Arden Club Calendar (302) 475-3126 2126 The Highway, Arden DE 19810 MAY 2021 Printed on 100% post-consumer fiber paper

CONCERT GILD New concerts on sale for outside in the Grove! Molly Tuttle - Tuesday, May 25, 2021 - Selling out! Limited capacity and socially distancing on our Shady Grove Stage! Tickets are $30 – Club members email us for a discount code: [email protected]. Gates open 5 PM, Opener 5:30 PM, Molly Tuttle 6:30 PM Rain or Shine A virtuosic, award-winning guitarist with a gift for insightful songwriting, She has wowed with dates at Telluride, Newport Folk Fest, an appearance on CBS Saturday Morning, and an enthusiastic reception both by critics and her fellow musicians. (All tickets at Low Cut Connie "Tough Cookies" Live broadcast in person with special guest TBA Saturday June 5, 2021 - 5 PM Doors, 6 PM Live online and in person! - Socially distant pod tickets $30 each (members write for discount) Tough Cookies is a concert, a church service, a support group, a strip club, a punk club, but mostly a VARIETY SHOW. A livestream breakout hit, the show has received hundreds of thousands of streams with regular viewers across the globe -- over 40 countries! The New Yorker named host Adam Weiner their “Pandemic Person of the Year,” December 11, 2021 - 8:00 pm - $25 - Email us for member code “Something’s Going To Happen” when Marshall Crenshaw comes to Arden to perform his familiar favorites, including his Top 40 hit “Someday, Someway” plus others like “Mary Anne,” “” and “Whenever You’re On My Mind.” His songs have been covered by everyone from (“Till I Hear It From You”) to (“You’re My Favorite Waste Of Time”).

Also on sale now, Adrianne Lenker (Big Thief) solo Standing Room Only, Friday November 12, 2021 - may be sold out by the time this gets to print! Also - Nearly sold out! Amy Helm - June 12 outdoors at Shady Grove ON SALE NOW! Shady Grove Music Fest, Saturday July 10, 2021 Lineup: Grace Vonderkuhn; Catbite; Ellen Siberian Tiger; Buddie; Dominy; Grant Claytor; The Knotty G's; The Luscious’s; Bad Smidgen. ( Gates open at 11am. Tickets: $25 in Advance, $20 for Arden Club Members (free entry for children under 12) - Early bird $5 off non-member price until June 30th or until sold out. Look under “shows” for these Livestreams partnering with Arden at • Milk Carton Kids April 29 and May 13 • Tune-Yards April 28 • Broadway by the Year - Kander and Ebb - co pro with Town Hall and The Grand - May 10 • Broadway by the Year - Andrew Lloyd Webber - May 24

For outdoor and indoor shows, please, socially distance in pods as before. Food Trucks, beer and wine! No Dogs please. No outside beverages. Bring blankets and chairs, and outside food if you wish!

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Our Arden Drum Circle will continue to be held at 1:00 pm on May 16, unless notified through our eMail list or our Facebook Page. Weather permitting, we will be drumming in the outdoor Shady Grove next to the swimming pool. If you need to, parking can be done on the edge of the Shady Grove along the driveway and Pond Lane, but not on the other side of these roads. You may also continue to park in the Gild Hall's parking lot. You should bring your own seating. In the event of cold or rainy weather, we will be inside of the Gild Hall, upstairs, until the resumption of other events preclude us from using that space, then we will be back downstairs. We will provide seating when indoors. For now we will not be sharing drums, so please bring one, or other percussion instruments. Indoors or out, please wear a mask until you are settled into a socially distanced seat. Maybe by summer we will not need to do this, but for now, it is important to continue these practices. Our venue, the Arden Club Gild Hall and our sponsor, the Arden Concert Gild needs donations to be able to continue this Circle. They provide heat, electric as well as the spaces indoors and out. Also consider joining the Club if you are not already a member. It is inexpensive ($25/year) and has many benefits and opportunities, see To get notifications, get on my eMail list at [email protected].

Hope to see you there on May 16!

FOLK GILD We will email the location and when we start outdoors -- be sure to get on our email list! People have been asking about dancing outside, since it is getting warmer. Below is the schedule for May and June. I tested my internet and found that I will be able to continue Zooming the sessions in May and June, from the basketball court at BUZZ Hall or alongside our Gild Hall, and the sessions will only be an hour, starting in May. They will start one hour later, as well. Below is the invitation. Ilana (Lorraine Cohn) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting: Dates: May 2, 2021 11:00 AM, May 9, 2021 11:00 AM, May 16, 2021 11:00 AM, May 23, 2021 11:00 AM (*No session May 30th) June 6, 2021 11:00 AM, June 13, 2021 11:00 AM Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system:

Weekly: BqCRpwAA4joLOvzpmJbjad1iwjvCQ8CTDPHGdhBYp5-PuiI Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 863 2412 0435, Passcode: 175145

Arden in Motion - Guided improvisational dance/movement to live music on Zoom, no experience necessary. 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 3-4:30 pm (May 9 and 23, 2021) on Zoom: Donation ($5-15) link: June 13, 27 outside at Shady Grove, behind the Gild Hall. For more info contact: [email protected]

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Our first Gardeners Gild Native Plant Sale was a raging success (!) and we learned so much! In four vehicles, people trekked to a wholesale nursery downstate, and picked up 200+ hard-to-find native shrubs. After unloading into the Gild Hall parking lot, plants were dispersed by our wonderful team to their new, happy owners. Every native plant brings us closer to our goal of abundant native plant diversity throughout the Ardens and beyond. Watch for the next sale, and let us know your favorite native plant species! Come to the next Gardeners Gild outing to Chanticleer Gardens in nearby PA on May 22. This outing is taking the place of our regular monthly meeting. There is a new steering committee for the Gild and changes are afoot. Join us. If you want to be put on the emailing list, please contact Jeana Carey. We are also on FB, “Arden Club Gardeners Gild”

LIBRARY GILD Oh, do we have some good reads for you this month, so come on down to the Arden Library!

Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 2:30 to 4pm, Wednesday from 7:30 to 9pm and Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 5pm.

To stay safe, we do require wearing a mask, and ask that one person at a time, unless in a family group, be in the library.

Booklist (February 1, 2021 (Vol. 117, No. 11)) The glorious oak—given special mention in entomologist Tallamy’s best-selling Nature’s Best Hope (2020), which concerned the vital interconnections between native plants, insects, humans, and the global ecosystem—has a breakout role here. Walking readers through a year in the life of an oak, month by month, the author celebrates this “keystone” plant’s many and often-unique functions, from the vast and crucial diversity of life an oak tree supports to its central place in water and air purification, soil health, watershed management, and, of course, lumber products. At the same time, Tallamy decries the loss of forests worldwide and the subsequent decline of insect populations by 45 percent in only the last 40 years, all making the reforestation of oaks that much more urgent. To that end, Tallamy offers appended planting tips and oak-variety listings, by U.S. region. An excellent companion to Nature’s Best Hope.

Booklist (January 1, 2021 (Vol. 117, No. 9)) With echoes of themes in his internationally lauded Never Let Me Go (2005)—that life can be manufactured, bartered, bought—Booker-ed, Nobel-ed, and knighted Ishiguro presents a bittersweet fable about the human heart as “something that makes each of us special and individual.” Or not. Klara is an AF, as in Artificial Friend. She is also “quite remarkable,” “has extraordinary observational ability,”and while she might not be the latest B3 model, her empathic skills are unparalleled. She’s delightedly chosen by 14-year-old Josie, who takes her home to live with Mother and Melania Housekeeper. Next door is Josie’s best friend, Rick, and his single mother. Klara integrates, routines settle. But Josie is ill, with an older sister who died too young. Desperate to save Josie, Mother covertly pushes science, Melania attempts bullish protection, and Rick promises true love. Klara, meanwhile, devises her own plan: a deal with the Sun, who’s already, miraculously, rescued Beggar Man and his dog. Sacrifices will be necessary. In Ishiguro’s near-future dystopia, Klara— appropriately monikered to suggest both clear and obvious—could prove to be the most human of all.

Booklist starred (September 1, 2020 (Vol. 117, No. 1)) On July 29, 1714, in a small village in France, a young woman named Adeline prays to any god who will

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answer for salvation from a stifling life. But the one who arrives grants Addie a gift, in exchange for her soul, that comes with a curse: though she will not age or die, everyone she meets will forget her as soon as she leaves their sight. For 300 years, Addie moves through the world without touching it, balancing ephemeral but immense suffering against the joy of witnessing, and often underhandedly influencing, art and artists. As the devil she bargained with lingers in the shadows, Addie makes herself his equal, laying claim to her strange life. And then, one day in 2014 Manhattan, she finds a boy who, impossibly, remembers her. Schwab deftly weaves time and place, flitting between Addie's frantic past and her grounded present while visiting intermittent July 29ths in between. Narratively, this is a whirlwind—deeply romantic, impossibly detailed, filled with lush language, wry humor, and bitter memories. This often startlingly raw story begs the questions: what is a soul? What does it mean to be remembered? And what prize is worth giving those things up?

Booklist (August 2017 (Vol. 113, No. 22)) From the Gilded Age to the present, Kiernan (The Girls of Atomic City, 2013) traces the history of Biltmore, the estate of George Vanderbilt in what was then the sleepy town of Asheville, North Carolina. At a leisurely pace, Kiernan follows the lives of both Vanderbilt fortune heir George and his future wife, Edith Stuyvesant Dresser, who, after George’s death in 1914 from a pulmonary embolism, dealt with Biltmore through WWI and the Depression. Kiernan lavishes attention not only on the house, made up of 250 rooms and covering four acres, but also on the forestry school designed to revive the over-logged landscape, the Arts and Crafts movement that grew up in Asheville under Edith’s influence, and the many visitors to the estate, including Edith Wharton and Henry James. The story of the house, which now survives on the money of tourists, may not be suspenseful, but the many diverting detours Kiernan takes make the book enticing for even those who will never set foot on Biltmore grounds.

We also have these additions to the collection. Fiction: • American dirt by Jeanine Cummins • A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny • The Cruelest Month by Louise Penny • Non-Fiction: • Successful Aging by Daniel J Leviton


The summer show for June is again postponed, stay tuned for more info on our Facebook page at

For more information, call Mary Catherine Kelley at 302 655 1253

The Arden Club wishes all the best to Ina Jacobs who is retiring from the Board of Directors and Chair of the Programming Committee. Ina has served on the Board for over 5 years. Ina also graciously gave her time and energy for many years in various capacities including serving over 10 years as a committee member of the Dinner Gild, leader of the Arden Fair baked good booth, hospitalities volunteer for the Arden Fair set-ups, and 4 years as both the organizer and a vendor at the Holiday Shop. Thank you, Ina for all you’ve done for us these many years!

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“From a Taller Tower: The Rise of the American Mass Shooter” Speaker: Seamus McGraw Tuesday, May 18, 7:30 PM, via Zoom

For fifty years now, from the moment a depraved former marine climbed to the top of the University of Texas Tower, America has been in the grip of a deadly epidemic of violence. Journalist Seamus McGraw will trace for us the extensive and devastating myths we've constructed to shield us from our own cultural culpability for this ceaseless phenomenon. The myths are pernicious and are now inextricably woven into the fabric of our popular culture, a culture that prizes fame but does not distinguish it from infamy, turns grievance and victimhood into a commodity, and is awash with deadly hardware that have become cultural totems and in some cases are even fetishized. In the end, our myths contribute to the crisis. As one mass shooter told McGraw when asked if a "good guy with a gun" would have stopped him: "I thought I was the good guy with the gun." His most recent book, From a Taller Tower: The Rise of the American Mass Shooter, was published this April by University of Texas press. Seamus McGraw is the author of the critically acclaimed The End of Country: Dispatches from the Frack Zone, Betting the Farm on a Drought: Stories from the Front Line of Climate Change, A Thirsty Land: The Fight for Water in Texas, and From a Taller Tower, The Rise of the American Mass Shooter. McGraw has been a regular contributor to several publications, including the New York Times, the Huffington Post, Reader's Digest, and The Forward. He is the recipient of several journalism awards. He lives in the woods of northeastern Pennsylvania with his wife, Kren, his children, and a neighborly bear named "Fardels" with boundary issues. Our Scholars Gild meets the third Tuesday of the month, September through June. This season, we will continue to meet virtually via Zoom until further notice. There is no fee to attend Scholars Gild discussions. Since we usually ask for donations to the Arden Club at our live evenings, we would like to encourage all to continue this tradition by making a donation on at Your support helps keep the virtual and in-person lights on at the Club and makes possible dynamic programming like concerts, theater, dance, and of course, our Scholars Gild evenings. Follow the “Arden Scholars’ Gild” on Facebook to get all the updates. If you would like to receive email notifications about this or future Scholars Gild events, contact the Scholars Gild via [email protected]. Zoom info for this Scholars Gild evening: Meeting ID: 836 1333 5180 Passcode: 385509

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The Arden Swim Club is getting ready for summer! The Swim Team is gearing up for our car wash in May, and we still have a desperate need for towels. While doing your spring cleaning, please donate any old towels you may come across. They can be dropped off at Maddie Rogers’ house, in the bin on her porch at 2128 The Highway. We will also be announcing our Pool Clean Up, more fundraisers and new upgrades to the pool shortly, so keep an eye on your email and our Facebook page! For inquiries, please contact [email protected]


The Arden Writers’ Gild continues to meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. All are welcome! We meet on my back patio wearing masks and observe social distancing and other recommended safety guidelines. My wife provides warm cookies that have been approved by all consumers! We encourage folks to stop by, read your works, musings by other great writers, and/or favorite writings of long-deceased prognosticators. This is a non-critique group that discuses everything from atomic theory to the nature of the Universe. Contact: [email protected]


Our Ardensingers Gild is creating fun opportunities to bring music to you in different ways since we unfortunately will not be holding traditional performances right now. Instead, we will be hosting virtual social events. If you are interested in participating in any of the events listed below, please email [email protected] Magical Musical Mondays Every Monday on our Facebook and YouTube channel, we are presenting highlights from our past shows as a way to say thank you for your support. Check them out! We hope these videos give you a few moments of musical magic on Mondays. We are continually planning more events, so stay up to date! Feel free to email us or like us on Facebook to learn more about future events. We hope to see you soon!

SLF task force wins Award! “The Delaware Association for Environmental Education Board would like to thank you for the amazing work your organization (ARDEN CLUB GARDENERS GILD, SPOTTED LANTERNFLY TASK FORCE) is doing in the field of environmental education! Each year we receive detailed nominations about the inspiring work being done in the field and this year was no different. The Board reviews the applications and determines which candidate is selected for each award category. We would like to congratulate your organization on winning an Award for Excellence from the Delaware Association for Environmental Education (DAEE)!”

And we would like to thank Elaine Schmerling for her outstanding leadership of our SLF task force!

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Arden Club MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Membership Please print legibly! Name(s) Benefits of Arden Club Membership: ______ Artfully designed Club Calendar, with detailed information of all events, mailed to your home ______each month. ______ Reduced admission price to Gild events. Discounted fee to rent Gild Hall for private use. Address ______ Contributions including membership are tax deductible. Arden Club is an IRS 501 (c)(3) City ______organization. State ______Zip ______

Pathways Patrons Memberships Phone ______Speci al Support to the A rden Club Email ______(The Clubhouse level includes one single adult or senior membership only. All other Pathways levels may include Regular Memberships multiple memberships, including the Household level) Adult: 18 64, $25 Cbhe .. $75 Rc Wa ... $150 Senior: 65+, $20 The Ge . $300 Junior: 17 and under, $10 Idia Cice .. $500 Family / Household, $60 Mi Wa .. $1,000 Pathway Memberships Clubhouse: 1 membership, $75 Pathways Membership Benefits Rocky Walk: 1 or multiple memberships, $150 Special Pathways Drawing: Each November a The Glen: 1 or multiple memberships, $300 Pathways contributor will be awarded a special prize package sponsored by several Gilds. Indian Circle: 1 or multiple memberships, $500 Milky Way: 1 or multiple memberships, $1000 Tickets Arden Dinner Pool Drawing to Fair Passes Passes Tickets Events* Tee I am enclosing $______Clubhouse 1 1 2 Rocky Date of application ______2 2 1 4 Walk The Glen 2 2 2 1 10 Make checks payable to: Indian 4 4 3 2 25 Circle Mail this form and your check to: Milky Way 4 4 4 2 50 Arden Club Membership

2126 The Highway *Ticketed events include performances by the Arden DE, 19810-4059 Concert, Shakespeare and Ardensingers Gilds Questions?? Please email us at

[email protected] Bear with us for now, we’re really trying to enable you to do this online

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May 2021 Arden Club Calendar

The Arden Club, Inc. 2126 The Highway USPostage Paid

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