Shoreline Situation Report CITY OF HAMPTON,

Supported by the National Science Foundation, Research Applied to National Needs Program NSF Grant Nos. Gl 34869 and Gl 38973 to the Chesapeake Research Consortium. Inc. Published With Funds Provided to the Commonwealth by the Office of Coastal Zone Management. National Oceanic and Atmosphereric Administration, Grant No. 04-5-158-50001 Chesapeake Research Consortium Report Number 11 Special Report In Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering Number 76 of the VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIEN CE William J. Hargis Jr., Director Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 1975 Shoreline Situation Report CITY OF HAMPTON, VIRGINIA

Prepared by: Carl H. Hobbs ill and Gary L. Anderson Robert J. Byrne John M. Zeigler

Project Supervisors: Robert J. Byrne John M. Zeigler

Supported by the National Science Foundation, Research Applied to National Needs Program NSF Grant Nos. Gl 34869 and Gl 38973 to the Chesapeake Research Consortium, Inc. Published With Funds Provided to the Commonwealth by the Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmosphereric Administration, Grant No. 04-5-158-50001 Chesapeake Research Consortium Report Number 11 Special Report In Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering Number 76 of the VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE William J. Hargis Jr., Director Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS

PAGE PAGE CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION FIGURE 1A: Shoreland components 5 1.1 Purposes and goals 2 FIGURE 1B: Marsh types 5 1.2 Acknowledgements 2 FIGURE 2: Northend Point and Back River aerial photo 13 FIGURE 3: Hampton and Sunset Creek aerial photo 13 FIGURE 4: Back River and tributaries aerial photo 13 CHAPTER 2: APPROACH USED AND ELEMENTS CONSIDERED 3 FIGURE 5: Beach north of Grcmd View ground photo 13 2.1 Approach to the problem 4 FIGURE 6: Seawall north of llur:kroe aerial photo 13 2.2 Characteristics of the shoreline 4 FIGURE 7: Grand View aerial ph(Jto 14 FIGURE 8: Wythe area aerial ph(Jto 14 FIGURE 9: Strawberry Banlcs and Bridge Tunnel aerial CHAPTER 3: PRESENT SHORELANDS SITUATION 9 3.1 The shorelands of Hampton 10 photo 14 FIGURE 10: Hampton Creek aerial photo 3.2 Shoreline erosion in Hampton 10 14 TABLE 1: Relative flood heights at Hampton 3.3 Potential use enhancement of the Hampton shoreline 11 10 TABLE 2: Hampton shorelands physiography 21 MAPS 1A-C: Hampton 1 5 CHAPTER 4: SUMMARIES AND MAPS OF HAMPTON 23 MAPS 2A-C: Chesapeake Avenue 41 4.1 Subsegment summaries 25 MAPS 3A-C: 47 4.2 Segment and subsegment descriptions 29 MAPS 4A-C: Grand View 53 Segment 30 MAPS 5A-C: Langley area 59 Segment 2 30 Segment 3A 31 Segment 3B 32 Segment 4 32 Segment 5A 33 Segment 5B 34 Segment 6 34 Segment 7 35 Segment 8 36 Segment 9 36 4.3 Segment and subsegment maps 39 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 Transportation cision processes at the county level. The Wet­ SHORELINE SITUATION REPORT Waste disposal lands Act of 1972 (Chapter 2.1 Title 62.1, Code Extraction of living or non-living re- of Virginia), for example, provides for the es­ 1 • 1 PURPOS :ES .ANTI GOALS sources tablishment of County Boards to act on applica­ It is the objective of this report to supply Aside from the above uses, the shorelands serve tions for alterations to wetlands. Thus, our an assesment, and at least a partial integration, various ecological functions. The role of planners focus at the county level is intended to inter­ of those important shoreland parameters and char­ and managers is to optimize the utilization of face and to support the existing or pending acteristics which will aid the planners and the the shorelands ru1d to minimize the conflicts county regulatory mechanisms concerning activi­ managers of the shorelands in making the best de­ arising from competing demands. Furthermore, once ties in the shorelands zone. cisions for the utilization of this limited and a particular use has been assigned to a given seg­ very valuable resource. We have given particular ment of shorelands, both the planners ru1d the 1 • 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS attention to the area of shore erosion and to rec­ users want that use to operate most efficiently. This report was prepared with the support of ommendations concerning the alleviation of pro­ We hope that the results of our work, by pointing funds from the Research Applied to National Needs blems resnlting from erosion. In addition, we out the technical feasibilit~ of altering or en­ (RANN) program of the National Science Foundation have tried to include in our assessment some of hancing the present configuation of the shore administered through the Chesapeake Research the potential uses of the shoreline, particularly zone, will be useful to a park plrulller. Alter­ Consortium, Inc. George Dawes and Gene Silberhorn with respect to recreational use, since such in­ nately if the use were a residential development, of the VIMS Wetland Section contributed many use­ formation could aid in the perception of a shore­ we would hope our work would be useful in speci­ ful ideas and criticisms. Dennis Owen, David line segment by potential users. fying the shore erosion problem and by indication Byrd, and Edward Hogge assisted with data reduc­ The basic advocacy of the authors who pre­ defenses likely to succeed in protecting the shore. tion and preparation. Jane Davis, Kaye Stubblefield, pared this report is that the use of shorelands In summary our objective is to provide a useful Peter Rosen, Joe Gilley, Russell Bradley, Bill should be planned rather than haphazardly de­ tool for enlightened utilization of a limited re­ Jenkins, and Ken Thornberry prepared the graphics. veloped. Careful planning could reduce the con­ source, the shorelands of the Commonwealth. Cindy Otey and Beth Tillage prepared the tables flicts which might arise between different po­ Shorelands planning occurs, either formally and typed the manuscript. We thank the numerous tential users. Shoreland utilization in many or informally, at all levels from the private persons in Maryland and Virginia who have contri­ areas of the country, and indeed in some places in owner of shoreland property to county govern­ buted comments and criticism on our ideas and Virginia, has proceeded in response to local, ments, to planning districts to state or federal methods. short term pressures in a manner such that the agency levels. We feel our results will be use­ very elements which attracted people to the shore ful at all these levels. Since the most basic have been destroyed by the lack of planning and unit of comprehensive planning and zoning in forethought. Virginia is at the county or city level, we have The major man-induced uses of the shorelands executed our report on that level, although we are: realize some of the information may be more use­ Recreation ful at a higher governmental level. The Residential, commercial or industrial Commonwealth of Virginia traditionally has chosen development to place, as much as pos<:~ible, the regulatory de-


3 CHAPTER 2 the subsegment. Segments are a grouping of subseg­ may be considered as being composed of three in­ APPROACH USED AND ELEMENTS CONSIDERED ments. The boundaries for segments also were se­ teracting physiographic elements: the fastlands, lected on physiographic units such as necks or the shore and the nearshore. A graphic classifi­ 2.1 APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM peninsulas between major tidal creeks. Finally, cation based on these three elements has been de­ In the preparation of this report the authors the county itself is considered as a sum of shore­ vised so that the types for each of the three ele­ utilized existing information wherever possible. line segments. ments are portrayed side by side on a map to pro­ For example, for such elements as water quality The format of presentation in the report fol­ vide the opportunity ~o examine joint relation­ ships among the elements. As an example, the ap­ characteristics, zoning regulations, or flood haz­ ~ows a sequence from general summary statements for ard, we reviewed relevant reports by local, state, the county (Chapter 3) to tabular segment summaries plication of the system permits the user to deter­ or federal agencies. Much of the desired informa­ and finally detailed descriptions and maps for each mine miles of high bluff shoreland interfacing tion, particularly with respect to erosional char­ subsegment (Chapter 4). The purpose in choosing with marsh in the shore zone. acteristics, shoreland types, and use was not this format was to allow selective use of the report Definitions: available, so we performed the field work and de­ since some users's needs will adequately be met with Shore Zone veloped classification schemes. In order to ana­ the summary overview of the county while others will This is the zone of beaches and marshes. It lyze successfully the shoreline behavior we placed require the detailed discussion of particular sub­ is a buffer zone between the water body and the heavy reliance on low altitude, oblique, color, 35 segments. fastland. The seaward limit of the shore zone is mm photography. We photographed the entire shore­ the break in slope between the relatively steeper line of each county and cataloged the slides for 2.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SHORELINE INCLUDED IN shoreface and tne less steep nearshore zone. The easy access at VIMS, where they remain available THE STUDY approximate landward limit is a contour line rep­ for use. We then analyzed these photographic ma­ The characteristics which are included in this resenting one and a half times the mean tide range terials, along with existing conventional aerial report are listed below followed by a discussion of above mean low water (refer to Figure 1A). In photography and topographic and hydrographic maps, our treatment of each. operation with topographic maps the inner fringe for the desired elements. We conducted field in­ a) Shorelands physiographic classification of the marsh symbols is taken as the landward spection over much of the shoreline, particularly b) Shorelands use classification limit. at those locations where office analysis left c) Shorelands ownership classification The physiographic character of the marshes questions unresolved. In some cases we took addi­ d) Zoning has also been separated into three types (see tional photographs along with the field visits to e) Water quality Figure 1B). Fringe marsh is that which is less document the effectiveness of shoreline defenses. f) Shore erosion and shoreline defenses than 400 feet in width and which runs in a band The basic shoreline unit considered is called g) Potential shore uses parallel to the shore. Extensive marsh is that a subsegment, which may range from a few hundred h) Distribution of marshes which has extensive acreage projecting into an es­ feet to several thousand feet in length. The end i) Flood hazard levels tuary or river. An embayed marsh is a marsh which points of the subsegments were generally chosen on j) Shellfish leases and public shellfish grounds occupies a reentrant or drowned creek valley. The physiographic consideration such as changes in the k) Beach quality purpose in delineating these marsh types is that character of erosion or deposition. In those cases the effectiveness of the various functions of the where a radical change in land use occurred, the a) Shorelands Physiographic Classification marsh will, in part, be determined by type of ex­ point of change was taken as a boundary point of The shorelands of the System posure to the estuarine system. A fringe marsh

4 may, for example, have maximum value as a buffer to Nearshore Zone Intermediate, 12-ft. (3.7 m) isobath 400- wave erosion of the fastland. An extensive marsh, The nearshore zone extends from the shore zone 1,400 yards from shore on the other hand is likely a more efficient trans­ to the 12-foot (MLW datum) contour. In the smaller Wide, 12-ft. (3.7 m) isobath> 1,400 yards porter of detritus and other food chain materials tidal rivers the 6-foot depth is taken as the re­ Subclasses: with or without bars due to its greater drainage density than an embayed ference depth. The 12-foot depth is probably the with or without tidal flats marsh. The central point is that planners, in the maximum depth of significant sand transport by waves with or without submerged light of ongoing and future research, will desire in the Chesapeake Bay area. Also, the distinct vegetation to weight various functions of marshes and the drop-off into the river channels begins roughly at physiographic delineation aids their decision the 12-foot depth. The nearshore zone includes any making by denoting where the various types exist. tidal flats. The classification used is: The class limits for the nearshore zone classi­ Beach fications were chosen following a simple statistical .--FASTLAND~SHOR~~------NEARSHORE------. Marsh I I study. The distance to the 12-foot underwater con­ I I Fringe marsh, < 400 ft. (122m) in width tour (isobath) was measured on the appropriate I '77?/77>'~1: I I along shores charts at one mile intervals along the shorelines of ------. -MLW+I.5 Tide Range ------·~-~-~-~-~-::-~-~-~~-~-~M~L~W----~ Extensive marsh Chesapeake Bay and the James, York, Rappahannock, 1 Figure 1A --= 12 Embayed marsh, occupying a drowned valley or and Potomac Rivers. Means and standard deviations reentrant for each of the separate regions and for the entire An illustration of the definition of the three components of the shorelands. Artificially stabilized combined system were calculated and compared. Al­ Fastland Zone though the distributions were non-normal, they were The zone extending from the landward limit of generally comparable, allowing the data for the en­ the shore zone is termed the fastland. The fast­ tire combined system to determine the class limits. land is relatively stable and is the site of most The calculated mean was 919 yards with a stan­ FRINGE EMBAYED EXTENSIVE MARSH MARSH MARSH material development or construction. The physio­ dard deviation of 1,003 yards. As our aim was to graphic classification of the fastland is based upon determine general, serviceable class limits, these the slope of the land near the water as follows: calculated numbers were rounded to 900 and 1,000 Low shore, 20-ft. (6 m) contour >400ft. yards respectively. The class limits were set at (122 m) from fastlands shore boundary half the standard deviation (500 yards) each side FASTLAND FASTLAND Moderately low shore, 20-ft. (6 m) contour of the mean. Using this procedure a narrow near­ < 400 ft. ( 122 m); with or without cliff shore zone is one 0-400 yards in width, intermediate Figure 18 Moderately high shore, 40-ft. (12 m) contour 400-1,400, and wide greater than 1,400. < 400 ft. ( 122 m); with or without cliff The following definitions have no legal signi­ A generalized illus~ration of the three different marsh types. High shore, 60-ft. (18m) contour <400ft. ficance and were constructed for our classification (122m); with or without cliff purposes: Dune Narrow, 12-ft. (3.7 m) isobath located <400 Artificial fill, urban and otherwise yards from shore

5 b) Shorelands Use Classification: environmental reasons, such as wildlife or wild­ c) Shorelands Ownership Classification Fastland Zone fowl sanctuaries, fish and shellfish conservation The shorelands ownership classification used Residential grounds, or other uses that would preclude deve­ has two main subdivisions, private and governmen­ Includes all forms of residential use with lopment. tal, with the governmental further divided into the exception of farms and other isolated dwel­ federal, state, county, and town or city. Appli­ lings. In general, a residential area consists Agricultural cation of the classification is restricted to fast­ of four or more residential buildings adjacent to Includes fields, pastures, croplands, and lands alone since the Virginia fastlands ownership one another. Schools, churches, and isolated other agricultural areas. extends to mean low water. All bottoms below mean businesses may be included in a residential area. low water are in State ownership. Unmanaged Commercial Includes all open or wooded lands not in­ d) Water Quality Includes buildings, parking areas, and other cluded in 0ther classifications: The ratings of satisfactory, intermediate or land directly related to retail and wholesale a) Open: brush land, dune areas, waste­ unsatisfactory assigned to the various subsegments trade and business. This category includes small lands; less than 40% tree cover. are taken from a listing at the Virginia Bureau of industry and other anomalous areas with the gen­ b) Wooded: more than 40% tree cover. Shellfish Sanitation, based on information from eral commercial context. Marinas are considered The shoreland use classification applies to water samples collected in the various tidewater c.ommercial shore use. the general usage of the fastland area to an ar­ shellfishing areas. The Bureau attempts to visit bitrary distance of half mile from the shore or each area at least once a month. Industrial beach zone or to some less distant, logical bar­ The ratings are defined primarily in regard to Includes all industrial and associated areas. rier. In multi-usage areas one must make a sub­ number of coliform bacteria. For a rating of sat­ Examples: warehouses, refineries, shipyards, jective selection as to the primary or controlling isfactory the maximum limit is an MPN (Most Prob­ power plants, railyards. type of usage. able Number) of 70 per 100 ml. The upper limit for fecal coliforms is an MPN of 23. Usually any count Government Shore Zone above these limits results in an unsatisfactory Includes lands whose usage is specifically Bathing rating, and, from the Bureau's standpoint, results controlled, restricted, or regulated by governmen­ Boat launching in restricting the waters from the taking of shell­ tal organizations: e.g., Camp Peary, Fort Story. Bird watching fish for direct sale to the consumer. Waterfowl hunting There are instances however, when the total Recreation and Other Public Qpen Spaces coliform MPN may exceed 70, although the fecal MPN Includes designated outdoor recreation lands Nearshore Zone does not exceed 23, and other conditions are ac­ and miscellaneous open spaces. Examples: golf Pound net fishing ceptable. In these cases an intermediate rating courses, tennis clubs, amusement parks, public Shellfishing may be assigned temporarily, and the area will be beaches, race tracks, cemeteries, parks. Sport fishing permitted to remain open pending an improvement Extraction of non-living resources in conditions.

Preserved Boating Although these limits are somewhat more s~rin­ Includes lands preserved or regulated for Water sports gent than those used in rating recreational waters

6 (see Virginia State Water Control Board, Water tive visits were made to monitor the effective- Interim Report by Marvin L. Wass and Thomas D. Quality Standards 1946, amended 1970), they are ness of recent installations. In instances where Wright, SRAMSOE Report No. 10, Virginia Institute used here because the Bureau of Shellfish Sanita­ existing structures are inadequate, we have given of Marine Science, 1969, and in other VIMS publi­ cations. tion provides the best areawide coverage available recommendations for alternate approaches. Further­ at this time. In general, any waters fitting the more, recommendations are given for defenses in i) Flood Hazard Levels satisfactory or intermediate categories would be those areas where none currently exist. The pri­ acceptable for water recreation. mary emphasis is placed on expected effectiveness The assessment of tidal flooding hazard for with secondary consideration to cost. the whole of the Virginia tidal shoreland is still e) Zoning incomplete. However, the Army Corps In cases where zoning regulations have been g) Potential Shore Uses of Engineers, has prepared reports for a number of established the existing information pertaining We placed particular attention in our study localities which were used in this report. Two to the shorelands has been included in the report. on evaluating the recreational potential of the tidal flood levels are customarily used to portary shore zone. We included this factor in the con­ the hazard. The Intermediate Regional Flood is f) Shore Erosion and Shoreline Defenses sideration of shoreline defenses for areas of high that flood with an average recurrence time of The following ratings are used for shore recreational potential. Furthermore, we gave con­ about 100 years. An analysis of past tidal floods erosion: sideration to the development of artificial indicates it to have an elevation of approximately slight or none - less than 1 foot per year beaches if this method were technically feasible 8 feet above mean water level in the Chesapeake moderate 1 to 3 feet per year at a particular site. Bay area. The Standard Project Flood level is es­ severe ...., greater than 3 feet per year tablished for land planning purposes which is The locations with moderate and severe ratings h) Distribution of Marshes placed at the highest probably flood level. are further specified as being critical or non­ The acreage and physiographic type of the critical. The erosion is considered critical if marshes in each subsegment is listed. These esti­ j) Shellfish Leases and Public Grounds buildings, roads, or other such structures are mates of acreages were obtained from topographic The data in this report shows the leased and endangered. maps and should be considered only as approxima­ public shellfish grounds as portrayed in the Vir­ ginia State Water Control Board publication The degree of erosion was determined by sev­ tions. Detailed county inventories of the wetlands "Shellfish growing areas in the Commonwealth of eral means. In most locations the long term are being conducted by the Virginia Institute of trend was determined using map comparisons of Marine Science under the authorization of the Virginia: Public, leased and condemned," November shoreline positions between the 1850's and the Virginia Wetlands Act of 1972 (Code of Virginia 1971, and as periodically updated in other similar 1940's• In addition, aerial photographs of the 62.1-13.4). These surveys include detailed acre­ reports. Since the condemnation areas change with late 1930's and recent years were utilized for an ages of the grass species composition within indi­ 1ime they are not to be taken as definitive. How­ assessment of more recent conditions. Finally, in vidual marsh systems. The material in this report ever, some insight to the conditions at the date those areas experiencing severe erosion field in­ is provided to indicate the physiographic types of of the report are available by a comparison be­ specttons and interviews were held with local marshes and to serve as a rough guide on acreages tween the shellfish grounds maps and the water inhabitants. until detailed surveys are completed. Addi- quality maps for which water quality standards The existing shoreline defenses were evaluated tional information of the wetlands characteristics for shellfish were used. as to their effectiveness. In some cases repeti- may be found in Coastal Wetlands of Virginia:

7 k) Beach Quality Beach quality is a subjective judgement based on such considerations as the nature of the beach material, the length and width of the beach area, and the general aesthetic appeal of the beach set­ ting.


9 CHAPTER 3 level (8 feet) as part of zoning ordinances. utilize significant portions of Hampton's shore­ THE SHORELANDS OF HAMPTON There is a flood insurance program in Hampton run lands. The other prime user of the shorelands through the 1968 Housing and Urban Development is the city itself controlling both preserved 3. 1 THE SHORELANDS OF HAMPTON Act's National Flood Insurance Program. and recreational areas in several sections of the The physiographic make up of Hampton's city particularly along the Chesapeake Bay shorelands is responsible for most of the city's TABLE 1 waterfront. shoreline problems. Most of Hampton is on a low ·RELATIVE FLOOD HEIGHTS AT HAMPTON, VIRGINIA The bulk of the privately controlled portions terrace that was cut during the last higher stand Standard Project Tidal Flood • • • • • • • . • • of the city's shorelands are classified for resi­ of sea level. Of Hampton's 337,000 feet of 13 feet above MSL dential use. Other than some of the lower por­ shoreline, 297,000 feet (so%) is "low shore. 11 Intermediate Regional Tidal Flood August 1933 tions of the Hampton River and Sunset Creek, The remaining twelve percent is the low barrier 8 (Figure 3) very little of the shoreline is in­ beach and dune complex of the Buckroe Beach - March 1 962 ...... volved with commercial or industrial uses. Mill Creek - Factory Point area. 6.8 Some of the lands bordering on the Back or Harris Because of the very low nature of the land, April 1 956 ...... · · . . · Rivers (Figure 4) are very little used and are flooding from coastal storms poses a significant 5.8 classified either as agricultural or unused threat to the Hampton area (Table 1). Histori­ source: United States Army Corps of Engineers, shorelands. cally, several storms have flooded or isolated Norfolk District, 1968 Coastal Flooding, Hampton, major portions of the city. The United States Virginia. 31 p. 3.2 SHORELINE EROSION IN HAMPTON Army Corps of Engineers estimates that the Severe or significant erosion in Hampton is Intermediate Regional Tidal Flood, which may be Thirty-five percent of the city's shoreline limited to the Chesapeake Bay shoreline beach expected to occur roughly once a century, would is protected by bulkheads or seawalls and is diffi­ area extending from Old Point Comfort to Northend have a height of eight feet above mean sea level. cult to classify R.A beach or fringe marsh. All (Factory) Point, Segments 5 and 6 (Figures 2 and This coincides with flood height reached by the of Segments 5B and 6 are beach and much of Segments 5) of this report. Average erosion rates of storm of m1gust 1933. The Standard Project 7, 8, and 9 are marsh. A preliminary inventory from 4.0 to over 6.4 feet per year have been de­ Tidal Flood, which would happen with the worst by the Wetlands Section of the Virginia Institute termined for major portions of this shoreline. reasonably conceivable set of circumstances, is of Marine Science defines over two thousand acres One specific location, now partially stabilized, estimated to be on the order of thirteen feet of marsh within Hampton. The largest single has experienced shoreline retreat of nearly a above mean sea level. marsh is the nearly five hundred sixty acres of thousand feet in the past century. There are no real flood defenses i.n Hampton. extensive marsh north of Grand View on Long Creek At the present time, significant portions of The beach area bulkheads and seawalls offer some (Figure 2). Other large marshes are the embayed this shoreline are protected by a bulkhead or sea­ protection from wave damage, but none from high marshes of Newmarket and Brick Kiln Creeks; each wall (35% of the city's entire shoreline is so water. It appears that there is little other than has an area greater than two hundred acres. protected). Most of the property under manage­ building design that can be done to lessen flood Much of the shoreline use is controlled by ment of Fort Monroe has seawalls as do the major damages. The city does have flood plain regula­ the federal government. public use areas of Buckroe Beach (Figure 6) and tions based on the hundred year flood frequency and the Army's Fort Monroe Military Reservation portions of the Grand View area (Figure 7). Also,

10 a large groin field occupies the beach and near­ The Factory Point (Figure 2) area already is 3. 3 POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT OF THE HAJIIIPTON shore areas south of the dredged inlet to the the site of an experimental beach grass planting. SHORELINE Salt Ponds. Most of this groin field (approxi­ The intent of this experiment is to stabilize the Only a few areas of Hampton's shoreline still mately 15 groins between 150 and 200 feet long upper beach and dune areas by trapping windblown retain the potential for enhanced recreational use. and at a rough 600-foot spacing) was constructed sand. Since there is a desire on the part of the In the Wythe area (Figure 8), an artificial beach in the late 1960's as an addition to the few pre­ city to leave this area in a preserved or natural could be created in front of the seawall. Such a existing groins in the Buckroe - Fort Monroe area. state, construction of material structures such as beach would not have to be large, its mere exist­ Simultaneously with the most recent groin construc­ groins or bulkheads would be out of place; thus ence would enhance the waterfront by allowing in­ tion, a large promenade area at Buckroe was sea­ artificial, though pseudo-natural structures as creased, although informal, recreation use. walled. There is little sediment moving in the man made dunes or beach grass plantings, would be Similarly, the beach in the Strawberry Banks area, nearshore system. The reasons for the lack of sed­ the most reasonable beach stabilization devices. west of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel, (Figure iment in the nearshore system are (1) the lack of The erosion problem through these two segments 9) could be expanded to meet future needs. Pub­ a major sediment source and (2) the shoreline is a function of two distinct factors. There is a lic access to Mill Creek could be improved, thus orientation and exposure. The shoreline orienta­ definite paucity of sediment available for natural realizing some to the recreational potential of the tion is such that there is a bidirectorial long­ beach accretion and the area is exposed to one of calm, shallow lagoon. Improved public facilities shore drift with essentially no net transport the higher energy regimes on Chesapeake Bay. in the Buckroe area probably would be utilized into the area. Discussion with members of the Situated near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay, the as rapidly as they are constructed. Plans al­ Hampton Parks Commission indicated that the Buckroe - Grand View area is exposed to waves ready are in motion to upgrade the beach quality original plan was to fill, that is artificially passing into the bay from the ocean and to waves in the present public access areas. Other sources nourish, the beach area following groin construc­ that may have been generated along the full have mentioned the great desirability of creating tion, however, for undetermined reasons, this length of the bay. Thus, controlling shoreline a marina in the Long Ponds area behind Buckroe never was done. Thus in ensuing several years, erosion in this area requires the conservation of Beach. Such a marina, if properly constructed and little has happened to stimulate beach growth or the natural materials already in the system and the designed, could be a major port for yachts plying to protect the fastland. construction of proper structures of sufficient the Intercoastal Waterway between New York and As the Buckroe Beach area is a major re­ strength to withstand the local environment. Florida. gional beach facility, it is important that the In other areas of the Hampton waterfront, Several recent studies on waterfront canals beach quality not be allowed to deteorate. In local erosion problems have been controlled by in­ indicate that great care should be used in the de­ terms of suggested beach protection or preserva­ dividual bulkheads or riprap. Nearly the entire sign of artificial canals, such as shore being tion action, the beach nourishment plan, and the length of Segment 1 (17,000 feet) is protected by dug in upper Hampton Creek (Figure 10). The prob­ installation of sills across the groins to create a substantial seawall. The seawall is effective ability of severe water stagnation problems is a perched beach appear to be the most suitable in minimizing or eliminating erosion along its great. In particular dead end canals and canal measures. The construction of secondary groins length; however, it also has eliminated the shore depths greater than adjacent natural water depths shorter than the existing groins and located be­ zone as there is very little, if any, beach left should be avoided. tween them might be additional, later beach stabi- between it and Hampton Roads. And, finally, the city owned "preserved area" lization measures. between Grand View and Factory Point might be

11 enlarged, utilizing more of the low undevelopable land along the Back River's tributaries and bene­ fitting both the wild life of the area and those persons who are content merely to observe an un­ spoiled, unaltered beach and marsh system. Other sections of town, specifically those along the Back River's drainage system, might be develeped as parks or low ke~r recreational areas. Their susceptibility to flooding precludes ex­ tensive construction or development upon them. Similarly, the numerous bridges across the Hampton River close it to water borne recreational devel­ opment and to all but the smallest vessels. In short summary, the potential of Hampton's shoreline is severely limited by two factors: (1) the existing uses and modifications of the shoreline preclude new recreational development and (2) the great flood hazard of much of the city virtually forbids construction or develop­ ment.

12 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 2: Northend Point and the Back River from near Grand View. The dune area is the site of an experimen­ tal graSs planting. Most of the marsh. is city owned . Figure 3 : Hampton and Sunset Creeks , the city' s sole i ndustrial- commercial shor e area. Figure 4: The low- lying area of the Back River and its tributari es. Langley Air Force Base is in the background. The area appears to have reached its po­ tential with some r esident i al use and several marinas . Figure 5: The beach north of Grand View. As the beach retreats over the marsh, peat blocks erode out of the thin beach face . Figure 6: Seawall north of Buckroe. The groins are approximately 200 feet long and 600 feet apart.

Figure 5 Figure 6

13 Figure 7 : The Grand View section of Hampton. Figure 8 : The Wythe area of Hampton on Hampton Roads. Most of the shoreline of this segment has been bulk­ headed to the detriment of the beach. A better beach might be established thr.ough a progr am of artifici al nourishment.

,; :: .... - ..-::"'-' J';.... -: ,. .: .. . ,-

. .

Figure 7 Figure 8

Fi gure 9 : Strawberry Banks and the Hampton Roads Bri dge Tunnel. Fi gure 10: Hampton Creek near Syms Juni or High School. The area is an example of dredge and fill canals dug into existing small creeks and upland areas to produce waterfront property.

Figure 9 Figure 10



6 <... ) I I I I I I I I HAMPTON '\ ' \ I ..,..""\ sa ,.' ... "' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \.\..... " \

ljw ilji I 0 2 3 MILES MAP 18 HAMPTON

SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES Bulkhead Groins xxxxxx Riprap MILITARY MARINAS (Location of one• or more marinas, yacht clubs, etc.)

6 (._ ) I I I I I I I I I HAMPTON \ \. \ I 58 I ...... " \ ~.-.... \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \.. " L""' \ 5A

0 2 3 MILES MAP 1C



USE Residential RS Commercial c Industrial Government G Recreational RC Agricultural A Unmanaged Wooded w Unwooded u Preserved p OWNERSHIP Private Federal 2 -State 3 City 5 EROSION Severe, noncritical Severe, critical Slight or none no symbol

<_ ) I I I I I I I I I HAMPTON \ \. \ I 58 I ...... ""' \ ~,..... \ \ 11 \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \.. ,... lRS \.."" \ 5A



l>-1 P'l ~ H E-l ~ ~ g; ~@ ~ 0 H ~ H~ ~ ~ ~ H 0 H OH 0 Jl:l H HH ~ P'l Subsegment lil p:j rsp:j E-l ~ E-l ~p:j !ilH ~ 0~ rf.l ; H-H 0 ~p:j P'l ~rf.l HP=l P'l H p rf.l ~ E-l l>-1 E-lH E-l i ~ ~ I A 0 H

SUBTOTAL 54.4 5.5 3.7 7.8 20.9 7.3 4.2 23.4 3.7 4.8 5. 7 5.8 3.9 15.2 0.4 5.6 1.8 23.5 7.4 42.2 14.6 0.1 6.8 63.6

% of SHORELINE 85.6 8.7 5.7 12.3 32.9 11.5 6.6 36.7 5.8 7.5 9.0 9. 1 6.2 23.9 0.6 8.9 2.8 36.9 11 • 6 66.3 22.9 0.1 10.7 100%




FLOOD WATER SHORE EROSION SITUATION SUBSEGMENT SHORELANDS TYPE RH()RP. T.ll NTlR USE ...ZONTN~ HAZARD QUALITY RATE STRUCTURES SUGGESTED ACTION POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT COMMENTS l Fastland: Low shore and arti- Fastland: Residential. Private. Residential. High. Unsatis- Stable. Seawall protects Seawall repairs Recreational beach is possible Beach quality fair. Chesapeake ficial fill (less than 5%). factory. nearly the full where needed. with artificial nourishment Avenue Shore: Some beach below sea- Shore: Recreational. length. Several of the shore between selected 17,000 ft wall, artificial containment groins of mod- groins in the Wythe area. (3.2 mi.) and embayed marsh. Nearshore: Wading, boating, erate effective- Nearshore: Wide. fishing and shellfishing. ness. One small marina, several piers. ;< Fastland: Low shore (90%) and Fastland: Residential (65%)' Private, Residential High. Unsatis No erosion. Numerous piers, None. None. Navigability: gener- Hampton River artificial fill (10%). commercial (25%)' govern- 83% factory. 35,800 ft. bulk- ally good. Dredged 66,000 ft Shore: Artificial containment ment (4%), industrial (3%); Federal, Industrial heads with 150-ft. wide, 12-ft 0 (12.5 mi.) (55%) and fringe marsh (45%) and recreational (3%). 15% marinas. deep, channel to 350 acres Creek: Dredged harbor below Shore: Boat support or unused. City. Commercial Queen Street bridge. Queen Street ; shallow tidal Creek: Upper portions - small 2% Approaches are good. river .above. boats and light recreation; lower portion - marinas and commercial boMtina. 3A Fastland: Low shore (98%) and Fast land: Government (70%)' Federal 65%, Residential High. Unsat1s- ptable. Almost ent1re area None. Strawberry Banks beach could be Beach quality: One factory. seawalled. Strawberry artificial fill (2%) 0 residential (20%), and com- 60% nourished and expanded if small beach is fair Banks Shore: Artificial containment mercial (10%). Private 30%, there were a demand for it. but location near 6,300 ft (98%) and beach (2%) 0 Shore: Some boating and rec- Commercial Hampton Roads Bridge (1.2 mi.) Nearshore: Wide. reation. Much of the shore State 5%- 40% Tunnel detracts from has no specific use. it. Nearshore: Boating and shell- fishina. 3B Fast land: Low shore. Fastland: Residential (90%) Private. Residential. High. Unsat1s- ::;llght shore- Seawall and some Complete sea walling Minimal. Beach quality: Fair. South Phoebus and commercial (10%). factory. line retreat groins. Two would stop the Beach is narrow, 1, 700 ft Shore: Sand beach (90%) and Shore: Private recreation (90% near bridge piers. already limited nearshore is shallow (0. 3 mi.) artificial containment (10%). and fishing docks (10%). tunnel. erosion. Nearshore: Wide. Nearshore: Boating and shell- Nearshore fishing. area shoal- ing. 4 Fast land: Low shore (85%) and Fast land: Government (60%) and Federal 60%, Residential. High. Undeter- Stable. One-third of shore None. With improved public access, Navigability: Low. Mill Creek mined. line covered dunes (15%). residential ( 40%) 0 this area might be developed Bridge clearance 29,000 ft Shore: Beach, fringe and ex- Shore: Recreational and un- Private 40%. with utility for water sport recreational and shallow depth ( 5.6 mi.) tensive marsh, artificial used. bulkhead. Sev- uses. limits size of 630 acres containment. eral private vessels. Creek: Shallow lagoon behind Creek: Some boating, fishing, piers, and a Buckroe-Old Point Comfort and recreation. boat ramp. barrier beach. SA Fastland: Low shore. Fastland: Government (90%) and Federal. Residential. Medium. Interme No eros1on. Seawall protects ~one. None. Old Point commercial (10%). diate. entire subseg- Comfort Shore: Artificial containment. Shore: Boat support and un- ment. 8,000 ft Nearshore: Wide to west, nar- used. (1.4 mi.) row to south. Deep dredged Nearshore: Boating. channel runs very close to western edae. SB Fastland: Low shore. Fastland: Government (65%) and Federal 65%, Residential High. Interme- severe ero- About 12,000 ft. 0 Building sills An enlarged beach and improved Beach quality: Good. Buckroe recreational (35%). 84% diate. sian, cri- seawall, 18 along outer edge facilities at Buckroe would 18,000 ft Shore: Artificial containment Shore: Swimming. Private 25%, Commercial tical, over groins. Piers of groins and improve utility of the area. ( 3. 4 mi.) and sand beach. 16% 6 ft/yr. at Buckroe. artificial nour- Nearshore :L South 2/3 narrow; Nearshore: Water sports. City 10%. ishment of Buck- north 1 3 intermediate. roe Beach. 6 Fastland: Dunes. Barrier Fastland: Preserved (68%)' un- City 68%. Residential High. Interme- Severe ero Several seawalls, Further dune sta If development of marina by Much of region between Grand View beach dunes complex; exten- managed (16%)' residential 90% diate. sion, cri- groins, one large bilization, pos- dredging Salt Ponds area is Grand View and Fac- 25,000 ft sive tidal marsh behind. (12%), and recreational (4%) Commercial tical, over pier in Grand sibly creation designed and handled properly tory Point is site (4.7mi.) Shore: Beach. Shore: Recreational. 10% 6 ft/yr. View area. Num- of second dune it will enhance recreational of experimental Nearshore: Intermediate to Nearshore: Swimming, water erous, reasonably line. If desir- potential of this area. beach grass planting wide with some nearshore sports, boating, and fishing effective groins able and funds project. Beach bars. in Salt Ponds available, groin quality: generally area. field, perhaps good, but quantity artificially of sand is limited. nourished.


7 Fastland: Low shore and arti- Fastland: Residential, com- Private Residential High, Inter- Slight Bulkheading at None Low. Factory Point area is Beach quality good Harris River ficial fin. mercial, agricultural, critical. mediate erosion Windmill Point. preserved, rest of segment at Northend Point. 59,000 ft Shore: Fringe, extensive and preserved. City Utility bulk- is very low and exposed to (11.2 mi.) embayed marsh, beach and Shore: Marinas. heading at flood danger. Navigability good. artificial containment. marinas. Creek: Wide, shallow tidal Creek: Boating, fishing, water creek. sports.

8 Fastland: Low shore. Fast land: Residential, govern- Private 80% Residential High Unsatis- Stable Bulkheading along None Best left as agricultural or sw Branch of ment (Langley AFB); unmanaged factory most of Langley open space. Back River Shore: Fringe marsh (45%)' - open. Federal 18% shoreline. Num- 82,000 ft artificial (30%) and embayed Shore: Boat storage, recreation. erous small, (15.5 mi.) marsh (25%). City 2% private piers, Creek: Re!atively wide, shallow Creek: Fishing, boating, water Langley Yacht tidal extension of Newmarket sports. Club. Creek.

9 Fast land: Low shore. Fastland: Government (80%) and Government Residential High Unsatis- No erosion Langley AFB is None Minimal NW Branch of unmanaged, open and wooded factory bulkheaded. Back River Shore: Artificial containment (20%). Private 25,000 ft (20%) and nearly equal par- Shore: Unused. ( 4. 7 mi.) tions fringe, extensive and City embayed marshes. Creek: Fishing, water sports. Creek: Wide, shallow tidal creek.


29 4. 2 SUBSEGMENT SUMMARIES erosion rate of 2-3 feet per year. The post HAMPTON RIVER, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA 1930's seawall has stabilized the shoreline. ENDANGERED STRUCTURES: None. SEGMENT 2 (Maps 3A, 3B) CHESAPEAKE AVENUE, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: Nearly the full length of the segment is protected with a sea­ SEGMENT 1 (Maps 2A, 2B) EXTENT: Hampton River is a tidal river that ex­ wall some sections of which are in poor re­ pair: There are several (c.20) moderately tends 14,000 feet (2.7 mi.) northward through effective groins. the city. The river and its arms have a total EXTENT: This segment extends 17,000 feet (3.2 of roughly 66,000 feet (12.5 mi.) of shoreline, mi.) from the Newport News- Hampton line to and an area of 350 acres. the mouth of Hampton Creek. Chesapeake Avenue Suggested Action: Seawall repairs where needed. follows the shoreline through most of the seg­ SHOREL.ANDS TYPE OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: There is one small marina ment. FASTLANJJ: Low shore (90%) and artificial fill in the Kecoughtan area near the Hampton River ( 10%) 0 and several piers. SHORELANJJS TYPE SHORE: Artificial containment (55%) and fringe FASTLAND: Low shore and artificial fill (less POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: A quite satisfactory marsh (45%). than 5%). CREEK: Below Queen Street the creek is a recreational beach might be created by artifi­ SHORE: Beach, artificial containment, and two dredged harbor, above it is a shallow tidal cial nourishment of the shore between selected small areas of embayed marsh. river. NEARSHORE: Wide, Hampton Flats. groins in the Wythe area. SHORELANJJS USE MAPS: USGS, 7:.5 IY.Iin.Ser. (Topo.), HAl\l[pTON Quadr., SHORELANJJS USE FASTLANJJ: Residential (65%), commercial (25%), FASTLAND: Residential, single and multiple 1965, photorevised 1970, NORFOLK NORTH,Quadr., 1965, photorevised 1970, and NEWPORT NEWS SOUTH government, Veterans' Hospital, etc. (4%), in­ family dwellings. dustrial (3%), and recreational (3%). Quadr., 1964, photorevised 1968. SHORE: Recreational. SHORE: Boat support or unused. C&GS, #400, 1:20,000 scale, HAMPTON ROADS, 1965. NEARSHORE: Wading, boating, fishing, and CREEK: The upper portions of the creek are #562, 1:40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, shellfishing. used for boats and light recreation. An Cape Cha':rles to Norfolk Harbor, 1971. sm~ll amphibious airplane is based in the central por­ OFFSHORE: Hampton Roads. tion of the river. The lower portions of the PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 108/137-139, 189, 190; * creek where there is a dredged 12-foot channel, WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: The shoreline trend is are used' for marinas and commercial boat' lng USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/30, 32, 33, 38. generally ENE - SSW. activities. The fetches are: C&GS. 3Mar59 W3855. VaDH,200ct59 5114059/166, 167; SW 7 nm across Hampton Roads OWNERSHIP: Private, Federal, and City (due to VaDH 23Feb63 5114116/022, 023, 037, 068. S 4 nm the nature of this area, ownership percentages SE 3 nm NASA 130ct71 7053, 7054, 7204. are not applicable). E generally open to VIIY.IS 270ct72 HP-1/1-22. the Chesapeake Bay ZONING: One family residential district (72%), and the Atlantic Ocean. Ground - VIIY.IS 12Jun73 HP-1/35-40. light manufacturing district (12%), multiple family residential district (11%), heavy manu­ OWNERSHIP: Private. facturing district (3%), limited commercial *Photograph filed with Newport News. district (1%), and general commercial district

ZONING: One family residential district. ( 1%) 0

FLOOD HAZARD: High. FLOOD HAZARD: High. The entire area is below the level of the Intermediate Regional Tidal WATER QUALITY: Found unsatisfactory by the Bureau Flood. of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1973. WATER QUALITY: Found unsatisfactory by the Bureau BEACH QUALITY: Fair. What beach there is, is be­ of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1973. low a seawall. BEACH QUALITY: There are no significant beaches SHORE EROSION SITUATION: Stable. in this segment. EROSION RATE: None. Historical studies show an

30 SHORE EROSION SITUATION: Stable. STRAWBERRY BANKS, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA and the small creek, most of the area is sea-­ EROSION RATE: Apparently none. ·walled. ENDANGERED STRUCTURES: None. SUBSEGMENT 3A (Maps 3A, 3B) SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: None. OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: None. Suggested Action: None. EXTENT: This subsegment extends 6,300 feet (1.2 mi.) from the mouth of Hampton Creek to the POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: If there were the de­ Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel. mand for it, the Strawberry Banks beach could OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: There are numerous piers I be nourished and expanded. and bulkheads (approx. 35,800 ft.) associated SHORELANDS TYPE with the marinas and the boating industry and MAPS: USGS, 7. 5 Min. S er. ( Topo. ) , HAMPTON Quadr. , many "utility" bulkheads serving to improve the FASTLAND: Low shore (98%) and artificial fill (2%). 1965, photorevised 1970. cosmetics of individual properties. Also, C&GS, #400, 1:20,000 scale, HAMPTON ROADS, 1965. there are seve:eal private piers. SHORE: Artificial contai:runent (98%) and beach (2%). #562, 1:40,000 scale, GHESAPEAKE BAY, Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor. NAVIGABILITY: Generally good. There is a dredged NEARSHORE: Wide, Hampton Flats. 150-foot wide, 12-foot deep channel as far up­ SHORELANDS USE PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 108/138, 139, 160, stream as the Queen Street bridge. The 161 ; approaches are similarly good. The upper FASTLAND: Gover:runent (70%), rgsidential (20%), and commercial (10%). USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/3, 5, 30, 32. reaches of the creek are not maintained, but are C&GS 3Apr59 W3855. satisfactory for the use they now receive. SHORE: Boating, recreation, much of the shore has no specific use. VaDH 23Feb63 5114116/073, 074; NEARSHORE: Boating and shell;,f:Lshing. VaDH 18Mar66 511421~V010-014. POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: None. NASA 130ct71 7053, 7054, 7204. VIMS 270ct72 HP-3A/25, 26. MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.Ser. (Topo.), !!AlVIPTON Quadr., OFFSHORE: Hampton Roads. 1965, photorevised 1970. C&GS, #400, 1:20,000 scale, HAMPTON ROADS, 1965. WIND Al\ID SEA EXPOSURE: The shoreline trend is WNW - #562, 1 :40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, SSE. The fetch from the South is 3 miles and Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor, 1971. Southwest about 9 miles into the Nansemond River. The area is protected on the east by Fort PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 108/138, 139, 160, Monroe and . 161 ; USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/30, 32. OWNERSHIP: Federal (65%), Private (30%), andState C&GS 3Mar59 W3855. (5%). VaDH 23Feb63 5114116/068, 073. NASA 130ct71 7053, 7054, 7204. ZONING: One family residential district ( 60%), VIMS 270ct72 HP-2/22-24; and limited commercial district (40%). VIMS 30Apr73 HP-2/191-214. FLOOD HAZARD: High. Ground - VIMS 12Jun73 HP-2/41-62. WATER QUALITY: Found unsatj_sfacto ry by the Bureau of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1973.

BEACH QUALITY: The one small beach is fair, but its location near tht:! Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel toll is a detracting factor.

SHORE EROSION SITUATION EROSION RATE: None. The area ts artificially stabilized. Historical sul~eys indicate that the old shoreline retreat rate was under one foot per year. ENDANGERED STRUCTURES: None. SHORE PROTECTIVE S11RUCTURES: Except for the beach by the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel rampart


Suggested Action: Complete seawalling of the EXTENT: This subsegment extends 1,700 feet (0,3 EXTENT: Approximately 2g,ooo feet (8.6 mi.) of mi.), from the Hampton Roads Bridge to the Mel­ area would stop the already limited erosion. Further study is necessary if a solution to the shoreline enclose the nearly 630 acres of len Street (Route 143 bridge). Mill Creek. the shoaling problem is to be found. SHORELANDS TYPE SHORELANDS TYPE FASTLAND: Low shore. OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: One small private pier and a larger pier associated with a commercial FASTLAND: Low shore (85%) and dunes (15%). SHORE: Sand beach (go%) and artificial con­ SHORE: Beach, fringe and extensive marsh, and fishing operation. tainment ( 10%). artificial containment. NEARSHORE: Wide. CREEK: A shallow lagoon behind the Buckroe - POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: As there is no public Old Point Comfort barrier beach. SHORELANDS USE access to the shoreline along this subsegment and the area is privately owned, the potential FASTLAND: Residential (go%) and commercial SHORELANDS USE for use enhancement is minimal. ( 10%). FASTLAND: Government (6o%) and residential SHORE: Private recreation (go%) and fishing MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.Ser. (Topo.), HAMPTON Quadr., (40%). docks ( 10%). SHORE: Recreation and unused. 1g65, photorevised 1g70. NEARSHORE: Boating and shellfishing. CREEK: Some boating, fishing, and recreation. C&GS, #400, 1:20,000 scale, HAMPTON ROADS, 1g65. #562, 1 :40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, OFFSHORE: Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (and con­ OWNERSHIP: Federal (6o%) and Private (40%). Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor, 1g71. struction of the second bridge tunnel). ZONING: One family residential district. WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: The shoreline trend is PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG ~08/138, 13g, 160, 161 ; general E - W. The area is protected from all FLOOD HAZARD: High, both from increased water USDA 300ct53 DWJ-4N/3, 5, 30, 32. but southwest winds which have a fetch of levels and wave overwash. roughly 8 nm through the bridge-tunnel from C&GS 3Apr5g W3855. Nansemond River. VaDH 23Feb63 5114116/073, 074; WATER QUALITY: Undetermined. VaDH 18Mar66 5114212/010-014. OWNERSHIP: Private. NASA 130ct71 7053, 7054, 7204. SHORE EROSION SITUATION: Stable. EROSION RATE: None. ZONING: One family residential district. ENDANGERED STRUCTURES: None. SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: None. FLOOD HAZARD: High. Suggested Action: None. WATER QUALITY: Found unsatisfactory by the Bureau of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1g73. OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES:' Roughly a third of the creek's shoreline, most at Fort Monroe, is BEACH QUALITY: Fair. The beach is fairly narrow covered with utility landscape bulkhead. There and the nearshore area is quite shallow. There are several private piers and a boat ramp. is a nearshor~ shoaling problem. NAVAGABILITY: The size of vessels are limited by SHORE EROSION SITUATION Mellen Street - Route 143 bridge. I,ow vertical EROSION RATE: Most of the subsegment shoreline clearance under railroad bridge and shallow is artificially stabilized, however the unsta­ depth permits only small motor boats without bilized area near the Bridge-tunnel is ex­ stand-up cabins to pass into Mill ereek. periencing slight shoreline retreat. Interviews witb local residents backed up by a study of POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: With improved public recent aerial photographs indicates that the access, Mill Creek might be developed for water shore area is shoaly with sediment transported sport recreational uses. around the bridge abutment.

32 lVIAPS: USGS, 7. 5 Min. Ser. (Topo.), HAl\'[PTON Quadr., OLD POINT COMFORT, Blill~TON, VIRGINIA OTHER SHORE S11RUCTURES: Those few au~;ociated V'T"i L;h 1 965, photorevj.8ed 1 970. SUBSEGMENT 5A (Maps 3A, 3B) the small mar.Lna. C&GS, #400, 1:20,000 scale, HAMPTON ROADS, 1965. #562, 1:40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: None. Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor, 1971. EXTENT: This subsegment extends 8,000 feet (1.4 mi.) from near the Fort Monroe &.trance to the MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.S8r. (Topo.), HAMPTON Quadr., PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 :E'G 108/160, 161 ; bend in the shoreline east of the old lighthouse. 1965, photorevised 197\) .. USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/5. Although not included in the measurements, Fort C&GS, #400, 1:20,000 scale, HAMPTON ROADS, 1965. C&GS 3Apr59 W3855. Wool is included in the su.bsegment. #562, 1 :40,000 scalo, CHESAPEAKE BAY, VaDH 23Feb63 51H116/073, 074, 081 to 084; Cape CharlE,,3 to Norfolk Harbor, 1971. VaDH 18Mar66 51142·\~>.l()iO to 014. SHORELAliDS TYPE NASA 310ct71 7053, 7054, 7204. FASTLAND: Low shore. PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 1 2Apr37 FG 108/160-162, 1 66, VIMS 30Apr73 HP-4/174-185. SHORE: Artificial containment. 167; NEARSHORE: Wide to the weDt and narrow to the USDA 310ct53 DWJ"-4N/5, 7j south. A dredged channel with deep water runs USDA 11 Oct 54 lX}F-2N/35. C&GS 3Apr59 W3855. very close to the edge of the sub­ sog.,nent. VaDH 18Feb63 5122109/168; VaDH 23:B'eb63 5114116/073, 074, 080-084; SHORELAl.IJI)S USE VaDH 3Jan66 51142U1/9, 10; FASTLA}ID: Government, Fort Monroe (90%) and VaDH 18Mar66 511421;:/U"i0-014; commercial, 'i small boat marina and a hotel VaDH 7Sep66 51142 ' /') 18; ( 1 o%). VaDH 26Mar68 AW 116, 1"18. SHORE: Boat support and unused. VIMS 270ct72 HP-5A/30-32; NEARSHORE: Boating. VIMS 30Apr73 HP-5A/'i86-1 90.

OFFSHORE: All shipping entering Hampton Road10: must pass nffshore of Old Point Comfort.

WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: The shoreline trend is N - S. The fetch to the west Ls 1i miles acn1ss Hampton Flats and to the Southwest is 10 miles to the Nansemond River.

OWNERSHIP: Feder~'-tl.

ZONING: One family residential district.

FLOOD HAZARD: Medium. Much of the area is above ten feet (the Intermediate Regional Tidal Flood level is 8 feet). However, the Standard Project Flood or high storm waves could inflict signi­ ficant damage to portions of the subsegment.

WATER QUALITY: Found intermediate by the Bureav. of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1973,

SHORE EROSION SITUATION: Controlled. EROSION RATE: None. ENDANGERED STRUCTURES : None. SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: The entire SlJ.b­ se~nent is protected by a seawall.

Suggested Action: None.

33 BUCKROE, fffiMPTON, VIRGINIA feet is in Buckroe. There are approximately GRAND VIEW, fffiMPTON, VIRGINIA 18 groins along the beach. SUBSEGMENT 5B (Maps 3A, 3B and 4A, 4B) SEGMENT 6 (Maps 4A, 4B) Suggested Action: Building sills along the outer edge of the groins and artificial nour­ EXTENT: This subsegment extends 18,000 feet (3.4 EXTENT: This segment extends 25,000 feet (4.7 ml.· ) from Old Point Comfort to Malo Beach. ishment might increase the size and stability of the beach in the Buckroe public areas. mi.) from Malo Beach to Northend (Factory) Point. SHORELANDS TYPE FASTLAND: Low shore. The area is a somewhat OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: There are piers at Buckroe. SHORELANDS TYPE stabilized barrier beach and dune complex. FASTLAND: Dunes. The segment primarily is a SHORE: Artificial containment and sand beach. POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: An enlarged beach and barrier beach-dune complex backed by an exten­ NEARSHORE: The south two-thirds are narrow, the sive tidal marsh. improved facilities at Buckroe would improve the north one-third is of intermediate width. SHORE: Beach. utility of the area as a recreational site. NEARSHORE: Intermediate to wide with some SHORELANDS USE nearshore bars. FASTLAND: Government, Fort Monroe (65%) and MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.Ser. (Topo.), HAMPTON Quadr., 1965, photorevised 1970. recreational (35%). SHORELANDS USE C&GS, #400, 1:20,000 scale, HAMPTON ROADS, 1965. SHORE: The beach areas are used for swimming. FASTLAND: Preserved (68%), unmanaged (16%), NEARSHORE: Water sports. #562, ·1 :40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor, 1971. residential (12%), and recreational (4%). SHORE: Recreational. WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: This subsegment trends PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 108/160-162, 166, NEARSHORE: Swimming, water sports, boating, NNE _ SSW. The fetch to the northeast is over and fishing. 20 miles and to the southeast is 10 miles. The 167; USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/5, 7; fetch to the east is unlimited through the mouth OFFSHORE: Chesapeake Bay. of Chesapeake Bay and into the open Atlantic. USDA 110ct54 DGF-2N/35. C&GS 3Apr59 W3855 ·' VaDH 13Feb63 5122109/168; WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: The southern half of the OWNERSHIP: Federal (65%), Private (25%), and City segment trends NNE - SSW. The northern half ( 10%). VaDH 23Feb63 5114116/073, 074, 080-084; VaDH 8Jan66 5114201/9, 10; trends NW - SE. Fetches are: ZONING: One family residential district (68%), VaDH 18Mar66 5114212/010-014; VaDH 7Sep66 5114222/118; E unlimited multiple family residential district (16%), and NE 15 nm general commercial district (16%). VaDH 26Mar68 AW116, 118. VIMS 270ct72 HP-5B/42-54; SE 14 nm. VIMS 30Apr73 HP-5B/167-173. The segment faces the mouth of the Chesapeake FLOOD HAZARD: High, both for high water levels Bay and is exposed to the Atlantic Ocean. and wave action. Ground - VIMS 23May73 HP-5B/63-66; OWNERSHIP: City (68%) and Private (32%). WATER QUALITY: Found intermediate by the Bureau VIMS 28Jun73 HP-5B/86-90. of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1973. ZONING: One family residential district (go%) and limited ·commercial district ( 10%). BEACH QUALITY: Good. The Buckroe Beach area is one of the best public bathing beaches on the FLOOD HAZARD: High, both from high water levels Chesapeake Bay. and waves. The beach has been overwashed in several locations. SHORE EROSION SITUATION EROSION RATE: Severe, critical. Erosion rates WATER QUALITY: Found intermediate by the Bureau of over 6 feet per year are documented for this of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1973. area. ENDANGERED STRUCTURES: Houses at the Buckroe BEACH QUALITY: Generally quite good, but, sur­ Beach area. prisingly, the quantity of sand is very limited. SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: There is approxi­ In several locations the blocks poking through mately 12 000 feet of seawall in this subseg­ the beachface, locally lowering the beach ment. 8 5oo feet of the seawall is at the Fort quality. Monroe R~servation area. The remaining 3,500

34 SHORE EROSION SITUATION HARRIS RIVER, HA}ITTON, VIRGINIA Suggested Action: None. EROSION RATE: Severe, critical, 6 feet per year average indicated in the VIMS historical SEGMENT 7 (Maps 4A, 4B) OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: There l'> much utility survey. Other reports vary in the precise bulkheading associated with the several marinas rate, but all agree that the beach is experi­ in the area. encing a dramatic retreat. EXTENT: This segment has 59,000 feet (11.2 mi.) of shoreline between Northend Point and Stony ENDANGERED STRUCTURES: Several houses in the NAVIGABILITY: Good. Grand View area are endangered. Point, including the Harris River. SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: The Grand View SHORELANDS TYPE POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: Low. The Factc)ry area is protected by several seawalls and Point area is part of a pre.served area. The groins. There are numerous groins, that are FASTLAND: Low shore and artificial fill. Marsh areas in upper Harris River recently have been rest of the segment is so low and exposed to reasonably effective, in the Salt Ponds area. flood danger as to preclude development. Much of the reeion between Grand View and filled for residential housing development. SHORE: Fringe, extensive, and embayed marsh, Factory Point is the site of an experimental MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.Ser. (Topo.), HAMPTON Quadr., beach grass planting project. beach and artificial containment. CREEK: Wide, sh,:tllow tidal creek. The Harris 1965, photorevised 1970. C&GS, #562, 1 :40,000 seal~, CHESAPEAKE BAV Suggested Action: Further d11ne stabilization River is 3. 6 miles long and draj_ns 3. 06 square miles. Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbcn.:', 1971. ... ' and possibly the creation of a sec~ond dune line might help stabilize the shoreline of PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 108/155, 158, this subsegment. If it were desireable to im­ SHORELAlWS USE FASTLAND: Residential, commercial, agricultural, 169-171; prove the already good beach quality, &~d if USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/9, 10. funds wer.e available, a groin field, perhaps and the city owned preserved area adjacent to Northend Point. USAF 10Nov59 AF59-35 R-21/1940-1944. artificially nourished, probably would be VaDH 23l!1 eb63 51141H)/067, 085-087; 5147·: 16/ the most success:ful structure. SHORE: Marinas. CREEK: Boating, fishing, and water sports. 066, 088; VaDH 26Mar68 AW 12;~. OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: There is a large pier VIMS 30Apr73 HP-7/215-277. south of Grand View. WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: The exposure of this seg­ ment is limited by the opening of the Back POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: The Salt Ponds area River. Except under extreme storm conditions, behind the beach and dunes is being dredged wave action is not a highly significant factor for use as a major marina or the Intercoastal in this area. · Waterway. If this development is designed and handled properly it will significantly enhance OWNERSHIP: Private and City. the recreational potential of the area. ZONING: One family residential district. MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.Ser. (Topo.), HAMPTON Quadr., 1965, photorevised 1970. FLOOD HAZARD: High, critical. The area is quj_te C&GS, #562, 1:40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, low. Several houses and marinas would be Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor, 1971. flooded b,y the Intermediate Regional Tidal Flood. Frequently the area is isolated by storm high PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 108/167-172; tides. USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/7; DWI-4N/12. USAF 10Nov59 AF59-35 R-21/1941-1944. WATER QUALITY: Found intermediate by the Bureau Va])H 23Feb63 51141'6/083-085, 087, 093-095; of Shellfish Sanitation as of July 1973. 5147116/088; VaDH 26Mar68 AW 122, 118, 120. BEACH QUALITY: Good at Northend Point, there is NASA 310ct71 7053, 7055, 7204. little other beach area in the segment. VIMS 270ct72 HP-6/55-75; VIMS 30Apr73 HP-6/161-166. SHORE EROSION SITUATION: Stable. EROSION RATE: Slight. Ground - VIMS 23May73 HP-6/67-82; ENDANGER@ STRUCTURES: None. VIMS 28Jun73 HP-6/83-85; SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: Bulkheading at VIMS 13Aug73 HP-6/1-34. Windmill Point.

35 SOUTHWEST BRANCH OF THE BACK RIVER, Suggested Action: None. NORTHWEST BRANCH OF THE BACK RIVER, HAMPTON, VIRGINIA OTHER SHORE STRUCTURES: There are numerous small HAMPTON, VIRGINIA SEGMENT S (Maps 4A, 4B and 5A, 5B) private piers, th·3 Langley Yacht Club, and much SEGMENT 9 (Maps 5A, 5B) cosmetic

EXTENT: This segment ex~ends along S2,000 feP-t POTENTIAL USE ENHANCEMENT: Extreme care should be EXTENT: This segment extends 25,000 feet (4.7 (15.5 mi.) of the shoreline from Stony Point used with the area between Langley View and mi.) from Willoughby Point upstre&!l toward the upstream to and back to Stony Point. Because of its very low open na­ Big Bethel Reservoir. This report is concerned Willoughby Point. ture, the area might best b'"" left as agricul­ only with the southern back of the river as the tural or open space. Hampton City - York County, Poquoson boundary SHORELANDS TYPE follows the center of the river. FASTLAND: Low shore. MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.Ser. (Tope.), HAMPTON Quadr., SHORE: Fringe marsh ( 45%), artificial fill. or 1965, photorevised 1970 and NEWPORT NEWS NORTH SHORELANDS TYPE containment (30%), and embayed marsh (25%). Quadr., 1965, photorevised 1970. FASTLAND: Low shore. CREEK: Relatively wide, Hhallow tidal extention C&GS, #562, 1:40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, SHORE: Artif:Ldal containment (20%) and nearly of Newmarket Creek. The Southwest Branch is Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor, 1971. equal portions of extensive, embayed, and 3.2 miles long and dr:::dns 28.99 square miles. fr:i.nge crer~k marshes. PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 10S/141-143, CREEK: Wide, shallow tidal creek. The North­ 1 SHORELANDS USE ·: 55-15S, 1SS; west Branch is 2.7 miles long and drq:ins 23.26 FASTLA1ID: Residential, government (Langley AFB), USDA 310ct53 DWJ--4N/9, 10, 25. square mile,s. unmanaged-open, recreational, and agricultural. USAF 110ct59 AF59-35 R-21/1940-1944. SHORE: Boat storage and recreati.on. VaDH 23Feb63 5114116/041--043, 067-069; SHORELANDS USE CREEK: Fishing, boating, a...'1.d water sports. 5147116/066. FASTLAND: Government, Langley AFB and NASA NASA 3 ·1 Oct71 7056, 7202, 7203, 7207. (so%) and unmanaged, WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: The Southwest Branch of VIMS 30Apr73 HP-S/99-160, 27S-284. open and wooded (20%). the Back River is a rcj:otricted arm of a tidal SHORE: Unused. river. Although northwest \tinds blow down its CREEK: Fishing and wate:ro :~ports. length, there is no direct exposure to open waves. WIND AND SEA EXPOSURE: The Northwest Branch of the Back River is a sheJ.tere·l tidal rivc~r. OWNERSHIP: Private (so%), Federal, Langley AFB With the excror.•tion of a small area across the and NASA Langley Research Center (1s%), and riv;co:r· from Tin Shell Point. There ia no open City (2%). access to the shoreline by wavu:3 of any appre­ ciable fetch. ZONING: One family residential dist:c:Lct ( 95%) and multiple family residential district (5%). OWNERSHIP: Government, Private, and City.

FLOOD HAZARD: High. The entire area is below ZONING: One family residential. dircrtrict. the S-foot level of the Intermediate Regional Tidal Flood. FLOOD HAZARD: High. Most of the arr-='a b:_,low Brick Kiln Creek is below the S-foot level of WATER QUALITY: Found unsatisfactory by the Bureau the Intermediate Regional Tidal _Flood. All of Shellfis'rl Sanitation as of July 1973. the Brick Kiln Creek area is below the level 11 of the "Standard Project Tidal ~'load • BEACH QUALITY: Generally no beach. WATER QUALITY: Found unsat:L:~factury by the Bureau SHORE EROSION SITUATION: Stable. of Shellfish Sani tat.i.on as of July 1 973. EROSION RATE: Nearly zero. ENDANGERED STRUCTURES: None. BEACH QUALITY: There are no beaches in this seg­ SHORE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES: Most of the ment. Langley shoreline is bulkheaded but it is as much cosmet:Lc or utility bulkheading as it is SHORE EROSION SITUATION: Stable. protective. EROSION RATE: None.


Suggested Action: None.



MAPS: USGS, 7.5 Min.Ser. (Topo.), HAMPTON Quadr., 1965, photorevised 1970 and NEWPORT NEWS NORTH Quadr., 1965, photorevised 1970. C&GS, #562, 1:40,000 scale, CHESAPEAKE BAY, Cape Charles to Norfolk Harbor, 1971.

PHOTOS: Aerial-USDA 12Apr37 FG 108/143-144, 155, 188; USDA 310ct53 DWJ-4N/25, 45. USAF 110ct59 AF59-35 R-21/1940-1944. VaDH 23Feb63 5114116/044, 045, 067; 5147116/066. NASA 310ct71 7049, 7202, 7203, 7207. VIMS 30Apr73 HP-9/76-97.





1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 FEET EHDH3:;:E.H3:::==--·~-~ __3- ~--'- 6~--- !!fO 71° 22' 30" MAP 28 HAMPTON CHESAPEAKE AVE. SHORELANDS TYPES Segment 1

FASTLAND Low Shore SHORE Beach ::·:·:·:-:.:·:-:-:-:·:-·.·:-:-:-:·: ·:< ·:-:: Embayed Marsh ~ Artificially Stabilized ~ ..J... ..J... ..J... ..J... NEARSHORE

• • •

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OWNERSHIP= Private USE= Residential RS sar EROSION= o(\ ~e-t~? Slight or 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET no change no symbol H H H --··~:--~- -~-~-=---~-- _::J MAP 3A HAtv1PTON - FORT MONROE Segments 2, 3A, 38, 4, 5A, 58 TOPOGRAPHY AND CULTURE " = SEGMENT BOUNDARY

" =

3A SA olight \ HAMPTON ROADS 58 +



1000 0 1000 2006 3000 40UO 5000 6000 7000 FEET

76° 20 I FAST LAND MAP Low Shore HAMPTON FORT Dune Artifi cia I \ \ \ \ I \ \ I I I I I \ I \ I SHORELANDS TYPES SHORE

0 0 0 0 0 00 0 Segments 2,3A,38,4, 5A,5B Beach :: :-: :-:-: :- .-: : .-·o · :-: · :-: · 0 • :-:·:·X: Fringe Marsh ~ Extensive Marsh /////////////////h Artificially Stabilized -L... -L...... L...... ~...... ~...... ~.... NEARSHORE o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o

. ·.:;...,.. ..,...,·. . . • 2 • •

Light 0 3A

0Light HAMPTON ROADS 58 1 +

0 Light

co Light





olight HAMPTON ROADS 58 1 +

OWNERSHIP= ~Light Private I Federal 2 State 3 City 5 USE= Commercial c Industrial I Government G Residential RS --- EROSION= ------Severe --- Slight or no change no symbol

' 100EO~::::BO==l::E000~~2000ie·==~3000~~4~0U~O =~50~00~~60~00=~7000 FEET

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HAMPTON GRAND VIEW 37° 20' Segments 58, 6, 7, 8 20' 30" 30" TOPOGRAPHY AND CULTURE 58 ' = SEGMENT BOUNDARY "= SUBSEGMENT BOUNDARY 30" 76° 17' 30"

1000 0 1000 2000 .3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET E30::£3. :a:::::::=-__ -.::::::::r=~ ~=:E=====i3:==:::J

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Low Shore ._,...L...JI--L--L-..L..-L-..L--L--L...... I...--..J.-1 Dunes 0 Artificial I I I I I I I I I I SHORE 0 Beach :-.·-:·:·:·.··=·: ...... =·: ·. ·. :-:-:. :· ;-.: 0 Fringe Marsh ~///////////////////////­ 0 37° 20' Extensive Marsh ///////////////// 20' 30" 0 30" Embayed Marsh ~ 0 58 Artificially Stabilized ....1...... 1...-'- _._-'- _._ NEARSHORE 0 Intermediate o o o o o o o o Wide • • • • • • • IQ00 (I 1000 21JCJU 3000 40UO 5000 6000 7000 FEET f-.:r-} 1 I--{ f---=-==-=-- ~~:=---{ -T:~-c_ -~c-- { - E='c cc==-"'f - ·-:1 ,L,ght

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OWNERSHIP= Private I Federal 2 City 5 USE= Agriculture A Commercial c Preserved Recreational Residential Unmanaged, Wooded W Open U 37° EROSION= 20' Severe, noncritical 30" Severe, critical 58 Slight or no change l 76° 17' 30" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Tabb . ~ . ----- . ---... -"- \ ) / \ . -; ). (Cr··


I 000 2000 .1000 4000 :">000 6000 7000 FEET -="='-'-o-,-"L~ .. ..:: :__ :r=--::==: __ -- ~= -·--= LANGLEY AREA. SHORELANDS TYPES Segments 8, 9

FAST LAND Low Shore I I I I I I II I II I I I I SHORE Fringe Marsh Wl////ll//////////l///////////llh Extensive Marsh~/////////////////: Embayed Marsh~

Artificially Stabilized ..J... ..J... ..J... -L. -L. ..J... OWNERSHIP: Private I Federal 2 City 5 USE= Agriculture A Government G ~ Recreational RC ~ ~ Residential Rs-- Unmanaged, ->------Wooded w Open u EROSION=