1 i" '• [Don't Forget Yttir k« Summit's July 4th Donation! July 4th B Success \^ and Summit Record nun SECTION SUMMIT. N. J., . JULY 1, 1948 $4AYfAR fCSNTS IN TWO SECTIONI Summit Day Sata Convention a Marathon Ut for July 22. 23, 24 118 Different Displays Will Summit Days, the annual three^day »uoira«rtime bargain Be Seen in July 4 Fireworks Bedlam, Eyewitness Says sprw staged by Summit mer- chant., will be bold July 32, 29 W. H. WoodtMe Vandenberg had not given enough Dare devil bombshells, flaming caterpillars, and colored encouragement to his own candi- and 84, the Metefcftnta Commit* Comap<md«it tee of the Chamber of Com* meteors are but three of 118 different displays that will be Convention dacy—a feeling which pervaded a in men* haa aotnmuioed, seen in the thrilling Fourth of July fireworks exhibition to last week wai my majority of the Jersey group with Particlpatttaa: atorw will after be given at Memorial Field, Monday, July 5. "tendance at * national pollt- headquarters at the Barclay Hotel I Starting at 9 p, m., a group of conventlon--«n<J this fact in in 19th street many bargains In aumrae* mej^iondtae for the three-daj' fireworka -expert* will»eg«*<".:t&ft< had me somewhat agog and Mrs. Helen M. Glaeser of Clark Schedule of Events lavish show by, touching off * ived among phalanxes of cx- Township,^the other Union County period, Including items |n every 4ox#n 9-inch *&luU3. This will ba line from wearing apparel to l.Or»ns. alll of them so-Beem- delegate, -plugged a%v»y for Van- For July 4 Program followed by a "Waihingtoa -Cross* household furnishings and ap- "completely cftlm. denberg after Wednesday morn- lag the Delaware" display, liquid pliances. lay night'a ses»ion bell- ing's breakfast caucus and reiter- silver shells, and an; "American" iered by a blustering, v«*r- ated her announcement that the The Herald will issue a spe- THt» schedule of events for th* Beauty' display. Tben "Celestial Iterlng 23-«tate tornado of ac- Michigan Senator was her favorite cial advertising supplement July community Fourth of July cele- Stars," and "'Our Lady** Fan" dc£> after Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll. 22 which wlU contain numerous bration to be held all day Mo«-' vice; then "butterfly shells as4 for Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, dny at Memorial Field la an fol- party's choice for President, Tickets for visitors got scarcer bargains available front the on an'd on. every day. Mr. Burke loaned two lows: ;led down to a marathon of participating merchants. Pyrotechnic bouquets, scream- Btes to the candidates. It began sergeant-at-amts badges to a Flsjf raising «jid »alut« 9:45 a.m. tig rockets, and .flashinf aerial 110:14 p.m. and continued until friend Tuesday afternoon for that Boys and girl* field event* bombs, will ligh.t the night sky for ,er 4 a.m. Thursday, until those night's session, and on Wednesday 10 a. in. over an hou.r. Thunderous saiutts, lookers who survived were limp he was itill looking for his friend. Community plcn'e Noon* whirring' aerial bombs, and spe- Boston Braves Will Koftlmll gram* •' 1:80 p. m. i a dish rag. Reunion in Philadelphia cial shells will a lab supply the on- This writer and Michael For'mi- Hardball game 3 p. in. with p'enty of txdtemest Voice of America Uiitid concert, \tm%l selec- [Every noise-making instrument chella, president of Eastern Fuel, Stage Tryout Camp and noise. who drove to and from Philadel- tions • 7 p.m. of laughs arp expected ver conceived by the satanic in- Fireworks display D p. in. nuity of man, abetted by the phia, grabbed a cab Wednesday with such displays as "The Tele- night in front of the Bellevue- At Summit Field For the comfort of spectators phone Set Piec«," "Wild PrSa- find of weird whoops the collec- and sports participants Me- |ve voice of America cart make, Stratford Hotel, Dewey's head- Baseball players from Northern matlc Shells," and 'The Hatching quarters, to return to the Jersey morial Field will'be sprayed to crulted from the Canadian bor- New Jersey, particularly the tri- Chicken Device." headquarters. The starter put a eliminate all mosquitoes aJid lft-inch Bomb*hrlls er to the Gulf, and from Puerto ity Union-MorrlB-Easex area, other insect peat*. tico to Hawaii, rattled the plaster man and a woman in the cab with Other attractions ar^ the 18- Bedallions on the roof of the big the Summit men. Much to the sur- will get a chance to exhibit their In owe of ruin, (he fireworks inch bombshells that streak across uditorium where we had attended priie of the Herald representative, talents for Boston Braves scouts at VACATION BOUND — Vthe first feontln|imt of administers a camp fund provided by private elniri- display will bo presented the tho sky veiled in crimson with Lions International convention in he recognized the man and his wife Summit's Soldiers' Memorial Field campers selected by the Family Set^jf Association tuhle donations for the sole purpose of sending groups first clear night following: tails of electric sparks and die ra July 5 (fuly, 1946. as lion Larry Slater and Mrs. on July 9 and 10, Harlan S. Ken- gets checked off by Mrs. Ann Brok&WjIiJfrectori-irlor of locnl children to nearby camps during the summer a volley of cannon salutes, th« Nearly six hours were required Slater of Washington, D. C, who to leaving (or Bonnie Brae Camp. T^ association months. (Photo by Jay) waving American flag, and the were guests of Speaker Joe Mar- nedy, local director of recreation "Irishman's Dream," a bombshell complete the nominations of the announced yesterday. even candidates. It began as atin, permanent chairman of the Miss Grace Carr, that soars to grtet heights and Find of symposium of enthusiasm, convention. Lion Slater, who is one The tryout camp will be under finally bursts Into a shower of of the top executives of Lions In- Sloppy Yards and New Look green stars. ut as the noun sped, it settled the leadership of John "Honey" 15 Boys Leave fciwn to a grim survival of en-ternational, and Mrs. Slater had Russell, former Seton Hail College Former Secretary The finale includes five se«ttefti, trance and human fortitude. , visited in Summit during the sum-coach, who headed the Boston Cel- Blamed for Mosquifo Influx the first being.a "Fairyland De- Pseudo Delegations mer of 1945 as guests of Summit tics professional baseball team this For Vacations at vice;" the second "Battle in th* Lions Club at which time they past season and is now affiliated ; Sloppy backyards and a new look j stagnant water usually found In Of YWCA, Dies Clouds;" the third "Grand Flight Candidates' managers dipped Miss Grace I. Carr, 63, formerly pberally, by a slelght-of-hand req- were honored by Charles Schcck with the National League-leading IK an old pest are Warned, along tin cans, old tires, pails and other Aerial Bouquet;" th«j fourth y, y Irtth the heavy rain**, for Union executive director of the YWCA M then president of Summit Lions. Boston Braves. Bonnie Brae Camp water-rct«ining trash that ac- "BUUkrieg," and the last A ibition of convention arm bands County's moequlto woes this year. In Melbourne, Australia, and In Th« arrival of summer's first cumulates In many backyards. Of Scene of Salvo." "Good Night" I* ad credential*, Into the hundreds As you have guessed it, the Her While full details were lacking The Union County Mosquito Ex- cour*w the record breaking rain- Summit and Plainflcld, died Tucs- then spelled oat In thr<» colors. at press time, Mr. Kennedy torheat wave during the lust week persons who were unable to gain aid representative (also a membei termination Commission this week fall of May and the above average dey in South Hadley. Mass., after "We will guarantee to furnish {cated that all comers would be was the signal for Summit's rlmission to the hall and many a of Summit Lions) renewed ni f4|*ort©<l that oul?x pipk-ns, or the rains of June havr ndd«l to the <i brief illnoss, at thc home of her the highest type of fireworks di*r friendship with another Lion, Lion given an opportunity to display annual exodus of children off sister, Dr. Emma I'erry Cnrr, pro- Lsty voice raised la adoration was Com man ' out**- mosquito,. 1.J tispe-problem but much of th«> fault lies play you havo ever htui or hav* Ben Tousley, former governor sf their baseball talents. It will, In all to camp vacations. Although it fesaor emeritus of Mount Holyoke Jurchased with no more than the elally plentiful this year and haa with the careless homeowner with ever witnessed." stated Alex 2Sar-> Importunity to have a look at the District 16-C of Lions, and mana- probability, be necessary for can- hasn't been publicized too wide- College. rlllo of tlie Scfitmi* FIr«vork« ly heretofore, many lot«i cit- rtf>jjeiir<!v* iirt 'i ^trcamUned dressthe sloppy backyard. reatest quadrennial show on ger of the Bdlevue-Stratford Ho- didates to provide their own unl i< i J The Ci>n»mi»sl<>n usc>l W> make Born In Cosh#eton, Ohio, Misa Company. tel. This meeting was enhanced by iplked shoes, glove izens, have privately and quietly ^^ii. *',S\' *^ 'k v.*ttist which cn»blc8 C'flirr tttonded Western Cotloe«% Irth. forms, and .br'i'kvird In-»;•< ptd •*.{ but !J!!.r •• i These demonstrations were all (Continued or Page 5) equipment subscribed t^ thc Oirap Fund af After Vive years us a reporter tot fording annual vacations (o chil- !..r!*(»nod dot>K; nnrl windows.
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