TsywERHSMiMiipaMBK ■. \ , ' ■>' H-v . '-v -‘ -'. .■ '.. V . " , .' ‘'*- . 't -.-T , ^••.;:.;-vV.-‘-' S'-y- -'^i.%,.;' NKT PKKSS m ix A ■f* • >F3fe% TB0 WBATHER:' ' A VKRAC!^ c i>AfI^V CfKCCLATION - ■t Br 0* a. Weather ifarceo. New Havea JL./.-.' for the luoiitli of March, 1928 ' A k '. 1 |aw-:;:ak. 7^ : Fair and cpntiiraed c<^ tonl^t; . 5 , 1 1 9 ‘.3-1 Vi"■ Tnesdajr increiudnt; doodiness^^^^ . .. .* ■* ■ j V "• ■■ ', ' - • 1 rising temperatiife. Member o f' the Audit Bureau of I'*«-'ife-; '' /-•’jt^-i'??''^ ■ , -■r ■ Clrculntlonu rv ■ '■':ii'f»‘'tf*i7s. r 7-■ ’''*' -■-■’■ ■ '■ ■' VOL. X U L , NO. 168. |C;iasslfled Advertising on Page’ 10. r r MANCHESTER, CONN, MOlfDAY, APRIL 16, 1928, / t w e l v e PAGES) PIUCE THREE CEN1 !•.. 13 ARE BURNED “Mitchell Field or Heaven?” It All Depended on This. TO DEATH AT A P : ■■>^ ■■ ='\, WEDDM^PARTY i\ i \ ^ . V .X Mother, Her Six Children LOST IN A DENSE and Six Guests Die as s ' ’ . J. Leap From Big Plane IN LAST FEW , Flames Destroy House in t Pennsylvania. ^ '0' m Ghanute Field, Rantoul, III.,^ *The men, all of the'm graduates April 16.-^A new parachute- of the Chanute Field parachute­ Gas Running Low Over Island— Plane Breaks Through jumping record has been made to­ jumping course, could have clear­ Blairfour, Pa., April 16. Thirteen ----- ---------- day as the result of ten student ‘ ed the plane within five seconds. It persons, a mother, her six children fliers leaping from an airplane here was stated, had they not been held Ice on Lake But Crew Escape Injury— Last Half of and six wedding guests, were S W vs VM*. i<.WSA.^ yesterday within an elapsed time of back. They alighted on Chanute burned to death shortly after mid­ eight and one-fifth seconds. Field unharmed. Vi /<.' The purpose of the daring feat . A giant Fordson all-steel plane, Trip Made Through Snow Storm— More Details of night today when fire swept the was to prove that passengers fly­ capable of carrying 15 passengers. two story frame home of Ambio Ing on commercial planes may es- was used in the experiment, the Flight— Planes on Wa y to Aid Flyers. Krepachalk, a Slavish worker in cape quickly during an emergency.' It was first planned to drop the .The students also aimed to wrest men through the bombing tube, as this little quarry settlement. the world’s parachute-jumping rec-' the marine .record was established, tinental Airways was fueled and Van Verbonitz, 19, whose mar­ ord from the Navy, which they did. but a last minute change of plans BULLETIN . ■ .. ■ .S'. .*.*.*.*•*•*.' • > . - . , %s 4- groomed at the Murray Bay Air­ riage to Ann Krepachalk was cele­ The former record was nine men had the men leap from the side ...... Quebec, Que., April 10.— drome this morning and mads brated on Saturday, mel death in 18 seconds. door of the plane, one after an­ ready for a flight to Greenly Island, with his bride in the flaming build­ The plane, driven by Lieut. John other. Commandant James E. bltz- ing. V. Hart of Galesburg, 111., was fly­ None pulled the release string maurice, Irish member of the where the three airmen of the Bre­ The dead; ing at a height of 2,000 feet and at of his chute until he had fallen ap­ trans-Atlantic plane Bremen’s men were still marooned. It was un­ Mrs. Ambro Krepachalk, o8. a speed of eighty miles an hour proximately 150 feet, enough to crew hopped off at Greenly Is­ derstood that this plane would land for. Quebec today accord­ make the flight in two hours, land­ Sara Krepachalk, 15. Here is the single 770-pound motor of the airplane Bremen upon which Colonel James Fitzmau- when the record leap was made. clear the tail of the plane, Michael Krepachalk, 12. ing to annonncement by the ing at Seven Islands on the way. rice. Captain Herman Koehl and Baron Gunther von Huenefeld risked their lives when they started on Canadian •Government Signal An International News Service cor­ Verna Krepachalk, li,. their flight across the Atlantic. Berlin newspapers severely criticized the flyers for placing their depend­ Service. He is due to arrive Father Krepachalk, 17. ence on a single-motored plane. respondent was prepared to hup off here at five o’clock. in it. Nicholas Krepachalk, 7. TO EXHUME BODY LONE POLICEMAN Captain Herman Koehl, pil­ Van Verbonitz, 19. With “ Duke” Schillei’s plane al­ ot of the Bremen, and Baron ready at Greenly Island, the Cana­ Ann Verbonitz, 18, his bride. von Huenefeld, financial hack­ Carl Chissom, 31. dian ice breaker Mor.tealnj was due BUCKUST OF D. A. R. OF BLAST V IC T l HALTS FIVE THUGS er of the overseas flight, re­ to arrive there about 9:30 this Thomas Horchich, 43. YOUNG DOHENY mained behind with the Bre­ Peter Verbonitz, 26, brother of men, which was damaged in morning. The steamer was retarded the groom. landing on Greenly Island Fri-, by bad weather and conditions were Joseph Renbolich, 31. MAY CAUSE TROUBLE IS NOT ALLOWED day evening. still so unfavorable today that 11 George Krepachalk, 6. Officials Hope to Decide Gunmen in Stolen Auto Cap­ was feared the second relief plane Started at Midnight. could not get through. St. Johns, Newfoundland, April Schiller and his companion. Dr, The fire, which was believed to Whether Bums Were tured in Greenwich After 16— For many hours before their nave started at midnight, swept Sole Topic of Discussion asjGUILFOYLE TRIAL ON T ffi STAND forced landing on Greenly Island, Louis Cuisinier, reached Greenly the frame dwelling before • the Captain Herman Koehl, Baron Von Island t tween 5 and 6 o'clock last family and guests could escape. All From Fire or Acid. Shot Cripples Driver. Huenefeld and Commandant James night after battling their way apparently were suffocated, accord­ 4,000 Delegates Meet in 5 XOMORROW E. Fitzmaurice, of the trans-Atlan­ through a gale. ing to Coroner Chester C. Rotbrock, Prosecution Suffers Smash- tic plane Bremen faced death, ac­ Asks For Fuel and the bodies were charred almost c Convention in Washing­ West Plains, Mo., April 16.— An Greenwich, Conn., April 16.— cording to fresh details of the flight Baron von Hueneield, financial beyond recogntion. received here today. Five men, believed by the police to backer of the Bremen's flight, sent The bodies were removed to the Blow at OH Conspiracy hour after lils.Juneral this after­ The first half of the flight was urgent radio messages to Mitchel morgue at Williamsburg. ton Today. Lawyers Preparing Defense; noon, the body of J, W. Weiser, be New York City gunmen, are held made under unexpectedly good Field asking that fuel, new run­ Acfcording to .F. M. Nlzely, chief Trill; Go?ernments Rests proprietor of the garage in which here following their capture when conditions. The dangers developed ning gear and a new propeller be clerk at the Blair Limestone Co., * an explosion Friday night killed Motorcycle Policeman Frank during the latter half when the sent to Greenly Island by Plane so which maintains quarries at Blair­ Bremen ran into a gale at sea and Washington, April 16.— With Three Judges to Decide 40 persons, was ordered exhumed O’Connor wounded the driver of a that repairs could be made and the four, only the Blairfour fire depart­ Its Case. later encountered strong head­ Bremen could continue on the way ment responded to the alarm, and Mrs. Helen Tufts Bailie’s recent for an examination to determine ,, stolen automobile in which they winds, snow and fog. tried to escape. to its original destination— Mitchel they were too late to check the charge that the Daughters of tlie Case. whether burns on his face were While in mid-Atlantic the Bre­ Field, N. Y. roaring flames. American Revolution maintain a caused by fire or acid. The prisoners described them men ran into thick weather which Washington, April, 16.— The selves to the police as: Louis Ber­ Captain Herman Koehl, pilot of He said that the wedding which “ blacklist” containing some of the Proseciiting Attorney H. D. made it necessary at time to dip the took place Saturday, was a quiet •prosecution suffered a smashing Green, Jr., in issuing the order to nardo, 325 East One Hundred Fifth the Bremen. Von, Huenefeld and country’s most prominent names, Hartford, Conn., April 16.-^ plane almost to the surface of the Commandant James E. Fitz­ affair, and that apparently a party blow today in the. oil conspiracy Coroner Tom Burns, said doctors street; Anthony Denindendi, 327 water. Attempts to ride over the overshadowing every other issue, Harold N. Guilfoyle, federal veteri­ East One Hundred ^Fifth street; maurice, the Irish member of liie followed on Sunday. It was thought trial o ( Harry F. Sinclair, when had told him they believed the fog failed.'so Pilot Koehl,sent oirt the guests and bridal coffple had the thirty-seventh Continental Con­ narian who is to go on, trlftl.,hej;e'; .burns, •w.^.p.caused by acid*, rt' **-| Apansola Perino, 355 East Qnie gress opened Justice Jennings Balky refused Id close to the water as possible, hop messages to friends anil relatives' planned to remain overnight., tomorrow. oiT a charge of first de­ Prosecutor Green said he was Hundred Fifth street; SklYaLke lug to ride through the mist. ____________ _____ Some 4,000'aflegaies and alter­ permit In evidence one of the gov­ hot entirely convinced the explo­ Cesoner, 331- East One Hundred saying they are safe, but none're­ nates filled the Washington audi­ gree murder in connection with the ernment’s biggest points.
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