which is mostly held by terrorists. foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants in the Elsewhere in Syria’s southwestern prov- (Source: agencies) Zimbabwe’s ruling party wins majority in parliament, opposition questions poll The candidate for Zimbabwe’s main opposition party accused In the capital Harare many people went about their usual the ruling ZANU-PF of trying to steal a presidential and daily grind, including queuing up for scarce cash outside banks. parliamentary election on Wednesday after official figures The House of Assembly of Parliament has 210 seats gave President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s party a majority and ZANU-PF would need to win 30 more to have a two- in parliament. thirds majority that would allow it to change the consti- Gunmen attacked a convoy carrying election materials in central Nelson Chamisa, 40, and Mnangagwa,75 were the main tution at will. Mali, triggering a shootout in which four soldiers and eight attack- contenders in Monday’s election, the first since Robert Mug- Voters in Zimbabwe traditionally pick a presidential ers were killed, a Defense Ministry spokesman said Wednesday. abe was forced to resign after a de facto coup in November candidate based on their party affiliation and the trend in The spokesman said the attack occurred late on Tuesday on after nearly 40 years in power. the parliamentary election was expected to continue when the road between Nampala and Coura in the south-central region The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) said it results for the president are announced this week. of Segou, giving no further details, and declining to say whether would start announcing results for the presidential race Chamisa’s MDC won in most urban centers, where it it was carrying ballot papers. from 10.30 GMT. enjoys majority support. One independent candidate and a “The convoy was transporting some youths and election African observer groups said the vote was peaceful, orderly member from a party linked to Mugabe also won one seat each. materials. There were 12 killed in total, four soldiers and eight and largely in line with the law but raised concerns about On Tuesday Former Movement for Democratic Change terrorists,” the spokesman said by telephone. bias of state media and the commission. They also called (MDC) finance minister Tendai Biti and ZESN, the main Mali’s presidential election, the second since Tuareg rebels for improvements in the counting procedure. domestic election monitor, said one in five polling stations and allied extremists took over the north in 2012, prompting “Election...represents a political watershed in Zimbabwe’s accept fake presidential results. We’ve more votes than ED - more than 2,000 in all - had not physically posted tallies French forces to intervene the following year to push them back, history as they may open a new chapter building towards (Emmerson Dambudzo). We won the popular vote (and) on their doors, as required by law. has been beset by attacks at the hands of suspected militants socio-economic recovery and consolidation of democracy,” will defend it,” Chamisa said. That omission gave room for the electoral commission, and allied ethnic militia. the regional SADC bloc said in a statement. The European Union, which has been monitoring the which ZESN and the opposition have accused of bias, to Armed attackers succeeded in shutting down 644 polling Commission results showed Mnangagwa’s ruling ZANU-PF elections for the first time since 2002, will issue its verdict manipulate the results in favor of Mnangagwa and the ZANU- stations on Sunday, representing about 3 percent of the total. cruising to a big majority after picking up 109 seats against later on Wednesday. PF party, Biti said. A fifth of all polling stations suffered some kind of disruption, 41 for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change Zimbabwe was once one of Africa’s most promising Even though the election passed off peacefully, several figures from the Ministry of Territorial Administration showed. (MDC). Another 58 seats are yet to be declared. economies but under Mugabe’s rule became tainted by water cannon trucks patrolled outside the central Harare Militants have rendered almost all of north and central Mali On his official Twitter feed, Chamisa accused the ZEC corruption, mismanagement and diplomatic isolation. Its headquarters of the MDC as its red-shirted supporters danced unsafe by continually targeting foreign and local interests, taking of releasing the parliamentary results first to prepare Zim- population of 13 million is struggling amid shortages of for- in the streets. Anti-riot police were also stationed at ZEC hostages and attacking security and peacekeeping forces. babweans for a Mnangagwa victory. eign currency, unemployment above 80 percent and lack offices in downtown Harare. (Source: Reuters) “The strategy is meant to prepare Zimbabwe mentally to of foreign investment. (Source: Daily Star)

Assange may finally leave Ecuadorian embassy in Thieves steal Swedish royal London as health worsens crowns, flee in motorboat Julian Assange, who has spent more than the US, where he would be prosecuted for Thieves have stolen two crowns and an orb from the Swedish 2,230 days in the Ecuadorian embassy in his whistleblowing and would not receive a royal family’s collection, making off in a motorboat after the heist. London, is expected to leave the building soon fair trial. Swedish prosecutors dropped the The priceless artifacts were snatched from a cathedral in Stran- with his health deteriorating, sources say. investigation in 2017, but a British warrant gnas, about an hour west of the capital Stockholm, at lunchtime This latest information about the for violating bail conditions still stands. on Tuesday, police said. WikiLeaks founder, who was already ex- Washington simply “wants revenge” for The robbers broke into a glass case that held the funeral regalia pected to leave the embassy “in the coming the “embarrassment” WikiLeaks caused it, of King Karl IX and his wife Queen Kristina and swiped the two weeks,” was broken Wednesday by Bloomberg and wants it to serve “as a deterrent to oth- crowns and an orb from the 17th century. which cited “two people with knowledge of the ers,” human rights activist Peter Tatchell told The robbers then made their getaway in a motorboat that was matter.” The news agency reported that the RT earlier in July. “Someone who’s published waiting just a couple of hundred meters away on lake Malaren, whistleblower’s health “has declined recently.” that information in the same way that the Sweden’s third biggest lake, police said. The news comes days after Ecuadorian New York Times or the Guardian publish No arrests have yet been made and no suspects had been President Lenin Moreno announced that information, I don’t think they should face identified but police are now publicizing the theft to try to re- Assange must “eventually” leave the em- risk 30 or 40 years in jail in the United cover the valuables. bassy. “Yes, indeed yes, but his departure States,” Tatchell added. “We want to spread information and pictures of these items so should come about through dialogue,” the Launched in 2006, the WikiLeaks project is that they can be identified as stolen objects,” police spokesman Ecuadorian president said in answer to a aimed at exposing government and corporate Thomas Agnevik said. reporter’s question on whether he will even- secrets. It garnered global attention back in King Karl IX died in 1611 and his wife Queen Kristina in 1625. tually have to leave. 2010 with its massive release of classified US The items are priceless and police said that the objects would be “For a person to stay confined like that ing, according to the Courage Foundation, a Rape allegations, stemming from Assange’s military documents, which included those very hard to sell on the open market. for so long is tantamount to a human rights group that fundraises for the legal defense visit to Sweden in August 2010, were the main detailing how American military equipment “What usually happens with this type of object is that they violation,” Moreno said, stressing that Ecua- of whistleblowers. Assange is in “a small reason that he sought refuge in London’s was deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq. As- are recovered sooner or later, because there are very few people dor wants to make sure that nothing “poses space” and has “no access to sunlight,” the Ecuadorian embassy in 2012 when a warrant sange won thousands of admirers, with many who are prepared to handle such items,” Agnevik said. a danger” to the whistleblower’s life. group says, adding that this has a serious was issued for his arrest. Assange maintained applauding his willingness to speak the truth. “We have high hopes of getting them back.” The whistleblower’s health is deteriorat- impact “on his physical and mental health.” that he could be extradited from Sweden to (Source: RT) (Source: AP) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY AUGUST 2, 2018 Iran’s average oil export STOCK MARKET TEDPIX 123951.3 IFX 1428.87 rises 185,000 bpd Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir in 4 months compared CURRENCIES USD 44,900 rials to past year EUR 51,515 rials ENERGY GBP 57,803 rials TEHRAN – Iran Iranian calendar year, Shana news agency deskexported 2.3 million reported on Wednesday. AED 12,060 rials barrels per day (bpd) of oil on average Based on government and ship-tracking during the first four months of the current data, Iran’s crude exports to major Asian Source: mehrnews.com Iranian calendar year (March 21-July 22, customers in May rose to the highest in 2018), an 185,000 barrels increase from eight months. the average daily exports in the whole of Sputnik has quoted Indian Oil Minister The Trump administration recently Namdar Zanganeh said the country’s oil last year. Dharmendra Pradhan as saying that his announced its plans to reduce Iranian production and exports have not changed COMMODITIES The country’s average crude exports country’s intakes of Iranian oil jumped oil exports to zero by November. significantly despite U.S. efforts for WTI $67.69/b stood at 2.115 million bpd during the last near 50 percent in June. Earlier in July, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan disrupting Iran’s market. Brent $72.92/b OPEC Basket $73.53/b Annual fishery exports New shareholders’ presence Gold $1,219.75/oz to rise 10% by March 2019 in TSE up 40% in 4 months yr/yr Silver $15.47/oz ECONOMY TEHRAN— The value ECONOMY TEHRAN— Presence desk deskof new shareholders in Platinium $825.15/oz of Iran’s annual fishery export is planned to rise at least 10 percent Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) rose 40 Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com in the current Iranian calendar year (which percent during the first four months of ends on March 20, 2019), Hassan Salehi, current Iranian calendar year (March the head of Iran’s Fisheries Organization, 21-July 22) compared to the same period NEWS IN BRIEF announced. of time in the previous year, according The official put the country’s fishery to TSE CEO Hassan Qalibaf-Als. 1st intl. paper exports at 125,000 tons valued at $500 The official said 55,000 trading products expo million in the past calendar year, IRNA codes were issued in TSE during the reported. four-month period of this year, ILNA inaugurated in He said shrimp accounted for the main at 11.2 kilograms, indicating 500 grams reported on Wednesday. $5.707 billion) in the first four months Tehran part of the exports in the past year while rise year on year. Presence of new shareholders in TSE of current year, showing 28 percent over 16,000 tons of shrimp valued at $100 Infrastructures required for boosting also rose 40 percent in the past Iranian rise from that of the same period of million were exported. the fishery output have been provided in calendar year 1396 (ended on March time in the previous year. ECONOMY TEHRAN- The First International Special- Salehi also said that fishery output is the country over the past three years and 20), compared to its preceding year, as The official also put the average daily deskized Exhibition of Paper, Cardboard Cellulose planned to rise 8-10 percent to 1.25 million related plans have been approved by do- Qalibaf-Als has previously announced, value of TSE trades at 3.3 trillion rials Products and Related Machinery (PCCM 1397) became opera- tons in this year. mestic and foreign investors, the official putting the number of issued trading (about $74.1 million) in the mentioned tional on Wednesday at the Tehran Permanent International He had previously put the fishery out- said, adding, “If the banking barriers for codes at 174,719 in the past year. four months of this year, indicating 32 Fairground, IRIB reported. put at 1.15 million tons in the past year trade with Europe are removed we will He further put the value of TSE percent growth compared to the same The opening ceremony was attended by Iranian officials and the fishery consumption per capita have no concern in terms of production. trades at 254 trillion rials (about time span of the past year. from the Ministry of Industry, the parliament, and related unions, the report said. Besides Iranian companies, some from Russia, China, India As Trump’s tariffs start to bite, China pledges it’ll keep its economy stable and Turkey are showcasing their latest products in this sector and sharing their experiences with their Iranian counterparts. China’s top leaders on Tuesday pledged economic stability just In July, the Caixin/Markit Purchasing Manager’s Index The event will wrap up on July 4. as data from the world’s second-largest economy suggested — a closely watched gauge of China’s economic activity — hit that the country was starting to feel a pinch from U.S. tariffs. an eight-month low as new export orders fell at the steepest In a statement carried by China’s state media after a pace in more than two years, the two organizations said. Cement exports meeting of the Politburo, a top decision-making body of the The data pointed to “some negative impact of the first stand at $159m in ruling Communist Party, Beijing said it will take targeted tranche of U.S. tariffs that came into effect last month,” measures to solve issues in the economy. said Julian Evans-Pritchard, Capital Economics’ senior 3 months The Chinese economy is facing “some new problems and China economist. new challenges,” said the statement carried by state-run He said he expects further weakness ahead. Xinhua news agency. “We see increasing headwinds to the manufacturing sector “There are obvious changes in the external environment,” from the recent slowdown in credit growth. U.S. tariffs will ECONOMY TEHRAN- Iran exported 4.407 million tons the statement added. It did not specifically mention China’s also be a drag, weighing on investment and foreign demand,” deskof cement valued at $159.3 million in the ongoing trade war with the U.S. added Evans-Pritchard. three-month period from the beginning of current Iranian “We must do a good job in stabilizing employment, Results of the private Caixin/Markit survey showed the calendar year (March 21), Islamic Republic of Iran Customs finance, foreign trade and investment, and expectations,” same trend as China’s official PMI released a day before, Administration (IRICA) has announced. the statement added. could happen from deleveraging to boosting growth. Clearly which indicated growth in manufacturing activity slowed According to the IRICA data, the value of cement exports Analysts said the Politburo’s communication suggests we are not there yet,” the Macquarie economists added. in July from June. China’s official PMI gauge focuses on during the first quarter of this year fell one percent compared that Beijing will be fine-tuning its economic policies. Some “You do not want to give Jeff Bezos a seven-year head start.” large companies and state-owned enterprises, while the to the same period of the past year, while the weight of exported form of easing is expected. Beijing’s economic growth target for 2018 is around 6.5 reading by Caixin and IHS Markit focuses on small and product did not change, IRNA reported. “China’s top policy makers are clearly concerned about percent. medium-sized enterprises. It is while the country imported $8.3 million of cement with two issues: the sharp slowdown of credit growth and the This year, China posted second-quarter GDP growth of American tariffs on $34 billion of Chinese products took 131 percent rise from the first quarter of the previous year. uncertainty due to the trade war. As such, they called for 6.7 percent from a year ago, slightly lower than 6.8 percent effect on July 6. China retaliated with duties of its own on the more proactive fiscal policy and infrastructure spending,” in the first quarter of 2018. same value of American goods. President Donald Trump’s Macquarie economists Larry Hu and Irene Wu wrote in a note. Even before the ongoing trade dispute with Washington, administration countered that it is preparing possible tariffs However, Beijing will continue to keep a lid on debt, as the Chinese government was already managing a slowdown on $200 billion more in Chinese goods. In July, the president the statement reaffirmed, the economists added. That could in its economy as Beijing cracked down on high debt levels said he was willing to slap tariffs on every Chinese-made Turkish banks propose change if the employment situation in the country worsens. and heavily polluting industries. product shipped to the U.S. rules to accelerate loan “The statement also offers some clues as it mentioned Tuesday’s notice from the Chinese government came as There are fears that the trade spat between the world’s stabilizing employment twice. In other words, if the economic indicators from the country showed U.S. tariffs two largest economies could hit markets and even the global restructurings unemployment problem becomes severe, a policy U-turn were starting to bite. economy. (Source: Bloomberg)

Turkish banks have proposed rules to speed up the restructuring of company debt and allow lenders to avoid booking problematic India central bank hikes key rate for second straight meet; ‘neutral’ stance kept credit as non-performing loans, a move that may help avoid defaults from piling up. The Reserve Bank of India raised inter- rate by 25 bps. the Indonesian central bank also adopt a hike has been its fragile currency. For the The program would apply to loans that exceed 50 million est rates for the second straight meeting The rate action was in line with a Reu- tightening path. RBI, inflation is the central concern. lira ($10.2 million) for borrowers going through temporary re- on Wednesday, but retained its “neutral” ters poll last week, which showed 37 of 63 The Fed, which is expected to keep rates While the RBI on Wednesday margin- payment difficulties, that are willing to repay their debts and stance as it aimed to contain inflation while economists expecting a rate increase. on hold at a two-day meeting that ends later ally trimmed its inflation projections for the would benefit from a restructuring, according to a framework not choking growth. “The swiftness with which the central bank on Wednesday, has already raised rates twice current quarter, the central bank said its of principles proposed by a bank industry group. The RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee has responded to the jump in inflation should this year, while the Bank of England is poised inflation projections beyond that remain The proposal by the Banks Association of Turkey, seen by (MPC) raised the repo rate INREPO=ECI prevent the need for very aggressive policy to raise rates at a meeting on Thursday. “broadly unchanged”. Bloomberg News, was dated July 24 and members had until by 25 basis points to 6.50 percent. It is the changes in the future,” Capital Economics Indonesia’s central bank has been the India’s annual consumer inflation July 30 to provide feedback. Regulators would have to approve first time since October 2013 that the rate analyst Shilan Shah said in a note. most aggressive in Asia this year, hiking its INCPIY=ECI hit 5 percent in June, the eighth the recommendation. TBB, as the industry group is known, rep- has been increased at consecutive policy The bank’s decision to raise rates comes benchmark rate IDCBRR=ECI 100 basis straight month in which it topped the RBI’s resents 46 institutions, including some of the country’s biggest meetings. as global central banks, such as the U.S. points between mid-May and the end of June. medium-term 4 percent target. local and international institutions. In June, the MPC also increased the key Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and In Indonesia’s case, the main reason to (Source: Reuters) The recommendations come as a 23 percent slide in the country’s currency against the dollar hammers the ability of companies to repay their foreign debt. Interest rate increases that have taken Eurozone economy grows at weakest rate for two years local borrowing costs to their highest level in almost a decade to contain a jump in inflation are also hindering debt repayments. Concerns over a slowdown in the Eurozone rose on Tuesday Juncker committed to a ceasefire in their trade dispute. Mario TBB declined to comment on what would be the first such after official figures showed growth in the region hit its weak- Draghi, European Central Bank president, acknowledged codified rules. est rate in two years in the second quarter. Gross domestic that trade was unlikely to provide as much support to the Debt resolution product expanded 0.3 percent in the second quarter from economy as it did last year. However, he pointed to evidence TBB is suggesting that a loan to be restructured if lenders the first, according to Eurostat, the Eurozone’s statistics of better pay deals for the region’s workers as a sign that with exposure to at least 75 percent of the total owed agree to do agency — a weaker figure than forecast and the lowest since growth could remain at respectable, if not spectacular, levels. so. A committee of lenders could then order measures such as the second quarter of 2016. In a separate release on Tuesday, Eurostat said unemploy- changes to shareholder structure and management, asset sales, The news comes amid fears that the bloc is in the midst ment remained at 8.3 percent in June, its lowest level since spinoffs and capital injections, the proposals show. Restructur- a soft patch after a blockbuster 2017 and supports the view December 2008. Economists do not think the slowdown is ings would be resolved within 150 days of an agreement being held by the region’s most senior monetary policymakers that bad enough to prompt the ECB to revise plans to call time reached, according to the document. the central bank must be patient in removing its crisis-era on expanding its €2.5tn quantitative easing program at “We are skeptical if such a proposal would be in line with support. The pace had been expected to hold steady from the the close of this year. any commercial code and think that it would be unlikely to be first quarter at 0.4 percent, according to a poll by Reuters. “In all, we doubt that the ECB will be deterred from its accepted by regulators as is,” said Cagdas Dogan, a banking The GDP figure is a flash estimate and contains no in- course of gradual policy normalization yet,” said Jennifer analyst with BGC Partners in Istanbul. The rationale for the formation about the composition of growth. However it rozone lost considerable momentum in the first half of the McKeown, chief European economist at Capital Econom- initiative was understandable, given that restructurings tend is likely that weaker global trade contributed to the fall. year”. Higher oil prices have weighed on businesses in the ics, a research firm. “But interest rates seem unlikely to rise to take longer than lenders like, forcing them to book loans as Economists have become worried about signs of a slowdown region this year, but the big fear is that growing tensions until September 2019 at the earliest and the bank will keep non-performing, he said. in the Eurozone following a strong export-led recovery in between the U.S. and the rest of the world on trade bar- open the option of extending its asset purchases into next In its quarterly inflation report published Tuesday, the Ankara- 2017. Growth from the end of 2017 to the end of the first riers — a hallmark of Donald Trump’s presidency — will year should the slowdown continue. based central bank warned of a possible drop in loan supply in view quarter was 0.4 percent, compared with 0.7 percent for unsettle businesses, leading to sluggish investment and ”The ECB said in June it would cut the bonds it buys each of “the likelihood of financial difficulties that may be experienced the previous quarter. fewer exports. month under QE from €30bn to €15bn, before calling time by firms using foreign-exchange loans, due to fluctuations in Christoph Weil, economist at Commerzbank, said the Some of those risks have diminished in recent weeks on the program at the end of the year. financial markets.” (Source: Bloomberg) latest GDP figures “confirmed that the economy in the Eu- after Trump and European Commission chief Jean-Claude (Source: Financial Times) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 2, 2018 ENERGY 5

Oil falls below $74 on U.S. Iraq’s oil exports from southern ports rise to 3.54 inventories, OPEC supply million bpd in July Oil slipped below $74 a barrel on Wednes- Reuters survey found on Monday, although Iraq exported 3.543 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil day pressured by an industry report that U.S. declines from Iran and other producers limited from its southern ports in July, slightly above the June average, stockpiles of crude rose unexpectedly and by the increase. the oil ministry said on Wednesday. higher OPEC production, adding to indications Kuwait confirmed on Wednesday it had of more ample supply. also increased production in July. Output is On Tuesday, the American Petroleum Insti- currently 2.8 million barrels per day, its oil tute said crude inventories rose by 5.6 million minister said on Wednesday, an increase of barrels last week. Analysts had expected a 100,000 bpd from June’s average. decrease of 2.8 million. The U.S. government’s “Strong upticks from key OPEC members supply report is due on Wednesday. in July helped push group production up sig- Brent crude, the global benchmark, dropped nificantly versus June,” analysts at JBC Energy 40 cents to $73.81 a barrel by 0832 GMT, said in a report. adding to a 1.8 percent loss in the previous ses- Signs that a supply disruption in the Bab sion. U.S. crude was down 44 cents at $68.32. al-Mandeb Strait in the Red Sea could be “A fresh dose of price angst has come from resolved weighed on prices. an unexpected source,” said Stephen Brennock Yemen’s Houthi group said it was ready to of oil broker PVM. “The U.S. has been flying halt attacks in the Red Sea to support peace Iraq exported 3.521 million bpd of crude oil in June. the flag for the drawdown in global oil stock- efforts. Saudi Arabia had suspended oil ship- All the volumes shipped in July came from the southern fields, piles, yet the rebalancing paused abruptly last ments through the strait last week after attacks the ministry said in a statement. There were no exports in July week,” he said, referring to the API report. on tankers. from the Kirkuk fields, located in northern Iraq but under the Last month, Brent fell more than 6 percent Concern over slowing economic growth control of Baghdad. and U.S. crude slumped about 7 percent, the because of a trade dispute between the United The average sale price in July was $69.163 per barrel, gener- ating around $7.6 billion in revenue, the statement said. biggest monthly declines for both benchmarks The Organization of the Petroleum Export- been in place since 2017 after a glut was cleared. States and China are also putting downward July’s higher shipments came amid protests sweeping the since July 2016. ing Countries, plus Russia and other allies, OPEC production rose in June, led by Saudi pressure on the market. southern region over poor public services and widespread cor- Oil also slipped on more ample supplies. decided in June to ease supply cuts that had Arabia, and reached a 2018 high in July, a (Source: Reuters) ruption. Iraq’s oil officials said the unrest had not impacted crude production from the southern fields. The bulk of Iraq’s oil is exported via the southern terminals, Is a supply crunch in oil markets inevitable? which account for more than 95 percent of the OPEC producer’s state revenues. (Source: Reuters) The oil industry is more profitable than at any On the other hand, energy agencies and mboe/month last year. next few years, a supply gap could emerge. “The time in years, yet the industry could fail to sup- forecasters, such as the International Energy New discoveries are set to rebound to 826 years of underinvestment are setting the scene ply enough oil to meet global demand in just Agency, have warned that the current pace of mboe/month in 2018 as drilling activity re- for a supply crunch,” Virendra Chauhan, an oil a few years’ time. spending by the global oil industry is insufficient. bounds, Rystad Energy says, up 30 percent industry analyst at consultancy Energy Aspects, California to import A series of second quarter earnings reports The downturn that began in 2014 led to a compared to last year. ExxonMobil’s three told the Wall Street Journal. power from New Mexico over the past two weeks has revealed surging severe cutback in spending on exploration and discoveries in Guyana represent a big slice of Of particular concern is the rate of depletion profits across the oil industry, with some com- development. Spending plunged by 25 percent that total. at conventional fields. “After more than three wind farm by 2020 panies posting earnings that are double or triple in 2015, followed by another 26 percent decline But the discoveries are still a fraction of years of E&P underinvestment, the international from a year earlier. But even though they are in 2016. Since then upstream expenditures have what they used to be, back when the oil in- production base has started to show accelerating Power from a New Mexico wind farm will help supply four California flush with cash, the industry has not returned to bottomed out, rebounding 4 percent last year. dustry was spending much more. According signs of weakness with noticeable year-over- counties beginning in 2020 under two 15-year power-purchase the profligate spending levels that were common The industry is only track to increase spend- to Rystad Energy, the oil industry needs to add year production declines in 15 of the world’s agreements that will contribute to the state’s clean-energy goals. prior to the 2014 market downturn. ing by another modest 5 percent in 2018. But around 33 billion barrels of oil every year, but producing countries,” Schlumberger CEO Paal Pattern Energy Group 2 LP will deliver power from the 200-meg- Depending on one’s perspective, that could there is little sign that the industry will return the industry is on track to only add 20 billion Kibsgaard told analysts on an earnings call. awatt Duran Mesa Wind project being built near Corona, New be a good thing or a bad thing. According to to spending at the same rate that it did prior barrels in 2018. “These developments underline the growing Mexico, to Santa Clara, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Carbon Tracker, the oil industry has trillions to the downturn. “An uptick of 30 percent from the abnormally need for increased E&P spending in particular counties, according to a statement Tuesday. The contracts are for of dollars of projects in the pipeline that will Lower spending has translated into a steep low levels in 2017 might seem encouraging, in the international markets as it is becoming 110 megawatts to Silicon Valley Clean Energy and 90 megawatts become financial risks as governments around drop off in new discoveries. In 2014, the industry but E&P players are currently facing a low apparent that the new projects coming online to Monterey Bay Community Power. Some of the power will be the world seek to address climate change. In discovered an average of about 1,350 million reserve replacement ratio, on average of less over the next few years will likely not be sufficient shipped via the a 520-mile (840-kilometer) SunZia Southwest essence, lots of oil and gas reserves will remain in barrels of oil equivalent (mboe) every month. than 10 percent. This is worrisome considering to meet the increasing demand.” The average Transmission line that SouthWestern Power Group is constructing the ground due to forthcoming taxes, regulation In 2015, that average ticked up to 1,404 mboe the impact on global oil supply in long term,” decline rate climbed from 3 percent in 2014 to in New Mexico and Arizona. or simply demand destruction as alternatives per month, according to Rystad Energy. But Espen Erlingsen, Head of Upstream Research 6.3 percent in 2016, although it improved to California is on track to reach its target of getting 50 percent take hold. Against this backdrop, a shortfall in that figure fell off of a cliff in 2016, crashing to at Rystad Energy, said in a statement. 5.7 percent in 2017. of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, a decade ahead spending is not such a bad thing. just 697 mboe/month, and fell again to 625 As that pipeline begins to dry up over the (Source: oilprice.com) of schedule. (Source: Bloomberg) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL AUGUST 2, 2018 NEWS IN BRIEF Modi U.S. warns IMF against bailout for congratulates Khan, both discuss regional peace Pakistan that pays off China INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN —The battle- a strong consensus-based decision-making INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — In a surprise development desk desk lines are drawn between process in its executive board. She also said that has rekindled hopes of two South Pakistan and the United States once again, that the IMF is closely engaged with Pakistan Asian estranged neighbors reviving the stalled peace process, this time over the International Monetary through Post-Program Monitoring (PPM) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi telephoned Imran Fund (IMF) bailout that Islamabad is likely and regular Article IV consultations. Khan on Monday to congratulate him on the victory of Pa- to seek in coming weeks. The U.S. has warned China and Pakistan have come closer in kistan Tehreek Insaaf (PTI) in Pakistan general elections. that it will oppose any IMF bailout that helps recent years with the gargantuan $60 billion According to a statement issued by India’s Ministry of China, Pakistan’s new all-weather ally. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) External Affairs, the two leaders discussed peace and stabil- On Monday, the U.S. Secretary of State Mike project, one of Beijing’s undertakings in its ity in the region. Modi “reiterated his vision of peace and Pompeo was asked in an interview on CNBC Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), under which development in the entire neighborhood”, the statement said. about the issue of Chinese loans to Pakistan China has lent billions of dollars in loans and The PTI said Khan had told Modi that issues between the as part of Beijing’s ambitious ‘Belt and Road’ investments to Pakistan. two nations must be resolved through talks. “Wars can breed infrastructure program and if Islamabad ap- According to observers, the measures have tragedies instead of facilitating resolution of conflicts,” he proaches the IMF for a bailout. Pompeo, while proved to be inadequate as the country’s re- said, according to a PTI statement. hoping to engage with Pakistan’s new govern- serves have plummeted to $10 billion. Now, “Prime Minister (Modi) expressed hope that democracy ment, said there was “no rationale” for a bailout the IMF bailout seems imminent. will take deeper roots in Pakistan,” the Indian ministry said that pays off Chinese loans to Pakistan. Pakistani officials have denounced what in a statement. “There’s no rationale for IMF tax dollars— they say are attempts to drive a wedge between The relations between New Delhi and Islamabad have and associated with that, American dollars Pakistan and China. “The Americans are try- worsened in the last couple of years with peace process stalled that are part of the IMF funding—for those ing very hard to put pressure on Pakistan amid a series of ceasefire violations and diplomatic rows. The to go to bail out Chinese bondholders or—or link IMF package with CPEC. It is affirmed to helping Pakistan. “The IMF remains com- because they have their own interests. But two sides have traded allegations over border skirmishes China itself,” Pompeo said. Clearly taken aback that Pakistan government is fully committed mitted to helping Pakistan and its people,” making it so hard for Pakistan to successfully and civilian casualties on both sides of the dividing line. by the U.S. official’s statement, Pakistan’s to undertake and complete CPEC projects in said Teresa Daban Sanchez, the IMF resident negotiate a new program with the IMF makes In his victory speech on Thursday, Imran Khan had Ministry of Finance said that the “third par- their totality,” the Ministry said in a statement. representative to Pakistan, while responding no sense. Ultimately, Pakistan will search expressed his desire to engage with India in resolving the ties cannot weaken our collective resolve to The IMF, in a rebuke to the U.S. govern- to Pompeo’s statement. for other options if the road to the IMF is longstanding dispute over Kashmir, saying “if India comes make CPEC a success story”. ment, distanced itself from Pompeo’s state- The IMF, Sanchez said, is a multilateral blocked,” a senior government official was and takes one step toward us, we will take two”. The state- “First and foremost it is totally wrong to ment and said that it remained committed international financial institution guided by quoted in a Financial Times report. ment was widely welcomed in India and Kashmir. More than 150 ISIS fighters ‘Imran Khan would stick to status-quo on Pakistan’s surrender in north Afghanistan relations with India and Afghanistan’ 1 A: The biggest challenge before Imran Khan is to powered by PTI across the country. With Nawaz Sharif behind INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — More than 150 ISIS insur- form a government. He has simple majority and would need the bars now and the morale of party workers down, will desk gents laid down arms and surrendered to to get people on board to make a government. His right hand it be difficult for the party to make a comeback from here? Afghan security forces in the northwestern province of Jawzjan man Jahangir Tareen is busy getting members together, A: The PML-N has done better than PTI in Punjab. How- after being defeated by the Taliban, according to reports. sometimes fairly and other times unfairly. ever, the problem is that with Nawaz Sharif in jail the current Local government officials said the insurgent group has After he takes oath, the biggest challenge will be the party leadership will not have the strength to fight back. The now received a big setback in northern Afghanistan where it economy. Pakistan desperately needs money to survive. military is keen to see PTI make government in Punjab. In fought with both the Taliban and Afghan security forces for The Americans have put pressure on the International another four years, the influence will reduce. I see PML-N control of smuggling routes into neighboring Turkmenistan. Monetary Fund (IMF) not to give Pakistan a bail out. Then weakening over time. ISIS, which first emerged in eastern Afghanistan’s Nan- there are issues like an accountable and independent process Pakistan was recently placed on the FATF ‘grey’ list for garhar province almost four years ago, had been recently of accountability that does not appear to be targeting the failing to curb anti-terror financing. What should the new attempting to gain foothold in northern Afghanistan. But, opponents. Pakistan’s institutions have broken down and government do to make sure the country is taken off the list? they have faced stiff resistance from the Taliban, which sees weakened including the civil bureaucracy and the judici- A: The new government, if it is serious about FATF, should them as an “evil phenomenon”. ary. He will have to cautiously proceed to rebuild different both sides to laugh a major peace initiative. Having said that, make sure that it implements laws to stop financing of terror Mujahid said more than 150 ISIS fighters had been killed institutions. Radicalism is another of the major problems the fact that Imran khan has admirers and cricketer friends organizations. The LeT or Jaishe Muhammad or Ahle Sun- and more than 130 captured by the Taliban with the rest for which there seem to be little option considering that on the other side, a conversation could begin. However, nat wal Jamaat (ASWJ) all are going about their business. surrendering to government forces. Afghan government Imran Khan is also in conversation with diehard Deobandi both India and Pakistan are not sure about what would be There is money coming from somewhere. These activities officials said a total of 152 fighters surrendered to security groups like Sipha-e-Sahaba. acceptable to both. are observed by the world. This has to stop. forces early on Wednesday. As he hinted in his victory speech, do you think his Is it true that the important policy decisions in Pakistan There have been some deadly attacks in Pakistan Among those who surrendered include Mawlawi Ha- foreign policy will be different from his predecessors, espe- are taken in Rawalpindi (military headquarters) instead of recently which were claimed by the ISIS. Do you think the biburrahman, commander of ISIS in the north, and another cially when it comes to relations with estranged neighbors Islamabad (political headquarters)? terrorist group has gained firm foothold in Pakistan? senior commander named Mufti Nematullah. Afghanistan and India? A: After 2018, Rawalpindi has emerged stronger than A: The ISIS and Al-Qaeda continue to exist in Pakistan A: Khan mentioned both India and Afghanistan but he Islamabad. A weak central government, which is what Im- and Afghanistan. Part of the problem is that their sister Indonesia bans would stick to the status-quo which is the policy of the mili- ran Khan will have, will mean that there will be greater organizations that are based in Pakistan are still there. Un- tary establishment. In any case, India is about to enter its interference. less there is a clamp down on all such organizations the ISIS-linked election cycle which means there will be little traction on Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) was clearly over- problem will be there. terrorist group JAD Can Pakistan’s new PM resolve the Kashmir issue? INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — In a significant verdict, an desk 1 In a statement, Indian government to war on two occasions. With the intermit- Indonesian court has banned Jemaah said it desires a “prosperous and progressive tent border skirmishes and ceasefire viola- Ansharut Daulah (JAD), the country’s most active militant Pakistan at peace with its neighbors”. “We tions, the third war between the two countries network responsible for many terror attacks in recent years, hope that the new government of Pakistan has been looming large. To avert that, it is with links to ISIS. On July 24, JAD was held responsible will work constructively to build a safe, sta- important for the two warring neighbors to for widespread terrorism, the loss of lives and the destruc- ble, secure and developed South Asia free shake hands. tion of property. The group has pledged allegiance to ISIS, of terror and violence,” the statement said. However, it remains to be seen whether according to a report in The Straits Times. Khan’s statement was also welcomed or not the military establishment in Pa- The ruling will now allow the authorities to arrest and in Kashmir, across the political spectrum. kistan gives Khan a free hand in foreign prosecute any member associated with JAD, including its The former J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba policy matters. In an interview with Tehran sleeper cells, the report noted. The group is believed to be Mufti expressed hope that it would lead to Times, Pakistani commentator and author behind several terror attacks, including a gun-and-suicide- a sustainable thaw in relations between Ayesha Siddiqi said Khan would most likely bomb attack in Jakarta in 2016 that killed four people. “There the two countries. “Hope this goes beyond stick to the status-quo which is the policy is convincing evidence... of terror attacks that were carried the optics and leads to a sustainable thaw of the military establishment. Also, there out by members of JAD in various places in Indonesia,” between India and Pakistan,” Mufti, who would be general elections in India next presiding judge Aris Buwono Langgeng told a courtroom heads People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in year, and the ruling BJP government in in Jakarta. “What the defendant, that is JAD, did was cre- Kashmir, wrote on Twitter. New Delhi would be wary of initiating any ate public anxiety and fear,” he added. JAD was formed in Earlier, speaking at a party convention, deal with the new government in Pakistan Indonesia in October 2014, four months after ISIS leader Mufti had appealed to Modi to accept the before elections. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the establishment of ISIS. hand of friendship and dialogue extended Khan won’t find it easy, as his predeces- The purpose of establishing JAD was to gather militants by Khan. “It is my request that he should Khan’s statement that he will take two steps Umar Farooq and Syed Ali Shah Geelani, sors didn’t. He has to overcome internal as from a motley group of networks across Indonesia into one grab the opportunity and respond positively forward if India took one step to end the also welcomed Khan’s statement. Umar said well as external pressures to engage with group which then pledged allegiance to al-Baghdadi’s ISIS, to the offer of friendship by Imran Khan,” conflict over Kashmir. “We have to wait for the two neighbors should “give real peace a India on the issue of Kashmir. But he has according to the report. she said. Pertinently, the coalition govern- him to be sworn in. Whatever he said on chance” and Geelani said it was now “time made a good start and now the ball is in New ment in Kashmir between Mufti’s PDP and Thursday about taking two steps forward for for India to reciprocate.” Delhi’s court. India missed a great oppor- Trade bodies in Modi’s BJP broke off last month over some every one step India takes, it sounds good but As it appears, a good start has been made tunity to settle the Kashmir dispute when irreconcilable differences. a lot will depend on the action he is willing to resurrect the stalled peace process and Pervez Musharraf ruled Pakistan between Kashmir protest Omar Abdullah, who heads National to take,” said Abdullah. resolve the dispute over Kashmir, which has 2001 and 2008. It should not miss another to protect special Conference party in Kashmir, also welcomed Top separatist leaders, including Mirwaiz forced the two nuclear-armed neighbors to go opportunity now. status INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN —The business community in Myanmar roundly shamed over human rights inquiry panel deskIndian controlled Kashmir, representing Various human rights activists and observers have tional medics have verified that wounds on the bodies of the move, calling it a “political gimmick.” at least 27 trade organizations, has announced a week-long roundly denounced Myanmar’s decision to appoint a the Muslim survivors of the violence correspond with their “Given the weight of evidence collected by Amnesty In- protest program beginning Wednesday to oppose moves that commission of inquiry into widespread human rights accounts of brutal violence, including, in some cases, rape ternational, the UN and the media, this CoI (Commission seek to abrogate the state’s special status under Article 35-A of abuses perpetrated with the state’s own backing and with sharp objects. of Inquiry) is tantamount to a rude gesture, not a genuine Indian constitution. Members of two top trade bodies, Kashmir with the military’s direct participation against the Ro- The Myanmarese government and military have denied inquiry,” he said, adding that the move could only “collide Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Federation Chambers hingya Muslim community. almost all allegations of violence.The government has previ- with a military covering up ethnic cleansing.” Industries Kashmir along with Batamaloo traders will hold a The Myanmarese government said on Monday that it had ously established other inquiries — only to conclude that no Human Rights Watch Myanmar researcher Rich Weir peaceful sit-in on August 1. Fruit growers and transporters established a new “independent” commission to investigate violations had taken place.The new body includes, among said the country would use the new body as “distractions will hold a similar demonstration on August 4, according to a the “allegations” of human rights abuses in Rakhine State — others, senior adviser to Myanmar’s president, Aung Tun and shields from criticism and pressure,” as it did with the report in daily Greater Kashmir. where the Rohingya had been primarily located — despite Thet; the former chair of Myanmar’s constitutional tribunal previous such inquiries. “Article 35A is a constitutional right for Jammu and Kashmir the mountain of evidence indicating “systematic ethnic U Mya Thein; former Philippine deputy foreign minister He said the former Advisory Commission on Rakhine, led people and we will not therefore allow anybody to fiddle with cleansing” against the minority Muslims. Rosario Manalo; and Japan’s former UN representative by former UN secretary general Kofi Annan, “only advised.”The it,” said Bashir Ahmad Basheer, a senior trader. Rakhine first came under a military crackdown in late Kenzo Oshima. government did not even implement the recommendations “Business community, be it traders, hoteliers or transport- 2016, when the government laid siege to the state and blocked The government did not provide further information, made by that commission, he said.Other state-run com- ers are ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the special status media access. Nevertheless, reports slowly began to emerge including about the commission’s powers or the time frame missions also claimed the military had not committed any of our state. Government is using all tactics to take away over of horrific violence committed against the Muslim commu- it has been given to complete a potential report. crimes against the Rohingya people, Lwin said. special status but we won’t let it happen,” said Muhammad nity. Accounts of killings, beheadings, arson attacks, and Sean Bain, a legal adviser to the International Commis- The Rohingya, who have lived in Myanmar for genera- Yaseen Khan, chairman of Kashmir Economic Alliance. Khan rapes by Myanmarese government soldiers and Buddhist sion of Jurists (ICJ), has criticized the appointments.Such tions, are denied citizenship there and are branded illegal said the government has done immense harm to the special mobs leaked out as many Rohingya Muslims began to flee commissions, he wrote on Twitter, “tend to be ad hoc, rarely immigrants from Bangladesh, which likewise denies them status of the state. “First they implemented GST, then Statistics in August last year. if ever lead to prosecution & fail to provide redress. Impunity citizenship but has been sheltering them on humanitarian Bill and now attempts are being made to scrap Article 35A”. Tens of thousands of the Muslims are now living in crowded, results, undermining justice & emboldening perpetrators.” grounds. squalid camps in neighboring Bangladesh, where interna- Myanmar-based analyst David Mathieson also condemned (Source: Press TV) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 2, 2018 ANALYSIS & INTERVIEW 7 U.S.’ Threats against Iran; U.S., Saudis worried about Imran Khan’s victory in real or empty? Pakistan: expert As the war of words has escalated between including Japan, South Korea, Turkey and Tehran and Washington within the past few the Europeans countries to convince them days, many experts believe that threats made to cooperate with Washington in imposing by the US are largely aimed at distracting these sanctions against Iran. people from the case of Russian interference One of the developments that highlight in US presidential election in 2016 and to the focus of the US treasury on the issue of increase economic pressure on Iran. Iran, and Washington’s concern about its An opinion piece published on Thursday possible failure to effectively implement the by the conservative Iranian daily Javan main- sanctions, is the recruitment of tens of per- tains that the threats recently made by US sonnel to focus on Iran’s case in the ministry. President Donald Trump are not real ones. In recent months, the number of Treasury It refers to a recent increase in the number experts working directly on the effective im- of staffs working at the anti-Iran desk of the plementation of sanctions against Iran has US Treasury Department, and says that it been raised from 300 to 380. This comes as shows Washington is merely after tightening the US Treasury Department for Financing the economic noose on Iran. of Terrorism totally has about 700 staffs. Following you can find the full text of Back in June, Sigal P. Mandelker, Un- the article: dersecretary of Treasury for Terrorism and If Saudi Arabia and the UAE are worried about Imran Khan’s After the US President’s threats on Twitter Financial Intelligence in a speech at Founda- victory in Pakistani elections, then the concerns of the United against Iran, he suddenly changed his tone tion for Defence of Democracies (FDD) said States, Britain and other European countries are more serious; within a day and spoke of his preparedness that her colleagues are trying to persuade because this man is an ardent opponent of US regional policies, to negotiate with Tehran. However, it’s been foreign governments and companies to and condemns Israeli terrorism. heard that the number of personnel working abandon economic cooperation with Iran. Senior Arab journalist Abdel Bari Atwan, the Editor-in-chief at the Iran sanctions desk of the US Treasury She said conducting business with the of Rai al-Youm, has written an opinion piece on the new political Department has been increased, and this Islamic Republic of Iran continues to entail developments in Pakistan and its connection to the Middle East shows Trump will simply not leave the eco- many US media and journalists believe the FBI officials,” said Cooper. “It is a classic profound risk, especially following the re- developments. nomic war front. US president’s tweet against Iran is more move by President Trump to try to distract. instatement of all US sanctions suspended In this article, Atwan says that Saudi officials are seriously wor- “I withdrew the United States from the than anything else aimed at diverting the And we’ve seen it time and time again. When in accordance with the 2015 nuclear deal ried about the defeat of their allied party, the Muslim League, led horrible one-sided Iran nuclear deal, and Iran attentions from Russia’s alleged interference things aren’t going well, you lob a Molotov formally known as the Joint Comprehensive by Nawaz Sharif in the Pakistani parliamentary election, and the is not the same country anymore,” Trump in the US’ presidential election in 2016. cocktail in one corner of the room and everyone Plan of Action (JCPOA). victory of his stubborn rival, Imran Khan, a former cricket player told the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention Trick to Distract from Russia runs over there and looks at it and ignores “To those in the private sector, I urge you who does not want to be friends with Saudi Arabia and opposes in Kansas City. Case all the stuff that’s been going on that has to also take additional steps to ensure Iran the Yemeni war; and at the same time is after strong ties with Iran. After Donald Trump’s threats, it was not The CNN reported that Trump has recently not reflected well on the administration.” and its proxies are not exploiting your com- Here is the full text of Atwan’s opinion piece originally pub- only his secretary of state or his envoy at made quite contradictory statements about his National security expert Max Boot in CNN’s panies to support their nefarious activities,” lished in Arabic: the UN who talked about preparedness to views on the Russian case, which destroyed 360 suggested that Trump’s bluster may be a she stated. Nawaz Sharif is now behind the bars on corruption charges, negotiate with Iran, but he himself, one day the credibility of his statements to a large ex- means to distract attentions from what Boot Iran’s Response just like his other Saudi allies, including former Malaysian Prime after his threatening tweet against Iran, said tent. In the meantime, the White House press considers the President’s servile approach to In response, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Minister Najib Abdul Razak. Mahathir Mohammed after taking in his address to the Veterans of Foreign secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Russian President Vladimir Putin. Spokesman Bahram Qassemi advised US office as prime minister of Malaysia decided to withdraw all the Wars that “We’re ready to make a real deal, at the press conference that the White House He said Russia is the last thing they want government officials and its President Don- Malaysian forces from the Saudi-led coalition in the war against not the deal that was done by the previous is considering revoking security clearances to talk about because it is very frustrating. ald Trump to abandon the idea of holding Yemen. Imran Khan is also expected to do the same thing. He administration.” In his words, he once again for a number of top intelligence officials who Donald Trump met with Putin a few days one-sided negotiations with Iran under the may withdraw from the coalition that the Saudi Crown Prince described the Iran nuclear deal as a “disaster”. have publicly criticised President Trump. ago, and we still do not know exactly what shadow of threats. Qassemi in statement called Mohammed bin Salman formed in 2015 with the participation In another part of his remarks, Trump She said Trump is exploring “mechanisms” they were talking about and what they said. on the US government not to seek to repeat of 41 countries to launch the war against Yemen. claimed that Iran is no longer is the same to revoke security clearances for former US Economic Warfare with Iran their failed experiences. Imran Khan, after leading his country’s national team to country. A couple of days earlier on Twitter, officials (in the Obama administration) who Reports published on US Treasury activ- “The United States must know that the win the 1992 Cricket World Cup, received a Master’s degree in the president of the United States addressed have criticised him for his handling of the ities show that economic warfare with the modern world and era is not an age of he- Economics from Oxford University in 1995. He and his party, Hassan Rouhani saying that, “NEVER, EVER Russia investigation and his relationship with Islamic Republic has now become one of gemony, bullying, consolidation, and uni- Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have been accused by the opposition parties THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN Russian President Vladimir Putin. the main priorities of the Department. In directional thinking anymore.” of electoral fraud and turning results in his favour by involving OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES Meanwhile, Anderson Cooper, the host recent months, special budget and human A look at the world public opinion and the army. However, one should not forget that he is very pop- THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGH- of CNN, said in response to Trump’s recent resources have been allocated to increase their negative view of the performance of the ular because of his electoral program that seeks justice for the OUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED tweet to his Iranian counterpart that these economic pressures on Iran. US government is indicative of a profound people of Pakistan through the establishment of an independent BEFORE. WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY statements, along with his sharp criticism of According to the Fars New Agency, fears transformation in the international arena, judiciary, respect for human rights, the rule of law and the fight THAT WILL STAND FOR YOUR DEMENT- former US intelligence and security officials of failure of sanctions in the light of past he added. against corruption. ED WORDS OF VIOLENCE & DEATH. BE in the United States, are aimed at distracting experiences, as well as the current isolation “The United States must keep its limits In Pakistan, as in many Third World countries like Iraq, CAUTIOUS!” people from other problems that the White of the United States in the case of unilater- and recognize its position at this point of Syria, Algeria, Egypt and Turkey (before Erdogan), the army Rouhani had warned Trump a day before House faces. al sanctions, have led the US Treasury to time. It must also make greater efforts to has a prominent role in maintaining the security and stability this tweet, referring to the US measures to “I mean, it’s so interesting- this idea, you significantly increase the number of active understand the place and role of Iran.” of the country and the boycott Iran’s oil export saying that “Do not know that he’s tweeting suddenly tough talk- forces in Iran’s case. He also emphasised that today, as before, Imran Khan may election of leaders. It is play with the lion’s tail, you’ll regret it.” trying to be a tough guy vis-a-vis to Iran in a As US Treasury officials have officially there is no trust in the statements and actions enough to point out that Donald Trump’s tweet drew many reac- tweet or, you know, talking about taking away announced, in recent months, dozens of of the US statesmen to hold talks, especially withdraw from the Pakistani army ruled tions from US officials and other countries in security clearances of former intelligence delegations consisting of senior ministry in an American way. the coalition for half of the life of this the world, as well as the media. Meanwhile, officials and national security officials and experts have travelled to various countries, (Source: Iran Front Page) independent state. So, that the Saudi in the opinion of many Crown Prince Pakistani experts, the Mohammed bin military’s support for Imran Khan, the future There is no dead end in politics Salman formed prime minister, will be 12. There are several reasons why North Korea decided to in 2015 with the the source of his power, BY M.H. GOODARZI negotiate with the United States. Economic pressure may participation of not a weakness for him. International economy journalist be one of the reasons. If Saudi Arabia and the TEHRAN — Less than a year ago, the political and verbal Since the country’s independence in 1948, North Korea’s 41 countries to United Arab Emirates are tensions between the United States and North Korea peaked. economy has relied on aid from its allies, which has led many launch the war worried about Khan’s ac- At that time, Pyongyang, with its nuclear and missile tests, North Korean industries to depend on technologies from against Yemen. cess to power in Pakistan, made the smell of the war reach the U.S. allies in East Asia countries such as China, the Soviet Union, East Germany, then the concerns of the (Japan and South Korea), and it was possible at any mo- Poland and Czechoslovakia. But with a change in its allies’ United States, Britain and ment that a mistake by the United States and its allies and policies, North Korea largely lost its ability to overcome other European countries are greater. Because he is completely North Korea would trigger a full-scale war on the Korean economic problems. opposed to US policies in the Middle East, and strongly sup- Peninsula. A war that, according to some experts, could If the talks between North Korea, South Korea, the Unit- ports the cause of Palestinians and participated in many political trigger the beginning of World War III in view of a possible ed States and Japan go well, it can be expected that North activities that were held to condemn Israeli terrorism during involvement of China and Russia. Korea’s economy rise rapidly. his studies at Oxford University. After retiring from sports and However, most analysts were of the opinion that the prob- In fact, North Korea, with its underground resources and establishing the current political party (PTI), he continued this ability of a war with regard to its unpredictable dimensions cheap labor that is accustomed to working hard, can gradually tendency, and even his first wife, Jemima Marcelle Goldsmith, and the efforts of both sides to avoid it are low. Now, over a become an emerging economy in East Asia, even without who was a British woman, converted to Islam and followed this period of less than a year, Washington and Pyongyang have For example, the North Korean leader recently visited unification with its southern neighbor. It seems the North approach. She heavily criticised Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip begun direct negotiations to normalize relations. The pace of a hydropower plant under construction in northeastern Korean leader, who have studied abroad, is trying to bring in her articles and published them in the Guardian. the change in the relationship between the United States and country, and unlike the past criticized local government his country out of isolation through an open door policy. Imran Khan has also harshly responded to offensive Twitter North Korea after the visit of U.S. President Donald Trump officials for delaying its completion. And in another visit, This is a very difficult way for the country, but the North remarks against his country by US President Donald Trump. In and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un were tremendously he complains about the working conditions of the workers Korean leader’s actions show that there is no dead end in a tweet, Trump said Washington had “foolishly given Pakistan rapid, and in addition to the relationship between the two in a factory. The public amnesty of political prisoners in the politics, and national interests can turn hostility into friend- more than $33 billion in aid over the last 15 years”, but Pakistan countries, it also influenced North Korea’s internal affairs. country was one of the unexpected steps he made on June ship and unity between countries and nations. had in return given “safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Af- ghanistan, with little help”. Imran Khan, in an angered response criticised Trump as “ignorant and ungrateful”. Khan accused the United States of pushing the Pakistani society towards extremism Israel in double breach of international law, again adding that “Our society became radicalised and polarised as we helped CIA create jihadi groups; then, a decade later, we tried TEHRAN (FNA) — In breach of Interna- together to end the siege of Gaza. Howev- it has imposed. means” have been exhausted. The impetus to eliminate them as terrorists on US orders.” tional Law and International Humanitarian er, Israel must face a possible International C- Even if Israel qualified as a belligerent behind the protests at Gaza’s perimeter fence The Saudi prince “Khalid bin Abdullah Al Saud” was among law, Israeli warships this week intercepted Criminal Court war crimes probe over its occupier in Gaza, the right of a people to is Israel’s illegal siege, and their objective is to the most prominent figures in expressing Saudi Arabia’s concern a Norwegian-flagged activist boat trying to illegal blockade of Gaza: self-determination is a peremptory norm end it. Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin over Khan’s victory. In his Twitter account, he described Imran break its more than decade-long blockade A- The Fourth Geneva Convention of International Law from which no dero- Netanyahu conceded: “They’re suffocating Khan as a follower of Iran and a representative of the Iranian city of the Gaza Strip. obliges a belligerent occupier to provide gation is permissible. If the law of belliger- economically, and therefore, they decided of Qom in Islamabad, but he later removed this tweet. The Freedom Flotilla Coalition ship is for and ensure the welfare of the occupied ent occupation overlaps with the right to to crash into the fence.” Imran Khan, who is now working to form a coalition govern- named Al Awda (The Return) to underline population. Indeed, “Protection of Civilian self-determination, and if the struggle for By attacking the Freedom Flotilla Coali- ment and take an oath of office in mid-August, will try to change the importance of this long-standing demand Persons in Time of War” is the convention’s self-determination is being waged nonvio- tion, Israel once again proved to the world Pakistani policies completely if things go according to his will. of Palestinians for the right to return to the raison d’etre. Israel, however, has subjected lently, then Israel’s purported right to use community that it wants to protect its occu- As he has expressed his willingness to have good relations with lands they have been expelled from. Gaza’s civilian population to a protracted armed force to maintain order is manifestly pying regime at all costs, even resorting to India to hold meeting with India’s leader to resolve the Kashmir Israel has imposed a blockade on Gaza siege that amounts to illegal “collective ill-founded. either lethal or nonlethal coercion against crisis, he has also vowed to work with President Ashraf Ghani on since 2007. It says the blockade is in place punishment,” according to the Internation- D- Israel’s occupation of Gaza is illegal, international aid groups. It’s all the reason peace in Afghanistan, and establishing relations based on good in order to prevent weapons from entering al Committee of the Red Cross, and that and it has consequently forfeited its rights as why the time is ripe for the world community neighbourly ties with Tehran. He also expressed his readiness the Gaza Strip. Activists point to worsening has rendered Gaza physically “unlivable,” a belligerent occupier. Israel’s refusal over a to react in kind, forcing the usurper regime to withdraw from the US coalition to fight against terrorism. humanitarian conditions in Gaza and say according to the UN. full half-century to conduct good-faith nego- to lift the illegal siege and allow Palestinians Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as President the blockade amounts to collective pun- B- The Fourth Geneva Convention does tiations on the basis of International Law to to return to their homes. Trump, are worried because the new Pakistani prime minister ishment of the two million Palestinians not sustain Israel’s right to preserve order in withdraw from the West Bank, including East Israel’s rejection of this preliminary will never be a “puppet” like his predecessors, and would restore living there. Gaza even as it flagrantly breaches its com- Jerusalem Al-Quds and Gaza, has likewise peaceful step puts it in double breach of his country’s status as a major nuclear power in the region; a The international Freedom Flotilla Coali- plementary obligation to guard the welfare delegitimized its occupation. International Law: the imposition of an role that was ignored under corrupt prime ministers, the last tion is a grassroots people-to-people solidar- of Gaza’s civilian population. In fact, the E- Lastly, it is a fundamental principle illegal blockade and the unlawful resort to of which was Nawaz Sharif. We have no choice but to wait and ity movement composed of campaigns and disorder Israel claims the right to suppress of International Law that no regime may armed force when peaceful means have not see what happens. initiatives from all over the world working directly springs from the criminal blockade resort to forceful measures unless “peaceful been exhausted. (Source: Iran Front Page) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 ADVERTISEMENTS AUGUST 2, 2018

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‘Most advanced autism Iran administers newborn screening for 32 metabolic disorders center to open in Tehran’ HEALTH TEHRAN — Newborn are being screened for 32 HEALTH TEHRAN — The most advanced center deskmetabolic disorders, as diagnosing the diseases deskproviding autistic children with proper at birth will be effective in controlling the side effects, head of the services will be set up in Tehran, head of Arman Shayan 30th International Congress of Pediatrics (October 18-21) has said. rehabilitation center has said. The screening tests for inherited metabolic disease are being Arman Shayan rehabilitation center is a special- piloted for the time being but will be soon preformed nationwide, ized center running by board of trustees affiliated to IRNA quoted Mohammad Rabbani as saying on Tuesday. the Welfare Organization, which provides different services including physiotherapy, occupational ther- apy, auditory processing evaluation, speech therapy, optometry and technical orthopedics to the clients. The center also offers free rehabilitation services to the elderly and persons with disabilities. The aforesaid center will offer treatment and support for children suffering autism completely free of charge, Fars quoted Keyvan Davatgaran as saying on Tuesday. He also noted that the center is designed to support 60 autistic children and their families per day. Treatment for children suffering autism costs nearly 10 million rials (about $238) per month, while all treatment According to Web MD website inherited metabolic disorders services are free in this center, he explained. are genetic conditions that cause metabolism problems. Most “The center offers education for families, interventions people with inherited metabolic disorders have a defective gene that for the nervous system and sensory dark room (a safe place results in an enzyme deficiency. There are hundreds of different providing a great variety of activities to help engage the genetic metabolic disorders, and their symptoms, treatments, senses), which will serve as the first multidimensional and prognoses vary widely. specialized center to provide services to patients suffering Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions taking place in the autism,” he concluded. body to convert or use energy. A few major examples of metabolism In a press release published by IRNA in late May, include breaking down the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in food Mohammad Taqi Jaghtaei, an advisor to the Ministry of to release energy, transforming excess nitrogen into waste products Health, said that it is anticipated that nearly 30,000 chil- excreted in urine, and breaking down or converting chemicals into dren under age five are suffering autism in the country, other substances and transporting them inside cells. as prevalence is estimated at 1 in 250 births, and with 1.5 In most inherited metabolic disorders, a single enzyme is million births per year in Iran some 30,000 are possibly either not produced by the body at all or is produced in a form suffering autism, he explained. that doesn’t work. The missing enzyme is like an absentee Elsewhere in his remarks Davatgaran explained that worker on the assembly line. Depending on that enzyme’s job, it is planned to sign an agreement with health insur- its absence means toxic chemicals may build up, or an essential ance organizations for the patients to receive services It is anticipated that nearly 30,000 children under product may not be produced. under insurance, to do so, a license issued by Ministry age five are suffering autism in the country, as Newborn screening is important for the early detection of many of Health is required. prevalence is estimated at 1 in 250 births, and with congenital genetic and metabolic disorders, aimed at the earli- So far, some of the required arrangements has been est possible recognition and management of affected newborns, done in cooperation with medical sciences universities to 1.5 million births per year in Iran some 30,000 are to prevent the morbidity, mortality, and disabilities associated receive the license in near future, he added. possibly suffering autism. with an inherited metabolic disorder, U.S. National Center for In pharmacy department, people in need or suffering Biotechnology Information wrote. disabilities receive medicines with a 20 percent discount, disorders are characterized by difficulties in social inter- second places for the high prevalence of autism spectrum Newborn screening is a vital process that identifies apparently he said, adding, also all MS patients under Iran MS Society action and communication and a restricted and repetitive disorder among children. healthy infants with serious inherited disorders, generally met- coverage can gain free services in physiotherapy department. repertoire of interests and activities. The center receives no funds from the government, abolic in origin, that are usually correctable by dietary or drug The capacity of providing care for elderlies is also about World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 160 Davatgaran said, adding that so, some of the departments interventions before they suffer significant morbidity or mortality. 60 people per day, he also noted. children has an autism spectrum disorder worldwide. has been delegated to the faculty members of the univer- Newborn screening, as a routine part of the care of most new- Autism worldwide Based on the Statista website, Japan was estimated sities with the help of the judiciary. borns, is expanding considerably throughout the world. Many Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of complex to have the highest rate of autism worldwide with ap- “Patients under the Welfare Organization’s coverage countries screen all newborns for PKU and hypothyroidism, while brain development disorders. This umbrella term covers proximately 161 children per 10,000 with the disorder in receive free rehabilitation services, and those struggling in some of the more developed countries, the routine screening conditions such as autism and Asperger syndrome. These 2017. The United Kingdom and Sweden come at the two financially can also receive services free of charge,” he stated. panels include 20 or more conditions.


FOR: APARTMENT VILLA OFFICE EMBASSY/COMPANY Jordan Elahiyeh From 50 to 8000 sq.m available Jordan, 4 Bdrs,fully 4-storey building,1000 sq.m, Triplex-800 sq.m built up,1000 With all facilities in different furn,260sq.m,spj,$3000 all facilities,$10000 sq.m land,Semi-furn,7 areas Jordan Jordan Bdrs,spj,$9000 Mr. Shahin Zaferaniyeh 3Bdrs,fully furn,2nd fl.,250 Nobody does it better 100 sq.m,3 Triplex villa,800 sq.m,built sq.m,spj,,$2500 rooms,parking,brand new up,1000 sq.m land,12 Zaferaniyeh rooms,$8500 3rd fl.,$1700 Darous Duplex, 4 Bdrs,unfurn,350 09121081212 2Bdrs,fully furn,3rd fl.,brand Since: 1987 Niavaran new,100 sqm,lobby sq.m,spj,$8000 Valiasre Triplex villa,2000 sq.m sq.m brand new, all land,600 sq.m built up ,spj,all 150 مالکین محرتم امالک مسکونی و اداری شام را 1600 facilities,$15000 Niavaran facilities,5th fl.,$2300 جهت اجاره به خارجی نیازمندیم ,Zaferaniyeh-Yekta Apartment-villa 2000 sq.m land,green Darous Vozara French-style garden,500 sq.m built up Duplex villa,600 sq.m built 3Bdrs,fully furn 360 sq.m.sp, Tel: 22723121 250 sq.m,all facilities up,1000 sq.m land ,all area,indoor spj,4Bdrs,fully EURO 5000 [email protected] 8th fl.,,$4000 facilities,$8000 furn,triplex,$15000 Valiasre-Bagheferdos Other areas: 3 Bdrs,fully furn,brand We give service with a Mirdamad-Naft Farmaniyeh new,5th fl., 150 sq.m ,indoor Darous difference…We care! 120 sq.m,6th fl., $1700 Aghdasiyeh spj,$1900 1000 sq.m land,400 sq.m built Shahrak Gharb Long & Short term rentals Shariati-Pasdaran up area, flat.4 Bdrs,spj.$7000 vanak Mirdamad-Naft Valiasre shariati 3 Bdrs.fully furn,5th fl.,200 Purchase Properties Tajrish sq.m, $ 2000 pasdaran Jordan Jordan Close to Paladium Shopping shahrak gharb Vanak center 850 sq.m land,500 sq.m FURNISHED - UNFURNISHED Arjantin saadatabad 3Bdrs,180 sq.m,fully built up,5 Bdrs,spj,furn/ Villa-Apartment-Office- Zafar… unfurn,duplex,$7000 4000-3000-5000-4000-1000 furn,lobby,sp,garden,$2000 Building sq.m,full,reasonable price nice cases ready to move in. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 HERITAGE & TOURISM AUGUST 2, 2018

Iranian parliament votes for Ancient mosque unearthed tourism ministry in southwest Iran HERITAGE TEHRAN – A team of deskIranian archaeologists have recently unearthed parts of an ancient mosque in Arjan, a historical region in the southwestern Khuzestan province. “Layout of a mosque was perceived after initial studies being carried out on aerial pho- tographs… moreover, historical documents implied existence of a mosque in the region,” said archaeologist Ehsan Yaqmaei who heads the excavation, Mehr reported. “In this regard, we dug two trenches which ultimately resulted in discovering courtyard and An interior view of the Iranian parliament a portico… by extending the trenches westward, we found several column bases made of stone 1 Provision II outlines the responsibilities and tasks of the and Sarooj [a traditional water-resistant mortar ministry in accordance with the responsibilities of the cultural used in Iranian architecture],” he explained. heritage organization. The government is required to present any Findings suggest that the mosque dates changes in duties of the new ministry to the Majlis within a year. back to the early Islamic era when such Provision III stresses that any increase in the number of structures predominantly enjoyed hypostyle human resources, facilities and financial dealings at the new halls by the means of abundant columns, he ministry will be forbidden during the implementation of the said, adding “The exact age of the mosque sixth development plan. would be determined during next rounds of Lawmakers in favor of the bill believed that the formation excavations or whenever an inscription or of the ministry would revitalize the organization and hold it ac- written document is found.” countable before the parliament. Lawmakers against the bill Early mosques of Iran inherited the Sas- said the formation of a new ministry was not a priority and was sanian vaulting tradition to have a place large against the objectives of the fifth and sixth development plans enough for the congregation to assemble. naded prayer halls were replaced by larger, Research Institute for Cultural Heritage ject, which its first season will come to an that call for a reduction in the number of ministries. However, in the course of history, the colon- square-shaped and domed interiors. and Tourism supervises the excavation pro- end on August 6. The CHHTO was founded in 1985, administered and funded by the government. Ali-Asghar Monesan, the incumbent director of the organization, was appointed by President Hassan Rouhani 800-year-old oil lamp found by Historical tomb chambers found in on August 13, 2017. accident southeast Iran

Lower Irish tourism VAT rate a “deadweight” : finance department

DUBLIN (Reuters) — Ireland’s lower VAT rate for tourism has become a “significant deadweight” on the economy and in- creasing it now will have no real adverse impact on the tourism sector, the finance department said on Tuesday. A cut in sales tax for hotels, restaurants and other tourist businesses to 9 percent from 13.5 percent in 2011 helped lift a sector that was reeling from Ireland’s financial crisis but is now benefiting from record visitor numbers and higher prices. Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe said last year that he HERITAGE TEHRAN – An 800-year-old clay oil lamp dating back to the HERITAGE TEHRAN – Over 500 ancient tomb chambers have recently been would decide the fate of the lower rate when a clearer picture of deskIslamic Golden Age was accidentally discovered on Tuesday by deskfound across the Mehdiabad-Oliya cemetery, which is located in the impact of Britain’s break with the European Union on the construction crews digging a ditch in the city of Dandi, Zanjan province, Mehr Rigan county, southeastern Kerman province. “A team of archaeologists discovered tourist sector emerged following a “very fine judgment call” to reported. more than 500 ancient tombs during a magnetic survey to determine their dispersion retain it for 2018. “The beige-colored oil lamp which has a flat base and an 11-cm vertical handle across an 8-hectare area of land,” ISNA quoted Kourosh Mohammadkhani, the team Irish tourism grew by 6.7 percent in the first half of the year was unearthed flawlessly during a construction work at Dandi’s Imam Square,” said leader, as saying on Tuesday. The evidences were obtained by Archaeo-Physics research with the number of trips to Ireland from Britain returning to Parastu Qasemi, a provincial cultural Heritage official. methodology that deals with a powerful sub-surface imaging tool, the report said. growth to partly reverse a fall last year as the weak pound made “With regard to pottery fragments found nearby, the oil lamp is estimated to date Initial scientific studies on earthenware excavated form the tomb chambers suggest trips to the euro zone more expensive. a time between the Seljuk and Ilkhanid eras,” she added. they date from Achaemenid and Sassanid eras, Mohammadkhani added. In a review of the rate published as part of preparations for “A sooty part of the object implies that it is used… furthermore, some oily residues The big and sprawling Kerman province has been a cultural melting pot since October’s budget for 2019, the finance department said the tourist have been identified inside.” antiquity, blending Persians with subcontinental tribe dwellers. It is home to myriad board’s diversification strategy away from the British market had Origins of the oil lamps go back to thousands of years ago and continues to this historical sites and scenic landscapes such as the UNESCO-registered Bam and its mitigated any loss of competitiveness relative to British tourists day, although not commonly anymore. They are often associated with stories in which Cultural Landscape, Bazaar-e Sartasari, Jabalieh Dome, Ganjali Khan Bathhouse, and that this was likely to continue. rubbing an oil lamp would summon a genie dwelling in it. Malek Jameh Mosque and Shahdad Desert to name a few. “The economic environment in which the 9 percent VAT rate operates has changed considerably since its introduction,” the report said. Desktop still dominates over mobile for travel search Although mobile penetration and usage ning search volume remains desktop-heavy,” Going solo Planning patterns continues to grow, travelers in most parts says Jackie Lamping, vice president of mar- In the second quarter of this year, the Travelers in most regions begin their ROUND THE GLOBE of the world are still doing their searching keting at Sojern. majority of searches from all regions were for research well in advance, giving marketers and price comparison on desktop. “While there’s clear evidence that mo- solo trips. Seventy-one percent of travelers ample time to capture their attention. File photo of the Iranian That’s one of the findings in Sojern’s latest bile is playing an increasing role in the from the Middle East and Africa searched for Nearly half - 45% - of travel searches in Global Travel Insights report, with analysis dreaming and inspiration phases of trip options for just one traveler. That number Asia Pacific started more than 60 days out parliament in session of global data from the second quarter of planning - mostly driven through social dropped slightly, to 69%, for North American from the departure during the first quarter of 2018. Sojern says brands can use the booking sharing on Facebook and Instagram - trav- searches, 67% for Latin American, 63% for 2018. Travelers in Europe and Latin America San Pedro de la Roca Castle, a multi-level stone fortress built behavior data to fine-tune the timing and elers still come back to their desktop in Asia Pacific and 53% for European searches. are also planning ahead - with 43% and 42%, into a rocky promontory (El Morro) at the south-eastern end content of marketing messages. order to research options in more detail, And while Sojern says solo trips also domi- respectively, searching 60 days out. of the island of Cuba, has guarded the entrance to Santiago North America travelers are the most compare prices and ultimately arrive at a nate searches for travel in the third quarter, its In North America, only 30% of searches de Cuba Bay since 1638. likely to turn to their desktop computer to confident decision.” data shows an uptick in interest in trips with took place that far in advance, but more than This exceptional fortress and its associated defensive works search for travel (72%), with Asia Pacific Two regions are showing a shift to mobile. at least two people for regional travel in North half - 51% - were done at least one month were constructed in response to the aggressive commercial (67%) and Latin American (64%) travelers In the second quarter, 53% of searches from America, Latin America and Europe. In the out. Pre-planning was least common in the and political rivalries that menaced the Caribbean during the next on the list. European travelers happened on a mobile Middle East and Africa, Sojern finds increased Middle East and Africa, where only 25% of “Even with mobile devices nearing global device, and 52% occurred on mobile in the interest in group travel of three or more people searches began 60 days in advance. saturation, we continue to see that travel plan- Middle East and Africa. for travel in July through September. (Source: phocuswire.com) 5 Tips to save money booking your next hotel room By Shivani Vora Stay loyal Many hotels reward travelers who join their loyalty pro- These simple tips will make sure you get the best hotel ex- grams, like Starwood Preferred Guest, Marriott Rewards, perience for your budget, whatever that budget may be. Hilton Honors, Wyndham Rewards and more. Joining these Why did you end up paying $100 more per night for that programs is free, but the perks you get such as breakfast, hotel stay than your friend, who was a guest at the same property early-check-in and room upgrades can add up very quickly, just a few days earlier? It’s not uncommon, according to Mike especially if you stay loyal. Heflin, the senior vice president of the hotels division at Travel Mr. Heflin also said that loyalty members often have 17th and 18th centuries; today, they constitute the largest and Leaders Group, a network of 50,000 travel agents. access to special rates. Preferred Hotels & Resorts, for ex- most comprehensive example of the principles of Renaissance “Hotel prices and the perks you get can vary wildly de- ample, has weekly Last Minute Escapes, discounts of at military engineering adapted to the requirements of European pending on how you book,” he said. There are, however, least 35 percent off usual rates, for members of its I Prefer colonial powers in the Caribbean. ways to hone in on a deal and save some money. Here are Rewards program. A classic bastioned fortification in which geometrical form, some of Mr. Heflin’s best tips to do just that. Use your other memberships for additional symmetry and proportionality between sides and angles pre- Don’t judge by price alone discounts dominate, the Castle is an outstanding representative of the It may seem counterintuitive, but the hotel offering the for example, offers discounts of up to 30 percent on hotel Many hotels offer room discounts for guests who are Spanish-American school of military architecture. lowest price doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re getting the stays through the frequent flash sales on its mobile app. members of affinity groups such as AARP, AAA, frequent San Pedro de la Roca Castle and its associated batteries best deal. “The higher priced hotel may have inclusions that Preferred Hotels & Resorts has periodic flash sales on flier programs and the military. The discounts vary, but of La Estrella, Santa Catalina and Aguadores protect the en- add up to more value than the lower priced property,” Mr. its site where nightly rates for its hotels are an average of AAA members, for one, can get anywhere from five to 15 trance to the bay and port of San Diego de Cuba, which was Heflin said. Keep in mind what comes with the room you 35 percent off usual prices. percent off usual rates at even expensive hotels and resorts. of great importance because of its geographical situation, its book, as well as how it hits your wallet, and what you may Andrew Harper has regular flash sales, and individual Try a travel agent favorable currents and its protected anchorages. spend extra on if you book a bargain basement hotel room. hotels, too, post flash sales to their sites. Similarly, apps Many travel agents, especially those affiliated with larger As conflicts between Spain and England grew in the 17th For instance, a room that is $20 per night lower than the like Hotel Tonight and Hipmunk offer heavily discounted agencies, have negotiated preferred rates with a range of century, the town’s governor ordered the construction of a one at the hotel across the street might not have free Wi-Fi, room rates, especially for travelers with flexible schedules hotel brands. Some agents may even be able to get you room stone fortress on a strategic point where an earlier ravelin free breakfast or other amenities you may pay out of pocket or looking to book at the last minute. upgrades and food and beverage credits. existed, following the designs of the renowned Italian military for anyway. Paid hotel Wi-Fi and breakfast could add up With all of these rates and discounts however, it’s worth Even better, it likely won’t cost you anything to use one: engineer Juan Bautista (Giovanni Battista) Antonelli. to $50 or more per night, more than what you would have contacting the hotel and mentioning that you found the rate “The vast majority of agents don’t charge fees to make sim- The fortress was built into the promontory’s steep cliffs saved if you’d booked the so-called pricier property. on a specific app or through a flash sale, and you’d like to know ple hotel bookings,” Mr. Heflin said. Just be sure to shop in a progression of terraces, one above another, linked by a Shop flash sales if you can book directly. Most hotels prefer you book directly around before choosing one, to make sure you get an agent series of stairways. The travel industry has flash sales throughout the year than through apps that take a cut of the cost, and will match that’s right for you. (Source: UNESCO) where you can score discounted hotel rooms. Expedia.com your price or otherwise make it worth your while if you do. (Source: The New York Times) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 2, 2018 SCIENCE 11 Scientists made a weird system to study Astronomers assemble ‘light-fingerprints’ to unveil the mysteries of photonic crystals mysteries of the cosmos

When you see light, you’re looking at pho- that would exhibit the same behaviors and Cornell University researchers have created a reference catalog tons spat out by an excited atom. But what would also allow them to observe it all hap- using calibrated spectra and geometric albedos -- the light reflected if instead of light, an excited atom released pening. Their work is published in Nature. by a surface -- of 19 of the most diverse bodies in our Solar Sys- a wave of matter? Like many strange-sounding physics tem. These include all eight planets, from rocky to gaseous; nine That’s what a team of physicists has advances, this research begins with a Bose moons, from frozen to lava spewing; and two dwarf planets, one done — they created an experiment that - Einstein condensate, a system in which in the asteroid belt -- Ceres -- and one in the Kuiper belt -- Pluto. spits out atoms through the same process atoms are held at ultra-cold temperatures. By comparing observed spectra and albedos of exoplanets to by which atoms normally emit light, called Strange behaviors this catalog of our own home planetary system, scientists will be “spontaneous emission.” As weird as that Those atoms then exhibit the strange able to characterize them in reference to the wide range of icy, may sound, they’re interested in an even behaviors of quantum mechanics, but on rocky and gaseous worlds in our home system. more elusive phenomenon: the strange be- a scale large enough to be observed by A “Catalog of Spectra, Albedos and Colors of Solar System havior of a matter called photonic crystals. scientists. Bodies for Exoplanet Comparison” was published online in the “It’s a novel system that’s a rich play- The new system looked the way many journal Astrobiology and will be featured on the print edition’s ground,” study author Dominik Schneble Bose-Einstein condensate experiments cover in December. from Stony Brook University told Gizmodo. look, with lasers trapping rubidium atoms. “We use our own solar system and all we know about its Schneble felt it would be a useful tool to The interaction of the lasers created a incredible diversity of fascinating worlds as our Rosetta Stone,” study systems that generate light—like straight line of potential energy wells — said co-author Lisa Kaltenegger, associate professor of as- photonic crystals. picture a single row of an egg carton. They tronomy and director of the Carl Sagan Institute. “With this Photonic crystals are forms matter filled the wells with cold rubidium atoms catalog of light-fingerprints, we will be able to compare new through which some frequencies (essen- that could be in one of two states, which observations of exoplanets to objects in our own solar system tially colors) of light can’t travel. These are they called “red” and “blue.” “Red” rubidium -- including the gaseous worlds of Jupiter and Saturn, the substances that exist in nature in the form atoms stuck within the walls of the energy icy worlds of Europa, the volcanic world of Io and our own of some animals’ color patterns, and have atoms spit out their light pretty quickly Stony Brook told Gizmodo. wells. But “blue” ones would ignore the life-filled planet.” lots of uses in creating high-tech optical after they’ve been excited. But in photonic These are weird behaviors that are hard to walls completely, and moved freely out The catalog, freely available on the Carl Sagan Institute website, equipment. crystals, these atoms might remain excited understand, because it’s really only possible of the laser-imposed boundaries. Adding includes high- and low-resolution versions of the data, which Fractional decay without spitting out their light for a long to observe them via the light that leaves the an oscillating magnetic field allowed the shows astronomers the influence of spectral resolution on an Light takes on wacky properties when time, study author Ludwig Krinner from crystal. So the scientists created a system atoms to switch between these two states. object’s identification. In addition, the catalog offers examples confined to these photonic crystals. They The physicists accomplished their goal, of how the colors of the 19 solar system models would change if may experience “fractional decay,” where and the wells spontaneously emitted a wave they were orbiting stars other than our sun. the system has somehow both emitted and Photonic crystals are forms matter through of “blue” rubidium atoms, like an atom (Source: Science Daily) not emitted its light at the same time — ba- which some frequencies (essentially colors) spontaneously emitting photons. This is sically, the atom is in an excited quantum known as a matter wave. state of excited and not excited. And usually, of light can’t travel. (Source: gizmodo.com) Researchers find laser-blasted graphene boosts capacity of NASA’s new analysis says terraforming Seagrass can provide localized sodium-ion batteries

Mars is currently impossible protection against ocean acidification Lithium-ion batteries are effective, but they can be a bit on the expensive side. Striking a balance between common materials and efficiency is important, and regular old salt looks like it could fit the bill – after a few kinks are ironed out. Now, researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) have developed a way to make “disordered” graphene that can help improve the sodium-ion battery recipe. Sodium ions may not be quite as powerful a charge carrier as lithium, but they more than make up for that in their abundance and, as a result, cost. The anode material commonly used in lith- ium-ion batteries – graphite – is also cheap, but unfortunately it’s not great at grabbing hold of sodium ions, which are larger than lithium ones. In the past, scientists have overcome this problem by carbonizing oak leaves, or stuffing the anode full of crumpled graphene balls. The KAUST team’s approach was similar to the latter pro- ject. A disordered form of graphite called hard carbon, which is able to store more sodium ions, was the goal, but creating it is usually a tricky process that requires temperatures close to 1,000° C (1,832° F). So the researchers developed a much simpler method that involves creating disordered graphene using a basic laser. Mars has long been seen as a potential To terraform Mars, you want the at- Seagrass could serve as a local buffer thetic activity peaks. First, the KAUST researchers coated a copper foil with a pol- second home for humanity, but it won’t be mosphere to approach Earth-like density. against ocean acidification, protecting Carbonic acid is corrosive and prevents ymer made up of polyimide and urea. This is then blasted with a comfortable place to hang your hat until Mars is famous for its frozen carbon dioxide vulnerable species against rising levels shellfish from forming their shells out of intense laser light to “carbonize” it, turning it into graphene. we’ve addressed the lack of breathable ice caps, which is why Musk suggested of carbonic acid. calcium carbonate. The latest research The team also introduces nitrogen gas during the process, which air. According to NASA, fantasies about nuking them. However, the study notes In addition to providing food and suggests shellfish could potentially take replaces some of the carbon atoms in the material. With about terraforming the red planet are premature. this would only boost Mars’ density by shelter to a variety of marine organisms, advantage of the short-term protections 13 percent nitrogen, the end result is 3D graphene that’s more A new analysis of Mars and its com- 0.6 percent compared with Earth. If you seagrass also absorbs carbon dioxide as offered by sea grass. conductive, has expanded atomic spacing and is directly bonded position shows that we’re nowhere near add carbon-bearing minerals, that gets it performs photosynthesis. Researchers Marine organisms to the copper base. being able to terraform the planet with you 1.2 percent closer. with the Carnegie Institution for Science “We are starting to understand that some (Source: newatlas.com) current technology. Wealth of carbon dioxide designed to models to measure whether a marine organisms, such as blue mussels, The Mars of today is a cold, presumably There may be a wealth of carbon dioxide seagrass meadow’s carbon uptake abilities are actually able to shift the time of day in lifeless rock. The primary reason for that it trapped inside water ice molecules, but could lower pH levels. which they do most of their calcification,” that its atmosphere is only about 1 percent these so-called clathrates would only add The models accounted for grass den- Koweek said. “If other organisms are able Scientists say aphids as thick as Earth’s. It can’t retain enough another half a percent at best. sity, photosynthetic activity, water depth, to do the same, then even brief windows of heat to maintain a pleasant temperature With all the easy stuff out of the way, currents and a variety of other factors. The significant ocean acidification buffering by manipulate their food with liquid surface water. Scientists agree results, detailed in the journal Ecological seagrass meadows may bring substantial Mars’ atmosphere would only be a little Aphids - who hasn’t been bothered by these little insects at one the first step in making Mars habitable Applications, suggests seagrass can have benefits to the organisms that live in them.” north of 3 percent as dense as Earth’s. Even time or another? Why do they reproduce on plants so successfully? is to increase the atmospheric thickness a small, local effect on ocean acidity. The best way to fight ocean acidification, if you get into energy-intensive operations These are among the questions that Professor Dr. Caroline Müller to kick off a greenhouse effect. Seagrass meadows scientists insist, is to drastically curb the to separate carbon absorbed into the sur- and her research team are addressing at Bielefeld University’s Global temperatures “Local stakeholders, such as California’s amount of carbon dioxide being released face, you’ll only add another 4 percent. Faculty of Biology. They have found out that aphids are able to On Earth, carbon buildup in the at- The study estimates all sources of shellfish industry, want to know whether into the atmosphere. But conserving sea mosphere is causing an increase in global greenhouse gasses on Mars would only seagrass meadows may help to counteract grass could help, too. temperatures. That’s exactly what we want get you to 6.9 percent Earth density. That’s ocean acidification,” Carnegie researcher “Although our results indicate that on Mars. The only greenhouse gasses that not enough to warm Mars or support hu- David Koweek said in a news release. “Our seagrass meadows along the California exist in any appreciable amount are carbon man life. results suggest that seagrass meadows along coast are not likely to offer long-term dioxide and water vapor. So, we should not expect to terraform the California coast will likely offer only buffering to fight ocean acidification, The NASA-sponsored study looked Mars any time soon. The technology to limited ability to counteract ocean acidi- their enduring role as habitat for marine at how much gas we could release into add more gases to the planet is beyond fication over long periods of time.” organisms, protectors against sea level Mars’ atmosphere. It leverages all the new us for now. It’s possible in the future we Though scientists found seagrass was rise, and magnets of biodiversity should scientific observations taken by missions may be able to steer comets into the planet unlikely to offer longterm protection, they be more than enough reason to restore like Curiosity, the Mars Reconnaissance to add more density to the atmosphere, did show seagrass meadows can offer and protect these iconic ecosystems,” Orbiter, and the Mars Atmosphere and but that’s just science-fiction for now. stronger, short-term benefits during low Koweek said. Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft. (Source: extremetech.com) tide and during the day when photosyn- (Source: infosurhoy.com) Bacterial genetics could help researchers block interplanetary contamination In the 1971 sci-fi thriller The Andromeda Strain, a Microbial eradication satellite carrying an alien microbe crashes into Earth. But as spacecraft have become more intricate in their parts, The microbe kills almost everyone in the fictional rural researchers have found it challenging to develop probes that town of Piedmont, New Mexico, leaving scientists frantic can withstand stringent microbial eradication and perform influence the quality of their food, and that this may enable them to contain the invader, characterize it, and prevent its elaborate tasks to explore space, all while staying within budget. to construct a niche on their own host plants. destruction of the human race. While that plot is somewhat As a result, Rummel says, decontamination methods have There are hundreds of different aphid species. They all feed far-fetched, researchers at NASA, other nations’ space been tweaked over the years, and COSPAR now requires that on plant sap, known as phloem sap. The nutritional value of the agencies, and academic institutions worldwide are working spacecraft carry no more than 300,000 bacterial spores — in phloem sap is determined by the sugar concentration and the to ensure that missions designed to return asteroid or some cases, no more than 30, depending on the mission. concentration and composition of amino acids. comet samples to Earth don’t also bring back unwanted As a spacecraft is being built, it goes through tests — usually Müller and her team are the first to confirm that aphid in- alien life. swabs to collect bacteria — at various construction stages to festation actually does change the composition of the plant sap “Earth is replete with bacteria. We’re literally bathed ensure that there aren’t too many spores clinging to its inner depending on which aphid species is infesting which specific in this stuff,” John Rummel, an expert in astrobiology and and outer edges. part of the plant. For example, infestation of the stem close to space contamination at East Carolina University, tells A team prepares one of the Viking Mars landers for dry heat the bud with a certain aphid species changes the composition The Scientist. “Planetary protection is the idea that we sterilization shortly before the spacecraft’s launch in 1975. of sugar and organic acids in the sap. can go to space without taking some of Earth’s bacteria Madhan Tirumalai, a microbiologist at the University of In contrast, infestation of the old leaves with another aphid with us, and that we don’t bring other life back here.” Houston working with researchers at NASA, is one of the species increases the concentration of amino acids. And a further Researchers first began raising concerns about scientists trying to help space missions reduce their bacterial phenomenon can also be ascertained: ‘We were able to observe contaminating other planets in 1956, just a year before load by studying what allows the microbes to survive modern that the aphid species that developed best on the stem close to the Soviet Union launched Sputnik into low Earth orbit. spacecraft-cleaning methods such as irradiation with UV light the bud and the other species that proliferated best on the old In response to those concerns, in 1958, a subcommittee of or washing with hydrogen peroxide vapor. “Bacterial spores leaves each specifically increased the quality of the plant sap the International Council of Scientific Unions designed the spacecraft parts at extremely high temperatures, a method are very hardy,” he tells The Scientist. “They can remain in of the corresponding plant part,’ says Ruth Jakobs, a research first framework for planetary protection and established used in the 1970s before the Viking space probes made the environment for millions and millions of years until they assistant at the Faculty of Biology. Hence, aphids construct their COSPAR, the Committee on Space Research, to manage their way to Mars to take pictures of the planet’s surface find the right conditions to start germinating.” own niche in such a way that they are able to profit from it. the task. The earliest cleaning techniques included baking and search for life. (Source: the-scientist.com) (Source: eurekalert.org) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 SOCIETY AUGUST 2, 2018

100 qanats dried up in No water transfer to southeastern Iran during summer

ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — Recurrent droughts this sum- deskmer, have caused hundreds of qanats and Lake Urmia: DOE chief springs in the southeastern province of Kerman to dry, 1 Setting op such plants is out of question, “we should director for rural water and wastewater company of Ker- concentrate on encouraging the public to produce less man province has said. waste,” he suggested “Some 158 wells are also under pressure, suffering severe Elsewhere in his remarks DOE chief lamented that water shortage in the province,” IRNA quoted Ali Rashidi Majlis [the Iranian parliament] has disapproved the as saying on Wednesday. proposed budget for waste management for the current Iranian calendar year (started March 21). Waste management was a priority for the current ad- ministration and some 1.3 billion dollar was proposed for the matter in the proposed budget bill for the current fiscal year (March 2018-19), however, Majlis disapproved it. The budget was primarily considered for waste management in Northern Province of Iran, but not allocating the proper budget is nearing the northern cities, the rivers, forests to environmental degradation, Kalantari regretted. Hosseinali Ebrahimi, head of Mazandaran prov- ince’s department of environment, said in May that some 3,000 tons of waste is generated every day in the northern province of Mazandaran and is buried in unsanitary landfills. Many villages of Kerman have experienced a dramatic Ebrahimi also said that there are 27 unsanitary landfill increase in water scarcity this year, as some 1,000 of them sites in the province which are posing various threats to the are currently facing many problems due to the lack of water region blaming tourism industry of the region as one of the resources, he added. underlying reasons behind high waste generation in the area. A view of Lake Urmia / Photo by Hossein Mahmoudi, Lake Urmia restoration program website Committees on adaptation to water scarcity have been In June 2017 the then deputy director of the Depart- established in all cities of Kerman province to overcome ment of Environment Saeed Motesaddi said that some water shortage, while the process needs a budget allocation 18 liters of leachate is being drained from the waste piled “What is overlooked in this year’s budget bill is the issue from the government, he also noted. up in landfills in northern cities per second saying that of sand and dust storms in the southeastern province of He went on to say that a total budget of 2.6 trillion rials “this is an environmental disaster”. Sistan-Baluchestan so that the aforesaid budget can be (nearly $61 million) is required to eradicate drought in As per a report published by United Nations Industrial these villages, so, to avoid heavier damages, authorities Development Organization (UNIDO) in October 2016, solely used to mitigate the storms in Khuzestan, we hope have to take necessary measures in this regard. coastal cities in Iran are in dire straits. 5 percent of the to be able to get budget for Sistan-Baluchestan next year.” Currently, some 200 wells in Kerman are suffering se- total waste in Iran is produced in northern coastal cities vere water deficit during this summer, and surface water and the daily waste generation per capita is 800 grams. rivers and wetlands in the country explaining that while the amounts of sand and dust from bare, dry soils which also has declined, Rashidi regretted. In coastal cities, formal waste disposal accounts for Ministry of Energy is allocating 11.8 billion cubic meters result in formation of sand and dust storms. Over 760 villages in this province are facing lack of drink- only 3% of all waste disposal; in these areas there is a of the water to the wetlands and rivers DOE believes that Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ing water, he stated, adding that the required quantity of lack of suitable locations for landfills and urban areas are the amount should increase to 21-22 billion cubic meters. has agreed with a request to withdraw 100 million dollars water for some 800 villages are supplied by water tankers, jammed between the coastline and mountains. He regretted the fact that “we” are ignoring the carrying from the National Development Fund to counter dust which brings heavy economic burden to the government. There are 42 informal landfills (3,000,000 m2) located capacity of the water resources by overexploiting them. storms in Khuzestan, he said, adding that some measures In areas where surface water is used to supply drink- in forest lands and more than 6,000 tons of waste are Kalantari explained that the country’s main concern are already being taken to fight the storms but there must ing water such as mountainous areas; many of the qanats dumped in these landfills every day. is water and inefficient use of energy. be through research for the projects to be fully effective. and springs will dry over the Iranian calendar months of Kalantari further noted that it is possible to burry waste “We have set up steel companies in arid regions such He explain that the researches on sand and dust storms Khordad (May 21-June 21) and Tir (June 22-July 22), in landfill in regions with dry climate but in northern Iran as Isfahan while they must be established in coastal areas. will be thorough by the end of the sixth [Iranian calendar] which are usually solved by digging wells, he lamented. with a humid climate it’s not practicable to bury the waste. “Therefore, as per the new guidelines issued by the month of Shahrivar (September 23) but the issue won’t Earlier in June, the director of the national center for Low environmental awareness caused Department of Environment the thirsty industries can- go away in one or two years. drought and crisis management, affiliated to Meteorological water shortage not be established in arid cities and should be set up in “What is overlooked in this year’s budget bill is the issue Organization Sadeq Ziaeian said that province of Kerman Inquired about water shortage DOE chief explained coastal lands.” of sand and dust storms in the southeastern province of with 1.7 Centigrade temperature rise was the second hottest that the growing population with less-improved envi- Sand and dust storms in Khuzestan: you Sistan-Baluchestan so that the aforesaid budget can be province over the last month of spring. ronmental awareness and increased use of all forms of reap what you sow solely used to mitigate the storms in Khuzestan, we hope Sadeq Ziaeian also said in early June that in a 9-month energy are aggregating water shortage in the country. Talking about recurrent spells of sand and dust storms to be able to get budget for Sistan-Baluchestan next year.” period (September 23, 2017- June 21, 2018), Kerman by That and lower precipitation amounts and higher in southwestern province of Khuzestan the former Minister New sanctions and environment 64 percent rainfall shortages was among the three prov- than average evaporation rates are also exacerbating the of Agriculture (1989-2000) highlighted that numerous Asked about the effects of the new sanction against inces with the lowest precipitation rates compared to its current condition. dams built in southwestern province of Khuzestan are Iran on the environment Kalantari explained that the long-term average. In late July, environmental official Mohammad Mojabi, the main reasons behind sand and dust storms (SDSs) Ministry of Oil is doing its best to increase fuel quality warned that renewable water resources has drastically in the region as previously, once a river was in flood and and now some 70-75 percent of euro-4 gasoline is being decreased to less than 100 billion cubic meters from 132 overflowed its bank it would water the lands in its prox- produced in the country. LEARN ENGLISH bcm over the past 50 years, and mean precipitation has imity and plants would grow and then the flood water However, he regretted the fact that the ministry of dropped from 250 millimeters to 205 millimeters over entered the wetlands and naturally stopped sand and industry that was tasked with producing automobiles Social Security the same period. dust storms. which live up to international standards has announced Kalantari also commented on the water right of the But now no plants is growing and the winds lift large that they cannot fulfill its pledges due to the sanctions. A: Well that was an interesting documentary! B: For sure! I didn’t really understand some of the technical jargon they used in the film when they talked about social security in the US. What is Earth Overshoot Day and why is it coming earlier each year? A: Like what? Humans have already consumed more nat- had to slash water consumption in half B: Well, they mentioned how people put away money in something ural resources than the planet can renew since 2015. These are consequences of for this year busting the ecological budget of our one called a 401K? Earth Overshoot Day marks the date and only planet. A: Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but a 401k is a type of retirement when humanity has used more from nature “Our economies are running a Ponzi plan that allows employees to save and invest for their own than our planet can renew in that entire year. scheme with our planet. We are using the retirement Through a you can authorize your employer to As humans use more and more of the Earth’s future resources to operate in the deduct a certain amount of money from your paycheck and Earth’s natural resources, this date is arriv- present and digging ourselves deeper into invest it in the plan Everyone tries to contribute as much as ing sooner each year. While Earth Overshoot ecological debt. possible so that when you retire, you can rest peacefully on Day was marked on 2 August in 2017, it “It’s time to end this ecological Ponzi your nest egg. has arrived on 1 August in 2018. scheme and leverage our creativity and in- B: That’s interesting and logical I guess. In my country, we also This means that as a species, we are cur- genuity to create a prosperous future free have to contribute to a government run retirement fund, but rently using up nature’s resources around 1.7 of fossil fuels and planetary destruction.” most people don’t really trust it so they just invest in properties times faster than the planet’s ecosystems can A campaign to #MoveTheDate is also or things like that. regenerate them, through our consumption run by the group, who explore solutions rates and a growing population. through four main areas of food, cities, A: That seems a bit unstable don’t you think? Since the day started being observed in population and energy. B: Yeah, but corrupt governments in the past have created distrust 1986, this is the earliest point in the year When taken on an individual country among banks and financial institutions, so now people prefer to on which it has ever fallen. level, the UK passed its national overshoot have money hidden in a jar or a piggy bank. Earth Overshoot Day is calculated by on 8 May. A: I’ve been thinking of doing that lately! I don’t want some Global Footprint Network, an international An online footprint calculator allows banker to run off with my money! research organization that observes hu- people to work out their own personal Key vocabulary manity’s use of natural materials, as well Mathis Wackernagel, head of the or- western United States; on the other side Overshoot Day. social security: a US government program to protect certain groups as the environmental damage they cause. ganization, said: “Fires are raging in the of the world, residents in Cape Town have (Source: The Independent) invest: spend money on something in order to get back more Supplementary vocabulary pension: money paid at regular intervals from the government ENGLISH IN USE or a previous employer to a person following retirement or to their surviving dependents LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION disability income insurance: financial assistance to people who acquire a disability so that they can maintain a certain income level survivor benefits: financial assistance for the families of Tehran Municipality to relocate لزوم انتقال 5 رسته شغلی آالینده به خارج از تهران workers who die five polluting industries unemployment benefits/compensation:payments made مدیرعامــل شــرکت ســاماندهی صنایــع و مشــاغل شــهر فرهــاد افشــار گفــت: در تهــران 20 رســته شــغلی آالینــده to an unemployed worker by the government or employer during Five polluting industries will be moved out of Tehran, director general of بــه مناطــق حاشــیه ای منتقــل شــده و 5 رســته شــغلی هنــوز فعالیــت دارنــد. all or part of the period of unemployment Samandehi Company affiliated with Tehran Municipality which is tasked with organizing businesses and industries in the capital has said. بــه گــزارش روز جمعــه تســنیم؛ افشــار بــا اشــاره بــه الــزام انتقــال 25 رشــته شــغلی آالینــده بــه شــهرداری /defined benefit plan:a pension plan that pays a defined pension benefit, but the amount invested may vary Some 20 polluting industries have already been transferred to the outskirts of هــا، اظهــار کــرد: در تهــران 20رســته شــغلی آالینــده بــه مناطــق حاشــیه ای منتقــل شــده و 5 رســته شــغلی defined contribution plan: a pension plan that has a defined Tehran, while five polluting industries are still operating in the city, Tasnim هنــوز فعالیــت دارنــد. .amount to invest, but whose pension/benefit depends on the quoted Farhad Afshar as saying on Friday success of those investments (Source: irlanguage.com) PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM Be kind to me! “chryso-, chrys-” Jazz something up Carry weight Meaning: gold Meaning: to make something more attractive or Explanation: to be influential or important For example: The focus of our research will be on the exciting For example: I’m glad she’s on our side - her opinion phenomenon of chrysography, the golden highlighting For example: Jazz up your everyday meals with carries a lot of weight. found on selected works. our new range of seasonings. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 2, 2018 WORLD IN FOCUS 13 UN bodies alarmed at humanitarian Civilian casualties crisis in Yemen unavoidable in anti-terror The United Nations Children’s Fund the waterway was safe. operations in Iraq, Syria: (UNICEF) and Food Program have voiced Elsewhere in his statement, Houthi grave concern about the humanitarian crisis complained that as a result of the Saudi-led U.S. coalition unfolding in Yemen, especially in its lifeline aggression and siege of Yemen, people are port city of al-Hudaydah. suffering from the worst humanitarian crisis The United States-led coalition has claimed that it impossible On Wednesday, the UNICEF’s Executive in the world. to avoid civilian causalities in its airstrikes supposedly targeting Director Henrietta H. called for an immediate The halt to retaliatory attacks in the Red terrorists in Syria and Iraq. halt to attacks on water facilities and civilian Sea is aimed at “preserving the Yemeni bloods “The reality of the fight against Daesh (Islamic State in Iraq infrastructure in the war-battered country. and in response to the regional and inter- and the Levant/ISIL) and the brutality of this enemy has made it Such attacks, she said in a statement, were national moves and efforts aiming to bring impossible to avoid a risk to the civilian population in the areas “unacceptable, inhumane, and in breach of peace,” he noted. being liberated,” said British Army Major General Felix Gedney, the basic laws of war.” Additionally on Tuesday, a Yemeni De- a deputy commander for the coalition, on Tuesday. “Ongoing violence and repeated attacks fense Ministry official confirmed that the He added that despite the fact its service members spare no on lifesaving civilian infrastructure in al-Hu- Ansarullah movement were halting naval effort to minimize the loss of civilian lives. daydah are a direct threat to the survival operations for two weeks, starting at mid- “I speak on behalf of all coalition service members, from of hundreds of thousands of children and night (2000 GMT) on August 1. privates to our most senior leaders, when I say that such tragic their families,” she added. “We welcome any initiative to spare blood- occurrences are deeply felt throughout our ranks and push us all “Yet the past few days have seen an escala- shed and stop aggression against Yemen,” to do all we can to minimize these incidents,” he added. tion in the targeting of systems and facilities the official said in a statement carried by The coalition has acknowledged some 1,000 civilian death that are essential to sustaining the lives of Yemen’s official SABA news agency. during its operations in Syria and Iraq, but monitoring group children and families,” the statement read. Over the past weeks, the United Nations Airwars says the number of civilian death is actually over 6,000. She cited two recent airstrikes respectively special envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths has Earlier in the month, the U.S. and its allies conducted fresh air targeting a UNICEF-supported sanitation in Yemen were now living in extreme hunger operations will be for a limited time peri- been shuttling between the warring par- raids on Syria’s eastern Dayr al-Zawr Province, killing and in- center in al-Hudaydah’s Zabid District, and and depended entirely on external food. od and could be extended and include all ties to help stop the Saudi-led offensive on juring a number of civilians. another against the water station in al-Mina The WFP’s country director Stephen fronts if this move is reciprocated by the Yemen’s Red Sea port city of Hudaydah, The U.S. and its allies have been bombarding what they call District, which provides the port city with Anderson visited a family of 11, which has leadership of the [Saudi-led] coalition,” which the world body says could lead to a ISIL positions inside Syria since September 2014 without any most of its drinking water. been displaced by the fighting in the city SRC head Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said. humanitarian catastrophe. authorization from the Damascus government or a United Na- The official said the destruction of the and asserted that the Yemeni people des- The announcement comes less than a week Saudi Arabia and its allies launched the tions mandate. facilities could directly contribute to the perately needed peace in order to rebuild after the House of Saud regime temporarily war in March 2015 in support of Yemen’s The aerial assaults, however, have on many occasions resulted outbreak of cholera and acute diarrhea. their livelihoods. suspended all oil shipments through the Bab former Riyadh-friendly government and in civilian casualties and failed to fulfill their declared aim of Yemen’s Hudaydah is just “one airstrike Yemen’s Ansarullah unilateral- el-Mandeb Strait, the southern entrance to against the Ansarullah. countering terrorism. away from an unstoppable epidemic,” says ly halt retaliatory attacks in Red Sea the Red Sea. Several Western countries have been The Syrian government has one multiple occasions called on the United Nations. Meantime, Yemen’s Ansarullah (Houthi) Riyadh’s move followed Yemeni retali- supplying the House of Saud regime with the coalition to halt its massacres against civilians. The invaders have now turned their focus movement has unilaterally suspended its atory attacks on the Saudi Dammam frig- advanced weapons and military equipment. (Source: Press TV) on al-Hudaydah, which receives the bulk retaliatory attacks in the Red Sea, from where ate off the western coast of Yemen and a Yemeni forces regularly target positions of vital imports into Yemen. the Saudi regime-led warships have been coalition boat off the coast of el-Durayhmi inside Saudi Arabia and fire rockets at the Days earlier, international NGO (non-gov- targeting the war-torn state, especially its in southern Hudaydah, which the Saudi re- coalition’s battleships in retaliatory attacks ernmental organization) Save the Children strategic port city of Hudaydah. gime-led coalition and their allied militants against the Riyadh-led military operation Germany lifts ban on likewise warned that fresh Saudi regime In a statement released on Tuesday, the have been seeking to seize in a weeks-long on Yemen. attacks could create the ideal conditions Ansarullah-run Supreme Revolutionary military push. Saudi Arabia has also imposed a blockade reunions for refugees, for a new catastrophic cholera outbreak Committee (SRC) said the two-week sus- However, Saudi Arabia claimed that An- on Yemen, which has smothered human- rekindles integration debate affecting thousands of people in Hudaydah. pension was meant to support efforts aimed sarullah fighters had attacked two oil tankers itarian deliveries of food and medicine to On Monday, the World Food Program at resolving the Yemeni conflict. in the Red Sea, and thus it had decided to the import-dependent state. Germany Wednesday resumed family reunifications for some (WFP) said more than eight million people “The unilateral halt in naval military halt oil shipments via Bab el-Mandeb until (Source:agencies) refugees, drawing ire from leftist groups who said a cap of 1,000 people a month was too little and a far-right party opposed to immigration altogether. The government in 2016 suspended the right to bring in im- UNICEF: 78 million newborns at risk when breastfeeding is delayed mediate family members for asylum seekers granted limited pro- An estimated 78 million newborns have a higher risk of death The report suggests several reasons why many babies tection in a move to ease the burden on social workers handling each year from not drinking their mother’s milk within the are not breastfed immediately, including the practice of a record influx of a million migrants. first hours of being born, according to the United Nations. throwing away the mother’s first milk and feeding newborns The ban did not apply to asylum applicants granted full refugee A new report - jointly published on Monday by the World sugar water or infant formula. status as they have a constitutional right to invite their families Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF (United Nations Colostrum, the first milk produced by mothers, is some- to join them. Children’s Fund), the UN children’s agency, to coincide times called the baby’s “first vaccine” because it is high in After big losses to an anti-immigrant party in an election last with the beginning of World Breastfeeding Week- observed nutrients and antibodies. year, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives and their Social mothers in 76 low and middle-income countries. “Breastfeeding gives children the best possible start in Democrat (SPD) junior coalition partners agreed on a compromise It found that only two out of five babies are breastfed life,” said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general to partially lift the ban from Aug. 1, 2018. immediately after being born. It also said that while instant of WHO. “The new rule allows us to achieve a balance between our society’s breastfeeding is very common in East and Southern Africa, “We must urgently scale up support to mothers - be integration capacity, humanity and security,” arch-conservative that is not the case in East Asia and the Pacific, where less it from family members, healthcare workers, employers Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said in a statement. “This is an than a third of newborns get to drink their mother’s milk and governments, so they can give their children the start important element of the government’s strategy on migration.” soon after being born. they deserve,” he said. But the ecologist Greens as well as Christian welfare organi- “When it comes to the start of breastfeeding, timing A rise in elective caesarean sections in many countries zations say the new rules are unfair as they set vague parameters is everything. In many countries, it can even be a matter and the gaps in the quality of postnatal medical care are their support from a WHO resolution promoting breast- as to how the 1,000 people a month will be chosen. of life or death,” said Henrietta Fore, executive director also contributing to a delay in breastfeeding, according feeding. U.S. officials have denied the claims. The length of separation, the age of loved ones outside Ger- of UNICEF. to the report. Breastfeeding Week aims to inform people about the many, health considerations and safety are some of the criteria “Each year, millions of newborns miss out on the benefits In Egypt, caesarean section rates more than doubled benefits of breastfeeding, which include strengthening that immigration officials will have to weigh in choosing who of early breastfeeding and the reasons - all too often - are between 2005 and 2014, rising from 20 to 52 percent. In the the baby’s immune system and providing nutrition for gets to be one of the lucky few allowed in. things we can change. Mothers simply don’t receive enough same period, the rates of early initiation of breastfeeding healthy growth. In addition, refugees who have made an effort to integrate support to breastfeed within those crucial minutes after birth, decreased from 40 to 27 percent. It can also reduce the mother’s chances of getting dia- through language courses, apprenticeship and work would be even from medical personnel at health facilities,” she said. In the report, UNICEF and WHO urge governments to betes and some cancers. given priority to invite family members. Earlier studies cited in the report showed that delaying adopt strong legal measures to restrict the marketing of UNICEF recommend that babies should be exclusively “Matrimony and family are under special protection of the breastfeeding between two and 23 hours increases an in- infant formula and other breast milk substitutes. breastfed up to an age of six months, after which they can state order,” Annalena Baerbock, leader of the ecologist Greens fant’s risk of dying by 33 percent. Among newborns who In July, the United States drew criticism for allegedly begin incorporating some food and other liquid into their told the Passauer Neuen Presse. “The new rules make them a started breastfeeding a day or more after birth, the risk putting pressure on other members of the World Health diet alongside breastfeeding. privilege for a few instead of a universal right.” was more than twice as high. Assembly, the WHO’s decision-making body, to withdraw (Source: agencies) The anti-Islam Alternative for Germany (AfD) party said the new rules would encourage more economic migrants to come to Germany seeking asylum. “Faced with the never-ending migration crisis in Europe, Human rights group: Employee targeted with Israeli spyware Germany is sending a fatal signal with the resumption of family An Amnesty International employee has Wednesday, Citizen Lab said it so far had reunions,” AfD lawmaker Alice Weidel wrote on Twitter. been targeted with Israeli-made surveillance counted some 175 targets of NSO spyware Immigration and integration are highly divisive topics in Ger- software, the human rights group said on worldwide, including 150 people in Panama many, where almost one in four people were either born abroad Wednesday, adding to a growing number of identified as part of a massive domestic espi- or have at least one parent who is not native German. examples of Israeli technology being used to onage scandal swirling around the country’s Merkel’s decision in 2015 to welcome people fleeing wars in spy on human rights workers and opposition former president. the Middle East and Africa reignited a debate about integration figures in the Middle East and beyond. The Amnesty International report said the that bears the scars of Germany’s experience with the Turkish In a 20-page report, Amnesty outlined how it organization identified a second human rights community. thinks a hacker tried to break into an unidentified activist, in Saudi Arabia, who was targeted in Many Turks still do not feel well assimilated more than half a staff member’s smartphone in early June by a similar way to its staffer. Citizen Lab said it century after the first Turkish guest workers were invited to help baiting the employee with a WhatsApp message found traces of similar hacking attempts tied to Germany rebuild its economy after World War Two. about a protest in front of the House of Saud Qatar or Saudi regime, hinting at the use of the The debate over integration intensified last month when regime’s Embassy in Washington. Israeli spyware elsewhere in the Persian Gulf. German soccer star Mesut Ozil quit the national team, saying The London-based human rights organ- Any possible use of Israeli technology to he faced “racism and disrespect” because of his Turkish roots. ization said it traced the malicious link in police dissent in the Arab world could raise Ozil, a key member of Germany’s World Cup-winning side in the message to a network of sites tied to hacking attempt was emblematic of the response to a series of written questions, the uncomfortable questions both for Israel, 2014 who fans voted as the team’s player of the year five times the NSO Group, an Israeli surveillance increased digital risk faced by activists company said past allegations of customer which still sees itself as a bastion of democ- since 2011, said in the eyes of top German soccer officials: “I am company implicated in a series of digital worldwide. misuse had, in an undisclosed number of racy in the region, and for countries with no German when we win, but I am an immigrant when we lose”. break-in attempts, including a campaign “This is the new normal for human rights cases, led to the termination of contracts. formal diplomatic ties to the Jewish state. Critics say the cap could hinder integration as refugees allowed to compromise proponents of a soda tax defenders,” Franco said. Amnesty’s findings were corroborated by For Amnesty’s Franco, it was a sign of to bring in their children and partners usually integrate better. in Mexico and an effort to hack into the NSO said in a written statement that its internet watchdog Citizen Lab, which has an out-of-control trade in high-tech sur- “The law leaves open the question of which humanitarian phone of an Arab dissident that prompted product was “intended to be used exclusive- been tracking NSO spyware for two years veillance tools. ground - sickness, physical disability or care dependency - should an update to Apple’s operating system. ly for the investigation and prevention of and is based at the University of Toronto’s “This is a huge market that’s completely be given more importance,” said Maria Loheide of Diakonie, a Joshua Franco, Amnesty’s head of tech- crime and terrorism” and that allegations Munk School of Global Affairs. opaque and under-regulated,” he said. Protestant welfare organization. nology and human rights, said the latest of wrongdoing would be investigated. In In its own report being released on (Source: AP) (Source: Reuters) Mexico passenger jet crashes after takeoff, all on board survive Iran versus U.S. at the ICJ 1 A public hearing on the provisional measures has An Aeromexico passenger jet has crashed after taking off in Cardoza said in an interview that around 85 people had “It really was the great escape for those on board the been scheduled by the ICJ to take place from Monday 27 to Mexico’s northern state of Durango, but the state’s governor been injured in the crash, some seriously, adding that a plane in Mexico that crashed just after it had taken off. Thursday 30 August 2018. Such public hearings are televised said there have been no deaths. fire resulting from the accident had been put out and there When you see the pictures of the plane post-crash with live through the ICJ website at www.icj-cij.org/en/multime- The Mexico City-bound Embraer 190 jet was almost were no reports of burn victims. flames coming out of it, it really is incredible that nobody dia-index. Typically, requests for provisional measures are full, with 103 on board including two infants and four crew “Many managed to leave the plane on foot,” he said. was killed on impact.” addressed swiftly as under the ICJ Rules of Court (Article members, when it came down at around 4pm (21:00 GMT) on Durango Governor Jose Aispuro wrote in his Twitter TV images showed the severely damaged body of the 74(1)), the Court has to give priority to any request for provi- Tuesday, authorities said. Passengers and crew jumped to account that “it is confirmed there were no fatalities in the plane emerging from scrubland and a column of smoke sional measures over all other cases. safety before the plane was engulfed in flames. accident,” adding that the aeroplane was hit by a gust of rising into the sky. Most recently, in the case of Qatar versus the United Arab Emir- It made an emergency landing about 10km from the wind as it left the runway. Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto wrote on Twitter ates, the ICJ handed down its decision on provisional measures state capital’s airport shortly after taking off, Alejandro The operator of Durango airport, Grupo Aeroportuario that he had instructed the ministries of defence, civil pro- on 23 July 2018 following the filing of a request for provisional Cardoza, a spokesman for the state civil protection agency, Centro Norte, attributed the crash to bad weather condi- tection and transportation to respond to the crash. measures on 11 June 2018 and public hearings between 27-29 said on local television. tions, citing preliminary reports. (Source: agencies) June 2018. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS AUGUST 2, 2018

Everton sign defender Digne German football is at a crossroads A year ago, all appeared to be well in German football. Now, from Barcelona in view of the failure to advance to the knockout stages of the World Cup in Russia, coaches are trying to figure out Everton have signed defender Lucas Digne from Spanish cham- how things went so terribly wrong. pions Barcelona on a five-year contract, the club It’s been more than a month since South Korea sent said on Wednesday. the national team crashing out of the World Cup in Russia The 25-year-old France international joins Everton after two and still everybody connected wth German football is seasons in Barcelona, where he made 46 appearances across all still shaking his or her head. In Dresden this week, the competitions, as the Nou Camp outfit won the last term federation of German football coaches (BDFL) has been and retained the Spanish Cup. hosting a congress to discuss what went wrong, and what “I want to show my best football here and discover the best can be done to fix it – with a particular focus on Germany’s league in the world. Everybody loves the Premier League. I am development system. loving the fact I am coming here,” Digne told Everton’s website. Despite the bitter disappointment about the World Cup, “I am not afraid, I am excited. For me, it is a new challenge Stefan Kuntz, the former Germany striker who coached the to discover a country, a league, people and a great club such as under-21s to a European title last year, said he sees oppor- Everton. It is fabulous.” tunity in the men’s national team’s failure. Digne, who missed out on France’s World Cup squad this year, A wakeup call previously played for French top-flight side Paris St Germain, “One can only hope that this regrettable elimination winning two titles, and also completed a loan spell at serves as a wakeup call and opens us up to thinking Italy’s AS Roma. about changes and finding solutions,” he told the SID Everton manager Marco Silva praised Digne’s attributes and news agency. welcomed the competition with Leighton Baines at left-back. Kuntz said apart from the 2017 U-21 title, he was encouraged “He is a high-quality player, aggressive, with good technical by what he saw when Joachim’s Löw led a relatively young ability and... he has demonstrated his clear quality in Barcelo- and inexperienced team to the Confederations Cup title last na,” Silva said. year, but that these successes may have been misleading in “Lucas is a player who will add competitiveness in a position terms of what is to come in the future. where we only had Leighton Baines last season and he is accus- “What about the 15, 16, 17, or 18-year-olds? We see a tomed to winning. This is his mentality having captured titles vacuum there, and we need to close that by starting with in his career and having these on his resume.” the 10, 11, 12 and 13-year-olds,” he said. Everton travel to Wolverhampton Wanderers in their opening Kuntz also wondered whether young players in Germany league match on Aug. 11. have had things too easy in some ways. (Source: Eurosport) “They don’t have to resolve conflicts themselves anymore. And if things don’t work out with one club, they simply move class as one of the four main factors that brought success to how to receive a ball, dribbling, and passing and shooting. to another. And then at some point they wind up going up World Cup finalists France and Croatia – the others being A new cycle? against a player who is just as good as them, but also has attitude, variability and speed. Although the congress, which wraps up on Wednesday, may the required self-assertiveness.” “Let’s get the street footballers into the clubs,” Chat- not provide any concrete recommendations, Chatzialexiou Sporting Lisbon seek £175m A lack of real stars zialexiou said, referring to players who at an early aged said he believed that German football was now at a cross- Before Germany were knocked out of the World Cup, develop their individual skills on the ball unencumbered roads, perhaps similar to when the national team crashed for trio who quit club Argentine superstar Leo Messi criticized Joachim Löw’s by structure and defensive responsibilities. out of the 2000 European championship. side for lacking a real star, while at the same time praising Kuntz also noted that he has been observing a downturn The process of renewal that followed that disappointment Sporting Lisbon want compensation of up to 197m euros (£175m) them for being “very solid” as a team. The “very solid” part in the number of talented young individuals. led to changes that helped spawn the generation that won for three players who terminated their contracts and have since turned out to be a myth, at least regarding the 2018 version “We have noticed that in our junior national teams the the 2009 under-21 European championship and the 2014 joined other clubs. of Germany, but some at meeting at the BDFL in Dresden really highly talented players coming through each year World Cup. While it’s up to Löw to fix what’s wrong with the Among the players is Rui Patricio, who joined Premier League think Messi may have been on to something when he crit- are becoming fewer and fewer. This is alarming,” he said. national team in the short term, in the ever further evolving newcomers Wolves. icized the lack of stars or individualism. Rather than recruiting individually talented “street foot- world of international football, Germany may simply be at Sporting want 57m euros (£50m) for the Portugal goalkeeper, Joti Chatzialexiou, who the DFB appointed in January as ballers,” Kuntz said he favored getting them into clubs at the start of a new cycle of development. 100m euros (£89m) for Atletico Madrid winger Gelson Martins, the general manager of the national teams, named individual the earliest age possible and focusing on the basic skills like (Source: DW) and 30-40m euros (£27m-£36m) for Olympiakos winger Daniel Podence. Nine players quit the club after an attack at the training ground Berlin, Glasgow set to host first Serena suffers career’s worst in May. Sporting say they have reported Martins, Patricio and Podence European Championships loss to Konta - and their new clubs - to world governing body Fifa. They say the Court of Arbitration for Sport (Cas) will decide whether to side with the players or Sporting. Midfielder William Carvalho was another to terminate his contract, but Real Betis paid Sporting 20m euros (£18m) in compensation after his move there. And Bruno Fernandes - another midfielder - rejoined Sporting, signing a new five-year deal with a 100m euro (£89m) release clause. A group of 50 fans reportedly attacked Sporting players and staff in May after the club missed out on a Champions League place on the final day of the season. In April, former Sporting president Bruno de Carvalho claimed to have suspended 19 first-team players after a Europa League defeat by Atletico Madrid, although he deleted the post on social media and most of the players featured in their next game. De Carvalho has since quit the club after fans voted for him to resign, with Sousa Cintra put in temporary charge until elections The first edition of the new multi-sport event host the European Athletics Championships. Twenty-three times major champion turning pro in 1995. are held in September. is to be split between Glasgow and the Ger- A total of 4,500 athletes are set to take Serena Williams suffered the worst As poorly as Williams played, the Sinisa Mihajlovic, De Carvalho’s managerial appointment, man capital, with Berlin to host the athletics. part, with big names from the world of swim- loss of her storied career on Tuesday, 27-year-old Konta was sharp, firing six was sacked after nine days and replaced by Jose Peseiro, who The event brings together a combination of ming, such as the British Olympic and World falling 6-1 6-0 to Britain’s Johanna aces and smacking 17 winners to Wil- has returned for his second spell. various continental sports competitions. Champion Adam Peaty, involved. Other sports, Konta in the first round of the Silicon liams’ nine while controlling the tempo (Source: BBC) The idea is to make it just like a mini such as Golf, will be less competitive, due to Valley Classic. of the match. Olympics. An array of sporting competitions clashes with the PGA calendar. After a routine hold to start the match, “She obviously wasn’t playing at her are joining forces this summer as part of a The European Athletics Association Williams lost the next 12 games in a one-sid- best level, nowhere near it, and I really multi-sport television package in partnership expects the move to massively increase ed affair that lasted less than an hour, stun- just tried to play the match on my terms,” with the European Broadcasting Union. the global audience for each of the sports ning the partisan crowd of 3,000 at San said Konta, who won the tournament two Murray adds China Open to The idea is simple; instead of athletics, involved. “Many of the broadcasters have Jose State University. years ago. aquatics, cycling, gymnastics, golf, rowing and pledged a ‘major event’ production like the Those expecting to see Williams con- “I tried to put aside the incredible cham- schedule triathlon competitions taking place across the commitment they have for the Olympic tinue to battle back after a difficult child pion she is and just play the player of the continent - and on different time schedules - Games or World Cup,” Svein Arne Hansen, birth last year were left disappointed as day,” she said. they are to be pooled together and broadcast president of the European Athletic Associ- the 36-year-old committed 25 unforced “I felt I did better than her on the day to a global audience under a single banner: ation told the Reuters news agency. errors to Konta’s nine and managed to but it’s still a humbling experience to be The European Championships. “We are currently looking at over 3,300 put just 41 percent of her first serves out here with her.” The European Championships are to hours of broadcast intentions for the cham- into play. “I think she played well in the With the loss Williams falls to 11-4 be held every four years and the organ- pionships overall, compared to a standalone second set and I think I wasn’t sharp at all since returning to the tour and will look izers claim this will be “a new highlight European Athletics Championships that in the first set and she got confident and to bounce back when she competes in the on the global sporting calendar, elevating had about 1,500 hours of broadcast hours she clearly ran away with it,” the American Cincinnati Open next month, another the status of European Champions during for Zurich 2014,” he added. said after the loss. hard court tune-up ahead of this year’s an 11-day celebration of world-class sport The European Championships open Williams, who lost the Wimbledon final U.S. Open. and a packed 10-day broadcast schedule.” with track cycling, artistic gymnastics earlier this month to German Angelique Konta will face American teenager Sofia Glasgow plays host to all but one of these and rowing in. Kerber, had never lost a match before where Kenin in the second round. sporting classifications, with Berlin set to (Source: Deutsche Welle) she did not win at least two games since (Source: Reuters) How are Real Madrid - and Gareth Bale - shaping up without Cristiano Ronaldo? In May, Real Madrid became the first club since Bayern ing the distinctive white shirts. Welcome to the world Munich in the 1970s to win the European Cup three times of Real Madrid. Former world number one Andy Murray has added the China in a row. Manchester United like to proclaim themselves the biggest Open to his schedule in October as he continues his return from The celebrations had barely stopped when coach Zin- club in the world, but it’s a debatable point. One thing is for hip surgery earlier this year. edine Zidane dropped the first bombshell of the summer; sure, they are not the biggest club in Miami. Murray, who played three matches in late June but withdrew he was quitting. About 60% of the Miami population are of Hispanic from Wimbledon as it came too early in his recovery process, Zidane’s exit was followed by that of Cristiano Ronaldo, origin, meaning there is an affinity with the Spanish side made his return to hardcourt tennis on Monday at the Washington whose legacy includes four Champions Leagues, four Ballons that no English club can match. Open where he battled to a first-round victory over Mackenzie d’Or and a staggering 451 goals in 438 games. But before the new season, there is a concern. Many of McDonald. Somehow, Real must overcome the departures of these those white shirts bore the name of Ronaldo - their departed “The China Open ... has announced the entry of three-time two heavyweight figures and carry on winning. hero - on the back. Grand Slam champion and former world number one Andy It will not be easy. And, after having his own status re- How on earth are Real going to cope without their talisman? Murray to the 2018 player field,” tournament organisers said affirmed after he expressed doubts about his future at the One young fan, Hasan, from Miami, summed up the on their website. Bernabeu, it seems Gareth Bale is going to be a central figure. thoughts of many. Murray, who will face fellow Briton Kyle Edmund in the He started for Real against Manchester United in Miami “Ronaldo is still my favorite player,” he said. “I still love second round of the Washington Open, is expected to play in on Tuesday, so how is he - and a team devoid of Ronaldo’s him. There is a fear about how Real Madrid are going to Toronto and Cincinnati before the final Grand Slam of the year talents for the first time in almost a decade - shaping up? who are, some are at full speed, trying desperately to do without him. I am sure we will be fine but we probably at the U.S. Open. Real without Ronaldo - does the hype remain? catch the coach that has just flashed past. They have no need to sign someone, like Eden Hazard, Neymar or Kylian The China Open, which will be held from Oct. 1 to 7, will also It is 6pm on a Monday night outside the Hard Rock chance. The bus stops at the appointed place. A group of Mbappe.” feature current world number one and defending champion Rafa Stadium in Miami. A white blur sweeps past, flanked by highly wealthy young men get off and head straight into Remarkably, this will be the first season since 1999-2000 Nadal and Argentine Juan Martin Del Potro. police outriders. the bowels of the ground. Twenty minutes later they are that Real’s squad will not feature a Ballon d’Or winner. (Source: Reuters) There are not many people about but among those on the pitch, to cheers of thousands of supporters wear- (Source: BBC) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y AUGUST 2, 2018 SPORTS 15

Carlos Queiroz close to Younes Delfi on the verge of joining PSV: official

TASNIM — Iran’s Esteghlal Khuzestan General Manager Amir joining Algeria: report Soltani says Younes Delfi will soon leave the club to join PSV Eindhoven. SPORTS TEHRAN — Carlos Queiroz’s The 18-year-old winger will join PSV on a 550,000 euros deskcontract has expired with Iran deal, Soltani said. national football team on July 31 and he has reached Delfi had been also linked with a move to Turkey’s Besiktas an agreement with Algerian Football Federation in the summer transfer window. (FAF) to take charge of the African team sports. He represented Iran at the 2017 FIFA U-17 World Cup in orange.fr reported. India. He burst onto the scene by recording two goals and one Under guidance of the Portuguese coach, Iran assist in the group stages of the competition. narrowly missed the chance of qualifying for the Delfi also showed phenomenal technical ability by also get- 2018 World Cup next stage. ting two penalties for the Iran U-17 national team in the three Team Melli edged past Morocco 1-0, lost to Spain group matches. 1-0 and drew 1-1 with Portugal. Queiroz has yet to extend his contract with Iran and the will reportedly sign a contract with Algeria. FAF has parted company with Rabah Madjer in AFC invites Iranian referees early July following a poor run of results that saw the national team lose to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cape Verde to judge Asian games and Portugal in their last four friendlies. Algeria will have to face Gambia in early IRNA — The Asian Football Confederation has invited Irani- September in Group D of the 2019 Africa Cup an referees Bijan Heydari and Saeid Ghasemi to judge Jakarta of Nations qualification and they want to appoint Palembang 2018 Asian Games, said an AFC report. their coach as soon as possible. The 2018 Asian Games, officially known as the 18th Asian In mid-July, FAF president Kheïreddine Zetchi Games and also known as Jakarta Palembang 2018, is a pan-Asian said they have not contacted Queiroz but the media multi-sport event scheduled to be held from 18 August to 2 Sep- reports suggest that they are going to sign the ex- tember 2018 in the Indonesian cities of Jakarta and Palembang. Real Madrid coach. For the first time, the Asian Games are being co-hosted in Former Japan coach Vahid Halilhodzic and Morocco two cities; the Indonesian capital of Jakarta (which is hosting head coach Herve Renard are reportedly candidates the Games for the first time since 1962), and Palembang, the to take charge of Algerian football team. capital of the South Sumatra province. Events will be held in and around the two cities, including venues in Bandung and province of West Java and Banten. Jahanbakhsh makes Brighton debut in Soccer headings may damage women’s The opening and closing ceremonies of the Games will be held at Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium in Jakarta. friendly win at Nice brains more Heydari and Ghasemi will judge men’s football match slated to be held on August 10-September 1. Iranian junior football team will compete in group F with Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and North Korea.

We respect all Asian clubs, Mes Sungun coach says

Mes Sungun coach Hamid Bigham Tabrizi says they will not take nothing for granted in the 2018 AFC Futsal Club Championship. Mes Sungun will open the competition with a match against Sipar Khujand of Tajikistan in Group D on Thursday. “We are happy to be here and our preparations have gone well. Our team has done a good job tactically and technically and we look forward to playing our first match against FC Sipar,” Bigham Tabrizi said in the pre-match news conference. “It is not going to be easy as we have not analyzed Sipar Club record signing Brighton made seven changes at half- Female soccer players may be more likely three regions in men, the study also found. in terms of strength but I believe we can produce the desired and striker Florin Andone both made time, with Jahanbakhsh and Andone to experience brain damage from heading “It has long been known that women fare result,” he added. their debuts for Brighton in a behind- among those to go off at the break. the ball than male athletes, a U.S. study worse, in general, following concussion,” Iranian clubs have a habit of making the semi-final since the closed-doors friendly at Nice’s training The Seagulls created several chances suggests. said senior study author Dr. Michael Lipton first edition in 2010 and have produced three different cham- ground today. as , , Leon Ba- Researchers examined brain scans of 49 of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and pions but Tabrizi was coy when asked about his team’s chances Jahanbakhsh, who joined Albion for logun, Davy Propper and Markus Suttner male and 49 female amateur soccer players Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. of winning the tournament. a reported £17m fee from AZ Alkmaar all went close before Albion took the lead who reported a similar number of headings “However, some have considered this “This is a tough group to be in and I respect all the teams. Yes, last week, and Andone both played 45 on 72 minutes. during the previous year. Half of the men an artifact due to women being more likely on paper we are strong with many good players in our squad but minutes as the Seagulls won 1-0 with a Gyokeres netted after Murray flicked had at least 487 headings, while half of the to report symptoms than men,” Lipton we will take it slow and hope for the best,” Tabrizi concluded. second half goal from Viktor Gyokeres. Suttner’s cross on to Propper and the women had at least 469. said by email. (Source: the-afc) Brighton took a strong squad to France 20-year-old Swede then tapped home. The scans were done with diffusion Results of the current study suggest but defender was rested ahead and Balogun went tensor imaging, a form of MRI that de- that different outcomes from brain injuries of the Seagulls’ final pre-season friendly close to a second, before sub Albion keep- tects subtle brain damage by measuring in women and men can’t be explained by at home to Nantes on Friday. er David Button made a double save to the direction of the diffusion of water in reporting because all of the participants Adidas sends letter to Iran Chances were few and far between in the ensure Brighton held on to win against white matter, the deep brain tissue that in the current study experienced similar first half. had an early effort their Ligue 1 opponents. coordinates communication between numbers of headings, Lipton noted. Football Federation saved and Andone fired just wide, while Albion: Ryan (Button 45); Schelotto brain regions. “It shows the greater sensitivity of women blocked Allan Saint-Maxi- (Bernardo 45), Duffy (White 45), Balogun, Scans showed that the volume of dam- at the level of brain tissue,” Lipton said. min’s shot for a corner at the other end Bong; March (Gyokeres 45; Knockaert aged white matter in women was five times Men and women in the study were similar PLDC — German sportswear manufacturer Adidas has reportedly on ten minutes. 75), Kayal (Gross 75), Bissouma (Ste- greater than it was for men, researchers in many ways. For example, they started play- sent a letter to the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic Nice’s Mickael Le Bihan curled a free phens 63), Jahanbakhsh (Suttner 45); report in Radiology. ing soccer around the same age and played of Iran (FFIRI), saying it was forced to stop its cooperation with kick wide on 33 minutes and then shot Andone (Propper 45), Hemed (Murray Women had eight brain regions where for roughly the same number of years, and the country. off target from close range a minute 45). Subs: Bruno. greater levels of heading were associated they also played with similar frequency. The German sportswear manufacturer has decided to deny before half-time. (Source: Worthing Herald) with structural damage, compared with only (Source: Reuters) Iran with access to its services. Nike, who was set to sponsor Team Melli with cleats and footwear throughout the 2018 World Cup, withdrew its support of the team ahead of the competition because of global economic Son sorry for leaving Tottenham to play in Asian Games sanctions against the country. Son Heung-Min admits he has mixed feelings about matches against Sweden and Mexico -- although they German sportswear manufacturer Adidas, who provided leaving his Tottenham teammates to take part in the went on to beat Germany in their third and final game. Iran’s jersey in the 2018 World Cup, says working with Iran Asian Games at the start of the season. “It was disappointing but we finished well against can directly and indirectly impact its market valuation in the The 26-year-old is one of three overage players who Germany,” said Son. “Our country was happy because U.S. stock market. has been named in South Korea’s Under-23 squad for they were No. 1 in the FIFA rankings and the defending It has sent a letter to the federation demanding FFIRI to the tournament, which runs from Aug. 14 to Sept. 1. World Cup champions. understand the company. Spurs had no obligation to release Son. But if he “For me, the tournament was disappointing because Iran national football team, who are pitted against Iraq, Yemen wins gold with his country -- who won the last edition I always expect more than the group stage. I wanted to and Vietnam in Group D of the 2019 AFC Asian Cup, will not wear in 2014 -- he will be exempted from his impending stay longer than we did. But it was a good experience Adidas sportswear in the competition in the UAE. 21-month long military service. to play at the World Cup and I look forward to playing Tottenham, who have just given Son a new five-year in another in four years.” contract, have agreed that he can travel to Indonesia Tottenham’s Harry Kane won the Golden Boot in after their opening Premier League match at New- Russia, scoring six times, and Son said: “Harry Kane Today Iran speaks to world castle on Aug. 11. We haven’t won it already. We are going there to win is one of the best strikers in the world. That is why he with language of sport “I feel sorry because Tottenham is my team and something, and winning trophies for my country is has won the Golden Boot twice in the Premier League I feel very sorry to be leaving my teammates,” said always good. I don’t travel there for nothing.” and once at his first World Cup. Son. “I am playing for my country and that is also Victory at the Asian Games would also help Son to “He deserved it as well because he worked really IRNA — Head of National Olympic Committee Seyyed Reza important, but honestly I feel very sorry about that. get over his World Cup heartache. hard. He will come back with a lot of confidence and Salehi-Amiri said on Tuesday that today Iran talks with the That is what I feel. He broke down in tears when South Korea were elim- I think he can win another Golden Boot.” world with the language of sport, as it believes that disputes “We can talk about [the national service] afterwards. inated in the group stage, having lost their opening two (Source: Soccernet) will be of no avail. Addressing a ceremony to see off Iran’s sport delegation to Jakarta, he added, “Today, sport is experiencing peace and stability and we tried to forge unity in the field through cohe- Paralympic champion says ‘I’m a mum first, then an athlete’ sion and convergence.” All the Iranian athletes whether they win medal or not are Fourteen-time Paralympic champion about finding the best version of you.” and Charlie were unable to be vaccinated ual pursuit and was putting more time dear and considered national assets, the official said, noting, Sarah Storey says her family are her pri- Storey, who also has five-year-old against the disease, so she pulled out to into my competitors on the road than “We do not want them only for medals, as they are real assets of ority as she prepares to make her return daughter Louisa, combines family life focus on the road season. I had done. the Iranian sport community.” to international competition. with training and developing the Storey Storey starts her world campaign in “I’m not trying to compare it too much Sport community needs stability and Sport and Youth Britain’s most successful female Racing team she runs with husband Bar- Friday’s C5 time trial in Maniago, before to coming back from Louisa because she Ministry brought stability to the sport, Salehi-Amiri said, Paralympian gave birth to her second ney, alongside a motivational speaking Sunday’s road race, and already has an eye arrived in the summer months, whereas noting that National Olympic Committee is standing by child, Charlie, in October. and coaching business. on an eighth Paralympic Games appear- Charlie arrived in the autumn so he is the ministry. Storey will compete at the Para-cycling She is also an athlete representative ance in 2020, and challenging swimmer three months younger than Louisa was “We selected ‘One Iran One Voice’ as the motto of the Iranian Road World Championships in Italy, which for both cycling’s governing body, the Mike Kenny’s all-time British record of at this point of the road season. sport delegation, as a unified voice forges unity and brings suc- run from Thursday to Sunday. UCI, and the International Paralympic 16 Paralympic golds. “He was a bigger baby so I have had a cess,” he said, noting that a single voice speaks louder. “I’m a mum first and then an athlete Committee. “There are two years to Tokyo so it is little bit more of me to lose. I am coming He further noted that you athletes make the mouths of and if I can do other things, that’s great,” Storey was due to compete in March’s about looking at the long game and en- back without too many expectations but the Iranian sweet through your successes under the strict the 40-year-old told BBC Sport. Para-cycling Track Worlds in Brazil before joying my racing,” she said. looking forward to getting stuck in and economic conditions. “It is amazing but I still love the training an outbreak of yellow fever in the country. “I was still improving as an athlete hopefully getting back onto the podium.” During the ceremony 11 athletes in various fields were honored. and the challenge of competition. It’s all Both she, as a breastfeeding mother, before Rio. I did my fastest 3km individ- (Source: BBC) Prayer Times Noon:13:11 Evening: 20:28 Dawn: 4:37 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:14 (tomorrow) AUGUST 2, 2018 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Ali Asgari Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 Maestro Vartan Sahakian [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 honored in Tehran www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. Tel: 88911433 ARTTEHRAN — Musicians Webmaster: [email protected] deskand friends gathered at Printed at: Rooztab - ISSN: 1017-94 Tehran’s Vahdat Hall on Tuesday to at- No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran tend a ceremony held to honor Iranian P.o. Box: 14155-4843 maestro Vartan Sahakian for his lifetime Zip Code: 1599814713 achievements in music. Co-organized by Radenoandish, a Teh- ran-based cultural institute, and Rudaki Foundation, the ceremony began with several performances by different music bands, some of which performed compo- sitions by Sahakian. Addressing the audience, the 61-year old Sahakian expressed his happiness over the celebration and said, “I am happy to be here tonight… All the participants here are masters of music themselves. How good to see those who were once students and “I Am the Cheese”, “Maggot now have been my colleagues in the field Moon” published in Persian of music.” “I do feel honored that I have been able CULTURE TEHRAN – “I Am the Cheese” and “Maggot to train two generations of good musicians deskMoon” from world children’s literature have throughout my life,” he asserted. recently been published by in Persian. “In the early years of my career as an “I Am the Cheese” by the American writer Robert Cormier instructor, I was not much interested in has been published by Fekr-e Ruz Publications, and the teaching but with all the love I received Afarinegan Publications has published “Maggot Moon” by from my students and the great musicians Sally Gardner. of my country, I am now proud to be a teacher and have been able to train many good students,” he concluded. Composer and conductor Loris Tjekna- vorian, santur virtuoso Milad Kiai, singer Pari Maleki, and vocalist Salar Aqili were Maestro Vartan Sahakian speaks after accepting an award for his lifetime achievements at Tehran’s Vahdat Hall on July 31, among the participating guests. 2018. (Mehr/Masud Saki)

Iranian movies win awards at L.A. Tokyo to host Iranian Love Intl. Film Festival film festival

This combination photo shows the front covers of the Persian versions of “I Am the Cheese” (L) and “Maggot Moon”. Roya Zendebudi is the translator of “I Am the Cheese” that tells the story of Adam Farmer who is on a journey to Rutterburg with a parcel for his father. “Maggot Moon” has been rendered into Persian by Nastaran Zahiri and the story of the book is set in an alternative 1950s Britain, where Standish Treadwell and Gramps live with the rest of the undesirables in Zone 7, and all stand terrified under the brutal regime of the Motherland. NEWS IN BRIEF Iranian Youth

Cinema Society to Esmaeil Mehrabi (L) and Masud Keramati act in a scene from “Temporary License”, which A poster for an Iranian film festival, which will be organized in Tokyo from hold Finland Film won the award for best screenplay at the Love International Film Festival in Los Angeles. August 7 to 9 ARTTEHRAN – Iranian “Rainbow Fields” co-produced by Trilok ARTTEHRAN – The by Masud Aqababaian are among the Evening desk deskmovies have won several Malhotra, K.R. Harish also was named best Japanese capital of films selected to screen at the event. Tokyo will playing host to a festival The festival will also screen Masud ARTTEHRAN – The Iranian Youth Cinema awards at the Love International Film feature film. desk Festival in Los Angeles, the organizers Gregory Sporleder form America was of Iranian films from August 7 to 9. Taheri’s latest documentary “The Society plans to review Finnish cinema during The festival will be organized Eastern” about Japanese expert on a program entitled “Finland Film Evening”. announced on Wednesday. selected as best actor for his role in “In the “The Rainy Love” by Mahdieh Shirin Wake of Ire” by Brian Maurer. to celebrate 90 years of diplomatic religions Toshihiko Izutsu. The program will be held at the Film Museum of Iran on relations between Iran and Japan, ICRO will organize the festival in September 5, the society announced on Wednesday. Qaredaqi won the award for best short The award for best director went to foreign film, while the award for best Gorune Aprikian from France for “Just Iran’s Islamic Culture and Relations collaboration with the municipality of The society has previously organized film evenings for Ja- Organization (ICRO) announced on Minato, a special ward in Tokyo. pan and Chile. screenplay was given to Afhsin Hashemi a Fling”. for “Temporary License”. “World Peace” by German filmmaker Wednesday. Cultural relations between Iran and Maral Farjad also won the award for Holger Klussmann was picked as best feature “Season of Narges” by Negar Japan have always been good. best supporting actress for her role in documentary, while “The Ascending Age Azarbaijani, “Mobarak” by In January 2107, Japan organized “Immortality” by Mehdi Fardqaderi. Short 6” by Nilufar Shaterian from the U.S. Mohammadreza Najafi, “Coquetry” by a cultural festival In Tehran. A similar California museum can The best actress award was presented won the award for best short documentary. Jalal Dehqani, “Bodyguard” by Ebrahim festival was also held in Tehran and to Indian Dipannita Sharma for her role in The festival was held in Beverly Hills, Hatamikia, “Where Are My Shoes?” the central Iranian city of Kashan in keep Cranachs looted by by Kiumars Purahmad and “Mermaid” December 2017. Nazis: U.S. appeals court “Rainbow Fields” by Bidyut Kotoky. Los Angeles in April.

NEW YORK (Reuters) — A federal appeals court on Monday said the Norton Simon Museum can keep two 16th century Actor Alan Alda reveals Photographer Cindy Sherman masterpieces depicting Adam and Eve by the German Re- Parkinson’s diagnosis to be given first UK retrospective naissance painter Lucas Cranach the Elder, which had been looted by the Nazis during World War Two. NEW YORK (Reuters) — Award- LONDON (The Guardian) -- Cindy The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 3-0 against winning actor Alan Alda disclosed Sherman, the American artist who has Marei von Saher, who has been suing the Pasadena, Califor- on Tuesday that he has Parkinson’s for four decades been transforming nia-based museum for 11 years to reclaim the paintings, taken disease, saying he did not want the herself into unsettling characters who by the Nazis in a forced sale after her father-in-law, Jewish revelation that he had the nervous might be matinee stars, girls next door art dealer Jacques Goudstikker, fled the Netherlands in 1940. system disorder to be told from “a or Republican wives, is to receive her Circuit Judge Margaret McKeown said the “act of state” sad point of view.” first UK retrospective at the National doctrine validated the 1966 sale of the paintings by the Dutch The 82-year-old star of TV series Portrait Gallery (NPG). government, which by then owned them, to George Stro- “M*A*S*H” told “CBS This Morning” The gallery said about 180 works would ganoff-Scherbatoff, a onetime U.S. Navy commander and that he had learned of the diagnosis be exhibited, including an important se- descendant of Russian aristocracy. more than three years ago, but that ries of works produced by Sherman in He sold them in 1971 to the museum, which has displayed so far the progressive disease has not her 20s, going on display in the UK for them ever since. stopped him from acting or pursuing the first time, which helped make her other career opportunities. name and define her approach. Lawrence Kaye, a lawyer for von Saher, said he was “ob- Actor Alan Alda arrives for the Detail from “Untitled Film Still #21, 1978”, “I’ve had a richer life than I’ve had Sherman is known for her photographs viously disappointed” and would review the decision with International Emmy Awards in New part of a series never previously displayed up until now,” Alda told “CBS This of her dressed-up self in which she mas- his client. York, U.S., November 19, 2012. (Reuters/ in the UK. Photograph: Courtesy of the Morning.” querades as all manner of characters. “Today’s decision should finally put this matter to rest,” Carlo Allegri) artist and Metro Pictures, New York the museum said in a statement. Alda, a six-time Emmy Award and Paul Moorhouse, the show’s curator, Many lawsuits seek to reclaim art taken or sold after Adolf Golden Globe Award winner, is best noticing his thumb twitching in a TV described her art as “completely distinc- self in poses from fictional 1950s and Hitler took power in Germany in 1933. known for his role as Hawkeye Pierce appearance, saying that he wanted to tive”, which explored contemporary life 60s films, whether as lonely housewife This includes the 6-1/4 foot (1.9 meters) tall Cranach in “M*A*S*H,” a CBS comedy-drama tell people he was optimistic about and exposed its deceptions. or vamp, cheap B-movie or European panels, which had been purchased by Nazi Reichsmarschall set during the Korean War. his future. “By inventing fictitious characters arthouse, are regarded as her first ma- Hermann Göring at a fraction of their value. He also wrote and directed “In the very beginning, to be and photographing herself in imaginary jor artistic statement. The series, which In August 2016, U.S. District Judge John Walter in Los numerous episodes of the show, immobilized by fear and think the situations, she inhabits a world of pure attracted international interest and es- Angeles ruled that the paintings belonged to the museum. which ran from 1972 to 1983, and later worst thing has happened to you – it appearance. No other artist interrogates tablished Sherman as a major emerging He said that under Dutch law, the Cranachs had been appeared in other TV series, plays and hasn’t happened to you,” Alda said. the illusions presented by modern culture talent, has never been displayed in the UK. “enemy” property belonging to Göring, and that title had films. In 2004, he was nominated for “You still have things you can do.” in such a penetrating way – or scrutinizes “What she was really saying was passed to the Dutch government, which had a right to sell the Academy Award for Best Supporting Earlier this year, singer Neil so tellingly the facades that people adopt.” that all of life is an appearance,” said them to Stroganoff. Actor in “The Aviator”. Diamond said he was retiring from Moorhouse said he had worked closely Moorhouse. “And what are we to make Upholding that ruling, McKeown instead invoked the act He told “CBS This Morning” that he touring after a Parkinson’s diagnosis. with Sherman but was given free rein on of these appearances? What meanings of state doctrine, where U.S. courts typically defer to foreign got tested for the disease after noticing Actor Michael J. Fox and boxer what work to include. do we attach?” governments’ sovereign actions, and avoid interfering with what proved to be early symptoms of Muhammad Ali both struggled with Among the highlights of the London The exhibition will also include all the executive branch’s ability to conduct foreign policy. Parkinson’s, which affects movement the disease, which affects more than 10 show will be Sherman’s “Untitled Film five images from her Cover Girl series, She said ruling for von Saher would require nullifying and often causes uncontrollable million people worldwide, according to Stills” series, which she started in her completed when she was a student in 1976. three “official” Dutch government actions: the 1966 sale to tremors. the Parkinson’s Foundation. Ali died 20s shortly after moving to New York The images, which include Sherman as Stroganoff, a 1999 decision not to restore von Saher’s rights, Alda added that he decided to in 2016, more than three decades after in 1977. Jerry Hall on the front cover of Vogue, will and a 2006 decision that her claim had been “settled.” go public with his diagnosis after he was first diagnosed. The 70 black and white images of her- be displayed together for the first time.