
1 i" '•

[Don't Forget Yttir k« Summit's July 4th Donation! July 4th B Success

\^ and Summit Record


Summit Day Sata Convention a Marathon Ut for July 22. 23, 24 118 Different Displays Will Summit Days, the annual three^day »uoira«rtime bargain Be Seen in July 4 Fireworks Bedlam, Eyewitness Says sprw staged by Summit mer- chant., will be bold July 32, 29 W. H. WoodtMe Vandenberg had not given enough Dare devil bombshells, flaming caterpillars, and colored encouragement to his own candi- and 84, the Metefcftnta Commit* Comap after Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll. 22 which wlU contain numerous bration to be held all day Mo«-' vice; then "butterfly shells as4 for Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, dny at Memorial Field la an fol- party's choice for President, Tickets for visitors got scarcer bargains available front the on an'd on. every day. Mr. Burke loaned two lows: ;led down to a marathon of participating merchants. Pyrotechnic bouquets, scream- Btes toth e candidates. It began sergeant-at-amts badges to a Flsjf raising «jid »alut« 9:45 a.m. tig rockets, and .flashinf aerial 110:14 p.m. and continued until friend Tuesday afternoon for that Boys and girl* field event* bombs, will ligh.t the night sky for ,er 4 a.m. Thursday, until those night's session, and on Wednesday 10 a. in. over an hou.r. Thunderous saiutts, lookers who survived were limp he was itill looking for his friend. Community plcn'e Noon* whirring' aerial bombs, and spe- Boston Braves Will Koftlmll gram* •' 1:80 p. m. i a dish rag. Reunion in Philadelphia cial shells will a lab supply the on- This writer and Michael For'mi- Hardball game 3 p. in. with p'enty of txdtemest Voice of America Uiitid concert, \tm%l selec- [Every noise-making instrument chella, president of Eastern Fuel, Stage Tryout Camp and noise. who drove to and from Philadel- tions • 7 p.m. of laughs arp expected ver conceived by the satanic in- Fireworks display D p. in. nuity of man, abetted by the phia, grabbed a cab Wednesday with such displays as "The Tele- night in front of the Bellevue- At Summit Field For the comfort of spectators phone Set Piec«," "Wild PrSa- find of weird whoops the collec- and sports participants Me- |ve voice of America cart make, Stratford Hotel, Dewey's head- Baseball players from Northern matlc Shells," and 'The Hatching quarters, to return to the Jersey morial Field will'be sprayed to crulted from the Canadian bor- New Jersey, particularly the tri- Chicken Device." headquarters. The starter put a eliminate all mosquitoes aJid lft-inch Bomb*hrlls er to the Gulf, and from Puerto ity Union-MorrlB-Easex area, other insect peat*. tico to Hawaii, rattled the plaster man and a woman in the cab with Other attractions ar^ the 18- Bedallions on the roof of the big the Summit men. Much to the sur- will get a chance to exhibit their In owe of ruin, (he fireworks inch bombshells that streak across uditorium where we had attended priie of the Herald representative, talents for Boston Braves scouts at VACATION BOUND — Vthe first feontln|imt of administers a camp fund provided by private elniri- display will bo presented the tho sky veiled in crimson with Lions International convention in he recognized the man and his wife Summit's Soldiers' Memorial Field campers selected by the Family Set^jf Association tuhle donations for the sole purpose of sending groups first clear night following: tails of electric sparks and die ra July 5 (fuly, 1946. as lion Larry Slater and Mrs. on July 9 and 10, Harlan S. Ken- gets checked off by Mrs. Ann Brok&WjIiJfrectori-irlor of locnl children to nearby camps during the summer a volley of cannon salutes, th« Nearly six hours were required Slater of Washington, D. C, who to leaving (or Bonnie Brae Camp. T^ association months. (Photo by Jay) waving American flag, and the were guests of Speaker Joe Mar- nedy, local director of recreation "Irishman's Dream," a bombshell complete the nominations of the announced yesterday. even candidates. It began as atin, permanent chairman of the Miss Grace Carr, that soars to grtet heights and Find of symposium of enthusiasm, convention. Lion Slater, who is one The tryout camp will be under finally bursts Into a shower of of the top executives of Lions In- Sloppy Yards and New Look green stars. ut as the noun sped, it settled the leadership of John "Honey" 15 Boys Leave fciwn to a grim survival of en-ternational, and Mrs. Slater had Russell, former Seton Hail College Former Secretary The finale includes five se«ttefti, trance and human fortitude. , visited in Summit during the sum-coach, who headed the Boston Cel- Blamed for Mosquifo Influx the first being.a "Fairyland De- Pseudo Delegations mer of 1945 as guests of Summit tics professional baseball team this For Vacations at vice;" the second "Battle in th* Lions Club at which time they past season and is now affiliated ; Sloppy backyards and a new look j stagnant water usually found In Of YWCA, Dies Clouds;" the third "Grand Flight Candidates' managers dipped Miss Grace I. Carr, 63, formerly pberally, by a slelght-of-hand req- were honored by Charles Schcck with the National League-leading IK an old pest are Warned, along tin cans, old tires, pails and other Aerial Bouquet;" th«j fourth y, y Irtth the heavy rain**, for Union executive director of the YWCA M then president of Summit Lions. Boston Braves. Bonnie Brae Camp water-rct«ining trash that ac- "BUUkrieg," and the last A ibition of convention arm bands County's moequlto woes this year. In Melbourne, Australia, and In Th« arrival of summer's first cumulates In many backyards. Of Scene of Salvo." "Good Night" I* ad credential*, Into the hundreds As you have guessed it, the Her While full details were lacking The Union County Mosquito Ex- cour*w the record breaking rain- Summit and Plainflcld, died Tucs- then spelled oat In thr<» colors. at press time, Mr. Kennedy torheat wave during the lust week persons who were unable to gain aid representative (also a membei termination Commission this week fall of May and the above average dey in South Hadley. Mass., after "We will guarantee to furnish {cated that all comers would be was the signal for Summit's rlmission to the hall and many a of Summit Lions) renewed ni f4|*ort© fault lies play you havo ever htui or hav* Ben Tousley, former governor sf their baseball talents. It will, In all to camp vacations. Although it fesaor emeritus of Mount Holyoke Jurchased with no more than the elally plentiful this year and haa with the careless homeowner with ever witnessed." stated Alex 2Sar-> Importunity to have a look at the District 16-C of Lions, and mana- probability, be necessary for can- hasn't been publicized too wide- College. rlllo of tlie Scfitmi* FIr«vork« ly heretofore, many lot«i cit- rtf>jjeiirn»mi»sl<>n usc>l W> make Born In Cosh#eton, Ohio, Misa Company. tel. This meeting was enhanced by iplked shoes, glove izens, have privately and quietly ^^ii. *',S\' *^ 'k v.*ttist which cn»blc8 C'flirr tttonded Western Cotloe«% Irth. forms, and .br'i'kvird In-»;•< ptd •*.{ but !J!!.r •• i These demonstrations were all (Continued or Page 5) equipment subscribed t^ thc Oirap Fund af After Vive years us a reporter tot fording annual vacations (o chil- !..r!*(»nod dot>K; nnrl windows. '('iniliiiiK'il riJIo will Co just this or buwt imtm ihc c4ihocton Trlbuii*., •<;.«> ft*-u Jiiillidn fkry red »t» lit MCJRVU jifur Bitting through alt dren in Summit who couldn't !>i'inmlt, however, is a vrritablo aistvd her father, Dr. Edmund C •Sport*, All Day : of them. otherwise pay for them. Thia has puraellso toniparcd with the r<>«t Oarr, dUtlnRuished pcdifttrlcian. of the county. Trapg that have Athletic event* will feature Noisfc? Huh! It's a poor word. Dewev Satisfactory-But Not a been a community project with re- In 1830 Miss Carr became ex- morning and afternoon program, Rattles, bells, whistles, ratzera, ferrals coming from the Red Cross, been put out to determine what ecutive tllroctor of the YWCA in kinds and how many mosquitoes Shortly after 12 booming solute* cow-horns and clackers. Department of Welfare, "YM and Summit, and five years-later «x- arc fired a.« Old dory is lofted «t Noise? Bands made up of trom- Maioritv Choice/Herald Poll Shows Y/MCA and other agenckvs. Thc are present in the various suctions f:cut»vi> director of th« YWCA in 9:45 a. in. to the top of the flafc btrncs and bass-drums. Women By Billie I.ongwll -avenue, a housewife, said she be- handling of the placements «t of the county show that Summit Melbourne, Australia, From 1940 pole at Memorial Fit-Id on Mon-« turcaming, men bellowing, per- The OOP's Barnum and Bailey's lieved Mr. Dewey "might be able camp, and other details have been «nd Fanwood slmro honors for | until her retirement last year, ah« day, boys and'girls of all Ages wlU piring, panting, fired by evangell- ended last week (sending New Jer- to do thc be«t for the people con- by Family Service Association un- being tho moat skecter-frce towns. WOJS executive director of the start on Summit's Fourth of July fervor until they almost stag- sey's 35 weary delegates home In sidering his New York record." der Mra, Ann Brokaw's supervi- Lifr in New I'rovidfncc is a bit Pin infield YWCA. program by taking part In % gered in exhaustion to their scats. thc first heat of summer after "Mr. Dewey haa been open with sion. more rugged because trf«p»=» in thc Ml«a Onrr is survived by two pleasure-packed program of r»« No Seats Left joining the test of the states' dele- thc New York people," Mrs. Hunt Fifteen boys were jn thc con- Borough show an nverago of fi.3 sinters, Dr. Oarr nntl Mrs, h. M. D. Ijiy.i, ty*. Entrance lobbies were survey made shortly after the indicated that both she and her 21 others signed up for various traps averngrd 55.5 pc. being Jimiors (ages 12-13* will run th* even for an agile eel. Outside, arc reasonably eatlsfled. fed that Mr. Dewey will get good age nightly cnteh of 7.5. of others employed ehortly, nwde for interment services In 50-yard dash, and lastly the Sen- Lthousnntls In th« Herald cross section poll, eo-opcrnUon from Congress. Tho gltm-walstcd pipiens rcpre- Coshocton, livery device known to the mind of For the first time In several lora (ages 14-15) will scamper ts Mr. Dewey scored 4* plus per cent IS Per Cent Favored Stawien fifnt 53 per c breedn In Public Library rounding communitiei continued |BR!n»'ss men in tropical worsted business woman, expressed it tha Despite differences In Repub- thin week to enllat In the National County Invitation program, (• which seeped the dark lican choices, the survey, with again send us their checks quick- The library board hag announced open to all high school rmnmt way, "If I were able to vote 1 the appointment, ru of today, of Guard and Marino Corps flw»»rv*, »t«in of perspiration . , , and on few exceptions, showed « Repub- ly #a we need not turn away these who iaw Hctloti in I'nioa County would have voted for Vanden- children thin ye«r. Jftrncn hi, Itlllurd ns nwlKtnnt II- whllf In Waihlngton Secretary of tnd on one could write about Wed- lican ''stick together policy." Adoption Drive eompnition tht» spring, Fw Ojto berfr. But Dewey ha» very good hmrian. Mr, Hlllnrd. of Dayinn, (he Army Kenneth C. ftoyatl nesday night's se»»lon, for which qualifications ami he hn», in my For exnmple, Police Judge Al- "The few d«%y« they get In wrap worked out the details nt th«- n«wquarter, th* IM of curly ftttnatf Ohio, in « giiMliinto of thf« Ihiivrr- Inclmlp l4ifny*>tte OrUitgr, Spmmt k i«f imtj there was no pattern or opinion, advanced In four years." bert H. Bierman, put It thin wny. H them R chance to build up S«'|««rttve Hrrviee Law. "I approve of the nomination and Ends Today with itity of Illlnold Library Hchool «n«l Woodaid, nnd Krwl I>»Mu«etO if; %thm to the madhouse, Definitely okaying Mr. Dewey their slender reserve of atrength In Summit A. Clifford Bernard, am perfectly satisfied with it. will MHM, Minn Lilllnn Bpr, Ii- Summit High; MeSvln P«t«rtMMt (lints to was Mr*. H. B. Ponnington of because moat of them «r«? under* brarinn, In the dlrpctlon r»f the «>x- who WM chairnmn of the clty'f Union County's two voting d«!e- However, I would have preferred nourished. The vacation spots 4raft board unrt#i* th<» prevloui ge- .ad O«orf« Kdw«rd# otWttUBMtf Beekman road, n housewife. $4,388 Donated pflnding llhrnry progrnni, devoting ml Norman B«ln»t#in and D«m Ktt<»t to the convention jtuck to Vandenberg because h< I* mor« where they mn relm, dream and MummH md« It Crimde for lertlve »frvlce l«w, said thl« wt>tk "1 am very satisfied," she said. mature and because of his forpign npfi'iiil attention to the develop- ,Vm>\*y of Ro«*H<" 8?n»tor Arthur Vandenberg's can return with ncwr-to-be-forgotttn ChlWren pamppt" aervlceii. (lon nuking him If he wm willing *n Inmirsne* man, felt, Mr*. Pen-didn't expect Vftndenberg tr> be h« ba.lt mil* run will taint th* '<», but hopped on to the De*ey of the tump makes this « worth- n*«r!y BOO children, It WBi «n- Prior to III* w*r »ervlce. Mr- Hll- to continue to nerve. nlngton replied that «he believed nominated nn he didn't even make :pottigt)t at 10;*S ». m. Thl« ev»nt on the third bullet while charity." noiinc»?«l |hl>t wei»k by Robert Ft. lwr Aji#ocl*tlon, Wl |(IH*«rmln«?dL However, h«» pointed any definite statement for him." t«r«iHy, $4,3P had bo^n mliiwl lo- and in th*> htwkmohlle dfvlitton, a haw furnlahtd Frank for th«. genstor. hn and Dewey Ii very close to John Bummlt avenue, marked "Camp cally, »i»rv|ri» in which that llbmry h«# U thfTf will hf Ifdii bofird* tlil» Th# Best" Foster Dull**, who \» an expert hus far tht only MM» candldftte. morning wore on h« exhibited "WKht Fund «U*ntlon, Mr*. Brokaw," In mmounelng th« «l0O Hunt of Morris on foreign wffalrn. I hplleve Mr, Otrttr »ntr«nt« *r« Mion. mfm%*$* toward D«*w«>y Mrs. Chester campaign Mr, Dinftndorf Mid: Mr. IfItlfttd' not only wi»i Atttgned liroughout th« United fltntra an Dulles will be named n-etflmty of omparefl to tlip former «,|W), Thm mlIP run wlil ctlmiui th# t»- Six M«mb«ri of PoUc* "Hummlt'i goal for the Cru*ml« the orgnriimtlon of library collec- the stale." R#gln N#*t Month vit*Uon <(ti«lti »t It ft. m. Thlt for Children wai v»l«Bt«flly ^t- lions In «'tmc mtfitn but was «f- vent ww« mud* iKWolbl* tnr the opportunity to many other loenl llepublirsnn In- Royal! ifliwlowrt lh«t dr«ft r*jrl«" the effort* »f the Summit Kl- Police (Thief Kdwurd K. J5f«n tli« tot»ll#f lh«t our pt<^l« wwuld utility llhrnry In WMh flvp d«y« kpfl Break by Obeying Local Dog Laws rvlpw^rl, f>Kpri>iiin>(J no doubt that announr^d the follow- Hritnln, ration* Will hpgln th« third wee* r«*poritl to tin* ttwdi of «t |PMt Ij* »f Awpiint. Intlurtlon*, «iptft#rt te> b#fnr* r*rlru» tlm#, * trltt of «t»tt» the Republican* will rarry Ihn s memrwri or the forc# will In cimrri *'"!'v, t-a-hslred Charlie CMt- to play. WO children, TH» ciwpalifl *« on (h« appoint- »#fln ihortly «ft#r H«ptemb#r 12 tri t»»vp iint#r*4 %tm mlH mem*: tsk« vacations from today through mftit, MIMI d "W« «re •ton, QMtrhM Mmnd will "You wer* « klrl on«», remem- not hlih-pr««iittf«d Hi »n* point, ill bf t>iiiii iiji gradually, ho **M July 30. and w« tr# pl««Mid (hut th« /lr«t inhln«« frjrwurd In profiling by th« lf»p*t M*rtK*n «iti4 WhU« ber, Jiwt IIW* I wan" of t« They «r» Pstrolmen Rdwsrd ntll i total nt »,mo * month la w r«*p«nj# will «$v<>r $im»t 9# chll* Mr HUlnrd'H knowledfe nt llbrnry 8»i»nk» «rltt mm '"»«•! on our W* *f!«ntlv dlltP^' Hesn t»g»th#rn«iti WM Tray ford, (tawf* fJ»rlty, »A«h*d. In th# nliw monthf ol tk» h contlnufil. "Th^y *U <»n th# In innthrr pnrt of th^ put fluenl ymt-, ft» High i(t4 Any WNMf w«H (o V\nn*t%n, M#rrll| lirttt, Tin* Dayton public M> •*• mtil m sternly M h»» lit- «ldlew«ilk« j»»«ylng Jacks «r Jump We «r« not dUappolnted In *rt»n««t of th«'Armf tm Union. ' ' - Offle«r Ch«rl«« O«tl*r but Mlw«y« been noted for MNFMI tmtmm th» mt toJ!«f mtfinf»r# ftitow'J him to. fW #nrf *»lo«ir r*im«*i « I"*** d«IT eM nt »b« ««w*i mm mm t* through W 1 Rtword Juntor forftol i*amt Joseph Hattvlll* ih« Ininltity to orisnlM a 'II- llhrwry f^tivitiM wh«a m tm * m "tmi'vft got to publtah *om«- and thf kM« p* * him Son»tlm»« •f«. h*'» friendly, *ometiin#« h*>'* «n*p- r»«?t and p»r»on«l snllfttatlon Th« Nr "No AceMtent of Utmir In n\ M m P*m ill what dent year" when they were In- y#t m* fn promptly, I«M»W, milking ourh day at 2:30 p. m. * tll. 28-6. It was a balmy and bright day. . yard*. . RavMey Brown in his second full better than an average Derf^r™ B*ck*-~dark. Itaxthl*. Trlolo. rice*. Coach Jim Pickens' Scot ties not- ~~ ~ year as coach at Glen Ridge has Less than 1,000 persons wUrw&std Mile*. Sommo, GiUd*, Wistxi-g, bozia ed the jrtinshine only in th# clos- « that spot. Despite TiTn'* fcini Thatch, Hi found it tough going. He has a P hl the first, and most spectacular BOUND MO0K BKAVKS (t) ing minutes of the second period thumb injury, Jack ha. * bids—Pcdcnoo, WUbttU »a4 Mel- wheh Charley Jones, flashy left Canoe Brook Pro sqjipd of 35 players, one of the magnificently in every touchdown of the afternoon. The smallest groups ever to represent •core was set up when tht Bound Tsettle*—Specr. D©Joboir«ky . Mid half hit pay dirt after a 30-yard going for the full time. WabT fai.-i&i off-ta.ckle run. The conversion at- the Essex County school. The Smith has also come in for 1^ Brook club kicked on second down, Guard*— Dime. Fr»ur>ch«n. Liila.r»- Leads Golfers in j Ridge rs' first win of the season was Plenty giving the Summit machine con- U-o ana Wlltitzn* tempt failed. of praise for his work at tackl. victory over Clifford Scott on trol of the ball nt-ar. midfield. Center—lilies. Make Gallant Stand the other side of the line. Backs -KUIkow, Tt.nmM.pt, Petty, Summit thrashed 28-6 here John (Lefty) Pecca probed the I.Ucio. Ridley and Gumerlock, Summit, receiving the ball at Montclair Tourney opposing line for seven yards on Official*.- H»"f*r*f, Tic* fByr»cu*«>; the «Urt of the game, started off A topflight 12-man profes- After trailing until late Umpire. Minjb*ry fStton Haft: ' 1i !—n ' thH.e- #fourt„ h quarter, Glen Ridge jtwo smashes, and Charley (Monk» LlnfsBrt*n, fuxtno (Trenton fltate sional t«am, headed by Ganoe SHS Fros/i-Soph ike the proverbial "ball of fire." STABT OF SHS VICTORY PAMADE-Tom Grieco, bard hitting and ' Triolo skirted left end to th« 23 T*»»). With Tom Grieco, fullback, and Brook Country Club's Harold j^^ two touchdowns Saturday to Score by periods: slashing Summit High fullback, is here seen skirting end for the first' score a 20-7 win over Mftlburn at on a pitch-out play. A pair of end Summit AIUJIWI * 11 II T—3t Fred Sigler, right half, doing the Sanderson, defeated teams of Gridders Win tone pasf <<«,. Johnny Clark to Har- Bound Brook ' * 0 0 0 »— 6 toting, Summit, placed the ball New Jersey's leading amateur of four touchdowns Saturday against Clifford Scott High at Memorial Hurrell Field, Glen Ridge. Verona GAME STATISTICS Field. The home team won, 28-6. George Woods, Scott tackle (both feet thumped Glen Ridge, 2TM4. While -.-. old Ahern, went astray, and Pete Summit Bound Brook within the Scott one-foot line in and women golfera on Sunday la - Third Straight Soninno got only three yards In a 12 first do*nj 3 six plays only to lose it on downs. the annual triangular matches off the ground) is jumping over si Summit player to chase after Grieco. comparative scores *are not in ^ Summit High's frosh-sophomor. 234 Yard* gained ru*hti)» .13 • themselves conclusive. Summit' has line buck. With logs of the ball 14 Forwwd p«»««* tUempted 15 However, the Mill City boy* were for the benefit of the New Jersey Dick Cardillo (33) Scott quarterback is also en the run. Chester Cornog, bantam gridders defeated their 7 l'at*e« completed 3 not long to be denied. Scott punt- Caddie Fund at the Montclair Summit halfback in white jersey, is coming to give Grieco some help. more convincingly defeated the in prospect. Clark faded for a third 103 Yards nalrinl pajjlni 09 counter-parts from Clifford Scott aerial heave, hitting the out- 337 Total offense M d to the Summit 42. Sigler run- Golf Club. Sanderson turned In Scott having lost three straight games prior tc aiming here, brought jsame opponents over whom the High School, East Orange at Me stretched fingers of a half-tfiving, S • Penalties. 15 ning the ball back to the Scott 20. the beat card of the day,. a one- along very f^w rooters as is attested b,y the empty seats seen in thej Ridgers boast victories, .Therefore, morial Field, Monday aftwtiMn" Tou<*hdown»r^AIn?rn t, Trlolo 2, d " "" ' ' - »—*' •• •- •• wildly-groping Ahern,' who "rolled" Ouldi. Bviio and Hldley Point after rieco then bucked through ren- under-par 34-35—39 in,'defeating background, < Photo by Jay) j it would seem there is some basis 12-0. Summit's crew oyerpowc-ed over twice, as he struck pajjp.ff Ujurhdown— ter for' the touchdown. "Dfck Brat- Pat Mace!, of 2 and for Summit being encouraged to the visitors for two touchdowns 1, and Mrs. Paul Miller, of Up- believe the Ridgers should be the early in the first quarter. The rt- turf.. The attempted linevhuc'k for. off, kicking specialist for this State Softball Loop extra point fell short, year's Summit team, dashed in to per Montclair, 3- and 1. fourth victim. mainder of, the game wa.s piav^'- convert the first of four .extra Jersey's professionals, award- State Trophy Ban Growth for 49 Seen Coach Brown feels that his by the scrubs. All of Coach Morton Clark to \hcrn Again Alumni Seven points, " 'y*'•*•' ing two shots' to the simon-pure Probable growth of the New j Ridger backs can score against Ashman's 33-man team saw action Touchdown number two, another " The Maroon and Vji&me; scoring amateurs and up to 10 strokes to Jersey State Softball League from j Summit if his line can hold. He in the game. Clark to Ahern pass, was witnessed Battles Leaders n every period, to work mid- participants, shaded Proposal Beaten; four to eight or nine teams was j has three backfield veterans, Cap- by moat of the late-«rriving crowd. Again as in the previous gamp ' way In the second period, when the opposition in team play. The evidenced Thursday night at a tain Willie Nelson, a halfback; It waa scored thirty seconds after pros scored 15 points to 14^for two touchdowns were 'called back Siglw ran 45 yards in an off-tack-lMe Grid Year limited Shorty Ahlers, fullback, and Dick by off-side penalties. The winning the start' of the second quarter, In County League play. the amateurs end 6% for the Molkenthin, another halfback, all Six faculty members represent- touchdowns were scored by Fred covering 22 yards and following Billed' as the cream of the crop women. SHARE Or" THE of whom are versatile in ball carry- a Summit march, from midfield. Summit's third period tally cli- MacNair on a reverse and Rudy In Union County-Football League maxed a 43-yard drive. Chester A bright spot in amateur ing various phases of athletic ac- tUZJOO* IS ONLY AS ing. Ahlers, a good passer and left- Line smashes and "pitch-out end opposition, Crartford's loop-leading ticipation was the performance BIG AS YOUR HEART Ayere on a line buck. An «id run Cornog tooic a pans from Dick tivities at Summit High School at- footed kicker, Is being mentioned touchdown and a 20-yard pus •runs by Triolo, and Pecca set the Clippers will invade Soldiers' Me- Zotti to advance the ball IS yards of another Canoe Brook entrant, for conference honors. Only three Stage for the touchdown. Trlolos tended the meeting of the New completion followed by a 40-yard morial Field on Sunday afternoon to Scott's 3Q. After Sigler went Dr. Stephen G. Lee, who went dianer m m of the linemen are seniors. attempted conversion from place- Jersey State Interecholestlc *Ath- \ <* 8 ** the Elks Club run by Don MacClay were both to meet Coach Elwood C. Cornog's off-tackle for six yards to the unbeaten. The only other unde- in Elizabeth which was attended One thing certain, Summit will ment was low and wide. letic Association in session Octo- called back by off sides. Summit Alumni Club. The contest visitors' 24, Cornog dashed around feated amateur was diet San ok, by Manager Eddie Hoffert and be in for a tougher afternoon is scheduled to start at 2:30 o'clock. o/ Bnglewood, a former state ber 4 in Newark. A proposal was ( Carmen Yannotta, star third base- Counting the 18-0 score against ' Bound Brook had possession of end to the Scott 4. Sigler skirted against Glen Ridge than was expe- Verona, 6-0 against'Mi 11 burn, anj the ball when Summit's warriors Cranford is undefeated in league 'nd for the touchdown. champion. Dr, Lee . defeated defeated, which does not affect i man, both of the Summit Sports Emery Thomas, Forest Hills pro, rienced against Clifford here last Monday's triumph, the Summit as represented by back Dom competition, sporting three Zotti set the machinery in mo- Summit High School policy, that j Clab, which won the title this year. week. Summit's backfield starters straight triumphs. Summit has an 3 and 2, and Mrs. H. C. Ramsey, bantams are undefeated, untied Guida, made the afternoon more tion for Summit's final period would forbid any gifts, trophie* or I ln addition to the fo"r 1{M8 of Tommy Grieco at fullback, Fred and unscored on. miserable for the Bound Brook undefeated league slate, boasting score. He Intercepted a Scott pass of Baltuerol, 2 and 1...... *,____ „ j teams—Summit Sports Club, Plain- Sigler and Chester Cornog at the Thoso playing for Summit on boys. He *nagged Art Kalikow's one juccejiir in as many attempts. on his own 6 and raced 66 yards Sub Par Golfing ...... Italian .Welfare halfback spots and Dick Zotti at In non-league games, Summit Five professionals scored clean tew Monday: forward pass and raced 32 yards before being downed on the vial- rectly from the schoothan l thosande out«-- j Association and Mattanos of quarter, seem to be all set. In the Ends—Menttit. Culbertson, to the end zone. George Miles tried drubbed the Livingston A.C., 19-7,loirs' 28. Grieco doing the lion's sweeps—Sanderson; Jack Mit- alders. These presentation* here j beth—five guest teams -were rep- line, the only question mark Is Turgeon, MacLay. a forward pass for the extra point, and dropped a wild decision to the share of carrying the ball in six chell, Essex County; Andy La- Tackles—DeMuoclo, Swllp, Mordulo have been limited to action by i the meeting. The group Herb Hazeltpn, who was out of last Barber, Van Lleght, Levesque. ' but showed no greater success than Linden Field Club, 26-13. plays went over in a line buck Pola, Preakness; Tommy Har- week's game because of an injured Center—Morney, Wright. flome one of the school organisa- included the Malangas and Woops his cohorts. Th<\-half ended with One of the largest crowds of the rom the 3. mon, Montcleir; and Dave ankle. Jack Van Dyke's work at Guards—Trodgen, Ganger, Hand San- O'Connell, Essex Fells. Two pros, tions themselves. Horseshoe telll, Preedon, Mohnl. Summit sporting an 18-0 advan- local season la expected to witness summit (21) Inn of Asbury Park, North, Plain- tackle carries on the old Summit Backs—Storlu, Stecber. Ayrea, Meyers. Farrell, former U. S, open Peterson, Wlebe, Mouner, MCHBIP, tage. tho Siimmit-Crajiford battle. Both End*—Boorujy, Pott, Barbar, Walker, Summit was not effected by two field 5V and the Bayonne Veritas. High tradition of usually having clubs will, reportedly, be at full Copsey champion, and Andy Petraglia, other NJSIAA rulings, one of McNalr. Qrlsby, Bozzo, Bystrak Rest waa no cure for what the Tackiis—Smith, Van Dyke. Sunclstrom, N. J. PGA titlist, were atiut out Bound Brook eleven lacked. Six strength at game time. Wilton. which limits ths number of foot- Guard*—OrlUo, Ferraro, Turley, Chlr- This area's only other partici- ball games to nine and school cage play* after the third quarter chlllo pant, Mrs. William Hockenjos, xtarted the- acore waa upped to 2<-0. Centers—Nelson, OeddJs contest* to 13 scheduled game*. Coach Praises Back*—Zotti. Cornog, Qrieco, Sigler, Jr., s Baltusrol golfer, waa de- Summit's football games have been .jit all /started when Fred rlensler Woroney, Kcnney, Murray Bratlolf, feated by Mitchell, 3 and 2, and pounced on a fumble at flummlt'i Kubach, Gallup. limited to eight and the basket- Clifford Scott (f) lost to amateur Joe McBride, r Cornog's Work ball games to not more than 18- 48-yard line. Trlolo and Sommo, End*—Francke, Zink, Buccino Arcola, by the same count. •betted by fancy blocking and Tackle*—Wood*. Dyer, Belnhard A plan submitted to legalize the In Backfield dusrds—Lomanto, Vales* start of football training on Au- deceptive ball handling), moved Center*—Nelson, Meier FOR PEOPLE on successive first downs to the While he hasn't «cor«d any Backs—Cardlllo, Holt, Hoey. Cooper, Sweeps Prevail gust 24 Instead of the usual Sep- touehdowna in Summit High's four Jones. tember 1 was defeated. Bound Brook 27. From that point Summit 7 7 7 7—38 Trlolo skirted left end, cut back football game* to date, the work of Clifford Scott 0 6 0 0—8 In Pin Loop Another rule adopted also does through the secondary and romped Cheater Cornog, fteet beck has Touchdowns — Orleco 2, Sigler 3, not affect Summit High, that of contributed^ In a major way t» the Jones. BOROUGH— Mandato Coal Co. eluslvely across the goal line, Point* after touchdowns—Brstloff 4 the leaders, set the pace in the forbidding the playing: of high WHO INSIST ON Sommo failed on the exfri point success of the «chool'.-» griddcr*. (displacements). 6chool football games before the No lesa an authority than Peter Officials—Oieske, Nixon, Llilie. Boro-Township Bowling League running attempt. Statistic* of Game Monday night by sweeping against fourth Friday of September. Sum- Kandrat, head coach, testifies to S C.3. mit never plays a game before the Wide Op*n Offense this. The coach points out that Pint downs 9 8 Baldwin's. Sweeps were also reg- Digging further into \ Coach Yards gained rushing 118 104 istered by Delia's over tfii Ameri- fourth Friday. while some of the other back- Forward passes attempted Cornog'a bag of trick*, Summit's field men get away' for runs re- Forwards completed 2 can Legion, New Providence Post Summit wa* represented at the performer* stretched the advan- Yards gained forwards 28 25 433; Hoppers over Ianello Dairy meeting by Elwood C Cornog, di- sulting in scores, the blocking and Yards gained Intercepted tage to 30-0 before period thr«-e tackling of Cor nog hu been of passes 60 and Sulphur Springs over Bryan's rector of interseholastic athletics: closed. A 15-yard pass, Clark to inestimable help. Number of punts 0 Garage. football coaches Peter Kandrat, Average distance of punts 28 George (ikinopoulog, curried to "Iron Man* Van Dyke Fumbles 4 Frank Mea of Delia's set the Morton Ashman and Glen Lytle, the Bound Brook 37. Trlolo romped Another player has ako been a Own fumbles recovered 3 2 j scoring pace for the week, rolling together with Elmer Holdenwang. Number of penalties 1 " i 234 for high single game and 565soccer coach, and Alton J. Oast, •round left end to the 22, rested tower of strength in paving the Yards lost, penalties S 60 aa Qulda picked up seven yards way for the ball carrier* for the for high three game series. faculty adviser on athletics. on a smash through right tackle Maroon and White. That player Team standings: and Bill Wlkberg plunged for five Is Jack Van Dyke, one of the W L Eogle on 36th Wins added yarda at center, and then Summit Booters mildat spoken teda on the team, Mandato Coal Co. 17 1 County Golf Title bulled through to his second touch- who haa p'.ayed hu tackle post Drop 5-2 Gome Delia's 16 2 down. Clark heaved without sue- every minute of every game. Koppers 10 8 Joe Birofka of Summit waa one cess for the extra point. The two hAckfleld men, who Sulphur Springs 8 10 down going into the 39th hole of To Harrison th* final match of the ch&mpkxi- Alert Bne play by Joe Angelo in have ..done mnn«»y, Rudolph Cummlni, George woods but missed the tagta pwtt. tempted pWtc* kick was low, In the October 11 matches. Junior Korkue. Burroughs, Robert Lewis, Willie Summit now botutta « record nf Order "A", tht runntr-up, took In th« final period, Dkrney Salllt, HHbert Laniltpr, Beresford two victories and one setback. The two from tf A H, the defending a<»«lwl another for Harrison on a Russell, Louis Johnson, Richard SHS FootfooR Union County league* record I* champions Fiy« Acts defeated pass from Cebula after which Irving and William Blnford. AIM Its Opponents 'I Mid 0, Bound Brook h*s dropped Flrtraen 'IV in three while the Hrtyko drove In a long shot that In releasing the softbali figures, four straight fumes. Par* Cl«ib f«lt»*d two from the first hit the crow-bar. Moore also announced th* forma- , Hut-tin* fallow: Men's Cinh, summit <») mrrtton (I) Ahl ».„.,, Polvichurd tion of an eight-man golf t«am. SUMMIT At.t'MNi n.im («j Larry Oslswrti of Junior Order ,.Twombly ..,»„.«„.._.. Bttdjrin Team members will Include Dr. N. Ctt1*ttotKnilot, Ahem, K * It cloned out with • 31S to poat high r S. Hill, Adtk ftadford, Oaorgt W»tk«r. Wltl A RHB three f«m« series of BTfl y .tvmm ItoK EMtvIs, Donald Crtombu, H. J.,Dan- r«rre!l« of fir#mtn "A" rolled high I,HB g«rfleld, Chariot' Gr*?n, Baslr B*ti- HENSLER on... .Ol. bPtmuttt •ingl« f »m« seore of ti mm$ . omnh nttt and Paul I* Moor*, Sr., Mi« fitanM«i Ireww coach. Ths first m«tch wilt b« with tmm Hortttw dh Orl Lyons Hospital vtttrant, fm "A* RtftTM ft (Nw "A" . Lincoln'* arator basketball t*am MAM...... will Initials tryouts on OetolMf M. r««e» cn»» .... I'M! MM M DUN Bf f M nn AMI ...... TWmm ^^^ M#n* (n«% *i "t ttirt* from Btrtiilty Quran*, lii 100-Yrf Run HHgfcty ftr*m#n piinmdi irotmdl in their bW for th# eham- ,.. PrtmUm Beer, «m kit«r« blanktd Wmimm'a irltt y.n r«m \~t+\ , A heee mads m irtll, m RENTED IW y*M* sionv I lie right and Ih* $ Bull CN*» to«* two from Cmwrora M m ^^ P r tMulta**. Batty, t* N lit m gift your ma • up ItJi fn>«ir(ti rf»«i»*fuUr» win of ftlgti tan* tw tht ww* was I, tuMimtl ftlgft'* >»vf* tfc* »***m, m for mtMm

•pat mm* lim •HHMIM sSiailiilaBslasll THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. OCTOBER t), ! 94* orts' Sidelights Boro Boys' Club Suburban Conference D I rooTooFtblnl KocR ti Prii< • Keman Leads • TO IMPROVE SPORTSSPORTSMANSHIP* " rnirT ft*. SUMMIT HIC5H wa L0 0 4 interscholastic athletic events play an important part Shapes Plans for c,ucr*b(-r 9. Writer, Dr. L. M. Johnston, principal of Clifford Scott Gains Lead in i when hu M hool defeatt-j Trinity, School-, says of the wearers of the Maroon and White, •' 18-37, «t Bleirjitown during thc- Warrer. Oounty school'* centennial like io have our school play Summit High School b«- GIVE TO YOUR Township Loop ••We UNITED CAMPAIGN ;• celebration, also sc-t a new record. of the excellent attitude of your teams and of your TOWNSHIP - Blue Mt Farm*, ' Saturday' at I^awrencf-vV.U'. At Rudy Ayen, Larry Radtke, John defendinif champioru In the New. Ijawri-neevii!e. K-rnan ' ran ?V> ans. Providence Townahip Major* Bowl- i course of a !;!!!>• r>v*-r Vxo m:U3 FOOTBALL, A CHARACTER BUILDER Stortj, John Wright, Anthony ing League, took over first place ; in 11:1. At' BUir };<• rats the two-_ For argument's sake, as was pointed out in this column Ounpano, Chuck Cc-ddington and Friday night by sweeping agkirust j mile couhse In licit b« ^fing 'the. eeks ago most folks will agree that football costs John Mellock. Hugh Le* of Sum* the Stony Hill twin), while 3-B*tr-3 old record by 12 se.-onriM WO Ranch wpre dropping three- to 1 money. Too, there are many parents who do not allow their znit U to be coach. Larry Brydon Roman, captain, of th* .Summit play football. They give many reasons, ontof them and Ehnl» will direct tb» team's Funnel A. C. with Gus StiUer turn- High track tea'm" !ut y»'J\ hreke j»chedul« and financial affair*! ing in a 5f»l series. Hilltop'dropped ,:,,;.- the iear of injuries.' Yet, let's look at.footb>all"from 4he three records, the n>ilf t!~•..••' ha!f Scarlet and black were-pteked aa a jJair to Riv<»r lit'nd m\d Free mile anil the total number ol ,!andnoint of being a character builder. - th* club'a colon for all sport*, ac* Acres m'anagod to take two from poinU scored in » st-ajon. Ed Reed in one of his "Off the Record" cartoons has a tlvitiaa. Betide* loop game*, th« 8 Ball. • -J: • ask a football coach a* hii team trots on the EricUton took high «ingle game writer club ha» a tentative •chedul* to Community Cagt League outcome of the gam* it unimpor- play «lmilar-aga team* from Bon- CHEEBLEADERS-Theae eight young girls,| right, are the Miwe. Mad-ge. p hon«r». with his .220 game. Other I; "Do you Jo&ri, Caruso, winners vi-pre Galla with a. 152 cund Staging First Meeting Do y nie Bra* F&rm for Boy», Spring- cheerleaders at Summit High School, will add to. th«5 Joyce Hunttr, Martha Tut tie. ,Mary I*aux, Patricia •ant'as long as it builds Character—or do you expect to have field Boya Club" and Plalnfleld. colpcof Saturday's annual football ganje at Memo- ,Cl»as, Ann AHsopp .*r.d Beveily Kvang, McCuskiT and' Fusco tied ATI. An " orsanTTatlon me- t:ng .for winning team this fall?" Reed didn't give the coach's an- Team* having hom* court* and rial Field between the local secondary school and Glen Other number* were not up. Community Basketball League Hot that Summit High has completed it* fourth game October IS SUndltifs 1 swer. desiring to play th» looal club may Ridge High School of JEast Orange. Seated, left to . • - (Photo by Jay). tearhj will be held ot th* Soldiers' .•ifht-game scHedule, it seems appropriate to speculate contact a representative of the Blue Mt. Furnu 10 5 Mornorlal Field House Myrtle ,n an POnnel A C. ' . 9 - Delbarton Swamps League ja me a will b« played «.t next season. Bob Brydon, a Ma- The Birofka brothers, Jo* and Summit ••: Hj,«h SchooFa Maple Densities of Eton and Harrow's piaying fields. America owes New Providence Bowling league j rle, of eight ^i*kly rides m-«-ntly Oratory School. 53-6 long overdue tribute to our nation's system of organized rine veteran and former profes- Bill, of Summit, were among the street gymnasium. sional who w«a with the Madison •A r'clcnt!««3 Delberton eleven Iports in her schools. And of all the sports which teach three combination* of brothers Legion, Ki.w Itovidt'he* f'o*t .433 ! Colonels the past season, will who aurvijsed the firat-round match thrashed Oriitory of"Summit, 53-6, ]iscipline, teamwork and strength, non« excels the rugged coach th» batters, catchers and out- in match.* rolled on the Hy-Wny \ «>^'"« ^ T, N. Tully. Saturday at Morrlatown. play in the Union County public Bowl in Union recently. - Harry'* j of Ikt stable. The groups ride Omtorjr School pjtime-of football. fielder*. Larry Brydon will coach link* beet-ball tournament Sunday gained a second place tie with from 10 to 11 &. m. Knds—Orunn»ro, Belten Right here in this city, football and the other organized bat* running. Ehnls will coach tn- at Galloping Hill. Before the day TacklM—McAultff*. Pattnto ftelder* and aid with th* condi- Carlones by defeating the Sports- O\iarrl»—D* Porter, Doughertf was finished the Birofkas had fin-, men's Club in three Carton?'*'took The group receives inatmction Outer—Anrtrlrl __ts which Summit High provides form a collateral pat- tioning program. lincks—Erlckson, Chori. Moor, Sum- ished off another Summit brother two from Bill's. Building defeated !:n ei^';tatlon a™*-will, participate fn for the education of youth, teaching both boys and girls Tournament Included combination, Ed and Art Bontem- mer*, much about which the books are silent. Junior Order B in two. jin many ridts ovci tlu> trails in The club has accepted an invita- po, in the second round, 2 and 1. Albert Becker of Bills rolled l"he Watchung Reservation, Oratory made Ita only icor« In the fourth period when a 10-yard ' MONEY STILL AROUND FOR WAGERING tion to use the g*me room at Th* Birofkas, who oarried off high single game score of 1S3. Joe I < Because of the heavy enroll- pass by Cohrs WIUI caught by Vel- During the past several months, a number of business Patrolman Ehniar" home one night the qualifying medal 10 days ago Mandato of the Lions posted high =' aicnt m organized riding groups, a month. Intra-club table tori in th<* end tone. The oonver1- with a blistering; 65, will engage throe game aeries score of 496. \-^ Union County i'ark Cotnmi«- men, most notable of them all the taverns, have been crying bowling and darts) tourname pass failed. Frank Moroney of Summit and sion, which operates the stable, he over the drop in business. The money just isn't will be conducted on game nights. Nick Valenti of Roselle Park in Team Standings:— iround any more, they contend. W recently purchased several addi- Nine years before tho triumphal New Members Invited Saturday's 27-hole semifinals. Lions Club . .._ II 2 I-tional horses and now '1ms But is that a fact? It certainly wasn't the case with New Boro residents furnish refresh- A first round upoet saw Mo-Harry's . II voyage of the "Clermont," Col. Carlone's —- Jl « j mounts. John Stevens of Hoboken, had per* ersey's three race tracks in the 1948 season which closed ments for the club's social meet- roney and Valentl put out Lester B & L - » ings. The next'such meeting will Jankosi of Summi't and Mile Elko, Junior Order B 8 6 ' Application for membership in fected a atoamboat which had suc- [ecently at Atlantic City. The official State Facing Com- Sportsman's Club 4 on«» of th^ groups mny be made cessfully run from Bellevill* to be held Thursday, October 28 at both former Union County cham- American Legion .... 3 13 nission's figures show that New Jersey tapped its three tracks the home of Patrolman Ehnis. pions., BU1> .. . 2 13 by t-?!<-phcn<-nj:'-Mr. Tully at SUm- Now York. or $11,318,324 of the $148,462,141 poured into the pari- Boys 13 years of age and older, The Birofkas won handily over [jutuel windows this year. Betting dropped off from $157,- who are interested in joining the Bill Matreyek and Bill Hmara in |6,407 in 1947 mainly because of the rainy season at Garden club, are invited to the next so- their opening test while the Bon- cial meeting. fate Park, in Camden, where it rained 26 of the 40 day meet. tempos squeezed through to a 1-up Madonna and Andy Picone are triumph over Denny Dixon and Last year the State extracted $7,465,501 in revenue from leading the double.* Niok Grouch. (ie tracks, but a new formula increased the take this year by tournament :r four millions. SHS Booters Play 0-0 Wagering was up at Monmouth Park and Atlantic City, Tit with East Orange He former showing $48,356,635 and the latter $50,571,473 with Rechnitzer Book U>a fi . . . | Summit High's soccer team SUPER nclen State attracting $49,534,033 in bets. And that isn't t piaycda tie agaimitEas t or k two from Earl of running on the part of Ayres and "Bonny'a Boy," Mir. Rechnitzer'a that the swat season did not end :h im a> ifid Ciba against Char- f Iret book of this nature which waa Johttnus Grisby and the pas* re- with World Series for Summit •>. 'I-irjiiiiloa defeated the ceiving of Bob Mwmitt and Daryll •elected in 1946 but actually went iV\ OUTER GARMENT Girl Scouts and their dad.s had a 'M] in l.ffjon, Summit Post I Turgcon. The Summit club had on s«le last year, Hanger and the in thrir special aession Sunday afternoon I too much power for the visitor* itory of LaMi«, in a father-daughter picnic In ^-(J«i.- Phlllippi Mhinen j Half of the same w&m played by Bruce found th» puppy among Seeley's Grove, Watchung Reser- f'ii; '• I'liilli.ppV of Gargiulos, the second and third atringcra. i litter belonging to his father'a vation, Several hundred attended i». Made on y :\m howler in the history Thirty-two Summit boy« ptayed. kennels end because of a block the affair which was sponsored th. i ity lefjgue, won scoring Summit PUjrcrt patch «rourtd th« dog's eye and Ends—Mennitt. Culbertson. Turgeon, by Summit Girl, Scout Council. the week, rolling 233 Mr-Clay. hla raffiah look he W«IB inopired While no one kept acore, one Water r h:.rh ingle game scor»> nnd T p. Srhpppe. Mundolo, to call the pup "Raff." Needlees BorKer, Van Lelght. thing in certain, the game was eo v;:ime series of 591 for Guards—danger. Trodgen, Hand, •» say there was devotion betweem called for one of two reasons, -O Of 197. Levesque. S*nt«Ul. the boy and the dog a* they train- either on account of dnrknesA or Repelleni 14 Standings Center—Moroney. Wright. ed In the field for ahowi, which Is became It wfts time to eat. h Back* — Meyere, 8tfeber, OrUby, 2 Ayres. Bon», Rlllo. Wl*hv, Peterson. described with keen understand- Miiehlnery 2 ing by the author. The boy and 4 Cibm S T Skipper Schroeder \Vins , 4 Summit Butck S 7 the dog became separated, and th© 4 American Legion 3 9 reader* heart is pulled an the dog" Skipper Schroeder of Hbbart 5 Qeddls Taxi 2 10 avenue, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. ! till til t Chttrlfnn 1 11 searches for klndnea* and devotion among strangers. Baker Schrocder, won th«! hunter seat championship in thn Green After becoming involved in many Brook Hor«e .Show in Sunday's SLIPCOVERS foul plots as time and distance sep- final session at Green Brook arate* the dog from H«ppydal« Farm*, Schroeder wa.i nrnerw in Beautifully Cleaned & Finished Kcnnela and home; his falling In the middle nonl title event, which I: with a ring of* dog thieves, hobo*, wu taken by Miss BurMra I'etuie CHAIR 69c COUCH 99c PILLOW 29c and with a long weary trek of hun- of LarchmonJ, N. Y. interizeyourtires! ger and neglect, the author bring* to the story a happy ending to ttw reader'* relief and delight Teds of Value of X-Ray CURTAINS ltr In Tuberculosis Control i'ifj in your tire* today for recapping with Mr. Reohnit8«r was born In CLEANED CLEANED Perth Amboy, the »on of a Mttfl- Rtrtsilng the Important of x- TO HANG (KJlit mlnUrter, He served In r«y dlagnoitis n» a factor in tuhpr- the famoun Dual tread. Top tread for EVKN AS It FLUFFED World W«r I «M a pilot, an <\h<\»culonli control, Mi** SUlIa f), STRAIGHT Winter; lower tread for Summer* had txperl«nc« as a chicken nalsflr, Kline, executive director of th<» a laundrytnun, aulomohH* »n\m- Union Ominty Tubereul, Inc., yetterday Hi was «vlatl«n editor of th# Ni»w announcpd that of J57 puttents iid- York T«lpgram (World Tetejrmm) mltted In Overlook 'Honpltnl »lne»> Nochalim and BovtNid th« Mntliwit Revolu- D*»w»mber 194T, two worn fminfl tU tion rnom th« «lr, flying with 'F»d- tubercular «nd w«r# admiited to «r«l utrnttn on their bombing mls- SMnltorlunM tnr trentmmiti. Tht 24 HOUR SERVICE «MM agatiutt th« reripl* Overlook prftgmm, which was started In D«* from a trKrimghbrrd jnwidf* In a mongrel j*lr of To Attend Men** f th«m, Mm, llflni 8, V*r\t>tm7 mmMmt Men's SUITS tho tri««l« of hU flr#f dog •tory, MKt»rt*ry «f th* iMfftWH .Trtwfc t*iiM* Wdm Oompuny. MiM Aim* tt»U«|ttlit, Th# IMO* to lUtmtftt*! by M«r- SHIRTS ^tKP 4%iAMMI gworlt* KlrrrMP, who rfrfw ih« pi«- aHiliuuii •Mfittrjr «t @tin#t«i t»p>w for '•&**?* »«^r" «M "Urn* Tfimrt Oimpnny, §m Mitm JH»r!o*i DRESSES •l« Own* Hm#" Ah* !»*• h«f tii##tf»it. nMtateii man, #ffic*f «ft *d m>4*U. b*vin§ from !h* Whm N»timt*U Mittk ttiH f runt | U» 10 at all Onfnptmy, itMiM tt uMPttinr nfj n. #. th# MtMti AtiMttM m tints* n, SUMMIT TIRE CO.. Inc. tit* AatntiiiiiMt it* Itni II ii apttrwitly l«ifM«l fwM MM Pamt m ^wlt, H# t* tftt tn4lilu Im «h» ,k*\*ttm «t Hi mtm nqMrttm, whleli to ttti »fi -.Alt frf Mi* ifcwe Kmtswi If Hi. 221 THi SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, iHt UOYM Summit Position \ Enters Johns ALL MUSCLES Summit of 1870 Recalled J. Stephen Statffer, Jrn ton o!i Donald Mantel, i A child is born with «i! tta 1 aaluclct la place. Every muscle Mr. and lira. John a Shaffer of ] 1S48 Summit High Schoo S thai the child ever By Speakers at Library left thu week by plan* sing claw, has Ls produced before birth. The 187O's and 80's lived again postal receipts from the date of for Dover, N. H., to continue hi* man year at John* H<.•,«•, la*! evening at the Public Library the first post office to today. Too. course or training as appraisal versity, Baltimore, H. V where Summit's beginnings and the great difference in communica- engineer with the Dole, Layer & of Mr. and Btra. Jacob R growth were the theme of the first tion facilities was brought out Tnimble Go., of Dayton, 0. Mr, of Oakley avenue. meeting of the, serie* "Summit on thfough his description of early Shaffer hai been associated with the company'* Summit office Its Way." Poster iispkyi through- telephone service with the one in- An early armed sh r, v out the town and an exhibit of old strument in town in 1884 at Tay- since April, and has accepted American Navy, the Mw {,•• photographs at the Library had lor's drug store. transferral- called "a cheeae box on a ra', paved the way for a lively discus- Miss Louise R. Morris, former! sion. Photographs and maps from librarian, talked of Summit both the Library's collection or lent for from what she had heard and read the occasi&n lined the exhibit tooni Tasty In opening the meeting as the MAKE YOUR first of the series, Mrs. Gerald H. 80 PEB CENT MORE DINING and DANCING president of the Library SI11LIH6 Board, pointed out that the com- and from what she had observed CY GRIiNI and his orchtstra Charcod munity's desire to know more of in her years as librarian preceding Summit'! development and needs, the first World War, Summit's EDOil NEWMAN Steak* brought out in the successful Town peal for many with literary and ar- Meeting of last spring, had led tistic interests had been shown byj the Monday Night Club, organized j MHit: FAMOUS the Library board and staff to ar- range the program for utilizing the in 1882, in which a small group of j THK %» MAXHATTAXi-* tom-toyr **4*n which dealer. The car's nix cylinder engine h*j been Library's resources to meet the in- gentlemen discussed papers by the combines high fuel economy 'with luxuriou styling stepped up from 100 to 112 horsepower with no In- terest. The generous help given by members on - "economic*. literary, SERVED ANY TIME inside and out i* tfrt Fraaser "Manha.tt*tt, «SQW.'a T»H {one carried the advantage of a tober, 27 at th<» American Lrgion WHEREAS, it was the opinion of this body that the Jersey Central journ at Miss Po.twin'i of the host of pleasant memories. H. Don- U .45 r. M. ; Home, Chatham. A »p«iker from'' Pcnrer and Light Company did fait to take the appropriate action in Soong sisters, later Madame Sun ald Holmes, as first speaker, . I P. M. Sunday* the Third Naval District will «d- tfe •' large estates of the Mollers, Du-! sibility has always been strong in *-aus« for delay in Tutoring the electrical services; and ; for m(»mb(>r.stu]j and urgi'.j U> at- Viviers,' aniJ Edgars of the horse Summit was brought out by Mrs. WHEREAS; the Honorable Alfred jB. Driacoll, Governor of the State : tend th* mfHing and carriage'flays when telephones Ann S. Brokaw in her treatment ofj, of Sew Jersey, was requeated to cau^e this investigation to be made; the early organizations, the "Fresh! I It is interesting to hot* that art were not, to the compact residen- •ltd ' ' ' •'•'•.'•. Air and Convalescent House" and i attempt was .made to ha-v»» trw Ftd- tial sections of today. Both the cli- WHEREAS M-veral.requests havo been made that a copy of the. the "Arthur Home for Boys." later | cral. Government locate th'.> na- mate and the location had led rejwf^ of-the .special committee duly appointed by the Governor to the Arthur Home for Blind Babies. tion.il c:ipitii! dromatir town. From the days of the Vil- plans for adequate recognition of STRAND and Light Co. to prevent further similar occurrences. Radio and Heater Summit 8-3900 e Improvement Society, started & this date. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: ! in 188*2 by a group of women under Last Times Today A copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honorable Alfred E. the (ii.icu.^Rion and Iflll—PONTIAC — Sedan, Radio and Heater j the leadership of Mrs. \V. Cleve- through the use of a baloptican Drneo!!. Governor of the State of New Jersey,. . land, Hicks, to today's activities of p furnished by Lincoln School, a 1941 —MERCURY — Sedan, ,Heater COItXKL WtLME-LINDA DARNBLL-ANNE BAXTER the League of Women Voters, Sum- mit has benefited from the quality number of pictures of early Sum- 1940—CHEVROLET — Sedan, Radio and Heater its women citizens. Mrs. Mac- mit were shown on a screen with "THE WALLS OF JERICHO" iNeille illustrated this by the spe- brief explanations by Mrs. Winser. 1940—OLDSMOB1LE — 2-door Sedan IV R I C Along with other speakers she jcial attention given the streets, jfrom the purchase of a watering stressed the value to students of 193H—PLYMOUTH — 2-door Sedan Friday anrf Saturday, Oct. 22-23 Cart to settle;the dust by the Vil- Summit history of the many special 1936—CHEVROLET — 2-door Sedan, Heater lage Improvement Association in articles on historical phases ap- • Now Playing Thru Wed. * 1882, to the sponsoring of snow- pearing in the Summit Herald, plows in later days by the Town especially those of Alfred Lano Improvement Association under the with their illuminating anecdotes. BROWN MOTOR SALES, Inc. leadership of Mrs. H. B. Twombly. A set of pictures showing the The long record of cultural and stages in changing the railroad civic leadership of the Fortnightly from street level to the present cut, KAISER - FRASER lent by John M. Mullen, proved of 1 Club, organized in 1893 with Mrs:|p7rticulor"7nte"resr'| n'il'Ju8tratlng'a Broad St. and Summit avenue Summit, V .1. George Wilcox as its first president; maJor improvement. was cited. j , . A. Clifford Bernard, in talking of j Clowns have long slapped each SUnunit 6-4575 the economic development of Sum-J other with a split stick ' which Service Entrance on lit dun rial Plat* A DATE mit, measured its growth by thef makes a loud noise. From this WITH JUDY | bank clearings and the increase in comes the word alapMick. CO-FKATUItK ROY ROGERS-TITO GUKKAR "THE GAY RANCHERO•I Here it is, Summit! in Tnioolor

Sunday and Monday, Oct. 24-25

ligiiil ttttUHMK JI1IUL EIKUKII B IE1F ERIKSOH JOHN 106EI WHI IAHIH tSHfTftSM i4 XVafetf Pt$$mm Kttmtmt/f FlUM CLASSICS. IKRT. clowning uproariously! JAMF.S KYDON I-OIS COI.LIER-MARC LAWItlSNCK "OUT OF THE STORM" VOWBL Ntwport Silv«rwor« to HM Urita Mo*. Mat. «MI IV». Wlrt. |v«. Admission— Pint Se S*rvk« ., Wed., Thttr*,, Oct. M-27-28 TAY loving mxcHim§lfi

CO&AT p«U«rn tm ewra «rf th*

Thta in what thmf h»v. dm** with Mh» FttASSEft (m 194tl *» it iim ttmlthhmt In

nttw • imy • \wmm,"th*y>*y-

*mmmmn mmmmm *nmf» II thrill wtMnt tm fm tt ymt 4mW» m*y. With im; .. ih« lflifl FRAZKR fc.

4 ., . - ... flMralttfcr til jtfk mam M mm mm " V mJmmk **•" **>* «*»P twMMtfcm, «H* mm from WU»* Urn 1949FltilZEIl • ^^^^^^^^mmtmm, Wllion - p « nu^r millin (uwty f Om Wmk Btrfmrninp Thurmiay, 0e## Jp mmm, 9m and 4Hv* ttm *#* RIAKflH »m>n%'* at tit 4I


" W - * THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, OCTOBER II, 1*41 ttt Summit Man, Once Captured by Summit Put in Nazi Sub, Heads Maine Museum New District by and one other were the only »ur- « Srd M«. J. M. Brown, Jr., of GRAND I M0\ FEATURES vivor*. Takes aboard the rab- JIT •"••mv«iue __„„. imfl»n «s the State Realtors I i directors &t New Eng- marine, he WM tranjtporte-d to O*r- •tarted «urty this many and, spent the Best tare* ! A rediatrictjaj program which DAIRY d rector 6f the Wll,ll*m A. year* ia German prison e»mp» H* divides the populous Essex-Union , WM liberated by the United States KOtXil Art MU*eum of Rock- Count:«a area into two dlattlcU sir, which »u formally Third Array a* it swept across hum bees approved by the execu- pa'e le-st summer. Ocrmeny and wa* returned to the in Brooklyn, N. Y.. he at- United States. tive conimittee of the New Jersey tho publio achools of Sum- Once out of the Navy he .re- Association of Heal Estate Boards. graduating frorii the High entered Harvard for a refwaher Usder the plan, a new District, ,i where he pr.epa.red f«r Am- course *nd received hi* waiter No. g, -s set up to include the fol- eg Mr. ^ of arts degree in June of 1M*.lowing boards: Bioomfleld-Qlen rom Aroheest where him* Following this, he went to Pum> j Rsdge-X'jtley-Belleville, the Cald- from in economic!. That »fcme fall, barton Oaks at Washingtoa where we'll. MonteUir, Oranfej-Maple- " *s accepted for admittancditt e tto j he aaaisted in the preparation .of wood, Plainfield, Summit, Verona r 1 Law School, having a catalogue of early Christian By- and Wt^tneid. HirV i zantine art under the direction of worked t summer* during col- Remaining m District 2 are John S. Thatcher. -,„<, y«irs'in New York law of- Newark, B&stern Union (resulting f es "in preparation for a career Later, he accepted the jxwstion from a merger of Elisabeth and £ the legal profession. a* assistant director of the Boston Linden i, Rahway and Cianford. ' Before time camo to enter law Institute of Contemporary Art, * In announcing th« change, Pres- ohool, his desire for museum work position he held until t&king tip ident Clinton B. Snyder explained c-iine the appeal of legal prac- hi» duties with the FarnsworUi U has been necessitated by ths and he turned to Museum In April. big .increase in membership in the Mr. Brown is married to the oi of Arts and Sciences at HaK district which now comprises 600 former Atice Dewotf Do^gett of where he studied for two members in 13 boards, and said it vard Boston, They have one child, a mide for too large a job for one daughter, Barbara Allison Brown, %VES VOUR DOOK vice-president and executive com- Variety all under one roof saves the shopper time, born in June. AM» VOUR HEART mitteenian to handle. Under the money, and effort. Grand Union Super MarktU THIS SUNDAY Lucy C. Farnsworth, 97 on her divisions. Districts 2 and 8 will death in 1933, willed ,to Rockland be nearly even in number*, and feature variety in all department*. In Grand Union veers at the Fogg Museum to pre- approximately $1,300,000 with which will approximate the si» of the Dairy Departments, for instance, you can choost 'par? Wmsclf For a career in mu- to construct the museum, to be free other six districts la the organi- seum work. to the public in all its services. sation. from over 100 varieties of cheeses. Featuring Torpedoed by Submarine "The rediMricting will permit variety at the right prizes makes Grand Union The war waa nearihg arid Mr, TWO MEMORIAL DAYS closer liaison between"the boards the favorite of more than 1,000,000 Budgeteers Brown- enlisted in the ftavy as a The heroes of thXCivifWar are in Essex find Union count lei and honored on two memorial day* in the stats and national aasocisv- joamn second claw *hd wu as- h do their food shopping there every week, New Jersey. May 50 is dedicated, tioos," President Snyder sftid. signed to duty aboard th« USS to the soldiers who fought for tl» Cythcra, a converted yacht which a PY, and wu •«- Union while April 29 U dedicated s c!:i.ssM PY d tonkins Clots Hal to the 2,436 soldiers of the Confed- 'QVALfiy/HfATS signed to off-shore patrol duty* A TAILOR'MADB'^^BACKEDBYBOND eracy who died during th» choir-ra German «U1J encountered the pa- Summit liutfiiclw epidemio at Fart Delaware where trol craft and torpedoed It off the You wilt ninny Knd a uiUm varUty of "AA" and "A" they wer* being held prlioner. Raymond Hartlaub of the Sum- Att Grand t/»W«« rm*H sr« "Taitet-Mad*" wkith mtwii Carolina Capea in 1M2. Mr. Brown Quality meats at Grand Union. In line with an ulab- mit law firm of Hughes and Hart- mmr* Immn mmmt, hi wmitm /*r your food dollar. Grarf tUhmtl lout vtic* policy Grand. Union mtatt er* told Union imsli mm "Batkmd by Bond", guarantied tm la ub is teaching "Accounting. First •nly at thm laUtt tow pricei. aatitfy T yowr mmnmy T*fmndmd. Tear" for ths Elisabeth Chapter of ths American Tostitute of Banking which started recently conduct- ing classes In banking for tht 28th Round Roast Sirloin «•* Porterhouse Steaks season at Alexander Hamilton Jun lor High School in Elizabeth. Rob- New York Dressed ert O. Peterson of the Citizens 4li to 5 Lbs. Up to $2500 in amount and up to 3 years to repay Fresh Fowl ««>««•«» 59/ Trust Co. is president of the Sum 49/ Fresh Pork Loins I rait Chapter. for loam, to repair, to modernize, repaint or «n Smoked Shoulders Short Shirt 49< Sliced Bacon •- largo your home.

AT REASONABLE BANK RATES Jumbo Shrimp Veol Borwltst Brisket Fresk Ground Beef . » 59< Veal Patties . 65/ Chuck Riart CemedBetf 79/ Stscr AS snort tut smoM Freih hsud« Braoit Cut Iwf Liver . . * OOF leef Tongue* Limb CNpo . VotlftrSttv TM N«! Not Skinlns Rib Lamb Shoulders 49/ Stexilk Cod Veil Cbtft . 85/ CMekine 55/ gammk Frtikfirtirt k . Imported Sty It Freih Tei»d«r * Should" Mr. Iwrtrlw 1 and 2 Lb. Bags Boiled Han . ib 35/ LmbftrSUw 59/ ftre Pork Ssitigs * * T»V*ur Community GRAND GROCERY VALUES 0MND VALUES^ fALLCLEANING €••••# Grand Union Food-O-Mati and ih*lv hold an abundant Grand Union »oli>*» your houneUantng probUmm with variety of your favoritt advtrtittd brand* in addition a full variety of toapt, bruthmt. broom*, in fact, «u»ry- to thm fin* quality groc«ri«« canned and packagtd undmr thing yam will ni«d to timptify tall hoa*«c<«amng. Grand Vniem Imbth.

Evaporated Milk fnihpik 6183' Rinso *«... $.«»-,-Mak*. Whits ClofUi Whiltr Ifls. pkg. fj I / Cranberry Sauce Ocean Spray 16 oz. can 1 5' BrillO Soap Pads or Cleanser Igs pkg, I 11b. can j Del Monte Coffee . . or gists'52' Kitchen Matches ' 6 If you care about being a ..... and you cdre about getting 214 or man in-tlie-know...... the most for your dough.. • Dog Candy Dessert 2 X19pkgs. ' Zippy Liquid Starch Folk? with a high whiskey I. Q. serve Carstairs Evert if you doni near, kilt$, youil find the Mot, White Seal whiskey to their guests. It's an Perfectly Balanced Blend a perfect buy. Why McCormick Black Pepper can 18' Parson's Ammonia intelligent way to get the most for the least. pay more when the best is so reasonable? Niblets Mexicorn :T;:z 12 oz. can 20' Spic & Span Cbsnt P«lntsd WsNt fb.pk9. 2i KMcfon Qu—n Ripriar Youll be care-ful to show: Beech-Nut Peanut Butter 33< Brooms Mad« From Fins Corn Straw 89« Vital Vorlout 8rondi Converted Wilbert's Ho-Rub gj.^ AA . jonrwwnt Ormgo Juice Uncle Ben's Rict *• -'20/ 6lo-C«at Mill -98/ Vorlov»flfofid»Un«wM Floor Wax AV* . Alurnin-im Foil CARSTA1RS White Seal Graeefmit Juice V» l»* Sweat Cider ^- - • Serih Iritbea 2 to* IrtMfnit Juice Clomp Sty!* - 25/ 5ofChe# ffo Foir Handl .* . pint csn Cheez-lt Crackers • «• •»•• 11 / Carraat Jelly 18/ 32/ MOB Sticks . Kill* CMor* All J '5-7'5-75-45 0 60 Nourlihlng ! «fc #• . Cfnler Cutt 3 Crwn ef Wheat "" 30/ DeerfltUI*ipirapi2":r 23/ Flew Wax Vanisli ClMMtr E U - 13/ - ** Wi!b«rt I No-Rub »"~20/ I.E. HrTaati StiM 2w-"-Z5/ Elberta rMcfcii *1<*~ "II f lT« Slei«s«f . -11/ Furniture Polish **-~*~llf Alr-WIck Kifkman'i Armeur-t J ft , Vermont M«ld Borax Soap . 3-25/ Fraikftrttrt . «---4lf/ Synp t . . . «"•*• Wax Paste Polls* . -J//film Wax Cl«m Hontli Cl«on y Oraifi Mamaladt -27/ KntCiffai . »--41/ ^•Wei.iitr 2-21/ M^Niaja Froneo Amerkon Early Worn Ciffta 2 Z ^9/ Rnnil7it '*" ^kiSm . 3-25'of. cw . . 2-23/ Spaghetti . Rlrh on«) Ztitful A OCv ITCIlMfcll. GOfndm I Xtlnt . '->"23/ •iT'chmr . . . -19/ Vtgitahli taaa FmMik CifiN 2i*B5< FrmcMryCi,,w *!!jrwo,,. Brivy Miittr , i'--25< 2tliiilt TIM l«rn -IS/ Soyig i< CcmfUlt Lint of Ktllm QuIHf Brwikt TUMTM *£. €•« DAIRY MO0$ FRESH FRV/T$ & VEGETABLES Grand Union b»y*t$ «*v»r ihw temntry'i *«••» ^srm« «*l mtthmdt MAW MAIS to bring tm you m full varlity y o0 "PUh-mfthd-wop" troth FfUlft m*i Totfy l ithmh mmt l fth

Sltrsd «*» Chup*i AMrleaiLMf fiittMi1** lib. Cap Cod Cranberries mi m m mmmt !f« Qstslst ibM tS>* f Snow WKtts WtMIMM tWBJMPI BfiMKI MWMI PS Mushrooms dT tor m »*kb*u mm IJiiafloriH GMNMN *" ** Notional Ci Ai CAM POt SALI IMPtOYMENT AMKCIIS POi SAME POM SAU OROVB Employment Aiwacy—for *ft cettsst tears, otfert&g oaly finest domestic ItXTAL crib, sprlajpi, ia»ttar«wA/ill In THEEJt pl«ce Urtas room «ulte, 4190. HILL OTT TREE EXPERT ttrea. h«lp; eoupla«. day, fuU. part ttma, good coneUUoa. $&. 14Ulburo e- will teU «epar*t*ly or together. Baft TREE PBUNTNO etc. 1»7» BprtnglUW aveau*. aiaple- brown topcoat 115, boy« twead »ult CLASSIFIED wood, South Orange t-8303. 910. alee 12. Call after 7 ». m. Sum- DOHON1GK CIAMPA Su. CHBYSLKK l»40 4-4OOT Uack BABT8 carriage, play pen, hl*b ctastr mlt e-7307. Orl«tnal eaUts. Good fon IMPORTANT NOTICE room set, table, six chairs, 0S19. concrete work 00 6-1M1-J tefak|» tt ADVERTISING ttdeboard. Strombtrg-Cartton 1933 CHEVBOLBT, «W4 «M>41UOtt. TO ALL X-1ONEL 8t«.nd»id ga>ug«, locomotive Short Hill* 7-3818. OENEBAL contractor, Mphalt drive- ChaUtain 4-34«$-K CaU afT*r • p. m. f»Di-i auamruED COMBINATION) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS type trains permanently mounted ways, cement work, walks, waltt. mm. %bt. airy All classified ads tppasr automatically TWO-plec* ltrtog room a«t.' ooodera. and !ully remote controlled, Mu&t %. A. MagUaro, Mapltwood. N J- IMS POBO Tudor Phone btswmm • Avenue, S srtU M I insert *i la all eti of U>* a***papefs IUte« kali two living room chair*, two bedroom b» aeen to be appreciated. Reason- and a enemtaga. Stum Bills t-»W»W. to si) »U paper* listed J*low chatrt, one pair Pier ckblaata, twin able offer accepted. Call SO 3-6»0V South Orange SOtC Summit Herald Phone SU. *-(B0Q beds, dresser, chllferobe, lour ehalr- after 8 p. m. 3»-MISCELLANEOUS 3j DODOS, 4-door tedas. h«*t«r. mo- OJUftO* l» WCMtOB — » WHTOM wooden kitchen set. Craaford 6-3»59 tor good, J*eriftc at $350 CaU MUI- &iftjiL«wood Newt " SO. 2-3253 bu.ro «-0*»-U. after C p. m. So. Orange Record * SO, 3-0700 BPINET deck, over stuffed chair*, large STORM SASH SCREENS Miilburn Item " MI. 8-1200 library table, etc. Summit 6-1251 COMBINATION DOORS TORM aaah. combtsattoa door*. 1941 FOED Tuior. good coBdiiioc. all acreen and eomblaatlon e equlpmtnt aum **U Suasinlt •- Chatham Couritr " CH. 4-0600 TEN piece walnut dining »et, perfect LUMBER MILLWORK aertena rewlrea and ttpiirsd 0478-J Springfield Sun " MI. €-1276 condition. Summit 8-6511-W, Plywood — Sheetroclc — flooring HELLER SCREEN ANX> la order to intloUU) production TEN piece dining room set. walnut Shingles — Oarage Doors — Shutters '3« POR0 coavertlU*. sew motor, good iMJw Mouldlngt — Knotty Pine — Cedar LUMBER OO. roof, brakes, front end. radio, beater. schedule* it U necessary that all clas- flnLsii, six piece bedroom set, double Summit 6-3M1-40KI. MUJBUBII eaoKT-mixs ntM bed. both walnut, very sood condi- Lining — Plug Pong Tables — Kitchen Springfield and Onion Avenue* sified copy be placed with your local tion, box J spring and mattret*. Cabinets — Corner Cabinets — Book- Su a-6419 New Providence. N 1 1938 V-* Coupe, »*» Bummtt A-5M4-W, <-30M-al. t-UM newspaper office not lettr than almoat new. Summit 8-637S-J. cases — Hsrdware Evenings Easei t-177J . RADIO TECHNICIAN Call. Mrs. Nadler Millinguw Bu. 6-1555. HIRE'S AN INTERESTING, USED Clothe* 'for the whole family. table, good a* new, music cabinet, Washington Jftvenue, Springfield. AfANT second Perfect condition.' Bi>eelal discount kitchen chain, table*, other thing*. 7-0540-W. 1940 PACKARD. « cylinder, i nsitmger buslne*. man at $7 per To *«rvlc« B. T equipment Mechanical Summit 8-2803-J. FIFTEEN gallon stainless ateel tropical on overseas bundles Sq. Cleaner. « • fish tank, with light, plants and PIANOS TUNED club coupe, excellent condition, ,1a- STEADY. WELL-PAID JOB ability required. Amateur u*n»nniu*r Malu Street, Mlllburn, Mlllburn «- fUh, $15. Su. 6-2880-J. Reginald Belcher., Church organist test inspection, any demoastransa, Croai P. 8, but: Available Nov 0267 _* POOPS $750. Su. 8-7281. ' can be teen any time. Su e-n Mprrlme* will qualify. Unusual op- and tuner. 35 years. Morriitowo WOOL talfeit and crepe dresses for CONLON wauher, needs tome repair WHITNEY ateet-o-matic baby car- 4-5423 and motor rewound. Beat offer. riage, three burner gat ttove wltb 1935 OLD6MOBIXE. conrenible coup*. roora RIGHT NEAR HOMI portunity for a good connection, girls from th« sixth grade on. Frtced Short HUU 7-2669. 31—MOVING—STOKAUK $310. Can be *e«a at Shell Service - ^^ Irom $8.85. Blsaes 10-14, and 10-16. oven. Call Su. 6-4480. Station, canter of Summit Aw«, and Kdith Hill Teen Shop. 219 Elm ENTIRE furnishing* for tale to aettle COMPLETE aet used Unt and tubes, EXPRESSLNG-Trueklng, til Jemey Franklin Place, Summit, H..-J* LARGE attractive room,, near bus «V U.S. FIBEK k PLASTIC CORP. • Street. WesUKld. Westileld 3-1410. eatate. Include* living, dining, bed- sue 700 x 15, no breaks, plenty tread polntt J T Murray,. P O Box 106. rail trantportttlon, woman on!' Stirling • . New Jersey room* and kitchen: antiques; refrig- left. Call Su. 8-5823. Murray Hill. N J SU. g-0323-W STATION WAGON with references. Call after J p u TUXELX) J8-regular. Football equip- erator; etc. Open Saturday, October Su. 6-«56»-J. PHONE M1LLINOTON 7-0514 ment— pant*, 3*; pants, 30; shoulder MODEL BOATS MOVING. STORAGE, reasonable: f*. PONTIAC — 1947 pads t2), boys, arid regular size; 23, through Tuesday, 26, from- 11 frlgerators moved, plann hoist Dally LARGE room, five minutes tu'raUroi* football shoe*, size 10>a. Sgort coats a. m. to 3 p. m. at 142 Washington TRAINS, AiaPLANBS, RACK CARS trips to NYC LIBERTY STOR- PRIVATELY one owner. FranUy tt and bus, business couple or gentle- Telephone OIL burger mechsnlo.' to do furnare (2) — one, mwllum; one, 39-long. avenue. Chatham. handicraft material* for tale in a AGE CO Ms 2-4868: HlgbUi Cstex like new. I wtll tell for man, Su 6-2150i-J. HO 2^0250, evenings. ' ULL size mahogany .four poster bed, wide variety at AMERICAN HANOI 3-6789 I $ cleaning. Call Dawnon, Mlllburu 6- QRAPT COMPANY INC.. 54 South TWO furnlthed rooms. 21~Bfaivoir" l?2t. LACK Persian Umb, 10. minor re- two box springs. $10.' Phone "Short Harrttnn ttrect Eaat Oranno OB J LIGHT trucktng, L Qauthler, M Will accept a. good tar a* part pay- X: 8 H. 3," HUta 7-3207. GLEN81DE AVE., SUMMIT. H. J ment, or wtll tell n •rttiioui a trade. MAN, »mbltlou» and trustworthy-,---for pair, J7S. New Navy «CPO overcoat, 710$ TWO adjoining furnished rooms *H 38, $20, suitable for chauffeur. Eve- TURKISH rug, 6'xlO', fine condition, Su 6-6954-R. HAVE ARBANGEMJENT3 if • buyer Operator cleaning oa« das each week, private ning wrap, long, black velvet, 18-18 COMPLETE elctrlc train, cars, engine, wants to finance any balance, A new Springfield Ave., Summit. Summit residence. 17S Wlnthrop Terrace, $65., New four-point Hudson Bay transformer, track, $12. Su. 6-2886-J. LIGHT TRUCKING , 6-2690-J. ' South Orange, telephone 80 2-S17&. ermlne_collar, »15. 80 2-8*64. blanket, green. 72x84, $10. Solid ma- H G 8EARLES Si SONS. 204 MoirU wagon like this one costs about . 1 hpgany four-poster bed, 3/4 width, 45 GALLON Ruud gas hot water unit: avenue.. Springfield Ml. 6-0799-W. $3~10O. Cajl tTenlni* after 6 P. M. LARGE furnished room, $8 ilngleTlIF Good i+artinq lalary, IZK lC woman * black Torstman thermostat*, electric furnace damper GECJRGE WHELAN couple. Summit 6-S449-R. YOUNG MEN-HELPERS woolen fitted coat, beautiful East- $25. Rose and white patchwork quilt, 32—PAINTING DECOHATINO ern Mink collar, pure Ktlk nattn lln- about 100 years old, excellent condi- control; pressuretrol, steam gage; 40 CHATHAM 4-7695 On llKht sheet njetal worm gallon boiler; paracoll heater, copper FOKNISHED room, business man, ten" pay whila learning, Experienced oil Installation man. litB. like new. 3u a-1704. tion. $15. New hand-knitted bed- SCHMIDT & LANUWEHR minutes Irom Lackawanna Station spread, white, $10. Phone Short Hills coll gas water heater, miscellaneous PAINTING - DECORATING Summit fl-UW-W. 4 raiiat first y»ar. LABORERS ;OAT, Mlnk7~iike new, 15-18. $250. 7-3309. • pipe, valves, fittings'. Su. 6-2196. PAPER HANatNO RANTED TO HIT To dlt; hole* for oil tank Installation Evening wrap, long, black velvet, Interior — Exterior COMFORTABLE single roornTc^ ermine collar, $15. Black Persian VACUXIM .cleaner? • ftlmosf*new, rea- GREY Whittiey ateer-o-rhatlc coach, UNIONVILLK 2-71(8 STAMP&—Coti«etmna. accamowwtw venlent to all transportation. Su, t- ; APPLY 8-4 Daily •lamb. i0,. minor repair, »75. New sonable. CaU after 5 P.fM, Madison good condition, Su. 6-4624-M. old tmeioaea 4k toitBBpwndeMa 6«7M Acme Air Conditioning Co., Navy CPO overcoat, 33, »20, aultable 6-0973-R; J D McCRAY painter, paperbanger wanted for fatgaett esah prfcea 24 Franklin Plurt for chauffeur. HO 2-8464. OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS & decorator Su 6-5317-M qall A. Brlnkman CTO OartetoOai B rtmNISHED room near Railroad ttT Summit. N. J. USED~Arnerlcan Radiator Red Flash Of all Kinds road Weatneld Uon and but. Su. 6-S254-J. Pltaiant lurroundingi. Your TWO inens business suits. tjiSe 40. Boiler, good condition. Steam or hot WANTED HOUSES TO PAINT EXPERIENCED tree climbers, Top Miilburn 6-0775-J. water. 96,000 B.T.U., 500 teet, Hi", OVERHEAD TYPE DOOR CO., O B White. Jr. Painter and Decor* TOTS wanted—second htad or slightly KEWLT decorated and furnished single damaged. Suitable for pre-ktodergar- room, with garage, convenient to eo-workan arm your friends. wages, ateady work. Cull Su. fl-0713 SIZE 2, hat, coat, leggings. Sizes 63i pipe used, 8 valves, 6 radiators, 150 1366 Springfield Ave., Irvlngtoh. N J tor. 21 Edgar St.. Summit Summit tor appointment. sq. feet of radiation. Phone Bhort Phone Essex 5-5800 8-1193-R Free estimates. ten aged children. Mlllbura a-3038-J. trains and buses. Call Chatham {• white fur trimmed boots. Size 33 Hills 7-3214 evenings or week-ends. O57-W. UARQE tlfe Insurance Co.. deaires ca- man's grey pin striped suit. Size - MODEL TRAINS PAINTER and paperoanger wants work CLARINET for beginner Reasocable. 12 mlsaes wool covert coat, grey ELECTRIC portable sewing machine, AIRPLANES. BACK CARS. BOATS ft Interior and exterior work Work- S A. Lamer. South Orange 3-1475. NEAR station, attractive room for two Call Chief Operator reer agent No experience required kidskln coat with matching hat, genuine leather briefcase. Miilburn manship guaranteed Reasonable. gentlemen, private bath, referencn Applicant chosen on batla or apti- handicraft materials for sale in « DIAMONDS, colored stones, gold and Short Hills 7-3607-R tude test* and education Write com- black wool with leopara fur collar, 6-1241-M. wide variety at AMERICAN HANDI Fred Pleper. 1 Springfield Avenue. stiver: authentic appraisals, or pute qualifications to Bm 100. c/o dresses. Phone Su. 6-1673-J. REFR1QERATOR. 7 cubic feet, We»t- CRAFT COMPANY INC 54 South Springfield. N J Miilburn 6-0799-R JEAN R. TACK, eretttted gemolc^ist. SINGLD or double bedroom, gcntSt- Apply 540 Broad St., Summit Herald. GLEN plaid and gabardine suits, wool Inghouse. Excellent buy, reasonable. Harrison street. East Orange OR 3 70 years tn Newark, II William St. man preferred, 8 Parmley PI, Sum- Jersey, cotton, and crepe blouaea. Chatham 4-5711-M. 7105 HENRY tNSELS mit, N. J. LABOREBB wanted, ateady work year ANTIQUES Purnnore^ cbloa glasa N*««rk, N. J., Main Floor Size* 10-16. Edith Hill Teen Shop, EXQUISITE Eastern Sarouk rug (10 KITCHEN furnishings for gale, Includ- Painting tt Decortlng Contractor lampa Copper Kettle Si? Morris LARGE, attractive furnlslisd room, round. Overtime. Hud-Cln Build- 219 Elm St., Westfleld, Westfleld 3- x 13). 1/3 present value. SO 2-6612, ing gas range, cabinet, tables, chairs, Expert Cnlor Styling—Vina Paper- Afenua Sprlnnfleld Blunt Bill* ?• private bath, gtrnge, and breakfast. ing Products, 700 North avenue. 1410. hanging East. Weatfleld. after 6 p. m. also one paragon garden sprayer, 892 Pennsylvania Ave.. Onlou J543-W We tr>», and sell We also Businesswoman. Box 100, co Mill- BOY'S tuxedo, BISK 38, Like new. CaU HOOVER vacuum. $15. lavender vel- student lamp and other Items. 86 Unvl. 2-124S duv estates • burn Item, NEW JERSEY BELL LUBRICATOR, automotive experience Bhort Hllla 7-2995. __ vet rug 10x12, $45, good condition. Kings road, Chatham. CASH paid for old books, an sublects; necessary, good islary. Sperco Motor PAINTING OREEN And yellow check woof Jacket Call SU. 6-3234. • • 10—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Interior Se exterior. Also paperhanging will call for. Phone after 12 noon. LOST TELEPHONE CO. Co., 302 Broad 81, Summit, N. J. Call Chatham 4-4994. Old Book Shop, 7S Spring SU Mor- Summit 8-1700. EASY washing machine. Good condi- NEW Spinet pianos, used Qrandt and ANTHONY BEATRICE. Su. 6-4536-W rlstown 4-1210. SMAIX black, brown tnd white \>tig\t BOY'S navy blue suit, camel hair over- tion. Reasonable. SO 2-4353. Uprights tor sale or rent by the 502 plalnfleld Ave.. Berkeley Heights. pup, called Toby. Chatham 4-0863-fr coat, perfect condition. Age 11-12 BEDSPREADS, curtains, drape*. Girl's month MO 4-1042 or write Crafts- . N. J WE PA'V fil20*0-]. cant* placed In Joba. cloth, double breasted, beautifully ladder, lawn mower, mirror*, Chinese pedigreed, females sacrifice 120 A 33—B PRINTING KRESS STORE made. Summit 0-4380. portable desk, porcelain top table, Swantnn, Eta. North Bridge St.. 8om- POOR, sir. walnut dining room chair*. LADY'S Bulovt wrist watch, lrnht: ervllle, N. J WEDDING Invitations shown by ap- Box #9, Maplewood New».^ strap, from Euclid apartrnenn to ORAx tweed coat, rur collar and fur box filing cabinet, cocoa door mat, pointment at home or at our sta- Maple St.. Summit. 8u 6-61 n-H YOONQ man or girl for tain clerk mittens, size 10. Blue suit, tie* S. galvanized pall, bag of garden lime, tionery bar. Beacon Hill Co.. 239 BEST PRICES PAID in drug department, no experience Camels hair skirt. All for $23, Mill- child's sewing machine, Mounty SERVICES OFFERED Morris Ave.. Springfield. Mil 6-1258. for China, Silver. Figurines; contents LOST: Wallet contalnlnK Bum ot necessary. Apply Charllnes, 417 burn 6-1389 snowshoes, Chatham 4-7588-R. of attics, etc. Appraisal given for nomi- money and valuable ldenuilcstion SUMMIT, N. J. Springfield avenue, summit. N. J. <0—WISHING MACHINES nal fee. Theo. uenerattl Art Exchange. YOUNG man'* overcoat or topcoat, LIVING room auite with slip covers, row ami 273 Mlllbum Avenue MlUbum 8-1765 papers. Reward. Telephone: Irv;r< EXPERIENCED shirt ])rt>Mi»r« and fold- medium blue Detachable warm lin- OB sunlamp, lamp, lamp table, three IBVlNtmtrl IttoKKIWF.RATtO* CO Johnson. Summit 6-0580-R N« Exptritncs Necessary ere. Steady. Good pni Unvld Oong. ing with zipper fastening, size 38-40, piece maple bedroom with spring Harti-Driv-UR-Seli Syitem Bsses I-0IS6 8EWINO MACHINES. All makes High- 2W Main St., Chfttham excellent condition. Price $25. Phone »nd mattress. Call Summit 6-6432. Pattenger cars and trucks to Dire. i on it) wasbara eat prtc«. Free esUmatta. South Or- BANKBOOK Ho. 29733. finder plmi Hu. 6-2U3. Friday or Saturday. J Frank Cnunor Inc. Licensee ange 3-OM6. Mac Lean Sewing Cen- return to Summit Trust Co., Sum- CRIB with waterproof mattress, bath- DRIVE IT YOURSELF USED CARS FOR SALE t«. 157 Maplewood Ave.. Maplewood mit; K J. NOR,fHERN~muskrat coat, slze~~ 16? luette, good condition. Su. 6-1816-J. 1N8URANOE PROTECTIOM Apply to Manager at IMfLOYMINT WANTED 4 MONTHS old terrier-type mtle dot black Korstman wool coat with HOOVER carpet sweeper. Hoover hand 83 Plane 8t.. corner James 8t AlNDRS to do curtain* and table Frotnm silver fox collar. »lze 18, blttck Newark. N J HO S-S20C CIMITEItieS with black, tan. and white mark- Chesterfield, »lv.« 14. Excellent con- furniture cleaner. G. E. tank cleaner Ings. Reward offered to finder Rob- Stort Location lln«n». Unionvtlle 2-wn-M. with attachments, Bu. 6-O4U-W. OREENLAWT? MEMORIAL PARK ert Redpath, SO 2-9172 dition. Short Hills 7-2620-B. Mt Airy Road RFD BABY SITTIMO, any time. Elderly LADY'S black coat, silver fox coHarT ALL household furniture and furnish- KITCHEN CABItjlETS O'REILLY MOTORS Baaklng Rldxc It J, 343 Springfield Ava., women, experienced wltb children. ° Ings and steam heat coal burning BETWEEN Walton and Orunlngi b< size 14-16, girls' green and red plaid furnace, pot stove. Call Saturday or Bookcases, bars, radiator covers, ttort Member—National Camatcry Ataa war of South Orsnge svenw, so a-son. wool coat, gtssfl 10, glrU' blue coat, Sunday. 234 Lafayette avenue, Chat- trays. Cuttom built, and martnr Tel Brmrdsvttl* »-(S»-0107-M Nurse's Registration pin. "Pena. Summit, N. J. DOMESTICS atr.e 12-14, excellent condition. Su. 6- • ham 4-6883-W. furniture, 79 North Park St. State Board ot Nurses Ex»mln«» DAY-WORKEBR-HOTEL— 3*46-J. ^ S 8. SHANOSKT DIAMOND AFfRAISERS • —"Margaret E. Oough." front, bici re«t%urant help. Skilled worker*, HALLOWEEN costumes; women's ONE SLIGHTLY usea Glenwood gas" W rirtt Street. South Orange No. 1MKJ7. Rewtrd. SO 3-2300, range In perfect condition, originally • \ CBBT1FT TOB VAXOB Ol» TO«J» 8ANDH EMPLOYMENT AGENCY winter coats; man's overcoat; lur ao a-s«y4 >'BO 1- Eaat Orange, N. J. KEYS attached wlthi»ln tnd chiin to 5O-13th Avenue Newark, N. J $250, will sell reasonably. Summit 6- DIAMOND Oonxtr Co3 54 Walnut j^ollarJMKjMmi-R. 1778. FRED 8TEN0EL, CARPENTER? St Newark 1 Opp P O MA 2-M1S key ring. Probably In Post 0!!t« Call Mitchell 3-0588 OIRLS" red coat and snow suit, alee 12; repairs, alteratlorui, screens, cabi- CaU Su. 6-1229. __ 1RONINO to be done at home, Cal! also size ,12 dresses, excellent condi- NOXAN apartment"washer, 2 sheet net*, etc. Let me do your small Take Advantage of Our OFFICIAL Diamond Appraltcra, Sid- 8u. 8-2750. tion Call, Su. 0-5823. «l%e, in fine running condition, .#20. jobs or any job Call UNlonvtile ney T. Holt. Esc 1SS2 MA 3-1719. BANKBOOK No. 20393. finder pl*w 8u 6-7027-J. 2-6832. 1273 Orandvlew Ave., Union 788 Broad ttreet (Market!; talc* el. return to The Rrst National Sank GIRL WANTED THE ROMS" HOOD ¥Hdlp7~2~Tayfor' Fall Clearance Sale 1 OlrTXCK MANAOEH ~ accovmtant ln- i-A—MAcnTNKItV to »th fJ. & Trust Co. of Summit, N. 3. for atallatlon aud supervision of KV«- street, MHlhuru, tells i»ed clothing GEORGE OSSMANN umt methods, handling «t account- of better quality for every member AUTHORIEED DEALERS. Worthlng- LADY'S wrlat watch, vicinity of Hii» CLE2RICAL & STORE CARPENTRY WE HAVE A CHOICE OF 40 OF IMSTKUCTtONS ing, ttattatlcal, financial records, ton pumpt, air compressors, Sture- Remodeling, Repairing, cabinet Work. School, Monday night PTA Su i- WORK correspondence, direction of clettctl BEST & CO. bftbyclothe», blankets vant blowers, Westfnghouse, Cen- Recreation Rooms and Bars. FRENCH conversation tlasaea. Turot- ataff. Qualified AKtUtant to busy ex- »nd acceiaorlei, perfect condition, tury. U, 8 Electric motors; com- Additions THE CLEANEST AND MOST lng by a French-born Isdy. Call SO 8TBADY WORK ecutive. 8O 2-0177. su, fl-09«l. plete stock pumps, air compressors, 2-8947 for further Information. LADY'S oM-faahloned Elgin «rW pulleys, motors, fan*, blowers, unit Miilburn 8-123} watch. Haaaa phone t 40 HOUR WEEK HAVING LATJNUHY TROUBLE? heaters, lighting plant*, gas englnet, STORM windows hung. Carpentry EEASONABLY PRICED CARS FRENCH Spanish. Oaraian. Latin let- Call Chtreth Home Laundry, Bumrnlt Fairbanks, Moore and Goulds well work done H. Brlggt. Call Miilburn sons. Collef* tescher. South Orange YOUltO man'a red snd black w«l, APK-T 8-92S7-R Ref«renci», prompt, reliable) GIRL'S Mouton fur cott, tine U, $85. pump.*; a pump for every need; also 8-0512-J rlclnttv. Box 35, S O. Record. shirt also nonlln lacket. 8«- *•*&„_ service. Out door drying. Called for. 8O 3-9031. •utomatlp electrla water h«st#r». IN THIS STATIC B. L. SCHLOSSER dellwtd If neceaatry. _ PRRSIAN Lamb coat. «lir« General Electric Equipment Co, 15S ?4—CONTRACTORS S WALNUT ST., 81JMIT, N .J. PKACTlCAl, nurse, experienced, d»y Chfttham 4-7505-J Mulberry utreet MI 2-5029 KXFRRT Banitrary Ceetpoo) Servlee: MODELS FOR 194ft TO 1938 work, wilt aailat In light home duties. cesspools sad leptlo tanks cleaned aumtntt » JIM Cl\Summit 6-2835-W, t— MtHCKIXANltOUH bulll tnd repaired CARL OUUOB WINTER Pean. «3 » bushel Su. 6- Boi 93*. M«wrlttown. Tel. Mwrto- EVERY CAR GUARANTEED COOKINO and flrat floor work, colored, MODEL AIRPLANES town 4-2081 no laundry, clean woman with refer- J99J-R RACE OARS BOATS TRAINS * WORKINO houtekeeper, ale«p In, *i- ences, Summit fl-6597 PANCY itpplrm, pure nWfet rider, wllii- handicraft material* for tale la a OKNSRAL contractor. Roofltif, tile ptrlenced, eompttent, age 35 to 4$. ovit. prpsprvttlvw, imnuiklns for wide variety at AMERICAN HANOI- slate, tar, snow guards. Biding gut- OPEN DAILY FROM Thre* tditlts in f«mllv. it*f«r#ncM or Ifiundering rurt«»ti« Halloween, Wtghtnmn'ii Farm*, CRAITS COMPANY. tNO,. 54 South ters, leaders, carpentry and manoii. IMPORTANT NOTICE rtqutred. Wages ai40. Telephone y T«ei«R>-» and Thutadayi. Dernnrdsvllle Hd , Morrlmnwn. N J Harrltnn street. Ratt Orant* OR %• Fete- Koelltjet, t% Montgomery Ave- I A. M. TO 10 P, M. Madison 6.0021. Miilburn (MIfll-M 7I0S. nue, Irvlngton, Essex 5-0477, cook*, t)utirrs. all branches I.ANUHUAPINO Material*, toptoil • BAO Cf)m«nt mixer, for rent, day, PHONE ORANGEr, 4-k4-3830 W Proluctt, Inf., n««d asJet r»pr»- for all your nri-<1« All iiBtinnnlttlp* RBPLAok LOO* humus, peat enosa. s«eda, (ertluaet, feikOU 8« J8-5802. To All Chuified Advrthtn ••atatlvca. Barn }l or mor* p*r lv>Mr •up ref. N«wmark'« Agency, 20 W»»h- WfU seasoned — itandsrd cords lime, Btljlum Blocks, etc. APPO- la spar* time. Box «i'i. Morrlttown, Ington 8t, Monlntnwn, N J. Morr Reasonable rates MA—BRBJNSMAIUNO /^^^ ^ ______LITO'ft, U Mttn 8t.. HprlngfleW 446**__ L Place your ordtr now N a. POR dre»maklng, tltoratlnnt, hema— ' / KXBCUTlVt, wife and thre«-y«ar-Md* notKiE 19*1 four door sedan, radio WOMAN wlnhMVurtalnt tn dn at ham*; ROTTEN cow manure. 8n 9-03J1-J. rtlld, rtcenUy moved here, want ttllored 75c, HI filed $139 Chnthstn Ton BKST flr<>pUr« wood, call" 8SWINO: Bring it* your repair* No mid heater, excellent uppetranee BlMMant young woman, for g*n»r«l 44«07W UNlonvlUe 3-S875, T ItRANHAM, FIREPLACE set of wroughg t Iroru. Job too urnnli. Holbert, 100 Park and rii«'hf».nu-»l eondltton, MOO. nouMWork and cooktns. !!*•• in. r*t- i Sf>t«oned o«k. RIRO Ctnn*l ta*\ and nnd log*; largo maplle dining Avt,, Summit, Su fM730»R, Chatham 4-S0H-R ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IS AUTOMATICALLY •t*nt!M, good taltry, iti «f).i;n VETERAN, «tt#ndin{[ college dralrn kindling Wood), room tabl*; two p»ir« of drapfrtlw, i»li!r>altttng IC«p*irl«r*l corn crib Chatham 4-J»a4-J , attettttont, all klnd».&»y't rontractor. No )on too toll id ward rotoi" Kler-Uia fist pl*1« lrnn«, Call work or will call (or tnd deliver, KEEP JN MIND CUtRK typut, loort «t ft»vir««. w«rk tn J»n»«>ti, Miilburn D-lMn Hu B-0J81 In #t R, pwti Short Kills, M«pl*woopro«im«t»ljr one rrcorrt py il»w«w, rhllfonltr, f!all «u «M74jr month then work »n N*w Pro^ia A1RI,INK pilot unrtT 30 putt- •lining loom fitrnltur*. fhnlm. |H THE FAMOUS HOLIDAY N J, parmanentty, fi** day*. MS t)m« einploymenl b !l)iv>i)t«, 11-14 Hum- tv-Ki.M;jriicaC Kunt h| I bu k- t H.ted flu fl O217M SO. ORANGE RECORD MAPLEWOOD NEWS plyJKoit W, «i/o Summit Herald (I-I»»:I-M, OT. InitnlUtlon* repaired IHNINtl rnnm, ,l«ci)hi«n in |I1I>(HK« (1r«p*rlM *nd sit Partll. Jr. a retry Plt«>*. iprlnt• anm>fMnat*ly on* montfi Httn m MAM wlnhn (vneral |iotii>« rloantnt ll.V) Hu d-i/flfl-W yard* twl*> ttalr c*rp4>ting Short flald, MUihurn nm% So, Or«nq» 3-0700 So. Or.ng. 2-32S2 anrt window wa«)UnR HtMuly All ro»n(tl* Hill* 7 30JI.W. yirm FrvrntFnr*. N J HWtma.iiitlT. tj»*» o|M»n 1' Corrllln doiilh Or«na« nl rheai. HOME Of tN,.flT«d«y» Reply Bum W.>/«) Irum- New Tcrtect (or «nr>»il aptrtmitnt. ATI.Afl ifr« rutting l«tht> Half hor*«- 3-.i m 1NM |mw#r nifitor Many mm n*Ha, $3111 OSI.MAR floor M*lntensn«» THE HOLIDAY HUNDRED MAN with excellent triftrnr*» w«nt« « Short HUU *r-3tM» srrsvlng and reflnUhlng •p MILLIURN ITEM CHATHAM COURIER t day work rtoktilnt Annth (>» j f Ing In r«*ld»ntl*l work ISM** wwifc In N#w York CKy f**r »p- 30409 *«llFnt ronnltlon. Hum- lith! gr*«n v*lmir, tiuwjj c\uih- WHERE Mjrty one month, (hen wntk W ton*. |4n Short milt 7-3104-M k»MiwSQ urn Millbiirn 6-1200 4-0600 CHM.,Aft, J)Ufr»c>rn*, , Vl«'r VlNB ttfMrm «a*h, II •rr#*»i«, pf*-w*r •MTABLl«tffO IfM I Rwald. futf, mquar* iitoiw tmd phonn«raph Itimbef. pslnttn whl!#. with hard* RRM rownx OlHI, wlthea p*rt tlm» wnrk mi fall Mllltwrn « (W»W, »rt#r I pm war* aluminum wrMtttng (io«Hl e»n> Mil tMMJ PAIR DEALING REIGN SUN istit f(M- PhlropfMltet'it of- • hew or f«k prlrwi Rhwt HUU 7- 41 NOITH >A*i IT. 3 or »if,»i» MithnKom llr>r«rr fU» rt>)iihi«, sing}* !>*>g*nv l*J»;lnrt«l -•-.v l f'*»nln« lit l l ht . «ll laj 3-7104 Mwim, tm* **t • »•«* »•«* T»it« WE It. utrti, rnff#r U w«it>»atn >f tjsj»tliw H U 4-MttT Ifi P!$S*« I>itn'»H Thyft n ^ all i » Twn Oth»r

mmMmtt mmtmmM 5 P. M. EACH TUESDAY &?*?%% Oranf», ft. 3 Iff wt «*m thnm Oat Wif * IARLY COPY GiTS liTTER SERVICE IH f«,ttJ •M&lo THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21. if41 til OARAOi TO RENT LCOAL | LEGAL i; Hobart Avenue tad Boiatt An* Hue produced southerly to the Dela- SKATED garage. 3 Mhlxnan place off quests an exception to the . ware. Uckawan&A aod Western Red road, Chatham. ordinance regulating "Oaes" la "Bu*i? K ot aiide~iut«n*rs by Kutex Railroad; DetAwata, L*ek»«sta» and nw»" »onta to permit the continued . Inc. *-^-cea«sr« to tlaou It Wtatern Railroad ea«t«rW to Ucsrria use Of property known a* S Morris Any ^'^--lor* to the srertln- Turnpike; Morrla Tuxnptk* aor«ber&. OFFICES FOR RENT Ave.. far light manufacturing, of fioor »&o*e " • - •' •" • n Of. wiii be fcea-1 to the point or place of begtonlng EAL ESTATE CLASSIFIED DESK SPACE available la cenurally lo- fint&faicg materials. Vltr* Se*i n;4 at cated small business office. Summit, KXSOSLEY O THOUSOS rmsr WAafi BIXTH DIBTXIC* with ateaograpiiic and telephone an Any, Dbjectora to tee a ©f • . 8ecr«taW —Po'.llr.g place,. Slefart-R*ea Chevro* HAL 15TATI FO1 SALE REAL ISTATI WANT!D l 11 let. Inc. »9 Sprtnftt«ld Avtuue, abxw REAL ISTATi FO1 SAU SWertng aervic. Ca* U Summit e-MSI. } ^\£f^^J^ » ^^ i room. 21—MAPLEWOOD WANTMV-In th» OranfM, HajnUwood. FRONT OFFICE for rent Pnoue me* .KINUSLEV O. THOMiKJJ*. voTitr Beginning *t the isteneoUoa of Short Hills, Summit. Chatham, etc., i summit «-38Sl. Secret*rr the ctaur Un«a of the D«la.«ajre, PRAMEXoloala freshly painted. 1st, USTKJO8 - 8ALKI - AWRAMUULS 20 Lackawanna and Western Railroad Floor lavator and panelled den, If Your Taste Is Conventional UAMAO£MXNT - IM8URANO* LARGE flry iroosn with private lavatory S . . .1 Tl..» :: t and Summit Avenue, tha&ee along tile kitchen, nice sUed bedrooms You'll waste your time answering this DONALD W. WTUJETT. Ba*ltor »J SurnmHsAve , Sumnilt. Call 8u. «- SOltCE A3'_i' tht following center Unas: Summit Home Seekers with 2 tiled >atbs. Lot 80x200 Oil *d. It you like the really unusual, wt 25 Hilsted 8t. Ewtt Orange, N. I. Avenue northerly to BprUigaeld Ave- heat. Owner Ueslres reasonable of- believe, you will be charmed by this Phnne Or 11-1823 Xves. Or &*!« SUMMIT—360 Springfield Av_ , , The regular mdntteiy meeting of the oue, Sprtcgfltid Avenue eaaUriy to CHOOSE YOUR HOME ler. Call this slfice to Inspect. Swiss cottage. Usual plus den, porch Summit Zoning Ordinance' Board 0? waldron Avenue; Waidrou Avenue WANTED: Long teas* or buy three bad- ft., available oct 1, at 11.800 per year '1 northerly to Walttradge Road; Whit- IN SUMMIT H. McK. GL. EEBROOK. Realtor and lav. on 1st.; 4 bedrooms. i>: baths Includes Wgin and 'suitor service Adjustment will b<» held Mandiv e»e- \I. 132 Springfield Ave. Summit. N. J. on 2nd. Most convenient to school and room, two bath, built within It ntlid. Nov. 1*5. 1SH8, at eighl u'clack „ tredge Road taateriy to Fern wood v.ur TIPLE LISTING No. 22« Phone Bun station. Offered at $20,000. years Good neighborhood bet«e«Q . E. & E. G. HOUSTON, Realtor* in the City H*ll . - •••- ,. Road, Vernwood Road uortherly to W»h Wl«* Ctoter b*U, located init 8-89S0 • 6951 .. Ridge Road; Ridge Road eaaterly to s ANDREW JACK. Realtors Summit. Morrlstown Excellent ref- J60 Springfield Ave. " Summit .6-6464 The hiH>lit'.tt!ir zones to permit the continued use . point or place of beginning. lease. The pric U $25,000 net. Will CHARM1NO HOME In the country, sit- Jeraey. Reply Box Si, Summit Her- i P^rty known a* 26 Prcwpect take 1st. mortgige »t s% for $19,000. uated on 1% acres; swlmmlug pool; ALL LISTINGS PROMPTLY ,, aid, , | titrrei. huiimitt. K J, u » two-ranilly f «r.il ; '.«fr KRST WARD, SEVENTH DM- These are the INSPECTED /* only terms. No other brook running through the property. —————~_:--==L ' j dwelling. KINOSLEY 6 THOMSON ; TSICT—Polling place, Llnisohi School, propotitioa will . See, Mr. R, M. Large living room with open fireplace, CONSULT Any objectora to the gnctlng of ; room la baewaent. 21 Pe Poraat Ava- 3ollln 8r., 12 B .^Summit, H. J. STORES FOR RENT ' nut. kitchen; 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Hot PAUL S. TICHENOR, Realtor gt)ove application will bt heard at » 12 «4 SJEE ANY BHICK Colonln Franklin school iec- water oil heat; 2-car garage. Taxes STORE for rent~iirSu7i^nTi77em'rai mi(i llmr'*n for n Ofdw utbor nue to Wallace Head. • Wallace Road moderdern »nd fine condcondii - e-room home. 1 icated on a plot lOOx SMALL Summer Bungalow; 4 rooms, 95 SUMMIT AVE., SUMMIS T N J h ' "- " • - N**ntr.g ,n property known >. Lot ; o MorriM s T^nplk ^ MorrU ^Turnpike »ec- porch, town water, inside toilet, at- FARMS FOR SAU M uln me t0 : two 115; beautlfull; shrubbed; together PHONE SUMMITMMTT « ^«' \ wl*t th nam t»w«n of Rober« anothet Kentr name Alb ,rt t o tMtNo 19.n dnorthwest corner of Edison i to Fern wood ¥oad Femwood ifcfd with •» email bu n and shed. The prop- tached "garage. To be sold completely Bvenlnga PhoneI WMffiViJ? i ftin " >" * - * * PW>PC*«> Bo*" »•»«> ' -* ' to Rid«e Road Rlda^ ^5ad and erty is convenient to achoola and ahop- furnished. Could be converted to all SOMERSET COUNTY » Westfleld 2-0111 purauant to the provisions of. the J iron! art-terk and proper,v width Ridge ¥Oad produceproduceddf westerlwestwly , to h ping. -, year use. In excellent neighborhood. FARM OFFERINGS ktatut»t»tute ltu such casec»sr»* made and propro- than prescribed by ordinsnrnance ! Hawthorne Place; Hawthorne Place *'- ,f« w"ik to R.R. station. schools Very low price of $5,500. vided. n"fbu i nets.center. If" this appeals to LEBANON, 72 acres: excellent SU- f^VA/KICDC vided. Any objectorj s to thee gnnt'.ngmnttrifi off • «re»terl' v tto ltlta nortnorth lntanaMlnintersection a s. E. & B. G. HOUSTON, Realtor JULIET It. McWILLIAMS, Broker roorri home; all modern lropvts.: beau- HOME OWNERS ROBERT HENRY ALBISETTI shot* ppltrstson will b# heard »» j with Beechwood Road; Be«chwood "u - The prlco «U» *>• attractive 380 Springfield jlAve. Summit 0-6464 Telephone Chester (N. J.) 40-J By JULIETTE MECIEAUV d and ft*ce I ftoad to Bellevue Avenue; Bellevue Iful high sightly location, brook; 500 Offset tht titchet cost ot Uvtni wttD HI* Next rrteud Evenings MadlBdn 6*0855 Bu. fl-1 t. from state highway and bus line; reduced monthly mortgage payment* KINOSLEY O THOMSON. • Avenue to Woodland Avenue; Wood- NORTH SIDE IK Beatitlful W tittrldge BOad Section, MORRISTOWN If you < art pjylng mnrs than a 4* 742 bprln^flfUl Avenue ; land Avenue southerly to the point rnvit'ORTABLE homelilte cottage, this Charmlni Colonial home Is one $22,000. terms Summit. New- Jeraey 39 Feea- or place ot beginning. NORTRTH BRANCH, 2 acres; four-room rate on youi mortgage, investigate oui- JACOB R MANTEL, Attorney 5? wth convenience and attrsctlve- of our tiniest . latlnga. The houee gets MODERN 6-room house, near school refinancing plan. | 12) That the boundary linea of the *"" pre-war conatructlon; three bed- •well back on i early an acre of beau- and bus. Any reasonable offer ac- bungalowl ; electrili c and watert ; V» 3« Maple Street \«TirE garage, $7,850, terms. - Phone n 3-1S0O •'Summit. New Jersey _—__- I election dtstrtcttrict*e in thee Second ™m*bath and bitting room, library tifully laiidsc fpert ground and has cepted. Call owner, Morrlstown ol h ^ ud on second,. Two bedrooms and spacious rooinli throughout. (3 bed- 4;5699. ABOUT 55 miles but; 52 acres: mod' and ask for Mr Johnson or e»U at ths Dated October 19, IMS* Th# regular monthly m«-tln< «f"lha I *'"?, * * City of Summit which ernlzed 0-room farm house; complete 20-21-22-23 . reea—*IOW 1 ih itbx ln ,f01 third. Quiet street; very ahort rooms, 3 bat is plus maid's quar- Summit Zoning Ordinsnre Board of !»«"« Wf !" »', •** * wrt ?o RR™ t&tton. »ehooU *nd buai- ters). The reduced price of $37,300, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION arm outbuildings; beautiful location Irvington National Bank will b* held Monday *ve- ^t^ll^' makes thl? a,|i outstandlni; oppor- SOLID BRICK dwelling, A-l location, on stone road: asking $16,900. terms. - st tbs Oentet NOTICE E g plhce, M*>er-Wtrner Motor tunity for ft »\'dated'©ct 14th. S9<8. will be 21 Maple Street Bummlt e-1693 bedrooms and bath on second. Steam and silo; unusually fine location In Adjustment will be held Monday eve- p for Beginning tt th« Interifftlon of th« 4} Maple St. \> fi-1342-Eves. 6523-B. heat, oil burner, Rockwool Insulation. Hunt Club section; Ideal general or NOTICE ning. Nov.- 1st, 1948. at eight o'clock tlcrt Said appt!fiit!::in rfq»«"4» an ex- r»Mtpr tinea of SprtngQeld A»cnu« MEMr»m» J-roorn home. Insulated. tock farm; $27,500. easy terms. . iti the City Hall. -.-... ceptton «!» t!i<- zoning ordinance rei{« and tha Dflawar*. Laekawanna tn4 "ormsash. screened, newoirburn- TRY THiiSE rORSIZE ' Laundry tubs in basement. Full screens, The application of Chitrles T- J erriianpnt. drive, lot 3Jx4O0. best ACTION WANT 5D: well built, 2 bed- two-car garage. Don't fail to Inspect NEAR 8OMEKVILLK. excellent gen- The regular monthly meeting of the l b d pr..->perty widths Vv'f»t*ru Rallro&J. th*nc« aion* t&a rooms, tiled both, science kitchen, eral farm, 00 acres; good buildings; Bununlt Zoning Ordtnauco Bo-ird of hlg .and (irncp D HtrHrtg will be pre- j tn B-J ?r-n*-» to t>.-ntiit" i h'# erection of following center llhwt Delaware this charming home, priced at $15,000 main dwelling eight rooms; all tmpvts.; Adjustment wlii be held"Monday pv«- j "^nted a"<' «»k<>» "J' »«r a dweiitr.c on pri»prnv known n& Ix>t Lacknwannai and \V™tern Railroad r screened porch, expansion attic,, fully for quick sale. Tm 50"ft. frontage. J7S ft. deep. $2,- insulated, gits out, attached garage, two tenant houses; modern barn and ning. Nov. 1st. 11)48, at' cf'At O'clock lSalrt application requenta an exrep- No •! milhiMt curner of'Morris Avr, wraterljr to Mount Verrion A»enu«; ooo on Evergreen Road. Summit. large plot. This home Is exceptionally JAMES J. DEMPSEY. ilos: near highway and trans.; mtist n the City Hall.. »t»d Eduun Drive, with l,e«a front set- Mount Vernon Avenue westerly to tha be seen to be appreciated; asking The applicatio~' n or John 8 Trnuant tlon to the r.onlng ordinance reguia- back than prcjicrlbed by ordinance. City Line In Paualc River; City Lina Call SU. 6-lglS-M. nice and Is in perfect condition*- We MorrkstoWn's Active Broker ting "Uses" in "A" *onea to permit southerly to DlvUlon A»enua; Dlvl- will submit all iffers over $14,000. 55 Park Place Record Bldg. $50,000. will be presented' tuui takon up lor the continued lite of second floor Any objwtar* to the granting of TFN room nouseuse. . two baths, ooil. . heat: consideration. Said application re- p gjg pp j fttp KjipHc»tloKjpUcstlon wilt be he»rd at don Avenue aoutherly to Blackburn l one or twoo farnUtw; garage and COLONIAL, pc feet condition, best Phone MorrUtown 4-2651 WHITEHOU8E station, 10 acres on- ma- apartment In garjige located on prop- Road; Blackburn Road easterly to lor one neighborhoodihbhd , beautifubtifl l gardend ; 4 cadam road, six-room bungalow, Im- quests an exception to the • awning erty known as 140 Kent Place Boule- I gaid time and place. bedroom*. % Uatna., screened porch, in- Well Planned Home, In excellent pvts., large shade and lawn, two-car ordinance rcRUlatiiis "Used" in "A" Suriimlt, N J. K1NOSLETT a. THOMSON. Pina Orov* Avanut; Ptna Oro»a Atra- i-ROOM house, lot 100x84; good condi- sulated, oil heat Oue of Summit's nlc- nelKhborhood, on Va acre plot, near garage, poultry house. $10,000. terms. rones to permit the continued u*e as Any objectors to the granting of Bfcreiary. nue northerly to Proapect Btreet; tion Inside and out; doubnniarage. est and most compact .homes. New Oolf Club. 7-rooms. with abundance of Many other fine offerings, residen- living quarters by a Summit war vet- above Application mil be heard »t F3O Prospect Street easterly to Blackburn listing; owner /ants action. Inspect closets, 3 tiled baths, 1st floor lavatory, tial, farms or estate*. eran of apartment over gnrnee located said time and place. Road: Blackburn Road northerly to Faf.Fayy occupancyp . 6 John St.. sum- 2-car heated garage. A most attractive on property known as 220 Hofaart Ave,, K1NGSLEY O THOMSON. NOTICE OF SETTLKMENT Springfield Avenue,', Springfield Ave- miit 6-5453-J65453J, and submit offer. setting. Price $29,500. Adjoining ',4 acre JOHN R..POTTS Summit, N. J. Secretary. NOTICE IS liERQBY OIVEN, That nua eaaterly to th» point or place of BRAYTON 8CHX)L. Colonial, 5 bed- available. JO Fera~-t3.?a the 3nd intermediate, account of the beginning. "CONSIDERABLY UNDER room*. 2 baths, avatory. nice lot. Ask- Route 28 North Branch, N J. Any objectors to the granting of su6«rrlb<>r. Substituted Trustee of the REPLACEMENT COST FOR RENT FURNISHED:—Stone and Phone Somervllle 8-2551 above application will bo heard at SECOND WARD. SECOND DIS- AIunusually well-eonstructed bouse, ing- #2050#20,5000 . SuSl l mlt reasonabln e offsrs. Frame Colonial Home In splendid con- said time and place. NOT1CK trusts created ln and br the lint Will, TRICT — Pollfng place. Memorial rolonlal Ml brick with a .tone front OBR G , RealtoRlt r dition, with 7 rooms, 2 baths. 1st floor KINOSLEY O. THOMSON, arid Testament of ESTELLE FIILD, Field House Building, Myrtle Avenue. 31 Maple St. RIAL ESTATE FOR RENT The regulAT monthly meeting of de Springfield Ave, Summit HM DIUECTIOMS: Drive Out SprlnKflcld SHORE ACRES mhrr* f>f the HonrVinirpfi tprm of nuB northerly to Mountain Avenue; bath each floor. Good condition S. B. AE. Q. IOUSTON, Rcaltora OLAMOROUS WATERFRONT LOTS. sl^ 8UMMIT AUCTION ROOMS Ave. Summit 6-8464 MODERN COTTAGES AND FURNISH Business coupln. $22.50 per week. 158 JOSEPH DE L^ C-.-iojetwo n F.re.io.deri-ur.expired term or Moun,un Attnue westerly to William three mlnutet from station and bual- 360 Springfield Burnett Ave., Maplawood. 47-49 Summit Avenue n«*t center Inspection by appoint- Eves. Madison i •0853 or Su. 6-196S-M ED RESALK COTTAOES. TERMS. Mftson Contractor Two councilmtn. Street; William Btreet northerly to ment, Summit 8-228}. Free Booklet. Open 7 days weekly. UNFURNISHED rooms, available, No- Telephone Summit 8-2118 NOTICE I.H HEREBY OIVES that KayrK street: Sayre Street eaaterly to 3—BASKING RIDGE EDITH WOEUNER, vember 1st. M3 Springfield Ave. Brick and rement vsrork, patch- the following place have been chosen Morris Avenue; Morris Avenue north* BRICK and frame Colonial, custom ' SHORE ACRES, SjumnUt, N^J. ing or any kind of mnson work. for the holding of the Oersnsil Elec- erly to Elm Street: Elm Street aouth- hum Seven large rooms. 3 bedrooms BASKING RIDCIE AREA-Now bunga- OSBORNV1LLE, N. J. tion lox*"her with s brii'f description erly to Linden Place: Linden Place 3 '.lied baths, 1st floor lavatory, tiled FURNISHED garage apartTment7~bed- APPLIANCES 47 Michigan Ave. Summit fl-4260 fc p wetter!?y to the point or place of be- low type dwel Ing on large plot; of the iloundary Hn« of e«)i election ginning. kitchen, garage attached. 10 minutes miles from lUtlon; large living room. living room, bath, kitchen- dli north of the north aide Una of Olen- room and open porch on first. Three room apartments, rent $125 month wanna and Western Railroad to Mt. ittde Avenue; 150 fret north of and ALONGTHE and four bedroom*, tiled bath and Gas heat. Veterr.na preference: pref> Summit 6-0029 Vernon Avenue. Mt. Vernon Avenue parallel to the north aide tine of SIX room bungalow, steam heat, lava- stall shower on second, One and two- erence to resident* of South Orange, OTI1^RCROOT& SON" LACKAWANNA tory; on 60 fc4t lot, to the City Ltne In Female River; Oleiulde Avenue easterly to Morrla car attached garages. WE CAN SHOW Trinity Company, 24 Commerce Bt CARPENTERS ft BUILDERS 235 MorrU Avenue thenre northerly, easterly and south- Avenue; along the center line of Mor- Ten minute* from Summit Bl* JOBS-BECK-SCHMIDT CO. YOU. You must see to realize the Newark. N. 3. Mitchell 2-6844 r-.'onu, bath, gas heat, powder room erly along the following rent»r line*: ris Avenue eaaterly to the point or editors beauty and comfort qf these fln« Remodeling—Repair*— Summit 6-W85 Paaaalc River to River Rmd: Rtfm place or beginning. homed. THE OWNER and developer, SUB-LEASE: five room apartment 51 Onion Place Summit (MQ21 completely furnished, piano DPC. GertfcrRl Carpentry Road to Morrl* Avenue; M-irrln Ave- SECOND WARD, FIFTH DISTRICT w!*A. McNAMARA, Realtor DE CUOLLO BROS., Fnnwood 2-7234. Int. to May 1st. Longer lease nt KAIHO & RADIO REPAIRING nue to Madlnon Avenut. M«dl»<>n —Itr>n»eveit Srhool. 13 Park Avenue. Avenue to Hleiuon Avenue; Htckaon 3T Mitplp street __ ^ 8—C IATHAM modified terms possible. $150 p»i Irons ft Connell Beginning at the Intersection of the $760 Down For Veterans month. 8ACCO, 57 Hobivrt Ave.. o SUPREME RADIO Avenu« M0 ire% enetrriy; continuing center line* of Morrt* Turnplk* and CAPE COD bungalow, fireplace, oi BRICK house, four bedrooms, large Summit 6-2647 southeast trly on an Imaginary line LIBERAL TERMS FOR CIVILIANS, j^j! 8-3540. y the Delaware, Lackawanna and Weat- heat, tmr/iae, low tnxf*. Ten minutes living room. < lulus room and ami SALES SERVICTK t o th» of Kd g 8t em Railroad; thence along ths follow* to Summit. Asking iie.OOO. . room: oil to«*t ; wil Insulated Nfear FULL PRICE $10,990 FIVE-ROOM apartment on second CAMERAS & PHOTOGRAPHIC 329 Morris Ave. Su. S-WW •nd R«ijM»i)iMe Avenue;. Kdwur 8tr««Street ing center line*. Morrlt, Turnpike W. A. McNAMARA, Realtor new Elementa y Sohool. Coll Chat- Move right In to one of our com- floor, bath shared with owner Near to Morrla Arenue, Morrli Avenue to southerly to the City Line; Ctty Line ham 4-3741. train and buses In Summit. Box 51 SUPPLIES HOU8K RECORD CAB Norwood Avemie. Norwood Avenue southerly, northerly and weaterty to p Maple street summit «-3880 pleted brand now, 4-room bungalow Summit Herald. RADIOS f'LAYEHa RADIOS a mint 100 feet w«at of the weat stde CANTBR CONVERTBD with expansion attic, science kitchen, 10 K«mi Plaw Iloulevard; Kent Place /'HO1CE Boulevard to the point or place of line of Shunjiike Road: thenet along a Large 11 root house In excellent two bedrooms, oil heat, colored ttla EASTMAN'S M, J DeLuca, Prop, 111 Farmhouse Colonial—North tide-. condition. Can hs used MI two or three bathroom, largo Ijanmncnt; attached WANTED beginning. ] Hn* drawn ioo f«*t weat of and parallel garage; on a lot 50x125; fully insul- 884 Springfield Av«nuc N A. t'APORASO FIRST WARD. SECOND ni«- to the watt aide line of Shunplks Four bedrooms, *wo b»th», oil heat family house. T\ 'o car 100x300 lot; convenient li ration. Asking $30,000. ated: needed and shrubbed Directions: OARAOP) nmr apartmtntt at F.lmwonr| Bummlt 6*3800 Formerly Optmtfd by TBICT—Polling place. nrtherlnortherly to a point 1000 fett nortn h of 121500, 29 Highway, Scotch Plains, turn on Boyden Avenues, Maplewood, in No School. Boom in baaetntnt, MottU the north e!de line of Morria Avenue: |21 Semi-Bungtiow — Four bedrooms, Several other *l» illar lutings. Perry T. Brown Aveoiit. thence along * line draws 100 feet WALTE t BYSTRAK Westfleld rd , to Brlarwood Homes, • ___ vember. 8OJI-2H1. two baths, modern kitchen, gas CARPET A RI-'G CLEANING Broad and .Summit Avenue Beglnninii; at the Intersection of north of and parallel to the north 54 Main Bt., Chn ham Chatham 4-7611 WILLIAM G. SCHMAL, THRSQ room ap»rtniwnT^waBit«'d by ld tine n1 Morrla Avtnue, easterly to h«t. $17,500. veteran and wife, by Nov. 1st. l J. K. BEDRO3IAN & CO. Summit rh« center iln^i nf Mnrria Avenue and a point 100 feat *e*t ot Orchard ltft*t; (I* White Colonial In beautiful eondl T^CHATH TOWNSHIP Realtor possible, Summit or vicinity. Bummi Bdgar Street, along the center line thence along a line drawn 100 feet tlon. Five bctlroomii, 2>i baths, ol 7 South ave. Cranford; CR 6-353S. 6-3500 Ext. 251. 428 Springfield Avenue ANDY'S RADIO of Edgag r Street westerly to its In- weat nf and parallel to the weat hf*'. S22.0O0. KIOHT room hoo •* Acre plot Two car Open dHily 9 A. M. to a P, M. Summit 6-0600 tewctkm with Avemj«, •Ida tine of Orchard Street northerly "' Wft' h Coloiilsl - Fotir bcdrooiDs. , nil bur ler Ideal location for Saturday 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. BUSINESS couple, wanting to nmrry A TELEVISION SERVICE continuing northwesterly on an Imag- r'"o b»th», oil liest—owner trans- dwlre 1-4 room udturntahed apart- inary Una to tht faatern end of Htcf • t» the cantar Una of %Hm Dwlawar^, ; af&yetts aicnue 40-SHORT HILLS 02 Railroad Ave. Stimmit fi-0239-M Lackawanna and vVenttrn Railroad; „ "r«(l 121,000. ment with pri*ate/ kitchen. Wll •on Avwnue; thence w**terly and along the center line of tit* Oelawaw, :-J"VNTAlN, WHITMORE &! JOHNSON COAL Radio and Tplevislon Repair* northerly a ling the following renter K Suit A ?"n*mlt «-H04 llAREOI CHARMTNcrHoSi linea - Ktckorm Avenu* to 'Madleon LaekAwanna and Wtttcrn Railroad to purch»«« s»r-old Cape Cod for AND OUE8T COTTAO1 IPARTMtNT — "bflreternn^and "wife," Service Center for T«»levUion Avenue- M»>1»»'!n Avenue \n MMIU oiMterly to the point or place of l»*tln» OIJ) COLONIAL WOODED setting; «*rent|onnlly land- South Orange vU'lvUty, 3-4 untur- STEPHENS-MIIJ.ER CO. IWAYTOH section. 10 minutes to • 10,500; only M. Opp ca*h requiredq ; six Avenue; M'TIS^ Av«rm# «« PI'T 1 room*, b d bth ith ll ufftpiKl; approximately ltt acres. l.ux- roor 88 Ruimell Place " "IfOND WAHO, fltXTH DISTRICT ; ''i"" first floor, wide center hall, mid bath with ma. fO 3*IMS (to«d, R!v»r K'.Htc! to '.fis Pf.y l.lna in porth downstair two bedrooms up; urtoun master bedroom and bath on TWO young buatn««a*ai«it*rii wish 3 or Summit 6-0029 Pamate Biv»r. thmio northerly. t I'l.lllriw pl«i'». MunlclpDl Building, "'"(iiul Colonial itnlrway; 19x25 11»- ltt floor; Library, striking living eily and e<>uth*ilr at"rsg the f Jl 3 Hjjrtnaftelfl Avenu*. /. JM Mm porch, lavatory. Second •K I room, dlntni room, niodern kitchen, 4 room unfurnished apartment, con- LARRY MAY n'ulnnlrig at ths Interaootlan Of the mr venient transportation to summit HSASTflJRN FUEL OOMPANV ins e«nt»r Hn«e P***alc R *i«?»pttnspe«t Utreet". Proa»e«» Hsrt'i s dff«r»d m tm* \%r\\t, or »Uh»r dw»ll\ng Leak* R«*pg,lr#d - Caulking along th«> r*n<*r ). Summit I-71M sue tn the pntnt or pl«r«- nf the Ooiaware. Uekawasttk and bath, flreplnce, t httt. 114.000. •nd Hummlt, Pleiae Phone Dnmnnt Wiring—All Type* In*ts!l«Uon« WAfir» THIf>P W*.t#rn Matlroad; Oalliwcrt, L*#l ^ PAUL H TICHRNOW, Wenltor 4-tJSfl Kvenlntri. g ''•'N-f»AK» atction. LSTJII living Andrew Hay j & Son, Realtors m urn* i %$%\ Ev*« BO or Rfp»lr« » Prompt Hervjc* eet Av»nu* »«td ~ n% tMtur h y n fo m ' «|HMM tor on* «»r in Wood'-' WASHING th« ppoint or »!» i7W « » M™ K » W NortNh Summit B#«lnril»i# at «ri* WARD. h riw, with pt.ntjr ol c MIIlln|tnit 7-OOJI, .... ttlnn m vl«tolty Short mil* tb* r»ht»* llnwt onr> ''*tds U*»tory. twrmn porch. 1 Wit ae4 R»rtnifl*l«l along TRH'T h»» «WKN-rn'tnv hou«* and t«rg« atora IS »h» fAll*«i Anilngftela Av»nu# thrw' V«H#r Street, South Orange, Orange |r»'tii»ls#, *» m«]or Mr and OIL • lr-f •««» bat f *n* wlfo, ttn ehMtm rtmiro Summit; « 3311 or Summit f-SVTt Avenue «••**•!• •» Begtnniaf at tt.lni » «lt Of #Wf BEVEN ACRK FARM 4-HlM ««r«t» •ptrtmtnt, Short 9t|tln an%4, too f»«t w«»* of and | «« e«m«l«on, oil 3t p«rch do l»ri# m«nt, MlUhurn.Summit »m J*n I mr«*t liAUNDRY, INC. t'4 *««, t»#»ut|. ttmmt, til«! b*th fn\lt il MTlf tn« w«tt *«#• tin* t ««f*«n, fruit. U th tl llummlt $*OOtM IT Summit Av«niu* Avenue Bflrt*i«rly to a pntnt I ttmmnmitU (Innn. tha north iM« ltn* e»f Bummit 1-1000 «nniUa< inn f»«t north "f and fwwullal t» window. . KKRVICE 9<4nt «* aide Itn* af Umil* A»#n«* *rly t*> a fAM I'M feet «r#tt «f hon»» l# in nli**»! tort lft-31 •'nine' ll"«* «'o Bead aid* flft* Of "r«tHtfr«ga Iatlr«*<|, th* ewntwr INSULATION tmm *mt%mmn% Im W» i#*tn f win *rn *IM>h»fi I ', wn>l» **w I* •/« ttirnmtt JOHNi.MANVH.LK Ch*lr« l^f All h«at t Dvllvtrttf And O»il»d Wm Thul fkyt Wot ttmtt lummlt §-mm a* ff-Tl tln|«n PKie* IMe» * falivy Summit. N J. V Ifommll ••M20- turn* mm, A. ROOKE« «f ilfiMifff Tints co. inv'"' "" II iMmttiit hm, Wimtutt, Ft 3 I.1AI MTAtl WAHtlb Mitt rmm tm *«? Din MMMM rrp f mt « trMt mi *»*•<•». *****

MNliMt* ««H IN*. ••»«. TW«I W J iT«p» HSpMk wKP «*^^^W wi«tx>w [Pet* 2*1 THE SUMMIT HEUALD, THUHSDAY, OCTOBER 21. If4t appraisal was ta UttpotMSsioa of County, when property owners property owner will hereafter warned his listeners that the type while others have to go to Central There isat • school around Summit Hutructc the Board of Assessors October 1, may call and inspect their assess- nr^r bis fair sbare <»f ttot A*x of future Summit residents de- YUCA. her* which has that kind of a set- that IMA. It is being studied and con- meets and confer informally with load by means of alt' equalised as- pends in large degree on the qual- Referring to the frame BooneJl up." declared Mr. Bartholomew. verted into 1M9 equalized assess- the Board, Thit period of inspec- ity of the educational system. Building, used as a nigh school an* He explained tarn the similar eanl^t^^ ments. The Board recognises the tion, nornatally of two evening* The educator said that to give oex, the speaker said it is a crowding of music and manual without fairly adequj, 1** the recommended five period of converted home used as an "ex- arts departments could discourage interest of the public in their sew duration, will this year be expended M*. Bartholomew Ia d ' assessments and proposes to ad- to a full week during regular office School Facilities physical education «. w«*k, fittm* pedient in 19*8 after it was moved instructors. Tht school *dn,ir.;«,_ vise each property owner by mall hours as well as evenings. (Costumed from Pag* 1) mit High would need a gymnasium and patched." He said it was Be added that while the school chemistry and blow.."v * of their 1949 nqualixed assessment. The Board of Aj*e£ors believes four times the sise of its present "cramped," had "poor ventilation" system might sot have been able were ^oo small" an^" ,;J°ra The law also provide* for the a common metum approach has been He warned tbmt, continued ap- one. Now, h« said, "we are not giv- and that its use necessitated by in-, in any ease to keep J. Frederick were a regular cafetera't Board advertising in the local made to this equalization program; proval by accerditisg association* ing: three, four or five periods a sufficient space in the main struc- Muller, who left last summer to «HiW;havt the press a time, prior to the filing that it has been intelligently and depends on bow well sucta a pro- week, bat what we can," Numer- ture, ma4e instruction of other head instrumental music in Elk- Period, a day, .;: of WS> assessments with the inst(ad fairly worked out, and that each gram ia carried out He also ous classes are doubled, be stated, classes difficult hart, Ind., schools, the former one a day « «t pnseJ

P»0M0TEl»~~iCennetb Poster of I Oakland place has beep appoint- ed superintendent In charge of the Prudentiil Insurance Company's III oxdlsvaty agencies In tJewYorfc City, Newark and Philadelphia, the company announced this week. In his new capacity Mr. Foster will be responsible for the genera! su- pervision of the tri-city aalea force which produce* upward* of S130- 000,000 of new ordinary and group life insurance annually. Prior to the new appointment. Mr. Foster waj a research director for the company". Property Appraisal •<. 0*"'""*',, (Continued fronvPafe !)• in Summit* as w'ell at consults with property owner*, real and ou»lneaj intcreiU. Prci #oiueryatlv«,market valuea oMand *•*.#* Open Fridays'til 9 M COMMUNITY CHEST •re therefore th« baits of/ land appralssis.1 It u generally recogrped that Why Pay More? These Are Acme Everyday Low Prices 1939-19*1 coats of buildJfigJi repre- sent a conaervative Approach to Tomatoes QUAUTY building value* as lit those year* Pie Apples ZT" 2 •£ 29c the present inflationary tr^nd had l Acme Corn «*££ not «et in and tnerc WSJJ what Fruit Cocktail T ». _ 43c might be tcrmccr a "free mRrket." National Cranberry Week—Oct. 18 to 23. Niblets Corn 2 In moat communities where re- valuation programs have been Cranberry Sauce X£ 2'tZ 35c Sauerkraut IT 2 lie undertaken/in recent yearn, build- AICO ings have Jbeen valued on the basia Red Sour Cherries"™ „. 27c Pork & Beans Fancy 2 of 1930-ml costs. A very complete FOEK a study of building costs in Summit Grapefruit Sections tT 15c Campbell's JEANS 2 25c in that period was made by Mr. w fAUIOAU Layer of th« firm with the coop- Tangering e Juice ,£;\., 10c String Beans 2 eration of local supply houses and 46-01. can S» I L. by obtaining information of labor Orange Juice Del Monte Peas ••Wars to»u in the City at that time. Apple Juice 5c; I SZ 17c Kidney Beans 2 tT 27c Based on the coat data secured, SE schedules on & square foot basis of «rea have been set up for resi- 4 Blend for Every Tattel No Finer Coffees ai Any Price! dential property, the schedules being for 8 categories: AA, A, B, C, D and E. Each of these residential schedules provides for either a DEAL COFFEE MM 53c frame or brick house and has Tops them all for flavor and value? Heavy bodied provision for porches, additions, and extra features over what is *=I Asco Coffee Wincrest ^ considered standard for a particu- RICHER BLEND. Ground to ofder. LIGHTER BODIED, vigorous taste. lar type. To Illustrate: It may be determined from tho schedule Acme Gives You All losf-Afinu/e Price Reductions! what to add to base cost for gaa Apricot Nectar """JSl 38c beating, an extra bath, a slate roof, Tomato Juice«»« 2 Vnl' 25c a finished attic, etc. l ID \f C \f C Fr«h Killed, Grod. A ^ A Tomato Soup 3 » 31c T drawn on the appraisal card, each rANCAKI HOUR building to Which access has been Aunt Jemima 30-01. pacliagt 16c Blueberry Pie Filling TZ. 31c UKIvt Y J Northw.,^ ib 0Vc granted has been thoroughly in- 13-01. New crop! Fancy, guaranteed tender, meaty, delicious, 10 to 16 lbs. average. Serve turkey now! spected and the appraisal card Log Cabin Syrup botll. 26c Lemon Pie Filling TT*. 21c noted with all features and con- ditions affecting value. The im- Strawberry Preserve 39c Chocolate Pie Mix 'C^. 26c portant factors of depreciation Prime Cut Rib Roast " 77c and obsolescence have been con- Life Savers ErsS. 20 79c Three Minute Oats 2? 16c Govt. gradeMIIK-FEd "UD. S. Good" and "Choice." 1st 6 ribs, l'{ cut. Sav-U-Trim removes much surplus fat and bene Veal UOS t RUMPS •Ider2d. Each property owner will Del Monte Prunes 1Z. ,„, 20c Cream of Rice "" ,... „. 27c Loin Lamb Chops * 89c therefore receive a scientific, dis- l i# wliH Extra Fancy lb interested, and fair appratsnl. Ground Beef * 65c Robfdrd Prunes "' ,^

••••••••••Hal S^ak^lat aaL 2 - 27c "*• 2k Gold Seal Cake Mixes

(tut SUMMIT TRUSTCOMPANY Whift eokt, spk« takm, dtvllt food Mft*#i* nmm WNJUT Ju»t odtl weftr md twkt, OwiicitNJt? WiU**Cttd m THE SUMMIT HERALD SECOND SBCTION n gendrickson Leads Alexander CATCHING UP Many Shoppers Try to Blame In Senate Race, Poll Reveals WITH Parking Meters Rather Than Ktranetb Knfc, No opinion 7% THE WORLD ir Xte N«w **rtejf EoU (These figure* exclude those By GREOOBY HEWLETT '• State Treasurer'Bob Hen- who do not plan to vote.) WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS drickson. campaigning for DETERMINED. Selves When Given a Ticket Sw Jersey* Senatorial seat It was with those words three years ago that most of By JOHN COAD on ^he Republican ticket is Our the nations of the world began to set down their aspirations "But officer, I had onfy a currently running ahead of for the future. And it is those and the succeeding words in $20 bill and really I was only his Democratic rival, Archi- Neighbors the Charter^ of the United Nations which today give this in the store for five minutes," bald Alexander. Tfte«« ttmmnU mmie frmmi observer, and Oi«moit of the other e x c 1 a i m e d the indignant "so much the better," but the am4rkkaorim margin, however, people of the world, hope for con- housewife as she waved a *«g« MMI tatt w—lt in itm chances for peace are far better so than Dewey'a present lead Hiarby community tinued peace parking ticket under the nose Like the words of the precious long as UN encompasses all of the of Officer Henry McTernan, documents which established these nations within a'single organiza- tion. , x Summit police force. the latest New A poll of students in the Bloom- United States as a nation of free- Officer McTernan looked skepti- NEXT-1>OOK NEIGHBOR Jersey Poll »ur- tifld Junior High School showa dom. the UN* Charter always cally at the irate but earnest house- In', looking-at the world scene, vey findings. Re- that Dewey will win' almost two i our spine to tingle when- wife with the armful of groceries we -sometimes look completely publican Hen- to one—that is if the kids have ever we take the time to re-read, and small child, jokingly chided over the head* of our nearest drickson is fav- their say about it. it. It ii particularly reassuring her about the length nl time she neighbors, even to the point of for- ored by 48.5% More than 1,422 votes were east during th«« critical days, for had parked- her tar without a getting there's anybody in North of the New Jer- by students and faculty. Dewey somehow we cannot believe that nickel in the machine, th^n took "' America except us. Because of sey voters with polled 896 votes to Truman's 470. the nations which-haVt subscribed the ticket (com her hand and tor« this, we were happy the other day chance in bis fight for the Sena- Wallace took 47 votes, Thomas 17, to such nob'.e, sentiments can dis- it up. Democrat Alex- to get a first-hand report from torial'seat. and some misplaced Southern ele- regard the meaning to the extent McTernan, who has ipent 20 ander mustering Mexico. 42<" , The Pro- On the other hand, if Mr. Tru- ments in the school cast 12 votes of plunging the world into war. jyeari oh the Summit police force, c That country on the other side gressive Party'i man gains in popularity as a re- for the Dixiecrat candidate, WK THE PEOPLE W THE e«ch day makes his rounds of the of Texas is, in the words of Ex- Senatorial can- sult of his recent visit to New Jer- Thurmond. •* VS'ITED NATIONS 525 parking meters in the Summit porter J. L Hockman, "coming" of ..jst.* Imbne can count only 2.2%; sey and as the campaign continues, -".DETERMINED business area. During the course of d And again in Bloomfield, an in- : age." Ju."t returned from a busi- ; ;>/ of the New Jersey voters are Mr. Alexander's chances of win- , to save succeeding genera- his daily rounds he will give about surance agent- has asked for po- ness trijj jiouth of the border, this fjn on the fence regarding their ning the Senate seat will be en- tions from the scourge of war . . . 20 tickets to delinquent motorist* lice protection because he fears j Maplewood resident saw great S-Miatoriai preference. hanced. to reaffirm .faith in funda- who, for one reason or another retaliation for his anti-Commu- strides in the physical develop- The following comparison of mental rights ... have neglected to piaca their One of tha major problems fac- nist activities, which-are credited: ment of Mexico City, itself, and ••ig the Republicans this year na- today's poll results with the Octo- to establish conditions under nickel in Mi* parking machine*. with starting a walkout of Pru^ more importantly, important prog- Each ticket will cost the offender t'-onally is the task of holding a ber 7th New Jersey Poll findings which justice tfhd respect for the dential Insurant^ Agents fdr the ress in the position of Mexicans in one dollar, or If. a second offender, Senate majority. To do this the on the Presidential race shows the obligation* arising from treaties CIO. . their own economic life. • fiv«« dollar*, - .-.•'', GOP. can lose.no more than two extent to whjch Dewey sentiment and ofher source* of international According to the agent who re- I* Mexico, it \\-ill-be-recalled, took 'To, th* motorist who*"*returni to outweighs Hendrickson's. law can be maintained; and '"•- • nf the Senate seats being contested quested police protection, on Oc- two\signifi«\rtt steps a few years hit car to find an orange parking FOR-THE SENATK , • to promote aocfa] progress this year ''«••... V' •: ' j tcjtt^r ',5 -he. was . handled roughly back. Op the one hand, it expro- ticket, it often seems to be an un- Republican • . 48.Se and better standard* of life In Favorable_tp; Mr. Hendrickson yfby two' strangers who questioned priated the oil wells that had been justifiable outrage. And usually Democratic ' 42.0c larger freedom ... js the average American voter's I hi.m on his activities at a. CIO held almost exclusively by U. S. they are neither as fortunate as Progressive. 2.'>'" Our reason • for quoting this lubit of voting a straight ticket. r meeting in New York. A short and British companies, and on the the irate housewife, nor is their ex- No opinion .•".?>'• opening of th«» Preamble, and for Past experience has demonstrated time later; he claims he- was very other, it adopted a policy of split- cuse as valid. These figures exclude" those who urging everyone to re-study the t'.iRt a popular Presidential candi- j nearly run down by a "dark car" ting up the huge estates of Mexi- ! Blame Parking Meters do not plan to vote. Charter at this time is that this date usually carries his party's traveling at high spoed. can landowners. The majority of offender*, ac- For President is. United Nations Week and that I j Senatorial and Congressional can- I There was no proof that either Both tteps, in Hockman's opin- cording to McTernan. blame the (16 Electoral Votes) Sunday is United Nations Day. It diiifttcs along with him. of these incident* was related to ion, are beginning to achieve the Dewey 5K;, is a time, therefore, to review the OFFICER HENRY NcTBKNAN checks one of the 525 parking meters Should this tendency operate in hi.s anti-Communist activities. It purpose behind them. On the oil Nnv Jersey this November, Hen- Truman . 37<> might be mere coincidence, but past and to re-dedicate ourselves in the Summit business area. One of the most frequently henrd excuses to the purposes set forth in the side, the output has not yet ri rickson should have a better . Wallace 3r" at any rate the insurance agent given by parking violators is that the meter mechanism wa» faulty. hold I ht i " Charter. reached the level obtained under is taking no chances. This Wi hold much wright in traffic court though since th, ^ For foreign operations, but production It ha* been easy, over the past are checked for mechan.cal defects before tickets are issued. t0 Rn thft meter r The Freedom train passed 'three years, to nee the failures of is gaining and more and more of for mechanical defects. It's rather through East Orange last week. \ the UN, to point to the weaknesses. the key positions in the industry obvious therefore that any differ- Personality Colors! Exactly six people were at the i to let the disagreements between are being filled by Mexicans. As ence .of opinion concerning th« station a.s the train rolled through j Russia and the West stand as the for the land policy, even these men A Piece of Your of wealth who opposed It are be- validity of a parking ticket' is —three cab drivers and three po- j sole criterion of the work that has 'Karl II. plaUrr, P»ycholoilst' heavily weighted on the *ide of th« i licemen. j been done. ginning to acknowledge it is be- WHITE ginning to show results. Agricul- Modern parents have rightly rebelled against past- polled department. More are expected, however, ! There is not room here to re- Despite the Inconvenience meters when the train makes its' regu- I view the activities of the UN as a tural production, in other words, generation methods of rearing children. They hold that is on the upgrade. the family then was actually a tyranny, with parents as may cause the occasional shopper, larly scheduled visit. } whole, or the developments within the Summit police department has HKOADLOOMS ——— | the Economic and Social Council, NOKTII OF THE BOKDEK the rulers and children as the subjects. They are determined Here at home, of course, there found them advantageous in many the Trusteeship Council, the Food that their children shall grow up with greater freedomd . j \«ay». First and foremost they have New Buses Purchased was more and more of .the same and Agricultural Organization, the Too ninny parents, however, idfd rMtl n For Recently Approved old .stuff political campaigning. channel. Children must contrib-1 * « " the battle to alle- Internationa! Bank, and all the have succeeded only in exchang- viate the parking problem, which 66 Workers at the municipal level iitc OB much to making It a happy Westfield-New York Route other subsidiary agencies. But ing: one tyranny for another. In per cent of Jersey shoppers, ac- continued to lament the lack of In- relationship as they can. The bur- Ten new buses have been pur- there is room to say that sub- this generation it is often found cording to a recent New Jersey I I SIO>1 terest but the chief characters in den Is not one-sided. Parent* who chased by the Somerset Bus Com- stantial progress rwts been made that the family poll, agree is a perpetual headache. the election drnma continued to remold their own live*, who »ac« pany for operation on the recently in many of these groups, and that is &till n tyr- Then too there it the revenue DYED approved Westficld - New York etfen in the Security Council itself, unloose untold thousands of words anny, this time i nfice their own wishes so as to accomplish the «ole objective of which parking meters return to route, via Springfield, according to the record is not entirely black. at the public. How much those by the children.. municipal coffers. During the first 1 their children's happlnewr arc not Frank J. Noel, president of the Peace has been achieved in some words mean will be shown on No- Although, it is to nine months of this year, nickel* company. parts of the world, steps toward vember 2. be expected that j thereby doing the best to help their ;pald Into the, Summit uvetert by Scheduled service is erfpeoted to war have been halted, and through ell family rleol-J children. They arc sowing »t»edLa of id. selfishness and disregard for (downtown shoppers amounted to begin Tuesday, November 2, if the open discussion and debate, the Trailer Association Holds sions be made I $20,000. And meters too, have re- new coaches are delivered by that world hag been better Informed Exhibition in Newark with the welfare others, and they may harvest ft date. than ever before. ! of the children in crop of parasitic unwillingness to Exhibitor* during the exhibition (lyrfuiMp adult obligatioas.^One of pollce parking area*. Buses will leave Springfield Yes, and Russia }ia.s continued of Trailer Conches at the Robert • mind the pendu- Whereas it formerly required four lum has tiwung the first principles is that we get Center at y:15 a.m., operating on a to be a part of the UN. in almost Treat Hotel. Newark. Thursday, officers now only two are assigned Deep rich wool pile white Immtlloom cus- far too m u e h .LI much' out of life as wo put Into half-hour schedule to Times Square continuous contact with the rest of October 14, told an audience of 250 ... , . , . , , to parking duty. These two men when the children's wi.sh«» form lacking this principle a happy i , ,, . , , . . .. , ^ tom dyed to blend harmoniously with until 11:45 p.m. Return trips will the world. Had there not been this that the trailer industry now does : ' (not only check for violations, but the sole di•lerminimt. In effect, ily can not be built up,. nor : , ., . , your individual color scheme. 12 and 15 leave the New York Terminal, 260 organization of nation**, it is not ! $250 million in sales annu-.illv. , , , , , i also repair the meters and each W. 42nd street, between 7th and although many parent* do not foot widths available. unreasonable to assume thnt the Colored motion pictures demon- ( t a hippy life, nor indeed can week make a collection of th« 8th- avenues at 10:45 a.m. at half- USSR long before thia would have strated the vast strides made by rea!iz>' it. almost all their deci- * happy world. We do not wnnt nickels deposited. New Tackless installation assuring smart hour intervals through and includ- withdrawn completely behind it.s the 20,000 trailer parka all ov»r the sions are iii'tu.tlly being made by nii. v v.udicn to grow up a.* persons It probably would be an exag- the children. smooth non-rippling carpeting. ing 12:45 a.m. "iron curtain." Some might say country whith serve over 3M>,000 who expect to Ret everything while geration to say that parking metera trailers. Children have right.*, but par- giving nothing. aro popular with the public. In this Production, speaker.'' told the ent-i have rights, «l«u Parent* Must Not Renounce Own Lives mechanical age, they represent one OPKN EVENINGS 1 TO » P. M. LARGE STOCK OF PARTS audience, reached 72.000 unit* la.st hiive ii riglit to line, they have a Farenta nnist not reno-unce tht-lr more effort on man's part to rem- NOW AVAILABLE year. It is expected to exceed 80,000 right to 11.sped, they have n right own lives in a mistaken effort to edy problems caused by machine* in 1948. to expect their children to lusumc advance those of their rhildrcn. by creating another machine. And GORDON L. HUBERT PROMPT DELIVERY OF THE family responsibilities, they have They, too, have a right to live, to man dors not enjoy having hit time a rsRht to have their wishes de- havt> fun, to do the things they dictated by an inanimate machine Todny - Tomorrow ferred to. they IMIVP a right to enjoy and buy the thing* they like. which Altruist* on hU nickels. Saturday NEW ******* NOW live their livefl. A parent will save for years to According to th* New Jersey 817 MIIXBURN AVENUE, MILLBURN, N. ,1. The building of a family m the send his son through colU'gis h» poll, the mnat frequently suggested STICKEL AUTO SALES CORP. responsibility of everyone, no mat- will do without many things to cure for the current parking prob- Kills 7-2575 IVeur the thnntiehr ter hmv old or young, in I hat fam- add to the college fund, Parents lem Is to create more parking lots. Iflt will too often feel they are good All of which ii fine, prov d ther» 195 LAFAYETTE STREET, NEWARK, N. J. ily. Each one in it shares the common task nf helping to parent* because they hava »acrl- It available land, which ven In Nf»r ttnn 9. B, SUIUm. MA t«11 the. fiimily unit going. Varvntx I fl('(M! so rouch to Klv? thdr suburban areas !• now becoming MANCH: 7h7f MIIUUHN AVINUt. MIUUWN faithfully perform their Klwire, but | »{t'T" everything, But what good scarcer while the number of auto- children have their dutitw also. iiI

expected to wi«h<'« of others? The boy who the public favored creation of mor« PROGRESS rrfyxe.n to accept tuition money parking lot«, the second place «ug- •led-de to the known wishes of at the their pui'ints, to act us they know from hU father hreaiwe \\*> knows j Rest Ion, parking metfrt, wm» f»v- their jxirenls Want llsein to. jti.it ft* how hard tt U to rai»p the money jored by only J2 per cent of |h« Morristown their pHtents «r<» duiiiK. They can m«y thereby be postponing his rd- j public. he cxpcelf d to perform reasonable neat Ion, but he may h«ve Iwrned | Other suggested remedlMi by th» Armory hoiiNi'holiI dwk.M according t'* their Ifwions greater than thoae taught | parking vexrd public Includtd Interewiing Exhibits — age. ns n matter ftf course. They in books; he may well hemnv a | building of underfrmind parking better man i facilities ««rtainm<>n( — SJMH ia! ean fairly be held responsible for faithful iittpnUancesto their •rhool ParetiU H,re ne«lertln« one of 1whl <*h w"»lrt require new bultdllita Kv«ntA and AttmriionM 0 work and for hrlnRltijj norm* mi eh their ureatwit dutlea If they faili* provide off street parking fucll- K*i«nlnit«i 7 to It to teach children thst other mem- Mwturdny Afternoon 1 f» A of progress an would In- > thiit they art trying thrtr bers of the family havi> th# same But whatevtr may be done In the 44mht Mr . thtldren 40r right M they to rorwideratlon. future, parking ntttfr* ir« no Saturday mflfrnoon SOe and . 4(tuhl • permanent municipal fli- • parent-n#hlji Is They mu*t have their rhllilren Wpwlal RIM r«»all«e that In the fr«tn*work r»f tore, and no doubt, the illogletl Amt»l* I'nrtilnK i«l relationship *nd Hki» any motorist, when handed * parking mieh. It must b# % two-way the family relationship, eneh rnpm- Nat twTwri Mot On* Y««r her contribute* what he «n, Kach tleket, will continue to mulntnln Alexander memb»r work* mil his mwr»tle ntwlety; thl* In what Mt (*lM f P ALL WOOL RUGS SCHOONER w» M psrenti nhoulrt itflvf for r«M swing* tntn H« l*jt three Mmtf, Harry! mutrm tMMMtgr tmnmmw m HILLMAH MINX TRAILER T* night «• the Hint Armory, the Howard M«mnrl*l timmlng SO Th*»r* hu been A 3KX> e*nt Ol*# Club will h» (t*tur#4t whll* 4'fhor fadnni Aim Available in »p«rM>tig i*t#f#Mt 49 In m Ratiirdar night Pnul Rr*ftn«t, AlMmtirt*lir p«rf«*«i tm m*4*rm «r torn- mm In and

* mmn ttpm mum ViMM ti TYFICAL BEcmurr joined the Navy to tt!w ,. SWw m* Safe bylcrian Church, will be opea to The typical Navy recruit i* IT learn a tuade, according *0 .' *•.. the public daily from 11 a. au to inside a 7re- year* old, unmarried, baa ao «•» cent siurvey conducted by tht »!" To •• Held In Union 10 p, m. pendents, cornea from a rural area, reaa o* Naval ParsociiV^j"* An antique ihow and **le will left school at the age of 18. * 2,400 n«w «nli#teei. "*** b* held Wednesday. Thursday and MOBILE HOSPITAL Engineered" Home Friday, November 10, 11 and 12 at The.-U...8. Marine Corps hat By MARION CLYDE the Pariah Horn* of the OonitectU McCARBOLL WALLPAPER SHOWROOM eut Farm* Prc«byterian Church. loaned a mobile hospital to each Union, of the eleven Naval Districts with- Increasingly, the principle A concmntrution •/ *M i¥ew York tmd Nmtmrk Showroom* The **ow, ipotmt«4 by , the in the United States for use in of "pre-engineered" construe-j Chooae designs that create the comet background 'With the disanter relief work. tion is being followed up by belp of aa experienced decorator. Women* Association of thc-Pivs- many building materials dealers, with an eye to mak- THE L H. NOLTE CO, ing poaiible more small homes Member ol the Amtrk»n lusUtut* ©f Decorator* tbftt can b* erected quickly and at Sll Springfield Avenue* Summit 1,451 New Savings Accounts relatively moderate cost Open Saturday afteewmi by appointment «nly The home of which an interior U shown is built of pre-engl- neered material*, the wall* being FALL SPECIAL! Opened Since January 1st of aturdy <*«• fibre insulation 88% REDUCTION ON AIX. , board with cement aabeatoa fac- ing on both aides. Coming in a Custom iked* Slipcovers How About You? neutral gray shade, the exterior for a limited ttsaw oatfl . usually remain* that color, white fete end I Cfcfllrs wife $4A one the interior can b« painted or Zipper* «nd Double Seam TO up papered «* desired. Sagging Bottoma, Sofaa and Cliaira fixed Dividends The hoiue i# a thrte-b«droom Rip*lring, Riftlli*! of Ctuhlon* «| Lottett trice, affair, with the dining are* lo- Ctutont buU* a*fa« and eaalta witfc toe Paid cated it OM end of the living . GOODYKAR AlKFOAM Co»»tru»tioB room. Other home* vulng tHU Phone EL S-MU or WA S-S3S8 and «w decorator Hill ami type of material are avail- you friendly advia* and fr«« eatlmatea. able with two bedroom*, and there ia a good variation of both ANATTRACTl\'EiJenmallpre-englneere<}<'home; ajwlth friends. When there's company overnight, it's R & L DECORATORS exterior arrangement «nd interior co*y place for reading, studying, a quiet nap or a visit j quickly mtd# up into a comfortable guest room. 1141 Liberty Ave. Hillside INSURED Insured Protection floor plans. For Your Savings Proper Care of Rugs Adds Send for One of Our'Save-by-Matt Folden Your Home and You REUPHOLSTEH Many Years to Their Lives with INVESTORS SAYINGS By ELEANOR ROSS prevents creeping and slipping, FACTORY . Mi 11 Mi rn Colon office Brick Church Otic* Beautiiui new rug weave*, at givea £he rug a. feel of luxury a,n I 64 Main Street 984 .Stu> ve»ant Ave. 28 Washington PL well aa the tried and tested old comfort, and adds to its life by SAVINGS atandtoya, are now coming into the acting as a shock absorber for stores, elthough the carpet mills the constant grind of shoee on thu You aave at Least 50^ over the are fltill way behind on order*. pile. Regular Retail Price and You Get Better Fabrics with the Fin- Wheiryou de get that precious Rug pads are available in sev- est Tailored Workmanship. WE NEED 1000 new rug or wall-to-wall broad- eral types, of which hair palds are DROPHEAD SINGER SEWING MACHINES oom, resolve to do right by it. the. finest «inoe they are resilient First or all, do buy rug pad#, and durable. CHAIRS $29.00 up WE WILL PAY CASH >ne> of the best aid* in preserving A* for the rug itself, the best ret Your Ol« .he life and appearance of floor way to keep It looking fresh end SOFAS $49.00 up Singer Drophe&d overinga. A ,pad adds to foot new ig to clean it often, especial- depth, makes rug cleaning easier, ly If it is a worsted fabric, such Round Bobbin Machlna as a Wilton, for instance. If not Our representative will pay $35 frequently removed, tiny particles Workmanship Frame* Stripped, Cleaned Non-Electrical Vacuum of dirt, of duet, of sand, of soot, cash for your old round bobbin Redtmted and l.lurd. Spring* Sweeper Presented to gradually lump together and work Guaranteed Singer drophead, $20.00 cash for down Into the back of the rug lice! * w*r*. >e»» Filling. your long shuttle Singer drop- Consumers in This Area A new product upon th« Ameri- and eventually even cut the head. Do not hesitate to call us threads. If your machine is in rusty or By BETTY TELFER can market, the New WhJrlvdnd poor condition. We can use it for The Floor Plan. Sweeper, bids fair to supplement The Weekly Cleaning ports, tha electric vacuum for dally Electric vacuum cleaners for Our first step in planning the furnishings of a room is housekeeping. that weekly cleaning; the carpet FURNITURE. Write LJntlrn Observer Box No. 15 or Phone linden 1-8385 to make a floqrj, plan. This drawing should show the fire- This non-electric, light weight, sweeper for everyday, cleaning. If After 5 I*. M. Essex (MM* place, the doorti and hqsr they awing, windows, built-in all-steel vacuum sweeper was de- a broom is used, It should be light- factory machine* aim purcliatrd. Special price* to hotpltal* bookcases, radiators, and any other stationary features. Our ly piled, and always sweep, and igned for export to English'col- 220 Main St., E. Orange and inttitiititwi. next step is to make snale pieces of furniture. These are onies by the Ripple Manufactur- clean in one direction, the direc- just flat oblongs or squerea ac- ing Works, Essex, England. It tion toward which the pile slants. One Block Below Oraton Parkway Fir* F.ttimatet cording to the shape of the furni- pieces in relation to them. soon, however, became popular Never sweep against the pile. Chen Anywhere EXPORT SEWING MACHINE CO. ture. Colored paper should be used We may want a pair of table* at with British housewives at home. Don't beat a rug, and don't try Or. 2-6430 — Statewide Service so that the furniture will show the ends of the sofa and a coffee The New Whirlwind Sweeper to clean It with a stiff brush. more clearly against the white table in front of it. A small table warf brought to this country by That new rug Id likely to shed background of the plan. A scale for smoking equipment will fit two Anverloan airmen who ha/I pile, but don't worry, for this rug of half-inch to the foot make» a beside the club chair and a bridge seen it In operation white they dandruff it only a temporary con- convenient aix« with which to or junior floor lamp will take up served with the armed force* In dition. Sweep thff floor gently for work. Ha position at the left of the chair. England. the first month or 00, perhaps We measure the oofa and find Father will then have a comfort- According to Bernard J. Carney, even longer, until the wool has IT ALWAYS that It lJ 78 inches long and 30 able reading spot. A pair of wing Summit, distributer for Whirlwind regained its natural moisture. A inches deep, ao we out a piece of chairs by the fireplace may be Sweeper In this area, the vacuum rug delivered from a warehouse FLOOKS THEM paper three and a quarter Inches flanked by interesting commodes. for this non-electrical sweeper Is usually hae? lost some moisture, long by two and a quarter Inches If there U no library in the home, generated by two rubber tired which may cause the fibers to be- wide. At present we are not con- you may ne«d a desk. Have you wheels which drive a high ration come dry andt brittle. oar cerned as to the style or period what you need for comfortable; gear box which turns a vacuum Artificial Heating Harmful of the «*ofa. We simply want to living? Do you have a spot or two blade at "mlle-fl-mlnute speed." Lack of moisture In rooms dur- wonderful know how much floor apace our for those decorative pieces that Because of Its easy handling fea- ing the winter season of artificial largest pieces will occupy. If there add so much charm and distinc- tures, Oarney says that the Whirl- heating Is the greatest single are other bulky pieces, such a# a tion to a room? Did you write the wind Sweeper present* a happy cause of rug w«ar. By maintain- selections piano or a brcakfront, cut theae list of furniture you want ae was medium between the everyday oar* ing a proper moisture content In pleowi alao, Th« large furniture suggested laat week? Check it and pet sweeper and the heavier, more your home during the winter must be placed first. see how well you planned. awkward electrical vacuum sweep- months, you can prolong the life of If you «r« refurnishingr a room er. and good appearance of your rug. Good teachera have a gift of As for pile-crushing, If the rug making statements and illustrat- In part; only, the procedure w the room now has a new look, same aa for planning a complete is not tacked down, turn It around BHOABLOOMS ing them with remarks or stories. grass for 15 minutes to discuss once every so often so that the Thia method will make a\ prin- new room. On the first floor plan hte Idea. He could return to the use one color of paper for the new wear will be more evenly distrib- ciple remain in your memory. lawn mower while I measured uted. Grease and dirt, those twin Frank , one of the pi«oe» and a different color for and planned. Curiosity poked up the furniture you already have. enemies of beauty and long life, earliest architect* of modern, and her head, for he waa Indoors can he removed with enrbon tet- neighboring state* my own teacher of modern, em- You can then easily see how the every few minutes to see what I •*•»<«. plan will accommodate the new rachloride. Saturate the spot to phaaiied hit ideas In thi* manner. waa doing. There was ao much be cleaned and wipe the dirt and large volume low overhead In apeakmg of room planning and Ideas. large heavy furniture In tha room If you plan to refurnish, but grease away with clean cheese- Lower Price* furniture arrangement, he said. that there was certainly no place cloth. "Plan your traffic lahea and park- Intend to keep some of the pieces, for another upholstered pleo%. 9 ing space*. J. like to walk from a look over your room with the eye When I spoke of rearrange- Finally, remember that no mat- Sehottenfeld * door to a chair by the fireplace of a second-hand dealer. Be Ira ment h» balked. No changes. ter how thoroughly you clean, no without waltzing around a has- partial and honest, lii the «ofa I rearranged th« room on paper, matter how well you look after sock." In other words, leave walk- really good design and worth re- suggesting that he discard the that rug, It fftlll stands in need of ing space* open and plan seating covering? Must you keep that tired looking sofa with the fat occasional professional care. There areas. hiflck walnut table because Aunt arm* and atoo the worn Cogs- are fine firm*,In every locality Hatti# gav# it to you? The enor- which specialise in carpet clean LargA Flecea firtt well chair that went to college mous floor lamp that was a wed- with him. He would not give up Ing. Treat your rug to their mln After planning for the large ding present—la It the most proml. the eofa; that was where he took Utratiotu from time to time. It li plooee of furniture, arrange the nent thing )n the room? Are you hl« nap, The Cogswell brought a well worthwhile investment. willing to dlaeard poorly styled backhand memories. X told him piece* Mu»t you keep everything to push the lawn mower a llttl* you ever bought? Then make longer while X had a eonforenoe museum of the attlo and vtalt It with h!« wife. Introducing . when you get a feeling of noatal- •In the library mi an aid day- KIDDIE KORNER-The NURSERY FURRiiURE HUE if Iw MAKES f »«• 4 bed left from the (I rat apartment days. We decided to give It its About a year ago « gentleman laat renting place in the r*or#a- telephoned my studio, saying that tlon room, Thl« gav« u« ipao* for WHIRLWIND tie bad jtutt rtad a magMln* article th« living room sofa. The Cap* telling what a decorator dwi, He well w»w nl*o moved In baalde a wanted a nwr lov# sent in hi* large roll-top deak near a window. Non-EJectric living mom, (hi* wlf« naid all th#lr Mr, H. mm had a room ol hls> frl«nnr, for h# nnly bought tor the living room as well Huttirdayt frte; h« had to out th# as two small nooMlonnl chain of THE FIRST TIME IN AMERICA gr«M in th« morning and had a propw tentlt, • ntw mant#l ar- standing f«|f data) for afternoons, rangement w«s planned and a few (DIRECT PROM ENGLAND) I p*rauad*d him in mb«n4(m ttw %Bos#fi aceeisorlti installed, •ACKID IY 20 YIARS OP SfECIALIZID MANUFACTURING Salallm T« Lmt W«-k*. Pnml* IXmtlNCI, THIS POPULAR INGUSH SWItPti, WITH ITS SILFINERGMID VACUUM PRINCIPLI 1 vmn MI:H& MIIIN 'jfiui BA8 THKtiE NOVKL FKATVHK8: , § nuiia yuM • NQN-IUCTMC No wlrti to inUrftr*—no •luctrlcity to uit. win™ Boroc nontxi • iffHf WUfHT Only (I poundi tf itrf.mlln.d .fficitney. mman sn&mmmo • PURAIU Alt ttt»! fot pmH* wnnnn uriraci COMfilTt WITH WOV1H OUSTIA» AND ulii Only $24.95 mmm mmn IKIMII TO AH, RU#II Write WHIRLWIND DISTRIBUTORS •OX «M. SUMMIT, N. 4. . 4 ||,e f ••*• 31 rfashion Spotlight Centers on:> Answer to Figure Problems 1$ Bamberger's Millbum Show Wm m^m^am Camouflage, Expert Asserts By LOUI^LA BEJLDEN REDDA Mrs, Brown has a problem fig-» &mm't Ml over tim..fa&at 9»t i ceaseless round of activities claims the tan« and in- lire. She la short, slightly stocky ( of tb* figurt. . et of suburban life, and with them go the special fashion with n*o*t of her weight concen- Sh» will want to keep her w«M- Srements of each-occasion. trated throug-h the diaphragm and lin* a* inaozmplexkotm mm potmiblm abdomen. ' "T ^—»o a narrow, fabric bejt o£' tl» Vowbere else has this been more effectively and appre- same nmteri&l as the drew to beat. ; tivelv demonstrated than at the Bamberger FashionShow • She ha# discovered that current; C a Let th* tail girl wear that gold v, , week in connection with the Sarah Ward Day Nursery styles aren't at alt becoming for •belt! . . ;•••-' L luncheon in Millbum, where a week in the life of a her and the <* quit* unhappy, j What should *he do? S AmpU room ct th* h«misae of Ward auxiliary member was the inspiration for a the sfairt is important, .too, for this of town and country ensembles featuring after- "The answer," m.y» Inei LaBo*- ]wil! tend to even up Mm sier, extcmalon specialist in cloth-! figum and make her look nnon and evening gowns. ing at Rutger* University, ,"ii for \ n graceful. ne feminine elegance of the and fashion points), third, a short Mrs. Brovm to chooee utyleg that V;M0* an period touched a reapon- kit between customer and sales- carnoufiagt h«r figure." ,; keynote to the splendid enter- girl pointing up presentation er- Th« chance* are, Mr* Brown ,nt arranged by Miss Mary rors by the latter, and finally « has been tryini: W"dress.ea that .»rd. manager ot feature ad- program in which the merchandise were designed for the taller fig- •ng of Bamberger's, who ar- tself waa given a chance to "talk" ure and for the thin-w&isted gaJ. I a program of 56 showings by means of backstage mikes. In No wonder she's unhappy. Prin- n series- committee meetings, this concluding event, a shirt re- ce« dre&se«t anug midriff* and wert*inment*, luncheons,' teas, erred to its old age and com- tight two-gored skirts are bound mwicale.. showers, flower .hows, plained that the sales person w«us to accentuate rather than' camou- &.mer.dmces, afternoon weddings to blame for not being alert flage. So will birt black brotd- QUALITY FURS cloth ehujMHt Into i And FUR Trimmed Cloth Coati (Mmple v«rw»tll« »ult th»t mak«e t git * N» r**rw* At FACTORY PRICES U Halnted St., near Main edged DMUNjbeotMi to*,*! "*" ——" SIZES, JUNIOR MISS 9 17 Oppoiitf Brick Church, Ettt Ortnft MISSES 10-20 WOMEN 38-44 OR, 4-2600 Until! OPEN OPEN DAILY SUNDAY TO 9 MrV TO 3 PM.


The hardiest winter onion is the bed and scatter the r#d perennial, sometimee called row* a* late a* possible before % This One Story Home Attains the Egyptian. This produce* at soil f reezes, so it will sprout dur^ the top of the seed stalk a bunch the first spring thaws. '^ of onion sets. These should be planted this fall, a foot apart In Unusual Spacious Feeling the row, in rows two feet apart As the ground thaws in spring, it KITCHEN CABINETS By WHITNEY DALZELL We specialize IIn cabinets grows stalks like green onions. youeU r individual requir Short HUls Architect * " 1™? pocketbooki . worknuuiihip —prompt The present popularity of the one story house is largely Spinach and leaf lettuce for the RECREATION ROOMS. due to the simplification of housekeeping. As building costs flnst spring crop may be planted Union Woodworking Co, rise houses become Smaller and smaller and estheticaily the in the fall to advantage. Prepare Savltt place* Volon. Phone IN 2445] small one story house can be much more attractive than a two story building of the same floor, area. The home pictured is being built at Forest Ridge, Bhort Hills, for Mr. and Mr*. J. 3. Nicely. It ha* been designed to take advantage Plan* This Faff ... of the unusual and distant views obtainable from this location. St&ten. Island and th« Bay are Be Glad" Next Spring... visible through the picture win TULIP dow* in the front of the living EVERGREENS room, and the French doors at the rear open onto a ston« payed ter race commanding a view of the BULBS Watchung Mountains. over 1*0 varieties The open plan gives a feeling of spaciousness beyond lta'alze, only CROCUS. DAFFODILS 1350 square feet in area. The living room U 22 feet long and the ell of HYACINTHS, LILIES the fining alcefv* plus width of the THE HOME PICTURED above was designed to take advantage of the ture window.In the living room, Staten Island and the Bay are visible. living room and hall give a dis- fine views obtainable from the builder's location. From a large pic- It U being built at Forest Ridge, Short Hills. Plant, Now for tance of 25 feet In either direction. Spring Bloom The effect is almost tUat of a room HOLLAND BULBS GREATLY REDUCED 22x25, but the coay fireplace at the PRICES! Top die—In the best varie- DRIVE OVER living eriti adds interest that would, Give Tulips Time to Grow AUo • ;••• otherwise be lacking. ties—and at very reasonable Flowering Shrubs and FOR YOUR Hulls at Minimum prices. Shade Trees GARDEN NEEDS Halls are reduced'to a minimum, For Flowers This* Winter and the closet space U excellent. Tulips and daffodils ean be flow- when top growth begins the pot Two bathj are an exceptional fea- • I I LIVING K0O red in the home when planted In may be brought Indoors or kept In CHRYSANTHEMUMS ^ ture In a house of this size. All the pots, in what the florist* call "good Pick your colors while they are In bloom! FORBES bedroom* will take twin beds, potting soil." ,Two parts of your though one will be used as a study. best top garden soil, one part sand SALES The house haa a full basement and one part of peat moss will South Mountain Nurseries in which there is a two-car garage, make a good substitute. Add more Land$cap0 Contraclon laundry, extra toilet, storage space, sand if the top soil is heavy, thor- At VauxhaU and Ridgewood Roads hobby room and gas fired air con- oughly mix and run through a %• GARDEN W0 MILJJUJRN.AVE., MILLBURN Phone Mlllburn S-1S80 ditioning, plant. inch mesh screen. tent* 10, Hanovtr, N. J. All plumbing and flashings are Place each bulb so that its point OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Just One Mile West of of copper, bat ha are tiled and the half an inch below,the surface. kitchen floor and walls linoleum. Now It is necessary to allow the Livingston Traffic Circle Thf> kitchen table, by the way bulb to make root*; and for thii folds up Into the walls when not purpose the pot mutt be placed in Pkont WHIppany 8-0375 In use. dark and cool place, where it WEEKDAYS and SUNDAYS The beveled red ceder siding will cannot freeze or dry out too much. Beautiful FOREST RIDGE 8:30 to 6 be finished natural with a wood A cold frame, where it can be Short Hills, N.J. preservative, thus reducing or covered with leaves, ashes or sand, or Phono MArirat 2-3740 practically eliminating painting will do. maintenance. TIIE OPEN PLAN gives an unusual feeling of spaciousness, but a When placed in this storage the 487 Washington St. pot should be thoroughly soaked, COMBATANT SIQP3 cosy fireplace at one end of the living room adds Interest which would Newark 2, N. J. otherwise be lacking In the 22x25 foot living room. and no further watering should be The U. S. Navy now haa a total necessary. If stored in an indoor of 271 combatant ships in an ac- cellar or closet the soil should be And We'll Deliver tive status. These include 13 car- prevented from drying out exces- riers of various type*, seven, es- cort carriers, two battleships, sev- Your Suburban Garden sively. Root action will follow and Nm» Jersey's Leading Seedimen en heavy cruiser*. 13 light cruisers, By Alexander Forbes far SO Hmn — 1898 to 1948 five antiaircraft cruisers, 135 de- New Forest Fire Danger stroyer*, 13 destroyer escort* end The long »pell of warm weather until the foliage begin to die back, Seen This Fad EARLY TULIPS, such as Keiier- 76 submarine*. this fall has postponed many nec- then withhold watering to give The danger of disastrous forest •kroon, are best for indoor flowers. typical f'orest Ridge Home fires will be greater this fall than essary garden chore*. If you have he bulb a re*t period. Potent Ridge is most convenient, commands extensive in any recent year, the National the storage place and so retarded i tuberous-rooted Begonias In your In June, after the garden soil views, large plots up to 100x500. Dead-end street—no through NEW - SMART • DVBABIE garden dig up the bulbs after the is warm, repot the bulb in a slight- Board of Fire Underwriters warned until wanted. today. traffic. New grade school on ten-acre site. All improvements flret frost for they are tender ly larger pot, enriching the soil After being brought indoor* the paid—no assessments. THE CALDER ALUMINUM OVERHEAD-TYPE and will not Hv» in frozen ground. with cow manure and bone meal. Underbrush and weeds which pot must be given all the light pos- We have reduced costs to a minimum. In our organiza- Don't shake the noil oft the roots Select a warm, sunny place and grew thickly during the past rainy SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR sible and kept in a temperature tion, we acquire land wholesale, design, construct, insure and hut store the bulbs In a cool, dry, plunge the pot in the garden summer will become dry and flam- which averages 60 degrees until sell—all with one overhead expense, saving you up to 20^, 18 THE AN3WKR FOR YOUR NEW DOOR airy place for several week* un- border, to bloom in late summer. mable In the usual fall drought. stems, leaves and flower bud* are The beauty of a CALDER DOOR will enhance any style of til the roota and soil are thorough- After top growth appears apply The United State* frorest Service formed. After buds are formed a — INVESTIGATE! — architecture. Soundly built of choicest materials .. . heavier, ly dry. Then rub off the shrivelled iquid manure occasionally and states that the threat will be es- temperature of 70 degrees will tougher, aluminum-steel hardware, the CALDER DOOR Is roots and soil and store the water well through dry spells. In pecially great in the Northeastern, bring out the flowers, and if haste THE DALZELL COMPANY engineered to mist dents, take hard knocks without damage cleaned tubers over winter In dry the fall, when the leaves yellow Pacific Coast, and Lake states. is needed a higher temperature and eliminate all maintenance cost* Including painting, hut sand, or preferably peat moss. Se- or frost checks them, fttore pota A marked increase in visits to will produce it 525 Millburn Av»nu« ean b* painted If desired. lect a cool place for this, between n the cellar and gradually de- wooded areas by tourists and city- 45 and 85 degree*. ireaae watering them. After a rest bred people Increases the danger, The TALDER DOOR provides everything wanted In a garage Force Amaryllis Indoor* period they may again be brought since most forest fires are caused door—simple inntallntion—smart appearance—rany operation to bloom indoors through the win by careless smokers. Every time —positive prateetlon—dtunly durability and It's wedge-tight I There are few flowers that may be grown in the house with les# ter. there is an increase in the number trouble and know-how than the of people visiting forests, the num- llly-Uke Amaryllis or Mlppeajitrum. Preserving Your ber of fires automatically mounts SUBURBAN MAINTENANCE CO. The flower*, in opposite pairs, form observer* point out. PHOSE BEU.BVIUB 2-57M-V nt the top of a twelve-Inch stem Cut Flowers "Remember Bar Harbor" I* the m ACADEMY ST. BKLLEVILLK. N, 3. and are usually in shades of pink, motto of many volunteer fire rose and red. It is wise to pro- It doesn't need the proverbial guard* who recall the spectacular 'green thumb" to do right by cut cure large bulb* for satisfactory Maine forest fire* which virtually lowers; only some good care ami bloom and to pot them in soil from destroyed that famous resort last common sense. now to January. fall. ?! As noon as that beautiful box of Vm a soil mixture of two pnrtji lowers reaches you, cut the utems lack of water, often may be re- of good soil, one part well rotted «nd p!ac# the bloomy in water. Do manure and a little sand for dmln- freshed by plunging the stems for not overcrowd a container Flow- two or three seconds into hot age. If old manure U not avail- ers require air and space, just as able substitute compost or humus water and then placing them In a we do! pail of cool water. enriched with a handful of com- In arranging flowers, give them mercial pulverised cow or sheep Water should not be sprinkled V.1. MODERNIZE as much water a* you can Only on a camelia corsage. It will mak« •.V. mfltiure «nd * tablespoonful of an inch or two la not enough for r ALTICO bone m«al. Select « cl«y pot with yellow spots. A good way to pre- YOUR BATHROOM !ong-«t©mm«d blossoms, or for a serve * camelia or gardenia cor- HEY HAVE THE ANDERSON STOVE ALUMINUM a liUvmrtcr About an Inch forger large flower. Without sufficient than the diameter of the bulb. sage I* to pkte# It in a regular AND KITOHEM water, the freshest flower will Ice-box dish completely covered This Is Important for they will noon die. TH*t COOKS WITH THE GAS TURNf D OFF! Pit ALTICO Aluminum to glorify your 18 COLORS bloom better If the root* are pot with moist cotton. fatbrooin and KHthrn wain, with AI - Remove all leave* below the hound Plant the bulbs with the Wat«r also spots Illy bloMoms, 9 Hit hmkff h f«s nmq«t m4 tltetrled tlCO t|)tM remmi «»h» on n»« iifr, new water lln«, a* tJh«» make plae mSmjmt mjt mp»tkU. non'i h«>iHt»c, rounded low^r part under tht #oil delphinium*, «we«t pen* and or* «MHane«i for HHI pott 50 yt«Hn tm now Initail «hU b«-»niifui, |M>rm*n#nt w»i( for bacteria to harbor and multi- SPECIAL and the sloping shoulder and ne«k chid*. However, fold w a t«r 111* M fMt fcmnt today, Von'U b<> tied ply. Nothing causes #uch quick offer you tin reit§« wlrti oil fftt featuras •*~ teek a4v«R(si* of the low, low fully Dxpowd. hardens petal* of peonies, roues, • • auatt«n aatf m*tni»» rott*. or, if Kltihin Will dttertomtlcm of flower*, Us* a cut you've olwayt wanton!—-and som* yoy •« Hfcf, buy AI.TM'O «rt>*rstfl» »n« Pl«r# the pot* la a cool, dark- gardktntM, • e 1 It ?«*tMlf »Mlt the low, low flower prwervatlm It will help to IMWf fwOOJVMtl Or! still prevail, ened pW»c« to induce th* necessary kt«t> trw bacteria action down and S-pifM* root growth, W*t«r sparingly »• the Whvte Family Prefers an Andernon— W flower* will last several days PINCI l»n»th Mth,r §4" «r tht bulb* do not like a noggy con- longer, Many florist* itock «ucli and No Wond«r .,. •r. dition. When top growth appear* KTiMlimlly dhlft in full sunlight WomtfiLlk.lt- MtfiUkilt- in M <» 70 degrees I*. «nd w»t«r That b«tutifut autumn flower, Th*y upend INK time In It •ffeettt a hit mdu«> more frtqupntly, A littl# liquid ttttn la their gM bill*. AMTICO manure ©up* « week will Improv* the ehryiwnthemum, It j>i«M*nt!y tin* hltrhfn. It r*i>p*r flr*t, fol- mmm imrmfi, THuy m- \t«lt In «4mr* MMI If mmm of th# outer petals) ri«mov# tht pat to * vwirm AUAS FFNCf COMPANY TERMS wh*ri Jt e»n b» •t«r«d tor futurt flf miM or other m*nny«p*tnl*«l flmm* tttui to dry up or tuns lUrhenmehr Save* Ym Money Herr* Proof browti, eftwfuHy p!n<*h ih#m off m Wo km • cmiyitu (tut of «H Uttdtt mfttm*m^*m Ml#tt as t« r#r#nti th* ayimtriiiio* of thi other fiow«r«. To lt#«p dahflM Clearance! glowing unit colorful M long «« High Gnul* FLOOR INI KW Pioon—AMTieo AU KUIT inns. «t««rn« In hot w*t*f wh#n ymt *0 SMADI lh*m. Burn-th* #nd» rff f TOP SOIL ftmm tins m* eut poppy **>n» tmt a H|fet»4 * Jt&- f^# SHiUMItY n»dt«h t« mwt 1» tht Jttlwn, «0Mf- WtWHtOAY IVININOS mim MM mw'tente to mit «l* mmt lfnm*aiiit»h/. / NO1TM J««$IY <**** VrtdM UMVL1-3M0 1 icit in; fin tt Atthmn MWw tmffin to wttl "Ripp, -': •&"'-' ' * ' •"''• "•'" IIHIMII Hi., M \\ %Mh iftor tiw ittiM m tut, $m «••• *JMHM Hi :M,!ti,«» In a P*I1 «r wtfm mmr MNMI MHtu MSMM •*t* iMiVftitaN. 9mm «Hlrh T *•«» wUM ttm mmm tmt m rims TI Explore!

L*oktaf let fur Looking for food?

O*t your folks; i«t In thi ew V

ll* " f,,r morf •boul fUm on ihr iru|.. ,

I *«*•»•«•*. Hs>


Ttoy Hill$




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Hi ...... M§ Si^^PWW-^F W^™ ^^^^P^^P'^ I f , I »# H THEATER-RECREATION The Pleasure Bound Page DININC-NITE SPOTS and View on Placesto Go and Thing* to Do

what you think of the corei dlcberg R*#tHurantf Rout* tioo mean* to Gallup. "« ties. Old Heidleberq Scotch Plain*, h*a.added recently Expands FociHrlts a new bar *nd grill to their al- ready popular restaurant Tit? Current Impressions So that it may accommodate in- Old Heidleberg specialise* in Ger- Bj REEVE STONE creased patronage, the Old H*i- man (poking. One of thtir fea- NECK OUT TOO FAB? ture dishes is Sauerbmttin. OB AM I STICKING MY Perhaps it comes with the have a column on what tha well season. Everybody seems to dressed man will wear or what the NAVAL AIR STATION well drejssed woman doesn't wear The Naval Air Station, be doing it. What do you think of such and such ? Some- --well, maybe something could be WMeet WMMM California, ha* been fivea the Sec- done about it and I could ait home retory of the Navy*a Award "in times you can win a prize for arid write myself little notes, paas Achievement, in Safety. ' a right answer. Well, I'm notthem around nay family, arid we'd RODNEY DAVIS asking who's going to be the next all be happy. President.nor em I going t» send f th* K»yb»ardi" * UELlOUTfUL %JkttHQ I know it's expecting a lot of an apple to anyone who may be Ra«l* «n« litoralng Star •JcmviuNf person to sit down and. fend a gracious enough to take the time postcard about. a* matter of this at the Air-Conditioned THE to answer my question: Juat what kind but I'm asking the question ; Elizabeth 2-4837 do you think of all this? for your benefit as well u mine. •Open Daily at itiSO a. m., MOUNTAINSIDE INN If you've ever be«n in a stag« Can you imagine how crushed I'd SHERATON .Sertijng l.unrh, Dinner and •a Rout* ». Motintalnild* play, and who hasn't at one tima be to find that everyone wished Cocktail Lounge "After Theatre', every day Dear Echo Lak* Park or another? You get a good idea that ..I'd go crawl in a hole some Luncheon—!] to S—tte up of what people think of your ef- place and keep quiet? On the (I l U»mi».*l * HO MHMVm-HO'COVU-HO U FOR YOUR Dinner—* to t-flJM op forts by the reaction • of bronx other hand If just one of you cheers, cat calls, or even rotten could honestly «ay that you want SPECIAL PARTY Sunday tt to • thingimijigs. Writing for a news- articles about the moderns in AT HOME (Cloacd Monday) paper ia quite different. You music, nothing would make me Binqutti an* p&rtJct accanai«4at«i write your column week after happier. Fancy l*Boa« Wtttneld t-ZMt week and wonder if anyone reads Please send me a card! Even Florham Park. There is skating daily, ex- it and if'he does, what he thinks those of you who have done so, in .tOOCXDOOCOOCC. ELSIE READ, LEDGEWOOD, does some of it. the past. Being a full time em- SHERATON HOTEL fancy.acrobatics at Florham Park Arena, cept Mondays, at the arena from 8 to 11 p. m. ployee of • the Maplewood News Hill Str«tt, N#wark I, N. J, Sandwiches .After writing for over- throe K"" "•'•A And Hors d'otuvres months about re-corded music, local now, a card addressed to me there, ~ Mllch*tl 2-5100 FRUIT AND ROASTED Zasu Pitts theater groups and some recent 2 Iriwood place, Maplewood, will D.M.IOONf,C«>.M«r. CREAM PIES .95 books, I'm still wondering . what be more, appreciated by me than A vmstt I wondered when I wrote the sec- BARCLAY ON BRIDGE ond article. Does anyone read COCKTAIL BAR Hot or Cold Dressing end Gravy By Shepard Barclay this thing beside my family? HITCHIN' POST INN (Really only two out of four, of Route 29, Union UNVL. 2-3170 580 NORTH AVE. \Party Order* Delivered to Your[ Authority «a AnthorlUe*" ' them road it.) YOU must be reading it, though, (Near Morris AveJi Home.' Mail Order* Prepaid. The Magic Fingers of UNION, N. J. DUMMY EMANCIPATED | declarer's lead out of turn la but how am I to know that unless AT LAST the dummy is rt-aily equivalent to requiring its retrac- you drop me a card waying ao? LILLIAN BROW* Owned and Managed by It isn't jiwt for my per.sonal van- Zimmerman Brother* ZIGLER'S in the game. He hai born eman- tion. at the Hammond Organ cipated by the new Laws, which If the declarer requires a de- ity that I ask this question but t'amou* Caterer* I would like to know how the col- IN THE COCKTAIL LOUNGE RESTAURANT took effect officially on October 1, : fender to retract hla lead out of j turn, when it U declarer's lead umn could be of more interest to and now has, many rights he did YOU • DANCING NIGHTLY • (Cookery Department) not have before. It gives him an the card led becomes a penalty Contemporary Musio Manhattan Serenaders Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Munn £ Central E. O. interest in the game, and provis- card, and when it ia the other de- ions regarding him follow the earae | fender's lead the declarer may Thinking back over my past col- Specialising in Wedding* - Battfit(bt*~~-~PaTtif>* OR. 4-9314 common sense lines as the rest of either forbid the lend of that suit umns, I realize that all of the the new regulations. and allow, the card to be picked records discus.wd have been by As before, the dummy is sup- up or else may treat the card aa contemporary composers and there posed to lay down his hand after a penalty card and allow any to has been little mention of the older DELICIOUS MEALS the opening lead, then refrain be led. A le«d or play simultan- B's and other well-known com- For a Pleasant Evening of Dining and from comment and taking any •j eously with another's proper lead posers. Actually I have done this MN HOME-LIKE ATMOSPIIIKE active part in the play. But un- j or play is deemed to be aubse- on purpose since anyone the le«st Entertainment, Dr

,4 - • OCTOB|R_2LJ21L

TH EATER-RECREATION The Pleasure Bound Page DININC-NITE SPOTS New* and View9 on Place* to Go and Things to Do

Montclair Concert Series moat lamoua Five Topp Artists Amateur Dramatics May Begin to A Grant Discovery jail IN caii*d The Tomb*. \u-\ i.ra outstanding comert ' \e ipaniorod by Unity Iiuti- [IV~ will bring five notable artist* Hum With Little Theater League RKO PROCTOR'S , th-> aroa during the coming sea- part: "Let'* put on a play." And „,. Tlr *;rips will open at th« Last Sunday an organiza- so they did! Well, ther*"* 'a lot Snt.-iair High School on Friday, tion went into action that more to it than that. The arnattur , NOW * ..., . ,- :;t with the appearance should really start things h producer is faced with all the same ' ^",i,'( -^r, tit America* favorite, humming in the field of ama- jg-iK-'s Melton, leading tenor of th# teur dramatics. Formally or- problem* and headachtw as the big New York jn-odueer, with one ex- , wt"r,.;io;;tan Optra and star of ganised hut May, the New j«ra*y raiio, loncert and motion picture*. Little Theatre League conducted cepti pay I The famous English piano team, the first «ll-«tate conference of any salaries, for here everyone t work* for -love," and' it'* a reel, | E,iie: KartU'tt and R&e Robertson, non-prof«utonal theater* In thU deep-*e«ted love. R.|n *o!{er one of their splendid State at the Foothill PltyhPUM. programs on Decemljer 3 and on Bound Brook. Th* number of peo- Many Representative* j January 28 the phenomenal Freneh ple attending waa jpurprhtittf !y With reprf*ent(itivea from » ; vy/:j'l. Gine-tte Neveu, who last largf, «nd cluba from one end of variety of - orgimtaations, runging | season W.1W acclaimed by New the State to the other wero well from wt'iN«>atab!it(h«d clutw to ' York critics a* one of the truly represented. brand new oiwa, and from tluwe '• great \io!inists of the world, Five leminars were held during having «udtt»ni'fys for a mere hand- The Unity serletf will be brought the 'afternoon eejuion, at which ful to one winch actually piaya to a roso on March, 18 by Patrice time varloui problem* confronting to thouwanda, the queitlonea raised the amateur dram&tlit were dU»- and comments made by tho.<« pr««- __ BETTY GRABLE STAND8 appreheniively by as Cesar Romero, her ouased. When some people go to «nt wtrt- widespread and Intorost- husband in disguise, reads Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.'s future with wishful an amateur play, they team to f«el ing. The dlacujwions . were ably ' WTS GO TO THE overtones in 'That Lady in Ermine," the new mu«leal, filmed In color the only effort that went Into it handled by R»meyn L. Utlcy of. by Technicolor, now playing at the Liberty Theater. ' * *X • ' 'wu the expreaalon on aomebody'a th<5 Dover Little Theatc«, "Bnai- | MOVIES TONIGHT! hea> -Administration"; Leslie Crump ot the "Cranford Dramatic Club, "Liiehtumg"; . Mrs. H. W. * HUUH Ht-.AHt.-S * NOW PLAYING * Fisher, also of. Cranford, "Ploy MACE ORANGE Reading and Selection," and Gloria NOW THRU WED. OCT. Tt CRANFORD ELIZABETH Schuremari of the Little Theater Cornel Wlide THE CRANFORO LIBERTY of East Orange, "Publicity.". Linda D»r.iell BABE RlTH MOVIE (.111)I Kirk Oougita October 21-23, ^'BEYOND OLORY," October SI.J7, "LADY IN ERMINE," Of particular Interest w Lund Schiller, novelist an

" "O Hrllflnn MISTRESf ISTr*. Nn« M*t«g Ma THE CROMWELL TRIO WITH Mfhl "fNI 111 1KH ORGAN AND I*«TR1 Mr\T*l. AHTISTH ««mjBiiAJi mom Ofttobw jn, "« rO THE STAN NELSON TRIO "MM rmok TI«A» SOUTH ORANGE I JJW IBin Marilyn . ot\t)in»r ti-n, um&m tvm, nwtmn op tm MpMif." c^t« • WlBHMIIJIiai! NEW POLICY At A«f Tim*! , m ti'M. "MAti*fiAnni .df muA 1 m." -on AM iii,A«o WITH ma." jFioyy ^Puiifai^y" t MJClil SUMMIT PHYLLIS MANSfllLO, PUmht THREE CROWNS THI P1ACI tmw RESTAURANT * ,i f n iMmhmntrnm Ht

i- HIGHWAY If • UNION, N, UNION tmum rtU pill AVI,, IUMMIT IU. 4-1W0 1 I I JYte 7cen-^r...... FortetterPhotosr"X7.:• 5^—;-jsasjrsffi&a-rsi£££S2i*»-£rL"£2MSrs2| ——T--»S^1

-.. Th« fertile brain of one of America's foremost car-1 || "M ~~. _ _ _. _ ,. . .., T'MUBSMAY •:»•-! JP.M. ' I toooista, Al Capp, h« tuceeeded in producing a new lieMAKIJi »«©». ©UK »AIL¥ t;S«.S:4S; TBVBIVAV, ».*• » *r- ». |

v yrt ^^^^^IHJI^^H tnystcrie.i of the. universe, and the lH^B ^BMj^^KBMl>MPfe^BEW!i^SsSP^^%JSgB||M^^^B?^ '^^&^Sm&^^ ' • ' «i " ^2/^K^^^^^^^^^^^^EIm^^^^EKKS? I

yC/ I li^^^DII I^^^H back in his cnay chair and wa.ste . ^^KHnBRBH^HRMUHftttuMfll^^^^^^^^^lRP^^P^^^IHH^HHBl^^^^^^ " Darri'l Liliair _• I ^wOlm ^H^^^^H 111 ^^^H away his time, or would th*y hnvc j|^M»MIM^K^WBMiK^^^^^^JH|^^Ml^^^^^WB|^B|^^^ $1^**^ * ^^^^^J^^lHF^^wS^^ (\>n(f"iuiti>uiT i*<«^ JJ • Vihl • ^1 fW*^^^^ rtT^^^H]IL^^^H on ^° greater ondoavor because of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ v "%^'>^^^^^Mi&i^u^^^t^^b^>

a||U Ilin How Retired Coupl, : VJjJ^Pi^^ . . iffl^^CT^^^^^fe^^M I lieW IIGIIIIII iS hBre! Found Low Co.t Way | \ .^^^^^^, / - . ' ijlff^^^^^^^^^^sji'I I

• mm »/t.S !*•• •' con/ro Mb! how thousands of retired | j „ I // / / u e c .r ! r.=vi-sa: :'r^™:;i j r\*Vfli* ••••>•••••••»••..win- ""'"" K ^ . ;• Have W >U1 E^siSHri; ^:z::;;-r;:i i| UJ/IA^ Tomiinso«* COVER _.V lull IMI. ln»l«nt ttop on lart Ineh. better way of living South at ; I A/*' H^tfk V AITD 4kV>imV19 1 H ar A# 'ISfi '^ -JS Vs\ t • W* ' Bit .P^JI for ilowmotte. trtcki. amaztne low-coat-all neceasarv V^/^ *" I V i II lfiiifl!

  • ,11/11' 1^ * »**'" JA\O ^nmSSSsrSi i *v°'d -* •— - '"• <*• I these ™xM«ons Chairs and Sofas ••••!» ^.v^-fl'A. •i;';iv « nfVJi., »|f| i naco tendlng-thry have glorioiw .: , • • _ _ _, , . - l*-^1' , , "• ' '' L ! ' ''i[l < JlfWElf" * -£^ ^IM MILLBURN ! '»« i" the «un at no mor, cost | , 81111 &t B rOBI baVlIlg lOOl *$$ ^ ^_^^^^j|j^^^_g^?| 9HIITA SUPPLY INfi I th»n staying home. You, too, can ' I 'I ~"~^T!"i'lisVi '' *^*"' '^"'^3' fiSliSSS^^r^- "1 PWPI I 1 r • *S Z!S; j doit wntoH.rrywim.m.. BOX j \\ . .. YOU HAVE A. CHOICE" OF: ' ... - 1 KSB!SS^^Sl^.^S ^/ Plittno Millburn 8-053« ' | 159A, Bound Brook. N, J. j i • ' . • ' ' - l^fsfrihl7?-^^^ •lHHHIil^BIMH.^M^iBMMiiMsMiBMMMr ! " ', , B StvltS . -' > ^ ' 4 St\leg . ;

    CAPTURE THE FULL COLOR OF AUTUMN ' &i«.Ui.B L.W«« Sof. uwn bunge Ch«r 1 WITH A ril lIHIi €fcAVTJk(fc I liWUAIl 49 UAMEKA ^^^^^L ! -~~r-'r"T""-\ LJ1 J H a ig^^Sii] B ;

    t Flush shuttrr to 1/100, This in a eiunero you'l^ wnnt to HAV* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^B!!i!^HBHil^Msffl3jfi]|l^ljffl||i^ aJkMng on y«ur f»U outliiRB. SM> It htn. 1W8.S8, •»« Inc. . ^^^^^^^^^^^^U^jj|mj^j||^^^ MF1 A V iitM A m.y^< Deep-cushioned sofas . . . deep-seated chairs purposely planned to go together, er n arre ir MIswAJLi JL jM»#VUC^ fir tvith luxurious, new fabrics coordinated in color, related in design ... to create a new ° * Conteiai»or«rT Frinsed Sof« JV#» Imnty'i fargmit Photo Suppl* II out f , , ,. . »#• /•, P0.^^" ^BT wieuiMPTftw BTinr™ M««F*I»I/ room /or your contented living, a room to remember for its utter comfort, its come- .

    fmmmmmmmm^m^mmmmmi^^^^^^^^^^^^^m^^^^ \ again air! Choose your favorite style from:4 sofas and 8 chairs. Then select a desired < J V fJWiTJf0Iu^SA Vi'i'i'^ '"' 'I1'1' "• .." XT"'"~ Zlir fabric to cover from Mc)fanus Bros.' extensive, available display of the most beauti' ft^^iP^H Ifl^J/ \mmmi$llll^m HPlum Qm»lm.*,*»lms*mm Q*lm*^^1 ' ! ful designs and coUws. Tell us how you want the pieces trimmed . . . you can have m ryW* nl •I<>1'ST% ^ '*ilflflifll^M r ; most fringe; heavy million fringe or studded nail heads or, if you prefer, some of K I'CI " CMMMT Tf^iwIB Oy PnOt0&1*(Jlf}hy i | f'lfl /»W' i"'*' obtainable with a smart, val^>»A€1 •JaUlllB^tltL^w JVitOMK r. KRiMitE FRm APU.A ^ol1 n*'w''" a ^rm'efil^ how'fwnt, deep-winged Chippendale Chairi a more-than-six' W^m^Mf^^St^^^^^^^^KaBtm mm m ...... ,. . . A . fort length, modern Lanson Sofa with its wide restful arms , . , McManm Bros, will ^ ^mKKl^^^^^^^^^^^^^ • devoted to the teaching »f photography | ' /m it 1^*1 OIIMM ' nrtif yaur selection custom-built by I omlinson {Please allow approximately 5 tomks Fringed Lon»g« Ch.ir ^^ pmtZu Chair 7 I « *-J u^ J * jjjj ,, j ,, // /°r delivery). And, remember, only 20% down sends any or all pieces to your . / •*•• • tpectauting in individual instruction : V 1 » • •.^'"Tix— ^tfi ' •wrtMbltokaRdWhlHindColtr f llr^^'vl i ^». J'ilpSla I

    fwtti II CONFIDENCE in your furnllur* it important to yon... then tht m^lg^^^S AJ^^fe^^^^ I B«flsMN»r~Adv»nr^l Workir—flrtorUllst g^^nft f tttinlitwon b one i» rfntimlitf! Tomllnwn it on* of the fin* nimn ^L^%wf^^^35g|r|J^^^SJ^S^^^iy 5pfWtf/ r/fl««M for ///?* .SfAoo/ Student* MeManui Br«i. it |»r<»...l to fcitur«-« bou.f that CONSISTENTLY rftiwrn- ^ri|jJM||wHH^u|^ ben israfttnianihjp »nd prr< inion con»tnietioii mint itwayi ihart tb« honori ^^^^^^^^""^^

    M0»#id»o«idlUwMl »MHrTHOBANflE,N,a. with UMm nA bwuty! OiJnp«,^U 9alma. tmtmam i%A '. - - ; [1^>wi.|yi$4Sij f J I - , •.. „ „ Wfcucwt f*P*i««#ai» ~~~~^^^ j ' ^ ,' '. . > ' -I" :Ci • ' • '" ' - v". ^M-n-^M^MMi-iiiinrii 11 -• • • 11 if MB|WMBg|g|gj||g|^»M|MBMBM|g||M^|»|M^MgMMMM-^^^M ; , nmmmmimf>immmm\ni nM:n*iAmammmmmi^b • . * j « ., I 1 fc, . ••niv.nmn^^^ai ii ' ^Hi^H SOLD! "l!?!* ' lit "A It ir\ ' mum l ^K|H auwwta.-w- •*»«» 1V1C1VI3.HUS Mmfi •**&£ •H nTiciNur wmum * A5«SK» - i»-»« •»•—»«•» . . . «««»• , -j^T*

    *: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^* Vmi'W I! ' '«W«Hiiai«MtliMMMil»«iMMMlMMa*HH^^ ' ~ . al«-._„.„,•„_.... ^.. — ----- ••——«-J-»IM> *