Signature Redacted
FLOW TEST OF A BRISTOL SLEEVE-VALVE ENGINE CYLINDER 0% Mark Riley Thomson Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1951 Signature redacted . Mi ov Instructor in Charge of Thesis olgnature redacted May 18, 1951 Professor Joseph 8, Newell Secretary of the Faculty Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dear Professor Newell: In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I herewith submit a thesis entitled "Flow Test of a Bristol Sleeve-Valve Engine Cylinder, Sincerely yours, Signature redacted Mark R., Thomson TABLE OF CONTENTS: Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents Acknowledgements Abstract Introduction Description of Test 10 Diagram of Apparatus 12 Description of Apparatus 13 Photograph of Cylinder Parts, aL Valve Port Profiles ib Curve "C Ay" vs. C.A!, "Hercules" 16 Curve "CyAy" vs. C.A.", "Cyclone" 17 Summary of Results 18 Engine Specifications 19 Conclusions 20 Curve "e, vs. @" 21 Application of # 22 Calculations 23 Curve "Cy vs. L/D", "Cyclone" 27 Curve "L vs. C.A.", "Cyclone" cd Curve ih + vs, A", "Hercules" «J Errors J Suggestions for Further Study LY: Bibliography Data: Sleeve Position vs, C.A. Data: Flow Test Data: Calculated Air Flow The author wishes to express his appreclation for the assistance and supervision given to him by Professor C, Fayette Taylor Professor P, M, Ku Professor William A, Leary Mr, James C, Livengood and
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