Disaster Management Reference Handbook
PALAU Disaster Management Reference Handbook January 2020 Acknowledgements CFE-DM would like to thank the following organizations for their support in reviewing and providing feedback to this document: Tiare Eastmond, USAID/OFDA Meiapo Faasau, IFRC Country Cluster Support Team, Pacific Chris Foley, USAID/OFDA Mairegn Sengebau, Palau Red Cross Aleyda Valdes, UNDP, Palau Cover and section photo credits Cover Photo: Palau Aerial View. By LuxTonnerre Creative Commons. March 15, 2008. https://flickr.com/photos/luxtonnerre/2346935699/in/album-72157604176421959/ Country Overview Section: Badrulchau is the largest megalithic site in Palau. These stones are believed to be the pillars of the largest meeting house (bai) built. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. https://www.flickr.com/photos/58634261@N00/11723262095 Disaster Overview Section Photo: World War III ruins in Babelthuap Island, Palau February 23 2012 Photo: Erin Magee/DFAT https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=AB60893B4DECE89A7B8FB98AEFDBD9C0496DD943&thid= Organizational Structure for Disaster Management Photo: Melekeok Capital Palau. By LuxTonnere Creative Commons. March 17, 2008 https://flickr.com/photos/luxtonnerre/2347010593/in/photolist-4zp3tT-JuVUY9-Kro9vp-Kjw29x-8kwiqZ- Infrastructure Section Photo: Koror Palau 2008030818_5584 by LuxTonnerre Creative Commons. March 9, 2008. High Res: https://flickr.com/photos/luxtonnerre/2347797610/in/album-72157604176867107/ Health Section Photo: Angaur, Palau, Lt. Cmdr. Ryan Bartles, part of the Civic Action Team (CAT) Palau examines a patient during monthly visits to provide medical advise and treatment to the citizens of Angaur. Photo by: Petty Officer 2nd Class Jasen Moreno Garcia https://www.dvidshub.net/image/5614629/civic-action-team-visits-peleliu-and-angaur Women, Peace, and Security Section Photo: Palau Women’s Conference 2013.
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