3 (E) H:Lvc:Rs,Lakes and Mount.Alns of Nol't.F: Tu.Llyhaw •••••••••• 3

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3 (E) H:Lvc:Rs,Lakes and Mount.Alns of Nol't.F: Tu.Llyhaw •••••••••• 3 Paoe l. Notes on Cavan Place Names --·- (a) I ntro\.luct ion .................................................... l (b) General ................................ ~ ...................... 1 ( c ) Sources from whi eh the numcs u:re d!'.J\Nfl ................. (d) The County, its lJaconies & the Dlocesc: of Kilrno:re ••••• 3 (e) H:lvc:rs,lakes and mount.alns of Nol't.f: Tu.llyhaw •••••••••• 3 2. Da.llintcrr•r:Le pa.r-Lsh .......................................... .. 3. Castlc:rah;J.r; ra:r:i. .::;h ... ~ .............................................. ~,. CorlolHJh p.Jri ::;h .............. ~ ................................ ... " ... See al(;o FWnbrack ••• p 13 and Templcport L.D" ••• 5. Crossc:r:-lou~;h parish ........................................... ~ ..... .. 9 6. '1 ~;h . .............. ~ .......... ~~······~············~···· 1.1 7 .. _.HlurrlJnon pa:r:lsh (Kilcogy uroa) ....................................... l1 [JJ:un 1 re~~: ll'i : .·3~i ~,fJ ..... , ........................ " .. •. • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13 9. Cilan']vvJ ir.t dj ~i"l::.rict ••••• , .............. ., ................ ., ...... , ... .. 10. K:ildv.lJ.{)n parish ....... 4 ....................................... 14 1 11. Killann parJsh (Bailiebo :'o-Shci'cock) .......................... 8. l(} 12. Killin<Jr;h. p;n:ish ·(Bl<Jckl:ion) •••••••••·~········~··•••••••••• 13. Killiokere purist·; .................................................. " ... )4 14. (s'vvanlinbL~r) r< .................... ~ .................... ..:.:,.) L~. LoU~Jhan or Cast.l.ekt:!C:r.in (Niagher,J urc·a) ••••••• ............... ~•t .. 26 (V .!· r ~~· ;' r·;;, ~. (.J.)·· ' :'! ··············-··········~·~ .......... , 'I i 17. Iv~u:.la~Jh pari~~h ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• ~ .•••.•••• ~ ••. )9 •I l I lE. fJ,untE.'TConnauqht parish ...................................... , ......... 31 ! 19. [CrnpJ.f'tJOX't pari~.b ,. • •. •,. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~., •, • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • •" • 3~: I Tornrc.:~-Jun parish (nallycormc~ l. area) ............................ .. 'l'> :?.o. -~.} l 21. V5rcJinia .......................... " .................................... Irl c;h nuwcs of place>G .. .. ., .... prefj xe~3 ..... 36 23 .. Nj_cknarnes cf places ............................................. t-;- i '1. ' Plane i lost townbnds." Thore wa8 alw~ye a £,f. On Cavan '- t.ain amount of flux in th() townland .eS, boundarie;·--small townlands being joined Nam tog('ther to form big ones,, and large to'WD. .. ;"~ ...__ lands· breaking up into smalle-r tf: Tho Ordnance Survey just froze oi;t. :~ ... NTRODUCTION. map the 10ystem as it found it. As a oo. > Be... fo. re .launching this series of Notes I sult a ver·y large number of the old :town. ~hpuld like to explain the reaoons for land name.JS have passed out of use, many ~ [WhJeb. it has. been un!lertaken. 1 of th-em being completely }Qst. I fear. ~i 'rhd writer aims at forming as oom· Thus, 1 have a OOpy of Z~ Pamphlet pub-- 1; plete a. oollection as be can of the unrf.'• li.shed in Cavan in 1709, in which are on Cavan i.: corded traditions and place names of the given the towni.a:nds in each pansh in A: he f County.('.avan, and he entertai:ils the hope county as they then e:r;i-sted. Th~ i-S no\ Names. that it may be possible to do oo on a OO• pari<:.h in which at least twenty of these operative ~stem, everybody who is will- nam.{'s have .·ot disappeared. I have al­ Il mg . to assist contributing his share to ready locai:i'td lt number of them, and l 1.-GENERAL. the whol.f.>.. The word "willing" is em- am C()nfid-ent that a very large number I phasi.sod 'bec:;l.use there i.s no one who can- of the r&;t eau. with a little care. be In this art-icle I propose bria.ftv to not afford 80me a&>i.stance. ! lol.'.at{';(l also. 1 discuss the difficultie-s of placo na-m8 in- \~~!~;~:: A While the.re iB already a C()nsiderab-le 1'he last class of ~· nn.r<-!Corded :• place t·~rpretation nnd to indicate the different:: .i number intel'('Sted in the subject, th<:>-re nam-es we, in Cavan, who hitYe to a gre.at means by wlJi_eh the5:e difficulties may I are many others who would be equally in- extent lost our tradition, find harder to be overcome. r-c;;;.,,.,,,,,; '''" ' terested if they bad an opportunity of understand. In olden times we Iri.sh iden.. 1i . It must be clear to everyone tha.t even learning a l_i-ttle alxmt it. Such te:s:t~, ti~ed the different parts of .a. townland I If Iri·sh had eont-inucd the · spoken ,,.'·'"''' ;,;: hooka a\; ex1st are ha-rd to procure a.nd, with :w much care a..'> W8 now. name tlli, ' !anguage of tbe country we would still a.s far M the ordinary rea.d.fir is concerned, streets of a town. Every fi-eld had ita lla.ve _a difficulty in interpretillg some of sufier from the defect that they are too name; inded, if it w;Jm a large. one the.; the plaee .nar:nes. There is a nu,tural law general; they do not cater .sufficiently fori different parts of it llad .. seParate naln('s.] -a<:cord-ing to Max Muller it is merely local interests. ln add1ij<Dn, each hill, t;trc.am., lake, cross- human 1-a.ziness-whic:h induces us to Heuoo it w.a..; thought that by pubH'lb~ 1 '"a.th._ pOl-l-.h~ et~.; h ~ tQWrola.n_d. had ita r-e.duee t\Vords which an~ many-syllabled ing .a seri:es .of rough notes on ·thEl re-i own p-eellliar ntt..me a.ud, I nocd hardly or difficult to pronounce to as compact corded namos of the county and on !'Ouch add, every spot of historic- or·-supeJ;natural a form as poS~Sible. As a result, long unrecorded namt_">S as tbe writM h.as hjm-: int<'rest W'M ('.ert.ai1l to h.a.V(l its di.stinc- words become tele-scoped and frequently • splf oollected, that it might be possible· tive title. Wh-e11 I first oommenood my where ·a comhirm.tion of oonsona.nts is 1 lal'g:dy to ex~nd the drele of int-P,IXO:;;ted 1 enqnirictl I felt that it was hopt1less to difficult to pronounce a different oot is Pl't',<><ln.& and thus t.o he able to form a! P1X1.,ec:ute any enquiries with rqr&rd to r,1 1bctitutecl. ln the case of a oounty so , c.:olk<'tion o.f the unrecorded namP.tl and nam-0.5 d tbi.-; ~L:..&'l, it was -so difficult to ('"Omp·letely angli;·.i~lcd as. Cavan, we have, .' ltmditions which might in some degroo 00 traee any vestig-es of a -nomenclature for of coun;e, an .rHlditiona1 di;;;turbing f:-:w- -f!.lld ·.. wort--h:v of the traditions of Bn<ifn-ey. 1 which out• modurn generation ha6 no need. tor, fO>r cen~uries the tendency ' V\/itb re;g:nd to tradition, it is ~;o hard' I .am gl~1d to say, however, that the proo- klf- 1:-c.-en Dot merely to condense the to say what i.:. valwble and ·I\ hat is not. i J)eet in this direction is impr()viug, and lmmes as !ri,sh words, but in addit~on Somd.imes 3 tradition, trivial in Itself, thn.t ov-en in th-o most e.OrnpliCtely· AngL- to subs-titute for their sounds other ' m!J.:.·. ,,.·hen oxamined in the light of other ci&ed townland I lWW rar-elY fail to find FOunds better attw1ed to ears a-ccus- ~radltion or of rec.ordf'd history, form a at lC'.a.st ono or .t"'jn such 8Uh·namee. As tamed to English only. As a. result of i;· C(Jfil!C•ttlng link in a hist.ork.al link other- a.n inAta.nco of what may be done in this the combina,tion of these two influences >dsG incompl{lte. Henc..e I ocarC'.-dy like W<l.,Y, T shall g~ve an i_u_;,;\;a.. uoo from a liflt the written form of an Irish place name -.,to give any general rul0'5 for guidlmr:."C, which thfl Rev. Father has is ver;y frequently of little assistance in ~, and, lt>.st anything of importance should me. In thP tow11l.a.nd of ~1''~-~~~,,~r,,:,~~ determining its origin. be OJnitted, I would a.sk my readers to · pari~h of Ballint.Pmple, that Hen-tl along anything that they can pick wo1·ker, Mr. Martin, N.T .. ha.s In addition to these two unscientific np 1n the way of traditio-n. Ind-Qo0d, no no l-ess th.u.n liJ S'Ub-na.rnes. mostly , causes 'vhieh render difficult the aualy&is r, tra(Iition i.tanded down to us by our f<lr&-1 of fioi(ls. TheJ an 1:u:r;.agstick, Drum- I of a pbc-e name into its <..'Omponent part~, :1 • fal:hor:> it; too trivi:.l to note. whoeloy. Paurk.aig, Bawnsh.a... Tully's there is a1101ther cause, peoulia.l- to the ): In explaining what I mean by a ·~re- G.aJach, Shlay, Spout-field B.a.wlheen,' genius d the language 1t;.elf, w-hich ~e· -·''·.··. ~~i"!orded n-a.me," I tiliall nn.ve the wav for a. Cough Pawrk, M.arl' Hill, Garraha.ig, and }1J'uv-es a gra·.-e stumbling block to- thm::e ::: r;,>.adiM acceptance of What I wish to con-i the Islands. In seveml other townlands 11 un.acquaintod with Irish. A:s it is tr.:V vey by u unrecorded., ones. 'l'he ... re-: in tb_e:,same pariSh, which may, 1 sup-1: intentci.on to cajole every reader ?f the : wrded" place_n.ames, ~we have them at· pose, be ~e-gardOO as boin.g for our put·- I~ paper, whether he- ha.s a smattermg of t th ost ta t ( t 11) f ..J.... h h has boo - lr-i~>ll or not, into readi11.g theoo articles, P;:'>Sen , axe .
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