Paoe l. Notes on Place Names --·- (a) I ntro\.luct ion ...... l (b) General ...... ~ ...... 1 ( c ) Sources from whi eh the numcs u:re d!'.J\Nfl ...... (d) The County, its lJaconies & the Dlocesc: of Kilrno:re ••••• 3 (e) H:lvc:rs,lakes and mount.alns of Nol't.f: Tu.llyhaw •••••••••• 3

2. Da.llintcrr•r:Le pa.r-Lsh ......

3. Castlc:rah;J.r; ra:r:i. .::;h ... ~ ......

~,. CorlolHJh p.Jri ::;h ...... ~ ...... " ... See al(;o FWnbrack ••• p 13 and Templcport L.D" •••

5. Crossc:r:-lou~;h parish ...... ~ ...... 9

6. '1 ~;h ...... ~ ...... ~~······~············~···· 1.1

7 .. _.HlurrlJnon pa:r:lsh ( uroa) ...... l1

[JJ:un 1 re~~: ll'i : .·3~i ~,fJ ..... , ...... " .. •. • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13

9. Cilan']vvJ ir.t dj ~i"l::.rict ••••• , ...... , ...... , ...... , ... ..

10. K:ildv.lJ.{)n parish ...... 4 ...... 14

1 11. Killann parJsh (Bailiebo :'o-Shci'cock) ...... 8. l(}

12. Killin

13. Killiokere purist·; ...... " ... )4

14. (s'vvanlinbL~r) r< ...... ~ ...... :.:,.)

L~. LoU~Jhan or Cast.l.ekt:! (Niagher,J urc·a) ••••••• ...... ~•t .. 26

(V .!· r ~~· ;' r·;;, ~. (.J.)·· ' :'! ··············-··········~·~ ...... , 'I i 17. pari~~h ••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• ~ .•••.•••• ~ ••. )9 •I l I lE. fJ,untE.'TConnauqht parish ...... , ...... 31 !

19. [CrnpJ.f'tJOX't pari~.b ,. • •. •,. •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~., •, • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • •" • 3~: I

Tornrc.:~-Jun parish (nallycormc~ l. area) ...... 'l'> :?.o. -~.} l 21. V5rcJinia ...... " ......

Irl c;h nuwcs of place>G ...... , .... prefj xe~3 ..... 36 23 .. Nj_cknarnes cf places ......

t-;- i '1. ' Plane i lost townbnds." Thore wa8 alw~ye a £,f. On Cavan '- t.ain amount of flux in th() townland .eS, boundarie;·--small townlands being joined Nam tog('ther to form big ones,, and large to'WD. .. ;"~ ...__ lands· breaking up into smalle-r tf: Tho Ordnance Survey just froze oi;t. :~ ... NTRODUCTION. map the 10ystem as it found it. As a oo. > Be... fo. re .launching this series of Notes I sult a ver·y large number of the old :town. ~hpuld like to explain the reaoons for land name.JS have passed out of use, many ~ [WhJeb. it has. been un!lertaken. 1 of th-em being completely }Qst. I fear. ~i 'rhd writer aims at forming as oom· Thus, 1 have a OOpy of Z~ Pamphlet pub-- 1; plete a. oollection as be can of the unrf.'• li.shed in Cavan in 1709, in which are on Cavan i.: corded traditions and place names of the given the towni.a:nds in each pansh in A: he f County.('.avan, and he entertai:ils the hope county as they then e:r;i-sted. Th~ i-S no\ Names. that it may be possible to do oo on a OO• pari<:.h in which at least twenty of these operative ~stem, everybody who is will- nam.{'s have .·ot disappeared. I have al­ Il mg . to assist contributing his share to ready locai:i'td lt number of them, and l 1.-GENERAL. the whol.f.>.. The word "willing" is em- am C()nfid-ent that a very large number I phasi.sod 'bec:;l.use there i.s no one who can- of the r&;t eau. with a little care. be In this art-icle I propose bria.ftv to not afford 80me a&>i.stance. ! lol.'.at{';(l also. 1 discuss the difficultie-s of placo na-m8 in- \~~!~;~:: A While iB already a C()nsiderab-le 1'he last class of ~· nn.r<-!Corded :• place t·~rpretation nnd to indicate the different:: .i number intel'('Sted in the subject, th<:>-re nam-es we, in Cavan, who hitYe to a means by wlJi_eh the5:e difficulties may I are many others who would be equally in- extent lost our tradition, find harder to be overcome. r-c;;;.,,.,,,,,; '''" ' terested if they bad an opportunity of understand. In olden times we iden.. 1i . It must be clear to everyone tha.t even learning a l_i-ttle alxmt it. Such te:s:t~, ti~ed the different parts of .a. townland I If Iri·sh had eont-inucd the · spoken ,,.'·'"''' ;,;: hooka a\; ex1st are ha-rd to procure a.nd, with :w much care a..'> W8 now. name tlli, ' !anguage of tbe country we would still a.s far M the ordinary rea.d.fir is concerned, streets of a town. Every fi-eld had ita _a difficulty in interpretillg some of sufier from the defect that they are too name; inded, if it w;Jm a large. one the.; the plaee .nar:nes. There is a nu,tural law general; they do not cater .sufficiently fori different parts of it llad .. seParate naln('s.] -a<:cord-ing to Max Muller it is merely local interests. ln add1ijS as tbe writM hjm-: int<'rest W'M ('.ert.ai1l to h.a.V(l its di.stinc- words become tele-scoped and frequently

• splf oollected, that it might be possible· tive title. Wh-e11 I first oommenood my where ·a comhirm.tion of oonsona.nts is 1

lal'g:dy to ex~nd the drele of int-P,IXO:;;ted 1 enqnirictl I felt that it was hopt1less to difficult to pronounce a different oot is Pl't',<>r cen~uries the tendency ' V\/itb re;g:nd to tradition, it is ~;o hard' I .am gl~1d to say, however, that the proo- klf- 1:-c.-en Dot merely to condense the to say what i.:. valwble and ·I\ hat is not. i J)eet in this direction is impr()viug, and lmmes as !ri,sh words, but in addit~on Somd.imes 3 tradition, trivial in Itself, thn.t ov-en in th-o most e.OrnpliCtely· AngL- to subs-titute for their sounds other ' m!J.:.·. ,,.·hen oxamined in the light of other ci&ed townland I lWW rar-elY fail to find FOunds better attw1ed to ears a-ccus- ~radltion or of rec.ordf'd history, form a at lC' ono or .t"'jn such 8Uh·namee. As tamed to English only. As a. result of i;· C(Jfil!C•ttlng link in a link other- a.n inAta.nco of what may be done in this the combina,tion of these two influences >dsG incompl{lte. Henc..e I ocarC'.-dy like anything of importance should me. In thP tow11l.a.nd of ~1''~-~~~,,~r,,:,~~ determining its origin. be OJnitted, I would my readers to · pari~h of Ballint.Pmple, that Hen-tl along anything that they can pick wo1·ker, Mr. Martin, N.T .. ha.s In addition to these two unscientific np 1n the way of traditio-n. Ind-Qo0d, no no l-ess th.u.n liJ S'Ub-na.rnes. mostly , causes 'vhieh render difficult the aualy&is r, tra(Iition i.tanded down to us by our f it; too trivi:.l to note. whoeloy., Bawnsh.a... Tully's there is a1101ther cause, peoulia.l- to the ): In explaining what I mean by a ·~re- G.aJach, Shlay, Spout-field B.a.wlheen,' genius d the language 1t;.elf, w-hich ~e· -·''·.··. ~~i"!orded," I tiliall the wav for a. Cough Pawrk, M.arl' Hill, Garraha.ig, and }1J'uv-es a gra·.-e stumbling block to- thm::e ::: r;,>.adiM acceptance of What I wish to con-i the Islands. In seveml other townlands 11 un.acquaintod with Irish. A:s it is tr.:V vey by u unrecorded., ones. 'l'he ... re-: in tb_e:,same pariSh, which may, 1 sup-1: intentci.on to cajole every reader ?f the : wrded" place_n.ames, ~we have them at· pose, be ~e-gardOO as boin.g for our put·- I~ paper, whether he- ha.s a smattermg of t th ost ta t ( t 11) f ..J.... h h has boo - lr-i~>ll or not, into readi11.g theoo articles, P;:'>Sen , axe . e m t.mpor n no a posoo a ·mu,y>'{~ p.ans , -e n l,f l "'hail endeavour to expl-ain and illus- ur tho~ whiCh were 111. exu;tenoo wlwn abl" to eollect qUite a.s many. The names' " the Ordnance Surv0y was undertaken in thi.s llo;t 1...-ill be a. guide as to th£, lt tJ·.a.te_ this point in as homely and un­ Po<.lrly in tho ninel:~flnth century. Ev.f'.n · nf namP<'i one should expect t-o finrl. I can ·. M:ientiftc mauner as possibie. , wco i.his list compl-ete we tihould still only add that any such JW !nil f'hvuld not tY In English, as everyone is aware, we luwe a d1fficlllt (>'tough before us m 00 roj·8·d''ld meruly bccallfle it is m_ Eng- ll form the d·i£ cases o-f a. norm (save ,I interprctmg these names, and should first lish. Vrxoqurmtly Uw EnglY;h is f'n the posseso.ive) by the \Jf l'reposi­ h.a,,a to beek carefully what actual sounds only.::&. tra.nsl.atior; of an old.Or Irieh one: . tions, and the d~ffer€llt tenses o a. verb, these :names, speJlOO as tbi:'Y are at pr-··· ~ pla.~c nam~ tha.n tB conveyed by the~ s[l€11-, ment in the suhje-ct. is greater than hi6 .ll in(>' to it·s case, .a.nd the verb ac- ,,1 tng M on . the 0rdnru1oo Surv~y 'l'l_h'Se latter-and I trust they are many~ 1 t>o~ding to it-s tons~. So, too, rwas Latin, :n.a_p.s. ThH; matter 1:-> RO 1mportant m will thxt >'.rticle I 6,hall enunciate a doefi- UH'Y c:.ut assist a work which I know they •:-·~ languages--Fren{·h.ltulian, Spanish, etc. mte law 011 th-e pomt. l''or the mom<~nt. havo &'l dearly at h-eart as I. There may' • --n-ro d-erived, an in£.cxional language. 1 t'lball <:, tags of rhymt.,..,. refel'l'ing to placre i.:ue- auxiliary verbs, used to ta-ke the1r ;-_L: other place, more espt{ th~~ mnne:;, or a huuJrod f;!..l1d one forms of re- places. The Gaelic la.-ng',ilages, howev~r, 1.1 :'1t'OU1mciaJ.ion as giv-en by the olrlM f(_1ren<:~ imposEliblc to specify. For any withstood this temhmcy, and lnsh ~t r.c\\lpl~inCiiih-e district, dM.s not OOt'l'i1-SPonrl a;.,~irrt.ancc 1n .any or .a-ll of thf:OO direc- Ga.e.lic to a. much greater exte.nt than _:f -~: .ith the ~rittcn form, the fact i.s one of I tin~s I shall ~deed be grateful. Scotch. Thus in Irish a noun will have ·, ,vst-rata tmporta.n<.-e· .and ought to l)e linally, wtth regard to objects of differe11t forms, according to its different -~ ll{\ted. Si:n1ilarly, tradi~ion.s as to· the'.arcb.a.eol:Ogical intere._st this ought to b6 ca8eS', ~nd' when it enters lpto. a .naJ?e ':1 OlJgln nf A. name sometimes cling ab-out a splend1d opportunity for us t(l locate. oon:poU.nd may not appear lU 1t ln 1ts :_-~1- nllwe: t.he>~e are al~·.a,:~-s wr:r+h noting . .and JJ,,.t ih\o a.ntiquitic~ of the county and most ea.sily d~stU1guished g-qise, that of .....J....-:-.....;~Kt1ly. it must stru-ck m.v J-'_ .. ,.1.-~rs t.h% tia re- rule, ·be a cha.nge in its init1al consonant. 1 tl.w ~me of the ~wnl.a.nd ill :W~ich tb.Py quimd in tbis _djrectio.o, as it has l:).oon"-~ Therefore, to the pe-rson who was ac-- ,,•. "· ...· J are i;1tuated or wh1ch th£>y adJoin•. I am fnlly s1;1t f,rt!i Pl Pr• .thO?; M_eoh~ 1.u's splen~ ·· q_uaill'ted only !With th'e nominative of , ·; 'IDVl·nc,;,;il that the greater llllmber, If not did ;)dd:tOt.inctl\"0 p.aper.. ..-3..11 inforn~~tt_,"~ S{~nt me 1;llld('!r c.ompound .may be utterly unrecognts­ ~.·:l'(!\;',;:.-'< .)Jl dlSintelTlllg' even .a. fraction of I u'.{l sec.'Te.tar.ioR of. th. e s~':lietv. I lJ€-t mf'l illu~trate Uty point by 1;, th{'m?~ · If I Lav.e uw.dof, •~ie~hti.t I want it ·so.u:o 1Jlaee name-s from tile &itilie ;: .. <; · ,.. ,~uam~ not rN·ord~d on th~ O:rrlna.JH:,e 1, onl:y l't'nwiw; fol." me.lo .d.Hail .the. £onn in li' ~: word~. In- t.he North-Connaught ~;--:1}~'111·H·Y. T -.shaH 'Wrm an "'unrecorded 'I wh1ch J "-•:tCtt 1t. ;: . · · _ 1 to which Cavan Irish belongs, the :.::.:/'<'. • Ther~ are several cl~ of suc.h . .In ord~r to h:w~ as srrli>!.~ a u. nit'as. po. •.• '. ' for a hill is pronounoed "crock n ~ .. , .' :t.amea. s1blo and;:; J'VOHi confu.J-aon wh~1'e there where gene-raHy ''knock") while the ~~~ ln thA firs+; :place, Wl!l Tri1'1h had a ,-r:•,_rj :tre !;:I.dh get .~i dw-~:. Th-ese, .as a. rule, l.!.r-e t·coord.f'd in have giv-en When quoting_ a iu the forn: "Groc·~.a.nir," in w ich, 11 ·.. ~, !.he Darony ~3:~es. 'l'h~ .were, I;owev~r. i t~-erefore, pl~e 9uo~e the, Electoral. D:i-yi- will be- noted1 the sOund of f ".has I ''"'1'-•"''''' .J, f;u•th·et ;;ubcltnded -partty 1uto t:nbal dt:=:- swn ill whwh 1t 1.-8 tlttuatea-your Du;tnct peared a.nd tho "ah" -of far hae ::i! t.1·icts~ of th~ the Ordnance Survey took- GoUitdllor will be able to supply you with give-n- phw'-3 to a short "i" ' yr~re also. district n.a:me6 which did I ":h'"'n giving the it' oa.P. in Fermoy, the men of the pla.in1 tt ~:0-;\ not ongmate with the elan s,yatcm--e:g:•i cor~cd, _name · w~H·e ''·the men of the ·hill,u we Jhould . .;.A Largy, tht~ Commas, etc., or teudal d1v1~ 1 plan;. the · , find somo such fo:-m a-s ·• ]1r~ '~·".~-"·.:f

'll.' nd thus perform uooful histnriea.l work. ' Next come the var'lo1ll5 references in·· Engli-sh-to the place names oontained · 1i i-n documents of one kind or another- .. ;. : inquisitions, surveys, maps, papal bulls,: j etc., etc.-from the twelfth to the 'I ·1 2ighteenth centurie-s. The value of these: . : ~hie-fly oonsi:~ in the fad t~ta.t a& th~re :: ,·_.was1 at the tnne no standard1sed spelhng .' \.~ of any Irish place name, the forms givett 1' ~' .·'epresen·t the writer's approximation to~-" J the sound as he he.-'1.-r-d it. Unfortun3.1tely - ' <•- great number of these were not' re­ c-orded on the spot, and the writer was I relying upon third or fourth hand infor- ' t~tation, yet it is rarely that one does not[' j' come across at least one gem in auy such . ·•' ,;: list. 11 As an addendum to the previous list 1 j we may add another class of references; ~ Ja:te.r in rlate, but more importa-nt. be- .r · ) cau~e of th-eir local origtn-leases, deeds~ 1· :1 p-a.r1sh records, grand Jury , Olct [t·,

1 D(\WSp.-:,pe·rs, pamphlets, .and so , :11 (rven to family corre.,;pondence. ' 1 inde-ed: imagine nothing more than the a-ecount. hooks of a. m,m,nant the county of the. ~.went<,enth, t-<'enth, or even {If the n .neteenth century. I anyone resurrect one for me? 1 .·Lastly, we have th~ work done by in­ . vestigators in· 01t·he-r parts of the country 1 a.nd by the few in our own county. , lhnovan and J o.yce are, of course·, the h·o 1who assist us most here. Donovan, though his stay iri the county was a very 1: o;hort one, is the mot·e helpful. There 'I rl.n few df his intet'nreta.tions which have · :· n<>t the. support of local tradition, ~nq

:· when, a·£ occa.s,ioua.lly_, he res-orts to sur­ 1 ·1 mh;e, we cannot forget that it is the sur- .. ·' m1~ of one who· was ope- of the greateBt Irish scholars of all time. To. Dr. Jo;vee :1 he:ongs the honour of evolving something 1 like a.n exact out of the bewilder­ ing: mass of bter-ature which) prio.r to 1--·-:_ his- time, had heen writt1m on our plac.a 1• names from Cormac's g!os:sary to Val- ''" i laupey. He is not a.lways reliable. D.ow­ ewr, eslX{:.--1ally in the earlier volumes. . . He covered t-(Jo large n>n area "'ip:f~;;;·;;,~ m the on second-hand /f';:;:;:l . tion. credit, however, ' , 1 be in his earlierr,:~~~;~~~ 1' · he view to p 1•· on the t t ·"lam."{ w·1.1h~h 't'X(nte fl, f', w1ucrr .1 Hl ~ ~~--- -• --··---~--, His \"hy ·was t}le cln.tive case, is commonly used ~ .: , ;~,... taiJ.oo placed o:tl.-,Drumgetl'll, ar.d by wind.'' .!')DJ? f-- t.iJ' ·nQ~4 nttAnuA o'n,.. ~~s<~.oli: a:s the nominative of .o.t:>.c... · Note 1 .,_··.fA'·; Who were t.he sentmfll& w110 lte~H, 1 '.-~n ,o.~.toll .a,t Kedtt, and Goroovety, and w.hy? ,...SJ:J.ane O'Dugan, that the word is masculine here. To ' br -were the -foreigneri!' mentioned il\ Gal· my mind the Oweumol'J, whieh we I :....,~:t. __ ,. >nlie t~Jld Ownagall, or the Englishmen in A description more poetic than aoourate can clearly trace hack to Moneenw 1 • ' unles.s we are to aefllUlle from it that even Wsna..:-;asomnagh or the Lein5t!i:\rman in Drum- sauran, is the npner Shannon. lion o;· the :.Hunst.erman in Aughaweenag11!' Lhe gales which storm about Quilca cannot \\-'hero riill S'.Hnllinhar gf't its nanw? Ita uproot the :M


··' ,-

• the bottom land of the hill, seems. .t"Ul!Vl'H.:li.('l'U-YuU ~~' I'd J.,: ,. ltl.t~au1ngless. .Perhaps Thown is for of the liti.(a lrouL ~ tatah

1 s·~un>)J .;a tho hill. PUirc a' Cho1·aidlt the 1n.-it· . (2 l G~!ttabwee, ·which I have ali!Kl got field? ' m the f'!rm Guhwee·hwee, applied to (9) Stagoook-Auother tE'iLori.nd I , held~. GLOta Buidhe, the yellow piece (of word. 1 can make uo (;Ug:gestwn. I laud) (?) (10) Carrigal!!r'l<.tn-~Curr:!ig a' Ltitll::,! CAVAN PLACE NAMES. (i) Carrickclevan-Carraig a' C"hlit\­ tho youth's rock U)~(.Luan, a Bt.riplin,::, J hh:ii11, the roek uf (in) the hollow. The aken to toott,) :\' o.. X..'CXJ.l ·' bt:a·l pronm1eiution, Oarrickadovan ( Lj) Ot;r;yloHh:l--D()iJ·o Le;,L;Latt t · ~bo11 s tl_mc the article has been drop. poJ broad c:·k ,.,.,wd. ' ofj\L.LINTI!,MPLE PARISH, m th..: Urdnalu.:e Survey form. Cliublu1,n (15) Dillilgh. -Duilleach, leafy, lit-erally n uradlll, has p:ISI)ed into (16) Drwnard-Druim Uru the hi~.'~' at, the th~ B~llintetJ.;nlt-fu)j~ ·r~ampuiiJ. !~~-~~~J;;dt ~peoch uf the . people . us ' ' tuwnhmd ot' tlu;'l dn.!.~ch. '.fhe name LaJ: ~-ll.IVt.'ll, generally appl11~\1 to arttdes ~.D's.-(1) Portha-.PorLnch, l~ t1cd 1'0Dit;! down t."·actiealey unchanged, tll!:l uf ba:->ket work. l have twver he[lrd k!.llk. nnJ:IrllS bh\Jn lu~ had lllltde a '''-·hwen" fu; hPurra), tlw l'oJUlld l:dl of tlw krwbs \'(t.._-1, )Jt< J\C~~t"l·utioi!~to U'>~. them, n~ \\ 1:!' lus k:.nd \dth hi:3 ••nns. Tht: Down Sur­ ( Porra, li ter:>~ Jay:>. · Fatltr:l' .\1eQinon tell~ n:tfl ihat there is (18) Dn..lml:ln.. w!-l.ii3-~JJrnim Jhoc-llli~·c. Townland&.o a smnll dwlnwn he.side the Eme in thi'i the r~dge_ ~)t Llw had.w:-r '"llneu. L;-: 1 (1) Aghaloo. ry, :;O;;Jf:!Il/5. to -~~ .A~.·~;~dlt :. tllWnhnd, the only one m the ptlrl!ih, it uliy nu:c;lll'l,:t•d, 1)1'L:ml•rt\ck!;r,k. I~~tb.bradh tor- l'i L.). f.,ow~'s, or · wuu!U tt}.>LJ~ur, :).V';;,---1 J) CutJ. __ q,JU, :\ )Jenk or bu1 · 1:2) MCia!lCcn .. -.i\Joi;oin, a lit,Ue hog, O'Lowry'!:l. t1eld. Wt! ban~ niJt~!!:;ut :my A~ Sl'ULAIHE BUl'fll'. luctd SUJL~t!,;tloiJ. LL•Lhuir, a -~~;_lt:!' ; iJn~; J:W-i ' :s :nq a led tH tlH.' CJliC <:u;p ani: no~ 1•1 tlte t_,IJ · .A •.-ho.dh :1' :.Jaullilg!Jt!l\~. ,o:;e~Ht:5 tlu;~~·_lri~l. (8) Carrisan-Cturug(l,i1 a derivative 0 1 ,;;. "JJ~·!!ir:~: '11. tl<.c llH!i.l(;J'JI lrl'ofl\lnt;iUtiou. :, of Ca.rraigh, am{ meaniug a rocky pbt:e. .~-..lrs._-,-·(1) cur~hru .. ~-l.\-r:· ~!':li!il c; 'd11"' \luUJJ ll!~all "tin, tiui•l uf "Lho:" £Ub· . S.U's.---(1) Oeradhoo--Doin; :Oubh, n,t,nt, b,1l ul. (It• "\ -:-he r~v,~r lW);c~_:;;\t·. dui11g oJ· ulleVJ•Itiun."' :\JaulngbnJit ~~ · 1 the black oak woeJ., (~; CI.Oih!f.::'1 '·\ CJ1]•/l. _i) iJlt;;:~ (."Ul'IH;~·. lilt:chlly "Ul..tntu1g. '' I J,:IYI..' twurd llu . (~)" Eamon a Wooley's Bush, Dn Car· \:-~) Pulit,;n:Jc-F()IJ [);;l,h t.J1,: l1b 0 <.\. U:CCjJ )IL). fie I~!. ' 9nrVt:y, budJ · ;\gh"'t!'~·~;:~lt>y'' UflJ (;3)'Ch---CuoC' Ha. mHar¥ , . (!:i>,, G_~rccca~Cuirr 1 .;iu, tlw :, r 0 ,. '' .Aght:lreeJt:~·.'' • ru, j !t"-' .. g 18 J.ll"o)m/Jiy ;.l l'CIU:J;lJlt ;,f S.J., tS.~11) "the Laney-Lthuu\, u · wiJy:' Cuu1~ lllurat, the f:rst word u 1 1 hl' JLl\V ,' l1w robb~rs, woul1i bt~ a better tutecpn·· muue h!f-\'.ng dropped out. L..trgeen v.'~ccJ (!(J Soonauh--'Ihis i::l lh~ spo:lling oll tation, perlmps. Tlw I:mderu fuun Ol'L',lllalJy_ u. t-:t,lJ is round. hdl, "Curdn!le'' w Jlo~1 u Hut·~ No. XXXIT. HjJelling g;1vea ll11.:, \lhic!J ,,\uu!d tl) llHlicuk lJubl1 l:k·cd<).eh. the lJI.t<:k BALLINTEMPLE PARISH. rua-d. 0IH: wuuhl hl• HH:l~neJ t.u doubt (Continued.) tha~ t!w t;Jti~J.iug i~ glltiUI;~Il, i.IIHl 1"() lntg­ gost llu!Jh tbt!~ \O(' lillatle}, thl\ Ll.oek townbHd. · (:2) carrickalina ... -Caing a.' L0aua, the J'oek of (.,r 111) l:1e l~;(•;n!uw. 1:~ I Orumbra·c!<.f:n-- .. l.)miiu Hrea(,;ain, Hr;tckt::t·s 1·id;~t'. \4) 'l'h.; Anlil'lt~' Bush, 11f ~·w•at. ltwatj' t'q,ul"• .. \\li.V, ,;.x,1dly. I lw1·~.; uut been ahJe l·Sl\ltl-'· J,, a man\'~u:rsed I .-,nnl.!,. I"UIUlJUt:i('li Ly .'>uTlle !ocai hanL TliCJ"t' l-'> l>'titl a fragrnen~ uf HJillt' lif1.Y rel';.e::~ to bu haJ. ( J l La!lintumplo--~See Jtotri~h name. 'I'he ulJ dnuTllyurd is tl1e '=lit~ of the teaw.pul whid1 gave the na.uw w Lvlnt­ land ami pa11Sh. ~- D'~.--\ I l Ballined tu have Jinded iJwir· :'poils. \21 Ruher-A .~ul,-divisiun-H<::';Imhait·

w .;,d_i.;,.-ctivc-.fut or rid1. llkh hnaL \_J) Hio!llpa Hllher--a Held in iaitcr; thus ~pe!le,l in tlu~ list given uw. 1 tan rn~~ke llut.hing of Hiumpa.. ltorw~~ .. -­ tii dr>loHs, tml'ts P \3) BaHytrust Upper and Lower-'J'J,e \o(·al Pl"rlllUrteiatiun, ];~llatrust, and the older fortu, Ik• (C.L. ), soom to indie::t>J that llally---benl ;J,tha, a fot·d. ""'' l!!r.u.Lh! ami lhl't< !.nll•o, lnwnland. ('J'\Je ,, .. -•' l>ul\'ll, huwL'','l'l', n1al:es it Hallv- Lroo:;t.) The btb,'r Intn i!-1 nnt l'lto:.•l·. Beul ut ita a' trui~t. ,.t!ot• ford of the i:!tir:k f." "r gnide rnil, M:cn;~ i11Lellig;ible, but the u, tiiml •·c'' M'\-~O'lfl hrm\rl. -~ · !':l.lVt;.-.--(1) Kinnawooley-Ct~ann tt' Mhullu.igh ( ~) thl~ tip of the lrilJ·top ( ~) 1 havL' 11ot lwa!'d tlw nawe lH"OJWUftl'ed aud my interpreta"Lion lfould requirr~ ':woolt. !-2) Pawrkaleen~:r:~;r" a' Lln, the flax tleld. (:J) Lough Ayii~(Lough bland in 01·tl. Hu.t'V. 1\iap). I c.w make lli.l guess , at "Aylim." (6) Brus.key-'l'he loen1 pronuneint.ion Reems to be approximate to .Bre(>sky ratlwr than Br,)o~~key. '!'his suggests l>·iosea, broken land. Elsewhere Dt'l.Hl~ ker, Hruskarnugb etc., are deriYed fn,m Rruscar:_ rubbish, et<:., and indi· ,..,_ .i~t: poor land. 'c<}'l>,;;,;'_;":;~;::'";i~!~('i§(JC:;{~i.~:'! '-,: 1-" I h;t ··~ llOt fl!JY, ''?i ·f Legaweei-I_.. ;)g 'a ~Hw.oil, Qf tl<" , (ij ::nY" lwPn noLetl for ih muslu·uomtJ. m<,J. :·uvourabl-e momeut could have bef:u '-' · 1:21 Cane, f\ t,c>td. 1 know 110 word to ;~C•<:·:;:c:J l~l';(T(•Jd f(Jr th~ purlJO~H;\, jjm "r.U. mar '1! und of n}ltL~r, {ilH! 1 {'-·' fhe1e IB nn old fol'll on tilt! Erne S.;:;, .. :' hilt:-<.lr ' l it would lwv~ be-en : C<.L:ttlarulw.u r.::i'~·n.mces At hit' 11~.'!'•·. d-.J,·1.dt t.hon to h..lf~:iC(lU tha.t with~ : •.. -~'\""'. h~ hai IL:;1.d l'npi~~:,j mat!.t' of :)' .. , ;~7/~~o~J~lh~ll,-~u~ ~~/.:~ilwll!;~ lt~el nllv, ~~a~fc s~·:r~~~tl~sgp~~~~!Jgh~~~r ~~!~ ;:~~1~;: \&1ka ~f~Su~!-~I~~.·~:n~vl'ti~~~.~~lti~n 11 rl;ami tree~ u1mlutdt:d. 'rlw ~.liw.t~ ltt tliru.U, t.!w fiarorry. H~ hn~ ;tl-:o lwJ p, J~ives ".\l;m·hill," ~llld Down .Survey J.f, tfwrt:i'-tr~, I ban~ frequ~'ntly in. m.i\th• f.f the O'Jteilly Pe.Jigr10·o- in T kill," 'l'herl:l ure two ot.!ter ii::>tt:=U ':'hnt. th'il ·hope.-; 1 hau ul'Lgiually I Ltben·urv. H\) hn,i:'l ~<:H x·eu!J,.~d, 1 h~ive doua 1:\0 '' · ~U(! t'Xt,rudoo m the N~d.. •.JW!l, T.C.D. ·.t' 1 !·<.'.three t.h~ old "Hospital." men- n dilunwn t.hat this help was wn.heh1 ·4nr:-!lln thC' thtl't>rt>nt int£lli:\lt;onfl :-lfllOHJ! •llruqgh ~put.hy altmt.~. The timl:l has txJc- Hl·r,<>~h 2\1-u:-;,,nJJ:J, , ~~·~ l!o:-:piwl~ of Cav.t:1, WH.'i :-;i~uutul J uot- b..:r;'n faYOUI'abll:l to suecesli of otu· · . ~Luving t(J!d Uty tuH:h·:r'-l ~l,_-l mw:1J, tbcy HL Tl'J;dik' to HaY. endt!!\\(IT.\1". ludl:led, Out for that with1n ., ~-d, r ~Ill !:lUt-e/, £J.I~I.~UI~ nlrtulntv that the dih'u.:ult-ios lU '1.'fl':'' 1H~g ' ne·w !l(•ries next '""'"'l;.lk, L.aigr1 ,., ,;)i' Mullyaml_v-""::\lniLu".ll T(lnduaidh t-11<. w,\y of Il.lJ r€sumiHg the ~>eneli latet· 1 my"-e.t Ui3 h~td--ofN·~, f l1v h1ll-lup of' ~peec·h. '" {le onh- w r•t · 011 in timeli wert~ pnlr:bea!l,Y ill• 1 AS i3COLAIHE lJOCRl\ :Jt"'i.~ltlnn wliiclt ~u:.(.~esis ils.,lf to ro,_. fliUperullle-, l_£houht haYt! lung smL·fi 81.1-lJ- 1 ! t~:- 1 \e llnt; a won\ to sn,y in 1 1 ;-,- }:.leUdt>U p,,i.n:elltl,jJl., (~!""'~"±~;:"::''::'.'::C"='=='C':""""'','l:.'.i. r:r---:'.i,, T.l'tH' hut. tii.E'l't:' lu.ts lw; 1.l nu tr:HliLiu'l. ~·:ttl a11yn 11 p p!c:1su one LarUlly- ;J.t--,.. di- .. Ch the work has beu .. 1 CAVAN PLACE NAMES. L. !l tlH~ wlt(Jtht'l' the Uat~ of dle pallHY ut t'u,;tJentlian f:tll P'lttahe:~--1'::1 .. :-t:-: t!1,. lllotkrn <•I'"' !it· CASTlERAHAN fun11 _he !topcless!y c•.rTupt, J. im(IW oi:' 110 b Jue I:H;.i~;iy ~~) tlw 1'-odt_ Uolll~ tl;.;,.•·<:Jo ll:-t ''ill~inetnry liJt{'rprCt{tt!on. 'l'l1e Jhwn .llr. P. O'C-oundL ~tl.l::lc., J<'.iLS . .A.l, ' T. ''''l'l'l'~' form. ''l'utaghe,'' gt\·es litt1<· )mJ.fli:.Jtlifl-tol,r th<\t, OU!' t~r:h,.,me wu~ tir~t Bai!ieboro' Parish • . as·;J,..\,allf'i~. aduml·nt.lljd 1u tb~ Cl--:L'l'~' lll'. IJ'l:.:.Huwll. (_-J) GreaghduH ----Gnm•,h Onbh, Ll1e (:1·1)!t Urec·(·aitt, B!';H'- who H"· r nnll r:-pper·--- /: • my dt~pv:;al. _H.;;J _m;;J1·dy ar;ked ir1 >; ~i';i)\ )dJha. tlu· old river. wtwt. vari,.~(.·dhU' dwet!tW!l I J't;:{J.ll!l'\!d Ut:-tt' castlerahan Parish. I :l(i) U rbal----:-1 o;JJ wuuld - dotw. , (1) Aghahon-,\(hu!h l..nglnn, "the t~'·.·~··t, HuiJJ,Ie. .·i l.:11til l( autumn 1 wo~s not in 11 field of tlw H~ 1w,n·" (P 0 <'.) Jlraw~ cd- .:!1) Wnghteraghv---l·,~(·ll.t;t•d my .titi!('uh,\- v:i'llt n:· ':1,., upp€r J;eld,,.,·•Outera~:h'' 1 ~ dt(~ '), L•\,111~ to :\.1r. U'(\:;, nnd h1o1 t1'1ttl wr· ga1d 10 tt>rUtttl:ll .\ioll, m 'fobbedyon J);i\\'ll Murve.v furm: and t-!1e ··Cavan ·.ileed tu l;oatent h:t;,.dt llitlt_ l.!.•V;Hg; go:.'.ll- auol DruJodion. J'in('lim~ to the ~_1.~ 0 Up:llt·n\g]1y.'' 1: en11 u~::i-111\Lant'e, J; .• _;u t:::>ptx·wHy lJI tilu J,aigh~iatl, tlw J,iJill<>tPr ildd. m· fit'ld of .-\r.d1~11tta wuuld, 'd ('kruwn, thi.~ l'hit'Tiy b(••att·-P it· ii.P llWilllllt;.!; ;,:, Ar,_11t'tl\. .J! u.u ~'l'.lOIH·_kiiJ t.b.:(t ;t~;si~>~anu.• hH'll as- ,-,~~,; IJJore natural. The tl:tmt'•L;ug,tH" 1:n;•dooked nbr_>lt'---(3~) Leginny-.Lop- )sm:tlat;;d_•ll·__ v tiK· N;ny.arO~AeS thtJ:t I, I Loiw-;Let·---is, of r·our.-:t•, deri\·ed frum :;l\111\', lite ]t,Jlluw uf t-lh' \H•dge. 'J'I 1i; 'could sea:rc:el,Y lt·,···· Wtltl !:;.;_v e,·rtawlv , lloig:.rllill. u SJH-~ut, all!l.llte hi~Lury of ilttl .; ti,f' :lt·i''.~p-Led liJc:tl inLerpi'l'lation, 1:w ' t.icdur~ huw Ull.h::lui l~i;-lt Wol~A is Ius ill~d r-: ·;on\li> well kno\\Jl . .,fu'•P.'-' ol the to:\ttbr_1 ,_llw 111 ~ r>up[JU:·•t•d t,,, lw·w mu..:u llliHt;. ThustJ >eanv ,· <~t-o ti) Barcony-~·\l;irr Conuid!t, the !n· tile Cf· tho t-ir·•,'/ varwbl.>c tite ,~amB a]Jplic:atlon '1'\H.~ T,;c~ C:n·n11 LisL fun 11 i-; "L<;~;c,;o~;;: 1111 ,~.· ~ -;;:;:u\ .. lilg; IHte:;pl't:t·<'lt(•liG, bu(.. ...<(~JF•I:'l'i!- "Hnn·'' wa:-; tll(~ place of motwtain p;n--:~ Tllo tu::t•t'(!lded lll\11\e~ 1-illi'J •h d for m~;: tlw gunerul p!'HIL'i,nl'3~ up,m whieh tlu,) t.Hl'U \VIa· re tlto fi11P gr:.l\'.Pd th•ir Uu!·ks lL·l!iiiLt'TliJ'i<.: wen· f.JJ' the IJl ._;t , \\~en 1 Wall frt:\) t'-t:tf to uvc-~ I re('~·i, e. and. iloP Jkr- ~nb,inns in Cu~:~tlerahnu Barony, upt;u ucotr the batle, or homesLeu<•tf u.lreudv beeu \HHJ.O.- mon grat":ing; ground ut 1t dist~uwe. ··rd. p;:rt" ol• ,-,m Jty. c ,, v we m illg for yeur:; 111 b,,; frl!<.: int€r·htL~. '!'hen WP hnvo the B~uT of lt'i11tmw ('l'y~ 1 1 1 11 0 •IJ,~t tltt-'\'C nre tnanv ~.: 11 ·,.r·t'slt:d. :u,~· \'\-'hen, after a few n:mtlh'l of ns eal'e-· l'l1!Ju), of J~a(•k (F~·JIJlUIUtg:J), •·t· l <'f':Y '!~~~~ t!ti". ,.;er_,p;-. of -m'Li<·~•·:', 1 ,,r•de~t :·-~ ~ll Coihtborntlon and iJ,tf;H'hrtnge of (Cavan), ol' r-;Jattmmgh (Lt·iL-I':m). of '1 l and [locH' ~L\ j,1 their .__,~,· dE-W~ lhl wu;. j..-u:-.l'i1,1e by (:Qrl't':0:1)()1Hlene"' 1 .l.aghoy !J)onogal), tlL('. Tl1e ulolmune ni ~-1!1-dnlt, L•tVf\ Cillt·(·,'e•IP:l :11 itdE:r·-,.,·ti 11 ,, ,1 , t-he,~ ~;·xtent to Whid1 ~11'. O'CotiiJ<--ll had 1 tlte fnnwus ·'Flagstaff B1ll," OY''I' N:tr- \;;r]!'t' 11'-itnLer who ]ll't'~'i"n~:.._.- ga-.·( (;ltl(~ i nlreatt.f. di:-att. With (.'a_r;ti~ntha;l v.att~ maUG '1 rowwater, i~ "Ban an Fheudnin,'' i.Q., .t;J,tl~_::ht to the sHhiL't'l. j cJt;~ur ._,~.• l"tieeHl~tl lhat wlwn we The Ufll' of Fathom. Fnthom it~(>lf is lu mal!y t!HH'e 1nav ia:l .,,1t ~fa(•t: 1 ~n j 11 ~- 1 <·unH! ~ ,al W•th tlte barony_,~~-"'· utltl uot ; quite a di»tmwe U\lcty in the plaiJI, 'th lhc>ll\~llt. I rq.;i·('l. Lh: 1 ~ to tilt· n ,' 1, .'lhou :.1 wr,t,e tlw n, ttt:j_~ pointed out in a rceftnt a.rR .~~ valloy for· tlw mountain pa~tnrP in sum- t ite" 11hiE·h J haV{' not. ;i~~l- lt;llcltetl, l''n- I tl(:le: 1 WJC·Jo.ed t(l dl'pnrt frum th~ it·· mer, erecting ''hotlts'' for living in, tlud !JH.~ PX;Jl't'-'" h_, !Ill' Lhcir ~lll'JII'i~(· tl 1,[ :o or1gmnlly' planned, l sug;-;>?st€'d to :,\; 1·, ji "hwilc:-." f<1r milking the (~tHn. ll:,ll<~ PtiTI•rprr.~;· ·rr tilt~ d.r·<.·t''L!(dl \IJ 1.,:. \~·:ConneU that wh~n 1 hHJ linish:.:>d Uai-1: As :tn alt.lll,\' 11f tl1n p:l''l"-lte:-:. nlr·p:,_,_iv r_l.·~<-d~ 11 ic1 1 ~~astlerah:lll .. This h~ vnu >.tn'.vtliing to i ~ ;lisagt'f'e. ,., , .. , \ ':ll"LI',".'-' furb:l(~(' !11,\' ll!:d.:iJI,';_. 1111' of,viL!l\'l r par·,-.dl. j 11 thP o·Je:rin:- ;·,du;~l opl!;loU$ wiu<:h urc .. ~.1:0 :,lui'le u~ Nugent, nnd HolJI!ll'iOU. The l'll'·],,._, l;:A1 1 r em:eavnLlt't_•d ,., 11111 n:(•n';: w.hcro onr vie\1'11. Uilit'r, to indi~;atl,) \~hi(.'i~ JH\mes are tlto~f' of e,tlu~·r original I;.Jv; · Yl{'W ~t~tqdt~ a ma:-~t'l it wn~ fo 1 :.lJIY;J-:P ea<'h hoLd1--1. rnni;ee'l or r-;uhscqnent landlofds. Thug ·.hi) 1\'o'\~'~ \ldi'lll>..; t-fJ :1:-:-'' L tn ,r,~ ,J , ; i" 1 re.~·Tt.!t Mr. O'Cmncll':; J~:~c.·i:>Lun t;lYt:lfi ·· 1 the C:n'an Li.~t give-s ''Bnreonny1 John 1 1 1 1 ".An ,~;·,~ .B:Jd!L, (' o. ·,1 11~ ·A 11 ,~r·J· 1:\'h,lu] r~~p;,;et it.. ln fuirtl(~.-.;.-, to' ~)uth f• i l'obinson's part and the rest." In the ( ,.\t. a.Jvt(n;rr~ ht 1l1e >1:1,v of 11111.,,_ of ns t.l1iS t;Xpl<~n:.t.tiuri' hnd ~u be made t· 'Cromw<>llian GrH11b we fwd ihat. LmJ ''}'•led _naru~·" ()~l.,.tt('ll('r!t.. tJ~ L.. ~ a1- :: . utwule to mtcrpret. liltJ,;.;, '~" w.• !J:-t>·•.! d(l!W ur n~u 11 ,, 1 .~, 11 ,, Ju-- ~·c(l.ay, ~n .. \Jar,,,~rt• b;r 1.h·> ..:.\t_~~~. un.riau .s~.~ ·.11 · ('1) Brac::klc.ney-,Jo:vce makes llrcac- t.:t .. _;, to :11t-n [ll'ii<(Cc ·un'(•spo _ t.f:"a 1. meaJ.ow. .,·~· {'~,,et· 1 11 ~·~~:ty, t.l:O.:hv_uf)t 1 1[.;') j kn~,;,.. r_· ·.- .. mid gtv~ nso t{l the emling----Hgh, not .il'ttt·Lc:dl_\· e,'~·r_y let,;u1·L· nt'lEI<'ll'l f, 1r 1\lo 1 W>t. ~t~ wf~l,l a!ll !Jilfl,;!, a(·qu,:t u fne!td ~~I e,v. Pos~thly t.l1e l;1st part may l:e ,\l~:~_r,, p:1~t- 111 « Ji:·\. 11i:'t h;·s 111 ,1 .,1, · :. 11f ar.l:') mnl\l~Oi.l£1i mtto1nt. wt 1ca 1 pnJtm_,Q Ch\llll::l for CluainLe, mo:ulow>;. " 11 ~'!' ::wn"-·· 11'-': tn ;.p:tl'(•. , :. I\'(' d--•lJ,• ·I •)_, .lu;;; \·h.urt-thnt lw s~1cd\ t••JIII!Jlelr;;! (8) Carn~~Um·n, a. ('ftat r,_,r:JJ, ··]l 1011 ;1 ll'lll'l"•t" ~:h;;dl.·\-d~t:r~for~·adicutc in u~.ivuwt: what i llhc.~h. the rocks of tho h>rch tree, ·~f! l;!.r(•'}H(; f~t<.blai'll, ., . he• :·l•.\·,;. "'J'he' 1)0,1'. hl:-; ,s_n•Itl l!J th ·ork has 1,l·•·::. '_[().nrl'nig ~~· .J~IJOith is impoHsiblo, Beith , P,k ''-'. bru.Jill;' t·~·o ~-:~,w 1q _lilllH'.'' • -1 ~ . \\ !'l,h ror~a:rd tl) reL'(.rrl~ed nmrws, h~ emg:: femmmcl. 'fhc old <>pRllinf!s ,~: [,Jl[-, ,'''t:c,,l \fl)J]W)I'" Jf 1l [:" 11\), l]!i)l\<.1 nrst Wol'kt.~d. on his 0'1'.-'lllirlt!>l h,Jcpelltii-'flt istont--'·(\n:)-.:.~'\'1(', CarrH'kuvoa ." wu~nn • lp•v" t'een npp>:dw:~ ht Qf Il:!•.L 'Ve tlwu cump:.trt;d twt<>'" :Hld " C;u·rnig a' Hltidh, th~ , -'In~; l,:'>ve .." ro:uh· lltr•,u:~; uJ t!Pii)i!llsr; 7hmmat~d nli n~~mes on which we \V{'J'~ foo(L _is also- suggPst~d . 11 . tiJ~~ tll(< tHr·t. L' o •·ot•tnln~ agt~·ernent. fie then tlppJ:~,~d the t~st ; , KD.--Th,. Hcltg: roilir•, ::1 grav0Yanl ".1:-n:,. ,.;'E;ClJ. l:t'q rtlt>~• ,_,I'( ot l_u(·al prt.tnUn<.:iativn and lvL·al inteftm.•- ]', 11 Hmuan bones havo been dtw Up in' thi~ 1;,,' lHld:nv< • _,,. .. t' 1 • t 1 1 b j i f'ld "' ,,,~JH o Jlf''~'·,.,!.; '_,, :·n ·.!On ? Ht~ lO\t tfu oues. In thtl llla- I• • <~- · ~\1~·_,-, l<' h•::.~,, c:1:1tH•L i•f· c, it.·l'_li,,V or o;uctt t.'ll.;lt!S Jv:dd to his ftlttll (11) Castlarahan-Cn.isle:Jn- R.aithin 1 ''f.!Un ;ll'll." ;;•~yf!lJt:r: 1., j it a few oa.-;~' 3 LlUT judgme-nts !lt"., eas tt'·Do- 1· t'·Jle ]'ttl1 e ni,11 L O'D onovnn' (<;lr,.:.:·; to thtos~;> 1 :;hall aUv.•rt !l'i w~ 1 wroth n~~ainst the alternative spelling ••"·'·''," "Castler~tfo.!.hn.'l," whwb, by the way, o<.:~ the DoiVn Hurvey GAVAN PLACE NAME~ ; 'I ,2 ,, 'NE"~V"'SElUE.S-No. XVllL SUPPLEMENTARY ARTICLE, This article is bus<-' on materinl " plied dnet!y hy .:Me&srs. 8. Lynch, B:d Jarnesduff, and Mr. ~. Mclj~nri, Klh'L• -too late for inclusion 1n its p~·'.'; place. Castlerahan Parish.

Townlanas. , (1) Aghalion-Mr. Md~nri ,1,a1s tlnJ , local !Jl'uuudetatlol! iH Alw-Lee .~r1, Ill· : terpreLed '·tlt~ tJeiJ u1 I. he tro'IPI.'' }lttrl ·, t!ten~ 1s a fitdd !tJ J)runJdt'i~ ILtpl.t;;et 1, nlly cw,rrg to dit! sllSllLiH('d tJi(l J•; 1. ~;>lmJu"Jrtllg 11\J!r n ..., .1 ruur'-' !lJ.-'l de·.vr,1 , .,) .. tl11111 tlte .n~h Lw~-',i>,ur. ( 2) Uarrong ,JI lll,1 !lJfl'rprcla,;•,u :11 ,; l wru~C\ such a >Jlel· Jn,Je tlu,.' •Ht t!Je 1,!, 1 d H •• ,rr,, r.ou! llo\\en;r·, .t» he i1,18 1·ar••!t 1:;, JH,~I:I, tht" Jot:;.tl \'-i"UtJUJH"Jil\l()n. t!iJ(j: ", , 1\Ut., l musL yiPJd. 'l'll~ hrst ~y!ln!Jli' pronoul!l·ed '·.UUihall·, the tilll.d :'~ ~t~l~nder, ilJld there i~ a w sound ld: T tl:~e JV' .Mr. i\'lc.h;uri, a!thultg)r he l'l L doubt I)U l),(;(:i..\Ullt of Lhe a ll>Ug;o~,;·:l·' Jloth~~r~Comhuuidhe, ihtl roa'J of cJJ, dwa!hngs. Although tile ~-oubstitutin;: nl , thCl ti. ior the long 0 HOU!HJ IS \HlL>,\\01, · .. 1 i.ltmk ~hdt tde 111L-erp1etatwn 141 iy LO IJC (".!f","o.·r•t ~J.hl•l !!J.!i<', i <-IS~ 1 t:lll', of CtlUl"Se, dun t /re ·0 lll ('H•W>"I''''• ~0 lll,Y er,·or l~' .dl tJw OJ• it: '"':'". !lH>'!l·J •I \rJJ"IIJ. '(;,hl"c.!.I'allt•fUif.h" 18 t[w :·· ,;,o.' ·jle::i,\1.~ Oil 1,11(' J), :4\(l"\(;',Y .'\i11p. 'J'Jre j, .Lt un'"'"..;nlV<'Y"', lto\\l'\"('J. ;:,')\~'!< ''(J;t!Tlllt I 1 l{q"Ji., \(J ,.,,rn·.~po:td '\tUt tit·' lte,v nntJJ .. I, · the t'•l.!!lt;.!; ul a pi:H'e,,,u,.:t11arly Lnd (·oJI.I"-

l"~JI". (:!:H lf;illd'Jrr<":;h Giebe--Cui!l Dlwnl.a, ;~~~~~:~~ij~~;~::4~z~~'i5!;~,;::;, ~~ t~~~i;: d; ·:. ·. ·... · '" ·L ,_,-~- d,,. l :···~{ \,, .. ,,! ~. D(·fJ,Jltl. a li1·!ll, ~ Hu~;J llLI~nus a tnb(', f'1e tmvc·r J,,. t P . .J\,n l"t"l'. T;,,. luval Jnt~·q•r;Jtr~iicn · it u •.,;e(t Ill Lite t>(.;H~l~ pf (' iH'I'll· r l!<'c<' "f'-"-ell U!lhll:l).!.t! .•t .:' )'nrtncr"ii·''· "'Con..•" il·cruli:ltJ'; 1 l~'> u~. a lllttcter of f.,<·L . .('uu•.J tltl~> be a ltll't·: 'u:-;.•d [I,J',;ll:-; ilt ilw~ ~enM::: thu~. t•J T,;,,ll'.!,h iJI~:· l><<<(l':" L'.i~'. H~·o:L;·;, }ultl sii,, rd.abJ,., I ··iJ• .. t:!.:,v co,.mauaw --( ·ul ua n.a .I i'l, the CO< Jl{"'l' ,: 1 , '·"\!- i·l tl1 '\. ( fw J. l'•' 1 [IJ.,J) (!I ,;Jl J,i;.(J u:.g~11. 1,' l'ho,H;itr:• I'" t J' 111~ IJii~.~:_;lt .. · \\h,·f( •s deal, and v.lw·tJ, sl1'll1J!!e to ... ,- 'olJ"\•,UtJI-< ur ,,l l \,{. h~:!.. , f'.U.( • .O'Il,,'tdi'H:::h.! '"d"''-' toP:.'(' .!l'l•·_:;ll!', wit], '11" u fL tUl" ll·•.l ~ StJIIk· ealis \> pi''<:L'JL tl.ll ._..._.._. \'-'/ ,_.~.- ~~.-· members events W:nl:10. o·ocrurrea. 1not sugge£ot by what acrobatic feat the early life, muc'h m-ore readily t.llJa.n _ Slashm: Wl).s a blo to eh·ike the • ceiling recellt date- I made no a:ttempt . with his heel-6. fere with hd.a choioo of subject. Sean was very definite in his aSSertion verf!IO([lal recollediorts, but as far ·:that both "Cunnoocenanare" and ueas.. 1 gather, hiatoJ>y for him ee1wed Muunanare" meant the "Sla.ughte-r" or , Biggar, and even the ·la-tter was begll>n'in" · th.a hound-s, and he even gave me ex­ 'to grow myt;hkal CAVAN PLACE NAMES. . amploo as to local use (lf thit word "cnn­ However, when he topohOO. on Finn ~and h1a Cir-cle .all waft dea.t again, you eould , noooo"' in that !Sense before the language recognis·;o, 1that even the Ta.ra meeting, of (flEW SERIES.) I' , was quito lost. With all deference to hie: whWh \he l1ad muo'h to sa:.y, was ancient · store of Irish I am inclined 00 think that history in oomparison. Of the Red Bm.nch No. IV-Cr~orlOUIIh Parioh.) , }}.is D'Hlinory is at fault, and that cycle he had not so much to 8ay, but F.iun correct interpretatiolls are respectively, and Ossian •a.It-d OS<:at• and D.ia,rmui-d, Donn -, (Pm·tion in ·c,uot1eralum llaJ.vny.) · "CnuAf•tlA•n;sA'OAfi," th.e gathering of the and Holl, Maddorna and Oonan Maol, eacb 1houl"lds, and "CAr-"'11-nA-'f1T-;J\1Mi'\."the path of was aa n!al hel'ore 'his ~yes aB the ncig>h­ 11\1 Pariah Name. ): in, Corl<)Ugh or Glangevlin . may assist in btmrs ac-ross the "'ay i-n CM'troua.gilta. Croaurloua:h-Crois ar Loch the cross !· throwing light on the matter. Awl lle tli.1•Cccs;sed the!r .gornt points 13.Jld lough-:-i.e,, liLt the lak'e11ide. 'l'htO ! bl'"1Vt;}-.:'Y Dia.l'muid's wenkne8E i;~~;~c~liLa·d-I<".tnr:'s uuctatluu, "C1·udwduut~h," is - · fDr the ,ladieA, Gall's; quao:i-clsomeness and ab•olule!;y col'f'Klt. O'DotJOVMI IHlVfi Uwt. · ·: ('_.onau :M-1-e and the:rn in l~nglis.h n.nd one verse of 1 tlt. l•'1·um 1\-Jr. l:luu~h, Cavau CourthoH-"G :· r~:-::. AN TELLER IS INTRODUCED. 'OsE1ian's C(>!lVert5a,tion ..,.,~th .Patrick. 1 } ': .. -':\ roga.rd to local tradition!> 1 ge~ an •lliel'Ol.lttng o.mdttiou, wl•ich h~ ~ ~ ob~aweJ _fro tu I\-.h. Tll()S, F'luod of ))rum. ; · )·· . •.j " 11-n scot!111e bnCr: ,"who all an~om;~<: 11 memory ·was Bom.ewhltt bctt,er though at . ·-~in a. ·preYiOUB 'issue of the \nglo-GeH, 13 time.s vory eTTatic- I Eeveral times endA:.a.- I'~,ll~. '\ l1ell Mylt!s 1.he .Slas!H'r dwd at ~ "ahout. to gh•e us in tl1esn columnH the vour-ed to harrw3s it by sug;gesting na.mcs, l;11~a, Ius h(! uf ~.onntY but never succ~edeCI. Inkrr·r~-ls. wQuld occur of (::.tvan Church. _A. iunt:lral from Denn 1· '_p-\.':;uaya1·t," ,a_.nd ovho 'halo\ r.,!'JH·d a~·~lstar~.o •n whj(~Jl -wo rehtpsed into gPne:oal oon>en;ar P,ansh '_VHS paiH:HlJg, aud a nt"'"':Cd;n him, a.n_d ·wlth it an{;ther tulo for the and. l>rought 1t, uot 1o lw~. uw 11 nari•:IJ ;c:;:0 , ·' 8ohanacl1y," whk--h will b~ ifollowed i · notel.Jo-Ok. Sav.e ·w·here lHl g-avo a etor3' <"bnpe!, but 1o ~hat. of Cro8serlotlgl;. 'H.:!

¬hcr. and tlHm t11e E·enes ' 1 wbinh ·was C'.it>arly a tr.alllilation, lll ••hicli hea.d was k-ept for ,Ye.llrli ill b; 11i( h+ in :.h.:~ beglu; .'ica"'o he at t!mes llroke .r:to In~h, 8nrl eY-cn u.llt,~o~hle wntl of the dnnch. Tbt! l!"atli­ l':ligL .. J! .. A SHANACHY·" :,,• in his f'nlT,)w-t-,l t.he Irish id"\1Jrn, his twn ljU)'I!i t~:rtheJ·, that Ha~ prtnwnt J"p:,)arlmhly p;ootl am'! 1dll' '\- ·1 Eu~:di.;lt ---.H~il \F•n'-~ L"burch of Crosserlouglt 1s th~:: tlJird :>llll'd 1 append, m the enwt wotfiil tn 1d11<'h Jt~-~ ---" well ehosf'n. ln ail 1-lis llUnd'vefl< the.L'6 iG i.lw bl11slter's tlllH::, \af! re-Cited one of many toll\: ta.le8 ,nen ·1 a pe{mlia.l'l:;.- \·ivid not-o surw; ~ memol'J' rJcca.E.i.onally 1.:-d '11itll astra,y,

. ' me ,rofa.dng t w't,h a St.~Oit BOlOllllt of 1 as for mOttaJJce in Haw,lho;v w''c-ro 1F Townlands. 1 1 one of the }ast·-1f not t~e- w~ry laRt·-of our \i ,i dnggedly ro~lLlt&.iiled that Bawn men.~lt , genu1ne -cc.unty ehilnr..-chl€0' , ·,In wnJl hw pl•"c u~:'l:e i•.r<'~'lL'et·~t10P.S per -, Flea.n wno; hoJ'll in 'l'€t>bo,V, -,,vlJCre }J;< s:i11 f · !. fnotly SomHL rcsirl<:'8, eith(!J' nin"ty t), 1·efl Dl". n.irH' ty-fo.ur ,,__ I I hoMe 8('1ontNl th<.' F>tnrv l10 tA'-llfl 1 · 1 Bame · "Cunnov~en;m:ue · r;;mpls- he·Uttg\ h. It wouhl r,- j months ago, \vas ~tiH hale an~ hem·ty, v.Itll\. enr!eaYom· to fit. it in witJh :reoordNl little external edrlenco of ihts gTeat &gll, · ' 1· wlJ"' · ~ ~o I s:ha.\1 l,•ayo i;, afl it iS· that }Jiil .e~·-c:'ltg;Jt ili> ja,j llH'; H(llll~ ,"'~' r Jiia memo1y l•l(L!, n:-cfortunately, r:reacly [_ deserted 1tim in recent -y~·n,rs-, an cl .]us c,on· ~ 8tant cregrct to me on {:.toll oe-ea~Rwn t1L:lt c I h.a>e been able to Yislt him, hac been : · that we did 1~ot come t-ogethe~ t.()n or I fifteen years ugo >\ben, as lw himflelf put 1t. L could J:J.aye iilkd a ,sa{'k for 1~10. Jnot. \ that tlme hls hrm11Cl, 1\hO h\ ed 1\ 1th ·1 ______and to whom Ce JOe-cms- to bove been 1 greatly a-ttac{hed d1ed aNl El-< an does not ~ seem to ha--;e b rl th<'.o saw« gnp '-!! tl~mgs e\er s1uco. But 1f l 112-d only 1Kf'll o,,He to Icome thPn, \~hat V been ahlo t,) g,1e

me~ ~- 1 _ · Sean b not incline~1 to srenk mu<'-!t, ~~ '\: \himself, bnt :t is ca,:y to ~;:'(hcl' t.~'l·L . .!ll"l ·~. ,, life hae been a, hard on-e-·lllo on the llttle .. 'plot Ilv,rt mountain pnrt ho~. n:m~t ll'L\8 1 < 1nea'nt a, keen struggle far ex.~b•.;con•:o:>, ~n~ ,, : iOJ.' a ·great part. oi his J,j_f.A he na.,l m :~tlill-1 , tiQn to \\'Y la~>o,ln:r But up to .' yc:nfi, ut k!'!:·.t., glori~JUS c-ompensa- · . I 'l'here was the bro1,hN-Ll'!3 v.ondt"-r- _, 1, : · brother 0f wlwm he CiL'1tlOt H_:lY _ • ~ • t onhl not m'"rely spcnl~ Ins"!1 ~·\ - read 1t u.:r.d th('~e was Maoter 0 Ha1 a, had c;llalJoratcd 1\ 1t 11 the brot'1er m I provid;ing Dr. Jo:H'e w1th noteo on t1JP !Mal , ___ , name~ 'l'ho thrw 1\0uld foregat aer 1 ,, ni;.;r,ts m S.e•n s house a.nd the ma;te~ I" or t.he b!'other would 1'<'1\.d t'r,1m the! ~""'-' ', :M.ast.e-rs-just. t:hink of that--and Se an would,. listen to them· tlean himeelf, tJ1m1gh abletl -.'~:.:' to speak Irieh flHNJtly, b,,d never leitr'!lcd , y­ to Tea.d it. He had commenced t-o ka,T~ f , 'hi•. Irish a.lrllaJ•et just, b-e·fore t·he hrot.lw~ s:. dilath--·he .,.,as clo.~fl on .clghty at, .t:he t!me-1 hut hud ne'if :' tlHI he an, to c:-::nt.ntUfl 11 · : ']'his was ii' rec:cnt ti~'ll!;'-'l, Df cou1·se. 'Ill,.rt>~. ~""" wa,a an earlier p("l'ioci of whkh .Sen.n b.a~ l wonil.erfui Lalep, In trll. 'fJten iu,l~«::d et 11. · cf'ilidh ·wn" a t~(·,l'dl, Y•JH <·oulr. 1 '('·' T'l.ln ol ., t.I:J('JU ha.d .hi:< sj,Ol') ot' s•1J'g an.i Htory, and , - ' t1wy vi-ccl with 0~1-e another, tal<:J nfh'r tale, . , until t.h\01 small honr.;. And. now. eJas! all k: • ·--. ·~ are gGne lll.lld, l~ke anotJ::e-r Ll;~siaJ> ~e-~~1 ! bng{'ol"<'. 11nfortun~\trly, lo'·!· tJl':''l .. i ~alt. E\'e.n thB tn.lf'ls t1HI~f'lve8 Sea;; s !itlt'll me::nory will 11ot. ree,·til Jor .tu-m. Its a,t. ~.' ·. \ ~~~~tt t:~h~ r:::.tly;;-;Y i~r;·(':;lltl~~~:h:~·a~I~~~ :r,' :~ ~ 'th'3 m.-J.ruini· Uaybe I "ronld thin:{ of f!OJlJe1 of iliem by the next time y{)U cr~rn.e." 'll1a.t has been hi& reply to roe each t1me T 11;;ke.fl · him if he b11d b~en able to t:hiruk _(,f any 1 of the old Iri~.h songs and l'otonee for me, and '<"litll the ex·OOlJti-ou of suatd1ea oi one ')or two scrngs I boen unable l.o get from him a;.y fragments of ;V.~ult mm;t 1lan\ - ~ bee;_1 a. wond-e-rful collectio-n. ,'l'h-ese. ~ m~:Y · aay, like S-e ha:rd l't life ho mu~t )J cwo had t,han hla recoll.;,c:ticn of '47, It \' not, <1<> fur r;.~ ;he 1 TW:~ollecte, a IJMti.oula::-ly ~1wd. Yf.l<'-'r _l'l Gorlou"h and ab far &os JH3 o·,\ n :familY were C~r·~cerned, }l_e does 1tot rooolle>Jt tha'~ they Pver had a bf:ttc:- 'l'.J.~"Y :bad a fine oats }l.a.rvest and ar p.areutly wczre ;;J,ble to kc•L')) it, unlilm £!() many o:her(\. '.Phe winter of 1847-B seerrw t{' ha,-e been "'"' ''""''"· ,, t.icn.ully severe, and Corloug-_~ W!~~ !ior :months covered ·with snow, but he d1d not . feel thi> cold even though boots were iid ~I'( ap:1rL for tla• : "' ( 16) DrumcasSidy-Druim Uurmide, Vh·~ualler, w!Jq 11a,.; ,o :,l•t•p •·JI~" idy's Hidge. "J)rumcassady'' in D. for travellers 111 rei.UI'II. Tla• "'dt!ll Sur 1't>Y, • laud so .,d. ap:u·t VHI·:nl witl1 Llw nnLttnl d7) Drumea;II-Mr. O'ConneJI .-,( il;r~ l'l!tlllt.t'Y- lltt' 1:11).!>, \IIHHh. g\_·~~r.::~ ..1lruiru Gile," literally, the ~idge (26) Graddu~oyce says: 1 jGradnm :~'~ciri;JCo. Monaghau." I ha,·e not been able \llllo:'l'~· li\lt lil.llt• of lilo' latul lwd bt•e"l' , .vu! prolliJU(;iatiou, uud cannot say f to verify. He .'also gin~s, '·f~rE'adoguc m ,.;<'111'<' 1, would (·on·t· a far g!eater (!X­ •.1 hetlwr auy :irnpoJ'tanc~ is to h~ attached <.Jo. Cava.n mean~ scorched land." There I{;'IIt (;I' <'OlliiLI'.V thnt1 iu te.wulands 11here to the methal ''e," whwh muy 00 mere1y is no recorded plaee-mime ''Grea.cloguc," lw 11nrk of (':f':lt'lll\.'> apart. t-1 ar!r;p- ~ .rDriu:gill " aud the lluok of t:\ur· The root word enrre~~1onding to the by •~t·t•t't•:-. alld J-Jnnli!I)L 1.1--'., t)ls in t!Jt! whole I (~:tn suggest IJO.intell1gilile interprer.a- scorch. I have got no locai suggestion. lly KeHtill~!, ('k., H!lf l.~c·:· that will u! 11 medial vowel ''Gradum," in the Down Survey. avcJ':t~'~" Ya!ut· t,f Lhe B~dlyM li·}'nld. (21) Keenagh-Caonach moss, a mossy tJt' Botll,dwt. J't~.~uiLin!-!:, is intl'm­ l~) DruimhaJiagh-Druim Shaileach, plaoo. UIJ.~ol!lld. Thr• \\'nt'k ol c!t>lll";lt~~ (.iw r;'Jge of the willows. (P.O.C.) Drum- "Kenagh," in 'Down Rurvey. t.illi'').!; 11 t•!Jt. on frol!l Cl'llltlly io :.~i!il~gh or Urt~mhillagh are t~1e furRJB iu (28) l\lfiagh-CCJbheach, a <·enLur.v, l-IIHl Lli"' lot.;d ru·n:>age in ihe wlneh •·the rtdge of the wdlows has abounding m coarse grass, (from cCibh H;l!l.:.-bcL eOII[rat'lPd lH'(:orrling)y, The been anglici10ed elsewhere in the co.uut~, or ciabh, a lock of ha1r). ''Connogher" V<"!','i' stdil(' dilfit"uit.,· Lii'Ps in t>nd.::nvour-. though druim bemg ma.,;cuhue, Jt IS seems to Le the uame in the Do~·n ~urv !n1~ to l'.~lilludt.l of ti1P P',ani"attou nnd ddHcult to see why the "S" .is aspir~ vey Map. ' ( \Hntuotli'."Palt !1 h-nfist•alit'e the i ated~ ''D1·uirn Sha.!neh,n the dttty, t.e., (29) k.illinure-Coillan Iubhair, the j..!I':Jtli ~ W(. SurYey. IJt-illh (~(JU.IIt·d: '''lrrl with regurd to a!!lpirated ··s.~~ 'J'he (30) Killytoo:her·-Coill a' 'l'ochair, the _: ha ne lwe11 ePdeavolll'iJJg to work out. Down· burvey form ia the sa m& the wood of the causeway. r;owe IJ:r·ii of iaxat1on nf tlw 1:1g this word, and the cognaTe name humped hill ( ~) ' !'1111~- tllf-' l ';tl'\'il~;h -- dPjll:'llding nnt 'fit·uminiskill." There are '<'>Jutmples of Stmugo to say, the uame doeli not ap- 1qtal, l;u: lltl HI'HhiP ;l,L";P. ~)'(• ll•t'HI' 1~1)(). ,-\ ,mals where the is vuriously wh~~ in }4~liza beLb · s ti me was deprn:ed ·11"1 ~·~1-~"f :P·t>. r lit, ilk. LIH· tllillili((J)JI <11111 1 ,;~wi!t~J' "J)ruim-euelidaind, lnea~;claiun, by t"errott of the Ctueft_amRh:p to wl1idt', II'HX: •_t•un·l l.noils 1-ill).:'~:P»ied, !out fl('I'Run­ l_u,usglniun i1'ionasclaiug, in AISdaind, hy taUIRtry hP was ent.1tled. H:r ,Jnhn.~ itlil· I ~,., '\') 1''-':ISIJII 1\ it~-. ltl H ltwou.) hlli nephew, was recogmsed UltJclor<'. :O'Uunoruu mak(;ls 110 uttempt to mter- I:Leifne and recetving [\Jlc>. tile HiJd Duffy, au inl1alntant of the tO\mla~Jd, battle oJ the Yellow Ford, wns the tirst f'll,''i' >~t"L~' 'dJd\lL" pt>l' <·f'J:i, of tht> Plrll'e--n:1m~~. who prououJH'tl(l tho nume ''Drmm- ''(,JueE~n's U'.fl.e,lly." i-ltrang<.' to say, 1 i •ur.:1slinn '' WllH~h, b11 tlltt way, corres· his father, t-ltr .John, renounced hts a!w ,·, ','-c--~.;--,.,-.,_,.__ An Scolaire Bocht. ll(lllds cl~se:\· with tile lueai pronunciiL· legiance and fou~ht 011 the hid1 Hide in ~ :·J (:13) Portan--Port was }Jhlbnhly (JI'igiu:dly a diRtir\ct- · ,ln,vce uuwist>ly t1 first volume Pllll!'(' I of tl10 IIHgSttJ/l{'R---- po.c..:sitJiy, Coil I,: (.-H J RocH;eldi-·-"P:ii!'c na tiU the l:'iH('e·:\'amef'. He derives ·,j the wood; Poi't :-ts Ml t.he B.Ap!anation ~-·' 14) 'l!1p (_;l'Ht(•ll,v'~' l,n;J(-' .\ly infl,nnaut ',, miry or liwamp~~. 1:-~ not impossjbJe. , '• :he !utter part uf the nnme ''nst•fl.:l," /'j eon:d IP,l!'ll nntl1"1?~ of tht> g1.~HI1,\ 't is i11i.tWt:l8ting th,) eHee·t of ttotr,Li;,n nn iiU·nJIIv, An n;·mpit_, b11t. comnwul:'· u~ed , He> hi':lrd old people l'H,\ ·haL che old t.h~) L'h of cb.1ill t.onni11a:. Tl.r- nntln:d . her the juncture bl\tWt'ett two ridges: 1,~ 12:n:l1'h/' lnTd (,bel.'('!, but. h:td Hen'!'· 1 tPnden(•.v i~ tu 11tnkt> it l"itnpl,v l1, Chndi h<'al IS temiHIIIe, and ht;t sugg~st10 tilat 1: he;.trtl nn:-.' explrtl:rtnon. 1:-. (.,le la:<~ r;:-.·1- · t.l111s g1ving h,1l us ln (',,]iowhill, eh', ! !1,~ ''l~:~klin" repr~~ents O.lleail fhioun, 1. niJle ..~i lite~ In e(,IJ'\Rttl dist.rid~. howevel', thew m:c~.e 1 "1he fn.r armpit." · ,! (:l:n L~:~tnadrunagh~Tltis JR, l lhiuk, t.h<.\ "Ch" ''f"; thus in Ome:tl·], tw. t Wlu!e [ Jo not a_gree with .Joyee's lat- i-~; Le:wht Dronrj.r.~e, l1e ltunchb;\r-'k'<~, ~lsewhero .they ...:ay ''fuoev 111-::"h" 1ur : ter 1t forut · mlerpretrtbou mt.~Jt.o, 1 tllink con- ,.. , t()rnh. Tl:.:~ Oown ~UI'n·~- "L. '11tf'o'(~ ;s a fun 1t'-'r tf'11de1'C'Y t1Ji'1fJ the key to the solution. 'J'o mJ ;1gh .Drr:m.q.>:h,'' not' r.S.'!i~"L not lo !~at''' a l.ortninal lirp:id (I. m, n, 1 J m1nd, tilt~ tsldin rep1·e~ents the dunim1~ 1:H) Lecnarry~~lr. O'(',o~nt>ll bad u:l\noteut,cd, a "L'' or' a ",]-• lH!;IIIe( t.1ve of &f>eail, 1;Li,·h would he, ~'>ucrr.resl.eJ .o him lor·;;lfy, '·'Lt':le a'. :1dt ed. 'I he clfcn uf t llt'eJeaninr~ the "jntlf-rpll-IJ'terlnnJ." HI, ~ r' Cb;Joli~ nnl(- tli.l,'l;·luin~ •,.,,. ;, 1:!\.J) Orumloman---Druirn Lomliin, Lo~ think 'il1e mnevt int(-~t·pretntion. c:.Jo'. <' t, et<'. n1an's or Sr. Lomun's With re- The tlrsL portwn of ii61~,, ~(.:!'et~mh-C!l·-Jil,l riJ~e. "LPch:llTowu~thnne" I•J,_>) ;Gghar ,, ·1 ~<-tH-.<:'.' ,,_'. v:1rd to the u~enl.;t.v of ~t. Lomall, ant.e, aud '·Lel":trrow'' in vanou11 part.s its wure fu.mou;s numet.ah.a m e.'nrlier 1ntide on th~ pat·islt of thnt name. of Lho t•nunty. I' parish. lt is ju;.;L po1-:s,hle that the lutter part of (:3.)) Lisdonn;:,~h-LJos ]hin-ui~:~e. the' : (44), Tonylion--The first pr~rt i~ pmb-­ tlte wune of this iownland ts not {Jt'l'S(JHl1l, forL o'f the doon surTomHled h.v wH:oJ' I~)! . ably ftuuhnach,. a green field: the t{'\r· 1Y., t.hat the .spelling; may be Dru.m ·: C.l<'., Lisr_lomwnrll!L "LtKdomoi~b'' HI; tnitJ:'\ tiou of, tlu:l Le1n~tei·uwu? of J .,•nHiiu, the rH•.~e nf t.L~·- hate ro{'k. ·the D ~ form C.F Ag-iHtli•m, H1'Um!im1, tll (:;,!l) Drumroragh~~"lit('h u1 nl~o tlte I (:lu)-Mui!ac'asue is, appnrently. a.l-. flown burv(:'y spelling . .:\Jr. O'l'ormeli parlial tra!LS!nt,nu, as lhf' Down t-luno·.v. "''"'''""'· a11to. J all! we:u·y ul' sp;~cu!ot- kr··u of tl1i:l v:(,;d. 'The :o.tJ~gests ''J)ruim Huadhp:ltaira" I or gi_~·ei\ J\lulinc;ls!a.H --.\lnli;wh Cai~k~,lll'•.'. I atll 111 : l-ltl make no su~~g;estwn. :ltnlhl a~ to tl1e ~o~polluq~ t>t Pull. 't ht· :1 "'',·'[f;~'~,c>>\\,:£c ;.';~~; :·:;.',?'!''; ().2) Drumscruddan - i,1 th· i·:r;:;l~o-il for111 may l1t> li\PI<·Iy nu -~·· li.ri~e" (P.O,C./ 1 cnn find no e:•uplw·;i(' vowt:·l o;ound. Jlu\\tH~!I', 11 IS !·~~me J'esem~lutg 1-i<•J'wldnn. .Drnim t·o he nul.ed t.l1:d: 111 pt·;!di•·;dl.v ;ell tlw <.-,)tldin, tlJp, nrige of the ~treamlBt, waR H~·e~i·t,t· p.anJ-II:tll:t'"' 11 IH-'r~ tl1e 11•11J m·· })ho su.,rgestetl hy :-1 l•wnl to Mr. 0'(1on· (•, !'"',it ts i'oU'Id 111 lht' !t:nu l'ulla dws, ,,,.,Jl. 'fhe latteJ· part nHt.'' l;r> Hgr<>adlin, Pot~nl;;uJe, t)olir than a tliminuv l,ud iu pas~llt;c . . ('urre'l)JOJiding to 'Dnbh-('haiBle!l.n. Bh1C'k The~e 1n•re tl1\' t)ult•, tilt~ (1alloll, ::nd Castll?-. Mr. O't'-onne\1 hn!1, as a matter Lhe l'olt!t·. :tll~' Dr. Ht>t'VI11' p{ fad, heard ·•Ca1sleH•II :p; ll1r~ Pol,'. ~~\(, 1 l1an~ 1· 'nPghoo :lllte). Th('o "w'' SetllHS n,..,.ainst lll;\(!~J a !ullg a11d ('tlrdui ~1.11dy ol' i·be r;·~ f!·.;s. -and the spelling nJa~· iH'l lfion11- ;·onlt•d 1J:11lH'", :111d ot iht' ltll;·•·(·,i·dt·d' ,\, the fair plo'iu 1£-!.,ewlwre 11ng!i- !Hlltl~s, t·oiiP(·ted :w !;11' iHHl t·an h11<1 n'll,'\- c:~oJ Fi-nvt"). H the l~i·lC'r mter~·~·t··~~- tlll<.:l .nsla\we. :tlt>i •'\'I'll ,ll:tt i.- \'"i.'" donbl- ion .hg t:or'rC<'t, tlte me• "a" 1s 11t(lreiy '-.. ~---· 1'ul \'i;.o;,. Co1·:·~·-poii1:. ~n~houi('. rJ·h<.:J ;ntPr·-rt>I;J\1\liT~ of thPM; dilfl.'l't:ul (~:,, llltd lfaru 1112; o~• iCI ..\. li'Ul\;,l\:!('ed, which be:.u-s 'no re~emblnm·e n·.1UJfli pronoomt·ed b;y tlac n·s~d.,-•nts. !\1. J i.!Xpre:.H\ m." th.:1i1h tu ~1r. O'Heilly, tu aH.V ll'ish· W1Jft:utte I.HJth l1is brut her uud h,• l..:u~. <'fllJ;!<.,; certain,\' Coill a' Bit:iJ~h, and tha otlwr two iu (~) ·rne Nac1d-- .2\tollJ, ~~ rest, .. ~rJ <'a!: (4) Lackanclar.o.--Une hebitates to t't>!ln·ul ('nvntt. \Ye ·a ot, t.IH.•refu 1 1111 1·eaw>e nu indilfet'l!lll. (·la'>s ,d· pel'j''' make it Lea.cau Cllir, the_ flau hillsirle, dismitHi the word without f'Xuminatiou. Ji\ed h,•re OIH:t:." · uniess ·by t!a.t, smooth IS intended~ Prom !Hr. O'Heills, ot' Loug~Jduff, {:\) lonaskCJ- -Lo:~ana Ha S~~to;d1v. ti, a' chl!iir, the hilli1ide of the p\rdll. (·omes. thP mtly .\ill.Q;p;es~.ion ""'hil-\ 1 !l.<~~~llH! !ll<.''-\duw t1f tbe \\hJL!.·-tlw•·n ·f,u.;IJ; :1 ..' Strange to say, the 1821 Cenn1s malWf\ :,l HS>.uot us at all. He ':IBVIO ih:1t. tht;! wot"fl orlllill~.!;. h.c•y, ~ .l11,W>; tJJ,,t LIHJ :;,ugu!ar ;l'.u ''Clearlackin/' Chir n' Leac:iin, the plain ; 1 pa.t·t-1,..- [.1·11oh unci pnn.l.~' t;. gli:~l , )Nwg 11 1 !1<1~ the p,m·aJ 1'-<\':i u~•<.•1l.) of the lJJilside? i. ''t:,l~·d fl'oHn I)IJ!ll, ~ ;;J11L oJ' hut-t.he - 1·•) Gruckbrot:k . _l .'111><'. l~r(Jt·. tl1,_. : 1 (."l) Lackanduff~- LE>adn Duhlt, J·~rqt_l :~ll plural '1;" ;~nd th~ t•:llgli~h 1 uf Lhe bad~:t'l'~>; thl::. 1.' ju-q ll'J lliv Lu bluek hillside; a11d \\unl to>VJJ. The iutcrpn·L<.ltion Vr·.mld ford bordpt·. , (fi) Lackonmore, the hig hillside. b~ ··~,he, t\and~ml of th~ 1 (:1) Th~ GaurdeEin--··<>i! lwr J·:Jll·l The~;;e apparent!;-.', a1·e given <1:--. ·'J,ur·· _ lcn. ;, the IJ l'l.ll!ljJ. gr11rdluu, •~ iliUe gnrd~11. 'I he .\ug••; l.h ve1·. ~- · · JH i;-.'i- fannu·. i.hi.'l t>X:plalint.ilm has ibe haLl n 1·:.tstlt• auJ o!'dwnl here, :u1d it.~ L•! (i) Lishenr r.v.c. su~u_;ecds "l,ios tltat it (·~rUtiul,v nn:let~ the {'/lSe ht:re. tiJ·~' lar.ier tltat tlJe ll.H!IIe i:-; app!i0d. an Hi.ngb,)' th king's fon. The Down nut ar,y t-rl'ldiLiun Lo Hllsist !lJ~l ill (l:.!) ---Cionco"J;.;t (,:,r CHmc:allid) -Clw -t; Hurv•:~y·m'akeR it "LtRHilH'J',\'," IP1;;6'!~•!c ·,:1' hl'l":tthe l(.;s \1:.· therr' A•_-:tJoinst it. 1l:~c•r•· i~ d"· Li''l :!,:,1 \l~,~·J as o\ t•H-otnm:t]'\' nU'llu.Jk u11 iF\\ rattle-- Pot:'>IJ '! l;•·, 1 11o0{l;~·,:n;, 'lJ,e ',.J.t ill' ('<,lil::iOll;\lJL•e with tiH-~ lw:·rmd 1 1 18 A1n1nlv hoJ·('(·:'\::.1 a1.'J'es. On IHI ba!'I·S of cal(·u\a.ti~m ~ould wet·{~ forl!l~tl. Bu.l .~hi!> iil not oi' v.ut~ 1:; tutdottlnt··;n Pnl-a, be a~ la'·ge as t.)Ji~. lt lS, there- ·.,,·populated the di.stri~;t lmn, ... J.inn·I.Y !o!l'U.•r ('IHT\.'f'L J11 a;'t l!lqtl!~:itit);J of ./:till\'~ fOre, clenr tlv,\t tit'l·" inu.tion hns been R-pplied•t.u t.h dw n;uT-t.(;'l' for• moment cJy,"'aud i11 th~ b:2l Ccn:w::. ;u; c:., kiil'd. eap:ll!.n anrl in the old Cav!lll List ~;ut th!>! proLk.. w i:; (<.'t'lo\inty au intf:'rt•<;i: "Pulla na C-tapple." Tl-.'1 ol':)l.inal name JUg oil\!. . 'l'l.trre art• ,) di: PulP of the - l · 1 l 1 d 1 · 1 1 Ballinwhil m• B or cat·lls. rap~;~· ttlThe n· DMvn eot· PhDill. tht> 1.iJWnland t·f ihP ],,,tv ur JH,[Jt,,. ond fdrn..!.ll..:.:eenrr: -to explai11 the dist;rep- 11 1 · Tlli:-o. is Wtdotdltbily the t·utTt•,·t. intl'l'i,J< e.ncy ret.rt"WW'ltll',!, t ht~ aer<'li)!C'. . -re ~ t- te nnmo.~ "(\u-.JaiH·wke," "" ! 1' 1$eem. no;.,., llt>;·l-i(>!l with fuil. Uooo.l. .\ ..--IIIJ-~d<'d ~~~·•·'c.~.o•.?;;t:•"' .~·;~,;·~~~:·•;;;~H•!S:j'l'~ ~petkled r·:n·u. ;::· :-i.D.S. (I) Cnrmdack·-( 'on ua li'O(jtt..:Jll'l,\· :~-·, ,,;,;, ·' 1;" i11 pb; ('-mt'l'~ tl:~;~ round l1.iU of t.h~ t1ng8Lo~:e~>. Th(•/'(~ I!> fill t•x,...--p-iuntaii~ (2) T~te Gub----UolJ, :o.h(IJi), i\J>il ~~ L1i l1( fw pointed hill. 1 >;iue ll. w.tl1 :J~> ~-llh:l, ;:nd u~ k1 .·! '>'>"•itrd a~ a :uu .. •'t'n li'H; i:> 1'<~111'~ '1! '.:J) The. P(J()fey--P.tJ •.·ti!e,.,. n'i\l,illg-t>lai·c !' for ('t\ :tie. bog nL ]\>' fuul h •~!Jf'tn':J l't'i'eu·;.~d 1,1) i•; Ill<~~~-'- pla!-l'_-lli.lllHlS, (il) Tcr.-.rafook- 'J'lr a' l'l1w·a CAVAN ·PLACE NAMES.,. , ll1f.1RI I'Ol.IUJt)!IJ_, Ill j, e fo1'l!J, lul~,f,;llthC, l'Ouka's 1.•r gohli11 i; lo111d. \\ lw·ll }-•t·odth.-c~-- !tu;.k,v or ·-ln~t.v. · Thl) · 1 ~~·) Curllawlin --t'on .iiuiu11, Lite' iH ;u,· 1 ful l'UI.liH( hi] I. XX\'111. ;ftJil-Jwing tlt!-~<: •.Him t·\'l'l,lJJI.ed. Pt•rhaps ! ll\:1;-.' HOt hHV<,: lHI(tJI.l dH;'lll l'l'ed lJal'ti Ol' SLifl' [~Jd 1.1'. !t;Jn[ l11 i.\1,,111 ((•) "(he 3\Jole;- Hw.til\', a 1u:lLir:g PAHI:S~i. me. (_~l) ClogRWn---C:w tbil:l lw OromiiJman--Drairn .Lun.::i.ill, i'iL ],o­ ke··u!l;:r a "Oh-.ull, !.!nd appli\r 'th , lg) 1-.-h'li'WCm . .\Ju.l-llll, th.: iir.:lt· 1,, .tHtlt'.._ H-,dQ;e Thi~>~ is th~ ~I.JW~rally uc·R !llttqJI;\d lil:~ dl(; ! :"' 1 lJJc:n.• at·t, .;r.c\·l:J'~tl t•:;:Jr·1..·~ 1.1 l 1 1t) lt \lu!:t r·p;J\.wJ ~::s:pJ~I!ttltr.":J pf tf1.: ·I:UlH'. 'l'lt.ol'l!l f.-;')Goro G;.tn$---G.tbh:.~il (:Ill!, oi d:is 1wuw .nu. ! ;.:;~· .. l.·r ilnn; lti~ 11ame l\'US GUI'rU(;h-·<_ul·~·.c, :1. :1 .,.,~; . 1 t.h~ i-i(·nls, t•nd his L;--nch. , ( k) ::,.;·a1·1 .':lr:1' l•, ;t •·,\ • Ill• .~1.1:~ Oav, :md h.v qoit.t> n ~~~I"Jsidl•f:lhlt~ l!llll!b(,_l' ll. • &h~n~:hia (\.\-r ~-;t,·;,;o-;t;~~~J- -." Bltaile, the old l<~l··-1. f-.,-,,, ;,,":"'1. ;,uggDSted. t~l me that. r,ontP 1'· i.11J'Cllll,l;hont t.he .H''-ll'. 'J'l1,~ st:ttion 18 ~niHHutwc-;: 1_::) Chl'H~. ,.11 !)Pop!~ t/J(JU_Cal"Ccly b(' llll fil.di''l'' iY'$.1, \\~.;:, wus i'HUHid hy Sr.. hnrif'k'~ k"t·(~. lcl r.Jr~c.;.;';aha.ii·la"t·ll"\ 1,,, J1.~i, Townlaruls. . .I'< SCOLAIH~: JIOCHT. l ;, \' 1.: ii il ]; ill. ( l) Agl'lt~boy --Acl.ldh .BuiJlH.>. tLj,) ., low ;;£,kl. ' 1) 1 Cnhernahaiha~.'J'J,,~ hll'l (:?1 A_rulagiJ-J·~anadt, u mrrr~JJ,. Sub XXIX. (':. <1.11\l'. net~om Li&l.lufey, ol'il!!iHail)' :.t.n inl~t'llCil­ (t''J r.-'lcllyrentl;r LiOS OROM LOMAN PARiSH·-COntinuod. hill hrn>. d) Rr;p(Jaree H1U--£'11P(' a !top,, na Hhft-iLh. ~\;~h _ha:.; ll1a:1.1' .mcl_\~lings, '- (i) Carrick-~Carrail.t;, u ruclc tll•.' (J\1 t'irt\1'' ... ;, ii l. und the mosr. like,\' mteron.!ldra~,j~-(\,:t!ir;:: !,]d Lt fot·~. of tlm :1ri1.1:" Or 1\ap(~ngs.'' A lucnl I c.. >TIJG<·tUh'. ''t,h~;~ f,.-,·r ut' th~;; 1-,-.--~che.,,'' i.\! T~-hl~e I'OL'k.~. ,Joyl:t~ Sllf.!-1-',C>o~'' C:.IJT<-1;6 ;:.::ruttiJd., rlh,:•r(~ p, ,l \.!';: :1t;o\1 tL .• !. ti ... Jib"u, uwls:.Hg tht: ,;t..•t·oud •·a·' •J eup!Jonw not._ con·{·t•t; Et·,~nw:ar w.-uU L't'-'tuiro. I1 ~> :t · '' • nnp<'l h,·rt'l, :·L!Sil!llUny.'' V(III'•:L Carr,,;g le' f,_.lllilliJJ('. :wJ;:•,• "io' ~)n(Ht~Wh' · 1 i l Tha F:':iicr~ l:t.Jili'· · 1oh~~·tyt)t~ of :i l'•ll'l'et'~- pr;;!lU'I· tal.iOJJ vi' l·kl3d 1\UU~l. th~· Jjnil' •cu !,tnd uf tlH' :;.no llw n d lh•· a~·L;~·le tuay ha\-.;. dl'cip· , ;•:l)p:ti-c:IUPP! :t!',\' Ji:-.t. oJ "-lU-:J,Lli<" buu. proVably Jrum !Jl'U'Nt'J of 1 1 ·Br:·•e!da~h Uleab" in lU:l uut ln '1, \\ t! JH'<.'t'-'r ;t,;~ i'!:•;,,;iJH:u Wldi'l' t,l(l f!~l'l'r\' l'llhd,•,Jqt;t, tltlll~ : ( e!,\ cauar,tarJh-:--l1 pper, ;;~~,i;';:"';'l~i" (t~~~;i~~ ,;::~:~;~'.:'! oill llliWtuiim·. Lo•w:r. \\ ~t t lnHk t}u~t ·l: L i • hat~rl io ; I) BuHurc---H:·.i•: \lr, ;\(·\1-:.u,ln, ~&hou.l,d l,e g. unci that tl:e l'' ,·~seHt la,')r, 1\i~l! t111: rule:~ uf 1·oJ:l-nH;t l.o i~ilaL \,diu ttbv" t·'. 1'1 v ntt·~w·, first due to a eop,~·i~;~t'li errn.l'. The H:HUt; Js, 1 think. ~nah<:Ci'3-It. h:.s !,{~t·'t sn~.!;);':t''>l ll1 th~ '"""' ·''~ tlw !oJ·r11, C:.ll'l'lt·kn:Huroc:k. .. ]!;;·;tllv tk(t tl1e i;l':-~t. p·~n .~ ··buntl\­ then -:-, (J.J:>, Carlrontreo-·-C:.\rttin (ur (;lltll·t;n) t\1111 t tiuJtk :-:-•.;. Tllf' :ul··l').IJ'P1:ttio!J \lot ('ll.lTlp ~t. " ! , .,F.ntulz;n, tbt• I!Unounee ~ l1uth l\ .i.v~. 'J'l•" · I (·tu·tron was AngloRl\urrnan liilld 1,r u.Jikw uf t.h\' Lur.-;"::. n:uJ,':C> i~ pro1_,u.b1~' u deri,·iti\·,~ ,·.f Oallan, ;/.ivlsion 1:orresp.ondiug to th~ d>p l' r;l \ Th-:.rmun, wl1i;__·lt ij; n.,i,·y i' ·•pt,t!ln_t,~ ·:fJallaJuu:h,' · a pb<..:t> t.ltere lliO·t ('lHltfnOll!y tl\t•d Ill AUlJ:.d ... , HIIJ C'al'• a ~llt'.'t!!J," !iil'.t'lll'l td !_,._,Turn;:: I, 1 •·1•r· ~t-an.;hug t.~ow~~ wagilta .iu 'l'emplopurt pal.'i.~h vnd l'll JtJ ~'~: H!,!:. The <1Cluu1 si:•.· of Owen Hu~.:'ii h.,iiye:,J'LoiJ in t.l1is al'C the unly ot.her m­ I 1'-ll!J\'Jt fPI<';·"';11' dr;\\\-il1[•: ;J~illtf,.,!t 1 1 in t'llllaru~~;-h '\\'1':1'-- a }Jluteuu un ~he SLl<.twt~H oi it'l use Ht l'<.\l.:urded Cuvau ,_Jtio~ -~1! J-'H'\IJ~~'> :.:tpplit: 'gun/j Wld-J''>~ p!:Jeed ,.,-._~.._ ll-fl U•H'JHI.d Brdfne funu, and tb'f.l prc· i,·, <·t1)o!J,,· ulll '"t•n;ll ~<(: Lu· lmie<""' .sent. iownland 1s, ,;~)1!. ,·:1 iw; c-.•\ .··:; , 1:1) C!ar1!:.~a:Ji1a:1 ,w,·wf! t.o 11a Cltudn ,_i1j.;-c.~·1,-,u,.,· "''~t!a1T-::rli;1i';;-1;;;;-;;J";, ,, •· 11 Cl'OIIiJO.:;e L:.l(J: a:..H.I Littii} -i t\ 1,me~t~,•d by (.·u;;<)~·.·." •·(-,Hn,u1>,;,-, "J...'!oJJU'A'~·.' ttl ,.(J'Jj ,,lo::.z;-y lr..;t, ;· th,inJC {\!i ffi.Y.COl'l'~'~P<•ll!.letiL 0!':.HJ:tl.l;U IS agr,inBc; , , \'' . \..,lH.o!<].CH•Ul, 'f...U.f.Jlll'e~l-d",.', "ll'.<'l'. I<.·< ',lf>>,',·t.HJil' 1HLo..:r 1,:~.:1.t'-:';"'~.~:.··,, -, m .. k•.•:-.. it •·C~<~ll~r~H--i. ,,, ...,,,c;<" the Jnll,_(H; -~~~t:: sloJ.le\0. ur ,.;lo!:-Ji,lg, sii.:tes.''' 1 ll~·/•~ l'~·L :t.'>~:0rt.'Uill'U v,ltt·~IJt:r lt I , (~) G.\kld!,!;\1----Cc.•;.ilh.nldl., u .\.:TllVO,\u•·•'· t.' _L'l•)~ lw.nliy it:...~..-1,'., i ( 1 i a 11 11 1 - ' ,.npttL'tH,lc in -dw {JJ'l.'St:dlJ eat.~·. T I11.~ tlnrd~. ~h;:.1.- C~:tltt,.radJ wunld. lmn~ \;.,:1;.''" • ~~ ~laM•·~·- u.;. (; LuglJ:\, Ludta~~ '. ,;i' iJllrL of thl• 1\an:e_ lWlY h<; pu ·Ollil!, l'' 1 ·· - "" 01' 1JBW.J '> 1-U\'• !l :' - ,_,,., tiw Lel'lll~un! .r.;ul» 1n l.'lu!lt:·.->. 'Jiv.~ ((·u<"llijJW,'. ~v :ll ~itp•r•:w:J_; •. 'J'h~.-•1\.l is a.Lradi.~inu th Ham~ "l'lu(>~J;\'c'l/' ·.• b.:i. lJ\,,u(JJ.C. Ht 1.ll.v \:-(J\''IlLmd- .-;ve iuJ:·;.• , 1 1. ; 1:' Ul:.\',~l'Ut.:~H!ll "'' .,__;, ... ; .. l•.>il:~.u Cuu.H;h ill .- -.:· h, 1\ii u' ot iau~. 1.':1 ..:;,w_~uy lilfJ ! lH thtl ,_i),_l..;r ~~liut~~ Lht< :J.!;VJI'ul..-ivu of I;-~~~~~~:~ !.!1\t\;~ 21-ll~~s Wat> s .. u~.-l aL C;,trril:k~ ,.,\, pronutl('il'.tl(o}.·i:oUo.I-·\..:U.I'I' •' ,J..'\.IiV'd I j ( "'' \I , ~ l' "J .. ili••:!~···H '! .. )' !L 1' I llhl,_tlt;!u~_muI I I dl!tJJ.dtl..' J(ilt:<~ ·,,_-; tl,\.:~,•)i(~.- 1 11 "'·':; it-··E.IJyog:u, -.. ;,; '' e U'(.l.IC--"-1_ ;;J:d lll(;'H;;,<}. ' t-u\\,'ll~•·-•Joi lieu ,,;t!'h) U:Hil•~ ;1, ( r :.-"i'l: 'fhu l.t~.tu Ll-L' lill~ "1\:tku\l.g•,/' H ~u·~u~~~!. to l:lu,V._ dw 1:::;;!1 C.:u·.Jll.l' b'"·'l••'i tu l1~\ll.l ,\ o ... ''- 1t ~j' ,_3 1 ~ to L() 1J•)t-.'~\ th,,t , .. ,,1!~,;.• 1 • 1,.. in,,l.,:, It_lalhwaw:. U.~u Pull, m· l_l._~Jtl\. \r:,;,.~ a}J- 1 .,_, ~ " "' ..,_ Utht;-1' l;Hld IU~'~hlli''" ---4: j_J<.;t. tlc;;, .. '" ~uC•' " 1 T 11 ' 'fll'lJll>.i.lWl,lt l!'H ul (l11\- 111 he vlll \lt--llm:_. i-1 .. (·1--l) T'Vfi.h, CTO~YDJ;>- ·-'fvdJ,'-\l,,l'-•' ,H'Jt o- ,.~11 ij 'f ' t.l<,~('~\~.~J'O.t~[l,~l;lhl'td:,Lt;rj,,•-;~;;·1-'I\,.IQ+Js' ~~~ tite,. H vi t\H• llll,.!,hiHHtllLI)', Ju[J:>, .XS.:.·L~~~~~~-=---ULU';i.;t..J.,}'I''I . ~.D.---CJJI:'~agh.:t -•-l\1~T lk,rh~;wl 1 ,. ~lJ~ tlU.U>lk'ri<.N) ·,.; u·c~~H'>l0'0 hdl.'' ,\ Dln·unn, nN t·iJ.g\: ut lh~ Cl''.l~l;. _I n•;;.vd th<:.· P•.l";.:d;thi.,l ~·I ~h~1W_i,:l'lll nr- : tl) Cu.i!;:;.'hlJ!, I..Cl.'tler and UiJ~Cr-t_;oill , ., (01 fll~>atWvCe--.l.luiu Bhtd..-!J,.:-, dH~ Y'--';.. i ,t-lch:, •·n: 1-.r n,~_. uo;;,J:o-:•--P·-·~JC•L<>.l'I~ ;;t:_v,)•.·:·• ··• thl!re a•_ no \-\Tt".e.-1 _l>;;..t·n,l)ot.. L•.>{'lll tvli· t-u lJV )Jl,U~<;U!l :~·J tk•~ d.tll!~ w•:·· ...... h·,J\I,l.ttl4 i-u,;·,~- lol:.l; <..h;, -l t;(!tli-U.:lulL'I UJ't> "Tht: tul1 o1 dt(• .>>..':.I;W,'Ull~'? 1 ··t:Y \\1.! i:u' e.•:;;·.~llH, ,,,-cl ;\n,J •-'J'!w hitl vf t\;,, ~rw.dtvw h'.>l•~" \_q''_l~n>Y '-l!ld .\~i,:\!_,oy. . 1.6' Gohvi'nJ-cra;·m--!::,\.;_},_,t.~f '"lb .. ~·;;,_,, ~.-:·:Hnii.t11~ ll!l+.:>otllllot), fl~·it.lwl' uf \11J,;J 1 ··3) Oi'lulu~:-.-J~oju• nn (A\~1\'{:<,•d, \•l- --1 r.•,.~ 1 · __ • •;···· -~ ~~~;;m (\~~t~n.,uJl..,, l1 t-b~ j',.'•J-'.li~·'' 1-'•l~r.d ":, kt:--. b·t;>H · I (i.)) f·~ .. .lt.•h•l li\).'!<1·--ll'~'~'~), 11~.,..,,.,, ~.!J'.), .. ---(i) k.QCh6iirl--.. Lvr:.:b~n th~ ·:. .l. { dte ll!l'l ,'_,:.nk. 1 htht!. ' ··..!0 .ilrlmtbannzw--Onlllli !1·wLh, rl1,.t ', ()!!) ca:Or~~IJ-··C~~.dlt:·•... .:k. .- ._.-tr;<\l 1 .. f~) _Cru<:!·mhtJcha--C;J\.,i: a' u-1.dw, J l,)f t,},,~ .~di;K~ll!--; P•~.~- . >:: \"t,)l.llH,\, ' :,f'~, hili ~,1 th~ o._'l\IH't).~ 1 , l·l~~·~~r/·~~~:~l.~~~-:~~J··~:.\~I~T(j~.w··l~::~ .. ,:1 A~-~~~-L~L~,~- !J~~:::_ \. tlt!~.;~<~J:,}'~~a~-J~~:;~I.l--i--- .\l,!c-hHiJt- hui.:-li~, 1·; ;t;r u,u·.t-ha\.. e i;c~'ll V•·1·y pkut\ful w :r ~- ~~! (31) Killycartron-Coill a' CIHlrili.:u, _: ~-1.-J, Mit:;'---;l"\'-'•ifi-·'l'k,; i" ...:uppos()J '1'.1 Ul~lt~·~~;t. t:J (<~~lt.n tln:._. .. , -'}thu ~\·oud o~ tl1tl tj'Ut!l'tl·rlanti---C.f. C,tl'.. '~!<1~0 1r1:rn 1'·'-' l;l:.'t , .. __ .-!::,nry VI' lh(•, t:Jt!':l y rer~·!t.Jl\l'l'$ tn Lutlt t.IJ<: l'l:'''j :.JHd .f,'::_"_·:··::~\l'ol\fl'(;e ~:11l~. _I ..,t~fltt.'~'iJt!l h•u.~m·y 1·-:jJy. .\.,, etlter:•ri::_.. ·.,,~.·m· ...._..~ JI,':W'.'-"· . j1-:+;~',_, \:J~) Killyootm-Cuill an_ D!.iii'... th,~ ',n;: iut·>.·,.tl.w~. \:.b.ut:na: th~~~ tiH.'n.~-w:.K "',:.::tl<:: it~ ll::J C.L.; "i)nuu· ,,, : .. wood uf th~ hn·L 'lile "d:tliJUI lll'arcl ~\I. t~~- ... -.1 <:t'lkll',· 1·•r ~~~~,•u•/.·.~- b.:r<-~ h .. i;, ,.,,., kl()::,~'' 1:1 ~h.;- P.:_i l'-:::1.~H-·< !]'Gliu.:lu:h~.;;r,l~, J .. n. li'UU. tJ.J'r... t: t-o :•;~.r 1·~-~;~-.;;~n CJ:l.itl>r•l owd l:u\~t:t, "'~-~ -. .J) DrU:/lCi:;l' l l1:,\-l'" 4-ii.iieulty ·v.ith · ... the thr~o:tJ ha\i putt\<_,~ l)f hil!~)d.tlnt:." , !H1Yi11~; l-;ttllt tt 1,;~ .c.w1·o~: ;),J, n 11trh.t.•._¥ ~ ... ; (!~Uil'-! ~<.'1' ~luz•_ l't..'i11'Uil'l expl:uued Hl 'i \:.\:\) 1-:hl:ytin::i:lm.-l\Jil\ n' nr~·:'ln;\, '1 L_,_.~-~-~(·,_~ liiHl dt'<.l(',l)l~ .... { ~ui~JJdi::g " t,)\' I), ~-, lll ·-;tJ:_Jnl, '"1\tu l'Hiw:s• of''-'\' on) the WfiU•_; of l.iJr_• ~tS:>l'lnhl.Y:·• _Coill11a D.t·t~imt:, ·1: I :u:·: ~-'\Jli.l'c, \' . .''" _t'-'(J mu·:t~_ td;· ;n:u, l1_IJ[;_::t·- ""d hilt" t•! f\ F_ :i.~rl.·h: e:;:plnJt:ll... \ ..d. cw.l nf t:-be_ att-l;mpc? 1_ iiwi JL :'Jwlh:·tl · ,tit",\, ;.tt\(1 u,\ J:I,H l'uiJI,,Hl~ ul llllil J~, t.:t~ l'< 'lliH\' l:e tl11.' !HIJ.lCUve ''\.AJir·'---~·~1'!111;f<,;: l!.l tl!l' lB~l (cttti.'(Jll)tiOl'U, d1c >vuud uf th~ f ;.1. o·.,, (1 ,I Oru~nl>rJ;;Mas -- lll uun . :11.t:, ".Ill tl!:J tnl,~qo·.-:':<.1!-l(H: lllaji L~: ··'j blat·kthorn ~ f Brng!mttt, :.iw !',',:),' vr t..h~' f.1nn l,,~b;;, tlu;,;o d lL..;;o v ..wc·~- '' .-t'll<.:i'e ;He 'l'lu-1 ~Lli.Jdmlominations SUPlllicJ Reem j l~••n· j,;:c.:L tied.:. l!l S1:1.w.~ et d~~~ .Y~d li~t-!li :t>~ \. • V n'. !it.' I' t,, •1->"J; lan,;.~\ ~)1 t]H; fli11Jt(l lW Ill\~ '·! VC I':: CUl'l'Uptt~l.-l; ~H i;~U('J'.1'-'it0•:':1-;; t.~lY>'Ill:J.i:-.1, tmJ tL, l t,. 11 ~:., .~, c,)ltut.y c,,qw. ~ kt~-(~ H<>.t rol :1r blinuJit -u- ... ,.1-i. the l,UHIV~\ JdiJ,I~t~- C.1 ..l -,tn :1:\l'.t:t. ~:~,.- ru ··e '"1 u,e '-II'JtlllcJJJ•g fc·rd, ' {2) Shrancl~aw .... IJI.lnd;; \i\.,_e -~-~ra.b uu. ; :1) . Li,z.iJJh'j .~-~j ·•·::1 \,~;:1 ,·.\_h. :1 v,·,•~c:·l. ::!:>) Ut\J.<(,; .. ,e-·--Druil1l ~,,,tiwuir, tlH-' 1 8.:-;.\-it.h, "dw umr<>ll •;f l,hr: mat·:.h, ., \1-hit:h I Lu> t;..·vJw\u~,,,_-; U .. ·,I~Ji!ul! Pari$h. 1 1_>1 _Ul•: -~'J,t:-. : i:! no>. Int..dli~r.ib•-. ~-_,.,_.auc.;.:; LhQ h;\\,; l!H.'\iHh,\~l ;lil U;J\~'I'I)J'l.ll."•' )\,,i,IH.. .; ),:. ~IJ [;(lj.,a!iJ.J,i:X::_;h--~,}(:)'1.('·;-; in~E'I'!JHJ~'· 114'1l'nJ'II' r!UU~h {llt' \11?-t IIHOttt.l'd\V;--) (8iV~I.i rJy U.t;J UV to t!ol1\:, .) h~•l"l'' ),JH:ll 11 l-'> l),·,_t. 11 '1, tJtf:' ne;.'-' uf; , IJ)) Pullyiltt!l---·PQJI a' Gk'm;~a, t..he hole ~H'Ul'''~~~~ o.~hl.!.l'h~- 111<"·c,.,., J t.·u: 'tl.iit h~ :r-:· ,--~~-.• (l.•l>tl"u;t<..:hJ_. '.th.~ ,_,uL .. urai e.Jd~ t\ '. ot·_hollow of the ~r.t.J • .,-~ 1Jnum i'h<\H,h .. [ of \.he !atl{'i.' Jml't. ~V ;·_.u· { ).J":il"-' J'q,:·, .1i U·S __ _;,;jt •u.:l:L1 l.ta •:'-"·' 1l'iL~L"> .L'r:dlll f1.:LHlduLl'. 1 (;''i) Yhubtterm.'ISilaW SiJ.01llf'l -'!\>ktr Tn~ ..;um-~1' I',, ri l/,,:.t ~'!i ._,,: ···~-! ·-,T. ~ lknuJ,J:'~- r L_) Lo~:t;n;.~<..;ll: t\i.; llhJc,ct·u :Sp1i1 tbe 1'-~ll of dtt~ .~in;,; :J- ...•. \ ' .... ,,. ;_ .. run\H'('I~I~ :·il ',\i.JI1,u ::.~lg;s<:•,L out·:rt>Wud hotn dw Eu;,!;uod. i.'Cic~ivu i!l. dlc lXJ-'·-~i!-,lt:• \\lt-<-d. ,,,~· 11;1;' -dwt. du: Olc.c:r fj,lhtl'l'Jt~IUJJ lJ,,~- t !:~;)) "ilsv.ran--Cdl Sani.iJt, i-a:-~, ;:amo, ltll•] .I h.\\-'J HOt. di:wwYert;.ld au,Y~ I .. l:l:Lt)!;h<• l>ubiw, ~~.:.. u;~,~·k ::-->\·; mv~- t-l:::lg ,-.,.Jach huU(t.l' u:-st>iflt 111 id1.'u1.if,vmg 1 B:~· ..--Iu Ffc-, ,,._.,_. ,.,,'"Le '•i · ~J~ l'lace- i,, -•giH.,uH \\::· Jd ui1.~·n t:lll<:.-;. lt,l,'t;;j,,~..l dtl'~ ollt:. ?'anws lJT.liJw,l•t:li 1•1 ·.~~lct--\ \~ L" of !tht 'I clh:tnlp -:;,·;·ul;, :loll([ ''·1-~ :.t Ll'c,\1!-- r i--;.J)';;,, ... --!_1) The ~latha--{;t.·ata, ... w;te. Ul::Jt-. IJY ",\n ~ .,_,,,:,[·.,· l.>tll·t c.' 1 \IOU1d ·{!lparJ··:,~ 11 '''' · ·--~·+.: J,., 'tl'Jivili\ t l:.!) MUii:i:.L~,,_._:_\hdi,lt·il. u hiiLtc.•p. \~~;:·:-~l:- /;"~r~,t·_-:_;h.dl" ,_.,Jit\,.'f.'P~· !: (;~_; C!O§ikii-ClDdwn, Hl..-,,·vvi·,,g ':-·1.uu.::t1. .\u~~!H·J..;(•._\ ft.,· .. \ 1.!1 J.'•.·i! ·~;.t, Jit!lagh ;;c~':n·.; to L..;- w\' 1 tll•, '-'''l'--"Lti')tl,, \ 1_.; 1'1- ·J·. ·.:·) i~H_;yr,;:.;:,l::>~:n· -(\,ill :1' l'll ;.-·~;:,, 1_;"-' , L\·i~hn't;_ JLI\ L;cL.u(:h r.-:.~l;u:b--til•;J ~ittie l",l)l· If \ : ~~· :! -·d "! ~···~ p.~,.1. 1 ;,1!1 :Jul ~~a-,_. 11h..:th1•r IF-- road ol' tl1t;:; (iin;v t,~oi..'iB. ,:) f\~H• Jll ,_,, ,_~,:,_·: :_l1e •,i';W\JC--.J,l:~~ Bu.,d.!h•, thl) y01low . .li\" '··'' ·I """'"" ,., ",., " i'"·'" """' ··--,JJa. .~~~--- j.bull~~-,- (0~: 1.;:~~ ~·' l~~~uidh,: tb•.: ,l·~·,lu:v /1, U:• \ • · \1, "' \l, ';cl'. \ '.'«I' iJt• I'> t:' i.i1:1 h. vV-'• I • 1.: ~,~) Oi'<-!,1.;-:.J~ira::__.;l-- j1num ~lun:Li·: l'h 1 C1<~1.''Je.~kr Cwtrn~;. l1Uv. 1 ?lj ti,,·L l'llL-t_,.J.,'.' i.~>J'i :: J,.).,._. •• u,::lr .n .. 1,_,:, >; .,nwr ,;,~p~. J,,.'\:l'·., t:~...:~· JJ·~.:itl<~-''' 1::: ·r : f.;_~/) L!33; _r:,1uui~~lt. 1.L0 l'vt·t 1 1 !111tdt. '.t'h~;;:.y c;d\ ~ ·"-· 1.• LJod .L(•U!-:,'ih:·· "J 'I 'tu liK ,_. , ,1. H mt,dilu!t~d .,1 ~'-'· l-,' _-_ l iu l.!H: l!lHl'~h. ' i;' 01);1.\'r.U, b·.,ul }b.: t.:ui·.Htl'iicb IlU!.'Ltor vt .. •, th:n n ~· ~cl-.•~. ;;ru;ta h:tlll<<~!ll', I'· : ---· (·To!) Li<:>i'l.~t~arrugh-,--·Liu~ 11a ]),_tru(·ll 1ta1acd ftuto a. ·'f,i-j) !Jl!n,-~,_·:;;,; {::..r D~mdt~l.·h·.) -Tl 1e ~~L. __ fon, <•1 n1~: r,,d~,. '-'~"· ,. . 1 , 1n.~ , \!;''-'.:·--;,. ;,oi' .;,_, ·,,', ._1 i..i:>lh••hl;tY--Ltu::, r•a 'J'eine, ihi" I' 'l' ... iU.\J:\.d O:Hb'JLLY.! \_, . ·,. ' "'l . . . n. · ,:.,•L o t.:l(! i>i'<~, • le~ .ilJ'•I'_d'n g,nll'l'alh:ll.llj, ••.,\S1U,I, J_;t:Wv;,'•" li.JJC, .. ... lltl.IJ!l" J""!P\Hildl\1:. ul~: ~•c\" 11 ~Jl'.:".UL.•J•:f.'.i 'l.h~· -'1 tli0 .1:,,'< ••\!l ()~ dr.ll.olt;a:. l~lil.eC·."... ll'. ·1tlL· d,,~'J[,It 'I \·t\J) .. L>:il('j!'7i.;O:li.t;dl-·-·.L,,c\J. .Llta't\duin;t\10 i ;__, 1~rJn 1,: UcUl 1!..i. _jji,,:a• 1l'1. r 11 o j, ~~ ., tiw _,-- lnkll oi lhr~ llt>t•o lll.:<~ h('•.•tu:; '"JltO t:,,}'J',;•.·~ 11 I,·: ... jJ+J:tic':l. h ,:;. ,;,·•lt''J d, 11 .., llt r.w iint·.~rpre~.ti.l1:a. "J_,<;.t:t Dh,~, 3-.U,ttill," :..;.•. \1·~: 1 J:;:: ~· :t\·Ji!,y 1-'"-' ';~:-l.,'c, lll.-'1'-'· I••~ .• re .l/1- :-!,','...: ... •~.c'·',·.;.'~'',~.,v,.. l '\.i:l''j,',·•. l'l'ol: .. \~.· •.•-·';·''"· lj',','~t''·L-:-\,:,,,:,.,'';:·.~r.~ JJ,·UJ' :·; )n y ... u· i-,-.u. ,., I;<( •;i'll•:ll, ll;,_•-~ li•<: <'11-k,tul.-,l •·p,-j!il'" '' ~ ~ " "''' 11 1 1 :_1 hi.!\;\.y il .. d l !"•-' •,iwn. i'I;H'>) '·Luu;,.;hd.(:~aH _; 'lh;: 1-:'21 Cc.a~.u~, L '"' ' H-'l an:c\t' \.\\.'. !, -.. ,.-LOII)-;,hu..nut"; iiTHi Uu.; Ht)\Yll bLU'V(.JY, 1.: t.uUL:ty ~:'\ail ·,•,J''l', •I''' f()J' <\. '•! (l>>l.<,' '"l : (J!_,l .).\J)J.\) Jlll!ll~· •11 •'Lnt>;.lldoi\JIIl.." :Ll l:UI\' J""-';,1 ..' ,,., ~·u,,: ;"1'1 .\''•::.l'.h · (>A'l: UY;,;c--,,1. 1'~;,:-llt.llil:it;dvu ·,.~t·· a 1, •'14t i·;-,\ .1:.. -l•',,.,l •. ><:_il 1'1;.~).-il, Ll._\vk !>('Cl!W hl;.u ".}Jal:~hlll!;,,:ll,-" wbi<:il, J.i pe•·~ t.!I·,IJL: Ill!':" ,)) mi~·.:.ihlv, Y,culd ~·-,·:n ~·.. ; 11JC~i -) Jtc:· .. i•L'. F.-,--")" u, 1,• ... tl !I '\ <::';. in lllHl•H~. 'flll;r>-l a!.,< t:;·•l• .,l cilt; :.>l1J'·''-.U.\.; 1 dt~<-'1'Pl'l'"'' "_,._,tl~ t,;lgil, ,t 1l1.U•~ lJ-tl!t\, 1q t11::- J.-1!:-::.,·~.:,u,;l) 1'\J'/ ,,., ,, ~4-'~ 1 , · ~ I , !_It ''l•l'.\·'·,jli·~hn• ·.,~·<,t, ~.~.'1 ,.~ ·UJ d,ltl'.~\ULve ~lHiLll-:.. :ilild Llll;; i ,,\ r>l. '' ;;Y/'if '11 ' .. _(.1:/) Mw:·.lgh\.lf<\rl.---:\.lullach V:tn:.n, the "c .. " ;•mi I•' )•.:t•.i(t·l ,,, "·;-l C'<-'·:.t: a·,), 'I 1 1 •--~~N. 'I bl\;~,,lJ tJ1 ilw ~-pntt;;s, L> 1 ~-''··'' ;.;'" t" ;.~·;:_•1 .:.'·.~.;,'.··.·.·.~,',·.:·:.·,.'.·.· {',:,'). - Pl-;ll:na.Bh- .. JJ,, 1iJw,.-:,, tull d lJqi .. " 1 p,,_-.-':-". intu!j!l'<):,~l' 11; ,, · 1! ,, ;,\ •·:;;·.: GJ.r;'->'';<~1 i~,f· f: ... ;_, ·, ,-: ,,;,J.:;,,.; ;-\._1 j .~<, 'f.·-- 1 ·J i! ·-~y I, ( ;,,,(;;\.'· ) ,:~:\.'~.c· .,,'tt~,L\,ei' tilL' l•JW.l tr.:-tclitwu lS ;.eamne. l ',','.... ··.·,,·,·,(.:.· .. :',' ... ',·.;~-.·,; ·.}.;i!,:,·n·'. ··.·,· _l,rinl,·.·:•l ,.·,· •., ..... ~...... \I Porta,~Q!'-!_::,.:1 --l\.J-, r, 1\.lrf>uiw.\.!y, J ;U:t'in;·llni.<: et i!!..; ;; 1:<::>, ,l,OY!..','--"') 11hu t~h·\\•,,(Ht.ll]i (_[JT.,o '1',1 • , i ''" :,; 1;.,l:~·. dw (':.·'·''lJ luil d tlt•; ~£•~·~ \0,:',:-ift•llilJedill(!::o•irchi';.lll:w(' ''. j'J~JJ,ll' l,•'l, ('' •t,l>',J, t' 1 •1'' : .!)!;+r.-.:L, !;dJ. IUu~J.i·~·~l. , , i"'.,_!·,l',lt ('\,J,'•~'t•'•' ( .!J' !1 ... ~~ ~-/ fJ:;.vrk ;--;.< F;)Lit~>~ -\"•;ry dvui1U·!!. ~~'c:·.• 1; •. u~J.tHll~.- (\) car,nQxlrWro { •.n:J.Jg -""~"~n~vh, ('u!~dl'~l .J. J, L • 1 1 :\:1c!,tla:1JlJ,l•tn.. 1\u'to:,.'Ht•Jta-lJt:;· ";i J l[(ll'f,l'li?>Oltl ,,,,,'-'1• t 1 r-~> a~(~·•,-L) _ . :~.·;~";$4;~:·\-l r".··-~1 !_,-/ Yl'tl•_)tfllt•;~;.d •u.':: iJ .',,-_../. ~~l B.on<:r~a;,;ra.n.·-ll·ttk,u '" gC""'"''· t•.o;;t '"'"".';~,;t .·1 1 J .....-;. ... +]t,. l'<.:lJ \li t,>.; t-J'lo~'.>, 1111f .';~.:; , '. . 1 f :.~I ( l\Unl-11\.i11\.'<;'!l~·'l Cnt;w rLJ ... t·;_\IH!. ' ·, lvurs v· :nthfl• ·' (! j.L~-~,1~'.. 'I:!' Hd_._' lll'f-"<'' P'" V ,,. ,_,.,...... ,...... ,, "'""~" '" nou mi.'!·led llim Crickeen ( = cntndtl, thA litde hili) c.nollhOI 'lost townla,nd.' Fifty or sixt;; , -The. quvstion. c:_f i.he Tea.] o~"i;~in of the ago there live.d in Cor..mtillan ~. Shannon and of tho s·ourr:e from whi\_,!J of con side.rable looal 'fame ca.Iled tlw pot i~s sup:ply is well worlilJ PARISH. ' Cnrran-the doctorate ca.r.eful mve~:;h-g;ttwn conferred 1ocaJly _ In one of his In the ~.L. we find "Derrylalwn •mrl Garryfluigh Sub•Names. sions he sta,tes that Derrye~mrtcn "as joi11t townh1nds." Tlw '' Crickeeu wa.s -a freehold la,ttoo- 1s 'O·Y·6 of the '' subme!'::Yi:d." An,, (1) Ballinwhill: a sub.denomination. in the loc:a,l tra.tiition regarding it?>=> · 1 of Adam's race ' Baile ~n Phuill " the t.own (farm or (D) Derr.''ll:~tuan=---·ooip(o 11t, 'Coth~n holding;) in t,lle hoh•. This is a ba£'k· For the !'J.e€lers and )follies each ether to (~hase.'' the oak '\Vood of t.ln (tre-e) stunms. wa.rd place itl the to\vuland, and the . (10) DruHil.nunn=TJrmm .o.' St~ 1 , the n:ime r-~eems. to Ita \'t1 gone 011 t; of present· I shall say more of th~ t Doct-or' under 11 11 nd.t~8· of thn fuTihvcc or kiln, day Ul';e. We had :t prPvious instance Corrotillau. l'Hea.nwhile, perhaps, (11) Go\l·ilat=;s.'\OL'\, i'orks. Th,; of the :'! nflmH i11 Clom·ovet. (Drum~ of my readers might ~b~ able to . tJw lommon) wl1Me I gave a nP{oon-d.vk~: p01'-"i11ly 1 ht~ 1ir><~ n.rd In order to deal wit.h the rema.ind~r KD. l\:illi1~ugh No. 1). is 1\ oorTuption o[ glais, a c,J:r•-~am, TJJ,. of the Old parish as a whole .(.\11 t;coL ..\11::.c~ 1Jul~-::::. Rtrea.m proh1thl.r ri~c<; i11 the t.o11'11larlll of mnke a slight ·skip here, and shaH Doon _which ndjoius butl1 Gnnyil11igh ~')TF; OK ARTJ.CU; Y. and Knockfin. c.h.rn~ld like to: CAJ'J'l'C('.t t]p 'c·t-~' ]nO.'<(~ 1' IX.-E.D. ' , · · .glv,·n ,j~v HH~ ·in Articl_, ," ".\lono~.l,:: :J ' ;:ud Cl:JO whe-re the 'gentry' used to lu11ch when nl' !-..~;<> i•·o,·k) or tj; <' ·r,·, Gkn { (_<.i' -d. .· :ue, 1n .f.cu_~,~··, ·"I'Ol'C{1 nv '•lll'lJ {'SI:.''- T'lw on shooting partie.,, 3.'hero was pro- t:l:-;o,1 .1l.,(·t('.l. Ti!':~(.(xmiu;dnb·dw:i.o Jnt+~,~~pl·cb.t·Hlll" sLnllld, t~l-li.'r<'for,-~. re'nLl-- bahly a Rhooting lodge hore. folk c·~J'lllO'ic,gy 1vL;;·l1 ''~c:1·il:•·." t;l<:' ,,r;_-,'-'' E,J~y ~= CIJ''T,\C tlw ccr:.mry fl!ll nf (3) Peecen _, C.t .• :, ~,ni~~~- river ehnnneh· p61'Qt', the bi~ ( of the . hng d the I; 'fhe Revenne men u;;ed to sink the pot· (·ow. '1'11('1\) i,. :o .. ·nfu:ly u p:ln. (,.i the rin\l' c·h~llllWI·:-> {f;~'(~J<-'1' ibnl 'J"ilo111-C' fi'l~ een here. co_untry iHto wlud1 Lhi.>< lncxbnJ;;tib~c ~ l1e hng nf i.ho Jivor d_i:lmPl\ anrl 1 ~,,_.,;;! 0 1 (Fl€a~e s·ee 'Go\vkm' infra. nnlk 1' d.irl nut. J;nd ller W!, (\i~.:"!,w~tlCd. <1t t!J·, in- i vwu:-;1 ~, .~t.,J.t.~d by ni-"". ~owukmd t>ome 1Ul.nV2S j1roperly belong· dignit.v of lkinr; ;nilld_'d iil-Lu a siro''"-' w · j (~m·\·~.,;k-= ,Sc\j1~H-!IfC, the rongh riv·.T mQ; to Altcrock_ I shou d fool obliged if tust v. h_0th.__:r i ~ Wt·rv JHI·:,.::..ible. -~n milk her channel. ~>omeone would put lllof~ right.) dry. (\ i. il1c•. JJitc ,J('•·ount m b'tJarb•y't; (:n Altnadarf'-'.gh= .J.l:c lh\ V.\11-aC~ glen· '· CloglJ~UH'<·Iy,·; ,Joyv.e O'Dowd on 0t):~JtESPO:\DE:\OJ-:. AI\D Ql!EI , :nd Pu'.l""-:r, lXlHi'.) side of the oak. Onwatb Vecie~;' As ],rJ:l,Jl O;;e. ---.\J to Nt.. Lon::oJ!_ l'••J"1tn._ps ~'Hill wet pot;ato gardeu. to hcl· in the: cu·'!J .. v JH 1Hlt acLtluru. Jn ot;he,r rcadt'l" HHJ,v lw nbk tu k~,:~te 1_.f got (I'S) Tullyn:~conspod=t:ut-6.1;5 nA conrp6r'Oe thP form in 1d1Jch · 0' J)m"J,,,_·:m t..lw f!rt~dP. nvJ!'{J dcfinit,-,lL the !rill of the.di!'iputc. I c:=J.Unot tra('e st,_wy (-Ltdhg0d for -HHI £ the original dil';putc. Strangely enonr::o.;h, ·i·n Jkr'ryrmt.u:m, md [.he \nt..; cnu:·,ed' ~.>;op i i)1er- rofer~n c~•. l tnJ,:-.t y;.u ma~",. the to\vnhtnd wns also tho suhjed of a by iJlw -udder a:-, cd1•~ nbJ€, t0 .Gn_d -Limo tr1, '\\Tit.P mon: fntlv. nwdorn Ji,.;put-e ::;o:ne 70 )'Cl t~' t.'lic H:o;·c,ny llu-tn;•,s The >1atives fo1r th('. most pa.rt :Jt'(·(,J:!,!-. JnJJu all old l the hn;t parL of the name the stLL!dent ,,1 l ::.,u JllfnrJnu:! 1-h;.t ilw to btJnL tlmcc ilrtwl~\ 11r. >n;.c-: wriLtmt plHcEHmmes mirrht ,-,·ell ·be ··11 u·L--.r,t1u11 ol tiH.: 1J1'c.~·.··nt tha.t. U~l]ll'l" ,S,.:·_:l,Tiif '' !J.t; Jrc;n· BaL -t.hif-1 _pronuuclnth'm--footnotes ou . 'ne .\l ·(;(1, Nll i:; oHfy n Jo·,y hrw.moce m Co. Le1trin1· (J) \\'·tn.c, j 11 tic pe<:·uliarit,ies have been written ~-':\:Jwn-tLJ{,,I,c; (!Id. (\tn tlti:-. lF• >·oP 'Vh been cc•Jsumcd iu tl1e end-eavour thus h;~\-e rl.L,gws(':l i;Jtir r,rilll'vlv ori,~in.' I H'GJU00.. 1 W~M> <~erlw~d frcm, ''nu oh~,·ctre vil· to loC'flt(' some of the_ nllu· T!hvro 1\·oukl "-G:·m t•,) b;t->11 wno ,, h:~,-~~ .it~di- ln WllH:'ll tho b1~!wp'8 :hnd their re~ siow; ln tlw old ;-,1SS.: ,;;[ this clw;t~c· i:1 Co. Cunu in· siJdc,nctJ." I lHw.c no doubt Lha,t vnu •. ,."' (7) "f;..l!yveill. The people pronoun\e ,.,, liL' Qcc; ont o,f l:i~: ~right in "-'"'1Wri·i11:z; t.l10 b ..ttPr part" ;f f,};~ Tully,·e·.:~b, but I thinir the interprctn· ·Lioc --l;i.-:-·t tib1.t the nn.m") .to "L't--:Jc:y,"·hat what of the 'l.'ri.h? tiou is -c;uL.•J::; ~\' tn1J' i.he hill of i:.l:te 'lone' ~\'ic >1 Lh Kl'l'O t,\~('H t:1:,i;; will nnt do, I fc;1r, tree----pos~,ibl~· o~llY a. h1ndmar'k, but, it, u...lo·;>tin~( tl1c ::\J'fio';-crn form. Ifc nmtn· B~t.ll,rjn,metn.r me~ re f1·om' y.oiJ, Anv ~ ' rnder (lO) Co•JIJ!~.Tt, we bnso the ful- _[dcx. .<.I.w:. tl'!Hli'i:~ollall~T pn'<-:~n·ed round ; lowing :;uh-.Uenomii!m_IJ]r '·'·'·. 'IS ll'JL ~;U'fi>CJTh:cl Lj- L:<:i, '·" i'.ly rcad>;:>Jc<; could eolled, some (f; d (!) Br-ockJack=llpoct~·~. full of ba gen~. · Curl((:k:l;Y,;L--8(·<· :llltC', Dowra c! .,. ' ll~n.t.ter hear·ing 011 tho puint Th01n n re some yet,. (,)) s.~.t_&G£!1C=r:.;(·'.l(, ./whit.et1-;orn hm;k E.D. X or. '1. "Cualng:tlWh;) ill C.L. )1'), · k (5) Cornoe,nfl:;nn.·--·'lltis~.. I thiHk, ~ ...; shT'11k1 be tail'.O gtad to get nd.os m~ (f';) CO'NIJg~o..-d·h(-1 httle for ((':f. lu- 1 dt:.:\. 1 c:,t)min ui '):'lolntl, FlynH':,: li~tle {':.ll'u or 1 .J0_ part-t,ern days in the diiffwntion heinr: pa·~.l to, ; ', .~ .. n 1'1', th!O! "~].., 11 side of tlH• (T(' ~. · ld, ( ~ 1 Sr'31WJ~H'8 _ 1'1'~\· m611, the h ;; 1 :. th:1,t C!JnH'<~u i,; ;1, c,i:ninutiYo (•f 1! c 011, IB ~l':f:.ions. 'TlvJ corrert in~ · Lrom[ oak-\;·o.xl terpret.ation is, I t,hink, l~1111 tM-n·MYO/\tjt·· ·, T~!<~ f:uned "S:itnMwn PO'L '' i~: 111 thi<; ~iL(lresort of th~ Ehepherds or hNds. t townland. O'Donu-v.~·n found LlLI'('C! Iri. ·~ 1 lfltt-er of t11e n®.me has ' f 0 f iJ 10 · 1 l · ( confironod r:evera! reliable hca1 ':~~:8~~~ poll.·arms 'l-\S·'n_ · nanw(l6.S,\1ll?) m O(;a. swnn.-1 ns·G--·nz. ( c-=tlm 1~ f1le fO(JncJ.f b, i_ t!r:~t1,, l ' · · 1 ahCh<)U:?h the word 1A111l , . wa~ In tl:P.. lnt e ·Hdky of tlJo Sl1:1lllll.1l1) ; ha-,'c gem"" of ui'!e Jocall;".r in (~;) lA-:S l'>un n~\ S1onnc\ (=tho Yn.lky o.f which I us~ it (d. lx'lnle:;s nnt-c). -·":the Sovreo- o1' tbo Shannon), nr.d (:n o·n;\" a loc•al interpretation whi ··h '. t-A5 1.1-\ !::li!.Jtln<>., p.w:nouneml locally ·.Lug-. L\11tl :ts more usU<1l meauiurr, 'a ·, na,s.lhmna, tho- V•a.!c of t.lw Shanncn. Dc- h.bde,,' altho:-:gl1 stri.kingly aimlic- · .- . trild..iti(m, \Ye f~,~ i-hrrt, t. is rwt 1 to 1t.s T,'ll"·eSC'nt R·, f>Jmp1y heca.n·~e o.f 1Lhe ~h~1Jidt which lw~ al- it ~l::l e~h;mnly 1mljk~ly that its preF.ent ' 11 lt~;:;1 v ·,trc:.~m bc.ltH'e ~~ shtlpt:l li-l.hkl"- wha.t. 1t "as ;~t the t.1n1e t.h(' · diBrh~J.I·;,.:;o t'rom the pot. name w·11< ;1,pplied. Anof..her int0rpreb\· C~mbnmsis, \\ lw, as (VC'lll•1- • The Olen of the ' we ruay, · ':1wver ·b~i:,lcrcd his toes to bo in y c.sti ga.te th{l tha,t tne Jl:.-:-ne nl·e~ tu lt ub. HI:!, -,t.JLo tltn ~":l~)Orumca:;o--Ju)\·~Sa.)~;tlt:.\'~~~Ll-;.)~ XXJ!l. C•t.·hmllWll~ht 1\l;·'J'i!.)nJa!l, dw:>f u£ 'J :~!h·~ M!!'i<:er. j)!'uU1.UJCWt•uH 1,i (J;·ui u' ! I( l' WU& t~;Jlh)d :;( hlfi bona: Lt.l'-! ur dJ';l .I Cu.t1tt~, thl;l riJ,i,i,J uf thu l.'Uttih.:, I iu~Oji"l-'l· vf .F,~nuat•,•..;b i.1 u tJu, tl'L':!l~,:.~.<,wrt}d t.1w utm~t,7 w •.I ). Aghabane hAdunrt ;~. jj_ d1illl bl.l uo··r.,;(:t, 1~ JS In i.lie ::iv~l. Cra.:;:l·l o .l.=~-'~n~nttillg t.lll~ll,q.:;;lt Jitli<.:ult.y oJf r,t·o­ •'('!JL~ to l11~ .1 va:·t,UIL ui C!iJTat'U, u h~.~~ Iii·~'I':O. !\uL(: ectip::>lii wid1 dhn not nlnclatiot• i;y a•1gl)('i~eU 1.ungueli to tiH~ ul LoJ2:'-~Y piaC\'. Cn t.hach !S tl1,. Hpdlwg ~~"u.a1 in Vwueru Jn-&11, lll!d i,!r a p~ 1 ralid 1 •relianL fol'lll. 1n D.~. ;1; H> Aughwuun­ m~g, ...·~c••J by Joyt:J.. . l.l.t-3. ~·p<·liti thu m pb(:U-JUllW~•'>, \'omp.arc huslidaue:m i 11 1 ·f~b .• and m ('.L. ·'Aug; und Cul­ _ 'Inrr t' "C;•J••:w~t.'' L'o.]!lt, .utglt." Hoth ol t 1 1.·~e iiH'lllll Ul"1.l t:~r-, 11:-:1 Cormil.m .. -Uir'f' ~1m--(:.F., tll!te. {81) Oru~,g.?chy-.•·l>ruim gCuaidw, 11> i.l11J 1 H.l) GurnavJeigh, or i.twlagil-'fhe f,n:t, ~lw· nd~~l' ~ll ttiu;,, o.·~> :r 1 4 1 ~L:\l.H.. furw ''.\;,•;ll•'''YW~gh,'' and w~;m i ._ {i'l t.'nl'l' na Ciud.lw, th(~ J'OU!d lull ut tho ni'U!;n r:;~us.'u,; cl',~.l· '..l'his is Jo~<-u·~ u in1pl:;- an a:::;p, ... ,o.;:,' m. l' h.tvu lH'ani t.· '"!''.~ti'•_JI..,. 'I'U\\hi.;.!;b 1:'1 ll!JJHH't'li1l.Y 'l'ai!JJ!J- 'i.lnc~-i'-:,l•ut:~., .Ju.n-1\ f~ti.ldJ nu he tit;ld of the brnnl'l1iug nee: I lit.. · lUJ Cornacruna ... ('or,r , ua ·~Cn~w, .. '!.t tu'' ,. JJ,l4Hq,; nc~\,lt·r, · 1 li'U\I(']J), f {'ttllllOl· IL'L'OflCtill Wlt)l !-L:I"alll­ .1 •HI lnll,,f tiJ.e •,L'IJ\ '"-'1 pllu"':. 1 ;): ·''· ..'.-..:tit, .11.1 (L-:.: 'Lla1·11 Llu::d 11 J:tt:~·:.tli'U}(-lS Juyce's · 1\dwJh na Cr.wlJli· (]11,·>-~fwn;·t~;).J, 1 il'.ll, H <:c·rl-{'l"l, th:, 1.; l ;:..,\Hl0":., 1 dunk, Jt 1-\;t/i \lhu fir:Jt ~•j.;h" of Ll1e Ul'andlc~. .<~'a·. ,he~u "1ie-(lw1ipM~U.n ''l >li!..tL'l':tfll'' ':Lt.,ml.l<..:n t11 i·., lu !:ltll.1tJl'U 1rid1 ~ltt'll' 1-i). Ardlouuher---A rd Lunt·hai t, tlte ~lH (,,L. l~. ul' •:u:...t·Jc. no tl~Llf.<-\' genJii',·, und Jt ,~ ;· .11 of tfte rush~>\>.. \V~ bad tin.'> befo1e (;ll) Cornnhaia ( '(!n Wl h-Aitlu~, tlt(', ·.•!d,'i tlJ I.';Ir.) t<:.::· .. ;ai,,>.?J. i.1~: •. • •,,. "'vi 11.-; I,Hh ll :.· ',\' :c;f~·f}o§ .- n:o~tc!:'t of out aut ftu:·itimo tttat elscw\Jel'e ( '2:.l J Cornash.6t ---Con Ha bl'l'd'1~, . _!, J ·~~cc 1·.~Li:-!t u\ u .1,., 0, k, iJ1~ 11 n 1" , d:a 1-!:I..Hlltt~·e s;:Jg,ul:\1' 1 luacnra, and not T'llltlcl hill tOJ ".H._.., ::>.pi.,!~.•!•):? \'"'!H.ih-~ut '.:•e go!U. plul'a~, w\n('h _I R:ITlf, Wuttld lw r.,V!'O u~;ually a jag,v,"d 1\w:~ Ill thl' -..:('n. lt 1 . Jn t.1 . •el~. !-:le sur~;:,e,.ted t.h:it 1t mi<..;,lit b<\ a 1" fa1dy conl!lhJll iu ird~o;,d lJ:UlH~t-~. htJIIM prl""'', ~~ llJHt.l.JU~ L'f lj(,;-l-\J'!'v!Htl!('i;l.Li•Jl, .dn'('-·-lit()rally. "Aigh-ru'>h." I H~- (;.;:l) oerrinlceter~l>oil'O (l.IJ L!Ost::t!', 1 Ul', ull tlw.ud•.)l' b::tr~d, tL<: tiJw1 :-,\'ibLit' 1 1':-•at fo1'm alre:~dy Kive11, bN·a1.t<.lo'. Ill tlu, tiakwootl ut cL~ ll<.!i.'.~~~n --~Lu., a 1: raa,V l.c IIJJcl~i~·;:-ou,,(Jiteed, ltllJ the • u:ttlll ·t'] Ttl!>pi!.C.:t, l thmk lt it> ('IJITt:d. 't'Jw uu;!._,.u maker l'l'Jol•\\'d lH·I••. ''lkrnt~ .~: ma:: bu tlw ~~alJW :1s. ''Dl'U1111r11u.'' in hi!. ' ·>int might lltl'ikc: ~onH,;u11c u::o \1 or thy 11f l~:s~ut·," dLt.• He:u-dJ ~Ho:n•y l~oll f11rill "UJ;-, ~~~ h)"'haJtdra P<~.n~h---~lw .·i~,:/2.0. ., of tlH.> UIP·· l bllllli.lilt. ge~cs rft~; mortJ m,tu:·a1, "Ootr~· na Lit•'>' , 1 ku1.1S, tla:! plural articl<::l haviug, us in thJ 1,:,). Bailyhcady or Rossbressail --St"(l ~t1r.'' -'j lutt-..~1· liJ'HUJH·e. llropl>ed o•Jt. ~ut,• 1"\.idt: X \'1. (::1) Dlsert-DJ:.t.trt, u b(J nut.\ge, thl;j (:).~). Or~.tmilliskill--I lwrt! a l!rnn •Tnlti~ .\ 1 1 WJ. Sooade Gle!Je--l'in l._wal pn.uuu :n•tn•at of Bom~ "a1Ht. Altlklll"h (·;d dntw.uJ,iv. 'llt\l lr1sil fut'lll iH "Vrntlllh .,,,.,,;,~ IS Hoh-K,, .hL\\ t.!l'-:t"~ (:ltould IJt:l ug ,!:t·t ltB lwlllg 1•1 tfu;,~ !'J\\!lln_nd. -(;:·~·'·'' i s:·~·t;l.<~ppb~:.tlJ~(~.lwn~~ f~Ht fur tha f;:r,;•. :.1~pil:..~-0J atiU so b1wuflle lilh:liL, alld Yli.l \_;.;;Q)_[.I.i,JQ.{Fii't'Y-Du;,l, (,!uu-raidlt.:, · ~.h.e--; .·~..·.1 t.J:.t Jt l~ femtuwt: . .[ o:H~l 11 u·.·r )1,.,1'\,{ .. ~ll)l.l;.j expt.J('l li•.otll\.l f:~~~·~{~.~-: ~he ~~1;1'11 ~1l~~j il_l IU!J,JC,tU y(\\'tHl f,:;,],, h D.H. 1t illl ··Bo~hl•nd,·' m ('.L. .'!l D.;'::l. . Dllry 1:1. He:u~.l1 .\!,(ltWJ lh1ll,, >·'- '~"~','.d u.od ( · ruw~ .~.l.:. t~"·~·efonJ 1 \\'! 1t 1,t,•,' ··J:w-lteU," ~~1ai ··ik.h•tl'' tn iiH• 11 :\!. .Lh~· L.L:.., fo:'Ia s~~ems m..,_prwtey. "j)r~~-:.'; .. .,_ ~h 1l~·t, b'! n;~t-st:'~ !H•~, _tl! tlu; lue;IJ ~vt·._•_i, 1~ ..•) l>rHlfi-;IJrllJJf;, I> _<'1'1!\\d or (!'-'• : >re-andrum -l.<:(•al pr·ntlll• !::•.uti, •t•r::dy·-}II'!;y (A nutl:!, <,r::i.·ro,;:;·.:·,li'IF C:!-.j;,;ll'l tl\"HY 1h.-.: hU'.'t•umd.;,) ,~ 11 ,: lg rid:;e. ·' i hcr\.l ~e·"m" 11o o}•Vlow::t n.m- ll1t; fJ!llll() 11-1 td('Jill<.:~"·'-'" a ,>;r;?:''·"\:1 ~il.!' :5L·•·,.wJ :-yJbbb, .,,;~.1.'11 Wi!'lll tt<.t , (::\). Cail3,ifhti--'1'hJ;,; >it'CIH3 to Le ea:.!. •.-~,,ti;iqH ttJ t·~[dulll th< laLLt•r. l'•I>,,!Jy · " ·lln,.':· 1" (lu:,l:p::, 1 f'l.~Jltt:ltr'Jal.(P,,., 1 :u~·;·:··b), J~o:.-g;; ~~l(ll.:lld) ;vJtiL U.•l En!_.!,!t~ll tlwr•; may h,l\'L' bt••;.t 1Wl111! word JHl'iC. Lh'u,.,b.~rn.-~u<•JJ.J!J L:1ra, du;~ u,].: ~ ph~,-·a'. 'jht~ :O:<\tll<.' J'·mu• t;(Tlli'S :ts :4 <-:-\.1). t!Jtli>! --ur. Dl-Uitt,.!.•'. Otht•, ., • ..,,~ , 1.\' 1,,.,,.. '' l!l~l nau·.,, . Lan\, 1ur hn.d1, t\h-J ol·~t,nl · · I•~ a.. { wnl!lWl '.H Dn;. dar:~· pnri~h. j'ur nnul:illt;ou CMt l>idY,hL' N.plau:to>l1 1_, (! 1.:; ,~;:~~··Jl!:n,, ,,.f' Lut ,•·, fn\,11~ 1-li:J\!\\J,·-:·,. • D. ~et• :'•J. l~~ :lel.nv. . , ~c:nJ:.:,Jbtlny that ti'P.• id('~ttl\'; <···'< J:; u-·.cd, ;., t 1 '""~-~~~l'tll ~. .l;wr~, ::;,.;eTJ\S 11u ~!'-\; .; •Jt (ill. Carn-C.-.r·l, ;. "~:,)•!;: ,n\.i.l,_cla(l;,rl. , Ln\,t]c \Lt.h 1:1•.> ll:lll<--~ 1 \ !wn..·. t'"•n[,'~· ..' 1J, adit1on 1:1~1~ ~·:d,L,tr Al!er, 1',"(~ \);18 lu ;a , ,;_;:"J Drummant-·-'lhd'l' ar1, :~u 1, ·.·Jttf~l! v.-~.'l th<• re~h'·.. ····:•l <·i C;l!)!aJ'l Am.) ')fll the t.m.. l!and, !,I,,. l'tllll~ ut IJL"l ht!ltl' /,t~;;.,t ;nne ''Hi-~ll1\ln1t~'y,;'' 111 !\n io:-,l~Pl \>;,_·, ·~holl"<:' 1Airl~~ l'huv.t: 'lh1~.! Ol rll''lll •.-,naltily ,.., l•nup. ~bat·'""'"J ,. L-iHl rcacne. In ttw J·ft! .. >rll• Hull ,,J JCti-4 ", : (>L 1!1 ,.,•\>l'd;lill'<' \lic]l t.hL l 1 -\1\llln'::. ild.<:,'.<',, ·,y,,., Un.JHJI),~·;y b(f;. h; paiJ ~ux f,,r iu~H· t·c:;.n.!J·•- ,HI'It \• !Jrt'il !"i.Hk:-. that be . /' d~'-' ~<;1nd11.1c; ad;,;UUI•g JJnwkUI•!. (10). Claragh---'l'h,, ,..; H::nwlly lalu:11 t•J AtlH l<~'•L his f;.~lJt•l IS , : · -1.~ -· tho: -'Ht,;.~s ., ' Uw , ,;,'1 i_,).. t!unk i~ i~ mol'<:" ld;.~.-:]y Cla1ad1, tt'l ad ,:r-id::\! Hf tlJ<: l)l'\:;"clt treP; '!u.~ i.'s Ju)ce'-'> '.\l.'IW!.JL,._; l',H', dH,.' t':..n 11.:t i!t•:.'. - · r·'<·tlY0-- 1\a\. lmtt :'tJ<'<'t'IWill. 1f <·onL•ct, 1 ~!wuld ptt'- : ~Htl: :-:Hdlnf. li~>wev,,r, I''.'' •,Y ,Jt,.r; •~I! ul ... "u lhJ,Hd , ·~ . J•'. last. Thi::~ ~~ t.l:o• Ji.r~t (li'C JK' ulw~ to ('vur•,.v "wuu!d h';imd h:~tkr, o11ly Jur rh~ 1Jn:i,;~ ·, . 11 ·~>·v wJI!Ju,r-; ru :.:;;~, .. t..• .~ L ';.~.v:nl. I hafe t'o~U'Hl J•O iJ',l\'C of tll(' ':~.on Hf the arLi•·lc. Uuv dtW':i o,'C:l':'iou:dlv r - ~· I'C',·>~, 1tl ·_[... C.i.. tlu,;, a~lju:,;(':,

j o, '"i•f::'lliH<'JI\' : .• l•l',\'1'>. '()nl !~Vl'll lll t,!\;• \1111'( ,.,,~(iOd llHnW~ Ill 'l,·l"otllt':t~ru~:~apurn ' I \luruu~··8' ~h'JUl'\1\'DYI. ..·-. ' , · u!l~'ba)-,';IL 1:! YI~W pf whar lit: !1ave :,). ':',lJkt-~ Lliu. buc a·• a !/,!P!;t geuel·td rule (J!It<""',, tJ·~J DruJnminicn~-Vnirrt ready nt ~h~ -,;lipil'!l~!; aw::y of Tully- .llt!)..JJe(·Ls tlw Y ."L-,(.:lll(Jj,~ thu:>.:Jol ,_.f t,;,, <.>Ill:~. L:t!tr "'' I !oilt.t!: 11<~\t~ .-;nnwdiJII~ t•2X) Orumbtnil!s--·-D•ui'n JliJulis, l '-'•L 1 tu ~:.(,'i c:· d1- :'!1 .. · .. C•t:•i·< 11•,· u1•' ,_ ·J,.._,r,: i:>u~>tht:n· t·~ i-\1,\l•.' (>l)e in ..,,,_nrH~· jtllt.:', (.-\;hhJe,. a so:1:~1<, 'Uw lc,t,',Jl pru ~,;\' ,,f dlt~ { .,.,. ~~·). hit: '.!!i;:; \-1-.lh 1.,· .. tl1 '1' , 1. 11 .' 1.i •it•. Jch•l't:Jo'\Jfl ",i,'l•l,l' to', lJ!• J(\l,tltJll Ht pre~10l•t Ji:> },\'Vt•<-:d1 ••_,,("dJ . , (' . . ') , ,l\\ndd h;;J lUrJ;'e f;IJ}:0ly J'I)H~·-.;cr:lt.'.l t, !' t 1 ":~.~ .1 ~t· .t',..'!: , .:v·,·•. c , lt: 1 \ · 11 l , · C ]• bro~.;,~m '} ~·- ~1, - 'j'- ~P,I ~~- ,K,rJ. .:;;h, ,:~ .C.L.. Ln;l.-q_;,b · Hlt'(\lkl\. ·..:... ;. T~J!-,·rr· ,0 ,·k. ,.D .•.l, aTHi .E;,l,."'~ abl•; l<~ ,1\llt-t', l, l1uye hc:H'd lH> •XJJlanaouli '·~· .1-:,,~:-L tuu·· l<1l>c. ~'' Ha•::•"l 111 tl:,o <.' itht.' I!HHl~~rn ;\JtcnmL···!

)1 1111~'- uta• •11 l(',>,li;,gh~ (.\u. H ;.(Jo~\t}). ·•:t ,1n. Th" ;'H• \ ('J'l). Q~n.oo~, Ql" Go>tCCT!l£a~"I'Y---Tl 'fl 1th, L irt Agli.iLidi'ili, and o,Lill t111<~Lll:': .lntti.:'L l~ C mrt_m, a.a (.;l;,~naidlH.', ti1•. ht. l.lf tuQ • • t.>t of ( 'ron:J:iLalJ. .\,J!le ul t iwse Iuke:; t <>U 'i V.> 1\Ji.' ll.ll\>: ".\',,·]I •·~·id f,<.~"UCI\ : PlW C;,~i!af(~;;;(:IGign ls 11!JjJ.Jfi:H. t,,,~. l ·;J•• (;t-.•~t.drJ Y• .... L,.;:h latH L!Ji~:> dn· extJl:Ul'lLiom of t.he n:tl>H· 1-':l~l'­ ,\(.ICtt:ll.-U!ll •M ,.l.H!. ""'· 1n~ U!oitlJ~•, tlJ•.;~ nmr>'>hy I 1d · · l'rhCnJ :mch l:.~k-:s 1\rt' •·:.~llt•d ' Bli11d" .tl, ,,_ ,u,;~r:tJt~ tb.t~.t~-.:J,t PJf Sr;:.lh. !·1 thi.'l ,.a.~e, a'i w tb•· 1 ! . ··•·\ to 1 f'c!' LO' ! , u:u~ 'l•!:,,,.. to\ll/l;r:id 1":•1!,0, '' '1H'Iaii:: i!Jt~·r"J;1-'Jl'J. ,·,.. 11,1':: t;, ·~J. .ll·uv:,~ t..· ·u_ ... •,, ~'!'': . .',_o·l Jnlt.'' :.a t:-<1out.uo..+ t !it: c·onwr .,j lh~ ( S''L:o; yl' 1 un•:., ..;.·~V(Jl' ln:,u·.-J th~:: ~•·cru u u · 1 .. !l.lJ k ··l l~l·: ~~·eaL l'HOIIt \\ l::elt (JI"( .H:dnHNI it h \Ve I a cm- ;l hdlain, Dall::UJ'::; ·-,.., ...-,~ 1 Churi'h. The t-biut kno11 u al> St.. lJ,tllurr, ;~ ,.., ·'''"'•· .:-~· ( 1n£r,,, J 'l'lns is tl.tu only }Ja'>S•·•l ('ljil•·H·I.l ut.l u! \ltl;! tJa•htio~t of , tiJL• ula,·L·. or J)aHan }'orga!!, \\liS chrlstt!ued : '"'"'"".'' 1 .:nn t•·;.v;o to oH her, ~ AN SCULAlJt~ UOCHT. _-\,:,() 1 Frun _ Fnir lhq..;h _11 a" ilre r::o~n,; EochraJh. Re "us eal!ed ·•Dallan" or "-~ 11 t11 d 1 tlH· InoJ:ar;·lJ. 1,)10 1.,,1'4 1.he ;l!H't'·\or the bliud mau, ller:ause he lo;.t }n."i ·~,"ht _:iL.·~ LDALLON PA of botlt hnuwlu:s d 1.h· 11 1· Bri1,. 11 . l his uwtlH'r's P·:···r·. terpretation. Cao\ach, or Caola, a '"JHlr¥ ' 1 nunw. L1ke f.!L .:\lu:..Cl'e .. he "\\as u (·P~ ~,i-t_·.·.·.· 1\_IJ,i('k l •• tal;Jt:,!J aJ~•I iltll!J ~1w J.:J:!e tn l tt' "' row place," is u. possible interpretatton, .-.,h::HJJou" Ulll:l'l' thl' prutt•t·lo~·n (,i G,J,[ st•enth:nt of t.he !'lllllou~ Colla t u:s. la '~2~~: suited. 'J · t.lte,uld ,tilt)' c:•!l"·.l but doe~ not P.emn 'l'he d ueigh¥"]l Ill\! 1 ~~.· lV 0'.~11c', eem tu l1ave lil'cll ~t- O'Neal's t-;ceretnry. Tl1is was the ''uamc lfl · 1~!1 ,,,, '!~' 111 .: 1. \\t' paJ·ate·d Ly ~>evend geltc.:ratwu-;. 1!1• \IHS town!and" m the grant uf 2,000 acre;; to !hu full•!ll'lJig ,,,t),-d,;Jr,niPli _ bo1u ",n tile countr·v ol the 1\h~J·wl!· ' Hu· James Craig; C. F. Crughau ante. whidt is Indt>finile ~·nouglt to J;Prr 1 ;~~ ~;, .. ''Colaglt '' of the Hearth l\louey Hull, Pullsnllagh-~l'.,ll ;·bl",·h. to t'vlt(·ludl! t_.iwt he !JIPU I.Jorn

seems td roi'l'r tu thiB to\'mland. 1 l · · · 1 i '' ithin I ftp t'ullt;ut;>s of 'the 11 1!,!')1 (-!H) Kildallon--Cill Oallain, St. D:Ll- 'Hi) 11 .~e ;-,,,' >u)-',1-!,,'' now f,r.>ars his Jwnw. !an's Uhurcl1, whid~ g,1ves it.s name to the'""" ... ,· ~~~~ IV!!!,~C!~;h~n:l~'i.:C! _ 'J')Ji•, Js l,,,v it 11 ,,~; 'l'IH• l\ia:;J'Jglte, as w-e huve alrca~h· parish. , plull•'1liii·P:J 'ul·u,\'· 11 \"oil'll'l·~. 1j 1.. pui1_1ted ottt 111 uur 011 'ft'lllpiep11r:l .tl! ,. .., \ll'!'e :: ,. R.ll. 'l'he Helic-Roilic, a graveyard, · 1,., liH'I"I'ly .ui.!t"d , 011 1_ 11 Jt pnnsl1, ;tu Atlleot trtLe, 11l 10 1 H,1., flld g1·aveyard, one of the most re~ Jl!!_,· ".:\1t~ilo.•·h .\J~ Tulhha1.;! 1 1s is built in an old forL which completeiy .\ :'\ ]I{ 1-: DO(' HT. r'.JI'l'll iocs<'!y- a'l deiiuiu,!.!; t'he :n·~·a sut-ro'tndA it. l<~xactly in the ('entre ! of two Jovpr;,; 11..0 I',AH·~ 1:; :O.f-'t.~ti"LI ·l\.!l.\u'""'""'· -~,oll>'.'ll·t·e. J11 pu.ut ul iH('"L one Vl'l'~ r·all'~ who died tride. 1· ;w t..~llktl;ihll. 1 ~ \1 illt·h !l 1:; lL> i ....; t.o llll' 1ht• p,1.~oJL1l1t..\ thu~ t.he h'IJJUJ'k; 1 1;~e (4\)) Kiilarah-'l'he modern pronum:ia~l:· ,_._ .... ,kH .. ,1y'' r'-'J•tv·· rn:> a hu•¥ •·._..· 'll' of tu.-is at hi](la:!on tl 111 "" .., 11 ,_ tiou sounds l.'-oill LPat.h l,tath, th<: v;uod[:.,.':~;;:>_-;--::~ H:>ti) Listernan-~l .... tus Tlgh.,rtHi.H\, l'll!!llding d1e~ ('huiTh H~d th,. ··..:~:l•c,'' of th{l half tr~rt L~ath haLh bmng re- ~~~;:Z"'-~null's lH' h_,erwtu's b:~. . d.ho l:1~1l'l', lJ_v ihe 1-1ay, is cllu oJ , 1 o~· p1nied a;,; an tmiedlJlable compound noun. l~.. ~i-"i~,. (i'Ji) Machen~ .. -.\te;.a·!lll a l•Ul'~lllt•. de-- 1'11 t·:'t'~ti ll~ I '.n·an illll i!J u ilie~ J, '"11 y (JUl~O pos!->ibly,_ htnvever, t_b~~. Wl.lllR_ may I:;~~~Jwtmg laTtd thJ\ul.ed or· suna!Ji<: ft\r 14row- k•Pn Lat.h Jlnth:!, J't1, _..~!::~~~ .\!LIIOU>.J,h l,!•·!wJ·tdly traw;Lll<:tl "p~H- ·lt,JI\'""''", IH snr·n11"t· tH-t.'teiy, aud [ ~-'''~ whwh the "n'' souud oi 'the art.tdd '\\OUlll . --:-..:;,~~~~~~~~' !J\~',.I'Hll nil!\' UH:an u11\· ui t!.~e ·, Jt lliL-\J'PI,v us ,1,vl1. auJ au 1 nnai>io· lt' .viehl tu the "1" sound by a W'J~l-k.nown 1.".····. :-·lt'<~Jh.'" io.C.L. ~ .. tile•.• <>II,Y >le',\ t'tohel" Lu Mt[.pult. law of Gaehc phonetics. l~.:.::;-.$>"{ (,~-\) Mu"ilaGhdoo---.\IuiLu.:h DulJl: oconlutt• lt. S.D.-The Ca~n--;-l'rost•nt-tlay tr:;Hl'.tionC~>,~(~ lnll:-~rJ. "Jtl~ll.>~l,;n· in_,:,!.~~::· c.-:·- . . . Nt. Dn!lntt uvcnpiet! a uniyu., po~d1on chums that th1s H> Conal Cearnach'!:lf._":;,::'·;t:~ (.d) Mulla~hmu.len-1m: fu~t ]>"lUOIJ, · auwng!, hatJ td ,.,.,~-;, ~w~ill'!1("~' 'dlltt ttJt-' hrst ut Leatlt ("imllllJ, u11d l'~''-'IJ Lc•Jpw ir. !<',, 1. were tbe tradition rtlivo in his daY l1et~~>"""~~: pat.t b. l, IJ:~t;' ht• p,·rsutwl -~u: ... ".'\l:ll~l u_,~t,~!l~;·t·, in carcely ]1ave f<;uletl to note ~~- Jt, .;:-:'.":<~-,/i !.ta ~ lyll-_J_nr• .. td' 11 _JJJuY, l11.', :.l. :!ttJJJ:J~t:h~e 1\_doialion, h..; 1s Pa!ro11 of 11\'o p::f':~f 11 " lS evH{ent that w1tinn tlw lat:t century.~~·~_-,~ ·':t. ~loll. 11o\111, oiJP iu ~\le::ri 1 , th0 ham! of the rut.)dc:-.'! mvestJ~~ntor WIHI ' ---..~-·.'] t•t.'r1vcd .. awl 1\).,t;ll_ JLc~~Jt lloL"lll" 111 1-t.op U'ld OIIL' <11 \\ t''HllW:.Hh. 1 wu.l all this histone pde. Tlwre !lH' ob~-'-'>';:~·""' uLs') llnl.._ '"LJH: J.dl wp 1\Tt!J t!.t• ln addi,lon 1u lhi.~. lw>vevt>l', he ,\:tS ,;;· viouf: signs that an att-empt was made t1 "']::~ ·.: -~ll!lt.'' tllt> gt't;a~,:~:t _,,.IJ.,!aJ' and P•wt of il1•1 da1· diseovet wh~1t wvs within by the cnulo .~· ,.__~ (lii)J Nodd-:•.;tAd tbt' tlt'-"l. t it~ htaey- ··:. ·Hell.J;~!.h,"' the lurrn ir1 the C.L., 1>1 mor-e wlttdt• uld P.q.',Hit Lnn!" uwdp t,1 olJ- shaped outline. , ·-·:....•11: t\l'~:ox-d with tllo' IJfL~r t'-lai11t P;.1t1 i1·i, 'i'l --probably tll<' half ratlt whid1 gave it iL!:l _/' .';::Ai (f-.;'~) 'ron:yloy-.. ']'},,,~wnL·>, rlu.· lur11! trmt•. 'n1i:-> Hr'tl~gle re:H'iu~d 1ts t·iim:.x ll~lme---in tho to·.ndanJ.. ..;:-~;'t'Wlll!li.'•Utiom. r-.•.·d:t<.: ' L:.i.idfH-'. d1.10\ 1 ~1 tlw :-:l_xtlt,,•entnr.l, \\lren, at jt 1tl \- (:_lU •• >~Jt'tJ!S w be thP spelling, ll!lguttJ_Y ln·n!~. \lho, iJ.'r tliPII' L'Xadiull~ , tlw f:-lmith's \\ood (?) lt is always tliii1- :_--.::<" ~, ,!:u,d lilt-J Jru•;-;llln:.~ ··111e il1H ul' 1.l1e phc·e itad l'li111:ned Lhe!usph·vs ~:s aiiJlOX!m::-:. 1t; i ndt to interiH'et the t•udiug ''guwan'' [.;,..t...,';:l' ,.]phti~Pd \\ 11 11!."' Ht•Jt!H.'l'!H~:.lJ:h. t\~ t~. !:.v a;-; to ··it·~·i .. , l•aJI!Shi•d tlw krngJmn. 1 wit.hout local _assistaJH'O, of which tlwre 1 ~:.:'>, ·: •'t·..;-qllelltii,J>t> ut' h(·ilh. wuuld be Jtlilttt'al I lit n·l urn of ,•,t. ( 'uluw:·dle !or the (JI"(·a- , \\~VI lLlllO n.vudable. 1 -~- _ -;erwn~~h, bui. olH3 wunld exptr·t tu iiJJd it8 -~ 1 -'l'. 'llld 11,1>' plL•adi,q~ of tilt· c·atl'(' of (:)2) Ki!lygreugh--Coiil a' Gt"?ich, thell' '.'uuuH Jormtna."<:lllllll'. ' till! 1-.Jrd~,1 lw~ ~wvn nO:Phrat,-d In nr:'.li\' ; wood of tlw "'wamp. :' ' Tl1i~ cuJ,t:iu•k•s th..: l'Pt"IJI"ll.-..'d trmnlaltd, ::•r ou1· Jl•'l'~H. To n~. ho\\t;>V\·r, t 1;,. ,,1.,.::. (5:1) Ki!nucrosS--~Cotll na. gCl'oRs, the . "\_.m_.~lnnm•'~' in Ki!dallnrt p~ll~'-'h. lt·-t.q,~ret tlwu .,.,~.,11 1s lllnst. illt'-'l'~>'tuw, fr111ll tl 1v f:H·t. wood of the r:rooes--(nuto the de-{'dipsed ~~- <"· >\:t lun: not t.~·~'ll frnR::;lhle tu gin1 tt l:u:J,er ,,LtJnt _t_IH'H' +l;lel Jll'c'"~-''1\. ut th~· Ps.~"·n!l,[v "r:.") J•lH:•~Yd' ul' lllcl'{!<'urlled 11aJ!It'O.. :-:::.nch few : t.!rf.• hllild_l>allan tu nq,.-;nl' in h1~. I. \I'll p ,:_ ~.D. Mogue's \\(•11, JUSt lwsulfl that:,::~ j1:-~ 1 halt' ~1\'-'11 \ii·ll' liNed pl·r.-oHall,v, "' 111 1 LI1P hll:t. li1Ht !.!re f~dt tf pm'1ry 111 ,,, littlo stre,uu M•p:uatmg tit•:; 'lcH\IJl,1nd [,- ·-.-· h1 •hJiurr bt Ill~ \llH.' of rl1e lJ\lll,he!; frum n_ot, lli!"OJJHI•:kllt 1\JJJ rile gn:.t!L·s~ lW toe- from Kilu.tgl.uc. "'~....-"'-lv.lJHh twi, SJ Lu, InHI., ,.C'tup of :. t.Jcy. Kiluacross dtl'>erv~s an arti('l-e nil to(:' ""'·:~volu'l1etit-.l n-..,;,~tittl(<' Hi~ Ullllt'l't'S.'Itu·,v tn J't~lliind mv rl':,l1,·r·r, 1 itself. \Vht'n, over a y(qr ahn, I '\ t~1tc •l ~~h ~ ""-'~ 'll·h J>; unu ml.,h•( h d1-:1 Olll ,\~IJ'g On Llwt Llil-) pleadm~~ uf the two 1'-lt;iJtf!< \I ;~1\ it, it was for the purposH of ptl· up • "'i;J, I! ... t,Jt•-; I Hill .~~ n ('tl thnt 1Jeopl-e are ~' 1 ~~' 1 "l'.~~~w 11 Lnr·1i,, t.ho tracuo; of the ;;ld road, wl.t.cb. OH(. ·:-~~del.' ply iotL'I'L''k'd 111 tlw lu~>t.or:v of i.IH'l -~' 11 1i'!"C' I''Jl!t't'l"l•(•d. Of rl1e lllllllf.'•'oltf l:,.LJ•c :'l.ptiore rcaRuniug, 1 ktil'\1 mw;~ k've ~,,:...... :1pl:.N•-nalll<''• 11i tlwit· l.tatil"e d_i·~tri_d, and · ~-l'hool:;, tii_'O onl.v w,•t"(' pPr>mtt;•rt to slli'­ ColllH'd.c·d Drumlanc add 't't'IlljJ]PpOlt, 't_ ""''~jlt "''~(·rll.O ~~IT.ofl)!l: th:.l.t lll a r···~·t::olt lllw Kll· I.: \I\'(". lt ~~ Uj!,:ll!] lldt_>),.', Jo and v.hich, starting frc~m Kildua)JI, 1 ~~- , '· lhtllt>II tltt·re illl.l'i Hot bePn en!TI une wlm t.IIHt on;• pf t.IH·.~I:' \'a·-. tl>·1t if! ilH· had .li1·eudy followed for a t'Uli':>JderabltJ ·· 1Wuuld shuw 1:hat tntert~f>t in \u.,.ctical n.,Jt,•, ,:f11iw·l!. hylnt'<·t'-.'11{'\':t( l•·:~r..

(\!•,taw·,, ..rust her· it ill r,~•nur~~nbly 1' ,- ,fnrn} by giving 1.1 lottle help. 'f1ere nn• lllfdl;nvd th:11 St. 11. I!", 11 -:!s 1 1 ~\1\S,\" w follow. "-," ~jil(:'tlty of thesB ll!it'l'(·ot'dcd IHltnt'll in (·lll·¥ • ._4. dttH\j~IJ illl' 11'1--'lf.dtt t< 1 ,:u: .:\1_.,- gnide w:w exeeptionall.Y \\oll-:n- :' n•,1t U'k' an\t)H;,!:-~t thi• old peupl1~. A 11 : t"i'ldl'IJ('Q '·<'PtllH to pi:tve l11i1\ t-,(•h:;d f 1rliH.:l•: Hlld lllttll'e>.tmg. 1 J<;gret px-! '~''"IL'l,lll_tr:w_. JL 1~ onl.v l:'il' to r;:1y, l'rc•nh,Jy thni. IUY wrdr·he-1 nH,HtlllJ".I' wlill :jn Y,till. ]~'~ thel'e(Jq·un(;) to re.~t.:ue ~::l'en l:tt thr:n•_JS_lLi hilt'nllurt p:n·i·t; n tt,:tiJ- 'JI«L n•c:1ll lri~ naTJJo, ,~Jti .. h is one whrch nbmg Ull· lt may hl• ~lt:1t. t.lw b:Jrd.(· 't·h1,nl •r 1 ,1 .,,c.:], ltl' haH tewkd a'nd <'H!'t'll ~Joguo'~f duue tu ma\w ckar what it is l'Xactly lbat rnny l.ta:·u fwc•H 1•n tl1.o sJtP nl 11,., Ton11·(!- \\t't! :1 j~C'll~'f'H·lUU aL,;r t;w p:1.\t<.'J'JI Lo 1t. ~jl \\"ei'I'Jty of t!te lH'Xl l't'lltt:.\·, h,J L>~H:IJ mto di:-;uHu. Closu b\· tl•l' 1\'<.·il .;; --; dwJJge of plan. ( haJ. intendeti to pro¥ \',"p t J h:u{ SOilll'.lllng of .S!. Du!lan'.s 111 : 1 slf'qllet·~. ie1rc·d t.o. it, Hv__,, h:1:-; itr; elaim io r':.wtl', ·:,: .,·,ct•J~ as iL ls [H"oh- .\l Lho tllll!-l of 111y \ L~Jt. 1 ltad lhll rf'ad i ''..!'··~:'.the l1:'\nairdng fMI"~:-:.h.;~; uf Tull;.lmnr:u · nhl,v the• lllo•.t IUH"Hmt of 1111 r old frj..;lJ .l~e Tli•tfl1bl'lip-L lite (If~- Alugi,H. J \l;tS.j:-• . · ~"" trwr\~ e~:1:-,1.r--. l"XLHed iu Kiluallull. 1 Inn:~ f·!IIP'~ l"Nnrn to lJt•!nJJrl, 1t 11-,13 ..-it. ll:l!- tr·"m ll th·lt. 1\:dwu·J'(')>.'l WhS fJ\bc·I'SM·d ui' l:· . 'II:. . lau':l intt•nti,,n to l'(''ld it at, DI"(']JU•~·:i'., h jH'I'lliit:rl) l!llpunant. }Jist.ory of lis ()\',rt, r-" , J }JfU.~t.·. llteroful't~. Jeo•t die!''-' d!i,Ultl hut_Nt. .. Cohn~J('i\ie f 11 rbndl' l[H pnhiH•Iiion 111 '\ und,·n:tmt 111' Ill tlw JJt'Jg/tl!01trltoJnd. K,.- he v•·l'L"L'j)ti<>ll u,; tht: d:1-;;l'\ of lllltil aftf"r lllf~ dc·:!IJt. \\ lwn t•fil'l'l\al"rlH In lltc• hi\• nf tlt() t...:nint W<;.l art•. ;old tl1a: :", \l111t'i.":.d'L~I"ci J:,tlllt;" l \IHT!t. t..1 }H"IIcN·d uH l'\'l"{'tl'l!lg lllll'h irom \vLid1 .'>vl~ll.' ~t. (:ah1m1•111t''K n:, 1·r !1:1tt to iulc•n·c(~e '\\Jtlt Uud t11 1- -·· tHJOd~rl\ :\1ullaghurnn )JiepL \~llo n,;';ht t!tll:df 'l\•11 yt'.ll'S nHt'l' th'; :--;ynod of DnH,H·r'nt ~,aint's t•Lmh, a11d i11 tlw lHOl":tlll~~ --ill GHtl. St. J)~;llnn md hi~ death. J-le \\·Jl;;~ 1"'<11"1!1~' tlw f••a;.nrPs of ;:111)1.11,~!' 11:1'l on n visit tn his great fripnd llltglt -Hll~·.i· l\lae l•,;q;_,mnJh~~ tilt• h:t(Jd eo~~~ of lni.~I'(Wl, Du;lPJ-':il!. when lH: 1-'uJJJ,•,t. lnsh•rtan nf lit·, d;,y. M~11•knts 1'f S~lllll '1y a haud 11f pir:t[Ps. 1-!i.<: gr:•ve Jw,to•·v will I'~·HH:lldt<·t· 1liat ~-<~ fa1· t i,,, I t>Wgv w:l!i, nH "-aR fit.litq~. d~livcr(' 1 [ hv t.~dJ,\' "~.:-, Itlton11t:al \IJth o.1u t()ld •)f l'ur1.1l 1 ·.. S,lanl'h~\11 Torpe('t, th-e chil~f hard of th"o (;•dl,an aJHI.~illllL ('oltlliH'•Ile. llext- gi"!li'J'at.ion H.ltl tht:' fabled dLS('O\'CJer !IJ:J ..;tuJ'Y }-!;<>t·~ 11 ll i•J !•:,,v ll~:tl ill:' l1lll1r of ih~ lt,.~t epi(· of t.ho Tnin, W:-tS "I~IJ~"'lll''lltly h.qlii>-t"f at !CtJJ:.u·r·•~·. A~ s:·oLAIHE BOCrl'r. li,,d, 11e [:I'<-' ti\id. ''ll'u!!l tllt' l'l"oei:".'~ ,-,i:;::Jt~'' wbu·h i!te ~nl!lt, IUat!t' '''~·r \\'(;a~<· td",J lllf.,nned th;lt 1\tLI:l· CI'O~'l \IllS 1,•n tl1c; otY'I~•on bv 1111, .\1 I J~q.!,h u! 1-:rin 11i~~~ g,:~is~t'd io iuari, fliP illliHII'':Illl''' of tlH' l'('1'it.~[1!Jl. .-\nd 11<1, 1]1p f,:·ot, 11 Ito''(' , p<\lJO!JI.v 1 CAVAN PLACE NAMES. No. LVI. • "-'-'~'"'' >~ lll\.'ll ·~ L';L·l~ ~ll"' ..C~UIIilij,H, ; {'roiC':V. J lt:n.·p rd."'l Q.ot SOII!ll; .n:nnC'i' !\lltl I WTtlt Or Wlt:li·>t1~ Rll 1'lfll~tH1:('t . Pn thi~' r ·1111d ·ih, ~"'" 'an:il'k:wroJJJ:n. ~lr. 'l'r:1_\'l~or. N.T .. has taku to be the_ cone_c~' uu~. lt t..•tn·tairdy the spelli•w ill 1H1.,bnl-:lly Con- ;\ , ::,enl a pP\'tllinri.Y \le'e--l\ne ]j,.,t ol' tlm J'ecoils O'J)ouOvau~s aecollnt with that the t't!UIH.l hill of tlw ph1in (Qr f : ll!'uumJdn~ion::l of th0 ~o~rnhmd giv~u iu th(ol Ouuiu:,u;t,cou, and ought to tfH:t f!11k). .-\. ](,c·all:t "-''>- t"nl'h~n~ cnlk('tmg unrO('OI'dNt -mHnL·s. All that. _( J•;ma as ~·nuwiug pa% ()outel1ill," but { want. l8 lhe J!HUI('.'! s.p<nple Uoui.e nuL L-if;ng a· writer uu whose word1 ln\i.~ to f~d in ~uf..,.1" he-t·li'." 1 du>Jd.\ like to },f~Rr rnore of 'tlti~ ir:tdil'illll if it Ill the l()(~nht-_r. · ~\:1\.\"olw C1l!1 d,, thts. Tt one eilu p!aee any relianee. js l_l,il~,,Nf~f_'>~:,!rJ'----illd<"t'•i it i.'l lllld~~;ir· To returu to Lhe local pronunciation i~ to l1e had. (6\ Cf)rnalea'J-'1 T,l,;·;~ q_r ~9~ j ~:rne)" und tlwL tlw Anua is the t:11~" of p.n·l,]l (.,·;Jdnroll o1· t1:1 n:o.l-·_llt'<\! of h;1•. r), il (•l•lf" ... (,1c"'"<'\ T\,1~ ·:;word as we have in Annn, Lilfey. ,,,.i;n ,.,,r:L,, H'·)·!n(l Hill ,.f tlu• <'· wi:J hP \\.Hl'll!!V welco1llW\f, , [nfi.irtunatelv. m'' wretdwd »l<>morv JoYN• Yt>•,l,.;(;"" th!:' whtf"flH d \'tH'Y •·in•tt"l• '$h~roock·-·~in{:t!' \rrit;nf:!. !lw nl'(''e :::__ ·--· -. de:-et·b rne at i.Jie n;oment. 1 quite ~iantin1\y, nnd nr!r,> W"ttl•-1 not. \,t> ~:•!'1". :nti•·ll' \\'(' l(l'l' 1nlonned Llt;il the lai~ !\fr ~--_:\-·-' at the monu~HL from sunree T('q'nt·(• Ciill'kt•. (01'11 . .'X••:. oft' he .f.s:"r·~: th;;>•'f'~'"~;". in rli~--t-~c····•tine: il. p,,,·h:w~ :,:~;-~"--.-""'~Auna iu _.Anna-Litfe_v 8pring:o>. 1 hnve !l. knqW Ol'mm:,.;nt iiJ!l. hin1:•c!t' a m·fi lw~ ,.r lhr~ ,·;".~-~- \'ague Hlen f,hat it lw:J been s-uggested ~ ..,:H wlu:•t'H31r:1-h.,r" i .. flB:V • udt J, , .. ,J f !'~,litj,,. distrld, lwld l't::t t~1r-• ~('.·•Jnd "' !'al_~,~ 11f · tht1t it is merely n pen;ouiticatiou of the 1 ('illllflil!t>tl a ..-; :.P ih.-. tJt JH••"'E"lll ~ 1 ion, fl·•-.;-, i~. nf r·nur~t". ~lwn·ock rPfl·t··~n, su-eam. Pu!l·:~ibiy, lwwever, it mnv he Ctot•lJ ._:n.itl m:-t"'r•tdi'te t-~-nd i!. t.h~rt•fot·~ iti~L•hm~~-dilll!". (~"" reflediun, 1 would llll-Y that lhis is a: most ,-,"'lling ;ll'(,t·le <~11 1lu,• lbto~l,\' );!-..~li-J';i.) OnT'fw•lnu:h, ho~~v 1ands. 1 h .. 'fe not " cert-ainly ('Ol'red could h:tYt' lt('( 11 lt pc•rl";l!n:.! ~.tot the J,,(·:tl -prnnun<·i·•ti.·,n, llftd i he ftJl'IU :/". Tlti~ Ppi.~·ion - Aeceptin~~ tlliA explanation, ill€ spell· only. Tln•t·r· i>. ll!,l;; 11•. in il::.;iti,,n or T gi'te would l&j11i1·e tbe tint eVlll!lf~le h1 -?' '! iug d Anna~h~rin would be na l,,. JH'<''' ·11'11'1'!''1 H·e Jl,p 'F:•1ct1i:·h Wotd !'\'f'•l]'(l_ to 1-i!IJ'!l,,rt it. J •,,, r·'.llllll1(":;n.ic.n . _-~ n-l~rnni, whieh would be JH·onounc>ed Js dP:td ll~>_:li•J~! '-lll'lt :1 •_:·.~('('\', tl;n _;,ni\J t•ur. Jf. ho-weve'r, it i!!l pr-< ttnTlft("e·d ~nr, ,~J Owemuteruy, or po~sibl,y Oweunuern. 1 1 as in the first 14_~11~ible of cor·rt~-$ponJ, '! being 1\l:IJ'k(·-l in :d i. ,n p"r;Cilll\('ifllinnt The final e would, w all v · cuse be Pwl old "lwl!i :.:·;;, :-_::- .. ;.,_'-'Y w hht 1 r'k~8 ~pf>llinl( W(luld ~tE.n·II,IP .. The Er11e we shall have io de~tl with (!'~,) Cortavilla -~f'orr 6 lJltil •• th~ rn11 nd i'·· ___ An S~oltl•rP- 3'!'C~-~ in a sp\•cial urtide fur ibse!f. The oJ'1g~ l1il1 uf t.h.,. IN1e tree. The lof'nl fJ''tiT!lt\1- f·:.. 1. iu.a! uame of t,lwt gn.•at v.·a,Lerwtty \\<11;; c·iaiiou, Cor-u-vilhl, ''t•l'l'~>~p.nulN. Tlwi-~ No. J,lX. 1 of course, the ~am~r or lhe ~uver ("from ·i"' tt rw-ndl ,let:wl11••.l por-tl,_Hl in f\,l,f·k- i'< Killann Patish-Sftitoock POrtion, Mr::~. Purt.lH,lun's little dog," t articlet·ec farully. ,,. hen Sir the !nke itself wht:'n it~>!pr:wg; mto l;(!lng:. vPni n.•! _t' •1ru I·mJ "- w...-.l:#-- ·~r-~~i. ::d-1:;· -mtO-n:i-v-t~" H.enry"'_'Perce tiied he leiL a widntv, t\\U Wo lorword this ~ub-dlll-ll•l:fllflill1on~ _ ' · ~---' l>olH> uml a d;,ughicr. .\. eerL:~itt 1<\t:.-,- ~-~~-- m) crocldusty-Cr,u•' ki.,::-th~ t\41' r 1 lrel'b~t·t wished. to man·y th~ ~-Jdow, bu_t1 apoN·aphal exp ~mation as seriuu.s bunwd hi!! (i e., ihP r~urf:H·e llli!Jtf'd fn1 ' to umk.l:l sutt: ,,f lbc lH'op~rty JJJ·:~t, f~dt nU ton', ;ddwugh tu t.IH~~e who n~ad _ , PlaTtnN.~). J_,.._,r•:1! pi'( .,,,,n·i:tiion c. 1'1•(·~: ot do~ U!le ut th~ !>Ull~ wal:! t"arly_ :unwls 111 the proper Hll<\l~'tH'h). Fit:r.herberL nwt·t·teli 1\H th~:- l~r11e ~ake d1:~iJ,, and Cnv;. ln1t or- r:.he-t>litt-;:.[:~- . 'l'ht.• tn.-J!-L~- nnty--rl:tttcl-·-fo-~-- fl--H-4se- The rin1r Et·uc- untlonhtedly tnkes tts f'' ~~~H·J!': ff(_-an·el_l" pn"~'i\,1<': !i;dl, w- 1 - 1!,1 'l-Hl'UL inve~Li 1 ~nl-ioH. Jt i~> sLaletl that ·.•.. ·.· nnmc {t·om the.lnke. The most au~ientl~" lnlrtl!f' hlf u--·f'>d in ~w·h 11 .'~+"n"~- Po~o::il,\1 ]1 ·'·'"··''•oa~ witlow Pt•n·e W~t< u Prultlsttwt uti lllllrl')'tltg;_ ) origin in Lough Oug:htcl'. It".. ~h.H'-·ing----al:llli(>tl to h1)g_. •1·.". P·:t:du,·rlu.•rL. Tl1i'l, lthJ, is wul'th nutih~, :· .· tn~mely unliket)' tlMt the 11ame El'llc :)1·1,~"-. MHl the !<[)f'llin.'l: J.,..r·E: may I"' -.: ul~\·ious iHfttt'tllle~ bttitllo{ llwL sht~ \\;s.i;~,[,~---\ would J,_ave heliln upp!,ed to the str·eandet •('r··•iildt>;"(•h.'' ,· 1 /1 a uatl\'t!, • .. : 11 t itfl (tmppo:-ed soun·e); t'Ven if it lwtl, ·: Tlw Cnh~.~_vwore (J,ron, Cilh-~v-UHH'e' Towt\latlds. ~-"''' 1 thi!lk we ma,Y asHunw. lhnt it would i 'r.!Ji.~ i~ JW ~·; nf fhl' o}f! I'<.W.d .f!'I;Til ~~~~~.·. 1'.·'.·. t'(lf·k 1-Q thrt"1"h ' (1) Anhaghierin-~:au:u~h J1)rllinu, hter· have c~tulg; to t-he n~m:undtor and 11101'0 !,: !.\!r;g~·nll!'t r-n~II'11H• 4J.,ly, "ll'uu .'\lar,h,"' from the red u·un iruporta11t tmrt uf lbe upper :c-.tJ•eulu---i.e.,' ('•·olt•y. '!'hP ~Jlf~lJiug i~ C:ilJh~a ~J,)r ; ' • 1 to Lhe "\nmvrb or Anualee. the Li.~ "C':nnwv-." c,-;l,ll«a ill" ltkl!l to: ' ~>t·uut i I1d,lL.11)<,' oil lieI tup. • •.,.Juwg l~ 1 am ~tfraid Wf;l must alw dismis~ an~. · <"~i·w'' illl ll1c u!(l ( nvau list ~lJt!l!ir1g, · 1 if t10t dp.•·iw>rl fr·om t-ht• l<:IH!ll~h. Catlf"i'·i 't\h,dl cuHiln.en the l•1 A•!trim in tl!£' ~:IHH• ,. .,.,,,."' :11' Pill' 1--~··1: .-\ 1111 in ..\.1\l!lHrldee, 1\:illalln, 1111d Antw~;h- t'a.rnw•·q nr a i tiuu is ,t.~;iv~u "...-\tHwl!l;hH~i'Jn." Js this k, n~·· ''~!!'1''-'t." '\\'11 dwt Wntrl ~j>t;TilS t,(' r... l-; . t,. J ,w.. ,pe~o:iul;y, lti'l 111 l-ht• IH'~:>i!IIL imnam::e, us No. LX. (11) Cross'llakeelan.-f.,(:ll pl'PIIIlrwi.- 'i L •Jw!l prt'"::'CIIt-ly HJ•:JttH,III, ~lll il-lleriJatiVtl tion Cr·,).~S-ltlll-l{J~>1:1H: net.;> a; urm'll'~·nttv- \.. -intcrpn~L:t~~uu, wt.l~ l~bil'l1 I tln Uu~ Hgn:u, hnmd. ('rl'~-. .\lhir· Ch:tn!:iin, ~Jab••·lr:n:,. :i ia 1JU.:;ii,eSteJ, C. r·nr::!!, wi•l: t·rn•·<> fln"~ihh· in th~ ;P'\.Qt- ~ .!' 1: (·1'0.~1'1 l"<>": t>eems w bu "Carraig~a~ ,'J ROl~j SUIJIJ]il!d lll!t, lhc ('lJUr:>e uf tlu~ Chrionai~," the H~o~ek ui· tht!- 'i'f'idu:H·t.:·l Ul"-f'(l in tltt• tT(·1e..:i:>~ti•·:1l .~t>11<.>e. • 1: "' l'i'!l.IH 1 n,m Alliltty,hH::riu bl t: tu the pla"e, i.e., •~boundinc; iu witht>t:e~. sut•ut.). (12) Dar_ki~Y---.-'1 . lo(·ul eouJ l'ilmt<'l· .,· .\_prw,t,;:IJi<.:~ 11-:;t~ uu:..-llttt•d, l l\az.; t1ut 'J'lt;a(i.dit·d \\icl1 it, awl uskttd lh~v. probahlv tlu.'! mon!' wnect. ~!t:t~th-1' ~~ 1""•<)11: th<.!-1'{'> ; .. 11: tr"'''it-im! lL Tlte ~ lu tll~ uriginul Je!'i('J'ipliou iL ! intell'T"etntion ito ~i-veon "t-h~ hill of i 1'1·~ t: -Jr-y HHIV ht> f",Jie ('r·n•f'>'- 'I f, .., .. ,,,~. titi ,• f 1 i!iLatt}J tlttil .-\llilitghi~I·iu litl'eam aftc!' witP. ' '(hr-ra.ig ·a <.'hl'iuua,'' t-lte Hw.-k. ·' "!ldi•J!t -l·•-t-1>, nr f''"f"!l ~p]-,i!r, whir·1, i~ nhet\ .111 uf lhe Wi.-e ~-l1m, W'<.~ldd repn~st>flt tl1t · fnl'"rl. Tl:·iy·f•l .. :•••h, ''n:•t,__ W, •_•l'y'' ~ ~1,!,~ · .i!J(:(-~<>I!i•Oll i.Ju·uug;it b!Jin;lll lllll\ ~ili~Hl protlUttdat-i<~n t>qtJ:tlh· ali we-ll ns th:1t "'!ctrne (;le!I:H·•·ie"k .. -Olii"lllll•:;elmuie ihe bk~~. tt.ruer~,ltlii,: l'I'IJm dtt! lul~('r u:s Lbu whid1 Wt» give. "('H~t:'.UY' i~, hHW(•n_•r·, ~.-J, •. , in 'h •• llill. ' r ,\nst~ole~, to tiuW t,a~;t Co>JLt.:hii!, uitcr \'ery e'!'._! l.nv~> _"''PVi· 11clv P<·rt•- i , sl!ull l't'Lilrn lo Uu1 'liHbjwct uudta· lhaL i ~ _ ! phtce dum n, figul'ative ur~e. 11nlesa tl1"te-<1 0n th'i~ nnrnf' (J(;'I'lW,PV pnri.-lt i :: JHHi,.lt, um\ s!t.dl al pt·t:!-!t·ut ~~wt~ s~tlti-1·· , httter ha~ verv :!ltro11JZ: loc~tl W"tll'J't\llt. :••tlf·1 ll-q·.,. ~~f'i j., 1'1·(' flf'E'Yi•·n.: in<~tHnr·e ~:: t·-i~:nt lo Hl~:IJ~.Jy rut'n·l.\, •·Jlu: .rn'tH' I am l'8tnindell th,at · !1e rwi~Zid:murin~ rh~ nr ··•nt i~ till tl,.., t;,.q ~;..-lJ.,l,,,. f.., .. ,-;n1. ~ , Uuua;,;l1," hw ;;;~_.,-;;, "ri"t'~ in lhO) to\\ 11- r-~~: townland" in County ,\(onaglnw are- :Jll "'l. D•-lt"l m:,~·r•"l-i''" "fl·l I""P1t if I'd• 1 ,~ luud ,,) E.o~Uu~•.-11, /Lcar ll<.~l!~tlr.lill, ( 'o, Curri1·l~s-- C:.nTif•4Hhuj!l! !, C:\1"' ;r· •N)f'6, W<>l"P tq ft"qJiflf' tl1:tl- J)"I!'Tl ...-.., .. ll_,,.] t'i: . F> "1 r,lt.'' lu thl;f O!!oUJ.a!Oti(·OlL, the ..,._, riek~ne:v." Atuut~h (~CJiid4:1 ·tu tHtt. li"", .• ,lt,..- :-,~ I, .•·-t~·~·~·;'"' h··• ·' .1,..._ r>•·• __ ,,; r,. n'"· T-, · ...... ,.; .,\ t-J,.,. .. ,. ;LI't' ioitt.;:ral rdt'I'i.!!Wt'.~, Lut ul! of th.~m C!u-ri:.-kr:f"e-t!'ll'f is u11e uf tht< LvunJurid. "-;.,, .. ., .... ,.r ... , .. 1 1•. ". <-'r,, "· r·· .. ,, __ fire iu C•J. l-1ullaghau. CleHI'i:y, tlwr~;­ .,f tl1e well·kn'oW'lt 1 '1~,u!!:h ~illan" [ forlo', the uri!,';in uf tlw iilrc~ bh~ :H·e (].)) ·nruw!llrn. Druim le"'· il1P h~H-n tlte <1il!. 'J');,• J.w:1l ns·•tn•r·~e::,ti' 11. lhll"'· UjJ the jJIJiul. " .•-\ riH!l' l'U!tt~J t!ut l>err.v Jlifldsht'Jti;mdua it~ driveu tt< sp~I''Ulat.inn. lrul!, f'lr l'•'-t1~ 11\::u· 1.\uil.ylro;lrl. lo .., S\ll.&.n is the loc·fll (Jt'Ofllllu i~diu11 ~iYe-11 t),.,,J .,n·••. \\lti1·h '"'·'~f<"•l'- tl·n~ ih1• ],.... r' l\joll r .1\uappa:.;_lt (ltnuug.ouu jJJ\J'J:sh), Tins i th~ lJ ,ahould he ~lll'tH.ler, i e., Si!l-y:.-in. ·1 rnill, l'o. ~\.tu,!H~J:,lll.tll), :uul j tlo'iiS'L'I-Ie~ll C!l\·an ;.111J ~\-lun:rgl1:~n Ut,til 1 ····.i knnw.('n Corbuxh-Con-b.tithe~.wh, l( ;> :,;:]!i$~~j~~'c,:~f7~i; it rvat:ht':O!C:S a Ct~VU!l l'l\'lll'1 •.!in:·fl, C!!l'l'tl~">lXmdt. Cod.eti?.:h jn

tiowiuM; Lhn.rugl\ Lough Ht:hm l.o L1mgh 1 Oh. 'f:H:ker. .Joitllll!.', 1.ue Hen,¥gouncy L'i\'€'1' 1. (4.) Corolare--1 l.'lve not w;0t tl1* k'('ttl at h.napp:;~~h a.~ _~l~U(•d nbov<..', from tltis pl'Ull. H rmmuUil('f.'(_1 Ill!. ~r.>o;-l!ed nnd if point- due JUlllL J'l'><~r i,: (·:,lic:U the • e-adt s.yilable i! equall:v str·t>·:~·~·d +he ::t!a.;h:t:-f~." h:1V~ not Lfw huge .. i>IJNlting wuuld ht.> (\ll'l' ('1:\r, t11e tht­ 0.:--.•H: fur th~ · · .' I.J~t . fm"E"tt oc ~li'!.MJ!h round hill 0 ~-· whil<' rntb ~~;__ -, _ 'l'his is 011t> of i.he thrPe lHllllt'.'l in t ~~~ ~--- ._. ,... givou in the Down Snn;''' 11-!Jnre ~:. it is sppJlcd How an~), wJ1 ir·h :-1h1iws the Pl'OPf'l' soUJHl of t!1e aspil'at.f'd b. There is n sm:lllf'r porlilln of this townlrmd in Kn(wklwidP f»~r;sh. (2il Ralagl'!an--.Lor:J! ~· pr·nr1mmr'Pd B4-!af!han. 'l'h<' Cllv:Ht List mnkt•s Hal­ laglH!ll "'J'lw ~ Pole of Bnlo)..:rl!all ",, fJpoffrd hy ,J:L~. Hamilt.on tn .J11o. Hmnil-. ton, Hi21. l am inf'lin(•d fo think t,lwt' thf' gh n•pl·Psf'nts broad t. aspi1·ate and t-h:'l.t tht> swllirn; is Hnth-kathatr, the hm:ul Hath. Ho\\"P\"1'1', thr i:inn! por­ i ion tnar be a pN~on:J) t!Hllll~. sub·NrHues•

.. \J ,; : (1) Carrigacrick--Cani:t a.' chnnic, .·1 tlH' Ho~·k n: 1nr o11) t-h0 ]1 ill. (:?) Oarrigagawth Sf'('fH.~ to lol\-c' shf'J L.he rJH':dial ll "Carrnig na w·nt .') "Lhe ro('k 0f the wild l":rrs; CL I"IHng:/t, CJJr­ rrguag;J t. und Con·"~.Jt rn other 11art:s of tbo t"otmtry. {tl) Caug.ladee'l {.f) Coruaposafa- 1uny l"'' Cvn-- na bPaL,dt~, the rnnnd hili of thi• \~ilildrf'tt, (.J)The· Branard, the s'·cond hi,glH•st ptHnt in thP toi\H]and. Can -t-lrr epithf:'t.. IJe t.rauHt~rre~l :-' Tlrt'!"e is a word "Hr·,rn, " a monnt air· tont>nt." ln plaC'e-nanw.'! Hmn trsuall:v mpans a rAYPll. (~H) Sllinan-1-lhPJJAu rrr the Cava11 I.i&l.. Lo<·al prolllll"iat·rorr ShitH'-an Hfn1':h1 (;-;;JH'Pu-.nnnt), n hlafit {an ;'XJllls-. od pl [,:lllf-!:Pr, ni 11 h1r-!1 Ttillyniek would. be t-he nor!lJa) prouuJ!('iatinn. Tulla­ hl"iek tht> lot'al p1·onun('iatio!1 r-,holl's the r·n1TePL Jltlltl:nati1:e 'l'n"!ln('h. Tl1e Cavun List s1wlls as at pr;-..s,'nL Jn tlH• Cl"om­ W<>llitlll granL to '~ Sir·lwln::: wPt !1111- sid(• (:.!,<..>;aiu JJOLC' the dr~-t!(·Jrp.~irrg; of Ill nnd li.J 'fheso two ll:llllPH sllonlrl lw found lo·("ally :1.q subdPnrynin~Jtions, thoug;h t!11•.v do not nppf'ri:r on :mv ni t hP listil ~o~uppli,-d 1-o nw. Leticrln·i(:k'"' lll11v iLsp[f lwn• lwt'll a lUIIOe r,_f nne of th~-,' ot-h~r pu]Pc; (111.' ha\-1' had in~innr·ps oi tl1i.~ in (':Js~h'rt _l1illcide~" 'flu• only' Lhiti_g :q...;a•n.~t.

l Hn• !'f!('Oi-(IIJ~(·d s,Jli D<.·o:)lllillll­ Klllann Patloh= rur u~ 11';' ilrt: nlJI>' io 1 M r-oUud tu H. ., -' · . tbis, the cause-waY~:~· w~re cla.-.,~il'r thl'lll, ·, L"Hrliit ructed f.(, oJi slt!itl.d ~to.nd {J)Corkiah, locally wonou:nce'l Cur· , t!) ln Dt·uwant• ... pivk, vi!!it()f.!!. kidt .. ' Co1·1ii~t is Cut-'tt.n 'Li1ft spt:'ll­ the l! 1Parkien 8awn--P -& Ink~. in~. 1 dl.iggt.•s-t r. poor !aud. t.,wn. \"hallow ha:'! oue deep \\' l:i j ( lit tlt> fit;"ld' 1 tuu uot tgu i~ srnt:1 11. rin:>t· • a Ch::tr'nil. the lmr:~·~~ tio'e). ItS th~;~ wonJ. Is UtJI, a dleCowc·.v uTI<'!. Jl';,•adow, Shoo? S. l\n111.:s carri·a.:..shou-in rse(·llli:l f~tipy horse!l en'tf.r'ed and .lf:.ft (:!) Snh Deno!n Shancrock---~t•>iH (!uinge .~;h~;uuiu IH.d.,. JulwD~o.:·:~ tad\.11:, th~'>ir mat~~ers 1'+-'l.l"idin.s!.' in th~ 1 ('_n(t(·, the o~l bill; l!o .~nb-ll!llli~'i-1 on_ 1 • hill OfJ(.lo'Jsite. It i~ lnter:el'!..t;..· , (:.lJ--·Lrmv-il.glJ ·or Gnn'~a_~, a iit.•ld ult ," glr<"n. rw"" t 1 •t sr.tlW nf the"'e '!ittJe !!en~ h:gh bl:ll. 1 aJu uu~·eJ·Uun 211. tu thu · (;i~ Snb. Denom Killabress~~'' 'J":1e whu OCi>Upy tl•;,o fort h:. Vt.! bt'+'-tJ dill;;;. Clnll"('h in the Brnt> " i" lo1·all.v Si";l· :::~;~ ,~·~·;:·~:·, ':': ~L1.11r t "')me of tlte lJt:-.L:h- t;.:;rlurgan---Cu1·r--Jurgau.,_ tlJt: J'ouHrl !.l11: Lu·ww (vr ~h.U-l"iiiU[Jt"d J,iJLJ Jli'!l.h•d ns an intr-rpretatil)ll, l1ut l nt Ltuite J';>(•(#lt time~. don't know if it ia traditional. Jt ac. purt~> of the cu11nt.ry the KtK>d i'·''·'d'"''.. '. "!i··,,,.,j 11; i);c _l)mru )';ut·Yt~y }l9t.Jople k1ve nut ~n or; Hwh terms wft.b l'a nn-1 LL">t. laatsyllible is c~1't1llllly 1:/J:l·fl"li~t l·heir nei_:J;}tbonrs fo.t· geJre-ratiolrs past. , Luu;J ]Jl"UJIIlUC".~ati()u bau~Jl.iee used to btJ ~, .. ,·u ht"l''-' Bailieboro'---Tht- o:tttu:licu;I:J iotrn l'f thtl \;,. ,, •.. ,,;.,,. __ l'·ul"l' U<.! udtllll r, t!:e rorl!lt! a~it.Llug on a rock iu t!w l'J • t·r :JJdl w;;~.i!iug nwurufully as :-;he \>;·~-J qf tbe t~p,;( uu whi,·b u:>..en. CurH .. JJail"t:- in tlt~ clutht"l>. 'J'hc uarrat.or',; i ,_. meiihal " \(H'UJJ.OUJ\t.:t•d xw·'•il) ul '' llnd 11ot t'' jud~~~:~ fl"<~ll; 1!t~· dv­ ":'•·llin"r uf Culu-i;,dJ. J~_,~~·p!J L!•!\-'d irr lll'ription t!u· uo."iltln·h·l'J. 'J'l1~ '' Hr•\~S '' HJUY hu-..·LJ '!1 I' it>: t,u n~rt\',iuly n.;t dll l!lk>of·prt'tutiull w·ould bt• Cullv':t or CaH~'s :· iJut- t:uilL ("l,un·h. I c:.w t!'th"l'" uo ~nitn ui a -liu;u~ ,.j (1) Holy Hollow-?\o tr;ldit.iu·~ UI{JJ·, !.H..._.llt"".i like any of 1L~ f'>!;r-ms in ll!IJ ot tlJe IllP, airc;uly J!u.rt.yl'ulogit~. '1'!.~:: kt(v Ul\UI omy, huW•· ('l) Parkorum---P:tirc ""''tr, hah• ln':!'t:'tll a \oe~~l ft!PI'l:.J•·i1•.•, l.'l'~l!'b·d tl~!i1; (;~) Hill 1ld(iiHirT•-' Haili~.·IJuw-'· ()'})lrf!V\'UH, W)kl, UOIJf ~JJ·<'--''l·i·l l;i.lftle- of U~:~el.l uot;:U, iJuL d11L1UJJ'Jt:l~ an: btl.i~JK': ~t.ruuge lli" ::.ul;-.'wlagh unt~:~ Tb: Down :-5ul'vey r ·:•rk~ 1:1> l:tr ~e hli.Lnk l li~·ed ht.•J·a ~hough lur>-tli:V tla• f'-'lt'b Wall ~:";;,:, 1 J.>)Jjlip," a ·.\jub-JntUH' IU Hlliasti­ " " fit ld -"Jl<·llt:•l thus (lUJ Uen.ynure--l>t·nyuare in C'avau pl(~)-1'be Hal'..'lLt~ ·fr~~~-­ lu-!dl:'r of ~ht:' f>SI at-e in l>.r a- c-ouLt-il;lllor, YossJid.\- b.\1st>n, 1'1.' .:::~~­ List: Dt!n-;> HULto: l•w:d JH'OHllllPiui.iCln. 1 I ilil·, t:llO JJalil-fOOd of the eorrolwl'utiy~ fH<:L 1 to b~:> tl1e Pe''''"ll!(ll'e '' l'cf<'lTt·a · ··,1·1l r,,,,l i.~t.~ll rll:lt'it· t•lo~e ~>n ,:~o part ul bi~ ,!'!"tJft·~-~HIJl:tJ ('qlli]llil!'llt. ~-:::._.~, t.ltc' ~t:l'tJIItl-'t"lltl; t't'lttury h•a::.e ··a!Jit·r. the tuw11 ,]id rltlt. Ja.. ke 'ft.a (~ 1 ~Ull De:'lOOl, Aughnahee~---.·\t·lr: 11, L,:..;,~:-;:~~ 1 giVt'J! in the iu~rodtH·L.Ji:J nmarkl'l !Hll• ,. r~l'iflJ hirn. lW !r-(hd}u·ht·, _the fil-'ld of tl11~ JJil,;ld·.~ ~,·-~.,._, .. ~··:. ·... Uuili<~htlrv'. • l'.I·P:uv !' li..l :1) IJ!'f,.n·~"' u~ Till.~ i~ ,.,j)_('('ldltl'.u!l, nt t"(llll'Sl'J IJIJt ihe_r:~-_;·;. (.1]) Oromore- --Druim 1w.Jr, ilitJ «y~-,i: •.-,1/l Hltih~ k·,i!, ],·, Ill l'~'h'- tl1~ flll·llll' 8J!pJwtJ ." r;?:~-:~'·:JJ \'),, !,•-._I'll !J·,1Jit fll{'f'P "e'It in w]Jieh il L':l gmnpt·J .1\lL.l DrtiUJat·:H·-· ·roll' 1-'l~'c llPxt) a.; it,.:.~ in allY old reft'r- · I . ~-S~b·N_am6~ (I) urole.- Foor--:--Iorlru_IJ ri._::<~~~;.C-·<_. :·<•L" '., >'·: T:Hirt"1'~··· 1". ot 't•'I)Ut":·~~ ~till fHl<"t•s 1 hftr~· ;,~,ot. '11tH~ (.\la'!J:dl'y'.'l ( 'nl­ iUtW', lltt'J"tt.lly "f'oJJ tall" w!t;el.i., Jt'l .,; ,.:_;;>-- .. th~;. ·... \ll'~'.l-1!•! ••ll 11L11!h :.lw ·t"'/l".l. h"bnitt. J_ud., · i!:l aa ~lt~'l"lHttivJJly JW!lll! ltw ~;\lrl•~ im­ l'Jid?u· or ~i.t~1.L' Pallet·~ l.(ltOted llre,;-H(1 dt'I:'J-.1 glen thruJJg-h "l1ic·h a si.J"cam (LW":·;;;:(, .. ·;·. f! ~· ;,.'1\' ftl-~nr·.v !I~ :-},,_. Jn::ltf'•ti'tv ~_)[ tl1P 'Autj,1u:Jrian Jourual .\o l, p, H.) nr~y -~)~:;;.. ;;.:~::. ~ "~JJrlllnWU­ ·:::>: : :. of UteM' hill!>. Jt. i~ SliiJ~HJ-.I'd to gd its ~1:i~~-·t:-,--·/ 'l•Ht•,r V.1~" t·rt;UH>. Coott•, wl1o got ',' 11aU1e il·om tl1e Jact tlrut tllt." .!.110\~ lie~ G·:-:-:~ :ii:'9. ln11 ·i•JPr<> lfi'" 1;•/ ··lt:JJ•·•,•, f f w~. plallta1iollj lH'J'I~s in " l>ntllltll"e ulld l"ollnJn•;,; !1dls_, lllld. tften• Is 111 _!1'-·'l. l'l'l\ll't.' t>,J;;.-kj'. ·:;­ 'I' lt:•,o.· ·j·ht• !l~H•!t;<, '·-1"_,\l,-d, hol 1'., 1. JH! Dru lilllVvUlTUW." /\ dl'\Jl'l';!SJOli 111 nll](·h, a .., mh• u!lorm:m'-·-~--~-:)._-. -~·n·i-Ht' r~u.. '!H int, IJ!t.~ il 11 :1~ in 1l1':' inr ri··i­ 11 11 u--rH:m<•.s ( gJ'ItjJliif·aJiy ptlts 1t, thl're i.'-' silo\\' ~-;_.-_:;:':"J,:,_._,';'.;­ ~.l~•Il. 11·e ill!tf· lllt'·c·;ld.•• (llto'f'-ll .. i.e .. !(il. 1-:\1: l) Park·na-,geerah-pltirc II'llf'·ll therll iM not HllotiH•t' snowh:dl in ,;:;t·~f%:;!:'"< cnSI!'! ,_>! lbJiil\1':.• l"o>W•'. 'J'h~· U'<•m.) jJO'V.'\-'f'!! lltlgvaor.c~.dh, t!Jc fit'ld of the shl'ep. (:._) Pa!'k-tHlvt:l,y i' ln·land." . :·:·::--;~;:___ '( '"~"-'n~~ tl:'!!ll..( -~. hold '"<>11"t~. baron ;Jf!rf T'··. 'J'Iw glen r<-ftct·N~d to j., .'!l!Jlpo.~rd to;~:--+.~ 1•c•t, t~r~· .. w;~,, ~~f/ITI!e''· •,,,,,i tl•e ;tt/ f•• t>'lljJ'.II·]; :,jl,t .. 1'1'<'~. wldt·lt tOl"l"t'Sj•IHHls with the Onhuuu·e 1 Surn',Y s;;t:o1Jiug. 1'ht• C:n·au List spe!l­ Killi•J]il'l'e (~Jel,e, ·.<:;;_~t::';> I ll orh.r~·Jtt>JV ll>Y r,ot~·" (J!! 1he point l··•·v f··I'J'"''\' --lHII ·f 1 '•> !'p>( •d_,l,, t. t 1 a 1Ji"1on· of 1'lH· :\h•1·•r fn~·tl·<>r ' J"U\1'." 'fhe lJinl'!l SuJ n·y gi\--·es lhum­ IJ!,~u.i.-;b fidd!' .c.;.;,.,"'.';;~---'' !·I·~' tl "1 I L:1~'e lnwwl"~. Hol\'(·ver, aJI11 1.1, ~.;.e· "1 i11 tl•, :\f,.IJ:_,r. H• ,,... l•"W·>t"Pr 1 ,\r<-· ~- •f !)r,,rn 1d,H't'.'' •·j)1"r-n•'lr>r·•·. 1; acknl'I'OW ' IS an altt'l'mltln• 17th f't'!l­ tl1e pi11ral ol .;!-eHIIm·IT, a hu:2,>J;y, ·IL .',';:L~-,.. ·• f.: '·\f,.htelrYiJ'·' nnd •J.i"nt.d·X' LUJ-y spl;JI:n:; ll't• are iiH·:im.·d t-o dis('ard !Jlllt·P - r:~k;:L-__:.;- ~· .. .,( wl.i•- 1•. ~:tVt.• '·\fnltt-l:lgft," tln· n:iddit· 11e iur na.) We ar"• iu dOttbt · (:. as to ••lmt ll!(e:Hiill'.!; t.o ~1ve Gn l.t:lta rua,.Jit;J, th,• red moi!HL,tiu tbt~ ,::_;~~r~. t'eatl'.aJJJ]JU(Jb. a ytutrf(>;·luud i~ Ht'd .~h oulv tl.:lt thr iuitiul c sou1~>l f' ~e.,kS<'otlrt. T'-i" i.,.. ,,f t..->un-~· ~ wu1dd nlw'ost cedtl;nJy di,.;ap]••'llr fl•mH·tl. AN_ §COLAJR& l)Ot_H'J:. ~fl~~~':::->: :;; J' wurl't•, Hlld t11e- tir·1 ~.vll;1ble-".' we a&pirnlioH. 'f1 ··t. ,, jll·r~PlJ:\1 • amt·. '\''' huvu ~·Jb-X:lnH'~. ~.,.,, ·;., "'J>i:tlla·cir.n. V11fe t\HJ:Ltdv (I) Crook~a~tantee-Cnoc a' "': jt _,-,, rl"(:'' fH,f li'"· '."'\''.'Vf.J [1~-''i:--t 1·,;r 1-ig:he (or toi~~l1e), tlt.· hill of ,1·~,, .. ., uli\"o:!•l,v '-'t·:•!•' 1. "',, ~h~1Jl n•tl!t'TI KILLAP~~i~;·R~;~~~=~·-t~ ~i> Jwu~:Je, d,, ll'li'IJ. l:ih•r on if w:.• ,,li'l''<·ed in d111~ (11 'j'h,! Hn!~·t·b, b1tail\", a ~,,.,, .•) I 'T '- :• .. ,,. 1·1' ,,, I I'• IJJ tl (• \ ll>!l'l !: tll t :. •ll ( J 4-) Drumbannan.-Drnm btinwm l1H~W £'"_,;,,'!',7',·.'> 1 p11ddo('k. w -li,-!, tl"< hH-:-e \\'e pruttunciottiou. lJruim OC":~:t:·n-d !_.,,,. ,Jiv. 1'.-. kl'+- , , , Jl;lVtl.~. "I:_ g.IU11lI ·11 B. !I ilTHl' ]) l"lUll I ~~lH!ItltJ._' '"""'•-----~':.. /-.'~/.. :;':,,;c~- to !JO»:-.ii;/p iiiL.·rpn•p!i·.ilJ, Th~ tirsL' 1 't'h.: former would, the~fort•, otP1'eur 1.0 1~~\.tl -:;•• ,_ .. ~u·:t· ~"- . .-;::<1 ·.-·••·! 'l'' ~~ ,,.n,; 11 ... ~'1'tt s.vllaiJlo j.., all,;o~t l'<•l'i::t:JJI,Y Hatl1...... t:}rlo~!t. '1111· ~{: ~jfy. -IIUVO _m:e_n a sulJ..Jo·,orninui.~on. A1:<1dh i(:~:-~ r. .-u_.,ol,.; .. r th .. /"iltl: IJJ' lul'l: Jt. j-. l1<1l' ~-.nv f.l!IJI)\ \;lJo • lt tr>> .,1 ' ridge·of the .d1eep? 'l'he ab!:WJJ\"1} of the .~ ...... ~. • . ' l"f!t1 ll~t· lJI:Illl 111;u1 :-- •.~,d.1. ·n/r• l!~~~.,r ''''11• ;-, "If•·· ~:·r~~' ·:··_ i ll rt-icfe seetnl! to su!!g;-e~t t-hn t th~ra lf:u:~ a~':'-::,:.::_'·/' ,.f tJ, . ., ~at,,,,.,,.,...,. t•f t\,.;-qt (l:i) Orumaneep&ck---- Lo(·u J fl_111JI. f)Ol'tiOll, n;JW lost-, lfl'i(.'l\.[ }JJ'C.tllllll- ~~·:,;:~t:, . (" .;.-h::" T~·l'/1'-' t~ iJillh:I!J~\- ;1. !.iu11 tl.'i S)lt'llcd, lllr· ttr~i. a11d f:latlon, Drpmkt:ery. ~ ·\·'-: .;;-~.:·.:.:,~ :•'<'~)• 11 )-,,!{\·M'•! 11H '\'' ' l:dJli'S IJ':liug <.;tJ·t·s~t:d "J)rnim au t·n~- · ·· (I d) Drumlon·-Jhuim-km, t.lf& rit1g4 ~--!: 1 r<•··"''ll 1'·1. ~-a-I!J:wlt.IJ;! ill tfw.(.a\lll-' I.! .l. ( of thd_ ar-ticle. T,ocal JH'olllHJcint.ict,_ ;~{-..( · · .ttn-ntbr~rl.-; PI ;]"~ rnt.IHe ! \\'11o t!u1 l)i~liop 11'~~-~ J :nn, 11oL in Dnnu-lillt Cavan ].!s'L speUR J)-rqmlui '. :i.{tf;.;·~;." ·~.)tl\lh': ', po\(i,ITo/1 t1• -.~at~· ~~~l:ltiJ'it;lti~t·ly. (17) Orumoosclin --- 1 have a.l1-en.J-.,•s-'_;.. -;, ·1,\',"r:~n~:·f>it! ..... 'ftJ,_. !1'\l!lt' ~-:"' ('/'' lo''Hl a:·1·: 1111t 111 'tJrnl'.· m,· : h:~t. lw wa::; at Nlme lf:'ngth upon nly diffirutt;Yr-::.-::.t,_'·: li:"J't t!u·n• l>.' :~1. l'oilri1·k. ;t11d that he with the n;nue!:! Drumiui11diu aut! -Dr~otl- ~::-.r~: aJI "~,-:-.:::::.~ -~·:.''P.'t.l:':; ,:,,_~~~ :1·· ' .,.,, ~1\;lll l';llJ",r·l,·s IWlJI-·­ iniskill. ·lis. J thillk, ia the snme -n·aute. f:_y;~; '~·-· .. '''"~I' (;, .. "''lf'li~l· 111'1<1-~ '' lJ"l'LJll-]IJl"tll"" diwnlil,\' fi:.;)ILill!! A~J .-nelll~d in -Bt1glish ·the lmlllf:' t\"(tllld. 'be 1:~-w--.-,~ _·· rJi "'I • ~·•\\ rd ;q• ""· !Hill!.) Titt• ('),m 'l"r;i,lli<>l', \1-;d•·~r~~·~·•HI faid:v well ~preSented by Dmim ra.n ~:·:~-~-} ~,. .,,,_1< ~.; .- •. 1 1~. •' ( a1rd !'i'~f't'c!,•d i11 t:r•· distnd-; tlJ<·J'doJ't•, aJ!'lh'lin (rrr· f111 nt::,-.lriiu), i.e., t116 lidn:i~. of~.'*:;;-.:_·' 'j,· "' _.,.,tJy d,.. 1:'1111<:1'1 t·itl-"lll _l1itll a.~ their tJ\111. 'I'll<.' Jri~h .~;Jl'IJ-! Lhe lit-tle <~orner (litel·aJiy- little ;.JII:uq,i.t). ,,,);:,[lq)-''1, ·~ .• ; >!.,,, p) 'fr;t\'liJ·. • ~'!"•' -·· ,'' HrumcioNlin. tile c t:lound uot- 00-itf:£ ]>f."'Qrr.i '"'''''" • I'~ l, i1),. l alll tltut \h• are al,k· Lo at llll. .'::-\uh-nttme. Garr~ ·\rtir i.IJJ_,-.(JI:tr~' Ht;lt1u b.~t. thi.,.: lurg·t· :111d (~~~ ra.idhe lfh:liN, :.\fa.rJ' i lt:l't F.lh\•t~i-1 liftilit" lrt ult aJ:t-11;1~ nl Uu.! ArdHI'lUlll H ibet·ni­ lnttv Cnnoll :1nd CUiJ~ (ViJl. 1. p. ll :!uo H-c:v. l';cud Wal;:h ('(•rl:"\r,tyt·nrroll, in give~ _a C<)lbtu,IJ uf two IJI3lltl)oi,l'ipt Hl'~ ntlioi"l~ Killfltlll t.owll l~'~lHlf..., uf lk~ _\le;nh Houndut.v, iu l'acb \W:lf'f>A],V f1Vni(f' , tJl Wlilo::h tht.• l•:ebal (ot' Fo;t_dJhnl) i~ ,!.!)\_-1':!! j 1S llw por11t 111 Ll•t' t·l:~un l·oJme('ttn:-:; · lnn11" ar~ ~pt;l]i,·~~"? lhurrtluntt ~IIH.l Cmubt-J• in~teu.d or iltrt '1'1,"' pr.U~rrr t.n T .. "fw.:nlllrta W<\1> on .Juue \fa_~.;;li. l•'uthel' W:ll":ll. wlw ;.tppun:lltl.~ ~f)tlt. , !11·to.l lllJ kJ11iWit1dge nl !111.' fad tft:\t tb.o {:)) The Stonybatter, n n:•rrnw l:nte J J\IJ.~<·klltd.tlr Wall st!ppo:-;ed to rise 11urth ·-·,i l)f Lvu!.{lt UtHJJoJ·, I~alitv i-lu:• nld rn:Hl ir·nnl '('uv:•n ~ 'In_· ~>·b;.denwnL fit~ ,, 6ow~[ itdrJ i·h'e· Ho,YiH;~. i' "''f•ll-known ~1-ol!vlwifAr lU'·'''' lhthlitt. 1 (pr(>lii!IJTH;~d 1•'-JuW!) ttno1 •·tlt.-:~ Y:dc.'' 10:;(-,•qvh:dl-(>t' ii~·il' -j~ p:,•l ft"'!1~l:1tion 1 the JL~t'llf,> 'dtir·h Jh·~ 'Bb('kw~ti(•!' get..~ in n:n·t l'nrnudin•~ nf t-he r-ld h·i"h ltn"IP ~he loowrtl;lltd (;;tJb,JitP. Thi'l i~ ~1tt ._··::: -:-'~._;)( "nntlwir· rt·l Ol'lnr-lr.'' 1\t;,> ~;,)llV rqad. Qf Tht• l"ll'f'llldinl! nl' h-1•111:':" [o ltall('r (;•]" ',\Jge-1 tiul.~ Sltg·_g:e,.Liq~b' . 0nd ~·dnwn) i" ,,, J are -.----~·:~··.:.'1'.. !"''1 d hoiH'Vt'r. t·t'rl:.1ln f;1d~ ;-tg11m~r. Th,; ~· <• "llPP.)~f'il to b~ dn-t l-11 -:vo1·~ inthu.>tn1·e. vn..lky 1-hr(JJJ;<.lt whi1·h the 1·iver Jlows ~(.-,~:/;;·'~'. An Sco\3ire sooht. t'nt•r·._, i:s ii~dl' kltOI\'1' lu{':t!l\' -> "~:> '"' (:}.{) Pottla Upper-,.''!iee last. ·J,I to dt-'l.·tol': ~m~. wou!J n .. ,-fi.Jil·e ~omethiJJI-'-: r..,"""'"~;~ r; (H.J) Rakeevan-&'€m111 to 00 l~1-11.lL lllOt·e del-trll~· IJJ the way ol lo1·ul tradi- ,~,.,_,r~ '·' .£ C\wimhLH, ht"vin's Hllth. The !uctd pr>J­ '-! Liuu ur old H·6otdl'. Tf, 't'or in~bmc·e, t], 1 ~ \,':·, ·., 'Pli llU.TlJtl or 1 muwiatiliiL i~ giH~U a!l Rnn.-kO:(.'-\'~tn. 'l'be Y:d~ ••nvLl1ing re~L·mblin~~ it 1' ·,n;r_e tlppla·d to ihi.O' nn·:tm pm·tion::: "' C'tH'- slumld ltnYV t·nnohor:t­':-> .. and "Ha.kol'vnn part-." tivP t•Yitlt'll'~e of Cn.t-rale impurL.l!H't'. Cavuwu.:ro;,~ would b~ a sub-d-:mt;ruimt· , .Ftirtlli:J'_ ;11\'e' ;.~.lung the lmS€ of > 1-0,IItl:l!Jol. 011{' 0:1 ll hiiJiup :!ttd 1111~ otJH';. Loug]·umlt.•a mountniu. TJ:..~ Bor6h4 rirer i 1i-t~~ iu tbi~ mot\! aud tlu"s ~·cdh k , j in ke \Yltit·h di~npp1·Jil'(;d, ~l;rou"'h Ballma.nvi!H')'. :~nd 'll.dlinp-;]H•:j i 11111' tlH•or,v })(' t·OJTI'i:L (lter~\_;rk~~~· or .\lovbool~(llt. !lflri,-11), 1<1,,1 :1ud if' il otldtt to yd 'rC' th~·u·i;.;h p;Ht. ot )lulla~rt p~t·n~h, joirJil!~·~ he ]:kJ~c.ihle to tJ'8(·e hy "·!Jir·lt. th0 1aJ.:~ fuuttd its 1\:ty l'J t!w I•'f':tl.]o:d. th~ llLt<.-luH-tit.•l' u-ear :\kywdty. 1\ tr:,le t'nrtflt"t' uo!"t h in J.oughil-nle;-1. tl,t~t·e ri"":" i An Sculiiire bocht. habLJing lJrook, is in fn<:t iloe H whid1 ''i _Add UiJd~:~r ])ru))JOOC>t I in (Arti(·le {j;j -in1twt .Bhu-kwut~r, wlllch pus.:;es t.hrOUJc',h 'i i\JJt,•) Vu.ll(lri1gcn, l'u1 tloe._ Le·nr, :\1una.giutuou~1_~, {)') "llicd\ Slred," n fort t:-,Ur'J'oillld'!ll elo(_·., t!Hl.f'ting hil!mh:re Jmrish at. .Dru­ hy ltigh tr·r•{·.~ and vi~ihlt, Jor mile-; more. Another nver. ihe Heu. ri~.-; arotntd A !H'I'ttl!:1r ll<~liJj', Wtc-st of l.uugl,iule,l._ and 1-J~I!'l>-:ing th,rouglt (:!) .\.. :·mb-de11nnz. Lurgun-Rud-.-:~·1·. KlLt.llaju1:amv>ovd. vdb,gc enwrs t.!w St',\ r. 1 'l'lr0 fir1-L p:1rt 1~ ]organ _ll ~hin--:-duqt{'d iu Cu. Luudt. ' lrill. Tl•t-:- l:tlter pnrtion'] ennnnt- iut{'I'- Tl:i~ iJ,it:'J't-~iin:.o; Ho!·e rais~·s :>('\l'J'cd )P"••t.. Thf>re i~ a · _.. ,a.d(•t!r" in Co. \-lon­ intet-edllJ!! poiut~. a~:di:Jil, Jw:tr ('lotllt.'~. 11lJi{'lt i!i' ll-]JJlH.L't'l)tly (1 1 Tl1t'l HurUlu, or l~uri11·a, river a '' :'~·-· -~111'1(~ l~nni. · - murh•:d on fl1~ Ordntll\1.'(' ~UJ'I'l~Y mav~ a~·· lil ]n Jlw old Bt.~aL llooks thi~ w;ts the .\ll)_'i'IIfltrul t.hoUlta>J4s <:~f fh~ru. ·uiiJd ('lll.k~tl tb:m -c·~·~Jlit:;gs l~:v ~houtiu~ ';Ji'nu_, i:s ~till u~eu iu tl.te cti,.,tn~··~, goAh are <)Q

~··u .. l,XL'!{._,

KILLAUN PA-R 1sH--(Continued). lll'J'i'r~.:d!\·"';;,•~··,·~······ •.•.•... ••. ·· ·....••• > ' ···•·· .. ·.·· .·.•• ·••. · ~:~'.L~;·)may ha.Ye ,g1-reu Ard~agh tts uam~._.:.-:1J:.1 v or:g;in~l in1"rp··,ota ;_-,'.' ''yi'~ ;:libh(>i.t,head, ~;hf! bnq:U-denomination of Ardr~~.d~ '' ~l'lllf:-·­ ~}ij) ('.0U'1 'r\<" I. ·-·~1<'ttssan" 1\'hcre_ tlu~ !tdlC,.l] Js n_i; p!'e-sr.nt llHOJL1t1HIIItiOl1 Hl" naHH', tnoyhuo, whi{'h, 1f __ treamlt: c>.ow hop:': tu i:KJ. . WhHl:l tb~;\·efvr"': ... -it'onfirmatory o[~ our ini.f'rprf'j.atioll as 1 -.- ~is i nohed ~t alL 11'0itltl't.te-r rP- ~4UJ!ot ·g.~,.... uuqu.tilllE.'-(J aevfopt.~ut(:e 1 -:. 1 Ttillve~:-aon is wl;.._>r:;o the uld roa•_l ('ro""'~s . ·:,·_\Jll'P::::nted b~· ua ),bfr~n:~~.h, ot ih~ 1·out.~.:. • t~is_ mt.OJ'I)l'fotatimJ w tl.•e py~ent m~ j11o ·j·o;niland, Hnd wlwrt' for ;tlJnut [,, , l'here lH"e two suh-dll-l~loll.~ (I) Lf'lrk, 1 ;.(,R11C~~ {t i_rj only .fui-1.• tu poi}.Ii oUt th1lt -1r tl!ll't•:'l' ol.' ~- m!l.e,ifi l'l'l:ncidy. .s 11·itl1 ih(' ~,Hill and (;!) ,...;[-rw.yl).~t-r.': !Jill.. '_l'h~.. hd:~' 1 ~Jw 'rl·ar.i-ti,~n lli l.h"" ph<~Hl•Jlll. Ctlh·~s uow _-. J 1110'-k:r·n 1·oaq. I1J,1,\('a~~~~~~ ,s_, ol 1'0111\'(', ·lj('J' )r)Ok'l .~11:-.:.:c:OII~jy ]<\,' \' 1 ~n···, it~d d(H.:-1 H.rom c(luiin:mJ.tary of i.t_. • jr [ t.lJt< v:1~b tu "};n:;ii~.ll .. 1l1•'.- ('!nrn!an i.P.,' h\11 or jhe ())' roa.d. (2) Ptdlawanla1 'l pa:JN lending h~ ~l'-· •I 1 f dPul wi{l1 tlh' ulher twn names l::;t:awb~l'l',l !1)1' lJjl!I>'J.'l.'' (ti·:tor·he\11 r:!' roalb;·n ttJwHI.tml Pull .i nJbannrtt1it;h, ~~ -~in my 11e-xt nrl ide. lh~ot !1olt~o cf the (:~.t.. tl~ .:-nclo:-;ure P 'l'hh~ J !fn10r"h6g.) 11 tht·n~ 1nn~ :t loeal W•"Jr_d 1 1 l'f(.;l.tld re•IlLI'fl toiUb21itl.~icn df l fur .t. .J 1likl'l frm·hadh ior bi _:,,_,ny ,t,, "u11!d sud. 1 KI.LLINAGH PARISH (Continued.) ~rok'IY-· ~{.1) Llsnaceera, .Lio~ na g,Cao~ J ·. ·::· :r·he prc•Oilll<'~<'i :011,: roilwn, i~•',.. +qlal l1 1::t ,- Garvagh (1) Tullinlough-TttiRigh all ·\hfr:rw·h nf I!H· .... ~.-.[hr:;·.; 1\rlll'h .,~,n:•l ruo.u t'her fl)ri (Jf d,.c- .,b."-'B.V- i J lodw the hill of the lake. (:t) POIIawad·dv---j:'nli .a rnhndn.idh~ d.1.e ~ 1 n-i:rr-·p:i1·.~ ,1,u1· .r~., .,.!;,u :ut ;-.pptn:;IJJ,-,­ lliJoiit of tbe dog (pr·, J,.,.,~l·:~- faJ1--ho!0). ' iiNt. 1 {8) f,lll gar--~F'V.I g-€!-~rr) tJre idtr1r~;; ~ Ture--T ::;~·~-''' nn ti11l;luir, !Le yc1~ ··~~·. lo~~:~~::::~:·:~~'~o:~~;!tl:,. ~~:~:,'p:~':,l,~ • b~J.ilt;;-·P J. U-1~:~, 11~;t 11t<-ti,..{ied dli!:i, tlw '' ' t!'€1', T1wr a bl.''J•:h, _;.!.r•<11, llR'> ,_,:lW\'' 1 11 of Pollahunny I Le., r lnr n) Poll a' UJ.dicrttintr t;JJ (,\tn :l,«irll pr1t lonn:inl a:<, th, 1•1\r_.n•eLU l.(:t!lllT'-' t' I ,-i, llp;· a 1·nidrnl (n(ij, ._,. m.'· in!-r•rfll(·bli·'~· 1 ! . pnibahlv aJH', a l'JP~!' c.ha.n1wl (d. I•,t;l,-,q (' ''''"·;e:y gore --.:\f.u.ine :1. r:lrnb,L.nli· .. ~ 1 . unshoaa~h 'rh.•rf' il'l a .~il1:111 r1vrr· ·,n ~ v.nj.e.) 'J am <-<1 :~ lo.,;s as to ,; acn." ~ Lhe §hrt.l!ll.:w~: of dnt gvut- (""r, ~t 1 :h.5i.u 1 :th;s l:own1<11HI J>;I in:t::oi:gll:!::l- --poll 111-1 J_7) t'rey nawtalloo.. --This SN'II\~ br•:a11 ~tw.hl~u·. tile lJoiJ, o.t ---.). t ·~J.;f'HCh, thA hoL', or !)OOI. ol' the wl1itt·· , : t:ilamh, st-inking laud; a man.h IHth LJs:tru.m~kezo.ah_ .. _ (i) The Le:ttha~- '-,.: ·--i :n1m:nr~. --: . fo-; fonJH;ld 1 e;w~l :aloll· \, I'UJTf''"~ IJ [)JP )l:lnle W!JI':! 1,'(1)'. 1 ton tloW.I!.lJ..;_ Jl,lt_, pensun tk t pat-~d tln·._)win~~ a st.'...uo (lll 2 , :~plied stn~am \,n_rvagh the hemnial! to UJ.ll'i;:. '-.Jr,.::,·\l.v reeonlHld tinu l"-' i lake just oppo~ite tu wl1ere il.- <'n\,en;. t!Jf' /'!pOt, ..._... , 1 · bo<•l who hr.d IH~l'l (.\Hnmas .~lot-'~~ \\.·te cl~:\ated 11 _, C-ali-'H:;:'n J, .. ugl1 eW)Jtl<'s q.~rlf i11j_o r.f1(: raJ l.hrh:,·;.-vn, (JI~ tlHOl l"ll.'ld to Our­ lftom Uw snl.-drm)llHluld, jl,e·!· •l"n', '~liP'''" 1<> h fl. h«.tnll!t o:f ;1.>10nt 7 l1ou~B;inal w1LP on th·· to1vnlnnrl. 1 hvre. 1Jd the iiJ);ni.Jiiants ·wet·o ~vivt-ed ·, 'IJU~g;~·l'it is a. subdenomina[ioH, : IH~ sou1 !JnH Pll.I'l, nouP. li, J~ noi; ll'-_t'unc•:'l\':. ~ n.c•.,~' , ~:hr n"·•l :,ncl'.. . : • 1 A;.chHr.t:olht lJIHt during th,• paf--( , J thi11k, Cnll-chniJJ, ,, l1:1zd wood. vurtatth C<:tl--da>'l! on oid rond t(~ llailW·· ;·· I hnoilre.-[ \t'; !'Jfer·l. in ('t'!l'­ ·· "I· Tht1 dE'ri1··al-ioJ' of i_.[w i ml-':dnll(_! IHinlt:.: 1 1 boro ; TJ .. dt: --h~1«}11b•:d; ''.!' i;UXg~!'tiol;. :_:;; t.., I,·,., il'; ih1·_ i•·adi1_i,-•l't:.J IUJ't!l. In t:hf' , , i.t•., "(1nrj, ll\l log;." We W('J(' ~.i\'f'll l-1: ·o.u; mt:n.ul!l;4. t . jold t'iH'rind.ion ''lmll•.tn l1nll/JII'." Sillnt!:n, liJ T.ou?L &llnnJ, "Tile JJmhy i: d;n wltit·ll _] an: lllt:\IJ:•• i_o )(wllj- '. :;nd d. (;oJ·t_a-lng wonld, of cou1·~t;, ·[,e a H'!'~' i.~Jnnd"" a. crunnog: the fuundqtion of. ·n 1 .·~\· he jhi~ 1 •. · Ail 11a ;~c_·uitirhn, ih~ HnliLI'ly l'oUibilwtiorl. bi;{Hlot'l of blnck oak crw b pru' ; :v1 t1.:. , 1; J Altcrock, 1tsrth•·J ~~~to-rwnies 1!1 1h:· , abh- a jwr·v•J1al \THH!P ~-orrllpic··l (.'3) 'fho ~ad~d~a:. po.l,nt .... Nuthing- , i!; (' ·_: .Eydhan, ~nd1111. a hill hr·u1,. 1::.1 Bruo::k­ Gut;ta\leneY--- At IPa~t 1 '''o ~,,l.,.d;,,.;.: "-W.!'Uf~rr:d ;~.- to ortg;n1 of ilte tlt:\llle. whwh 1 'llai:h B1 or·w··~·. " i>:1di-!!'l' '"~'~'JI'i: en : l'itHI'l :li'P l'l'l'lo,\:!;1\;~(_'d. i' m·1_\- l)l· ~-uu·:~·r:u nud I£nglid1 .. '·lin'd d.:~~" : 1' Pull~ilesu-an ir1rn o1· rhrrp d'-"f'i' IJol:,.,..l; (1'1 T!~~·eh:liYn, T:lo:Jhl,:io, j]tt· 1'1' ·m~.Y. t.on·t,l'·.:r. ho muJaJh. a. dug (a· ! pull~ Ciii'HIIJ;I, L)w il'l,\1 ]J.,': ~' JliU]_j,,_\J)~- hi 11 gidl:'; fux)'' · I '\ ·, 1) t · ,1n irc11 fll', lloll ' I 11 1 ~<''1111 llllfJC.o.'ll,:~·, o'.d (,'.!) Tnllird1,u!-';'JI. lh!· h;il <1!. ;h•· tilk··. 1 l\ty illf,_;J·r.1.a1it stah::_.s tiu1.t. on thfJ CJ~m ·.. ·: , I< m .u~s; ( '1. Assagowi. ~~;:[l:'l'l"fl oJ Jbr· r:;.,.~- lr.>r~:,: {:,) tl!lt<'~ twmc:> !I I Lurganacally -TIIIR lilwx;·,_mk t:·.·-·W1'cue-k l j)1'€ciJ.mHd };l_l... tJ-, ·: 1 ,_· Cw:orveg, ill•] d(·~~·~ ,f,(,,l: ( nrr IJJ),e:::;:.,. i~ tlu• nnnw n', !'1,,. J11'11!.1'1u·1:1 ..\1a;11 rHll An t(':..t:J.ite nocl'lt, J Hil-i Jj-t_j_l·-· t'IJIJI)d hill. Hut \1 hy IJ l1Sfll· uing a!on,<', l.IJ" :\n1: lt na\:'IJ ;11111 J.,-: l fuu.l th,·-t I httv-e f \·ed.oolwd a refoer~ · t·n.te :- it'im l.IJil'd!•r nt ,,-j,j,.;: jiJt' !jl\1'[ :-11Hi .,, ... )] €·llt:H to l\.il'.. u.Hu whi1•h ·~ hnd n<)iel fmm AJd·.-~-"';IJ. E-it'''li2:f• l-!ln<•~\~,~~!--'!r _\), lllllrld:d (~~~:_. or ~ll(•ll-~ j,, Cul;ha\-('ml_\' it 1 1 the t~·1ry •J'' P11.n.r 0':\l~llnHE·, 8ir l'hdim '>ll~gr·.~j-,,.j .lit) C'l']Jl',•l ;f\ .011:. 11·erP ~-\ nl '' SP)f. L~.IJ'i':l 11~1 (~a:lli_,,·lw. r-l1<: ho•g'~ O'Xc>ill'o; "-''Cl'8t!HY u~ 1'\~at-•x~ that- in wh), Ki!lyte:-gh. ~eWIJ'. Ho~trBVf.IC and C·.tnJJ·h <1' mll'~ if,,. 1,.,\!: oi 1',,,. ) l frei]Uentl~ lH'al-d it li~Pd in G-L111 Curlin~fr,r,l._ nnd Dnmhtlk, lJr.. Ju:lHtda nr(d ]JJni11 I'P' j h."Y :-n_\.· il.l_:-+1 li.J,-· <·oill.•.lt'h·~ tWO Slnne, ~~!R:dele:-tl l:ll:-:•':. ~;Hdf1 vf th•:• wltnbttm:ots wf {)ne .. aR far, s..:,-.,.nd :;tt;d lor t'ile sHnH• r~H·WU. In TlnlJ;Ii[y jlll'\' ·~"-ll<'l'\1ll1· :1'11'1' lu \],r· 1L~ CilJ-a-m1., 'l'J~&;Y ;.dti\l df'~LI'('J<~J! :\fDY··' lUOillifh trm:'..l:;.tiuu 1-119 odgiJJ~ll · m:1·gh a~ jlH'l ;.',eilf'_i-tlt.' Ill 111;•;_.;l1 ll•r:•·l: lo· :os jhnJ- uf ()11ikn~h i).~;df. l11 jl1c J';,r·· Jri:-;h e.pc!li:,i! v;;~j, )H'~:,(•t·~·\<'1. 1~'1\•ltl 1l1i:>. ('bri•n.-; i., irna:i;·t1Jly t'('!Jllll:l"; ~,IJd J],;<:,f•,o; 1 l~:tllll'lll,lr\' (;P;>:P1i<'{'l' 1'-f' lll'l\ toitl th;lt 1t. i.\l olt.< 11;<·1· or I!! I\ ,•e. I l~:t.,.._; g•HIIi 1nL"; 1 ! i!:l' CitY:lU pnl'j.:o11 \11 j]IJ' l·n!l"'i•lil·.~ nil "(:ir ·-i.onp ;~;:d ;·~'''' \\u.Ji11 •1"1. :,;.i1•' r•lt, h.,,q,, I' I-, I nra 11ul 1r1 ll':"n••'1l_l,'trl. ~-. I tlnlli. ]JPruiLII 1+1 1l1, d~-.t• { 'fl, "':1\"i[ll \J~ in (\n·au ll fiC\~ JJirl' Hl\al'l>ll.l.~ H'l JJllii,JitOII nt 1 ],., )Jt ~t ~' ll.1 - tem: I•: il·' l11 J·:,~.~t { >l ~ ;\ 11 i 11 I ;-l('j-. I -tlllll"l h IJ,t,.,a/,~(-'d J'd •!1,-, ,p1/l1" 'tind ·1, in,nJ·i.'lhl.'- )II:J~··,JiiJi•· :l11 111 1 tint• in tl••~ ~•'111'1-il<' i1f11· l'tlii:::::L.' !,'11 tllfl...!iia. 1-~H~ WUI'fi !1'0Jll ~I' I!' I',,) 'tH•;.Ji 11~1l.i•. I f'or tit>, il"'r•-• ;n',· lll!llJl·ro11s •,.\."·;· n·.t,•· I ~~w~tkl'l'.~. Tl1" 11H':n1iwt i~ th' \l'lkili.r l'·'~:e!I'Pt'• '·''' ) of jhe lu-.;;1L" ;\11<1 1111(' !rw:ll H11tll\lil','• ; 1!.1'.~' '<·''\·f'I'•IJ \\T;ill'll ;11.;1'1111'1·.~. t'.;c: .. iul'ornwd me t-lwr. (I''' '' ··a1\1:nrn Te(!I;Jane and Teemore... -Tltf' Npnd-iol•: ':" I IIJ 11 j i1 U j ''l' fill I •I }!l, .. ~· .! Pl~I'IYlll'fP mt:;lfl"' 1-11" Jnp nl' tll(• ho•:id 1Hll'i11-\·', J~ queSI.IOII(l1:oif', tlhlt!gh i'(· j, \[L: li'OUI.•.'. - jl1:'< lll_jii'<'~'JI .1· illl' di:1-i rt is :tl~o ~~~0rl in j[,,. !;,:\:':li~h ~JlP('''I! .,;;l'l lied !ll \'''·~1 P\<· :hi' ll<''ir~l:lwt!rlJn!'tl <"rd ih•_,. ··nP:Ik nl : li1D1'8 hil]-.yi.l , is tiJ,~::Jy. •dt•lrf'J' [-':Hq lll<<:-!,)1 11';1,'-, ltl(·h <.,,.,., · l t.h1> ;op 111 : h(' f,llllli\JI si;1Ji: I'," I\'• -•t. :< J\. e ~ · tiiJd r•\1;\_~ lJI.\~1:'11' IJI(•l"' I':h (n1 .. \rd ,, ('\111 1'1111'1] ~~PI) I'. I"" I\ f) d ,,.; ('('1'1~11·•'• 1 ~i"1--'-"'_'l•)g, Cl) .\l'·(;fynn·:<: flqJd. K_y~~·s~ '•ml:~i"hl ,.o,J!d •·lf'Hrll· nnt. lw applir::>\;)p 11oi ;1 diJlli!IIJ1;n, pj Con, n I'Oiillll i11~l /,b1ud ·Jo'ar"-·'\' ..'! Jdand Tbt~fl W~''-'f' :.·1 ll.~tf.',,ll[;lrid llit}J;!IIj an,,- ],·1L'I spuiP Tl+l' ·r,uh· /' orJ,,_; n:,ll''~~ill~ illi".!l il:f't'.)d,'t'. a~ lllli'l"'l­ .~nl;p.(' '1•:.11h ,,,.,.,., ,,, ,.! ;I·... ·Tnl-],,,.j,. iJHtJ o·tn!'t'S, 'fjH• !l::>P of illf'. \H•;:;j ;•hlt' ~rt> fl.l'f' f:li·,•d 1n ~, . .,:.._ " ~lt!J'd ]1'!1~!. \~ · i,[1<'1t1 wl1n ]~;;.., "~"'I' l1r>:•rd 1.11,, wnnl 11 iltiin' a11 ;llt:·rn:•l;,_,, ;n;llH'di:;iely iu t!U.'i''Hflng; ih• U:'

i11 if·s' 1:j H!'f•' i::: "Ill npnorlln,;]_\· l'or illl'l'~(i~·!,:l IJ>:ouJ. \\',, ;1!1·•·;Hh· ri'i'Pn·,.rf Ill .'Ill >;.11']\· ·nlR' d \('Jise o1' I~ rH) l!,..l.Jif: j-o IJr' fioo{L:d ·' i;1 JinH t'0r j:l1e '-i.IJdr·nis i11 (;];111 ('.,llr·::_._••.. '·,.11 If" [•'luw (" nw~iH"' hu•'). 1:1-) ,loJm< · nr::,.],, tn jh~> nl<) ()'t:,\11'1. r.,a.J- iJ:, r I:!ILOS!'f!ttrt)O J.o'-:,;d rparJh. jilP J:,,, 1 1 : -~:0(:;, :,_~ Blad; Ha<:;-:;,nn.~ •.i) 1-\r·Jh-·<.': l;t>f\Jar:ll rJII j,/,j]J'I!.o:\1-·~WJ,;,.h 0ll i\Jfo <>11 ! ' ln::-.0].] .'' I Inn t' [11'1" •11'1''1." 1''\JIIH;ll<'< 'J.ori, .(_i_) Fht~~. (SI-( 11b•n's .-ay! .. , ·I!'J I I lough',.:,":,. of ih<> l,,orJII( i11 ~~ aj- l"'l·':o.f>llt j b),,p •rJ. 1 i 11: ·lHJJilr,n ll••" 1)r- .. ~ .. nt-~d h,\" Pf',li•nn'.'"r~.'-.: r<·:od -· - _,._, .. -~."-:~:~:~~~-~ ~'tn'll . m•' '' i'l11 '"' '.1 r:::::r . ,

·lltev. Tl1<.hnn.. s J\!,nu·an (Arch. H1b.) i.' , :. BlacHion. O'D. ron1.arks that jy, I' lnndern uimos inns and ho~;te1oriot-~ pl<1~' ' ;, ; L\ rhi.ol'-~ {i_Uod in ·fl... UDiO;l.t _t,im.eS by Ch_U~C'h( .,' r , nd Inon is n<>t conoct as O'Dnuov

,.'1 nan\.e in i1.s proscnt. for1n and. tnd.lW~' no. · (;Oltmll nt upon it.s b,xn.g nt'W, 'rh( .. ·j , hov,'cV<"'r, ecpw.te-t> in erru' ·to R<-'dlion. tn £-•n E iz... h-. t1t'-11l ·rn.:·,p -~ finU "'l'ho L.:rgon, }lie(Lnrra.n'*' CIJU\ltl·:

tmdter O'RrJUl'k;J.'' Coote (1802) abo t' giv<~H it ::tB Ln·rgy, from w:hich wo m.~.v. ar,f;lUl"lto that it took tl1t1 pTe::.ont U;J_.n!· ' i.n t}Kot or t-ho t>lH'-COt't.Lng g·~n(-•.r; A Wl'11 nu ldt- h:u1.J 1'11 ld 1urul n<•m Bl,wkJt,w to UL 1. YVas this a sul:J-d.on.o•.Toi.n,~t:on nf To:un 1, 'J'hPJL' ,/(1 t;,~~ iiJWlll l ',' tr.J... \,Lion x~!:rinr, (Jn t,h(_, pOlnt. I r n:\JHe. Corradua('n,;' n;pn·:-,('llb the\ 1 T0WN!AXDS. H l'l"Olln!win.tion I lv~ard. ! : p_,,p, it wmJJ he imno\--t..ib!_o to fin ....f (2) Pullyarey. -1'~>11 H. ~lt<.tJ!liJ<>lrlh, 1, I ;,p,jco for aU tho to~vnl•n1.Us m ·<,l-~ ·1: i_hr· h;lrP'f-i \wk- lu ,J tJJt•tp pf,tl<~•ll. 1 1:~) " The JUCRY'S Well"--.:-;,, tmJj .. eo ll_(tt v I sh<'IJl he c.on~;trot: r.Nl tq refor ti•m. h .1116:,:!~· l"lllill''l't •·d 11 li !J dn1<·h-..:: I! b .. el; ·~-lv, f>.impl, ~ ones t,o '\.LE'l r.:'t of O)Pullb-"~.WII pull . lw.;Yll dtc 1•, lril_t: pr• fix- f1 and ;-;uffix_.·:-o, fl.1re,~.U.y pub~J.r.bc-U. lJ.-ol<', un s:HHI• 'l.-"-'U, JlC,ll' jt,_, Oll\ 1:' }t u s1ndlow ltol::· '' ·l111ti I hov,.·dvur, givo in full. JlriW {j]].y[ i11. ' 1.:~ It w,ll bu n.ot.ed thut I r;iv•' no nd_; (!"i'! C of sul>·lllilJ]..(JS uuJ. ~:lh' a. s11h-ua1m'. Poll a' Jhn dlJOH:->au 11 . r.•(,; ·iollf'. !Le],.,[,, d' 11«• ["·o i«t'l,tatwn ap:o. lt is fo Hot.-.• ;J·., i:: Y•-'<1-t"~ inti'l"P~j\11~ on any place no:mc8, hmv(',11M ot.'viun~ :l-11 o•'\aJnpl\~ of t-h·~ (•otTilJ'(,iinl wl•ielt l,ac; I'-. , tak•-n plflc y;-.-,. r.1 ::-:t,orJ..y plact:, \1'Pl"•· '' P1 lln:•.f!1l''-~;•JI ,1nrl '' 1 gn~_..:.t•ll.'' 'J.'llt ~llh-,j jj,uj illil of J rn~· \] ill li 2. C-:rr-rw;;ee· -C( ',\ 1w 5- ·u1 t _, tht t I" lqt·~~· f,,J·m i.~ :;~t v·o•wpiitlf'nf ion o! li R(Jtu~J. 1I ll (oJ t,lw \\r.I._,-, (\V.Jtt~Y l3. .ouml :~. b.·(.;· t-P y;·\:ich I lmv1~ iJH(lJt•nt ly n•- I' 'h H). Tl1- n· ~<; n Lol.r, in Corn. g._:u·c.:dk~ · t~.:·ned ;\Jn>a>lt \1. l~p tr, :1 ff''l~. gr•twl·::ti"u~ ,,_,_;o i 'IJrll<'/•'t' )i l\•1\. -d<-'·Oc.r;;1Il .. -p U.· ,'l. '<'1,'\ ·u,_f"1.•: Lh~ I~NPr1 to :_,._, ::!;rll>',•·rl oJl "r·otnl!:n·." l:.f'- 1, L<;k of Uw t,--;.v11 h.L· 1-JO:- CL) ' ol l1op; dv:~.<:ill}c~ l1:1 I'(' h"''\11 tniJJid il, 3, Corwtirini.---....Cv;v.:.:oJ , 11\lm, t.he dr) in Curlou:.d1 and K:nu'\\·),_•y ii1 ft.J, \V.. ,·r. 1 cL lJ•M:hj,~dd, I h<1vo not ho.:::..1•d t.HJ C<.~rnnh:aw Sub·N·1~l~S. i ,; · i u1: ( q•uv. l' lli.. 0) 'Tullyfreuchan --'Jq):Ji_r~lt• r:tocitt Gonudcg - '5 ''0(- ·;U\ t.o::;, th1 [Jl'OilUJJI.'J'Ft it. W"l'~J b l , , • tt.D. t. ,V.I r•unld ll(/l- e.\.pl;~iJJ. 'J'be ~•vrn: t.h-tl ~J~ . y c;t.ones ot· :1' " t,[H'I I["'"''L'"" ,)t. ·.•, L-<-ih 0. D'GJ 1,0 , \V'.,o ... tt~. . ~ hom: 10. Kinna!;o (C ranabo .n ;:n<:J.~·i;­ wa.s slain the D. 125(:) (Annals of :.':< .6.11".1 'il.<.\ tJ,,, 'ullO lull or hu.H ..u~1l~U o it' 1 The inNcripti'ou t-hcruiore cle.uly Carnalynch---:h.-:1 Ui Loi·1~i;.!h. !": ::ow. j that Ti.wma-s _;,\latth{lW must have 11. J.. e;;aiou.g --Us ..1.' toc. .o., the heJ.low ·s Carn, This, 1 th.nk, l8 the ' of the gel oration. followi_ng .tha-t of eorrod mt.erpret-at:on, a!Liwugh l<'c .Jf tht• l- k· . j Caoch. Ap~J·t from Hn~, ti; o~ coun-e bma!l translatefi, "e:1rn of the t~·land," 12. Ma.nnar,h----111.-'nn-f\.t-t": a. · gives us the -pedigree of .an O'Re1lly M_·p. and P.O.C. HU~,4gelhS ··earn Lcid1-l.itH'', !JHd<'~ Hn·. D nnoi:U g Vl~S b,,11ni'•·t Uown t,o tl. much iuter u;tt.e than that cov­ the Carn of the JslaJtd. 'l he Howu Sur- :1;-; tlw nl0'-"'0 ur-.u<1l Ionn of the WOJ'd. ,ereU by the ped:gre0--the _imp;;ttanoe.of 1 1:\Jy gtves "Corunlunsho." • oo tlw m• \d) Carrickeeshii--Cnrruig fseul, the J 11 ~of view it. would !x;~ impossible to over- .ng. ,1n.d to:ty,; hOl'.,uo:_. ~OJ'fl pn~o. ) Y . ].r,Lo. low. roek. l'urra;;hea;,;:all, in Down ~1,.__blfld here one"'. '!..'.Ln~:>, I t.ha.ili., a, ~he th-ekni. ol' rmud stone Ci:IID~lm;, af'Li-cle we-re cho~cn as generally as po·:-· 1the rnee--courst-t'_ J ltave aJreucly t:uw­ 14. Mulla;]hboy- -lHut..L.c.C Ou;"'.),,, tlw 1sible nU o.-er the <:mo11L_y, 1_ m:U~avoured Jmr;n-;.ed on the (~llVan ··CJnlgh,i' whh:h yollow l1JI i.op. :i to inr·lndc no nc~r.1o f-o_,-r 11 11c~.e m t.e1'l}l'eta­ J"eenJ~ Lo hfi mere.,v c:urragh, of which ition 1 had not. some warra-nt. Althot';..'!l . Skcu.,gh-~S eM:, tho white thorn I ··r;we-l·uurH;)'' 10 unc Hll?iill•::;.::. j 15 ; O'Donova.n d~s not quotH my authority ,I l'.O.C. :-ugg;eo,t.s t'abr::ll'll 1pmn. Cab-' bUBh. ~for Drumhtmmon, Lho manner in wl1i• I J ragh). ·I,(' •• tlatl land, for 1 he tin,-(, part-. I· 16. ToumeyrnrtlccFu----r:.:<.J'h"r''AC rhtl 1', 1 1 · (Let-ters, p. JOl) he rdo~·s to the n:a~rw f }\SSUlll(• that the }!,- Jlltllot'ial;ou is 'i Cec.U ... •1;:;- M d~ :.!y.. ti fi,.hL . , I' 1;-;hows t-hat ho had no doubt as t-o Ji · l Cot.tgh ('houJ~a. A•n I ngllt.~ l'ethnps 17. 'l'oa·m-"Ct:.s~m. o.. ~urlal m0un(~. 1·. '. ! belrw called a.l'ter some Sn-int Luffimnn. 1 :"'OllH' lo(',tl per'-Oll l\'ould·l.e of a b,H,tl,,-, I. j .J oyc~-foll01ving him, probaLJy---giH: .- 1 on th, n" n,,,_ a.nd. nun11 ro-..u~ -..-;.·;;,pono.;, eo>ns, O'bc., ac; th-e sa-nw origw. ...,... I W) Carr:cAgorman -C.mwg Ut Gor- w. U aS hwn.:1n r, lu·l.VO boon ; _ Your correspondent's le~~-er-ulr v·}Ji(~-1 '] m.tln. bortuan s Hodc • 1 .'I an-ain express my gru,tn.ude-----f_Prompt: I! (IU) Currickna.eagh---Canaig llll. ~- d,.covored. A.:: (o eXtlJCt b?'vulo; wlt~tt me ~nee more ,t,o eJ;11pha~se the oLject o: !, llhtiadl,_ tlte rock of the rat·em;, I~; Lt. W~1E' r Ul.llSt at t,ho 1t10)UC•n:L hnslt::!.tot) 1 1 ! these notes. 1 h-ey\ ore mlended rather "CarnckJJnfeagh" in JJ. ::-lurvey, lt S.D._:_ (l) .Arrigal Fnor---Airgeal Fuair, !- to exprof;'' an 0p n~on.. 'J'o do oo .coulJ., 'to stlmniuLe enquiry than to &atisfy cur~­ 1 n•rL i<, to ~.-:oHH' cxknt_at least, t.o: ·1 Oi>it.y, ~md I therefore welc~-me every en· the c·ol'.'· or <'xpobed, IJC'!'lllllage. I ( 11) lr!.Jolin--_l am dl doubt. ]..lost ;: ( J:la ~,_eo tho p·.l:.nt of v~e_w of ~oc..:,l 1 f;ir~isrp up-on them as showtng tha-t the: 1 0 L:!i:ll,h:in, or·f's i i lik(,J:,, Cleibl1i'n, .~· inv<·s1.· .~_,1.\_ou ;-,;ut\. t.ho ql1ef>i,:;._on at wsu,_. 1 have· set somebody thiui..::mg. L trust uf Cli:doh, a basket, and, literally, a j; o~v.: ~ moro tlmn ordinnry historicul' ' ~~that in the cnurse of time bhey will have 8 a further eff ect-·of_ un i('onoclastic na {'r:uile- ('._'.!•'. nnte;--pos:o.nbl.v because thfl ·mp•.. ,.;,~·.:·J'n. I \:ttle stone, liS not HlliJuSSiblf'. rofln(~7-ion of the arti<:lo. simply because thoy a-re recognised aR ;anthori,i.e.s. Inca.h:ub.hlo hnrm h;':,;:; bef'n i ~-D. P.>.r!~.ate::H:.:Io---l';uui(·:L J--'.U.C.f) ~~.· lll~tk biog:r.:1.pbioal--luwe boen puL-Ili~hod w1tt ( l,f 1 t;Urr.ttinrlilr-C-orr ua Tt~:ue, the. f ~o· ~le ki:nd., an(\ ib ol ,rep.;:trd to O'DnnD~un , [ R-re·ifu-cy alone. l'0111UI h. !I o. lite 11re, c.ee111s tu o.lrnm the s a \V\·l'd bcd~.lcr in modern 1 Rec\'es ,Joyc.e, C::mon O'Hanlon and Dr. I• )JI'Ollt!lh:li\LIUll. \.All! )1,_. i,e C. a'f~U:Oil!l-1 tlNI\,·-u ·~;.~, t', ~1.1JA't\'t.6 H;'ll, ~l.c. In -.-jHc-aly ha,-e all e-rred in plae{'R wi1:h t"( 1•'lur ~ 1 Llll~ l'OUl!d lud ui Lhe old ll1ail;) i•_ .anwK i~ rrt'~': (iJ t>«rrigmor0---Can-aig J.lhOr, t1 , whil'h t-o fl.ttack them. Tra::t:1t mn care­ the big J·uet~. . ~ .!ono £11 ci do. 'lfllliiY noted am! oo·m::Y.tred criti-cally witt< \:2) ~L. L1can's '\'ell, near tht·ref\t 2U. T<~godan---\.,o.;; ..._• CAoL\n1 (1) ; tile old authorities must ine·vitai:ly, n is a .Uus.~ JhH':L ··J l1e p:ll"re<·n t.nte, >-'Pl-Jl.-',. 1011ow oi L."!to nnn:w,v pbco o:· ddilo ·]historv no less than, iry pJane•nf\rne intEW­ 4,lt, is 1-(llen, anJ enan,les u.'! to l"enttfy·· {,,,.0 tl.~' 1 ;-;houJclli.ko to lu\oW if thero . _pratatlo-n, lead u_s to tll'e truth: That is t,h{' Uw C"l;HotL, ;,,~ ,.,:lL lli tlw h'il•l U:lV of' s m~y locJ.J. tnHlit-il)u. · rroRool \Yhi<·h HnR rnodost &erles of noteP , ~ailll l J,:td of .-\t·,,!Jn~v('!ll, lht~ pau:,Jti of __ .o:n scot,&11W boCc. ;Jec:irt'S to expound. ill.t-lle ('!J.h .. e.t, tl!u-'r \1 ildil! tn"' J)ulr w ~ 1 I fi.m, sir, .vonrs fnithfnlly, ij Chdtd"t',l 11 ltuspital Hi t'Uii~'d: JlJe (1. AN RCOLA lfl.E BOCTf1" il l _('Jil'e ui. .-\o.·.:~:,c;,.; r•;dls llllll "'llle gr.- ·u... [:'I )':.D. Xo. 3. ]{ill;nagh. 1 P.S.-)Ti_gh~ l rPrrect one referenro in ji ~llli~::S ('•l!l':_ S :ue ;'i 1 :,~ !luun,htug '; and 1lw Lt" f'l?a.(l "Ann~t~ of fTlder "-" .An- 11 l"l('d Oil ll1e li!IJ~d('l''- O[ !',t'.IL :-.t. \ JUIH ~~; kn0c.k 'w1.t8." I rf'fer to t!H' weH·lmowr; pnh­ ] (.ouk 't:iwr;,:.e ol llto.'lt' utl~to!~~~ ,u1u n~;;r..;u ii 1 ~! c'l'nahnw-- -co11 li.V tho 1': jlication o-f the Catholic R-ecord Socwty. j tbeliL I ,_ L Cloue;hno.gtera -- Clr~r·lt na ~',CHur~ ' rotu'd hill of l,ho kiln. 1 ' _._, " ·~- - "' .. -----~...-,-----.------, tile• rut·K u1 \llt' ~it-ct·[l. ll'ltl'l\', <-~r:- r; :1. . /uba11ceny- --}itlll t-.' till.-\",1,.'\1~, 1 he t·<~rditJg to to·;tott:oll, lill',l \\l~l'l~ \1<1.'-dH•d,! peak (Ji.t.. I'J!.ont,(' of,..t,'Jm roim~. \Vht~n l I 1 ~iOlli,~-~(;Uf--Cl()dt Ltol'l', ll1e Ill('" ui r-be Cl':>iHJ\Il! 111 t!Je t1. (, onut'.l HJI'!U ''l)i'\illdiOil\1," {__q[j' 111~

Ll·ip\,_ rat.hrr than m(w,l-r1rcr, 1hf' hog! , 1 '.iHlH~ia~, lOo~ t'u\111<1 l1.,[ cl' l;!e \\.illlt,l.LI'. ,/ Killinkore Pari&!l.' p' in) t.ho wm\,h which wonld j u!IU!.) :;~ I;;>'• , 1 1 ('!) Assan~l ;a~:in. a litt-le wtded:lll. j t:.l) _Bal.-,bannn~uu---lh_;ul a;_\1a Heau-~ ·.lf'lJ·_, _. ..--l_1\10nesk~-- ?' fo_rm w~1ich f.Iwn_,. 'f·: I~) Bilfis---Bi!e i':ns;•, tiw lone tree of I · ttal'ltau-, tlw 1,,.·:1 ut di(~ pt~a,,:-;1 ~ J, \liJt·ref< · ., ..·- loc<-dh·. .\\-0 t~hall find rmot,hf·l' ".' t-he w:~tf'rfa/L The loNt! prouu1wiation is I , tliPre .s !lOll a ">l:i:ul u,·,u,.:,<.:'. J•a lld,io!ll-1.. ;~ •-:~ L"\',oi!:LH_, !11. i,"··:~ct.;dJ.o ;t•, In• ~"sjt~ .. 011 ·1nl} ll,\~;··11 hourbood. $"C'c~R< Bile Ji,aHfl nfso1 hqt does not his au .. ·- 0 ' " (:;~A.'t7~~-___),' thority ~Post. t-:ht•ntwhus.) . I~lW /llt"'i;!'JI """ .. _\I .',1 ''· l':'lfJ•,'J/1 ."fl'\11 ~·~v i'ES ON CAVAN PLACE .. NAM.ES. I {::n Beagh Glebe-- full nf 1 . •I- :!1 a' l>il,:UT ., 1--~··u.l• ,, " t 'I;'·""-~~·· l-1in·lt trees. ''Bach UleRIJ l~alld'' 111 :~H'i'(; IS a SlliJ'!).! lt,l·.t, !i';i•.:ar bir--- ... _1.rui:n l•t·;•n.·l,,, ~t­ ;·.i_at.. the\'' and ALi:Jon ::t,ro· both er niva.-l 1 1 ,. 'I (t:HIJ,\'. il IS 1 ~-,~ (_3) The Aft .:\ 1t, :1 r~vittf'. Ho~an quotns in support. ol tite inLe.r+ t4) G3ibh8 MOr-"A field full of: lh<--'t'P ;tppLPd Ill a •l0hl \{~:WIII'our .\li.J,"·t-e-rcs, U.S well as a idte l1dl ui ti.(.' t·urst·'<, .\,·t·•!l-dlli)..-: tu l Fimail in ~onovan, tc wlwm alc>w 1 ti-LU so far · .:(·:t\l"t> llil:' p:a<·t• \lit~ t:-~ I' and car t, thetefOJe. g'\f! a dectded indeL-ted 1 for my r-ci-eren<;t'B io the I ,li:t!H.',\'. lto\lt'.t'!' 1.;1:11 tl!l'l'l' 1-1:;~ a :uv,d.• npiniQn. Can H be G;(., t'(>tllitl i111l roup;h ea-rn (tH' (':tr!t sh,1ul:'d l(iJI). ••f,oeal· 'jL-lH· \\'ui'HI'-(,~1. \::;) 111 .'--i.l•;_ Ct:i'l'\"<'1 Hcp-t.s (Letters, pp. 8£1~90) i-s unfo:nun­ pronmw'~~tion, C;u·ngiliTou" i fi'r. Small). avo1y contl'acted. l\ i.all Ca-oeh, Cu3wi:- · -~ ntth •(:Ut'J';u-(1 a a il:,tlllu:l1le. Coill tll/ names had their o1·igin, t\nd from tho mH('at"ll, the wood uf the lw1~" ----l ll!ttl 1h o-f things it wm~ld 'b,0 <:ualescing to make il as m

·theH.D.-1~ough tom I ';:'~~·~i~:~,~~i,~~:~ the of ilw 1 th.e water Jten, tl1e "cean.: uterv of 1\il!inkere was ,_jn this towpland"--(i{ev. }'r. 8mall}. I :can trace no referen('c· t.o this monastery ,.in any of the nutnont1es. J asHume that lik_e most of thE:~ Cavan monasteries,. it was un offshoot froln Kells. Is there ) any local tmuLha the .: hh:~k mountain flats. ('. No. 2s be­ '", !Qw ) : r'huve already stated that in Bre-ifne .,~ Gr~ach, m a mouutamou~> district, meant - 1 a mountam Hat, aud, on the plain, a

·.,.; · Guai1·e-diHtrictmarsh. In the Sl:e"'~of which Golrv·---old 'thi~; is Sliabhpart )::;:;.:.;).··~~~~;, :the name •s still more eonnuou in place: names than Ill any other pnrt of Cavan. Long ago -•le ame was ~Lill more corn­ ·_'' filOj1, but the mt~jority of" the names have .·passed out of present-day use, and have got only. one or two of tftem recorded locally. \ 'lha bouncJaTies vf Slieve Guaire, 10 whic)t tbe tena was then set forLh in an · the 1

· Cr'L 11A1te-, or Saint Natalis (cf. na.:yle ante). The pronuncia.~ ion is worth a pa,;sing rema.rk, a.s the predominance of the 'n' sound o\.~-er that of 'l' is lHmal in the combination of the letters 'l' and 'u'.; In th€y dnim that it was St. K aile who baptised St.: ::\logue, but !S-aint Killian of Drumreillv s€-ems t-o a st.ronger daim to th~ hotwur. St. l\-Iogue was C£1rt0-inly 'a. disciple of Nniie's, and there 'is a trr;dition that St­ !\'aile's wondBrfnl well bnrst, forth Nl a~ ~~cv:sion when St. ::\~!ogue nnd I: is other ii cttscLpl~~r; \vere suffenng from thirst in a • ·"·> long~continned drought. The Dnw.1s .I .. werp the heredita.ry 1 er.jnne·a.chs' of ~~, pansh.- I have t~cf, -an:-·. note of n pnt- ~. , tern 1ll the parJsh. '\'ould some or,el' kindly enlighten me on the point.~ f-~ EtD, No. 10, S·WANLINBAR. ; (~j'or tho name 1 Swa.nlinha.r 1 see nc ..:t,,r arbcle.) I' _-(1) Afteeno:o .<.\1_Ltdn, the little gl.Cn~ 1\.. &lde. The peoplE<' A pronunriation' is L . •:rather pBculia.r·,· bemg mo·re nearlv llkeen 1:· tha1.1 • lltche-e-n.' - r (;t) Borim= tJ6--~6JHT11P, 1 cow r.idrr<"' ;-, The C.I.. mnke~ ~ Bnorim,' t,Jm D.S. 1f-' ' Boancn.' and recohh> another 'Gortne- ( ho~~tlll '... ~t!Jout_u:~~~:!!,~.,;;h~o- if>.~,~~v. k· on ::my pla.-:-e. d:~lails, ( 4~ Cornagran::::.COj1 n& sqtinn,tbe no dates. The ore att,;cehing to theh~~~;e~(i~~~~:t:1t~ ll of the trees. according to him, froi_n i 11. lJrumeullion - Ut•u•m.- c"'t':'l (5) Corranoarty. This -seems to be according to the tradl- holly ndge. . , · · f(',u1t'CA, 1 ·l'~n the round bill of tb4 pagan from Glan, was : 12. G ol'tt~(.~naclogh :suqu::n' no. •\ , a~·e ..- If this interpretation be <:orrect. half a mile from the · ;:;c~_oc, _tb_e l.i~t.le fi{·ld of the sto~1es. k.., ~r-e onght to be a pre-Christian tomb !vjllage" the Furnace Land and 1 1 t,he townl·and. 13. G-mwafarua--:su ; n" ,.:( ~1 1B, ~ "', DrumcDnra, 1 presume), and wa~ su~>- the poirJ.ted hill('' snout") of the (6) Drumbrv:ghaS="Dti,:llm btn1$'-'1t', the i : sequently forged in a wa~er m1ll m ·lgc of the fa1·mhou·Re. This is the: o,ldcr tree~. Bnning ""hi<·h h-ruS.t.r usually hns in; ' the village. The inUustry d1sappca~ed ' 14. Gu»l;l'n.wuUy. If the <~ r" has 1Yan. I find thio: townland as 'Drum-r _, \vhen the neighhonring woods wh.1ch not been jntroduced he1:e fr~nn provided the fuel for the smel~mg in C. L., which !f correct ..· analorrv to the next name (m which 111ld·uck1i~' lll<'"fl-n th~qmt.e another t1ung. (Cf. ~··c···:.: .. were consumed. the J'~" is justified) the interpreta; . rumhrnokli.s, et<:., in other p.arta of ·: .". I " Dn-:·efoot ,Jimm.v" { ~i\um-"'r c~r- .i>io.n.__ would l'm;1:n to !w :r.::•1:b AJI 1 ~v,a,I'l.}______1 nr>h::) the founder of the Henry f.am1ly 111\~Lt~h~ ..PL";l: on t~1e lull, .. t'.1p. 1:-. ·..,·hose cst:-ttc:> extenlled ''from Bawn­ ThLs wtcrpl:>.,'fat.wn woLuJ, hn\.e,'c~, :' (7) Drumconra= 'OpumH:onnJ\tA, the 1 ;dge of the Agreemtmt,. ThEn·e are i,J-;oy to the Er;.e,' is to have 11involve aspinith.. •T~c; after the prept_, .. ~ i- rec townbnds of t.he ,pam.e iu Oavan, ! h;;cn the son of a wo lll one of 11 t.ion plus art~cl_e WJ:ieh we do not fwd jh-:· ld this, r think, is tile iitt-erpretatiou th8 Sveanlinbar fo·.~ndrles. . 1!n Connacht Insh,. aud wonlcl .mggc.stl'.·.:: ench. Joyc<~'s "'pu1m t~onpA, Con-, li:Iany have rcf1~rJ ed me to Sw1ft for :a further corruptJOn of the sound ~>;· t's or Oo·udry's RidgP, I think we mny!, ·.a rdel,ence to bwanlinbar I oannot \" wullagh" to "wulty." Perhaps f:·· seonnt. '!'he name would owe its ori-11 trntal enc,oSllrc, and WaR ~d in the old MRS. is usually spell€(11. ;!the dogs (or the foxes). The fact that F~ , ' sC't on£ with " pleas:mt ',\\alks 1 m.", "\ not m"'u"·o the usual loo.~l ~~,;~ rummad or Drummat (O.G.). I thir,k 1 '_l1here t.o 1 e mny M;snme that it is "'J'Ulm-f.Q.l'o., 'ned ubnt.'1tions." ought lform for dog, is. us~d seems t9 sni?,i~,'. 1 -~)iO Rh:mdrmt mcd-cr-ial .for local. anb­ 1e long rirlge. \1 lgcSt an alter;1at~ve Ulterpre~atwn of l(,\ 1 (9) Furnaoe La-nd (!'lee infrn). I fmmrl 1 · :Q::;tnll reln' we~~ · !Sv::a.nlinbar was b:ll'ned to t-he l. 16. I\.nockl'anny - cnoc '1\Artt'll:$(: \'1' 1 nd the name 'l='l11H161r' \vhi-ch would ap·- , - !ground. •the hill of the ferns. . . .__,_ . ; ear to he identWnl wi~h this. J;ll. No. 11.--T!IICAUAN. . _I l7. Srala.han - sp<~.-c teAbn, thv lt~1 (10) Gortlaunaught = 50i1r: te-<\thtMC< ,,, · , 1. Ap;hakianil_.!;h-_._-'\.~·"'() A c1nnc1c, 'broad !:' t., field of the milk; Sra. f S . _the ~ew proh-abl:;-'/' 'the fteld qf the hon;e- s head. The local interpretation o . ra- 1~ 11. ons1dered good grazm12 la.·1d. // · 1 11 ._, •; .\,n·hna('ilU~·-·-,.\i·-<\'(.) no. C.\.11.1. 15 \·~ generally a river meadow, habl~ tO 1: .6.11 scoU11\e boC•L_, · \h;· of t.he o!d hng. . !nooding," and hence, a(:!. a rule.• "'e~. 1 f;cid ·:d. 10. (continue{\). , : There ;3fc.e.. mc; [){JLhing to supp.ort 1 1 Hy extPns~oil the ,w!?rd .1s a.fl')he~.· ~o. Sw~uliniJnr 1 11. Gol'tundcrl'Ytl~a. Tn1s appears\ any meaao_w-~anu·---!fJ\~·.and or "... i.Jnvc'-~'s "1idd d the mm." : 1 o be a cunuptwn. The C.L. gives .. ""T' I a. l'uUinll- ·~u I ('{\~111,. th~_ ~olly 1 ' ila.nd, of ~l sumlar natu1c. . 1 1 1 ~ort~tal'dt~t·.t·;:r·, which, 1 thi.nk, is the :1 r.~f', Still e;a.lled ''The Holhes" l: 18. r1 _ullydcrmott -..," cut;\1'S ', ; urrect. ±otHl-:Supc ._,n , -0.pu ·,.oul)1\J- the ! :H,coJiy. , r1 lmm)-6., Dermott's (or .n.acDennott s 1llage field of t.11c high oakwood. f' 4. Hrumbar -- "'JIUtm bwrtt. the :hilL 1~ . .Uaw.l:i.::.;roo.t.---,--1 nave not heard 'ridge on tJJ.D hi1ltop. l For 19, .uy ln ..;;h equiv:~,lont. ·., 5. l)rumuW?~;hr:c. I would. I lJ. 1\HiagnatltHl--...;, LL ,\11 6.-tA '6mb, 't,llnt, the "r" is a. C'yrnl:Qtwn ·~and L he chnrch of Uw black ford. I am fJ1 at the JBL8rpretn,tlon 1s e1uh.~r ~--rLhout any locn.. l irD,d1tion as to the ,·r 111111 m n\ s~·:'1•, or -opu~tn t1.'1. fXJl, thl ·hurch or 1ts rehc. ! r;dcre of the fa,irv pnlaces or of the 1 U.·ytiotJ.--·-lll1111l'' '()\10 the: c~;·o.f.t~men. "Df.umershee" in the rla.~k t-::brubbe(y. T!1Hycrum-.the al-' , (~. L. sugge-sts the la-tter. Gl'U!tLl\ce title--L~\11111,\IS CjiOlll-the : 6. DlHif~l;n'C~-'DLm '1c t.6.11i1e (? :nn:u:J. fieid. · 'l\l'GlTI·e's iort. . ],;, '1 OHY1J.Uilt - C,:,1im,\1$ CUJnn,. I 7. Fin~q~hoo--rlo'lln -"'c"''6, the wbtte ~:o,w's li.t;iCl. field. s.n. ,, PolldDo-pott uuU, tho UJ. t: ~tagn·-1 uGr.,c, la.nd planted :black hole. vith \·ew tre.e:.. For 17, tl Hl't.:wa~Uct, · 1 s. (; u1·tul!a~ban. I am in doubt.

, :J s t~1iG a n'tf<::ronc.e to the hea.dl~~ss 1 Lll-1~ · ld, Uni'let•.t, sec prevwus 1 u·t;cles and the llH;(:X. 'ghn<;t, the ·!: cluilagha.n ' of \~'h::-:~l 1; I have no_ note at all on t.his parish, ~ \U•\!A.·.~ ' :Croft on Croker w:::otc so m:.1~~ I If \t !Hll•. ·,·wl1ich co!JtU1ll.S t:) l\1van towulnnUJ;, ' - The mo(:trll tra,J~r,imr IS that the · !s.·o, I·.ha.. ve he. 1'h~ ()a,;u.n List malwN •·Hrt~ws " l-( !h:;t, here were four ironrru:;,sters cuu­ ',Iri::;h orthogra-phy). Perhaps .the I I a~:~d the 1-'iantu of ]!;Lzah~th ''Bnllibnlse:" ~,;_~ •.name ma.y contain a refercn?f'., to 1t. : 11 (2) Carrigtbrwoe-CnJTu.ig-, n' Hhrw~h- :e;·n· ·!--Swift,, t;aundcrs, Darling 1 tud .···~trry (Coote, cte). This "four ; 9. 'ScY,-town. 'lhe old 1n_Hh name ·1i nls, the reek of tuc farm hou~~ the num~ lll "l\acatu1g~: .'#' .).rntgu h~,; i:o not consistPnL, generally Of the N ewtowns all over the oountry . ,; -~~~,.- . - , :dl'use.'~ ;,~ pdJ·; 1bJ name '· .t:iwaHJlngbar," I! ! 8.D.-BrUi8 Mill-Partly .in. this a-nd 1;:_; v'itic:.,_ I Lhink, \V oi tlte hill w~w a swnun i]i · ciwrHd.illgba,·," c_wd even "li1vall· 11. l.egavegra. I am witho.ut a Iw the 17th century. 1ingboro'. '' suggestton. Could some restd{·nt . !: . Nearby the l-jHiut;~tion Map gi· t <.·, I ~. 1 1 "Lurww Ciu,aLof/;(' tl'." The fonner mny ''.: t; Cocd.e and O'Dnn0van scout t 11 kindly make one~ , 1 ' hu.vH !!om~ coJHI~(;~iun v.ith UJO ~"trish: 'ho trad~ilOfirr'-·.·l:atHJJ:. '"H~'"' 'PI,. : ~ ::·1!-.:J,rt.in_:J; from BelLurbel:, pn foot; lE;: mg alt. fhe local mterpreta,twn of 1! - 1_ Do-1;n Nnn·ey gn'a!!l n':l ''C<1rgi:gH." ~ 1 ,, (4) Ede:-~;Jutt-t-;n_ltan na bl'ort, t\ jJ [ w1.-s back ; in less ..than tl-~ree l : ' alt" (prononnced •' awlth '')is" a~~·-' by~. Alt.lwug·h he rails aga-mst : hanging slope," which fiLs the idea.. ." ·.: hill-face r;f the bndmg placeiJ, · ,r Sub-d>Vlsions :- Ueraldus Carnbnm~;is for h.:ning lu this case the alt was evil smelling ·, k 1 (1) Ballymone_y .. !l'he local pronur, j~·1>· ".·l'itten o~ the· .Siwnnnn from within 1;. · from the decayed vegetable matter 1 ti·1n is llade na .Mouu,, the horr.esteau :m ~Ita t;ecunt,y uf the 1 ;-de, there Uoo~ ' 1 in t-he swamp at it<'. fuot. i the bo;;;. not appear to be_mucll eviden~~ th~tt I' i 3. Bh1lH~erar;h--l1i'"'11n M sc... op~,c, 1 (2) GaiiOft--Gallon, t\ l.1,nd div li'rm, Le spent much wvc~1L!gavmg m 1 -1 the peak of the sheep. , -:1 1 ~See ant-e. ln tbo ?lau~:d,iou M1:p \ l". l~ 'l'1dh·hagh ff\vanllltbar he ~ 4. (J(nnma.s--·c.o,m \r, 1W a,b<§tmct IJ g.ven as Gall(m~c.rbe, wltich S.NJ!n!o. 11, he 1 c,dl~ ,,'-an uninterbt;ti_ng little vil- ' noun drrlvvd i'ro_:tt cam--crC~okcd-- ,' I Ualhht Garbh, dte lkugh Hu!lon. 'Hlf.l hge," nud i1~ Clan he found ."the u n crooked pla-ce." This is not ':)tl·ik- 1 ,ll>uwn Survoy hus Uailun _:\o'lc()f3rr01,.i) ~' 1 -t-. ,vor:_;t road:5 m perh:tps the w1ldest ingly a.ppropriate. 11 ;~uah!'s HallUn? et wh:e4 dl\ ·if :q:er dic-;triet, hu e\-CT t:aw." 5. (\H'UIJlUll·-COjl 11<1 ton, the : .; n;t:~. ··.f 11 l l~t. ...i:' _, vart H-~,•vt-·' C1c·oe \vorbng on his behalf 1n tbe 7. Ihlunhoory. I am ag:nn in i\ to ~xpl:••n the i.erlllmi!.i y. libraries, aud as far an 'l'ullyh.agh :doubt; ithc latter pa.rt E.cem~ H(Jme i I' ! '1' is _also gHoJ~ in t,b& ~ ...;i n Snney' Wi1S Goncerned, these references were .' -1dcrivative of t'O a cow. C:l,n 1t be (l, I I : aP. tl:u:.~ \·\. lt1l.q S .. b.;, purtimhi-- very meagre. Moreover, he calkd "._;corruption of u:l-<\lle, a milking field l , St:!l?<',rat-od by J•:rien;Jun.. on passing ',eport on the pari~:h i 1 8. Ht·umcannon -- . 'Ottmm ~._;l' .... nn Vi) i?llttlereO'Jt.£n~-.t'ot41,l J J · bhadl. tho. priesthi:'ather M'G~uran, n:nd he wa.s 1i. "t'1on11, th0 Hpec;kl£:cl ndge. . . 1, gl:Qj' or bpe~~ded .l?uttie, a ·~ ,J taHHui~r , from ome. More s the p1ty · V ory I; · g_ llrmlH':tl'. Thoo ::;eems to bet ,: (~ee a.nt~.) , little guidance would have enabled l - ~'-"''t'tiL(~. the ridge of tho j. -11. Vi) Ro!t~gh--.l?-ladhl·f.dl, .' redJil'!h Jr..nd·, this really great man to ha.v(', ns~a.h· ~~ s!:-andiug stoftc." I do no!, know if L 1lS Mr. U Cnnnell s su.g~s.·.A u, d1.ol. i• ;1 !Jrohub!Y ('(dTC!.:t. , , lisli.ed beyond any doubt Jaets r.ltcr !'; there happens to be a :>iuiH; 1 '! \6) T~mdr~::.saa--'l'oili ,1·c ,J •oith i·, j ) .. ·.. -~ ''·' 'J:.cl1 many of us are stlll gropmg. i, 3 BQ f,,',;;: ~nr the !moment let .. .mneh sufl:lcr.. : ~.-:..._ ,,:. .• ... ' .. · 1~:~ Hl~f'!'j~:l:,·.-.:1:.g· ,, J~·._-·. ,J. li ·"" 5&; ...... -,.~~;g;, ; roo&_·;Jlt.;:;:;::,,,~ <<'"" <· · ~: -- ·' ·, i~··'~:'.:::::'if~~.-,·~·~c-c,~.• ,:~f.;~;~{,~t.-,~~.~.-.~~< ; ,·~ .:£:~t~h~e~•~·:ii~~··~L\ai~· ~··~·~J·~o·o~le~·~~-·,&·~·~·~,-:~··~· -u o!·~·~··~; ,~, :'m""!.f\.l~r~·.·~~~· = ' _-.;:·_~);,""' {jfo' NEW SERIES-No, XIII. , ' Lurgan Pa-;i;;=continuad.. ~'

(5) Burrencarragh~'l'he first part fa ; clearly Bo1reann1 a sto'IY phu~e; the lat.. ter probably Cmrrg(', tlte rocks- !I' "the stony place ot th~ Lig rocks i'" . · ]n the Dow11 Sunf?y 1\f.H.p we iind I "1\:fagheritlowne" as a J.arg,e i.ra.1.:~t Nnbrac~ 1 ~ ing this townlantl, ilnrrem·ea, l.>t>Lh Cor­ r-akeellY's, l)olhntemple, l.A~sdutr, t1nd Siramatt. I . Sea also Stramatt infra .in this connec­ tiOn. (6) Bf.lrrcnrea--Hl•:rennn H:~a:l,h!wh, the •' · grey stony p!ur:e.. (7) Corrahee!ty Beg nnd (8J CrHra­ koelty Mar~'i'he Hep: nnri the _Thn>t·o (Beagh_fllld_MOr) arP unly later lH1JJlJ•,~Is :·-_, ·to distm.~uJsh beet.weeH the tmnd:uat", : and do not enter ~utu the Jla.tll€ C'>Ulj•tl->1- tion. r The spelling seems to be Carr:1.ig, ChodlW, the rock of thfl wooJt~. '.1' 1u3 s:pelliucrr; are "Carrigk'"lLy" 111 C.L., and "C'arrigkilty0 111 ]U(!l) l~bp. s.n.: (I) Tiluru·.veo-Tor Bu~dho HH~ ," yellow hu~h.~practically u.n Jf:!.laud ia! .Lough RuHwr, th(:l connecting isih"•US being verv narrow. · .': 0) Cle{a;an--Clo,p-eann, a skull-i.e., a. : hil\ shaped like the lmman hel'td. '',Ju.!lt. , what it is, a mount.aiu 1:1kuH." I hitve. ~ often heard the word used m Euglillh-- i ,-: e.g., "that's R wet skull of a h11l up rtl1ere" (~.1\IcE.) , .S.D's: (l) Tobar Fjonn-Fionn's .W<,Il. (2) "r:OOar na "Gnbby"·--Nctei:l l1y '· bot.h P.O'C. ancl 8.1\.lcl~.) P.O'('. ···llg­ gests the well of the lmwdreF.- 11a gCraohh---na gr~eve. It may L~ 11a gCr&bhaidhe, of the de\·oue. Bntl: uf these would, however, invoh'e dtHt':pirnt- f/ 1 1 tli~ 1~~~-~;l!S~~~:lsl~lrt ~.\l~(~~~f{~~l,tHt:!~~ i~·~~I'J 1 :~: :·· G_rapp.r \Yould he more 1~enrly dH-; lH'I•mm,• CJatJoll. (3) Cros .Sgoilto-"-A t,thul,tr r"~'-' 1\la.iHl u.seU ·to Ue said on .t lll lJenal tmws. "·.:. ]t is ~aid to be split.. I dun'l know if f · Cros Pllll he u roJTnptlon of Clo.-i1 ot'.C

,1 a lllt.'.'h pmnaeJ~~ nomm.:Ju~hnL; a i.~n•.rc v'.-~'\, on Vlh,('h the \Yairl•man WH>i o::·ll'<'d w·.,:rt l\1as~ was bt~ing et·ichrate(( o.n the~ 'i ·r·ns Sgo:lte' in Pe•wl dw,..!<. <"'au it Le fn·'n: .Fnu·e, watell ?" (S,,,id~.) Fn11·e ;., ferni11.ine. "Carri).!;11:darry ' wnuld he '.1,-e ff,rlll of i.he "11:~Lt-h-rock." Could it he "Carrio; :w Amhaire, t c rouk nf the, uiJIJj,:~r·' fr·) Spa We~! ... Tabar RmHfh · 1 h<' ··ed WPll (~_-;~,,. :<.) Si!":!P~.~~· iiJ ~·,,_,, J .J, ,,., ;2:111 an Jr 11 •·qui;:,,·~·~~t. I<: I' ~i•:l \~-, :: ,,, r>lla">\ l;\v PI" Cnrlrmgli }Jar.:,il(·,, 1\.L.-re. t,hey uhound. ]1'j~·!d ; .ames :--- (1) Carr:groo .. -Can-aig Huatllt,; ,·eel rock. t:~) P:tt;rk a "TtJ_gge!---, .. ·i!(" ;;;)t(;'. 1:-\ J (..roc'-c::trt 1\l:um:>,lh~l ·,, .. hill nll;tt"·li:rill, Llw Jitlk• l11 I nl tl,,, 1•: '~. \, >~.1 :"' (t•l Par:t~I"1HI!!'•I·-P:ii\'(: n .\~iJulJ;J:i.·li, Lb: l"t·!d un ; h<' hill [('P· "'lhe JWP)lrl' o1 Lli'' Lol\ldi ill('. :1! fl11d .1 ·'' I hne t,o !>po/ogi~e to Mr. R, l(~'llt:!h ' l Jn•;k f. · of ISnli;o.'J).JrJnsduff, fo1 my m•glE,~i, l'o H-c­1 a~ 1 <:n to a ),:1 ·If· pi'~t WJt.h! ·,,·h); t.lif'}' f·:t.V d(j(·h'" ·.~ ,.;[·IJ p1" :1_1, Ul"n ''~< v:~ vn dm~:· ·;; • r~~ 1: tl>aJ. it'f; (lliiY ;rv\••1 L~t:rl -,·.h,,.i, ;..•,n. '::,';~1,;'[;c)'v.·ha.-lJ ~u·~~ ~n }JHJ >:-:\J<"'R n,lre:crly I! (8.::\lcE.) ''Cr.ppill;<"ll ' Hi t:,,, ~ 1 "h:ll! i,::i't> Jn a mtppler"~"H'n- !: hZuv, l! t-:-nr,·ey Rpellitr.t(. t"::p,;~; IJ r.'r,):,:i-': \i iih ''~ i!t'l' il'llll('S t•dlede th.;:. tile fol"tH of dit' v/o, ] r.I'L1nn~ llf~ f't'!l\, ''1-..,, :H'en1np:1nymg t.r:l/.L. d··· , '' I1E" \\'t":.c ·. ''i·- !.qt nn e1d town- L "'HR ~.; .• ~·~·:~ \o n nnmlwr pf :-;{'t- , HTh.s 1s a " field--" A nnme very aO,ont }:)t) ~e<::~ ::p:u. :md tlw.v held i in a field 11 ear the ·~common here; H nwarH! heav~· or wet l+.t<:i'• ·''X>t ns a sort pf so('lali,.,tr•· N.llllnturct;v. HI that a crock of gulJ 'land. nn•l i p1'0ltl•llll!'ed Goln" (8.Mt'.E.) ·~ herp IH'lr<' 110 ferH"!N, nnd. went at mght w 1th a eomprrnion ·Th,s 1s l'\""1o•ntlv the HHH:e word aR "e . thf'~- .'Yor·}ud_ 1t. ·m eo re' (I gt':Jtnh:lr),: d11 g Ullt:! the en me to a tlng-Bt.(:Jne. ,htH1 [H'€'\'lt-H\il.v lit '''l'dly's C:rdaeh'' (Cor- . plantLng tl1t?1r f'!'ll)JS m common, and 011 4 ~ of wmd tbon hiew out the1r l~ght. a1 a ·,dnft tnwnianJ, Ballintt~mp'e pansh). · gn~ttrg hfl_v.'! to kf.'i:'l~.,tho ('<1ttl~. off 11l_r:';. ~hof..t apjH)nl'e 1 1 ! Th~e n:enltiJig giYen i':! ulenti~nl.. fl,ld I ('Orn nnd potnio<:-.'l. 1ln~ pro1lU!If'•

1 wlt•('h ha,. tl')t found 1i..s way into the rwltliY- at n 'll!P",.·••stliJLL mn•l<• hv n>e 1' meaning'much tho snme thing? . · t'. r(,}d<· ·Pn.d;al.10'1',·"~;1., 1\dd·,J;ra;-~lJ). th:•t \ .· (l~l oeerpark-The Down Survey gn·0s · (I!) Cnra;h·-'l'hig is a Hnme tlpon '':n (•,,:·<> ' mrghc be fur the l•.ngl~sh slaug · J>artan for the v..est~rn por! :on (prolmbl,v ~) whH'h tlwr,, lta.s hr=en Kome f'ontron!r.~y, 1 . 1''in ('t).'' [: Pon.i 11 . a littiG pl!w~). Thi~ 1s ':~~and. ::~.s there is Jwother t1,\\t!\:1ad uf Sllll-' .··~ .; LE'.t m{1 first npoh;risf' _h Me. Ht'fH1~·- · nnw Fort Fre ea.::;tern por 4 .:!lilr 11nme in th~--~~t!le p:t;.Bh n11d i~ ;he', , [1 J!('l)mh.n· IS 1lrt• hl":t ol \rn-;h, lllHI l.''ll twn ~eom:'l to be C:ta!llnore in th~ Down •:RfltlH' e!ednntl (!1\':c;.on, (on·e:~~h (,\e.L(', I,' ·~.(.lP~rl\\ll [)~' lh~· u~lt>dhaltadrl ftnm Torry . ,1-;urvev- Le., {'lain ~lhur. Probably l , ·.·,nt a httle r·onfllfli:m. 1.'. hf•u we t·onw \· · ·i"'-"t J ILn~~- 011~ ~fl_Y~ '''~",\ ~tl!pld t!tiPg;s .-· lwve ;ni:-;unders,_tood ~lr. ).!('i':nn't-~ r~fer .. ·; ~o the 1:-~.tter townln.nd {1-Jndl giTe a full, \,': .'~e}.;un,daueR \\hen ~\!illiW i11 a lllll''',\', ,, lelll't"' in No. l_,)-.Supra, ~nd haTe noted '.-2 1uotr• '-l1nphN1 I1Y Mr. St--an )ff'Enn. , ,. , · Adm1H•ng; tltP lon·P of tlw tr:Hlition 1- ; "'lobar P:idl'mg" nnd "Clonmore" undt•r '.' f.1, Do, f.;pryey, tlus tO\\tLI

fl!'l ' ···,.,."''"' ...,,., '•"''" ''CU"""•""•- o·h''-- nlt.~o i<; ''<'or- '\ilt<:' tl lP lll1111f' (' nJnnar:w· Il, :111t 1 1l'~!llS- , 1''11'.., 1 Derruev•n.v " • ll o ,·,.,., •.,,'•tell liPid 111 1 \}(':tllllfHI o1'lb\tHHL 1 1 1in Co. Cnvatl. ~t11d i·~ l.'flf'h 'H"e then·· Ill I rn.rit!e 1 ·~htp." 'fltL~ \\, 11dd, uf ('OUI'fii', J1t: 1:!l) Drumderg lhu1111 DeHJ'I];, the red .,f1Vi\1"lnC'e nt' Hll Par11Pt '-'Jle!lin)..(, ''Cllr·' !!w J)l.:in: a vow '.g., '·Dromden·ig'' ir1 Uowu Surv(>y; 1 rlu1' then'< \InS .::; iwmdJ Ll'J1. ctat:o:!v that t>X)JI:\n::lh.lll, To' •'Drnn•;Hlir .. r'' m Plani.;dwn evd~t:r·e ~l]tpl;ini.i''" 1 th~ ~\tap; .•. !fnrm <:f Cnnn('h. l'.!.i<•h l•ro~'\11!-' j.' and "DnnnJ,rrt~" iu thfl C.L. 'flngli('i~fHl form, Cora!~IJ, nnd he- pt·opnn'rl .!r.o--:'idJle, The ~; 1 dnt\l,(''-' H11rn''- 1wow fnr' S.D.: Barrythule-.,·Uarrnidhe Vi i; !.o "P1'11 tkl word ''Crn,h;\('h," ,J'\:·f·e. 1 tiw townhwd 1~ 111 reality whriL tlw p<•o- Tuathnil, O''fnole's ur Toolfl'R W.Rnkn, a>~ I lml'f' 11e1'l:'T fn.k•d tn pnmt out, Js :'1 jpl., th'lll~<':lt'~ l'Ot·oc~.u~(' ;1.~ w~.e r•f lt>', I ''There LS nnother Harr,\'tJIHlf' ni, Loug!J. . '(in•nrpr,•u>~ orutde. J\lmh thtt ILf' )'I\~'~:"\ [;m'·-di,·i"lr•!l'l, :111d t!JP pc~;pl(' "!'11;.:' w thP: crew, beyond 0\dt·nstle." (..;,.}1.l':.) 1 :.,.".,,,·,·,,,,.''" 1,,,~.• 1 , ....'" ,·,,·,,,,,.,' "lll' or~ tnform;ltwn. ·MnHl u:d'nr!Hnll:(']y· , 1 ard~·h'' i•• i1• t:tct tiL'~' r·, 11TPd 1-'iJ!..':i;w;. ' UIIU8Ual form th;.,, 1f •·orrer·L. Tlw Cuf';'iif i ·>''[:-.till IYhf'n, as fn·qnP!ltly, h(• .tldnbel'l in , . ·,·List form, "DntrngPrngh.'' \P11ds ~Oill"l' · I · 1 · · I' ' t 11 ' ·I '1'11P1'f' ill'\' tw11 l'i'f'u~~I! 1 ~P(! sub-dil'!-;innR. ,. ' ... F-pr:-eu · 1011 1(' l"- 1'If' LLP'U n n!.';nln • 1 ·1. tGruch---Ttl: ",Cll()(:, ,.'. tu 1 1n t.PI'\Jret\)lllill, 1. tll(l :lt ~(' 1 1 1 Yhn-ne ~a 11 :u _ 1 colour he bough aL:d to ~~IH1 tll!' imrtt'(',.~J•ill t1L111 iltr• 1 ,._ loldf>1' n. ~llnP~' fonll, DJUlllJ;:Ul'P. :-;ug- _indr.:I\I(~Jlt IH~ Pl'OIIf"T(ltll'("l i::: f,,ull. n'J\\· '., ·- I th~· h>Jt,otlll~~nd r:l' iiH' hllts. and : <'f'!-.1:--1 the 1\l(ol'f' nntnrnl Gnbhilll' f'r ~ ,:, I ·1 t t I 1 U1 Correag.:~ t\•rr 1L:1idJ,l(·lt, till~ ;•,n>,VI•' "" '('l';•r r lltn~t. <:flY t wt t \(i pc· fl 1'•\'e r ·'' I' (;:olil.<,nr .. th(~ rlllp.;t• uf t!te gud t1,,, lo~' l- n!·n"'· · ! Grettchcin 1 HluUJH:Jin ~;rt'. 'Jam:s of th.-. nnnlf'. :n1d n:nn• ·<'I', tl1r• 1 1' r-Id ~" 111 '"· · \ (~) Paurk aa f.!arf4.--·l'ntn· JL;.~ hcf'an', . I '. • 1 ,, i I) G::lri.J<:<:i'lj --(>HJ'1':\1( 1hC' C:l~l\, th~ ,· nort h r>rll p>~rl 0 f i I11s t .. v 11 nnq J', l":lr,;B< t.'lP. fit>ld of tlH' !1011~. C\'P:v, 111 pl;lce- ,aii! ~~ hq~~ 1'1 q,(' \)('\''I -.;lll'''{''' '1')'"("'1',)1 ;.!<•· d,':' I'; ]1:\lllP:~. f'llll\lll0!1!y llli'.I!1S r::I'OII!.Hlle~t.:f: 1 j IHr't 0'·(.,,! I, t1H.-1.1kf' or tllf' lllr!'(' 1':11'1'1)~1 ··:, ,, fir• ''· ' fowL . 1 'IJ 1 · t;llGiarrm(lre--{::(:nlnjU>r·. 1:1(' hie'_:· . : "-n t•:tll<"d fl'Om 1t.:- ~hnpt>. ( ~' <' ·r::tet 10 ~" · 12,1-) DrUmheel--1 li>~n: ~::<~L 110 ~atil'>f:w- /os~tnnlr pn\•[1·\· for Ill' w:l-<1 dl"'!,, f~lt'P. t.(lr~- :-;pel!ing. ,\'e:dtPL' Dn11t11 An!. th~ ' "l,:H•hnin t) Lowh 1111 dui gCnol." ( l) P",!lh'IH!;'~1 )',I~ :'-·h:-'. tl:f'_hig ~t•lle · \\hole rid"''· or llrnin1 .\qd, lht• rid:rp of ( ·,, ·~·!le "IJu;~;:nt•~-." '" • l•1~ n (lnnra- - "' '> "'l•·ro ~o•ht · 1 ' Jl1~1 lnne, 1nll e"'\'lain tlte h i11 tb1· A n S"""nl lf.l "" • lin• 1,\ j 'au, tiiP il• cif' !'l'OOI\t•d phi'\''-'~ ,,', --~-.~ · ,,. ~:ngli~h fnrlll. :\ r. OTonH<'ll h:1!'-, I !w Lurgan Parish----{Continuad.) 1•·l f\"W'f' n' Thmn o1· a• C!toii1n -fim·.. !{eve, ,:;epn the 11nn 1e ~pl'uim Cant. l1 1.·• l'.ur:• \ :onloJ\L;I 11;!., ;liP !l'llro',>' !!('id. Tha; would, nf f'01ll'~e. givP Dnnnkf'cl 12 COi'll<:l:.ihellk~, ;1 ri 1-''i' ihr••n~~ll nf the nnrrow pi.H"~, ml~~ht rlo. 'llw ,'i''_.t\_o!ll'h.rum.'' l\lr. U'CoiJ!lCii 1\ll•) lLflJf'~"':' ,, -~·'1 loo;_:: .~.:.;('1•:.) \1r·. ()'('I)IIIH'II l•:loi_.. no"n RIHVf'~' glYf'S ''IJudlimony and 1

hetol:f< A •,;,1'.', .. fJIIl~ t;'I·J Un•nr,IH·e Kttne,\' Jinp h111~·· · 1 ·,:,:,'.1\l·.',-':. ·,','",',',',',l., •. l.,,',",',·.,,la,,:,' ,/,·~, •. ~.. ,ltf'.:',,",,'.,:~.· 'jl.nn:.nLLHI'f','' 'lhif•lt wuuld ~"><'Pnl to hf'l l whe11 '.rntHIJ.~, WYt:S "L'-Ilh :,t'('tr'' as :Ji~~·'.. .~ .. • • l_'odl n.' :\1\>ttille, t-l1<..> woorl ni j/1(' .... hnth- ·,loeJMf'dP •OI•Illi;tHt 'lWt\H'<~LJ CunLa~!te~k':-,_ .... ,1., :r·nHISt\t•!y 1,,. :1\ 11';-:',p,] t'l n l)::h- iofor:·. :111d LP:H~;Hl r-r: l•1l1lt::.r, 1i1e l.o11;._: 1 ,. attu 1\:::Hon,l.'' '1'11e Un1. >"il!l1''Y ;\t~I]J·~;- ,\•!: )1•.,11t; B()t~ 1'1"• 1!.• -~. 11<11>1' 1 \'1, do1 "flt 111'! ,,f thfl ~·eK !n•<·. Are \ltr>,q• tiC11ltro:-; noiN~ ll•t Hlt'fl nnn;e; f(lr Kll!.~l.e0.n,:). l,hiP. Hll'! 111 ::11y 1:: <'. n11 lu1·l:<'1' 111· n•n,(;o~!,prt-'d hr·nl!,l, 1 'lom],•r" ].:(Ctt•llt< l..haot::'JI, the bP;u:tl\nl W(H,d) U.Ji'. 'Jlllf',\'. \lr. ()'C'olllll'll f-ll·t:·i l,kit !he i1ii:\IIO c!:l) Drwnmuney 'Ill':; 1.~ rl(•jo;']~' \;'R ,,~·anl.e. 1,, .. , '~- \' ., "~•l~<•c"''l'!l 'I•JI ""'1\('('ll''d." So:1.<• . plur.rl nf Drunn, tltouglr I ·:.,tl Lto\ r>lil"' ' 'fit(• P,l:-ntal,on lVlap 'Cor·na- · ~,;;i~~~,' ..','',·, .. ,.l""~l "n~~~t·',,f•ri T:lllth l'f', 11 na•s- ~,'· \d11ch l11r1TI to _\';g'P. 1 iJ:"'l" got tlw )W1: FlU-"~~"-'·· , ,·.·, .~ _ :•~; fH""·I·il· ·'1:'~111 nl•n•·Jatwn ho1l1 ;u;; Dhrim--~Hdt t.e. {t:l, Gu.rnasiieve---"Cr'IT na H!iai 1J1 ",,. lt If LOJ hf' IHILP.J th:n LI!P Onlin:nH'o:> llruimn;dhe rtn·l J>hmn1' .. w! '.1'., llro!tl· 1' th;) I'Oit• d r,li nf tlte tllo1U:t:dlli-i, \lmt'ld · !;,uni'Y Htwlluq:~; of tiLfl town!'Uo!ltH"I lt>ih Ill•' ;,lt(' h ll:s ('il\'11-,,h:·pdi,j ."''",";'k.1fl<'1'p~·Lria~e;l, w~ h:1Y~' h~;~Hrd lW tt:tdi~'··•' "''-' h>lnl fllread,\' nnled tilt' '•.\;t'' l\\1:,.il h~lllfl d111L !t~,; tind,; di,li C:ll'll 1:, l'I'>~H.'Uilr·,•d ., --.~.1 I)Jl .J... <1€pflr.•t.f'~ ilw~ ft-om l•:n< t,CnJ,-:~[,-raltatt ;~(_(Jl'u ·11 \,r'!:lii,J (Lc;t.nct. lt Ill'' laUer· ·.. ~ ~-,.,1," ' An SOOIUir•lcM.•.~,;··.·.! l'ariBhl. M\' attPILLL'l!l h<~» h(d 1lte 1-1 m t!io 1:1;.t ·!l .\1!.. ts usnal!y ~lwJt., ·in \\'.'H. t 1 ··(:orn;dl•}n'' 1)1 thf) Du\'lll (1'51 O'Conlnell notes lt ll' ICr RJ:.!Pillll~ of tiLe ·:·,_/)i the pr.._:uu~tctat 1 ,m as rmnmge,~l:· J!,·lr. C!) Taur Fectun l't:l" 1•' ·wlltll. .i "d\llt\l :,_·~,"loatlf'a, Ml(• t d'r1,l'!llllg out of- ~1chnn g, :efl i,he r;nme. but,.,\,\" that i'r->i·lt.,1,.; llr1-h. 1 i1a•.-,.. lt?ttfd I!! no 1 11 .'itlw l[;fu{'ll]t. t. I P<~lni,:ll!li,L''ll. Jrn·r·e 11101 e coilt!l1rHdY a siPnder \I HuUtH.i i,; ..[ ,ii11, 11 a,lilc;un..(. lo: th ~ ~L. l•\•:-111!1 '( uv~1HlH J ;,., t.n,uL!l'~:nlll"' pout~ ol gn;nt- .~· he,ud m<;tNHI ~Jf tlto ~- "C'nmn 1~a ·1 Fuo'(•, f 1\'ondl'J '! 1-lis Jt'aHt day le. .J,n,u~ .,,- ': ttWI' by I' .. "l;!. tt "tit(> t:er uf the ~-{,a:JIL." I J),leann, tl e I lee nf till;' Hood, hevauf-? an l :1!'\' 2 1 h. 1 1 :;.c:j _H,l "~·'" t!1at 111 t!nr: tnst~IIH'iJ Col' "1:;; ·old tl'ee ~a~ uc.ed 1111 a ftHJL-slLck w tiuod ··:~~) f'i'.&urcathubber- T;i;re :1 -, tai\f>ll !oi';IIL• as nteai\ill/.1; 11 r!e:• '' .~·, ·- , ~;me'' \P.O.C.) 1_ tho '>Vf'il i1l'id. . Tho n'w'er'• illr:al op•lllOll t;(Jt'c. lhJL "'J he Hu:.h '' :rs a bw-;h . (I) "Pairc a Hill ··r a rt lw Loll~] .~ifl..,·:>~·"<;., 1 (]L')Jll~ --Tl1en~ W~i.tb---C'<1n f1rm. ,- ~-,!ne-ar t.he l'lltll' \lhBre the b;Jnsh~:t> usNil I a' Chd1 or a' \"L>~olb, sed<•t<'' 18.:\LI•:. 1: ln j)JO Down Stit'','C\' J,liljl t-ht: SOJllilPn;.r·.i'T·;·· :tu {'l'V" r;o;.\1•·1·~-) '\IllS 1\'to\dll ~~(·m to 'Piilr~ a' (;lplJi>, i!1e fiP!i(nf tiL•': ~.Jl(lllt ·-.';part. ~-·:•'111': t·•,be ).:il'l;~r a. ··t :1J· ~:n.~h.'' ' . l'>tlO'~<~sl IHHIW dct;n\tlvo {rom "1-\i.e, 1 JtatlvP siPndpr "d'' pron'HlC:atloLL. : ab111-~gr:·-.~ed , (G) Srah- -Srarb. a rive-r r•J•.'ttlution of r f~,r I, ~ll'll.hnL dw LU"lte red little hdl. · j (:l) Cm·,\<'lt. 'J hr.g. ,:; Clann (or plHral, Clnmntt J)i,,ltilll, the , , 1?) Booley---Bu:'·~ Ji.<'.'. mi'l~:LL/-', Jit'ld I (l\ G<'""''.''''lf-L:l:·•·;,,.Jj,,~ {l11 t,lr. ~,{: Di'ifJH CUHLlL!'Y. for wh 1(·1 1 thvtr.' o:•Juld be -~; C!li) Dunanon.ry-·.:1'!',1n \,•,,, 11 ·, j,':.tnJnlt ll(,l hisl.onr·:d ,,:tll'<\!1\. · m.tll' drHHJ 1\0Ul(l ooeelll ·I·O bt1 .lw ol1\ 1 (:;) ~.~nil;~lwl;}e--.:\J.i!a BltlwliH· th,, \f•i- '!'he nnh 11 id t>pt':i•lll4 l have gq(, il" 1 t•;<,errreuu,.oJL. 1\!J. O'Coruwll, lti1\1t'' hw h:li bt·u-,1. P;-npot·ly •. 'p,• n the old paLJS!J regt::.Ler · ! tPII.'!, 1hn d v.; !\l(ll]~., 1 ('.F. ·'Cranrle:~·nq 1 m~· ~.IPndet' lo•i i(•mpl ... port JH~n~f, pa>- hilt. Suh-1JerwlllR.. ·. ollli:'l' sheltf\l, 1\:u('ll 1\ottl.-l sui• ,... 1":1 Garrysalla~h--Unrl';:n;]J,, Sn.,l ':n•h, (] l Tohar Padntlg--T!Jis WU$ ouC't;' a ;"• "lcl•:nn gnes !h(! JHuJJUtH"i:d,t· 11 V ~lw l;ar•,!E:'II tlf the Sllit,v \ow.:10~, \•u;·a: great reso1·t o! pllgrim_s \'oho eams ~hE;re' j1·ur.v. whteh it>a\'''· ch,.J 'lllt"JI '' U!t(>J"p. I i rorn alt )HHL:->. The \\ell wae~ :;:t.selt t.n- ·.; tiiOl!l,;h ''''~ \• ondt•l ~· ;.;L ,',\c • ~~. f'8.irc Bh~m, tl>r>\\lldl' 'if•id, juH~d t.hroug;ll mulong a dralll ne;.tr tt. lsluH1 :.).:~ ..... ,.-""· · · (;n P~iirc 8:1e~.g-, tl1e'v I:Ptd. 'l'htl 1w Lee gn:n~ on 1,:--1 ll:lllks, and , \JN "}•,(/'< 1 ' I t I) 0.. 'we~. ~lh.," ,, I ,,,,,.' 111 i. 1'f' r:1u·.· wns a great sper•,fjr· !or· vuo(' 11'· I.··s !\1 · !•''i } ''"' .,._....- 1 l,:., ,, J .. a<~h· · ·.'bnog, tJ:c; hla•·k hok. Lusnal~·e iR prol,:1bi,V !.11~ na L&OJ.',.l, >2-' ,' ""'V~-:· (!-t) Correagl1 G:ie~e ..... J'lt·~. :ls ltn orpme qr gold~n o;,l-:-.drag~ 1"\'(hun au~'), ·'.:.i;.'-· " -;,, po1·11,od ~ a y~·low illallt. 'l'ltef~ 1:. al~o LU!i tta ~:, ..· ·:' ' -- : spel1tl'i •-Ci!n:•g!," 111 tlw 1.1 11 \111 Sl!rV{',\. .L~·.~c·lt, j,Jr;~>w(lrk (Hh•,dc,da Host'.l)~ r , j On t.he ~[r'•ugtil ul t:u, 1\1 1·. o·(;oli'L"il To bar P an ini('J '.~: 111 ,F 'll·l-• tlti) Curragh<:loghan--Cu_rrn{'h a-' CJ o- wh!eh J had bt>IH'I" J~lnl u 1· it;ll.. it ·JK 11: eh:lll\, the bog of the stepplll~~ stonmc .I he notPd Llwt h(' sp<'li·• 1 11• n:.uH· (•01-: 1:..! 1 (17 Curraghkesl and (!::-l\ Curr.aghmore n•Hl ih:~t 11t• ~;n'f'fi a'• 01 :P uf dte tw11 d,vJ~ .. The LernJitwtions ;L11.' a:- h~1lon:l me e·:. r;ionf-1 int,J \l'h,ciJ lhe townl.tLld is u 1 ·..-u~(''! d.Jstindive-- .. ··C:.~•Jl,'' s!en1ler; ''11Ur.·• ''Co;TPa~~h_.:' whi\'lr,' lh·· 1 n 1 :e~ :·t'orr lo1g. Cnrr:u:h r;.;, of Potu~ll, a h11g. ··~.;;·c·. :;.;·.,,J;c;, , I .JhM~It, ?.~ '1e urtd he('ll (ofl<.~ 111 ;: 1 ] 1 - 111 ~ ''l don't k1ww how 1ho name'i wer.~ np- , I to IY tu•\ ;{) l'td p\i{'r\, as must. of tile tnwnlgnd JS lngh loO •11nd 1 b. lwen, a bog ul I .b.) Lurpn Pari8h-(Contin.,.d,) Ramor a.nrl its, isl&nd11·-:Mr. already denlt delightfully in his paper read to the ""''""'"'· We h:tve, there­ the names o-f the from those of ad-

I' • .....1_ ' -' ,, ...._\:. .,.,,,~..MiLL..AGJ.1 . ' •' :V • I ~ '-'>i:"" "' ' ' ' '"""-'-~ ~ . - -- - MULLACH PARISH.

C'ft'a Mr. O'Connell has already dealt ex_.. whose haustively with the parish itself i,n his be more like! v to paper to the Anti'\unrian Society 1 pub­ harveAt" t'han lished in the "Ang o-Celt'' on Aprd 4th, .Tuly 7th. is _g:;ven as frr.•m 1921. . 1 Glendalnu'lionflr.'' Saint.s unrecorded names as l have &'ot, as we 'trnvf>l!ed far anti wide through the have not ~n a hie to enlist a smgle k>ca! ·, c011 n try. collector. Now that we are dealing with 1 The farnou~ -~\1una~h Oghrm. loHt for the pnrish, 1 trust that we may he able ifo.rty YE'nr~ flnd rec€'nth• re~t1iH~·ovNed h.v to suHceed in interesting some persons in :1\.fr. O'Conue-11,, iR in Tem\)\~·kelly. Mr. 1 the paruh tu make lists of unrecorded .Q'Crmnell mm•t h.m.w!f tel the storv oi .1 names or traditions. thnt. · Townlands. ··i There if! a folk de-rivation of 1 kelly :,iw\ ibiu.-..; thf> tHlll\e to a (1) Annagharnet-'l'he name ia spelled :\:".el1y· .. 1\---HJ, wha•_t ~1o:vhol~ ).(t ,, , ''· aa it is at present in the old Cavan Liflt, · .("~"oWdPd (jlJt owmg t-0 n pln~.Pf'. odett>d and almost the same, viz., Anagharnatt, a t~urn~e to he hurled at R;111 t a van, m the Hearth Money Holl. '.£'he Down ;' ''wheru ho h1msp.'f wo1tUI. h~ ht>riP'-L'' Hurvey and Hook of Surveys make it ; In R,1nhvrn. lived Henr~· Hrnokf'. thP ;: "Ankernought" and '· Anakarnaght/' re- 'roo.t n.nd ~rnmntist of Anne'.> reign, and :r :1 spec~tive!y. .Mr. O'Couuell tell!! ID-J t.hat mtimnt~ fr:end of Swift. t'h:n·)otl-€' \< .. ; ·: the local pronunciation ia "Annagha.r- j Brooke, hi~ rlr.u•rhter, wa~ the fi.r~~ in '· i mL}·." Mr. O'Connell suggests Eanat!h 1 -. ·. her ''Heliqne~ of Trir:'h Poetry" to ~!.­ '''.' ·-.'- 'fai•nocht, i.e., the bare marsh, 'rarnocht : tempt to ~··mder in gnglish vorl'!." the i·o is, however, us far a& l am aware used 1

1 poems of the ~eniRn :Jnd Hed nrarwh. of persom1 onlv. li'Ornocht would bel the 1 c.:vcles, ·we trust that Rome !ocnl :mti­ corresponding· wonl app!ied to a place. qnn •·i;•n v<:ill 1•ne day give UA an lH'(•ount (C.]' . .li'arnaght, etc,-, elsewhr!re). Neither of tho21 nrookP~. word would be, were we to tnke , (:13li Ros&hiii-I hnve not b('f'!n nlllf" t;) · ~;an~dt tn~B~~~Imehas it u!'lunlly it. There.:· find out when the m-odern name 11'<11-i tir.~t -. 1~· a posPinblhty, owever, that l~a.uach :. apnlil">rl, or \',.·ho rnn!ied it. ,,.e nn· m"re ·.'·, may have boen fem:nlne ]()(:ally. (C.l•'., f••rtunRte with this RoRehill tlwn i.l1e, Alt na-haney in Arti('l& 18.). The spelling P0sehill in the ].fagaU1'}1n's ''ountr;v. fcJr' may. therefore, be J~nach Fh6rnacht, . ... Hw old nnme of thig is pre<:erv~rl lor·al',"', the hare (really, utterly bar~?) marsh, . ·j 11.'.'' old p•::Jplf' rrt.lhJ•:_: it Aur:.:h•lnmo(l{',-.,o-- but 1 am far from solt.~stied with the in-· terpretation myaf'llf. · ', A rh nn !\lnrbdh. "the f01·d of the dr~~T~." 1 . I ,·,:,e ir•tf'T'fJ'I'!'~nLon. was oht.nin<>rl hv Mr.~ (2) Ardlow--'' .Ardlogh" in D. C., and in 1 1 .''• O'Cnnnell: othe-1·" J'-''' orw wnt1 d fe(> :11- t 1 the Grant to· Taafe, 1610. ~' Ardlagb" in ·; PliTmd to dw first Ryllahle Acbadh, 1 \. i the Cavan List and .Plantation Map. Mr.

1 , a field. O'Conne),J, who says the local prommcia.- '1'\w old !i!peliin!!R confirm the trndi- i ·,, ! tiou is'' Aria," suggests Eatharlach-i.e., >tional form. Thus: the Down Rnn·ev \."I htnd· lyinl!; bet.ween (other land or hills). ._:igiVf's twi('e as ''Ar:hr-nll'111_oe" !"lnd "APna.­ 'J'h1s lS n~u:dly applied to g' for fairly ,···:·:~,' mad ron . !lncl A n!!ht1dllibrqed." '1'1•"' p0r~ obvious t·t.•.,.aontt. (C.F ., "(Hen of Aher· ·:.-~ re-:-pond:ng Book of Snrve:v f rrnfl h€ing J.,w) Eadnrnad, a.nother form vf the ·' '' .\p:hauvader'' and "F1•ewnr!rnn nnd same. gives "i'~df';nle:'" Rnd some similar · .IJ.rchekillihrirle." 'l'.'ith simiinr fon111~ in name~. The alternat-ive, Ard J.JOch, tho ·', tl1o Ac-t" nf Sett.iPment. Tn th{'< F'1 1iot,t. high lake, does not ee~m applio9ble. 'Crnnt (](Jli)\ W<• hnve "An:hn'f'rtwnn'' and -~ (3) CIO&hballybes-C!oghba.lly ill, 1 ,,. j '';\c!hnntfl,n:h" ;tlflo JIS n Rub-denom- ',·. ·.Jroad or pass, or Cioch a' Bh"ata1p;h, th~ I in=>t:,m nf Rr:~<>hill. !1nn~ren11v. ' 0 0 ' \:H) Seeharan--"~·;hnranf'" in ~he .?..; ~- ,. '{~,i ~~~~~fch ;p;:!~s v;;;ho!'o~:~·r t';e ~1:r~~~~: ~: ('pV:In t,:~t: '',-)eehnrrl" in n. f.lt1rvey; \! ·• ~) · ·~>;; lOf,ts--i.e., the st.on<:~ homestead, or, per· '"Rkeh:1.rrl" in H. of .Sur,·evs: "Rr·he-hnrd, ·_ -r_ haps, the stoney trnvn!e11d is also pos· .also ~h·ehnr,1." i11 Act nf Rett.lf>ment.. if ::, Rihle .. We find it in its p-tesent form in 1 RtlH1lw ~rd .. -Hw h:rrh "<'d. or hn'hita- '. the Hearth l\loll•.'.'-' Roll, ancl practicnlly t.ion--is "Mr. O'Conpe'l'R intMprPtatif>ll tht~ (Ciough:wU:-1 in the_ 1609 Map. 11 shrmld not h~ f.i.Oq:n·iq:.rl. ~l10nld th~ ' The Cavan L1st and Act..- ~,,f &ttlemen~ lpn"<>ent-dn_v srwllinv rPrJre~e-nt th(>· E"or­ forms, Clo:;;hva!ly :md Clag:bave~\y sug­ . n~('t prollllllCint!on. if the la~t syllnh!e iR r.;est a Rlenr1er h (bealnch), while the .'a I'Pt'WHlll\ 11l1mfl. Down Survey und Book of Surv.:lJS gives 'flw ol< 1N ~pe'lin11~ Sf'Am to ~how t.he Clo~hwely and Cloghwoolly, StJgg~stive '~w1me h"s ht""ll f'Ol'rnntPd. T~ it S~each of Uha1le. h1gh whitet.horn bn<>h? The Heg is mere~,- to distinguish from Clo~h'hallymor~, st-ill regarded locally as . An SMIAire Booht. <';' nn mdepen ···.1, ~~f~~~f~g J~d~ower-S~e '. (~) DUn Dubh, the- hla(:k doun; a.rnl L :.:1 se.parate ttwni.and, -~ (3) DCL!l. hir, the m,iddte doon. \'."·· .lMlY ·!ot'lli 1'1~t~n ; (22) Drumra~---Dn.t~m.H~thu) the r~df e rf· ,- {.~im·h mny he m ·'.of the fort. .I' or old 111pellwgs, ':lee C.!l :~ I ~s a ntle, \ -_.c;agh ante. Drunll·at, .Act of t\etLlcllie.IIL· : ", _,"l place-names ·i. and Drumratt .. 'J'aafl'e , J rumntw» wbJ(,;h is pnH.•. ic~ !', _. ' .'1 See Mr. O'Connell'a article. ally t 1te form 111 wlw·h the name o<'4 uu I·· : (5) Clog:hbally Upper-See No. 3. Ill tht> Pll\nt.ltlull .i\-lall, VIZ., Drurorol . I ·:-:-.;:.{; -:::- s.D.: Cruckroo--Cnoc Ruadh, the red (23) Enash-i'JauUI(;h, a lllarsh. b~ ' :".;"<'-'\~" hill--mostly a bog. note on the uame ta Arti:lc X1/ lll. l ...... ,- ·- .. 1 (6) Cloghergoole-:-Clop:hurgole in D.S. ''('at'I'Jganenngh,'. 1111 the H<-!AJth Money 11"' "~-/:>t:~',\ C~eyargooioe, Pla.ntat1on Map. The Ca.vnn l~ol! hH m. 'fhe t-c1 n-auahon of th4 !at- "> .:.~_-<'/:~':.<).,.". >) I.. 1st and Hearth Money Roll spell as at ter JS tu be noti'{L ·.. ·! pre~ent. Mr. O'Connell gives "Cieffer~ L!·n Glei:J.e 1 hHe ,w>t· uo lnsh name, I) ··· ;·:;;;-" .. ":l gool": as a.n alternative IK.Jeal pronurwia~ and fr~ Hl dit:! Dov.u Surv.ey 1t "\\oit~kl ap- !~ 1 ''"·-~ tion. · C"'.och ar Ghnhh8iL the stone on the peat that tll;s tov. ulaud "as c Qt 'llff from lr . ·~, .... :~... .- ... I river fork, ra. th. er than. Qloc~hnr GnbhSla, Hantavau. I he fad that a lt~ie. pur~ I " ~ ,.'·"•"j ~he Rtone:v place of the r1ver fot·k. r twn {thtee aoe:~ 111 fllthl) ts { tit.i c:Jt!" from : ~-:,:;'~~'· 1 H.D_.-l.isnganny, locnll.Y interpreted Lhe majiJt po1 Lwu, and 111 t.he l•·.l!Tt of 1 • '. .. +-'· the lJtoB of the ~and. n-nmenmh JR usn- HantaH\11, 11:1 pe(•nli.~lv femini.... ... _.lj the ~P;Ciling would appear to be Lios. a' ,: m:-~tam:t: \ill h.tu.awley .Pansh).,r 1_ nute 'v·'·/:K-~,y·-:~<:,(;·'": Ghtummhe. t!tat tins _detached. p~u·t ts fl;IV<~l~ 111 a. ,1/'.>;_.---t-':;·.:_·:'"'·'~: (7) Clonarney-Cluain liirn~, the mea-- Voters' Ltst_ u.~ "Ci~ciJabog." JU bog be :r:·,J-;·.'~·_,:.-r::.->\:.- dow of the sloes, not u m,:.vnnt fnt· ."-;g, th~ re;l:-~on for,! ''; ,}'$?:\·~ ~.'1 (~) Clonmaomara i'IJ }(oparently Cluain the deta<·hmeut IS 1u\l·ly ohVIOtl.ll. :', >:·~:>' ···j Mhtc Mur<~hadha, Mac orrn'Y's meadow, · (~5) Greaailalogh .-Nu1 smaller' portion. -~, ·-.< .... :" .._::· th?l~gh the first part may he Olnnn, the of which in Killinkere fH\l'iab has, <~>I ready <<·'~~t ,1,::1 or descendents of------.Tb~' boon .wted. Tbis divtd./.ug of 1.1 town- .. ~,_,, .. ,.,.··~)).H. makes Clnn McMorrew· Act of F*t- laud between too pariflt•Y3 i.'i J~o>.. ~euliar. tlemen~, Ctowre McMorren; ~Book of Sur- rrhere are, us far al!l J rec!~r<:t, tHt~u or. v,ays, Clowne McWa.rre~i and the Tanfe four other in·:>taneet>.".-, .Lisna'f.ani.l:y ] 1 (:rrant . (1610), c:lunvlCKnpra_gh. 1'lw -infra. · ''I 1-,.lant.atlOn Map form, Clan 1 Muragh, (26) Greaghnadarragh ...... Greuch' U.a. 1i su.~p;el'ts Claun Ui Murchadha. Durach the mountaiu fiat .of t.L.~ oak.lf , (9) Corfad---Corr:fnda Reemfi the spell- -· tJ·ee. ' 'i• ., ..)_f,.'::'j ing, thr.mgh if we are to giY~ Corr Jt!:i · (27) K.illeter-Cill lochtar. the lower l1 ._ · '\usual. "'gniti.c~rl(·e, the, "a church, if the information gi.1.-;J,n me J.:.:::-·:,:;.. '"'''>· ,llong round htll," wo11ld not be a happy looslly;, that the mitial coltll<·: iheard <1f tt. SurveyH. _ 1,, ·. . .. · ~ _ . (10) Corlat-Con Leacht,, th.u Killi-Jghter (F:lliott Grant .. 1610)·: anrl. !p.~- :-. '\~'f.llull of the grave. ~ , Kem{~hwr, 'iu Plu.ntatiun .llap. ' i .:~>;co ,.\~-- p_l) Cornaglare .er Palmyra--"l\_~t·r_ n,~ U~ch~ar an~ Iouhtar. lower atl(\ lllppcr, Jl,:,_ _2,.:'·~~,g~lar,yu~ roun.d In II o~ tlte MllO{Hh tie!th aa· dlatu\guu;lung namtHI. ou~ht tn mean ·. 1:.. :"·, ... ,. ·-".~·:1·\l.O.C.) Of hvd. the Nprthern and Southetu. Tho ·ua•Y._ are-- i k-1.' ~···.'' + ·";.;,;:,;-::- 1)(:,..~1. C.m·v~y, ··.< 'on~uglnre(~." which is .l.. , .-1.1 L ..... ,J .. , .. ,J 1-..t., , 1 -:--· -'~;.~' _ r 1 -"\tJOfi/('IH-!.¥.·U. Tllll!·j,rhlt., },\1; 1,})~ p,nly Oll$ ' .. • -~-·,-~., ., c ·.,_•l:.:'~'t'f~.;;.:, '·, Huh-Denomi:.a\,il~n::.: (l) Sur11a11· ·•:meqm'ded hy au o:d heap''-· --correcL, t-!!nrn:i.n, I pBople'" , lof'al r.ronunciadon the ros.-dsiti•'-'· w hieh the fu'St ' r '' BOOtro slenclor, tho , ho•;it,cticm Reeves, Joyco and thor ~ host.lory hore-possdbly' me somewhat. who Mvo givon a difterent; but a publichouse on "Carmury " the D.S. form. t.hor~1 ~V!tS is for this are hopolessly' even in t,b(' 1 \Jth ceT'tury. "A last S.D "Bonehrook." I cun get no> ,:::~;~rJtl/ at's" on a infnrmat.ion as to the orig]n of vhe r wrong. 1 Th · "b h " (b On lliachlo.v Lough we h;tvc tbo B··on's day was, in tho bad old faction - ort~ IR a UI1srno nn u .... · 'I Island, so called frcm Baron Do T"ent' froqU\"mtJy tho ]Weludo to a. ba~tlo the som·~o o f th - os t ream ) i:\lmt m· 1y h I' ,. , l .-. · · · h 1 w o. wed in Brachlov House about tl•e How old exuclly t.his road is it on o.W ,,ooTll'Hl l'IVOl' lit cAJ ]''Ol.'manag , .; ~ T 1 ]d t b' ·,., 1 ., ,, B b k, .-- 1, midd.le of the 19th century and b"~lt a lJ im]lor. ·ihlo to cnnJ'ect,ure. One of t.hose days - ~ tou no '-' surpnno( ono roo :· 1 ...... I · 1· t • J•t' r ·] · · , studio on the island. I have b••n unable I ""'l'• pnrhnn..s. fhtd tirno to write more , 0 n JV\- rt.Ja r~rs <~·lOll u o >f' s~:nne. '"" h c 't · d · d ·· 'tbfindanytraditionast.otheislandl,.,~,..;~,~ fulbc of it,, t was,. t.his uarne, I think. which ~ ) (''u zz·1-ar1' -~ ot L e,o.c, woo y, as ts nw. e:- .. ""'~ .... ,. ,J ' f• sun:go•-;t.ed Porcy French's "Prtdo of '.·'o"" '-'~ •O rr 1 tho fo•m... tvva; e•r • 1·n tl1e D .~;.S uvar had a name previous to h-i2---- "U.pca.uv,y-=ncy rotrf1Vore.'' •t-crn •.._~·killew.'' of Brachley. -- ___ ..------' I) AughnacolUa~~'C,o.iJ nA (8) D~._-"Oott~e ,a' 1).1,,, the oak- Toberpatl·iek-tob,o,Jj-1 f.J-..e•a k·ney givon iu D.S. as "Clone~ tai1oly fhs t.ho Irish 1:>.1_nlling. 1 l) K 1 o- · d qnirh.>U," L-\t-6e but-Do Colla!':;ll." Joycfl makes it Cl-u1.<.\tl-C-u1pcne Thi.s i1-1 the correct Jl'ish ctpalling. . '.·-the yellow hill face. (2) Garn."-aymundhiv---:. · · Gqrkt) Pullya·I'J'an-----pott A' su.sp1ewus of such an mtes·pretat.wn. me t.hat. it. may be a variant of tho . -IF;cAJi,,-'tn. (in the river) the horso-p~wl. : (') ClontycMuayhan "c..,r,_,2,oh" and (I ) Ho11e1n~ure 1Titnne A 1 1 I) 1-1 th '' Clontectu·Wthr"u " in the D.S~ and C.L. 1 "'u\h\i.,\tlAn btu-De," the yellow ragwort, .i ;:::·J,yow'"'t,hickot./.1'I - t -u o.\11.. e' ''"' rospe-ci.ivoly. 'l'ho Irllih spollir..g soelllS to be: a vm-y nommon weed. I would suggest, ,~_,_ ·-1 (I") ~,r, · l fll • , k. <' · tl d ther(l'foro as interpretation in this CaM >·'--.: i •' ..i~.Lu~nea- t;tnt~-<\ .. , a. nee '<-UA1n~C-C.uJ111b.Cotn-- iO mea ows of the , "-t.h•J bog· ovm·grown with ragwort." In ;_,.ij%·:~ • (14) Owen.c~-m---.<:\UAt_nn cAm, th~ crooked place full of corns; por;sibly c.s.m is ust:td in mot>t eaows wht~l~ .1: ·.1.~'!'"' ,,,~ ·-:.~'8 iu.,v- 9J, fJ~--~nvor. S.D. s (1) Gahran (c.:>u_'t::j1An, Lhe l the son so of n cam-shaped hill. , 1aoo nKm(-l it-iS-lOcally rendered as though'·:.... );Y~,:rowan troe), fl·nd (:3) Black Park, (3) '! (8} O~r. Ahh~lugh ·wo h~:·e frequently f;, woro simply the adjective b-u 1-oe, yellow.'.-·->"< Pulbrndda.yh, a :tangorous quagmire. , Imo.- t .. t~1s . wun~ m comp(A'Jl'~Ion, a note (G) Derryvahan-----'Oo'i'e A' ti1e-<\i.Atn, oa~-~- ·,;R---pott bfl.~y.¥:,, uho t.roacharou~ hr.1,. ' rogardmf1 .t n:~'Y noi; be out. of pla-ce woorlnf the saP;liD_g ox t.:Vig. T~ia appraxi-) ---< !J'.- No. H: 1t; (contmued). 1 The---u,)~·" i~ alrnvnv ~.;pt-ih:Jyr·N::tr·ictod rnatup. to wc·'".l oi tho middlo (pla.oo) or in the middle.~--.:-:: hou'*l. A C.r·omwellw-11 sto_ldwr bml'u a:· j O'_R.'s Dwt.. ) ''old Kennody of l"f ,-~. ,,;iw 1 f-,.-,\- house here and t,ho snr.d used 11, t.Jw mot·un· .~ I{tliyc_ar ., foi t!tt:o l'::;ud(y nceep~ed int.or-- _.._ r:; lJn~-r~ngh-----'Ot'Ulm berte-AC, biJ-'( h ~:f,.. ~-- ~ was yellow," (i::!otm Dul~-1!.1 }. 'l'he old Li' nw' \ _pl'O~;;,'.. l(.n "a L'OULd ili ll." • Frun;. lVZr ridgo. y ,. --->1 of the town.b~-Jd (trad.tL~mtal) Aglca- c •.11 Ron.?y 1·:Iol'l'i8 r g.ot a.n?tllel' f~X.d m or~

I (H) rJarva1·y i" a. COITUpt.ion of somo;'·',\idumderg-<-':C-":o 'PPOm..i· '001\\)• t.ho pluin 'oL.boratf:l oxp1u,nuL::.on gn·1m L1m by a dmivitive of 'S·'llll, l'ough, indicating rough~: >·;j of the ,red.,:Hl,'jo. ~ . 11 :B~arr.oy sh,.. u.ehy. At:cutd.iJ,g w his in- I lan~·. P'lRc-:ihly l'·\l1U AC:t·:O, the rough fiold.. ,.,?'-J_ S,D. s liwlds _{1) Blackp_ark, (.:-) !Vh~.le.--, ,J !l.l',m.Unt L~Le r;:reM, rn:.'jv·Ly of tnll' [ish· (51) Oubtwgrc,'·. -E;t1b n6 sc1'1o 1ue the pn k i-~-'r :<_1 park. (._..) Rock Jteltl. (4) l')_zlnpar,.;, (.;) '1 he· : ~~ •_s, 1 ro J.hlgod ("Ott~1:m). A..tugh m-anunatically -"·····... :· (cnoc-•~peil.lJ.c\(:, rough land. Thfl :__ .·-- ~ t? the townlan.d tJi_ rorr~1~wa). (9) C'l!r:«?h- i.e., covo.n:.l \\ i':h r-llichu!s. I can make !!'~· 1 lower _l)f~rl; of t,he t.;:;wnlac.d was forlllE!d , [ ,_·_ ·:_ 8£1-ll-a bog lll thl<. and the adjut_l·u g i 1 !;:.o s:lg~c-:::rt,ol_' _v. 1Lh rO.l)· l·d. to the fil's.t p:~ 1-t;_ t·."·fJf·'···· ~~~-llod "_ Hinnbeg " in eontmst. to· Lhe la.sZ.! .' ·:<:_;)town,lnuds of ~1·~mlnhor and Cuil~agh, ., 0 • - .t.hOHJ :,l o.... StJ~. u:;.· 1 . c.d!f·'l' u.Iu·s u 1 th.e ,...::.~:;1\' ~~ ho C.L. gives nn namo for•' '-'iPl'C:b,tbly-curtt~"c ~ r~e~.t~, the bog ot t,ho ~ · count-y bo!:JJ·.Lu [; w11h Con os or· Corns. .>/~-~ H.inn.beg, Viz., "Gortnoboy" whieh is_:, ·; 1Ftnp? ~r streak {o~ dn-'lswn_). ' (L) J.)u-,·:_,;.',0 cy-~"Ooq10 11Hl1n~, t.he o«k I -.... !J·"Obilh(y sop:r:: btnUe, tho yeilow fiold. " .. · _(16) Tonlegee-t:on~te :)-6.01{:) back to the~ 1wood oi thcJ ,,Lit:f-._t;t, r' (I_,) 7'au:ru~.-;h- -·:r::.o.riol1.--,.C, the tif)ld. 'wm~: "-. l (1.-) _Erru.·rcu snums to bo ,:;onv~ c01-rup,ion 1· u:) T'iJ-llar;.d-ree:n. The locu.l ru·on.unda.-1 _(11) Tullybrack---cut.A1$-bt~CAC, speckled:- ;or O_lpt:eAp ''l.;..>;t.em," ,. Uniod·i_,," 111Jd! ',.'' i iL~< Tnllf,E-r,d.:;~·J'eon •m;:;goots t.he interpreta~ hill. . _, . . . . :~ "Urt~c'' 1 " i:J'O Lho D-~l. and C.J.. _ ,-o,t.c~iug :·e-~·: -;. ~iur' r.uv. 1 ~~ b.n 1J(Hj1ln, '·t.he hill of t.helittlet (18) Tullywaurn.-a-t-utAlJ5 ,a mll.'Omt;JS:r::e, 1 o-:puc.l\·oJy. C.J,i iL bo ;.]w .. Cv1\.l.. 6 q 1c1p" ,:_-;',;4 .:;-~.~ g> \V,'' Jat1tt'l' thrnl "the hrll of theh the hill of the de_foa.t an_d, ~f my Sut'm~o be: _, I of Lour~h Cd'f __ : ,_:.:, fJl,.Je ·,.ree ' ,v~wi, t,ho sp<:Jlhng would suggfl3t. c,· accmat.o, 110t"an liHJ.J?,Pl'OPl·Iate name eu..h~r. ~ ·- '1 Lou;;h La ;'1.-:'."uylo (on YVcs1, )--toe n-6 I:_'-:~:; :For ll·~) .f;e-nybt'g'; .. (15) De-mJm.ore; (1 6)\·'•" s,.D. The Blast --a st~.rm. sw*:'pL h11l.- ! t11uU1le, t.he_:r.ku d the bnro L.ill. 1-·t'~ r -J"'"!J!, t·md (1 1) Derr1.Jr~.asleeve, soe E 01: (19) Arderry, and (..-V) Le.'l-t.ra, soo . 1! i-1 '~) G.,)·r,-.arx-"~1-JY--- '[-)o11c r.-.1. c .J.1•1•1re-, tho ·f:-,; ;, ·,dvx. •· Index. ·;·. t:,l.i.d ot tho b;...J'tY I'00k.. " GorteoL~~ilwn " /':~~"' · (18) Corracl.assy sounrt'> Jike cot~ --~J:d) Cr:rra(\hoUa Jvc~l p!'onunciation :' iu D. S. J.:.; is suppoStld t-o havo been ownod : 'i:-:~~ 9 C'1J'..:\f'.ln'l,;, ~hn J oiJlld hill of the trickSter. see:rris L-Ojl A' C-uA1Ue (-uf>.---0 as a gauoral! :.:b.-~ ' 0l':Jm,'/\ ~b~<-ll scldi.•.·r .·br.-:..lhor to the~·;.:.. '.' - · 1 1 t t fi d d' · rule in the disaict) th-;"' '"ould ·~oun th •: ~ l>u~tlor w 'J.'eulH)'.··, \dw St•ld -it for· "a -"'' .-' '. so ,one ,w,_Hl < oxpoc o UJ a t.J-a Ii.wn, · ..., •• ..,_,_ e 1. ·' ~ ~ L11t t"wugn l made caroful enquir·y 1 eonld "round hill of ·Lhe post.'' CUA1tl!;l is usuallv 1. horM t.o c::tn-y him to lYl•hl1L. '' i'. -~: • <•]-, arn ltor_,_o. N'o loeal Soanach'y that. I femiLdue. ~ · ,' Buroe;by Lou(fh---:,, ':'d-\11. di.o;t;-uisod namo. ':~.-:.._:. 1 wrvH W~!d could su;;gnst an intorP.ror.a: ,00 ~ ;_) (·..:~) 9urr~tiUan-:-f'ot' 1:.' l;011Hn, the, J,ocally lJrunuuJ · 'd 1::\ts:\·igh-t-<~·k by the i~?:·~ 11 hr~ PP11 tl.\ C':\.1r•'•: ht) fOUnd Ju11 ,)f th~l \.::"; round ,hill O.t tbO ht.·ulO hole Or CaV,E)? . o]d lJOOple- bun •\1)<).1J1C Ulid iu1 .(:\l'Pl'€1t0d r~t:~ 1. 1 , •'H- ,<~,, _r•'r,•n. 1cwtlon has become much \:.;. S.D. s (1) Parknaloochra-t.. A1VC nA ·• "but of ~ho 1-'oru." 'Vhy I, wouler '! !G 1!~.· · non 1;_-:--.~ Ed. ~- · ~ t11~Cj1-", tho fiold of the rushes. (;,;) Grana- ; h&d. an r_.l(~Or J;amo Hout>eesk, mQ 1n- 1., 1 (1(J) T-ullyna.mol!ra. .Toyco suggr·~·\..!:1 '>':-,; rnuc~--cl'6_ 114 m,;o, the pigsty. (3) .. ' ',m~\r;:;, i.h!'l bu;;oitlwsr.i:ro. ~.. : :, 1 1 nfL_;l:i; 11<\ mM1111..:\, the hill of thf• st.abl•J,h l-bo. amtJ T,nnpfnp rt ,. .. ly vig11rous ouvugh though their (18) Eildoag-h--Co1t1--ou0-6C. Thogloomy L._-<~ 0 1 t\-'ittll!. w1·• ,,;ld<~ ·:' ,,'l lakn and 11:'1 i-.hmd. :: ,c form leaves much to be dd.~in>d. His method. ,. (or pedUtps merely dark) wood. '~!~ (l) Cu-rtrorw.t.gdin. Th, lo('.nJ prnnUJJda.-1/'.;, Gf publioe.tion was pali.icul~dy agt, ', ·:J (19) K.dlycrin--co11.1 A' CJ-i-"H1ll, the wood ··.~."' t.ion 0drt.hoor:_ na ;.;iU.ha. (t hl'Ofl·d) suggmlt,s __ ·.. - ho ~aught his lampuuas to tlw li"~tlo childrex{ ·~." · -.j of the (remadw.ble) tree, :;~ c-':'-;- 'ill 1H ;~wl<'.'\, thto qn,~J"ttll'la,,d uf t;lw in his victim's t-ownlmid. Yet we are (;;.0) Killyneary Co1tt .o.n .6.0'6-6.11'0· The ·r::1, J,,·unP_t. &tan T~(·l:,JI n-:, kn; it. 11~<. ;:_;c01ll.t:::e informod f.hat he livod a. long life and was wood of tho Shepherd. f~ r,~ i.lw " ,-ods, nht, u1Jgh lw oN·ta.i1 ly doe~ Jlo\. not without his ~hare of local ho>:Jour. ;., (~l) J(ilsallagh-Coltl t.ho dirty :,'--~~· \·"·r)twn, (;IJ i1. 0\0, -,. "~J.,I'!.l'.,;,l "iH 1InlFmn.l in ; ' T1·uly our people have a deep seated or miry wood. .;; : C!·.•·. C.1·:nn. -Lt 1~ _t111, l\..t1glo-Nurm~q 1 : ·,reverence for t~.nyone afflicted with tho '] (:.;,;) Kilsob. This, I think, is coJtt~rop .-·~ · <)rjun·a.lunt. of L"v-;-n '' rndto(l '' and i~1 divine frenzy. 1 the wood .o~ the straw sops, cf. Bohernasop ;--~~' very ~:omnwn in plar'A ;:a.JJ•os in ~oflt.meat.h: (:nl) DerryconnesmJ. A Very distinguished :common m other pm·ts oi the CUllll~l'v, ~\ and L1H'gfn~·U. Tlu unl~1 o_thor Imn.nnce of/, antiquarian friend suggests that t_his is I The old loadiJLg road almost ('.or·t. .. ~llily '.,~;,: _tho w·,,,·d tn Co. C,\ ~s {J}uss to the: "t OIJ10 CotU .&n e-)f.l·'· ·~:.. -. 'l'horo i~.t 01·ill, .~ am iul'l/''lllOd,/ Masters, Annals of Lough oe. etc., which ~:-; C011t-ruo (wood of the stnowberr-ios) which !'~:. H [•)v;·,o,;.'.lck t.o_ToHlegoc. __ T!t,-, ~ai~t. th:1t t.ho: was uodoubCtldly in tlw vicinity. The ".,'would proJuco Kllsuv. Tho fU·st J?itl't of :omx:·-~~ .vor_t.,-;pti'Ht-r-d m wm·t-hy of:: . int.erpl·utation is cortaiuly wo 1·~h serious ' the name rna.y ho c1U, a chw·ch, as thoro J' l)t.\CI:. .Jo,yr'il •cL: p- o.\Jlo, 1.:,1: tl

-_. r;Latc,! llJHt lw \1:w "<·a/ !}'_ ,\I • ·~' ·- lt•elnnJ." r~l1e glc,f-:i'Wi':i in ·I --. · BJ uae explrun '·.tin•1·u Hnnidh" :u; 1 • i>Jo -.''lkec:in of the :null}' Je\\anis,'' lob·:wse ·--~-."he >Jrought fcrth iuik ol' ev~,·v 1\"P to ·· 1 ,, .:.('Jwist," Cl' '·Jsl'('L'l'·n uf t.lle 1!;:11n";" 1·ic- 'le 'I., . -' c ·bones.'', iJ(;i{'!l({~p ''Hil'_Il :1Jld IIO!llt'J; 1-(~l\P: 1 ,.. I\ ••,_[ · .. h~!H \'!f·u•Jy \1JH 1'1:;1JIIIJ.•. nwrL,\r,Jum to­ !. i ,,_. ·i. g(·Lh<-'1' wdlt huu," o,lil c: I '·I Jl 't \. "l 'J'Lt'J'{' is no h()ly well !J(•arin·~ l1i.'i ll1illl'?, :we liave ove~·tu\:!-..,d 1•·,· 1f'ILvJ''~, .o. )trall UIJJ fiiHtno tl'llditwn ol there lun•-, tow. 1u1dH in .UalJyJ•ollJJ(dl 1~:.n., '~~~'O..h,. wg he.t''' :t p:dtern to l1illl. ),,. ( '" ,.,' · are iu 'l'emrJopm·t par'.;h. . . [ ·- ,,. -~~~--c.--~,,';~.C, : ll•'' ,,,- 1.,, •. (1} Lec!1arro'#~.'lahi..lm'l--Tlm;, we thmk,·. Na. XX.·- BALlYCONNELL E.O. ·,i, '; ll' ,;• ,. f,,l;·· 1s Lcmt.l.-dJeatbramlm na h-ALlwllln1 the, half quurt<:dund of tbo !'iver. 'l'ho local 11 :>-';I :pronout.ciatwn is L._theruuhone. We find'. ',.;;- lTl'!fyh,lVJ p,~~·iton Concluded.) .it' I I ~' • the follol-l~wr old forJM; :~Leer~ronehone / (1:1) R.-,;~,e~'lr:tn »t·Pnu• >I ~ 1 ' (CL)Lacket~agllone' (D~.), Lachnxna-! ··.~··. ('h,wL,t h.,·cJ:.I,· I'H1h. •'J·•J :l ._'11- ""'·j.- J'~·•'-1' r:.,. ·,e:f'IJ : ). ~ !' ' !) j (Act of t:lL•tt' l om::;n~ ) , Ullu ' ..i.,uN I touo ('>''!c. tzu.- .1 :· ~ Ill''''''' " ; • I 1. m;•.'. 111'•' d ''···· --.~1 ,,,.,,,,. 1 1 \r ·, "·'' "Ill ...,.!\\! beLhian l\lap). . . l,. " p!H·:thJ,. lw11- Uhl t••rln•. ··1 1 !)';"!{ 1: ~ I ( ; l { ,_. l ' l '." (2) Cro~srnakella~her--ChOJs l\fhw ..: ,~~~_('.L.), H.t: .• J!b,J 1 J<:J,z~ 1 :)_ ,,~ ·1.i :d··r ,,J t·' h,c, \1~1): Cetleaclmir---i:o. l\L:I\l•lhtg;l~t•r's l{a],,~ln;!'·. (!lJ•:utiJ -:\l'..Jl1L'Y '!' :v: 1m!J:•• ,q-,. !\· In the lfparLh .i'.iunev HoJJ, H\G.), Wt~ fmd ·--,;:---.~: 1 CuiJtJ.tolnl·vHldt l': a liil "hil!.o~~(~y, abm r~,i- i:J·d··· '* ·~ t.u\111.~.~·1 : Cltt~l·!; "·I•' \lu Crosae, ~h:•s lkr :/'(Act of t'"et.t.lf'JTIC'l<.t,~. ·dl'l:i J· :,IJ(·kart.'' 1~ ;,; "hjJt. .r;:,'' 1,;,:·:~ •lJt>,l,l, 1 .In futuro ·.re shnll de~! ,•;n:J i.ho Cn:d ··h,(:W·:g~··· in ~!11: 1-:bzcl)x·tku llll~. now 1 m•>1l~' 1 pi.•,( ''< (i.e. vld ecei:.:-.;iut;tw:·\1 1\tri:::h as tho '·dl1·•-·~< ;a t.he .B.ltl. H 1JJl. ul 'JPL~!··,, 1 Uliwn 'ltu'V('.) !ll•.) space b,:em:.; O('('ll-..,. pl •,,;J:-; onJ.;tllalJyl .. ._ .-c: .. :u.,: i pa:·t of A!,)nn ore. ' b.l>. '} .-:tl!:· ,.,H·d Llhlc," ('.F. Stotr·lJ-: 1 town A1i!.•. J '•l~'(' !JPard no tr:HlllhH•, ~ .··. · unJ the u_ndet'll t·Xi-'~lll'llion 1s t.lwt tlkll·: ~-·~ OH'r-JofliJ}.'.• n~ liPP,., t' lV\3 l'ISC to ilJo !l:\l1'C. 1 :.~.c"'' (·1) Ca;·rig,\n. Carr:1;cnn, b rovk.v pln('c! ·· · ic'll•.i·•;.:; fr{'qaentative n:1d not lollninn-· ,..._ •. i..JVr> ). "f _ (:1) 1;/i;i;W~1\-lodcrn. 1 can ii11d 11n;·· ··old I; 1si1 ll:tUJP. I '()) C!orlLO!Iu·w~C!u"i 1 Caln, i!Je mea-:- ~~~,,r .,; 1: ... '·':lrsh, or PnU'l':wred Ja11d. : \:'1 r,,_., .. I :t..tre ·-t:i'H!llln.-iut!l a liLUo 1 • pJ.I(':' ~)IHJilll'. .-lll'' lJl t.J(..l'S. ' ~. (S) .f;ur~n1-:~'l't11s h l1 Ij\_,id.ri,,, ,il'' t!Jnilt!lu]d:·x·v."h'l'('~';IQ\I't'~lil~l\llHi._ (),[.· h:;:f, · 1111 und,1, hi'Jiii'.:tn. ,\ 1' lllH'e '>H1\' ;11o :JqlllSdlt~ {lll'II'WLioJ) of this !I :till£· i1r :tu ,})ii( 1;11 I1~L \r]d"C it wns f,!;ivenF~ as "Fanb..:Jr J n " '· AN SCOL.\ d:I~ HCCll'l\

}\;._, ..: )' 81 • cht

1 ifv:--l'it;ten, 1.1.ot en~ly for the who, w,ri'iin& .h9mmn:-~ a ;~~6:;~:~:~~~~~. · themselves''l;fith Itropuur,ding ll!a<~raiJ:!h8 an A~t·~~t ~~~~k;;;!: tohey never atte~ted to ve1ify. Thus it is It was t,hat from th-8 -popUla.r p£,mt of view, habitfld it at the time of ~t. Patl'iek's Slecht is supposed to he Rjtuated nnywhm·e coming. They were still flour:iBhing at the :at all within a radius of thllt-y-or fOI·ty- 6'Ud of the fifth century, and stro:qg enough k . off Ballymaga.~~ to be located to make p.·edator;y incursions into Canon O'Hanlon. in his Life o.f 8t. DaUan, ~~~J~1~;~di~~i :t;~h:~e. iliv-esti~t'ir's whim l i , 0 ; 'I' his ia ,.very not locate the 1\.rasraidhe, which after ~qtbQr~#i!"S, · Magh "'t~.:~:C·"'1~·: needs little cor:omont, since he could not r:•.•J,-t:·.. \:.• eo" almost as acq'WJ-'at:Bly _as the l.oca:te Ethach oither ! of ; ~ll that wa-s """"'""''" It is rfl&Ily desearation to attempt to get exarriinn thos\l authol'ities in. ~~ the glorious history of Tf,mploport tlte luca.l 1-radiijou. This, we are w1thm sueh compass. ·we shall endou.vun.r o;ay, has now Lo(~l, done, aud we are to mention a few mora intfll·esting t;o haW .playud a part-if even a about. it. oHe-in 'the most. J'(-JCOnt and compl€ote In Magh Sleoht was one of the tJXamirmtion of the qlll>(;tion, and to have bnrdic schools which at the convention am;istCJd in puttiug beyond 1,he reach of, Dnunkeat, it w&s l'esclved to retain. It fw·tho1· conjoc:tu.rH thB lueation of Crom's .­ wa.a: probably at &llyna.gauran. The local· biU, and tho pluin whic;h took its I tradition tl-8 to there htLving been a' from his cult. Fnnmsity at &llymagaman is very st:ronrr f· ~ The whole quooi;ion ·will, we are 1-w.ppy The chief M&gauran t!trongholds we 1 ~ ~ to say, boforelong receivo a, fuller treatmer;_t., _.,, 1 \\'lthm. it at Ballyma.gaurau, B~~nboy, ._,,. \Ve shall, theroiore, contm•t ow:salves wrth a.!'-d LlBSEmover. We. may possibly find: prflsentmg 1ts mAre outlmes. I t1mo to say mo:re a.bou~ them as. we go a-long. f j Ct om Dubh-black Cr om-the c-hief god For our Al·'oCc:, the plain of genuflexions).(_ · the in:uned.iato neighbourhood of Derrynagh 1 :Fr·om the triptntitu life of St. Patrick, ,~ I .ha.vo myself listed no less thun 1 7 :.. ~ ·..,.~ -~­ Ia~sisted by the :;lender nrfMeonces in~~ cromloohs, stone cil.'cles, and stnnding 1' : Tireehan a-nd the Dinnsenchus, we loarn -:c:~.< stor_tf's, roost of which btwe escaped the 'that. starLing fr·om Granard, St. Patrick :- ,, notH''--1 of the ~dna.;noo Survey. On one 1 destroyed the idol Crom,- and his twelve . of t-hem-not :p1·eviously noted-! hu:v'fl k : les..qeJ: idols. C'anon O'Hanlon and Dr. t ' H•S(·~·,·med tlhl fiuer;t, inr;t.tJ.nco of pm· : Ht}l'.ly, work~ng upon i:r?perf~0t translations, ,· duJ~t,inie }\;cw Grange. to thai. of nobody else, that Cram's hill I, I Htru-uge to say thoro is no "Mogues; was situated in (}Q~ty Leitrim. {at i w?ll ''in tho p_al'ish. Htranger, and sadder,! i L1t.!l.l the devotton to the saiHt•, whit'h flVtm I ·: ·1 · nea-r Fenag ). ]\":ore careful I in t~Ie la~t gpneration was strangElly k(lpt <- comment;ators, who had ~ccc:JS t.o other I up, HI dyutg out. The younger generations sources of information. admit, t.hut the . , -.J hn'IJe so:.arcel:t heard of M,rn, \Vith the older .: LeitJ'im theory is 1Vl.tenablo, bnt go no ~, __ ,,~ peop·e, he is still held in great veneration, fw·ther than saying that Cron~ '.5 hill was -~ more especially in the upper end of tho (~}.iJ!- ColUlty Cavan, and (2) wa-s in the ,_,_·_.:: p&r_ish, and there is sca-rculy a home in VlCmlty of Ballyma.gaman. , :--': _-;_~--"" whwh the1·e are any of the old genera-tion: Now this much seams at the niOroent _-."!~0(" lingering, in which Mogue's clay-cla.v! to be absolutely proved--v.·e give only 1 :~~~.--~::~. ?:"?m ther,~l~nd-is not kept,. In ?lden tim~s,.' as much ?f th~ story as needs no support .t·. ~,__·_-, ~,t, Moo-..0 s Day•. Jauuary ,)1st, was:.- from conJecture. ,_1 ~--·- :'; ptesm·vod as a holtday throughout the: (I) The d:'uidica.l temple of Crom Dubh j, -:;j _\_Kn·J:'l.l, and there are stil~, hero uud-thore,'t (locaUy ep,llffll C.rom Cl.'lll1ch, whioh should t. - ff>ll:Uh~ who. so observe 1t. How proud! '(Jl'Obably be ap6lled Cl'Olll Cruaich (Crom! : :-~e wnter of these poor not,es would feel_.· of the stack shaped hill) wit a in Derrynagh ~ , ! 11 h~ bad any -p~rt in _re--es~·~-blishing in the i '?rt). ' _-\ pansh the d.evot1~n Wlt~ wat\:h the greatest 1 1 (<:) ~~· Putrick, suhrequent to thu 1--- _1,· -,of our Cavan <~amts-mdeed, one of the 'i dr----:-.u.l~JC.>n of tht• idols, baotiBed his eon- 1._ I gre~t,elit of Olll' national apostles-was: i \''-"· t.. ~ '-~t, Toberpatrit:k, at E:iln~vnrt.. -·j anciently venerated. ; (: ) 'l'hat in the fort of Kilnu.ved.- · · · j .c.n scot.o,me bote. _!within whkh the present church of .Kil·' 1.•av,,r1· i~ built-he ostahlif;hed his chmch-· -.-~~ : ,,l1fJ nnl:· Pntrioian churcL in the presm1t- i · 'C-_,Judy d Cr~v~n. , , __ :_>-) 'l'lwJ; he placed Neithbran 1 1 ::.•:'.' .1)L'JW} iu cha.t·ge of the clmrd1 . . : \Yo .\•·p:et tlut.t wo have uo. --.--·,· · 1 ,l eith\'1' t-he u,uthorit.ativfl, wrlt.!:-.. '--J:oom io< t-i~>IW.l, prods oi these f•ct··~tlil Ol' tl'fldi-' 1 \\·e l:a.nrLoL hoWH\Tr, fc -·-'l.·rnu· atat,..anento;.!. · ' Lht1t C'wm·s fe.ii~ ...: '_ J!ebeu pointing l.ilH· :"~ . ..,._, .. ______,."•·,"''"'-,._ · .. d;u Wdom, I ,__!ob~~ :~1-~ .,Y'!g~u Cllf'tU?l·" to ChriBtim!: ~*''"'"' ..1 th 1\--.l!L<.:t.. .• , ef'-' a.-o1:1 "'-0 l'lt' to Tul1ylwvl1 . o oL.'lotvunco of .. Om·land S 1- _.. ,_, _r Ja:-;t 'jllli i ,. J - lilH <1.,--, Sunda.. . !(·ay OJ uly doeulJy Dhon~-clJ' , Y v. P eona,sta , dio>nwhere Dh ',o-, CI·uj;? Cron·J.t> Suoda ') oywy '·- cart t{m] )-' worth ucA it 1 J ' - t 1·' • j t T l--. . , lg L Jaj, t.JHJ·rm;! o ~~ )l•rpatnck u.t lUinn\·art, and tu 'l'olwt- I ~tl.ti'".:k at Belltdttnt~ 11 , we1'e held t<·-· j . : Sunrl!Jy, .and nwro n,tnurkuJ[Je '·- I st.'~f1 lt:t~ ·: ::.-; J on Llw sa-rrm da ., . _ ' · · Mw 1 wit-h , . l' . _ Y f'. mmuur:; :;atlJ<.'l'iJJ~',.;,! .· ~ol ,to tgl_(•tlti oL~R'l'Y<1Jl('Ot-; aLt;iJ-Cbt,;! ; - ~erJ ·1'1-e a llnt1l rece11 t,Iy 01, 1:\kcJ:goo ,w' •, SL•lv·,··t.l nu,::m.n. :Vio. gniJ'(·. t> f.~llll ir at Hort-lly ~h-.· .'. on .'\ul<'i1gh, .Buwu.J,vhllll The ']' ~,:' · '·1 and othel.' plac;es • 'h- . 0 l'Y ~l'!b, :· -mountains C on t tJ neJghhoUJitlf.:' '·• · ron,_ was alway· 1 I] ~ .. usrocitl-t.Qd with the hills. ;:; ocl:l __ ~- ,' ·· i · II So murh for ·· :M:agh Slecht " · · I '· - connotat.ion i.e. th . m lt,.s naxrow 1 ' , tbe hill · ' h' • e plam ~UITonnding 1 • :. on w !Ch C.rom \1:-ttR worshi d I '/In the course of time it ea. t b ppe ' , '.i !~:· ~~~.tla-~ger RJ'~a. Jnst,~: '' ~hee(~!!~e?; ,~_; · 1 , ·i .w m whxuh 1.l..tu p1·esont to · ' .., g~va its nnrp<:~ t:·· f,ho , wn L'>/ ilsubscqnently to tl:o Ccunt J i·tOhVI_n, iln~! . ,. M'agh ..;.•J ah't ·t - n ' IS lilflnse 1 :\. _>J H • o:.-; ""'Hll-:1 rwrthw;nd f· th r _i\oOO.t,c;rd (ti1e tJld <.: 1,"Ul'-l river) ;: ,~ ~~vU 11 -~~t.~ ~D':l [:'("8HDt· ,Pflfj!·il (11 C<:•rluuooh, H •' --~--- ' . : _wa.,_,. b,,Ui d·~d 0 !1 the W\·Ct bv sr -. .. I~m-n·ot, t.he b'lr"·(' "'tl • .'"If'. I e nn , moden: ' '' ' ~<• lOTU-Ul of OUl' -_ h . lf 2,oogrp.phi6s, h\,t, the 1 c am rom Ba.llymagaur,.n to D owta, to name was a-nc 1ently &PP:liad. -~cl the thenorth is lPCalJh Y ' $tl.1 1 r, ~J';=:;j ~;:~;~:.,;o;,.~,nse . natn6, c,ru""ag .,, W&f it& E d lll ea~t---for part of the way-! ,.,,;,,h1·" _ . Sout.b of S1ien·B R-~_1\en ! "f.':;;.;•j,\n,{ ~-).Wnded +n. thfl Tull h -·· t t:< • Lower J.oughtee bou:ud ,· unco f' y -.. _, .:~:;-. thing tho Tl-!&'3. :malre dsa . ~u~s. . One! extend Qlti.s.ide the TuliYha~h Jt dld not 'i' The An·.wJI.$ of Lough r·r; ...... k . d"-ri":=~ · tl h · -- ' .• ...,.., e 1ts '" -- m . le nm·t a.n(1 nol'J-h-we~t I:Yhat a p1t,y it j_, that - ' !.us lnnrkct jourp0 y Pot the Lo'll!lh Oi '~trA<:l·~ a1, hJs Hr (',ould nev~ 4ave erred v "?r i - ~og~ in Raying • "' _u r;,,lmty Lilitdm" ,. if1at'' h ··1 ., 0-• '- 'r-'-"' g ~ &.~ht extended

c Jlroi:\,t·ammc, ;nTt~ds lud<)' cm;..t·Jh to hav(: escaped the P?th , the juggernaut' car' w 1ur · 1 l ro11 ~· ow:r educationd ld bm twentieth·et:ntury .Ireland, thus cUucatc wou e {.\):-The a powcrfu1 nattonn. lt' s unu l-aswellasamassu~, , . _ 'l of historieul, matcrir~odi at wr!~l ~~ d 1\'.•:·<:;·-~i" tlwmsdl~cs ,:(.: . ~~~:J",!ih,- w:1ich are deaily t::.o1hnc1.<"; 1oi:r:.o.r~,c ohlcr than thf' oldest wnttcr; re:~oi s. tl·c~~ :>_J,,; r ..u.r.nAC u.o.Ct:.lii,\C• the lower :md upfJer ~nnalists copied from manu~cnpts "' • d 'i,·i-i refi,!X:JCtively. These were either origin* ~d.i:<:s .were copied fr~m stilt older wntlngo;, .fl~ vet tlw majority of our placenames b~ve remam · :;., in<.lepend,~nt townlands or r-ecogniseti as ·,,,,cl•,·•<lli,. livL.;;bn· h f t 1 use tn an! onlv ~ii.ght variations ot t c arms I. . of Allgluim = PA\>U'}Ium, horse-ridge, Pa, an Ireland, and we get trace som:tlmes. 1 11 ,r ri-Jg,, •;l th(o b.r::;e-·-po.s;;ib!y I! ;~\jt;~i~,,;~~i~)j th(_'o Dtuidic tree· worship and ,.,.·cll·worshtp whtch w w n-n "CAtim,1J· wl:ite land or white field, formed. The oak t\'fl:> to the 0 rut • Y -.;h utter mor<; probably. 1.~) i:'ul'ra Cbrees· whom it w a holy well on ;-I~ l)uirygi.nny border. whose crowns of oak·km ~·s were awarded ~~' . ~- ), •-:ir;.aily sit11atod in tht' latter town land \·irtutc bellka." In the sacred gro':cs the Urut ··· :•use (k:-:een.k'd :.y .a won1an wasbing prie~ts retirf'd to perform the mystic cen;monies 'i"c'.es iu it. The same trad-ition attaches at that remote period whH' •ncn bc.nt 10 awe '{'Vera! ot-h.~r C;nidooce in the townlaod. Tl,,_' ..• •,,.,"'''" •· ... of the chidtam~ who h u_nder t ce Gadic Clau lwltl ?VJay ("lVer t etr respe • h\Jttitl :1 hill (or whom has ldt his n:1uw in Munter.Connacht,. L,,fl.Dw). W·~ fi;Jd it in C.[ .. , Clu8n which i:-~ Muintir Cuwnnacht, or the family or i;l i).S., Ca-.ranai• C.3:v-eo in the (;ommon~ tri!w of ~uc6nnacht O'Reilly. \Ve find fr~qu~nt' ,, __ ,,-dth g~·a11t, e1c. S ..D.·--Lougn lbd, n···, r,·nc1:1> l.o Cucm 11wcht in the Annals. For tn- -.l ·~i >k,is possildy ihc laiw referred to si;uw1', in thf' Annals }ojwe- s.:qs that "CPrraniern.a in ·-~,,,,.,,.. ,, __ , ..• l.i'3-lilu.a\.is 11-~ ag.tlliiJ't it. ~ have of t:Jskr. 'i'hb is the corn·ct {iadie name of the .._. aooses rJf t~s. _and d!,;tricl. The name .;,AdiPd at Bt-alh•.'' The latter form, fl(o-nleJtlci-aticm, be in the gen-it~voe plural. which i~ n·q t·orrectl} ,\;cisl'J l>allyhanea, also ~sstbie iat&.pl«,a.tions would he OOf;f\ n"' •·"lc~J·l!i~ tKcur" i11 the Four ~-!asters, when•, undt·r the n·C,~1'1"M4!-4C, o.r fl4. the mund 1 y('ar 57~. we ilntl n·n.~-n.IP-d a battle fought by h'Ht ef· 1Y'k' men (laymen A•·dh, :::·· "h' aft(T it, hut 1H.-itlwr i:,. Hounded. The Gaelic l::tmes ?;H: only follow t~c exact spellin~:-; and rwmPs when writtl,n in Latin charactcril appear pronuncw.ttot;s._ of. tht.:: o~i~inal names. The pro· ilOmewhat clunby, and should always \;c wntt('n tr_·~s of .i\ngl1e~znt1on winch has r!'ndercd some in the CLl.'>tomary Gaelic tharach·rs; thls will eo- , the name!'> quite unintelligible as pronounced ~un: the prop('r appreciation of the '-'illue of asyir~ 1h•· prl"sr·nt da1·. has fait~d to f'nact, even ation, \\'hkh mak6 Ci-;:wlic unique among the lar;. LlJ!'ll'r, any radical thange~ in the great bulk of ~u;~;:;r·s of \\'t-slern Europe. The 11·on! Flw8.dha, J',ur,.ly Gaelic y!accname:t. As 1 have nlrc-ah placennmet> are preserved is a te:>ti- ing-s of tlw townbmtls. These people ~imply took mon_v to the ;~rammatk;t! attainments of the Irish .-1 the n;!\JH'S t,s pronounced, and the rect•rd.s of the JH-'O!Jh: d~·wn th•· C•:nturit,.,, who, in t·he· n!~tlte of ~im,. ;u·f· in most <.:;1ses only attt:mpt!> at the Bpull- tbv fadlili(_';,· whic_h C(HJl_J be affordf'd by a general tnK of tht· 11;1mes. .Since only a few of the place. kw.>WI<'d!-!e of wntt('n i:teratur•>, maintuin. in the district of Casller~han are of recent urigin;J! n;:rn•.-.~ ;•-: !hi',\" •:c:L~t,J at the·-~tlnWtl of ~gir,, it ;~ of importance that the original forms hbtor.1. ul all the p!ac+:uames shOLlld be noted and used. T1w liar• lie Le;.;guc .'ihould t"Xt'rt itself in tbh.. ~~ din·ction,


Aah~, Agh or Au;, ;.J fiplJ; as AghaU-eg, little tlw lu11g poi11!. Ath,,. a ford; as A thy, thP ford of AP. or \{u,.,k. :1 llH•or or hil:itntlt(Jil, ,Ji:n;.run flw ''City d \Li:~Tiil'w•·llt J)i.,. Annamo(', the marsh of tJJp:,\\ ood. iltf·~~ or· sm;wk of ll••· >.uil fT•·lll \ Ru:-,; •JnL!Il_!~ i.~ en hr·ight. JHilill..,ll ,;, i.IT lh;· jlrll\"l"h_•, ,t;l(] qlil•·J I•'• Ralla, Bal!y, a town; as Hallyjamesdulf. Ro ··r·d; il" \lo:lllnn·. J't'd l111~. ) " 'I.' j!!" , .. ; I 11!.~ j ll ,i.; I 1' 0 11 I I i ' I , 11 I I) \1 :- Ban, lkn or Bin, a hilly plan·; \\ n, .t gn·t·n frdd: ''" fbunoge. -..J.:,.\. tlw lil'id of I ill' ll'hit1• thorn. 1l1d1 ul lit•· ~nl;-r Sy·,l····· " Ill• ~n'l'll tield. ~li<•\-<', iT !lllllllll:tiiT; it.~ ,o.;)j, 'oTiliilll'>ll, t]J<• lllllllll­ .1k," upplicd to dw En1;IJ~h '' ••111•·1, •:- '_1•- ,Ui,J, <1. rnouth ol d lur.i; j till' \\'()11\('ll. ;,ilhml,:;h it "ri~itt:chrl ;,; 'tl• -:, iri Holwr, ;1 rnorli; ;.-., i)nhcrhtl_\', thr- vdlow road .'\tr·;ltl, :1 o;tr·t·d: n~ Str·:llllt :ih. ,. !•:,Jirt:lltr;~~~ l\.r·1·i··w." · Tlw :-l1 •iiln 11 llorri.~. ;r horuu~~h: ;1-. Bot ri,.;oka!H", T:wn, Ta~h, Tigh ttt- T•·t :1 ilt>tl~t· · ol!id I"ITirn:lc~in:rli\l'hl'"" 'IH'i"];)L'd 1111·:· d1·tT, J)r;tdt!:IJI'-. hou~t·. .:1r· rli·,p]:t_l<·ti !11 .~llt'il urlli,·:-~r:•IJk tll';'"ltil-,." (llou~l:·-.;, 1.0.\l.). tiT< ''Vi'l>i, Toom or Too1, mumrnwnt;d lllound; Too1nt·Y;1r;r, ()'\lnr:t':, tornl1. •Ill' \\-,·~t" (ljb~~'l•\1'). Thi~ i~ ,·;rrrif•.ll•.• :r•T :-; 1''11 :d •:-UI'< lit j, :- :tc! bnd. To:ll', :t I,Je;wh gn·t·tt; a,.; Toor·na1~r·eha, ':oh•·r. ;r "I <~ll<' ~"'I'T : (' l·,····i\'''"·1. tlw ,_.t,H1 :dt:rcll ~rtTn of tlw wind. ,\_;,· ((,illlill, ,111d tht ".)utlior· :--.,·.u-lonl'p:, ol ~:.hi11.1. l··i~h ~~-.0' !lblk1·1 1. hut :]j,. ,-,,111'':, i~ '1 r:t a11d Tr!lu, a "!rand; l!>i Tran10re, the "'''"'"""'" !lll, ;1 ho•iid ur t'ITid. r:•lttl. '''·" lw,J itt tlw i':t,.,t· ,,t' ()l•

kiH•\111 ;J-., lllf •'j),\j]\ 'lht•l:llj' \-;

('kHI, Ul' (']

~u~h_1· Tl''''" ln\1 ~ 1" <' [ 111< Ill do~ I· .Jl ,. kil< • ·.1 11 h '"]I._\ I• ', ! ,J,

( ( I ! < ' < ' I I ' I u[ : ~ '' I . • 11 I! c.'_ I 1 ;111 \ , :-\)I Ill_\ <.'llrt lf"l'. tr•;,\1 ( ·"rk '·:~.).o·l\(ftlll. lti"l u! tiw JITOI;II

I " I -~ ~. •1'1 •I I i,: ,jj, PI :.111 r "I :cdj; -Oil'

]I. i I' I .Ill 'ldi.; \\1•"11 11' !:

I'IJilll !J,1:1 01 J)u·.\n .J lt•rl; :~:- DuJt~~;lllllOil. NICKNA,\iES Ol' PLACES. l~ .-:111 •• · "I ilw 1111 ·11 "t ;J .<' I'< llll r: ], ! I ·-I )~ 'l:-uo:. < l.i11\' 'il_l' 1,,;.., n,· lr: 1;-.., ,:-t i~l:1'1d; :1-.. . l11 his_ lllllJlllllwnt;d _11urk 1111 fill' otigin :tntlC \'iul:rt•·d ] -, lill "(']; , 1 11 tl,r 'I; IIIT"t '),,, .. bi:J'•I. in-...liory.· ot Jri~h ll.dTII··" oJ IJI:II'< ·,, Dr. Ju.1·cc dt··:;~ \\ · I ~ " -; ln\\ till' "I ;;11 i-. pt·culi:rr· ··h:lr:lct•·ri:-tir th:.l llid.;ndtiW~ :1r1· 1-"i tt o'l ihn)' ur 1;·iiJl'; "' Fin~al, the :J,,·n 11 ill.,. <~pp]:,.d nor u11h 1" )•IT.:-litl~. lr<>ltt'l]w l111dil';,l \l:·;tth." "I ,;,jl :i\',11, ]';,,-_..,nrhl •\1'1'• (;;-:II,'~W', d \':Jtagf', "tiT<· j!il•litlf'< I !:-!r·r.' \\,'' \, '• 1,,,\ jji .liT\ :n,• 11' :trl ir , 11~ t•lti I« 11', Tl lo ,:, 11~,-1, ''ll :~liu1d. 1.11 d 1'1'.'11' l.:~dllllll, .• "], ·' { 11 -..till,) ,-j.,j, Kil, 11. ehunh; ~~~ kilbrid,•, HridW·t'll !I,·• "(·,.., K:wdc 11 hill; !' Lid.::, ;1 llw''lOn\' · a~ Lt·f'kmvln:;:sy, 1 ili, .t:;,ITir V:1i1 I\' .tp;)'~ '11 1.:\\'l' \!"(ti<;,.'~ 1l:Jtyston1·. ., ' IJI- • :1\ll"il,rlro•· rJ,._... ,-ripTil ,. ['111d~< •,, 'Ill<' ;;[ 'ilf' ,-1 :uiu·sl "fW1" 011 : )1, '111;1; r ),i~, !! hort; lh', ;n, gt<-lll fnrt. '"i<-:- :11 ol I," )' ,·!I 'I' i,l, ;1>1111 1,1\IJ~(h, a lak1•. I'Oilliry--•lw "1)-,i!'~ <.l•t' '' '',],,, I• 11 i < !t:t! :0' lo ·rio;t :, to! il 11[.,· I j h j !tl!~tl ,j t ; 1I \Itd.'' li11 "[)1'\jJ'.., )'1111\'IJiltJ\I.'i "';', "• Lu,c;, a IH,]]Qw; ;rs 1.11f.!duf(, th(· hl:tck ·:"''iiHIT '"'" ''"11• "ll' ,r,] , ,-, · Ill .\l;tglw::l, :1 p!ni;; -lnd t]H·n, ::~till' lrio;h :.-1 r-:h < tlw r,.-,,,.11• '1'<1 th, (;,,, r 11 : ; ._~ 1. 1 , T , , . 111 " :· 1, t 1" f,.: 1(ll'. i i, , , , \!t1111·y. ,, •hrulill!'r_,.; ;,_~ :\JonPyc;all. \lw !>h!'LI;,_ I .. I:, IJJ:Io th• J-l'fJ\1" 1 " 1]1, " .. ;!1.t·· I · of I il•• ~1 1 ar~; :· rlt •1·1<1" d .1~ ;,,,,-r ••I 1..::i "I If :\Ju_1, \\ !1 I i w \ j J j; 1 :~< l ,j ~~, tl ' I< I\ i: 1•1 1••'1'; :lllf] th<• f~tl.-lit\ ·,-, i!i1 1\];it h tltr·y rt·Jl· ('! ,;,,., o]LI',\'1' \1• ,11) :lt• .., n'rnwtH 11: hltl\1\llll .,((I,,. ·:onH·t.l j.., 11., 1 .\f 11< ].; ' ''ltr:l\' .:11 -:":il \ ,], 11' 1,1• I I" ''Ill ·, >1::, •. '" c·f' <, , I,,.• ' i_,_..,;_,ll;•.it•ll~ nnJ:1.·d; T),<'\' l<~tl,: ]I' .\full 111 .\lul!l'n, " 111ill: :t:· .\l!:!Lng; r. d 1 ,'ilf I •·r tTT~ l'l' 01\'i'l), .ilt_, (!) ·,, \I 0[ I, ri\ l'l' j ;I-., 1 tlli~ jJ1 i ltl:l I .. \ i· Ill' liT'' I ·I·· . '"'·" \ i: > <1'1 ; " OT : ,.;• i~ ]fJ ;,)]\ [;!HI\\ 1L :1~ "\,', ,, <;1 IJ]. wi; I l\0 i•lld "),, "1• 11';1. •tt Pook:1, ,.,.., i lr Jo\ ,.,. p,,;J,I' 11111. l\' d ill " ,,Ill I, i,J, :1 ('ir, :11 ,I !l,r "t'ity ol l]w I IH!),. Ill' ,.,,, l'\'11 : :·~ 11f th1 ilor_:-, T1 ilht:: "Tilllrl:~h iiJi·· ,,,: t•·• I rr•.t_l· ;•p,• :Ill 1.:•11k 111· l:tndin;~-jJI;~rr· ,~:- l'unl.r·.\. il 11Ui \1 j' f111111 ,, ,], I id1 ,J ;Iilo 1'1::-t ''I' ni I h•· :1ill. liP· loll luri·ol, In.( tu lh<· phil<.l-'~1·-1, \\ "E ;qoifl· 'it\'' ;:]•,(1 I 11' i~ ;; \I • I,,, I !"• , . .,_ ~ni:-1' ll1.d t I To·<;• 'ju.:i••t '11,-; " Ho-,lou :, , :1r·J,t -]I f; 111,·\ :: ;.-, fo:L ;,,-r• tiT• nul<'OIIH· ,,1 j];, -.;11,1'' ll,ll '' 111•'1'''.' ::.., Rdid::tnurr_, ~>J ,:\ llh'l"iC lliF' "L '1::· -i• _;I\ fill .'~·,J:· I ,'-,., '1!. ! LJl I ·I' .. ~-,;.;,.;~ I N D E X N.B. 13/2 indicates page 13 column 2

1\•>habane 1~/1 Bal1yrnagovern 8/3 earn 6/3,14/1,15/1 Ac1haboy 11/1, 26/2 Ball ymoney 26/3 Carnagh 11/3 A

Altbrean 26/2 Benbeg 4/1 Carri cknagrow 211jl ~~·..;::.. A1tcrock 13/1, 22/2 Benbrack 4/1,13/1 Carricknacrannoge 3/3 "'": AJ.teen 25/3 Benn A1 tcrock 13/l Carrickolevan 5/2 :~ Alt(h) ::>.sj3 Merry Mount 33/1 Carrickrua 22/l !-,1 (\ ltillUl'C 32/1 Beyan 23/2 Carrigabruise 26/3 ' '·\' ~ Al tnadarragh 1c!/l Billis 24/2 Carrigacrick 1~3 .,. A 1tnaveeney 13/1 Binkeeragh 26/2 Carrigagawth 18/3 ;>. "' /\nanevrick 3/3 Blacklion. See Carrigaloggan 23/2 I, Annagh ll/1, 35/1 Killinagh parish Carrigalohan 5/3 r·:~-· Annagharnet 30/2 "Black Holes, Tlw" 13/1 ,,Carrigan 5/2, 33/1 Annaghierin 17/1 Boakas Rock 22/1 Carrigashon-in 19/2 Annamucka Bridge 5/3 Bohernacrann 12/2 Carrigasimon 26/3 A:tderry 3?/2 Bohernahaiha ll/3 Carrigastukka 27/1 A-rd1eny 5jl Boleywugi 18/1 Carrigatinny 25/2 Ardlow 30/2 Bolyeh, The 19/2 Carrigavinister 20/l Ard1ougher 14/1 Boo1ey, The ll/2,<'8/3,34/l Carrigmore 24/3 I~t~ Ardmoncen 13/1 Boolnahacra 11/3 _ Carri gnabrock 2.3/1 I Ark-na-We1shy G/2 Boreenna1ochsallagh 12/2 Carri.g-na-reagh 16/1 ~ ~~ Arrigal Foor 24/3 Borim 25/3 Carrignasossanagh 24/2 ,_,' Askee-acu-bega 22/3 Borola, The 20/2 Carrigroo 27/3 --~- Assagowlan 22/2 Boston 5/3, 11/2 Carro••.more 35/l I Assan 24/2 Bow1ey 5/2 CartronfrGe 11/2 !'· .•\•Jghabawn 8/1 Brachley 32/3 Cartronagilta 32/1 ~ Aughacashe1 27/2 Bracklagh 11/1 Carty's Bridge 4/1 ~ Bracklin 19/l Aughaloghan 27/2 Castlekeerin 26/3 "~ Aughaweennah 2/1 Bracklcney 6/3 Castlerahan*2,7/3 t Aughnaco11ia 32/1 Branard, The 18/3 Caughadee 15 3 ~ Aughnadrung 27/2 Brandarragh ?.8/1 35 1 ~ ,, Aughnahee 19/3 sre,'tl·:; "Cawrawn,The" 22/3 ¥ ,\ughoo 22/3 Bredndrum 14/1 Cl a oh, The 11/3 § 1\ughrim 35/1 Brey-na-talloo 22/3 C1aragh 14/1 Brockey, The 23/1 ~ Aylim 5/1 Clarbally 32/l ~~ Brock1ack 13/1 Clare 9/3 Clalli eboro 19/1 Broomhill 5/1 Clashadoon U/1 ~ Bailieboro. See Bruce Hill 26/3 Clawr Meadow 5/2 ~ also Killann BrucJ<;lagh 22/2 Cleary's Mass Rock,Fr. 16/2 ~ Bai lluana 12/3 Bruse 26/3 Cle9gan 27/3 Ballaghanea 27/3 Bruskey 5/1 Clifton 33/1 ~ "[·! Ba11aghdorragh 31/1 Bullnahai ha l.l/3 C1oggagh 7/l ~- Ballinacleva 29/3 sunahawker 12/2 Cloghan 12/2 t ' Ba1linamona 11/3 Burncw 24/2 Cloghball.ybeg 30/2 ~ Ballinamoddoo 32/2 • Burren 23/3, 3/3 C1oghergoole 30/2 ' Ballinamuck 5/1 Burrcncarragh 27/3 Clogh-na-calleen-gore 21/3 Ballinfwil ll/3 Burrenrea 27/3 Clogoon lJ /2 Ballinaspeenog 22/3 Clohogue 26/1 Ballintcmple 5/1 CAbhrach Chuarsa 24/3 l Clohi.n 24/3 Ballinwhi 11 11/3, 13/1 Caldragh ll/3, 12/2,12/3,31/3 Clonarney 30/2 Ballyconnell 33/2, 35/1 Callaghs 1LI/l Cloncavid ll/3 see also Tomreaan Callanagh 11/l Cloncollow 33/l Ball yheady 14/1 - Camagh 34/1 Cl.oncovet 11/3 Ballyrnagauran 34/1 Cane 6/l Cloncurkney 32/3 Ballyrnagire 34/1 Cargah 2LI/2 Clonecess 14/l ' I 'I i ~~:~:~~~~~~G:!~t-·~~-T-'::--,-:"-:,,:­ / ii Crossafchin ~l/2 Clonkeeffy 3/1 corneen 32/3 Cornaglea 30/3 crossbane 30/3 CJonkecn 14/1 Crosscdrne 30/3 Clonkei f fy 7/1 Corna1ean 17/3 Corna1en 21/3 Crosserlouqh 9/3 Clon1oaghan 12/1 Crosserule 7/1, 8/2 Clonrnacmara 30/2 Cornalon 26/2 C.lonmore 28/3 Cornarnbraher 3/3 Cros Sgoilb 2'1/3 Clonoose 12/1 Cornamucklagh 7/l, B/2 Cross:nakeelan 17/3, lB/3 crossmake llagrwr 33/1 C1cntycarnaC)han 32/3 Corn ana ff 19/2 C1ontygrigny 14/1 Cornaporrow 5/3 Crossreaqh 30/3 Cloona 5/1 Cornaposara t83 Cruckdhacha 12/3 C1ooneen 14/1 Cornashcesk 28 1 Cruckalagbtha B/1 C1oonunshj n L'/3 Cornasker 14 2 Cruckane 32/2 C1oughball y 30/2 Cornaslieve 2tJ/l Cruckanroo 2B/3 C1oughcur 24/3 Cornastouqh H:/3 cruckbrock 11/3 C1oughnageera 24/3 Cornastuhb1e 18/1 Cruck nweu ?9/l CloverhiU 19/1 Corneenflynn 13/2 Cruckcor B/2 C1uana 5/1 Corr 5/2 Crucknahorna 8/1 Clxddagh 7/1 Corracho1ia 32/2 Crucknanummera 8/1 Cnocan a' phi obaire 29/2 Corrac1assy 32/1 Cruckroo 5/2 Cnoc Chaoi1e 8/2 Corracleiqh 4/l Cui lcagh 30/3 Cnoc na Luinge 2fl/l Corracluachas 23/1 Cuil Garrai geach 31/2 Cock I s1and 29/1 Corradooa 24/3 Cu5 leen 5/3 Coil! a' ghabhainn 15/1 Corraghy 17/3,19/2 Cull a boy 12/1 Colehi.ll 22/3 Corragloon 30/3 c;ulli. aqh 3:8/? Coragh 14/2, 28/1 Corre smongan 32/3 Corriqnagath lb/3 Curraghstick 5/2 Coramuck 14/3 Currd']hsti 1!. 32/2 Corbagha 12/3 Corro1eehan 13/2 Corronagh 31/l Curraghvagh l3j:? Corbeagh 17/2 Curri gan Bawn 23/l Corboy 32/3 Corryrourke 30/3 Ccn·trasr:a 1;/1 Currveg 22/2 Core 1 are 17/2 curshra 5/3 Corduff <''J/2 Coughpark :>j2 Cos Island ?9/1 Corfad 30/2 Darkl,oy 17/3 Corglass 10/3,19/2 Cranaqhan 33j 1 Crane IsL:md 29/1 Dcerpark :'K/3 Corkerstown 22/1 Dcnn parish l1/l Corkish 1'}/2 Crannadi llon 28/2 Cree 13/2 Deradhoo 5/2 CorJat 30/2 Derries 12/1 Corlateerin 9/3 Creenow 9/3 Cressdrim Derrinlestcr 1~/2 Cor1ca 29/1 l?l:> Derry 9/3,17/3 Corlcckaqh 13/2 Crcst:rim L'; 2 Crissal.t 13/1 Derrybeg 32/l Cor U smore 5/2 Derryconnessy :::t2/2 Corloor1an 33/3 Cruaqhan 31/1 crock<1n 1B/1,27/2,2li/1 Der:ryeven '.-'-f-5/3 corlouqh l:l/1, 22/3, 3~'/~~r/3 Derryqinny 33/3 Cor1urgan 19/2 _L Crock an Namoohi 1 '27,/J Crock11nroo 23/2 Derrylahan 9J?, 1.3/2 Corrnaddyduff 7/1,8/1,12/1 Derrylane 5,13 Cormeen 7/1,14/2 Crockatantee 19/2 Crockavel1a 5/3 Derrylea 9j3, 12/2 Cor.nacloigh :z:lLI. 2, 32/l Derrylurq Derrymoney 32/3 Cornagdrve 24/2 Crocklusty 21/3 crocknacul.lagh lfl/1 Dcrrynacreeve 3/2./J Cornagce 23/1,23/3,24/3 Dcrrynalcste-r 4 l Cornaglare 3CX12 Crocknadubber 31/1 Crock na Fold 2-1/3 Derrynasleeve 32/1 Cornagran 261 1 Derrynatuan 13/3 Cornagun1eog 34/1 Croc·k .. naqranmve">25/'' . ,_ Crocknahai ha 11/3 Derrynure 19/2 Cornahaia 1~/2 Derryraqh 33/1 Cornahaw 23/1,24/l Crockn:~hattin 19/2 Crocknamerlych '5/2 Derryrcal.t 26/2 Cornahi lk 12/1 Derryvahan 32/1 Cornahilt 7/1 Crocknavenny 12/3 Crocknavinne 12/3 Derryvella 32/2 Cornaki 11 30/3 DhoobaJ.lagh 5/l Corr~.aki J.l y 7/1 Crocksiev 11/3 Dhu ish lf3/l Cornalack 11/2 Cro1ey 17/3,2:)/1 Cronamuck 32/2 Dhuogue 28/l Cornal.ara 17/3 Diamond Hill 14/3 Cornalaragh 21/3 cronery 32/2 iii

!! llagh 5/3 Drumnowagh 12/1 Garryross 7/1, 8/2 ,) og Bradach 31/3 Drumrner·sne2 26/2 Ga:r:rysallagh 12/l, 2b/l D sert lLI/2 Drumod 26/1 Gar:rythulc ':W/3 ,.Joogarry 1-1/2 Drumoosc1in 19/3 Garrywaugh 22/3 f;uon 13/1 ,30/l ,33/3 Drum:rat 30/1 Garvagh 22/3, 23/3 D::'iminshin 12/1 Drumr0ill y 13/1 Garvary 32/1 'lT ing 14/2 Drumroosk 5/3 Ga:rvey 4/l Dromkirk 34/1 Drum:roragh 10/3 Gatha, The 12/2 r):·omloman 11/I D:rumscruddan 10/1 Gathamore b/1 J~·orn0re 19/2 Drurnury 5/3 Gau:rdeen, The ll/3 :lnirnhallagh 10/1 D:rutamon 4/l Geaghnarnalc 20/l !):rctim Shamhrach 12/1 DrutJmy 25/1 George's Island 29/1 Lc·umacarrow 19/2 Duchfie1d 23/3 Glanbwee, The 1B/? ::::umad 17/3 Duffcastle 10/1 Glangcv1in 13/2 !Jrumagolan 24/3 Dun a cholpa 30/l G1 anmore : Drumbannan 19/3 Dunglave 26/2 Glenc~nehrin 8/1 i 'l•·umbannew 12/3 Dunlar 30/l GJ.enfern 20/1 u :·umbar 26/2 Glenmore 19/2 DLumboagh 32/1 Eagl3 llill 32/2 Gluckdhoo 27/1 ~)rumbee 9/3 Ea~wn a Wooley" s Bush 5/2 Go1a 25/1 :}eumbinnis 14/2, ?.0/l Edonburt 26/3 Gore Gong 11/2 t-: :Jrumbo 14/2 Edenmore 23/2, 23/3 Gorna leg 23;3 Urumboory 26/2 Eighter 31,1:? c;o:rt 34/1 fh'umhracken 5/1 Enagh 7/1,ll/2,27/1,30/l Go:rtacashcl 26/1 'J rumbrade 5/3 Ena:ran 32/3 Go:rtqku:rk.een 5/3 urumbruckli s 5/3, 12/1 Eve1aghmore 14/3 Gortaw

D:t'iminshin 1?/1 Drurnreill y 13/1 Garvary 32/l I) 'l ring 14/2 Drumroosk 5/3 Garvey 4/l Dromkirk 34/1 Drumroragh 10/3 Gatha, The 12/2 r:romloman 11/l Drumscruddan 10/1 Gathamo:re 8/l Yromore 19/2 DrumUJ:y 5/3 Gaurdeen, The ll/3 JlroJimhallagh 10/1 Drutamon 4/l Geaghnama1e 20/1 !/rCJim Shamhrach 12/1 Drutamy 25/1 Goorge's Island 29/l L:-cumacarrow 19/2 Duchfi eld 23/3 G1anbwee, The lB/7 ;: :·umad 17/3 Duffcastle 10/1 13/2 lYrumago.lan 24/3 Dun a cholpa 30/1 Glanmore :).8/2 Drumanespick 19/2 Dunancory 2fl/3 Glanwi llen L2/2 ;)r.. unard 5/3 Dundavan 12/1 Glasscarrick lL/l :.rrumawhcllan HJ/1 Dundevan 12/1 Glasslcck 18/l Drumawheely 5/2 Dundragon 2.0/l ,21/1,21/3 G1asst.own 14/3 LVumawiller 12/2 Dun Dubh 30/1 G1eanathubber 18/l L :umbagh 14/2 Dunflena 20/l Glebe 30/l !.).tumbannan 19/3 Dunglave 26/2 G1en,lnehrin 8/1 I) '"Jmbannew 12/3 Dunlar 30/l Glenfern 20/l !) 'umbar 26/2 Glenmore 19/2 L1J.Umbea9h 32/1 Eagle llill 32/2 Gluckdhoo 27/1 J.rumbee 9/3 Earnon a Wooley' s Bush ~i/2 Gola 25/1 !Jcumbinnis 14/2, 20/l Edenburt 26/~l Gore Cong 11/2 :Jr·umbo 14/2 Edenrnore 23/2, 23/3 Gorna1eg 23/3 Urumboory 26/2 Eighter 31/2 Gort 34/1 il1'urnbracken 5/l Enaqh 7/1,8/2,?7/1,30/1 Gortacashcl 26/1 'Humbrade 5/3 Erraran 32/3 Gortakurk_een 5/3 i)rumbnckl.i s 5/3, 12/l Evelaghmore 14/3 Gortaw"e 33/3 'l.rumbruqhas 12/3, 26/l Evlagh beg 14/3 Gorteen 14/3,26/3,33/l Dcumcannon l.ti/2, 26/2 Eydhan 22/2 Gorteenac1ough 26/3 · ;rumcar 26/2 Gortecnugarry 14/3 ~lrmncartagh l~/3 Fallanuran 23/2 Gortbunaught 26/l Urumcase 14/3 Fa1 t Terry 23/2 Gort.more 26/2 D·rumcask 26/3 l'arngh 11/1 Gortnacargy 32/3 r;:c·n Finn 31/2 Gowlan 4/l,l3/l,22/3,23j3,27/1 Drnmgora 2B 3 Freeduff 12/l 3/2,13/3 DT 1mgore 12/l Fuc .. l Gar 22/1 Graddurn l0/2 r>x·umhee 1 2B/3 Furnace Land 26/3 Gra-laka-a 19/3 !'•'<.~mhillagh 5/3 Greagh 34/1 ,)·rurnhowragh 12/l Gahcc Ban 8/l Greag. haclei9h 14/3 J.Tr.unhurrin 13/3 Ga.lghe Mor 24/2 Greaqhacolea 14/3 G:reagbacunnia ?5/2 'icurniniskill 14/3 Galbolic 20/1 Greaghadossan :.:'<'Urninisolin 10/l Gallon 25/l 2~i/2 'u:.Jmkeel 8/l Galloncurl:'a 25/l Gr:aagharue 19/3,20/l Greaghclough 25/2,30/1 ;.>:rumkeery 1'1-3 7iJRomlon~ d+/5 Gal1onetra 4/l D:rum1ara 14 3 Gargecn 5/3 Greaghdoo 25/1 Drumlayden 34/1 Garrot•s Island 29/l Greaqhduff 6/3,2.5/7 Dn.unlbrn 17/3 Garryaig 5/2 Greaghnadarragh 30/l Drumloman 10/l Garryawn 11/3 Grehan, The 19/3 f\rumlon 19/3 Garrybawn lB/3 Greuchan 2B/3 TJ:rumlougher 32/_2 Garrybug 21/3 Grouse Hall 17/2 ilrurn1urnrnon 11/1 Garrycom 2nj2 Gub, The 5/3, 11/2, 26/2 :rcummad 26/l Gubavecney 22/3, 24/1 Garrydhoo 8/2 1 i.lrummal.laght 24/3 Garry Dick 19/2 Gubbrawull y x/6 3 L•rummany 14/3 Garryduff 2B/l _Gubnafarna 26 3 D.r.umnat 26/l Garryflui gh 13/1 Gubnagree 32 1 Gub na n-Ean 8/l D1:ummenshin 12/2 Garrylahan 23/1 Gulla Field, The 2<3/l Drummerdannan 14/3 Garrymore 5/3 llrummini.on 14/3 Garry Ned 18/2 Gurteen 18/1 Drummoney 28/3 Garrynogher 10/1 Guth Orna 21/3 Jrummully 14/3 Sarryphilip 18/3 cuttabwfle 5/2 ~..

llawkswood 26/1 Kiltyglassan 24/l Lisnabantry 25/2 "High Street" 20/3 Kiltynaskellan 15/2 Lisnadarragh U/2, 18/2 Holy Hollow 19/3 Kinawl<3Y 2'J/3, 26/2 Li sna f ann a 29/1 Horseshoe 29/l Kinnabo 24/1 Lisnageera 2?/l Hospital Field 31/3 Kinnawooley 5/l Lisnalce 16/l Knockanore 5/3 Lisnalust·ran 7.3/2 Ill anagreeve '29 /1 Knockarabecn 31/3 Lisnanangh 6/1 Illanakirka 29/l Knockatcmp1e 31/3 Lisnatinny 12/2 I 1tchecn 25/3 Knockfinn 13/1 Lissacopple 25/2 Invyarroge 25/2 Knockfulla 27/3 Lissanny 12/2 Island 31/3 Knockmore 32/2 Listernan 15/2 lslandboy '29/l Knocknagartan 31/3 Lochan 12/3 Island Lake 21/1 Knockaveagh 31./3 Loch beag 31/3 Islands, The 5/2 Knockoor '27/3 Lossett 5/1 Knockranny ?6/3 Lossettroo 22/3 "JuryJY' s Well" The 23/l Loughan 26/3 Ju:c:y Bush 5/l Lackan 5/3 LourJhdawan 12/2 Lackanc lare 11/1 Loughduff U/1 Kee1agh 29/1 Lackanduff il/1 Loughnadreegeele 2B/1 Keenac1h Ioj;•, 32/3 Lack enmore ll/1 Lough Ramor 29/l Keil,1qh 1:J1 Lah-de, The 31/1 Louqh Hud 3cl /1 Kiffagh 10/2 LakG field 32/3 Loughtee 3371 Kilcogy 12/2 Lancy, The 5/l Luce' s we 11 5/3 Kilcrossbeg 18/1 Lanliss ?4/1 Lugfeather ~'l/3 Ki1crossduff 18/1 Lannanerreaqh 1.3/1 Lugglas 22/3 Kildal1on 14/1, 15/l Lark Hill 22/2 Lugmo:re 21/2 Ki 1doaqh 3? /3 Lateaster '25/2 Lurgan 27/1,29/1,29/2 Kill 8/2 Latnadronagh 10/2 Lurganacally 22/3 Killabress 19/3 teri ff 18/1 Lurgananure 25/2 Killaghaduff '26/1 Lattone 13/3 Lurganaveele 25/2 Killamagh 24/3 Lattoon 29/1 Lurganbane 16/2 Killan 16/1,20/l,?l/1 Layroo 231 2 Lurganboy 31/3 See also Gai li eboro Leaha Diarmuda 29/3 Lurgan-rud-eer 20/3 Ki llaraqh ll/1 Leac a'thorachaun 23/1 Lusky 23/2 Kil lastorn 21/1 Leacht Z\/2 Killl>f),$(- -N 5 Leatha, The 22/1 Mad-dog-point 2::>/1 KiLl ina<]h 22/1 Lecharrown<>hone 33/1 Maghera area Sec also Glack1ion Lecharry 10/2 See Loughan Killinkere 24/2 Leeks 18/1,21/1,22/1 Magheraboy I?L3, N'¥jl>. ;,M,J~' ~.,,, Ki llinure 10/2 Le?1 St KlL 1ygowan 15/l Linny Veg 31/2 Moher 13/1, 33/3 Killygreagh l:J/1 Lisahollop Moherloub 32/3 Kill ykeen 12/2 Lisanalsk 16/1 Mo1n•1en Haan 23/1 Kill ymoriarty 33/1 Lisatag9ert lB/2, 21/1, 22/1 Moin na Mallacht 2•!/3 :;ill yneary 32/3 Li shall 16/1 Molly, The ll/2, IE/2 Killy'.]Uilly 7/2 Llsboy 7/2 Moll yarth 11/3 Killytoher 10/2 Lisdonnish 10/2 Mo 11 y Bwee 23/1, 28/l Killyvally 11/l Lisdrurnfad 18/2 Molly Wee 16/2 Killywillin 34;1 Lisdrumskea 18/2 Monaghanoose 16/2 Kilmorc 2':!/2 Lisdrumskeagh 22/1 Moneen ll/3 Kilnacrew 4/1 Lisduff 29/1 Monesk 24/1 Kilnacross 1:'lj1 Lisgar 16/1 Moneydoo 26/l ·j l.9/l Money Gore 2:2/1 Kilnaqun 2'!/1 L~sh~nry ll/1 Moncygosh Rohcr 5/1 Rol.lagh 26/3 Munterconnaught 31/l "Poll a' toi ghe ruaidh 23/2 Muntirolus, Lake 3/3 Pollawaddy 22/2 ' Rollaqha 27(1 1/:ur:noJ 29/2 Polldhoo 5/3 Roo-1an 3J/2 Rosehill 30/l, 34/1 Pollintemple 29/2 Nadd, The ll/3 Rossadhilwn 27/1 Pollmalady 29/2 Rossbressdj.l 14/1 Nag1oghderg 3/3 Pollnahowen 4/l Narnbrack, Lake 3/3 Rutha 7/3 Po lloi;harwin 18/2 Ryefield 31/3 Naweelion, Lako 3/3 Pornacartha 19/3 Nedd 15/2 Porroreskey 12/1 Newtown 33/l Saint Finnan's we 11 6/1 Port 14/3 Saint Patrick' s well 11/2 Nil1 y, Lake 3/3 PPrt"n 10/3 Nolaqh 18/2 Sallaghi1l l::0/3 Portbwee 23/l Sallow island 29/1 Porteris Island 29/1 Oggal 23/l scrabby 341 Portha 5/3 Scrabby Island 29/1 OghUl 6/l Portnaan 23/1 Oldtown 5/1 Sea9ull Island 18/l, 241 Portnac1 ygh 23/l seeharan 30/l Olhi 11 29/2 Portnaglogh L'/1 Owencam 32/2 Sgaorc, The 29/1 Port ll~ roj ,j Uck 23/1 Sgeach nu Gastraiqh 8/1 Owendhoo 22/3 Portnaskey 11/3 Owengall is 33/1 Sgog Leah 23/2 Porturlan 34/1 Sgunsa .ll/3 Owenmore 3/3 Pottahee 6/l Owenwakrana 23/2 Shonugohan' s Garden 11/2 Pottle 8/l,ll/1,16/2,?0/2 Shanahaw:lta 16/2 Pottlebane 12/3 Shancashlan ll/2 Pairc a' chaca 31/2 Pott1eduff 25/2 Pairc a hib 28/3 Shancrock 19/3 Pott1ereevagh 26/3 Shanfaurk 2B/2 Pairc a:r.d 31/2 Prospect 32/l Pairc a'thinn, 28/2 Shannon 3/2, 6/l PUlla Gankana 22/1 Shanvil1a ll/3 Pairc a webb 2to/3 Pullaheeran 22/2 Palrc bhan 28/l Shanwi 11 a ll/3 PUllahiste B/1 Sh.,ena Roo 23/1 Pairc bheag 28/1 Pu11ahowney 23/2 Pairce na ndriseog B/1 16/2,17/1,18/3,21/1 Pullareagh 10/2 Shinabawn 23/2 Pairc fur-war 8/2 Pullatherroo 23/2 Pairc-mhaigh-read 27/1 Sh:i, nan 18/3, 22/l Pullatrumrnan 23/1 Shlang 29/l Pairc na pickan 8/l Pul1avrehogue 22/3 Shlay 5/2 Pairc na procan 31/3 Pullawaddy 12/2 Shra 5/2 Pairc na sidheog 8/1 PUllawania 22/l Shrah, The 18/3 Pairc of randheree 8/2 Pullbawn 23/l Shrah-V/oU9/1 Tony1ion 10/3 SraL-a-wooher :'9/1 SrJhdhoo 8/2 ronyloy 15/2 Tonyclul n 26/l srahmore 13/1,31/2 Tony lloo 29/3 Sra.h Nahone 31/3 Tore,ma 32/2, 34/1 ::;nL::han 26/3 Towneyrnakell y 24/l Srooan;\feebra 8/1 Tubbernanunsh U/2 e>roohan 29/1 Tullaqhnabcherny l')/2 Sruhaqh 34/l Tullandrecn 3:> /1 sruhandoo 13/1 ' ' 22/l St agoock :)/3 Tullani.f~ran TuUantanty 22/l Stonybatter 20/2 rull::t-splink 16/2 Stony Island 2'J/l Tullina freave :,'?/2 stralahan 33/2 rullineuc:ra 2:?/3 Strarnaquerty :!':J/2 Tullin1ough 22/3 stramatt :!9/2 rullyard 23/2 stranadarragh 34/1 Tullybrack 32/2 stranarnort 3/3,21f/l Tullyb:rick 18/3 Stripehall 35/1 ru1lyfreuchan 23/l stukkamwae 8/1 Tull ygobbah 3/3 sturril 20/1 Swanlinba:r 25/3 Tull Y'Jullin L'/3 rullygullion 12/3 rullyhaw 33/2 r andera9ee 20/3, 26/3 Tullyhiljen 23/1 I moltra 32/1 l'awnaghwecna 23/l ru llywauma 3//2 Teebanc :J2/l ru:lynava:rbreague23/2 Tee boy 32/:2 Tull yrowcr 13/l Tcemore 22/1 Tully' s Gal.ach 5/2 Tecrafook ll/3 run yuchtharach 13/l Tee Vli 1.1. en 12/2 fullyVClla 13/1 Tcr-1ple !Jill 29/1 Tull yNan 23/2 Tcmolepo:rt 22/~',32/1,34/l 13/l, Ture 22/2, 24/l Termon Zl3 fhccbawn 22/3 Unagl: 26/l Thncgarrow 'n/3 Unshoqagh 22/2 Jheenagaddy 25/2 Urbal 6/l Urblc Foo:r 19/3 !'honcennamona ll/3 Thone na gruch 2li/2 u:rcher 20/l Virginia 29/3, JS/1 r hormon ll/3 Whinny Hill 32/2 r twwnacrock t'>/2 Thubbernaspaw 12/2 cNhi tc Carn 4/l Whi teqate 27/1 [rubbcryarrawn Tl /1 White House, The 13/l Thurbeg 24/2 ·.~oqhtcraghy 6/1 TLurbwec 27/3 Woodworth's island 29/l Thur r:e,:hin :2B/3 Tiornawannagh 33/l -l· ' l . .nv-nc. ~ ~'n·, dll 2r;{''... ,) 0 f1J.t.u1lJane 4; 1 T .i.r.c<.1h,1n 26j2 [o,1m 24/l Tob3r nh:rigbdc: 29/3 ·iobar Fionn 27/3 Tobar na Grabby 2'1/3 Tob;n~ Pudra:l~J 2B/~·'­ Tobil:r Ruadh 27/3 !'oberanna 20/l Tobcr-ee-angcony 31/3 TobQr 4/l