THE MAGAZINE OF RAVEN NATION FALL 2019 Pierce Just how much can we know about the human brain? Researcher Samantha Bureau ’16 wants to find out. On June 29, more than 35 members of the 50th reunion Class of 1969 attended Alumni Reunion Weekend, where they enjoyed a wonderful time catching up with one another and the University. Here they are with President Kim Mooney ’83 following the barbeque lunch on the Manor lawn. The class, which has remained notably loyal to Franklin Pierce and to one another, received a special 50th medallion and a yearbook that was conceived and created with the efforts of Helen Astmann ’69 and Dinny Parvin ’69. It was wonderful to see so many return to reconnect and rejoice at their fond memories. GIL TALBOT FallVOL. 37, NO. 2 19 28 Features 22 | Embracing Diversity 32 | A Beautiful Mind of Experience Just how much can we know about the human As more students from different backgrounds brain? Samantha Bureau ’16 wants to find out. and cultures enroll at Franklin Pierce, the BY IAN ALDRICH diversity is enriching the lives of the entire community. BY MATT JANIK 28 | Signing Up For decades, Harry Meyer ’68 has been building a one-of-a-kind signed book and photograph collection. On the Cover BY JANA F. BROWN Samantha Bureau ’16 PHOTOGRAPHER: ANDREW CUNNINGHAM How are we doing? What do you like? What stories do we need to know about? Let us hear from you:
[email protected] 2 PIERCE FALL 2019 Departments 5 President’s Message Bold Vision and Purposeful Action 6 Ravenings Graduates and honorees shine at 54th Commencement, Houle ’97 and Slavin ’92 join Board of Trustees, Class of ’71 gift helps 18 to revive waterfront at Pearly Pond, Ravens 6 Sports Network honored for live streams, fight song makes its debut, fitness course for seniors offers experiential learning, Business NH ranks Pierce among top women-led organizations, Granite State News Collaborative leads state media effort, Paula McWilliam patent advances neonatal care, student interns boost morale in military MWR programs, Class of 2023 ready to make its mark.