Convention a Marathon Bedlam, Eyewitness Says
1 i" '• [Don't Forget Yttir k« Summit's July 4th Donation! July 4th B Success \^ and Summit Record nun SECTION SUMMIT. N. J., . JULY 1, 1948 $4AYfAR fCSNTS IN TWO SECTIONI Summit Day Sata Convention a Marathon Ut for July 22. 23, 24 118 Different Displays Will Summit Days, the annual three^day »uoira«rtime bargain Be Seen in July 4 Fireworks Bedlam, Eyewitness Says sprw staged by Summit mer- chant., will be bold July 32, 29 W. H. WoodtMe Vandenberg had not given enough Dare devil bombshells, flaming caterpillars, and colored encouragement to his own candi- and 84, the Metefcftnta Commit* Comap<md«it tee of the Chamber of Com* meteors are but three of 118 different displays that will be Convention dacy—a feeling which pervaded a in men* haa aotnmuioed, seen in the thrilling Fourth of July fireworks exhibition to last week wai my majority of the Jersey group with Particlpatttaa: atorw will after be given at Memorial Field, Monday, July 5. "tendance at * national pollt- headquarters at the Barclay Hotel I Starting at 9 p, m., a group of conventlon--«n<J this fact in in 19th street many bargains In aumrae* mej^iondtae for the three-daj' fireworka -expert* will»eg«*<".:t&ft< had me somewhat agog and Mrs. Helen M. Glaeser of Clark Schedule of Events lavish show by, touching off * ived among phalanxes of cx- Township,^the other Union County period, Including items |n every 4ox#n 9-inch *&luU3. This will ba line from wearing apparel to l.Or»ns. alll of them so-Beem- delegate, -plugged a%v»y for Van- For July 4 Program followed by a "Waihingtoa -Cross* household furnishings and ap- "completely cftlm.
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