Arbor View High School My name is Caleb Gibb, and I am a junior at Arbor View High School. Our teachers, staff, and students do a lot for us here, so we enjoy giving back as much as we can. Lots of the return is through student recognition or teacher appreciation events. Our students tend to do well in sports, photography, academics, debate, and other school activities. We recognize student success in these fields everyday on the announcements, or during student assemblies. Our student body president gets on the intercom every day and congratulates each student for their achievement in the activity he/she participated in. For example, if a student achieves a national merit test score, they are acknowledged. If they score a goal in a soccer game, they are acknowledged. We try to recognize all activities so students feel appreciated. We also like to show our appreciation for our teachers and staff. For teacher appreciation week, each class in student council came up with a cheesy saying and a treat for all the teachers. Our junior class came up with the line, “We donut know what we would do without you”. With this saying came a fresh Krispy Kreme doughnut. Activities like these can really make teachers and staff feel loved by the students at your school. Battle Mountain High School Staff appreciation is very important at Battle Mountain High School. The past two years we have started serving them breakfast one day of the year. We present them a menu, giving them a choice of various breakfast items. This year we delivered them their choice of fruit, drink, and breakfast burrito to their classroom about a half hour before school started. We did this so that the teachers could still get their morning work done. During Staff Appreciation Week we hand out a snack with a cute saying attached. For example: “You are ‘o’FISH’ally’ the best” was handed out with a bag of gold fish. We hand out something creative like this every day of the school week. We also include staff members each month on our Wall of Fame. Students in our school have various ways of being recognized. Every month our leadership class nominates a student that has done a good deed. Then all the nominees are typed up including the reasons why they are deserving and the students in Leadership vote. The winners receive a bag full of candy, water, pen, and their name hangs in our commons under the “Wall of Fame” banner for the rest of the school year. We also do the same for Student of the Month. The only thing different is that the teachers nominate and vote on the monthly winners. At Bonanza High School, Student Council spreads a lot of love throughout the school. For staff appreciation, we usually pass out treats or snacks to the staff and attach a nice pun to the item. We like to make sure our staff is as happy as we are. We also type up letters to the teachers, thanking them for all of their hard work. We make it known to the school so that everyone is respectful and appreciative of what our staff does for us on a daily basis. For student recognition we usually do something called RAK week, which stands for Random Acts of Kindness. One day out of the week we do a high five day or a fist bump day. We then do a wristband day and wear wristbands and t‐shirts supporting the week which helps spread the word. We also do something called a high‐five highway. We stand at the front doors before school and make a small walk way for the students to walk in and we give each and every student a high five as they walk in the doorway. We also do the same exact thing at lunch time, just to remind them that we care that they are here and get spirit going across the school. Boulder City High School Being that Boulder is a relatively small school, we make it a priority to recognize our teachers, activities, and most of all, our fellow students. Our student council has several committees that collectively focus on spreading the love. The Birthday Committee makes little notes with a piece of candy on them and hand deliver them to each student. Teacher and Staff Appreciation committees commend a staff member and teacher each week by giving them a shout‐out during the announcements, a poster signed by all of StuCo, and their favorite foods or gift cards. We also do simple tasks for them which seem like small tasks for us, but we have been told that it is a huge help. Student Appreciation recognizes a sport, club, or activity by making them a poster and supplying each member with a snack and drink that has a personalized note about why StuCo loves them. Our Public Relations Committee also advertises for “Pack The’s,” where we encourage the whole school to support the event. For example, we recently held a Pack the Play on our theater program’s opening night of the fall play. The Thespians were pleased with the turnout and grateful to be recognized for their hard work. Our student council has also planned an upcoming weeklong event, “You Matter Week.” The goal is to include all students and to reinforce the close connections we have as a school. Through our small tokens of appreciation for our teachers, staff, and student body, we, as a council, have acknowledged those who deserve it most and have made our school even more inclusive. Centennial High School At Centennial, not only do we have amazing teachers, but a whole staff of incredible people. They do so much for us, so the least we can do is show them how much we truly appreciate them! One way we show them we care is by having a welcome back breakfast at the beginning of every year with coffee, juice, bacon, pancakes, eggs, sausage, and hash browns. After the faculty and staff have been working hard for a few months, we let them know that they’re doing a great job during Teacher Appreciation Week in November. Each class is responsible for making gifts for all of the staff for one day of the week. Some of the gifts we have given are packs of Extra brand gum with a note that said “Thanks for being EXTRAordinary”, or handmade picture frames with a thank‐you note inside. Another thing we like to do for our staff in November is “Thanks‐a‐Latte”, where a truck comes to school and each faculty member can get a specialty coffee, hot chocolate, or smoothie of their choice. Also, we celebrate another teacher appreciation week in May to acknowledge and thank the staff for all of the work they did for us throughout the year. Similar to the week in November, each class gives the staff a gift with a note that lets them know we love them! The teachers are always so grateful during appreciation weeks because they love being reminded that their efforts never go unnoticed. Cheyenne High School We spread our love to our school by showing as much appreciation and recognition to our staff members and our students because we know they work very hard to reach their goals. This December for staff members as a council we cut out Santa sleighs in different Christmas papers and then filled them with candy. We then put them in all of the staff members’ mailboxes so that they would have nice treat as they left for their holiday break. Another fun idea that we had this year to recognize how great Cheyenne teachers are is that we created a “pencil” made from candy to let the staff know that they make Cheyenne the “write place to be. The “pencils” were a huge success! Our Cheyenne Student Council also like to make sure that students are recognized for their accomplishments, so for the students who received straight A’s during each quarter we deliver to their classroom the “Smartie Pants” Awards. We use a cut‐out of pants, tape the candy Smartie’s to the legs, and attach a saying, “Way to go Smartie Pants!” Our council also likes to recognize all of our Senior sports players during their last home game of their season. We take the time to make signs with each of their names in them so that they know how much we appreciate all that they have done during their last High School season. The students love the posters and many take them home with them. Coleville High School With all the hustle and bustle of a busy school day it is easy for teachers, staff, an students to go unrecognized. In our small school we try our hardest to make sure every student receives some acknowledgment through our posters. Our school is highly influenced by athletics so we usually create posters with every players name on them. Though the majority of our students are student athletes we understand that not all are, so we decorate our halls with small individual posters with the rest of the students names on them. These posters vary on the season, like Christmas trees, or eggs around Easter and so on for each time of year. In order to acknowledge our teachers and staff we purchase small gifts throughout the year just to show them we care. Things as simple as pens and pencils or just a thank you card for all they do. Without our giving teachers, our tiny school wouldn’t function to the best of its ability, therefore, our student council tries to give them a break from certain school functions. We try to ask different teachers to chaperone the many activities we host, such as homecoming and prom, in order for others to have time to just relax and fully recover from our never‐ending need for adult participation. Damonte Ranch High School Damonte Ranch’s Student Council is going “back to basics. “ They believe that simple deeds can go a long way. With the beginning of a new school year comes a long laundry list of “Things to Do” for teachers. Among this endless list of tasks to complete is picking up a class set of planners for their students. Although relatively simple, it is one more thing to add to the list. Our very own appreciation committee decided to help out by distributing planners to each classroom along with a hand crafted name plate. Each name plate was facilitated by the use of DIY stamps. Students acquired foam boards and cut out the shape of our mascot, a mustang. Next, they pasted the foam cutouts on poster board, and voila—a new mustang stamp was born. Finally, they applied blue and green paint and were able to mass produce personalized nametags for every teacher. The students received their planners, and teachers were saved a trip to the planning room. “I can’t even tell you how helpful delivering those planners was for us—the day before Monday is always crazy. I love my nametag; it was a great idea!” raved a teacher. A quick tour of the school will show many classrooms labeled not just with the room number, but now with the teacher’s name displayed spiritedly by their name plate. This goes to show how a simple act of kindness, can go a long way. Del Sol High School At Del Sol one tradition that we do to remind our counselors we love them is called a "Heart Attack". We start by giving the counselors each a small gift, and then we completely cover their office with pink and red hearts. Each counselor gets a poster with their name on it and everyone in council signs it. From the ceiling we hang heart decorations and a double wide poster with “We HEART our counselors”. Finally we make them each cards reminding them why they are so loved and appreciated. Del Sol’s counselors definitely go above and beyond to ensure the best for students, we are happy to give back. This year we are coming up with new ways to encourage students to get creative with the ways they ask their dates to Sadie’s and to interest them in what our council has to offer. STUCO has begun a little contest. When someone asks their date, they post pictures on instagram. We asked that they either at us @delsolstuco or hash tag #delsolsadies. Our e‐board then decides who used the most creative or interesting way to ask their date to the dance. The winning couple is rewarded with free pair of tickets to Sadie’s. Our council is always looking for new ways to thank our students for participating above and beyond. At Desert Oasis we share love in many different ways. This year our school was thrown a curve ball with the loss of a great Diamondback, Collin Belcastro. This tragedy not only brought our school closer, but also really opened our council’s eyes. One day we decided to write compliments, positive words, and encouraging comments on the windows and mirrors of own school. Complements such as, “You look beautiful, and don’t need this mirror” or “Have a wonderful day”. These notes then lead to us to writing anonymous compliments on pieces of paper then attaching them on cars in the student parking lot. Our school really loved these anonymous acts of kindness, even tweeting about them. We also share the love to our teachers, with our Celebrations Committee. Every month we get together and make a little gift and deliver it to the teachers in the “Celebrations Committee”. In return these teachers promise to go to more sporting events or functions our school puts on. Positive reinforcement helps strengthen the facility and student body to help better the school and each other and feel tied to Desert Oasis. This positivity then empowers us to change our schools environment. Durango High School At Durango, we love putting the spotlight on the staff and students whom make our school go around! As for student recognition, we have multiple activities we promote. We have student of the month, which chooses one student from each subject and deems him or her “Student of the Month”. Student council then takes their picture and puts it on our student of the month bulletin. In addition, when clubs or sporting groups have accomplishments or need promoting, we announce it on the announcements and we also assist them with anything they need help with. As for staff recognition, we participate in a number of weeks, which support staff members such as American Education Week, Counselors Week, and Teacher Appreciation week. This year for American Education Week, we gave teachers little treats each day, decorated their workroom, and made a video expressing our thanks towards them and surprised them with it at a mandatory meeting. In addition, we have a teacher of the month every month school is in. We go around lunch and have students vote for the teacher they think deserves to be awarded teacher of the month. After we count the votes, we create a bulletin with picture of that teacher and letters written from that teacher’s students with nice things about him or her. Spreading the love at our school is a fantastic way to create a positive atmosphere in our campus! East CTA At East Tech we share the love at our school in various ways. When clubs are going out to compete or performing extra special events Student Council creates good luck posters and or letters for them. We also congratulate them on their success as a club and provide with with special treats such as sweets. This year we showed our love for our staff by purchasing them thermoses labeled with with a numerous amount of thank yous in different languages. They absolutely loved the thermoses when they received them. We also try to show our love for the school as a whole by letting each program of study know that student council appreciates their hard work in their areas. We do that by doing cute and simple little things by making them posters. We try to show our appreciation to a variety of different groups. Sometimes we will even show our gratitude for the different classes. Recently we showed the seniors appreciation by giving providing them with free chocolate bars for all of the hard work that they have been doing these past three and a half years. We were able to hand the chocolate bars out during our lunches. It made them feel special as seniors and showed them that we do notice and appreciate their time spent on East Tech. Eldorado High School The students here at Eldorado High School worked hard first quarter, with over 50 students earning straight A’s. To show our appreciation towards these students, student council put together and delivered “smarty pants” to them during their 3rd period. These so called “smarty pants” were miniature pants attached to hard candy smarties. Those who received them were happy to have earned something for their tremendous accomplishment. This small act encouraged them to continue their efforts and also encouraged others to try to succeed as well so that they all may be rewarded. Not only have we shown our love to our students, but we have also shared love with our teachers. During American Education Week, our student council hosted a week of spirit days, which included “Teacher I Mustache You a Question” Day. Keeping with this theme, student council designed note pads for every teacher with a different quote for each subject. For example, English teachers received “Ms. English mustache you to read”, science teachers received “Ms. Science mustache you to hypothesize”, and PE teachers received “Mr. PE mustache you to exercise.” We received many grateful thank you messages from our teachers! Elko High School Elko High School students take great pride and appreciate the staff for all they do for the student body! During the holidays, every teacher gets a unique little gift bag filled with cookies or candy to show that we are thankful for all of their efforts, especially through the holidays. We also provide them with fun treats, such as Paydays and 100 Grands, on the day they receive their paychecks. We also appreciate the guidance the counselors provide the students by making sure the students are on track to graduate. Student Council gives them cupcakes to thank them for their help. Student Council also gives the janitors donuts to thank them for the services they provide the school. Not only do we appreciate the staff, we also appreciate the students. During pep rallies, we encourage EHS students to have more school spirit! We host a barbecue at lunch and if students participate by wearing school colors, they receive free food! What high school student doesn't want that?! In student council this year, we started a new tradition known as "Secret Santa." Each student picked a name out of a hat of another student council member, and they had to get that person a Christmas gift. This was a fun activity to show how we enjoy everyone's participation in being a student council member. Staff and student body of Elko High School, we salute you! Fernley High School At Fernley High School, we have shown appreciation for both staff and students. Throughout the months we have given teachers breakfast in the mornings to help start their day. Giving them the strength to fill our students with knowledge! During the holidays, we have given them ‘Boo Grams’ and ‘Gobble Grams’ to show that we also appreciate them while they are off enjoying their holidays. For our Homecoming week, every single student’s name was hung across our hallways. Personally decorated by our leadership class. The day of our Homecoming kick‐off assembly, our band welcomed each student into the gymnasium by playing some classics and new songs on the radio. We recognized all of our athletes who played fall sports. Each captain had a chance to speak about how well their season was going and what days to come out and support them to beat our rivals. Before we left for winter break, we showed our teachers and administration how much we appreciate them by giving them a small holiday gift; giving them their favorite Starbucks drink and a personal, hand written note that different students wrote for some of their favorite teachers. During our Winterfest assembly, we not only recognize our athletes, but also our various clubs. These clubs include: Academic Team, International Club, Forensics, Spanish Club, TCG, Drama, Stand Tall, and the GLBTS Alliance. Just like athletics, our clubs portray our high school as a whole; showing that not only our students from Fernley High School are amazing but also our teachers, administrators, and staff. Galena High School Our Student Council does many things to show how much we care for our students and staff. Our favorite student appreciation is called Winter Wishes. We hand out forms to every teacher and they give them to students who are doing well in class, having good behavior, etc. The student then fills out the form and we grant their wish. We made over 90 wishes come true this year. Some of the wishes are for a candy bar, a pizza, a Starbucks, and much more! After we have gathered all the wishes we then deliver them and it is so rewarding to see the looks on the students faces. Many of the students are shocked that their wish came true. Some other activities we do are: Student of the Month lunches, finals presents, and academic or sport recognition at the assemblies. Our favorite staff appreciation is Muffin Monday or supplies cake at the beginning of the year. On Muffin Monday we go around to all the teachers and staff and give them a muffin and a drink. When we did the “Welcome Back Teachers” breakfast we had a “supplies cake”. We bought pencils, pens, highlighters, paper and much more. We then let the teachers take what they needed to have a great start to the new year! Jackpot High School Jackpot High School has shared the love by making cards and writing a personalized message for each staff member inside of each card. We like to give a candy bar, cupcake or a special treat to go with the card. We took on the challenging task of making tamales this year, which turned out to be a great team activity. We shared the love of baking with each other and sharing a delicious meal with all of our staff! A lot of love was put into making those tamales! They took a long time, but the teachers and staff loved them, it was well worth it! We served the tamales with chips and salsa and rice. We also recognized all of our clubs and athletes by making them a locker decoration with their name on it. It was nice to see all of the lockers spiced up with decorations. The students really appreciate this, some of students will keep them on their lockers until the last day of school. High School We love our teachers and staff at . We try to show them our love for them once a month with a small treat or an uplifting note. So far this year, we gave them Fanta soda's with notes attached to them that said "You're FANTAstic!" During Halloween, we made paper ghosts and filled brown paper sacks with candy with a note that said, "You're a scary good teacher." During the holiday season we made treat bags full of s'more ingredients with tags that said, "We need s'more teachers like you." For the first day of the new semester we hosted a complimentary breakfast in the mail room. All the muffins, donuts, gogurts, fruits, bagels, and hard boiled eggs were cut in half. We made signs that read, "You're halfway there!" They really appreciated it and loved coming in to get their mail to a nice surprise. The custodians also do a lot for our school and student council recognized that and bought them an Olive Garden luncheon to say thank you for all they do to keep our school clean. We look forward to showing our teachers and staff how grateful we are for all they do for us. Lund High School Here at Lund High school we really appreciate all that our staff does and love our awesome students. So of course, we’re going to do all we can to show them that appreciation! For our staff appreciation we made a little poem about being worth a hundred grand, and gave them the poem and a candy bar. All the teachers were so happy, and they loved it! On Valentine’s Day we want to give the teachers a “heart attack”, and put little hearts all over their doors and tables with cute little sayings on each of them, just like the candy hearts you get. For student appreciation we made little paper volleyballs for all the girls on the team, and also had some of the elementary kids make posters for their lockers. Another thing we did was make them little papers to put on their lockers with candies. Another thing that we’re planning to do for all of the students is on the hundredth day of school we are making little notes and give them bead necklaces and candy. We want to keep doing appreciation acts for both staff and students throughout the year, and we’re always thinking of news way to show it. We can’t wait to do more service acts because that’s always the best way to make people happy, and it makes you happy too! McDermitt High School Yo! Yo! Yo! Here at McDermitt High School we struggle with population, and with low population we try to find new ways for the student body to be more involved with the school. Each month we have a certain positive characteristic trait that should be applied to each student’s daily life. For example, December’s characteristic trait was honesty. We have every teacher in the high school and elementary choose a student who they thought demonstrated that trait throughout the month in the classrooms and outside the classrooms. Students that have been chosen received a pizza party or a chocolate bar of their choice; the older students will sometimes have the choice of a free period. We don’t forget about our teachers either! We have a teacher of the month also! As a leadership class, we choose a teacher who we think has gone the extra mile in the classroom to help their students with their education and get them ready for the road ahead in life. The teacher that has been chosen, receives a goodie bag filled with a variety of

With both the student and teacher chosen, we explain to them why they received this honor. We explain to them how their everyday behavior reflected the trait of the month. So far everyone in the school has been enthusiastic about the student/teacher of the month project, which is a plus for our leadership class! It’s letting us know that what we’re doing is having a positive impact on our school! North Valleys High School Showing the love at our school is always fun! Especially when we show the love and appreciation to our staff and students! As the holidays began, we recognized our teachers for all of their hard work by making them a personal note with a symbol of what their role is in school. For example an English teacher would get a card with books and a math teacher with an equation. North Valleys also showed the love in December of 2013 before winter break. All of the staff members received a custom made gift bag, wishing them happy holidays. As for our students, we recognize them in academics, club involvement, and sports. Officers from all of our clubs received a certificate with a little gift! Students and staff are always appreciated, but gifts like these just remind them how important they are. Something simple as candy, and quotes keep them going! This isn’t all we did; we also showed love for the tragic incident that happened to Sparks Middle School in November. Leadership created a poster saying “NVHS loves SMS” with our entire leadership students signature, to show support to the middle school students. We also let the student body sign it so everyone could show their support. We then delivered the poster. Overall, there are many ways that we show our appreciation for the students as well as the staff in North Valleys and we try to do it with genuine care. Pershing County Here at Pershing County High School we are really enthusiastic about our student body, community, and staff. From nursing home visits to planning the most amazing pep rallies, Pershing County High School leadership class does the unthinkable. To show students how much we appreciate them, we do several things for the school to see and participate in. We make locker signs for all our athletes to show our support for them and make large wall posters to hang in places around the school with all the teams’ athletes names painted on them, along with their numbers. For the past few years, we have had several occasions to do this because some of our teams have made it to zone and state competitions, including 3 straight division state titles for varsity football. For our staff appreciation, we host two Staff Appreciation Weeks a year…one in the fall/winter and one in the spring. In the spring our theme is always “Thank You for inSPiRING Us” and for the week before Christmas, we are celebrating our staff by hosting a week of appreciation offerings. Monday we will be making classroom door signs and Christmas cards for all the staff; Tuesday we will be bringing a collection of deserts to give to the staff for a cookie exchange; Wednesday we will be buying coffee or hot chocolate for the staff members to start off their day; Thursday we are giving Christmas survival kits to each teacher to support them in the year to come. Whether it be a more serious way to appreciate them or a fun and silly way to do it, it’s always good. Reed High School This year we transitioned from television morning announcements to the intercom announcements. This gave us the opportunity to start a new way of communicating to the student body and give them the opportunity to get involved. Students are able to give a shout out to a friend or a teacher anytime during the week. It can be a simple, “Hey, congratulations on getting accepted to your school.”, or “Thank you Mr. Hoadley for helping with National Honors Society.” Our student body enjoys being involved and appreciating their peers. In addition to daily morning announcements, our Random Acts of Kindness committee dedicates their time in appreciating our staff and students. They have posters hanging up around the school to help encourage and spread kindness. They make sure to appreciate teachers who seem to be unappreciated for everything they do on school campus. Having this committee helps us give an inviting environment in our school. We can see the difference in our school, whether it is from letting them get involved in things we do or with the posters they see around school. Our students love being appreciated and getting involved and we have seen more school spirit now than we ever had in the past. Sandy Valley Here at Sandy Valley School, we truly appreciate our teachers and we try to advocate our appreciation throughout the year. In the beginning of the year, we made bags with candy inside and attached poems and delivered them as a welcome back gift. Several student council members participated in making lunch for all of the teachers. The lunch included sandwiches, chips, and drinks. We decorated the teachers lounge to create a positive aura while they ate. Even though we aren't able to afford much due to a tight budget, we still try to show our appreciation through small gestures. We are already preparing for future activities. We purchased key chains that say "those who care teach" that are for a teacher appreciation week in May. Even though it may be a small simple act of kindness, we always remember to thank our teacher for all that they do for us. Shadow Ridge High School The two best ways to show your love for students and staff are to involve them and show your appreciation. Relationships between students, staff and Student Council are huge factors for a successful school. There are many school functions and actives to promote student and staff involvement. Having strong relationships between staff members and Student Council is extremely important. Most events need the help and support of teachers. “Teachers are more likely to participate in events if you personally ask them to rather than an email.” said Mrs. Lourenco, Senior Class Advisor. At Shadow Ridge, we use a method of appreciating teachers called a “Staff Infection.” Each student in Student Council is assigned teachers and the goal of the “Staff Infection” is to infect our staff with kindness and apperception. We celebrate holidays with our teachers by making them gifts and offering help around their classroom. Involving all the students isn’t easy, but a variety of activities can help. A senior student at Shadow Ridge, stated “There should be a suggestion box that all the students can use and give their input and ideas on events around the school.” “I think that my favorite event at school has been the Heart Attack.” said another, senior at Shadow Ridge. The past two years at Shadow Ridge, Student Council has done a “Heart Attack” for Valentine’s Day. We decorate the entire quad in hearts to show our love for the students. We even write every students name on a heart and hang it on the windows that overlook the quad area. Sierra Vista High School At Sierra Vista, our Student Council has many different ways that we recognize our students and staff members! One of the main things that we like to do for teacher and staff appreciation is to have a ‘Super Secret Stuco’. Basically, each member of our Student Council is assigned to a teacher and a staff member, and every month we get our assigned teacher and staff member a small gift to show that we appreciate them and what they do for our school! Each teacher and staff member receives a small questionnaire so we can get to know more about them, and so that we get a gift that they like! I think that ‘Super Secret Stuco’ is a nice way to appreciate our staff because it really makes their days when they receive these gifts and see that they are appreciated for what they do! Also, for Teacher Appreciation Week, each class in our Student Council gave a special gift for the teachers for each day of the week! For example, the senior class gave fruit to teachers on Monday; the sophomores had Panera Bread cater to our teachers on Tuesday, the juniors gave out school supplies, and the freshmen had a ‘Candy Bar’ where teachers could pick and choose candy from different bowls of candy. On the last day of Teacher Appreciation Week, we treated the teachers to lunch by having Café Rio cater to us! Lastly, for student recognition, our Student Council likes to make name signs for our seniors for their last home game. For example, for the last football home game, we made football‐shaped signs for our seniors who played at their last home game ever. Sparks High School There are so many students and teachers that have so many qualities— dedication, triumph, commitment, etc. The problem is that some of these unique students and staff members slowly become invisible and unheard. For this new school year, Sparks High made a wide turn and decided to make students and staff members the exact opposite of what was initially occurring. One of our priorities immediately became to make them more visible and louder than ever before. Leadership has tried their best to care about students who are doing well in sports or academically. We have made variety of posters for Freshman, Junior Varsity, and Varsity sports with names and numbers for each athlete. Not only does this raise school spirit, but it also gives them a special “thank you,” and we make sure that they are part of the team and the family at Sparks. During spirit weeks, we spend a lot of time on posters for all grades, and all are painted equally well. By doing so, we make underclassmen feel as favorable as the upperclassmen. Although students take up the majority of the population, we let the staff know how much we respect them at Sparks High by giving them personalized cards and treats of their choice. Although teachers have a lot on their plate, we cannot forget to honor the rest. We include everybody— from janitors, to lunch workers, to students, to teachers, and to administration. An honest “thank you” can go a long way. Spring Creek High School Betty White once said “The writers are the stars of every really successful sitcom.” Like writers to a sitcom, the students and staff are the stars of every high school. At Spring Creek High, the Spring Creek High Student Council makes sure the stars of Spring Creek have a chance to shine. Some programs that Spring Creek High Student Council has put into place are the Spartan of the Month celebratory breakfast, where the best of what Spring Creek High has to offer can have their moment. Also, every morning every student should expect a team of Spring Creek High Student Council members giving them the high roller treatment, opening doors and greeting them every morning, snow or shine. At the beginning of the school year, Spring Creek High Student Council serves a BBQ lunch for the teachers. Spring Creek High Student Council makes sure its stars are well taken care of. Sunrise Mountain High School One of the ways we “share the love” at our school, is by being sure to separate “American Education Week” from “Teacher Appreciation Week”. We usually spend some informal efforts welcoming teachers back to campus, and providing them with a “STUCO/Teacher Info” bulletin board in the Faculty Lounge. And of course, we shower them with love during Teacher Appreciation Week. What we think make us unique is that we exclusively celebrate the NON‐TEACHERS in the building during American Education Week. We build a giant banner celebrating everyone ELSE in the building who doesn’t normally get any attention. We give shout outs to the custodians. We hail the campus security monitors. We recognize our food service workers. We laud the bus drivers. We even say thanks to our CCSD Police officers. Each group of people get s their own banner displayed in their work area, and some sort of food treats for all to share in. We buy lunch for the custodians, donuts for the campus police, candy for many others, etc. We also build treat bags for our bus drivers, and walk them out to them while they’re waiting in their busses on “their day” – it never fails to get a smile. We believe ALL these people are vital to the success of our students and spirit on our campus. We couldn’t do our job without them, and we make sure they know we feel that way about them! Wells High School Our school is very good at sharing love with students. We have lots of assemblies and school activities that help share love between us. We recognize a senior every month by giving them a senior of the month certificate and a shout out in the WPANews. We gave some students the teacher’s pet awards by having the teachers pick their favorite student. We also recognized teachers for all the hard work they do by having teacher appreciation week. During this week we gave them flowers and letters to show how much we care about them. We also have after school activities where we can all hang out together. We had a block party where all of high school participated and had fun. Our next major activity is the Husky Function, a “black‐out” party that will bring us all together for a hoot and a holler. West Prep High School Our school is very good at sharing love with students. We have lots of assemblies and school activities that help share love between us. We recognize a senior every month by giving them a senior of the month certificate and a shout out in the WPANews. We gave some students the teacher’s pet awards by having the teachers pick their favorite student. We also recognized teachers for all the hard work they do by having teacher appreciation week. During this week we gave them flowers and letters to show how much we care about them. We also have after school activities where we can all hang out together. We had a block party where all of high school participated and had fun. Our next major activity is the Husky Function, a “black‐out” party that will bring us all together for a hoot and a holler. Yerington High School A school wouldn’t function without the administration to lead, the secretaries to organize, the janitors to clean, the counselors to council, the teachers to teach and the students to learn. So why not appreciate them whenever you have the chance? It could be as extravagant as planning a breakfast for the whole staff, or as simple as a “Good Job.” At our school we do all sorts of things to appreciate the student body and all the staff members. We just finished our “secret Santa” for the staff members, where each kid is assigned a staff member and they give them a gift secretly. I love doing this activity for two reasons. One, it’s a time for the staff to be rewarded with a gift from a student. And two, the staff members don’t know who the student is who gave them the gift so it adds the surprise aspect to it, which is always fun. For the students, on the other hand we do something quite different. We recognize them each time we have an assembly, but, in March we do a fun activity all the students seem to enjoy. Around St. Patricks Day we write every kid’s name on a shamrock and hang it up somewhere on the walls. When they find their name they take it to the office and receive a gold chocolate coin.