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Review Article The State of the Art: Application of Green Technology in Sustainable Pavement Wenjuan Sun,1,2 Guoyang Lu,3 Cheng Ye,4,5 Shiwu Chen,4,5 Yue Hou ,5 Dawei Wang ,3,6 Linbing Wang ,5,7 and Markus Oeser3 1Joint USTB-Virginia Tech Laboratory on Multifunctional Materials, National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 2Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA 3Institute of Highway Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, D52074 Aachen, Germany 4University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 5National Center for Materials Service Safety, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 6School of Transportation Science & Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China 7Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA Correspondence should be addressed to Dawei Wang; [email protected] and Linbing Wang; [email protected] Received 7 January 2018; Revised 29 March 2018; Accepted 11 April 2018; Published 3 June 2018 Academic Editor: Enzo Martinelli Copyright © 2018 Wenjuan Sun et al. -is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. A wide range of literature on predominant green technologies for sustainable pavements is summarized in this paper. It covers two major aspects: energy harvesting technologies and permeable pavement systems. Fundamental mechanics of energy harvesting techniques and possible designs of energy harvesters are described, with the evaluation of energy conversion efficiency, and advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the designs of permeable pavement systems are discussed, along with their advantages and disadvantages. -e latest technical innovations are highlighted. It is found that green technologies are promising for de- veloping more sustainable pavements. Application issues are also pointed out, including construction challenges, durability, and life-cycle cost-benefit assessment. Future research directions are suggested to address practical challenges, such as efficient design, construction challenge, timely maintenance, and life-cycle performance assessment. 1. Introduction a sustainability concern arises. Given the limited supply of traditional energy such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas, With the rapid urbanization, there are increasing move- how can we satisfy the future human needs, consume energy ments of human beings and goods with transportation in- efficiently, and also preserve the surrounding environment? frastructures. Pavements, for example, have been constructed In this respect, there have been many studies working on over billions of miles long worldwide, with more than 4 the development of green technologies in order to imple- million miles in the United States (Figure 1(a)). In the ment the sustainability concept in pavements. As a part of meantime, there is an increase in energy consumption, leading the global effort, implementations of sustainable pavements to environmental pollution and global warming. In 2016, the have been conducted on developing efficient technology to annual energy consumption worldwide is over 13,000 Mtoe harvest renewable energy. Typical sources of renewable [1], among which the U.S. alone consumed over 2,456 Mtoe energies are solar radiations, geothermal heat, and vibrations [2]. Figure 1(b) shows the annual energy consumption in the due to hydro, wind, wave, and mechanical load [6]. Pave- U.S. from 1950 to 2015, demonstrating an increasing trend of ments are continuously exposed to three of them: solar energy consumption by different infrastructure sectors. On the radiation, geothermal heat, and traffic-induced load, and all contrary, Figure 1(c) presents a general increasing trend of of the three energy sources provide a good opportunity to SO2 emission worldwide from 1850 to 2010. Consequently, harvest renewable energy from pavements. Traffic-induced 2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering ×106 7 6.5 6 U.S. pavement length (km) 5.5 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year (a) 3000 2000 1000 U.S. energy consumption (Mtoe) 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Year Residential Transportation Commercial Electric power Industry Total (b) 200 150 100 emission (Gg) 2 50 SO 0 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Year Africa North America Asia South America Europe Total (c) Figure 1: Increasing trends for pavement (a), annual energy consumption (b), and environmental pollution (c) (based on data from [2–5]). vibrations on pavements can be harvested by piezoelectric infiltration reduction and enlargement of peak flow, ren- energy harvesters. Solar radiations and resulting thermal dering urban flash floods and reduced water to recharge and gradients in pavement layers, as well as geothermal heat, can reuse. Because of all these, impervious pavements have be transformed into useful energies through solar energy changed the city natural ecology and hydrological charac- harvesting, thermoelectric energy harvesting, geothermal teristics significantly [7]. In rainy days, accumulated water energy harvesting, and composite energy harvesting. on the wet pavement surface is a major cause of traffic On the contrary, more than 90% of urban roads are accidents, leading to significant socioeconomic losses. covered with impervious surfaces, normally with a well- Comparing with the plant-soil system, the impermeable compacted (sub-) base layer covered with asphalt/concrete pavement system has lower specific heat capacity and higher surface layers. -e impervious pavement systems lead to the solar absorptivity, which results in a high-temperature urban Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3 Green technologies for sustainable pavements Energy harvesting technologies Permeable pavement systems Piezoelectric Solar Thermoelectric Full permeable Half permeable Permeable and geothermal with storage (i) Piezoelectric (i) Solar radiation (i) Thermal gradient (i) Design (i) Design (i) Design mechanism on pavement in pavement (ii) Efficiency (ii) Efficiency (ii) Efficiency (ii) Piezoelectric (ii) Solar panel (ii) Thermoelectric (iii) Limitation (iii) Limitation (iii) Limitation materials (iii) Solar energy materials (iii) Piezoelectric harvester (iii) Thermoelectric energy and geothermal harvester energy harvesters Discussion Figure 2: Outline of this study. surrounded by the low-temperature suburb, the so-called making use of excessive energy from pavements [7]. Shi and urban heat island (UHI) effect [8]. To address the wet Lai quantitatively summarized the number and specific pavement problem and UHI, countermeasure strategies research topic of green and low carbon technology in dif- have been developed around the world. One of the ferent countries from 1994 to 2010, without presenting environmental-friendly countermeasures is the permeable detailed technical designs or addressing limitations for any pavement system, which is to make urban surfaces more green technology [12]. water-permeable and environmental-friendly. Australia has -is paper complements that work with a critical review adopted the term “water sensitive urban design” (WSUD) to about previous efforts of green technology developments for manage the water balance and maintain the water quality the applications to road pavements, in terms of both energy since 1990. In the United States, the strategies of best harvesting technologies and permeable pavement systems. management practice (BMP) and low-impact development -e first major contribution of this paper is that green (LID) have been developed for the storm water runoff technologies are comprehensively reviewed based on over management and sustainable urban construction. Sustain- 100 recent publications, including articles, reports, and book able drainage systems (SuDS) in the United Kingdom consist chapters. -e second one is that the design of each green of technologies to drain storm water/surface water in technology is reviewed, covering material types, energy a manner, which is more sustainable [9]. conversion efficiencies, advantages and limitations, as well as In the area of green technologies for sustainable pave- implementation challenges. It also points out the great ments, numerous studies have been conducted to critically benefit of the integrated design by implementing both en- review the emerging technologies and designs with different ergy harvesting and permeable pavement in the same focuses. Dawson et al. described the advantages and limi- pavement structure. -is paper serves as a useful starting tations of energy harvesting techniques for pavements, fo- point to new researchers in this field, and it also facilitates cusing on the designs and construction issues in the practitioners to choose the most appropriate technology for collection, storage, and usage of energy [10]. Duarte and their local pavements. Ferreira reviewed the energy harvesting technologies for -e rest of this paper is organized as follows, as shown in pavement applications, with general discussions on tech- Figure 2. First, different energy harvesting technologies for nologies to harvest solar and vehicle-induced energies [6]. pavements are presented, in the aspects of materials, funda- Wang et al. comprehensively summarized working princi- mental mechanics, energy efficiency, and advantages and ples and application methods of energy harvesting tech- limitations. After that, permeable pavement systems