Lete Television ' R I Gra

Lete Television ' R I Gra

•EE • 'S C I ' LETE TELEVISION ' R I GRA THE ]'he Showcase Editorials Column Comment Editor Speaks Complete Short Story TV Shows This Week LEAPING FOR JOY JIINE 16, 195•' X OL. XXDi, No. 21 •.-•--... ß :. .. .:. ... z.• . .•.. .. .. ß • )=.iiii•-•i•;!-.;............................... ¾.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:_:.:.:.:... , ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : . ..-_• •..::--. , ;_ wer.. for NewJersey!. ß,i• ' ?"'.....Ei?•--'•'•r-i½ity k•?•i•... working for •u g• hours-a day... and •lic Servicekeeps on th• ••t aad day to •ee to it that you have dependable•r•ee at CHANGES' AT MAHW•--Plant Manager Samuel L. Sim- •our fingertips• •at'• mor•, mons, Ford Motor ,Co., right, congratulates ,E.dward A. Nida, • •ectricity doesso much... left, of •04 Upper Boulevard, Ridgewood, promoted to opera- tions .•nanager on the aft4arnoon •shift, and Martin T. ,Molmch, o! Cups•w Ave., Erskine I•kes, Wanaque, to manager o! Plan- ning and Engineering. 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NBC-TV's Monday-through-Friday "Today" show is waited on by five Friday series and the Thursday night "Ford Show •both on NBC- of his eight children. Paul, 5, shines his shoes. Mary, 11, is lighting TV•is seen here in the swimming pool at his home in Whittier, his pipe. Tom, 17, brings the evening newspaper. Theresa, 8, serves

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