Freedom of Movement Page 2 ©2000 ILRU 2323 S. Shepherd, Suite 1000 Houston, Texas 77019 713-520-0232 (V) 713-520-5136 (TTY) 713-520-5785 (Fax)
[email protected] IL NET Director: Richard Petty Design: Kaye Beneke ILRU Publications Team: Carri George, Dawn Heinsohn and Rose Shepard Substantial support for development of this publication was provided by the U.S. Department of Education. The content is the responsibility of ILRU and no official endorsement of the Department of Education should be inferred. The IL NET is a collaborative project of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) and the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), with funding from the Rehabilitation Services Administration. ILRU is a program of The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR), a nationally recognized, freestanding medical rehabilitation facility for persons with physical and cognitive disabilities. TIRR is part of TIRR Systems, which is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing a continuum of services to individuals with disabilities. INTRODUCTION Can Independent Living (IL) history be separated from IL philosophy? When I began to write this monograph I thought I would start with the students at the University of Illinois. But as I learned more about that program I realized it may not have existed without World War II veterans who needed an education. How, I then wondered, does one distinguish the impact of World War II on disability history from Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), a President who used a wheelchair and served as commander-in-chief for most of that war? So I chose to begin the history with FDR.