
, , , Areas, and other Entities, by World

Eastern Africa Middle Africa Northern Southern Africa Western Africa Africa

British Indian Angola Algeria Benin Burundi Egypt Burkina Faso (formerly Swaziland) Comoros Central African Libya Cabo Verde Republic Djibouti Chad Morocco Côte d’Ivoire Eritrea Congo Gambia Ethiopia Democratic Republic Tunisia of Congo French Southern Equatorial Guinea Western Guinea Territories Sahara Gabon Guinea-Bissau Madagascar Sao Tome and Principe Mali Mauritania Niger Réunion Senegal Somalia Togo , United Republic


Eastern South-central Asia South-eastern Asia Western Asia Afghanistan Darussalam Armenia Cambodia Azerbaijan Bhutan Bahrain Korea, Democratic Lao People’s People’s Republic of Democratic Republic (North Korea) (Laos) Korea, Republic of Iran, Islamic () Republic of Macao Kazakhstan Iraq Mongolia Kyrgyzstan Israel Jordan Nepal Kuwait Timor-Leste, Lebanon Democratic Republic of Viet Nam Palestine, State of Tajikistan Oman Turkmenistan Qatar Uzbekistan Saudi Arabia Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) United Arab Emirates Yemen


Eastern Belarus Åland Albania Austria Bulgaria Andorra Belgium (, , ) Czech Republic (Chechia) Denmark Bosnia and Herzegovina Hungary Estonia Croatia Poland Faroe Islands Liechtenstein Moldova, Republic of Finland Greece Luxembourg Romania Iceland Holy See Monaco Russian Federation Slovakia Switzerland Ukraine Latvia Montenegro Lithuania North Macedonia Portugal and San Marino Islands Sweden Serbia of Slovenia and

Latin America and The

Caribbean and Barbuda , Plurinational State of Bahamas , and British / Malvinas Curaçao , Bolivarian Republic of Saint Barthélemy and (French part) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Dutch part) Trinidad and Turks and Caicos U.S. Virgin

North America

Bermuda St. Pierre and Miquelon of America


Australia/ American Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands New Guinea Heard Island and Solomon Micronesia, Federated States of McDonald Islands Islands New Zealand Pitcairn Northern Samoa U.S. Minor Outlying Islands Islands

Adapted from the Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistical Division (https://unstats.un.org/unsd/methodology/m49/)