St Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), Mphil, FSLCC Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, Cornwall TR5 0TL
St Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), MPhil, FSLCC Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, Cornwall TR5 0TL 01872 553801 Council meeting – 1st April 2019 Minutes of the meeting of St Agnes Parish Council as above, held in the Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Rd, St. Agnes, 19:15. Present: Cllrs Clark (Chair) Barrow (Vice Chair), Ball, Brown, Bunt, Drew, Field, Forbes, Johns, Lane, Ripper, Roberson, Rodda, Slater. Absent: Cllr Stackhouse. In attendance: C Callaway, Officer; Cwll Cllr Mitchell. 2 members of the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 275/18 Apologies for absence. Received from Cllr Stackhouse. 276/18 Declarations of interest/ Requests for dispensation. None. 277/18 Public participation. A parishioner expressed a number of concerns to the Council, including: concern regarding the lack of streetlighting in Goonown and Goonbell; Pavement obstructions on Goonvrea Road; Two public footpaths (Barkla Shop and Rope Walk) with issues such as flooding and missing signage/leaning lamppost. Officer to report issues to appropriate Cornwall Council department and to liaise with Cllr Ripper (Environment Committee) regarding footpath numbers. 278/18 Council meeting minutes: 4th March 2019 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council, as above, having been previously circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed. Cllrs Barrow/Slater. 11 voted in favour. 3 abstained: Cllrs Drew, Field, Forbes. 279/18 Matters arising from these minutes. 246/18 - A letter to the Scouts has been sent. 254/18 – Clerk has forwarded a grant application form to Community Connect. 255/18 – New cycle path route queried.
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