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Lost in a Dense in Last Few Buckust of D. A. R. May Cause Trouble

Lost in a Dense in Last Few Buckust of D. A. R. May Cause Trouble


■. \ , ' ■>' H-v . '-v -‘ -'. .■ '.. V . " , .' ‘'*- . 't -.-T , ^••.;:.;-vV.-‘-' S'-y- -'^i.%,.;' NKT PKKSS m ix A ■f* • >F3fe% TB0 WBATHER:' ' A VKRAC!^ c i>AfI^V CfKCCLATION - ■t Br 0* a. Weather ifarceo. New Havea JL./.-.' for the luoiitli of March, 1928 ' A k '. 1 |aw-:;:ak. 7^ : Fair and cpntiiraed c<^ tonl^t; . 5 , 1 1 9 ‘.3-1 Vi"■ Tnesdajr increiudnt; doodiness^^^^ . . .. .* ■* ■ j V "• ■■ ', ' - • 1 rising temperatiife. Member o f' the Audit Bureau of I'*«-'ife-; '' /-•’jt^-i'??''^ ■ , -■r ■ Clrculntlonu rv ■ '■':ii'f»‘'tf*i7s. r 7-■ ’''*' -■-■’■ ■ '■ ■'

VOL. X U L , NO. 168. |C;iasslfled Advertising on Page’ 10. r r MANCHESTER, CONN, MOlfDAY, APRIL 16, 1928, / t w e l v e PAGES) PIUCE THREE CEN1 !•.. 13 ARE BURNED “Mitchell Field or Heaven?” It All Depended on This. TO DEATH AT A P : ■■>^ ■■ ='\,

WEDDM^PARTY i\ i \ ^ . V .X Mother, Her Six Children LOST IN A DENSE and Six Guests Die as s ' ’ . . . J. Leap From Big Plane IN LAST FEW , Flames Destroy House in t Pennsylvania. ^ '0' m Ghanute Field, Rantoul, III.,^ *The men, all of the'm graduates April 16.-^A new parachute- of the Chanute Field parachute­ Gas Running Low Over Island— Plane Breaks Through jumping record has been made to­ jumping course, could have clear­ Blairfour, Pa., April 16. Thirteen ------day as the result of ten student ‘ ed the plane within five seconds. It persons, a mother, her six children fliers leaping from an airplane here was stated, had they not been held Ice on Lake But Crew Escape Injury— Last Half of

and six wedding guests, were S W vs VM*. i<.WSA.^ yesterday within an elapsed time of back. They alighted on Chanute burned to death shortly after mid­ eight and one-fifth seconds. Field unharmed. Vi /<.' The purpose of the daring feat . A giant Fordson all-steel plane, Trip Made Through Snow Storm— More Details of night today when fire swept the was to prove that passengers fly­ capable of carrying 15 passengers. two story frame home of Ambio Ing on commercial planes may es- was used in the experiment, the Flight— Planes on Wa y to Aid Flyers. Krepachalk, a Slavish worker in cape quickly during an emergency.' It was first planned to drop the .The students also aimed to wrest men through the bombing tube, as this little quarry settlement. the world’s parachute-jumping rec-' the marine .record was established, tinental Airways was fueled and Van Verbonitz, 19, whose mar­ ord from the Navy, which they did. but a last minute change of plans BULLETIN . . ■ .. ■ .S'. .*.*.*.*•*•*.' • > . . . - . . . , %s 4- groomed at the Murray Bay Air­ riage to Ann Krepachalk was cele­ The former record was nine men had the men leap from the side ...... Quebec, Que., April 10.— drome this morning and mads brated on Saturday, mel death in 18 seconds. door of the plane, one after an­ ready for a flight to Greenly Island, with his bride in the flaming build­ The plane, driven by Lieut. John other. Commandant James E. bltz- ing. V. Hart of Galesburg, 111., was fly­ None pulled the release string maurice, Irish member of the where the three airmen of the Bre­ The dead; ing at a height of 2,000 feet and at of his chute until he had fallen ap­ trans-Atlantic plane Bremen’s men were still marooned. It was un­ Mrs. Ambro Krepachalk, o8. a speed of eighty miles an hour proximately 150 feet, enough to crew hopped off at Greenly Is­ derstood that this plane would land for. Quebec today accord­ make the flight in two hours, land­ Sara Krepachalk, 15. Here is the single 770-pound motor of the airplane Bremen upon which Colonel James Fitzmau- when the record leap was made. clear the tail of the plane, Michael Krepachalk, 12. ing to annonncement by the ing at Seven Islands on the way. rice. Captain Herman Koehl and Baron Gunther von Huenefeld risked their lives when they started on Canadian •Government Signal An International News Service cor­ Verna Krepachalk, li,. their flight across the Atlantic. Berlin newspapers severely criticized the flyers for placing their depend­ Service. He is due to arrive Father Krepachalk, 17. ence on a single-motored plane. respondent was prepared to hup off here at five o’clock. in it. Nicholas Krepachalk, 7. TO EXHUME BODY LONE POLICEMAN Captain Herman Koehl, pil­ Van Verbonitz, 19. With “ Duke” Schillei’s plane al­ ot of the Bremen, and Baron ready at Greenly Island, the Cana­ Ann Verbonitz, 18, his bride. von Huenefeld, financial hack­ Carl Chissom, 31. dian ice breaker Mor.tealnj was due BUCKUST OF D. A. R. OF BLAST V IC T l HALTS FIVE THUGS er of the overseas flight, re­ to arrive there about 9:30 this Thomas Horchich, 43. YOUNG DOHENY mained behind with the Bre­ Peter Verbonitz, 26, brother of men, which was damaged in morning. The steamer was retarded the groom. landing on Greenly Island Fri-, by bad weather and conditions were Joseph Renbolich, 31. MAY CAUSE TROUBLE IS NOT ALLOWED day evening. still so unfavorable today that 11 George Krepachalk, 6. Officials Hope to Decide Gunmen in Stolen Auto Cap­ was feared the second relief plane Started at Midnight. could not get through. St. Johns, Newfoundland, April Schiller and his companion. Dr, The fire, which was believed to Whether Bums Were tured in Greenwich After 16— For many hours before their nave started at midnight, swept Sole Topic of Discussion asjGUILFOYLE TRIAL ON T ffi STAND forced landing on Greenly Island, Louis Cuisinier, reached Greenly the frame dwelling before • the Captain Herman Koehl, Baron Von Island t tween 5 and 6 o'clock last family and guests could escape. All From Fire or Acid. Shot Cripples Driver. Huenefeld and Commandant James night after battling their way apparently were suffocated, accord­ 4,000 Delegates Meet in 5 XOMORROW E. Fitzmaurice, of the trans-Atlan­ through a gale. ing to Coroner Chester C. Rotbrock, Prosecution Suffers Smash- tic plane Bremen faced death, ac­ Asks For Fuel and the bodies were charred almost c Convention in Washing­ West Plains, Mo., April 16.— An Greenwich, Conn., April 16.— cording to fresh details of the flight Baron von Hueneield, financial beyond recogntion. received here today. Five men, believed by the police to backer of the Bremen's flight, sent The bodies were removed to the Blow at OH Conspiracy hour after lils.Juneral this after­ The first half of the flight was urgent radio messages to Mitchel morgue at Williamsburg. ton Today. Lawyers Preparing Defense; noon, the body of J, W. Weiser, be New York City gunmen, are held made under unexpectedly good Field asking that fuel, new run­ Acfcording to .F. M. Nlzely, chief Trill; Go?ernments Rests proprietor of the garage in which here following their capture when conditions. The dangers developed ning gear and a new propeller be clerk at the Blair Limestone Co., * an explosion Friday night killed Motorcycle Policeman Frank during the latter half when the sent to Greenly Island by Plane so which maintains quarries at Blair­ Bremen ran into a gale at sea and Washington, April 16.— With Three Judges to Decide 40 persons, was ordered exhumed O’Connor wounded the driver of a that repairs could be made and the four, only the Blairfour fire depart­ Its Case. later encountered strong head­ Bremen could continue on the way ment responded to the alarm, and Mrs. Helen Tufts Bailie’s recent for an examination to determine ,, stolen automobile in which they winds, snow and fog. tried to escape. to its original destination— Mitchel they were too late to check the charge that the Daughters of tlie Case. whether burns on his face were While in mid-Atlantic the Bre­ Field, N. Y. roaring flames. American Revolution maintain a caused by fire or acid. The prisoners described them men ran into thick weather which Washington, April, 16.— The selves to the police as: Louis Ber­ Captain Herman Koehl, pilot of He said that the wedding which “ blacklist” containing some of the Proseciiting Attorney H. D. made it necessary at time to dip the took place Saturday, was a quiet •prosecution suffered a smashing Green, Jr., in issuing the order to nardo, 325 East One Hundred Fifth the Bremen. Von, Huenefeld and country’s most prominent names, Hartford, Conn., April 16.-^ plane almost to the surface of the Commandant James E. Fitz­ affair, and that apparently a party blow today in the. oil conspiracy Coroner Tom Burns, said doctors street; Anthony Denindendi, 327 water. Attempts to ride over the overshadowing every other issue, Harold N. Guilfoyle, federal veteri­ East One Hundred ^Fifth street; maurice, the Irish member of liie followed on Sunday. It was thought trial o ( Harry F. Sinclair, when had told him they believed the fog failed.'so Pilot Koehl,sent oirt the guests and bridal coffple had the thirty-seventh Continental Con­ narian who is to go on, trlftl.,hej;e'; .burns, •w.^.p.caused by acid*, rt' **-| Apansola Perino, 355 East Qnie gress opened Justice Jennings Balky refused Id close to the water as possible, hop messages to friends anil relatives' planned to remain overnight., tomorrow. oiT a charge of first de­ Prosecutor Green said he was Hundred Fifth street; SklYaLke lug to ride through the mist. ______Some 4,000'aflegaies and alter­ permit In evidence one of the gov­ hot entirely convinced the explo­ Cesoner, 331- East One Hundred saying they are safe, but none're­ nates filled the Washington audi­ gree murder in connection with the ernment’s biggest points. sion in 'the garage, which wrecked Fifth street, and Louis PerazzauSi, Gas Exhausted vealed their future plans! torium, and little else than the slaying of Mrs. Max Gaudet, of New the building while a dance was in The head winds grew stronger The fact that Von Huehefeld was story of controversy which' with Bailey denied the plea of Prose­ 1850 Third avenue. The last men­ AL REFUSES TO TALK Haven, ui the Guilfoyle apartments progress on' the second floor, was tioned was driving the car. and It was seen that the gasoline so anxious, to got fuel and new publication of the “ blacklist” was cutor Owen J. Roberts to put E. L. was going to be consumed more parts to Greenly Island indicated Doheny, Jr., on the stand to. tell of caused by gasoline fumes; He said As the five men were passing manifest on the convention floor. on Maple street last January, de­ quickjly than lhad been expected that the airmen would not abandon bis father’s $100,000 “ loan” to he would recommend an appropri­ through Greenwich, Officer O’Con­ Even the campaigning for the elec­ voted his time today to aiding his when the plane hopped off at Bal- their plane but would accompany it POUTiCS ON VACATION tion of officers faded into insigni­ former Secretary of Interior Albert ation by the county to bring ex­ nor saw the rear license plate was I attorneys in completing the details perts on explosives here to examine donnel Airdrome. if it were taken on board the Mont­ ficance except as to the bearing the for their share of the trial. B. Fall at a time the elder'Doheny missing from the machine. When the ruins. he signalled for a stop the car Koehl thought he had enough calm today. Turns Down All Invitations to election would have on the one Guilfoyle is represented by Judge was leasing the Elk Hills naval oil fuel for 42 hours but long before great issue. reserve. Inquest Today speeded away. O’Connor followed Schiller hoped to take the flyers Social Events— Talks With Samuel Rosenthal and John T. The coroner’s inquest will be re­ the expiration of that time tl . in his plane and land them either,, Efforts of leaders to keep the ' Robinson. The defense will be bas­ Roberts wanted to show that! and fired a shot into a rear tire Tammany Men. Bailie charges out uf the delibera­ sumed tomorrow. Green announc­ of the escaping car. This failed to “ gas was running low. at Murray Bay or North Sydney. It ed on the claim that Mrs. Gaudet Fall had been “ in a thoroughly'cor­ ed one of the witnesses summoned Tl^e pilot held the plane on its tions of the Congress were expect­ rupt state of mind” and freely ac- check the men and the officer’s sec­ was rega.ded as possible that Schil- . was shot by some person unknown is a man who said he noticed a course and after some hours the fog ler would hop. off at Greenly Island Asheville, N. C., April 16.— Gov- ed to prove futile, and ^ air open to Guilfoyle. The defense attorneys, ceptfed money which didn’t belong ond shot pierced the rear of the enor At Smith of New York isn’t eplit was thought to be inevitable sputtering in the garage five min­ car and struck Perazzanisl in the began to lift. However, there was and return with the fuCl and extra today had nothing to say except to him from the men who the leas­ utes before the explosion. a strong wind blowing out of the going to let work interfere with before adjourment next .Saturday. es on the oil reserves. Bailey, right arm. He lost control and parts wanted by the Bremeh's crew. his vacation here. Not a Delegate that they were ready for the trial. Weiser was not accustomed to west and snow squalls blew up oc­ Details of l^anding With State’s Attorney Hugh M. however, ruled that any transaction the car crashed into another ma­ He made this plain today in turn­ Mrs. Bailie, of Boston, executive visiting his garage at night. A. E. chine driven by George Salara of casionally. Due to the forethought Additional details of the landlai; ing down an invitation to attend secretary of the so-called i). R. Alcorn pressed to the limit by a between Doheny and Fall had no Seiherling, night chief of police, of the men in coating the plane with bearing on Sindlalr and.the Teapot 23 Davenport street, Stamford, of the Bremen have been received the Biltmore horse show tomorrow. committee of protest against the variety of cases demanding his im­ who walks a beat past the place, parafln before leaving Baldonnel no by radio from Point Amour. After mediate attention it was expected Dome oil lease. ^ Conn. He has steadfastly refused to ac­ “ blacklist” was neither a dek'gq.te said he had seen Weiser at the The five men ran across the ice formed on the wings. This was losing their course the airman today that the prosecution would Evidence Admitted. garage only once at night. The ex­ cept local invitations. or an alternate, but .-ffis will be fields with O'Connor in pursuit. one danger that Lindbergh faced struggled blindly through a gale be conducted almost entirely by The judge permitted Roberts to Sleet and snow prevented the present at the sessions as a specta­ plosion occurred shortly after 11 Nearby residents, hearing the fir­ that the German-Irish flyers did of snow, battling adverse wind. governor getting in his round of tor and leader of her forces within Reinhart L. Gideon, assistant introduce evdence' about $25,000 o’clock at night. not have to contend with. When land was finally sightedAla^e that Sinclair sent to Fall-in June, ing, telephoned to Police hea,dquar- golr yesterday. After attending the Congress. She refused to di­ state’s attorney. The state is believ­ Another body, taken from the Runs Into. Fog Friday afternoon the airmen church he received another enthu­ vulge her plans today. 1923. The^.defense had objected to ruins today, brought the total dead ters and four men were sent to aid ed to have only circumstantial evi­ O’Connor. Four of the prisoners Just as the airmen believpd they thought it was either Newfound­ siastic ovation. Mrs. Alfred J. Brosseau, presi' dence on which to proceed. this on the ground it tcmk place to 39 or 40. There was some doubt land or Nova Scoya. They did not The governor today expressed un­ long after the leasing of thfe Teapot were Immediately rounded up but were off the Canadian coast they dent general, opened the Congress The Guilfoyle trial Is expected to whether a few bones recovered ran into a blanket of fog which know they had traveled so far concern over the exact form of res­ today with a speech of warning Dome. were of a distinct body or parts of it was several hours before the be speedy. The veterinarian, who is wounded man was found in a field, obscured everything. It is believed north as Labrador. olutions to be adopted by the New against “ the growing tendency to in the county jail hare, has elected This $25,000 brought the total othef bodies previously uncovered. During the last half of the voy­ York Democratic committee Tues­ destroy American ideals,” which of money Fall received from Sin­ Three more bodies were identi­ weakened from the loss of blood. that it was in this fog that the men trial by three judges instead of by Steven Liskiev of Stamford, who lost their way and steered too far age from Ireland the plane, was day when the Smith candidacy for she ascribed to Modernistic church a jury. The judges assigned to the clair to $294,100. The. government fied'today, which lowered the num­ continually hampered by, thic’< president is expected to be was riding in Salara’s car, was sent north. . They were' headed for doctrines and “ the flashing of work are L. P. Waldo Marvin, of contends the money was a bribe. ber of unidentified bodies to 16. weather and at times the airme.u launched. lights from foreign shores.” G. D. Walberg, former secretary to the Greenwich hospital suffering Labrador when they sighted the Hartford, who is presiding over the island of Greenly. At that time it descended so low that the Atlantic “ Some of them tried to talk with There ar5 30,000,000 foreigners to Sinclair told of the. oil man’s de­ from cuts and bruises received in almost lapped the landing 'gear. me about that matter before I left in the United States, Mrs. Bros­ present session of the Superior the crash. •was snowing and the Bremen was Court here; Christopher L. Avery, parture-for Europe in May, 1923, CONVICTS IN REVOLT Approaching Greenly ‘ Island the New York,’’ he said, “ but I in­ seau stated, and it should he the first . instructing him to, hold a fighting terrifically against the formed them that was their busi­ of Groton; and Allyn L. Brown, of wind. airmen saw the ice pack and realiz­ first duty of all citizens to make large block of Liberty Bonds at the ed for the first time that they' had ness. 1 suppose it will be the usual them understand that acceptance of Norwich. Elimination of the jury IN SOUTHERN PRISON The compass had evidently gone will reduce the time of the trial disposal, of J. W. Zevely, former strayed into the frigid north co'.ia-! form of resolution, and they may American ideal and institutions is Sinclair attorney. ^ wrong, due to the atmospheric con­ try. -r get the one they used four years obligatory. materially it is believed, and a de­ SETS GAMGE AFIRE; In June ZeVely called for ' $25,- ditions off the. gulf of St. Law­ The Bremen, it is now learned, ago, for all I know.” ’Those foreigners “ who show a cision is expected soon. / Guards Use Tear Bombs to rence. The men “ sensed” the pres­ Gov. Smith was emphatic in his disposition to interject destructive did not land upon the snow, but (Coutinued on Page 3) Quell Mutiny— Three Con­ KILLED BY LESSEE ence of land before they made out upon the ice. Its weight caused it effort to discourage a political in­ ideas regarding home, religion and the coast line through the inurk terpretation of the visit over the government, can be detected and victs Injured. to break through the surface. Tho LATE SEN. WILUS and snow. It was then late Friday propeller was badlv bent and week-end of George W. Olvany, either thwarted” or converted into Fire Caused $300,000 Damage afternoon and the northern dusk U Tammany leader. And Surrogate useful citizens, she said. Caledonia Prison Farm, N..C., tail of the machl;j|# was damf.ged. April 16— Fifty Guards, armed with In Heartrpf Troy’s Business was falling. The men then did not The landing gear was ripped off by James J. Foley, who stopped in on New Theories ‘KILLED BY WORRY' NOBILE’S DIRIGIBLE know exactly where they were but the governor on their return from Referring to new inories of “ re­ sawe.l off shot guns and tear* gas District, uc the ice. - a Florida vacation. bombs, early today quelled a mutiny believed they were over Newfound­ Desolate Island lentlessly” forcing on young chil­ land. dren through the class room, details Dr. Copeland, Health' Expert, IS ON WAY TO POLE of more than 200 prisoners in Cell Troy, N. Y., April 16.— One man As soon as the Bremen cameUb. of life once held as sacrosanct, Mrs.' So Says in Talk Over the House No. 2 at Caledonia prison was murdered, 12 firemen were In­ 'Wanted to Keep On a standstill the three airmen scram­ farm. " . Koehl wanted to keep on going, bled from the cockpit for a look Brosseau declared the experiment Radio. jured and one man Is In jail charg­ was fraught with danger. The convicts began their revolt ed with murder, as ,a result of a hoping to right his course by land around and to get their' bearings. HARTFORD’S ELECTION Reaches Germany on First Le.g early last night, seriously Injuring marks, but the gasoline was so low They fodnd themselves upon a des­ “ No less peril lies in the all too Washington, April 16.— The late spectacular fire here today. A evident attempts to replace the re­ Of Trip— Ship Being Fueled three fellow prisoners who refused garage. In the heart of the city’s that a. landing was necessary. The olate island that was apparently Senator Frank B. Willis, Republi­ uninhabited. The northern dusk IN THE COURT TODAY ligion of our forefathers with falla­ , and Stocked. to join them, and continued to business district, went up In flames, pilot then maneuvered over the can of Ohio, was “ killed by worry” had already fallen and stars were cious atheistic doctrines. To des­ wreak violence on the prison. causing damage, to about $300,000. island. He made out the Ice packs troy that which is inherent and en­ over the fight made In Ohio against Dr. J. H. Norman, warden of the off the shore and decided to land visible during, lulls in' the sno"w hig presidential candidacy, Senator ' Stolp, Germany, April 16.— The Lonse Hdrb.ert, 24, lessee of the Expect a Decision Late This during and to offer nothing in re­ dirigible Italia arrived over the air­ penal system, who arrives here upon the surface of a smooth spot storm. The plane had been sighted' turn but the v{>.porIngs of djvarfed Royal S. Copeland, Democrat of garage, is alleged to have shot and by a wireless operator and news .of Afternoon— Democrats Ask drome here^at ‘ 8 a. m., (2 a. m.. early this morning from Raleigh^ killed William L. Kelly,, 38 owner in the center of the islet. This opinion, is to strike a deadly blow New York, health expert, declared told International News Service proved to he a sheet of Ice on a ita arrlvdl in America was being For a Re-Check. at civilizaC jn.” today in a radio speech In which Eastern'Standard Time) today af­ of the garage,'when Kelly set fire ter a thrilling battle against the that he would mot yet make an ap­ lake. flashed back to :civilization while Ruthless hands are sweeping he broadcasted a health code for to the building. the aviators were still ex'plbring the elements. peal for aid, as he believed the Kelly dropped dead just as he Up to that time the motor was Hartford, Conn., April 16.— Po­ aside the essential American tradi­ men in pAhlic life. running in perfect order and the rocky, ice-bound islet. They came litical workers of all parties crowd­ The arrival of the huge craft situation was well under control. dashed out of the, burning build­ tions, the D. A. R. president said, Copeland warned statesmen, plane had not sustalnsd any dam­ upon the lighthouse keeper who ed the Superior Court room where and brilliant writers are asserting here marks the end of the first leg ing, according, to the police. gave them food and shelter and politicians and public office-holders of General Umberto Nobile’s Polar R. B. DEPOT DESTROYED age. Koehl. let the ship down upon Judge Arthur F. Ells here this af­ that our colonial history “ has all ndt to worry If they wish to live. sent their messages across the ternoon took up the contested expedition from Milan, Italy^ . The Boston, Mass.,- April 16.— Au­ the ice but the weight was so great these years been misrepresented The six principal faull^s of men of thorities today began an Investiga­ it byoke through. It was then that strait to the Labrador. maH^iand Hartford city election at the re­ and the ideals of the founders Italia unexpectedly left Milan at STEADIER REFLOATED. where they were flashed out by the affairs, Copeland listed as: over­ 1:55 a. m., yesterday morning tion of the disastrous $1,000,000 the, tail and propeller were injured. quest of U. E. Guthrie, city moder­ enormously magnififed; that the eating, undersleeping, getting tqo, fire that destroyed the -Back Bay Point Armour operator. This opera­ ator, who wants a re-check of the present day nationalism fs narrow (.7:55 p. m., Saturday Eastern ' Boston, ^ Mass.', ■ April 16.— The In addition to the wind, fog and tor had previously sighted the; little exercise and sunshine, living' standard"Tipae). . , station of the New Haven railroad. Eastern Steaniship Company’s lin­ snOjW the aviators reported passing voting machines. Judge Ells was and insular and must be replaced too much in bad air, taking too Twenty-nine fire, en were injured, plane assuming It was the Bremen.; expected to require from two to by the broader .viewpoint. In A huge throng had gathered at er, New York, which ran aground through a number o f air pockets No Gasoline little recreation and worrying. the airdrome to await the arrival some serlousiy, by the fallihg ueb- on a sand bar in the entrance to which rocked the }>lahe and .added three hours or more to hear both short, consciously or unconsciously, ris in . the five alarm ifire. - After stretching their legs and Republican and' Democratic lead­ they are creaTIng the Impression of the Italia. As the dirigible pok­ the Cape -Cod canal, was towed to the perils of the spectacular THE COURTS’ ADVICE No trains will be run under the getting over the stiffness ociaston— ers, and then to take the matter that America Is hopelessly wrong ed its‘ nose thrpjigh the clouds; and station or adjacent'' to It because safely into the harbor here today. Ittight. ed by their long confinement in the under advisement to decide wheth­ on all counts.” was seen, for the first,time,'a ^eat ■The 400 ^ passengers were re­ As soon as the lighthouse keeper plane the airmen hastily examined^ er a re-check is requlFe'd., Middletown, Conn., April 16.— of the. danger of wklls .falling due Concerning movements for world shout went up from’ the ^pectatprs. to vibrations. moved from th'e'liner by Tugs and on the island told the men there the Bremen to leasn the extent of ! The Republican town chairman peace, the D. A.^^R. president said August Schultz, a cook, arrested on The airship circled about the Coast Guard boats before efforts to was a radio station about 20 miles Saturday for petty annoyances he The fire caused a tie up of the Its damage. They had Intended had been served with an order to the Daughters shared the hope of field, coming’ lower'and lower. float her were successful. They away all wrote out. .a number of keep dn flying along the coast lihe> | worked on his wife and sick child, trains running over the New Haven c.ppeal^ before Judge Ells and show all reasonable citizens for ultimate 'Then the task of landing her was tracks and the adjoining line of the were conveyed by twenty motor messages and these were carried but for the fact that the fuel: tanfek;" ’ cause why the re-check should not world peace. was shoved out of court by Judge begun. At 8:35 a. m. (2:35 a. m,, busses to Boston from where they across Belle Isle Strait to. Labrador were practically empty. The light­ S. Harris Warner after the judge Boston & Albafiy, and a complete be made. The Democratic lorces “ We do not, however, subscribe Eastern Standard Time), the ship reroutin'g of schedules was neces­ conthued their journey to New thence to the wireless statloqi where house keeper told .them of nearT ' contend that the machines showed to the theory that America should said: “ The next time you feel the was skfelyjanded. . , sary. . = York. they were sent by Operiator Barrett. trading stAtions wkere quantities q! about 25D more votes than could be totally disarm ^ so long as other urgent desire to fight, pick out a' . Gehpral Nohila and- the crew of Failure to allow sufficient leeway gasoline could , be obtaUied,:, but. ^Accounted for by the check lists countries are not only maintaining person of my race, an Irishman.^ theKdirii;ible will be guests of this TREASURY BALANCE in steering the craft against a;^Btiff PLANES ON WAY was found that t&e propeller that were marked by, the ward hut are materially Increasing all, of Then you will get what you deserve. city 'while the ship Is being stocked Washington,:.April IGv-rrTreasury wind and tide was given as" the Quebec. Que.^ April 16— Another Vorkers. ' . , \ their defenses.” she added* Meanwhile, aet out of mv sight.” t and-fueled tor its hoo to the Pole. \ cause of the accident* relief airplane of the Trane-Con- XContbined on F m .91 y t ‘ . «. •• . .. V-' js' .V'\' ... ' 7 • ‘ . V , % - - ^Crtft-jCorporationj a local 8<»ioera 't r o u t EMBERS iO l aY E R S RISKED DEATH t|Mt sends maehkxea* puV (Bit d«- ST. MARY’S 6IRLS SCARED HORSE FALLS HEBRON the last 'Biomiwi.thq msm Yorkers were heliT by- orders from ENTERTAIN GDiU) FISHONifllMTOAY BREAKING BOY'S LEG TO LAND ON ISLAND hi^quarters - an^ were tojid tjteqr Thg: reghldr J>l'’ffioBLhly WoU The Demoeratlo caucus for the would be notified' when tbep might Child Qonfe^nce was held at the proceed. They were still, waiting at election of delegates to the oomlug Town Hall Wednesday afternoon. Good Catches Reported by i '(Fnmldied by Putnam ft Co.) state convention, for the election of (continued from page 1) eleven o’clock. They had expect­ Dr. Haskins was unable to be pres­ Parishioners Attend Party Bid Asked James Scranton, Jr., Suffers a Democratic town committee, and ed to start at 4 a. m. I ent, and the nurse Miss Lewis was Saturday . Evening — Miss Many Angers* S ^ e Takfn Panic Sto<^ for any other business uecessary, badly bent that the plane could not For ^ m e ' Time„Befpre_ Dis­ ascend even If “gasioiine were^ ob­ in charge. She was assisted in the Crawford in Charge. In the Nearby Broofca. 'City Bank ft T r ...... 900 tiJ5 'will be held' this evening at the records hy Mrs.' Rice ' and, Mrs. Capital Natl Bank . . . 295 — covered by Other Boys. tained. town hall, opening at 7:30 p, m.. Clftrkc Upwards of 75 of St, Mary’s Manchester iishermen who ifrent Conn River ...... 300 — The Rev. T. D. Martin attended It was then that the baron sent CYD'CLliB ENTERTAINS : D,'A. Lyman returned home oqt yesterday pn tho first ■ day of i^rst Bond and Mort .— 55 James Scranton Jr., 14, son of his message to^ Mitchel -Field giving parishioners attended a party in the Mr. and Mrs. James Scranton of a meeting of the clergy at Basttord 'Wednesday night after spending parish hall Saturday evening when legal fishing /o n state-leased First Natl (Htfd) ..295 505 on Monday. A banquet was serv­ the location and asking that sup­ several days ,in Stamford, Bridge­ sti'eams, .reported good catches of Hart Nat Br ft Tr . .560 — Hillstown Road, was taking his plies be- ruehed at Once hy plane. the Girls Friendly society acted ed to those present. ’ port and New Haven. as host to members of the Ladies’ trout. Many of the anglers went Htfd Conn Tr Co ...7 9 5 810 father’s horse to tbe blacksmith , Dorothy Gray, daughter of Mr. Advices received here by radio Land Mtg ft Title .. — 60 shop last Saturday morning. The from the Montcalm said that her The Hitchcock place has just Guild, the Men’s Bible class and out of town to the larger brooks family dog trudged alongside, bark­ and Mrs. Harold Gray, has return­ coal was running low owing to the been sold,, to Benjamin Yates of some of the other church workers. in Windham CounjEy and also In Morris Plan Bank .. .150 — ed from a visit with-her aunt. Miss Comedies, Readings, Mnsiefd Hartford. Extensive alterations are Hartford County but some of the Park St Trust ...... 600 — ing now and then, running back Hannah Fuller, in East Haddam. strain of ^ghting 'head winds, The Misses. Evelyn and Hazel Phoenix St B Tr . . . .450 — and forth, now! in front of the strong current and Ice. Selecti(ms on . F(^ to be made and Mr. Yates , will not Robinson and Arthur Russell served good catches were made right, here Mrs. Sherwood Miner is now the Canadian Marine Department Center Church Affair* occupy the place -lor the present. in this section and some within the Riverside Trust ....5 2 5 — horse, now behind. guest of Miss Fuller, who is her Little Maty Czegda who has as a reception committee. Miss Bonds The boy urged the horse into a officials sent word to North Syd­ Helen Crawford was In charge of town limits. " « Conn L P 5 % s ...... 108 110 sister. Mrs. Miner is recovering ney to have everything In readiness Cyp club members who are ar­ been suffering from an attack pf Walter E. Luettgens, deputy trot and the dog, falling into the from a recent severe attack of grip, pneumonia, is much improved. the program of songs and games. . Brid Hyd 5s ...... 104 — spirit of the thing, trotted along for refueling the -Montcalm upon' a ranging a pleasant entertainment The rector. Rev. J. Stuart Neill act­ game warden, said today that he East Conn Power ..101% 103 Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. W. Sterry moment’s notice. It was believed \for tomorrow > evening at Center Miss Ida Wain has returned to had, checked 18 fishermen^ on too. Suddenly the dog gave a quick and daughter spent the week-end.in th t parsonage after spending some ed as master of ceremonies. Arch­ Conn L P 4% s'...... 102% 103 bark, frightening the horse so that that it would be necessary to make Congregational church, hope for a deacon Neill said a few words him­ streams in Manchester. MoSt of Insurance Stocks 'Ridgefield as guests of Mrs. that point after leaving Greenly Is­ large atendance of die church folks time with her brother. Rev. Yvo the streams which were being fish­ he stumbled and fell, pinning the Sterry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs; Wain at Nlantic. self and Introduced the other speak­ Aetna Insurance . . . .850 860 boy underneath. land as it is the-nearest fued sta­ as the object Is to. raise money for ers, Mrs. William Crawford, presi­ ed were mere rivulets, some not Aetna Cas & Sure ...9 9 0 — Henry Hull. ^ tion to the island. the Young People’s, summer confer­ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wihsor and more than two feet vdde. The The horse got to his feet and Miss Katherine Cahill, teacher in two ohildren and Mrs. Louise Goff dent of the Ladies’ Guild, Miss Mar­ Aetna L if e ...... 880 890 Backed Ice Packs. ence at Storrs. ' / >. garet Stratton, president of the trout taken from them were excel­ ’ Automobile...... 410 420 turned about for home, followed by the primary room, at the center The program will ctsnsist of r .1- of Johnston, R. L, were guests lent, and well beyond the minimum the dog. The boy lay still in the school, has begun boardng in Willi- For six hours yesterday—from Thursday afternoon of Mrs. Clay­ Girls’ Friendly society, Isaac Jack- "'Conn General ...... 1825 — noon until 6' p. m.—the Montcalm ections by the Troubadours, two son, leader of the Men’s Bible class length. Hartford Fire ...... 820 830 ditch by the side of the road. Some mantic, commuting daily on the one-act. comedies tq be .presented ton E. Huht. Gets the Limit. boys passing along about half an bus line which accommodates bucked ice peeks, her sharp, steel William Macht, Jr., who has and Rev. Alfred Clark the new cur­ Hart St Boil ...... 770 790 plated prow grinding through the under the direction ,-of Miss Helen ate at St. Mary’s who with Mrs. John Bausola, of Barrett ft Lincoln Nat Life . . . .130 — hour later heard faint cries for teachers along the line. Estes of the. High school faculty, been studying this winter at North- Robbins who always returns with help and found James where he floes. She was trying to find an field Seminary has arrived home Ulark was present. Phoenix ...... 825 835 Mrs. F. N. Jones has been con open lead througn which she could and readings ,by Miss Hazel Hughes. fish, pulled out 15 of them, rang­ National Fire ...... 1175 1200 was lying, unable to get up. fined to her bed by an attack qf for the summer. A pleasant feature was the pres­ steam through the night. Progress The cast for one of the plays en­ entation by Vestryman James Har­ ing in size from 8 inches to more Travelers...... 1750 1760 1 They went to the Scranton home grip. titled “Friday for Luck” includes Irwin Collins who has been criti­ than a foot. Dr. E. J. Schtieber re­ but Mr. and Mrs. Scranton were was slow and veiY difficult. cally 111 for the past week Is report­ rison to Thomas Wright of' a fine . Public Utility Stocks Mrs. Louise Blume has sold her , News that Schiller had reached Roy and Ray Warren, Elizabeth ports that he caught 20 fish, the Conn L P 8% ...... 120 124 away. They waited for the family place on thie Andover road to ed to be slightly better. smoking set, the gift of the three Greenly Island was flashed by the Barrett and Rodney Wilcox, and in A few Columbia ladles wishing societies as a slight acknowledg­ limit fixed by law for one day’s 'Conn L P 7% ----- 117 120 and when Mr. and Mrs. Scranton George E. Caldwell of Liberty Hill. Point Armour radio station. How^ the other comedy, “Room. 83”, the catch. All of his trout, he says, Green Wat & Gas . . .101% 103% came home a few minutes later Mr. Caldwell plans to occupy the to become more profleient in bridge ment of their gratitude to him for Hart EL..., ----- 470 480 ever, it was not un til'10:30 last parts will he taken by Emma Strick­ have formed a small two table club. the willing help received at all af­ were of good size. they were brought to where the place with his family soon, The night that it was officially confirm­ land, Robert McComb, Florence \ Brooks in this section which 'Hart Gas com ...... 106 110 injured boy lay. place consists of a dwelling house They met with Mrs. Carpenter a fairs where there is work to be Hart Gass p f d ...... 85 90 ed by a radiogram from Dr. Cuisi- Schieldige and Ernest Chapman.: Week ago and this week met with done. Mr. Wright is noted for the were fished were the Podunk brook Mr. Scranton put the boy in his and farm buildings and a consider­ nier, who is an official of the trans­ The program will begin at 7:45. i in, Wapping, the Lydelville brooK, S N E Tel C o ...... 188 193 automobile and drove to the Man­ able acreage of land. Mrs. Juilabel Squlers, Those com­ excellent coffee he can make no mat­ Conn P o w e r ...... 485 495 continental Airways, Ltd. ’ This During the evening home-made prising the club are Mrs. W. H. ter what quantity desired. His the Keeney street brook and the' chester Memorial hospital where it Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kelsey of second message said they found the candy will be on sale. Those in brook leading into Starltweather’s Conn El Serv ...... / 92 94 was found that he had a broken Carpenter, Mrs. C. A. Holmes, Miss skill as a carpenter Is often called Manufacturing Stocks Montville were visitors on Wednes­ Qerman-Irish airmen perfectly safe, charge include Frances and Mar­ Lillian Lyman, Miss Harrie Field, pond. Some of the trout taken leg. The fracture, the physician day at the home of their daughter, ubon by the ladies when they are from these streams were from 9 to American H a rd ...... 76 78 in good health and good spirits but garet Howe, Margaret Liebman,. Mrs. John Mitchell, Mrs. Junahel giving fairs, arranging for plays ‘ American Silver .... 25 — found out, was not' serious al­ in West Hartford. She is spend­ deeply disappointed because they Dorothy Willis, members of the Squlers, Mrs. Harvey Cbllins and 12 inches long. though it was exceedingly painful. ing part of the time at the home of and other activities. • Mr.* Wright Some of the sportsmen who were, Acme W ire...... 14 18 were compelled to land before Cyp club. Mrs. Lester Hutchins. showed his surprise and pleasure Billings Spencer com. 1 3 James was resting comfortably to­ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin reaching the goal they had set for The Progressive Whist under the checked up by Game Warden day. T. Smith. themselves. Dr. Cuslnler was at the gift and the thoughtfulness Luettgens were tbe following, 'with Billings Spencer pfd . . 3 6 auspices of the Village Improve­ which prompted it. Bigelow Hard com . . 92 96 It was said at the Scranton home Mrs. Mark Hills has. as her guest planning to hop off this morning for ment Society was held Saturday their catches: Sigmund Gozdz, 18; today that James is considered an her sister, Mrs. Bohn of New York. the air base at Lake St. Agnes, REISTERrSCHAUB Under the direction of Miss J. H. Stenger, 9; RayVnond Fields, Bristol Brass...... l2 15 evening at the Town Hall. In spite Agatha Wright delicious individual Collins C o ...... 114 120 expert horseman and had never Mrs. Roger W. Porter is teach­ near Murray Bay. He did not say of the rain, there were eight tables 4; Joseph Wright, 7; John John­ .Colt Fire Arms...... 33% 34% fallen before. They said that he had ing in Colchester, supplying a va­ if the German-Irish flyers had con­ fruit salads were provided for all, son 9. In play. Mrs, Helen Carver and with rolls, cake and coffee. The Eagle L ock ...... 72 80 not fallen from the horse and that cancy. She will substitute until the sented to accompany Schiller, Miss Mary Schaub, daughter of Theodore Lyman won first prizes, Not one fisherman without a Fafnir B earing...... 130 — his feet were still In the stirrups close of school year. ftlay Use Plane. evening wound up with the young license was seen on the brooks by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schaub of 180 while Mrs. Taylor and Percy Carver folks dancing the Virginia reel. Hart & Cooley .... 215 — when the horse fell down. Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert, left Friday It was predicted (In the absence Hillstown road and Martin Reister, won consolation prizes. the game warden. He said that he Inter Silver com ....1 6 6 170 morning for Washington, D. C., of official news) that the Bremen’s son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reister Miss Lila Seeley who teaches at is having little trouble "With un­ Inter Silver pfd ....1 2 7 130 where she will represent the crew might agree to fly to North of the same street were married Groton, is haying a week’s vaca­ licensed fishermen and that most Landers, Frary & Clrk 75 77 Colonel Henry Champion Chapter Sydney or some other point, their Saturday morning at St. James’s tion, which she Is spending at the cases of this kind are boys who fish Mann & Bow A .... 19 21 MARLBOROUGH of the daughters O'f the American plane, meanwhile being brought church at a nuptial high mass. The home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ABOUT TOWN in ponds. He usually chases these do B ...... 11 13 Revolution at the 37th Continental out of Greenly Island on the Mont­ Seeley at Chestnut Hill. boys off the banks and warias them New Brit Ma pfd A. .101 — ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cooley Congress as regent’s alternate. She calm. James P. Timmins. The bridal Mrs. Ruth Jacobs visited her sis­ that they are breaking the law. do com ...... 25 27 expects to spend about a week _or A plane left Murray Bay for ter Mrs. Herbert Gillette at Spring Game wardens all over thO state Niles Be P o n d ...... 40 45 quietly observed their golden wed­ couple were attended by Miss Mrs: John Johnson of Clinton ten days in Washington. Miss Greenly Island yesterday morning, Emma Schaub, sister of the bride Hill Sunday. checked up on thousands of fifiher- J R Mont p f d ...... — 75 ding anniversary on Friday. A street was surprised Saturday night men yesterday on the state-leased family re-union was held at their Marjories Martin, daughter ofHhe but was compelled by bad weather as bridesmaid and Joseph Suess as The Misses Gladys Rice, Eliza­ by 15 of her relatives and friends. North & Judd ...... 31 33 Rev. T. D. Martin, is also to be to return after being in the air an beth Bertsch, Harie Field and Ida streams. Some of the larger Pratt, Whitney, pfd .9 0 — home attended by their children best' man. The party was in recognition of her present at the congress. She will go hour. Reports from points all Tbe bride was attired in white Wain represented the local C. E. birthday and she was remembered brooks, such as the Salmon Brook Peck, Stowe & Wil . . — , 19 and grand children. Mr. and Mrs. along the' eastern end of the St. in Granby and Tarrifville, had as ■4 Russell Mfg Co ....135 — Cooley have lived in town for thir­ as Mrs. Gilbert’s alternate, repre­ georgette crepe. Her veil of tulle society at the rally of the Willi- with many pretty gifts as well as senting the same chapter. Lawrence and St. Lawrence Bay was caught with orange blossoms mantic Union of Christian Endea flowers. The evening was spent many as 500 fishermen along their Scoville C o ...... 50 52 ty-five years coming here from said that weather conditions made banks during the day. Reports of Smyth Mfg C o ...... 395 — Middletown where they were mar­ The attendance at the Woman’s and pearls and she carried a bridal vorers held In Willimantic Satur­ pleasantly with music and games. 1 Bridge Club Wednesday evening flying impossible. These were borne day evening. goot catches were made and many Stanley Wrks com . . 56 58 ried and lived for fifteen years be­ out by messages from the Mont­ bouquet of bridal, rosea and lilies of fishermen caught the limit idlowed Standard Screw ....1 1 0 — fore coming here. They have five was small owing to the rain storm. the valley. The bridesmaid’s dress The Misses Adella, Ahlene and “The Second Puncture,” a com­ Torrington ...... 105 110 Miss C. E. Kellogg entertained the calm stressing the rigors of the Margaret Badge spent Sunday at edy drama will be presented by a by law. Over 10,000 trout were children, Mrs. E. B. Lord of this weather. was of pink georgette with hat to checked as being taken from state U S Envelope pfd ..120 — place, Fred Cooley, Enoch Cooley players, and the hostess was winner match, and her arm bouquet. was, their grandfather’s home on Chest­ group of Hartford players under Union Mfg C o ...... — 23 for the evening. Schiller and his companion, who nut Hill. _ the auspices of the Girls’ Friendly leased brooks. and Benjamin Cooley of Hartford had stopped at Seven Islands on the pink roses and blue delphiiilums. Mrs. Philip Isham went to Willi­ Whit Coil Pipe ___ 19 21 and Earl Cooley of New Britain. Dr. Benjamin H. Bissell of Los A reception and wedding break­ society and the Men’s Bible class Mrs. J. B. Tennant.-' ‘way to Greenly Island showed the mantic Friday evening to attend of St. Mary’s church Friday even­ HURT IN CLASS RUSH There are twelve grandchildren utmost daring and skill In getting fast was attended by 75 guests, the loth anniversary re-unlon of Hanover, N. H., April 16.—Sev­ and two great grand children. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Tennant from New York, New Jersey, ing in Cheney hall. General danc­ celebrated the second anniversary through the storm and in landing the class of 1918 Windham High ing will follow the play which is in eral Dartmouth college students and Mrs. Cooley are in their usual at Greenly island without accident. Springfield, Hartford and this town. of their marriage, the occasion be­ McKay’s orchestra provided music school, of which she is a mem- three acts. ’ were still nursing black eyes and good health. Mr. Cooley is 74 ing observed by a family party, at The Montcalm was off the island ber. blue bruises here today a? a result N. Y. Stocks years old and Mrs. Cooley 73. this morning, but encountered fresh for dancing In the evening and the Since the spring weather has Leon L. Buell and Mr. and Mrs. their home. Mr. and Mrs. Tennant Sunshine club entertained with Mrs. Alice Jones Rhinelander, of of the recent class rushes. None of were also recent guests at the home difficulties. Ice floes had piled up turned the lawns green, it is pain­ New Roc’-elle, N. Y., was .. guest at the students was seriously injured Howard B. Lord a son Robert were along the shoires until it formed a music and sketches. A salad sup­ fully evident that large patches of callers in Middletown last week. of Mrs. Tennant’s grandmother, per was served In the jssfly even­ the Reiste Schaub wedc ig here and no names were reported upon High Low 1 p. m. Mrs. Whltehouse in Mt. Hope. series of hillocks. The captain the new grass on the green, which Saturday afternoon. the infirmary list by the college Alied Chem . .164% 163% 163% Misses Cora, Rebecca and Doris faced a task that required all his ing; the decorations 6f the dining was sown last fall has been winter Jared Tennant, Jr., his daughter, room were pink, blue and white authorities. Aiis Chai . . . .124% 124 124 Buell of Hartford spent the week­ Marian and Frank Mitchell motor­ seamanship to get through. The killed. The winter, with its small The class rushes are usuaLaffairs, 25% end at their home here. paper streamers, with 'flowers in Division No. 1, A. O. H., will jb Am Bosch . . . 26 25% ed to New Haven recently \ where wind was blowing off shore which amount of snow and alternate meet tonight in the basement of St. Dartmouth students npinted but Am Can . . . . . 85% 84% 85 Miss Mary L. Hall of Bloomfield increased the difficulties. these colors. The wedding gifts freezing and thawing has been the they were guests for the day-of Mr. were many and beautiful. James’ church to take action on the and are not a success unless a few Am Cr & Fdy 64% 64. 64% was a week-end guest of her parents and Mrs. John Lewis. worst possible combination for .182 181% 182 Mr. and Mrs. Willis W* Hall. FIRST TO REACH ISLAND On their return from a wedding death of James Brennan, who was bruises are received. Am T & T . . Several Hebron members of the any new grass land. It is expected a member of the order. Among those who »7ore decorat­ Am Woolen . . 25% 25 25 Mrs. George W. Buell who has Lake St. Agnes, Quebec, April trip to parts unknown Mr. and Mrs. that some of it will later come on 68% Colonel Henry Champion Chapter ed with the “Order of the Black Anaconda .. . 68.% 68% been ill with an attack of grip is of the D. A. R., attended a meeting 16.—After making a spectacular Reister will occupy their newly again but at present the green Atchison . . . 191% 191 191 better. furnished home, at 73 Ridge street. presents a very streaky appear­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan Eye,” in the class rushes was Nel­ in Colchester, on Wednesday, held flight through a driving snow-storm have moved from Delmont street to son Rockefeller, son of John D. Bait & Ohio .117 117 117 Mrs. Elizabeth Caflyn of Hart­ in order to be the first to reach the ance. Beth Steel . . 66% 65% 65% at the residence of Mrs . Malcolm Falrvlew street on the West side. Rockefeller, Jr. ford was a recent guest of her son Leal. The regent, Mrs. Frederick three marooned tra'ns-Atlantic fly­ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lyman of Can Pac . . . . 209% 208% 208% William Caffyn. ers, “Duke” Schiller, famous Can­ Plainville spent the week-end at C M & St Paul 34% 34 34% Bock, gave a report of the state MURRAY-JOBERT Schools in town opened Tuesday convention at Derby. Interesting adian pilot, and Dr. Louis Cuslnler, the home of James Utley. do pfd . . . 45% 45% 45% for the spring term. French flying ace, were at Green­ Rev. Duane Wain preached Sun­ Chi Roc Isl .114% 114% 114% papers were read by Miss Elizabeth day morning on the text “The Liv­ Miss Fanny A. Blish of Glaston­ Day, on Lexington and Concord, ly' Island today, ready to bring Con Gas . . .154% 153% 153% bury spent the week-end at her them back to civilization. James H. Murray of Highland ing Christ and the New Crusade,” 80% 81 of the part taken in the beginning Corn Prod . . 81 home here. They found Captain Kophl, Bar­ street and Miss Florence Jobert of and “Lo, Ha Goeth Before You, In­ Del & Hud . .182 182 182 of the Revolution by the towns of on von Huenefeld and. Commander A Tremendous Spectacle ! 20% Miss Edith Roberts of Hartford Colchester, Hebron and Chatham. Rockville were married this morn­ to Galilee.” Dodge Bros . 21% 21% was a recent guest of Miss Lydia T. Fitzmaurlce in good health, excel­ ing at 7 o’clock in St. Bernard’s Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lyman, Du Pont . . .383% 383% 383% A list of names of men responding lent spirits and eager to get to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Venherg of E r ie ...... 57% 57% 57% Lord. to the call to arms at Lexington in Roman Catholic church in that A Beautiful Romance'! Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Carpenter and New York, when they landed at place. The ceremony was perform­ Hartford were Sunday guests Gen Elec , . .169% 166% 167 1775, was given, there being 70 Greenly Island at about five o’clock Mr. and Mrs, William Lyman. Gen Mot . . .194% 192 192% sons of Hartford called on relatives men from Colchester, 61 from ed by the Rev, Father Hinch«y in recently. yesterday afterno''n, according to the presence of members of the. A. A. Latham died at his home Gillet Raz . .111% 110% 111 Hebron and 35 from Chatham. The advices received here. on Chestnut Hill Sunday afternoon Int Nick . . . 90% 88% 89 news of the battle of Lexington and immediate families. The .attend­ WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Schiller piloted a plane of the ants were Miss Mary Jobert sister at 4 o’clock. Mr. Latham had been Int Paper . . 78% 77% 78 the call to arms was spread Canadian trans-Continental Airways ill fOr , several months, but the end Kennecott . . . 85% 85 85% throughout New England by horse Company to Greenly Island from of the bride and Edward Carney Mack Truck . 88 86% 87 Deming Street Couple Celebrate 15 of this town. ' came suddenly, due to a heart at­ express, reaching every town, vil­ Murray .bay In two hours. He at­ tack. He was 78 years old, and had Marl Oil . . . .40% 40% 40% Years of Marriage in lage and hamlet. A committee of tributed his speedy hop to driving The bride was attired In a rose . N Y Central .180 179% 180 Party on Saturday beige ensemblq and carried a bou­ lived in this town for a long while. three. Miss Elizabeth Day, Mrs. winds from behind. - He was.’a member of the local t New Haven . . 62% 62% 62% Clarence Norton and Mrs. Anne C, Plans Not Known quet qLwhite roses and jBweet peas. No,r Am Co . 68 67 67% The brillesmaid’B costume was iden­ church, and for many years was Mr., and Mrs. Carl Reichenbach Gilbert, held, a business meeting to Just what the trans-Atlantic church clerk, resigning that posi­ Nor Pac . . . 99% 99% 99% of Deming street were tendered a fliers intend to do now is not yet tical and she carried pink roses and Penn R R . . .•69 % 69% 69% make up the slate for the May elec­ tion last January on account of ill X' pleasant surprise at their home tion of officers. Refreshments were known. They may decide to go pink sweet peas. health. He leaves one son Llewellyn Post Cereal . .125% 125% 125% Saturday evening in honor, of the back with Schiller' by air. In that Mr. and Mrs. Murray left Immedi­ Pull new . . .. 85% 85% 85% served. of Cleveland, Ohio, and six daugh­ fifteenth anniversary of their mar- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barnard oil case they could be taken to the ately after the ceremony for a wed­ ters, Mrs. Florence Badge, Miss Radio Cor . 166% 167 iage. Guests to the number of 30 Tfuhs-Continental,. Airways base ding trip to New York. On their Sears Roe . . .103 101% 101% Stamford were Sunday guests at Mildred and Miss Edna Latham of were present from New .Britain, the home Mr. and Mrs. Claude here, company officials stated, and return they will live on Norman Columbia, Mrs. Clayton Lyman of S 0 of N J . .42% 41% 42% Wapping and different actions of the Bremen would be taken . to Studebaker . 67% 66% 66% W. Jones. steet in Manchester. Hartford, and Misa Maud and Ber­ Manchester. Games, chorus Ringing North Sidney aboard the ice-break­ tha of New York, also three Tob Prod . . . .118% 117 117% Miss Florence E. Smith Is havlijg er Montcalm which is now slowly U S Steel . . .149% 147% 148% and general dancing was enjoyed'. a week of vacation from her work grandchildren^ the Misses Adella, The ladles of the party provided a proceeding towards Greenly Is­ Maine has provided for the es­ Westing . .. . 105% 104 104% as principal of the Seymour school land. From North Sidney the Bre­ tablishment and management of Ahlene and Margaret Badge of Co­ Willys Over . . 26% 26, 26 bountiful supply of good things to Angeles and Hebron has been ac­ lumbia. The funeral will be from eat, while the men pooled their con­ men would then be shipped to town forests and Wisconsin has cepted by Bishop- Acheson of the New York. made similar provision for county his late home on Chestnut Hill tributions and presented to Mr. and Protestant Episcopal church, as a Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Reichenbach a handsome set The flyers, howe% er, are reported forests. Dyspepsia is said to be more pre­ candidate for Holy Orders. Dr. Bis­ to have expressed themselves as de­ valent among unmaiTled men and of dinnerware, Jacob Reichenbach sell expects to spend the summer in made the presentation speech. termined to fly to New York In women between the ages of 30 and the east and will be In Hebron for the Bremen. Schiller is also re­ 50 than among the'lr married Charles Barron played accordeon a part of the time. He will leave selections ported to have taken with, him ma­ brothers and sisters. Los Angeles at the close of his terial whlcn would enable Koehl SECOND ANNUAL work as' Instructor, at’the Southern and his two companions to repair branch of the University of Cali­ their now lamoiia^plane. fornia. His sister. Miss Mary Bis­ The tkird alternative is that the sell, expects to accotapany. him east. flyers V il wait for the arrival of They are planning to make a motor the Montcalm and be taken back to trip across the continent. civilization aboard it. KIWANIS MINSTRELS CONHOENTIAL QUICK-LOANS Supervisor Charles M. Larcomb ON HOME FURNITURE or ENDORSED NOTES has notified members of the school ANOTHER PLANE READY committee of the seven towns un­ Mitchel Field, N. Y.,*April 16— Repayable in Monthly Instalments. der his charge that they are. Invit­ A huge plane, the Bremen’s sister- Production Cv' No Delays—No Annoyance ed to be present at the Eastern Arts ship, was reported ready here to­ State Theater Management < Convention to be held In Hartford, day'for a fUiffit to Montreal so th^t AL BOCKE'TT We tranaaot oil boslneas with patrona, la a careful, April 18 to 21, at the Armory. This its propeller can be sent to Green­ ■ . . ■■ conndeutlal and dignified manner, extending every conrteay convention brings together the‘best ly, Island to enable the Bremen to and conalderntlon conalatent wltli the tranaactlon of a ante loan bnalneaa. Bverything vrlll bo carefully explained. of school achievements In hand resume Its flight to Mitchel Field. work, manual and Industrial arts The plane here has the only, pro­ Our helpful pnrpoae la'to aaanre every cooperation that any borrower can properly claim. correlated with regular work as peller in this country similar to the Greatest love story of well as fine arts. There will be one which the Bremen damaged In them all. * It lifts All loana are made repayable In 8 to 30 monthly Inatal- its landing. menta of principal aa agreed by borrower, together with the samples of work from sebools east AFTERNOON AND EVENING high above a surging Intereat actually due. latereat may be caved by making act- of the MlSBlsBippi, Mr. Laroomb Miss Herta Junkers, jdaughter of tiement la advnnee. at option and eonvenlenee of borrower. especially recommends the corre­ thti head of the Junkers Company spectacle of conflict 8MAL1. MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON PRINCIPAL AS FOLLOWS! lation section programs and Thurb- which built the Bremen, said today Songs, Sketches, Dancei^ Big Male Chorus and courage, a spirit A day and Fdday afternoons. He that she and a pilot, would make of realism never be­ On' 8 80«00 Loan Yon Pay Back ...... 8 8.00 per Month the tUght to Montreal, On 8 40.00 Loon Yon P ay Back ...... 8 4.00 per Month plans to be prebent on Thursday, All liOcal Talent fore caught with a April 19. “I wlU get the propeller to Cap­ On 8 50.00 Loan Yon P ay Back ...... 8 B.00 per Month tain Koehl i t 1 have to hire a dog camera! It will live >1 On 8 Tis.00 Loan Yon P ay Baek ...... '. . . . 8 7.50 per Month ' Prbdiiction Stagdd Under DirectiMi of Jack Sanson J QUAKES RBPOR^D team and sled^o haul It over the forever as Richard On 8100,00 Loan Yon P ay Back ...... 810.00 per Month country,” she declared. S T A i m On 8150.00 Loan Yon Pay Back ...... 810.00 p er Month Clarence P. (C^uiittby, Interlociitor i^thelmess* greatest South Mancheatea On 8300.00 Loan Yon Pay Back ...... 815,00 per Month Earthquakes were reported from FLYERS AT HARTFORD contribution to the Pina Lawtnl latereat on Monthly Bnlancec various parts' of the world daring screen and one of the TODAY the past 48 hours. All Turkey, wm isartford, (3onn„ Apill 16.—A Tickets at Watkins Brothers and froin Members group of New York newspaper pho- greatest pictures of all and '.ihaken from .Smyrna to Constanti­ Afternoon Peifomiainoa 4 p. Children 15c, High School nople. A violent quake in southern tographers were waiting patiently times! TOMORROW at Brotnerd Fleldfdurlng the morn­ In d e n t* 2SC, A dniti SitOO. IDEAL nNANCING ASS’N, INC. Bulgaria Is reported to have killed ing for final Instructions from many persons. Details of thi earth­ 988 Main Bt., Room 408. Hartford. Conn. their superiors before departing on AU Scots 81*00. F. W. Hfiwldnsoii, Mgr. Phone 2-86S2 quake In Southern Peru on April what they hoped would be a non Xdoeni^ by Bank Commissioner and Bonded to the State. 9 th show It was more serious than stop flight to Greenly Island, Lab first reported. A dispatch from rader. The men had ma'de tentative Lima said that twenty persons Were arrangements to be carries in two killed and injured. planes leased or the L. ft R. Air .' • - '^' ’ ' ' ■ " '' ' ' '' ’ "' ' ^ ' “ ^ ' . ' ■ '■■■ <• ■ • '■ : ‘ ■ •, ■'_ -r,;- : •• ',.' /■ , ' ' '•'' 4 '- '- - ---\ C ' ^ fT>']'

MANCHiESTER (CX)m) EVESriliJG^H^ FJ G. A . BILLINGS AND STARTS LAYING TELLS INTERESTING NEW Rockville WIFE DIE IN CRASH $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 OF WALKS STORY OF TRAVELS OF HASKELL BLOCK To Address Men’s Onb. Mrs. 6 . D. Olds Speaks at Sec­ Hon. Charles Phel--! will be the ond C(mgregational Church speaker at the Men’s Club Banquet On Experiences. Former Manchester Resi­ Tuesday evening at the First Evan- Summit Street First to Get North End Merchant, Boost­ geiical Lutheran Church. David L. Mrs. G. D. Olds, who spoke at dents and Rockville Boy Hondlow will be .toast master who Foot Pavements, Strant the Second Congregational church er For Theater, Gets will keep the ball rolling through­ last evening, proved to be most out the banquet. The subject of enthusiastic in her work in Japan. KiDed in New London. Mr. Phelp’s address will be “ The Street Next. She was born on the Island and Building. Porce-Namel Bull Ring and the Cloister.’’ like many of the missionaries there, Emblem Glnb Whist she is the daughter of a former Harry Mintz, north end clothing George A. Billings, 47, and his The Emblem Club are planning The $40,000 program of side­ Japane'se worker. She has spent much time in teaching in a Normal merchant and owner of the Cowles wife, formerly of this town, and to hold another big card party Wed­ walk construction, for which the nesday, April 18th, at 2:30 o’clock school, in kindergarten and social hotel, who has been advocating a contract was given last week to theater for the north end of the Drop Leaf Tables Ernest Clark, a Rockyllle boy, were service work. She gave a most in­ at the Elks’ Home on Prospect Henry Ahern of thl? town, was killed yesterday at the Maple Ave­ street. A door prize of a $2.50 spiring talk. town, today became the owner o^ started this morning when Mr. the Haskell building, adjoining the gold piece will be given to the hold­ A unique feature on the program nue railroad crossing in New Lon­ Ahern’s employees begat to pre­ hotel. Th6 deed transferring the er of the lucky ticket. Following for the evening was a showing of don when their car was struck by pare Summit street for sidewalks. pictures taken in France, Italy and property from Charles Skrabaez to a switching engine. Mr. and Mrs. the whist, refreshments will be Part of the street had been IsIt A Nationally Advertised Table With Genuine served. Switzerland by Miss Marlon Tinker.' Mintz was registered at the office of Billings lived in Manchester until without sidewalks last year and ’They were made by an ordinary, the. Town Clerk today. about three years ago. Kiowa Council Entertains this job will be finished before small Kodak camera on the Cine- Rumor has it now, however, that Laflat Porcelain Top—^Beautiful, Convenient, Five ‘persons were in the auto­ Kiowa Council. D, of P. held one new streets are started. Kodak Safety film strips, which are the Haskell building, which is oc­ mobile, which was driven by Henry of the largest meetings of the Rea­ Following the completion of about three-fourths of an inch wide cupied on the ground floor by a Durable C. Russell of New London. Russell son on Friday night when they en­ Summit street’s walks the contrac­ and fifty or a hundred feet long. store of the Great Atlantic and Pac­ is in Lawrence and Memorial Asso­ tertained the Great Pocahontas tor will move his men to Strant These films are pieced together un­ ific Tea Company, will be remodeled ciated hospital in New London. His Mrs. Rosalie Hulbert and staff of street and will go to the other til they are 400 feet long and are and that the company, which oper­ wife, who was also in the car, was New Haven. A bountiful supper streets needing sidewalks in turn. exhibited by a small motion picture ates several stores here, will estab­ uninjured. was served at 6:30 o’clock to about The job, it was said at the office machine on a screen especially lish a meat market there. Well Known Here a hundred members and guests. A of the highway department this tm adapted for them. Extend Holdings Mr. and Mrs. Billings were well quartet composed of Mrs. George morning will require about three An entertaining close-up view of months. The transfer makes Mr. Mintz the known in Manchester. They lived Herzog, Mrs. Rose O’Brien, Mrs. noted places abroad was given. ’The owner of all the property from the Was Lowest Bidder at 44 Florence street and Mr. Bill­ Anna Siegfrield and Mrs. Minnie snow-capped and glacier tipped eastern side of the Cowles hotel to ings sold real estate. They left Mr. Ahern was awarded the con­ Dowding entertained during the' Alps, the beautiful drives through the Buckland building on the cor­ Manchester three years ago to live supper and sang a parody on “ How tract over five other bidders at the the passes and the lakes among the in Rockville where Mr. Billings be­ meeting of the Board of Select­ ner of North Main and North School Do You Do’’ which was greatly en­ mountains were very picturesque, streets. The latter property is own­ came a real estate salesman. They joyed and surely deserves special men last Tuesday. He was the low­ while the inactive objects which moved to New' London about three est bidder and as he has done the ed by Joseph Rollason, shoemaker, mention. Following the supper a were carried along across the whose place of business is off the months ago. social hour was spent. The meet­ work here for several years and screen were pleasing, perhaps the has always given satisfaction, the square and near the New Haven The party had left New London ing was called tj order at 8 o’clock. figures in motion were the most at­ early yesterday morning to visit board gave the work to him. railroad tracks. Mrs. Irene Morin, Pocohontas of tractive. Mr. Mintz suggested last week friends in Rockville. They return­ Kiowa Council, extended an official The estimated cost of the side­ The cascades among the Alps ed, accompanied by the Clark boy, walks as prepared by Town Engi­ that shares in a theater could be welcome to the visitors. The de­ and the gondolas and row boats sold among north end residents and to New London about 6 o’clock and neer J. Frank Bowen will be $38,- plying the waters around Venice gree was conferred on a class of 345. They will be laid on McKee a building erected in the rear of the made a right turn into Maple ave­ candidates in a most creditable were beautiful. Row boats with the These new tables in different color combination with chairs nue, on which the crossing is locat­ street, Hartford Road and Lewis hotel and the Haskell block, using manner and received great praise oarsmen always standing conveyed the right of way between the two ed. Mrs. Russell said her husband street. passengers from steamships to the to match are now being displayed in our kitchen depai’tment. shifted the car into second gear be­ from the visitors. Guests were There wili be 65,000 square feet buildings for an arcade and en­ present from Hartford, New Bri­ hotels. The scene of the pigeons fore crossing the tracks and as the of sidewalks, 10,000 square feet of which gather in St. Mark’s Square trance. We invite your inspection. We are sure this is just the style car rolled on to the tracks the tain, Manchester, Collinsville and driveways and 9,000 feet of curb­ He told The Herald that he had New Haven. by hundreds was one realistic pic­ of breakfast set you have been waiting for. Price is reasonable switching engine hit it. ing. ture of Venice. The'Square was fill­ not been approached regarding the The engine struck the automo­ Miss Delia La Fountain ed with people who came to see sale of the hotel building but did when the quality is considered. Table is equipped with one bile on the right rear fender, turn­ The funeral' of Miss Delia La- and feed the birds. Each one tried not say that he was in the market ing it completely around and Fountain who died Friday at the to see how many pigeons they for the Haskell block, although dovetailed drawer. Strong metal supports hold up the leaves. throwing the occupants out. After a home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long rurnor had it that interests favor­ ABOUTTOWN could attract on their shoulders The^legs are spread slightly both ways allowing ample room for hurried examination Dr. George P. of South street, was held Sunday and arms, with grain which they able to the erection of a theater Cheney of New London, who was afternoon at 3 o’clock from the un­ distributed. were planning to buy. chairs at the ehds as well as under the drop-leaves. Added near the scene, took Mr. Russell to dertaking home of E. H. Preston Miss Tinker’s description of the The theater business in Manches­ the hospital. Co. Rev. George S. Brookes offic­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Smith pictures and of her experiences ter, however, has not been of the beauty is given these clean porcelain topped tables through the No AiTCsts iated. Burial was in Grove Hill and family have moved from North with the French auto which she best, according to testimony given All three bodies were removed to cemetery. Main to 5 North School street. bought to tour with, were inter­ by officials of the Hoffman Enter­ use of attractive color combinations. Sold through our Profit an undertaking room in New Lon­ Tolland County Medical Association estingly told and will long be re­ prises, owner of the State and Cir­ Sharing Credit Plan. A year to pay and liberal cash discount. don after an investigation had been Manchester Lodge of Moose No. membered by her hearers. cle theaters, at a hearing before the made by the medical examiner. No Meeting The semi-annual meeting of the 1477 will be host to a number of Board of Selectmen some time ago. arrests were made. Tolland County Medical Association outsiders tonight when the new of­ Only One Operating The Maple avenue crossing is ficers are instailed in Tinker hall. Since that time the Circle theater about a mile west of the center of will be held at the Rockville House TAXES COMING IN BUT on Tuesday evening, April 17th, at A burlesque on “ Uncle Tom’s on Oak street and the Rialto New London and as it is unguard­ Cabin” will be put on by a cast of theater on Main street have been ed and the vision is obstructed 6:30 o’clock. Prominent members of the county are expected to be lodge members and the play will be NOT IN GREAT FLOOD closed and the State theater is the somewhat, it is considered one of followed by a social time. the most dangerous crossings in the present. Following the dinner, the only one operating here at present. £ E. KUTH FURNITURE CO. INC Mr. Mintz, however, said that a vicinity of New London, though it regular meeting will be held and Only Two Weeks Left For Set­ election of officers will take place. Town Clerk Samuel Turkington theater at the north end would ben­ is used only locally. An investiga­ reports only 256 dog licenses issued tlement of Property Levies, Corner Main and School Streets, South Manchester tion is to be made by officials of Senior Dramatics Big Success efit everybody, keeping business in during the first two weeks of April Collector Reminds. that end of the town and he further the New Haven road. The Senior Dramatics of the The time iimit has been set at Mr. Billings is survived by a Rockville High School presented said that if north end residents April 30 and all licenses must be Property and personal taxes are were shareholders in the enterprise sister and a brother, both of this the play “ The Tailor-Made Man” on taken out at that time to save a town. Mrs. Billings is survived by Friday evening at the Sykes Audi­ coming in a steady stream, George they would patronize it rather than penalty of one dollar which will be H. Howe, tax collector, said today. three brothers and two sisters, all torium which was filled to capacity. added to the fees of delinquents. go to the south end or to Hartford of Rockville. Funeral arrange­ The play a four act comedy was He said, however, that there is no for their entertainment. ments are not complete. given by a cast of 20 seniors and rush, although there are only two Reliable authorities today said The missionai'y society of the weeks left for the payment of prop­ was coached by the Misses Delia Swedish Luthern chuhch will meet that the building would be used for Partridge, Esther Fellows, Marcella erty taxes. Pe'rsonal taxes may be the meat market of the chain store Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock paid any time between now and FINAL CARD PARTY Powers and Principal Philip M. v/ith Mrs. S. C. Franzen of 33 Ham­ company. The meat market, if FRENCH LEAVE TAKEN Howe. Home made candy wassold lin street. June 1. such is to be installed in the build­ ATTEMPT TO RUN DOWN between the acts. After the play Mr. Howe said that he expects ing, will be the first of the chain to YOUNG DOHENY IN SERIES TOMORROW the majority of the taxes to be in. dancing was enjoyed in the gym­ Mrs. J. W. Foley of North Main come to Manchester. BY A LONESOME HORSE GREENWICH POUCEMAN nasium. street won first prize in bridge before the last day of the month. Notes whist at the card party given by He is beinfe kept busy every day and he is keeping his office open ^n IS NOT ALLOWED Mr. and Mrs. James Burke in Paul Schweizer wasawarded the St. Agnes Guild of Hartford Satur­ MURPHY’S RESTAURANT Tuesday evenings for the accom­ Harry England’s Steed Bolts Charge of Affair to Be Held D.A.R. certificate for being the day at the Hotel Bond. Several oth­ But New Yorkers’ Auto Up­ student of the Rockville Night er Manchester women were among modation of taxpayers who are un­ From Driver For Second At St. James’s Hall. HAS NEW PROPRIETOR sets and Occupants Ar» School making the most progress the 300 players. able to come to his office during Time to Visit Mate Back in ON THE STAND Caught and Jailed. during the school year. the day. Stable. Tomorrow evening the last card Court Snipsic F. of A. will hold Manchester Camp No. 2640 The Tuesday evening opening, Springfield Salesman Leases (Continued from page 1! party of the season will be held at a meeting tonight when a rehearsal Royal Neighbors will give a public while conforming with the store­ Greenwich. Conn., April 16— A St. James’s hall on Park street. Business Conducted by An- Love of one horse for another, group of New Yorters who visited of the degree team will be held. setback party following a brief opening night of last year, is a caused what appeared to be either These affairs have heretofore been night on which there is no business dreotta Brothers; To Move 000 worth and sent them to Fall. Breenwich for the week-end and This is the final rehearsal before business meeting in Odd Fellows an accident or runaway at Man­ This testimony in, the government .held on Wednesday evenings and working the degree in Broad Brook, banquet hall tomorrow evening. Six on Main street now. The notice of wound up in the lock-up after cre­ have been well attended. The com­ Fam ily. chester Green Saturoay afternoon. rested its case. Sunday, April 22nd. prizes wiii be awarded and refresh­ the .collector was copied from the People who saw the horse run­ ating excitement were sent to jail mittee in charge of this final card Defense Opens today by Judge James R. Mead after Mrs. Charles Allen of Rockville ments served. A delegation of the notice of last year and some con­ Morris E. Jacobson of Spring- ning along East Center street to­ social are trying to make it the fusion resulted as stores are now George Hoover, of Sinclair coun­ hearings in the Town Court. They and Mrs. Wright B. Bean of Staf­ members of Capitol City' camp of field, Mass', leased what is known ward the Green with part of its sel, opened for the defense. His most successful of the series. Play­ open on Thursday evenings instead harness dragging on the road be­ are Louis Grizzappi, fined $25 and ing will begin at 8 o’clock and will ford Springs are attending the 37th Hartford is expected. After the as Murphy’s Restaurnat at the first witness was J. W. Steele, Continental Congress of the Daugh­ card games tomorrow evening a of Tuesday. lieved that there had been »n acci­ costs and given thirty days in jail include whist, bridge and setback. south end Saturday afternoon from Casper, Wyo., supervisor for the ters of American Revolution which drawing wili take place on the $5 dent and that the horse run­ for reckless driving, and evading There will be a total of 18 prizes Howard Murphy. The business has mineral leasing division of the responsibility: and Louis Berardo, is beipg held in Washington April gold piece. All members having been conducted for more than three ning away. When the animal was for the winners and a special door United States geological survey, Athony Bernstendi, Salvatore Can- 16th to 21st, tickets out are requested to make LOCAL MAN OFFICJM. years by Andreotta Brothers, Emil stopped On Lydall street, he was prize of $2.50 in gold. Following found to beiv, g to W. Harry Eng­ he merely testified to the correct­ zonier, and Stanisloa Perino, given the games there will be a social Hope Chapter, O.E.S. will hold a returns tomorrow evening. and Louis.- The lease has about ness of a huge map of Teapot Dome meeting on Tuesday evening in land, s e proprietor and postmas­ ten days each In jail for idleness. hour and sandwiches, homemade OF BAND ASSoknO N three and a half years to run. The that was brought in and hung be­ In addition Grizzappi will be turn­ Masonic hall at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Burr of Park fact that the business was likely to ter at Manchester Green. c^ke and coffee will be' served, all fore the jury. ed over to New York authorities Wm. Smith of Talcottville Is chair­ street have returned after a visit to change hands was told in The Mr. England volunteered the in­ at a nominal cover charge. formation that the horse probably Assistant Secretary of Interior who charge the car he had here was Mr. and Mrs. James Burke are man of the social committee and an Washington, D. C. They visited Silk City Band Member Named Herald Saturday. E. C. Finney was calletj. with their son, Harold, who is now had taken “ French leave” from the stolen. the joint chairmen in charge. Their interesting program has been Murphy’s Restaurant is consider­ man in charg-s it at a job on Justice Bailey after a long planned. Refreshments will be a student in the foregn service de­ To Executive Board of Fif- ed one of the best paying proposi­ . Motorcycle Policeman Frank O’­ assistants will be Mrs. Robert Glenwood street. A few minutes whispered conference with the law­ Connor chased the car more than a Campbell, Mrs. Charles Trebbe, served. partment of Georgetown University. ers and Drummers Group. tions of Its kind in Manchester. The later when the workman appeared yers at the bench, apparently made The Missionary Societies of the Andreotta brothers have no im­ mile and then the driver tried to Miss Mary Campbell, Miss Teresa at the England home, it was found a ruling that prevented Hoover run him down. The car then side- McCluskey, Miss Edna McCourt, Methodist Episcopal Church will The Ladies’ Guild of St. Mary’s Thomas J. Richardson of the Silk mediate plans for the future. It Is that sue!' was the case. The man from questioning Finney as he meet Tuesday afternoon at the Episcopal church at their recent City Band of Manchster was elected understood they will continue to swiped a machine on Put's Hill and .Leo Cleary and Robert McVeigh. had gone into the barn after a hal­ wanted and the official left the upset. Five men in the car, es­ home of Mrs. W. A. Metcalf of 73 business meeting voted to have a to the executive board of the live here for a few months at least. ter after unhitching the horse from stand. Elm street. food sale Saturday afternoon at Connecticut Fifers, and Drummers The new owner came to this coun­ caped injury, fled Into the woods on a dumpeart and when he carre out A. C. Veatch, a geologist and the Milbank estate and were .round­ Mrs. Edward Sims will exhibit 2:30 at the J. W. Hale company’s Association at the annual conven­ try when a young man. His latest all he could see was dust down the store. president of the Sinclair Explora­ ed up on^y after a long chase. POLICE COURT some very beautiful garments which tion in Stamford yesterday. work is that of a traveling sales­ road. tion Co., was brought in to attest The convention voted to hold the she has received from China. These man in the confectionary business. Mr. England said this is the sec­ to the correctness of a model of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Williams a,nnual field day in Middletown this Prior to that he was a retail drug­ gowns are made of silk and gold ond time the horse has bolted from Teapot Dome which was on two 3 KILLED AT CROSSING A family row brought Fred Bar­ cloth and exquisitely embroidered. of Tolland street returned home year. Middletown had competition gist being a graduate of Brooklyn the same job. About a month ago, rett of 77 Birch street to the police Saturday evening after a seven in the convention, Torrington and wooden horses directly in front of The Mothers Club of the Union College of Pharmacy. he broke loose and raced to his the jury covered with a white cloth. court this morning on the charge weeks’ tour of the South. Rockville both bidding for the stable. Mr. England said that his Norwood, N. Y., April 16.-^ Congregational Church will hold a Mr. Jacobson has a wife and four Roberts objected to the model. Three persons are dead here today * of assault of his wife. Mrs. Barrett “get-together” supper on Friday choice. There were 43 delegates, children living in Springfield and ^ o horses are ' ry fond of each was the principal witness. The The Emblem club will give a Middletown getting 21 votes Tor­ other and that if one is ever taken He said it, and the line of testi­ as a result of a grade crossing evening at 6 o’clock. Tickets are he plans to move his family here mony Hoover was trying to adduce catastrophe at Plum Brook cross­ scrap took place at the home yes- 35 cents, children 10 cents. public whist and bridge at the rington 17 and Rockville 5. The after the completion of the present out of the barn to water, the other of assault on his wife. Mrs. Barrett Elks’ home in Rockville Wednes­ field day will be held in August. puts up a "holler.” .was merely “ a red herring.” ing, near here. A locomotive crash^ Rosalie Lodge D.O.H. will ob­ school term. The new owner said ed into an automobile, killing Hol­ complained to the police and had day afternoon. The committee of The members of the Silk City today that he plans no radical “ This case is being tried to de­ serve their anniversary on Tuesday termine whether the lease was lis Martin', 47, president of tills vil­ her husband arrested. From the May 1st in Princess hall. The Grand ladies in charge is headed by Mrs. Band were elated at being able to changes in the operation of the testimony it was evident that the Mary Brown of Rockville. Local elect one of their members to the SHOPLIFTING CHARGE fraudulently made, not to determine lage and well known pulp manu­ Lodge officers and members of Hari- business. questions of geology,” said Roberts. facturer; Marion Martin, 16, his assault was not a serious one. garin will attend. members include Mrs. Frank Balk- executive board. ner, Mrs. Thomas Brennan, Mrs “ I have seen the deposition of Sec­ daughter, and Miss Florence Mar­ Judge Johnson continued the case Mrs. Alice Kington and Mrs. tin of Syracuse, niece. until May 19. This will give the Ella Balch And Mrs. Minnie Balch AGAINST LOCAL WOMAN retary Fall which the defense will Achsah Dowding will attend the bing In shortly and it shows no The victims were on their way Barretts an opportunity to settle Rebekah Assembly in Torrington, ST. MARY’S CLUB PLANS Mrs. H. A. Cook of Grove street attention was paid to geology.” from Chateaugay to Norwood after their differences. April 17 th and 18th. attending a funeral. According to the testimony of and Miss Emma Hutchinson of Will Be Given Hearing in The jury was sent out while the Miss Irene Scharf of Union street, Main street are in attendance at HOUSING BETTERMENT lawyers argued. Thomas Weldon, John Mes, a spent the week-end in Poughkeep­ JOHN J. BRENNAN Manchester Police Court To­ stranger in Manchester, was in­ the continental congress of the morrow Morning. “ I intend to prove,” said Hoover, sie, N. Y., where she had a singing Daughters of the American Revolu­ “That the lease was made by Sec­ CONTRACTING toxicated and acting very strangely engagement. The meeting of St. Mary’s Young John J. Brennan died at his home on Porter street yesterday. He was tion at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Ann Farrell of South Main retary of the Navy Denby, and that Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett of Men’s club, scheduled by the by­ at 183 Hackmatack street at 7:15 Fall was only acting as an agent w d arrested and brought to the police Providence, R. I., spent Sunday laws for this evening, has been yesterday morning following a two street, just over the town line in station and this morning he was Local Luther league members postponed until Monday, April 23, months’ illness. He was employed Glastonbury, was arrested this af­ for Denby.” with Mrs. Mary Enes of Union will furnish the program at the ses­ BUILDING found guilty and fined $10 and street. it was given out today by William as a gardner for Miss Mary Cheney. ternoon by Lieutenant William costs. He claimed he lived in the sion of the league in Meriden to­ J. Morrison, secretary of the organ­ Mr. Brennan is survived by his Barron of the Manchester Police C. OF C. MEETING Emerson Liebe and Bryn Neff morrow evening. Cars will leave southern part of the state, that he spent the week-end with friends in ization. wife, Nora, two daughters, Mrs. departmdht charged with shoplift­ the Swedish Lutheran church here Hartford, Conn., April 16.— The was a weaver and came here in the Madison, New Jersey. The meeting next week will be Henry Leister and Miss Catherine ing at Hale’s Self-Serve Grocery. effort to obtain work. He had no at 6:30 for that city. held for the purpose of deciding on F. Brennan, both of this town; two Mrs. Farrell wllP^be given a hear­ Connecticut Chamber of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. George Lang and ing before Judge Raymond A. today issued a call for a meeting to money and had to go to jail. daughter, Barbara, of Poquonock improvements to the clubhouse. sisters, Mrs. Georgiana Curran of Andrew Denardis of Hartford, Miss Marguerite Bengs has re­ There is a considerable sum of Manchester and Mrs.. Thomas Foley Johnson tomorrow morning. Mrs. be held at Winstjd on April 25 to spent Sunday with Mrs. George turned from a few days’ visit with of Boston, and three grandchildren. Farrell Bad taken goods worth form a Litchfield Hills Federation. was arrested yesterday for speeding Herzog of Brooklyn street. money in the building fund and the her sister Miss Elsie Bengs in New meeting will decide whether or not The funeral will be held tomor­ about fi e dollars, it was charged. The meeting wili include a garner­ his automobile on Center ^reet. Elton Hendrick of Norwalk was Traffic Officer Wirtalla stopped him York. The latter and her friend. this money will be used for improve­ row morning with services at the ing of representative citizens of the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Miss Gertrude Hall have been ments and repairs. • home at 8:30 and at St. James’ R. NEW TAX RULING every town in Litchfield county. and ordered him to appear in court Liebe of Prospect street over the spending the Easter vacation at the this morning but he failed to do so. Certain repairs and improve­ C. Church at 9 o’clock. Burial will week-end. Bengs home on ’ Park street and ments have been made on the club­ be in St. James’ cemetery. Mr. Washington, April 16.— States Miss Anna Mercer of Boston, Judge JO'hnson directed that the Miss Marguerite Bengs motored man be brought into court. house wiunin the past few months Brennan was a member of Mah- have the constitutional right to Mass., Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. down with them. but it is expected that the exterior chester Division, No. 1, A .' O. H. levy an Inheritance tax upon in­ Minnie Mercer of Summit street. will be painted and the roofs re­ and a meeting of that organization tangible property of one of its citi­ Specializing in Small. Hoics^ BIRTHDAY PARTY. HOSPITAL NOTES. Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen of paired. Talk of a new clubhouse to has been Called for 8:30 tonight at zens when the property is located V Hartford with relatives from New replace the present one is not taken St. James’ school hall to plan to at­ in another state, the Supreme and Bungalows. Gret our prie^; ■>/. About 70 friends and relatives of York have been over-Sunday guests seriously by most of the member­ tend the funeral. Gburt ruled today. Second Mortgage the Misses Vivian and Marie of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dowd of ship. The high court both affirmed and Four patients were discharged We will help yon flmuioo^ Dupont of 14 Myrtle street, gather­ Eldridge street. FUNERAL OP ALICE WEIR reversed the. Connecticut Supreme from Memorial hospital yesterday. The Arctic or white fox is cir­ Court of Errors in sustaining a suc­ Money your honteb - ed at their home Saturday night in They are James Scranton of Hills- Jhonor of their birthdays. Vivian is Gunner Johnson, 11 year old son cumpolar in range. It’s normal The funeral of Alice Weir of cession tax levied agulsst tthe es­ Now On ELand town road, John Tildish of 34 of Mr. and Mrs. Algot Johnson of summer pelage is dark brown on Highland Park was held yesterday tate of the late Robert B. Hirsch’s 14 years of age and Marie is 12 Union street, Mrs. Evelyn Pagoni Edgerton street, will give solo and their birthdays come together. the back, shoulder and hip ■ and afternoon at Holloican Brothers Interests In a New York partner­ of 131 Charter Oak street and numbers at the minstrel show by ...... on the sides, says Nature Undertaking Parlors. Rev. Wat­ ship and United States bonds kept Arthur A* Knofla GEORGE L. FISH Games and dancing were enjoyed Mrs. Fannie Styles of 125 Hollis­ the Manchester Kiwanis club Wed-1 Magazine, [I at the party. In winter it is pure son Woodruff officiated and burial in safety deposit boxes in New 875 Main St. ter street. nesdav at the State theater* . . l-.whita.- waa in the East Cemetery. York. PlMme 782-2. 108 Bentott IM.' MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, AFKiL lo, i v z e . F A G B TOXTBL

Jumble. Thete Is no cable to the ABOUT IKsndfeBtnr island, no wireless. Then how did the news come €tt?nfn8 Rfralli out? Whether flashed in preconcerted PUHLISHEU BY THB HBUALU PRINTING CO. code by the lighthouse on Greenly, Founded by Blvood 8. Bla, whether communicated by smoke ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Oct. 1. 1881 (112) The State Prison. New signals, whether carried ashore by For 100 years persons sentenced to prison under state laws Svery Bventns Bzcept Sundays and some unnamed and even unmen­ Holidays. have served tholr time at the Connecticut State prison at Weth­ Bnier^d at the Post Office at Man* tioned hero, is yet to be developed. ersfield. Prior to the removal of the prison to Wethersfield in ■iHster as Seoond Class Mall Matter. It Is something to guess about. 1827, state prisoners were held at the famous Newgate Prison in Handwoven “Artfibre’’ Furniture eUBSCaiPTlON RATBS: By Mall ■ta dollars . a year. eUty oents a East Granby. . i month for shorter peiioda The Wethersfield property consists of about 50 acres of land, vA new and novel process makes this furniture superior The fibre is permanent- TROUT FISHING bordering the Connecticut river and of a group of structures, of By carrier, eighteen cents a week. Trout fishing on the opening day \ dyed before spinning and weaving. The colors cannot wear or chip off for they; Single coplea three oenta • which the original part was erected In 1827 and to which ex­ go dear through each strand to the sturdy wire center I SPBCIAL advertising REPRB- of the season, particularly when tensive additions and alterations have since been made. The EBNTAnVB. Hamllton-De Llsser. last inventory places the valuation of the property at 11,116,- Inc.. S8S Madison Avenue. New York that date falls on Sunday, Is get­ and 618 North Michigan Avenua ting to , the point where It sug­ 804. Chicago. When the removal was made from Newgate there were 127 The Manchester Evening Herald 1s gests a championship baseball con­ prisoners. Today the number of inmates averages around 550. on sale in New York City at Schultz's test in the crowds it calls out. The population recently totaled 568 prisoners, 553 males and 16 News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 48nd. Street, and 4'^nd Street entrance of Game wardens report the presence females. The average daily number of inmates for a recent Grand Central St.-.tlon and at all on state leased streams yesterday [ year was 546. Twenty years ago it was 486. The normal l£oatllrg News Stands. ' capacity of the prison is 700; officers and employees total 62, of 3,149 anglers. And that, of • • • Pifty-one persons have been hanged at Wethersfield. — Colors — Client of International News Ser- course, makes no account of the Last year the total expenditures for the prison including some Comfortable, dec­ Amethyst, Emerald; ~ ~ l f 1 ■ ■ vice. great number of old timers who in­ $45,000 for repairs and reconstruction amounted to $288,124. orative, serviceable. "International News Service has the J»earl, Topaz, Jade exclusive rights to use for republlca- evitably must have figured on Receipts from sales, however, totaled $139,932. Personal ser­ A delight to the eye tlon In any form all news dispatches avoiding being stepped on by doing vice cost $101,150; food, $50,379; heat, light, power, and and Jet, with nat­ credited to or not otherwise credited water, $3^)349 and convicts' pay, principally in the shirt fac­ and pocketbook. De­ their fishing in streams that are ural finished stakes, in this paper. It Is also exclusively tory where approximately 350 prisoners are employed, $20,986. richly blended- tachable, coiled - entitled to use for republlcatlon all not leased by the state. The to­ The per capita cost of inmates per week averages $6.87. Twot- the local or undated news published Harm o n i o u s spring upholstered herein." Pull Service Client of N E A tal number of anglers must have ty years ago total expenditures were $89,480, $61,893 of this seats. Service. been several times the number re­ amount being met by receipts from prison labor. The per cap­ shades of gay cre­ ita cost was $2.81 a week. tonne. MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1928 ported by the game wardens be­ The prison has a library of some 6,000 volumes, an inmate cause there are many times as band, radio concerts and other entertainments consisting of many miles of trout waters not di­ moving pictures, vaudeville, musicales, lectures, otc. Outdoor UNIQUE TRIAL rectly controlled by the state as exercise is enjoyed Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Dr. Harold N. Guilfoyle ot Hart­ there are under state lease. ford is to go on trial tomorrow for Perhaps a better simile than a ' t the murder of Mrs. Clare Cava­ baseball game would be one of if we were not getting utterly hard­ naugh. The case is likely to arouse those rushes that accompanied the ened to the destruction of human more genuine interest of a perfect­ opening of new and rich govern­ life on almost every Sunday and ly sane character than any murder ment lands to settlement, like the holiday during the pleasure motor­ Chair or I ^ 2.95 trial in a long time. Not because stampede into Oklahoma when the ing season. And even the long suc­ i c t i i the case is particularly sensational R ock er gun was fired indicating the zero cession of these fatalities to which but because it marks an entirely hour for the staking of land claims. we ha’Ve become accustomed, there A price that hardly covers the cost of their manufacture. The most un­ new epoch In criminal jurispru­ Going a-fishing, nowadays, so far are few persons who can read of By RODNEY DUTCHER usual value we have ever offered as an introduction to our beautiful springtime dence. Guilfoyle Is to be tried not as the opening of the season is con­ Washington, April 16.— Your the road killings without being display of by the traditional Jury of his peers cerned, resembles the original ac­ correspondent cannot help being somewhat affected. impressed by the probable signifi­ but by three judges. tivity not at all. No longer does the Yet the potentialities of the au­ The 1927 session of the Connec­ cance of the honor which has been angler start out after an early tomobile for destruction of human thru^ upon the Hon. Simeon D. k. ticut Legislature passed the follow­ breakfast, hiking ) or driving a life are nowhere near approached Fess, senior senator from the un­ ing brief enactment: ARTHBRE FURNITURE sleepy old horse over lonely coun­ by the actual fatalities. If all the deniably great state of Ohio. “ Section two of chapter 267 of It is difficult to dodge the Im­ try roads to some selected spot drivers were as ignorant or as Quantity of chairs is limited and no others will be available after these arer^ the public acts of 1921 is amended pression that the election of the where he might spend the day in reckless or as unrealizing as the Hon. Simeon as keynoter for the sold. to read as follows: In all criminal solitary communion with nature, few, we should not be counting causes, prosecutions and proceed­ seeing perhaps no single human be­ our dead by units or tens but by ings the party accused may, if he ing between sunup and sundown. hundreds, each Sunday. shall so elect when called upon to Instead he starts out at. midnight Yesterday, in a ride from Man­ plead, he tried by the court instead and drives fifty miles over roads chester to Storrs and back, hun­ ol by the jury; and in such cases swarming with folks hound on the dreds of automobiles were encoun­ the court shall have jurisdiction to same errand. He has to hunt for a tered. Yet only one of all the driv­ hear and try such cause and ren­ parking place when he reaches bis ers was seen to commit a serious New Colors— ^New Designs der judgment and sentence there­ stream, and when it is light enough breach of the rules of safety. That on. If the accused shall be charged to rig up and start in he falls in individual pulled out of a traffic In past years there has been a repetition of design in all wicker with a crime punishable by death line like a ticket purchaser at a line that was traveling at thirty, rumiture but this year your sun porch can be entirely different from or imprisonment in the state prison box office. Five hundred and thirty rushed past three cars on a grade any other in town. For the new colors and the new designs are dif­ for life and shall elect to be tried anglers were reported as fishing and a curve— and nothing happen­ ferent ! Sketched to the left is a chair from one of our suites. No­ by the court, the court shall he in Salmon river yesterday! ed. It was his good luck, and that tice the high, comfortable back! Others have pointed Gothic backs, composed of three judges consist­ Oh, it’s all right— it’s all right. of others on the road with him that square backs, winged backs and many other new designs. Come in ing of the judge presiding at the No kick to make. Times change. he did not meet some other cars and see all this new furniture. term and two other judges to be But if that’s “ going fishing” with coming around the curve at a designated by the chief Jnstloe of the old time implications, we want speed equal to his own. He had set the Supreme Court of Errors. Such 'to know! the stage for a killing. judges, or a majority of them, shall It Is such drivers as that who have power to decide all questions cause most of the fatalities. And j)f law- and fact arising upon the Senator Simeon D. Fess of Ohio they can'be checked only when ra­ , . he’ll sta^ the booms booming ^ ^ a l and render Judgment accord- HANDS OFF! Under the stimulating influence tional drivers overcome their In Kansas City in June. ‘ Ingly.” squeamish reluctance at “ inform­ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. It is our impression that this of the Chicago Bar Association Republican National Convention ing” and begin to take the num­ was encompassed after careful act, passed just short of a year what appears to be a very genuine EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES FOR CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES bers of the irrationals and send forethought by those gents who ego, is the only one of its kind in effort has been started to trace out hope to draft President Coolidgo them in to the Motor Vehicle De­ ' force in any state In the Union, and and punish the perpetrators of the for renomination and by those otu- Tickets on sale here for partment. When every sane motor­ In any event this will probably be election day crimes which were er gents who pretend to hope to Kiwanis Benefit Minstrel Show ist becomes in effect a policeman, draft the president as a means of April 18, 1928. the first time that the issue of guilt part of the futile attempt of the Thompson-Crowe gangsters to for­ then the crazy ones will learn tc reducing the delegate strength of ' or Innocence of a person charged the candidate they oppose. behave. And the death list will with murder has been determined cibly control the recent Republican Anyone who has heard Senator primaries. Action by a special shrink. Simeon make a speech knows that by the bench instead o f by a jury. grand jury called into being by the he is not exactly the best inspira­ For that reason the Guilfoyle case tional orator the party could pro­ will be unique a.nd will be follow­ Illinois attorney-general, who is a duce. And neither is he an ideal tor. Even the most obtuse pc^tl- the hahds around and the time is cian, anxious to bitch onto the pro­ seldom correct. . . . On a partic­ ed with the closest attention by a reputable official, is expected to keynoter from the standpoint of reach to the roots of the plotting. CORRUPTION BALKS prestige or popularity. per bandwagon, could not avbld ularly blustery day the clock gained great many people who would not being struck .by ihe fact that the an hour In six seconds. . . . The If You Want a Beautiful Lawn This is reassuring, but the Chi­ True, he was boomed as a presi­ AND A THRIVING HOME GARDEN— USB \ ordinarily concern themselves with dential possibility the other day by party’s big bosses had chosen from largest clock in the world, by the cago situation has developed an a trial of this sort. SOVIET PLANS FOR zealous Ohio colleagues, but this the entire field this one man way, is on the Jersey side of the known to all as the most vocfferous The principle of jury trial is aspect which appears to outsiders has been regarded generally as Hudson facing Manhattan . . . to be of extraordinary importance OWN MERCHANT SHIPS rather a. ornamental gesture. of the Coolidge draftsmen. The dial Is more than 50 feet wide. HOLLAND PEAT MOSS dear to the hearts of all liberty The one thing which has brought In other words, the Fess selec­ . . . The minute hand weighs more loving people. Its voldance would Alongside of this new activity by tion appears to be the latest ffiove MIXED WITH POULTRY MANURE great fame to the Hono. Simeon Is than a ton. . . . When lighted at For Sale at the be regarded with the utmost appre­ Illinois authorities in the Interest the fact that of all those who have in the “ block Hoover” game which night It can be seen for miles. of honesty and decency within the Moscow.— Efforts of the Soviet has been going on for several hension by any number of think­ shouted for the renomlnatlon of state, appears a tentative proposal government to build up its own the Hon. Simeon’^ close friend, Mr. weeks. Hilles, Mayor Thompson of One of Manhattan’s moat famous Oakhurst Poultry Farm ing people who are, nevertheless, state-owned and operated merchant Chicago, State Chairman George by the United States district at­ Coolidge, he has shouted loudest, panhandlers is now a model PRICE $1.00 PER BAG fully aware of its many weakness- marine are meeting with even less longest, oftenest and most pas­ Morris of New York and former torney for the Chicago territory to at the Art Students’ League. He Phone 74-5 Rockville, €k>nii. "es. But trial of a murder case by a success than has attended the expe­ sionately. Again and again he has National Chairman William R. was bumming dimes in the league bring the election crimes before a riment in many other countries. reiterated that Mr. Coolidge had WIllcox, ofie by one, have marched neighborhood when an instructor court, upon the election of the ac­ out of the White House after see­ federal grand jury— instituting in Charges of “ gross inefficiency, ex­ not clffsedcl9i the door— that he would decided he was a flue “ type” for cused, on the face of things prom­ travagance and probable corrup­ neverlyfi answer the party’s call in Its ing Mr. Coolidge. with assertions the first place a test case to ascer­ that Mr. Coolidge could still be sketching. Now he gets his so- ises to yield more of precise jus- tion” have been lodg'd against the hour of need. much-an-hour and has Inerely to tain whether jurisdiction can be Shipping trust with the Commis­ nominated and that sentiment for tic« than trial ot such a case by Aside from that, the only thing sit dowu and look around. Where­ maintained. sariat of Works’ and peasants’ In­ that might have been expected to his renomination was strong. a jury, and to deprive the accused spection, the efficiency department Chairman Butler being Chairman fore “ Subway Slim” — for such is It is very much to be hoped that weigh more heavily against Senator his moniker—-philosophises one the of nothing in the way of moral of the government. Butler, his e«ience after a similar no such proceeding will be follow­ Simeon’s chances as a keynoter strangeness of life. He walks the right. With an appropriation of $30,- than his lack of asseats tor the Job visLt^as placed in exactly the same ed. It would be a new and further 000,000 for ship construction last was his relative unavailability. category. street for dimes and hae to dodge extension ol the principle ot feder­ year, it is alleged, the Shipping For all men in pUbHo life, the If the Hoover strength can be crowds and then along comes some­ one and pays him for sitting down. al usurpation of the police powers Trust built only lOUr Vessels. It Hon. Simeon is perhaps the only broken up at the butsei by the idea THE FIRST NEWS had promised to build p4 freighters that Mr. Coolidge is receptive— and What a cock-eyed world, says he. of the state, which is already the one who can be called a liar with­ I f we couI4 only make use of the experi­ There is a point on ■flfhlch en­ of about 8,000 tons each. This year out fear of a libel sUit . Senator many delegates whom Hoover lightenment may come at any mo­ occasion of sufllclent protest and with a similar appropriation it ap­ Simeon admitted on the Senate counts as his are for Coolidge first And there’s “ Top Coat Dan,” ences of^others, how much richer we would, ment— may have come by the time indignation. If we should have pears that the Trust will be able to floor that in his efforts to help Mr. — it may not result in a stampede known from one end of the' the federal courts thrusting them­ construct a maximum of 18 ships. Coolidge he had prevaricated to to Coolidge, but it may wreck Bowery to .the other. He was al­ be- this is printed, but which strangely The ordinary freighters built last Hoover. ways to be found in the bread line. selves into the Chicago situation newspaper men at the White House. enough has not been explained up year, it is charged, were outfitted The evidence is on Page 2878 of He’d Wait for hours for a handout Read article on page 5 and see why. to this moment of writing, in con­ on the tawdry excuse that the with luxurious suiteW for the cap­ the Congressional Record, where of Soup and beans. , They caught nection with the dramatic issue of nomination of a United States sen tains, elaborate mahogany ladies you will find that the mendacious him sleeping In the subway the ator was involved it would estab- salons, smoking rooms and Quests Simeon said: “ Then I added what other night and, when they took the German-Irish fiight across the cabins when there was no necessity llsh a precedent which is exactly was not true, but I wanted to get it him to court, they found bankbooks Atlantic. And that is how the news for such appointments. across— ” in his pockets showing he had MANCHESTER of the landing of the transatlantic what no one but a few extreme re­ Millions of dollars have been Now there are many men in pub­ $25,000 on deposit. filers on Greenly Island became actionaries wants to see establish­ wasted, it is known, but Just where lic ilfe who are far greater liars Dan is 70. Now Just what he « - the money i^ent to is b^ng made than the senator from Ohio, but pected to do with his money no­ known to the folks in the little ed. the subject of an investigation. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The subject of state’s rights is there are few who admit being liars body seems to know. Least of all Labrador fishing settlement of Ship building costs have gone up at. all. becoming a sore point with a great five times since the war, but al­ New York, April 16— Manhattan Dan! \ Lourdes de Blanc Sablon, when it Whether it is more honorable to He got his name, by the way, be­ many people in the United States. lowance was maae for that in ap­ lie and deny it or to lie and admit snapshots: The flower wagons was transmitted by a single wire propriations. Meanyfhile it is with their multi-colored wares, re­ cause in winter he always wore It might easily blaze up Into a ma­ it, the fact remains that a reputa­ three overcoats. He would explain telegraph line, since broken down, pointed , out the Soviet government tion for mendacity would ordinari­ flecting gay colors along the drab the nearest wireless station. jor political Issue if fanned by is paying $35,000,000 annually, to miles of tenements. . . . The that the other two were for quilts ly be counted against a man when and bedding if he couldn’t bum a Greenly Island is probably twen­ such a thing as federal Intrusion other nations for hauling its goods. the parties pick their keynoters. croquet players bobbing up in Cen­ into the Chicago primary affair. Many of the ships confiscated from tral Park with the first signs of place to sleep. ty miles off-shore, and according to We now seem to have demou- GILBERT SWAN. The people of Illinois have dem­ private owners during the revolu­ strated that some remarkably co­ iprlng. . . . The Indian “ snake all reports the Straits of Belle Isle tion are going to pieces. The treat­ doctor” of Ninth avenue and the onstrated their ability, when awak­ gent reason was behind the selec­ DOG OWNERS ment and pay of sailors,, however, are so filled with pack ice that a tion of Cousin Fess. Was that rea­ “ man from India” who sells cheap 80,000 ON STRIKE ' great ice breaking steamer is mak­ ened, to manage their own affairs. is better than before the revolu­ son the fact that h j could make fountain pens in a fim es Square Section -6, Chapter 269 of the Public Acts of 192^ of tion. ing scarcely two miles an hour in There Is no state which cannot a heck of a good speech in praise auction which displays a huge sign New Bedford, Mass., April 16.— thcr Stal^ of Connecticut require that aB dogs »OBt be of Mr. Coolidge and so get the dele­ reading "pencils free,” which brings as effort to reach the island, while manage its own affairs. If there A general -strike of 30,000 cotton licensed oh or before May 1st, 1928. Neglect or refuiiid should develop such a one ,the gates roused up over the president in tb© crowd. . . But you learn mill operatives went into effect the sealing vessels flatly refused with a good four-and-a-half-mlnuet that the pencil is free only it you to license bn or before that date will cost ah additional thing to do with it is to let it suf­ here today in protest against a to nndertake the job. It is also ifs dateivK outburst for “ our Cal” when FOss buy a pen . . . Yet they talk wage’ reduction of ten per cent In dollar as well as making you liable to arrest. stated that the dozen or more In­ fer the consequences until it learns had concluded? Projiably not,, for about the “ country yokels.” the twenty-seven cotton mills. Registration fee^ Male or spayed female $2.00, '' Fe- any keynoter would bo forced to Dorothy Gish taking her dog for habitants of Greenly habitually how. Emphatically the last thing to )AME RICAN Reports said that the strike was ■•'I brag a great deal about Mr. Cpol-> a walk, around Gramercy Park. one hundred per cent. . bnrie Under the law you must give the dogjs consider themselves alone In the do Is to have the federal govern­ idge and there are several others age instead of size. ment Intrude itself Into essentially NISTQR.Y . . . Just what happened to Dor­ Similar wage reductions have> al­ world throughout the entire win­ who could do It more effectively othy, anyway? And'' to Renee ready been made In textile mills In Veterinary Certificate required for Spayed Feniide ter, making no attempt to reach state matters. We have had a suffi­ than the Hon. Simeon. Adoree, who was so*'splendid in Lowell, Lawrence, Pall Ritrer and 1681— Province of New Jersey of­ previously licensed. Hie mainland. The ice in the cient example of that In Volstead- “The Big Parade”? And to Mae Rhode Island mills. Labor leaders fered for sale In England Apparently the only logical de­ Marsh? And a lot of others? here said that there was a possfc* Ofiioe houifs during the month of April will be as " straits, as may be inferred from ism. duction is that such gents as Chair­ Jfor $25,000. The fellow who fixes the clock blllty that the strike would extend lows: Daily, except Sunday^9 a. m. to 5 p. m. inch statements of conditions as 1786— “ Contrast,” first play writ­ man William M. Butler and Vice outside the city. Chairman Charles D. Hilles of the on the Paramount tower . . .From •very Tuesday night from 6:30 to 9 p, m. bays come, 4^ by no means a fair ON THE ROAD ten and perfomled In Am­ the street he.looks like a fly crawl­ erica, produced at John Kepubltcan National iCommittee Almost time for the hog-calling field, ^ e r which dog sleds or foot Five dead ^ automobile acci­ were anxious to strengthen the im­ ing aibnif a wall . . .--It gMUiB SAMUEL J. TURKINGTON, Town Cler^- '‘• 3 : ? ■ Street Theater, New York, that the velocity of the wlicd Ir so contest—or. Is ft husbaUd-callfttg? . qmaengers might the score dents in this state yesterday would 1385— Niagara x alls park estab­ pression among the brethren that , great at that height thdt it blows Wa alwavB gat them mixed uo. of miles in safety but a jagged be impressive, not to say startling, lished. Mr. Coolidge was still a potent fae- / I represents and report It to .^e po- ments which they h-ve made. The CAMPAIGN PORTRAITS—THE STORY OF HERBERT HOOVER .ice or the ('hamber of Commerce. totals of these transactions are The H cGotwb Gcunfe' RAFFLE OF SUITS Don’t Invest in a Name roughly^— $200,000 and they repre­ COVENTRY Evidence continues to present it­ sent. every ima^iiable form of in- M EHORIAtS vestme it. self that people do invest their The Rockville Christian Endea­ C. w . HARTKN8TEIN ANOTHER FRAUD money in euphonious appellations. .••'■ th '$20.01000 so Invested had vor Union have Invited the Coven­ HGHTING A FLOOD The Coco Cola Bottling Company been put Into local insurance stocks try Christian Endeavor to attend Tel. 1621. ^ r which ai^e right at hand and al­ was a magic-.i. phrase which coaxed their service next Sunday evening. 149 -SiuiOnitt St. . a consideraj:)le flock of dollars from ways, available for purchase from There will be a special speaker for reliable brokers, this same small local pockets, the supposition being the evening. How Hoover Met Mississippi Disaster C. of € . Investigates Spring- that they were investing in the pa­ number of Mancuester people would rent Coco Cola Manufacturing be some $440,000 to $1,400,000 Miss Laura K. Kingsbury spent Company.’ As a matter of fact, it (according to which stock was the week-end at her home. £eld Man’s Game— Bnt was only an arbitrary title adopted bought) better off than they now Miss Ruth Taylor spent the week­ This is the last of four articles by an organization who were to are. Inquiry before purchase of end at home. RHEUMATISM aescribing SecretaiT of Commerce ; act as local dirtributors for Coco practically any of tne stocks whicli Mrs. Elizabeth Conner and two Herbert Hoover, and the seventh in Can’t Find Him. Cola, Whist , and other triade have shown their lack of value and children Ruth and Elton are spend­ While in France with the' Amej^- in a series of Presidential Cam­ marked drir ;s. They failSd to live convinr-d the prospective purchaser ing a few days at Autumn View can Army I obtained a noted Freneh paign Portraits written for The up to their contract with the man­ of the w*- -I of passing them up. Farm. prescription for the treatment Herald and NEA Service by Robert Prepared by Chai iber of Commerce ufacturers and thvir distributing This is one service that the Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott spent Rheumatism and Neuritis. I ha^, Talley. Tomorrow will begin the A number of local men entered contracts have been cancelled. Chamber can alw ys perform. It Sunday at John E. Kingsbury’s sto*": of Governor A1 Smith. into a contract with the Dorsey Such titles as Bankers Securities can obtain and present facts re­ home. given this to thousands with won< Tailoring Company to buy suits on Corporation and other equally im­ garding any unlisted security. This Mr. and Mrs John E. Kingsbury I derfu^l results. ’The prescription cost the $2.00 a week plan, with a pressive combinatioLS of words al­ service i: free for the asking. and son John Jr., and Mr. and Mrs me nothing. I ask nofthing for lt. '.I By ROBERT TALLEY. weekly drawing to decide who if ways seem to act as a lure to the Archie Palmer have motored out will mall it if you will send me yottr NEA Service Writer. anybody, gets a suit. The Chamber in-exp: ’ .need investors or to the A Chicago husband sought a to Wellsburg, N. Y.. Mrs. Kings­ of Commerce has been investigating man who do' not investigate. divorce from his wife because she bury being called to her sister’s. address. A postal ■will bring .it. the Dorsey Tailoring Company and Write today.— PAUL CASE, Dejlt. Washington, April 16.— The Long-Wear Ties smoked a cigar. Oh, well, girls, a John Kay has been confined to finds that it is nothing but a name husband is a husband, but a good the house for the past three days I 1000, Brockton, Mass.— Advt. spring of 1927 sa\y the worst flood The New Process Company of .T adopted by a man named Charles Warren, Penn., have for some years cigar is a smoke. but was out Sunday night. in the histoi’y of the Mississippi Howard. Neither the Springfield been cirCulaiizing Manchester peo­ y valley. 'Six hundred and fifty thou­ Chamber of Commerce, the Spring- ple Ring all sorts of wearing ap­ field Better B.usiness Bureau, the sand people were homeless, barn." parel and general merchandise. Springfield police, the Springfield They co not send the merchandise and houses were floating down to­ banks, nor any of the Springfield by mail, but send illustrations and ward the Gulf, crumbling levees tailors knew anything about the glowing descriptions emphasizing Dorsey Tailoring Company, and the had chased thousands to the refuge the low prices and the high quali­ landlord of the single room at 115 ty. The Chamber trieu the experi­ camps on high grounds, crops were State street says that the room Is ment the past week of sending for ruined, everything was lost and di­ not leased but rented by the week. six neckties on approval. These No Change Whatever!' A man cannot be punished for what wjre represented to be equal to any sease stalked in the wake of grim we may think he is going to do, lesolation. $3.00 tie wl^:ch could be bought in but from the way the stage is set, the local stores, and the price was Into this crisis. President Cool- it certainly looks as though the $4.95 for six lies— 82 1-2 cents idge sent Herbert Hoover as direc­ Dorsey Tailoring Company were on each. tor of relief forces. The man who their toes ready to fade away as When the ties arrived they were W . G. SIMMONS, CO. had fed and clothed hungry and soon as they had carried their $2.00 compared with ties in several local a week collecuons as far as they men’s furnishing stores. The New 48 PRATT STREET, HARTFORD shivering Europe went among his felt it safe to do without delivering own people on a smaller mission. Process ties wefe rayon, lined on Hoover and Secretary of War Dwigb.t Davis with children at a any suits. Mississippi flood relief camp, the skirts with mercerized cotton. ■Gibson Tailoring Company A st.ip of w: "t looked like uphol- Are Well Stocked and Will Continue to Sell the Hoover wasted no time. Even He has saved millions for Amer­ Warnings have just been receiv­ before he left Washington, the Washington? st:r’s wibbing, --'rpt th ,t it wai Once a relief worker was trying ican industry by standardization, ed by the Chamber of Commerce of much coarser, ran through the telegraph and telephone wires were eliminating odd and needless sizes the operations of the Gibson Tailor­ humming. to convince an old negro preacher back of the tie. There was no slip- in the Mississippi delta who be­ in many products by agreement. ing Company whi have swindled easy patch on the baca and alto­ Whitmore-Terrell How many Lents did the army lieve that Hoover is president to- Measures to elminate waste have thousands in other parts of New gether they ..ere inferior in every have? Fine! Send 40,000 of them in Mississippi that Hoover was saved many more billions. As a England and adjacent eastern way (except in the colors which and other high-grade children's shoes in all sizes and to such and such cities. Get 100,- merely secretary of commerce. building aid, he has initiated the states. Anyone approached by rep­ wc'.’e rather attractive) to the 75c 000 more ready for use when called “ Well, hit’s all de same, ain’t Better Homes movement in 4,000 resentatives of this concern should to $1.00 ties in the local stores. widths. for. Send every available cot to it?’’ the old negro asked. ' communities of the United States. report them immediately as several Needless to say, the ties were re­ cities like Memphis and Vicksburg. In Arkansas once an old negro, He has promoted employment by national organizations are hot on turned to the New Process Com­ Ship 200,000 army blankets. Com­ after hearing Hoover speak, ap­ co-ordinqting seasonal (activities, their trail. pany with a suitable letter of ex­ mandeer all small boats, barges proached him and said: “ Ah'es al- engineered a radio treaty with the $600 Memorial planation. This is only one of sev­ The Children’s Department and the like. Select sites on high wahs wanted to meet yuh, Mistah nations of the world and done During the past week, one of eral e . eriments v..ich the Cham­ ber ha" made i mail order mer­ ground for refugee camps. Set up Lowden” much to promote commercial avia­ Manchester’s well-to-do women call­ has been remodeled and enlarged and is in charge of telephones, telegraphs and radios. The rich and the poor, the hum­ tion. ed the Chamber and reported an chandise. It has been proved in Summon every doctor and nurse ■Steadily, the secretary of com­ experience which she had with a every case that : u pay relatively ble and the proud had suffered more to the mail order houses than experienced salespeople. available. See that every refugee alike. The water that ruined the merce has gone about his task of salesman vho attempted by all in every camp is inoculated against organizing the business of a nation ’iclnds of devious methods, to get to your local merchants. oil paintings in the home of a rich Smackover or Shallcross Syndicate typhoid and vaccinated against plantation owner and laid .waste and intq this government activity her signature on a contract for $600.00. This contract was suppps- The Chamber has recently been small pox. Get the army engineers to his crops, likewise drove the ne­ he has put his tireless energy and busy designing those camps so they ed to cover some sort of publica­ investigating the above organiza­ An Expert Foot Specialist gro tenant farmer from his 40 acres abilitiy as an engineer. tions and has secured information will be sanitary. Get clothing, The Hoover day begins at 8 a. tion in which the photographs of and perhaps drowned his mule. the woman’s husband and ancestors that there is a small sum due hold­ is available for consultation for children and misses who food supplies, medicine, mosquito Hoover aided all impartially. m. when his bureau chiefs take netting. Buy everything imssible were to appear. Ine man is alleged ers of these securities from the re­ breakfast with him at his home and to have tried to get the lady to ceiver in bankruptcy. Anyone need corrective footwear. in the flood zone so as to steady the The Mississippi valley flood is plan the day over eggs and coffee. markets there as much as possible. practice writing her signature on wishing information regarding the history now, but the memory of He is at his office promptly at 9 aoove may secure it at the Cham Such was Hoover on the eve of blank sheets of paper which if what Hoover did there is one of the o’clock. There is an hour’s inter­ her of Commerce. his departure for New Orleans. done, wo'’ld prc-ubly iater have chief reasons for his popularity as mission for lunch at the Cosmo­ been filled in in the form of the IF 45 YEARS OP SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE a presidential candid.ate. Yet, he politan Club at noon. And then he desir'd contract. Within the past three years a The story of that heroic fight is has never sought to capitalize this; goes back to his desk, which he This is a well known form of relatively small number of Man­ OP HARTFORD AND SUBURBS. too fresh in the minds of readers The record in which Hoover seldom leaves before 7 or 7:30 p. fraud practiced by gyp advertising chester people have consulted the — to require repetition here, but it takes most pride is in having made m. solicitors. Unfortunately, the wom­ Chamber of Commerce in regard to might be well to show how Hoover a big job out of a little one at the And so ends the story of Herbert an did not get the man’s name or investments or sipprsed invest­ went about it. Department of Commerce. By in­ Hoover, a tireless, capable genius that of the publication he repre­ He described the task thus: tensive and extensive organization, for organization and efficiency sents, nor the registration on his “ The first thing to consider at be had reached out to get foreign v/hose fame spans the world— but car. Several leads which the Cham­ ill costs is to get all of those peo­ trade for America and today the just about the weakest politician ber has been following have proved ple out of danger. They must be United States’ foreign trade is 35 that Washington ever saw. to be false trails. rescued whether they want it or per cent, above pre-war level, even Anyone having similar experience not. after the depreciation of the dollar Tomorrow: The story of A1 with this man j.. ’ grd to secure his name and adclre.ss, anu the firm he “ Next, they must all be got into has been deducted. Smith. camps. They must be fed and . clothed and inoculated so there will be no epidemics. OUR SPRING PRICES “ Third, we’ll have to get them back into their old jobs and on t their own farms and plantations. New; m - We must get livestock for .them and see that they get their crops re­ planted. “ Fourth, we must organize cred­ Maytag Makes it for them. They’ve got to be financed.” And thus Hoover tackled the gi­ gantic task with the typically ana­ House lytical mind of an engineer. Cleaning The Best Coal You Can Buy At the end of a long day’s work bf rescue. Hoover would retire '.uto whatever happened to be serv­ ing as his office at the time— a Cash Prices Effective April 16th Pullman compartment, a stateroom on a river steamer, a railway smok­ ing room or whatnot— and begin planning the next step. “ What can these people plant* in Wash this area after June 15 and still Heavy Blankets Per Ton harvest?” he would ask. “ What Stove $15.00 can they grow to help feed their cattle and mules, if they have any Quilts Pugs (»• left?” Men familiar with the south Draperi^Biis would explain. Then Hoover would Per Ton resume: Chestnut $14.75 “ I want to know the amount of I Good EasyWay seed needed in each package to pro­ vide for a family of five. Larger e c a u s e its large, roomy, cast-aluminum families can have two packages. Telegraph all the agricultural col­ tub holds four gallons more than ordinary Per Ton Bwashers, the Maytag handles the bull^ S14.75 leges and nursuries in this part of the country to start plants right things of housedeaning time easily. It will now so they can be transplanted flush out, with surprising speed, all the dirt from when the flood recedes— a million comforters, blankets, rag rugs, etc. It will wash heads of cabbage— a million toma­ E ~ X. your fine draperies and curtains as carefully as Per Ton to plants”— and so it went, day $11.25 after day and night after night. if washed by hand. Now is the time to make a free trial test of The nation responded nobly to the Red Cross appeal, the gov­ the Maytag. See how. long the seamless, cast- ernment sent airplanes and sup- aluminum tub keeps the water hot. See the Per Ton pae.i, states loaned their troops, convenient, all-metal. Roller Water Remover— Buckwheat $9.50 the American Legion volunteered a new, exdusive Maytag feature. It sets close ,its services, the Red Cross doctors to the water line, making it easy to put the , nd nurses came, army engineers looked after camp sanitation, train­ hea'vy blankets through. The tension adjusts loads of food and clothing poured itself, and the balloon-type rolls remove the Per Ton in. And so Hoovpr moved toward surplus soap and water evfenly from every part $ I For homes toUhoui elec-- White Oak 12.00 the consummation of the big task ir icily, the M a\yiag is of the fabric. ooo/ifa b l with u ili that lay before him. gasoline motor. Hoover’s efficiency was not of Deferred Payments You*ll Never Miss the Impersonal kind. Once a sol­ A f c r a M a 3d:ag. Seeitwash THE MAYTAG COMPANY, Newton, Iowa Per Ton dier entered a railway car where • ^ a ‘big tubfid of clothes $11.25 Founded 1894 Boulets Hoover was studying a map and every 2 to 7 minutes, an average washing asked: in an hovir without hand-rubbing anything. “ What are we going to do with Use it for a week’s washing FREE. If it all those dogs, sir?” doesn’t sell itself, don’t keep it. This coal is under cover, dry and thoroughly screened before it goes to your “ What dogs?” asked Hoover. The soldier explained that many MAYTAG RADIO PROGRAMS bins. We handle only “Old Company’s Lehigh” and “Wilkesbarre.” of the refugees had brought their W HT, Chicago,Tue., Wed., Thur., Fri.', Sat.,9:00 P.M . WCCO, MinneapoliSi Fri., 8:30 P. M. 'WHO, Des M o^ m , S«m.^:1S P. ^ dogs to tne camps with them, and KDKA, Pittsburgh, Tues. and Wed., 10K» R M. WBAP, F(rt some had even brought cats. Worth. Mon., 8:30 P. M. KEX, Portland, Ore., and Sat., Usual 50c Carrying Charge in Effect \ “ Take good care of them,” said 8:30 P. M. KSL, Salt Lake Oty, Mon., 7 P. M. KZL, Denver. Moo., 7 P. M. Hoover, promptly. “ These people Boars iesignatsd ars stoaSari Urns at tha stations named haven’t saved much. If any of them have pets let them keep them and take care of them. Some of the refugees can build kennels for them.” The soldier hesitated. "Some of ’em have got canaries, HILLERY BROTHERS too,” he said. “Order some bird seed with the 384 HARTFORD ROAD, PHONE 1107 SOUTH MANCHESTER & SON, Inc. rest of these supplies and charge PHONE 50 it to me,” Hoover said, turning to 2 MAIN STREET his secretary. H. C.-30-22 There are thousands of negroes dajr. Didn’t he come down from JUtankumUffasIm^ W i


co Police Band. A Sad Tale—^In Two Parts LEGIOirS DELEGATES More than 100 Legion bands and H O W E A N PULLED SECOND FORD LOST drum corps from all parts of the United States ,are expected to be in TO SEE BIG RODEO attendance at the convention, ac­ IN MIDNIGKr BLAZE cording to Philip B. Stapp, general \ / / * ^ - POLITICAL WIRES convention director. Distinguished 3X 5N T 5ECAY.- Championship Cowboy Con­ visitors from abroad and leadefs in test to Be Hdd Daring Con< many fields of American life will yention at San Antonio. be present. Stephenson Says Kluxers West Side Man Had One To the convention parade, al­ San Antonio, Tex., April 16.— ways a spectacular affair with its Had Power Once to Sway Stolen Two Years i^o. convention of . the thousands of marchktg men and American Legion and its Anxiliaryf women, the entire day of Tuesday, Flames Take Another. to be held here October 8 to 12. October 9, will be devoted, Mr, Whole States. will sorpass In wealth of enter­ Barton decided. The marching tainment, in interest and in irotabie columns will be reviewed on his­ events the great convention held toric Alamo Plaza, where stands Misfortune once more has robbed by the organization in Paris last the Alamo, cradle of Texas liberty. This is the eighth of a series on Francis H. Hallett, of 82 West the deposition of D. C. Stephenson, year, according to National Adju­ In addition to the convention en­ Street, of a Ford automobile which tertainment planned at San An­ former Indiana Klan leader, in he used to go to and from his work tant James F. Barton. which he exposes the alleged opera­ Barton,, here to check over plans tonio. side trips will be conducted NOW— ^OT THEN! at Cheney Brothers. to various points on the border. tions of the Ku Klux Klan. Two years ago, he had a Ford for the conizentlon, expressed him­ rrHEN isn’t the time to have tl^^ self as especially well pleased with One will cover Corpus Christi and roadster stolen from a parking the principal towns of the Magic plumbing attended to—Now’s Chicago, April In previous space in front of the State Theater the convention entertainment pro­ the time.. Makeshifts won't A o ^ gram. Valley of the Lower Rio Grande, articles David C. Stephenson, form­ and it was never recovered. Early ending up with a Spanish celebra­ they won’t bring you the comfort Entertainment features include a that’s needed in your hoine; - er Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Sunday morning a Ford coupe be­ tion at Matamoros. Others will go ■ longing to him wau destroyed by world's championship rodeo with You may have figured that It. is Klan in Indiana, has revealed in the biggest prize money of the to Nuovo Uaredo and Piedras his deposition, instances of alleged fire in the garage back of his home. going to cost you a lot of money year and the leading cowboy and Negras, where bull fights will be install the right plumbing flztui^’. terrorism on the part of certain Hallett, who had been to the staged and a Spanish fiesta held. Klan onicials, attempts upon his motion picture show had returned cowgirl contenders, a decision prize You may be surprised a tot whoi» fight at Fort Sam Houston "with two Elaborate preparations are being we quote you a figure. Ask us;= • life, and the manners in which the to his home, put the Ford in the made for these. characters of various public officials small garage In tme rear of his principal contenders for the world’s have been assailed with derogatory home, closed and locked the doors, welterweight title, spectacular bat­ A Bath a Day insinuations. and retired for the night. This was tle exercises by the Second Division Keep.s Yon Pit Every Way ' Today Stephenson tells in his de­ about 11 o’clock and it was nearly using tanks, airplanes, liquid fire position the methods of one faction two hours later that John Adamy and all the latest methods of war­ JOHNSON & LITTLE fare, the greatest air circus ever of the Klan in accomplishing finan­ who lives two houses away saw sasm sass , . |»iumblng and Heating Contractor cial operations and of instances in flames coming from the garage, staged in America. Ont of thine own month will I 13 chestnut St. . TeL 1 0 8 8 -2 which whole state tickets were 3T£VEM50fi roused Hallett, and turned in the Other entertainment specialties iaom.ovol.'t ; judge thee.— ^Luke 10:22. South Slancbester swayed by these political activities. /^Ct alarm from Box 24 at the corner will be a Broadway show, a Mexi­ * * * Stephenson was questioned by a of Cooper Hill and West streets. can revue with the best actors, On a single winged word hath Pittsburgh attorney while confin­ Despite, the late hour, a large singers and dancers from the City hung the destiny of nations.— ed in the Indiana state penitentiary crowd of persons gathered at the of Mexico, the famous City of Mexi­ Wendell Phillips. Herald Adts. Briif Retoiii where he iS serving a life term for scene in less than ten minutes. The murder. Q. What is the fact as to your firemen succeeded in breaking open effort to blackmail your way to lib­ y i ^ : the garage door and when they did, flames shot out for several feet. erty? Wants No Pardon ^ Fearing that the. gasoline tank A. That is false. I do not want might explode, the firemen kept at either pardon or permanent parole. a safe range while attacking the It is true I have sought and still de­ flames with water and chemical. If You Haven Y a sire a temporary parole so that I The garage was saved from burn­ may be enabled by proper court ing down but it will have to be re­ pleading to prove I am not guilty built. The property is owned by of the murder of which I was con­ Cheney Brothers. The Ford was a victed and also tor the purpose of total loss. lifting the wreath of shame that V. Firemen and Hallett were at a has been placed upon the brow of loss to explain how the fire start­ a dead woman. ed, although the owner said it “ The reason that infamous story tion to be held at Hotel Bond. Miss might have resulted from a short has been so industriously circulated ‘TATENT LEATHER KID” Frances H. Bachelor of this village SERGT. McCANN HEADS circuit. It was the second garage Don *t Fail to Asik is to conceal the real purpose of Is a prominent member of the as­ fire in Manchester within a week. denying me the right to proceed sociation, having the distinction of N.C.O. CLUB AT ARMORY through th^ courts the processes REMAINS HERE 2 DAYS being the only woman to have serv­ Judging from the scope of the known to law.” ed as president. Miss Bachelor will D. A. R. blacklist, it would have For a Free Q. Do you know any specific have charge of all the exhibits of been much easier for them to draw instances where the Klan acted as Barthelmess’ Best Picture the High schools of Hartford. up a list of speakers they would a direct political force? Stays at State Until Tomor­ Theodore M. Dillaway of Philadel­ Sergeant Robert D.^McCann of A. Yes. That practice has been the Howitzer Company has been listen to.^ ______row—Big Crowd Sees Pre­ phia, art director of the public common in every state of the union schools of that city, heads the as­ named president of the Non-Com­ the ivian has a foothold. They told miere. sociation this year. missioned Officers Club of the two Demonstration me on numerous occasions of forc­ David McKay of Paterson, N. J., Manchester National Guard units. INFLUENZA ing the jivian in Texas to support a “ Barthelmess” best picture!” is the guest of his sister Mrs. The other officers are Sergeant candidate for the United States That is the consensus of all who Alexander McKenna. Arthur Jobert of Company G, vice- Senate. They told me of spending were at the State theater last night The Missionary Society will hold president; Corporal Arthur Jarvis The Automatic large sums of Klan money. They to witness the premier ot “ The a Foreign Mission meeting on Tues­ of the Howitzer Company, secre­ explained to me in a speech at In­ Patent Leather Kid,” starring the day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Mrs. tary, and Corporal John Anderson dianapolis that Klan candidates in popular favorite, Richard Barthel­ of Company G, treasurer, Oregon, Colorado and California C. O. Britton and Mrs. John Brown mess. will review chapters of the book A by-law committee has been had suEicient Klansmen in each An idea of the excellence of the named consisting of First Sergeant The washer that assures you real, state to elect county officials. “ The Straight Road of Tomorrow.” L\ picture may be gained from the fact Mrs. Franklin Wells, Jr., will sing John Pentland of the Howitzer washing service at minimum of cost. “ What really Happened is that that the entire second-show au­ Company, Sergeant Raymond Hage- they made a public gesture of sup­ a solo. The hostesses for the after­ dience stood in the hallway and on noon will be Mrs. Georgy Webster dom of Company G, Sergeant ROOFING porting a so-called candidate after the sidewalk In front of the theater it was public knowledge tliat cer­ and Mrs William Chipman. William DeHahn of Company G .411 Kinds. Slate, Tar and Gravel, until the first show had finished. The Golden Rule Club will meet and Sergeant James Finnegan, of tain men would be victorious. In this picture Barthelmess has a Tin, Asphalt Shingles. “ In the election of 1922 the Klan in the church parlors on Friday the Howitzef Company. had a definite slate for every state different role. He is cast as the evening at seven-thirty o’clock. The One of the rooms in the State We install and repair gutters and Patent Leather Kid, so called be­ and county office in each county. Misses Sarah McNally and Gertrude Armory here will be reserved for conductors. Ward, township and precinct in the cause his hair is always slicked Gibbs will have charge of the pro­ the- club’s activities, which will state of Indiana. No one knew what down with pomatum, giving it the gram and the hostesses will be start with a dinner Saturday night DUBUQUE happened until after the votes were shiny appearance of patent leather. Misses Esther Welles and Alma of this week. At this time, the by­ Now $ 99,50 counted. A scientific fighter without a bit Rice. laws committee will make a report. ROOFING CO. Named Candidates of moral or physical courage, he is The National Guard’s share of $7.75 a Month “ In 1924, a year after I resigned the most hated man on the East e “ gate” at the town champion­ 24 Falrvlew St., South Manchester Only $5 Down from the Klan a different situation Side of New York, except among A.; ship basketball game between the Telephone 0 9 0 -5 developed. They published a book his two faithful seconds. GROWING 500 BUSHELS Recreation Center and Community in which me names of all candi­ The kid has an important fight club fives recently, has been turned scheduled with the Jersey Skeeter. dates and the Klan attitude towards over to the NCO club. them appeared. He is taking things easy with the OF POTATOES TO ACRE “ Four candidates on the Repub­ Skeeter when in the second round UGHT TRUCKING AND FREE! lican ticket, Mr. Gilliom for attor­ the band outide at a recruiting ney-general; Mr. Bowman for state stand strike up the national anthem. A beautiful clothes hamper with every automatic auditor; Mr. Urbanna for state The tune goes to the very heart This WiU Be Subject of Meet­ ■EXPRESS SERVICE washer sold this month. treasurer and Mr. Willoughby for of the boxer and he stands there ing Thursday at Hartford justice of the Supreme Court were listening, his hands at his side. The County Building. Dail£. Trips Between Manches­ marked for defeat. Only one of Skeeter, who has been down on the their Democratic opponents was a fioor for the count of nine, gets up ter and Hartford subject of the Klan. The others and while the Kid is still looking “How to Grow 300 Bushels of avere either hostile to the Klan or far away, hits him twice, fiooring Potatoes per Acre” will b- the top­ Packages Called For and they were indifferent about it. ic for discussion at a meeting of The Manchester Electric Co. him and knocking him out. Delivered “ I did not support Mr. Gilliom Hartfo:-' County potato growers to Coming to, the kid realizes what be held under the auspice?’ of the nor Mr. Willoughby in the State has happened. He goes after the convention which nominated them, Hartford County 300 Bushel Pota­ 773 Main street, 'Tel. 1700 nor was I interested in their elec­ skeeter, who is full of confidence to Club qf which Thomas L. Bur­ J. E. WARFIELD tion in November, but when the by now, and gives him the licking gess, Wapping, is president, Thurs­ Klan slate began attacking these of his life. day, April 19 at 8:00 p. m. In the Tel. 42 3. S o. Manchester. Republican candidates, I very War has broken out and • the County Building, Trumbull and Al- promptly made it my business to Kid’s friends have enlisted or have lyn Stree'ts, Hartford,” announces exert every possible effort to over­ been drafted. The Kid is yellow Chas. D. Lewis, C.. -nty Agricultural come the Klan slate. How much I and afraid to fight. He gets his Agent tor the Hartford County accomplished, if anything, cannot draft notification and finds that he Farm Bureau. be determined. They were all elect­ is in 4;he company commanded by “ \vith the increased acreage of ed by a narrow margin. his ^7orst enemy. potatoes in the Conneqticut Valiev Q. You have testified previous­ They move up to the front, the our growers must rely on large STATION ly about the spiritual philosophy of Kid shaking In his shoes and only produc .ion at low cost per acre,” the Klan. Does thac mean its atti­ the faithful Puffy, his former says M. Lewis, “ and we are going tude towards adherents to religious second, keeps his courage up for to discuss fertilizers, spraying and creeds who are eligible for mem­ him. The Germans get Puffy and a cultivation in an effort to accomp­ Happier Homes bership in the Klan? change comes over the Kid. lish this end.” A. In part, yes, but not whol­ Up to an old church he goes, The first' 300 Bushel Potato Club ly. The spiritual pholosophy of the bound to get a machine gun nest in the Connecticut Valley was or­ With The Magic Klan was in the larger sense its at­ that is ripping the American troops ganized under the direction of B. titude towards a separation of to pieces. With a bag full of gren­ G.'South wick, who was then County Of Plants church snd state. We believed ades he dashes out the brains of a Agricultural Agent for the Hart­ that every man owed a proper duty ford County Farm Bureau. The. ob­ to his creator; but we were also soldier who is about to bayonet his ject of this club was to encourage Plants and flowers do I taught to believe by Col. Simmons commander from behind and then large yields at low cost per bushel that the proclamation, or belief in, he goes to work on the machine through the use of certified seed, make happier homes. You or loyalty to that section of the gunners. proper fertilizers, spraying and cul­ cannot buy so much happi­ constitution which provides for the He gets them, but the church tural methods. Fiftcjn men In the separation of the church and state falls in a ruin and he is at the bot­ county raised 300 oushels or more ness for so little money in tom. This leads to a climax that is BROADCASTING was an honest sincere declaration per acre last year. Thomas L. Bur- any other way. and meant exactly what it said. unrivalled for dramatic Intensity. jgess, Wnpping, being the high man “ That is to say, no allegiences The girl has had a lot to do with it with a yield of 524.4 bushels per There is more real pleas­ between the church and state and figures largely in the climax. acre. whether it be the Roman Catholic The picture is at the State today The question of enrolling all ure in an attractive old fash­ church or some sub-division of the and tomorrow also. growers in the county in the pota­ ioned garden—a rose garden Announcing the Continuance Prot,pstant church such as the ini­ to club tii. ear but taning official quitous political activity exerted “ yield r. easures” on only those than all the imported rugs in by the Baptist church over political crops that appear to have 400 bush­ creation. affairs in the state of Texas. It TALCOTTVILLE els or more will be discussed at did not involve hatred towards the this meeting. Gardens spell health and Of Its Popular Coal Club Roman Catholic church because Miss Anne Moore who has been A. E. Wiikiuson, state vegetable Col. Simmons taught us to believe confined to her home by illness Is specialist, will speak on “ Potato health means happiness. every man had a right to worship very much improved In health. Growing in the Connecticut Valley” God according to the dictates of his Miss Margaret McCorriston of and a number of the men who grew Think this over and then Weekly deposits of 50c per ton for as many ton as de-, own conscience.” New York City visited local friends 300 bushels or more last year will arrange to call at the nur­ and relatives on Wednesday. Miss tell how tney did It. sired and the COAL will be yours when you need it. McCorriston left Talcottville seven sery. years ago to' take a position in AUTO ACCTOBNT TEST ANSWERS West Virginia. Mrs. C. O. Britton entertained Automobiles operated by Joseph SHALL WE MAIL OUR Sabra Trumbull chapter of D. A. R. O’Coin of 51 Bissell street and Ed­ BEAUTIFUL CATALOG— Here is one solution to the LET­ at her home on Wednesday after­ mund Callahan of 33 Orchard street JUST OUT? We Solicit and'Appreciate Your Valued Patronage of East Hartford, collided at the In­ TER GOLF puzzle on the comics noon. Guests were present from / page: Rockville Stafford Springs and Tol­ tersection of Spruce and Oak land. streets at 1:40 yesterday morning but no one was injured. John G. Talcott returned Satur­ About $15 damage was done to R 1 V E day from a brief business trip to the Pontiac roadster which O’Coin C E. Wilson and New York. was driving north on Spruce street. L 1 V E Mrs. C. O. Britton was the guest The other car, a Jewett touring, of relatives In Stamford on Thurs­ going west on Oak street under the Company, Inc. day and Friday. MANCHESTER LUMBER C O .i- contdol of Callahan escaped with a MANCHESTER L 1 V E S Local people will be Interested bent fender. Ofilces and Packing Cellars Tel. 201 TeL 201 In the exhibit of the Eastern Arts The accident was Investigated ALLEN PLACE Phone 1100 L 1 K E S Association to be held at ^he by Patrolman David Gall: gan. Armory In Hartford from April Nurseries 18th to 21st, In connection with Field Mairshall Allenby captured 302 WOODBRIDGE ST, L A K E s the, 19th cdnrention of the assocla- Jerusalem, is 1917. MAWVllKJS’i'EK iuursw;) EVBNTJJG HERALD, MONDAY, APRIL .16, 1928,

10:30 . Fisk Time-to-Retlre Boys guest'at Mr. and Mrs. Fish’s, in Florida, have returned to their from N.B.C. Studios. William Porter of Hebron has home in Burnside. Mrs. Ackley is 11:00 Arnold Johnson’s Park Cen­ entered the employ of Porter Broth­ a sister of Mrs. Edward P. Collins DAILY RADIO PROGRAM tral Orchestra. ers and moved bis household goods of this place. WTIC 11:30 Midnight Vaudeville Show into their tenement Saturday. There was a choir rehearsal held 8:30—WEAF . b. Hark, Hark the L a rk ...... paign meeting of Republican wom­ Easy Way to Clean the Aleppo drum corps will be radi­ 416.4— WGN'WLIB, CHICAGO—720. diseases that the itching of eczema^j ated bv WHS also at 9:30. At 10 9:00—Columbia male quartet, solos. Schubert-Liszt en at the Hartford club Wednes­ Claude Gates, son of Mr. and 9:30—Columbia conceit orchestra. 8:30—WEAF Gypsies; artists party. often stops with one application. o’clock the United States Naval Acad­ 10:30—Violinist, neighborhood trolic. c. Marche M ilitaire...... day. Mirs Katherine Byrne of Put- Mrs. Edward Gates of Manchester, A few applications and the most:' emy band under the direction of H. 10:00—Columbia classical music. and Whiten M arble 10:30—Columbia Buccaneers program. 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—870. Sch uber t-Tapsig nem presided and introduced the but who formerly lived in this vil­ persistent cases of Eczema often> J Peterman will api>ear before the 8:10-«Iack. Jean, pianist; Angelus. microphone of WHAL and five min­ 11:05—Henderson’s dance orchestra. Laura C. Gaudet, Pianist speakers, Governor Trumbull, lage, has a new automobile. are healed never to return. 11:30—The Witching hour. 8:35—Tenor; harmony gWs, utes later VVR5i will introduce the 9:00—Witches, hippodrome revue. 6:12 Mother Goose— Bessie L. Taft Chaimian J. Henry Roraback of the Grade Seventh, Miss Louise Housewives say that Sylpho-Nathol Moone’s Emerald Oil is safe and Menotomy mixed quartet to 'ts lis­ 333.1—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900 5:45—Weldon ensemble; forum. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. 6:25 News Bulletins. State Central committee, and Mrs. Wenthworth’s room in the Wap- is one of the best things to clean and pleasant to use and it is so power­ teners. -Drink to Me Only With 8:11—Amos ’n’ Andy. Thine Eyes” will be featured by the 7:00—Lowe’s dance orchestra. 6:30 Hotel Bond Trio — Emil Arthur L. Livermore of Yonkers, ping Center school, went on a hare whiten marble, bathroom porcelain and fully antiseptic and deodorant that 7:30—Roxy with WJZ. 8:25—Kellogg entertainment. Fisk harmony team In their con^rt 9:00—W0R programs (2 hra.) Heimberger, Director. N. Y., honorary president of the and hound chase on Friday after­ to clean mirrors and windows. They even odors arising from ulcers, which may be tune'’ in from a Red 9;5o—WJZ Riverside hour. 9:30—Aleppo drum corps. 11:00—Musical potpourri. Half Hour with Chopin— National Women’s Republicau noon. use a tablespoonful of Sylpho-Nathol gangrene and cancer are instantly network station at 10:30. A mixed 12:00—Orchestra. Happy Harry. chorus will be heard during the con­ 10:05—Menotomy mixed quartet. Three of Chopin’s celebrated Club. Miss Charlotte. Foster, daughter to a gallon of watgr. Removes stains, killed. 10:30—Andrew’s troubadours. 499.7— WFAA, DALLAS—6(J0. Mrs. Stone has returned to her of Mrs. Gertrude A. Foster has cert by Roxy and His Gang through 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK—6ia 8:00—Cline’s dance orchestra. nocturnes will be played by Emil gives wonderful polish. Fine for gen­ Moone’s Emerald Oil In the orig­ WJZ and the Blue network at 7:30. 10:00—Belcanto male quartet. Heimberger and the Hotel Bond home in Abbingtop after passing been ill at home on Henry street, eral cleaning, too. Destroys germs, inal bottle is dispensed by phar­ At the same time the Chelmsford old 6;00—Waldorf-x\storia music; talk. a few weeks with her daughter, 6:55—Big league baseball scores. 374.8— w oe, DAVENPORT—80a trio through WTIC of the Travelers since last Wednesday. banishes all odors, makes house hy- macists. All druggists always have time minstrel show will entertain lis­ 8:00—WEAF history moments. Mrs. C. R. Perry. teners of WEF.l. One of the best nets 7:15—National string quarteL this evening. The prograin will be Rev. and Mrs. Joseph B. Ackley, gienically clean. Get Sylpho-Nathol at 7:30—Talk; physical culture prince. 8:30—Old time program. C. T. Briggs of Norwich was in Moone’s Emerald Oil on hand.— for Monday night is a musical high­ 9:30—WEAF party; harmony team, devoted to the works of this great who have been spending the winter all dealers. Adv, light which will go on the air through 8:00—Great history moments. this locality Wednesday inspecting 8:30—Gypsies orchestra In Maryland. 325.9— KOA, DENVER—920. composer. A group of Chopin’s WOO beginning at 7:50 featuring the 9:30—General Motors' family party 9:30—Brown dinner music, dairies. 'Ir. Briggs is employed by R. C. O. band and choir with Henry 10:15—Denver Little Symphony orch. compositions for the piano will be Burleigh, baritone, and Frederic Wis­ with Hall Johnson and his the state, in the Dairy and Food Southern singers. 11:15—Scott M. E. Church chonia. played by Herbert Holtz. The con­ Commissioner’s department. dom. violinist. 10:30—Fisk harmony team. 11:45—Orchestra, soprano, tenor. cluding number will be ‘‘Polonaise 11:00—Johnson’s dance orchestra. 499.7— WBAP, FORT WORTH—600. Mrs. Clara Hammer of Wethers­ Black face type indicates best features 454.3— WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 8:30—Musical programs (3% hrs.) Militaire,” one ,of Chopin’s best- field made a short visit to the 1:30—Astor concert orchestra, 12:15—Theater entertainers. known works. All programs Eastern Standard Time. 400—PWX, HAVANA—75a Wells-Way bomstead Tuesday. 6:00—Manger dance orchestra. a. Nocturne in C minor. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Hills, Mrs. Al­ 7:00—Klein’s serenaders. 8:00—Stetson military parade. ^ Leading East Stations. 7:30—Roxy and His Gang featuring 9:00—Studio musical program. b. Mazurka, Opus 67, No. 4. fred H. i ’ost and Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ a mixed chorus. 422.3—WOS, JEFFERSON CITY—710. c. Two Preludes. ward E. Foote were visitors In 272.6-^WPQ. ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 10:00—Christian College hour. 7:06—Concert; talk; orchestra. 9:00—Riverside hour with band ana d. E flat Major Nocturne, Hartford, Wednesday. male quartet. 11:00—Ramblers dance orchestra. 8:30—Near East Relief talk. 370.2—WDAF-, KANSAS CITY—810. e. Group of Piano Solos— Herb­ Charlotte Warner is visiting her g;45_»Soprano, tenor, saxophonist. 9;30_Arcadie Birkenholz. vIoUnlSL 10:00—Mood magic music. \ 8:30—WEAF Gypsies; artists party. ert Holtz. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ 9 :1' —Loventhal’s concert orchestra. 10:30—WEAF harmony team. 10:00—Violinist, 'cellist, pianist. 10:30—Character, comedy songs. f. Nocturne in G majoA liam J. Warner at their Hartford 11:00—Slumber music. 12:45—Nighthawk frolic. 10:;;0—’rhree dance orchestras. a68.5—KFI, LOS ANGELES—64a g. Polonaise Militaire. home. 2B5.&—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1050. 405.2—WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—74a 9; 30_WEAF artists family party. 11:00—N. B. C. entertainers. 6:25 Baseball scores. Mr, and Mrs. George Hardie, Jr., 6:30—Studio dinner music. 10:30—Dance orchesUa. 12:00—Moore’s concert orchestra. 7:00 Station WCAC will broadcast have moved from the Porter Broth­ 7:30—Roxy with WJZ. 348.6— WOO, PHILADELPHIA—860. 12:30—Harmony team; symphonette. ers’ t aement in Hebron. 9:00—WJZ Riverside hour. 7:30—Studio Instrumental trio, 322.5—WHAS. LOUISVILLE—930. on this same frequency until 7:30 9:30- String quartet, soprano. 7:50—Henry Burleigh, baritone; Fred­ 8:30—Studio program. p. m. Mr. and Mrs, Winthrop Porter 10:00—U. S. Naval Academy band. erick Wisdom, violinist; choir, 9:00—WJZ Riverside hour. and children were visitors at Mr. 461.3—WNAC, BOSTON—650. 9:30—WEAF party; harmony team. 7:30 Fraco Play Boys from Fuller, 6:30—Two concert orchestras. band. and Mrs. Charles Fish in Manches­ 9:05—Grand organ recital. 405.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—740. Richter, Aldrich & Company. 7:80—Pianist; lectures. 7:30—Long’s orchestra, contralto. 8:00 New Departure Band under ter Friday. Their son, Douglas, re­ 8:30—Jean and Eddie. 9:25—Orchestra, studio program. 10-30_Manufacturers’ Club music. 8:30—Studio musical program. the direction of Ernest A. Becker, turned with them after being a 9:00—WOR music, songs. 3ia6-KDKA, PITTSBURGH-950. 9:30—WEAF party; harmony team. 9;30—WOR concert orchestra. 11:05—American Legion program. Program direct from the Band 10:00—WOR classics; buccaneers, 6:15—Little Symphony orchestra. 6:55—Baseball scores. 336.9— WSM, NASHVILLE—890. Room of the New Departure Man­ 11:00—Acradia dance music. 9:00—Jackson dinner concert 302.8— WGR, b u f f a l o — 990. 7:00—Eclipse entertainers. ufacturing Company, Bristol, 7:30—Roxy with WJZ. 9:30—WEAF party; harmony team. 9:00—Hy an’ Dry. g;00—WJZ programs to 11:00. 11:00—Studio entertainment. Connecticut. 9-30-WEAF artists family party. 11:30—Maunakea Hawaiian serenaderr 10:30—WEAF harmony team. 280.2—WHAM, ROCHESTER—1070. I March— Hands Across the Sea 6:4.5—Studio dinner music. 384.4—KGO. OAKLAND—780. Sousa 11:00—Van Surdnm's orchestra. 11:00—Selger-s shell symphonlsts. 645.1-.WMAK, BUFFALO—550. 7:30—Ro.xy with WJZ. II Selection from “ Marltana” .. 7:30—W G I General Electric hour, 9:00—WJZ Riverside hour. 12:00—Rounders; harmony team, 8:30—Univis string trio. 9:30—WJZ violin recital. 1:00—“ Broadways and Boulevards.” Wallace 8:45—Studio piano recital. 10:00—WJZ moon magic. 254.1—WRVA. RICHMOND—1180. III Egyptian Serenade— My Cario 'THE MANUFACTURERS OF CERESOTA FLOUR ANNOUNCE THAT 9:00—WOR programs (3 nra) 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 8:15—Studio programs. Love ...... Zamecnik 11:00—Arcadia dance music. 2:00—Frencn lesson; orchestra. 12:00—Richmond dance music. THEY HAVE APPOINTED THE A & P AS EXCLUSIVE CHAIN STOIIE 428.3—WLW, CINOINNATI—700. 6:30—Van Curler orchestra. ' 422.3—KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—710. IV Descriptive— At the Fair. . . 8:00—K. 1< O. minstrel show. 7:30—General Electric hour. 11:00—N, B. C. programs. Becker AGENTS FOR THIS PRIZE WINNING FLOUR. CERESOTA IS MILLED 9:00—Instnimental trio; soloist. 8:30—WEAF programs to 11:00. 305.9—WHAZ, TROY—980. 1:00—Variety program, artists. Synopsis: The band opens the 10:30—Vagabonds,, vocal soloists. 348.6—KJR, SEATTLE—860. BY A SPECIAL PROCESS AND IS NOT BLEACHED. 11:00—Swiss Gardens orchestra- 8:00—Lawrence instrumental trio. program with a stirring march. The 9:00—Professor Cornell’s concert. 11:30—SeatUe Pacific College. AUNT JANE 399.8_WTAM, CLEVELAND—750, 12:30—Studio program; orchestra. hell is sounded for the horse race. 6:00—Hollenden dance orchestra, ------10:30—1x6 —Brecht’.s - troubadours orch. The judge has trouble lining up Specially low introductory price — this w eek on ly! . Secondary DX Staf •'S. Secondary Eastern Stations. 1 the starters but Anally says “ Go” 309.1—WABC, NEW YORK—970. 535.4— WHO, DES MOINES—560. 24'/2LB $ 508,2—WEEI, BOSTON—590. 7:30—Roxy wfth WJZ. and the race is on. ’The audience WTIC 7:30—Chelmsford old-time minstrels. 8:00- Studio entertainment becomes excited but disappointed BAG 8:00—Sports talk; garden talk. 9:00—Mandollera. tenor, pianist 340.7—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—880. Broadcaating Kitchen Hint* Ceresota Flour 8:30—WEAF Gypsies; artists party. 526—WNYC, n e w YORK—570, 8:00—Studio program, tenor. when th^ favorite horse finishes a 8:40—Pianist, talk, Jewish cantor. 8:30—Old time fiddlers. and Secrets every 1.19 19:30—WEAF harmony team. loser. The hand plays “ The Old 9:45—Book talk; violin recital. 11:0ii—Kalis’ dance orchestra. 9:30—WEAF artists family party. •Grey Mare Ain’t What She Used to For icings, candies and for good drinks, too! 361.2— W8A1, CINCINNATI—830. 11:00—Dance orchestra. 11:00—Organ recital. TUESDAY, 11 A.M. 'h LB 8 :00—WEAF programs (4 'hra.) 461.6—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—€5tk 336.9— KNX. OAKLAND—890. Bp’.’. 8 :0 0 -WEAF great bfstory moments. 12:00—Feature program. The “ World’s Famous Animal *nN 265.3— WHK. CLEVELAND—1130. 8:30—WEAF Gypsies program. 8:00—String ensemble; talk. 1:00—Orchestra: artists. Act” is next introduced, consisting The program of recipes Baker’s Cocoa 9:30—WEAF artists family party. 2:00—Two dance orchestras. 30:00—Morgan sisters; tenor. 10:30—WEAF harmony team. of galloping ponies and barking and suggestions is 11:00—-Wood’s dance orchestra. 293.9—WSYR, SYRACUSE—1020. 499.7— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—600. sponsored by Choice cuts of fine beef — ready to slice and serve! 352,7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 6:30—Syracuse dinner music. 9:30—Arlington orchestra. dogs. 6:C0—Oganlst; dinner concert. 7:30—Knights; entertainers: concert 10:45—Ozark’s philosopher. In closing the band plays an exit CAN 7:10—Studio musical program. 9:30—Musical magnets; soprano. 416.4— KHJ, LOS ANGELES—720. march and everybody leaves feeling Williams & Carletonl^o. 8:00—WEAF programs to 11:30. 468.5—WRC, WASHINGTON—64a Corned Beef LIBBY’S 12:00—Studio musical programs. East Hartford, Conn. 8:00^WEAF history moments. cheerful and gay. 410.7—CFCF, MONTREAL—730. 1:00—Dance orchestra. 8:30 A. & P. Gypsies from N. B- C. 7:30—Battle’s concert orchestra. 8:30—WEAF Gypsies orchesfra. 516.9— WMC. MEMPHIS—580. CHARTER OAK COFFEE IvJ 8:30—Alan Tippe, baritone. 9:30—WEAF artists family party. Studios. 9:00—Tra.vmore Instrumental quartet 10:30—WExlF harmony team. 10:30—Canova concert program. 9:30 General Motors Family Party Wittiamt’ Tea, Spicee and Extracts 11:00—Le Paradis band. 11:30—WEAF' Johnson orchestra. 10:30—Denny’s dance orchestra. from N.B.C. Studios. lemons d o z . 2 i ^ c * — » . e si • < Hurts dirt but does not hurt your hands! BOLTON Kirkmaii’s Soap CAKES r c The South Bolton school received There’s one straight answer to a reward of $50.00 for collecting the most caterpillar egg masses of any school in the New England all this Washing Machine talk— States, $25 from the Radio Nature League and $25.00 from the Hart­ ford Times. Aldo Peace of the T e a S a l e South school received $10 from the YOU CAN BUY BETTER TEA AT A LOWER PRICE THAN IS County, $10 from the Hartford USUAL BECAUSE THE A & P SELLS 12% OF THE TEA SOLD Times and $2.50 from Mrs. Charles A HOME DEMONSTRATION Sumner. Fannie Scuhhieri of the IN THE UNITED STATES — TRY NECTAR TODAY. south school received $10 from the county for collecting the most of the masses of any girl In the county. South Bolton, school and children NECTAR TEAS in all received $82.50. The Speaking and Spelling con­ INDIA CEYLON ORANGE PEKOE test of the four schools was held A J X 1 ^ Vi LB P K G at the Community House. Wednes­ A blend of black teas pro- _ _ A blend of choice bldkk teas day evening. Lillian Sallano won ducing a strong, flavory, 2 9 —a delicious and very 'first. She spoke “ The Haunted How long sinct, CASS WASHER amber liquor. popular tea. 2 9 House.” Angelo Massolini won second, he spoke “ Where Are You MIXED JAPAN Going Grey Heart,” Winifred Lee YOUR piam will easily convince you of its FORMOSA Vi LB PKG Vi LB PKG „ . ’A LB PKG ? of the South school won first In Noted for its deli- A blend of black __ _ Green tea, basket spelling and Charles Tedford of the cate flavor and ^ and green teas of ^ fired. Produces a Birch Mt. school won second. was tuned ^ superiority over all other types fragrtu^ aroma. medium strength. pale liquor. Miss Lavinia Fries who has been in the Hartford hospital six weeks is improving. a v e you allowed your won­ When would you A popular blend o f choice Vi LB derful musical instrument like to try it? Our Own Tea teas for regular vise! PKG H Over 200 Storea to become discordant? Do you Over 200 Storea Onr Neareat Storea Aret hzve to apologize to your feieods Out Neaxeat Storea Are: MARSHMAIXOW FLUFF 3 cans 29c Wlntaed and caution your children re­ Hartford KNOX GELATINE pkg 18o New London garding faulty notes ? Thompaonvilla Norwich GRAHAM CRACKERS N.B.C. 2 U) pkg 35c N'ew Britain And all because that litde, but Putnam LEMON PIE FILLING 3 pkgs 25c so important, matter of regular SHddletown Danlelaon KRAFT AMERICAN CHEESE lb 39c tuning was neglected! Under ?few Haven w m im aatle KRAFT PIMENTO CHEESE lb 41c our new plan you ueed never Derby Deep River worry about your piano. Our Aaaonla Fastest Myatle Pale dry or golden — a low p rice! experts inspect and tune it at Slllford Stafford Sprlnga ^ BOTTLES ^ regular intervals, and keep it W aterbary always in perfect condition— a W asher Bridgeport Clicquot Club d Meriden Don’t Neglect joy unbounded to alL Shelton Southington Danbnry Your Kidneys! A growing number o f really care­ Torrlngton DEL MONTE SALE Known Fairfield ful people who realize the value Briatol You Can’t Be Well When Wallingford FRUITS FOR SALAD No. 2^ can 43c No. 1 can 23c Kidneys Act Sluggishly. o f their investment and kno-w how little tuning costs on a SLICED PEACHES No. 1 can 14o O you find 3^ raelf running down yearly contract basis, ore havings CRUSHED PINEAPPLE No. 2 can 19c D— always tired, nervous and de­ SLICED PINEAPPLE No. 2^ can 31c No. 2 can 25c pressed? Are you stiff and achy, sub­ it done regularly by us. ject to nagging backache, drowsy headaches M d dizzy spells? Are kid­ It is by fax the best way In the Just brown and serve — it is delicious! ney excretions scanty, too frequent long Tun, both from the point or_ bummg in passage? Too often of view of your piano and your CAN ^ this indicates duggish kidneys and pocket-book. A personal or Prudence ^ shouldn’t be neglected. 'phone call places us at your dis­ Doans Pills, a stimulant diuretic; posal— no obligation on your MY-T-FINE CHOCOLATE PUDDING 3 pkgs. 25c increase the secretion of the kidneys The Largest Retail Home Appliance Concern in the World. and thus aid in the elimination of part. Do it today— before you MINUTE TAPIOCA pkg 13c waste impurities. Doan’s are endorsed forg et! Over 200 Stores Assets Over $5,000,000 MINUTE GELATINE pkg 12o everywhere. A$k l/oar neighborl SNOW PEAKS Assorted lb 21c 50,000 UsersEndorse Doan’s : SOUTH MANCHESTER A , B. Muiuon, 9 Pond St., Milford, Every child loves this home baked flavor! Conn., n y * : "A heavy cold was the cause LARGE of my kidneys becomine disordered. A dull backache kept me miserable and I felt so Kemp’s LOAF tired I could hardly n t about to do my work. Grandmother’s Bread Then my kidneys didn't function right either. Doan’s Pills entirely rid me of th M annoy- 517 MAIN ST. tneessmd made me feel like a different m«n “ T H E P I A N O THE tASIC MU£!CA£. INSTRUMENT PILLS DOAN’S 60c Phone Manchester 228 A STIMUMNT DIURETIC ^ KIDNEYS a fbstcr-MUkurn Ca. MfgCiwiiL Buffale.NY - ______^ ' __ ^______vjiv -V' lONCHBsiro Tcbm ) lar^nfewNG MONbAtvAPRn: i 6i 192a' BIGHt

FEATURE A R T IC I^^ ^ LATEST FASHION ABOUT iNTRffESnii^ HINTS BY FOREMOST WOMEN AUTHORITIES THE HERALD’S HOME PAGE lilwwiiiliiiiiliiililiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiPiiiMiiiiiiroiiininRiiiiiiiiiffliiiiHiiiiiHiiyHtiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiinininHifflBiftiwiiiniiiihiitwiwftfaiw^ *WEAL FASHIONS 99

‘Their Letters AU TH O R O F BY RUTH DEWEY GROVES AUOTN SINNER"' NEA Sew Darling Mom: <^Ann Pennington doinig the Black Bottom. Up to this time I hadiii’t ing, soaked body, to find apparently Alan flatly refused to go to THIS HAS HAFPHNHD and she squirmed in the man’s voice came strangely out of the attracted much attention. Michello darkness. “Lucky David, wher­ the entire carnival force huddled Michello’s muslcale with me. So SAIiliY FORD, 'vrard o f the state arms so that" she could see his face. came over and said be.’d like to orphanase from the time ahe la ever he Is now, that your first In the rain to welcome her, drawn I went alone. Norman didn’t show It was not David at all, but the sketch me in a dance pose. I’or to fon r, ia "farmed oaf* to CliEH thought should go to him. David by that fateful cry of “Hey, ruj)e!” up at his aunt’s and ,Florence CARSON Trhen ahe la 16 and man whom “Enid” had called go back Tuesday. Florence la a meet%. DAVID NASH, athlete and and Sally! How do you like ‘play­ Jan, the giant, was there, sad­ yelped around because I. took her “Van.” His face was laughing, little sore about it but why should atndent who ia working on the gay, mocking, untouched by the acting,’ Sally Ford?” eyed but smiling, “Pitty Sing’* flowers over there. But I had a farm for the snmmer. Carson whale of a time just the same. At she care; she’s going home soon makes Insnltlnar remarks abont shameful pallor of fear; exultant, The terror which the menace of perched on one of his shoulders, ’’ = David’s friendship for Sally and violent death had held for her now Noko, the male midget, on the '.3 Michello’s I mean. and won’t see any more* of Mich­ rather. In the excitement of the ello anyhow. the atndent strikes him a terrlfle seemed a pallid, weak thing, be­ other. “The girl nobody can lift” Norman’s aunt wasn’t so cordial blovr. storm. His dark eyes were wide, ' Maybe you’d like to hear what side the heart-stopping emotion was th’ere, too, her right arm In in spite of my peace offering Sally and David ran away and shining even through the fitful he served for supper. You can Join a carnival, David as cook’s darkness made by the dickering of which the New Yorker’s mocking, splints; a deep gash down her. Can’t say I enjoyed my moment helper and Sally In a sideshow try it on the sewing circle. Caviar, amused voice uttering her real pale cheek; Eddie Cobb, ■who, they with her. Funny how people will dlsgrulsed as "Princess lialla,” the crazily swinging gas jets. of course, red and black, and his crystal Baser. name called into being. Her head told her as they clorused their, persist in taking it upon them- “Isn’t it glorious?” he chal­ sandwiches were all opeit.-faced, NITA, Hula dancer, who knows jerked Instinctively from the com­ welcome, had been crying like a selvfes to guardianize their rela­ the police are after David and lenged her, above the uproar of cut in fancy shapes. Very tiny wind, rain, hall and the frightened fort of his arm. Squirming away baby as he searched for her Sally and who Is Infatuated with tives. You’d think Norman w^s a and of many kinds. Someone said David, threatens to expose Sally animal sounds of human beings in from him, under the sodden blan­ through the wreck of the carnival, helpless Infant the way his family If she doesn’t keep "hands off” ket of canvas, she curled Into a was clasping a drenched Kewpie they’re served that -way abroad. the young; student. fear Qf death. seek to protect him from me. As it They certainly are attractive and The carnival groes next to Cap- “I’ve got to find the midget— tight little ball of agony, her face doll to his breast, apparently the turned out I was just as well yqu know at a glance what they • Ital City, where Sally spent so ‘Pitty Sing!’ ” she shouted, strug­ cupped in her hands. “ So that’s sole survivor of his gambling wheel pleased that he wasn’t there to many years in the orphanage. are— maybe. Minced stuff 'mbs^y, gling frantically to release herself. why you bothered me so!” she stock. •succumb to my wicked tempta- She soon forgrets her fears of de­ chicken, egg, cheese, fish and . mix­ tection and relies on her success­ “The charming barker has res­ cried, her voice muffled by her Fop and Mrs. Bybee were there, tlonq. Poor boy. Any time I could tures. All had very small decora­ ful disguise of the crystal gaser. cued her,” Van shouted. “I was fingers. “You’re a detective! You Mrs. Bybee clad only in a black show him anything! She Is confused one afternoon by afraid some officious ass had cheat­ knew all the time! You were go­ sateen petticoat and a red sweater. tive motifs on them, done In cut­ a handsome, well-dressed East­ At Michello’s we didn’t sit out vegetables, parsley, • caperis,, erner who teasingly reads her ed me of the pleasure of rescuing ing to take me to jail! Oh, you— And in spite of his heavy loss from cross-legged on the floor as Alan fortune In the crystal. She for­ you. I’ve waited all day—” Oh! David, David!” the fury of the storm Pop was etc. It must have taken a lot of gets him, however, when she sees thought they would. No one both­ But his sentence was broken In “Listen, you little idiot!” Van’s smiling, his bright blue eyes twink­ time to make them bat as they her llftle friends, the wards of ered. They just dropped down the orphanage, troop In with a two by the long-threatened collapse voice came sharply, bereft of Its ling a welcome. But—^bu;t—Sally’s were just about too pretty to Mt beautiful, sad-eyed woman. Sally mocking note for once. “I’m not eyes roved from face to itace, con­ like hieroglyphic figures after the Michello probably saved in the Is completely terrified when one of the tent. A center-pole struck him a glancing blow, knocking him a detective! Good heavens! Do fidently at first, grateful for their comfortable chairs and divans end. of the orphans recognises her and were taken. Such a crowd. Strange shouts her name. GUS, the bark­ fiat, and Sally with him. I look like one? I’ve always un­ friendliness, then widening with I’ll make some for yon when I er. however, comes to her rescue For what seemed like hours of derstood that they have enormous alarm. For David was not there. for a person like Michello to over­ come out You can tell Betty I’ll and diverts attention to the stock his place with people but I stay two weeks with Clyde while freaks. Soon the children troop nightmare she struggled to release feet and wear derbies and talk out “Where’s David?” she cried, out and Sally gives her attention herself from the steel-like clasp of of the corner of their mouths.’’ then, her voice growing shrill and think there were a lot of friends she Is in the hospital if they can't to the beautiful woman who Is his arms and the smothering em­ Mockery was creeping back. “Did frantic, she screamed at them: with his guests that weren’t ex­ afford to hire someone, but I do nilclresslng the black-eyed East­ pected. erner. They apparently know brace of the rain-sodden canvas. you think that a poor little tyke “Where’s David? Tell me! He’s hope it won’t be soon because I!ve each other, for they greet each To add to the horror, rain fell like you was worth sending to New hurt—dead? Tell me!” She broke 1263 After Madam Noblatshevski’s got some plans of my own for the other as “Enid” and “Van.” heavily upon the canvas that held York for a detective to bay at your away from Van, ran to Pop Bybeo singing and the buffet supper we near future. NOW GO ON W ITH TH E STORY them pinned helplessly to the heels like a bloodhound? I merely and tugged with her little blue- 108 5 had an impromptu show. I think Darling love, CHAPTER XXVIII earth; hail pelted her fiesh bitlngly overheard the little Betsey’s keen white hands washed free of their I made a hit with my Imitation of MARYH. niH E storm broke with such sud- even through the dubious protec­ penetration of your disguise. And brown make-up, at his wet coat. TpVr ^ den and devastating fury that tion of the canvas; and every mo­ I took the trouble to inquire cas­ “Reckon he’s safe and sound in r * the performers in the Palace of ment they were in mortal danger ually of the governor this evening the privilege car,” Bybee reassured TV’onders tent had little time to of being trampled to death by the just who—if anybody—Sally Ford her, but his blue eyes avoided hers, obey the “white hope’s” frantic feet of fieeing carnival visitors, might be—” pityingly, she thought. bellow of warning. who had been clear of the tent “Then you gave me away— “Was anyone killed in the storm? Clothes Styled for Charm and Practicability The terrified audience milled when it had collapsed. David and me!” she accused him, Tell me!” she Insisted, her bluish lips twisting into a piteous loop WMANB like stampeded cattle, choking up “Don’t — struggle,” came that shuddering with sobs. N o ’ s. 1080-1199—Y ou know ■with flaps—details any well-dressed 'o r AL& m SOMNEI& both exits of the tent, that leading mocking voice, panting a little “Not at all. How it does pain of pain. they’re twins even •without the hand­ boy admires. No. 1085 is in sizes 2, out into the midway, and the flap with the effort of speaking' under me for you to persist in misunder­ “We can’t find NIta nowhere,” clasp of proud ownership. Or is it 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. Size 4 requires at the back of the tent through the smothering caul of canvas. standing me! I gave nothing Babe, the fat girl, blurted out, her pride in their becoming costumes, yards 54-inch material, or IH It was four years ago that the^tour. She said that she wanted t^dv.


REPORTSTHATROTHANDCOBB National League American Leiigue FRANK Results Trains For Olympics B e s n lts ARE SLOWOW UP, DISCOUNTED Sixteeri-Year-Old Girl Fromi^ Brookline, Pa., May ■111 ^ 11II ,11 At New Yorki— At Deteatt^ ^ > > GIANTS 8, PHIIiUES 1 Youngest Member of Team. ^ j T IG E M 8. INDIANS 2 New York Detroit PROMISING AB. R. H. RO. A. B. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Sande Is Back Walsh Wants to Know Hq wI Roush, cf ...... B 0 1 0 0 0 Neun, l b ...Vi.... 4 1 i 14 0 1 O’Doul, If ...... 4 2 3 X 0 0 Gehrln*eru_^b’ ...*w,4 0 2 1 1 1 Lindstrom, 3b ...... 4 2 2 0 2 0 Rice, cf 4 0 0 3 0 0 Anyon&£an Tell From the Ny . . *• ^ Terry, lb ...... 3 1 2 13 1 - 0 Heilmann, rf.....,3 1 1 2 0 0 Jackson, ss ...... 3 1 1 2 5 0 McManus. S b^ ...... 3 1 2 0 2 0 Again P o etp o n ^ . La|< Harper, rf ...... 1 0 0 1 1 0 FotheralU. I f ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Cohen, 2b ...... 4 2 8 2 4 1 Tavener, as ...... 8 2 .12 3 0 the Few Games So Far Hogan, c ...... 3 0 0 7 0 0 Shea, c ...... 4 1 1 6 0 0 Can’t Hay Ik fl S atn r^; Spohrer, c ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 Billinsa, p ...... 2 1 3 0 6 0 Henry, p ...... 4 0 0 0 2 0 Played. 30 8 10 27 12 2 D ^ A n ^ ’a ChaOenge Ac- 32 8 12 27 15 1 Cleveland Philadelphia AB. / AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Jamieson, If ...... 4 Nixon. If ...... 5 0 2 8 0 0 U nd. 2b ...... 4 c ^ e d . By DAVIS J. WALSH Thompson. 2b ...... 5 0 2 1 1 Langford, of ...... 4 New York, April 16— They are Leach, cf ...... 3 0 0 3 0 J. Sewell, ss ...... 4 ringing the curfew on old Ty Cobb Sand, ss ...... 3 1 1 2 3' Bum s, lb ...... 3 Wrlghtstone, rf .., 4 0 0 1 1 Summa, rf ...... 4 The life of S.-T5hampIon surely is over in Philadelphia, which may be Kelley, lb ...... 3 0 0 11 2 Hodapp. 8b ...... 4 quite according to script with every­ Whitney, 3b ...... 4 0 0 1 1 L. Sewell, o ...... 4 not A peaceful onf and Jud Gallup, body except old Ty Cobb and the W ilson, c ...... 4 0 0 2 2 Buckeye, p ...... 0 town pocket billiards champ, prob­ man who is paying him $30,000 to Ring, p ...... 2 0 1 0 2 Brown, p ...... 2 0. 0 ably rea||zea that fact by now.^ Mltcheir, p ...... 0 0 0 0 1 Myatt, X ...... 0 0 0 Scarcely had he won the coveted help him prove that this will be Sothern, x ...... 1 0 ^ 0 0 Gill, XX ...... 1 0 0 his last season In competition. Miller, p ...... 0 0 0 1 0 honor by capturing the Manchester However, the part that isn’t in the Prlberg, xx ...... 1 0 0 0 0 34 2 5 24 11 3 Evening Herald’s first annual eUm- Detroit ...... 030 102 02x— 8 Ination tournament, thafi he re<*iv- act is the accompanying innuendo 35 1 10 24 12 1 Cleveland ...... 101 000 000— 2 ed a chafiehge trom Bill Cotier, that George H. Ruth himself is no New York ...... 000 241 Olx— 8 Two base bits, Heilmann, Billings, professional cue 'Wielder who lives longer himself, if you will pardon Philadelphia ...... 000 000 010— 1 Gehrlnger; stolen bases, Oehringer 2, Two base hits, Thompson, O’Doul 2, Tavener, McManus; sacrifice. Billings; out of town but often is seen about my hangnail. He is alleged to have Terry; home runs, O’Doul, Jackson, double play, J. Sewell to Lind to the’ north end. given unmistable signs of slowing Cohen; sacrifices, Jackson, Harper; Bums; left on bases, Cleveland 7, A match between 'this pair Is up in the field and on the bases. double plays, Terry to Hogan, Henry Detroit 8; bases on balls, off Buckeye scheduled to get under Way next My understanding of the judg­ to Jackson to Terry, Jackson to 1, Billings 1, Brown 8; struck out, by Cohen to Terry; left on bases, New Billings 5. Brown 6; hits, off Buck­ Saturday night, but wait! you ain’t ment on Ruth is that It originated York 5, Philadelphia 10; bases on eye 4 in 2, off Brown 6 in 6; hit by heard nuttAn’ yet, as A1 Jolson says. with Miller Huggins, the latter be­ balls, off Henry 3, Ring 2; struck out, pitcher, by Billings (Burns); wild The latest news is that h'rank ing alleged to have popped off to by Henry 7. Ring 1. Miller 1; hits, oft pitch. Brown; possed ball, L. Sewell; Ring 8 In 4 2-3 Innings, Mitchell 3 In losing pitcher. Buckeye; umpires, D’Amico, Manchest jr’s robust life­ the general effect quoted above 1 1-3, Miller 1 in 2; hit by pitcher, by Ormaby, Guthrie and Hildebrand; guard who dives into Florida -Wa­ while the Yankees were In St, Ring (Harper); passed ball, Hogan; time, 2:04. ters summerly to rescue j?retty Petersburg. It is to be hoped that losing pitcher. Ring; umpires, Jorda, X—Myatt ,batted for Buckeye In damsels, wants k cjiance to show Hart and R igler; time, 1:50. 3rd. the good Miller is responsible, for X—Sothern batted for Mitchell In XX'—Gill batted for Brown In 9th. his ability at the''ball-bumping art. I note that several critics of base­ 7 th. Prank says he feels certain th ^ if ball now have assumed the re­ XX—Frlberg batted for Miller In he had been m town when the 9th. A t Chicago tournament was started. Brother sponsibility for discovering that At Brooklyn I— BROWNS 4, CHISOX 1 Ruth has started toward an adjac­ ROBINS 3, BRAVES 2 St. Louis Gallup 'Would not have been w i r ­ ent exit and, somehow, I always ' Brooklyn AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ing t^e crown now. seem to have a cracked Up at AB. R. H. PO. A. E. O'Rourke, 3b ...... 6 0 2 1 2 0 Earle Sande rides again! The However, be that- as It may. Tyson, c f ...... 4 0 2 1 1 0 Brannon, 2b ...... 4 l o 2 3 0 I' critical junctures like that. V ;y-y' y> ^ - premier jockey of the American Prank is perfectly frank about de­ If Charles Berry, above, rookie Carey, rf ...... 2 1 0 0 0 0 ™*[K •■.. . ■■ "n ^ ^ ^ ^ •"'< / Manush, If ...... 4 0 2 2 1 0 Training Camp Form Bissonette, lb ...... 3 0 0 12 0 0 Schulte, c f ...... 5 0 3 1 0 0 turf, who was reinstated by the claring, that if he can get Gallup to catcher with the Boston Red So.t, Bressler, If ...... i o 0 2 0 0 Schang, c ...... 4 1 1 4 1 0 Maryland Racing Commission only pUiy him an exhibition match, there It probably isn’t good taste to makes the grade, the majors will argue an opinion of this kind with Rlconda, 2b ...... 4 1 2 5 2 0 Blue, lb ...... 3 0 0 11 1 0 a few days ago, is riding again for will be a new .own c.iamplon, un­ have another real All-American Prelgau, 3b ...... 2 1 1 1 0 2 McNeely, rf ...... 2 3 0 3 0 0 the Wld'ener Stable and will be officially at least. If such a match a man like Huggins, except to in­ grid star in their ranks this year. Bancroft, ss ...... 3 0 1 2 6 0 Gerber, ss ...... 4 0 2 1 3 0 quire just what magic he used in Hargreaves, o ...... 3 0 1 3 1 0 Gray, p ...... 4 0 0 2 3 0 aboard mounts in ail the Important Is arranged, Gallup’s title cannot Ernie Nevers, with the Browns, is Clark, p ...... 3 o 0 0 5 1 -miQn .ll. meets of the season. Sande Is be placed at stake. In accordance discovering that a player had slip­ the only All-America football star NEA Philadelphia Bureau. with the rules of the recent touraa- ped because of his performances In 35 4 10 27 15 0 shown here returning to the stables of recent years who is now in the 25 3 7 27 15 Z Jean Shiley, 16-year-old high school girl of Brookline, Pa., who Chicago after an early morning workout at ment. 6 allup*i title is protected un­ March. Training camp form, read­ majors. Berry was on a Walter Boston recently cleared the bar at 5 feet 1 inch In a scholastic meet. Is being _ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. til the next tomament. ing both from front and rear, al­ AB, R. H. PO. A. E. Clancy, lb ...... 4 0 0 10 1 0 Belmont Park, New York. Camp eleven while at Lafayette, J. Smith, rf ...... 3 0 0 1 trained at I'ranklin Field, Pa., by Head Olympic Coach Lawson Kamm, 3b ...... 4 1 1 1 0 0 D’Amico used to be quite a pool' ways Is to be discounted, if you McNamara, x x ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Robertson. Here she is shown practicing: for her Olympic tryout. Metzler, cf ...... 3 0 2 3 0 0 wizard a few years back and la credit all you hear. Moore, If ...... 3 1 1 1 0 0 Reynolds, If ...... 4 0 2 0 0 0 said to be far from a “ has been” Therefore, are we to believe that Hornsby, 2b ...... 4 1 0 1 3 0 Redfern, 2b ...... 4 0 0 2 2 0 now. Phirther proof of this appar­ Brown, cf ...... 3 0 1 2 0 0 Moore, rf ...... 0 0 0 1 0 0 CHENEYS WIN 6-1 Ruth showed Huggins he was be­ MANCHESTER THIRD Bell, 3b ...... 4 0 2 3 3 0 Cissell, ss ...... 2 0 0 5 3 0 ently comes fro i the fact that ginning to go during the 1927 sea­ Farrell, ss ...... 3 0 0 3 0 0 McCurdy, c '...... 3 0 1 5 1 0 D’Amico says be is willing to play. son or In the 1927 World Series? Burrus, lb ...... 4 0 0 7 0 0 Harvey Found Heeney Cox, p ...... 2 0 0 0 3 0 Gallup for fun, money or cocoa- Taylor, c ...... 3 0 1 6/2 0 Barnabe. p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 If so, it must have been one of those Brandt, p ...... 3 0 0 0 3 0 Falk, z ...... I 0 0 0 0 0 FROM HARTFORD IN nuts. Some of i_ose w.io hk've private pre-views the movies go in IN STATE SWIMMING Urban, x ...... i o 1 0 0 0 watched the town champion in :ao- for. Ruth seemed to be doing right Jim Cooney, xxx .,, 1 0 0 0 0 0 30 1 6 27 10 0 tion sa^ h at ixank will be ■wiser to well when they closed the books John Cooney, z ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Smile From The Fates St. Louis ...... 020 100 100— 4 select the last named and n ot'to Chicago ...... 100 000 000— 1 SOCCE ENCOUNTE bet too many either. for the fiscal year in question. MEET AT BRASS CITY 33 2 6 24 11 0 Two base hits, Schulte; sacrifice, However, if Huggins said so, Brooklyn ...... 011 001 OOx— 3 Manush; double plays, Manush to maybe it is so. This will be the Boston ...... 000 002 000—2 This is the third of six arti­ ^ Three years ago he was almost O’Rourke to Gerber to O’Rourke to Two base hits, Freigau; three base cles by Henry L. Farrell, The broken into bits in an automobile Brannon, Cox to Cissell to Clancy; only break in sight for the discern­ hits, Rlconda; stolen bases, Carey; left on bases, St. Louis 9, Chicago 4; POOL MATCH OFF ing critics, in case the great man sacrifices, Carey, Freigau; double Herald and NEA Service smasbup in Chicago, but be fought base on balls, off Cox 4, off Gray 2; McConkey Leads Scorers in Six Records Shattered at plays, Bell to Taylor to Burrus. Bell isports writer, telling the in­ and smiled his way back on his struck out, by Cox 4. by Gray 4; hits, blows himself to a big year. For, 'The “ off again, on again” .e!x- outside of practical baseball men, to Burrus, Bancroft to Rlcon,da to teresting story of Tom Heeney, feet. He limped back again, looking off Cox 9 In 8 Innings, off Barnabe 1 Bissonette, Hornsby to Burrus; left in 1; wild pitches, Cox (1); losing Attack on Scandia Work­ hibition pool match between Jud the ability to tell when a player has Waterbary; W a r nock on bases, Boston 10, Brooklyn 5; base who fights Gene Ttinney for for the break. pitcher, Cox; umpires, McGowan, the heavyweight champion­ Gallup, new town champion and slipped is largely confined to those on balls, off Brandt 5, Clark 6; struck Heeney arrived on the scene Van Graflan and Connolly; time. 1:44. Bill Cotter who hails from here,, who are able to see them picking out, by Brandt 5. Clark 4; umpires. ship in July, and his man­ from England. It was the dead of z—F al'; batted for Cox in the 8th. Reardon, Moran and Wilson, time. ers' Goal; Poor Attend­ there and evorywhere In (Oonhec- tho poor fellow up out of the dirt Places Ahead of Markley ager, Charley Harvey, who fi­ a cold winter and he didn’t have 2:00. nally received a "break." At WaahlngtonH— tlon with bis work for the railroad and bearing him tenderly away. X—Urban batted for J. Smith In 7th. NATIONALS 0. RED SOX S company, has again been postpon­ XX—^McNamara batted for Urban In ance; No More Home Same With Cobb 7th. “Washington ed. ^ (, ^That, apparently, is what they In Diving Event. By HENRY L. FARRELL AB. R. H. PO. A. E. XX—Jim COoney batted for Brandt West, cf ...... 4 2 2 5 0 0 Cotter and Gallup were scnodul- are making ready to do with the In 9th. Rice, rf ...... 2 0 2 0 0 0 ed to play tonight but the former z—John Cooney batted for Mc­ When Flrpo came to the United Games. great Cobb. Reports on his de­ Judge, l b ...... 2 1 0 6 0 0 has been transferred to New York Manchester High finished third Namara In 9th. States, without money and among Goslin, If ...... 4 1 1 8 0 0 cadence are almost unanimous. One and .will be unable to be here. Con­ writer declared hi; opening day in the state high school swimming strange people with whom he Tate. Q ...... 4 0 2 a 1 0 meet at Waterbury Saturday after­ At Cincinnati s— couldn’t even converse, he had the Bluege, 3b ...... 4 1 2 0 2 0 sequently, it was necessary to call psrfprmance. against the Yankees PIRATES 3, REDS 2 Glllls, ss ...... 4 0 1 1 1 0 Cheney Brothers experienced off tonight’s match. Present plans was Others referred to noon. Crosby High of Waterbury Pittsburgh luck to stumble into the company Reeves, 2b ...... 4 0 0 3 4 1 winning the meet and New Haven little difficulty in turning back the call for them to meet at 9:30 Satur- Cobb’s efforts In a slightly more AB. R. H. PO. A. E. of. one of the best advisors in the Marberry, p ...... 3 1 1 1 3 0 Scandia Workers of Hartford yes­ Hillhouse High coming second. . 4 1 1 1 0 0 country, ^immy De Forest, but he • Braxton, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 cay night at the Park Billiards restrained way but left no doubt . 4 terday afternoon at the West Side Crosby got 44 points, Hillhouse 25,' 0 3 4 5 0 didn’t play his cards. He didn’t with the final half of the match that they considered his days as a Manchester 11, Br:. tol 3, Green­ . 4 1 1 4 0 0 even an overcoat. He • had his 31 6 11 27 11 1 Playgrounds by a 6 to 1 score in a . 4 1 1 stick with De Forest. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. to be played at Coughlin’S Pool :egular to be all over and done with. wich 2, and Bridgeport Central 1. 2 4 0 record with him, but it was not Manchester-Hartford District soccer Room the following Saturday. Another observer likened him to . 3 0 0 2 2 0 When Tom Heeney, almost un­ enough to convince the other man­ B oston game. Six state records were broken . 3 0 2 9 1 0 der the same circumstances, ar­ Rothrock, s s ...... 5 0 2 3 3 1 It is possible that the challenge Pagliacci, spoke of his appearance . 4 0 agers who would buy a milllon- Todt, lb ...... 4 1 2V9 0 0 The contest was witnessed by a during the course of the meet, none 1 3 0 0 rived in this country he placed which Frank D’mico is hurling at as “strangely old and grotesque," by Manchester. The results of the . 3 0 0 2 0 0 dollar fighter for a dime and turn Flagstead, cf ...... 4 0 1 -3 0 0 small sized crowd, so small In fact . 3 himself under the direction of an­ K. Williams. If .... 5 0 1 0 0 0 Gallup through the press today will and deplored the fact that he had events were as follows: 0 0 0 0 0 him over to some bum of an assist­ that Manager Jimmy Findlay said . 0 0 0 0 0 0 other old-timer, the most beloved Myer. 3b ...... 4 0 2 0 2 0 be accepted find the match started not retired “ while there remained 40-yard dash— First, Whitright, • _ ant handler. today he strongly doubted if his man in a business where ‘honor Is Regan. 2b ...... 4 l 1 2 5 0 this week. Gallup said yesterday the unsullied memory of the Cobb Crosby; second, Oser, Crosby; 32 3 9 27 12 0 Rated a Horrible Bam Taltt. rf ...... 3 1 1 2 0 0 team would play another home nati not always a bond and where Hofmann, c ...... 3 0 0 5 2 0 when informed that be was hiking that was.” third, Buckland, South Manches­ game this season. The weather challenged in Monday night’s pa­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. He had beaten a lot of Archie Ruffing, p ...... 3 0 1 9 3 0 was ideal for soccer. Anybody who knoVs Cobb and ter; fourth, Kinerney, Bristol. Dressen, 3b ...... 4 0 0 0 2 D. Williams. X ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 per, that he would accept it. If* 0 Moonlights, Johnny Brickbouses, Bert McConkey scored first when his fighting spirit can answer that Tim$-^r.6 seconds. . 3 0 0 3 0 0 Rollings. XX ...... 1 1 1 0 0 0 D’Amico doesn’t handle a cue stick Purdy, If ...... 2 0 1 and Kid Podunks In New Zea­ he headed Campbell’s pass into thq. one. Ty’s is the heart that never 220-yard dash— (free style). 5 0 0 land and Australia, but he was any better than a golf stick, :the says die. There has been plenty of First, Monagan, ...rosby; second, Kelly, lb ...... 4 60 0 13 0 0 37 5 13 24 15 1 net. Halftime found Manche.ster . 4 0 2 0 0 0 just after losing to Phil Scott in Washington ...... 013 002 OOx— 6 match wouldn’t be worth watching* ball players who would quit, it was Pearson, New Haven; third, Cor­ . 4 1 1 2 4 1 Boston ...... 000 210 002—5 ahead 3 to 0 and the second half coran, Crosby; fourth, Cahill, New London and Scott was rated as a proved a repetition of the first with Gallup said in conclusion. claimed, when the uniform was cut . 4 0 0 1 4 0 horrible bum by the New York Two base hits, Bluege, Todt. West, off their backs. With a guy like Haven. Time 2:41.4. (This is a . 4 0 1 1 3 0 Tate; three base hits, Flagstead, the home team showing a marked new interscholastic record. The pre­ Pittlnger, zzz .. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 managers. Regan, Taltt, Ruffing, Todt; home WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Cobb, it may be necessary to cut Luque, p ...... run, Goslin; stolen bases. Myer, Rice. superiority all the way. vious record,' also held by Mona- . 0 0 0 2 3 0 Heeney told Harvey all he want­ Manchester’s goals scored as fpl- The Chicago Cubs defeated- the the back away from the uniform. Pipp, z ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 ed was enough money to get him Flagstead: sacrifices. Taltt, Rice, gan, is 2:44.) Zitzmann. zz .. . 0 1 0 0 0 O' square-shooting is taken some­ Flkgstead, Judge, Todt; double play, lows: McConkey 2, Keefe, Hamil­ Pittsburgh Pirates five straight Diving— First, Burke, Crosby. Jablonowski, p . 0 0 0 0 0 0 times only as the virtue of a back to New Zealand and the Gillls to Reeves to Judge; left on ton, Godsman and Holleran. Nors- games during the spring training 57.8; second, Breen, Crosby, 56.6; Sukeforth, zzzz . 1 0 0 0 0 0 sucker. shoeing-smith trade and he would bases. Boston 8, Washington 5; base trnm scored for Hartford. Frank season. Perhaps the Cubs are — - — — — fight anyone to get that dough. He On- balls, off Ruffing 2; struck out, »by third, Warneck, South Manchester, 32 2 6 27 16 1 Heeney had an advantage over Ruffing 2. Marberry 1. Braxton 1; hits, Pearson was the referee. stronger than most experts think. 55.1; fourth, Markley, South Man­ ...... uuu uui—a Flrpo. He could speak the lan­ didn’t have any ambition to be a efff Marberry 13 In 8 (none out In chester. Cincinnati ...... 000 000 Oil— 2 guage. He had an Irish name and great fighter. He was disgusted, 9th), Braxton*! In 1; winning pitcher. 40-yard back stroke — First, Two base hit, Grantham; three base he had the Celtic traits of a most broke and discouraged and he Marberry; umpires. Dinneen, Barry hit, Adams, Crltz; sacrifice, Traynor; wanted to get back home. and Nallln; tifiie, lr42. Monagan, Crosby; second, Zimmer­ double plays, Wright to Adams to pleasing personality. Flrpo couldn’t X“ D. Williams batted for Hofmann man, New Haven; third, Buckland, Grantham, Luque to Kelly, Ford to make himself understood; Heeney Harvey knew the song he heard. in 9th. Soutn Manchester; fourth, Cahill, Crltz to Kelly 2; left on bases, Pitts­ He had been through It himself, XX—Rollings batteu for Ruffing In couldn’t make himself believed, ex­ 9th. . New Hkven. 'lime 25.4 secods. (This burgh 5, Cincinnati 8; base on balls, cept by old Charley Harvey. .So he is a new state record. He also holds off Dawson ^ Luque 2; struck out, by JOC WILUAM* Luque 2; hlvs. off Dawsbn 3 in 7, stuck with Harvey and found him­ the previous record, 26.1 seconds.) (none out In 8th), off Hill 3 In 2, off self pushed over countless obsta­ 100-yard dash— rirst, Hal Smith, Luque 8 In 8; Jablonowekl 1 In 1; wild cles Into a heavyweight champion­ Crosby; second, Tracy, New Haven; pitch, Luque; passed ball, Hargrave; ship match with Gene Tunney. M ajor Leasrtie The next battle for the 600 winning pitcher, Dawson; losing third, Kreger, Crosby; tourth, pitcher, Luque; umpires, Klem, Mc­ Harvey, because his name ^ WINTER GOLF the Miami and the Miami Beach millionaires, it begins to appear, Sprague, Bridgeport. Time 1:02.6, S ta n d in g s Cormick and M agee; time, 3:03. hasn’t sparkled in the big dough Looking over the winter golf open and tied Farrell for first at vlll not be held in dear old Lun- (This breaks the present state rec­ «— Plpp batted for Luque In 8th, Nassau. His average score led the zz—Zltamann ran for Plpp In 8th. tor years, has not been rated with records It can be seen that aon, after all. We never did think ord of 1:06.3 seconds.) spectacular managers like Leo field. He played eighteen rounds much of that London talk, anyway. 40-yard breast stroke — First, zaz—Pittlnger ran for Hargrave In YBSTBBDAY’8 BBBULTfi the season was not so had for 9th. Flynn and Jimmy Johnston, but Johnny Farrell and Macdonald for an average of 71 1-1&. the The British are too prone to paying Brest, New Haven; second. Golden, zzzz—Sukeforth batted for Jablo- Flynn and Johnston had heavy­ out of it and back In it again. But only plhyer to get below 72. fighters according to what they New Haven; third, Jennsen, Green­ nowskl In 9th. he still had his great faith in the 'Americitn League Smith, who won most of the im­ weight prospects as good as Heeney portant prize money in the Cali­ The earnings of Bill Mehlhom earn. wich; fourth, Keeley, Crosby. Time and they never landed of their own coining of a good break and he Wasklngton 8, Boston 5. and also exceeded 2:8.4 seconds. A t St. I/onlei— took Heeney on. Detroit 8, Cleveland 2. fornia, Texas and Florida opens. CARDS 4, CUBS 3 efforts into the heavyweight cham­ Farrell and Smith earned $6500 $3000.'' Mehlhom played in nine * Or, maybe It’S the British * , 160-yard relay— First, Crosby St. Louis Tried to Steel Heeney St. Louis 4, Chicago 1. tournaments and won three. Ar­ (H. Smith, Mahoney, Oser, Whlte- pionship ring. each and some $15,000 in other * fighters who are the prone • AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Importer of Fighters Then began that bitter fight to Others not scheduled. mour also played in nlnc^^^nd al­ * ones. • rlght); second. New Haven; third, Douthlt, cf ...... -.,. 4 0 1 4 0 0 keep up courage while the pro­ Nathmal Leagoe cash prizes went to Bill Mehlhom, Holm. 3b ...... 3 10 0 2 0 Charley Harvey, he of the wal- though he failed to win a first ^ u th Manchester; fourth, Bristol. moters laughed at them. Worse New York 8, Philadelphia 1. Gene Sarazen, Bobby Crulckshank Time 1:27.5 seconds. Frisch. 2b ...... 4 2 3 2 2 0 rus-llke mustachlos, had been Im­ and Tommy Armour. prize he was Consistently up near It does seem silly to pay more Bottomley, lb ...... 3 0 1 12 0 0 porting English fighters for over yet, for Harvey to impress them Pittsburg 3, Cincinnati 2, the top. lhan 50 cents for the privilege of Hafey, rf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 that he wasn’t ah object of char­ Brooklyn 3, Boston 2. Crulckshank failed to win a Roettger, If ...... 4 0 3 1 0 0 twenty years. His last good fighter single big tournament, but . he The 82000 class included Harry [vatchlng a man chin himself on the from England was Owen Moran, a ity or sympathy and that he had a St.> Louis 4, Chicago 3. Thevenow, s s ...... 3 0 0 0 4 2 deserving fighter. finished third in four tourna­ Cooper, A1 Watrous, A1 Espinosa, fioor. O’Farrelli c ...... 3 0 0 7 0 0 great fighter back in 1908 and one Joe Kirkwood and two newcom­ NEW PITCHING ACE Sherdel, p ...... 3 1 1 0 1 0 He finally got Heeney started YHE STANDINGS ments and managed to place third of the best ever sent out of Eng­ , , r- ers, Billy Burke and Henry Ciuei. The big fight isn’t going to be land. Harvey was prosperous then and then the nice wolvea In the .among the money winners for the 80 4 9 27 9 3 season with $4500, leld in Cambodia, either. Rickard Chicago I but after Moran the supply business tried to steal Heeney American League away from him when it became Smith played 'In nine tourna­ Winners and Winnings »l$o has passed up a couple of AT STATE’S PRISON AB. R. H. PO. A. E. i ceased. Fair fighters came to W. L. PC. The list of major tournaments thriving villages in Wales and English, ss ...... 4 Harvey but they didn’t last long. apparent that there waa some Sta . Louis eaefioetg 4 0 1.000 ments, won three, was second Maguire, 2b ...... 4 money In Heeney even if he never twice and finished third and and winners follows: Scotland. It will be held in New Despite the rain the Aces travel­ Cuyler, cf ...... 4 His faith was so established in NeWv York ...... 2 0 1.000 Los Angeles, open— Macdonald K'ork state, where prize fights are Webb, rf ...... 3 a turn of the cards that would got very far. Heeney, unlike Flrpo, Cleveland 8 1 .750 fourth In two others, a total of ed to Wethersfield Saturday After­ seven times when he was well up Smith. ./J prohibited by law. Heathcote, rf ...... 0 bring him a great fighter from the wonldn't listen to the back-knlfera Washington 3 1 .750 noon to meet the Prison nine. Al­ Stephenson, If ...... 4 end he doesn’t regret It. in the money. La Gores open—•Johnny FarrelL though they only played two inn­ Grimm, lb ...... 3 "Empire" that he became the Bolton •••••gfeae 1 3 .260 — ^Billy This isn’t really to be a prize Hartnett, c ...... 4 most persistent collector of Brit­ Detroit ...... 1 Farrell played In eight tourna­ ings, they showed a wonderful start TOMORROW: HOeney wins hla 4 .200 ments and won only on«-, but that Burke. fight, you see. Just a kind of Butler. 3b ...... 4 ish Ivory in the world. It has Philadelphia ...... o 2 .000 for the coming season. The game Root, p ...... 2 first fight and a little attention is one victory in the La Gorce open Texas open — Bill Mehlhom. a gentleman’s agreement to get been said that the immigration Chicago ...... 0 8 was called at the end of the second Malone, p ...... 1 given him because he wasn’t knock­ .000 at Miami Beach netted him 16000. . South Central open— ^Macdonald together and see who’s the best McMillan, X ...... 1 officials at Ellis Island, when they National Lei*gue inning on account of the heavy ed horlsontal. He tied for first place in the Kas- Smith. )K)xer. rain. Gonzales, x x ...... l L. W. PC. Bua open and finished second and —Henry ClucL N0W Yor& eeaieats 3 0 .1.000 The prisoners were leading 2 to 85 3 6 24 11 0 third In two others. 'West Coast o p e n - ^ Espinosa. YOU CERTAINLY CANNOT at the time. The man who pitches St. Louis ...... 000 120 lOx— 4 St. LOttls S 1 .750 Bahamas o p ^ — Gene Sarasen GIANTS ARB NC^ WANTED Smith’s best killing was. In the 3AY THAT THE PRIZE FIGHT for them this season Is a liewcomer. Chicago ...... 030 000 900— 3 Brooklyn ...... 2 1 .667 .and Johnny FurdlT. LAW HAS BEEN VIOLATED, IP Two base hits, Webb, Hartnett, Cincinnati ...... 3 rich Los Angeles open where he He Is said to be from the Inter­ Root; three base hit, Frisch; home 2 .600 won first prize of $3500 “with a to­ El Paso open—Larry Kiabholtor fdtr TAKE THOSE ELIMINA­ national League. He retired five of runs, Hartnett, Sherdel. Frisch; Because the Ne'W York Qinnts Chicago ...... 2 3 .400 Palos Verdes open— Macdonald passed ’em by this spring after tal of 284 strokes. TION BOUTS AS THE CRI­ the six local batsmen who faced stolen base, Frisch; sacrifice, Theve­ Philadelphia »..,. l 2 .333 Smith, TERION. him On strikes. now; double plays, Root to'Maguire training there for four years, the Pittsburgh ...... 1 2 .250 ^Mlaml open~41ena Sarsea. to Grimm; left on bases, Chicago 6, Sarasota-(Fla.) dhamber of oom- The Aces will be given another St. Louis 6; bases on ballB, off Root Bolton •eeeagg'tee 0 8 .000 Smith Vtoyed Best Getne — J^ill Mehjh Baseball has its international chance to show their ability against 2, Sherdel 1, Malonel; struck out, by msree recently voted that th6jf ‘‘did Farrell’s fensatlonal round of 68 . horn and Leo Diegd. lavor this year, too. On the Unlver- the pflson nine at a later date. Root 8, Sherdel 5, Malone 1; hits, off not want" the Giants there next GAMto TODAY in winning the La Gores prise was Miami Beaiah open—;Gena Barap-, Root 7 In 4 2-3, Malone 2 In 3 1-3; saw an English hoy with a tin ear, spring. ' ' ilty of Illinois team is a third base- losing pitch.er, Malone; umpires. Pflr- would hafid him a card with Har­ ‘'■I' " ' the most spectacular performance sen, ' nan named, Lymperopoulos. FINEST RECREATION PARK man. Stark and Q uigley; time, 1:43. vey’s address on him and open the Amerlcaii League of the season but he wsS pretty ^ h m m td open—BID Mehlhorm' x-7-McMlllan batted for Webb in door without any further ([uestions New York at Boston. even with Simth on the season’s Interaatioi^ Four Balt—John­ COONEY GOES TO OUTFIELD 8th. New York City officials think XX—Gonzales batted for Malone In as to ocenpation and bualness in WOULD RHTURN TO MAJORS Washington at Philadelphia. scoring, smith’s average t6r thirty- ny Farrell and ^Fene Saraaeti* they will have the largest and 9 th. the ^United States. ' St. Louis at Chicago. four rounds was 78 8-84 and Far­ Because his arm has gone back, finest playgrounds In the world Every Break Against Him' Ernie Wingard, former St. Cleveland at Detroit. rell's for .thirty rounds was oKn Cooney will do no more when Improvements, costing $600,- Maybe * Rickard will have to For twenty years every break Louis Brown, who now la Irith National League 72 18-30. . BiBBmoBir Qonro a b b o iM iltchlng for the Boston Braves 000, are completed at Macomb’s bohst the prices a little on this went against Harvey. 'He . was Minneapolis in the American Assp^ Boston at Brooklyn. Gene Sarazen played- in only a Bill M^hom* one >uf iv^ll he carried by , that club Dam Park. - More than 10.000 ath­ TuflheyrHeeney fight. Otherwise fiat' broke more than he was in the elation, says be hopes to. return to Philadelphia/at New York. few tournaments, but he did ex­ most gifted pro goiters, will his season as a utility out- letes will be able to use the differ­ the customers never will think it's possession of dough. His fighters the big leagues after this season, Pittsburgh at Cincinnati. ceptionally well financially win- pete in thp British open ehtil Lelder. ent fields at the same time. worth going to lee. had had luck and he had had luok. lie la S i yeara old. /M w t o at Bt. Louis. ninff more than 88000. He jron, aklfia ’Uits gupiMC. - ^ > 5 N ■ ■ ■- I ^ANCTTESTEn TCONN.)' EVENTKG HERALU 'MONDAY, APRIL 16,1628.

An Ad Under Classification 72 Will Sell That House For You. L^pa'fioticM Announcenieiit .of tKa engaga- OABS OF THANKS Help Wanted ^Female ^ AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD AT A COURT OP PROBATE^HELD at Manchester, within for the ment of Freda.Lai«,er, daughter of W aal Ad at Manchester, within a®** District of Manchester, on the 14tn. We sincerely thank WANTED—AMERICAN GIRD to Jo District of Manchester, on the 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Langer of Coopei and neighbors who assisted so kind housework, 5 days a week. Call 681 day of April, A. D., 1928. ■ ^^PreLntl*^ W ^ iS aM S. HYDE, Esq.. Present, WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., street to Theodore Was?®’’ Manchester ly during the slcknesg or Inquire 316 East Center street Tllle was made today. They will be time of the death of our aunt Ellen, ^'^Estate of Teresa Parr, late of Man­ Evening Herald fliso those who donated flowers, MILLER’S BABY Chlx. Reda and Leg­ Phone Your Want Ads ^ "Ifu te of George EUery^Dari^^^^ chester. In said District, decease^ married In June. also ^“^g^^NELLIB MOTNIHAN horns from our healthy trapnested of Manchester, The Administrator having exhibit­ PATRICK MOTNIHAN breeders, state-tested and free from ceased. ed his administration account y»th Mrs. John Works nf 32 Knighton JAMES MOTNIHAN diseasa Good slzJd birds and egga On motion of George H. Waddell CORNELIUS MOTNIHAN To The administrator. said estate to this Court for allow­ street today announced Heavy producera Hatch weekly. ORDERED:—That six months from ance, ifis . J . . MRS. M. J. MORIARTT Phone 1063-3. Fred Miller, North ORDERED :-^That the 21st. day of mentm e n tof------here daughter, MRS. HBNRT COLEMAN Coventry. (Ask me about poultry the 14th day of April. A. D., 1928. be Herbert MRS. J. P. SHAW. and the same are limited and allow­ April, A. D.. 1928, at 9 o’clock, fore­ beth Sauter, to John Is price ot three Unea MRS. EDWARD EGAN suppiles and equipment). ______ed for the creditors within which to noon, at the Probate Office, In said Matchett, son of Mrs. John Matchett • • • Manchester, be and the same Is as­ transient MRS. JOHN U SULLIVAN. OLIVER BROTHERS day old chicks bring In their claims against said signed for a hearing on the allow­ of 326 Center street. Line rates per day tor from two year old hena Hollywood Evening Herald estate, and the said administrator Is ance of said administration ®®oomit Announcements 2 Strain-Blood tested and free from directed to give public notice to the ISfleetlTe Btarcli W ^ ^ ch sT g e creditors to bring in their claims with said estate, and this Court ffi- white diarrhea. Oliver Bros.. Clarks within said time allowed by posting a rects the Administrator to give pub­ 6 Conseontlve Days ..j J f r e e d ir t f o r f il l in g . Easy to Corner, Conn. ___ copy of this order, on the public sign lic notice to all persons Interested S P E C IA Ii 8 Consecutive Days .. » o ^ “ get. Call 1904-4 or Inquire at 206 post nearest tp the place where the therein to appear and bo heard there­ 1 Oay eeeeeeeao***"* ' **.''*«^ Woodbrldge St. BABT CHICKS—Best local stock; deceased last dwelt within said town on by publishing a copy of this order PRICE popular breeds; guaranteed live de- and by publishing the same In some In some newspaper having a circula­ STEAMSHIP TICKETS—all parts of Hvsrvi W0 do CUStOM .h&tChlDg# aT©© Call 664 newspaper having ■ a circulation in tion In said District, on or before the world. Ask for sailing lists and oatalogua Clark's Hatchery. Bast said probate district, within ten days April 16th., 1928, and’ by posting a rates. Phone 750-2. Robert J. Smith, Hartford. Conn. \ ______from the date of this order, and re­ copy of this order on the public sign­ TWO-FAMILY HOUSE .ar.a«n?r. s«r“p»f5i"ss^ 1009 Main street And Ask lor ‘|Bee’’ turn make to this court of the notice post in th© Town where the deceased “ ia f ora.r.d tor fj;V i'rt'o, BABY CHICKS last dwelt, five days before said toy of 10 Rooms Baby chicks, blood tested, Ohio WILLIAM S. HYDE of hearing and return make to this SS? Antomobiles for Sale State University accredited. Order in Tell Her What You Want Judge Court. ^ ON NORTH MAIN ST, • advance. Manchester Grain and Coal H-4-16-28. WTT.LTAM S. HYDE 1925 4 cyl. Overland Sedan. Company. Phone 1760.____ Judge All Improvement* 1925 4 cyl. Overland Coach. Shb will take your ad. help you word It for beat AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD H-4-16-28. 1925 Chevrolet Touring. Live Stock- -Vehicles 42 1923 Cleveland Coach. and see that It is properly Inserted. Bill “ ^ion at Manchester, within and for the AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD forbids"; display lines not same day allowing you until seventh day after insertion district of Manchester, on the 14th. at Manchester, within and for the * 4 ,4 8 0 1924 Overland Sedan. f o r s a l e —HORSES 20 head fresh 1923 Overland Sedan. to take advantage of the CASH RATE. day of April, A. D., 1928. District of Manchester, on the 14th. “°T^o Herald Will not be responsible and acclimated horses. S. D. Pearl, Present WILTiT AM S. HYDE, Esq., day of April, A. D., 1928,__ *1 8 0 0 C ash fnr more than one Incorrect Inwrtlon 1923 Studebaker Touring. 120 Woodland street. 1 T11 fl Cf © of any advertisement ordered tor 1924 Essex Coach. Estate of Adelald M. Hills, late of Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., 1923 Durant Coupe. Judge. Manchester In said district, deceased. Estate of Henry George Baxter late *" The'fn\"dvTtenr omission or 1924 Overland Touring. FOR SALE—75 TOUNG PIGS. Rein­ Upon application of Harry B. Hills Apply 213 or 24t 1924 Chevrolet Touring. hardt Lehmann, Buckingham, Conn. praying that an Instrument purport­ of Manchester, In said District, de­ rect publication of 1925 Ford Touring. ceased. TeL 438-M rectified only bv cancellation ot the All these used cars have been re­ ing to be the last will and testament The Executor having exhibited his North Math charge made for the service render- Articles for Sale 45 Legal Notices of said deceased be admitted to pro­ administration account with said es­ conditioned and carry a service FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, 67 Sum­ bate and that letters of administra ... guarantee. _ mer street, near trolley, all modern AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD tion with the will annexed be grant tate to this Court for allowance, It is MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES f o r s a l e —8 TONS HAT; also 15 ORDERED:—That the 21st. day of All advertisements* conveniences. Inquire 5 Walnut St. at Manchester, within and for the ed on said estate, as per application April, A. D., 1928, at 9 o’closk, fore­ In style, copy and typography wlt^h Dependable Used Cars cords 4 ft. dry hard wood. C. N. District of Manchester, on the 14th. on file, it Is regulations enforced by the b'ibllsh- 1069 Main St. Tel. 740 Loomis. Bolton, Conn. Tel. 276-3. HUDSON STREET, 6 ROOM tenement day of April, A. D., 1928. ORDERED:—^That the foregoing noon, at the Probate Office, In said Dennis P. Coleman, .Mgr. and garage, near Depot. In good Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Manchester, be and the same Is as­ FOR SALE—KITCHEN s^ve. ice box application be heard and determined signed for a hearing on the allow­ S li ooo- condition. Modern improvements. at the Probate office In Manchester In 12 GOOD USED CARS including 1927 and kitchen table, 123 Wells street Telephone 9 8 1 - 2 . ______^'sltate of Hugh Morlarty of Man­ said District, on the 21st day of ance of said administration account Houses For Sale ' cXsiNa''X 5Rl:^i...;^"« •« Oldsmoblle Landau, 1925 Oldsmobile or tel. 2041. chester, In said District. Incompetent. April, A. D„ 1928, at 9 o’clock in the with said estate, and this Court di­ Two-Door sedan. Crawford auto COZY 4 ROOM FLAT for roomers or The Conservator having exhibited forenoon, and that notice be given to rects the Executor to give public no­ $2,600 is the price for a small Supply Co.. Center and Trotter TTOR SALE__STABLE MANURE about small family, with bath, electric Us annual account with said epate tice to all persons Interested therein s.vV rfr?o’s ■’^xiKo^o”. streets. Tel. 1174 or 2021-2. co^ds. s!^ D Pearl. 20 Woodland all persons interested In said estate to appear and be heard thereon by cottage with fair sized lo^ ele^ 10:30 a. m. lights, hot water, cement <^Uar- to this Court for allowance, It Is of the pendency of said application street. ______garden, with garage $20. Call today, ORDERED:—‘Tliat the 21st day of and the time and place .of hearing publishing a copy of this order in tridty, bathroom, garden and Telephone Your Want Ads CHEVROLET SEDAN, Bulck 4 cylin­ 91 Main street. South. April, A. D., 1928. at 9 o’clock- fore­ thereon, by publishing a copy of this some newspaper having a circulation try place. "Why pay rent? Cen­ der touring car, both In good condi­ 2 HOT AIR FURNACES good order noon, at the Probate Oflice. In said In said District, on or before April Ads are accepted over the telephone tion. Call evenings or Saturday and 3-4 ton panel body. Quick ac­ order In some newspaper having a 16th., 1928, and by posting a copy of tral location. FOR RENT— 6 ROOM TENEMENT at Manchester, be and the same Is as­ circulation In said district, on or be­ Seven room single, furnace, gas, afternoons. 787 East Middle Turn­ tion at your, price. Cohen Bros. Tel. 256 Hackmatack, rent $16. Inquire F, signed for a hearing On the allow­ fore April 16. 1928, and by posting a this order on the public signpost in pike, East of Manchester Green. 2-3887, 82 Talcott street, Hartford. R. Manning. 230 Hackmatack. Tele­ ance of said annual account with copy of this order on the public sign­ the Town where the deceased last etc., walk and enrbing. 2 car garage, phone 1065-2. ______said estate, and this Court directs the post in said town of Manchester, at dwelt, five days before said day of poultry house, land for another A i ? N f r r i t i FOR SALE — 1924 STUDEBAKER f o r ” s a l e — HEYWOOD-Wakefield Conservator to give public notice to hearing and return make to this S '- o m J . o„ or botor. Special Six sedan. In good condition. baby carriage, slightly used. Inquire •31BO jaiJvqo least five days before the day of said Court. ___ house or garden. A few unit day following *^be first Insertion all persons interested therein to ap­ hearing, to appear if they see cause Price reasonable. Inquire 32 Sum­ Keith Furniture Company.______J9UJ00 ‘isoJls aonjdg z~l 60S SJiab WILLIAM S. HYDE trees and grapes. Price $6,600, paoh ad., otherwise the CfciAKuci pear and be heard thereon by publish­ at said time and place and.be heard Judge mit- street or telephone 696. -ui -muoui qona suiooj 9 siuaui ing a copy of this order In some relative thereto, and by mailing in a terms. r a t e will be collected. ^®. SEWING MACHINES—1 Singer $5.00. -iNHH O i newspaper having a circulation In H-4-16 28. hilltv tor errors In telephoned ads FOR SALE—LATE MODEL Bulck 2 White. 1 Royal, 1 Standard. All -9ua^ z ’asnoq nopfi M.HN- registered letter, postage paid on or Porter street, nice sintfe wltt 1 wiiPbe Lsumed and their accuracy said District, on or before April 16th., before April 16. 1928, a copy of this coach. Fully equipped. Low mileage. makes repaired and cleaned. R. w. Apartment — bTats— 1928, and by posting a copy of this order to Charles W. Hills, 45 Blake AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD car garage. House Is all modem cannot be guaranteed. Price very reasonable. Inquire 34 Garrard. Tel. 715.______at Manchester, within and for the Bldwell street. Tenements for Rent liS order on the public signpost In said street, Torrlngton, Conn., and make District of Manchester, on the 14th. and the rooms are well arranged: It town, five days before said day of return to this Court. __ is offered at $7,500, $1,000 cash. Phone 664 FOR SALE—FERTILIZER for lawns. hearing and return make to this WILLIAM S. HYDE day of April, A. D„ 1928. a s k f o r WANT AU SERVICE Karl Marks, 136 Summer street. Tel. FOR RENT—SIX ROOM FLAT. All Judge Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Six room American colonial, (» k FOR SALE—1921 BUICK coupe. A Judge.’ 1877. iinprovenients, with garage* Apply WILLIAM S’. HYDE H-4-16-28. trim and floors down, steam, gas, bargain. Telephone 1364-3. at store, 27 Starkweather street. Judge Estate of James Dalzell late of Index of Classifications Manchester, In said District, deceas­ white plumbing, 2 w garage, high FOR SALE—1922 NASH touring car, H-4-16-28. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ed. elevatloh, north end. Price only: with winter enclousure; also 1923 Bui-ding Materials 47 FOR RENT—SEVERAL first clap P'venlng Herald Want Ads are now rents with all Improvements, A ^ ly AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD at Manchester, within and for the The Trustee having exhibited Its $6,600, $1,000 cash. grouped Iccordlng to classifications Essex Four coach, both In good con­ FOR SALE—CONCRETE building Edward J. Holl, 865 Main street. TeL at Manchester, within and for the District of Manchester, on the 14th. annual account with said estate to Five room single, Greenacres. A below and for handy reference will dition. Erickson’s Garage, Manches­ day of April, A. D., 1928. this Court for allowance, It is ter Green, "relephone 1479-2. blocks and chimney blocks. Inquire 560. District of Manchester, on the 14th. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq.. nice little cottage, all modem appear In the numerical order indl Frank Damato, 24 Homestead street. day of April, A. D.. 1928. ORDERED;—That the 21st. day of FOR BENT—4 ROOM tenemen” with J udsre* April. A. D., 1928, at 9 o’clock, fore­ $6,500. $500 cash. cated; 1926 ESSEX COACH—Driven only 8,- Manchester. Telephone 1507. Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Estate of Alexander B. Miller late noon, at the Probate Office, in said Lost and Found • 2 000 miles cheap for cash. Call after gas. dlectrlclty. bathroom, set tubs, Jud@^6 Building lots. Buy now when Announcements ...... g newly decorated, 19 Ridgewood Estate of Edward C. Stanley late of of Manchester, in District, deceased. Manchester, be and the same is as­ 5 p. m. Telephone 1269. Electrical / ppliaiices— Radio i« vtreet, near Hartford trolley. Tele­ Manchester, In said District, deceased. The Trustee having exhibited Its signed for a hearing on the allow­ prices are at lowest of year. Prices Personals ...... annual account with said estate to ance of said annual account with said as low as $150 with city water and 1927 Studebaker Standard Sedan. phone 1810-2. ______The Trustee having exhibited Its this Court for allowance,; It Is estate, and this Court directs the Automobiles for Sale ...... ^ 1924 Studebaker Special 6 Sedan. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appli­ annual account with said estate to electricity. 3350 with sewer, Automobiles for Exchange...... ^ ances. motors, generators, sold and ;{ ROOMS FOR RENT at 170 Oak ORDERED:—That the 21st day of Trustee to give public notice to all 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Sedan. this Court for allowance, it is April, A. D„ 1928, at 9 o’clock, fore­ persons interested therein to appear water, gas'and electricity. These Auto Accessories—Tires ...... , 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. repaired: work called for. Pequot street, all Improvements, hot water ORDERED:—That the 21st. day of Auto Repairing—Painting ...... Electric Co., 407 Center street Phon'j heat. Call 616-5. noon. at the Probate Office, In said and be heard thereon by publishing are absolute bargains and a lot for 1923 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. April, A. D., 1928, at, 9 o’clock, fore­ Manchester, be and the same is as­ a copy of this order in some news­ 1924 Studebaker Light 6 Sedan. 1592. noon, at the Probate Office, In said signed for a hearing on the allowance paper having a circulation in said a little. A utos— Ship by Truck ...... » 1924 Studebaker Light 6 Touring. fo r r e n t —FIVE ROOM FLaT on Manchester, be and the same is as­ Wadsworth street, all modern and signed for a hearing on the allow­ of said annual account with said District, on or before April 16, 1928, Garages—Service—Storage ----- 1“ 1921 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. Pufcl and K'eed 4»-A new, steam heat, oak floors, rent estate, and this Court directs the and by posting a copy of this order 1922 Studebaker Light 6 Sedan. ance of said annual account with said Trustee to give public notice to all on the public signpost in the Town Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... A few cars of all makes. Good buys reasonable. See Stuart J. Wasley, estate, and this Court directs the Wanted Autos—Motorcycles “ FOR SALE—BIRCH WOOD cut In 827 Main street, telephone 1428-2. Trustee to give public notice to all persons interested therein to appear where the deceased last dwelt, five Robert J. Smith nnsines. nnd Profewlonal Service- for little money. stove lengths $11 per cord. Phone and be heard thereon by publishing days before said day of hearing and THE CONKEY AUTO CO. persons Interested therein to appear a copy of this order In some news­ return make to this Court. • 1009 Main Street Business Services Offered ...... Distributors. Studebaker & Ersklne 143-12. C. H. Schell. Hotis* >r Kent and be heard theron by publishing a Household Services Offered ...... *3 a copy of this order In some newspaper paper hav.ng a circulation In said WILLIAM S. HYDE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Building—Contracting ...... J 20-22 East Center St. Tel. 840. FOR SALE — HARDWOOD stove District, on or before April 16th., Judge STEAMSHIP TICKETS length, under cover. Call after 5 FOR RENT—TWO FAMILY modern having a circulation in said District, Florists—Nurseries ...... J" FOR SALE—1926 1-2 ton, six post on or before April 16th„ 1928, and by 1928 And bv posting o copy of this H-4-16-28. Funeral Directors p. m. V. Flrpo 116 Welle street. house of five rooms each side, good posting a copy of this order on the order on the public signpost in the Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. Ford delivery truck, good running Phone 1307-2. ______condition. Summit street. Apply town where the deceased last dwelt, order. Cheap for cash. Call 567. ^ Home Bank and Trust Company. public signpost in the Town where five days before said day of hearing Insurance ...... FOR SALE—HARDWOOD large load the deceased last dwelt, five days be­ THE BOOK OP KNOWLEDGE; Millinery—Dressmaking ...... CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE fore said day of hearing and return and return make to this (5ourt. Moving—Trucking—Storage . . . . $8. Ashes moved. Charles Palmer, 44 68 WILLIAM S. HYDE If you are in the market for a good Henry street. Telephone 895-3. Wanted to Rent make to this Court. Judge (264) Oriqles Painting—Papering ...... re-conditioned used car we have them I WILLIAM S. HYDE Profes-slonal Services ...... “ Judge H-4-16-28. Sketches by Bessey; Ssmop^ by Braucher at all prices. 51 WANTED TO RENT by two adults, Repairing ...... V ,'‘ 24 H. A. STEPHENS Household Goods five or six rooms, with all improve­ H -4 -1 6 -2 8 .______Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... f* Center at Knox Tel. 939-2 AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD Toilet Goods and Services...... A NEW LINE OF GAS and oil stoves ments. Address Box AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD at Manchester, within and f^or the Wanted—Business Service ...... now on display, $19 up. New re­ at Manchester, within and for the District of Manchester on the 14th. Edncntlonnl .4uto Accessories—iTires frigerators from $13. Farms and l.and for Sale »I district of Manchester, on the 14th. dav of Aoril. A. 1928.__ Courses and Classes ...... WATKINS FURNITURE EXCHANGE day of April, A. D., 1928. PreLnt. WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., Private Instruction ...... FOR SALE—ON STATE HOAD only Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Judge. _ Dancing ...... O-TITE PISTON RINGS for all FOR SALE— FLORENCE oil burning $4,000 buys a nice small farm, house Judge. Estate of Lucy G. Spencer, late of Musical—Dramatic ...... makes of cars. They give your hot water heater and tank. P. J. in good condition. Price Is right. Estate of Herbert C. Wadsworth Manchester, in said District, deceas- engine more power, more miles per Wanted—Instruction ...... “v Young, 454 Middle' Turnpike, Man­ Easy terms Call Arth ir A. Knofia, late of Manchester in said district, ed FInnnclal gallon of gas: also stops oil pump­ chester Green. 782-2. deceased* The Trustee having exhibited its Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 ing. Fred H. Norton, 180 Main St. Upon application of The First Na­ annual account with said estate to Business rknttn Opportunities Pf nn1 ties THIS IS BEDDING WEEK at The Houses for Sale tional Bank of Hartford, praying that this Court for allowance, it Is Money to Loan ...... DISTRIBUTOR FOR Prest-O-Llte Benson Furniture Company. A look administration de bonis non be grant­ o r d e r e d ;—That the 21st. day of Money Wanted ...... batteries for automobiles and radios. in our window will ..onvince you ed on 'said estate, as per application April. A. D., 1928, at 9 o^clock. fore- Help nnd Sltnnthms All sizes and cars. Complete battery that this is the home of good bed­ FOR SALE—MAIN STREET. :ilce on file, it Is no^on, at the Probate office, in said Help Wanted—Female ...... 85 service. Center Auto Supply Co. 155 ding. 20 per cent off on all bedding bungalow, just the place tor busi­ ORDERED:—That the foregoing Manchester, be and the same Is Help Wanted—Male ------Center street. Tel. 673. this week. Your credit is good at ; ness. Car washing and greasing application be heard and determined slgned for a hearing on the allow­ Help Wanted—Male or Female • • ^7 equipment. Garage (for ten cars) or ance of said annual account with Benson’s. I workshop 50x30. Lot 66x270. Investi­ at the Probate office in Manchester in Agents Wanted ...... 37-A Garages— Service— Storage 1 (' said District, on the 21st. day of said estate, and this Court directs the Situations Wanted—Female . . . . "S OPENING SPECIAL—100 per cent gate. Call Arthur A. Knofia for April, A. D., 1928, at 9 o’clock In the Trustee to give public notice to all Situations Wanted—Male ...... silk floss Kapock mattress Imperial terms and price. Tel. 782-2, 875 Main. forenoon, and that notice be given to persons Interested therein to appear Employment Agencies ----- 4U FOR RENT—GARAGE rear of 701 roll edge 7" box and one pair Em­ all persons Interested in said estate and be heard thereon by publishing a Uve stopk—Pets— Poultry—Vehicles Main street. Apply to Aaron John­ merich pillows, large size, fancy FOR SALE OR RENT of the pendency of said application copy of this order Jn some newspaper Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 son. 62 Linden street or to the ticking, free with each mattress. house, with garage. Call * and the time and place of hearing having a circulation In- said District, Live Stock —Vehicles ...... janitor. Holmes Bros. Furniture Co., former­ luere street. Telephone 1364-3. thereon, by publishing a copy of this on or before April 16th, 1928, and by Poultry and Supplies ...... T: ly Man. Upholstering Co., 649 Main order in some newspaper having a Dosting a copy of this order on the The glorious golden-tinted feathers of the Orioles Wanted — Pets— Poultry—Stock 44 FOR SALE—STATE ROA to Hart­ street. Tel. 1268. ford. 6 room single, 2 oar garage, circulation In said district, on or be­ public signpost In the Town where suggested precious metal to the man who named ©leee For Snie— Hiscelinneons Business Dervice Offered corner property. Price only $5400. - fore April 16, 1928, and by posting a the deceased last dwelt, five days be­ exquisite members of the Crow family, for their name it Articles for Sale ...... <9 Wanted— to Buy 58 $800 cash. Call Arthur A Knofia. copy of this order,on the public sign­ fore said day of hearing and return Boats and Accessories ...... post In said town of Manchester, at make to this Court. derived from the Latin word for gold, ^lot all the genoe Building Materials ...... 47 CHAIR CANING NEATLY done. Price Telephone 782-2. 876 Main street, least five days before the day of said WILLIAM S. HYDE Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. right, satisfaction guaranteed. Carl hearing, to appear If they see cause ■ Judge is golden of feather, but there Is luxuriant beauty m tiie Anderson. 53 Norman streeL Phone prices for old FOR SALE—NEW 6 ROOM bunga­ Electrical Appliances— Radio • • ♦ ’ WE PAY HIGHEST low, all Improvements. Telephone at said time and place and be heard H-4-16-28. ______Green Oriole’s covering and sweet melody in his voice.. Fuel and Feed ...... v;' 'i ’ ’ I' 1892-2. ' furniture and junk. Call 849. relative thereto and make return to Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 6U 2632-2 or call 108 Benten street. this court. By NEA, Through Sp,cl«l P,rmlMlon of th« Publiihtr, of Th, 8oel«ytJ{nowl»dg>. Household Goods ...... Movlr.g-'rrrcking~Sto: age 31/ WANTED — TO BUY old-fashioned WILLIAM S. HYDE AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Machinery and Tools ...... furniture. Also repairing and re- Houses for Sale 73 Judge at Manchester, within and for the Musical Instruments ...... o* flnlshlng of antique and modern H-4-16-28. District of Manchester, on the I4tn. MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR Dis­ furniture. V. Hedeen. 333 Center St. Office and Store Equipment...... 54 patch—Part loads to and from New FOR SALE—DELMONT STREET— day of April, A. D., 1928. _ Sporting Goods—Guns ...... 56 York, regular service. Call 7-2 or Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Specials at the Stores ...... 5j WILL PAY HIGHEST prices for all seven room single, fire place, oak Wearing Apparel-Furs ...... 67 1282. kinds of poultry. We will also buy floors and trim, shade trees, price NEW LIFESAVING ^'Estate of Esther K. Abbey of Man­ Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 rags, papers and all kinds of junk. rlghL Call Arthur A Knofia. Tele- PERRETT ^ND GLENNEY—Local phone 782-2. 876 Main street chester. In said District. inoomPete^V Rooms— Bonrtl-Hotels—Resorts and long distance moving and truck­ Call 982-4. The Consevator having exmbitea Restnurnnts ing. Daily express to Hartford. Liv­ CLASSES AT REC his administration accou-nt with said Rooms Without Board ...... 69 ery' car for hire. Telephone 7-2. Boarders Wanted 59-.’V Real Estate (or Exchange 70 estate to this Court for allowance, It Boarders Wanted ...... “9"." 60 Country Board—Resorts WANTED—LOCAL and long distance WANTED—TO BOARD two children FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE property New lifesaving and swimming ORDERED;—That the 21st. day of Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 moving. We have five trucks es­ of school age, preferably girls. Box In town. In good locality. What have April, A. D.. 1928, at 9 <^olock. fore­ Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 pecially equipped for moving, rang­ L, Herald. ______classes will start this week at the noon. at the Probate Office, in said Real Estate For Rent you to offer? Wm. KanehL Telephone ing In capacity from one to five tons. 1776. School street Recreation Center, it Manchester, be and the same is as­ Apartments. Flats, Tenements •• 63 Experienced men. 55 Bissell street. WANTED—HAVE ROOM available was announced today by Instructor signed for a hearing on the allow­ Business Locations for Rent . . . . 64 Tel. 496. L T. Wood. for two gentlemen, good table ance of said-administration account Houses for Rent ...... 66 board. Mrs. Fallow, 169 Main St. Frank Busch. with said estate, and this Court di­ Suburban for Rent ...... 66 MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Senior lifesaving will be taught rects the Conservator to give public Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 from 7 until 8 o’clock on Wednes­ notice to all persons Interested there­ Wanted to Rent ...... 68 Repairing 33 Apartments— Plats— Marriage intentions were filed at in to appear and be. heard theron by 0;$ day evenings; Junior lifesaving Real Ustate For Sale Teneineiit'i for Rent the office of the Town Clerk today publishing a copy of this order in r*toft's Apartm ent Buildings for Sale . . . 69 from 10 until 10:45 Saturday some newspaper having a circulation Business Property for S a le ...... 70 LAWN MOWER shr’^nenlng, repair­ by Irving Taylor, member of the ing. Phonographs, clocks, electric APARTMENTS—Two. three and four mornings and junioif swimming will in said District, on or before April Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 room apartments, heat, janitor ser­ firm of Taylor & Cummings, milk be taught from 10:45 until 11:3Q 16th., 1928, and by posting a copy of Houses for Sale ...... 72 cleaners, locks repaired. Key mak­ this order on the public signpost In ing. Bralthwaite, 52^Pearl street. vice. gas range, refrigerator, in-a- dealers, and Jeanette Evelyn Burger Saturday mornings, Orioles escape their Lots for Sale ...... J" door bed furnished. Call Manchester of South Windsor. the Town of Manchester five days be­ American Troupials are Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and Construction Company, 2100 or tele­ M r. Busch reports that there has fore said day of hearing and return greatest foes, the Suburban for Sale ...... 76 phone 782-2. been considerable interest in this make to this Court. Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 repaired, chimneys cleaned, key flt- WILLIAM S. HYDE Hawks, by flinging them­ a species akin to the Ing. safes opened, saw filing and work at the Rec and hopes for a ' Judge Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 grinding. Work called for, Harold Persons in English prisons dur­ selves headlong into Orioles. Of this family, Anctlon—Legal Noficee FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM tenement, larger enrollment in the new H-4-16-28. Auction Sales ...... 78 Clemson, 108 North Elm street. TeL ing 1926 averaged 10.860 daily. tangled bushes where the Cassiques are often 462. with garage. 184 Hilliard street. classes. X^egal Notices their enemy cannot fol­ ornately crested. > . / low’ GAS BUGGIES—Hunting for Trouble M.WCHESSTER (CONN.) gVBNTNG HERAUJ, MONDAY, APRIC 16, 1928. By Perey Ciroiby FLAPPER FANNY SAYS; smppY TwQ SENSE auiJDNSENSE V€ / • i ” ’Tis false” . “ Bretbern and sis te rn, when the ""wetL-fNAy ueHeraes! v e H V c u s l last day arrives there shall be % c. weeping and gnashing of teeth.” V f H V c U S ! "Oh, Lord Gawd!” HAue vc«eeclrs‘ U fH V c lC 5 f "Sister Mandy, what ails you?” o rHECciCiT] [uertVeUi! "I ain’t got no teeth.” veHECciejl u e H v a e 5 ( "Teeth will be furnished,” added v e H e c c i e ^ * the parson. ^ ueHVeus *

A revival was raging in a Vir­ ginia negro church. The fruits had L been considerable. One obdurate U soul, however, resisted the efforts of the elder. Called to account for his reluctance, he replied: "Yo’ see how it is, elder. How’s Ogwine get mah shirt on ovah my wings when I gets to glory?” “ Dat ain’t you’ problem,” retorted the exhorter ptomptly. Yo’ problem is how yo’ gwine get yo’ hat ovah yo’ ho-rns.”

Rastus: I tells you. Sambo, I REG. U. S. PAT. O.'T. done found out de difference be­ (jopyiltU, 1»M, Pm«7 E Cmbf, OmM ttm Am-, Jm. C ' » M . BV we* SERVICE. tHC. tween men and de women ht las’. Many a girl who Isn’t a stenog­ Sambo: What-what is It? Rastus. Wall, a man ’ll gib two OUR BOARDING HOUSE rapher knows lipw to use the touch dollars for a one dollar...lhIng dat Whadd’ye Mean, italf-Wit? ) By Fontaine Fox syste::'.. he wants, an’ a woman ’ll gib one By Gene Ahern dollar fer a two dollar thing she don’t want! A siD Mov/i <0 sen^ug. Voo, All American Easy Mark Is Found In Ifew York Motorist MR. SAiHERTACB, 1 > : James Rooney, negro, cannot MW Av/IA'fOR's S A F e iV read, so someone sold him a “ back seat driver’s license” signed “ U. Stirf RiKACrflOM AS DON’T FALL OVERBOARD! Worry Em, commissioner of by­ PLAKiki-EP, 1-1' Ha s FLOA-tlxlfiJ ways” and with that he drove an -tHRlA .SPACE FOR FlV/E PAWS You don’t have to paddle far to automobile for a year. go from RIVER to LAKES— par is Judge Howe in traffic court last — AR E V0l3 AVaJARH Hr only four, but it’s a tricky treach­ night suspende'_ sentence upon \-r erous trip and yt : may find it Rooney, who said three negroes AtR,. I V'JILU^SIABUISH difficult to achieve the par solution examined him and issued the on another page. license for ?3. A ViiORLp’S RECORP BS K E E P Ififi rC ALoT-r, AS a ' Her Party Affiliation -rWPE OF BALLOO/d p 1 V, E R Some time ago a colored woman presented herseli’ at a registration H AVl-W -Ui- booth with the intention of enroll­ ing and casting her first vote in R l6 rt-t**/ ^ the ensuing election. woLi f She gave her name, her address and her age; and then the clerk of registration ask' this question: “ What party do vou affiliate < E S with?” L A K The woi an’s oyet fairly popped THE RUIiES out of her head. “ Does I have to answer dat ques­ 1— The idea of letter golf is totion?” she demanded. change one word to another and do “ That is the law,” he told her. it in par a given number of strokes. "Den you just scratch my name Thus to change COW to HEN, in oflen de books,” the said. “ Ef I got three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, to tell his name I don’t want to HEN. vote. Why, he ain’t got his divorce 2 — You can change only one let­yit.” ter at a time. And she stalked out. 3— You must have* a complete word, of common usage, for each "RastusV’ said the negro minis­ jump. Slang words and abbrevia­ ter, “ dis am da fust time Ah ever tions don’t count. saw yo’ in dis here church, and 4— The order of letters cannot beAh’s mightly glad to have yo’ changed. * here.” - " t “ Pahson,” replied Rastus, “ Ah just hadda come. Ah needs “ Don’t you know,” said Charlie ’ ’ ' l - Hedger, "that you can’t sell life strength. Ah does, ’cause Ah got a insurance without a license?” job whitewashing a chicken coop “ Boss,” said the darky, “ I know- an’ building a fence ’round a (OFonuine Fox. 1928, fh«' Bell Syndicate, Inc.) /6 ed I couldn’t sell it, but Ah didn’t watermelon patch.” know the reason.” Sydney Shields, well-known “ Is dem aigs fresh?” asked actress, has an Old Negro mammy Mandy of her dusky grocer, point­ from the South in her employ. The WASHINGTON TUBBS H By Crane ing to a basket of hen fruit. other day a colored man appeared “ Ah ain’t sayln’ dey ain’t,” at the door seeking work. The wo­ answered the grocer. man met him and the following “ Ah isn’t askin’ yo is dey ain’t,” was the conversation between the retorted Mandy heatedly, “ Ah is two: askin’ is dey is.” “ I don’t reckon you-all knows of eLiOEASING •BUt'U noboby what don’t want to hire PKWSON AMD WS "The nerve of you all, usin’ my nobody to do nothin’ , does you?” massage cream for shoe polish!” "Yes, indeed, I doesn’t.” MEM f^OONED ON LONEPf PVCANE iS tt CAM RETORM Vlifrt'THt H6U? NECESsARS 1b REGAlM CON-' STOQV ^ UAL COCHRAN — PICfURCS ^ KNICK Tr o i- o? Th eir MO.ai.MT.ovr. TREASURE HOMT, VlASH AMP QsOXi \ u ose NO Time im' MAKING FOR,The OPEN SEA IM ThE\P CA^ORE'D .Ma.y.S:,FAT.CrF. ■eOAT. Ct tfea; BY NE* sexvice. iwC.,


/ [ n liflWYSfcm

REG. U. S. PAT. OFP. By SmaU C I92S. BT NEA SERVICE. INC.^ SALESMAN SAM It Pays to Advertise

READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE WHERE IS SAM, MR. \OH, H^S UP AT THE d e a r RAOiO FRteWOS —THIS IS W sa.,N O TW fN ’..T?>k Do NOW BUT .'^ A F ;. As Clowny sat down in the nest, play. They —i were very, worried eO’ZXLEtA'? i t 's AETfeR ) RADIO STAXlOM’ h o w d y s p e a k im ’— l a s t WEEK I LOST MV HORSE, AMO I AM IT eAcKT&'tWiSibRe he looked to east and then to west, over poor old Clowny’s plight. They l o s t ; MIME O'CLOCK AMD HE / DRPARCASTIM’ AM o f e e r im ' a s p e c ia l . r e w a r d o f i'AW A IT Re s u l t s . but couldn’t see a thing except the trudged along a country lane. Said ETRAVep HASN'T SHOWM UP yAPP EAL 60R PEOPLE mountains and the sky. The bird Scouty, “ It may he in v^in for us '-

-i ;v.^i r - re;

H e r a U i

% raise a paeah.of rejoicing to their God Is heard. ffiHDGE-WHIST-SETBACK 600 ATTEND MUSICALE | Ah unusual number, which had lO M ffll-O L D FASHION not heretofore been given in Man­ Tuesday Evening, April 17 AT S. METHODIST CHURCH chester, was "The Twenty-Third Free Delivery Psalm” of I'ranz Liszt, sung by Miss Dandng ST- JAMES HALL Eleanor Willard. Miss Willard’s " Daily • WEDNESDAY 18 Prizes. Door Prize $2.50 in voice is of enc-llent quality one of Gold. Reinforced Choir Musi­ the salient features of the musi- Anywhere in Refreshment^— Adm. 25c. cal Treat, Aided by Violin cale. AT THE RAINBOW and Harp Artists. Robert Gordon in his solo. Go Miss Jane Watson has returned Forth Upon Thy Journey” by El­ Town. , SOUTH R h CHTSTER • Change In Usual Schedule to her work at the v.'eldon Beautv Despite the chilly weather more gar, was better than he has ever Effective This Week Parlors after several weeks illness. than 600 - persons were preBent at been, which is saying a great deal. WADDELL’S ORCHESTRA the musicale given last dight by This was a long affair, an Easter Prof. Taylor, Prompter. the chbir of the South Methodlrt song, but Mr. Gordon maintained BIG DEMAND FOR ~ church under the direction of Ar his quality of tone and treatment Modern Dancing Saturdays. chibald Sessions. Probably a con throughout. , , — C. B. CLUB SUPPER tributing reason for the large at­ A fitting climax to the musicale tomorrow tendance was the presence of the was Martin’s "Hail, Gladdening two additional musicians, Mrs. Light” sung by the choir with the accompaniment of the organ, harp Laura Wheeler Ross of Hartford, ABOUT TOWN vlonlinlst, and Mrs. Mildred God- and vioUn. It is jubilant in its Menu Feature— Rev. Gilbert frey Hall, harpist, both of whom theme and the chorus made the most of its opportunity. As the Furniture Speaker. have been heard here before. Unpai The best number of the musicale, postlude, the -violin, harp and organ Mystic Review, Woman’s Benefit Because of the demand for in which the entire female section were heard in "Andante Religiose Association will meet for its regu­ tickets to Cheney Brothers Get- of the choir took part, was Mar- by Thome, through which the con­ lar business session tomorrow g e ­ Together Club meeting to bejield chettl’B "Holy Redeemer,” arrang­ gregation remained seated, and as ning at Odd Fellows hall. The on Thursday evening in Cheney ed for a trio of women's voices. a request number the trio played At Greatly Reduced Prices meeting will be in the lodge hall. Hall the mill secretaries are hieing This was a number of an appealing Handel’s "Largo.” _ allowed to sell tickets until Tues­ rhythm, given with harp and vio­ Prayer was offered by Dr. Julian Mrs. Louis L. Grant heads the S. Wadsworth, who is visiting in day noon. lin accompaniment. committee in charge of the wWst Chef Osano will serve the follow­ The typical Russian hymn num­ Manchester. 72 ONLY which will b,e gi cn tonight at the ing dinner at 6:00 p. m.,grapefruit, bers were sung by the combined Buckland school assembly hau. roast chicken, dressing, spaghetti, choir. They were "Christ Is Risen,' Playing will start at 8:15 and con­ green peas, celery, olives pickles, by Gaul, and "The Cherubic WANTED! tinue for two hours. Dancing will Hymn,” a composition of t.he Rus occupy the balance of the evening. rolls, butter, strawberry shortcake, Your old carpets, old mgs. to Natural Varnished Finished Chars cigars, coffee. Sian Gretchaninoff. make into beautiful rugs, all plain A real old-fashioned melodrama “ In a Monastery Garden,” a de- Miss Maude Keator of the State criptive piece by Keteioy, was one colors. Call from 1! 30 p. m, until Board of Education will speak -o “Settled Out of Court” will be pre^ 8 p. m. Tel. 2667 or write BcsMi- (As sketched) Rattan seat. These chairs sented by the Cravat Department of the best in the entire musicale. the Manchester League of Women Thic was given by the violin, harp omy Rug Co., 129 Cepter Street. can be used on the porch, in the bedroom, br Voters on Tuesday evening lu S 0. S. Club. As speaker of the evening Rev. George Gilbert of and organ, with the chime effects ■reachers’ hall on the education of of the organ lending color. The for the summer cottage or lodge. Well exceptional children. The public is Middletown has chosen for his sub­ $ descriptive is laid in the garden 1.49 invited to the meeting, wnich w ject “ Rural Connecticut Humor.” made chairs, natural yamish finish. Members are urged to make their outside of a monastery and in one begin at 8 o’clock. part the chant of the monks as they WATKINS BROTHERS reservations before Tuesday noon Miss Ella L. with any of the following mill sec- sor of kindergartens in the Ninth letaries: Dyeing & Finishing, NOTICE District schools is attending the Ernest Kjellson. Lower Mills, J I u n c r a i Some Rare Values twenty-fifth annual convention of Arthur Bronkie, Dressing Mill, TO THE PUBLIC Kindergarten William Parkis, Yarn Union at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Franklin Dexter, Velvet Mill, Syd­ Great reductions on shoe repair­ ^ u r c c to r s Miss Washburn was sent as a dele ney Elliott, Cravat Department, ing. Io n can save 50 to 60% on Listed Here AllSS vvtioiiuuiu ..— ------” uey JHUIU!.!., T . ------i gate from the Connecticut State Tedford, Electrical Depart each Job in this place. Kindergarten association " of which " ment, Thomas Maxwell. Machine Men’s soles sewed o n ------$1.00 Robert K. Anderson Bhe is president. Shop, Albert Robinson, Throwing Lsdies’ soles sewed on ... .75c $12.98 Gateleg Tables ...... $8.98 Mill, Michael Sheridan, Weaving We use the best leather that Phone: 500 or 748-2 Manchester Kiwanians will have Mill, Frank Cervini, Spinning Mill, a rehearsal luncheon tomorrow money can buy. The very best $6.98 Gateleg T a b le s ...... ?4.98 Robert Fryer, Main Office, Frank rubber heels used, Goodyear and noon at the State theater, in prep­ 83.€o aration for the big minstrel show, Maloney. O’Sullivan’s. Free shine with every job. Work done promptly at (he $5.50 Rockers ...... ?3.98 Wednesday matinee and evening at Windsor Chairs 81.98 the theater. Manager Jack Sanson, PUBUC RECOWS $2.98 Kitchen Chairs (high) ----- $1.98 who is a new member of Klwanis, Boston Shoe Repair ■?2.98 will have motion picture reels End Tables shown for entertainment of the WARRANTEE DEEDS Shop $12.98 Living Room Tables ..... $8.98 members. The luncheon will be Charles Skrabacz to Harry Mintz O S $1.49 served right on the stage tomorrow. store building on Depot Square ad­ 105 Sprace St., Near Bissell St. $5.00 Kitchen T a b le s ...... $3.98 joining the -ormer Buckland prop­ All members of Clan McLean erty and the Cowles Hotel, 22 feet IN $5.50 Book T ro u g h s...... $3.98 Lodge expecting to go to New Brit­ on North Main street with a depth ain Wednesday night to present the of 97 feet on one side and 102 on $8.50 Telephone T a b le s...... $5.98 Clan Douglas Lodge of that city the other. Mortgages on the prop­ H arm ony CASC or with tiie traveling cross are re­ erty are one for 83,600 from Mintz quested 10 meet at Odd fellows hall $6.98 Telephone table and Chair $4.98 to Skrabacz, and another for $5,- 87.50 not later than 7 o’clock that even­ 000 which Mintz has assumed and ing. TftOUBU agrees to pay. ^ t Records Hook Racks $7.98 Telephone ta b les ...... $4.98 Elman and Rolston to Ralph J. There will be an important Rockwell and wife, property on $4.98. $3.50 H igh C h a irs...... $2.98 meeting of all members of the Y. Stephen road, 60 by 150 feet. A TELEPHONE call D. club at the Army and Navy club receives the same care­ ful consideration here $16.50 Kitchen Side Boards ... .$9.98 at eight o’clock tonight. Plans , 83:98 will be —aae for the annual S 5* as a personal call. So Seicheprey banquet which will do not hesitate to ring 39.50 Breakfast Set ...... $24.50 The Happiest us when an emergency Book Case probably be held on April 21 al­ >/■ though the battle anniversary arises. You will find $17.50 C lo se ts...... $9.98 comes on April 20. 3 FOR $1 us quick to arrive and $2.98 (Woman In eflacient in the ways of » John Mather Chapter, Order of our trade. $14.98 Chest o f D ra w e rs...... $9.98 DeMolay, will hold its regular All the Latest Hits 82.75 meeting tonight in the Masonic “ A. Perfect .Service’’ $1.39 Smoking Stands...... $1.00 Temple. The initiatory degree will Manchester Magazine Racks be conferred at 7:30 p. m. The of­ A Quality Record CARL W . $4.50 End T a b le s ...... $2.98 ficers of the chapter are requested has a wealth of charm in her $1.50 to meet at seven o’clock. hair. at a Low Price . ANDERSON tPlombing and Heating Old fashion and modern aancing It is a woman’s right and Try Some I Contractor. '6«S. will be enjoyed at the Rainbow 57 BisseU St. Tel. 1433 duty to enhance and preserve Dance Palace in Bolton on Wednes­ 24 Only! 81.89 day night this week. This schedule nature’s gifts by the proper will be followed until further an­ use of scientific methods. nouncement. Bill Waodell’s orches­ KEMP'S Wall R^cks tra will play and Professor Taylor We are very careful not to Fiddleback will prompt. make appointments which will $1.49 The baseball game between the deprive any of our customers State Trade school and Rockville of the most satisfying service. ! (As sketched) R ogers’ The Howitzer Company will re­ Beauty Parlors men go by— along with others of their own: each ceive their pay checks after the individual has his particular favorite signs: Brushing Lacquer regular drill tomorrow at the State Bernice M. Juul, Prop. When the sun rises red out of a bank of cloud, Armory building. 853 Main Street or rises red and then the clouds begin to lower, Fiddleback Windsor Chairs with it’s a good bet that it is going to rain, A grey saddle seats made from kiln dried (All colors) sunset, or one where the clear sky is green Ur Canadian birch. Windsor chairs 1-4 Pint ...... 40c XSCXXSC3636X3£3CSS3SX363CSCSS3C3C3CX3«3C363C3J9aCSCS63«5C^^ yeliowish-green, is another forerunner of rain. A can be used in most every room in ring around the moon promises a storm if it grows the home, for the bedroom, living 1-2 Pint ...... 65c smaller during the night. If it grows Digger it room, kitchen or as an extra chair. 1 Pint ...... $1.10 means fair weather ahead. A rainbow in the 1 quai’t ...... $1.95 morning means more rain— not no more rain. A Workingmen’ s Clothing rainbow In the late afternoon is a sign of fair weather to come. When the sky shows deep blue, This store carries a large stock of this merchandise even through many clouds, you can leave your um­ brella home. When the sky, though dear, begins DON’T DELAY-BUY YOUR ROSE BUSHES DURING THIS SALE OF and many men buy what they need here. to grow whitish and keeps on Rowing whiter, there’s a storm approaching. The same is true LEE UNIONALLS ...... $4.00 when the air is unusually clear and you can see LEE OVERALLS ...... $2.50 unusual distances or when the stars are uncommon­ ly bright and twinkle more than ordinary. ROSE BUSHES and SHRUBS LEE JACKETS ...... $2.50 Two or three uncommonly warm days in the fall are almost always followed by the first frost. And The new Lee Pant Overalls with Whizzet Fastner aiid the last fost In the spring is almost always preced­ We still have a good assortment of the popular rose busjies and copper riveted pockets ed by a similar unseasonably warm spell. • shrubs left. These are two year old, hardy, American field grown and seam s ...... But ’the biggest thing about the weather, so far as Pinehurst is concerned. Is that It doesn t make plants. MEN’S CORDUROY PANTS ...... $5 Pair a scrap of difference In the need of the people for; 3 5 ^ each Good Things to Eat or In Plnehurst’s eternal vlgi- Men’s Work Shirts, the kind that will give service. lence in supplying them, nor yet In Pinehurst s THE LITTLE ROSE GARDEN ...... $3.98 (Colors: khaki, blue and black. service and deUvery. Except that we nxpect, in stormy weather, totake care of more trade by tele­ This outfit consists of twelve very fine rose bushes. Complete phone, which Is Just as safe a way of trading, at with chart giving instructions for the care and arrangement of the 3 for $1.00 this store, as in person. Men’s Lion Brand home garden. 6 C h a rc o a l...... 99c MEAT SUGGESTIONS W ork Shoes Lean Rite of C!omed (Cannon’s Potatoes B e e f ...... 14c lb*...... $1.90 bnshel and Pair Creamery Tub Pinehurst Hamburg $4.50 B utter ...... *. 49c lb...... 25c lb. Chopped with pork If yon liam Barron arrived Jencks had PINOGHLE TOURITEY Pure Lard ...... 13c lb. wish. Try it for meat balls ter Police Court next Monday morn­ or meat lo^. m K L E S S ” CHARGE TO ing on at 1- 8t a charge of reckless been removed to his home by a Gruyere Cheese dri'ving growing out of an automo­ passing motorist. State Police were The standing of. , the contes1»nts Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Keds bile accident m which he figured 35c, 6 Portions called because Jencks lives in in the Army and Navy tJlub’k finil Pinehurst Round Steak FOLLOW AUTO UPSET Saturday afternoon. pinochle tournament of the seasbii Men’s S izes...... $1.00 to $2.50 jencks" was the driver and sole Pleasant Valley, South Windsor, Royal Lunch or Royal (G round) ...... 45c lb. which ' outside the jurisdiction of after four sittings with only two Boys’ Sizes ...... $1.00 to $2.00 Grahams, 2 lb. box . .33c occupant of a Reo touring car more to be played Is as follows: Tender Short Cut Sirloin which skidded and overturned on a the local police. Children’s Sizes ...... $1.00, $1.25, $1.5() Hope and Pearson, 4210, Donze and Chocolate Cookie Steaks, Pork Chops, Nobody Involved in Accident wet roadway at the intersection of Arri'ving at Jencks home, they Gleason, 4176, Gleason and Ander- found him in bed. with an injured S p e c ia l...... 39c lb. Lamb Chops. But Lone Driver, But Skid­ Woodbridge and Lydall stireeta at son, 4138, Hartnett and l4UBprec% 4 o’clock. He was pinned tinder , the leg, Police say that he , had been ding W reck Is Susp|ciouiB* drinking but Jencks is said to have 4127, Fred McCormick and Chag- Strawberries, Ripe Bananas, Dandelions, Asparagus, .wrecked ’ machine, according to k not, 4098, Rady and . Sonnlka^, W illi' a H. Jencks, well known telephone report which someone maintained that he took a drink Ripe Tomatoes, Spinach, O lery, Lettuce, Carrots after the accident to quiet his 4044, Qulsh and Harry McCormick, A. L BROWN &. CO. Pleasant Valley dance hall proprie­ sent ihto Police headquarters. 4030. McCanchey and Scott, ISIV tor, wlU trial in the Manohaa- — When Lieutenant Wil­ nerrea.