]'he Showcase


Column Comment

Editor Speaks

Complete Short Story

TV Shows This Week


JIINE 16, 195•'

X OL. XXDi, No. 21 •.-•--... ß :. .. . .:. ... z.• . .•......

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. ..-_• •..::--. , ;_ wer.. for NewJersey!. ß,i• '

?"'.....Ei?•--'•'•r-i½ity k•?•i•... working for •u g• hours-a day... and •lic Servicekeeps on th• ••t aad day to •ee to it that you have dependable•r•ee at CHANGES' AT MAHW•--Plant Manager Samuel L. Sim- •our fingertips• •at'• mor•, mons, Ford Motor ,Co., right, congratulates ,E.dward A. Nida, • •ectricity doesso much... left, of •04 Upper Boulevard, Ridgewood, promoted to opera- tions .•nanager on the aft4arnoon •shift, and Martin T. ,Molmch, o! Cups•w Ave., Erskine I•kes, Wanaque, to manager o! Plan- ning and Engineering.

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home is-his castle, he means it. Here, the news commentator on Summer relaxation. The star of his own daytime Monday-through- .. NBC-TV's Monday-through-Friday "Today" show is waited on by five Friday series and the Thursday night "Ford Show •both on NBC- of his eight children. Paul, 5, shines his shoes. Mary, 11, is lighting TV•is seen here in the swimming pool at his home in Whittier, his pipe. Tom, 17, brings the evening newspaper. Theresa, 8, serves Calif., with his wife Betty (left) and Lee Heintz, a business associate. _.. .him crackers and milk. And Bill, 3, helps his dad with his slippers...... "* - .• - _.,•_•-",•%a- -'.'• "'"•??•- ._ ...... •--•, .... .•...,a• ...... •_,,_ • .• ...... -,•. _. ß .wl PntersonStnte New Officers



170-172 Butler Street - - - Paterson, New Jersey LAmbert •2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor

Entered •s Second Clsss. mstter Aufust 24, 1928, st. the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the sct of March 3, 1879

JUNE 16, 1957 - Vol. XXIX, No. 24

, ß

Single Copy 5 Cents .--"---22 $8.00 a Year By Mall

, ,

CONTENTS SENIOR CLAS•Elected to lead •l'•e' senior class we.r•: Treas- urer, •Ia• Tatar, Passaic; vice-president, Mary Aileen •oche, FEATURES South Orange; president, Richard P'mzza, Lodi; secretary, Patricia De Vries, WaldWick.

Complete Short Story


Books 'n Stuff 5

Opportunities Unlimited ......

.. Editorials 8

The Editor Speaks JUNIOR CLASS--Vice-president, Carl Koszykowski, Cl•f[on; secretary, Beverly Patterson, ,Denville; treasurer, Hazel-Gib- son, Hackensack; president, Robert Rempp'es, Upper Montclair. Column of Comment

The Showcase 10

Complete Television Program for the Week ___11, 12, 13


LEAPING FOR JOY--What better reason .can there be for leap- ing than the fact the summer is just around ?•he.Corner. Our cover picture .showsSally and Molly Ardrey as •hey leap with joy as they hit the .•and of !a •earby summer resort. SOPHOMORE CLASS--President, James Smilor, Stockholm; ., vice•president, .Ronald Lewis, Paterson; secretary, Antoinette La•teri, iPassaic; treasurer, Silvia Salvi, Clifton. --

_: CHRONICLE '"-"...... • ..... • •'%.... '•'.... PA•E'THREE ..



(•i•CK •FOl•'$1,000•The •ie •ounty Homemaker Service w•s given-a--.Check' for .$$1,000-on belmlf of the N.J. ,lle•rt Association,to ghe Service. Mr. •l•ohrb•ck is president of the Passaic County 1teart Association.- Mrs. Joseph l•ube, vice- president of the Service, accepts the check. Witnessing 1he ceremony is Mrs; Ben Berner, president of !the Worrmn's Aux- il?•rytothePass•c County•Ie•ic•!Society. • ' - • Unmodern Modernaires

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H•:'1 t4D Y , ILYSHOE



BROILED LOBSTER ..• DAILY paula.Kelly (ri ht) andDick Catheart of "The.Iodernaires" FROGS I EG$ - FT SHELL C•R^•o ~ BLUEFISH . RAIN •md vocalist Carol Richards, all re ulars on 'The Bob Crosby TROUT - HALIBUT - SAL ON - S•IMPS- •CAL•P• f•ow," "dressinformally for the summer.Mr. Cathcart,comfortø Of STSRS - CLAM - COD F!• - SWORD FISH DAILY DINN able in his 1957 .Bermuda shorts, views the 1890 sw:m mt• of the J BELMONT AV• [• lmk,•), HALEDON - •m•d ';'..• Frl.with L.• uric train feelin s. (CB$Television Network, Mort ,...... ,•.--• •o•.• , .•.':2:'.'i'•':::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '"

What may a first novelist ex- ::i{:i::i•..::•ii•i•::::•::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: pect in the way of sales? Statis- ticians at Dou.bledday have ex- amined the sales records of 40 first novels .published by the company in fhe last 5 yearrs, 1952-1956, and have discovered the average sale to be 4,654 cop- !::':======...... i•.s. Experts in the ,businessagree '•::!':::::':':':'"' '• . .that this is a parti.cularly good ::.• :' • : record for th'is kind of book in :;:.ß

the present day market. . "]Of the 40 first novelists' pub- q lished by Doubleday28 were American; 7 British, 3 French, 1 Italian and 1 South African. Al- ß ..

most all kinds of 'novels, includ- ., ipg Biblical, historical, family, love, Southern, war,, adolescent and humorous, were represented.

Thomas Y..Crowell Company .• - •, .ß .:;'•.•-•'. ß. .•k' 7)' ..!- has just received word that Rene '• !!iii . .?_.:,•.,•c:-. P•iesen,author of the forthcom- ß...... -... -.-

ing Jungle M•sion, has been ...... , •.:.:.:.: . killed in an. ambuscade in Algeria . .'...... ". ?;•; ...... ,Where he was engaged in intelli- • ß . ..., •.. • .• .• • ...... , .. • - .... gence work. Jungle Mission, .Which is to be published July 12, COLORGUARD -- The P•tersonCade*• Memorial.'i)ay p•rade. The Pa,terson Cadets i• an account of Sergeant Rie- ., . Drum.and Bugle Corps color guard, led by are the national open and American Legion •en's experiences on a special mission for the-French army Patricia Barone, as they marched in. the state colorguard choznp]0ns. among a primitive tribe-- the Mois of Indo China, near Kon- Plong. His assignment was to win partisans for the French in their fight against the Viet Mirth. .. :For his accomplishments he was awarded the Croix de Guerre and the Croix de la Vaillance Viet- namese.

Combat Beneath the Sea, by Major Willy-,Charles Brou, which ThomasY.Crowell Company will publish on August 2, is the first -' full-scale account of underwater operations in World War II. The author, a Belgian army officer, describes the activities of enerny .as well as allied countries•the German Kampfschwimmer, Jap- anese Fukuryu, the Sea-Swine "(invented in Italy), the British Mk I, and the U.S. demolition teams. The book contains 8 'pages of photographs.

James Michael Curley, the re- doubtable ,boss of Massachusetts '" politics for half a century, has many literary favorites.

Recently the former Governor ...... of Massachusettsand four-time Mayor of Bostton compleied his Mother Caroline Novasconi of Turin, Italy Cavelieri a•l Mrs. Ma• :T0dz•, who is pre- . autobiography. Now 82 years of was honored at • reception held in the par- senting Mother C•roline with a purse. The . age, and looking 'back on one of ish hall of St. Michael's Parochial School. Reverend Mother, who taught in the school ...... the -most amazing careers in "'American politics, the old.cam- Shown •lmve left to right •re Mother Caro- several years ago ,is traveling in the United paigner had littl,e :trouble select- line, Msgr..Carlo Ci•nci, •ludge Domenick States visiting members of the S•lesi•n order...... ing a title for his memoirs, "I'd Do It Agaim" .-. CHRONICLE PAGEFlVl ßYOUI HOM?.- ß•.y- •I/•Wl D Jg ]gI,EANOl% :I•O•'/VlA• ß DesignDetails For Your Dream House E particularlyenjoy seeing the smallhouses ot• early- New England becauseof the care given their detail design. These housesmight be small in comparisonwith those built in the towns of the early 18th century, but they-•vere not plain. Small houses had beautiful entrance doors, often the only embellishrnent in design on the whole exterior. And in- side, everything was designed well, whether a staircase, man- tel, dado or any other item. The photographshows the panelled end of a housein Rhode Island built before 1730.This is a particularly fine room, with four reeded pilasters. There is one on either side of a fireplace which has, instead 'of a mantel, a bolection molding around the early tiles, and a large panel above.Finely proportionedpanels .. are placed between the door and the mantel. Then there is a MRS. .AI•ERT J. ROBERTSON pilaster on either side of the door. The beautiful.cornice is similar to those of early Maryland The marriage of Miss Minnie houses. A dado continues around the room. .. Gallese,daughter of Mrs. John If you are building or re-modeling a house today, consider Gallese, 119 Rossilet Ave., to A1- "•.•.'-," . .•'•'.• ..:'-'.:':•.::'.. :::::'•¾.::':•.'::":'k:':':':':::.+:':'•'::•:'•'.•::¾•'::'"':• ':.':.•.'?c"".::2:':•-:.:-.'.•?•.:i:i$':':':::•::"J:::i:i :::•½'"':-':"::::::::::::::::::::::'"• '"" -' " belt J. Robertson, son of Mr. and ß ."•"...-.-.--:':• ...... •.?•?•..•.•<.•:•:`;•?;?•:?.,.....:•*..:.,.;•;?`.•?:•....`...1.•..`...•.•`.•.•.•.•:•.•..•:•.:•....•::;•: :" ...•::•u:..:;(•:•?-.•-;:...' , Mrs. Al-bert A. Robertson, 453 :' •-• •.•-..x•' .... ' ...... • • •,•,,•..•.:• '"•'•"•:'•::":-.... ':"•':='•-•..-•:•:•'•---"'_ ---•..•"-•:•:•:': ' ". •;•:::k.-.•,• .: -.•,•x•...... '...... "f,•/,•-.x;:":.:.-.-•:-x::-..+-.-..:.: ..... ' •::".• :'•i':•i•i !E''__ :' ,'•-•:'•"'"•''-'-""-'---'•'• '--'•' '-:•::•,--'•.*..-.m.L:.•.. ,...•"'*"--'••.....'•.• -•.• River St., was 0erformed in St. .. .•.•.?::::-. ?.:.½.ß .•. --:::...... -' -- ...?.:..•..::-...... • ß:44• Michael's R..C. Church. A recep- ,.' •:•::'•::'"I.•!i'i•' .•.• /I :.:14•::•.-.%.':72.'::'.-'i."::::...... ,,,...,.::• ::4'.lIt b___ -- ' .:::t'-• •.:::'•J! ' tion was held in the Circle Re½- ß ;•::.;i•?;.."' •!;•:!• 1- %1..::.i'.-'i•i•:::•?:;;•!•?:'"""';::. :.'•';ß .. ß ...... '"'%"'- •:-:.'•' tautant. MRS. SAMUEL NUTILE Given in marriage by her un- cle, James Fenimore, the ,bride The Rev. Joseph Glynn offi- :.•--'..... •:';.:. : ,•:!: ! J'•'½::!::;'-::::'•! ...... ' •:' ' ; " ':.•-!!" ' cia/$ed at the. wedding of Miss wore a silk bombazine gown fash- .• Ti•resa Baviera and Samuel Nu- "..•;•".'"'•?i -•.: :.•I•!I•-----.'-' • ...... II ;;i. •a • •.½. '•-•-- i ioned with a portrait neckline " ti in St. George's R. C. Church. •, .•.:.-.'-:•-:• -. ß •, •.• -" ':: • .... . ' ,' ! '!i :: :•: trimmed with Alencon lace ap- A reception in the Sacred Heart :½.'-:'.-.-....:..' •;. ß ß . %' . [ Ij .: : pliques, seed pearls and sequins.- Auditorium, Clifton, followed the ..,.,,..: ,,... ., , f-.-jf-----.,.Her illusion veil was attached to ceremony. •;,,.[i' •"'•':-t; ':.•:: ,I.':J,•::'!ii .•.•- :-.,.' . '-". i: -. . .•..".•-,::•.,";,llJ,•11!!l ß J JJ The bride is the daughter of ,: •...... ,.-44: :i•:i:..,ll !.•=:! '•.-.: .,'ß .-.,.,,::--.:...... '...... ,-..:: •. .:.-: 'i'.(•.•..•--:...... ! t .... .i:::::..! a lace halo and she carried phae- Mr. and Mrs. John Bariera of .':i::...... •::j:ji.,;..'..: '• !.?.!•i.•½..::!..-:-:"' ' •.': •' ½:• •_:. •..:..- ...... lenopsis and stephanotis. Crooks Ave. Mr. Nutile is the ' ½i•'"½i!?"• "•'"'"' -•: '•'-:--.'.':'•::':":.- .'. ' ..." ' '.'-'::' ' -. son of Mrs. Harry Nutile of 317 :::::':':':':':•-•::...... ::::I".-. ..< : -::' ' -- .. • ...... ß :7ß ' ' o. ' ... ß-' -...... - ". .'..'" --.•.. ','•.--• :'-...'.•'•2-"- ::;...... -: -7 East Twenty-first St. and the late ? :'•' • '•.i:'':. ':'- ß ' ' ß .... • '... '-' '--'.-½:.•....• ... /. .----'"' ---.-.-. ' ....'- ..-..v.¾.. "'x ';':::'" '"' ":• '-'-':-• --"'•?$ .... Mr. Nutfie. . ';.--:-:.:-:;;•!:½>, ß ß .. - -. ,.. •. • •4•..•. ..

. Russel] F. Whitehead some o• mese items. A dado adds so much in beauty to a room. The decoration below the rail may be the wall plaster, simply painted. In early times, this area was made of wood, tha• : "':'" :::i!ii!ii!iiiiiiii:':jii!iiiii!ii!ii!- ' ':':':':'-" ..... ß . being plentiful and labor cheap. Now the molding can be placed on the wall at about thirty inches from the floor or at window sill h•½•ht, with the rail and wall beneath painted the " same color, usually matching the trim in the room. A bo]ection molding may be used instead of a mantel. It was often used'when expense was not a contributing factor, but you may also use it to lessen your expense. You can sometimesfind early Dutch tiles for sale, and these would make an unusual facing. Each tile was made in one color, very often blue or a reddish purple, in two-tone effects. If you visit the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, you can see examples of these fine tiles. Originally, other colors besides white were used for these early rooms--green, brown, blue, red and mustard. Now, own-. -:!:i:;:::i:::i:!:i:i:;:i:!:i:ii.-•.'ii:!?-i: E:i:::E :i:i:;:i:i:::i: i:i:."-:'.-:!:_:¾i:i:i:E:!:!:;•i:i:E :;:i ers most always prefer them painted white. Sometimes the ::::.::::.:::::::.:.: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MRS. ROBERT -NLEI• floor was painted, then spattered with other colors. You might' ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: try this, too. A painter will show you how. Originally done for WYCKOFF•The marriage of MRS. S. P ALATU.CCI, JR. practical purposes,it would be just 'aspractical for you today. Miss Theresa Ann Chernalis and Robert C. Spinnler, of Nor'th The 'bride's two sisters and the Haledon, took place at the St. bridegroom's 'two brothers were the-attendants at the wedding of Elizabeth's R .C .Church with the Miss Elaine A udre Miller and Rev. Benignus Harkins offici'at- Salvatore Palatucci, Jr. The ing. bride is the daughter of Mr. and Distinctive Wedding Invitations A reception at the. North Hale.- Mrs. Edward L. Miller of 153 W•alnut St. Mr. Palatucci is th.e don fire house followed the cere- son. of Mr. and Mrs. Palatueci of PATERSON PRESS mony. 313 Pacific St. The bride ,daughter of Mr. and The wedding was- solemnized in 170 BUTLERSTREET PATERSON, N.J. Mrs. William Chernalis ,of 810 St. George's R. 'C. Church by the Mountain Ave., wore a gown of Rev. Joseph 61ynn. A reeeo.tion LAmbert $-2741 silk organza frosted with im- •ollowed in. Friar Tuck Inn, Cedar ported French lace which ended Grove. in a flowing train,., :- .- PAGE SIX -: .'The''•.•RONICLE

/ . Women Act as "Traff' Cops" "

ForBySchool-AgedANNE HEYWO(}D lin•s hildren0erause oftheir natural pro- ßß NOTHINGPleases memore tective. instinct withregard to as "talent--scout,"thanhaving .aandreader tell actreel:chlll•r/n. "' 1Ust another. oPP ur•un,t- ' õoodideas she has du• u• in her I ior ma•ing •in mone•for women eommunit• •whocan fill suchpositions, 'Mrs O. E. W. ot Rochester,/ • ' _• I I letter i's of 'such interest that I l [ •/ ] ' • II •• '_RECEN ,B'RIDES." wouldMichigan.likehastoprintdone this,itin and its en-/her{ • /JJ• - -•'•'• •'•• •l•{•• tiretyVoluntee,foryou rolieomen / '/! j ...... teresting"Today.programthere wasonave,the Yradi0/• in-l• '•)•• f•f• • t(• ./'•'l • •:-•,•?-• ß' '

ingusually'at Ousyhousewives, intersections whoarein se•- De- /l •{//'• •'•X' •-/• i/•}K///• •/ , . • •' ' •?•?•::•:: - ' troit•e•ea•ingduring moreschoolponcemen hours, •orth•ll•c- { ••Ii/• •/• •/ 1•• tive duty elsewherein the city / • •• •(( • • J' city.town, village orhamlet in[' %••, • • • I(•-J• MRS.FRED TRoISI theUnited States never has too ' •• • )• •• ' Jl• ]• St.Michael's R. C. Churchwas MissMarie • Grado,-daugh- manypolicemen ontheil force, ß .•%• • • ' [ •]l andcruitedtoservejustafewhours iI morewomen could oe re- ]•,••'•/ • (• •• Miss Nancy Joan •lia, daughter Gradøøf377 MadisønAve" and• RyersonAve., to Fred•ooisi, andMrs. Cornelius Cuing of theaday. chfidren.during aret•e going•erioqs e•therwhen to, • •' • • •k• ofMr. and Mrs. •lph .Cilia, 2• Donald RoyCurving, sonofMr. •oisi.5 PassaicSt. •e Rev.Jo -• marriagein theChurch of the ' thatorfrommany school,more ithours would in whichmean 'I ••••She Serves at a Busy sephsonof Gallo Mr. performed and Mrs..Anthonythe double- Blessed258 Pacific Sacrament. St., were •eunited •v.•in • Intersection in School Hours. Thomas Trapasso performed the the policemen could serve the ring ceremony .which was fol- ceremony'. A reception followed community. lowed by a .dinner in the Cedar in the Plaza Ballroom. wbu nave no particular talent or Cliff Hotel. The Requirements The bride wore a gown of tulle skill, nor the time that a .job Given in marriage by her fa- "In. Detroit, as I understana it, away from home would take" and roseppolnt lace made a fit- , ther ,the bride wore a nylon ted bodice embroidered With the requirements are a physical My congratulations to those in tulle waltz length gown fashioned pearls and iridescents. examination for women of 25 to. Detroit who planned such a sen- with a lace bodice and Sabrina 50. Their minimum pay is $3.00"sible move, and my thanks to necklace. per day, they receive 10 hours'/Mrs. O. E. W for telling me about instruction, and usually they can' it. Perhaps some of you will ap- work near their own home! proach your own towns and help'- Wouldn't that be a perfect solu- set up a similar arrangement It tion for 'money for . would be helpful for the childrer,, the directorof the Detroitpro- helpful for the police force and {•ram mentioned? helplul for those who feel, "1 need "I think women woulci be just. to make money near home."-- right for such lobs at busycross- who are legion!

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• ...... ======:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MRS.H•'NRY ZEEUW,JR. The Preakness Reformed Miss Doris Ann Ten Kate, Church was the setting Saturday daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Sames for the marriage of Miss Doris Ten Kate, of Franklin Lakes, was Vitale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. married to Henry Zeeuw, St., son Angelo Vitale, 355 East •ine- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zeeuw 46 teenth .St. to Robert E. Burger, North Sixteenth St., Prospect son of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Park. The Rev. Angus MarLcod - ß ß...... • - -,•.•ø*:..'..¾•-½.,. •,.•,--•..•.b•. Burger, 15 Furno PI.,. Preakness. officiated at the candlelight cere- • ...... ' .. .•,. -•, • •-•-.."-':,,:•... The Rev. Frederick R. Mitchell, mony in the Irving Park Chris- , •.. .. :... . . • • -•y of Calvary Gospel Church, Preak- tian Reformed Church.. A recep- hess, officiated. A reception was tion followed in the North Hale. held at the Circle Restaurant. don Fire Hall. The bride wore a ßame.s Arness, an old handwith a revolveron Gunsmoke, The bride wore a gown of gown of Chantlily lace and tulle fin• that the •me •nd that h• a trigger linger also has a green white lace over satin. Her floor fashioned with a sa•rina neckline thumb. He'• s•n here •nding the backyard greenery with h• length gown was styled with an and front panel of lace. The bouf- w••irg]•. (CB•.•p•evi•on Netw2.ry,Saturdays.} ._ _ oval neckline. rant skirt ended in a small train. the-CHRONICLE • PAG,E SEVEN Where,-under this proposal, would the government get the money it needs E.?.DI T0 R I-A LS to operate?.Mr. Sadlak has the answer to that--and it will come as a surprise to many of us. .Editor S'peaks -INCOME TAX PROBLEM He points-outthat underexisting tax A number of proposals for placing rates, the budget revenues of the fed- For the husband,half of the fun haxin• a ß Ceilingson individualand corporatein- eral government have shown a net gain picnic is preparing the lunch basket the come tax rates have been made in late of more than $11 billion in only two night befoi•-especially if he can duck out years•between fiscal 1955 and fiscal of this chos. The last husband, who x as yearg."Some Of. these are phrasedin successful at achieving this aim, Incidentally, "•;erygeneral ter'fi•s and sayonly that 1957. He adds: "Some of this gain're- is still hearing about it. .. ' "- flects the impact of inflation on reve- The wisehusband, if stuck,WJil?-maneuver .:•...•..•e'maximum rateshall be 25 per cent, himseft into the job of spreadi'ng the junk ß 50 per cent,or SOmeother percentage. nues, but the major part of it has re- on ,the sandwiches. This wilt" give him a Others are highly detailed, and offer sulted from economic growth itseft." chance to sam'pie everything .to'his heart's Based on 1956 income levels, he then content. At the. same time he can put him- • complet:.•:.plan.•, for the reliefof tax- self into position of being able to spot the ' payers.' says, it would take an annual revenue thicker sandwiches later. growth of only about $3 billion a year We arranged such a picnic for a recent ß An.•unusually interesting example Sunday. B4ng old picnic go rs, we planned, 'i• the latter is foundin an actualbill to accomplishthe scheduledrate reduc- as always, to retire early Saturday night so tions withOUt net revenue loss to the that we would be fresh and.alert for a nice which has been introduced by Represen- early Sunday morning start. And as always • tatire Arttoni Sadlak of Connecticut, a government. That growth is well below we didn't get to bed. until 2 a.m. Sunday member-ofthe powerfulHouse Ways what most economists forecast. morning. and Means Committee which writes the Mr. Sadlak makes another interesting One of the things that slowed us up-was tax laws. Mr. Sadlak, to use-his own point--near!y 60 per cent of the tot•al the ham sandwiches.. I put three slives on all words, is "convincedthat achievement savings to individual taxpayers under the sandwich. es; In accordance-with Ameri- his bill Would' fall in the taxable income can ,custom, my wife .didn't utter a word un-. of a moderate schedule of-income tax til the job had 'been completed. At this point rates is necessary to the continued vi- brackets up to $6,000. Only 6.3 per cent she observed that there weren't enough sand- wiches. The only 'solution was to remake the tality and growth of our nation's econ- of the. savings would go to those in the sandwiches with .two instead of three slices. omy, and to the maximum advance in brackets above'S50,000. Thus, his pro- We were also slowed down by the problem the standard of living of all our citi- P0sal would be particularly effective in of packing the picnic basket.-I di.d a terrific job of packing the ,basket,'.'jugt managing to zens." His bill Would bring about major relieving ".... the tax impact on new squeeze in the last hard•boited.':.egg, ..only to reform in the income tax structure• and small business, self-employed .pro- discover that I left-out the cake.. fessional people ,and the whole range I was for leaving the cake at 'home but the and, perhaps of even greater moment, little woman wouldn't have it. There Was it would compel the. big federal spend- of middl e income families." nothing .to '-do but re-pack the basket. It seems my wife had never heard of the law ing programs to compete against regu- of nature which says that just so much stuff l•arly .scheduled income tax reductions. DON'T FORGET THE BABY, will fit into just so much space. I finally• solved the. problem by eating one of the • ...... 'The bill .wouldproject the reductions The parents of a two-year-oldFlorida sandwiches 'when my' wife wasn't looking. •'ifør each income tax bracketover a five girl recently told a newspaper: "We in- Before going to bed I set the..alarm for 6 tended to have our Judy vaccinated a.m. so that we would ,be sure. to get out of year period. Provision is made, in the the house by noon. When it rang the next discretion of the President and Con- against polio from the time she was one.. morning, I was out of bed like a shot; shut gress,for postponementsof not more But whenever we made plans to see the it off and went'back to sleep again without opening my eyes once. than a year at a time should an unbal- doctor, Judy had a cold or something ancedbudgei •and deficit financing happened to postponethe. visit. Last * threaten. Thus the rate reductions summer she.contracted polio. Now she I was .awakened. again two hours later by my wi•fe' who gently nudged me until ß couldbe'sPread over nine years. needs a crutch and a brace on one leg." out of bed. I looked out the window. It was

Incometaxpayers at every financial A Texas mother made this Statement: a typical picnic day--cool, .windy.. . and cloudy. level would be benefited. The bottom I casually, mentioned something about "I saw two of my three tots lamed by postponing the picnic until another .day. I rate'--which appliesto the first $2,000 polio after I had .put off having them was overruled by the outcries of about of net incom•--would •e reduced from eighteen people who turned out to be only vaccinated. My advice to other parents six-•my wife, and fi•e children To. my dis- 20 ,percent to. 15 per..cent.Then grad- is: Don't make the same mistake I did." gust the 's,un Cho•e to sho• it•lt at that ual reductions would be made 'in the particular moment for a fleeting instant. I Two out of every five casesof paraly- was lost. progressive rates so that, at the end of tic poliorecorded by the National Foun- On the •ay to the picnic grounds, my wife the period, the peak rate would be 42 dation for Infantile Paralysis are chil- got a nifty idea that it 'would ,be.fun to buy hot dogs and hamburger to roast. I thought per cent, as against the present'91 per dren under age five.. And nothing is that eighteen .•andwiches •as enough for cent. more pitiful than a child disabled at two adult• and fix e children but I was afraid to say so. I dutifully stopped at a store and Here are. some specific examples of the very beginningOf life. I ,bought the stuff. total reductions: In the $4-6,000 brack- How soon should an infant get his , et, the.tax would drop from 26 to 17 per vaccination?' The man who knows best All the table•, at the. picnic ground were is Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed'the already taken. We tried to share one end of cent.; in the $8,10,000bracket, from 34 a t• enty-foot long ta'ble that was 'being used to 19 per cent; in the $20,$22,000brack- poliovaccine.. His answeris: "Givethe b) t• o people but we were stared down. We et, from 56 to 25 per cent. In the case first injectionat three.months. The sec- finally put our •ablecloth on a rise in the ground that turned out to be an ant hill. By of corporations, the normal tax would ond should follow two to six weeks later. moving quickb we manages to escape.with- be cut from the current 30 to 22 per Two shots are good, but for maximum only about tire' sandwiches. cent .on .the first $25,000 of income, and effectiveness a third is needed seven We ,didn'treally care, though. There-was a sudden clap of thunder. the skies darkened the sur-tax from 22 to 20 per cent. months after the second." to a frightening .gray 'and the rain poured. So when you are vaccinating the •am- down in buckets, all of w•nieh ended the Thus.,the. combinedtop rate would drop picnic. We .swam to the-car and went home . from the present 52 to 42 per cent. ily, don't forget the baby. to our snug little .b•..ds.'.-' . ... •'• . . . '-:'•' PAGE EI•HT ....,'- •...... - --'-- ' ' The CHRONICLE .. •Iq•omasGorman, inside guard; erson at .their reguiar meeting Bernard McNamara and William held June 10, according• to an" of th e week ß ß * ß Strangeway,Brett,outside PGK,guards; trustee;-Jo- Arthur J, President.announcement This.byis dividen. .13. P. d Rial, No. sephPalladino, delegate to con- 266of-the First NationalBank of George'Bellin Re-elected State Two Council.awards came from the su- vention; James $. O'Byrne, alter- Paterson Which has 18 offices in GrandKnight Council 240 premeoffice and three from the nate to delegate;J. AnthonyBel- Paterson, Bloomin.gdale, CUtton, : Culminating one of the most State Council. lin, alternate to grand knight. Mountain View, Pompton Lakes, importantand successfulyea. rs The re-electedOffiCers are- Borough of Totown, Wa•aque GeorgeJ. Bellinwas re-elected'George .J. Bellin,grand knight; ß ß ß Borough, West Milford, Preak- Grand Knight.of the Paterson JosephPalladino, deputy grand First .Declares Dividend nessand Ringwood. Council-240,Knights of Colurn- knight;'J. EdmundIrving, chan- A dividendof $1.50per share, The bankhas 170,000 shares of bus, for the'1957-58 year. cellor;-Gerard Morris, recording payable July 1, 1957to holdersof a par valueof $25.00'per share In recognitionof the fine rec- secretary; William Lydecker, recordat the closeof ,businessoutstanding. First NationalBank: ord of achievement,the entire treasurer;Ralph Davies,advo- June19, 1957 was declared by the has paiddividends. to stockhold- slateof officerswas returned to cate;Vincent S. Parrillo,warden; directors of the-First National erseach year since it •as œøund- " ThomasSmith ,assistant warden; Bank and Trust Company oœPat- edin 1864.

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PRESENT CAP,•T•s week the St. Anthony's Mothers Group Brendan Madden, assistant pastor; Mrs. Robert Baekes• vice- presented a new station waj•on to the nuns of St. Anthony's president; Mrs. Stanley Shepherd. president; Msgr. Joseph M. R. C. Church. Those p•rticipating in the ceremony axe shown O'Sullivan, Sister Edwardina, principal; A! Klees, of Haw- above• Lett to right are: Mrs. R. Dunkerley, ways and means thorne Chevrolet; Fred Meyers, president of Hawthorne Chev- co.mini. 'tree; Mrs. J. Moebius, merchomdiseclub chairman; Rev. rolet; Joe Reiser, of Hawthorne Chevy. 'I'Ve CHRONICLE PAGE NINE :::.:-- .:...... -.--..%...... ß ... ..•..;•y,..•-..•:!:::::. "". :-.:.'-'x ' ß

THE SH WCASE . .,.' ...•.•.a-.:•-'..: .. •.!:i-: -v-. ,' : D.G. ,' •...- .... . '.::,:,i'::!•.•..•:.i:•.... " •;•.ß, .-." •- - ß)•. .-'":-...... ff•"'•;.::;:....,.:¾'.'-'i:•'-::'-.'- ....""•'• ....:.:?': .. ;.•..."':.-•-:..ß •.:.. . /':!*-'.•'Y'::•:..--:.--..:.':-:•-'•i..'.'..••-. •.::.-:•::.• -..: .:•. ...ß..., i BIG TOWN JOTTINGS.:--"We're a mutual admiration society", •&•'- ß . ..'½--'_i,." ::!-..i..,. :'-'.:.-'.::•.....Z.-:..:.%'•-"...... sings Broadway musical star Ethel Merman and her stage daughter •:•::ß.•.--...... -. . •,.x.•..•.. ,4c..::•:•:'•.,?..:...... :!•.:..:::•.•.•%...,.:.....•.... :.: .•...... •../.. •?..•:.- . ..:• '- •..:'::::-: - ...:. ' ß::• ß%x::::•..:...-.'- Virginia Gib.s-o.nin that merry mirthquake called "Happy Hunting", :"•,'•:! ' "." - ..:-" :'.-.':'.-.:::.• :;: •'." -'-'•i•:.'"'"":.•.. ' ' at New York's Majestic Theatre. The hit tune--a juke-box "top ten" for many months now--might well descrY,beEthel Merman and New ß.,.;:":."ß ',:,..½'--%:.....!:c;.-.. - .'..'.:i.•;;-.;.¾.•-.;•:;•-.:•:• ':":.•-:.•'%;•:i::.:.'.-.:':.'.:" -;!•':.'? :'.:?..:.'::' ß .•:":-!::--,.....,,.' '• ß;fx.....•:::v'.- .,.- ....,:--::::: .....-:. -- - •:,'-•...... •x.%...... x•... .:..:::.x.;•....:., . -..-ß --'. •... :.:.•. -•. ._-.,.-.:.:.ß ...... :.:.x:•.o:;.:...:.:•:.:...: • ...... -, ,:-, .•....•::::ß-¾.:.-... •--.4•-.,'.: ...-.•;• ...... - ...;.:•...... -.. York City. Her home town, where theß musical_ comedy queen has x,..•.:.::.:..:::.•:::<._:- - ; / . ,•-.-•:•::-!•¾:..•.:.-...;.,...... reigned supreme during 27 years in ,a golden dozen 'hits (and no .. '?½?%..::-.::f- ,•,,, •:.::-.....-.•..•.•:.%-.-..;.•¾:•;..:.•'.. flops, a recordunequalled by anyonein present-day}how busifiess), ^.-'::::::::.• ...::';. - ' ß- ß,.•..: - •,...ß .-..: •x. • •..-'::i- -:• ß? .•- x.-:..:::.::...... x•... -''::-•.::::::...... :"' ß" ß' ' -.,'...... '-':o'-'- ...... •..-..:.:,.• ½""*:'-"-•i.",;.:'": .•;..-':i:::!:,:.-•i:i::.:.e:.&¾-.•...... ':...... ;. has wel'comeahei' backthis seasona•er four'yea_rs away from the :i:'!.;i.-'•, :•.',..':. :!.!.:½:.'.-,'-' .... •-:•i.•,:" ::i::'.-*.:•i!•.':.½;..i::--ii.•i..•':.!•'..-::...:, stage with the most lyridal notices,she has •ver received• •nd La .9::•i::":•:.-' :•-'2'""':':..::-.•:'-. '--½...... i.;::'..."-.•.•'.•::::.: ...... "%:ø"44.".i. Merman-puts•verythi-ng-she-feels about New York into her opening i '.;'-."-:'.i""/--- song in her current show, "Gee, But It's Good to Be Here!" :-?-'::''i-:....-,, .... .4..!::i;;i•.,::.;;.•::•;;;::'::;':'""':;".:.,•,:r..;:'.-i•.s..i.. New York has now made the love affair official. Mayor Robert ß ' :..'..... u, x..:.x: -- : '" .: ...:::... .x...•. .,...f . -::•::.':;-.-,,,,. .. ,".:.:,,..?.•..:.....: .-.. -:.!::-;::.... :.o,....::...:.. F. Wagner, r,.•.ognizingwhat' a powerful lure the New York theatre •.':.:.,•.•..• ;.:..... ".-':::'.-": ..... ' .....,'i! . ?". is to summer vacationists, has formally designated Miss Merman the ?•.:•?:•.•.•.•,...•...... ß ... ':": .... "•::•.-•-•i•:.*•.•'. ,,,ß-•?'".x...... -:-.:.!.•....-.-:4.....' :'•':" •.•, ...;>'x•0c• ...... "':'-' ' :' :"' •'•':•'•ß " ß city's "Official Hostess" of its 1957 '"New York" Is a Summer Festi- : •..-.•.-:•;•.•..•..:x;.•.:•.•:.?,..:. 5:'.".':: :'.' ..' .-. ß:::.•' -:'.'•?•:-: '.'•;,'.-:::½•:::::•Ei}i!•:.:i:•-• .;-"•'?..:'•.:..'.. %•'.•.• val", the annual promotion of the .city's Convention and Visitors ."::•-"..... ' -. ' '"•: •::"::."' ;!.'" .is'..; .:'.•.'.':.. '- Bureau. •.•.•.•.•..•..•..•.•::.-.:•'•.:•.;•..':...-,-...,:..,..•...... •.•:.... •.-. :.? -.,.:... .;-::•-.:. :..11..:;- ¾- ...... ,.... Ethel Merman has made a specialty of the glad-hand gal with •ß;w.x.ß:.'-;-.::..."i•'.,.¾---..,a..';•.'-".•;.:..:"- •:;:-•:'::.-•":Y'•":':-.:,x...... -:-'-:-:.:..:....-•". .'*'-':-i•;" ":''.:' .-'ß ß'.' . '"'•.-':.•4' ..-.--'.:o.•-; ,•.. . -- -.-•.:.•-..:.-:.'•p,•-.... - :; .:.:..x ;:•. .... :. .. ". -::-..w:. ß the heart of-gold. Newsweek recently described her voice as "the oN TWO SERIES--Gongstress cutting edge of the corner butchef's favorite cleaver"., and others H•le•...-:iO..•½onnell is star of the QUEEblLY--Jolen=Brand, fash- havelikened it to theSound oi a b'ra'iscal.liope, yet GeorgeGershwin ion model on NBC-TV's Mo'nday- newf•'•arter-hour"Helen O'con. onceadvised .hi•i • never"'to take a singinglesson, Or it wouldruin.:he•. nell Show" on.•NBC-TV Wednes- through-Friday "" days and Frid"ii•-•S.She continues naturally a:•ur.ate.'voice.-'Ll(•ls of Lond0n,.';whichwill insure a. 'program, takes time off from her her regular appearances on the television chores for some eye- eetwork's Monday.through.Friday Broadwaysho&, against the i•'•:;.•s'•ble fndisposi. tion of its star gives catchin• relaxation. EthelMerm":h.n .thehighest.'..•.atij.fig 'forhealth and dependability of any "Today" telecasts. .... y. .. .. - >....?.. •..• :.:.:.:.:.•-o:.o:..:.- $- :..¾ - ".:'• ..' :•'.'.:'::"'."J:":-'.-.•!":."i•:::::' . .?::::.:.• ':.- '. ::i:::.-:.-e- -.-.-.- -.- .... :::::::::::::::::::::::::.:-:-x.>:-:.: '-'.%¾-'.•.> .'•'.'->:•: ...... ::i?:ii::iii! • .•:.- ßi-:;:-<:?...... :.•.- :.•. •'. '::::i:i:i:!:i:i' ' :: 'i...... :::::::::::: %: " i %'" "•'::•*'',,:::.' ::.'..',-;.? •..'"' .. .,.:ii•i'Jil;;i::::?::: : : .l-- I've Got a "SecrG.- i::.i ..•i.• . . _ ß...,.:.:...... • .:. ß .•..." -'"'!?'•; ß.' ..:•'...-x ..... :.:-. /. ß ..?,•. ,_,.;.,..,:.-,..•....•..;,:-.--....•, . ..

...... •:•, ..?. • -.-,'•.- .. . .,...:...... • :r.:•:.:.i;: : ""'...... -:'i. ½/ .' ,. , .. ,• 'f. ;., ' • , [ .....!'71 :½i•-: ':•-,"::.'".'i*:•i-'...:,:,?. %':...... -:..•:.' ,:, '-' :• "'-' ...•,-:-'.-;::':..-•:.--:.. •:."-" :•..:.:.•.:'::•.:'•:.•!: •. ": ...... ' >'.•.N:½t'•:..,..}.?•.*,*::::•::- '• :' .'.::i'.-:.. .•..-."-.•...:::½:-.•-• :.'.::.•;!'' --, ...... ß - ..' - ½.:-'}..,*....-• •' -• '-...... ½,-...;*- %,:::½,:-.: ß:'::.•i'::.::i::: .... ' ': ' ..::?.!ii:i:.-•::.. ,-.:..:M:i:i::: !:M.' ' -.-...::i:.:i.E.- ...... • ?' ...... •:" •. .... -M:E:i:: ' 4 ..... ::.,." . ,....:.:/. , ...... :.:.:...:.:::.:.:.:...a:::::•:.::.::.-.¾: ...... : -• ?• ..... ß . : ß •-•s• . ß ' ' -::.i!'::•i-::::!i:.-::'?.-i•:-.'-:•i!?..c:k.'.-i!:"::- •" " .. ½i.• is.' ?. '-.•. :.- ß '. ? ..•.;... ':.iiiiiiii:!:ii-..'•.i-": ..... " .... .

,. .:!:is.-....; .... -•: ....:.. :.-. ..::-'.. .,.::..::. :::::::::::::::::::::: -....", -:.•"i"i:i . : .. . ,...... • ß• ' . . -.:.. i?:i'.-:?:i::?' ";i!iiiiiiiiiiiiii:-..'-.'.. "'"'"" ":--':.-"?::' i . :i' •..::i.•ii:?:i::-.,:.•...... • / •. ? ..... ;.:'.... !'is!--:...... :...... ;.....'• ". i::i::!!iiii!-'- . .::' . ..' ....., :{ ...... /....- .:::!•:.::: ,. . •:'.:.:'•!il::::•':=::.:-:i!::!:i!i:i:•::.-.'ii:•!!i•i.-'..'i?;• !...... "- ...-..,y. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" '" :::•i:,.::•ii'•;:-:i:-:'".'•i•' :'' ' :' -:'..:. ;'::i':•....I"' " ... -.,•,.: . ...:' •.. . ..:':'.:----:-.:.o x. .:.:.:.:.:...... 2' ., :':-'::':':.:'-'.'..'.i:i'-'.•.-.""':i:!-'•-'ii'!:i:' ...... '...,..,."'.-. :...,:..?:.'::. . ß•.... ' '½ ';, :'.'-.:'•'':•i.'-'.,,;i:.,:'i • ::::::::::::::::::::::: .... . •.:.-"' .:. ß ::•-•i:.. '-"' ':':' .,:. '...... •:i:•:•:•= ß iii•?'--:•: ?:*:,- :-'-'i iiiiiiii!ii...... !. ß:.. ':'-:.:._-: ..... :. ß:- "..i:!:!:• i•"'"•'? :::;': i;!::• -': "' : ': :!.'-41; :' •.: :i• i"•":"i"i. .'?:: .:....._ .:?;,._. . ETHEL MERMAN : -:-..:::;• actress in the American theatre. No modest violet, Miss Merman ß •!i,": . knows she's good and thanks God for it, and says: "I just go out .$ ..- .....:. ,:•i•iii!iiii•iiii•iiii•". :':--':::•'-":":.... ':' .._. there and do my best". : ß ....•....%½...ß g,.' iiil..... Her stage characterizations are treasurer in her ians' memory-

ß books,from the gal in the red skirt and blouseWho walked out an x• :--* ß 'i'

unknown on •he set ol "Girl Crazy"_in 1930 and held a "•id•lle C for '•' "i •.-:." ":'ß .! sixteenbars in "I Got'Rhythm", '•1own through the 'd'•ioi;iUl Panama : I-latHe,the gusty May. Daly .o'•"DuBarty Was a Lad*y", the tawny ß ß.'-..•.':.ß:.,. ::? ß ,.•. •.::,.-...,• ...- ...... • -:-: homespunAnnie Oakley of "Annie Get Your Gun" to the ia.bulous .•- & ...... , ß •::...-...... •.-.': • , .:.:.:. AmericanAmbassador to a myt'hicalcountry.. in "Call Me Madam". ß.-i•.... '""•"' :..':.*.•':.'.'s'.,."::::..•i.:.,::-'-. ?...... ,..•.::.•! •,, .:• In "HappyHUnting ", in whichshe'll be happilyaround for some :"' ';!is'-'; time--and New" York-t)-ound summer visitors are advised to take ,. "'"' -.. .:."" note and .secure the seats t'hey'11want for May, June, July and August :. -,,.•.•. •. -:.•: 'by orderingby mail without de'lay-•MissMerman is s•dpPortedby '"":'•*:'-""<"x:- '. handsome screen star Fernando Lamas, who overnight became a matinee idol in his first Broadway show; and sings a portiolio of hit

•ongs by Matt Du'beyand Har01d Karr. The' Story.is by 'veteran'-p!ay•_ wrights l•ussel ,Crouse and Howard Lindsay (Author of her previous Norma•Moore.. is norc©neealing that her-"Seeret".is the hits "Anything .Goes", "Red, Hot and Blue" and "Call Me Madam'"); Television'-pro-gi;•,m-"The ....Seeret - Storm. The attractive Miss the director is Abe Burrows; and the producer-designer is .... $o - Moore.is.a•reCentCast additionß toßthe.daytime serial which can be Mielziner. seen_M01idayß thru.FrtdaY• ...... ½.- '-. ;. • ...... ,½ . P^C•E TEN ß , ' ' '"T•d'::CHRONICLE- II---I Led Three L,ves -: 13---All Star Movie 12:00 x : 2--Let's Take A THo 8:00 .9:00.. 2--Jackle G,leasofi 4--:HopalonqCassidy _'2 .... G-E Theat•, -' 5•Looney Tu,nes - 4--Goodyea.r:PlaYhouse 4'-Julius La, Rosa ß 7--The Chrisfooher Prog.' 5•World's Greatest- 9'-"The Great John L" 5--.WarnerBros.'premie re Defectives 13--=lfal, .Ouiz. ....7mAmafeur H.our--•,'Mack' ' 7mBilly Graham 9•Hourof Mysf9ry""•" I IraMovie 12:30 I I•Mr. District Attorney

9:00 .2mWildBill Hickok 4--The Open Mind 13•Laf.Amer.•9:30Carnival 2•Oh Susanna 5mBefween the Lines 2mHifchcockPresents " WABc;Tv--7 WOI•-TV--9 WPIX--11 4--Galaxy of Stars 7--Faith For Today I I--Badge 7.14, '-• WATV--13 5raN. O. P. D. I IraSightseeing 7mLawrenceWalk Show I •mProf. Prezzollnl 2raThe $64.00010:00 Challenge 9mMovie--Mys•ery 4--Loretta Young TheseTV Morningand Afternoon Programs Are Repeated 13mZero 1960 1:00 7mMike Wal.lace 9:30 2mHeckle & Jeckle 9•Movie MondayThrough Friday from-7:00 a,m. to 5:30p.m. 2mSRO Playkouse I IraStudio 57 , :4--News and Views .,. S--Wrestling 7mMovlemDrama 13toForeignCorrespondent 4--Ernle. Ford 7:00 7roMarfin BlockmVa.rlety I IraTracer--Mystery I I•Ramar of the Junge . 10:30 . 12:00 3:00 13toForeignCorrespondent 1'3--Views on Ifa'.y ß 2roWhal'sM• Line? 2--•-JimmyD=anShow 2mValianfLady 2•The Big Payoff i 0:00 1:30 4---Feat.Film 4-.-.Today 4--TicTac D.oucjh 4--Matinee Theatre 2mGunsmoke 7•Passportto Danger' 2mPicf. for a Sun. P.M. • .8:00 5--Herb Sheldon 5--- Show 4--George •obel ß 4--Fro'nfiers of Faith '2.•Capfaln'Kangaroo 7--TimeFor Fun : 7mAtternoonFilm Festival 7--Ozark Jubilee I13•AIIIraThe StarWhistler Movie 7:--T•nker'sWorkshop !2:! 5 9•Ted Steele I I--Premiere Performance 5•MovlemDrama 10:45 13mWrestllngFilm 9mKnofhoe Gang " "' 8•30 2--Loveof Live 3:30 I I---Baseball 7•_'Tinke•fo0ns-Carfo0•s 12:30. 10:30 Merry,-go-round 2reSearch" for Tomorrow 2--BobCrosby Show 13--Repf. from Rutgers 5•Comedles 5•Was.•inqtonI1:00 '. 9:00 4L-If Could Be You 2mTwo For the Money 2:00 4--Hit Parade 2mSun.News Special 2--Sfu Erwin 7raMemory Lane 4:00 4--•ifizen's Union 4--Today' 13roWestern 5--Movie--Mystery &-JohnK. M. McCaffre¾ 2•BrighferDay 7•M ovie--Comed'y 9•Baseball •Movie--Drama '5'-Sandy BeckerShow 12:45 I I--Baseball 4--•ueen For A Day 9mMovle•Mysfery : 9:30 2raThe Guiding Light 5--Wendie Barrie 13mUniverslt¾ 13mAll Star Movie II mMysferyThea, 2--My.Li•f'.e Marg!e I:00 I I--Firs':' Show 2:30 11:!5 7•Møvle•Drama 2reNews- Walter Cronkifi 13mFeafure Film I 1:00 4--Watch Mr. Wizard 2raThe Late Show, 10:00 4--Tax & Jinx 4:15 2raThe Late News 7mMovle--Western 13--All Star Movle 4--Fear.Film' 2---GarryMoore 5mAnyfim.e Thea. 2raTheSecret Storm 4--Sat. Night News 1:15

. 3:00 4--Home 1:30 4:30 11:15 2raTheLate, Late Show 5---AnyflmeTheatre • 2•-AsThe World Turns- 2•TheEdge of Night' 2raThe Late Show 2mMovle--Drama 10:3g 4mC!ub 69 5---Mr. & Mrs. Nor•fh 4mMovle 4--Youth Wants to Know 2'---ArthurGodfrey 7--TheAftarno.on Show 12:30 5---Movie--Drama I1:00 9mScr•en'ng•heWorld 5:00 3:30 13--Feature Film 2mAmos & Andy 4-•-.Movle•Drama 4--Zoo Parade 4--The PriceIs Right 2:00 4•Comedv Time 7•-MovlemMysfery 7--John Hopkins- j U•'•qE17 7inRoadto Romance 2mOur MissBrooks 5•Herb Sheldon I:00 4:03 11:30 9--Cartoons 7•Mickev MouseClub 2---TheLate, Late Show 2•Face the Nation' 2mSfrlkeIf Rich 2:30 9--Ted Steele 4--TheTwistled CrOss 5:30 4--Truth or Cons•.quences 2mArt Linkletter 7--Co!le-ePress Conf. :•TheEarly Show 13inCommandPerformance 4--Evenlnq5--Ca pt. Video'Thea. SUNDAY' 4:30 I I--Clubhouse Gang 7mSfudio7-•'Dt. ama 13--Jun}orFrolics 12:00 I 13--Junl.o,rFrollcs 5:00 6:00 5:00 JUNE 16 SATURDAY 2raThe Biq Top 2--Odyssey •Gene Autry ß 4--True Story 2•Lafe Matinee 8:00 4--Topper 7mOswaldRabbit 5'-Liberace--Music 5•Adv. of EastsideKids :..--JUNE !.5 2•AgricultureUSA 5--Gangbusters 9--M¾ Hero 7raThe Bonfempis 7mMovle 4--SundaySchedule 7--DeanJames A. Pike I l--P.opeye the Sailor Man . 9mMovlamD•ama 9--Milllon Dollar Movie 7•Cartoon Festival i ImDo.uble' Feafu're 6:30 ,. '" 7:00 13--Padre Adolfo I ImPopeyethe Sailor 13mGospelHour 5:30 5--LooneyTunes 5:30 2raThe. .. Breakfast Show 12:30 8:30 &-Outlook 7mCor!iSSArcher 4--Modern Farmer 5--ThreeMusketeers 9--•TerryfbwnCircus 7•F•ve .Star Comedy 2•Blg Picture 8:00 4--Defecflve Diary 7•'PressConference I I •-*-Combat Sergeant 5mFeat. Thea. 13milouse Defective 13--Oral Roberts 13mEvanqel.Hour 13•Flash'Gordon 2•News I:00 9:00 6:00 6:45 6:00 4--Shariland 2--Sunday News 2--The Last'W'ord .4•News 7mCarfoon Festival 2mLone Ranger 4mMee• the Press 7:00 4--Home Gardener 2•Six o'clock Report 4--Educatlonal Serless 8:30 7mSfudlo 7 5mGene Aufry•Wesfern 9--Thls Is The Life 5----TheGreat •ilde rs•.eeve 2--7 o'clockRapt. 13mRev. Thea. Jones ß 7--CorlissArcher 4--HighwayPa•ol 2•Hickory Dickory.Dock 7--Jungle Jim 1:30 il---BuffaloBill, Jr. 9:30 13---N.J. Legis.'Rapt- s---RayMilland---Drama 9:00 13mPolka Party 6:30 7._Sports--HowardCosell 2--The Way To Go 2--On The Carousel 2--Right Now! 2mYouAre There 9--M.ovie 4--Children's Thea. 4--Baseball 6:15 4--Opera History 7raThe Afternoon Show 9--Chrlstlan Science 4--RoyRogers I I---News 13milouse Detective 9•Vno•ho!eGang 2mPafflPage 10:00 S---MickeyRoone¾ 13•CarfoonComics 9:30 7•Sfar Time 7:15 2--Lamp Unto My Feet 13--•ov. ' Meyner 2--News 2•Capfaln Kangaroo• 5--Wonderama 7:00 7--.JohnDal¾ - News 13•Fiesfa Musicale 13mMovle--western 2toMyLittle'. Margie 4--Amerlcan Lifferature 2:00 5---LooneyTunes I0:00 liraBaseballHallofFate 6:30' 9--Oral Robeds 2---Lassle I I--NewYork News 7mRi,n Tin Tin •: 4--Howdy Doodv 13--•erman Varlef¾ 4•CowboyTheatre 7:30 2mOurNation's Roots '•' 9•Sfar Attraction 10:30 S---Frontier 2---RobinHood S--Leon Errol ComedJe• ß 5--C•af.Thea. I I•Sk¾King 2•Look Up and Live 7---YouAsked For It &--NatKinq Cole 10:30 13--CY O 5•JudgeRoy Bean 9mBaseball 13--'.r:s•Show 4--Sunday'-Variety I Im•øaseball 7:00 7:30 7--WireService 2mMiahf¾ Mouse 9--Cartoon Time I I--Susle 4--The Gumby Show 2mir You Had a Million 13•BJg Picture 2--JackBenny 13---AllStar Movie 5mRen,=re'•of the Mounted 2:30 4--RosemaryClooney 4•CircusBoy 7.•5 7mMovle --ConqresslonalClose -up' S--Long JohnSilver I1:00 5mMr. & Mrs. North 13•La PregunfaMusicale 3:00 7--AnnieOakley--Western 2--E•e-on New York 7•Movle•Drama 4..-NBC News 9--Fun to Travel 5--Wonderama,•Kiris I !:00 2-- Movie 7mFocus ß/taMillion Dollar Movle 8:00 El •Movle I q•Superman IImVlct0ry atSea 2--Burns&Allen 2mSus•n'sShow 13--Jimmy'Shearer 13--SpanlshShow. 13mAilStar Movie 4--Adv.of Sir Lancelot 4--Fury 7•Feafure Matinee S--Frontier 5mMovie--Wesfern '7:30' I ! :30 8:00 I I--Stage7--Drama 4:00 2---Ed. Sulllvan 8:30 9mM.ovle--Wesfern 2--The Bucaneers 2•amera Three _4r-Gold •'.:i:•'!3--ThePerucho. Show 4--People Are Funny' 4--Ask fhs 'Camera 4--SteveAllen 2--TalentScouts 11:30 5--Joe Palooka'' 5--Crusadein the Pacific 5--Pet Center , 5mMovle.--ScenlcFiction 4--Talesof WellsFargo 7•Movle . 2---It's a Hit--Quiz 4:30• 7•Thls Is The Answer limParisPrecinct, Mysfe• 5--Co:.nfidenfial File 9mMilllon Dollar Movie 13mHc;lly•voodJackpot 8:30 7---Volce of Firestone.• 4--Capt. G.allanf 2mBelmontStakes I I•So'dlers. of 'Fortune '!3.-,rB. 1_9 p!•fure PAGEEL• EN the ...... -. •-•-..•w• .....••"•;•' "•' •..... '-ß ß .; 9--Greatest Fights 5--UncommonVaFør 4--Helen 'O'Cemnell I I--San Francisco Beat I I--Baseball •Mickey R0oney ) 9:00 8:30 7---Disneyland 2--1 Lov• Lucy 2--Private Secretary I I--Sforles of the Century 4--Twenty-one 4•Panic 13--All Star Movie -• .•--Racket Squad 5•-Press Conference N'0 IRr SHOWING • 7•PressConference 7:45 9--Baseball 7--Life of WyaH Earp 4•NBC News I I•ity Detective 9.:00 • 13---Command -Performance 8:00 .. 2--To Tell The Truth ß• 9:30 2--Arthur Godfrey 4•Jane Wyma.n_ 2-- 4•Masquerade Party 5•Mr. & Mrs. North 5•avalcade of Stars 4--Robert Montgomery 7--Broken Arrow I I--Man Behind the Badae •--Prof. Boxing 9--Star Affractlon 8:30 7--Top Tunes - Walk 13--Command Perform. I I--Inner Sanctum 4•Fafher Knows.. Best 9:30 10:00 B--Count of Monte Chr;sfo ALSO 2--Stu.dio One 2--Red Skelton 7--Navy' Log I I--Public Defender 4--Kaiser Alum. Hour 9---•reafesf Fights S•Cavalcade of Stars I I--Pub!ic Defender 10:30 7•Telephone Time. Drama 9:00 REFRESHED-- 4-:-Code Three--Police 9--Strange Stories 2--The Mfllionaire takes time out for a quick •Prof. Boxing 4•Kraft Thea. THE61RIN dip between rehearsals of his 7--Dr. Christian I-0:00 5--Wanted Saturday night NB•TV comedy I I--Fabian of Scot. Yard 2--$64,000 •uestion 7•zzie & Harriet series. He'll have time for mope 13--All Star Movies •Sherlock Holmes THEI(,1tEMLIlll •- swims during his Summer va'ca- 9--Baseball I I:00 7--Polka Time I I--Dr. Christian fl' • L.BARKER-• • GABOR-• tion before beginning his Tuesday 2--The Late News 9--Movie 13--Command Perform. • ...... night Fall series over NBC-TV with Eddie Fisher as ½o.star../' 4•News- Weather 10:30 9:30 ß , _ , 7--News . 2-- 2--I'veG•t A 'Secrqf'-- , .<..:•,.:.:•;..-.'•!.:j:•:•:•;,:.•:•-•.% -?:;:•..:.:.• •.•. - .. -:... .:.:... I I--•nspectorMark Saber 4•Top Plays of 1957 •Movle ..:.::....::::....::..-..::.' •.-...... ,c:.- ..:'< I 1:15 5--Errol FlynnTheatre 7--Ford The.a. -•;]-:'.*•'•'..i;•;." '•:;::;•-:.::.?:: '..,:•. .. 2--The Late Show 7--Men of Annapolis I I--Highway Patrol '.':'•'.•:::•-i;...•:.•.".:•;..•:-•..,..--.•:•::"-": ,.;-.,?•ii•: .'.;.-. -..?:• ?:C•.•• --•:• 4•Tonight 13--All Star Movie ß.-'•,. "'•.:•i:•:• ß *' •.. i•:i. •..... •' :ii::-!:i. 10:00 •..-:j•i!!!?'ß -.. .::....:..:...::.•:..:..:.:.::.:. .-? .....:..... S•At Ringside •'•''-'..? .-.--:-:'•:-' '. %.."."-".:i"•:<.:...;$... -... ß ..-.''• -'..-::.. ß '..i•?•.ß-::.:..:::r.-- I I:00 2--20th Century Fox 1 !:30 •; t-'..g 'l• ß .-J.;.•!:.....' •; •i . :..: ..•-..•i•:i:C' i!i •"::::'*•'" 4•This Is Your Life ß ß .-.-:•:-.:?:::•:.:...¾...¾c:.•y...;.. ;a,,• .•.•:.., '- .::.:-:::::•i•I:-:. • ::.::..,c: ß ...... • .:•::•.•'-':•-.•.• ..$•< .... : S---ScreenSouvenirs 2--TheLate News 7--Wed. Night Fights ß.-. x '-i:::i•:i:•!:-.".-' .. ' ß :-•'• ß. -...... : :::::::::::::::::::::.-•....,....,. ß:.,:,...... •.-. I ['Billy Graham 4•J. M. McCaffrey I I--Federal Men ;•;.;•.•.•-.•:'•-•.:..-':?:" ../. ' :•:i.':¾ ß ..-' '. '::..:•:.c:'.:-..-' " ' -¾>•.... :• ' 5--Wallace's Nightbeat •.:..--x.•?::,.•• :;j,.-•;.•...... •i'.'•.:-•. .- . .•::"-':' •."'-':-.:•'. '::::.... ß'..:--•- .."::ii-•'•!/'•-...'::.•:"- . :::-'.•':..:::L" 10:30 • ,.%,•.!.:):u;.•-•.• ß.--.'iis- ;"::•**.•"...f'' '-.s..i7' ß. ::•::...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::.:.:,-?.-<:•..-:.. '•. ' ..'.ci'-" ' -...'-c:.-.. .,•'. ' ..':..' .._ he La-fp_,Late Show I I--The Tracer 4•The Vise '• •': • ....ß...... ::..:'. . .:..:' :i; ß'.?•-•:"•i:•i?:i•.:;:.?:•.:..:•.:/!:..•:ii:.'.' .:...... ::::.'"' ::::-.'::-'..'•:-. ::i'.';.•.•i.i•:"::::.::'-'-"':.. • ..-'-:-.-'- - -.-• -._:•T12:45 7--News I I--Mystery Is My Business };.. '-j.• :•., . .... •...... • • ...... *:.'..:i::i:•.,.-iiii!:'i:• •':-'"'":'.!.-':•.-Ji: '-'.:.•:i::•]•.:.•.:;:" . 11:15 , . •'•. .- . -•:.. - 13•AII Star Movie • ' ...... :i•i '.) ...':":::T:y•:i..'::..- -• 2--The Late Show 10:45 . •:' .. :' ::,•...-f'.::? ..:.•. ':'-. •: : ß..... ::•i•!ili•:•-•:i,'-;•!i!i•:':.:,.•:i•;•.•.:"":!-.:: -'..... •:?.-'-•"• ...... ::...:'::::/ 4•Tonighf 7--Sports Page ' 'i•i•!!;iiiii..'..:i•..•.•-"'-?;:?•..•:•..;::-:--:::.':-,?.•.i'!:•:-i .> 11:06 '•'•ß..•..< :?...... ½ TUESDAY ll:s0 .....ß-":- •'""'-' :.-:- /' ":.::'--.:..... : .•i•::i 9--Movie 2--The Late News ...T:. --:..... ;;:..: - :.:•.<.- ...... ß .. . I I--N. Y. Crusade 4--John McCaffrey ...... ß:.. :.:..;..:..•':-!? ß :-',.-. ]!'- •.•; " .' i::•:...... : •Wallace's Nightbeat :' •i:']: "-. JUNE18 12:30 7--Star Showcase • .-4, .-...'":..... ;•': '• .. : -•;'-'::' 2--Late, Late Show I I--Sfryker of Scotland •.-..: ... :::-.': 5:30 .• ...... (-. 1 !.:1,5 2--The Early'Show David Janssen stars in the The producer-emceeof, 4--Moyle Four 2--The Late Show 4-•Tonighf title role of CBS Television's tomline Quiz" s•arts rite loth! 5--Ca pt. Video 'ichard Diamond--Private De- consecutive year on •he, air.' I 1:30 tective," the new adventur se- 13--Jr.I I--Ramar Frolics.of the Jungle W ED N E S DAY I I--N. Y.-Crusade ries which replaces "December "l'ersonwhen his•o Person"p•ogram for e.su•- .6:00 Bride" for the summer begin- ruer on the CBS Television Net-, 5--GeneAufry JUNE 19 1:15 nin• Monday. July 1. .work Friday, July 5. 2--The Late. Late Show F .•.'.'...:•J:•.c-' -' :... ..-.-.•,• .::.v..... • ..,• . . 7--Jungle Jim ß-.• ....•'.-..•:-.,'•:.!:.• ...... •i .-.':::::.- -.•:.:.:::: 9--Willy 5:30 ,,:.•-•:::•;.-...... ?-..;.• ,, "% ß .. -. :...... ;:...... !!•::iii:.. .::.-•:.: . -•:,- •..-•...:..• .,'• ,•.•,,".•. :- .-'-:.-.x, ..:.:.:..... •. .• y:.•:?•:• -... • . .<.. ß I I--PopeyetheSailor Man 2--The Early Show '-¾:•::'...:.:.½:::-'::' :- ....-' ß ß ...;%x•..:.>;::.-... ß.....c...:. . .-::.• .,. • ..-.:•:!c...... i :.:.o...:: -. .. •. 6:30 4•Movie 4 THURSDAY , • .•-..- : ::.•.. •--Looney Tunes 5•apf. Video ß .,, . ..."-: .,..:.. i •<:•:-':;'::' ':': '¾' •': '" ß.:.,...y -• . .. i : ß 7--DangerousAssignment I I--Popeye the Sailor :•: ß .':: '. :..: .. ... ,. 9--Headllne JUNE 20 .-*'•.! i'.. '- ' ß:•':':' 13•unior Frolics ß- .. -- -•..'--:..'j"..x<:: I I--Deep Sea Adventure ß'•,-. . •:•.. "•;.•:---:-'.•. 13--Flash Gordon , •i:ß .•- -!•- ' ...... <•71'•' ' 6:00 5:30 ":':' '" ' ""•..' - " ß-.•:::••:•L'-•-•,..:• ß>• 6:45 5--GeneAutry 2--TheEarly Show 4---News ..... 7•OswaldRabbit 4•Movie4 <'i •-: ' 7:00 9--His Honor, Homer Bell 5•Capf. Vi.deo' ß•.."-:•--..• ' '•L .. •' ;:.•* ß -:; ß .....•... : :.:..... ß :.: -:< • .. 2--7 o'clock Rept. 6:30 I I--Ramar of the Jungle .. ß 4•Celebrit¾ Playhouse 5--Looney Tunes 13•Junior Frolics • .':"--?•!!.:;.' ß-:•.•...... :•.• ? .: :":' :: ' ... ß _... 5--H'unfer--Advenfure7--Passoorf To Danger . . 7--Sports--HowardCosell 9--Terrytown Circus 6:00 ß .'-• ...... ?•., ..•

9--TerrytownCircus I I--RangeRider . •Gene Aufry - I I--Kevin Kennedy 13--FlashGordon 7--Hawkeye--Adventure 13--Cartoon Comics 6:45 9--Million Dollar Movie ß .. 7:15 2--News 4•News I I--Popeyethe Sailor Man S--Top Secret 7:00 6:30 - 7•John Daly--News 2--7 o'clock Rep't 5--Loonev Tunes o . .-: .--.4• '-. 7:30 ..- 4•Deafh ValleyDays 7--Filesof JeffryJones :! .!: "::!: • 2--Name That Tune 5--Three Musketeers '• 4•JonafhanWinters 7--Sports---H'owardCostell I I•Wild BillHickok t': :': '•:! .... :' :.:? :.•:-- :•'-iL•....: -- : 5--Waterfront •Movle 13--FlashGordon - • •., '::, ? 7•onflicf---Drama I I--Kevin Kennedy 6:45 I Batty Nelson,as 9--Movie 13--Play Ball The Whiting Sisters--xlar- '•ooper, plays •he •i•le role in. 4--News garet (blonde) and Barbara I I--Big Game Hunt 7:!5 :"My Favorite Husba.ud" an.d.' •J3--AI! Star Movie star in CBS Television's com- iVanessaBrown is his favorit•.';!•.• 2--News 7:00 edy series, "Those Whiting ,wife Llz when the comedy .•4.•_NB C News7:45 7•ohn Daily--News 2--7 o'clockRapt. Girls," • summer replacement fries'returns to the CBS Tele•:¾:..... • 8:00 I I•ohn Tillman--News for "! Love Lucy," •tartin •visionNetwork every SundaY? 7:30 4--•uy Lembardo Monday evening, 3uly 1. Mar- starting June 23 as a summer 2"PhllSilvers •ga t plays ;• night club •ing r, replacement for " ' "' 4--ArfhurMurr•. 2•ldy FriendFllcka 5--SheriffofCochlse d arb-ß is a_UC•A. -o- d. Benny Show" -• .' •AGE TWE!.VE 7--Sports--HowardCosell •Wallace's"Nightbeat 9--Knothole Gaeg I I--Newsat Seven 7wStarShowcase I I--Baseball Hall of Fame 13 --Play Ball I I•Trap Mysteries 13--All Star Movie HisHighness, 7:15 11:15 7:45 2--News 2•The Late Show 4•NBC News 4•Tonight 7--News Show 8:00 I . .:•:•::•. ••-•.: •,.:._. ! !•News I 1:30 2•West Point Story 9•He-Man Theatre 7:30 4•Blondie I I•N._. Y. Crusade •Errol Flynn •:• ;-•-•'.':...... : '...... :.- ...... 2--Sgt. Preston ! :00 7•Jim Bowie 4--Dinah Shore 9--Baseball •--The Goldbergs 2•The Late,Late Slmw I I•Baseball 7--The LoneRanger 9•Movle 8:30 :.<.'-:"•:'"'":•-:-:".x-ß• :•:•:• .' . .:.:.-..:• .....:: ..-.::-'•"-:: :.•:•.:. , ' :.•...... ::•?'i!..i•::i•,..::.:.:...:..•...... •} •.'-•:::::i;"... :'...... • :.>... I I•Whir•ybirds 2•Zane Grey--Western .:•::...... •:•:• ,,..... •..-. . •: .'• .... •.....•,. 13--All Star Movie •..,•::j•:•.•.:..•. ,Y:•/••.• .::•--j:: .... • . 4---The Life of Riley ::>.•..•:•':•.'•.,.•x.: :..::::.•. :.:• •-.:•-•--•.•ß .•',...... •:]:::-: ': -...... •-•.• 8:00 •Racket Squad .:....•.•: .,,-. •.:•,....:.:• : • •...... ,,.,...v..•<...:.. .,. ..:-. . 7•Crossroads - -' ' ' - ' :'-",.'.. ':'-. ...>.. ' :::.::::•:-;:-'--:'•:• .- , g:.':.".-..-:-• :':-.' :'" 2•Bob Cummings •.•½•:•'•':-.::..' ::•.... .->....::'::-:;:.T::.?:'-. ':•:'.. ':...... •::•:•:::' 4--Groucho Marx JUNE 21 9:00 . <.-• . . -• ...... • .... .:...... (..-ß:-%...• ..< ß-• . - .,-. ß ..... :v-... .:.-... ß ..ß .'... 5•SherlocE Holmes "'2•Mr. Adams and Eve ,-::•:'":-.:•.' c,.• ....'::•.. :•--•' -:-.' ß.'•'• ...... ß'*•:.":•- ,"::-: . - ....•': '.-•:.:- .-x....:' 7--Circus Time •::::"•f•.....•'} .' ?•A:.;•-:;:.:,'. : -.::•:::-•:: 5:30 4•Josep'h CoHen ,:,::•:.-•..•... •. ß ...... ::•.: :• -.: ,...... -...:. . I t•Code Three 5•Mo.vie •.-:-•.•. • .. .•.. •.:•.•.•:.•...... :.:• .. 2•The Early Show :..• '>:•.',. :...• •.,.- :..: '::•:..:•:.:.• :.•:•: ::::- •:.• . . - :..:. ::.-.f:: ::' .:.: 8:30 -4•Movie 4 7•ClUb Playhouse 13•Command Perform. 2•Cllmax •Capt. Video •::•-:.•.•.•-:-:'::x'-•.:•..•:•<'• ...... ',•.... ß ',•• ....---::.::.-::•:....:.,A•:•L•-':--•,.'- •:• ....:• :•.:•.-ß .... •.,.•...... •..... -:....-:-'-;• ..::•::. 4--Dragnet I I--Clubhouse Gang 9:30 ....-..- , - ß .-:•...... -.::.,.• •. ß 5--Ray Milland 13•Junior Frolics -'•::•• - ••:' ::•:•::•:-:::.'•:•--..?...•::::•.. 2•Schlifz Playhouse .,<...:..:.•:•'• ••. . •' ...... •.:•-:•- .. •:.. :.:•.•.• ß::'•-•..•••.:.-: . ..v....:•:•:•--•::•: !•..:: • ß<::'•: ... .:...;...:.:.. ::":.•:•f:•:: •::• '-:-:-:::•:•:..•.-<.:..:...•..:...• ::::x..:- --Dick Powell 6:00 .•...•:::..•• • - ::.,.•:...... •:..• ::-½•:-:.•:.•<• .....•:::• 4--Big Story •":•::•:• • / ':J' '.•.... •:•. "'•.•:•'•-'":'"• •:•:.' •:•:•:-•:•]:-•:::•::•':-.'; 9:00 5•Ge.ne'-:4A'Ufry'..j:.j":: .: 5•Movle •?:::•-•.• .,, .:•:.•..•f.:•:.-•:•-:.:;•:•:,..:•. '• •:::•::•::•.:.:•::::•:::.:• 7•Oswalcl" Rebbit 7•The Vise (:•-•"•:.• .....•- .L - :•-.•:.:.::• -•. :::?:'-•'•]•. 2•:' :-•':•. -.'•...... •:::::::•:•-..:•:•...... •":•:•:•:•:•:' 4•The Peop!e'sChoice - • •'•:•. • '-• :•.:• --:•.:..• •. 9•Millio.n D011'• tdo•,ie I 0:00 •- . ?•- '•.: -.•' '- . : • :-.' --:.:•: . ". :. • 5--Prof. Wrestline I I•Popeye the Sailor Men •:• .•.'::•-•:•f. ' • "•.:•.•."::..::' '. •;•:::•:•::::m'::'.:-". 7•Denny Thomas 2•The Line-Up ...:.-::•:::..•":.:.•:•:...... •.....•-•:•-- •.::•:.•....::•:. :'.::•.. :• ::':•:•:•:•::•:•f:{•::': 9--Cruseder--Adventure 6:30 ,_ • • -.:••':-•:•-:'.•.c Z::"':• •: ::•'-. '•, :.•-: : • ':.':' . "::•:•- 4---Cevelcede of Sports '•'...... :•:."•'•.•;'ß•..:::... •:::•ß:•:• ...... '•'-.:'•:•;?':•.• '•'• '.... :-;'•::•:•... .-: :.;:.... :'•...... I I•Silenf Service 5--Looney Tunes 7•Date With the Angels 13--CommendPedorm.- 7•Byline .'}••:::,..:•:,.. :,:::•:••-:• ::•.:: .•: •...•:.•:•..' :... •:.:.:-.•F•:•:j•:::•:.::• 10:30 . '..•;•:.'•:::•-••::•:•:•';:::•.::•.'•' ::;•::•.•:: -:-:::. :.- . -.:: 9:30 I I•Sheena I. •:•;:•: .;•:•;:" '-::•' :' •-:..... •:: :•. : ' 13---Flash Gordon 2•Person To Person :, ..:•. •...:.:.:.: •} :..•...... • - .: .: 2•Playhouse '90 't:;.•'•..::.:.••..•:.'•.• .•:.: ::•:j::•:-./• ;• •:.•:' 6:45 7--Hawkeye 4•The Ford Show 13•AII Star Movie 7•Bold Journey 4•News 9•X 13 I I:00 7:00 2•The Late News ..::--...... I I•lde Lupine 2•Seven o'clock Rep't 4--John M. McCaffrey 10:00 4•Si'eenf Service 5•Wallace's Nightbeat - •Bugs Bunny 7•Star Showcase Maurice Gosfield (Private Duane Doberman) masquerades as 4•Lux Video Theeß 7•SportswHoward Cosell 9•Movle the heir of a Graustarkian country .in a scheme of •Sergeant 7•Film Feature I I•Kevin Kennedy Bilko's on The Phil SilvergShow, "You'll Never Get Rich," June 9mMovie I I•The Cat Mysteries ! 3--Cartoon Comics 13•A'I S:ar Movie 11. Skippy Colby is the girl catering to a royal whim. (CBS Tele- I I•Captured vision Network, Tuesda.vs.) 7:!5 11:15 1'0:30 2•The LateShow '7•DamonRunyon Theatre 7•ohn Dalv- News 4•Ton•ghf I I•The Man Called X I I•News- JohnTillman 11:30 13--All Star Movie 7:30 9•Mo'de 2•Beat The Clock I I:00 4•Helen O'Connell I I•N. Y. Crusade 2•The' 'Late News •Gangbusters ! 2:45 4•J. M. McCaffrey 7•Adv.-of Rin Tin Tin 2•The Late. Late Show THIIT'S II

ß . .•:•!-.-:;:. FRONTIEREDUCATION :.: ...... ,c•..:..'•;?.-: •x ' .-''-.•:,-;..-x.- • --:"::':'"'•'":"-::::•-"• ,il yOUr',IC•AI•LINCOLN .. . '-•::•.•-:i;.;.•?.... • •::'.-':::'.:::.-...... II • I II.i•-:-•i LEARNEC) ABOUT LIFE ...... :..<•.... ' .....•:'f•:•-;.-';'L- ' iß: :•' .]•:::." -,..,...... •, • ' -,.• %:•i....:<.. ,,•1•. I•. "'• ß: ..:.... -.::.-i!': ...... -?... - '. .. ß":i: ß '• -'::•;'•'•'"::"'...... :"'";" ... ':•..• :i. 3 :: t'""-"•'"'/-'"'"'..... ß'. -. '" . "•••••:•'•••••' -'"f: ""...-:•":::'-•'•:-- i.i!:!..... ß •i. " -':•.::.. :-."•:':':'"'..-•.:Z "• ...... ;" .' .".: i':.i•:-.-•. ß -..:...... •.-...... :•..:....•_..:..•:z:•:i:.:i.,....:•....•.,,!i: . ... i•i•i::11.:...!'-..:-...•'V.,...... " '""' '' ....':'::" :J':•...... ' . ....'.•::.i•.!..'.•:.:-..•i:..•.:•....:•<•,-' -'-::i::•.!!:.< •/

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Mr. &VAœing, the Pennsylyan- TROU BLESHOoTER-A rough- inns and Glee •lub will origin- and-tough gentleman named Me', ate live [tom the Shawnee, Pa. Grew, played by Frank Lovejoy• Country Club whea lhey re- has a knack of popping up wher- ' ' u:"'"'""-'- ',' ,.,r•,,•,,o,,•,"\•/"I'-•'""'"•-''""'"""'""'' '••••''"-••••A:•. . place "The Garry Moore $ho•" ever there's trouble, but he's not a cop or a private eye, and he 'tfør22. ("•helhe summer Fred & startingsting $ho•,"July doesn't even carry a gun. You'll '; .'•K$ Televisio Network, Mort. see him in "Meet McGraw start- ß.'•' •h Fr .) "- --._ .. - .... lag on NBC-TV Tuesday, July E. .. l•e CHRONICLE PAGE-THI-: .: ,: . R,T..•EN .•,., ... The?chauffeur.pulled the longblack car over to the .side of the dusty road, and the elderly gentleman in the tonneau leaned forward to open the door for the two hitch- hik•.'• ' The slim, nervous one with the bea.dy."';black eyes sat on one side of the elderly gentleman; the large, sleepy one on

the other. ... •The el.derly gel•tleman's hands were fold- ed benignly in his lap. His friendly, rather vague .eyes peered at first one, then the other. He broke the -silence. "My name is "Vandermoor,gent}emen. -And you?" The.-slim, nervous one sat u'p sharply. "Any relation to the Va•dermoor bank

family"Yes,"?" said the elderly gentleman, strok- ing his gray goatee. "I have that honor, if 1! you call it one." "Then," said the slim one, "this is your 'luckyday. Ain't it, George?" !.•.The big one took his hung.r.•. gaze from .'• passing orange trees:..10.fig enough to g'i•unt agreement, and turned back to con- ternplating the luscious fruit. The slim one fixed the elderly gentleman with a gimlet eye, and hooked a taut finger confidentlyin his lapel. "Have you ever neglected the birthday of a loved one, and spent sleepless nights of regret?" he probed intensely. "Have you ever slipped up on remem'bering an anni-

versarysult•or andfailed gone to tocongratulate the dog house a friendas a r•on a promotion and gotten the fishy eye the next time you met? Have you?" "Well, yes," apologized the elderly gen- .tteman, "! have. ! am a trifle forgetful at times," adding defensively, "but then, most people are." "Ah," .pressedthe •lim one, giving the lapel an impressive shake, "my point exact- ly. Most people are,-like you, forgetful, and they suffer for it. They suffer bec,•use they know the slight or omission was not in- orange would go very, very good just now. you young men will c(•me in. with me, we tended and realize too, that the neglected The slim one grasped the elderly gentle- can draw up some informal papers to cover one is certain to wrongly interpret it. May- man's lapel again. the matter, and then I will have my driver be a long friendship will be s•rained, or a "•Mr. Vandermoor, ! called this your day. take you on to the city to start your com- _wife or daughter hurt. It is. You, being a Vandern,•oor, have money pany." "But, suppose you were to suddenly find which you are. probably willi, ng to treb e on The car swung from the. highway and yourself in a position where those Slights a proposition that can't miss. George and ! stopped smoothly. A uniformed attendant and amissions •never happened any more! have such a proposition, but no money. Now, hobbled from the gate house to unlock the Wouldn't you 'be delighted•speciall• if it why can't we get together on this thing?" ponderous iron grilles which effectively meant no effort on your part, no strain, no "Hmm,'.' remarked the elderly 'gentleman. barred the driveway. ' time; in fact, nothing ,beyond the payment "How much capital do you estimate your Suddenly the slim one bent forward. His of a very small fee?" venture will require?" eyes rested on a small bronze. plate set in the The elderly gentleman nodded. "I imagine The slim one inspected him with covert stone pillar. "Sunnyside Home for the Men- most people would. be as delighted as I." calculation. "Well, there's advertising--of- tally Diseased", he read slowly, choking as "My point again!" cried the slim one. fice rent, telephones and helpsliving 1or the words sunk in. He turned toward "Now, George and I are at this moment on George and me---all only until the golden .George, flicking a rather hopeless glance in our w.a.yto Los Angelesto initiate just such flood begins to roll in. Say; oh say, five his direction. George turned away sadly• a service. We plan to call it The Tell-You- thousand dollars. That should be sufficient to again appraise the orangesß The slim When 'Co., Inc. to launch the ,business." one.s eyes dropped to the flourishing signa- "All you. have to do is give us the names The elderly gentleman drew a checkbook ture in his hands. "Napolean Vandermoor," of the people whose anniversaries you want from his pocket, and unlimbered his foun- he quoted. to remem. ber; 'with the dates, if you have tain pen. The beady eyes glistened. The His laps tightened 'murderously for a mo- them, otherwise •ve will look them up. for elderly gentleman turned to the '-back of a ment, then he grinned sheepishly. you. check and began to figure. The slim one ex- "Okay, Napoleon," he said. "I bit. Your "Give us too, the names of people whose haled sharply, opened -his mouth to speak, name ain't Vanderrnoor, but just to even it promotions, marriages, births, deaths and so .but thought better of it. up, 'George and me ain't starting any Tell- on you want to mark with a gift or note; In a few moments the elderly gentleman You-When Service either! Because some- and our clipping service will watch the stopped figuring, and looked out the car win- body else beat us to it a year ago, see, and papers and other seurcos of information. dow, stroking his goatee reflectively. He all we wanted your dough for was to skip When an item pops u.p on the calendar we shook his head slowly. the. country before the dick,s caught up. to kee.p in your name, we notify yourand for "No," he said. "! believe your calculations us." He kissed the check regretfully, then a small additional fee we will even write an to be in-error. You will need at least ten tore it into little pieces and tossed them in appropriate note, or purchase and forward thousand dollars to get your proposition the air, watching them flutter down. a gift. Now, tell me: Does that fill a long- under way." "Come on, George, he-said, "oranges for felt need ?" The blood slowly flowed back into the slim breakfast." The elderly gentleman's eyes were bright one's chee.ks. Mr. Vandermoor turned his The elderly gentleman watched them •rith interest. "Amazing, young man! Ex- checkbook over and poised his pen. trudge down the road, and stroked his • actly, young man! Exactly •vhat I need. Put "! am a man of quick decisions," he tol'd goatee contemplatively as the car rolled up. Ine down as your first subscriber." the slim one. "! am convinced of the worth the drive. It stopped in front of a bric• "You see!" sai.dß the shm' one. " You sn ap- of your idea, and of your a'bility to carry it building with barred •vindows, and he .1•..at. it. Sowill others..Which brings through. Your name.?" The slim one sup- beside the car for a moment. u.$ to the heart of the matter, doesn't it, plied it, and the elderly gentleman wrote. out "Harvey," he said to the waiting driver, Ge0_.rge?" George turned from the oranges the check, tore it .from the book, and handed "wait here for me. I'll be only a .moment." lon• enough to grunt a second agreement, it to him. The chauffeur touched his cap.reap ' tfuliy. andturned b•k•_t•.•.•h•s ..co•.ernplation. An "And now, ! see we are almost home. If "Yes, Doctor Vande•n -'d. PA•,E FOUR'It FI• ..... The CHRONICLE SHerwood 2-7738

Res. FAirlawn 6-0666


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