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694 CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-· HOUSE DECEl\£BER 15 NEW MEXICO .Andrew J. Bushong, Hankin. Henry L. Goodwin, Roaring Springs• •·hlge lo Frazzini. Daw.~on. Bert 0. Wright, Fort Smnner. Efreu ~f. Ramirez, Roma. I~er oy H. Brock, Mosquero. Nicholas K. Lidstone, San Saba. Dennis J. Walsh, Santa Rita. George W. Leonard, Shiro. ..ignes 0. Evans, Shiprock. Thomas 0. Murray, Sonora . Turner H. Perry, Stephenville. _-oRTII CM{OLIN.\. Daniel W. Thurman, Stinnett. James H. Ramsay, Salisbury. lrn. B. Davidson, Strawn. OHIO Winfred C. Wilson, Sun ·et. Robert 0. Cady, Bay "Village. :i\Iinnie L. E. Walton., Swen ~on. Joseph T. Scheutle, Beaver. J ohu E. Kimsey, Texon. Janet Boster, Chesapeake. ~lile. B. Earnheart) Trenton. Lawrence W. Hall, Ea t Sparta. D. Calvin Hutton. Truscott. John ,V. Darling, Elmore. Thomas W. :i\lcCormick, Tu:-;co1u. Wilber S. Bush, Jeffer. onville. Alfred S. 3Iaddox, Valley View. Elmyi·a L. Griswold, :Macedonia. Julia B. Fones, Village Mills. Jeny F. Koster, Mayfield Heights. Laura E. Tidwell, Whittenburg. Nellie Maddock, North Ridgeville. UTAH Karl S. Schiller, Petersburg. 'Vallace L. Holst, Brigham. Arthur W. Cumming., Uhrichsville. Charles E. Torgerson, Emery. George P. Ewing. Vinton. J ohu H. Hall, Hurricane. Florence M. Brakeman, Warren;~'Ville. Corty D. Larsen, Mammoth. John A. Gatchell, Wharton. Verona . G. Fullmer, Orangeville. OKLAHOMA T. J. "'adswolih, jr., Santaquin. Myrtle E. Harrell, Apper:-:on. WYOMIN'G .J olm R. Hibbru.'d, A."ller. Charles P. West, Bairoil. Otto S. Allred, Boynton. George F. Seeman, Kaycee. William S. Wilhite, Butler. Daniel C. Carson, Pinedale. Viola Smith, Olemscot. John W. Dagenhart, Gage. Lynn McDonald, Goodwell. HOUSE OF REPRESENT..:\._TIVES Jean 0. Buell, Holdenville. Andrew G. D. Elswick, Manchester. THURSDAY, December 15, 192'l Bruce W. Hutton, Oakwood .. Robert F. Rind, Pine Valley. 1 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Etta B. Sellers, Quapaw. ,•, The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered William R. Oarteel, Sapulpa. ~he following prayer : Alvin L. Derby, Shidler. Not unto us, 0 Lord, but unto Thee give glory for Thy mercy. James B. Cox, Stilwell. Come unto us that we may hallow Thy name and fulfill ~hy Thomas J. Winter , Stringtown. law. Strengthen us to do Thy will. This day may we put James M. Adkison, Tulsa. some touches of sunlight into the lives of other . Guide us in Fred Hudson, Web-b City. the way of right living. May we not liYe by bread alone, but TEXAS by the inspiration of the noblest pursuits of life: We thank George W. Ragland, Abernathy. Thee for our rich privileges; may we use them for the honor Eugene 0. Arnold, Agua Dulce. and glory of Thy name and fOI' the good of our fellow men. John A. Meyer, Archer City. In the spirit of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen. Antonia R. Garcia, Benavides. The Journal of the proceedings Qf yesterday was read nnd William R. Black, Bessmay. approyed. John K. Ford, Bogata. DISTI~GUISHED VISITOR Harolcl Rothschild, Borger. Pearl G. Boynton, Bronte. The SPEAKER. The Ohair lays before the Hou e for printing Charles S. Myer ·, Bryan. in the RECORD a communication from the Speaker of the House Ray C. Kelley, Caddo. of Venezuela, who recently occupied a seat in the gallery: John T. Watson, Caddo :i\Iills. Hon. XICHOLAS Lo~GWORTH, Fred R. Ridley, Campbell. Speake1· of the House of Representati'r:es, Washington, D. 0.: Cia ude H. :Martin, Crane. I wish to extend to you and through you to the Memher'd of tlle William F. Manning, Crossett. august body over which you pre ~ ide my deep appreciation and sincere Frederick V. Blesse, Dilley. · thanks for the courtesies extended to me on my recent visit to Wiley Fox, Dumas. Washington. Ferman Carpenter, Franklin. G. l\IL~RIQUII PACANINS. Lillie Brinkley, Howe. THE REVEl.~ BILL Clifford C. Burrows, Iowa Park. Clara C. Redford.. Johnson City. Mr. GREEN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I move that the Hou e Jnme. T. Davis, Kopperl. resolve itself into the Committee of tile 'Vhole House on the Alex E. Jungmann, Lacoste. state of the Union for the further consideration of the bill William R. Wagle, Lampasas. (H. R. 1) to reduce and equalize taxation, provide revenue, and John H. Anderson, Lawn. for other purposes. Newton L. Craven, Leander. The motion was agreed to. Je~"ie L. Kay, Lytle. Accordingly the House resolved itself into the Committee of Dutlley L. Gibbs, Manning. the Whole House on the state of the Union for tile further con Tryon Lewis, McCamey. ~deration of the revenue bill, with 1\Ir. NEWTON in the chair. Oscar J. Adcock, 1\Ierkel. The CHAIRMAN. The House is in Committee of the Whole Joel D. Cranford, Mineral ·wells. House on the state of the Union for the further consideration Elmer J. Mayo, X evada. of the bill H. R. 1, which the Clerk will report by title. Charlsie S. Witham, New Braunfels. The Clerk read as follows : Fannie H. Miller, Newton. A. bill (H. R. 1) to reduce and equalize taxation, provide revenue, and Willie L. Casey, Olney. for other purposes. Jo eph F. Wiles, Olton. Neeta Shaw, Ovalo. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection, the Clerk will report Jesse R. Davis, Pear all. the amendment offered by the gentleman from Illinois [1\11•. Belle H. Shelly, Plemons. RAINEY] just prior to adjournment. Thomas E. Franklin, Poteet. There was no objection. Andrew J. Sitton, P~· ote. The Clerk read as follows: 1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 695. Amendment offered by Mr. R.HXEY: Page 193, strike out Jines 8 to There are 178 manufacturers in the United States who are 19, inclusive. demanding this paragraph, and they are manufacturers of Mr. RAINEY. 1\Ir. Chairman, I ask unanimous consent to machinery and manufacturers of boats, including manufacturers .proceed for 15 minutes. of Die ·el engines. I suggested to the gentleman who appeared The CHAIRMAN. The gentleman from Illinois asks unani for them before the committee that if we had free raw mate mou · consent to proceed for 15 minutes. Is there objection? rial for boats or if we should take the tariff off of Diesel There was no objection. engines and off of these other things that go into the manu :\1r. RAINEY. 1\Ir. Chairman, the pending amendment strikes facture of a boat, they would be able to build boats cheaper. out section 431 of the bill on page 193. This amendment is one They do not want to do this because they have already got a of the most important amendment submitted to this bill ; it is tariff on these things which is absolutely exclusive. You can far-reaching in its consequences. The item in question I have not bring any of them in and the proponents of this legislation here as it was incorporated in the original draft of the bill are largely engaged in the manufacture of engines of the Diesel before the committee and before this draft was made. In effect type. it increases the excise taxes on foreign-built boats 500 per•cent. Therefore manufacturers of engines of the Diesel type will The lang11age as the section was originally drafted was so not only get the 40 per cent which operates to exclude such objectionable and so obnoxious that the committee struck it engines from the United States, but in addition to that, under out ·and simply increased five times the excise duties on boats this bill, they will in effect get 500 per cent more. for other than trade purposes brought into the United States. There never has been in the history of bills levying tariff It is admitted and it will not be denied that the section a~ duties or excise. duties before a clause which increased 500· drafted now operates· as a complete embargo on foreign-built per cent exci e charges or tariff charges. ship · of this class. Xone of them can come in. I can not bet l\Ir. BLACK of Texas. Will the gentleman yield? ter commence this argument thlUl by culling attention to our l\Ir. RAINEY. I yield. treaty with Germany. Most of the~e foreign boats which come Mr. BLACK of Texas. Then I understand from the gentle in-and the number that come in is negligible-are built in man's argument that the real purpose of this section is not to Germany, and now I want to read article 8 of our treaty of raise revenue for the Government, but really to act in the place fl'iendsbip with Germany, signed at Washington on December of a prohibitive tariff. 6. 1923. ratified by the Senate, and proclaimed on the 14th day l\Ir. RAINEY. Absolutely. Not a tariff, of course; the tariff of October, 1925. This is o_ur agreement with Germany. I read is not involved, but it is a prohibitive charge in direct violation article 8 of this convention : of article 8 of our Washington convention with Germany. It has the same effect, but the tariff is not involved, I will say The nationals and merchandise of each high-contracting party within to the gentleman on my left, in this amendment which I am the territories of the other shall receive the same treatment a nationals offering to the bill. The tariff will remain just exactly as it is. and merchandise of the country with regard to internal taxes, transit The effort is being made, in literature sent to l\Iembers of the duties, charges in respect to warehousing and other facilities, and the House and in the hearings before the committee, to show that amount of drawbacks and bounties. American boat building is in a decline.