
Drs. SiamirMarulafau, M.Hum NIP: 19580517198503 1 003

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Study, University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Diploma-III in English Study Program


Head of English Diploma Study Program,

Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A. NIP: 19521126198112 1 001

Approved by the Diploma-III of English Study Program Faculty of Cultural Study,

University of Sumatera as a Paper for the Diploma-III Examination.

Accepted by the Board of Examiner in partial of the requirements for the D-III

Examination of the Diploma-III of English Program, Faculty of Culture Study,

University of Sumatera Utara.

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The Examination is held on June 2016

Faculty of Cultural Study University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. SyahronLubis, M.A. NIP: 19511013197603 1 001

Board of Examiner:

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP)

2. Drs. Siamirmarulafau, M.A. (Supervisor)

3. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A (reader)


I, OPRILTA GINTING, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the next to this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :

Date : 2016







Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

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University of North Sumatera the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia

Signed :

Date : 2016


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRACT The title of this paper is “ A brief Description of Characters in Rick Riordan novel The Battle of the Labyrinth” discuss about the main character which exist in the novel. Those main character have kind of different characteristic and also have different behavior. The library research is used that is by reading some books that relevant to this title and also searching in internet. From the description, there are two main characters in the novel. They are, Percy Jackson and Annabeth. Percy Jackson is courageous person , humble, optimistic and fighter. Annabeth is courageous person , stubborn, optimistic and fighter .


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRAK Kertas karya yang berjudul “ A Brief Description of Characters in Rick Riordan novel “ The Battle of the Labyrinth” ini membahas tentang tokoh-tokoh utama yang terdapat di dalam novel tersebut. Tokoh-tokoh utama tersebut memiliki ciri-ciri yang berbeda dan memiliki sifat yang berbeda juga. Dalam penyusunan kertas karya ini digunakan dengan metode penelitian kepustakaan (library research ), dengan membaca beberapa buku yang berhubungan dengan judul ini dan sebagai sumber tambahan mendapatkan beberapa informasi didapatkan dari internet. Ada dua tokoh dalam novel ini. Mereka adalah Percy Jackson dan Annabeth. Percy Jackson adalah orang pemberani, rendah hati, optimis dan petarung. Annabeth adalah orang pemberani, keras kepala, optimis dan petarung.



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ for giving me health, strength, and continuously hope every single minute in the process of accomplishing this paper

I would like to thank Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean of Faculty of

Culture Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to thank Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A., as the Head of

English Diploma Study Program, who has given me directions in doing this paper.

I would like to thank Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M. Hum as my supervisor. I am thankful for your valuable time in direction, teaching, and inspiring me to complete this paper.

I would like to thank Dr. Matius C.A Sembiring, M.A., as my reader. Thank you very much for the valuable time for reading this paper.

All the lecturer in English Diploma. Thank you for all knowledge and experience that you shared to me.

I would to express a deep gratitude, love , appreciation and thanks to my lovely parents, O. Ginting and E Br Surbakti. thank you for all support, advice, prayers, and loves. I present this paper for you. Thank you also my beloved brothers

Efri Dunanta Ginting and Nanta Opryando Ginting thank you for all your unending support and prayer.

I would like to thank my best friends in SOLIDAS Maruli Tua Siagian,

Cevas Soplanit, Geta Brenaita, Gomgom Prananda, M. Ridho, Zulfachri,


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Miranda, Rismauli, Astriana, Meliana and Karin for your support, care and other things that help me to complete this paper. Thank you for the nice friendship during our study, I’m going to miss you all.

Thank you to all my friends in English Diploma III, all my senior, all my junior, and SOLIDAS organization. Thank you for being part of story of my life.

Thank you so much for everybody who has been mentioned, be sure that you will be always remembered forever.

Medan, Mei 2016

The Writer,

Oprilta Ginting Reg. No. 132202030


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ……………………………………………….. i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION……………………………………………… ii ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………. iii ABSTRAK ……………………………………………………………………… iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………… v

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study………………………………………………… 1 1.2 The problem ……………………………………………………………. 2 1.3 Scope of the study ……………………………………………………… 2 1.4 Purpose of the study ……………………………………………………. 2 1.5 Reasons for choosing the topic …………………………………………. 2 1.6 Method of the Study ……………………………………………………. 3

2. Review of Related Literature 2.1 Novel ……………………………………………………………………. 4 2.2 Character ………………………………………………………………… 4 2.3 Plot ………………………………………………………………………. 6 2.4 Setting …………………………………………………………………… 7 2.5 Theme …………………………………………………………………… 7 2.6 Point of View ……………………………………………………………. 8

3. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE CHARACTERS 3.1 Percy Jackson …………………………………………………………… 9 3.2 Annabeth ………………………………………………………………… 17

4. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION 4.1 Conclusions ……………………………………………………………… 24 4.2 Suggestions ………………………………………………………………. 25

REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………. 26

APPENDICES A. Biography of Rick Riordan ………………………………………………. 27 B. The Summary of the Novel……………………………………………….. 29



1.1 Background of the Study

Literature comes from Latin Language, “littera” which means the smallest element of the alphabetical, refresh to written or printed words. Literature can be seen as creation of human activities that live in social life with all problem. Generally, literature contents of problem which complete the human needs. That is why, it has it’s own world as the creation of human to the life of it’s own creation whether it is written is useful to be understood, or used by the societies.

Literature has classified into prose fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction prose.

From the classified, the writer decided to discuss the prose fiction which novel.

Alternbern and Levis (1996: 14) says fiction is interpreted as prose narrative, it’s an

A novel usually tells human life in its interaction with the environment and each other. A novel is one of human’s creations. Some novel are fiction and some are based on true story. Peck and Coyle (1984:102) says the novel reflects a moving away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Many novels are concerned with ordinary imaginative, usually in logical and contains the truth of dramatization in the relationship of human being. Fiction is not created by dreaming at all, but using the comprehension of narrative prose in the life. People and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In this paper about the main characters of novel, novel is part of literature. So, there are two ways to analyze a literature, intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic element is everything which is included in literature work such as, theme, characters, setting, plot, symbol, point of view and the language. And the extrinsic element is everything which’s inspires the writing of literature namely the background of the writer life such as, politics, historical problems, economic, psychological life.

Characters is one important element in fiction, especially novel. This element is the center role in which the story of life, will be understood, and will be enjoyed by the readers. Characters make story become real and interesting. The characters are important is the story of the novel.

The writer chose The Battle of The Labyrinth novel written by Rick Riordan as the resources of the data because There are so many unique and interesting can be found in this novel.

1.2 Problem of the Study

The main problem in this paper is about how are the main characters portrayed in the Rick Riordan novel the Battle of the Labyrinth?

1.3 Scope of the Study

There are many aspects can be discussed in this novel, nevertheless the writer focused to the main Characters in the Rick Riordan novel The Battle of the

Labyrinth .

1.4 Objective of the Study


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In this paper, the purpose of the study is to describe about the main Character depicted in the Rick Riordan novel The battle of the Labyrinth.

1.5 Method of the Study

The writer uses descriptive qualitative method in doing this paper. Since there are many books must be read to complete this paper, the writer uses library research.

Firstly, the writer read the novel, and then selected each chapters. Secondly, the writer choose the text to make it as the quotations, and also browsing from internet for the compliment sources and the last the writer analyze the data and make conclusion.

1.6 Reason for choosing the Topic

The writer has chosen Rick Riordan novel The Battle of the Labyrinth as the subject of this paper, because the writer is interested in the main character in this novel.




2.1 Novel

A novel is a part of fiction prose that is typically written in a narrative style.

Novel is narrative text which tell about human life. Rees (1973:106) says novel is a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length in which characters and actions representative of real life are portrayed in a plot of more or less complexity. In other words a novel is a story longer, more realistic and more complicated. The novel is the most to read of all kinds of literature. Peck and Coyle (1984:102) says that the novel reflects a move away from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves.

Every novel has been five elements: setting – when and where the story takes place. Characters – the people ( or sometimes animals ) the story is about. Plot – what happens in the story. Theme – the lesson the writer of the story is trying to teach the reader. Setting- critical component for assisting the story and the last point of view – who is telling the story.

2.2 Character


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA One of the most important aspect in a novel is the character. Characters make story become real and interesting. Without characters the novel is nothing. Peck and

Coyle (1984:105) say that character is the people in a novel a referred to as character.

We assess them on them on the basic of what the author tells us about them and on the basis of what they do. The characters are part of a border pattern they are member of society and the author’s distinctive view how people related to society will be reflected in the presentation of every character. Forster (1972) says, two basic types of characters, their qualities, functions, and importance for the development of the novel: flat characters and round characters. Flat characters are two dimensional, in that they are relatively uncomplicated and do not change throughout the course of a work. By contrast, round characters are complex and undergo development, sometimes sufficiently to surprise the reader.

Main character and Minor Character

There is a character which is grouped as important and forward continuously that is thought to determine the large part of story, and on the other hand there is character which is only put forward one several times in story and perhaps it is relatively in short portion of story. The character mentioned first is the major and the second is the minor character.

Main Character

Main character is the individual who contributes the most to the story or who is the most important of the story. The major character always appears in most of the story, either as subject or as object. Nurgiyantoro (2005:176-177) says, Tokoh utama


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA adalah tokoh yang diutamakan penceritaannya dalam novel yang bersangkutan. Ia merupakan tokoh yang paling banyak diceritakan, baik sebagai pelaku kejadian maupun yang dikenai kejadian.

Minor Character

Minor character is the character that appears once or sometimes in a novel, and may be relatively in short portion. Different from the main character minor character take a small role in a story. Minor characters is the character that appears once or sometime in a novel, and may be relatively in short portion. It called peripheral character of ten provide, support, illuminated the protagonist.

Protagonist and Antagonist

From the function of performance character it can be distinguished to protagonist character and antagonist character. When read a novel the readers always identify themselves with the certain character.


Protagonist is a character who is loved by the audience. He or she likes a hero and the audience always give sympathy emphasis. A protagonist is the main character in the story. The protagonist present something that is adjust with ur perception and expectation and that is why we will recognize him or her because he or she similarity with us. In short words, everything felt thought and done by the character represents us.



UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Antagonist is a character that always make a conflict. The antagonist can be said as opposite of the protagonist directly or indirectly. Readers usually hate a characters antagonist in the story. In other words antagonist is a person or a group of people who oppose the main characters.

2.3 Plot

Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern cause and effect. Plot or storyline is often listed as one of fundamental elements of fiction. Roberts and Jacobs (1995:88) say that plot is stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequential is the first step toward the most important consideration.

2.4 Setting

Setting is a critical component for assisting the story. Robert and Jacobs (1995:

230) say that setting is the natural, manufactured, political, cultural, and temporal environment, including everything that character know and own. Characters may be helped or hurt by their surroundings and they may fight about possession and goals.

Setting in literary work is important because it may a stir the readers imagination as well as reveal the signification of the action.

2.5 Theme

Theme is a common thread or repeated idea that is incorporated throughout a literary work. A theme is a thought or idea the author presents to the reader that may be deep, difficult to understand, or even moralistic. Generally a theme has to be


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA extracted as the reader explores the passage of a work. The author utilizes the characters, plot, and other literary devices to assist the reader in this endeavor.

There are two types of themes that appear in literary works. Main and minor theme. A main theme is an idea that a writer repeats in his work, making it the significant idea a literary work. A minor theme on the other hand refers to an idea that appears in a work briefly and gives way another minor theme.

In the fiction the theme is not intended to teach or preach. In fact it is not presented directly at all. You extract it from the characters, action, and setting that make up story. In other words you must figure out the theme yourself. The writer task is to communicate on a common ground with the reader.

2.6 Point of view

Point of view is the angel of considering things which show us the opinion or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. In literature point of view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “ hear” and “see” what takes place in a story, poem, essay etc. point of view is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction can have. Broadly speaking, there are three major kinds of points of view: The perspective from which a speaker or writer recounts a narrative or presents information. Depending on the topic, purpose, and audience.

Point of view is a reflection of the opinion an individual from real life or fiction.




3.1 Percy Jackson

Percy Jackson is the main characters in the novel The Battle of the Labyrinth He is 14 years old. He is of Posedium. He lives with his mother in apartment at

Mahattan town. He is half human. In this analysis writer found character Percy

Jackson in novel The Battle of the Labyrinth is courageous, fighter, humble, and optimistic.


On Monday morning the first week of June he start to following orientation in his new school Goode High School. When he following orientation tour in his school he met with monsters in that school. That’s monsters is cheerleading squad. They want to kill Percy Jackson, because that Percy fight with that’s monster. After that, the monsters to burst make the room burnt. Because that he leave his school and went to the Half-bloods hill. He went with his friend Annabeth.

When he in Half-bloods hill, he follow game with her friends , he must collect the gold laurels without dying. He one group with Annabeth. Percy is courageous person as written below,


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “She nodded. We’d fought together so many times we knew each other’s moves. We could do this, easy. But it all went wrong when the other two scorpions appeared from the woods. Three, Annabeth said. That’s not possible the whole woods, and half the monsters come at us . I swallowed. One, we could take. Two, win a little luck. Three doubtful. The scorpions scurried toward us, whipping their barbed tails like they’d come here just to kill us. Annabeth and I put our backs against the nearest boulder”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 57 ) In the Half-bloods hill have one problem, Luke want to attack Half-bloods hill, and to kill all of dwellers in Half-bloods hill . Luke is enemy dwellers Half- bloods hill, he live in the Labyrinth. The only way to attack Half-bloods hill is he must found Ariadne’s string who saving by Daedallus. Daedallus is creator of

Labyrinth. So dwellers Half-bloods hill gather to decide who is entered to Labyrinth and found Daedalous workshop and take Ariadne’s string to Half-bloods hill. Percy is courageous person he ready entered to Labyrint . As written below,

“ She stood. Look, the point is, I have to go in. I’ll find the workshop and stop Luke. And … I need help. She turned to me. Will you came? I didn’t even hesitate. I’m in”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 74 )

When they in found workshop Daedalous , they to asking about Ariadne’s string but Daedalous can’t to help them because he has give that’s Ariadne’s string to

Luke. And that moment Luke troop came to workshop Daedalous and they attack

Percy and his friends, because that’s Rachel partner of Percy steal some slightly used and they together jumped out the window into open sky. As written below,

“ jumping out a window five hundred feet above ground is not usually my idea of fun. Especially when I’m wearing bronze wings and flapping my arms like a duck. I plummeted to ward the valley and the red rocks below. I was pretty sure I was going to become a grease spot in the Garden of the Gods, as Annabeth yelled from somewhere above me, spread your arms, keep them extended”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:289)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA After jumping out from Labyrinth they stay in Colorado Springs and they found entrance to Labyrinth. In the Labyrinth they found Luke entrance the way to the Mount Othrys the Titan place. Percy entered to Titan place and use the hat. He put in on and he disappear. In the Titan place he fight with Luke. As written below,

“Finally I found my nerve. I lunged at the thing that used to be Luke, thrusting my blade straight at his chest, but his skin deflected the blow like he was made of pure steel. He looked at me with amusement. Then he flicked his hand, and I flew across the room. I slammed against a pillar,”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:304)

Because they can’t found Ariadne’s string they back to the Half-bloods hill, the next day troop of Luke attack a Half-bloods hill therefore all dwellers of Half-bloods hill fight with Luke troop. Percy fight with hellhound. As written below,

“ I closed on the hellhound, which was now pushing the satyrs back toward the woods. The beast snapped at one satyr, who danced out of its way, but then it pounced on another who was too slow. The satyr’s tree-bark shield cracked as he fell. Hey I yelled the hellhound turned. It snarled at me leaped. It would’ve clawed me to pieces, but as I fell backward, my fingers closed around a clay jar-one of Beckendorf containers of Greek fire. I tossed at into the hellhound’s maw, and the creature went up in flames. I scrambled away, breathing heavily. ( Rick Riordan 2009:327)


In the Labyrinth they arrested by two dracaena , snake women in Greek armor , leveled their javelins at our chests. Standing between them was Kelli, the empousa cheerleader .in the Labyrinth. They are troop of Luke. Percy Jackson and his friends take to the room gladiator. Percy must fight with troop Luke in other they can continue their trip. Percy fight with Ethan Nakamura, after to defeat Ethan Percy help him. As written below


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “ Don’t be a fool, Ethan groaned. They’ll just kill us both. I offered him my hand. Reluctantly, he took it. I helped him up”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 262)

After they can to defeat Luke troop, the troop of Luke dropped their weapons and ran to their lives. The giant trampled the dracaena trying to get into the Labyrint first. Telkhines and hellhounds and enemy half-bloods scrambled after them. The tunnel rumbled shut, and the battle was over. Daedalous to met with Percy and gave request in other Percy can keep her Mrs. O’Leary. As written below,

“Daedalus nodded. Well done, son of Hades. You are becoming wise. Then he turned toward me. One last favor, Percy Jackson. I cannot leave Mrs. O’Leary alone. And she has no desire to return to the Underworld. Will you care for her?. I looked at the massive black hound, who whimpered pitifully, still licking Daedalus’s . W was thinking that my mom’s apartment wouldn’t allow dogs, especially dogs bigger than apartment, but I said yeah, of course I will”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:335) Fighter

When he in the half-bloods hill, he follow game with her friends , He one group with Annabeth. they must collect the gold laurels without dying. They can found gold laurels in the jungle. On the jungle they met with scorpions , the scorpions scurried to ward them and they must fight with scorpions. As written below,

“She nodded. We’d fought together so many times we knew each other’s moves. We could do this, easy. But it all went wrong when the other two scorpions appeared from the woods. Three, Annabeth said. That’s not possible the whole woods, and half the monsters come at us . I swallowed. One, we could take. Two, wint a little luck. Three doubtful. The scorpions scurried toward us, whipping their barbed tails like they’d come here just to kill us. Annabeth and I put our backs against the nearest boulder”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 57 )

The scorpions scurried toward him, and they were so close he could see hideous mouths foaming, anticipating a nice meal of demigods. He try to attack the scorpions. As written below,


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “Look out Annabeth parried away a stinger with the flat of her blade. I stabbed with Riptide, but the scorpion backed out of range. We clambered sideways along the boulders, but the scorpions followed us. I slashed at another one, but going on the offensive was too dangerous. If I went for the body, the tail stabbed downward. If I went for the tail, the thing’s pincers came from either side and tried to grab me. All we could do was defend, and we wouldn’t be able to keep that up for very long”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 58 )

When they in the Labyrinth they visit the demon dude ranch they met with man his face was weathered and brown from years in the sun. he had slick black hair and black pencil . He had three body, his neck connected to the middle chest like normal, but he had two more chests, one to either side, connected at the shoulders, with a few inches in between. His left arm grew out of his left chest, and the same on the right, so he had two arms, but four armpits, he is Geryon. He gave challenge to Percy Jackson if they want to continue their trip, he must make stables clean after clean stables Geryon not permit Percy and his friends continue their trip because that Percy fight with Geryon . As written below,

“He raised his swords and charged. I dove sideways. Before he could turn. I hot arrow into the side of his right chest. I heard THUMP,THUMP,THUMP as the arrow passed clean through each of his chests and flew out his left side, embedding it self in the forehead of the grizzy bear trophy. Geryon dropped his swprds. He turned and stared at me. You can’t shoot. They told me you couldn’t.. his face turned a sickly shade of green. He collapsed to his knees and began crumbling into san, until all that was left were three cooking aprons and as oversized pair of cowboy boots”. (Rick Riordan 2009:158)

In the Labyrinth they arrested by two dracaena , snake women in Greek armor

, leveled their javelins at our chests. Standing between them was Kelli, the empousa cheerleader .in the Labyrinth. They are troop of Luke. Percy Jackson and his friends


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA take to the room gladiator. Percy must defeat troop Luke in other they can continue their trip. As written below,

“Round one. Antaeus announced. The gates opened and a dracaena slithered out. She had a trident in one hand and weighted net in the other- classic gladiator style. I’d trained against those weapons at camp for years. She jabbed at me experimentally. I stepped away. She threw her net, hoping to tangle my sword hand, but I sidestepped easily, sliced her spear in half, and stabbed Riptide through a chink in her armor. With a painful wail, she vaporized into nothing, and the cheering of the crowd died”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:260)

In second round Percy fight with young warrior, he had glossy black hair, and his left eye was covered with an eye patch. He was thin and wiry so his Greek armor hung on him loosely. He is Ethan Nakamura. Ethan Nakamura is troop of Luke but he’d never been at camp half-blood. As written below,

“ He pressed forward. He was good. He’d never been at Camp Half-Blood, as far as I knew, but he’d been trained. He parried my strike and almost slammed me with his shield, but I jumped back. He slashed. I rolled to one side. We exchanged thrusts and parries, getting a feel for each other’s fighting style. I tried to keep on Ethan’s blind side, but it didn’t help much. He’d apparently been fighting with only one eye for a long time, because he was excellent at guarding his left” ( Rick Riordan 2009: 261)

After 5 minutes fight and there was no blood, Percy Jackson can defeat him after

Ethan Nakamura made mistake , his sword dropped into the dirt. As written below,

“Ethan pressed me, but I had no trouble defending, even without a shield. He was dressed for defense- heavy armor and shield-which made it very tiring to play offense. I was a softer target, but also was lighter and faster. The crowd went nuts, yelling complaints and throwing rocks. We’d been fighting for almost five minutes and there was no blood. Finally Ethan made his mistake. He tried to jab at my stomach, and I locked his sword hilt in mine and twisted. His sword dropped into the dirt, before he could recover, I slammed the butt of my sword into his helmet and pushed him down. His heavy armor helped me more than him. He fell on his back, dazed and tired. I put the tip of my sword on his chest. ( Rick Riordan 2009:262)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA After defeat Ethan Nakamura, Antaeus entered to room gladiator. Antaeus is son of Posedium , Posedium is father of Percy Jackson. Fight with Antaeus is the final because if Antaeus winner Percy and his friends can continue their trip but if Percy defeated they will dead.as written below,

“Antaeus lunged. I rolled under his legs and stabbed him in the back of his thing. Arrhh he yelled, but where blood should’ve come out, there was spout of sand, like I’d busted the side of an hourglass. It spilled into the dirt floor, and the dirt collected around his leg, almost like a cast. When the dirt fell away, the wound was gone. He charged again, Fortunately I’d had some experience fighting giants. I dodged sideways this time and stabbed him under the arm. Riptide’s blade was buried to the hilt in his ribs. That was the good news. The bad news was that it wrenched out of my hand when the giant turned, and I was thrown across the arena, weaponless. ( Rick Riordan 2009:264)

After to defeat hellhound Percy fight again with a monster and Kampe , they are very strong. Annabeth look Percy being overburdened she help Percy to fight with the monster and Kampe. As written below,

“ Together we charged, dodged the monster’s slashes, got inside her guard, and almost.. almost managed to stab Kampe in the chest, but a huge bear’s head lashed out from the monster’s waist, and we had to stumble backward to avoid getting bitten. ( Rick Riordan 2009:330)

Finally they can to defeat Luke troop, the troop of Luke dropped their weapons and ran to their lives. The giant trampled the dracaena trying to get into the Labyrint first. Telkhines and hellhounds and enemy half-bloods scrambled after them. The tunnel rumbled shut, and the battle was over. The clearing was quiet except for fires burning in the woods, and the cries of the wounded.



UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA When they in the Labyrinth they visit the demon dude ranch they met with man his face was weathered and brown from years in the sun. he had slick black hair and black pencil moustache. He had three body, his neck connected to the middle chest like normal, but he had two more chests, one to either side, connected at the shoulders, with a few inches in between. His left arm grew out of his left chest, and the same on the right, so he had two arms, but four armpits, he is Geryon. He gave challenge to Percy Jackson if they want to continue their trip, he must make stables clean and Percy optimistic he can finished this challenge. As written below,

“ As I got closer to the fence I held my shirt over my nose to block the smell. One stallion waded through the muck and whinnied angrily at me. He bared his teeth, which were pointed like a bear’s”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 149 )

When Percy Jackson, Tyson , Grover and Nico play the game show of death in order Bianca can met with them and can explain how he can death. Bianca is brother of Nico. When follow that’s game Percy met with Minos, he make Percy Jackson angry and he want punch him . as written below,

“He turned to me as if I were some kind of cockroach. Percy Jackson.. . the sons of Poseidon haven’t improved over the centuries, have they? I wanted to punch hi, but I figured my fist would go right through face”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:164)

After back from the Labyrinth, he back to his town Mahattan with Annabeth and visit his mother in the apartment , there Percy promise to his mother that he will explain to the Paul Blisfo who is him. Paul Blisfo is a new boy friend her mother he also his teacher in his new school. As written below,

“Annabeth was studying me. She looked pretty sympathetic. I knew she’d been is similar situations. It’s never easy for a half-blood in the mortal world. I’ll talk to him


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA I promised. After we’re done with the quest. I’ll even tell him the truth if you want”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:244)

3.2 Annabeth

Anabeth is friend of Percy Jackson. She is 15 years old and also she is half human. Annabeth study in Goode High School. Annabeth live in Athena. In this analysis writer found character Annabeth in novel The Battle of the Labyrinth is courageous, stubborn, fighter, and optimistic.


Annabeth went to Half-bloods hill with Percy Jackson. Because In the Half- bloods hill have one problem, Luke want to attack Half-bloods hill, and to kill all of dwellers in Half-bloods hill . Annabeth had always admired Luke, the former head counselor for Hermes who had betrayed them and joined the evil Titan Lord Kronos.

But Annabeth still liked him. The only way to attack Half-bloods hill is Luke must found Ariadne’s string who saving by Daedallus. Daedallus is creator of Labyrinth.

So dwellers Half-bloods hill gather to decide who is entered to Labyrinth and found

Daedalous workshop and take Ariadne’s string to Half-bloods hill. Annabeth is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA courageous person. Annabeth ready to be a leader entered to Labyrint . As written below,

“Annabeth looked at me first. I couldn’t tell if she was trying to warn me, or if the look in her eyes was just plain fear. Then she focused on Quintus. I got the prophecy. I will lead the quest to find Daedalus’s workshop”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:73)

When they in found workshop Daedalous , they to asking about Ariadne’s string but Daedalous can’t to help them because he has give that’s Ariadne’s string to Luke.

And that moment Luke troop came to workshop Daedalous and they attack Percy and his friends, because that’s Rachel partner of Percy steal some slightly used wings and they together jumped out the window into open sky. As written below,

“ jumping out a window five hundred feet above ground is not usually my idea of fun. Especially when I’m wearing bronze wings and flapping my arms like a duck. I plummeted to ward the valley and the red rocks below. I was pretty sure I was going to become a grease spot in the Garden of the Gods, as Annabeth yelled from somewhere above me, spread your arms, keep them extended”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:289)


When dwellers half-bloods hill meting, they decide Annabeth will be lead in the

Labyrinth. Annabeth ask for help Percy Jakson, Tyson and Grover but what’s

Annabeth do against the ancient laws because a hero is allowed only two companions. Chiron give advice in order she just take two companions entered to

Labyrinth but Annabeth insisted she is very stubborn. As written below,

“Annabeth, Chiron flicked his tail nervously. Consider well. You would be breaking the ancient laws, and there are always consequences. Last winter, five went on a quest to save Artemis. Only three came back. Think out that. Three is a sacred number. There are three Fates, three Furies, tree Olympian son of Kronos. It is a good strong number that stands against many dangers. Four.. that is risky. Annabeth took a dept breath. I know but we have to, please”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:75)



When they visit the demon dude ranch, Annabeth believe Nico stay in that place.

Nico is their friends in the Half-bloods hill , he went leave half-bloods hill because he think Percy Jackson has kill his brother Bianca. There Annabeth hope Eurytion can take her friends to them. Eurytion is guard of the demon dude ranch. As written below,

“The cowherd glanced behind him like someone was watching . then he lowered his voice. I’m only going to say this once, demigods. Get back in the maze now. Before it’s too late. We’re not leaving, Annabeth insisted. Not until we see this other demigod”.( Rick Riordan 2009:136)

In the Labyrinth they met with someone, he wore a jumpsuit smeared with oil and grime. His leg creaked and clicked in its metal brace as he stood, and his left shoulder was lower than his right, so seemed to be leaning even when he was standing up straight he is Hephaestous. Hephaestous god in the Labyrinth . They ask him about Daedalous but Hephaestous don’t know him where is now. But Annabeth force him. As written below,

“We told you, we need to find Daedalus there’s this guy Luke, and he’s working for Kronos. He’s trying to find way to natigate the Labyrinth so he can invade our camphe won’t help you, why not? Hephaestus shrugged. Some of us get thrown off mountainsides. Some of us .. they way we learn not to trust people is even painful. Ask me for gold. Or flaming sword, or a magical steed. These I can grant you easily. But a way to Daedalus that’s am expensive favor. You know where he is, then Annabeth pressed. It isn’t wise to go looking, girl. My mother says looking is the nature of wisdom”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:192)

In the Labyrinth Percy look the last piece Kronos spirit had entered Luke body when Ethan Nakamura pledged his service. He tell Annabeth that Luke is gone but

Annabeth insisted Like it’s not done. As written below,


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA “Annabeth lifed her head. Her eyes were red from crying. What.. what was wrong with Luke? What did they do to him?. I told her what I’d seen in the coffin, the way the last piece of Kronos’s spirit had entered Luke’s body when Ethan Nakamura pledged his service. No Annabeth said, that’s can’t be true. He couldn’t he gave himself over to Kronos, I said . I’m sorry Annabeth. But Luke is gone. No ! she insisted”( Rick Riordan 2009:307)


When they follow game in the half- bloods hill, Annabeth one grup with Percy and Grover one group with Tyson . They must collect the gold laurels without dying.

They can found gold laurels in the jungle. Percy worry if Grover and Tyson can’t found that and they can death to kill of Scorpions. But Annabeth gave suggestions to

Percy in other he not worry. As written below,

Tyson and Grover both looked at me pleadingly. I tried to give them an encouraging nod, and gestured that they should move together. Tyson sneezed. Grover started chewing nervously on his wooden club. They’ll be fine, Annabeth said. Come on. Lets worry about how we’re going to stay alive. ( Rick Riordan 2009:53) When Annabeth follow meeting with dwellers in the half-blood hill, many dwellers have opinion in other they waiting troop Luke in the half-blood hill, and prepare dwellers to fight. But Annabeth argue other dwellers and give explain that they must found Ariadne string and prevent Luke came to half-bloods hill. As written below,

“we have to get to Daedalus’s workshop first, Annabeth insisted. Find Ariadne’s string and prevent Luke from using it. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 67)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA After dwellers agree that Annabeth will be lead entered to the Labyrinth, she met with the ghost king’s hand and ask about prediction if she entered to Labyrinth . As written below,

“She stood. Look, the points is, I have to go in, I’ll find the workshop and stop Luke”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:74)

In the Labyrinth they stranded in the room, in the room they met with the monster. She stood on a glittery dais on the opposite side of the room. She had the body of a huge lion and the head of a human. Her hair was tied back in a tight .

She is Sfinks . Sfinks gave them Puzzle. As written below,

“Fabulous prizes, the sphinx said. Pass the test, and you get to advanced, fail, and I get to eat you, who will be our contestant? Annabeth grabbed my arm. I’ve got this, she whispered. I knew what she’s going to ask”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:181)

On the way they with arrested two dracaena , snake women in Greek armor , leveled their javelins at our chests. Standing between them was Kelli, the empousa cheerleader. They are troop of Luke. Annabeth and his friends take to the room gladiator. Percy must defeat troop Luke in other they can continue their trip. Afeter

Percy Jackson can defeat Luke troop Annabeth incite Ethan Nakamura in other he join with them. And found workshop Daedalus As written below,

“We’re going after Daedalus, I said. Come with us. Once we get through, you’d be welcome back at camp. You really are crazy if you think Daedalus will help you. He has to , Annabeth said. We’ll make him listen”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:270)


When he in the half-bloods hill, he follow game with her friends , He one group with Percy Jackson. they must collect the gold laurels without dying. They can found


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA gold laurels in the jungle. On the jungle they met with scorpions , the scorpions scurried to ward them and they must fight with scorpions. As written below,

“She nodded. We’d fought together so many times we knew each other’s moves. We could do this, easy. But it all went wrong when the other two scorpions appeared from the woods. Three, Annabeth said. That’s not possible the whole woods, and half the monsters come at us . I swallowed. One, we could take. Two, wint a little luck. Three doubtful. The scorpions scurried toward us, whipping their barbed tails like they’d come here just to kill us. Annabeth and I put our backs against the nearest boulder”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 57 )

The scorpions scurried toward him, and they were so close he could see hideous mouths foaming, anticipating a nice meal of demigods. He try to attack the scorpions.

As written below,

“Look out Annabeth parried away a stinger with the flat of her blade. I stabbed with Riptide, but the scorpion backed out of range. We clambered sideways along the boulders, but the scorpions followed us. I slashed at another one, but going on the offensive was too dangerous. If I went for the body, the tail stabbed downward. If I went for the tail, the thing’s pincers came from either side and tried to grab me. All we could do was defend, and we wouldn’t be able to keep that up for very long”. ( Rick Riordan 2009: 58 )

When they found Daedalus workshop and met with Daedalus they ask for ariadne string but Daedalus not gave to them because he has gave to Luke. That’s things make Annabeth angry because Daedalus is Quintus people who she met in the half-bloods hill, but he betray Annabeth, betray all of dwellers in the half-bloods hill.

As written below,

“Annabeth pushed over an easel. Architectural drawings scattered across the floor. I used to respect you. You were my hero! You-you but amazing things. You solved problems, now.. I don’t know what you are. Children of Athena are supposed to be wise, not just clever, maybe you are just a machine. You should have died two thousand years ago”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:284)


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA When Luke troop came to the half-bloods hill all of dwellers fight with them ,

Annabeth must fight with the monster’s As written below,

“Together we leaped into the monster’s path. Kampe hissed sliced at us. I dodged, trying to distract her, while Annabeth went in for a strike, but the monsters seemed able to fight with both hands independently. She blocked Annabeth’s sword, and Annabeth had to jump back to avoid the cloud of poison. Just being near the thing was like standing in an acid fog. My eye’s burned. My lungs couldn’t get enough air. I knew we couldn’t stand our ground for more than a few seconds”. ( Rick Riordan 2009:329)

Finally they can to defeat Luke troop, the troop of Luke dropped their weapons and ran to their lives. The giant trampled the dracaena trying to get into the Labyrint first. Telkhines and hellhounds and enemy half-bloods scrambled after them. The tunnel rumbled shut, and the battle was over. The clearing was quiet except for fires burning in the woods, and the cries of the wounded.




4.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the main characters in novel The Battle of the Labyrinth in this paper, character is one of important elements in novel, besides theme, plot, setting, and point of view.

Characters are the person of presented in works of narrative who convey their personal qualities through dialogues and action by which the reader or audience understand their through, feelings, intentions, and motives.

Characters can affect the reader and give positive or negative impacts. They may learn and be better from the experience or may miss the point and be unchanged

From the discussion in the previous chapter, the writer would like to conclude the description of the characters in novel The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick

Riordan in only about the main character. In the novel there are two main character.

They are Percy Jackson and Annabeth. Percy Jackson is courageous person, fighter, optimistic and Humble and Annabeth is courageous person, fight, optimistic and stubborn person.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA After effort hard and working hard in understanding the topic discussion, the writer has been able to complete this paper as one of the requirements to acquire

English D-III certificate at University of Sumatera Utara.

4.2 Suggestions

At the end of this paper, the writer hopes that this paper will make the readers understand more about characters in novel The Battle of the Labyrinth. and the readers will be interested in reading this novel.

This paper can give a clear explanation about characterization to the readers.

This paper also can be used as guidance to the other students in analyzing novel, especially the main characters. The writer hopes that the other students can analyze other elements of literary works: theme, plot, setting, point of view and especially character of The Battle of the Labyrinth.

I hope this paper analysis may at least add the vocabulary of literary study in which may be useful.



REFERENCES Abrams, M.H.1981. A Glossary of literary Term. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Foster, E.M.1979.Aspects of Novel. Arnold: Penguin

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan.1998. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada UniversUniversityy Press.

Peck John & Martin Coyle. 1984. How to Study Literature : Literature Terms and Criticism London : Macmillan Education Limited.

Rees. 1973. English literature: An introduction for Foreign Readers. London : Press Macmillan Limited.

Riordan, Rick. 2009. The Batlle of the Labyrinth. New York: Hyperion Books.

Roberts, V. Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs. 1995. An Introduction to reading and Writing. New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, inc.

Sembiring, Matius C.A, 2014. Kompilasi Bahan Kuliah. Medan: Sumatera Utara University, Faculty of Culture Study.

Sembiring, Matius C.A, 2014. Buku pedoman Program D-3 Study Bahasa inggris . M Medan: Sumatera Utara University, Faculty of Culture Study.

Sembiring, Matius C A, 2014. Metode Penelitian. Medan: Sumatera Utara University , Faculty of Culture Study.




The Biography of Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan was born June 5, 1964 Rick Riordan is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, the Kane


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Chronicles, the Heroes of Olympus, and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. He is also the author of the multi-award-winning Tres Navarre mystery series for adults.

For fifteen years, Rick taught English and history at public and private middle schools in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Texas. While teaching in San Antonio,

Saint Mary’s Hall honored him with the school’s first Master Teacher Award.

While teaching full time, Riordan began writing mystery novels for grownups.

His Tres Navarre series went on to win the top three national awards in the mystery genre – the Edgar, the Anthony and the Shamus. Riordan turned to children's fiction when he started The Lightning Thief as a bedtime story for his oldest son.

Rick Riordan is the award-winning, bestselling author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and the creator of a new series The 39 Clues. For Rick Riordan

(pronounced Ryer'-dan), a bedtime story shared with his oldest son was just the beginning of his journey into the world of children's books. Already an award- winning author of mysteries for adults, Riordan, a former teacher, was asked by his son Haley to tell him some bedtime stories about the gods and heroes in Greek mythology.

Today over forty million copies of his Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, and

Heroes of Olympus books are in print in the United States, and rights have been sold


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA into more than 37 countries. Rick is also the author of The 39 Clues: The Maze of

Bones, another #1 New York Times bestseller.

Summary of the Novel

The first week on July Percy Jackson sign in to his new school ‘Good High

School’ . He entered by Paul Blisfo he is boy friend his mother. On that day Percy will follow a orientation in his new school. When walking around his new school he met with Rachell, he ever met with Rachell on Hoover Dam, her eyes can through the fog. She said to him in this school have many monsters and cheerleading also is monsters. They hid in band room. Just then Tammi and Kelli stepped into the band room they are cheerleading. The doors slammed shut behind them. They found

Rachel and attacked her. Rachell coughed. She looked like she’d just had a sack of flour dumped on her head, and Tammi and Kelli to change, her wiry hair turned to flickering flames, her eyes turned red, she grew fangs, she loped toward them her brass foot and hoof clopping unevenly on the band room flower. At the last second, the monster turned toward Percy like a cowering victim Kelli exploded into flames


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA like a Molotov cocktail. of fire splashed over everything. Percy baked into the band room as flames engulfed the doorway, and that moment Paul Blisfol look Percy sign out in the fire, Paul Blisfol completely stunned, looking Percy across the fire. In the chaos, Rachell tugged on his sleeve,’ you sign out of here’ Rachell said. He burst out of the alley onto East 81st and ran straight into Annabeth, Annabeth know about it and asking Percy about that problem, Percy explain all of things. Because that problem Percy and Annabeth went to the Camp Half-Blood, to avoid this problem.

When stay in the Camp Half-Blood, Percy met with his friends and they playing sword together. The next morning Camp Half-Blood attacked by Aethiopian Drakon that’s is monster following Luke, they make Aethiopian sign out from Camp Half-

Blood. Because that problem Chiron collect all of dweller Camp Half-Blood, Chiron is one of gods in Camp Half-Blood. In that meeting Clarisse to decide Annabeth to be a leader in that mission, and Annabeth agree decision Chiron and I want to take

Percy, Tyson, and Grover Annabeth said, but you has ancients laws, a hero is allowed only two companions Chiron said but Annabeth to force Chrion to take Percy, Tyson and Grover to traverse Labyrinth, and finally the gods approve it.

The next day they went to the labyrinth, on the way they met with god with two faces at that time a brilliant light flooded the room, she was tall and graceful with the color of chocolate, braided in plaits with gold ribbons she is Hera ‘queen of Heaven. She invite them to leave god with two faces and you must be hungry, sit with me and talk” she said, and she waved her hand, and the old Roman foundation


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA began to flow. Jets of clear water sprayed into the air. A marble table appeared, laden with platters of sandwiches and pitcher of lemonade. After finished eat she waved a hand and turned into white smoke. So did the food, just as Tyson chomped down on a sandwich that turned to mist in his mouth. The fountain trickled to a stop. The mosaic walls dimmed and turned grungy and faded again. After that they continue their journey.

In the Labyrinth Annabeth and her friends met with Briares he have one hundreds hand, he was in prison of Labyrinth, they tried to free Briares, and they take Briares sign out from prison. Finally they stopped in a room full of waterfalls,

Briares decide to leave them, after that they continue them trip and met with

Hephaestus, and she told her spider to show the way to found to found Deadalus workshop, on the trip Annabeth and her friends split up, Annabeth and Percy follow spider and Tyson and Grover found Pan because Tyson and Grover have other mission sign in to Labyrinth. On they way they met with monsters, Annabeth and

Percy separated. They threw more lava to Percy, and he remember screaming. He whole body was on fire. Then he remember the voice of the river naiad at the ranch: this water within me. He had no choice, he called to the sea, he reached inside his self and remember the waves and the currents, the endless power of the ocean. And he let it loose in one horrible scream.

She woke up feeling like was still on fire. His skin stung. His throat felt as dry as sand. He saved by Calypso. Calypso is witch who live in Oygia island, he saw Percy


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA fall from he sky and brought him to the cave she lived. After few days live there

Percy went from Oygia island, Calypso give raft to found his friends.

Hours later, his raft washed up at Camp Half-Blood. He met again with his friends but Grover and Tyson not yet there. They plan back to the Labyrinth. The next day Percy and Annabeth went to the Manhattan town to met his mother after that they met with Rachell, they want to invite Rachell to sign in Labyrinth because they need mortals and Rachell agree sign to Labayrinth.

On that day they sign in to Labyrinth, on the way they met with Monster, the

Monster force them to sign in Gladiator room. Percy must fight with Antaeus,

Antaeus told if Percy can defeat him they can continue them journey. Finally Percy can defeat Antaeus and Percy and his friends continue them jorney.

At night they break in the Labyrinth, when they sleep an earthquakes in

Labyrinth they escape, they made it to the corridor and turned just in time to see the others columns toppling. A cloud of white dust billowed over them, and they kept running. Finally they met with Daedalous. But Daedalous can’t to help them to prevent Luke to attack Camp Half-Blood. When they still told the doors of the workshop burst open, and Nico was pushed inside, his hands in chains. Then Kelli and two Laistrygonians marched in behind him, followed by the ghost of Minos. He looked almost solid now a pale bearded king with cold and tendrils of Mist coiling his robes. When riots in Deadelous workshop Rachel grabbed the wings off the wall.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Nobody paid her any attention. Kelli slashed at Annabeth. Percy tried to get to her, but the demon was quick and deadly. She turned over tables, smashed inventions, and wouldn’t let them get close. Out of the corner of Percy eye, he saw Mrs. O’Leary chomp her fangs into a giant’s arm. He wailed in pain and flung her around, trying to shake her. Daedalus grabbed for his sword, but the second giant smashed the workbench with his fast, and the sword went flying. A clay jar of Greek fire broke on the floor and began to burn, green flames spreading quickly, and they jumped together out the window into open sky.

After sign out from Labyrinth they stay in the town, after found entrance to

Labyrinth, they sign in again to Labyrinth. on the way they found trace of Tyson and

Grover. Finally they got to the bottom of a slope and found ourselves in a large cave with huge stalagmite columns. Through the center of the room ran an underground river, and Tyson was sitting by the banks, cradling Grover in his lap.

After that they went to the Camp Half-Blood without Rachell, because she is mortals. A few hours later the Titan lord’s army exploded from the Labyrinth. a dozen Laistrygonian giants erupting from the ground, they take shields made from flattened cars, finally the forces of Kronos dropped their weapons and ran for their lives. The giants trampled dracaenae trying to get into the Labyrinth first. Telkhines and hell hounds and enemy half-bloods scrambled after them. The tunnel rumbled shut, and the battle was over. The next day they treating the wounded, which was almost everybody. The satyrs and dryads worked to repair the damage to the woods.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Because problems in the Half-Bloods finished Percy Jackson back to the his town

Mahattan because two days later he will birthday. His mother make a small party at them apartment. Paul Blofis came over, but that was okay because Chiron had manipulated the Mist to convince everyone at Goode High School that he have nothing to do with the band room explosion. Now Paul and the other witness were convinced that Kelli had been a crazy, firebomb-throwing cheerleader, while Percy had simply been an innocent bystander who’s panicked and ran from the scene.

Percy would still be allowed to start as a freshman at Goode next month. In that party

Posedium came he is father of Percy , Posedium gave sand dollar to Percy. After

Posedium leave them, Percy looked to the window and saw Nico stand there and he invite Nico to his apartement.