Islands and Kiribati Report 2000:4 ISSN:0804-4562 Asbjarn Aaheim Linda Sygna DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. CICERO Report 2000:4 Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Tuna Fisheries in Fiji Islands and Kiribati Asbjm.mAaheim and Linda Sygna 22.06.00 CICERO Center for International Climate and Environmental Research P.B. 1129 Blindern N-03 18 Oslo, Norway Phone: +47 22858750 Fax: +47 22858751 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: CICEROSenter for klimaforskning P,B. 1129 Blindern, 0318 Oslo Telefon:2285 8750 Faks:2285 8751 E-post: admin@? Nett: www, CICERO Report 2000:4 Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Tuna Fisheries in Fiji Islands and Kiribati Abstract This paper discusses the possible economic consequences of a change in the tuna fisheries in the Pacific Ocean resulting from climate change. On the background of Lehodey’s (2000) study of potential changes in the tuna fisheries, we survey possible economic impacts in terms of quantities and values and give examples of macroeconomic impacts. The two main effects of climate change on tuna fishing are likely to be a decline in the total stock and a migration of the stock westwards. This will lead to various changes in the catch in different countries. The price of the fish in the export market may also change as a result. The Pacific islands are generally dependent on fisheries, and may therefore be vulnerable to these changes, although some will probably gain while others will lose.