Fossil Record 16 (1) 2013, 117–139 / DOI 10.1002/mmng.201300006 Early Pennsylvanian Odonatoptera from the Xiaheyan locality (Ningxia, China): new material, taxa, and perspectives Yongjun Li1,2, Olivier Bthoux3, Hong Pang2 and Dong Ren*,1 1 College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, 105 Xisanhuanbeilu, Haidian District, Beijing 100048, China. E-mails:
[email protected],
[email protected] 2 State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Institute of Entomology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China. E-mails:
[email protected],
[email protected] 3 UMR7207 CNRS (CR2P), Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CP38, 8 rue Buffon, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract Received 20 April 2012 Data on Odonatoptera species from the Xiaheyan locality (Ningxia, China; Early Penn- Accepted 1 September 2012 sylvanian) described so far are complemented based on abundant new material. Several Published 20 February 2013 taxonomic and nomenclatural adjustments are proposed. The species Tupus readi Car- penter, 1933 is transferred to the genus Shenzhousia Zhang & Hong, 2006 in Zhang et al. (2006), and therefore should be referred to as Shenzhousia readi (Carpenter, 1933) n. comb. The monotypic genus Sinomeganeura Ren et al., 2008 is synonymized with Oligotypus Carpenter, 1931. As a consequence the type species of the former must be referred to as Oligotypus huangheensis (Ren et al., 2008) n. comb. The mono- typic genus Paragilsonia Zhang, Hong & Su, 2012 in Su et al. (2012) is synonymized with Tupus Sellards, 1906. As a consequence the type-species of the former is to be referred to as Tupus orientalis (Zhang, Hong & Su, 2012 in Su et al.