Antike Münzen & Siegel Auktion 17

21. Mai 2014 Zürich

Hotel Savoy-Baur en Ville Poststrasse 12 CH-8001 Zürich

Unter Aufsicht des Stadtammannamtes Zürich

SINCONA AG Uraniastrasse 11 CH-8001 Zürich Tel. +41-44-215 10 90 Fax +41-44-215 10 99

© 2014 SINCONA AG, Zürich ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Auktionsbedingungen Für die SINCONA Auktion 17 gelten folgende Versteigerungsbedingun- Für staatlich geprägte Goldmünzen und das darauf anfallende Auf- gen, welche durch die Abgabe eines schriftlichen, elektronischen, münd- geld wird keine Mehrwertsteuer erhoben. lichen oder telefonischen Gebotes vollumfänglich anerkannt werden: Die Mehrwertsteuer entfällt, sofern die Auktionslose durch den Ver- 1. Die Versteigerung erfolgt freiwillig und öffentlich im Namen der steigerer ins Ausland spediert werden. Käufern mit Wohnsitz aus- SINCONA AG für Rechnung des oder der ungenannt bleibenden serhalb der Schweiz, welchen die ersteigerten Auktionslose in Zürich Einlieferer. ausgehändigt werden, wird die Mehrwertsteuer vorerst in Rechnung gestellt, jedoch nach Vorliegen der definitiven Veranlagungsverfü- 2. Der SINCONA AG (im Folgenden "Versteigerer" genannt) unbe- gung des Schweizer Zolls vom Versteigerer vollumfänglich zurück- kannte Bieter sind gebeten, sich vor der Auktion zu legitimieren. erstattet. Ferner behält sich der Versteigerer vor, nach freiem Ermessen und ohne Angabe von Gründen Personen den Zutritt zu den Auktions- 8. Die Auktionsrechnung ist sofort nach Erhalt, spätestens aber innert räumlichkeiten zu untersagen. 10 Tagen nach Auktionsende zu bezahlen. Nach Ablauf der Zah- lungsfrist fällt der Käufer automatisch in Zahlungsverzug und der Der Versteigerer ist mit Zustimmung der Auktionsaufsicht berech- Versteigerer ist berechtigt, Zinsen in der Höhe von 10% p.a. zu ver- tigt, von der im Katalog vorgesehenen Reihenfolge abzuweichen und langen. Bei Zahlungsverzug des Käufers oder bei Verweigerung der Nummern zu vereinigen. Lose werden nicht aufgeteilt. Bei Mei- Abnahme behält sich der Versteigerer das Recht vor, entweder gegen nungsverschiedenheiten kann ein Los vom Versteigerer erneut ausge- den Käufer auf Erfüllung des Vertrages oder auf Ersatz des aus der rufen werden. Die Auktion wird in deutscher und teilweise in engli- Nichterfüllung entstandenen Schadens zu klagen oder aber vom Ver- scher Sprache durchgeführt. trage zurückzutreten. 3. Schriftliche und telefonische Aufträge werden vom Versteigerer 9. Die Auktionslose werden grundsätzlich erst nach vollständiger sorgfältig und interessewahrend, jedoch ohne Gewähr, ausgeführt. Bezahlung der Auktionsrechnung übergeben oder verschickt. Es liegt Schriftliche Gebote (und solche auf elektronischem Weg) können nur allein im Ermessen des Versteigerers, Lose gegen Rechnung auszu- bei deren Eingang bis spätestens 24 Stunden (bzw. 12 Stunden bei händigen. Im Ausland anfallende Abgaben, wie z.B. Zollgebühren Geboten über eine Internetplattform) vor Auktionsbeginn berücksich- und Steuern, sowie die bei einem Versand anfallenden Versandkos- tigt werden. Telefonisches Bieten ist nur in Ausnahmefällen und für ten und Versicherungsprämien gehen vollständig zu Lasten des Käu- Stücke mit einem Schätzwert über Fr. 3'000.– möglich und muss bis fers. spätestens 48 Stunden vor Auktionsbeginn angemeldet werden. Aufgrund der aktuellen ausländischen Gesetzgebungen ist ein Ver- 4. Für die Versteigerung sind nicht die Abbildungen, sondern aus- sand der folgenden Objekte in folgende Länder derzeit nicht mög- schliesslich die Beschreibungen zur jeweiligen Losnummer im ge- lich: druckten Auktionskatalog massgebend. Der im Internet publizierte Auktionskatalog hat lediglich informativen Charakter. R USA: Antike Münzen R Russland: Sämtliche numismatische Objekte 5. Der Zuschlag erfolgt durch den Ausruf des höchsten Gebotes und R Frankreich: Sämtliche numismatische Objekte verpflichtet den Höchstbietenden zur Abnahme des Loses. Bei gleich hohen schriftlichen Geboten hat das früher eingegangene Gebot Vor- Der Versand in die tschechische Republik erfolgt ausdrücklich auf rang. Gebote, die den Schätzpreis unterschreiten, können nicht be- eigenes Risiko des Empfängers. rücksichtigt werden. "Entweder/oder"-Aufträge sowie Auftragslimi-

ten können nur bedingt ausgeführt respektive berücksichtigt werden. 10. Das Eigentum des Einlieferers am versteigerten Auktionsgut bleibt Der Versteigerer kann, ohne Angabe von Gründen und ohne dafür zu bis zur vollständigen Begleichung der Auktionsrechnung vorbehal- haften, Gebote ablehnen. Mit dem Zuschlag geht die Gefahr auf den ten. Käufer über. Jeder erfolgreiche Bieter ist für seine Käufe persönlich 11. Die Beachtung ausländischer Zoll- und Devisenvorschriften, etc. ist haftbar und kann nicht geltend machen, für Rechnung Dritter gekauft Sache des Käufers. Der Versteigerer lehnt die Verantwortung für all- zu haben. fällige Folgen ausdrücklich ab, die sich aus der Zuwiderhandlung ge- 6. Bei persönlicher Anwesenheit des Höchstbietenden ist auf den gen derartige Bestimmungen ergeben können. Zuschlagspreis ein Aufgeld von 15% zu entrichten. Bei schriftlichen 12. Die zu versteigernden Lose werden nach bestem Wissen und Gewis- und elektronischen Geboten beträgt die Höhe des Aufgeldes 18%, sen sowie mit grösster Sorgfalt beschrieben. Die Bieter haben die bei telefonischen Geboten 20% des Zuschlagspreises. Die Auktions- Möglichkeit, sich über den Zustand der Lose während der im Katalog rechnung ist nach erfolgtem Zuschlag sofort fällig und in Schweizer angegebenen Besichtigungstage persönlich oder durch einen Vertre- Währung zu bezahlen. ter zu informieren. 7. Für Platin-, Silber- und Kupfermünzen sowie alle Medaillen, Bank- Begründete Reklamationen hinsichtlich des Zustandes des ersteiger- noten, Orden, Antiquitäten, etc. wird auf das Total der Auktionsrech- ten Auktionsgutes müssen bei der SINCONA AG mit eingeschriebe- nung (d.h. Zuschlagspreis plus Aufgeld und allfällige Versandkosten nem Brief bis spätestens 20. Juni 2014 (Datum des Poststempels) und Versicherungsprämien) die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer in der eingegangen sein. Eine Reklamation wegen Meinungsverschieden- Höhe von 8% erhoben. heiten über den Erhaltungsgrad eines Loses wird nicht akzeptiert.

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Lose, welche mehr als ein Stück beinhalten, sind von jeglicher Re- klamation ausgeschlossen. 13. Die Echtheit der Auktionsgüter wird unbefristet gewährleistet. Der Gewährleistungsanspruch wird ausschliesslich dem Käufer ein- geräumt und darf nicht an Dritte abgetreten werden. Die Geltendma- chung des Gewährleistungsanspruchs setzt voraus, dass der Käufer gegenüber der SINCONA AG sofort nach Entdeckung des Mangels mit eingeschriebenem Brief Mängelrüge erhebt und der SINCONA AG das gefälschte Auktionsgut im gleichen Zustand, wie es ihm übergeben wurde, und unbelastet von Ansprüchen Dritter zurückgibt. Der Käufer hat dabei auf eigene Kosten den Nachweis zu erbringen, dass es sich beim Auktionsgut um eine Fälschung handelt. Die SINCONA AG kann vom Käufer verlangen, dass dieser auf eigene Kosten Gutachten von zwei unabhängigen und in dem Bereich aner- kannten Experten einholt, ist aber nicht an solche Gutachten gebun- den und behält sich das Recht vor, zusätzlichen Expertenrat auf eige- ne Kosten einzuholen. 14. Bei Münzen in sog. "slabs" erlischt jegliche Gewährleistung, sobald diese geöffnet werden. 15. Die Ansprüche des Käufers gegen die SINCONA AG in berechtigten Fällen von Reklamationen hinsichtlich des Zustandes oder der Un- echtheit des Auktionsgutes beschränken sich auf die Rückerstattung des vom Käufer gezahlten Kaufpreises und Aufgeldes (inkl. allfälli- ger MWST). Weitergehende oder andere Ansprüche des Käufers ge- gen die SINCONA AG oder deren Mitarbeiter sind unter jedwelchem Rechtstitel ausgeschlossen. 16. Die Namen der Einlieferer und Käufer werden grundsätzlich nicht bekanntgegeben. Der Versteigerer ist ermächtigt, alle Rechte des Einlieferers aus dem Auftragsverhältnis in eigenem Namen gegen- über dem Käufer geltend zu machen. 17. Erfüllungsort und ausschliesslicher Gerichtsstand ist 8001 Zürich, Schweiz. Im Übrigen gelten die kantonalen sowie eidgenössischen Gesetze. Die Versteigerung sowie alle mit dieser in Zusammenhang stehenden Rechtsgeschäfte unterstehen ausschliesslich schweizeri- schem Recht. 18. Für die Auslegung der in deutscher, französischer und englischer Sprache vorliegenden Auktionsbedingungen ist der deutsche Origi- naltext massgebend. Zürich, März 2014

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Conditions of Auction

The following conditions of auction, which are deemed to be accepted Value added tax is not payable if the Auctioneer ships the auction in full upon submission of a written, electronic, verbal or telephone bid, lots abroad. Value added tax is initially charged to buyers residing apply to SINCONA auction 17: outside of Switzerland to whom the auctioned lots are handed over in Zurich; however this is refunded in full by the Auctioneer once 1. The auction is carried out voluntarily and publicly in the name of the definitive tax assessment decision of the Swiss Customs is to SINCONA AG for the account of the consignor(s), who remain(s) hand. anonymous. 8. The auction invoice is due for payment immediately upon receipt, 2. Bidders who are unknown to SINCONA AG (hereinafter referred to however by no later than 10 days after the end of the auction. After "Auctioneer") are asked to prove their identity prior to the auc- expiry of the payment period, the buyer automatically falls into ar- tion. In addition, the Auctioneer reserves the right to deny individu- rears and the Auctioneer is entitled to demand interest at the rate of als access to the auction premises, at its own discretion and without 10% p.a. If the buyer is in default of payment or refuses to accept stating a reason. the auctioned lot, the Auctioneer reserves the right to sue the buyer The Auctioneer is entitled, with the approval of the auction monitor, for either fulfillment of the contract or for compensation for losses to deviate from the designated order in the catalog and to combine resulting from non-fulfillment, or to withdraw from the contract. lot numbers. Lots may not be divided up. In case of disagreement, 9. In principle, the auction lots are only handed over or shipped after the Auctioneer may re-offer a lot. The auction is conducted in Ger- full payment of the auction invoice. It is at the sole discretion of the man and partly in English. Auctioneer to hand over lots on account. Costs incurred abroad, 3. The Auctioneer executes written orders and telephone orders such as customs duties and taxes, as well as the associated shipping diligently and in the interests of the consignor, however without lia- costs and insurance charges, are borne solely by the buyer. bility. Written bids (and bids submitted electronically) can only be Due to current foreign legislation, shipment of the following items considered if they are received no later than 24 hours prior to the to the following countries is not possible at present: auction (or 12 hours for bids submitted via an Internet platform). Telephone bidding is only possible in exceptional cases and for R USA: Antique items with an estimated value of over CHF 3,000, and bids must be R Russia: All numismatic items placed at least 48 hours before the auction begins. R France: All numismatic items 4. Only the descriptions of each respective lot number in the printed Shipping to the Czech Republic is expressly made subject to the re- catalogue, and not the illustrations, are binding for the auction. The cipient's own risk. auction catalogue published on the internet is for information pur-

poses only. 10. The auction item remains the property of the consignor until the auction invoice has been paid in full. 5. The award takes place following a call for the highest bid, which

commits the highest bidder to purchase the lot. If equally high writ- 11. Compliance with foreign customs and exchange regulations etc. is ten bids are received, the first received bid has priority. Bids that the responsibility of the buyer. The Auctioneer expressly disclaims are lower than the estimate can not be taken into account. "Either / responsibility for any consequences that may arise from contraven- or" orders and order limits can only be executed or considered con- tion of such regulations. ditionally. The Auctioneer may reject a bid, without stating a reason 12. The lots to be auctioned are described to the best of our knowledge and without liability. The risk passes to the buyer with the fall of and belief and with great care. Bidders have the opportunity to in- the hammer. Each successful bidder is personally liable for his pur- form themselves about the condition of the lots, in person or chases and can not claim to have bought for the account of third through a representative, during the viewing days listed in the cata- parties. log. 6. If the highest bidder is present in person, a premium of 15% is Justified complaints regarding the condition of the auctioned item payable on the hammer price. For written and electronic bids, the must be received by SINCONA AG by registered letter by no later amount of the premium is 18% of the hammer price; for telephone than 20 June 2014 (date of postmark). Claims due to disagreement bids, this amount is 20%. After the knockdown has taken place, the about the level of conservation of a lot are not accepted. Lots which auction invoice is due for immediate payment in the Swiss curren- contain more than one piece are excluded from claims of any kind. cy. 13. The authenticity of the auction items is guaranteed. The right to 7. For platinum, silver and copper coins and all medals, banknotes, claim warranty is granted to the buyer only and can not be assigned decorations, antiques etc., statutory value added tax at the rate of to third parties. The assertion of the warranty claim requires the 8% is charged on the total of the auction invoice (i.e. hammer price buyer to give notice of defect to SINCONA AG by registered letter plus buyer's premium and any shipping costs and insurance premi- immediately after discovery of the defect and the forged auction ums). item must be returned to SINCONA AG in the same condition as it Value added tax is not charged for state-embossed gold coins and was handed over to the buyer, unencumbered by third party claims. the associated premiums. The buyer must, at his own expense, provide proof that the auction

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item is a forgery. SINCONA AG may require the buyer to seek the opinion of two independent experts recognized in the field, at the buyer's own expense; however, SINCONA AG is not bound by such opinion and reserves the right to seek additional expert advice at its own expense. 14. For coins in so-called "slabs", any warranty is void as soon as these are opened. 15. Justified claims of the buyer against SINCONA AG concerning the condition or falsity of the auction item are limited to the refund of the purchase price and the premium paid by the buyer (including any VAT). Further or other claims of the buyer against SINCONA AG or its employees are excluded under any legal title whatsoever. 16. The names of the consignor and the buyer are not normally dis- closed. The Auctioneer is entitled to exercise all rights of the con- signor against the buyer arising from the contractual relationship in its own name. 17. The place of fulfillment and the exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich 8001, Switzerland. In addition, Swiss cantonal and federal laws apply. The auction and all related legal transactions are subject exclusively to Swiss law. 18. The original German text is authoritative for the interpretation of the present conditions of auction in the German, French and English languages. Zurich, March 2014

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Conditions de vente aux enchères

La vente aux enchères SINCONA 17 est régie par les conditions de vente etc., la TVA légale de 8% est appliquée au montant total de la fac- aux enchères ci-après, lesquelles sont intégralement reconnues par la ture de vente aux enchères (à savoir prix d’adjudication plus prime, remise d’un ordre d’enchère écrit, électronique, verbal ou téléphonique: frais d’expédition et primes d’assurance éventuels). 1. La vente aux enchères a lieu volontairement et publiquement au nom Aucune TVA n’est appliquée pour les pièces en or frappées par l’Etat de la SINCONA AG pour le compte du ou des vendeur(s) qui et les primes y afférentes. reste(nt) anonyme(s). Aucune TVA n’est appliquée dans la mesure où les lots des enchères 2. Les enchérisseurs non connus de la SINCONA AG (ci-après «com- sont expédiés par le commissaire-priseur à l’étranger. La TVA est missaire-priseur») sont priés de légitimer leur identité avant la vente dans un premier temps appliquée aux acheteurs domiciliés hors de aux enchères. Le commissaire-priseur se réserve par ailleurs le droit Suisse auxquels sont remis les lots d’enchères adjugés à Zurich. Sur d’interdire l’accès à la salle de vente à certaines personnes, à son en- présentation de la décision de taxation définitive de la douane suisse, tière discrétion et sans avoir à indiquer de motifs. le montant de la TVA leur est toutefois intégralement remboursé par le commissaire-priseur. Le commissaire-priseur est en droit, avec l’accord de l’instance de surveillance des enchères, de modifier l’ordre prévu dans le cata- 8. La facture de vente aux enchères est payable dès réception et au plus logue et de réunir des numéros. Les lots ne sont pas subdivisés. En tard dans un délai de 10 jours après la fin des enchères. A l’échéance cas de divergences d’opinions, un lot peut être remis aux enchères du délai de paiement, l’acheteur est automatiquement en retard dans par le commissaire-priseur. La vente aux enchères a lieu en allemand le paiement et le commissaire-priseur est en droit d’exiger des inté- et en partie en anglais. rêts de 10% par an. En cas de retard de paiement de l’acheteur ou de refus de réception, le commissaire-priseur se réserve le droit de faire 3. Les ordres écrits et téléphoniques sont exécutés par le commissaire- valoir envers l’acheteur l’exécution du contrat ou des dommages- priseur avec diligence et en préservant les intérêts des donneurs intérêts pour cause de non-exécution, ou de résilier le contrat. d’ordres, mais sans garantie. Les ordres écrits (et ceux transmis par voie électronique) peuvent uniquement être pris en compte jusqu’à 9. Les lots des enchères ne sont remis ou expédiés qu’après le règle- 24 heures au plus tard (ou 12 heures en cas d’ordres passés via une ment intégral de la facture de vente aux enchères. La remise de lots plate-forme Internet) avant le début de la vente aux enchères. Des contre facture relève de la seule discrétion du commissaire-priseur. ordres d’enchère peuvent uniquement être passés par téléphone à titre Les taxes perçues à l’étranger telles que les droits de douane et les exceptionnel et pour les objets dont la valeur estimée est supérieure à impôts, de même que les frais d’expédition et les primes d’assurance, CHF 3 000,–, étant entendu que de tels ordres doivent être communi- sont entièrement à la charge de l’acheteur. qués au plus tard 48 heures avant le début de la vente aux enchères. Eu égard aux législations étrangères actuelles, les objets suivants ne 4. Les reproductions figurant dans le catalogue imprimé de vente aux peuvent pas être expédiés dans les pays ci-après: enchères ne sont pas déterminantes pour la vente, mais uniquement R USA: pièces de monnaies antiques les descriptions afférentes aux différents numéros de lots. Le cata- R Russie: l’ensemble des objets numismatiques logue de la vente aux enchères publié sur Internet n’a qu’un caractère R informatif. France: l’ensemble des objets numismatiques 5. L’adjudication intervient à l’annonce de l’enchère la plus élevée et La livraison à la République tchèque est expressément soumise à la oblige l’enchérisseur le plus offrant à accepter le lot. Dans le cas propre risque du destinataire. d’ordres écrits d’un montant identique, le premier ordre réceptionné 10. Le vendeur conserve la propriété de l’objet mis aux enchères est prioritaire. Les ordres inférieurs au prix estimé ne sont pas pris en jusqu’au règlement intégral de la facture de vente aux enchères. compte. Les ordres «soit/soit» (either-or bids) et les limitations glo- bales peuvent uniquement être exécutés/prises en compte sous condi- 11. Il incombe à l’acheteur de respecter les réglementations douanières, tion. Le commissaire-priseur est en droit de refuser des ordres sans en matière de change, etc. en vigueur à l’étranger. Le commissaire- avoir à indiquer de motifs et sans être tenu responsable à cet égard. priseur décline expressément toute responsabilité quant aux consé- Les risques sont transmis à l’acheteur dès l’adjudication. Chaque en- quences éventuelles de toute violation de telles dispositions. chérisseur retenu est personnellement responsable de ses achats et ne 12. Les lots mis aux enchères sont décrits en toute science et conscience, peut pas faire valoir qu’il a acheté pour le compte de tiers. ainsi qu’avec la plus grande diligence. Les enchérisseurs ont la pos- 6. Si l’enchérisseur le plus offrant est personnellement présent, le prix sibilité de s’informer personnellement ou par le biais d’un représen- d’adjudication est augmenté d’une prime de 15%. Dans le cas tant sur l’état des lots aux dates d’exposition indiquées dans le cata- d’ordres écrits et électroniques, la prime est de 18%, dans le cas logue. d’ordres téléphoniques, elle s’élève à 20% du prix d’adjudication. La Les réclamations motivées concernant l’état de l’objet adjugé doivent facture de vente aux enchères est payable en francs suisses immédia- parvenir à la SINCONA AG par lettre recommandée au plus tard le tement après adjudication. 20 juin 2014 (le cachet de la poste faisant foi). Aucune réclamation 7. Pour les pièces en platine, en argent et en cuivre, de même que pour pour cause de divergence d’opinions quant à l’état de conservation l’ensemble des médailles, billets de banque, décorations, antiquités, d’un lot n’est acceptée. Les lots comportant plus d’un objet sont ex- clus de toute réclamation.

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13. L’authenticité des objets mis aux enchères est garantie. Le droit à garantie est exclusivement accordé à l’acheteur et ne peut être cédé à des tiers. La revendication du droit à garantie présuppose que l’acheteur exerce une action en garantie contre la SINCONA AG dès la constatation du défaut et qu’il restitue à la SINCONA AG l’objet adjugé falsifié dans l’état où celui-ci lui a été remis, sans être grevé de revendications de tiers. L’acheteur est tenu à cet égard de prouver, à ses propres frais, que l’objet adjugé est falsifié. La SINCONA AG est en droit d’exiger de l’acheteur que celui-ci fasse procéder à ses propres frais à une expertise par deux experts indépendants et recon- nus dans le domaine concerné, sans être toutefois liée auxdites exper- tises et en se réservant le droit de demander conseil à un expert à ses propres frais. 14. Pour les pièces de monnaie en «slabs», toute garantie prend fin dès qu’ils ont été ouverts. 15. Les droits de l’acheteur envers la SINCONA AG dans les cas justifiés de réclamations concernant l’état ou la non-authenticité de l’objet adjugé se limitent au remboursement du prix d’achat et de la prime versés (y compris la TVA éventuelle). Tout autre droit de l’acheteur envers la SINCONA AG ou ses collaborateurs est exclu à quelque titre juridique que ce soit. 16. Pas les reproductions des objets mis aux enchères mais les descrip- tions de lots figurant dans le catalogue imprimé sont déterminantes pour la vente aux enchères. Le catalogue de la vente aux enchères publié sur Internet a uniquement un caractère informatif. 17. Les noms des vendeurs et des acheteurs ne sont pas communiqués. Le commissaire-priseur est en droit de faire valoir en son propre nom envers l’acheteur tous les droits du vendeur résultant de l’ordre d’enchère. 18. Le lieu d’exécution et le for exclusif est 8001 Zurich, Suisse. Les lois cantonales et fédérales sont par ailleurs applicables. La vente aux en- chères et l’ensemble des actes juridiques y afférents sont exclusive- ment régis par le droit suisse. 19. Les présentes conditions de vente aux enchères existent en langues allemande, française et anglaise, la version originale allemande fai- sant foi en cas de divergence. Zurich, mars 2014

7 Weinbergstrasse

Neumühlequai Postbrücke SBB

Bahnhofplatz Sihl Bahnhofbrücke Central Gessnerallee Löwenstrasse

Bahnhofquai Usteristrasse

Seilergraben Bahnhofstrasse

Limmatquai Gessnerallee Uraniastrasse Niederdorfstrasse

Oettenbachgasse Sihlstrasse Rennweg Löwenstrasse

Uraniastrasse St. AnnagasseFüsslistrasse Sihlstrasse Sihlporte Kuttelgasse Limmat Nüscheler strasse

Rathausbrücke Bahnhofstrasse

Pelikanstrasse Limmatquai


Talstrasse In Gassen Münster Bärengasse hof Münsterbrücke

Poststrasse Limmatquai Parade Fraumünsterstr. Oberdorfstrasse

platz Bahnhofstrasse Stadthausquai


Talstrasse Börsenstrasse

SINCONA AG Hotel Savoy Bellevue- Claridenstrasse Platz Quaibrücke Auktionsbesichtigung / Abholung Bürkliplatz Auktion

Utoquai Viewing / Pick up Tonhalle Auction Opern- haus General Guisan Quai Zürichsee SINCONA AG, 4. Stock Hotel Savoy Baur en Ville Uraniastrasse 11 Paradeplatz 8001 Zürich 8022 Zürich Tel: +41 44 215 10 90 Tel: +41 44 215 25 25 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Zeittafel Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014

Ordre de vacations Auktion 17 Time table Nachmittag 13.30-18.00 Nummern 1-522

Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014

Auktion18 Vormittag 09.30-12.00 Nummern 1001-1485 Nachmittag 14.00-18.30 Nummern 1486-2739

Freitag, 23. Mai 2014

Vormittag 09.30-12.00 Nummern 2740-3256 Nachmittag 14.00-17.30 Nummern 3257-4049

Besichtigung Die Münzen können an den folgenden Arbeitstagen, jeweils zwischen 9.00-11.30 Uhr und 14.00-16.00 Uhr besichtigt werden: 12. Mai 2014 - 16. Mai 2014 Exposition

On view Besichtung nur gegen Voranmeldung: 19.-20. Mai 2014

NEU / NEW SINCONA AG, 8001 Zürich, URANIASTRASSE 11 Telefon +41-44 215 10 90 Keine Besichtigung im Auktionssaal möglich!

Private Besichtigungen können über Telefon +41-44-215 10 90 vereinbart werden.

Erhaltungsgrade: Grades of preservation: Degrés de conservation: Gradi di conservatione:

Polierte Platte Proof Flan bruni Fondo specchio Stempelglanz (FDC) Uncirculated Fleur de Fior di conio Vorzüglich Extremely fine Superbe Splendido Sehr schön Very fine Très beau Bellissimo Schön Fine Beau Molto bello Sehr gut erhalten Very good Très bien conservé Bello Gut erhalten Good Bien conservé Buono

Münzen in Behältnissen von Coins in slabs of PCGS, NGC Pièces dans les slabs de PCGS, Monete in slabs da PCGS, NGC und anderen and others NGC et autres PCGS, NGC ed altri gemäss zertifizierter Erhaltung according certified quality d‘ après la qualité secondo la qualità

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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––CELTIC COINAGE




1 2

Sequani 1 Potin 80/50, mint in the area of Besancon. Realistic male head to l. with diadem or laurel indicated by two lines and ear-ring. A DOCI in hair. Rev. Horse leaping to l., tail in form of a large S. 3.58 g. HMZ 1-60. DT. 3252. LT. 5542. Dark patina. Well centred and attractive. Legend well legible. Good very fine. 250.-

2 Potin "à la grosse tête" c. 50, mint in the area of Besancon. Head to l. with double diadem, recessed eye and pellet in mouth. Rev. Steer charging to l. over exergual line, long tail. 4.14 g. HMZ 1-58. LT 5368. SLM 806. Scheers, Lyon 548. DT 3088A. Very fine. 150.-

Boii 3 Gold stater 1st cent. BC. Convex surface with traces of ornament on the outside edge. Rev. "Shell" with fine rays emanating from a central point. 6.93 g. Castelin 1123. Paulsen 320-322. Good very fine. 1000.-



4 5

4 Gold Stater ("Regenbogenschüsselchen") c. 125/115-50/30. Bird's head to l., beak between two pellets. Rev. Six pellets in torques, some connected with thin lines. 7.06 g. Kellner 1962. Lanz Coll. 5. Forrer I, fig. 5. Very fine. 1500.- Ex Auction G. Hirsch, Munich. 8. 3. 1971, Lot 4.

5 Gold Stater ("Regenbogenschüsselchen") c.1st cent. BC. Raised buckle (perhaps bird's head?). Rev. Six pellets in torques. 7.81 g. Kellner Type II?. Obverse struck from worn out die. Fine-about very fine. 400.-

13 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE COINS OF THE GREEK WORLD


6 7 Cales 6 Didrachm c. 265-240. Head of Athena to l., wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with griffin; cornucopia behind. Rev. Nike in biga galloping to l., holding reins in both hands, CALENO below. 6.94 g. H.N. 434. Sambon 886. SNG France 432. Scuff marks. About very fine. 300.- Purchased from Dietrich, Zurich, 1979.

Neapolis 7 Didrachm c. 400. Head of Nymph Parthenos to l., wearing diadem and triple pendant earring. Pegasos? on r. Rev. Androcephalic bull to r., Nike above holding wreath over bull's head. In exergue (NEA)ΛΟΛI(TΩN). 7.36 g. Sambon 503. SNG Cop. Cf. 92. Attractive toning. Good very fine. 450.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 280, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1972. Lot 3.Ex Collection Locker Lampson 8.


9 9 8 8 APULIA

Ausculum 8 Quadrunx (Aes Grave) c. 217/212. Letter A; below, four pellets. Rev. Thunderbolt. 36.20 g. Sydenham Aes Grave 166. Thurlow-Vecchi 174. Historia Numorum Italy 656a. Extremely rare. Green patina. Extremely fine. 500.- CALABRIA Tarentum 9 Didrachm 460/443. TAPA… Phalantos seated l. on dolphin, holding file in r. hand, shrimp below. Rev. TAPAΣ Taras seated to l. holding spindle and staff. 7.83 g. Vlasto 201 (this specimen). NNM 15, 24a (this specimen). Rare. Dark patina. Good very fine. 750.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 280, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1972. Lot 8.

10 Drachm 280/272. Helmeted head of Athena to l. Rev. Owl standing on thunderbolt to r. 3.20 g. Vlasto 1068. HN Italy 1018. Rare. Dark patina. Very fine. 100.- Purchased in Zurich 1975.

14 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE



11 12

Metapontum 11 Stater c. 530. MET Ear of corn. Border of dots. Rev. Incuse. 7.48 g. BMC 3. Noe 16. Some oxidation on obv. Good very fine. 300.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 280, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1972. Lot 21. Sybaris 12 Nomos c. 550/510. Bull standing to l., head turned r., branch above, VM in exergue. Rev. Incuse bull standing to r., head to l. 7.16 g. Fabricius class A, fig. 4. HN Italy 1729. SNG ANS 828-44. Some oxidation. Very fine. 500.- Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. August 1972.

Velia 13 Didrachm 280/260. Head of Athena to l. wearing Attic helmet decorated with griffin, A above, IE? In square tablet behind neck guard. Rev. YEΛITΩΝ Lion attacking stag to l. 7.34 g. SNG Cop. 1591 (identical dies). BMC 111. Franke-Hirmer pl. 80. Splendid specimen. Well centred with beautiful toning. Extremely fine. 1000.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 280, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1972. Lot 35.



14 1,5:1 1,5:1

14 Tetradrachm 320/300. ΡΗΓΙΝΟΣ Laureate head of Apollo to l., long hair falling below neck. Rev. Lion mask facing. 17.13 g. Herzfelder 115. SNG ANS 676. Rare. Fine early Hellenistic style. Extremely fine. 10000.- From an old Swiss collection.Agathocles of Syracuse copied the Apollo head for his electrum coinage.

15 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE




1,5:1 1,5:1

15 Tetradrachm c. 409/406. Quadriga galloping to right, about to turn, being driven by female figure in flowing robes; above, Nike flying to l. and crowning the charioteer. In exergue, crab. Rev. ΑΚΡ-Α-Γ-ΑΝΤΙ-ΝΩΝ (retrograde) Two eagles standing to r. on smitten hare lying on rock; the front eagle with closed wings and head raised, the other with open wings and bent head downwards. 17.64 g. Franke/Hirmer 61. Jameson 1889. Kraay/Hirmer 178. Rizzo pl. II, 1. Very rare. Attractive extremely fine. 30000.- From an old Swiss collection.One of the most impressive coinages of Sicily. The vivid rendition of the two majestic eagles is practically unique in Greek coinage.The depiction takes reference to the first chorus song in "Agamemnon" of Aischylos, who speaks of two eagles tearing a female hare, heavy with young. Aischylos interprets the two eagles as Agamemnon and Menelaos.

16 17

Gela 16 Tetradrachm c. 430/425. Charioteer driving slow quadriga to r. and holding reins and kentron; wreath above. Rev. Forepart of androcephalic bull to r.; fish below. 17.05 g. Jenkins 394. SNG ANS 78. Some encrustation. Very fine. 500.- Ex Dombrowski September 1972.

Leontinoi 17 Tetradrachm c. 466/402. Laureate head of Apollo to r. Rev. ΛEON-N-T-I-NO-N Head of lion r. with open jaw, around four grains. 15.32 g. SNG ANS 228. SNG Cop. 347. Hoover 667. Very fine. 500.- Ex Dombrowski September 1972.

16 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE

18 19

18 Tetradrachm c. 430. Laureate head of Apollo to l. Rev. ΛΕΟ-Ν-ΤΙ-ΝΟΝ Lion's head surrounded by three barley corns and a leaf. 17.29 g. Rizzo pl. XXIV, 4 (identical dies). Hoover 671. Boehringer 1998, 55. Splendid specimen with dark rainbow patina on rev. Uncirculated. 2000.- From an old Swiss collection.

Syracuse 19 Tetradrachm 485/475. Slow quadriga to r., Nike to r. crowns horses. Standing charioteer holds reins in l. hand. Kentron in r. hand. Rev. ΣVRΑΚΟΣΙ-ΟΝ Head of Arethusa r. with pearl diadem and pearl necklace. Four dolphins in field. 16.87 g. Boehringer 102. Randazzo 258. Good very fine. 1000.- Ex Dombrowski September 1972.

20 20


20 Decadrachm 405/400. Signed by Euainetos. Charioteer driving galloping quadriga to l. and holding kentron in r. hand, reins in left. Nike flying above and crowning charioteer. Under exergual line: a military harness, shield, greaves, cuirass and Attic helmet all connected by a horizontal spear, [AΘΛA] below. [ΣΥ-ΡΑ-ΚΟ-Σ- ΙΩΝ], wreathed head of Persephone-Kore to l., wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace. Four dolphins in field. (EY-AI)NE below lower dolphin. 42.82 g. Gallatin obv. R. IV / rev. C. XII. SNG ANS 365. Gulbenkian 313. Thin die break on obv. Perfectly centred and with an exceptionally well preserved obverse. A cabinet Extremely fine-uncirculated. 60000.-

From an old Swiss collection.Few Greek coins, with the exception of the Athenian tetradrachms, have lived through the ages as prototype or starring example of Greek art, such as the Euainetos dekadrachms. Even during the time of minting these coins were produced in quantity, signed and unsigned. While probably not being used as common day currency, they were special objects, perhaps commemorating a military or athletic victory. Undoubtedly these were kept over long periods of time as being very special object, not to be melted or used as general currency.

17 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE


21 16 Litrai - Tetradrachm 218/214. Diademed and veiled bust of Philistis to l., behind, a star of six points. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑΣ ΦΙΛΙΣΤΙΔΟΣ Nike driving slow quadriga to r.; above, an eight-pointed star; to r. Κ. 13.15 g. BMC 547. SNG Cop. 825 (identical dies). SNG ANS 881. Attractive and nicely toned specimen. Tiny die fault on rev. Good very fine. 1000.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 282, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1973. Lot 58.


1,5:1 1,5:1

22 Fifth Democracy, 214-212. 16 Litrai - Tetradrachm 214/212. Laureate head of Zeus to l. Rev. ΣYPAKOΣIΩ(N) Nike driving fast quadriga to r. and holding reins in both hands, kentron in l.; beneath on r. ΞI. 13.38 g. Burnett, SNR 62, pl. 8, D3 = Gulbenkian 358 (same dies). Hoover 1411. Very rare. Attractive light toning. Superb, powerful portrait. Uncirculated. 35000.- From an old Swiss collection.In the last three years of independence, before the conquest by Rome, Syracuse issued a remarkable series of coinage. Depicted were the important deities Zeus, Athena, Persephone, Heracles, Poseidon and all rendered by talented engravers. The Zeus portrayal is especially forceful and virile - an outstanding example of late Hellenistic art.


23 1,5:1 1,5:1

23 4 Litrae - Drachm 304/289. Laureate head of Apollo to r., star behind. Rev. TAYPOME-NITAN Tripod, legs terminating in lion's feet; monogram to upper left. 3.18 g. SNG ANS 1122-3. Attractively toned. Extremely fine. 750.- Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. August 1972.

18 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE


24 1,5:1 24

24 Tetradrachm 350/315, Entella. Head of Arethusa to r., wearing wreath of reeds, triple-pendant earring and pearl necklace. Four dolphins in field. Rev. Horse galloping to r. in front of palm tree. 17.08 g. Hoover 281. Jenkins 131-132. SNG Cop. 82. Of fine Syracusan style. Fine toning. Almost uncirculated. 5000.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

25 1,5:1 25

25 Tetradrachm c. 350/320, Kephaloidion or Panormus (?) or a mint moving with the Carthaginian army in Sicily. Wreathed head of Arethusa to r., wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace; two dolphins before, poppy behind. Rev. Horse standing to r. before palm tree. 16.69 g. Jenkins, Punic, Series 2c, 105. SNG Cop. -. SNG Lloyd 1624. SNG Lockett 1042. Extremely fine. 4000.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.


26 1,5:1 1,5:1

26 Half shekel c. 213/210, Carthage or Sicily. Male head of Melqart or Hannibal to l. Rev. Elephant walking r. In exergue, Punic letter A (Aleph). 3.44 g. SNG Copenhagen 383. Burnett Enna Hoard 123. Fine grey patina. Small cabinet piece. Uncirculated. 4000.-

19 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE


27 28

27 Lysimachus, 323-281. Tetradrachm 323/281, Pella. Diademed head of the deified Alexander the Great with Horn of Ammon to r. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena Nikephoros seated left, monogram AP to inner l., K to outer l. 17.09 g. Thompson 253. About extremely fine. 450.- Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. December 1972.

28 Tetradrachm 323/281, Pella. Diademed head of the deified Alexander the Great with Horn of Ammon to r. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena Nikephoros seated to l., monograms on l. and below throne. 17.00 g. Thompson 250. Good very fine. 300.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 280, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1972. Lot 84.



29 1,5:1 1,5:1

29 Hemidrachm c. 400-300. Gorgoneion. Rev. N-E-O-Π Head of nymph to r. 1.79 g. SNG Cop. SNG ANS 433. SNG Berry 41. Dark toning. Extremely fine-about uncirculated. 100.-



30 Philip II, 359-336. Tetradrachm 348/342, Pella. Laureate head of Zeus to r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Naked youth on horseback to r. holding palm branch in r. hand. AI on exergual line. 14.36 g. LeRider 154 (identical dies). Fine toning. Almost extremely fine. 500.- Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. December 1972.

20 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE


31 1,5:1 1,5:1 31

31 Gold stater 340/328, Pella. Head of Apollo with laurel wreath to r. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ Biga with driver to r., thunderbolt below. 8.57 g. LeRider 123A. Slight encrustation. Rough edge. Almost extremely fine. 2000.-

32 ¼ Gold stater 340/328, Pella. Contemporary to posthumous issue. Head of Herakles in lion's skin to r. Rev. Kantharos, bow, club above ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ. 2.11 g. LeRider 54ff. Very fine. 380.-

33 33 34 34 1,5:1

33 Alexander III, 336-323. Gold stater 333/327, Tarsus. Contemporary issue. Head of Athena to r. in Corinthian helmet. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Nike standing to l. with wreath and stylis; canthatus below l. wing. 8.55 g. Price 3005. Scratches in fields. Has been mounted. Very fine. 750.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

34 Tetradrachm 332/323, Salamis. Head of Heracles to r. wearing lion's skin. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus Aetophoros enthroned to l., bow in l. field. 17.13 g. Price 3139. Small scratch on rev. Very fine-about very fine. 200.-

35 35 1,5:1

35 Gold stater 330/320, Macedonian mint. Head of Athena to r. wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with serpent. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Nike standing to l. holding wreath and stylis. Thunderbolt in l. field. 8.54 g. Price 164. Good very fine. 2500.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 290, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1972. Lot 91.

21 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE

36 36 1,5:1

36 Gold stater 330/320, Macedonian mint. Head of Athena to r. wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with serpent. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Nike standing to l. holding wreath and stylis. Thunderbolt in l. field. 8.59 g. Price 164. Good very fine. 2500.-

37 38

37 Tetradrachm 328/320, Aradus. Head of Heracles to r. wearing lion's skin. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus Aetophoros enthroned to l., caduceus on l., monogram AP under throne. 17.20 g. Price 3332. Contremarque on cheek. Attractive fine dark patina. About extremely fine. 500.-

38 Tetradrachm 323/317, Tarsus. Head of Heracles to r. wearing lion's skin. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus Aetophoros enthroned to l., Nike with wreath on l., monogram below throne. 16.99 g. Price 3040-42. Attractive dark patina. About extremely fine. 400.-

40 39 40

39 Drachm c. 323/317, Lampsacus. Head of Heracles to r. wearing lion's skin. Rev. ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ Zeus Aetophoros enthroned to l., buckle on l., monogram ΛΩ under throne. 4.20 g. Price 1375. Extremely fine. 100.-

THESSALY Larissa 40 Drachm 395/370. Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly to r. Rev. ΛΑΡΙΣ - ΑΙΩΝ Horse grazing to r. 6.11 g. Herrmann Group III A, pl. V, 14. BMC 58. Very attractive specimen. Blue-grey patina. Extremely fine. 750.-

Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. August 1972.

22 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE

41 42

BOEOTIA Thebes 41 Stater 395/338. Boeotian shield. Rev. Amphora between T - I / A - N (inverted). 11.87 g. BMC 113 var. Fine toning. Good very fine. 300.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 282, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1973. Lot 110. ATTICA

Athens 42 Tetradrachm c. 454/404. Head of Athena to r., wearing earring, necklace, and crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves and palmette. Rev. AΘE Owl standing to r., head facing; olive sprig and berry in upper l. 17.09 g. Kroll 8. SNG Cop. 31. Dewing 1591-8. Very fine. 500.-


2:1 2:1

43 Tetradrachm c. 454/404. Helmeted head of Athena to r. Rev. ΑΘ Owl standing to r., olive sprig behind. 0.24 g. Kroll 14. SNG Cop. 59-61. Fine-very fine. 75.- Purchased in Basel 1975.

44 45

44 Tetradrachm 430/415. Head of Athena wearing Attic helmet to r. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to r., head facing. Olive spray and crescent moon on l. above. 17.14 g. Svor. Pl. 14, 18. SNG Cop. 31. Good very fine. 600.- Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. Price list June 1973, Nr. 22.

45 Tetradrachm 430/415. Head of Athena wearing Attic helmet to r. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to r., head facing. Olive spray and crescent moon on l. above. 17.06 g. SNG Cop. 37. Horn silver and mark on cheek. Very fine. 300.- Purchased in Ascona 1974.

23 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE

46 47 47

46 Tetradrachm 420/405. Head of Athena wearing Attic helmet to r. Rev. ΑΘΕ Owl standing to r., head facing. Olive spray and crescent moon on l. above. 16.85 g. Flament Group III. Very fine. 500.- 47 Tetradrachm 137/136. Head of Athena to r. wearing Attic helmet. Rev. Α-ΘΕ / MI - KI / ΘEO - ΦPA Owl standing facing on Amphora, M on side. On r. Nike in quadriga above AP. 16.69 g. Thompson 323e. Broad planchet. Attractive gray-blue patina. Almost extremely fine-good very fine. 800.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 282, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1973. Lot 122.



48 Drachm 330/300. Magistrate Dion. Head of Nymph Sinope to l. wearing triple pendant earring and pearl necklace. Rev. Eagle over dolphin to l. ΔΙΟ on upper r., ΣΙΝΩ below. 4.90 g. SNG BM 1484. Tiny mark on cheek. Almost extremely fine-good very fine. 200.- Purchased in Basel 1975.


49 50

49 Mithradates VI, 120-63. Gold stater 88/86, Istros. First Mithradatic War issue. In the name and types of Lysimachos of Thrace. Diademed head of the deified Alexander to r. with Horn of Ammon. Rev. Athena Nikephoros seated l., ΔΙ to inner left, IΣ on throne; in exergue, ornate trident. 8.25 g. AMNG I 482. SNG Cop. (Thrace) 1094. McClean 4481 (Thrace). Slight double striking. Extremely fine. 1400.-

50 Gold stater 88/86, Istros. Head of the deified Alexander the Great to r. Rev. Athena Nikephoros enthroned to l. with lance and shield. Trident in exergue. 8.30 g. SNG Cop 1094. Müller 285. Pick 482. Almost extremely fine-extremely fine. 1000.-

24 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE

52 El

1,5:1 1,5:1 51 51


51 Nicomedes III, 127-94. Tetradrachm 172 = 126/125. Head with diadem to r. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ / ΝΙΚΟΜΗΔΟΥ Zeus standing to l. with wreath in r. hand, sceptre in l. hand. To l. an eagle on thunderbolt above monogram and BOP. 16.81 g. SNG v. Aul. 6894. Broad planchet. Iridescent patina. Extremely fine. 750.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 282, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1973. Lot 136. MYSIA

Cyzicus 52 Electrum hecte c. 380/360. Naked youth with helmet and sword in his hands running l. above tunny fish. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. 2.64 g. Cf. v. Fritze 114. Rare. Very fine. 1000.- Ex Coll. James et Sneja Velkov, Auction Jean Vinchon, Paris. 24. November 1994, lot 71.

53 54

Pergamum 53 Cistophoric Tetradrachm c. 92/88. Cista mystica within ivy wreath. Rev. Bow case between two serpents; AΣ and monogram above, ΠΕΡ monogram to l., thyrsos to r. 12.55 g. Kleiner, Hoard 29. Pinder -. SNG France -. Dark toning. Good very fine. 150.-


Myrina 54 Tetradrachm c. 160. Laureate head of Apollo to r., hair falling to shoulder behind neck. Rev. MYPINAIΩN Apollo with patera and filleted laurel branch standing to r., at his feet omphalos and amphora. Two monograms in l. field. 16.69 g. SNG Berry 1001 var. Sacks, ANSMN 30, issue 43, 81/83. Splendid specimen with high relief on broad planchet. Uncirculated. 1500.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 284, Frankfurt a. M. 9. 12. 1974. Lot 378.

25 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE



55 Kroisos, 561-546. Half stater 561/546, Sardeis. Lion- and steerprotome facing. Rev. Incuse punch with two compatments. 5.38 g. SNG v. Aulock cf. 2877 ff. Very fine. 200.-



1,5:156 El 1,5:1

56 Electrum hecte c. 477/388. Head of youthful Satyr to l. with animal ear, ivy wreath and bunch of berries. Rev. Quadripartite incuse. 2.56 g. Bodenstedt 87. BMC 38. Babelon pl. 158,20. SNG von Aul. 7951. About extremely fine. 1000.- Ex Coll. James et Sneja Velkov, Auction Jean Vinchon, Paris. 24. November 1994, lot 115. Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

57 El 1,5:1 1,5:1

57 Electrum hecte c. 477/388. Female head to l., hair in sphendone, wearing disk earring and dotted necklace; behind, seal downwards. Rev. Quadripartite incuse square. 2.45 g. Bodenstedt 62 a/b. SNG von Aulock 2120. Very fine. 350.-


Heraclea Salbace


58 Bronze 2nd/3rd century. ΔHMOC Head of Demos, laureate, to r. Rev. HERACΛEATΩN River god reclining to l. with cornucopia in l. hand and branch in r. hand. TIMEΛH below. 5.81 g. BMC -. Head p. 619. Very rare. Dark green patina. Good very fine. 120.-

26 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE



1,5:159 El 1,5:1

59 Electrum hecte c. 377/326. Young male head with Ammon's horn to r. Rev. Eagle to r. with head turned back. 2.55 g. Bodenstedt 104. BMC 110. Babelon p. 161, 30. SNG v. Aul. 1727. Almost extremely fine. 1250.- Ex Coll. James et Sneja Velkov, Auction Jean Vinchon, Paris. 24. November 1994, lot 141. Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.



60 61

60 Stater c. 420/370. Two wrestlers facing each other. AΦ between them. Rev. EΣTFEΔIIVΣ Slinger to r., triskeles r. 10.61 g. SNG Paris 83. SNG von Aul. 4566. Dark toning. Good very fine. 200.- 61 Stater c. 330-250. Two nude wrestlers in contest, "E" between. Rev. Slinger in shooting stance to r., triskeles and club on r. 10.73 g. SNG ANS 239. SNG France 125. Grey toning. Extremely fine. 300.- Ex Harmer Rooke Numismatists Ltd., New York. Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.



62 Tetradrachm c. 190. Head of Athena to r. wearing Corinthian helmet. Rev. Nike advancing to l. holding wreath in upraised right hand. Pomegranate below. AΘ in field. 16.58 g. BMC 21. SNG v. Aul. 4777 (this specimen). Fine grey patina. Well centred splendid specimen. Extremely fine. 1000.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 282, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1973. Lot 161.

27 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE



63 1,5:1 1,5:1

63 Datames, 378-372. Stater (double siglos) 378/372. Head of Aphrodite facing. Rev. TaDaNMu Head of a bearded warrior to r., wearing an Attic helmet on which the Greek letter AYΣ. 10.44 g. cf. SNG v. Aul. 5937. Splendid specimen of the finest style with grey-blue patina. Extremely well-centred. Uncirculated-extremely fine. 4000.- The letters AY? may possibly be an artist's signature.Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 284, Frankfurt a. M. 9. 12. 1974. Lot 457.


64 66


64 Antiochus III, 223-187. Tetradrachm from 197, uncertain mint in Mesopotamia. Diademed head to r. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Apollo seated to l. on omphalos, holding bow and arrow. AΣ in outer l. field. 16.56 g. Houghton & Lorber 1133, 4b. Newell Western Seleucid Mints 845 (this specimen). Dark patina. Tiny encrustation. Well-centred attractive coin with best provenance. Almost extremely fine. 1000.- This coin was formerly attributed to the mint of Nisibis.Ex Auction Naville Ars Classica X, 1925, lot 977.Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 282, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1973. Lot 169. 65 Drachm n. d, Apamea on the Orontes. Diademed head of Antiochus III to r. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ Elephant to r., monogram on r. 3.78 g. SC 1065.6. ESM 631, pl. lxvii, 14-15. Lightly porous surface. Very fine. 200.-


66 Aulus Gabinius. Proconsul, 57-55. Tetradrachm 57/55, Antioch. Posthumous Philip I Philadelphos type. Diademed head to r. Rev. Zeus Nikephoros enthroned to l., monogram of Gabinius to inner left. 15.73 g. Houghton/Lorber 2489.1. Prieur 1. RPC I 4124. Almost extremely fine. 150.- Purchased in Salzburg 1974.

28 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE



67 First Jewish War, 66-70. Bronze eighth unit year 4 (69/70 CE). Lulav bunch flanked by etrogim. Rev. Omer cup with pearled rim. 5.33 g. Meshorer 214. Hendin 1369. Green patina. Very fine. 240.- Ex Auction Frank Sternberg Zurich. May 1986, Lot 221.


68 69

68 Ptolemy II, 285-246. Gold octodrachm (Mnaieion) c. 273, Alexandria. ΑΔΕΛΦΩΝ Busts of Ptolemy II, diademed and wearing chlamys, and Arsinoe II, diademed and veiled, facing to r. Oval shield on l. Rev. ΘΕΩΝ Busts of Ptolemy I, diademed and wearing aegis, and Berenice I, diademed and veiled, facing to r. 27.56 g. Svoronos 603. SNG Copenhagen 132. Hazzard C1034. About extremely fine. 8000.-

69 Gold octodrachm (Mnaieion) 253/246, Alexandria. Veiled head of deified Arsinoe II, (wife of Ptolemy II, died 270) to r., wearing stephane, lotus scepter over shoulder, Θ on l. Rev. ΑΡΣΙΝΟΗΣ ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ Double cornucopiae with fillets. 27.76 g. Svoronos 460. SNG Cop. 134. For the date, see H.A. Troxell, "Arsinoe's non-era," ANSMN 28, pp. 35-56. Splendid specimen. Extremely fine. 9000.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.


70 Ptolemy IV Philopator, 221-205. Gold octodrachm (Mnaieion) n. d. (221/205), Alexandria. Deified bust of Ptolemy III, radiate, to r. He wears diadem and aegis, trident over shoulder. Lotus on the middle spike of the trident. Rev. PTOLEMLIOU - BASILEWS Radiant cornucopia with fillets. DI on lower r. 27.77 g. Svoronos 1117. SNG Cop. 196. High relief attractive toning. Exceptional specimen. Extremely fine. 13000.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

29 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE



71 Hermaios, 75-55. Tetradrachm 75/55. Tetradrachm. Posthumous issue. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΟΤΗΡΟΣ ΕΡΜΑΙΟΥ Draped bust with diadem to r. Rev:"Maharajasa tratarasa Hermayasa" Zeus enthroned to l. 9.34 g. Bop. Serie 10. monogram G. Lahiri 2. PMC 658. Good toning. Extremely fine. 200.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 282, Frankfurt a. M. 30. 10. 1973. Lot 261.

Lots *Detailed illustrations of all lots available on


72 Magna Graecia. 10 Didrachms and drachms from diverse cities such as Tarentum, Neapolis, etc. Very good- fine. (10)* 100.-

73 Macedonia. 7 Tetradrachms and 12 Drachms of Alexander the Great. 2 Drachms of Philipp III. Contemporary and later. Diverse mints. Very good-fine. (21)* 250.-

74 Macedonian Empire. 7 Tetradrachms and 14 Drachms of Alexander the Great. 2 Drachms of Philipp III. Contemporary and later. Diverse mints. Very good-fine. (23)* 250.-

75 58 Drachms of Alexander the Great. Contemporary to later. Various mints. Very good-fine. (58)* 300.-

76 Thracian Kingdom. 6 Tetradrachms of Lysimachus. Very good-very fine. (6)* 200.-

30 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE

76 82


77 Thasos. 6 Tetradrachms 2nd cent. One pierced. Fine-almost very fine. (6)* 150.- 78 Illyricum. 16 Drachms of Apollonia and Dyrrachacium. One pierced. Fine-almost very fine. (16)* 150.- 79 Athens. 7 Tetradrachms 4th-3rd cent. 1 New style tetradrachm. 3 Drachms. Very good-fine. (11)* 200.- 80 Pergamum. 6 Cistophoric tetradrachms 133/67. Very good-fine. (6)* 100.-

81 Seleucid Kingdom. 6 Tetradrachms, 1 Didrachm, 3 Drachms of various kings and mints. One broken. One plugged. Very good-fine. (10)* 120.-

82 Ptolemaic Kingdom. 7 Tetradrachms. Very good-about very fine. (7)* 150.-

83 Diverse Greek Mints. 4 Tetradrachms, 2 Staters, 52 drachms and smaller denominations from various cities and states such as Rhodos, Myrina, Sinope, Salamis, Parthia, Macedonia, Istros, Caria, etc. Very good-very fine. (58)* 500.-

84 Diverse Greek Mints.12 Tetradrachms, 10 Staters, 7 Drachms, 15 fractions. Ptolemaic Kings, Athens, Italy, Aspendus, . Very good-very fine. (44)* 300.-

31 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE

ex 86 ex 87

85 175 Greek bronzes from Italy to the East, Egypt and Carthage. Interesting lot. Very good-very fine. (175)* 500.-

86 96 Greek bronzes, small and medium modules, mainly from the East. Very good-almost very fine. (96)* 150.-

87 50 Greek bronzes, small to medium modules. Some Italian mints. Very good-fine. (50)* 100.-

88 43 Greek bronzes, small to large modules. Italy, Ptolemies, Macedonia, Rhodes and others. Fine-about very fine. (43)* 100.-


89 Metapontum. Obol 4. Cent. Corinth. Stater 4th cent. As well as an Indo-Greek drachm of Azes. Fine-very fine. (3)* 50.-


90 Syracuse. Hieron II. Aes. Bruttium. Vibo Valentia. Aes 2. Jh. Illyria. Dyrrhachium. Drachm 3rd cent. Axum. Silver unit 5th cent. AD. Very fine. (4)* 150.-

32 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GREEK COINAGE


91 Corinth. Stater. Parthia. 3 drachms. Himyarites. Hemidrachm. Roman Republic. P. Nerva. Denarius. . Diva Faustina. Denarius. Caracalla. Antoninianus. Licinius. Small bronze. Julian. Small bronze. . Justin II. Half siliqua, Ravenna. Half , Cyzicus. + Kleinbronze Constantius. Very fine-extremely fine. (13)* 400.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

ex 92

92 Macedonia. Alexander III. Tetradrachm. Tarentum. Nomos (2). Hyele (Velia). Didrachm. Metapontum. Nomos. Istros. Drachm. Miletus. Obol. Ptolemaic Kingdom. Tetradrachm. Bronze. Diverse. 21 small silver fractions. Fine-very fine. (30)* 500.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.


93 Different coins -. Macedonia. Alexander III. Tetradrachm, Odessus, late posthumous. Drachm, Berytus. Bithynia. Nicomedes III. Tetradrachm. Rome. Diocletian. Follis. About very fine-very fine. (4) 200.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

33 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN REPUBLIC ROMAN REPUBLIC


94 Semis 225/217, Rome. Laureate head of Saturn to l., S below. Rev. Prora to r., S above. 128.18 g. Cr. 35/2. BMCRR 22-23. Green patina. Extremely fine. 1000.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

95 96

95 Anonymous. Denarius 206/195, Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to r., mark of value X to l. Rev. Dioscuri on horseback riding to r., each holding couched spear and wearing pileus, surmounted by star; star below horses; ROMA on tablet. 3.81 g. Cr. 113/1. Syd. 263. Broad flan, fine toning. Extremely fine. 200.- 96 Natta (Pinarius Natta?). Denarius c. 149, Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to r., mark of value X. Rev. ROMA Victory driving fast biga r. and holding whip in her r. hand; below, NATA. 4.01 g. Cr. 208/1. Syd. 390. About extremely fine. 150.-

97 98

97 C. Renius. Denarius 138, Rome. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, mark of value X, Rv. Juno in biga of goats to r., holding sceptre, reins and whip; below, C RENI; in exergue ROMA. 3.81 g. Cr. 231/1. Renia 1. Syd. 432. Slightly rough edge. Extremely fine. 150.- 98 Cn. Lucretius Trio. Denarius 136, Rome. Helmeted head of Roma r.; behind, TRIO; before, mark of value X. Rev. Dioscuri galloping to r.; below, CN LVCR; in exergue ROMA. 3.99 g. Cr. 237/1a. Syd. 450. Extremely fine. 150.-

34 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN REPUBLIC

99 100

99 T. Manlius Mancinus, Ap. Claudius Pulcher and Q. Urbinius. Denarius 111/110, Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to r., symbol behind. Rev. Victory driving triga to r., in exergue T·MA·AP·CL·Q·VR. 3.87 g. Cr. 299/1b. Syd. 570a. Dark toning. Almost extremely fine. 100.- 100 L. Flaminius Chilo. Denarius 109 or 108, Rome. Helmeted head of Roma to r., behind, ROMA; before, mark of value X. Rev. Victory in biga to r., with reins and wreath; below, L FLAMINI; in exergue CILO. 3.91 g. Cr. 302/1. Syd. 540. About extremely fine-very fine. 100.-

101 102

101 L. Memmius. Denarius 109/108, Rome. Male head to r. with oak wreath, star below chin. Rev. Dioscuri standing facing between their horses, each holding spear, L.MEMMI in exergue. 3.75 g. Cr. 304/1. Syd.558. Very fine. 75.- 102 C. Malleolus, A. Albinus Sp.f., and L. Caecilius Metellus. Denarius c. 96, Rome. L. METEL A. ALB. S. F Laureate head of Apollo to r. Rev. C. MALL to left, ROMA in exergue; Roma seated to l., holding sceptre and crowned by Victory standing behind her. 3.73 g. Cr. 335/1a. Syd. 611. Very fine. 100.-

103 104 1,5:1

103 M. Porcius Cato. Denarius 89, Rome. ROMA / M CATO Draped female bust to r. (Roma?). Rev. VICTRIX Victory with patera and palm branch seated to r., beneath throne ST. 3.83 g. Cr. 343/1c. Syd. 596a. Good very fine. 100.-

104 L. Sulla. 84-83. Denarius 84/83, military mint moving with Sulla in Italy. L SVLLA Head of Venus with diadem to r.; in front, Cupid standing l. with palm branch. Rev. IMPER - ITERV Capis and lituus between two trophies. 3.70 g. Cr. 359/2. Syd. 761. Attractive toning. Extremely fine. 400.- This may be considered the first imperatorial coinage, issued without consent of the Senate and the depiction alluding directly to Sulla himself.

35 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN REPUBLIC

105 106 105

105 L. Scribonius Libo. Denarius 62, Rome. BON EVENT - LIBO Head of Bonus Eventus with diadem to r. Rev. PVTEAL / SCRIBON Altar decorated with garlands and two lyres, hammer at base. 4.08 g. Cr. 416/1a. Syd. 928. Fine toning. About extremely fine. 100.-

106 L. Rubrius Dossenus. Quinarius 87, Rome. DOSSEN Bearded head of Neptune to r., trident over shoulder. Rev. Victory standing to r., holding wreath and palm branch before garlanded altar with snake coiled around the top. 1.87 g. Cr. 348/4. Syd. 708. Good very fine. 100.- There is an allusion to Aesculapius on the reverse. In 87 a plague broke out and devastated the armies opposed to Marius.

107 1,5:1 1,5:1

107 C. Iulius Caesar. Denarius 48/47, military mint. Female head to r., wearing diadem and oak wreath, TII behind. Rev. CAE - SAR Trophy with Gallic shield and carnyx; on r., axe. 3.95 g. Cr. 452/2. Sydenham 1009. Fine patina. Extremely fine. 800.-

108 1,5:1 1,5:1

108 Denarius 48/47, military mint. Female head to r., wearing diadem and oak wreath, TII behind. Rev. CAE - SAR Trophy with Gallic shield and carnyx; on r., axe. 3.66 g. Cr. 452/2. Sydenham 1009. Extremely fine. 750.- Ex Auction Numismatica Ars Classica, Zurich. 5. 3. 2009. Lot 72.


109 C. Iulius Caesar and L. Munatius Plancus. Aureus 46/45, Rome. C CAES - DIC TER Draped bust of Victoria to r. Rev. L PLANC - PR VRB, Capis. 8.03 g. Cr 475/1b. Syd. 1019b. Calicó 44. Good very fine. 3500.-

36 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN REPUBLIC

110 1,5:1 1,5:1

110 C. Iulius Caesar and P. Sepullius Macer. Denarius 44, Rome. CAESAR - DICT. PERPETVO Veiled head of Caesar wearing wreath to r. Rev. P. SEPVLLIVS - MACER Venus Victrix to l. with Victoria and sceptre, shield at her feet. 3.30 g. Cr. 480/13. Syd. 1074. Toned. Very fine. 1500.-

111 1,5:1 1,5:1

111 C. Iulius Caesar and L. Flaminius Chilo. Denarius 41, Rome. Laureate head of Caesar to r. Rev. L • FLAMINIVS - III • VIR Pax standing to l., holding caduceus in r. hand and with left, leaning on sceptre. 3.27 g. Cr. 485/1. Syd. 1089. Dark toning. Small contremarque on obv. Very fine. 1000.-

112 1,5:1 1,5:1

112 Sextus Pompeius Pius. Denarius 42/40, Sicilian mint. MAG PIVS IMP ITER Head of Cn. Pompeius Magnus to r. between jug on l. and lituus on r. Rev. Neptune standing to l. holding aplustre in r. hand, stepping on prow with r. foot. On either side one of the Catanaean brothers, carrying his father on his shoulder. Above: PRAEF. In exergue CLAS ET ORAE / MAR IT EX S C. 3.68 g. Cr. 511/3a. Syd. 1344. C. 17. Sear 334. Attractive patina. Well centred. Extremely fine-about extremely fine. 1000.-

113 1,5:1 1,5:1

113 Marcus Antonius and M. Barbatus Pollio. Denarius 41, Military mint moving with Marcus Antonius in Asia Minor. M ANT IMP AVG IIIVIR R P C M BARBAT Q P Head of Marcus Antonius to r. Rev. CAESAR IMP PONT IIIVIR R P C Head of Octavian to r. 3.82 g. Cr. 517/2. Syd. 1181. Extremely fine. 750.-

37 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN REPUBLIC

114 1,5:1 1,5:1

114 Marcus Antonius and Lucius Antonius. Denarius 41, Military mint in or around Ephesus. Moneyer M. Nerva. M ANT IMP AVG III VIR R P C M NERVA PROQ P. Head of Marcus Antonius to r. Rev. L ANTONIVS - COS. Head of Lucius Antonius to r. 3.45 g. Cr. 517/5 a. Syd. 1185. Very rare. Some corrosion on rev. About very fine. 550.-


115 Marcus Antonius and Octavianus. Denarius c. 39, south or central Italian mint, moving with Marcus Antonius. M ANTON IMP III VIR R P C Head of Marcus Antonius to r. Rev. CAESAR IMP III VIR R P C Head of Octavianus to r. 3.44 g. Cr. 528/2b. Syd. 1193a. Very fine. 350.-

Lots *Detailed illustrations of all lots available on

ex 116 ex 117

116 25 Denarii. 1 Bronze. Most with mint master names. Fine-very fine. (26)* 500.- 117 25 Denarii. 1 Bronze. Most with mint master names. Fine-very fine. (26)* 500.- 118 25 Denarii. With mint master names. Fine-very fine. (25)* 500.- 119 20 Denarii. With mint master names. Fine-very fine. (20)* 400.- 120 24 Bronzes Janus/Prow Asses. Very good-fine. (24)* 150.-

38 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE ROMAN EMPIRE

122 121 123

121 Augustus, 31 BC - 14. Denarius 29/27, undetermined Italian mint. Laureate head of Octavian to r. Rev. IMP - CAESAR Rostral column decorated with two anchors and six galley prows. On top figure of Octavian holding spear and parazonium. 3.64 g. RIC 271. BMC 633. C. 423. Obv. somewhat off-centre. Very fine. 300.- Ex SKA Monetarium Zürich 1986. 122 Quinarius 29, Ephesus. (CAESAR) IMP V(II) Head to r. Rev. ASIA RECEPTA, Victory with wreath and palm branch standing l. on cista mystica between two serpents. 1.61 g. RIC 276. C. 1. Small planchet faults on obv. About very fine-very fine. 100.- Purchased in Ascona 1974. 123 Denarius 19/18, Colonia Caesaraugusta. CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Bare head to l. Rev. Round shield inscribed S P Q R / CL V. 3.66 g. RIC 42b. BMC 335. C 293. CBN 1317. Very fine. 300.- Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. June 1972.

124 125 126

124 Denarius 8/7, Lugdunum. AVGVSTVS - DIVI F Head, laureate, to r. Rev. C CAES above, AVGVS F in exergue. Caius Caesar riding to r. with sword in l. hand and reins in r., behind him aquila between two standards. 3.79 g. RIC 199. BMC 500. C. 40. Fine attractive toning. Extremely fine. 1000.- 125 Tiberius, 14-37. Denarius 14/37, Lugdunum. TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head to r. Rev. PONTIF - MAXIM Female figure of Livia as Pax seated to r., holding sceptre and branch. 3.78 g. RIC 30. C 16. Good portrait. Toned. Extremely fine. 500.- 126 Denarius 14/37, Lugdunum. TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head to r. Rev. PONTIF - MAXIM Female figure of Livia as Pax seated to r., holding sceptre and branch. 3.64 g. RIC 30. C 16. Good portrait. Toned. Good very fine. 300.-


127 Dupondius 21/22, Rome. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVG P M TR POT XXIIII around S C. Rev. SALVS AVGVSTA Draped bust of Livia as Salus to r., hair knotted behind. 15.09 g. RIC 47. C 5. Brown patina. Fine style. About extremely fine. 500.-

39 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

128 129 130

128 Spintria n. d. (22-37). A woman reclining r. on her front on a couch, supporting her upper body on her l. elbow and looking back l. at a man who is making love to her. A footstool and drapery are seen under the couch. Rev. Numeral II within circle of dots and laurel wreath. 5.17 g. Buttrey, Spintriae, Num. Chron. 1973, Scene 7. Rare. Very fine. 2000.- The obverse is from a different die than the specimen illustrated by Buttrey. The combination with the numeral II on reverse was not known by Buttrey. 129 Tiberius. For Divus Augustus. Denarius o. J, Lugdunum. (CAES)AR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Laureate head of Augustus to r. Rev. TI CAESAR - AVG F TR POT XV Tiberius, laureate, standing in quadriga r., holding laurel wreath and eagle-tipped sceptre. 3.61 g. RIC 222. C. 300. Dark toning. Very fine. 250.-

130 Caligula, 37-41. As 37/38, Rome. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT Head to l. Rev. VESTA / S - C, Vesta enthroned to l. with patera and sceptre. 12.46 g. RIC 38. C. 27. Rough fields. Green- brown patina. Very fine. 200.-


131 131 133 133

131 Claudius, 41-54. As 42/43, Rome. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, Head to l. Rev. CONSTANTIAE AVGVSTI Constantia standing l., raising r. hand and holding spear. 9.19 g. RIC 111. C. 14. Brown patina. Almost extremely fine. 300.- 132 Nero, 54-68. Aureus 64/66, Rome. NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Laureate head to r. Rev. AVGVSTVS - AVGVSTA, Nero as Sol with patera and sceptre on l., Poppaea as Concordia with patera and cornucopiae on r. 7.24 g. RIC 44/56., C. 42. Calicó 401. Lustre. Good very fine. 3000.-

133 Sestertius c. 65, Lugdunum. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P Laureate head to l. Rev. S - C Triumphal arch, decorated with wreath across front; above, the emperor in facing quadriga flanked by figures of Victory, on r., and Pax, on l., as well as two small figures of soldiers; on l. side of arch, a statue of Mars with spear and shield. 30.60 g. RIC 150. C 306 var. Very fine. 400.- Depicted is the Arcus Neroni's, that was probably destroyed soon after Nero's death. The coins are the only historical evidence of this monument. No archaeological remains have been found to date.

40 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE


135 135

134 Denarius 65/66, Rome. NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Laureate head to r. Rev. Salus seated to l. holding patera in r. hand. 3.42 g. RIC 60. BMC 90. C. 314. Tiny scratches on rev. Extremely fine-very fine. 300.-

135 Sestertius c. 65, Rome. NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P Laureate head to l. Rev. Roma seated l. with Victory and parazonium, S - C in field, ROMA below. 25.71 g. RIC 274. C. 262. Brown patina. Traces of tooling. Very fine. 200.-


137 137

136 Aureus c. 66/68, Rome. NERO CAESAR - AVGVSTVS Laureate head to r. Rev. SALVS Salus seated on throne l., holding patera in l. hand. 7.22 g. RIC 59. C. 313. Calicó 443. Lustre. Attractive. Choice very fine. 4000.-

137 Sestertius c. 67, Rome. IMP NERO CAESAR AVG P MAX TR P P P Laureate head to l. Rev. Roma seated to l. holding Victory in r. hand and parazonium in r., resting on shield. 24.85 g. RIC 592. Dark green patina. Good very fine-very fine. 500.-

138 139

138 Galba, 68-69. Denarius 68/69, Rome. IMP SER (GALBA C)AESAR AVG Laureate head to l. Rev. SALVS (GEN) HVMANI Female figure with patera and rudder sacrificing over altar to l. 3.15 g. RIC 207. C. 242. Rare. Very fine. 300.-

139 Denarius 68/69, Rome. (IMP M) OTHO CAES(AR AVG TR P) Bare head to r. Rev: SECV(RITAS) P R Securitas standing to l. with wreath and sceptre. 3.23 g. RIC 8. BMC 18. Tight flan. Very fine. 200.-

41 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE


140 140

140 Sestertius 68, Rome. IMP SER SVLP GALBA - CAES AVG TR P Draped bust, laureate, to r. Rev. LIBERTAS - PVBLICA Libertas standing to l., holding pileus in r. hand and long sceptre in l. hand. S - C in field. 25.76 g. RIC 309. BMC 71. C. 112. Green-brown patina. Very fine. 750.- 141 Dupondius 68/69, Rome. IMP SER GALBA CAE AVG TR P Laureate head to r. Rev. PA - X AV - GVST / S - C Pax standing to l. with branch and cornucopia. 14.10 g. RIC 368 var. Dark brown patina. Very fine- extremely fine. 350.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 283, Frankfurt a. M. 14. 5. 1974. Lot 195.

142 143

142 Vitellius, 69. Denarius 69, Rome. A VITELLIVS GERM IMP TR P Laureate head to r. Rev. XV VIR - SACR FAC Tripod with dolphin on top and raven below. 3.34 g. RIC 109. BMC 39. Fine patina. About extremely fine. 400.- 143 Denarius 69, Rome. A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP Bare head to r. Rev. IVPPITER - VICTOR Jupiter seated to l. with Victory and sceptre. 3.47 g. RIC 68. Good portrait. Good very fine. 250.-

144 1,5:1 1,5:1

144 Vespasianus, 69-79. Aureus 70, Rome. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Laureate head to r. Rev. COS ITER - TR POT, Pax seated to l., holding branch and caduceus. 7.42 g. RIC 28. C -. Calicò 607. Bold portrait. Good very fine. 4000.-

42 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

145 146 147

145 Denarius 70, Rome. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Head, laureate, to r. Rev. IVDAEA, Jewess seated right in attitude of mourning at base of a trophy. 3.10 g. RIC 15. BMC 35. C. 226. Almost very fine. 150.- 146 Denarius 73, Rome. IM(P CAES) VESP - AVG CENS Laureate head to r. Rev. PONTIF - MAXIM Vespasian seated r., holding sceptre and branch. 3.33 g. RIC 545. C 387. Broad flan. Some flattening. Good very fine. 150.- 147 Aureus 77/78, Rome. IMP CAESAR - VESPASIANVS AVG Laureate head r. Rev. Vespasianus standing to l. with spear and parazonium, behind him on r., Victory with wreath and palm branch. 7.06 g. Calicó 624. RIC 105. BMC 204. Very fine. 2200.- Ex Auction Vinchon, Paris, November 15, 1981, lot 63.

148 149 150

148 Aureus 78/79, Rome. CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG Laureate head to r. Rev. ANNONA - AVG Annona seated to l. holding ears of corn in both hands. 7.40 g. Calicó 590. RIC 131. C. 27. Several edge nicks. Good very fine. 4500.- 149 Vespasianus, 69-79. For Domitianus. Aureus 74, Rome. CAES AVG F - DOMIT COS III Laureate head to r. Rev. PRINCEPS - IVVENTVT Spes advancing to l. holding flower in r. hand and raining robe with l. hand. 7.03 g. Calicó 912a. RIC 787. C. 374. BMC 155. Very fine. 3000.- 150 Titus, 79-81. Aureus 80, Rome. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M Laureate head to r. Rev. TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P Winged thunderbolt on throne. 7.09 g. Calicó 782. RIC 117. BMC 49-50. Very fine. 3000.-


151 Titus, 79-81. For Domitianus. Sestertius 80/81, Rome. CAES DIVI AVG VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII Laureate head to r. Rev. Minerva advancing to r. with spear and shield. S - C in fields. 27.93 g. RIC 295. Dark green patina. Scratch on rev. Splendid portrait. Extremely fine-very fine. 1500.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 284, Frankfurt a. M. 9. 12. 1974. Lot 868.

43 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

153 153 152 152 1,5:1

152 Trajan, 98-117. Drachm 109/110, Alexandria. Laureate bust to r. Rev. Nile reclining to l., holding reeds and cornucopia; L IΓ (date) above Iς; below, crocodile and aquatic plants. 26.19 g. Dattari 965 var. Brown-green patina. Attractive portrait. Good very fine. 250.- Ex Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M. June 1972. 153 Antonius Pius, 138-161. Aureus 150/151, Rome. ANTONINVS AVG PI - VS PP TRP XIIII Bare head to r. Rev. COS IIII Aequitas standing to l. holding scales and cornucopia. 7.17 g. Calicó 1512. RIC 192a. C. 247. Extremely fine. 4500.-

154 155

154 Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Sestertius 161/162, Rome. IMP CAES M AVREL ABTONINVS AVG P M Laureate head to r. Rev. CONCORD AVGVSTOR TR P XVI - COS III / S - C Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus clasping hands, Marcus Aurelius holds scroll. 30.89 g. RIC 826. C. 54. Strong portrait. Red-brown and green patina. Extremely fine. 750.- Ex Auction Dr. Busso Peus Nachf. 284, Frankfurt a. M. 9. 12. 1974. Lot 946.

155 Pertinax, 193. Sestertius 193, Rome. IMP CAES P HELV - PERTINAX AVG Head, laureate, to r. Rev. LAETITIA TE -MPORVM COS II / S - C Laetitia standing l. holding wreath and sceptre. 21.63 g. RIC 17. C. 21. Very rare. Brown patina. Very fine-almost very fine. 500.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.


156 Caracalla, 198-217. Antoninianus 215, Rome. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust to r. Rev. P M TR P XVIII COS IIII P P Jupiter with thunderbolt and sceptre standing to r. 5.25 g. RIC 258. C. 279. Hill, Severus 1465. Almost extremely fine. 75.-

44 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

157 158

157 Antoninianus 216, Rome. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM Radiate, draped, cuirassed bust to r. Rev. VENVS VICTRIX, Venus with Victoriola and spear standing to l., leaning on shield, captives below. 4.38 g. RIC 312a. About extremely fine. 100.- 158 Caracalla, 198-217. For Plautilla. Denarius 202/203, Rome. PLAVTILLA - AVGVSTA Draped bust to r. Rev. VENVS VICTRIX Venus standing to l., with apple and palm, shield on r., Cupid at her feet. 3.40 g. RIC 369. C. 25. Uncirculated. 200.- Ex SINCONA auction 10, auctioned again as bidder did not pay.

159 160

159 Geta, 209-211. Denarius 209/211, Rome. IMP CAES P SEPT - GETA PIVS AVG Laureate head to r. Rev. PONTIF TRP COS II Emperor riding to l. over fallen enemy and brandishing spear. 3.33 g. RIC 68. Almost extremely fine. 50.- 160 Severus Alexander, 222-235. Denarius 222/228, Rome. Draped bust, laureate, to r. Rev. Victory advancing to l. with wreath and palm branch. 2.93 g. RIC 180. C. 564. About extremely fine. 80.-

161 1,5:1 1,5:1

161 Diocletian, 284-305. Argenteus 294, Siscia. DIOCLETI-ANVS AVG Laureate head to r. Rev. VIRTVS - MILITVM, Tetrachs sacrificing in front of gate. 3.44 g. RIC 32a. Fine patina. Uncirculated. 500.-


162 Constantius II., 337-361. For Julianus II. Siliqua 360/361, Arelate. Bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust to r. Rev. VOTIS / V / MVLTIS / X in four lines within wreath. TCON below. 1.89 g. RIC 264. C. 154b. Ink number. Good very fine. 100.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 498.

45 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

163 1,5:1 163

163 Valentinianus I, 364-375. 367/375, Trier. Draped, cuirassed bust to r. with pearl diadem. Two emperors seated facing, together holding a globe. Victoria between them above. 4.47 g. RIC 17a4. C. 43. Tiny edge crack. About uncirculated. 750.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 29. 07. 1966.

164 165 166

164 Valens, 364-378. Solidus 364/367, Antiochia. Officina B. Draped and cuirassed bust with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Emperor standing facing, head r., holding labarum and Victory on globe. Cross on l. 4.44 g. RIC 2d. Depeyrot 20/2. Extremely fine. 500.- Ex H. Pilartz, Cologne. February 1967. 165 Arcadius, 383-408. Solidus 395/401, Constantinopolis. No officina letter. Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly to r., spear over r. shoulder and shield on l. shoulder. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., with r. foot on prow, holding sceptre and Victory on globe. 4.42 g. RIC 7. Depeyrot 55/1. Uncirculated. 500.-

166 Solidus 395/401, Constantinopolis. Officina Z. Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly to r., spear over r. shoulder and shield on l. shoulder. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., with r. foot on prow, holding sceptre and Victory on globe. 4.42 g. RIC 7. Depeyrot 55/1. Good very fine. 300.-

167 168

167 Honorius, 393-423. Solidus 402/406, Ravenna. Draped and cuirasse bust with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Emperor with labarum and Victory on globe, spurning captive on ground with l. foot. R - V in fields. 4.40 g. RIC 1287. C. 44. Depeyrot 7/1. Almost extremely fine. 400.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 25. 11. 1964. 168 Theodosius II, 402-450. Solidus 408/419, Constantinopolis. Officina Δ. Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing ¾, holding spear over r. and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Constantinopolis enthroned facing, head to r., right foot on prow, holding sceptre in r., Victory on globe in l. hand. 4.41 g. RIC 202. Depeyrot 73/2. Almost extremely fine. 300.-

46 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

169 170

169 Solidus 408/420, Constantinopolis. Officina H. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly to r. with spear over r. shoulder and shield on l. shoulder. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG H Constantinopolis seated facing with sceptre and Victory on globe. CONOB below. 4.34 g. RIC 202. Good very fine. 300.- Ex stock Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt a. M.

170 Solidus 420/422, Constantinopolis. Officina S. D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG Diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing slightly to r. with spear over r. shoulder and shield on l. shoulder. Rev. VOT XX MVLT XXX / CONOB Victory standing to l., holding long jewelled cross. 4.32 g. RIC 219. Depeyrot 74/2. Very fine. 300.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 512.

171 172

171 Solidus 441/450, Constantinopolis. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing ¾ to r., holding spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Constantinopolis enthroned to l., holding globe cruciger in r. hand, shield beside throne, star in l. field. 4.45 g. RIC 300. Very fine-extremely fine. 350.-

172 Theodosius II, 402-450. For Aelia Pulcheria. Solidus 423/424, Constantinopolis. No officina. AEL PVLCHERIA AVG Draped and diademed bust to r., with necklace, earrings and cross on shoulder. crowned by manus dei above. Rev. VOT XX MVLT XXX / CONOB Angel standing to l., holding long, jewelled cross. 3.15 g. Depeyrot 75/3. DOC 438. MIRB 19a. RIC 226. Rare. Shaved edge. Very fine. 750.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. July 1967.

173 174

173 Marcian, 450-457. Solidus 450, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing ¾ to r., holding spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Victory standing to l., holding a long cross, star in r. field. 4.43 g. RIC 510. Depeyrot 87/1. Very fine. 400.-

174 Solidus 450, Constantinopolis. No Officina. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing ¾ to r., holding spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Victory standing to l., holding a long cross, star in r. field. 4.14 g. RIC 510. Depeyrot 87/1. Scratches. Very fine. 250.-

47 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

175 176

175 Leo I, 457-474. Solidus 462/466, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing ¾ to r., holding spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Victory standing to l., holding a long cross, star in r. field. 4.43 g. RIC 605. Very fine-almost extremely fine. 350.-

176 Solidus 468/473, Constantinopolis. Officina Θ. Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing ¾ to r., holding spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Victory standing to l., holding a long cross, star in r. field. 4.44 g. RIC 630. Depeyrot 93/1. MIRB 3b. Very fine. 300.-

177 178 177

177 Semissis n. d. (468-73), Constantinopolis. Draped bust with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory seated r. on cuirass, inscribing shield. Star on l. Staurogram on r. 2.22 g. DOC 535. Depeyrot II, 258, 95. MIRB 68, 5. Rare. Fine. 100.-

178 Leo I, 457-474. For Aelia Verina. 457/468, Constantinopolis. AEL VERI - NA AVG Drap. Draped bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross in wreath, CONOB* below. 1.44 g. RIC 614. MIRB 10. DOC 595. Very rare. Holed. Very fine. 500.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. December 1970.


1,5:1 1,5:1

179 Basiliscus and Marcus, 475-476. Solidus 475/476, Constantinopolis. Officina illegible. D N bASILISCI ET MARC P AVG. Helmeted, diademed and cuirassed bust ¾ facing with spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rv. SALVS REI * PVBLICAE Basilicus on l., Marcus on r., nimbate, seated facing, each holding a globe cruciger, between them a cross and star above, CONOB in exergue. 4.48 g. RIC 1021. Depeyrot 104. MIRB 7. Rare. Uneven strike. Otherwise about extremely fine. 2000.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. January 1971.

48 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE


1,5:1 1,5:1

180 Solidus 475/476, Constantinopolis. Officina A. D N bASILISCI - ET MARC P AVG Helmeted, diademed and cuirassed bust ¾ facing with spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. VICTORI - A AVGGG A, Victory standing l., supporting long jewelled cross, star in r. field. CONOB in exergue. 4.41 g. RIC 1024. Depeyrot 105/2. Rare. Almost extremely fine. 1500.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. January 1966.


181 181

181 Zeno. Second reign, 476-491. Solidus 476/491, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Helmeted, pearl-diademed and cuirassed bust ¾ facing, holding spear over r. shoulder and shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Victory standing to l., holding long jewelled cross, star in r. field. 4.45 g. RIC 910. Very fine. 300.-

182 Tremissis 476/491, Constantinopolis. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. VICTORIA AVCVSTVRUH Victory advancing to r., head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger. CONOR in exergue. 1.44 g. RIC -, cf. 920. LRC -. Good very fine. 150.- Possibly a western mint such as Rome. Grierson/Mays in Late Roman Coinage no. 685 publicise a solidus with CONOR as an issue of the mint of Rome. A non-imperial issue might also be possible or what is most probable, the die cutter made a mistake.Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 514.

183 184

183 Tremissis 476/491, Constantinopolis. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing to r., head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger. 1.44 g. RIC. 920. Some edge damage. Almost very fine. 75.-

184 Tremissis 476/491, Constantinopolis. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing to r., head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger. 1.46 g. RIC. 920. Scratches. Fine. 60.-

49 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

Lots *Detailed illustrations of all lots available on

ex 185 ex 186

185 Augustus. 5 Denarii. 35 Bronzes of various modules. Generally fine. (40)* 400.- 186 Early emperors. Tiberius-Domitian. 7 Denarii. 40 Bronzes. Very good-almost very fine. (47)* 500.- 187 Early emperors. Tiberius-Domitian. 7 Denarii. 36 Bronzes. Very good-almost very fine. (43)* 450.- 188 Vespasian. 20 Denarii. 6 Asses. Fine-about very fine. (26)* 500.-

ex 189 ex 191

189 Vespasian. 20 Denarii. 1 Sestertius. 5 Asses. Fine-about very fine. (26)* 500.- 190 Vespasian. 15 Denarii (1 Judaea Capta). 1 Sestertius. 6 Asses. Fine-about very fine. (22)* 500.- 191 Domitian. 23 Denarii. 26 Bronzes. Very good-almost very fine. (49)* 500.- 192 Trajan. 30 Denarii. 6 Bronzes. Fine-about very fine. (36)* 400.- 193 Trajan. 28 Denarii. 6 Bronzes. Fine-about very fine. (34)* 400.-

50 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

ex 194 ex 195

194 Hadrian. 32 Denarii. 13 Bronzes. Very good-almost very fine. (45)* 500.-

195 Antoninus Pius. 10 Denarii. 17 Bronzes. Fine-almost very fine. (27)* 300.-

196 Antoninus Pius. 10 Denarii. 17 Bronzes. Fine-almost very fine. (27)* 300.-

ex 197 ex 198

197 Faustina Sr. 11 Denarii. 15 Bronzes. Generally fine. (26)* 150.-

198 Faustina Jr. 6 Denarii. 11 Bronzes. Fine-about very fine. (17)* 100.-

199 Commodus. 23 Denarii. 9 Bronzes. Fine-about very fine. (32)* 400.-

51 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

ex 200 ex 201 200 Septimius Severus. 45 Denarii. Fine-very fine. (45)* 400.- 201 Septimius Severus. 44 Denarii. 1 Bronze. Fine-very fine. (45)* 400.- 202 Julia Domna. 24 Denarii. Fine-very fine. (24)* 400.- 203 Julia Domna. 23 Denarii. 2 Bronzes. Fine-very fine. (25)* 400.- 204 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Augustus-Late Rome. 29 Denarii. 2 Siliquae. 38 Bronzes. Very good-very fine. (69)* 400.-

ex 205 ex 207 205 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Trajan-Caracalla and others. 50 Denarii. Almost very fine-very fine. (50)* 750.- 206 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Trajan-Caracalla and others. 50 Denarii. Almost very fine-very fine. (50)* 750.- 207 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Trajan-Caracalla and others. 50 Denarii. Almost very fine-very fine. (50)* 750.- 208 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Trajan-Caracalla and others. 30 Bronzes. Almost very fine-very fine. (30)* 300.- 209 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Trajan-Alexander Severus and others. 14 Bronzes. Almost very fine-very fine. (14)* 120.-

52 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

ex 210 ex 211

210 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Antoninus Pius-Alexander Severus. 40 Denarii. Fine-very fine. (40)* 400.- 211 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Antoninus Pius-Alexander Severus. 38 Denarii. Fine-very fine. (38)* 400.-

ex 212 ex 215

212 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Marcus Aurelius-Gordian III. 20 Denarii. 15 Bronzes. Fine-almost very fine. (35)* 250.-

213 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Marcus Aurelius-Gordian III. 21 Denarii. 15 Bronzes. Fine-almost very fine. (36)* 250.-

214 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Marcus Aurelius-Gordian III. 21 Sestertii. 2 Asses. Fine. (23)* 250.-

215 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Caracalla-Soldier Emperors. 63 Antoniniani. Some with original silvering. Fine-good very fine. (63)* 300.-

53 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

ex 216 ex 219

216 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Gordian III.-Soldier Emperors. 50 Antoniniani. Generally very fine. (50)* 250.- 217 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Gordian III.-Soldier Emperors. 50 Antoniniani. Generally very fine. (50)* 250.- 218 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Gordian III.-Soldier Emperors. 50 Antoniniani. Generally very fine. (50)* 250.- 219 Diverse Emperors and Empresses. Gordian III.-Soldier Emperors. 33 Antoniniani. 8 Sestertii. Very fine-fine. (41)* 200.- 220 Tetrachy.46 Folles (full-size and reduced) of diverse emperors and mints. Fine-very fine. (46)* 200.- 221 82 Late Roman bronzes mainly small modules. Time of Contantine I and later. Fine-very fine. (82)* 100.-

ex 222

222 Cappadocia. 84 Hemidrachms, 23 drachms. 11 Didrachms. Various emperors, mainly Trajan-Caracalla, some earlier. 12 royal drachms. Very good-fine. (130)* 750.- 223 32 imperial Tetradrachms from Alexandria, Syria, Phoenicia. Fine-almost very fine. (32)* 200.- 224 2 Cistophori (Marcus Antonius/Octavia, augustus). 8 Tetradrachms. 1 Didrachm. 12 smaller denominations. Very good-almost very fine. (23)* 200.- 225 81 bronzes mainly from the East. Very good-fine. (81)* 100.-

54 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

ex 226

226 75 bronze mainly from the East. Very good-about very fine. (75)* 100.- 227 63 bronzes, Some Alexandria. Very good-fine. (63)* 100.-

ex 228

228 59 bronzes mainly Asia Minor: Pamphylia, Pisidia, Lydia, Lycia, Phrygia, Cappadocia, etc. Very good-about very fine. (59)* 125.- 229 60 bronzes from various mints. Very good-fine. (60)* 125.-

55 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

ex 230

230 58 bronzes from various mints. Very good-fine. (58)* 125.- 231 50 bronzes from various mints. Several double portraits. Very good-fine. (50)* 100.- 232 12 bronzes with countermarks. Interesting lot. Very good-fine. (12)* 100.- 233 98 bronzes, some with countermarks. Various mints. Very good fine. (98)* 120.-

234 234

ex 231

234 Julia Domna. Denarius. Caracalla. Denarius. About very fine. (2) 50.- 235 Elagabalus. Denarius. Postumus. Antoninianus. Diocletianus. Follis. Constantinus II. Small bronze. Valens. Siliqua. Anonymous. Small lead tesserae. BYZANTINE. 2 Anonymous bronzes. Manuel I. Bronze tetarteron. Very fine. (9)* 100.- 236 Titus. Denarius. Domitianus. Denarius (2). Nerva. Denarius. Traianus. Denarius (2). Hadrianus. Denarius. Lucius Verus. Denarius. Very fine. (8)* 400.-

56 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ROMAN EMPIRE

237 241

239 ex 240

237 Faustina Sr. Denarius (2). Faustina Jr. Denarius. Marcus Aurelius. Denarius (2). Commodus. Denarius. Very fine. (6)* 300.-

238 Septimius Severus. Denarius (2). Clodius Albinus. Denarius. Caracalla. Denarius (3). Geta. Denarius. Julia Domna. Denarius. Plautilla. Denarius. Very fine-extremely fine. (9)* 350.-

239 Macrinus. Denarius. Diadumenianus. Denarius. Elagabalus. Denarius. Alexander Severus. Denarius. Maximinus I Thrax. Denarius. Balbinus. Sestertius. Pupienus. Dupondius. Almost very fine-about extremely fine. (7)* 300.-

240 Gordianus III. Antoninianus. Philippus I. Antoninianus (2). Philippus II. Antoninianus. Traianus Decius. Antoninianus. Herrenius Etruscus. Antoninianus. Trebonianus Gallus. Antoninianus. Volusianus. Antoninianus (2). Valerianus I. Antoninianus. Valerianus II. Antoninianus. Gallienus. Antoninianus (2). Alexandrian tetradrachm. Carus. Antoninianus. Aurelianus. Antoninianus. Tacitus. Antoninianus. Probus. Antobinianus. Quintillus. Antoninianus. Carinus. Antoninianus. Numerianus. Alexandrian Tetradrachm. Very fine-uncirculated. (23)* 500.-

241 Constantius II. Siliqua. Julianus II. Siliqua. Jovianus. Siliqua. Valens. Siliqua. Theodosius I. Siliqua. Honorius. Siliqua. Very fine-extremely fine. (6)* 250.- 242 Late Roman small bronzes and 5 folles of the Tetrarchy of diverse emperors. Fine-extremely fine. (21)* 100.-

57 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

243 244 245

243 Anastasius I, 491-518. Tremissis 492/518, Constantinopolis. Draped, cuirassed bust with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger, star on r. 1.46 g. MIBE 12. R. 330. S. 8. Extremely fine. 150.- 244 Tremissis 492/518, Constantinopolis. Draped, cuirassed bust with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger, star on r. Rev. legend ends AVCVSTOBVH. 1.45 g. MIBE 12. R. 328 var. S. 8. Wrinkled. Very fine. 100.- Ex Auction Heinrich Winter, Düssledorf. November 1970. Lot 4. 245 Tremissis 492/518, Constantinopolis. Draped, cuirassed bust with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing r., head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger, star on r. 1.47 g. MIBE 12. R. 330. S. 8. Wrinkled. Very fine. 100.- Ex Auction Bankhaus Bickelmann, Saarbrücken. December 1970. Lot 2.

247 246 246

246 Solidus 507/518, Constantinopolis. Officina Δ. Helmeted and cuirassed bust ¾ facing. Spear over r. shoulder, shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Victory advancing l., holding long cross in r. hand, star on r. 4.45 g. MIBE 7. R. 317. S. 5. Extremely fine. 500.- 247 Justinus I, 518-527. Tremissis 518/527, Constantinopolis. Draped and cuirassed bust with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory standing facing, head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger. Star on r. 1.40 g. MIBE 5. R. 388. S. 58. Wavy planchet. Very fine. 150.-

248 249

248 Solidus 522/527, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Helmeted, cuirassed bust ¾ facing; spear on r. shoulder, shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Angel standing facing, long cross in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. Star on r. 4.46 g. MIBE 3. R. -. S. 56. Almost very fine-very fine. 200.- 249 Justinianus I, 527-565. Solidus (20 Siliquae) after 542, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand, shield with horseman motif on l. shoulder. Rev. Angel standing facing, holding long cross in r. hand and globe in l. hand, star to r. 3.71 g. MIBE 15. R. 450. S. 142. Rare. Unevenly struck. Very fine. 400.- Ex Auction Heinrich Winter, Düsseldorf. November 1970. Lot 4, (sold as a normal solidus).

58 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

250 251

250 Solidus 527/537, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Helmeted, cuirassed bust ¾ facing; spear on r. shoulder, shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Angel standing facing, long cross in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. Star on r. 4.44 g. MIBE 5. R. 444. S. 137. Good very fine. 250.-

251 Solidus 527/537, Constantinopolis. Officina Δ. Helmeted, cuirassed bust ¾ facing; spear on r. shoulder, shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. Angel standing facing, long cross in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. Star on r. 3.95 g. MIBE 5. R. 442. S. 137. Shaved. Slight buckling. Good very fine. 150.- Ex Auction Karl Kress, Munich. June 1970. Lot 880.

252 253

252 Tremissis 527/565, Constantinopolis. Draped, cuirassed bus with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing to r., head turned l., holding wreath in r. hand and globe cruciger in l. hand. Star on r. 1.41 g. MIBE 19. R. 467. S. 145. Small pressure spot. Extremely fine. 150.-

253 Tremissis 527/565, Constantinopolis. Draped, cuirassed bus with pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing to r., head turned l., holding wreath in r. hand and globe cruciger in l. hand. Star on r. 1.46 g. MIBE 19. R. 467. S. 145. Very fine. 100.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 519.

254 255 256

254 1/3 Siliqua 530/580, Constantinopolis. Helmeted and draped bust of Constantinopolis to r. Rev. K. 0.59 g. Bendall, Anonymous Silver Coinage of the 4th to 6th Centuries AD, in: RN 158 (2002), Typ 8 c. R. 471. Vagi 3051. Good very fine. 150.- This type was first struck in 330 in the festivities surrounding the founding of Constantinopolis. Justinian minted this type for the 200th anniversary of the city's founding. In addition this type was issued a number of times in the following 50 years. It may even have been minted by one of Justinian's successors.

255 Half siliqua 533/534, Carthage. Draped, cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. VOT / MVLT / HTI. 1.13 g. MIBE 51. R. 474. S. 253. Very fine. 100.-

256 Solidus 542/565, Constantinopolis. Officina Γ. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.45 g. MIBE 7. R. 459. S. 140. Extremely fine. 300.- Ex Auction Bankhaus Bickelmann, Saarbrücken. December 1970. Lot 3.

59 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

257 258

257 Solidus 542/565, Constantinopolis. Officina A. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.45 g. MIBE 7. R. 457. S. 140. Two small scratches. Almost extremely fine. 200.-

258 Solidus 542/565, Constantinopolis. Officina B. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.44 g. MIBE 7. R. 458. S. 140. Almost extremely fine. 200.- Ex Auction Kölner Münzkabinett, Cologne. November 1068. Lot 272.

259 260

259 Solidus 542/565, Constantinopolis. Officina Z. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.37 g. MIBE 7. S. 140. Graffito on obv. Very fine. 200.-

260 Solidus 542/565, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.09 g. MIBE 7. R. 461. S. 140. Shaved. Slightly wavy. Very fine. 150.-

262 261 263

261 Justinus II, 565-578. Solidus 565/567, Constantinopolis. Officina Γ. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device, in r. hand globe surmounted by Victory with wreath. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., spear in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.50 g. MIB 1. S. 346. Double striking and crease. Otherwise extremely fine. 150.- Ex Auction Bankhaus Bickelmann, Saarbrücken. December 1970. Lot 10. 262 Tremissis 565/578, Constantinopolis. Draped, cuirassed bust eith pearl diadem to r. Rev. Victory advancing to r., head l., with wreath and globe cruciger. Star on r. 1.46 g. MIB 11a. R. 765. S. 353. Wavy planchet. About very fine. 100.-

263 Solidus 567/578, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device, in r. hand globe surmounted by Victory with wreath. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., spear in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.50 g. MIB 4. R. -. S. 345. Some uneven striking. About uncirculated. 350.-

60 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

264 265

264 Solidus 567/578, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device, in r. hand globe surmounted by Victory with wreath. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., spear in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.43 g. MIB 4. R. 753. S. 345. Extremely fine. 300.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 25. 11. 1964.

265 Solidus 567/578, Constantinopolis. Officina H. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device, in r. hand globe surmounted by Victory with wreath. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., spear in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.42 g. MIB 4. R. 756. S. 345. Slight bend. Extremely fine. 250.- Ex Auction 116 Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button, Frankfurt a. M. January 1969. Lot 34.

266 267

266 Solidus 567/578, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device, in r. hand globe surmounted by Victory with wreath. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., spear in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.49 g. MIB 4. R. -. S. 345. Flan faults and unevenly struck. Very fine. 200.- Ex Auction Karl Kress, Munich. June 1970. Lot 893.

267 Solidus 567/578, Constantinopolis. Officina A. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device, in r. hand globe surmounted by Victory with wreath. Rev. Constantinopolis seated facing, head to r., spear in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.38 g. MIB 4. R. 753. S. 345. Slight crease. Very fine. 200.-

268 269

268 Tiberius II Constantinus, 578-582. Solidus 578/582, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Cuirassed bust wearing elaborate crown with pendilia facing, in r. hand globe cruciger, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device. Rev. Cross potent on four steps. 4.28 g. MIB 4. R. 917. S. 422. Nearly extremely fine. 400.-

269 Solidus 578/582, Constantinopolis. Officina H. Cuirassed bust wearing elaborate crown with pendilia facing, in r. hand globe cruciger, on l. shoulder shield with horseman device. Rev. Cross potent on four steps. 4.48 g. MIB 4. R. -. S. 422. Slight buckling. Nearly extremely fine. 350.-

61 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

270 271

270 Mauricius Tiberius, 582-602. Solidus 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina B. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.51 g. MIB 6. R. 998. S. 478. Extremely fine. 400.-

271 Solidus 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina Γ. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.48 g. MIB 6. R. -. S. 478. Extremely fine. 400.-

272 273 274

272 Solidus 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina Θ. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.37 g. MIB 6. R. 1011. S. 478. Extremely fine. 400.-

273 Solidus 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina Δ. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.45 g. MIB 6. R. -. S. 478. Unevenly struck. Very fine. 250.-

274 Solidus 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina Γ. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 3.58 g. MIB 6. R. -. S. 478. Shaved. Almost very fine. 150.-

275 276

275 Solidus 583/602, Theoupolis (Antioch). Officina S. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.48 g. MIB 6 (Constantinople). R. 1015. S. 524. Tiny graffito on rev. Uncirculated-extremely fine. 400.-

276 Solidus (23 Siliquae) 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Small star on r. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. Small star on r. 4.30 g. MIB 11. R. 1008. S. 481. Good very fine-extremely fine. 400.- Ex stock list Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt 17. Oktober 1970. Nr. 85.

62 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

277 278

277 Solidus (23 Siliquae) 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina illegible. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. Small star on r. 4.39 g. MIB 11. R. 1006ff. S. 481. Slightly off-centre. Extremely fine. 300.-

278 Solidus (23 Siliquae) 583/602, Constantinopolis. Officina Δ. Helmeted, draped and cuirassed bust facing, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Small star on r. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. Small star on r. 4.29 g. MIB 11. S. 481. Somewhat buckled. Very fine. 200.-

279 280

279 Focas 602-610. Solidus 603, Constantinopolis. Officina Γ. Crowned, cuirassed bust facing. Crown without pendilia. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.51 g. MIB 5. R. -. S. 616. Extremely fine. 400.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 29. 07. 1966. 280 Solidus 604/607, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Crowned, cuirassed bust facing. Crown without pendilia. Globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.48 g. MIB 7. R. 1194. S. 618. Almost extremely fine-very fine. 250.- Ex Auction Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button 115, Frankfurt a. M. January 1970. Lot 33.

283 281 282

281 Solidus 604/607, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Crowned, cuirassed bust facing. Crown without pendilia. Globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.33 g. MIB 7. R. 1194. S. 618. Very fine. 200.-

282 Solidus 607/609, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Crowned, cuirassed and draped bust facing, cross in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.48 g. MIB 9. R. 1181. S. 620. Almost extremely fine. 300.-

283 Tremissis 607/610, Constantinopolis. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross potent. 1.41 g. MIB 27. R. 1206. S. 634. Wrinkled. Very fine. 100.-

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285 284 286

284 Tremissis 607/610, Constantinopolis. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross potent. 1.43 g. MIB 27. R. 1206. S. 634. Wrinkled. Very fine. 100.-

285 Solidus 609/610, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Crowned, draped and cuirassed bust, cross in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.40 g. MIB 11. R. 1183. S. 620. Very fine. 250.-

286 Solidus 609/610, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Crowned, draped and cuirassed bust, cross in r. hand. Rev. Angel standing facing, long staff with Staurogram in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.36 g. MIB 11. R. 1187. S. 620. Rim nick. Slightly wavy. Very fine. 200.-

289 288 287

287 , 610-641. Solidus before 613, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.43 g. MIB 5. R. 1279. S. 731. Extremely fine. 250.-

288 Semissis 613/641, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross potent on globe. 2.11 g. MIB 72. R. 1285. S. 785. Very fine. 150.- 289 Tremissis 613/629. 1.46 g. DOC 276 Anm. MIB 126. S. 901. Very rare. Very fine. 380.-

290 291 292

290 Tremissis 613/641, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross potent. 1.40 g. MIB 73-74. S. 786-787. Very fine. 150.- Ex Auction Bankhaus Bickelmann, Saarbrücken. Dezember 1970. Lot 14. 291 Tremissis 613/641, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross potent. 1.40 g. MIB 74. S. 787. Very fine. 150.- The die cutter seems to have had trouble with the name of the emperor. He corrects a misspelling with an x over an incorrectly cut letter. 292 Heraclius, 610-641. With Heraclius Constantinus. Solidus 613/616, Constantinopolis. Officina Z (inverted). Crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantinus facing. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.45 g. MIB 8a. S. 734. About extremely fine. 400.-

64 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

293 294

293 Solidus 616/625. Officina E. Facing crowned buts of Heraclius on l. and smaller bust of Heraclius Constantinus on r., both wearing chlamys, Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on 3 steps. 4.46 g. S. 738. MIB 11. DOC 13. Extremely fine. 320.-

294 Solidus 616/625, Constantinopolis. Officina Δ. Crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantinus facing. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.48 g. MIB 11. R. -. S. 738. Slight weakness. Extremely fine. 400.-

295 296

295 Solidus 616/625, Constantinopolis. Officina Γ. Crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantinus facing. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.38 g. MIB 11. R. -. S. 738. Unevenly struck. Otherwise extremely fine. 300.-

296 Solidus 616/625, Constantinopolis. Officina Θ. Crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantinus facing. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.51 g. MIB 11. R. 1364. S. 738. Unevenly struck. Otherwise extremely fine. 300.-

298 297 299

297 Solidus 616/625, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantinus facing. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.37 g. MIB 11. R. 1360. S. 738. Unevenly struck. Very fine. 250.- Ex Auction Karl Kress, Munich. June 1970. Lot 911.

298 Solidus 616/625, Constantinopolis. Officina Θ? Crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantinus facing. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.42 g. MIB 11. R. 1364. S. 738. Very fine. 200.- The officina letter is without a cross bar and just a small o. Omission by the die cutter?Ex Stock list 17, Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt. October 1970. Nr. 95.

299 Solidus 625/629, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Crowned busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantinus facing. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.46 g. MIB 21. S. 743. Very fine. 300.-

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301 300 302

300 632/635, Constantinopolis. Both emperors seated facing. Rev. Cross potent on globe above three steps. K in field r. 5.79 g. MIB 140. R. 1390. S. 798. Scratch. Fine-very fine. 75.-

301 Heraclius, 610-641. With Heraclius Constantinus and Heraclonas. Solidus 632/635, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. The three emperors standing facing. All three with globe cruciger in l. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps, Heraclius monogram on r. 4.46 g. MIB 39. R. -. S. 758. Thin scratches on rev. Almost extremely fine. 300.-

302 Solidus year 10 (636/637), Constantinopolis. Officina S. The three emperors standing facing. All three with globe cruciger in l. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps, Heraclius monogram on l., date I in r. field. 4.44 g. MIB 42. R. -. S. 761. Extremely fine. 500.-

303 304

303 Solidus year 12 (638/639), Constantinopolis. Officina Θ. The three emperors standing facing. All three with globe cruciger in l. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps, Heraclius monogram on l., date A in r. field. 4.34 g. MIB 45. R. -. S. 764. Very fine-almost extremely fine. 300.- Ex Auction Oswald, Munich. December 1970. Lot 405. 304 Constans II, 641-668. Solidus 642/647, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Crowned bust facing, globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.33 g. MIB 3b. R. -. S. 938. About uncirculated. 500.-

306 305 307

305 Solidus 642/645, Constantinopolis. Officina ª?. Small neat bust, crowned and facing; wearing chlamys and holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.50 g. MIB 3a. R. -. S. 936. Scratches on obv. Some double striking on rev. Otherwise extremely fine. 150.- Ex Auction Bankhaus Bickelmann, Saarbrücken. December 1970, Lot 17. 306 Tremissis 642/668, Constantinopolis. Draped and cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross potent. 1.44 g. MIB 51. R. -. S. 984. Some waviness. Very fine. 100.-

307 Solidus 650/651, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Crowned bust facing, globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. CONOB+ in exergue.306 4.44 g. MIB 21. R. -. S. 954. Bend. Very fine. 200.-

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310 308 309

308 Solidus (23 Siliquae) 651/654, Constantinopolis. Officina Θ. Crowned bust with long beard facing; in r. hand globe cruciger. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. Large star on r. 4.29 g. MIB 46. R. -. S. 977. Good very fine. 400.- 309 Solidus 652/654, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Crowned bust with long beard facing. Globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.49 g. MIB 23. R. -. S. 956 Almost extremely fine. 300.- 310 Tremissis n. d. (652/654), undetermined mint. CONSTAN - TINVS P I AV Draped, cuirassed bust with diadem to r. V on breast. Rev. VICTOSIA AVAST Cross potent. ONOBO beneath. 1.44 g. MIB -. R. -. S. -. Very fine. 250.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 531. There attributed to Ratto 1539 (Rome). The missing D N in the obverse legend, the crude reverse legend and the ONOBO would tend to place this coin to a barbarian workshop.

311 312

311 Constans II, 641-668. With Constantinus IV. Solidus 654/659, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Facing busts of Constans on l. and Constantinus on r. Both crowned. Cross above. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.44 g. MIB 26. R. -. Extremely fine-uncirculated. 300.- 312 Constans II, 641-668. With Constantinus IV, Heraclius and Tiberius. Solidus 659/662, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Facing busts of Constans on l. and Constantine IV, cross above. Rev. Standing facing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, l. and r. of long cross on globe. Both crowned and holding globe crucigers. 4.33 g. MIB 29. R. 1613. S. 962. Almost extremely fine. 400.-

313 314 315

313 Solidus 662/667, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Facing busts of Constans on l. and Constantine IV, cross above. Rev. Standing facing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, l. and r. of cross potent. Both crowned and holding globe cruciger. 4.32 g. MIB 31. R. -. S. 964. About uncirculated. 500.- 314 Solidus 662/667, Constantinopolis. Officina H. Facing busts of Constans on l. and Constantine IV, cross above. Rev. Standing facing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, l. and r. of cross potent. Both crowned and holding globe cruciger. 4.42 g. MIB 31. R. 1606. S. 964. Uneven striking. About extremely fine. 350.- 315 Solidus 662/667, Constantinopolis. Facing busts of Constans on l. and Constantine IV, cross above. Rev. Standing facing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, l. and r. of cross potent. Both crowned and holding globe cruciger. 4.29 g. MIB 38. R. 1607. S. 967. Graffiti on rev. Good very fine. 200.- Ex Stock list 17, Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., Frankfurt. October 1970. Nr. 100.

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316 317 318

316 Constantinus IV, 668-685. Tremissis 669, Constantinopolis. Draped, cuirassed bust with diadem to r. Rev. Cross potent. 1.44 g. MIB 16c. R. 1671. S. 1162. Very fine-good very fine. 150.- Ex stock Münz Zentrum, Cologne. January 1970. 317 Constantinus IV, 668-685. With Heraclius and Tiberius. Solidus 669/674, Constantinopolis. Officina I. Helmeted, cuirassed bust ¾ facing; spear over r. shoulder. Rev. Cross potent on three steps between standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius. 4.33 g. MIB 4C. R. 1646. S. 1153. Some edge faults. Very fine. 200.- Ex Auction Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button, Frankfurt a. M. January 1970. Lot 37. 318 Solidus 674/681, Constantinopolis. Officina Γ. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing. Helmet with crest and plume. Spear over r. shoulder, shield with horseman device over l. shoulder. Rev. Cross potent on three steps between Heraclius on l. and Tiberius on r. 4.44 g. MIB 7a. R. -. S. 1156. Uncirculated. 500.-

319 320

319 Solidus 674/681, Constantinopolis. Officina Z. Helmeted, cuirassed bust ¾ facing. Spear over r. shoulder, shield with horseman device over l. shoulder. Rev. Cross potent on three steps between Heraclius on l. and Tiberius on r. 4.41 g. MIB 7a. R. -. S. 1154. Almost extremely fine. 250.-

320 Solidus 674/681, Constantinopolis. Officina illegible. Helmeted, cuirassed bust ¾ facing. Spear over r. shoulder, shield with horseman device over l. shoulder. Rev. Cross potent on three steps between Heraclius on l. and Tiberius on r. 4.37 g. MIB 7a. R. 1647ff. S. 1154. Slightly shaved and partially weak strike. Very fine. 200.-

321 322 323

321 Solidus 674/681, Constantinopolis. Officina B. Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing. Helmet with crest and plume. Spear over r. shoulder, shield with horseman device over l. shoulder. Rev. Cross potent on three steps between Heraclius on l. and Tiberius on r. 4.40 g. MIB 7a. R. -. S. 1156. Very fine. 200.-

322 Justinianus II, 1st Reign, 685-695. Solidus 687/692, Constantinopolis. Officina ª. Crowned bust facing, globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Cross potent on three steps. 4.30 g. MIB 6. R. 1679. S. 1246. Some uneven striking. Almost extremely fine. 400.-

323 Leontius, 695-698. Tremissis 695/698, Constantinople. Crowned bust in loros facing, in l. hand akakia, in r. hand globe cruciger. Rev. Cross potent. CONOB below. 1.40 g. DOC 4. MIB 5. S. 1333. Very rare. Traces of overstriking. Very fine. 600.-

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324 325

324 Tiberius III, 698-705. Tremissis 698/705, Constantinopolis. Crowned and cuirassed bust facing, spear in r. hand held diagonally, shield on l. shoulder. Rev. Cross potent. 1.38 g. MIB 8. R. -. S. 1363. Rare. Unevenly struck and some legend off-flan. Extremely fine-uncirculated. 500.- 325 Tremissis 698/705, Constantinopolis. Crowned and cuirassed bust facing, spear in r. hand held diagonally, shield on l. shoulder. Rev. Cross potent. 1.42 g. MIB 8. R. -. S. 1363. Rare. Fine-very fine. 150.-

326 1,5:1 1,5:1

326 Philippicus Bardanes, 711-713. Solidus 711/713, Constantinopolis. Officina Δ. Crowned bust facing, wearing loros and holding globus cruciger in r. hand and eagle-tipped sceptre with cross above in l. Rev. Cross potent on base and three steps. 4.40 g. MIB 1. S. 1447. Rare. Extremely fine. 1500.-

327 1,5:1 327

327 Anastasius II Artemis, 713-715. Solidus 713/715, Constantinopolis. Officina S. Crowned bust facing with globe cruciger and akakia. Rev. VICTORIA - AVGYS Cross potent on base and three steps; in exergue CONOB. 4.50 g. DO 2e. MIB 2. Sear 1463. Rare. About extremely fine. 750.- Purchased in England August 1965.

328 1,5:1 328

328 Leo III, 717-741. With Constantinus V. Solidus 737/741, Constantinopolis. Crowned bust of Leo facing, holding globe cruciger and akakia. Rev. Crowned bust of Constantinus facing, holding globe cruciger and akakia. 4.42 g. R. 1734. S. 1504. Almost extremely fine. 750.-

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329 330 330

329 Constantin V. Copronymus, 741-775 with Leo IV. Solidus 751/775, Syracuse. Facing, crowned busts of Constantinus V with short beard on l. and crowned young bust of Leo IV on r. Both wearing chlamys. Cross above. Rev. Crowned facing bust of Leo III wearing loros and holding cross potent in r. hand Θ on r. 3.89 g. DOC 15 var. S. 1565. Rare. Good extremely fine. 600.-

330 Leo V, 813-820. With Constantinus. Miliaresion 813/820, Constantinopolis. Cross potent on three steps. Rev. Five line legend. 2.08 g. R. 1798. S. 1628. Thin scratches. Very fine. 50.-

333 332 331

331 Theophilus, 829-842. Solidus 831/840, Constantinopolis. Crowned bust facing, holding patriarchal cross and akakia. Rev. Facing busts of his deceased father Michael II on l. and Constantine his deceased son on r. Cross above. 4.44 g. R. 1832. S. 1653. Thin die fault. Good very fine. 400.-

332 Solidus 831/842, Syracuse. Crowned bust in chlamys facing, globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Crowned bust in loros facing, cross potent in l. hand. 3.87 g. R. -. S. 1670. About extremely fine. 500.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 29. 07. 1966.

333 Semissis 831/842, Syracuse. Crowned bust facing in chlamys. Globe cruciger in r. hand. Rev. Crowned bust facing in loros. Globe cruciger in r. hand. 1.64 g. R. 1818. S. 1673. Extremely fine. 150.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 534.

334 1,5:1 1,5:1

334 Michael III, 842-867. Under the Regency of his mother Theodora. Solidus 843/856, Constantinopolis. Bust of Christ with long hair and beard facing. Behind his head cross. He wears pallium and colobium, raises r. hand in benediction and holds Book of Gospels in l. hand. Rev. Crowned facing bust of Michael III in chlamys on l. and his mother Theodora in loros on r. Small cross above. 4.20 g. DOC 2. S. 1687. Very rare. Very fine. 5000.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. January 1966.

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335 336

335 Michael III, 842-867. Under the Regency of his mother Theodora. With Thecla. Solidus 842/843, Constantinopolis. Crowned bust of Theodora in loros facing; in r. hand globe with patriarchal cross, in l. hand cruciform sceptre. Rev. Crowned busts of Michael III on l. and his sister Thecla on r. Michael is wearing chlamys and holding globe cruciger in r. hand. Thecla is wearing loros and holding long patriarchal cross in r. hand. 4.36 g. DOC 1d2. S. 1686. Very rare. Crease on rev. Very fine. 2500.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. January 1966.

336 Basil I the Macedonian, 867-886. With Constantinus. Solidus 868/879, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Facing busts of Basil on l. and Constantine on r., jointly holding long patriarchal cross. 4.39 g. R. 1858. S. 1704. Very fine. 500.-

337 1,5:1 1,5:1

337 Solidus 868/879, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Facing busts of Basil on l. and Constantine on r., jointly holding long patriarchal cross. 4.49 g. R. 1858. S. 1704. Hair line scratch. Very fine. 400.-

338 1,5:1 1,5:1

338 Basil I the Macedonian, 867-886. With Constantinus and Eudocia Ingerina. Solidus 868/879, Constantinopolis. Crowned bust in loros facing, globe with patriarchal cross in r. hand. Rev. Crowned bust of Constantinus on l. in chlamys holding globe cruciger, facing. Bust of Eudocia Ingerina in loros facing, holding cruciform sceptre. Between them a cross. 4.31 g. DOC 3. Sear 1703. Ratto -. Extremely rare. Very fine-almost very fine. 2500.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. January 1965.

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1,5:1 1,5:1

339 Alexander, 912-913. Solidus 912/913, Constantinopolis. Christ, with cross nimbus, enthroned facing and wearing pallium and colobium. His r. hand raised in benediction, Book of Gospels in l. hand. Rev. Crowned figure of Alexander standing facing, wearing divitisium and loros, in r. hand globe cruciger; his l. hand is extended to St. Alexander on r. who stands ¾ facing to l., wearing pallium and colobium. He crowns the emperor with his r. hand and holds cross in l. hand. 4.22 g. DOC 2. S. 1737. Extremely rare. Very fine. 25000.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. January 1967.


1,5:1 1,5:1

340 Constantinus VII, 913-959 and Romanus I, 920-944. With Christopher. Solidus 921, Constantinopolis. Probably minted in honour of his coronation. Romanus standing facing on l., wearing crown and loros, holding globe cruciger in r. hand. On r. Christ standing facing, wearing pallium and colobium and crowning Romanus with his r. hand. In l. hand book of Gospels. Rev. Waist length figures of Constantinus VII on l. wearing loros and Christopher on r. wearing chlamys, both crowned and jointly holding long patriarchal cross on small globe. 4.40 g. DOC 6. S. 1743. Extremely rare. Almost extremely fine. 7500.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. July 1967.


341 Romanus I, 920-944. With Christopher. Solidus 921/931, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Facing busts of Romanus on l. and Christopher on r., jointly holding patriarchal cross. 4.37 g. R. 1892. S. 1745. Good very fine. 500.-

72 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

342 343

342 Nicephorus II, 96-969. Miliaresion 963/969, Constantinopolis. Cross crosslet on globe above two steps. In the middle quadrilobe with facing bust of emperor. Rev. Five line legend. 2.70 g. R. 1913. S. 1781. Fine-very fine. 50.- 343 John I, 969-976. Miliaresion 969/976, Constantinopolis. Cross crosslet on globe over two steps. Medallion with bust of the emperor in the centre. Rev. Five line legend. 2.78 g. R. 1919. S. 1792. Very fine. 100.-

344 345

344 Basil II, 976-1025. With Constantinus VIII. nomisma (solidus) 1005/1025, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing. Rev. Crowned busts of Basil II and Constantinus VIII facing, holding long cross. 4.22 g. DOC 6. S. 1800. Very fine. 750.- 345 Miliaresion 1005/1025, Constantinopolis. Cross crosslet on four steps between facing busts of Basil and Constantine. Re Five line legend. 2.14 g. R. 1949. Very fine. 100.-


346 348

346 Constantinus VIII, 1025-1028. Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1025/1028, Constantinopolis. Bust of Christ facing. Rev. Crowned bust in loros, holding labarum and akakia. 4.40 g. R. 1969. S. 1815. Extremely fine. 400.- 347 Romanus III, 1028-1034. Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1028/1034, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing. Rev. Emperor on l. standing facing, being crowned by Virgin without nimbus standing on r., facing. 4.41 g. R. -. S. 1820. Extremely fine. 400.- 348 Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1028/1034, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing. Rev. Emperor on l. standing facing, being crowned by Virgin with nimbus standing on r., facing. 4.39 g. R. 1973. S. 1819. Very fine. 300.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 538.

73 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

349 350

349 Constantinus IX, 1042-1055. Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1042/1055, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing. Rev. Crowned bust in loros facing, holding long cross in r. hand and globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.33 g. R. 1970 (Constantinus VIII). S. 1830. About extremely fine. 300.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 537 (sold as Constantinus VIII).

350 Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1042/1055, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Crowned bust in loros facing, holding labarum in r. hand and globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.38 g. R. 1988. S. 1829. Good very fine. 250.- Ex Auction Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button 116. Frankfurt a. M. January 1969. Lot 49.


351 Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1042/1055, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Crowned bust in loros facing, holding sceptre in r. hand and globe with patriarchal cross in l. hand. 4.38 g. R. 1987. S. 1828. Flattened. Good very fine. 150.- Ex Auction Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button, Frankfurt a. M. January 1970. Lot 45.

352 1,5:1 1,5:1

352 Theodora, 1055-1056. Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1055/1056, Constantinopolis. Christ standing facing on footstool, with crossed nimbus, wearing pallium and colobium and holding Book of Gospels with both hands. Rev. Empress, crowned, and Virgin, nimbate, standing facing holding between them labarum. 4.40 g. DOC 1b. Sear 1837. Rare. Extremely fine. 3000.-

74 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE


1,5:1 1,5:1

353 Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1055/1056, Constantinopolis. Christ standing facing on footstool, with crossed nimbus, wearing pallium and colobium and holding Book of Gospels with both hands. Rev. Empress, crowned, and Virgin, nimbate, standing facing holding between them labarum. 4.10 g. DOC 1b. Sear 1837. Rare. Broad flan. Almost extremely fine. 2000.-

354 1,5:1 1,5:1

354 Isaac I, 1057-1059. Tetarteron nomisma 1057/1059, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing, wearing pallium and colobium, Book of Gospels in front. Rev. Crowned figure standing front in complete body armour. Wearing cloak. Crown with pendilia. In upraised r. hand globe cruciger; in l. hand parazonium. 3.98 g. DOC 3. S. 1845. Very rare. Rev. from rusty die. Extremely fine-about extremely fine. 1000.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. July 1968.

355 356

355 Constantinus X, 1059-1067. Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1059/1067, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing facing with labarum with pellet on shaft in r. hand and globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.41 g. R. 2010. S. 1847. Extremely fine. 250.-

356 Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1059/1067, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing facing with labarum with pellet on shaft in r. hand and globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.35 g. R. 2010. S. 1847. About very fine. 150.- Ex Auction Karl Kress, Munich. June 1970. Lot 956.

75 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

358 357 357

357 Eudocia, 21 May - 31 December 1067. With Michael VII and Constantius. Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1067, Constantinopolis. Nimbate Christ, enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction and holding Book of Gospels. Rev. Eudocia holding jewelled sceptre standing facing. Michael and Constantius o l. and r., holding globus cruciger and akakia. 4.37 g. DOC 1. S. 1857. Almost extremely fine. 500.- Ex Kress, Munich. July 1964. 358 Romanus IV, 1068-1071. With Eucocia. Tetarteron nomisma 1068/1071, Constantinopolis. Facing bust of the Virgin, wearing tunic and maphorium; holding medallion of the Infant Christ before breast. Rev. Half- figures of Romanus in loros, wearing crown with cross and pendilia, on l., and Eudocia, also wearing loros and crown with pinnacles and pendilia, on r.; between globe with long cross. 4.01 g. DOC 3. Sear 1862. Very fine. 500.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. July 1969.

359 360

359 Romanus IV, 1068-1071. With Michael VII, Constantius, Andronicus and Eucocia. Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1068/1071, Constantinopolis. Christ standing on footstool and crowning Romanus on l. and Eucdocia on r. Rev. Michael in centre, Constantius on l. and Andronicus on r. standing facing. Dotted line below. 4.41 g. R. 2026. S. 1861. Uncirculated-extremely fine. 400.- 360 Histamenon nomisma (solidus) 1068/1071, Constantinopolis. Christ standing on footstool and crowning Romanus on l. and Eucdocia on r. Rev. Michael in centre, Constantius on l. and Andronicus on r. standing facing. Dotted line below. 4.26 g. R. 2026. S. 1861. Graffiti on obv. edge. Very fine. 150.-

361 El 362 El

361 Michael VII, 1071-1078. Electrum-Histamenon nomisma 1071/1078, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing. Rev. Crowned bust in loros facing, holding labarum and globe cruciger. 4.33 g. R. 2032. S. 1868. Extremely fine-very fine. 250.- 362 Electrum-Histamenon nomisma 1071/1078, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing. Rev. Crowned bust in loros facing, holding labarum and globe cruciger. 4.34 g. R. 2032. S. 1868. Very fine. 200.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 03. 06. 1967.

76 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

364 363 El 363 El

363 Electrum-Histamenon nomisma 1071/1078, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing. Rev. Crowned bust in loros facing, holding labarum and globe cruciger. 4.30 g. R. 2032. S. 1868. About very fine-very fine. 200.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 29. 07. 1966. 364 Michael VII, 1071-1078. With Maria. Tetarteron nomisma 1071/1078, Constantinopolis. Bust of the Virgin facing, holding medallion with head of nimbate Christ. Rev. Busts of Michael on l. and Maria on r., both crowned and wearing loros; together holding long cross with plain long shaft. 3.98 g. DOC 3. S. 1870. Slight edge irregularities. About extremely fine. 750.-

365 El 366 El

365 Nicephorus III, 1078-1081. Electrum-Histamenon nomisma 1078/1081, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing on footstool and facing, crowned, labarum with plain shaft in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.35 g. R. 2050. S. 1882. Flan crack. Extremely fine-very fine. 150.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 09. 07. 1965.

366 Electrum-Histamenon nomisma 1078/1081, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing on footstool and facing, crowned, labarum with X on shaft in r. hand, globe cruciger in l. hand. 4.23 g. R. 2051. S. 1881. Flan crack. Very fine-good very fine. 100.- Ex Auction Frankfurter Münzhandlung E. Button, Frankfurt a. M. January 1970. Lot 49.

367 El 368

367 Electrum tetarteron nomisma 1078/1081, Constantinopolis. Facing bust of nimbate Christ. Rev. Nicephorus standing facing on dais, wearing crown with pendilia and loros, globus cruciger and labarum. 3.92 g. DOC 5a. S. 1884A. Rare. Almost extremely fine. 1000.- Ex Bank Leu, Zürich. March 1967. 368 Alexius I, 1081-1118. Silver-tetarteron nomisma 1081/1092, Thessalonica. Facing bust of Virgin orans with nimbate head of infant Christ on breast. Rev. Crowned bust with sceptre and globe cruciger facing. 3.80 g. R. 2071. S. 1906. Very fine. 100.-

77 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

369 370

369 1092/1118, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing and raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing facing wearing jewelled chlamys and holding labarum and globe cruciger. 4.30 g. R. 2058. S. 1912. Tiny pressure mark. Good very fine. 250.- 370 Hyperpyron 1092/1118, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing and raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing facing wearing jewelled chlamys and holding labarum and globe cruciger. 4.23 g. S. 1912. Wrinkled. Almost very fine-very fine. 200.-

371 372

371 Hyperpyron 1092/1118, Thessalonica. Christ enthroned facing and raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing facing wearing jewelled chlamys and holding labarum and globe cruciger. 4.30 g. R. 2054. S. 1924. Crimped edge. Very fine. 150.- 372 John II, 1118-1143. Hyperpyron 1118/1143, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor on l. facing and Virgin on r. facing, holding together a patriarchal cross. Manus dei above emperor. 4.23 g. R. 2094. S. 1938. Very fine. 150.- Ex stock Heinrich Pilartz, Cologne. 25. 11. 1964.

373 374

373 Hyperpyron 1118/1143, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing. Rev. Emperor on l. in loros, holding globe cruciger is crowned by Virgin on r. standing facing. 4.37 g. R. 2092. S. 1940. Slightly buckled. Good very fine. 150.- 374 Hyperpyron 1118/1143, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor on l. facing and Virgin on r. facing, holding together a patriarchal cross. Manus dei above emperor. 4.18 g. R. 2094. S. 1938. Fine. 100.-

78 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

375 376

375 Hyperpyron 1118/1143, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing. Rev. Emperor on l. in loros, holding labarum and akakia is crowned by Virgin on r. standing facing. 4.47 g. R. 2097. S. 1939. Pressure marks on edge. About very fine. 100.-

376 Hyperpyron 1118/1143, Thessalonica. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor and Virgin standing facing. 4.30 g. S. 1950. Very fine. 200.-

377 378 El 378 El

377 Hyperpyron 1118/1143, Thessalonica. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Emperor and Virgin standing facing. 4.20 g. S. 1950. Very fine. 200.-

378 Electrum 1118/1143, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in bebediction. Rev. Emperor on l. standing facing, holding patriarchal cross together with St. George on r. 4.40 g. R. 2098 var. S. 1941. Very fine-extremely fine. 250.-

379 El 380 El

379 Manuel I, 1143-1180. Electrum aspron trachy 1143/1180, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing. Rev. Emperor on l. standing facing with labarum and globe cruciger, being crowned by Virgin on r. 4.28 g. R. 2118. S. 1961. Almost extremely fine-extremely fine. 200.-

380 Electrum aspron trachy 1143/1180, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing. Rev. Emperor standing facing with labarum and akakia, manus dei on upper r. 4.15 g. R. 2115. S. 1960. Good very fine. 150.- Ex Auction Heinrich Winter, Düsseldorf. November 1970. Lot 30.

79 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

382 El 381 El

381 Electrum aspron trachy 1143/1180, Constantinopolis. Christ enthroned facing, r. hand raised in benediction. Rev. Emperor standing on l. with akakia in r. hand holding patriarchal cross together with Virgin standing on r. 4.54 g. R. 2119. S. 1958. Good very fine. 100.- Ex Auction Bankhaus Bickelmann, Saarbrücken. December 1970. Lot 37. 382 Isaac II, 1185-1195. Electrum aspron trachy 1185/1195, Constantinopolis. Virgin enthroned facing. Rev. Emperor on l. holding cruciform sceptre, is being crowned by Archangel Michael on r. 3.90 g. R. 2178. S. 2002. Extremely fine. 150.-

383 384

383 Andronicus II and Michael IX, 1295-1320. Hyperpyron 1295/1320. Bust of the Virgin orans within city walls. Rev. Andronicus l. and Michael r. kneeling, facing. Between them Christ crowning both emperors. 3.96 g. R. 2232. S. 2396. Very fine. 150.- 384 Hyperpyron 1295/1320. Bust of the Virgin orans within city walls. Rev. Andronicus l. and Michael r. kneeling, facing. Between them Christ crowning both emperors. 3.95 g. R. 2228. S. 2396. Very fine. 150.- Ex Auction Heinrich Winter, Düsseldorf. November 1970. Lot 36.

385 386 387

385 Constantinus VII, 913-959. With Romanus II. Solidus 945/959, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Crowned busts of Constantinus and Romanus II facing and holding together a patriarchal cross on globe. 4.36 g. R. 1905. S. 1751. About extremely fine. 350.- Ex Auction Kölner Münzkabinett, Cologne. November 1968. Lot 281. 386 Solidus 945/959, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Crowned busts of Constantinus and Romanus II facing and holding together a patriarchal cross on globe. 4.36 g. R. 1905. S. 1751. Thin scratches on rev. About extremely fine. 250.- 387 Solidus 945/959, Constantinopolis. Nimbate bust of Christ facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Crowned busts of Constantinus and Romanus II facing and holding together a patriarchal cross on globe. 4.33 g. R. 1905. S. 1751. Scratched. Very fine. 200.- Ex Auction Jacques Schulman, Amsterdam. November 1968. Lot 536.

80 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE


388 Constantinus VII and Romanus I, 920-944. Miliaresion 920/944, Constantinopolis. Cross crosslet over three steps and globe. Rev. Five line legend. 2.64 g. R. 1906. S. 1757. Pierced. Scratches. Very fine. 50.-

Lots *Detailed illustrations of all lots available on

ex 389

389 68 Bronzes of various sizes, emperors and mints. 11 Urtukid bronzes. Very good-fine. (79)* 100.-

ex 390

390 Hexagram of Heraclius. 16 various Miliaresiae. 13 Aspers of Trebizond. Some holed. Fine-very fine. (29)* 200.-

81 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE

ex 391

391 Lot of Byzantine bronzes. Arcadius. Maiorina. R. 72, 84. Middle bronze. R. 80. Small bronze. R. 90, 94, 101, 112, 132. Eudocia. Middle bronze. R. 142. Theodosius II. Middle bronze. R. 194. Small bronze. R. 200. Eudoxia. Middle bronze. R. 207, 208. Marcianus. . R. 228. Anastasius. Follis. R. 334, 336, 337, 338, 342, 345, 349, 378. Justinus I. Follis. R. 396. Justinianus I. Follis. R. 491, 492, 503, 590, 600, 616, 648. Decanummium. R. 555, 682, 714. Pentanummium. R. 567, 744. 12 Nummi. R. 689. Justinus II and Sophia. Follis. R. 783, 857, 878, 883. ½ Follis. R. 910. Tiberius Constantinus. Follis. R. 928, 963. Mauricius Tiberius. Follis. R. 1040, 1129. Decanummium. R. 1163, 1164. Pentanummium. R. 1088, 1167 Phocas. Follis. R. 1210, 1214, 1229. Heraclius. Follis. R. 1313 var. Decanummium. R. 1337. Decanummium. R. 1253, 1329. Pentanummium. R. 1257, 1341. Constans II. Follis. R. 1551. ½ Follis. R. 1573. Constantinus IV with Heraclius and Tiberius. Follis. R. 1661. Michael II and Theophilus. Follis. R. 1815 var. Theophilus. Follis. R. 1823 var., 1837. Basil I with Constantinus IV. Follis. R. 1861. Leo V. and Constantinus. Follis. R. 1807 var. Leo VI. Follis. R. 1872, 1873. Constantinus VII. ½ Follis. R. 1903. Constantinus VII and Zoe. Follis. R. 1884 var. Johannes I. Follis. R. 1920, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1929, 1930, 1931. Basilius II. Follis. R. 1964. Michael IV. Follis. R. 1977, 1980. Constantinus IX. Follis. R. 1991. Theodora. Follis. R. 1998. Constantinus X. Follis R. 2015, 2017 (2). Constantinus X and Eudocia. Follis. R. 2021, 2022. Alexius I. Bronze-aspron trachy. R. 2077. Manuel I. Bronze-aspron trachy. R. 2127. Isaac II. Bronze-aspron trachy. R. 2185. Alexius III. Bronze-aspron trachy. R. 2206. In addition 12 late Roman small bronzes. Fine-very fine. (103)* 500.-

The Ratto numbers are taken from the notes of the collector. They may not be 100% accurate. EMPIRE OF NICAEA

392 393

392 John III, Ducas-Vatatzes, 1223-1254. Hyperpyron 1223/1254, Magnesia. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. John standing on l. facing with labarum being crowned by Virgin standing on r. 4.15 g. R. 2283. S. 2073. Very fine. 150.- 393 Theodore II Ducas-Lascaris, 1254-1258. Hyperpyron 1254/1258, Magnesia. Christ enthroned facing, raising r. hand in benediction. Rev. Theodore standing on l. facing with labarum being crowned by Virgin standing on r. 4.28 g. R. -. S. 2136. Traces of mounting. Very fine. 100.-

82 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– - OSTROGOTHIC KINGDOM EMPIRE OF TREBIZOND


394 395

394 Manuel I Comnenus. 1238-1263. Asper 1238/1263. St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross. Emperor standing facing, holding labarum and akakia. 2.91 g. Retowski 126. S. 2601. Very fine. 100.- 395 Asper 1238/1263. St. Eugenius standing facing, holding long cross. Emperor standing facing, holding labarum and akakia. 2.46 g. Retowski 126. S. 2601. Very fine. 100.- 396 Alexius IV, 1417-1446. Asper 1417/1446. St. Eugenius, holding cruciform scepter, on horseback to r. Rev. Emperor holding lily-tipped sceptre, on horseback to r., star below. 0.88 g. Retowski 16; S. 2641. Almost extremely fine. 100.- OSTROGOTHIC KINGDOM

397 1,5:1 1,5:1

397 Theoderic, 491-526. Solidus n. d., Rome. In name of Anastasius I. D N ANASTA - SIVS P F AVC Helmeted, cuirassed bust facing; r. hand holds spear over shoulder, shield with horseman device on l. shoulder. Rev. VICTOR - I - A AVCCCΘ Victory standing to l. with long cross, Theoderic monogram on l., star on r. CONOB in exergue. 4.42 g. Hahn, MIB 7. Kraus 7. Metlich 6. Extremely fine. 8000.- Ex Auction Schweizerische Kreditanstalt Bern 7, Lot 1079.

398 1,5:1 1,5:1

398 Tremissis n. d, Mediolanum. In the name of Anastasius. D N ANASTA - SIVS P P AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust to r.; above, star of eight rays. Rev. (V)IC(TO)RIA - AVGVSTOROM Victory standing facing, head l., holding wreath and globe cruciger, in field l. eight rayed star. In exergue (C)OMOB. 1.48 g. Metlich 27. MEC 1, 116. Demo 61. Very rare. Very fine. 500.- Ex Auction Kölner Münzkabinett, Cologne. November 1979. Lot 144. Sold as an imperial issue of Anastasius.


––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS SEALS

Sassanide Realm


399 Seal n. d. Man riding on quadruped. 2.53 g. Brunner p.90, 3.e var. Stone, holed. Profile decorated with ovals. 200.-


400 Seal n. d. Hare standing to left. 10.56 g. Gans 30.B.03 Stone, holed. 180.-


401 Seal n. d. Two birds attacking an antelope. 6.45 g. Unpublished ? Stone, holed, broken. 180.-


402 Seal n. d. Bird, standing to left, beaded border. 3.14 g. Gans 30.S.11 Stone, holed. 160.-


403 Seal n. d. Stag standing to left, crescent above, plant in front. 1.97 g. Habib Anavian 333 var. (tamga instead crescent) Stone, holed. 160.-

85 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


404 Seal n. d. Bust to left, beaded border. 1.88 g. Studia Iranica 20.3 var.7. Gans 20.B.01,var. Stone, holed. 100.-


405 Seal n. d. Scorpion, tail right. 7.47 g. Gans 30.T.01 Stone, holed. Side broken. 100.-


406 Seal n. d. Bird, standing to left. 6.19 g. Gans 30.S.31 Stone, holed. 100.-


407 Seal n. d. Boar, standing to left. 2.99 g. Gans 30.H.01 var. Stone, holed. 100.-


408 Seal n. d. Stag standing to left. 1.36 g. Studia Iranica 30.62 var. Stone, holed. 100.-


409 Seal n. d. Ram head to right. Winged base on short ground line. 2.50 g. Gans 30.Y.09 var. Stone, holed, profile, ellipsoid-decorated. 100.-

86 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


410 Seal n. d. Winged horse standing to left. 9.88 g. Habib Anavian 328 var. Stone, holed. 100.-


411 Seal n. d. Fish. 6.60 g. Gans 30.T.10 Stone, holed. 100.-


412 Seal n. d. Altar. 3.53 g. Gyselen-Louvre pl.XLII, 60.9 Stone, holed. Border slightly broken. 100.-


413 Seal n. d. Tamgha. 2.94 g. Gyselen-Louvre pl.XLIII, 70.10. Stone, holed. Border slightly broken. 150.-


414 Seal n. d. Tamgha. 1.16 g. Bivar pl.26, NC.2, var. Stone, holed. 150.-


415 Seal n. d. Star, six rays. 9.94 g. Iron, holed. 100.-

87 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


416 Seal n. d. Bust to left with helmet. 1.38 g. Gans 20.F.10 Stone, holed. 80.-


417 Seal n. d. Bird to left. 2.89 g. Gans 30.S.12 Stone, holed. 100.-


418 Seal n. d. Hare standing to left. 1.19 g. Gans 30.B.05 Stone, holed. 100.-


419 Seal n. d. Scorpion, tail right. 1.20 g. Gans 30.T.02 Stone, holed. 100.-


420 Seal n. d. Stagg head to left. 4.48 g. Gans 30.Y.06 var. Stone, holed. 80.-


421 Seal n. d. Winged horse walking to left. 7.85 g. Gans 40.A.11 var. (not beaded) Stone, holed. 100.-

88 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


422 Seal n. d. Flower. 1.56 g. Gyselen-Leyde, pl.xxix, no. 50.21 Stone, holed. 80.-


423 Seal n. d. Flower. 4.81 g. Gans 50.A.05 var. Stone, holed. 100.-


424 Seal n. d. Flower. 6.45 g. Gans 50.A.04, var. Stone, holed. 100.-


425 Seal n. d. Altar. 1.92 g. Gyselen-Leyde, pl.xxix, no.60.19 var. Stone, holed. 100.-


426 Seal n. d. Bird standing to right, leaf border. 1.17 g. Gyselen-Louvre pl.XXIX, 30. S.37 var. Stone, holed. 80.-


427 Seal n. d. Uncertain animal. 2.25 g. Stone, holed. 50.-

89 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS



428 Thutmosis III. Seal n. d. Av.Cartouche, son of Amon Re. Rv. Sign of life. 1.22 g. Earthenware, holed. 100.-


429 18e to 19e dynastie. Seal n. d. Av. Horus, name of Pharao (Cartouche). Rv. Two feathers. 2.39 g. Composite material. 100.-


430 1100-900 BC. Seal n. d. Probably forgery of its time. Rim trimmed. 2.38 g. Composite material. 60.-


431 Seal n. d. Cartouche. Man standing to right, holding bow and arrow, quadruped animal below, 3 lines left, uncertain object in the middle. 4.40 g. Black stone, holed. 200.-


432 Seal n. d. Sign of life? 0.33 g. Conical stone, holed. 100.-

90 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


433 Seal n. d. Cartouches. Av. Pharon and Horus. Rv. Horus. 1.07 g. Composite material. 80.-


434 Seal n. d. Cartouche. Hieroglyphic design. 0.51 g. Green stone, holed. 80.-

Middle of Asia


435 Seal n. d. Stag seated to right. 2.57 g. Stone,holed. 50.-

Ancient near East


436 Seal n. d. Star of eight rays. 10.25 g. Bronze in form of a dog. 400.-


437 Seal n. d. Four designs on the rectangular face of the stone.Two with a figure, one with a star and one with an ornamented star. 5.20 g. Black stone holed, hole on a figure side. 400.-

91 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


438 Seal n. d. Crescent above a star between triangular three points. 2.22 g. Stone in form of a human face, holed. 300.-


439 Seal n. d. Stag running to left, schematized tree below? 4.14 g. Stone, holed. 250.-


440 Seal n. d. Checkerboard design with crosses. 1.76 g. Stone, holed. 250.-


441 Seal n. d. Horseman beside a resting horse. 5.69 g. Black stone in form of an altar. 200.-


442 Seal n. d. Small figure in front of a larger figure and another figure in the back. 3.10 g. Green glas, holed. 200.-


443 Seal n. d. Palmtree and fruits. 9.61 g. Stone in form of a duck, holed, broken. 150.-

92 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


444 Seal n. d. Eagle above a quadruped, above, star in a crescent. 5.51 g. Stone, holed. 200.-


445 Seal n. d. Double swastika. 2.88 g. Stone, holed. 200.-


446 Seal n. d. Grilled pattern. 5.63 g. Red stone, schematized form of a foot. 200.-


447 Seal n. d. Av. and Rv: couple with inscriptions (positive engraving). 0.94 g. Composite material. 150.-


448 Seal n. d. Star. 1.10 g. Composite material in form of a swan, holed. 200.-


449 Seal n. d. Stag protome to right. 1.32 g. Black stone in form of a human head, holed. 200.-

93 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


450 Seal n. d. Cross, lines in angles. 3.29 g. Green-black stone, holed (broken). 150.-


451 Seal n. d. Lion walking to left. 2.51 g. Blue-green glas, holed. 200.-



452 Seal n. d. Cross with animal symbols at the ends. 8.94 g. Black stone, holed. 100.-


453 Seal n. d. Crescent above a tree and diamond on a sphere on left. 4.92 g. Black stone, holed. 150.-


454 Seal n. d. Triangles and lines. 2.72 g. Round stone with holed button. 150.-

94 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


455 Seal n. d. Checkerboard design. 3.30 g. Rectangular stone with holed button. 150.-


456 Seal n. d. Globular design. 2.39 g. Round shaped stone, holed. 100.-


457 Seal n. d. Rounded schematised cross. 3.19 g. Stone, holed. 150.-


458 Seal n. d. Star with rays. Hole in the middle. 0.89 g. Conical stone, holed. 150.-


459 Seal n. d. Cross, quartered with angular design. 5.93 g. Rectangular stone, holed. 100.-


460 Seal n. d. Cross with four spheres. 5.69 g. Conical stone, holed. 150.-

95 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


461 Seal n. d. Man with running horse in front. 3.75 g. Black stone, holed. 150.-


462 Seal n. d. Double swastika. 1.96 g. Black conical stone, holed. 100.-


463 Seal n. d. Av. Schematised person with other design. Rv. Stag right. 9.29 g. Red stone, holed. 100.-


464 Seal n. d. Av. The master of animals. Rv. Two stags to left. 3.14 g. Black stone, holed. 150.-


465 Seal n. d. No engraving. 4.13 g. Stone in form of a quadruped. 150.-


466 Seal n. d. Av. Man standing to right in front of uncertain objects. Rv. Schematized plant. 1.42 g. Black stone, no hole. 120.-

96 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


467 Seal n. d. Rectangular design with a cross and star. 0.95 g. Black stone with holed button. 120.-


468 Seal n. d. Grid design with five points in a form of a quadrangle. 0.86 g. Black stone with holed button. 120.-


469 Seal n. d. No engraving. 1.54 g. Stone in form of a frog or a turtle? 80.-


470 Seal n. d. Cross, angular designs in quarters. 4.11 g. Black stone, shaped, holed. 120.-


471 Seal n. d. Bucranium under bird in nimbus? 3.14 g. Stone, holed. 100.-


472 Seal n. d. Man holding two quadrupeds. 4.67 g. Stone, holed. 100.-

97 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


473 Seal n. d. Bird standing to right. 2.94 g. Braun stone, holed. 100.-


474 Seal n. d. Uncertain design, perhaps two mountains separeted by a river. 2.13 g. Stone, holed. 100.-


475 Seal n. d. Schematized bucranium. 8.89 g. Black stone, holed. 80.-


476 Seal n. d. Stag to right, above quadrupede? 1.82 g. Stone, holed. 100.-


477 Seal n. d. Talisman in form of an arrow. 1.82 g. Conical stone holed. 100.-


478 Seal n. d. Four of five sides marked with a cross. 3.66 g. Black stone with iron, holed. 100.-

98 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


479 Seal n. d. Av. Insect. Rv. Bird and quadruped animal. 26.95 g. Roller stone, holed. 80.- Authenticity cannot be guaranted.


480 Seal n. d. Star with six rays. 4.87 g. Stone, holed, border slightly broken. 80.-


481 Seal n. d. Cross, angular design in quarters. 2.54 g. Stone, holed. 100.-


482 Seal n. d. No gravur. 1.85 g. Stone in form of a duck. 50.-


483 Seal n. d. Eyes of an owl. 0.67 g. Composite material. 100.-

99 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


484 Seal n. d. Two crosses with straight lines. 0.51 g. Stone in a form of a foot, holed, broken. 100.-


485 Seal n. d. Amulet: Av. St George with the dragon. Rv. Cross with figure. 5.06 g. Bronze with loop. 100.-


486 Seal n. d. Schematized dog standing to left with a figure behind. 1.96 g. Stone holed. 100.-


487 Seal n. d. Cross. 1.50 g. Quartered stone with holed button. 100.-


488 Seal n. d. Grid design. 2.85 g. Black conical stone, 2 holes, one is broken. 80.-

100 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


489 Seal n. d. Rectangular grid design with star. 1.15 g. Black stone with holed button. 100.-


490 Seal n. d. Cross, angular designs in quarters. 2.27 g. Black conical stone with hole. 100.-


491 Seal n. d. Linear decorations. 3.08 g. Glas in form of an animal, holed. 120.-


492 Seal n. d. Five buttons in a ring. 1.42 g. Conical stone, holed. 80.-


493 Seal n. d. Crosses on foot and on two sides. 1.97 g. Black stone in pyramidal form, holed. 100.-


494 Seal n. d. Stag seated to left. 4.05 g. Stone, holed. 80.-

101 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


495 Seal n. d. Three animals. 5.80 g. Stone, holed. 80.-


496 Seal n. d. Altar between two crosses. 4.21 g. Red stone, holed. 60.-


497 Seal n. d. Cross, two birds, two crescents. 5.09 g. Stone, holed. 80.-


498 Seal n. d. Tree on basis. 1.92 g. Stone, holed. 80.-


499 Seal n. d. Quadrupde animal right, star, cross and uncertains objects. 3.01 g. Quadrated black stone, holed. 80.-


500 Seal n. d. Cross. 1.22 g. Rectangular bronze with holed button. 60.-

102 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


501 Seal n. d. Quadruped animal right. 5.21 g. Bronze with loop. 60.-


502 Seal n. d. Grid design. 1.08 g. Red stone, holed button. 80.-


503 Seal n. d. Grid design. 1.58 g. Composite material with a hole. 80.-


504 Seal n. d. Leaf design. 2.71 g. Stone, holed. 80.-


505 Seal n. d. Av. design in form of a tripod. Rv. Uncertain design. 2.83 g. Black stone, holed, in a pyramidal form. 80.-


506 Seal n. d. Av. Ostrich(?) to left. Rv. Uncertain design. 4.04 g. Black stone, holed. 80.-

103 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


507 Seal n. d. No engraving. 1.27 g. Black stone in a form of a bird (?), holed. 60.-


508 Seal n. d. Two faces: Man to right and? 5.74 g. Stone, holed. 50.-


509 Seal n. d. Stag to right. 4.50 g. Black stone, holed. 80.-


510 Seal n. d. Uncertains motifs on Av. and Rv. 3.29 g. Stone, holed. 50.-


511 Seal n. d. No engraving. 2.80 g. Quartz stone, holed. 40.-

104 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS


512 Seal n. d. Quadruped animal running to right. 2.18 g. Conical green glas, holed. 50.-

513 513

513 Seal n. d. Uncertain design. 2.99 g. Stone, holed. 50.-


514 Seal n. d. Uncertain design. 2.24 g. Black stone in pyramidal form, holed. 50.-


515 Seal n. d. Gayomar holding two poles. Rv. Stag to right. 2.56 g. Stone, holed. 25.-



516 Seal n. d. Checkerboard design. 4.43 g. Conical red stone, holed. 200.-

105 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEALS

517 Seal n. d. Animal with head turned back, standing to right. 7.00 g. Stone holed. 200.-


518 Seal n. d. Two stars. 8.21 g. Quartered, conical black stone in form of a table on top, holed. 200.-


519 Seal n. d. Plant. 8.08 g. Conical stone, holed. 150.-


520 Seal n. d. Star of six rays. 3.60 g. Conical stone, holed. 120.-


521 Seal n. d. Shematized altar. 3.91 g. Conial stone, holed. 50.-

Middle East


522 II millenium BC. Seal n. d. Checkerboard design. 5.30 g. Stone, holed. 200.-

106 Auction 19 "The SINCONA Collection Part 3"

13-15 October 2014, Hotel Savoy Baur en Ville, Poststrasse 12, Zürich.

SINCONA AG Uraniastrasse 11 CH-8001 Zürich Tel. +41-44-215 10 90 Fax +41-44-215 10 99 [email protected] Auction 20 Banknotes

16 October 2014, Hotel Savoy Baur en Ville, Poststrasse 12, Zürich.

SINCONA AG Uraniastrasse 11 CH-8001 Zürich Tel. +41-44-215 10 90 Fax +41-44-215 10 99 [email protected] Auction 21 Coins and Medals

17 October 2014, Hotel Savoy Baur en Ville, Poststrasse 12, Zürich.

SINCONA AG Uraniastrasse 11 CH-8001 Zürich Tel. +41-44-215 10 90 Fax +41-44-215 10 99 [email protected] Vorschau auf Mai 2015 Spezialauktion: Schweizer Schützenpokale aus zwei Jahrhunderten

SINCONA AG Uraniastrasse 11 CH-8001 Zürich Tel. +41-44-215 10 90 Fax +41-44-215 10 99 [email protected] COIN LENDING Wir belehnen Ihre Münzensammlung zu hervorragenden Konditionen!

Sie benötigen vorübergehend fi nanzielle Mittel, möchten sich aber nicht endgültig von Ihren „Schätzen“ trennen? Als bislang einziger europäischer Anbieter belehnen wir Ihre numismatische Münzensammlung oder Ihre Bestände an Anlagemünzen und Edelmetallbarren unkompliziert und zu hervorragenden Konditionen. Ihre Werte werden in unseren Tresoren mit höchstem Sicherheitsstandard und versichert aufbe- wahrt. Für detaillierte Informationen und ein konkretes Angebot stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren:

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SINCONA TRADING AG Pelikanstrasse 11 8001 Zürich Tel: +41 44 215 30 90 Fax: +41 44 215 30 99 Mail: [email protected]