St Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), MPhil, FSLCC Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, TR5 0TL

01872 553801 [email protected]

Council meeting – 1st April 2019 Minutes of the meeting of St Agnes Parish Council as above, held in the Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Rd, St. Agnes, 19:15.

Present: Cllrs Clark (Chair) Barrow (Vice Chair), Ball, Brown, Bunt, Drew, Field, Forbes, Johns, Lane, Ripper, Roberson, Rodda, Slater. Absent: Cllr Stackhouse. In attendance: C Callaway, Officer; Cwll Cllr Mitchell. 2 members of the public. ------275/18 Apologies for absence. Received from Cllr Stackhouse.

276/18 Declarations of interest/ Requests for dispensation. None.

277/18 Public participation. A parishioner expressed a number of concerns to the Council, including: concern regarding the lack of streetlighting in Goonown and Goonbell; Pavement obstructions on Road; Two public footpaths ( and Rope Walk) with issues such as flooding and missing signage/leaning lamppost. Officer to report issues to appropriate department and to liaise with Cllr Ripper (Environment Committee) regarding footpath numbers.

278/18 Council meeting minutes: 4th March 2019 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Council, as above, having been previously circulated, were taken as read, approved and signed. Cllrs Barrow/Slater. 11 voted in favour. 3 abstained: Cllrs Drew, Field, Forbes.

279/18 Matters arising from these minutes. 246/18 - A letter to the Scouts has been sent. 254/18 – Clerk has forwarded a grant application form to Community Connect. 255/18 – New cycle path route queried. Cllr Roberson gave further information. Item to go to next Transport Working Group meeting. 270/18 – Annual Parish Meeting to now be held in the Parish Rooms, St Agnes. (Insufficient room capacity in Village Hall meeting room.) 272/18 – Advertising strategy for new Penwinnick Development. Clerk to circulate the reply to letter requesting that houses are advertised locally.

280/18 Planning Committee meeting minutes: 18th March 2019 NOTED the draft minutes and resolutions therein, as above.

281/18 Environment Committee meeting minutes: 12th March 2019 NOTED the draft minutes and resolutions therein, as above.

282/18 Cornwall Councillors’ reports NOTED: Apologies from Cwll Cllr Duffin due to a recent operation. Cwll Cllr Mitchell provided the following reports: Following a request from a Transport Working Group meeting, Cwll Council Parking Enforcement Officer patrols had taken place and figures were noted; Thanks were extended to the Clerk and Cllrs Bunt and Forbes for their work in the devolution process, noting that the library had successfully transferred to Signed ……………………………. Date………………………………….. the Parish Council on 1st April; Meetings had taken place regarding the new cycle way from St Agnes to , which will now be rolled out in other areas and exhibitions are planned. Thanks were extended to Cllr Roberson for his work; A school placement meeting (including discussion on primary and secondary places) is due to take place this week for the St Agnes and areas; A flashing 30 m.p.h speed sign for Goonbell has been proposed and public representations have been received; An outside speaker is due to attend the area to raise awareness of pollination issues and the loss of insects; Speeding concerns noted in . Cwll Cllr Mitchell to liaise with Cllr Field about the possibility of a radar speed assessment camera.

283/18 Accounts RESOLVED to approve payments of Accounts Outstanding (Appendix A). Cllrs Clark/Ripper. Unanimous.

284/18 Grant request: St Agnes Christmas Lights RECEIVED as above for £500 towards display improvements and RESOLVED to grant the St Agnes Christmas Lights Committee the full amount requested. Cllrs Bunt/Lane. Unanimous. Officer to advise Committee of Council decision.

285/18 Grant request: St Agnes Singers RECEIVED as above for £1,579 towards purchase of musical equipment and RESOLVED to defer the decision to a later meeting until the Council has had sight of the Committee’s constitution and full accounts, as per grant awarding policy. Cllrs Forbes/Barrow. Unanimous. Officer to advise Committee of Council decision.

286/18 Proposed change to Environment Committee Terms of Reference per E95/18 RECEIVED a recommendation from the Environment Committee as above and RESOLVED to add to delegated powers no 3 “allotments and cemeteries”. Cllrs Forbes/Clark. Unanimous. Clerk to action.

287/18 Internal control procedures NOTED the findings per March 2019 and appointed Cllrs Drew and Forbes to conduct control procedures in June 2019. Clerk to liaise.

288/18 Internal auditor appointment RESOLVED to reappoint Hudson Accounting as the internal auditor for 2019/20. Cllrs Clark/Barrow. Unanimous. Clerk to action.

289/18 Signing of documents relating to devolution and transfer of assets and services NOTED the following have been signed by Council representatives per authorisation at minute 274/18: • Library service agreement • Option agreement relating to Library • Licence for a recycling bank facility • Lease relating to Porthtowan WCs • Deed of surrender at Trevaunance Cove WCs • Head lease at Trelawny car park • TR1 Land registry – Trelawny Rd car park • Sub lease at Trelawny car park • TR1 Land registry – St Agnes Library

290/18 Potential Porthtowan Housing Working Party CONSIDERED the need for the above in light of discussions with the Cornwall Community Land Trust. RESOLVED to create a working party with the purpose of pursuing discussions, giving updates and making recommendations to the Council about Porthtowan specifically. Cllrs Clark/Ripper. Unanimous. Cllrs Barrow and Roberson appointed to the working party, with Cllrs Brown, Forbes and Slater in reserve, if required. Cllr Barrow to arrange first meeting.

291/18 Polling Districts and Polling Places Review RECEIVED information as above and it was agreed that the area designated to Mithian had not been adequately considered in the Review. RESOLVED to delegate authority to a working party of Cllr Brown and Cwll Cllr Mitchell. Cllrs Forbes/Bunt. Unanimous. Thanks were extended to Cllr Brown. Cllr Brown to respond to the consultation notice on behalf of the Parish Council. Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..

292/18 Reinstatement of footpath at Peterville RECEIVED information as above and RESOLVED to provide the following response to Cormac, on behalf of the Parish Council: “The Parish Council is in favour of the laybys being closed and replaced with a pavement.” Cllrs Forbes/Roberson. 12 voted in favour. 1 against: Cllr Johns. 1 abstained: Cllr Slater. Officer to feed back to A Drake (Cormac) and Cwll Cllr Mitchell.

293/18 Misuse of Bridleways/footpaths: 4-point plan per minute E72/18 RECEIVED as above from the Police liaison group. CONSIDERED the Full Council’s response to the document as follows: The Parish Council considered the plan to be excellent and wished to support it in principle. Cllr Rodda explained that the quarterly meetings of the ‘Illegal Use of PROWs Group’ would be rotating around different venues and requested Clerking support when the meeting was held in St Agnes. Cllr Rodda to feed back response to the document and to make contact with the North Coast Cluster Group.

294/18 Update: Parish Youth Worker RECEIVED an update: Next meeting to be held on 10th April; a positive outcome was hoped for regarding the project’s main funding bid. Cllr Rodda had written to the Chief Constable of Police for additional funding and was awaiting a reply.

295/18 Items for Bolster magazine RECEIVED suggested items for the next edition: Cllr vacancy; Transition of library to the Parish Council from 1st April.

296/18 Notification of meeting/Suggested items for agenda: 7th May NOTED: Election of Chair and Vice Chair; Youth Worker update; Cllr’s individual ID cards update; Community Emergency Plan and ‘Flooding Warden’.

297/18 Reports from Council representatives NOTED updates: Cllr Forbes to raise the possibility of PROW funding at the next Community Network Panel meeting; Members of the VCA and Millennium Green Trust will be attending a ‘Wellness Day’ in St Agnes on 11th April; The Local Improvements Committee requested an update on the possible devolution of the beach shelter overlooking Trevaunance Cove beach Clerk to provide update; Blackwater village have requested another litter bin Environment Committee to pursue; Figures had been supplied by Chacewater Parish Council regarding speeding in Blackwater and thanks were extended to them for providing the information; Re-lining/re-configuration of Porthtowan and Trelawny car parks was now complete and concern had been expressed regarding the lack of disabled spaces in Trelawny – noted a further space could be added if any more complaints raised; Following refurbishment works, there was disappointment at the internal state of Porthtowan public toilets Parish Council cleaners to attend and address, Clerk to contact Cwll Council for site meeting with contractors; Concern raised that there was still no report about the findings of the Porthtowan parking consultation of last Summer and despite attempts to contact Cwll Cllr Duffin, no information had been forthcoming Officer to contact Highways for update; A successful parish wide litter pick had taken place in March; The Chair had attended a Community Resilience Workshop on topics such as flooding; Thanks were extended to Cllr Rodda for her input into the ‘Swinging 60’s’ event organised by Mr Mannell; A ‘Meet the Planners’ event for the new planning Area 4 (St Agnes, Perranporth, Truro and the Roseland) was attended by Cllrs Barrow, Ripper and Officer, C Callaway; The Chair had attended the Mining for Butterflies talk by the National Trust and Cornwall Butterfly Conservation.

298/18 Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960. RESOLVED that in view of the confidential/special nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable that the press/public be excluded and instructed to withdraw during discussion on the following items: Quotations. Cllrs Clark/Ripper. Unanimous.

299/18Insurance Policy renewal

Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..

RECEIVED quotations as above and RESOLVED to accept Option 1 – to remain with Aviva. Cllrs Forbes/Ripper. Unanimous.

Meeting closed at 21:01

Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..


SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS TO 1ST APRIL 2019 FOR RETROSPECTIVE APPROVAL Initial W/room Hygiene Public toilets waste management supplies £1.34 C P & S News Parish Council West Briton newspaper - February 2019 £5.70 B Barrett Reimbursement - key cutting for Parish meeting room door £19.92 Cornish Fixings Ltd Parish Handyperson supplies (Trade Account) Repairs - Trev Cove PCs £57.71 Printout Printing Full page - The Bolster March 2019 £72.00 SSE Enterprise Routine maintenance of street lighting (Jan - March 2019) £145.80 Brunel Engraving Co. Engraving for memorial bench brass plaques x 4 £162.84 Parish logo t-shirts for Facilities Operative staff & new staff Elite Industrial Supp. (inc.fleeces) £197.91 Penstraze Sawmills Parish Handyperson supplies (Trade Account) repairs - benches £210.36 Toolstation Parish Handyperson supplies (Trade Account) repairs - benches etc £224.52 B White Accounting tasks - February 2019 £275.00 Hudson Accounting Ltd Interim Audit 2018/19 £300.00 Council meeting room lighting supplied Jan/Feb 2014. Minute D Lovering 396/13 £574.97 Bunzl Cleaning and hygiene supplies for public toilet sites £628.70 B White RBS accounting support 2018/19 - 27.75 hrs plus travel expenses £783.75 Hine Downing Solicitors Legal fees/transactions in respect of devolution £960.00 C Kalber Cemetery maintenance March 2019 & x1 new double grave £1,266.66

PAYMENTS FOR APPROVAL - TO BE PAID AFTER 1ST APRIL 2019 SLCC Full Fellow membership to April 2020 - L Dunkley £379.00 Toolstation Parish Handyperson suppiles (Trade Account) £68.92 To Be Staffing costs Total expenditure April 2019 Confirmed

RECEIPTS x2 second instalments for annual lease of plots @ Mithian & Mt Allotment Holders Hawke £37.50 Car park donations Porthtowan collection £51.00 Carnival Committee x 7 evening bookings for Parish Rooms hire (for meetings) £56.00 Car park donations St Agnes collection (x 4 honesty boxes) £97.16 Car park donations St Agnes collection (x 4 honesty boxes) £113.93

Signed ……………………………. Date…………………………………..