Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie Band 5, 2006, 247-267 Scanning electron microscopy of the dentition in four cichlids (tribes Perissodini and Tropheini) of Lake Tanganyika showing different trophic types Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an der Bezahnung von Cichliden mit unterschiedlichen Nahrungsansprüchen (Tribus Perissodini und Tropheini) aus dem Tanganjika-See Hartmut Greven1, Dirk Hagemann2 and Günter Clemen2 1 Institut für Zoomorphologie und Zellbiologie der Universität Düsseldorf, Universitätsstr. 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany;
[email protected] 2Institut für Evolution und Ökologie der Tiere; AG Experimentelle Morphologie, Uni- versität Münster, Hüfferstrasse 1, D-48149 Münster, Germany Summary: The dentition of the premaxillae, dentaries and the upper and lower pharyngeal tooth plates of two Perissodini (Haplotaxodon microlepis, a species that feeds on a wide spectrum of food items, and the lepidophagous Plecodus straeleni) and of two aufwuchs-eaters of the tribe Tropheini (Tropheus moorii that feeds mainly on filamentous algae and Petrochromis trewavasae that prefers unicel- lular algae) from the Lake Tanganyika is described using scanning electron microscopy. Premaxil- laries and dentaries bear a single row of unicuspid (H. microlepis) or highly specialised (P. straeleni) teeth or many rows of bicuspid and tricuspid teeth (T. moorii, P. trewawasae); dentition of these bones is more modified than those of the pharyngeal jaws. This is less conspicuous in the omnivorous H. microlepis. Dentition of the pharyngeal jaws is much less specialised, but more variable in size and shape; the latter ranges from hooked (with aboral and oral humps) to bevelled orally. There is evidence that in the lower and upper jaw of P. straeleni and T.