Guidance Manual for Paint Reuse Programs
Guidance Manual for Paint Reuse Programs Prepared by the: Paint Product Stewardship Initiative Facilitated by the Product Stewardship Institute, Inc. Acknowledgement: This work was funded by The National Paint and Coatings Association FINAL January 2, 2007 Published by the National Paint and Coatings Association, Inc., 1500 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005- 5597; phone (202) 462-6272; fax (202) 462-8549; email (NPCA members), or (general public). The cover and text paper in this book contain recycled content, and are 100% recyclable. © 2006 by the National Paint and Coatings Association, Inc. All rights reserved ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS he Product Stewardship Institute would like to acknowledge the following people who provided materials for the research, reviewed and commented on various drafts, and provided other assistance. Without your help, this document would not have been possible. T Paint Product Stewardship Initiative Infrastructure Workgroup Members: Alison Keane, National Paint and Coatings Association (Primary Author) Scott Cassel, Product Stewardship Institute Heidi Sanborn, Consultant to the Product Stewardship Institute Dave Darling, National Paint and Coatings Association Anne Reichman, Earth 911 Bruce Baggenstos, Paint and Decorating Contractors of America, California Chapter Curtis Bailey, Consultant Georges Portelance, Eco-Peinture Barry Elman, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Glenn Gallagher, California Integrated Waste Management Board Jennifer Holliday, Chittenden County, VT Jim Hickman, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Leslie Kline, Fresno County, CA Lesli Daniel, Sonoma County, CA Leslie Wilson, Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board, MN Dave Nightingale, Department of Ecology, WA, and Northwest Product Stewardship Council Mark Kurschner, Product Care Mike O’Donnell, Phillips Services Corporation Melanie Wheeler, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Pamela McAuley, Hotz Environmental Services Pandora Touart, City of Federal Way, WA Sara Hartwell, U.S.
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