Article Control of Feeding Behavior by Cerebral Ventricular Volume Transmission of Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Graphical Abstract Authors Emily E. Noble, Joel D. Hahn, Vaibhav R. Konanur, ..., Martin Darvas, Suzanne M. Appleyard, Scott E. Kanoski Correspondence
[email protected] In Brief Noble et al. identify a biological signaling mechanism whereby the neuropeptide melanin-concentrating hormone is transmitted via the brain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to increase feeding behavior. These findings suggest that neuropeptide transmission through the CSF may be an important signaling mechanism through which the brain regulates fundamental behaviors. Highlights d MCH neurons project to cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) in the brain ventricular system d Chemogenetic activation of CSF-contacting MCH neurons increases food intake d Reducing the bioavailability of endogenous MCH in the CSF inhibits food intake d Humoral CSF neuropeptide transmission may be a common biological signaling pathway Noble et al., 2018, Cell Metabolism 28, 55–68 July 3, 2018 ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. Cell Metabolism Article Control of Feeding Behavior by Cerebral Ventricular Volume Transmission of Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Emily E. Noble,1 Joel D. Hahn,2 Vaibhav R. Konanur,3 Ted M. Hsu,1,4 Stephen J. Page,5 Alyssa M. Cortella,1 Clarissa M. Liu,1,4 Monica Y. Song,4 Andrea N. Suarez,1 Caroline C. Szujewski,1 Danielle Rider,1 Jamie E. Clarke,1 Martin Darvas,6 Suzanne M. Appleyard,5 and Scott E. Kanoski1,4,7,* 1Human and Evolutionary Biology